megastar - premier night proposal for film launching

Premiere night Premiere night A proposal by Buzz Communication A proposal by Buzz Communication 08/03/2010 08/03/2010

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Premiere nightPremiere nightggA proposal by Buzz CommunicationA proposal by Buzz Communication


Page 2: Megastar - premier night proposal for film launching


Background:o "How to train a dragon" is an upcoming computer-animated film by

DreamworksDreamworkso Ovaltine is the sponsor for the launch of the movie in Vietnam

Objective: o To launch the film impressively to the presso To have a fun experience for Ovaltine users to enjoy

Participants: o Ovaltine consumers, teenagers from 7-15 years old & parentso The press & their kids

Venue & time:Venue & time: o Megastar Hùng Vương, 22/04/2010 ?

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“How “How to train your dragon”to train your dragon”

The film is set in a mythical world of Vikings and dragons. The story centers around a viking teenager named Hiccup, who lives on the island of Berk, where f f ffighting dragons is a way of life.

The teen’s smart and offbeat sense of humor is disliked by his tribe and its chief, Hiccup’s father, d s ed by s be a d s c e , ccup s a e ,Stoick the Vast. However, when Hiccup is included in Dragon Training with the other viking teens, he sees his chance to prove he has what it takes to be a fighter. g

After he entangles a dragon with a bolas-shooting cannon, Hiccup releases and ends up befriending the dragon who he dubs with the name Toothless Thisdragon, who he dubs with the name, Toothless. This relationship flips his world upside down as he strives to convince his tribe that they don't need to be dragon-slayers.

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Ovaltine communication messageOvaltine communication message

Ovaltine helps kids to be smarter

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The conceptThe concept

The concept of the launch is the dragon training day. In order to start training the dragon, kids will be provided Ovaltine drinks & material to make the shield & sword byOvaltine drinks & material to make the shield & sword by themselves.There will be 4 challenges for kids, the first 10 kids who win all the 4 challlenges will be honored as Viking warriors & received athe 4 challlenges will be honored as Viking warriors & received a special gift from Ovaltine.

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The entrance will be decorated as the scenery of the Viking island

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But when passing the gate, guests will enter the dragon training ground.

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Key character mockupKey character mockup

There also be mockup of key characters of the Vikings & the dragons around the venue for participants to take pictures.

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Decoration Decoration -- stagestage

The stage is part of the training ground, with LED screen showing the trailer, interview & best clips from the movie

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Event flowEvent flow

Registration• Guests

Be the Viking

Train the dragon

Ceremony• To launch the

Watch the movie

checkin warrior• Get Ovaltine

drink• Make the

sword & shield

challenges• 4 challenges

on touch screen LCD TV1 fi l

movie• To honor the

10 Viking warrior winners (of the challenge

• 1 final challenge played with Wii on the stage


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PGs, MC in costumes like characters in movie. They work at registration, Ovaltine booth & at the challenge corners.

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Prepare to be a viking warriorPrepare to be a viking warrior

An Ovaltine booth will be setup to offer Ovaltine drink & provide material to make their own shield, sword (actually pre-produced, they just assemble it)

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Train the dragon mechanicTrain the dragon mechanic

Kids will go through the 4 challenges on touch screen TVThe final challenge will be played on the big screen on stage (TBC)(TBC)Each time player win a challenge, he will get a Ovaltine pin, those who win all the challenges will be honored by given a Viking hat & the first 10 winners will received a special gift fromViking hat & the first 10 winners will received a special gift from Ovaltine on stage later

Ovaltinegift set

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Train the dragon challengesTrain the dragon challenges

Dragons and vikings sound match

Night fury's feeding time Deadly Naddler's zone attack

Hideous Zippleback'sdouble trouble

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Beside Ovaltine, guests will be served finger food, some of them decorated like a hat of the Viking.

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Time Duration Act Performer

18:00 0:45 Welcome guest ‐ guest registration Receptionist18:00 0:45

Train‐the‐dragon challenges PG & PB

18:45 0:05 Viking warrior dance Dancers

18:50 0:03 Introduction MC

18:53 0:05 Welcome speech Megastar rep.

18 58 0:02 M i t il18:58 0:02 Movie trailer


Sponsor's speechOvaltine brand rep.

0 05Ovaltine brand 


Awarding the 10 Viking warriors rep.

19:10 0:05 End & proceed to showing room MC

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Estimated budget: around 20,000 VND

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