meeting days: project rurality erasmus+ …...dates: 19th-20th october 2016 place: bragança...

PROYECTO / PROJECT nº: 2015-1-ES01-KA202-16167 RURALITY: Recognition and validation of a cross competence in rural community development RURALITY: Reconocimiento y validación de una competencia transversal en el desarrollo comunitario MEETING DAYS: PROJECT RURALITY ERASMUS+ EU PROGRAM Dates: 19 th -20 th OCTOBER 2016 Place: Bragança (Portugal) Tuesday, 18th October: Partner’s arrival to Bragança: 1. From Oporto Airport by car: take the highway A4 to Vila Real and continue always by A4 to Bragança. 2. From Lisbon Airport by car: take the highway A1 – Norte; continue on A1 direction Oporto, then go to highway A41 and after take the highway A4/E82 to Vila Real and continue to Bragança. When arriving in Bragança take the first exit. 3. From Madrid Airport by car: take the highway A6; in Tordesillas take the highway A11/E82 to Zamora, then go to Portugal direction N122/E82 to Bragança; Arriving in Portugal take the exit Bragança-Este. 4. From León Airport: you can go with ADESPER and Alto Bernesga to Bragança by car. * Dinner: It could be prepared a dinner for those who want it (Raquel needs to know before). * Place: Hotel Tulipa (2 stars), in the center of Bragança

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Page 1: MEETING DAYS: PROJECT RURALITY ERASMUS+ …...Dates: 19th-20th OCTOBER 2016 Place: Bragança (Portugal) Tuesday, 18th October: Partner’s arrival to Bragança: 1. From Oporto Airport

PROYECTO / PROJECT nº: 2015-1-ES01-KA202-16167

RURALITY: Recognition and validation of a cross competence in rural community development RURALITY: Reconocimiento y validación de una competencia transversal en el desarrollo comunitario




1. From Oporto Airport by car: take the highwayA4 to Vila Real and continuealwaysbyA4toBragança.

2. From Lisbon Airport by car: take the highway A1 – Norte; continue on A1directionOporto,thengotohighwayA41andaftertakethehighwayA4/E82toVilaRealandcontinuetoBragança.WhenarrivinginBragançatakethefirstexit.

3. From Madrid Airport by car: take the highway A6; in Tordesillas take thehighway A11/E82 to Zamora, then go to Portugal direction N122/E82 toBragança;ArrivinginPortugaltaketheexitBragança-Este.

4. FromLeónAirport:youcangowithADESPERandAltoBernesgatoBragançabycar.



Page 2: MEETING DAYS: PROJECT RURALITY ERASMUS+ …...Dates: 19th-20th OCTOBER 2016 Place: Bragança (Portugal) Tuesday, 18th October: Partner’s arrival to Bragança: 1. From Oporto Airport

PROYECTO / PROJECT nº: 2015-1-ES01-KA202-16167

RURALITY: Recognition and validation of a cross competence in rural community development RURALITY: Reconocimiento y validación de una competencia transversal en el desarrollo comunitario

Wednesday,19thOctober:Place:HotelTulipaMorning: 9:00h.WelcometotheparticipantsbythepromoterFundaciónRBAltoBernesgaandthepartnerCORANE.09:30 h. Reading and signing the minutes of the 2nd Transnational Meeting.Commentsandevaluationofthe2ndmeeting.09:45h.PresentationoftheIINewsletterbythepartnerADESPER.10:00 h. Collaboration agreements (Each partner will briefly describe theirprogresses).10:30 h. Presentation of the partner’s dissemination actions (websites, press,conferences, seminars, brochures..) and other publicity (each partner will brieflydescribetheirprogresses).11:15 h. Presentation of the website of the project by the partner ADESPER.Discussionsandideas.11:30h.CoffeeBreak.12:00h.IntellectualOutputs#1and#2,byGOUandADESPER.13:00h.LunchinHotelTulipa/RestauranteCasaNostraAfternoon:Place:HotelTulipa15:00h.IntellectualOutput#3:Developtmentofthetransversalcompetence“ruralcommunitydevelpmentHorizon2020”:PresentationofthestructureandcontentsofthemodulesbyADESPER.Everypartnermustdescribetheirmodule.16:00h.IntellectualOutput#4:PresentationofthestructureandcontentsofthepilotcoursebyFundaciónRBAltoBernesga.

Page 3: MEETING DAYS: PROJECT RURALITY ERASMUS+ …...Dates: 19th-20th OCTOBER 2016 Place: Bragança (Portugal) Tuesday, 18th October: Partner’s arrival to Bragança: 1. From Oporto Airport

PROYECTO / PROJECT nº: 2015-1-ES01-KA202-16167

RURALITY: Recognition and validation of a cross competence in rural community development RURALITY: Reconocimiento y validación de una competencia transversal en el desarrollo comunitario

17:00 h. Intellectual Output #5: Teaching materials for students (Dual training).PresentationofthestructureandcontentsbyCORANE&ADESPER.18:00h.Meetingend.18:30h.Visitthecity20:30h.PartnersdinnerinaTipicalRestaurantThursday,20thOctober:Place:HotelTulipaMorning:09:00h.IntellectualOutput#6:MethodologicguideOER:DiscussionwithallpartnersaboutthethestructureandcontentsoftheOER(Leadpartner:CIA-Toscana)10:00h.MultiplierEvents(ADESPER).11:00 h. Financial rules (Mobility Tool & Progress report) and other tips for thedevelopment of the Project and the delivery of reports. Doubts and questions(FundaciónRBAltoBernesga).12:00 h. Presentation of the Quality and Assessment results until the moment(ADESPER).12:30h.Establishmentofadateandaplaceforthe4thTransnationalMeeting.Doubtsandquestions.13:00Endofthemeeting.13:30h.LunchinRestaurantAfternoon:15:00h.VisittheNaturalParkofMontesinhoorDueroInternacional20:30h.Partnersdinner.