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Tutorial: Making a rain effect - feeblemind  Go to content | Go to menu feeblemind Higher with Open Source Blender 3D suite Text size: small :: medium (default) :: big Tutorial: Making a rain effect By olivS, vendredi 24 décembre 2004 à 09:38 :: Blender tutorials :: #4 :: rss :: PDF  Simulating rain for still images or for animation is a frequent topic from beginners. This tutorial will try to show a simple way  for getting good looking results. (1 of 16)1/15/2009 11:13:48 PM Search

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Tutorial: Making a rain effect

By olivS, vendredi 24 décembre 2004 à 09:38 :: Blender tutorials :: #4 :: rss :: PDF

 Simulating rain for still images or for animation is a frequent topic from beginners. This tutorial will try to show a simple

 for getting good looking results.

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 Simulate rain using particles

 For Blender: 2 . 48a - French version available 

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We will make use of particles, in order to carry out this simulation. At first, we will need a particles emitter

object, placed at the top of the scene, hovering like a cloud. For example, a plane slightly banked (or not) w

fine, as it is not necessary to see it subdivided.

The other objects in our example scene: a ground (just a plan) and the main focus of the scene (a simple cu

would be obstacles for the particles (at least), and reactors for the particles (ideally), because they wo

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interact with the rain drops.

You can also make sure that you will have at hand a very last object as the rain drop of your simulation.

No r m a l s o f t he ob j ec t s : the normals of the cloud should be orientated toward the ground, those of the ground orienta

toward the cloud, and those of the cube should radiate outside of it. This will ease the management of the direction the

 particles will be emitted.

Loca t i o n o f t he ob j ec t s on t h e l a y er s : to insure correct interaction, make sure that the emitters and reactors (or an

object which would collide with the particles) belong to the same layers.

Nam e of t he ob j e ct s : they will be of importance, later, so please name your object a decent way.

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The particles emitter

Select the particles emitter (here, this is our object named Cloud) and in the O b j e c t   F7 menu, in the Par

Buttons, click on the Add New button from the Particle System panel. A new particle system named PSy

then attached to the emitter. Make sure this a Emitter system type. The other parameters of the panel coul

set like this:

q  Amount: 5000 (enough to provide a dense rain)

q  Emit from, Random (to make sure that the water falls are not too regular nor artificial)

q  Emit from, Faces 

q  Emit from, Even (for a proportional distribution of the drops, if the emitter is built from many faces

with uneven dimensions)

q  Emit from, Jittered (for a random distribution of the drops emitted by a single face)

In the Physics panel, we should mainly set the influence of the emitter's normal (especially if it is banking, i

order to simulate rain drops submitted to wind), and to set the direction of the gravity.

q  Newtonian 

q  Initial velocity , Normal: 10.000 (or any high value that leads to good visual effects)

q  Global effects, AccZ: -9.81 (in order to stay close to the earth gravity)

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Finally, in the Visualization panel, select Object, and in the OB: field, type the name of the water drop

object. In the Extras panel, activate the Effectors, Die on hit button.

The reactor particlesBasically, all the objects that could be hit by any rain drop should be considered as a reactor. You will select

them one after the other, and apply the same kind of settings to each of them.

In the O b j e c t   F7 menu, in the Physics Buttons and the Collision tab, activate the Collision and Kill butt

As an option, specify some value for the Damping and Friction parameters, but this is not really necessary


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In the Particle Buttons, add a new system using the Add New button from the Particle System tab. Sele

Reactor as the system type, and set the other parameters as follow:

q  Amount: 5000 (in order to generate enough particles to react to the rain drops)

q  Life: 5.0 (the droplets will have a very short span life...)

q  Rand: 0.5 (... that could vary a lot from time to time)

q  Emit from, Particle (so that the system will react to particles...)

q  Target , OB: Cloud (...emitted by the target emitter Cloud)

q  Target , Psys 1 (and we specify the number id of the particle system in case the emitter has man


In the Physics panel, specify a Global effects, AccZ positive value, for example 10.00. Because you would

to see the reactor object showing on the render, do not forget to activate the Render , Emitter button in the

Visualization panel.

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As a final step, in the Children tab, we will enable the spawning, at each collision, of a cluster of particles

instead of just one. Please set the panels parameters like this:

q  Particles and Nothing 

q  Amount: 3 (in order to spawn 3 child droplets by parent droplet emitted during the collision)

q  Round: 1.000 (to obtain a circular distribution of the particles)

You can know play the animation Ctrl+A or use the Bake button from the Bake tab in the Particle Butto

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Obviously, before rendering your animation, remember to set materials for your rain drops, especially the

droplets emitted by the reactors. Those ones should stay discreet in order to remain realist.

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 Article written on December the 24th, 2004.

Updated on November the 16th, 2008 for Blender 2.48a. Comments re-initialized 


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1. On dimanche 28 décembre 2008 à 20:04, by Denny

hey i tried this but i dont see any drops, also, when i click BAKE, it says 'no image found to bake to'. pleas

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Réponse de olivS le samedi 3 janvier 2009 à 14:58

You don't use the good Bake button: you actually are refering to the one in the Scene F10 buttons...

Please try the one hidden in the Bake tab of the Particle Buttons...

2. On jeudi 1 janvier 2009 à 14:44, by CoffeeGrunt

Same here, I'm using version 2.48 by the way...

3. On samedi 3 janvier 2009 à 13:28, by dhldhldhl

What the heck, the rain is going upwards :S, do you know what could be wrong??

Réponse de olivS le samedi 3 janvier 2009 à 14:56

Sure! Flip the normal!

4. On jeudi 15 janvier 2009 à 06:35, by Aamir

I was tryin to make it till I got to the part where you're in the 'particle system' tab making the reactor. I

typed in the target as 'Cloud' and I checked the name of the object too, but it wouldn't accept the value

(just erased it)

5. On jeudi 15 janvier 2009 à 07:16, by X-man

Hi, all. Nice site...I really like your site ! Good job man.2

6. On jeudi 15 janvier 2009 à 14:40, by Bob

The site\'\'s very professional! Keep up the good work! Oh yes, one extra comment - maybe you could ad

more pictures too! So, good luck to your team!

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