meida evaluation 1

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Post on 20-Jun-2015




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2. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Strap Line
Main Images: both have emotionless faces
Masthead: The title of the magazine
Mis-en-scene, shows the same type of urban clothing
Main Cover line:
3. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Shot Angle
Direct Mode of Address
Both of these images share similarities. Considering my magazine is a grime magazine and the one am comparing it to is a hip-hop magazine, they still link to urban culture. The posture of both characters is the same as they use direct mode of address with a emotionless face and a tilted head, leaned back. Both characters are wearing accessories such as hats and chains. The angel I took my image from was a low medium shot to show the grime artist being superior. By adding all these aspects into account you realise that this is a young adults magazine.
4. How did you attract/address your audience?
Graffiti font, is one of my unique selling points as well, because it shows fonts which scream out.
Attracts the audience by letting them know about the release of his new mix tape
My unique selling point is the variety of new music I list, and the competitions that can be one. These features can be indicated in the puffs and written in big bold fonts.
Use of colour attracts a lot of readers.