meeting the lisbon strategy goals in regional operational programme for pomorskie region for...

Meeting the Lisbon Strategy goals Meeting the Lisbon Strategy goals in in Regional Operational Programme Regional Operational Programme for Pomorskie Region for Pomorskie Region for 2007-2013 for 2007-2013 PATRYCJA SZCZYGIEL PATRYCJA SZCZYGIEL Department of Regional and Spatial Development Department of Regional and Spatial Development Marshal Marshal ’s Office ’s Office of Pom of Pom orskie orskie Region Region Open Days, Brussels, 12th October 2006 Open Days, Brussels, 12th October 2006

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Page 1: Meeting the Lisbon Strategy goals in Regional Operational Programme for Pomorskie Region for 2007-2013 PATRYCJA SZCZYGIEL Department of Regional and Spatial

Meeting the Lisbon Strategy goals inMeeting the Lisbon Strategy goals inRegional Operational ProgrammeRegional Operational Programme

for Pomorskie Region for Pomorskie Region for 2007-2013for 2007-2013


Department of Regional and Spatial Development Department of Regional and Spatial Development MarshalMarshal’s Office’s Office of Pom of Pomorskieorskie Region Region

Open Days, Brussels, 12th October 2006Open Days, Brussels, 12th October 2006

Page 2: Meeting the Lisbon Strategy goals in Regional Operational Programme for Pomorskie Region for 2007-2013 PATRYCJA SZCZYGIEL Department of Regional and Spatial

Pomorskie RegionPomorskie Region

Location on the Baltic Sea coastLocation on the Baltic Sea coast

Large lake districtLarge lake district

System of protected areasSystem of protected areas

Cultural diversity of the region and strong identity of local communitiesCultural diversity of the region and strong identity of local communities

Multifunctional characterMultifunctional character

Birthplace of the „Solidarity” movementBirthplace of the „Solidarity” movement

Efficient employment structureEfficient employment structure

Relatively young population and low mortality rateRelatively young population and low mortality rate

High birth rate and constant positive migration balanceHigh birth rate and constant positive migration balance

High research & development potencial and high qualifications of labour High research & development potencial and high qualifications of labour


High level and dynamics of exportsHigh level and dynamics of exports

Complex and multi-functional coastal agglomeration (Tri-City) with Complex and multi-functional coastal agglomeration (Tri-City) with

potential metropolitan functionspotential metropolitan functions

Strong economic activity, relatively strong SMEs sectorStrong economic activity, relatively strong SMEs sector

Page 3: Meeting the Lisbon Strategy goals in Regional Operational Programme for Pomorskie Region for 2007-2013 PATRYCJA SZCZYGIEL Department of Regional and Spatial

The Pomorskie Region in 2020The Pomorskie Region in 2020 will be a significant will be a significant partner in thepartner in the Baltic Sea RegionBaltic Sea Region – offering unpolluted – offering unpolluted

environment; a high quality ofenvironment; a high quality of life; development based on life; development based on knowledge, skills, active and openknowledge, skills, active and open communities; a strong communities; a strong

and diversified economy; partnership; attractiveand diversified economy; partnership; attractive and and cohesive space; multicultural heritage as well as maritime cohesive space; multicultural heritage as well as maritime

andand solidarity traditionssolidarity traditions

Strategic vision of the Pomorskie Region in 2020Strategic vision of the Pomorskie Region in 2020



CohesionCohesionPrimarily Primarily economiceconomic

Mainly socialMainly social

Essentially infrastructuralEssentially infrastructural

Page 4: Meeting the Lisbon Strategy goals in Regional Operational Programme for Pomorskie Region for 2007-2013 PATRYCJA SZCZYGIEL Department of Regional and Spatial

Regional Operational Programme: Regional Operational Programme: „„Convergence” RegionConvergence” Region (GDP = 46% EU-25 average) (GDP = 46% EU-25 average)

financed from financed from ERDFERDF ((allocation - allocation - 885 MEUR885 MEUR; ; co-funding co-funding raterate on the programme level - on the programme level - 75%75%))

the biggest, complex, coordinated, multithe biggest, complex, coordinated, multi annual and annual and financially stable programme of regional development so farfinancially stable programme of regional development so far

IS NOTIS NOT an instrument for solving all the regional problems an instrument for solving all the regional problems

IS NOTIS NOT the only one the only one NEITHERNEITHER the biggest instrument for the biggest instrument for structural change in Pomorskie structural change in Pomorskie

MUSTMUST be linked to Lisbon Strategy goals be linked to Lisbon Strategy goals

The ROP Draft approved by Regional Board on The ROP Draft approved by Regional Board on 4.08.20064.08.2006

Programming Period 2007-2013Programming Period 2007-2013

Page 5: Meeting the Lisbon Strategy goals in Regional Operational Programme for Pomorskie Region for 2007-2013 PATRYCJA SZCZYGIEL Department of Regional and Spatial

1.1. ROP’s benchmarking with Lisbon StrategyROP’s benchmarking with Lisbon Strategy goals goals

2.2. ConcentrationConcentration of the assets on the most important (development- of the assets on the most important (development-oriented) issuesoriented) issues

3.3. Formulating preferencesFormulating preferences for some areas, types of projects, types for some areas, types of projects, types of beneficiariesof beneficiaries

4.4. Finding a balanceFinding a balance between the needs of: between the needs of:– metropolitan area and main cities (competitiveness)metropolitan area and main cities (competitiveness)

– structurally weak areas (cohesion)structurally weak areas (cohesion)

5.5. Finding a balanceFinding a balance between: between:– large infrastructural needslarge infrastructural needs

– production sector expectationsproduction sector expectations

– innovation challengesinnovation challenges

Major challengesMajor challenges when preparing ROPwhen preparing ROP

Page 6: Meeting the Lisbon Strategy goals in Regional Operational Programme for Pomorskie Region for 2007-2013 PATRYCJA SZCZYGIEL Department of Regional and Spatial

ROP strategic goals ROP strategic goals

The strategic goal of the ROP isThe strategic goal of the ROP is to improve the region’s economic to improve the region’s economic competitiveness, social cohesion and spatial accessibility at sustainable use of the competitiveness, social cohesion and spatial accessibility at sustainable use of the

unique economic and cultural potential and natural assetsunique economic and cultural potential and natural assets

To improve competitiveness and

innovation of the economy and increase the competence of the


To improve the attractiveness of

the cities and strengthen the links between


To improve the attractiveness of settlement and


To overcome structural

barriers in areas with low

development potential

Development and Development and innovation in SMEs sectorinnovation in SMEs sector

Knowledge society Knowledge society

Urban and Urban and metropolitan metropolitan


Health care and Health care and rescue system rescue system

Basic local Basic local infrastructureinfrastructure

Regional transport Regional transport systemsystem

The environment The environment and environment and environment friendly energyfriendly energy

Tourism and Tourism and cultural heritage cultural heritage

Local social Local social infrastructure and infrastructure and

civil initiatives civil initiatives

Page 7: Meeting the Lisbon Strategy goals in Regional Operational Programme for Pomorskie Region for 2007-2013 PATRYCJA SZCZYGIEL Department of Regional and Spatial

Pomorskie ROP – indicative allocation of ERDF

Priority Axes % ERDF allocation

Development and innovation in SMEs sectorDevelopment and innovation in SMEs sector 21.0

Knowledge societyKnowledge society 7.0

Urban and metropolitan functionsUrban and metropolitan functions 12.0

Regional transport systemRegional transport system 23.0

The environment and environment friendly energyThe environment and environment friendly energy 7.0

Tourism and cultural heritageTourism and cultural heritage 5.0

Health care and rescue systemHealth care and rescue system 4.0

Basic local infrastructureBasic local infrastructure 14.0

Local social infrastructure and civil initiativesLocal social infrastructure and civil initiatives 4.0

Technical assistance Technical assistance 3.0

TOTALTOTAL 100.0100.0

„„Lisbon Strategy” Lisbon Strategy” prioritiespriorities

Page 8: Meeting the Lisbon Strategy goals in Regional Operational Programme for Pomorskie Region for 2007-2013 PATRYCJA SZCZYGIEL Department of Regional and Spatial

Pomorskie ROP benchmarking with the LS categories (1)

Categories of ERDF intervention (Lisbon Strategy) Total allocation



Technology transfer and improvement of cooperation networks between small Technology transfer and improvement of cooperation networks between small business (SMEs), between these and other business universities, postsecondary business (SMEs), between these and other business universities, postsecondary education establishments of all kinds, regional authorities, research centres and education establishments of all kinds, regional authorities, research centres and scientific and technological poles scientific and technological poles


0505 Advances support services for firms and groups of firmsAdvances support services for firms and groups of firms 21.0

0707 Investment in firms directly linked to research and innovationInvestment in firms directly linked to research and innovation 56.0

0808 Other investment in firmsOther investment in firms 92.0

0909 Other measures to stimulate research and innovation and entrepreneurship in SMEsOther measures to stimulate research and innovation and entrepreneurship in SMEs 53.0

1010 Telephone infrastructures (incl. broadband networks)Telephone infrastructures (incl. broadband networks) 25.0

1313 Services and applications for the citizen (e-health, e-government, e-learning, e-Services and applications for the citizen (e-health, e-government, e-learning, e-inclusion, etc.)inclusion, etc.) 8.0

1414 Services and applications for SMEs (e-commerce, education and training, Services and applications for SMEs (e-commerce, education and training, networking, etc.)networking, etc.) 8.0

1616 Railways Railways 52.0

2626 Multimodal transportMultimodal transport 65.0

2828 Intelligent transport systems Intelligent transport systems 45.0

39,40, 39,40, 41,4241,42

Renewable energy: wind; solar; biomass; hydroelectric, geothermal and other Renewable energy: wind; solar; biomass; hydroelectric, geothermal and other 16.0

4343 Energy efficiency, co-generation, energy management Energy efficiency, co-generation, energy management 12.0

Page 9: Meeting the Lisbon Strategy goals in Regional Operational Programme for Pomorskie Region for 2007-2013 PATRYCJA SZCZYGIEL Department of Regional and Spatial

Pomorskie ROP benchmarking with the LS categories (2)

Total value of Total value of the ROPthe ROP

Lisbon Strategy Lisbon Strategy categoriescategories

Non Lisbon Strategy Non Lisbon Strategy categoriescategories

1 212 MEUR – 100%1 212 MEUR – 100%

529 MEUR – 44%529 MEUR – 44%

683 MEUR – 56%683 MEUR – 56%

Page 10: Meeting the Lisbon Strategy goals in Regional Operational Programme for Pomorskie Region for 2007-2013 PATRYCJA SZCZYGIEL Department of Regional and Spatial

Pomorskie ROP benchmarking with the LS categories (3)

Lisbon Strategy Lisbon Strategy categoriescategories

529 MEUR – 100%529 MEUR – 100%

R&TD, R&TD, innovation and innovation and

entrepreneurship entrepreneurship

Information Information societysociety

Transport Energy

41 MEUR – 8%41 MEUR – 8%

162 MEUR – 31%162 MEUR – 31%

28 MEUR – 5%28 MEUR – 5%

296 MEUR – 56%296 MEUR – 56%

Page 11: Meeting the Lisbon Strategy goals in Regional Operational Programme for Pomorskie Region for 2007-2013 PATRYCJA SZCZYGIEL Department of Regional and Spatial

Conclusions Conclusions • It is extremely difficult to find the balance between regional competitiveness

and LS goals and cohesion in Convergence regions (like Pomorskie)

• Pomorskie ROP:

– strong emphasis on LS goals, but still gaining lower level of expenses than expected by General Regulation (44% vs. 60%)

– Cohesion > competitiveness

– Rather no further possibility for increasing LS expenses – concerning serious structural regional problems, it wouldn’t be accepted by social and economic partners

– Further rise of LS expenses, having in mind practically unlimited basic infrastructural needs (which strongly influence future development conditions), might not be effective and sufficient (dilemma: roads or innovation?)

– Among the LS expenses the R&TD dominate (56%)

Page 12: Meeting the Lisbon Strategy goals in Regional Operational Programme for Pomorskie Region for 2007-2013 PATRYCJA SZCZYGIEL Department of Regional and Spatial

Thank you for your attention!

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Marshal’s Office of Pomorskie Region

Department of Regional and Spatial Development 80-810 Gdansk, PL

Okopowa Street 21/27 tel. (+48 58) 326 16 82fax (+48 58) 326 16 88