membrane phospholipid synthesis and endoplasmic reticulum ... · membrane phospholipid synthesis...

Membrane phospholipid synthesis and endoplasmic reticulum function Paolo Fagone and Suzanne Jackowski 1 Department of Infectious Diseases, St. Jude Childrenʼs Research Hospital, Memphis, TN 38105-3678 Abstract This review presents an overview of mammalian phospholipid synthesis and the cellular locations of the bio- chemical activities that produce membrane lipid molecular species. The generalized endoplasmic reticulum compart- ment is a central site for membrane lipid biogenesis, and ex- amples of the emerging relationships between alterations in lipid composition, regulation of membrane lipid biogenesis, and cellular secretory function are discussed.Fagone, P., and S. Jackowski. Membrane phospholipid synthesis and endoplas- mic reticulum function. J. Lipid Res. 2009. 50: S311S316. Supplementary key words phospholipids sphingolipids plasmalogens unfolded protein response BIOLOGICAL MEMBRANES Biological membranes are composed of lipids and pro- teins that together form hydrophobic barriers that limit the distribution of aqueous macromolecules and metabo- lites. Cells use membranes for a number of different purposes, including segregation and protection from the environment, compartmentalization of functions, energy production, storage, protein synthesis and secretion, phago- cytosis, movement, and cell-cell interaction. Eukaryotic cells contain ordered infrastructures, called organelles, to orga- nize and carry out complex processes and to enable distinct reactions that require a hydrophobic environment. The level and complexity of compartmentalization varies among organisms and among mammalian cells. Some cells also change in size and organelle complexity after biological stimulation. An example of induced membrane biogenesis occurs in naïve B-lymphocytes that are converted to plasma cells (1), and an example of membrane redistribution oc- curs in macrophages in which the Golgi apparatus is re- oriented during transient cytokine synthesis and secretion (2). The versatility of biological membranes is dependent on their structures and biophysical properties, which are dictated by the types of lipids and proteins that compose the membranes. The functions of membranes require a fluid plasticity that is accomplished through alteration in lipid composition. Lipid composition is diverse, not only among different organisms, but also among different com- partments within the same cells and between the two leaflets of the same membrane. Lipid composition is deter- mined through regulation of de novo synthesis at desig- nated cellular sites, selective distribution or trafficking to new sites, and by localized remodeling reactions. Under- standing the relationships between the dynamic changes in membrane lipid composition and specific cellular events is our current challenge. This review is focused on mem- brane phospholipid biogenesis in mammalian cells with a particular emphasis on the role played by the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The ER, together with the Golgi apparatus, is a major site of de novo bulk membrane lipid synthesis, and recent experiments demonstrate a link between phos- pholipid synthesis and secretion from this compartment. THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE ER The ER and Golgi apparatus together constitute the en- domembrane compartment in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. The endomembrane compartment is a major site of lipid synthesis, and the ER is where not only lipids are syn- thesized, but membrane-bound proteins and secretory proteins are also made. The ER is organized into a laby- rinthine membrane-bound network of branching tubules and flattened sacs that extends throughout the cytosol. The tubules and sacs interconnect, and their membrane is continuous with the outer nuclear membrane (3). ER and nuclear membranes form a continuous sheet enclosing a single internal space, called the lumen. The ER can be divided into subdomains in relation to their function or This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant GM-45737, by Cancer Center Support Grant CA21765, and by the American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities. Manuscript received 16 October 2008 and in revised form 23 October 2008. Published, JLR Papers in Press, October 23, 2008. DOI 10.1194/jlr.R800049-JLR200 Abbreviations: CCT, cytidylyltransferase; Cer, ceramide; CL, cardio- lipin; DG, diacylglycerol; DGP, diacylglycerol phosphate; ER, endoplas- mic reticulum; ERGIC, ER-Golgi intermediate compartment; MCS, membrane contact site; UPR, unfolded protein response; XBP-1, X-box binding protein 1. 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed. e-mail: [email protected] Copyright © 2009 by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. This article is available online at Journal of Lipid Research April Supplement, 2009 S311 by guest, on June 18, 2018 Downloaded from

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Membrane phospholipid synthesis and endoplasmicreticulum function

Paolo Fagone and Suzanne Jackowski1

Department of Infectious Diseases, St. Jude Childrenʼs Research Hospital, Memphis, TN 38105-3678

Abstract This review presents an overview of mammalianphospholipid synthesis and the cellular locations of the bio-chemical activities that produce membrane lipid molecularspecies. The generalized endoplasmic reticulum compart-ment is a central site for membrane lipid biogenesis, and ex-amples of the emerging relationships between alterations inlipid composition, regulation of membrane lipid biogenesis,and cellular secretory function are discussed.—Fagone, P., andS. Jackowski. Membrane phospholipid synthesis and endoplas-mic reticulum function. J. Lipid Res. 2009. 50: S311–S316.

Supplementary key words phospholipids • sphingolipids • plasmalogens• unfolded protein response


Biological membranes are composed of lipids and pro-teins that together form hydrophobic barriers that limitthe distribution of aqueous macromolecules and metabo-lites. Cells use membranes for a number of differentpurposes, including segregation and protection from theenvironment, compartmentalization of functions, energyproduction, storage, protein synthesis and secretion, phago-cytosis, movement, and cell-cell interaction. Eukaryotic cellscontain ordered infrastructures, called organelles, to orga-nize and carry out complex processes and to enable distinctreactions that require a hydrophobic environment. Thelevel and complexity of compartmentalization varies amongorganisms and among mammalian cells. Some cells alsochange in size and organelle complexity after biologicalstimulation. An example of induced membrane biogenesisoccurs in naïve B-lymphocytes that are converted to plasmacells (1), and an example of membrane redistribution oc-curs in macrophages in which the Golgi apparatus is re-oriented during transient cytokine synthesis and secretion(2). The versatility of biological membranes is dependenton their structures and biophysical properties, which are

dictated by the types of lipids and proteins that composethe membranes. The functions of membranes require afluid plasticity that is accomplished through alteration inlipid composition. Lipid composition is diverse, not onlyamong different organisms, but also among different com-partments within the same cells and between the twoleaflets of the same membrane. Lipid composition is deter-mined through regulation of de novo synthesis at desig-nated cellular sites, selective distribution or trafficking tonew sites, and by localized remodeling reactions. Under-standing the relationships between the dynamic changesin membrane lipid composition and specific cellular eventsis our current challenge. This review is focused on mem-brane phospholipid biogenesis in mammalian cells with aparticular emphasis on the role played by the endoplasmicreticulum (ER). The ER, together with the Golgi apparatus,is a major site of de novo bulk membrane lipid synthesis,and recent experiments demonstrate a link between phos-pholipid synthesis and secretion from this compartment.


The ER and Golgi apparatus together constitute the en-domembrane compartment in the cytoplasm of eukaryoticcells. The endomembrane compartment is a major site oflipid synthesis, and the ER is where not only lipids are syn-thesized, but membrane-bound proteins and secretoryproteins are also made. The ER is organized into a laby-rinthine membrane-bound network of branching tubulesand flattened sacs that extends throughout the cytosol.The tubules and sacs interconnect, and their membraneis continuous with the outer nuclear membrane (3). ERand nuclear membranes form a continuous sheet enclosinga single internal space, called the lumen. The ER can bedivided into subdomains in relation to their function or

This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant GM-45737, byCancer Center Support Grant CA21765, and by the American Lebanese SyrianAssociated Charities.

Manuscript received 16 October 2008 and in revised form 23 October 2008.

Published, JLR Papers in Press, October 23, 2008.DOI 10.1194/jlr.R800049-JLR200

Abbreviations: CCT, cytidylyltransferase; Cer, ceramide; CL, cardio-lipin; DG, diacylglycerol; DGP, diacylglycerol phosphate; ER, endoplas-mic reticulum; ERGIC, ER-Golgi intermediate compartment; MCS,membrane contact site; UPR, unfolded protein response; XBP-1, X-boxbinding protein 1.

1 To whom correspondence should be addressed.e-mail: [email protected]

Copyright © 2009 by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

This article is available online at Journal of Lipid Research April Supplement, 2009 S311

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location. The nuclear envelope is the domain that sepa-rates the genetic material from the cytosol. The ribosomesthat synthesize ER-associated proteins are attached to thecytoplasmic aspect of the ER membrane, and these regionsare designated as rough ER. The transitional ER is charac-terized by two domains, namely, a domain associated withribosomes at a low density and a region that lacks attachedribosomes, called smooth ER. The ER region in closeproximity with the mitochondrium is the mitochondrium-associated membrane. Finally, the region in close proximityto the Golgi apparatus, rich in vesicles and tubules, is theER-Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC) (4). TheERGIC domain represents a continuum of the ER andGolgi apparatus where the lipids and lumenal proteins des-tined for transport to the cell surface or other organellesare transferred and biochemically modified. The cis-Golgistructure is in close proximity to the ERGIC, and thetrans-Golgi network is the site for the formation of buddingvesicles that distribute the lumenal protein contents. TheER interacts closely with the cytoskeleton, mostly withmicrotubules. This interaction allows the ER to maintainits position within the cell and facilitates intracellular traf-ficking, particularly from the smooth ER (4).


Phospholipids, including glycerophospholipids andsphingolipids, constitute the bulk lipid components of allmammalian membranes. Based on the information con-tained in several previous reviews (5–19), the phospho-lipid biosynthetic enzymes that produce membrane lipidproducts have been assigned to the different organelles inFig. 1 according to where the majority of protein or activityfor each has been measured. Enzymes involved in phos-pholipid degradation or remodeling are not addressed.Enzymes that synthesize unique glycerophospholipids,called plasmalogens, are included. Water soluble inter-mediates are not shown in the scheme, with the exceptionof fatty acyl-CoA, which is used as substrate by acyltransfer-ase enzymes for the synthesis of both glycerolipids andsphingolipids in the ER, cardiolipin (CL) and phosphati-dylglycerol (DGPGro) in mitochondria, and for the syn-thesis of plasmalogens (PlmePEtn and PlmePCho) in theperoxisomes. The family of acyltransferases is quite ex-tended, and only a few isoforms are directly involved inthe de novo synthesis of membrane lipids, while othersare involved in the remodeling of acyl chains of the differ-ent lipid classes (5, 6). The acronyms for the different lipidsare those proposed by the Lipid Maps project (20), and thecorresponding nomenclature for the lipid biosynthetic en-zymes are defined in Table 1. Different isoforms of the lipidbiosynthetic enzymes are not pointed out unless they areknown to have alternate substrate specificities. Rather,the goal is to obtain a holistic view of the overall processof membrane lipid biogenesis.

GPAT and AGPAT activities begin the process of glycero-lipid synthesis by attaching the fatty acyl moieties to the

1-position and then the 2-position of glycerol-3-phosphate,respectively. GPAT and AGPAT activities are associatedwith the ER and the mitochondria, providing the diacyl-glycerol phosphate (DGP) precursor for phospholipidsin both locations. In the ER compartment, the DGP isdephosphorylated by the phosphatidic acid phosphataseenzymes to yield diacylglycerol (DG), which is incorpo-rated into phosphatidylcholine (DGPCho) and phospha-tidylethanolamine (DGPEtn). The GPAT and AGPATassociation with the mitochondria suggests that these ac-tivities provide the DGP precursor for the synthesis ofphosphatidylglycerol (DGPGro) and CL located at thesame site.

DGPCho is the most abundant glycerophospholipid spe-cies in mammalian cells, and it is synthesized in the ER andGolgi apparatus. Two biosynthetic pathways are availablefor DGPCho synthesis and are located in different endo-membrane domains. The Kennedy pathway is the predom-inant route to DGPCho in most cells, and the final step iscatalyzed by the bifunctional CEPT, which is located in theER, or alternatively by the CPT, which is located in theGolgi apparatus (8, 9). Both the CEPT and the CPT useDG to form DGPCho. The PEMT activity, which convertsDGPEtn to DGPCho, is restricted to the mitochondrium-associated membrane.

DGPEtn is the second most abundant glycerophospho-lipid species, and its de novo synthesis can be catalyzedby the CEPT, located in the ER, or the EPT, a recently de-scribed isoform with strict specificity for DGPEtn pro-duction (21). An EPT activity has been described that isassociated with peroxisomes (17). DGPEtn can also arise fromhead-group exchange with phosphatidylserine (DGPSer)in the ER as mediated by PSS2 or in the mitochondria byDGPSer decarboxylation, mediated by PSD (10). Differ-ently from DGPCho and DGPEtn, DGPSer is synthesizedin the ER through head-group exchange of already-madeDGPCho and DGPEtn as catalyzed by PSS1 and PSS2, re-spectively (10). Triacylglycerol has no structural role butserves primarily as a storage lipid and is also synthesizedin the ER (7). Phosphatidylinositol (DGPIns) is synthesizedin the ER by the PIS, and, apart from phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate, its conversion into the highly phosphorylatedforms, which play critical roles in signaling and membranevesicle trafficking, occurs outside the ER (11, 12, 15, 22).CL is present only in the mitochondria, where it is ab-solutely required for energy production, and its synthe-sis is restricted to the inner mitochondrial membrane(13, 14, 16). Plasmalogens, which are vinyl-ether linked atthe 1-position of the glycerophospholipid, are an importantclass of lipids, and they contribute almost 18% to the totallipid mass in humans. Among plasmalogens, plasmenyl-ethanolamine (PlmePEtn) is the most abundant and itis also the precursor to plasmenylcholine (PlmePCho).Plasmalogen synthesis occurs in the peroxisomes, wherethe key enzyme GNPAT initiates formation using a fatty al-cohol to yield AlkylGnP (17).

Sphingolipid synthesis spans from the ER, where it be-gins, to the Golgi complex, where it ends (18, 19). Synthesisof the sphingosine and ceramide (Cer) intermediates occurs

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in the ER. Cer is then transferred to the Golgi apparatusin two manners, and each mode determines whetherCer is converted into either sphingomyelin (CerPCho) orglucosylceramide (GlcCer) and lactosylceramide (LacCer).Lipids such as DGPCho and DGPIns can be synthesized in

the nuclear matrix apart from the nuclear envelope, but in-formation about the exact location of the nuclear enzymesis limited (23).

Although different lipids are synthesized in different or-ganelles, they are widely distributed within the cell and the

Fig. 1. Compartmentalization of phospholipid biosynthetic activities. The abbreviations are listed in Table 1.

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membrane composition of the different organelles doesnot necessarily reflect their lipid biosynthetic capacity.DGPCho is synthesized in the endomembrane compart-ment and in the nuclear compartment in immortalizedcells, but it is present everywhere in the cell. DGPSerand CerPCho are synthesized in the ER and Golgi, butthey are highly abundant in the plasma membrane.PlmePEtn is synthesized in the peroxisomes but does notaccumulate as it is primarily secreted. Within the samemembrane, lipids are transported to or segregated intoone of the two leaflets of the membrane by virtue of theirchemical structure or by the action of enzymes calledflippases, whose function is to favor or force the movementof specific lipids between the two leaflets of the membrane(24, 25). The transport of lipids to different membranescan occur through the vesicular pathways, which allowthe transport of membrane to even distant cellular loca-tions or by lipid-transfer proteins, a process that is particu-larly active and fast within membrane contact sites (MCS),where membrane regions from different organelles comein close proximity (within 10 nm) to one another (24). Forexample, the ER is known to generate MCS structures withmitochondria, plasma membrane, the Golgi apparatus,endosomes, and other organelles. The means by whichDGPCho and DGPEtn are transported to the peroxisomesis still unknown, and MCS structures as well as vesicles maybe responsible for mediating the process.


A number of proteins that play a determining role inmembrane phospholipid biogenesis are localized to theendomembrane compartment. The rate-limiting enzymein DGPCho synthesis is the phosphocholine cytidylyltrans-ferase (CCT) (26). The CCT is predominantly located inthe nucleus of immortalized cells, but in primary cells, theCCT is almost exclusively found outside the nucleus and inassociation with the endomembrane compartment (1, 2,27–29). CCT is not included in Fig. 1 because its substratesand products are water soluble, but the enzyme controlsthe rate of DGPCho formation through its peripheral asso-ciation with the cytoplasmic aspect of the endomembranecompartment (26). The CCT activity responds to changesin membrane lipid composition and governs whether moreor less DGPCho is made as a function of the proximal accu-mulation of membrane lipid metabolic products (30).

The ER stress response is a complex signal transductionpathway emanating from the ER membrane that is ac-tivated by the perturbation of normal ER metabolism.Lumenal proteins that are properly folded and assembledcan leave the ER. Those that are misfolded or incompletelyassembled remain in the ER where they disrupt ER homeo-stasis and cause ER stress. Thus, the ER stress response isoftentimes called the unfolded protein response (UPR)(31). The UPR relieves ER stress by repressing translation,

TABLE 1. Enzyme and lipid abbreviations

Enzymes (Symbol and Name) Lipids (Symbol and Name)

AGPAT, 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase AcylGnP, 1-acyl-glyceronephosphateAGNPR, acyl/alkylglycerone-phosphate reductase AlkylGnP, 1-alkyl-glyceronephosphateAGNPS, alkylglycerone-phosphate synthase AlkylGP, 1-alkyl-glycerophosphateCDS, phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase CDP-DG, CDP-diacylglycerolCEPT, diacylglycerol choline/ethanolaminephosphotransferase Cer, N-acylsphingosine (ceramide)CERT, ceramide transfer protein CerPCho, ceramide phosphocholine (sphingomyelin)CGT, N-acylsphingosine galactosyltransferase CL, diacylglycerophosphoglycerophosphodiradylglycerolCPT, diacylglycerol cholinephosphotransferase DG, diacylglycerolCLS, cardiolipin synthase dhCer, dihydroceramideCRD, ceramidase GalCer, galactosylceramideDGAT, ciacylglycerol O-acyltransferase GlcCer, glucosylceramideDHCD, dihydroceramide y(4)-desaturase DGP, diacylglycerophosphateEPT, ethanolaminephosphostransferase DGPCho, diacylglycerophosphocholineGCS, ceramide glucosyltransferase DGPEtn, diacylglycerophosphoethanolamineGNPAT, glycerone-phosphate O-acyltransferase DGPGro, diacylglycerophosphoglycerolGPAT, glycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase DGPGroP, diacylglycerophosphoglycerophosphateKDSR, 3-ketosphinganine reductase DGPIns, diacylglycerophosphoinositolLCS, polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase GPSer, diacylglycerophosphoserinePAP, phosphatidic acid phosphatase kSphn, 3-ketosphinganinePED, plasmanylethanolamine desaturase LacCer, lactosylceramidePEMT, phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase MGP, monoacylglycerophosphatePGP, phosphatidylglycerophosphatase PlmaH, 1-alkyl,2-acylglycerolPGS, CDP-diacylglycerol-glycerol-3-phosphate 3-phosphatidyltransferase PlmaP, 1-alkyl,2-acyl-glycerophosphatePIS, CDP-diacylglycerol-inositol 3-phosphatidyltransferase PlmaPEtn, 1-alkyl,2-acylglycerophosphosphoethanolamine

(plasmanylethanolamine)PSD, phostatidylserine decarboxylase PlmePCho, 1Z-Alkenyl-2-acyl-glycerophosphocholine (plasmenylcholine)PSS1, phosphatidylserine synthase 1 PlmePEtn, 1Z-Alkenyl,2-acylglycerophosphosphoethanolamine

(plasmenylethanolamine)PSS2, phosphatidylserine synthase 2 Sph, sphingosineSGMS, ceramide cholinephosphotransferase Sphn, sphinganineSNAT, sphingosine N-acyltransferase SphnP, sphinganine-1-phosphateSPK, sphinganine kinase SphP, sphingosine-1-phosphateSPP, sphingosine-1-phosphate phosphatase TG, triacylglycerolSPT, serine C-palmitoyltransferase

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increasing expression of ER chaperones and folding en-zymes, and enhancing ER-associated degradation. TheUPR has been most extensively studied as it relates to pro-tein quality control in the ER, but membrane lipid metabo-lism appears to be equally important. Inhibition of DGPChosynthesis leads to DGPCho depletion, activation of somecomponents of the ER stress response, and cell death incultured fibroblasts (32). Alteration of the ER lipid compo-sition by accumulation of free cholesterol initiates ER stressin macrophages (33, 34), and deficient DGPCho synthesisrenders macrophages more sensitive to free cholesteroloverload (35). Thus, disruption of membrane lipid homeo-stasis is a trigger, either directly or indirectly, and mecha-nisms to reestablish ER lipid composition are componentsof the response.

Upon induction of the UPR, the mRNA encoding theX-box binding protein 1 (XBP-1) is spliced to form XBP-1(S), which encodes a transcription factor (36). The site ofsplicing is at the ER membrane, where a transmembranekinase/endonuclease called IRE1a modifies XBP1 tran-scripts upon accumulation of misfolded lumenal proteins.XBP-1(S) stimulates the expression of a host of genes,including those that encode the enzymes of the proteintranslational machinery and vesicular trafficking, and alsostimulates membrane phospholipid synthesis (37, 38). Therole of XBP-1(S) in initiating the program of membranebiogenesis was discovered in the context of the terminaldifferentiation of B lymphocytes into antibody-secretingplasma cells (39). Stimulated lymphocytes greatly increasethe size of the endomembrane compartment, which is ac-complished by a program of lipid biosynthetic gene ex-pression. Elevated gene expression, in turn, increases theabundance of membrane glycerophospholipid precursorsthat also allosterically activate the CCT (1).


Secretion is a major function of the endomembranecompartment. Most cells have scanty regions of ER, butin certain specialized secretory cells, the ER is abundant.The rough ER is highly developed in pancreatic acinarcells that secrete copious amounts of digestive enzymes(40) as well as in hepatocytes, the principal site of pro-duction of lipoprotein particles, which carry lipids via thebloodstream to other parts of the body. XBP-1(S) is a regu-lator of DGPCho synthesis and ER membrane develop-ment, and constitutive expression of XBP-1 is essentialfor the proper development of professional secretory cells,such as pancreatis islets (41) and hepatocytes (42).

The class of professional secretory cells includes macro-phages that have extensive biosynthetic capabilities that,upon stimulation, result in the synthesis and secretion ofcomplement components and cytokines. The generationof polyphosphorylated DGPIns, DG, and DGP can regulatesecretion events (43–48). The DGPIns and DG play signal-ing roles, and DGP is suggested to change local membranecurvature and promote vesicle formation. In addition,CCT and DGPCho synthesis play an essential role in vesicle

budding from the Golgi apparatus and bulk secretion ofselected macrophage proteins (2). The CCT enzyme islocalized to the trans-Golgi network in the primary macro-phages where it responds to local changes in membranecomposition during secretion. On the other hand, inacti-vation of CCT stimulates secretion from proliferatingimmortalized HeLa cells with insufficient DG (49). Theseresults point out a possible interplay between DG supplyand DGPCho synthesis that needs to be balanced to sup-port secretion.


Bulk membrane lipid biogenesis in primary cells largelyoccurs in the endomembrane compartment, which in-cludes the domains of the ER and Golgi apparatus. Spe-cialized phospholipids are synthesized in mitochondriaor perosixomes. Two proteins involved in the regulationof membrane phospholipid biogenesis are associated withthe endomembrane compartment, namely, the CCT en-zyme in the pathway for DGPCho, and the XBP-1(S) tran-scription factor. Activation of either protein occurs inresponse to changes in ER lipid or protein composition,respectively. ER membrane biogenesis can occur duringdevelopmental differentiation of secretory cells or in immunecells during the response to stimulation. De novo membranephospholipid synthesis in differentiated cells is linked withsecretion from the Golgi apparatus. The future challengewill be to sort out the relative importance of lipid synthesisor composition in the regulation of cellular events.


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