membership magazine east leicestershire issue 1

healthy be be heard Members’ Magazine | Summer 2012 GET GREEN FINGERED PLAY OUT Get and TENNIS a Nikon camera PLUS Win East Leicestershire and Rutland Clinical Commissioning Group

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Membership Magazine East Leicestershire issue 1


Page 1: Membership Magazine East Leicestershire issue 1


beheardMembers’ Magazine | Summer 2012






a Nikon cameraPLUS Win

East Leicestershire and RutlandClinical Commissioning Group

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I am Dr Dave Briggs, AccountableOfficer (Designate) for the EastLeicestershire and Rutland ClinicalCommissioning Group (CCG), thenew organisation responsible forhealthcare in East Leicestershire andRutland.

Putting patients, carers and thepublic right at the centre of all thedecisions we make is essential toEast Leicestershire and RutlandCCG. If we are to makeimprovements to the way in whichpatients, carers and the publicreceive their healthcare, it is vitalthat they are involved as early aspossible in the decision-makingprocess when it comes to creatingnew services and establishing newways of working. We arecommitted to working with thepopulation we serve to ensure thatpatients’ voices are heard, whetherit’s capturing feedback on existingservices or getting patients involvedin designing new services.

I would like to take this opportunityto thank members living in EastLeicestershire and Rutland forgetting involved in the importantwork we have undertaken so far,including giving your views onwhat should be our commissioningpriorities. A big thank you too tothose members who shared their

views on the strategy we havebeen developing. We receivedmore than 80 questionnaireresponses and spoke to many ofyou at workshops where you toldus your thoughts. To find out howyou have influenced the EastLeicestershire and Rutland CCGCommissioning Strategy, pleaseturn to page six.

I look forward to working togetherto improve healthcare services inEast Leicestershire and Rutland.

Best wishes for a healthy summer

Dr Dave Briggs

Accountable Officer (Designate)East Leicestershire and RutlandClinical Commissioning Group

2 Summer 12, Issue 1: be healthy be heard

Dear members,

If you have a practical tip,health suggestion, idea for aLet’s Talk About Health topicor an interesting story, pleasesend it for inclusion in thenext issue using the contactdetails below. We are alsolooking for cover stars – sendus your picture and healthstory if you would like toappear on our coverEmail: [email protected]

Post: please send all correspondence to:East Leicestershire & Rutland CCG:Freepost ADMAIL 4228Market HarboroughLE16 7ZZ

Telephone: 0300 555 5345

Please note that the membershiphelpline is open between 9am and5pm, Monday to Friday.

Published by: NHS Leicester, Leicestershireand Rutland PCT Cluster, Fosse House, 6 Smith Way, Grove Park, Enderby,Leicestershire LE19 1SX

Welcome to the first edition of the new magazine for EastLeicestershire and Rutland be healthy be heard members


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Inspired by watching Wimbledon asa child, Jamie Barrett is now a fully-fledged tennis ace.

Jamie, who works for EastLeicestershire and Rutland CCG, firstpicked up a racquet at the age of 12when he begged his parents to buyhim one after watching Wimbledon.They did buy him the racquet havingextracted a promise from him that

he’d use it. “I enrolled onto somesummer coaching and then washooked!,” he said. “That summer Iremember leaving the house in themorning and not returning ‘til it wasdark, having played all day, every day.”

What started as a hobby thenbecame more serious for Jamie as hebecame a member of LoughboroughTennis Club. He played in the Club’sjunior teams, his school team andwas picked for the LeicestershireCounty squad. By 18 he’d obtained acoaching certificate alongside playingfor his university team. He currentlyplays for Loughborough GreenfieldsTennis Club.

So, what is the appeal of tennisfor Jamie?

“It’s a sport for individuals who likethe personal challenge of doing

something themselves. When youplay singles, it’s just you and your skilland nothing else, so any success orfailure is yours alone.

“I also enjoy the athleticism and skillit takes to be a good player; thechallenge to train yourself to bementally, physically and emotionallystrong to win a match. It makes it afascinating sport, whatever level you

play at. It’s even addictive to sit andwatch on TV.”

Making the time to fit in his passionfor tennis isn’t a chore for Jamie.“We have a good captain whoorganises training and practiceswhich makes life easier, but it’s acommitment you make and if youwant to improve, you have topractice to maintain your skills.”

What has been his bestachievement within tennis to date?

“I think maintaining a good level andstaying committed to the sport for solong. I have found my sport for life.Particular highlights have definitelyincluded winning the County Schoolsdoubles title in 1999, making it as aJunior in the County Squad and,more recently, winning the Clubchampionship doubles title in 2010and 2011.”

What motivates Jamie to stayhealthy, and how would heencourage others to get involvedwith sport?

“Staying healthy is important foreveryone but for me, my motivation isto enjoy a great quality of life. Beinghealthy keeps life fun, maintainsconfidence and is a brilliant way tomake friends, plus it’s a great stressreliever. With the Olympics coming upthis year, there’s never been a bettertime to get started in sport!”

Summer 12, Issue 1: be healthy be heard 3

ScoringMeet Jamie Barrett, our cover star, who is a real advocate ofhealthy living and can most often be found on the tennis court

points for health

cover star?Fancy being our next

If you’d like to be our nextcover star and helpmotivate others to getmoving and get activecontact us using thedetails on page 2.


““It’s a sport for individuals who

like the personal challenge ofdoing something themselves

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4 Summer 12, Issue 1: be healthy be heard

East Leicestershire and RutlandClinical Commissioning GroupEast Leicestershire ClinicalCommissioning Group(CCG) was created inshadow form in 2011 andhas already established aclear position in themanagement of localhealthcare. The CCGrepresents 34 GP practicesacross Market Harborough,Rutland, Melton andsurrounding areas whoprovide healthcare for318,000 patients

In April 2012, East Leicestershireand Rutland CCG took on thefinancial budgeting responsibilityfrom NHS Leicestershire County andRutland and we will be responsiblefor buying services for patientsduring 2012-2013. After 2013 wewill also take on full responsibilityfor the performance and quality ofthese services.

Our organisational vision, valuesand goals were devised during aseries of Board developmentsessions in 2011. In January 2012we talked to, and listened to ourstaff, GP practices, patients and

carers and key stakeholders,including representatives fromLINk, partner organisations andlocal community groups, to ensurethat their views helped shape ourorganisation.

The CCG aims to truly involve localpeople in decisions abouthealthcare. Over the coming yearsyou can expect to see significantlevels of public engagement activity,partnership and collaborativeworking and initiatives, which willhelp us capture and act on patientexperience and feedback.


To improve health bymeeting our patients’needs with high qualityand efficient services, led by clinicians anddelivered closer to home

Our vision

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Our commissioning priorities

n Long-term conditions Transforming services and enhancing the quality of life for people withlong-term conditions, including, but not limited to, COPD and diabetes.

n Community services Finding ways to improve the number and quality of services on offerand ensuring care is delivered closer to home.

n Improving services from GPs Undertaking work on opening hours, telephones and appointmentbooking processes to provide more effective services to patients, alsofocusing primary care activities more on prevention rather than cure alone.

n Integrated health and social care Extending integrated working across health, social care and voluntaryorganisations to enable seamless care pathways. Additionally the CCGwill be focusing on dementia, increasing access to mental healthservices, quality and prevention programmes and increasing patientchoice in the community.

If you would like more information about theCCG, or want to get involved and have a say incommissioning decisions affecting EastLeicestershire and Rutland you can contact us on 0116 295 7571 or write to East Leicestershire and Rutland ClinicalCommissioning Group, Fosse House, Grove Park, Enderby LE19 1SS.

Findout more

Over a nine-week period inDecember 2011 andJanuary 2012, EastLeicestershire and RutlandCCG sought the views ofthe public, patients andpartner organisations aboutthe changes they would liketo see in local healthcareand where to focus efforts

This is what you asked for:

l care delivered closer to home,including access to services inpatients’ own homes andother alternatives to hospitaladmissions

l improved access to, and carefrom, family doctors

l closer working with social careto improve care pathways

l more work on prevention,reducing diseases throughscreening, advice and healthchecks

l better quality and moreeffective services.

These priorities are included in the Strategic Plan for 2012-2015,which will go to our June Boardfor approval.

Areas of focus include:

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An initial step was to ask ourmembers, patients andresidents for their views oncurrent healthcare services andwhat they thought should bethe healthcare priorities forthe area.

Two workshops were held inDecember 2011 and January2012 for members, patients,practices and partners to discussour emerging commissioningpriorities and future plans. Aquestionnaire was also sent out toa wider audience of membersacross East Leicestershire andRutland, our local LINks andorganisations representingseldom-heard groups.

East Leicestershire and RutlandCCG is actively working inpartnership with LeicestershireCounty and Rutland our local district and boroughcouncils to improve outcomes andexperience for patients. We’realso playing an active role in theLeicestershire TogetherPartnership and supporting thedevelopment of the LeicestershireShadow Health and WellbeingBoard, which has a lead role inimproving the health andwellbeing of the populationthrough improved and integratedhealth and social care services.

East Leicestershire and Rutland CCG is committed toinvolving members throughout the commissioning cycle. A key part of this process is to engage with members to seektheir views on what currently works well and areas whereimprovements might be made

More than 150 people gave theirviews on healthcare in the area.Feedback was also gathered fromservice users and carers at theRutland Learning DisabilityPartnership Board and from the EastLeicestershire and Rutland CCGPatient Participation Group Chairs'Network.

The surveys showed that there aremany good services in EastLeicestershire and Rutland, includingGPs, dentists, hospitals andcommunity health services. It hasbeen highlighted that there aresignificant problems with accessingthe services, whether it’s travel orgetting appointments or referrals.There are also issues with accessingemergency services, the distance toservices, a lack of preventionservices and treatments not offeredin community settings. Many peoplecommented on the quality ofhospitals, training and awareness

of staff and communicationbetween staff and patients.

The surveys revealed that the topthree priorities for healthcare in EastLeicestershire and Rutland were: l finding ways of delivering more

services closer to home ratherthan in hospital

l prevention (reducing diseasesand improving health such asscreening, advice and healthchecks)

l improving the quality andeffectiveness of services.

The CCG has listened to what yousaid and your feedback has beenconsidered in the drafting of theEast Leicestershire and Rutland CCG Commissioning Strategy. This Strategy is a three-year plan toshape our commissioning activitybetween 2012 and 2015. It is onein a series of documents that setout how we intend to deliver thebest value healthcare for our area.

Community Servicereview

In April 2012, the CCG wantedto find out people’s thoughtsand suggestions on what theywant from local communityservices, particularly aroundelective care services(treatment and surgery whichis pre-arranged and not urgent)and the Minor Injury Units

A survey was developed anddistributed widely across EastLeicestershire and Rutland andmeetings were arranged to collateviews from members, patients,practices and partners. Thefeedback will be used to help EastLeicestershire and Rutland CCGdeliver the best community carepossible for its patients. The resultswill be published in June 2012.

What’s important to local people?

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councils and

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How you can

Would you know what to do ina life-threatening emergency?Learning Emergency LifeSupport skills could help youkeep someone alive untilprofessional help arrives.

East Midlands Ambulance Servicehave teamed up with the British HeartFoundation to deliver an initiative that teaches people what to do in alife-threatening emergency, and thistraining is open to all members.

East Leicestershire andRutland CCG regularly looksto engage with patients andthe public about healthservices we are looking toimprove, such as the twosubjects here If you’d like to be kept informedabout developments, you can signup to the online newsletter whichwill be sent every two weeks. If youdon’t have access to the internet,we will keep you posted aboutthose topics you told us you areinterested in on the questionnairewe sent out last May.

To update these details please [email protected] or call0300 555 5345 note thatthe membership helpline is openbetween 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday).

Have you or someone youknow recently had a baby orare having a baby? Would youlike to help improve maternityservices in Leicester,Leicestershire or Rutland?

If so, a group that meets every threeto four months would like to hearyour thoughts on maternity services. There are different ways you canget involved:l you can sign up to get the

minutes of the meetings toread and contribute by sendingin your ideas and thoughts, or

l you can join the virtual groupwhere you will receive updatesand questions that the groupwant to send to mums, or

l you can be a member of the keystakeholder group, supportingand advising on developmentand provision of maternityservices.

This group meets three to four timesa year so it is not a largecommitment. You will sit with theclinical professionals and servicecommissioners to directly have yoursay in new plans. If you feelcomfortable doing this and wouldlike more information or support,please contact the membership teamon 0116 295 7571.

If you are interested, contact us [email protected].

Call formums


The Heartstart programmeincludes skills such as:

l assessing an unconscious patient

l performing cardiopulmonaryresuscitation (CPR)

l dealing with choking

l serious bleeding

l helping someone that may behaving a heart attack.

If you can carry out CPR in anemergency, you may be buying thetime needed for professional help toarrive and save the life of your lovedone, plus you have more thandoubled their chance of survival.This two-hour training sessionprovides you with the opportunityto learn and practice these skills and

you will receive a certificate oncompletion.

If you would like to take part,please contact the membershipteam and register your interest, andthey will contact you with dates andtimes that the training is available.In addition, if you have acommunity group of approximately12 people or more and would likeus to deliver a session to you,contact the membership team [email protected] call 0300 555 5345(please note that the membershiphelpline is open between 9am and5pm, Monday to Friday).

get involved

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How your gardengrow?

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doesDid you know that while you’re outin the fresh air working on thegarden, you are also working all themajor muscle groups: legs,buttocks, arms, shoulders, neck,back and abdomen? Gardeningtasks that use these muscles buildstrength and burn calories –digging, hoeing and raking canburn an average of 300 calories perhour, yet with minimal jarring ofjoints unlike aerobics or jogging.

Keeping physically fit benefits thewhole body including the brain.Physical exercise releasesendorphins which are a provenmood booster, easing symptoms ofstress, depression and anxiety. Notonly this, but the experience ofplanting a garden and in turnmaking your surroundings morebeautiful provides a real sense ofachievement and is a great avenuefor expressing your creativity.

If you have children, involving themin the garden is also beneficial fortheir health too. Encouraging themto dig the soil and get grubby by

weeding or planting is a brilliantway to make sure they get enoughexercise as well as teaching themabout nature. Growing vegetableswith your children is also a goodway to encourage them to eat theirgreens as research shows thatchildren who understand wheretheir food comes from and whohave been involved in planting andgrowing it are more likely to eat andenjoy it.

If you don’t have your own gardenor are limited on space, then whynot consider growing herbs on awindowsill or planting up somepots on a patio? Another option isan allotment – contact your localcouncil to find out if there are anyavailable near you.

Emma Cannaby (pictured left) is agardening enthusiast: “The ediblegarden is a real passion of mine,”she said. “Whether I’m growingfood to cook with or using myflower beds full of primrose andpansies to decorate any dish, it’ssuch a rewarding hobby.”

“I haven’t always been so green-fingered, but I come from a familywho love to play in the mud, so I’vealways enjoyed spending a Saturdayafternoon potting plants, wateringtomatoes and picking herbs. Evenwhen I lived in a flat without agarden, I grew chilli plants and freshbasil on the windowsill because itbrings life into the home.”

And it’s not just the healthy endproduce that gives Emma hergardening glow: “A lot of myexercise comes from digging andlooking after the garden, and I get areal buzz when I have dirty fingersfrom time spent potting plants.”

Would she recommend it as ahobby? “Oh yes, I think morepeople should grow plantsregardless of whether they have abig garden or no garden at all. Andanyone can do it – there are somany books, websites or fellowenthusiasts to get ideas, inspirationand information from.”

With the promise of glorious weather just around the corner, what better time isthere to get outside and get active in the garden or on an allotment? Gardening isnot only a great form of exercise, but is also fantastic for reducing stress and im-proving mental wellbeingn

Visit hints and tips on getting active in the garden,growing your own, and gardening with children

Findout more


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The East Leicestershire andRutland CCG wants morepatients to get involved andhelp improve the delivery ofhealth services, as well asmake a difference to theirlocal communityPatients are encouraged to have asay on how their local GP surgery isrun by signing up to a PatientParticipation Group, also known asa PPG. PPGs are made up ofvolunteers interested in healthcareissues and can also includemembers of practice staff.

They meet regularly to decide waysand means of making a positivecontribution to the services andfacilities offered by the surgery to itspatients. They also encourageimproved communication betweenthe practice and its patients andprovide support for the practice,helping it to implement changes.

For more general information onPPGs, you can

or contact Jo Lilley, EngagementOfficer, on 0116 295 7626 oremail: [email protected]

In East Leicestershire and Rutlandthere are currently 29 PPGs andadditional groups are expected toform in the near future.

If you are interested in joining yourPPG, please contact your practicefor more information as PPGs arealways looking for new members.If your GP practice does not yethave a PPG, why not contact yourGP or practice manager to discusssetting one up?

Branded Promotional Merchandise for any budgetvisit or call 02476 269401

“Whatever you’re looking for, we have it!”


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In order to ensure ourpublications, such as patientleaflets, are easy tounderstand, we havecreated a reader panel It is essential that the informationwe publish is clear and concise,and can be understood easily byour patients and the public. Thereader panel checks theinformation written and tells ushow we can improve it. So far, wehave more than 200 reader panelmembers that have helped ensureour materials are as accessible aspossible to all sections of thecommunity.

If this is of interest to you and youwould like to join the readerpanel, please contact Jo Lilleyeither by calling 0116 295 7626or emailing [email protected] request an application form.

Join ourreaderpanel

To take advantage of any offer,simply show your membership cardat participating retailers. Please seethe membership forfurther information and a full list ofall the discounts available.

If you have already used thediscount scheme, tell us about it sowe can let other members knowtoo, and we will include you in thenext issue of the magazine which isread by more than 5,000 members.

Deals and

Your involvement doesn’t go unnoticed

As a thank you for everything you do for us, we haveteamed up with other companies and organisationsacross the UK to bring you exclusive discounts inrecognition of being a member


Let’s Talk About Health is a programme that has run acrossLeicester, Leicestershire and Rutland bringing health topics tothe doorsteps of patients

Events have been held incommunities about health topicspatients and the public wanted toknow more about. So far, talkshave included prostate cancer,women’s cancers, diabetes, mentalhealth and wellbeing and winterblues, and our doctors and nursesare keen to include more topics inthe coming year.

If you have a community groupof more than 12 people and areinterested in receiving a healthtalk of your choice, we would liketo hear from you.

Contact the membership team todiscuss how we can worktogether to bring a health talk toyour community.

Email: [email protected]

Post: please send all correspondence to:East Leicestershire & Rutland CCG:Freepost ADMAIL 4228Market HarboroughLE16 7ZZ

Telephone: 0300 555 5345

Please note that the membershiphelpline is open between 9amand 5pm, Monday to Friday.

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TryGet inspired and try making thislovely summer recipe brought tous by the NHS LeicestershireNutrition and Dietetics service(LNDS). All recipes are tried andtested by the LNDS so you canrest assured that they’re tasty aswell as being good for youLet us know how you get on, send us apicture of your homemade creations andwe will choose a selection of them to gointo the next edition of our magazine.Email your pictures or send them to us atthe address on page two.

Smoked Salmon and Beetroot RouladeIngredients

250 grams quark or low fat soft cheese

Half a medium cucumber, finely chopped

Two good handfuls of chives, finely chopped

A pinch of pepper

Juice of half a lemon

150 grams of smoked salmon cut into thick strips

A small bag of fresh salad leaves

One medium sized beetroot, thinly slicedusing a vegetable peeler


1. Place quark or low fat soft cheese in amixing bowl with chives, cucumber andlemon juice and pepper. Mix well.

2. Place 3 strips of smoked salmon onchopping board and fill with Quarkmixture. Roll in to roulades.

3. Serve on a bed of salad leaves and freshlysliced beetroot.

4. Enjoy with fresh crusty bread.

this quick and easyrecipe

12 Summer 12, Issue 1: be healthy be heard

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Shapinglocal health services

Carers task groupIf you are a carer orhave any issues thatyou think LeicestershireLINk could get involvedwith, please contactJenny on 0116 229 3018or [email protected]

Mental healthtask groupThis group is workingwith LeicestershirePartnership NHS Trustto make sure thatwhen patients aredischarged fromhospital all the supportthey may need to keepthem safe and well is inplace. The group is alsoworking with thehospital to provideclearer information forpatients with mentalhealth to betterunderstand theirmedication, its risksand side effects.

Dementia task groupThis group is involvedwith shaping the newDementia Strategy toensure that it fullymeets the needs ofpeople who use theservice, includingcarers. The group has recentlymapped its owndementia pathway tospot gaps and identifypriorities.

Social care task groupLeicestershire LINk willalso be setting-up anew group lookingspecifically at socialcare provided by thelocal authority. If you’d like to getinvolved, please contact0116 229 3103.

The Leicestershire Local Involvement Network (LINk) enables membersof the public to contribute to the improvement and shaping of healthand social care services in LeicestershireTask groups are set up to focus on specific issues and bring members together to workon making real improvements to services. The following task groups are currentlyactive and if you’re interested in joining a group or just need more information youcan call the LINk office on 0116 229 3103.

1 2 3 4

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It has been a busy year for Rutland LINk as it hasdeveloped a variety ofinitiatives, including therecently launched Focusfor ActionThis small group from the smallestcounty has identified local healthand social care priorities and hasbegun to find ways to tackle themost urgent. Focus for Action hascompiled a long but not exhaustivelist of priorities and will continue topass on information, sound out theviews of local people and find waysto act on the most pressingproblems.

Rutland LINk’s most recent publicevent covering ambulance servicesand patient transport took place inMay and at that meeting, it signeda protocol with East MidlandsAmbulance Service.

Much of the Rutland LINk’s time hasrecently been devoted tomonitoring the amendments to theHealth and Social Care Bill as itprogressed through the House ofLords. It has also undertakentraining in readiness for thetransition to Healthwatch in 2013.Already it provides a public voice on

the Rutland Health and WellbeingBoard which will have a keyinfluence on health and socialservices in the county.

Rutland LINk has also been involvedwith the possible move of theUppingham GP surgery and hasinfluenced the form of theirquestionnaire. It has responded tothe Leicestershire PartnershipFoundation Trust consultation, andit has formalised and strengthenedits relationship with the EastLeicestershire and Rutland CCG. Italso has ensured its dementia andmental health plans are in place.

Rutland LINk continues itscommitment to local people of allages by keeping a watching briefon health services and the provisionof social care within the Rutlandcommunity. It continues to raiseawareness through its meetings andleaflets, through the website,, and evenvia Facebook.

If you want to know more aboutthe Rutland LINk or how to becomeinvolved, please contactCommunities in Partnership,Rutland LINk’s host organisation, on0116 229 3103.

A linkto the

futureIn April 2013, Localengagement networks will be replaced by LocalHealthWatchBoth Leicestershire LINk andRutland LINk are working ontheir vision for what this willlook like but primarily, yourLocal HealthWatch will be anindependent and proactiveconsumer champion, givingeveryone a real say on how theirlocal health and social careservices are run. LocalHealthWatch will retain allinvolvement and scrutinyfunctions of the LINk, including:

l promoting involvement ofpatients and the public

l obtaining their views

l monitoring health and careservices

l making reports andrecommendations

l carrying out ‘enter and view’visits to all publically fundedhealth and social care services.

If you want to know moreabout what this will look likelocally or be involved in shapingthe vision, call the LeicestershireLINk or Rutland LINk Host officeon 0116 229 3103.

The latest from

Rutland LINk

14 Summer 12, Issue 1: be healthy be heard

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Sign up for email updatesand save paper

Sign up for email updates here


Membership number:

Email address:

Please tick your areas ofinterest below:

All health topicsAlcohol and substance misuseCancerCarers issuesChildren and young peopleDental careDiabetesDrugs and medicinesEmergency and critical care(unscheduled care)End of life careGPs and GP accessHealth inequalitiesHeart diseaseIntermediate care andrehabilitationLearning disabilities Long-term conditionsLung disease and breathingproblemsMaternity/new-born and baby

MedicinesMental health Obesity and active lifestyles

DietExerciseLosing weightOther (Please state)________________________

Older peopleOrthopaedicsObesityPlanned care in the community(GPs, health centres, in thehome)Planned care in hospital ResearchSexual health and teenagepregnancyStaying healthyStopping smoking StrokeSurgery

Why not sign up to ouremail updates and help uscut down on the amount ofprinted material weproduce. Not only is it betterfor the environment, but italso helps keep our costs toa minimum too

And the even better news is thatif you give us your email addresswe’ll keep you up to date withthe latest news, information and

consultations via our fornightly e-bulletin. You can also choose toreceive this magazineelectronically too if you prefer.

We’d also like your help intelling us what areas you areinterested in so that we canprovide you with informationthat’s relevant to you Please complete and return thefollowing form indicating whichtopics you’re most interested in.This will help to ensure that whenwe do contact you about aforthcoming consultation or event,it’s on a subject that matters to you.

Cut outthis page and post to:East Leicestershire & Rutland CCG:Freepost ADMAIL 4228Market HarboroughLE16 7ZZ


Membership number:

Email address:

Tell us what health topics you are interested in

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16 Summer 12, Issue 1: be healthy be heard

Allotment AppleBlackcurrantButterflyCarrotCompostFlowerGardenGloves

GooseberryGreenhouseLawn mowerMintOnionPotatoPruningRhubarbRosemary

SeedsShedStrawberryTomatoWellingtonsWindow boxWorm


Membership number:

Email address: Cut out this page and post your completedwordsearch to: East Leicestershire & Rutland CCG:Freepost ADMAIL 4228Market HarboroughLE16 7ZZ

We can provide versions ofall be healthy be heardmembership publications inother languages andformats such as Braille andlarge print on request.Please contact theengagement andinvolvement department on0116 295 7626. Pleasestate which publication yourequire when you call

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The closing date for entries is 31 July 2012. The first correct entry randomly drawn will receive the prize.