meetup analytics with r and neo4j

Exploring London NoSQL meetups using R Mark Needham @markhneedham

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Page 1: Meetup Analytics with R and Neo4j

Exploring London NoSQL meetups using R

Mark Needham@markhneedham

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Scraper at the ready...

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Not needed :(

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Lots of bits of data

● Events● Members● Groups● RSVPs● Venues● Topics

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The data model

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Interesting questions to ask...

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Interesting questions to ask...● What day of the week do people go to meetups?● Where abouts in London are NoSQL meetups held?● Do people sign up for multiple meetups on the same

day?● Are there common members between groups?● What topics are people most interested in?● In which order do people join the NoSQL groups?● Who are the most connected people on the NoSQL


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The tool set


Results as a data frame



igraph ggmapcluster


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When do people go to meetups?

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When do people go to meetups?


({response: 'yes'})<-[:RSVPD]-()

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When do people go to meetups?MATCH (g:Group)-[:HOSTED_EVENT]->(event)<-[:TO]-

({response: 'yes'})<-[:RSVPD]-()

WHERE (event.time + event.utc_offset) < timestamp()


event.time + event.utc_offset AS eventTime,

event.announced_at AS announcedAt,,

COUNT(*) AS rsvps

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R Neo4jinstall.packages("devtools")



graph = startGraph("http://localhost:7474/db/data/")

query = "MATCH … RETURN …"

cypher(graph, query)

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Grouping events by monthlibrary(dplyr)

events %>%

group_by(month) %>%

summarise(events = n(),

count = sum(rsvps),

max = max(rsvps)) %>%

mutate(ave = count / events) %>%


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Grouping events by month## month events count ave

## 1 November 55 3018 54.87273

## 2 May 52 2676 51.46154

## 3 April 58 2964 51.10345

## 4 June 47 2384 50.72340

## 5 October 71 3566 50.22535

## 6 September 59 2860 48.47458

## 7 February 43 2047 47.60465

## 8 January 34 1592 46.82353

## 9 December 24 1056 44.00000

## 10 March 39 1667 42.74359

## 11 July 48 1866 38.87500

## 12 August 34 1023 30.08824

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Grouping events by dayevents %>%

group_by(day) %>%

summarise(events = n(),

count = sum(rsvps),

max = max(rsvps)) %>%

mutate(ave = count / events) %>%


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Grouping events by day## day events count ave

## 1 Monday 63 4034 64.03175

## 2 Tuesday 151 6696 44.34437

## 3 Wednesday 225 9481 42.13778

## 4 Thursday 104 5394 51.86538

## 5 Friday 11 378 34.36364

## 6 Saturday 10 736 73.60000

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Some simple bar chartslibrary(ggplot2)

g1 = ggplot(aes(x = day, y = ave), data = byDay) +

geom_bar(stat="identity", fill="dark blue") +

ggtitle("Average attendees by day")

g2 = ggplot(aes(x = day, y = count), data = byDay) +

geom_bar(stat="identity", fill="dark blue") +

ggtitle("Total attendees by day")

grid.arrange(g1,g2, ncol = 1)

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London hits the pub

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Where do people go to meetups?


({response: 'yes'})<-[:RSVPD]-(),


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Where do people go to meetups?MATCH (g:Group)-[:HOSTED_EVENT]->(event)<-[:TO]-

({response: 'yes'})<-[:RSVPD]-(), (event)-[:HELD_AT]->(venue)

WHERE (event.time + event.utc_offset) < timestamp()


event.time + event.utc_offset AS eventTime,

event.announced_at AS announcedAt,, AS venue, AS lat,

venue.lon AS lon,

COUNT(*) AS rsvps

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Where do people go to meetups?MATCH (g:Group)-[:HOSTED_EVENT]->(event)<-[:TO]-

({response: 'yes'})<-[:RSVPD]-(), (event)-[:HELD_AT]->(venue)

WHERE (event.time + event.utc_offset) < timestamp()


event.time + event.utc_offset AS eventTime,

event.announced_at AS announcedAt,, AS venue, AS lat,

venue.lon AS lon,

COUNT(*) AS rsvps

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Where do people go to meetups?byVenue = events %>%

count(lat, lon, venue) %>%

ungroup() %>%

arrange(desc(n)) %>%

rename(count = n)

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Where do people go to meetups?## lat lon venue count

## 1 51.50256 -0.019379 Skyline Bar at CCT Venues Plus 1

## 2 51.53373 -0.122340 The Guardian 1

## 3 51.51289 -0.067163 Erlang Solutions 3

## 4 51.49146 -0.219424 Novotel - W6 8DR 1

## 5 51.49311 -0.146531 Google HQ 1

## 6 51.52655 -0.084219 Look Mum No Hands! 22

## 7 51.51976 -0.097270 Vibrant Media, 3rd Floor 1

## 8 51.52303 -0.085178 Mind Candy HQ 2

## 9 51.51786 -0.109260 ThoughtWorks UK Office 2

## 10 51.51575 -0.097978 BT Centre 1

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Where do people go to meetups?library(ggmap)

map = get_map(location = 'London', zoom = 12)

ggmap(map) +

geom_point(aes(x = lon, y = lat, size = count),

data = byVenue,

col = "red",

alpha = 0.8)

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clusteramounts = 40

distance.matrix = byVenue %>% select(lon, lat) %>% distm

clustersx <- as.hclust(agnes(distance.matrix, diss = T))

byVenue$group <- cutree(clustersx, k=clusteramounts)

byVenueClustered = byVenue %>%

group_by(group) %>%

summarise(meanLat = mean(lat),

meanLon = mean(lon),

total = sum(count),

venues = paste(venue, collapse = ","))

Spatial clustering

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## group meanLat meanLon total

## 1 3 51.52349 -0.08506461 123

## 2 1 51.52443 -0.09919280 89

## 3 2 51.50547 -0.10325925 62

## 4 4 51.50794 -0.12714600 55

## 5 8 51.51671 -0.10028908 19

## 6 6 51.53655 -0.13798514 18

## 7 7 51.52159 -0.10934720 18

## 8 5 51.51155 -0.07004417 13

## 9 12 51.51459 -0.12314650 13

## 10 14 51.52129 -0.07588867 10

Spatial clustering

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ggmap(map) +

geom_point(aes(x = meanLon, y = meanLat, size = total),

data = byVenueClustered,

col = "red",

alpha = 0.8)

Spatial clustering

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byVenue %>%

filter(group == byVenueClustered$group[1])

What’s going on in Shoreditch?

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Meetup Group Member Overlap

● Why would we want to know this?○ Perhaps for joint meetups○ Topics for future meetups

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Extracting the dataMATCH (group1:Group), (group2:Group)

WHERE group1 <> group2

OPTIONAL MATCH p = (group1)<-[:MEMBER_OF]-()-[:MEMBER_OF]->(group2)

WITH group1, group2, COLLECT(p) AS paths


LENGTH(paths) as commonMembers


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MATCH (group1:Group), (group2:Group)

WHERE group1 <> group2

OPTIONAL MATCH (group1)<-[:MEMBER_OF]-(member)

WITH group1, group2, COLLECT(member) AS group1Members

WITH group1, group2, group1Members, LENGTH(group1Members) AS numberOfGroup1Members

UNWIND group1Members AS member

OPTIONAL MATCH path = (member)-[:MEMBER_OF]->(group2)

WITH group1, group2, COLLECT(path) AS paths, numberOfGroup1Members

WITH group1, group2, LENGTH(paths) as commonMembers, numberOfGroup1Members


toInt(round(100.0 * commonMembers / numberOfGroup1Members)) AS percentage


Finding overlap as a percentage

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How many groups are people part of?MATCH (p:MeetupProfile)-[:MEMBER_OF]->()

RETURN ID(p), COUNT(*) AS groups


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How many groups are people part of?ggplot(aes(x = groups, y = n),

data = group_count %>% count(groups)) +

geom_bar(stat="identity", fill="dark blue") +

scale_y_sqrt() +


breaks = round(seq(min(group_count$groups), max(group_count$groups), by = 1),1)) +

ggtitle("Number of groups people are members of")

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Who’s the most connected?

● i.e. the person who had the chance to meet the most people in the community

● Betweenness Centrality● Page Rank

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Who’s the most connected?

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Betweenness Centrality

Calculates the number of shortest paths that go through a particular node

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Betweenness Centralitylibrary(igraph)

nodes_query = "MATCH (p:MeetupProfile)-[:RSVPD]->({response: 'yes'})-[:TO]->(event)

RETURN DISTINCT ID(p) AS id, AS name, AS fullName"

nodes = cypher(graph, nodes_query)

edges_query = "MATCH (p:MeetupProfile)-[:RSVPD]->({response: 'yes'})-[:TO]->(event),


RETURN ID(p) AS source, ID(other) AS target, COUNT(*) AS weight"

edges = cypher(graph, edges_query)

g =, directed = T, nodes)

bwGraph = betweenness(g)

bwDf = data.frame(id = names(bwGraph), score = bwGraph)

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Betweenness CentralitybwDf %>% arrange(desc(score)) %>% head(5)

merge(nodes, bwDf, by.x = "name", by.y = "id") %>%

arrange(desc(score)) %>%


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Page RankPageRank works by counting the number and quality of links to a page to determine a rough estimate of how important the website is. The underlying assumption is that more important websites are likely to receive more links from other websites.

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Page RankPageRank works by counting the number and quality of links to a person to determine a rough estimate of how important the person is. The underlying assumption is that more important people are likely to receive more links from other people.

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Page Rankpr = page.rank(g)$vector

prDf = data.frame(name = names(pr), rank = pr)

data.frame(merge(nodes, prDf, by.x = "name", by.y = "name")) %>%

arrange(desc(rank)) %>%


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Blending back into the graphquery = "MATCH (p:MeetupProfile {id: {id}}) SET p.betweenness = {score}"

tx = newTransaction(graph)

for(i in 1:nrow(bwDf)) {

if(i %% 1000 == 0) {


print(paste("Batch", i / 1000, "committed."))

tx = newTransaction(graph)


id = bwDf[i, "id"]

score = bwDf[i, "score"]

appendCypher(tx, query, id = id, score = as.double(score))



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Blending back into the graphquery = "MATCH (p:MeetupProfile {id: {id}}) SET p.pageRank = {score}"

tx = newTransaction(graph)

for(i in 1:nrow(prDf)) {

if(i %% 1000 == 0) {


print(paste("Batch", i / 1000, "committed."))

tx = newTransaction(graph)


name = prDf[i, "name"]

rank = prDf[i, "rank"]

appendCypher(tx, query, id = name, score = as.double(rank))



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Are they in the Neo4j group?

MATCH (p:MeetupProfile)


ORDER BY p.pageRank DESC


OPTIONAL MATCH member = (p)-[m:MEMBER_OF]->(g:Group)

WHERE = "Neo4j - London User Group"

RETURN,, p.pageRank, NOT m is null AS isMember

ORDER BY p.pageRank DESC

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Are they in the Neo4j group?blended_data = cypher(graph, query)

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Have they been to any events?

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Have they been to any events?MATCH (p:MeetupProfile)


ORDER BY p.pageRank DESC


OPTIONAL MATCH member = (p)-[m:MEMBER_OF]->(g:Group) WHERE = "Neo4j - London User Group"

WITH p, NOT m is null AS isMember, g

OPTIONAL MATCH event= (p)-[:RSVPD]-({response:'yes'})-[:TO]->()<-[:HOSTED_EVENT]-(g)

WITH p, isMember, COLLECT(event) as events

RETURN,, p.pageRank, isMember, LENGTH(events) AS events

ORDER BY p.pageRank DESC

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Have they been to any events?blended_data = cypher(graph, query)

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Take Aways

● ggplot => visualisations with minimal code● dplyr => easy data manipulation for

people from other languages● igraph => find the influencers in a network● graphs => flexible way of modelling data

that allows querying across multiple dimensions

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And one final take away...

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