memphis daily appeal. (memphis, tennessee) 1881-11-19 [p...

lints imihiiii mm W' mm W . It ittW li A He FHES1I AND n 111 1 5 R 1 H it All Tlirousli Their AM) AT Prices Lower than the Same Quality of Goods can be Purchased Elsewhere. " SllL, Velvets ami lMus.ies, Kr, Msade. Quality nd; Prlee. Hm!soinc ami JSeuinm-Fr-e- e Iress Goods, tm all tne lrrnl Umkiamlomi. Sill, nml Cloth Dolmans. Silk nml Cloth Circulars, Iridic" and HifM'' Cloaks, I'Ktrr. and Jackets, I.aiI.eV and Jl Uses' .Suits. l,.iii'. MiM' and Children's Fine and JI hI i u m-- lr i co 2 I o.s i c r j-- . Klcnnt Fiehii and Xeokwoar, K(Mria! Xovelties in Xsaee Goods. Kid Gloves, Itibbous, lssamcnlerios, Fringes and B inWFHSfEIHlBBDTHEIIS. SEIL1NG AT V Hi r -- iai COST CUii: S3"&2.S ! mi FRANK & HOWE'S IMPROVED Jliilrwid Truck, ITazon, Dormant, Platform, Counter, and other ORGLLL BROTHERS & JIT PALACE. JET FALACEI IlICE JEWSIBY A-X- D DIAMONDS AT ASTONISHING LOV PRICES t.iim tat Ceiaia ItlaoMaxt Good I y l4f-ria- n, RJ M c m. Lack Im Jwrll-T- - Net. Ivrhn Strxhlmm, Krnrrlrli, . tic ttwm a. r'iioi atj,r Mmrt wWtlM.allfM artoat. rtir L ato-- k ofKave- - at4 . to aait ri cry-CfH- rrkkln. kiwkHl, tlo u4 bm tlaim, tiocsla mail I , . rmwtfv A barr k of ml Oiti aavd rral J,t . tvfioiof.i. kMbbrr mod ivory Kilr Jewelry. WT HI -- Lodie mm Urmlm la Cold mm oatier. tlM- - iiMk of 1 Walking oo wh liar, t mo em. oJertaU for Wotehaavakera aawl Jewel- - or. tMatr; watn Mllrlied. rtM ;nr Woieoeo aol (Mtka aad o,e lateao t oy exrelleol jewelry " oo- - fo "Net and Kr pa I red by n. Coll M? , HI are and naailae tbe oeoottf ol otorlL. aritiEiitk, low riicm; GOODMAN cte CO. JET PAXACE, naiB Vlrrvr-t- . i lay Building. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. AY. A. Whcatley, Real Estate Agent Asa ATTOBXEY; 1 MXu Street, Walker Block, irirHM tf EE )OM Orncro, J a. C. K. QaosTISOK. OYERTON L GROSVENOR, Real Estate Dealers AGENTS AD BROKERS, OiriCS, 234 SECOND ST., M. E. Cor. Secoa! aad Co art, MEMPHIS, : . : . : TESTfESSEE. PEAL"rATE EOCGHT AlfD SOLD, TAXES 'f.iiect1. etc. on OowimK-lar- i. hup iillitS Having determined to F3 Sal F W 1 k. J m DLSIH UJU: at J aVfl - BIB lMtlVrei.t Depart incuts, 1U IB A IN. CQ SHIRTS. -- A.2STX- Hade to THE SHIRT TAILOR, 259 1- -2 .Main, Opp. Court Square Perfoct Fit and Satisfaction Warranted. Material and Make the Bevt. Xay's Medicated Flannel Underwear Prevent Chills and RheumatUm. The Finest and Largest Stock of Gents' FnrnUkJDKS in the South, AT LOWEST PRICES. No. 2G9J Main Street, Opp. Court Sqaare BIRDS. MEMraia BIRD STORE AND WIREWORKS SO. 211 31 UX STREET. r Received on MONDAY, 14th. SO of the finest Andreasberx Trlller and Hani Monn-tal- n auarie, in full toinr. In reduce this lane ato-- k. wi 1 sell. FOR POSITIVELY ONE WKEK ONLY, at from i SO to 84. aecordini; to son. The ladies are cse ially invited to call and aee the ltird. Orders by mail promptly and filled. In fUck, a full supply of biro CAcs or i;vi:it v iEM:Kipno.v, Winter Grasses, llantrlnv Raskets, Vasea, Pot- tery, Shells of Every Description. Agency of the Celebrated DETROIT STEEL DOOR, FRAME AND JAMB SAFES. a. Telephone your OrdiT.o- - CHAULKS J. XCH EK EK, l'ROP'R. Cliane Our Business to one of m 1 p3 mm ."' TO OUR "Vo invite an inspection of the Irfioei'st and Best .Assortment of CLOTHS, CASHIMKRE8 and SUITINGS U Ik) (ound at any Talloriug Establishment in the Southwest. -- Wc keep nothing but Imported Goods. a" Samples sent on application. MURRAY A RIDUKLY, Uadtaon Street, Memphis. BRIK S T11E.VTKIU Jll TWO I1ENRY WOLFSOHS MANAGER tilll.E LEV V - LOCAL AlifcXT MONDAY AND XOV. 21-- 22. Only aopearance In thl eirvnf the World-re-- " nowned PIANIST, n. A. 35" A. 33 U Assit-- d by the charming yotum Prima Donna AND "CHANGE OF PROGRAMME EACH NIGHT. Price of Admission Dress Circle and Parquet. .SI 25 Fainilv Circle 50 cent Balcony A, cents i 7. an. . .. , t I 'urtViv'a '.l Miiin tro,. 1tLI. AT Mltst I'lTTS'S pkivati: For fine advaniagia Vocal Miuic Pmf. ANTON has take c: :nc department. nasa ijessons, per mourn. Private per month. EHPHIS 93 Adam St., bel. Tblrd and fourth. OFEX EVERY DAY AND NIGHT. Door open from 10 to 12 from 3 to u p.m., and from 7:30 to 10 p.m. Sinple adm I avion 25 Iseoffkatea ..... --5 Ticket in pakaci s of 12 each, rood for on admi.ssion orouepairof skates 2 ;0 I.adi' and children's admission JO Use of sktu for ladies and children.-- .. Ih Instruction Free 8kiteii for sale at the Rink. The management reserves the right to refute to anv objectionable p PROvr. f.EVI. PmoriHtor and Mafia ger. i 1 500 hafrs rotlce. 10(H) lirls Reflned Sr.gars. 1000 Tcs., liuckeU and Tin Tails Fair- banks Lard. 800 bris. Silver Moon Flour New Pro- cess. ! 200 bi bi. Royal Taint Flour. 500 brls. Flour different kinds. &0 Tierces li.tuis. 500 hlf. brls. New Mackerel. 2000 Kit New Mackerel. 100.000 lbs. Candy, Stick and Fancy. 10,000 cases imported and American Sar- dines, Pickles, Salmon, Oysters, Peaches, Tomntoes, Mackerel, Lob- ster!', Etc. 1000 bags hnnd-vlcke- d and Virginia and Tennessee l'eannts. 1000 bays Nuts Brazil, Pe-rjiti- Waln- - s. etc. 500 hlf brls and Drls. Oatmeal, cracked Wheat, Barley, tirs-hju- i Flour, etc. 500 bxs. IUsmh", Prunes, Citron, etc 200 bx. New Crfaui CheB. 50 brls pnre Yinetrar. 100 bxs. Sase. Ho;s, Rice Flonr,, etc. -- 50 brls. and Halves tirecu & Cluik's Cider. 200 bags Bairy and Small rocket Salt. l oJbt .lo t.K A. J. niPCRTiuL 4N1 iiEALER IN Ammunition and Fishing Tackle, 345 Main k 8. W. Cor. Jefferson and Second Streets. "TT"7"E have reeiv-- our Fall and Winter V Stten ,r Ii:iprted 4.4,U. which for Style, Mtterialand Pr:c,c.unnot be c.ce'ii d. will rhid it to the'r iiiU rctl to examii.e our lsre Hwortrn" t tn'fnr ll T' TYPE tea Vine Strrtl, Cincinnati, Ohio. ALLISON, SMITH & JOHNSON. The typo on which this paper la printed Is frou tha above Foundry. Ki. Willi all Coupon from July, 1M3, on ALSO COTTON BONDS. State quantity and price. Address " I t KS K..T .iTa. Vow York dDU.uuu.wunm FOR MEN, 00,249 AGT'S,MMFH!S SMIR UNDERWEAR Measure! w .ft if M SLAUBHT STORE FOR DRES MERCHANTS INSPECT Mil DSPLAYINU MAT QTH CLDTHINS H THE DAILY NOVEMBER 19. 1SS1. AMFSEMEXTS. NIGJHTS ONLY! TUESDAY, LAURA BEIXINI, FRED. DTJLCKEN". ossi:nvAToiKi: EOLLEIISUATIXUKISK, IIMRTMU Brandy-Peache- s, Brandy-Cherrie- s, macliinc-rleane- d Almonds, Cornstarch, VIENNA, Guus, ISiklci, litols, street Memp!iis,Tenn. MERCHANT TAILOIiS. Slayer Golilljanm, FASHIONVIiLE Merchant Tailors, FOUNDRY. TYPE FooMmy,' CONFEDERATE BONDS Exclusive Wholesale, It FOR SALE. ifi j firm vifvim m.'sra tr.ws1 w rw& BOYS AND CHILDREN, RENT---FIX- T INVITED iVIEMPHTS A.PPEAL-SATUEDA- Y; STOCK. WL MM EX-GO- PORTER, One of the Newly Elect ed Directors of the Mt'iniihis ft ml Charleston Railroad, Makes a Statement Touching the Management of that Great Highway The Louisville Road Has No Share In It and is Not Likely to' Have. Kashville American, 17tU. As the stock of the Memphis ami Charleston Railroad is largely owned in this city, there in neccoaarily a great deal of interest mani- fested in whatever occur with reference to it. An Avurierrn reporter called upon Presi- dent J auics D. Porter, of the Nashville and Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway, who was elected a director in the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, Tuesday, at Hunts-vill- e, and asked him about the Ieae for sev- enteen years which the representatives of the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Kail-rot- claimed to have on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad. President Porter said that Fome of the best lawyers in the State were of the opinion that there would be no trouble about it. These lawyers had given the strongest assurance that the lease would not stand tbe test of law. Besides, the lessees had not complied with the terms of the lease. By it the sur plus earnings were to have been turned over to the stockholders, whicn was not done. In stead of thi, the road had been in debt. The stockholders of the ilempuis and Charleston had no animosity to the leses, for, if they had set aside the surplus earnings for tbe benefit of them, they would probably not have sought to gain control of their property. Neither had they formed any combination with any other line of road. The stock at first had been purchased as a speculation, but those who held it were decided to come to gether in a pool and seek control of the road The lessees held but little of the Memphis and Charleston stock. The Board of Direc- tors would probably meet at Mem phis within the next ten or fifteen days, and determine on the course to be pursued. The attorneys to be employed would probably be instructed to app'v for the anpoin.ment of a receiver when the road would revert to the stockhold- ers, and be under the control and operated by by them. MEMPHIS HAD NO VOICE, THOUGH REPRE SENTED. Ledger of Yesterday. Practically speakinp, the late Board of Directors in the Memphis and Charleston Railroad company had no voice in the man- agement of the road. Nominally, Memphis was represented by three of her foremost, sncceAstiil and esteemed business men, Messrs. jieely, IiiU and IJanauer. Thp Jiaat Ten- nessee, Yirgiuia and Ueorzia Railroad com pany had, and has yet, a complete control of the Memphis and Charleston road, aa of the line runtime from .pnsioi to Miauunooga. The late Board could meet and reso've and elect olCcers, but that was all, and this was the idea expressed the other day, though not quite so clearly, llie new Uonrd, in the tvent that the lease is brokf n. will absolntc'y control the road, elect its officers, and run its affairs. Then Memphis would be represented in the management. As to the eil'ect this would have here, we salj pqJ e hastv in expiCa'nt an opinion. There will be time enough when a.i ! bearings in the case come out and are discutHed. There are large interests and able men on both sides. Elsewhere will be found the views of Porter stated ex plicitly and couc:sely. The new Memphis directors make eubstauuaiiy me sume state- ments. The stock was originally bought on speculation, in view of the fact that the in- trinsic value of the rond was increasing; stockholder representing a majority forme.) a pool, a::d repaired to break the lease if possible and take the rgad into their own hands. Some of these stockholders are friendly to tha Louisville aud Nashville road, an 1 may hold sonic of its stock, but nothing more than surmise ami vague rumor connects the Louisvilie and Xashville as a corporation with the movement. The new director, it is understood, will meet here next we-- and adopt some decided policy, interesting developments may be expected. They are a brainy, long-heade- d crowd, with the nerve and capital and experience to make a tremendous fight on any line they may adopt. And in Colonel E. W. Cole they have a foeman worthy of thtir steel. BANKER SnOO.D THE ROAD FALL INTO LESS FRIENDLY HANDS. Avi,laucl;e of Yesterday. A citizen who U well info.uied in railway matters, says that in this era of railway com- bination an iudepeodtnt line from Memphis to Stevenson is an absurdity. It would cot be run assuub sixty days before it was sold out to form a trunk-lin- e somewhere, or sold out to some rival line that would desire to con- trol a competing road. Railway business is n,:t the same that it wa twenty years ago. Then independent lines were the rule, now they are the exception, sod Ihe trunk-lin- e combinations have it in their power to rule or ruin the short independent lines. The dangtr that menaces Memphis in any change of the control of the Memphis and Charles- ton Kailwav is that the road is likely to fall into le3S ii.endj bf-d- than the present lessees. LOCAL PAKAGBArilS. Joaeffy Monday. The courts s?e all dry now. The amnement season be8it" cp;t week Judge EUridge has returned from Bart-lett- . A sewer is being dug back Cof tl e ourt- - UoUKr. After a morbid day, it began to rain yesterd ay. The work on the Customhouse is pro- gressing. There are few deaths atd few failures iu Memphis, Sheriff Athy is siI to be the btrongest man in town. Yesterday was a windy, dusty, disa- greeable day. There was no complaint about a want oi dut yesterday. The nmaieai i.eit dI tha season will be the Jo?e2y concerts. Memphis stems to be a booming every way but iu her streets. All contemplated suits for divorce yes terday were postponed. The skaiisg rirk furnishes good amuse- ment all through the sea.u. The Legislative Council will soon pass upon the double-trac- k question. Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Long will lec- ture to the youug ladies of Memphis. Let Memphis cover her streets well and she can laugh the yellow-feve- r to scorn. Rabbi M. Samfield lectured on "The Jews in Spain" at the Synagogue last night. Soon as there is some real blistering weather, the country people will flock io town. The military companies are espected to give some pleasant entertainments this winter. Memphis was about as dull a town yes- terday as could be found anywhere in the counU-y- . Joe Brooks will bring a trunk full ( f scenery and ntw curtain with him when he gets here. W. A. Perkins wai arrested yesterday for olitaiuii.g a Move from Mrs. Speed aud tellit'g it. The. rain at midnight was very chilly and there was every prospect of a touch of cold weather The Eclipse hoys, of Louisville, beat all the New Orleans clubs. The Reds will give them a good tu.-m-e. M:rrias:e licenses were granted Yester- day to J. M. I fill anil Kmma r'lenony, Moses liwynr.e and Mary AVilliams, Louis Thomp- son nnd Fannie lce. The LtiJjer'i obituary on the Sentinel; "Another trashy, empty bit of newspaper en- terprise in this city has gone the way of its many puny little predecessors." Ed Moss, of Sardi., Mississippi, who is wanted at home for carrying a concealed weapon and resisting an officer, was arrested by Captain OTlavrr yesterday. A pretty enc-stor- hotisa about four miles east of Barllett, occupied by a gentle- man named Blaud, end owned by Charles I'ickey, was burned night before last. Moses Gwynti, colored, from circum- stances over which be had no control, wis forced to marry Mary Williams yesterday, Squire Spelluiau performing tlie marriage Ccrcmou. The suit of DiUi.i Long against Gabay far the value of a car-loa- d oi iron was com- pleted in the Circuit Court a ver- dict of being brought in by the jury for the phiintilf. The Louisville Eclipse Baseball Club arrived in the city yesterday, aud will re- main through Sunday, when they will play with the Memphis Reds. The Eclipse is about the best amateur club in the country, and a game with them is well worth seeing. A country darky came into the Criminal Court the jther day while Judge 'Wright was making a speech, lie had probably never been in a court before, lie bent over aud said to an attorney: '"What's dat ole man (pointing to Judge Wright) tried for?" "Burglary," said the lawyer gravely. Daniel O'leary, the great pedestrian, will be here earlv in December, and there is a probability that Charles T. liarriman, the champion of the world, will also be here. They are to walk for a prize of $1000 early in I Vceuiber, and it would he a good thing if they were to have their contest here. Last night Mary Lane, colored, died suddenly at 101 iVsoto street. 'Squire Quiglev was called to hold an inquest, and the verdict of the jury was that she came to her death from spasms. About two ago .he received a severe blow upon the head, frou which she had suffered considera- bly ever Hino. George Cook and J. C. Carney were ar- rested yesterday for stealing a railroad ticket from a passenger on the Memphis and Little Rock emigrant train. The passenger caught Ihem iu his pocket, and clinched them. They then juuipid oil' the train and remained hire in Memphis, l i e poliue were informed of the two men did, and they arrested t!i in, the passenger having lost his ticket by their sleight of hand. One. of. them said he was going to Ilopefield, and the other to Hot Springs. They had to be discharged, as the passenger had gone on. Captain O'Haver yesterday arrested a man named Bullard at the Chambers Hotel. Bui lard is from Corinth, Mississippi, where he mortgaged some stock, run off with it and sold it. A telegram to the police put the officers on his track, and he was caught with it at the hotel, where he had signed himself H. Hull. He gave himself away, however, by signing tbe real name of his family, who are here. Messrs. J. J. Ileinrich and John G. Mul- - ler returned yesterday afternoon from a two-da- hunt at Horn Lake, Mississippi, twenty- - tnree miles south ot this place, i. hey made the trip in a one-hors- e spring wagon, and ex- hibited on their return a fine fat deer: one large cata- mount, which was killed by the dogs after a long and desperate fight; one opossum, which was taken alive, and was secured to the wagon by a split limb fastened over its tail, and a fine layout of squirrels and birds. The entire display was admired by many while the party took a halt for refreshments at the corner of Main and Monroe streets. PERSONALS. Dr. J. D. White has returned to the city. Mr. Phil Hinkle, Auditor of Louisville, is in the city. Mrs. E. TJrhuhart, of Little Rock, is vis- iting her mother here. Mr. L. J. Brooks, editor of the Wat Tennetae Whig, is in the city for a few days. Mr. "VVrkiht Kelley, agent of the San Francisco Chronicle, was iu the city yester- day. Mr. Erwin Craighead, of the New Or leans outlet, was in the city yesterday on his way up the river for a visit. Colonel YY. C. Falkner, who has won a national reputation as the author of The White Roe nf Memphis, is stopping at the Peabody. He is accompanied by his beauti- ful daughter, Miss Bamma Roy Falkner. The following visitors registered at the Cotton Exchange yesterday: Mr. Saulsbury, Double Bridges; A. T. Morgan, Mt. Pleas ant, Mississippi; J. II. Mosby, Kossuth; J. 1. Jackson, New York; George Wind, Cincin- nati; A. H. Goodman, Covington; 11. P, Sloan, Philadelphia. Mrs. Sallie A. Malose, of Cotirtlandi Mississippi, is on a visit to her Memphis friends and relations. Thepub'.ic will be de lighted to learn that Blie proposes, at no dis- tant day, to publish in book form the poems which have reflected so much credit upon her genius and the literature of the South. George D. Prentice, over twenty years ago, pronounced her the most brilliant of all his Southern contributors, and we are gratified to know that her poems are to be preserved in book lorm. LAW REPORTS. C hancery Court McDowell, Judge. Calendar for Monday, 21st: 20GS, Walker vs Wicks; ai.Vk, Cocke vs Tl atelier; 34Io, White vs Waldran; 3045, Morgan vs Dick- ens; 3627, Thomas vs McDonald; 3830, Maver vs Insurance Company; 3854, Castles vs Woodruff'; 385S, Waldran vs Hoist; 3885, State vs Anderson; 3915, Barrett vs City; 3922, McKesson vs Curtis; 3923, Cubbins vs Hiskey; 39:4, Gaston vs Kittre.'ge; 3939, Lane vs Anderson; 3940, Williams vs Wil-li-m- s; ?9J1, Wheatley vsAvres: 3953, Bar-bie- re vs Gaston; 39s!, Orgill vs Deeson; S93S, Battelle vs Rolling-mil- l; 39T3, Attjick vs Marsh; 3975, McFarland vs Allen; 397ti, Speigle vs Crook; 3982, O'Neil vs Brown; 3987, Hester vs Sooy ; 398S, Ben jes vs Grist ; 399, State vs Armour; 3698, Smith vs Smith. ' decisions yesterday by chancellor m'dowell. Lemmon vs Jelks, motion to dismiss over-rule- Walsh vs Council, dismissed; Ander- son vs Paine, dismissed; Goldby vs Dubose, dismissed: Cragg vs Harrin, motion over- ruled; Chtyot ys Joiner, demurrer over- ruled; Black well vs Williams, dismissal; State vs Dwyer, decree for complainant; Guion vs Ely, decree for complainant; Hill vs Deap, report as amended confirmed. HOTEL, ARRIVALS. Peabody Motel t". H. Unlloway Co., PrcprieUrs. This Hotel is furnished with a steam passenger elevator, electr c bells, and is frst-eta- in eveiy department. Tabic board, $:to per month. R Pavne, Georeet'n, Ky J M Given, Fulton, Tenn T D Hull, Chicago J K Bevkcndike. Chicago HB strecter. Chicago J B Walthall, .Miss B S Hall, Miss Landon l.von, N Y C O Klctt, Phi'adelphia 8 Tiichbrand, NY C Govao, Louisville G M Howard. Ky J H Naiici', Helena F Fosliay, Heaver Fails VV E Licey, Saniih. Miss F L Mitchell, Helena, Mrs Whilst. lft, liiS5 ' iliss lllialns, .i?s H S Hsekleread ik s. Miss 1 I) Tjisworlii. N Y W T Under, 1 hiia. Pa H UVclcr, St Louis R R Rogers, Dull... Tex V c l'resiou. Nashville F U Sherwood, Tenn C Halsev, N Y Miss B Price. Ark Mow K Price. Ark II P.Slnan, Philadelphia G W Ward, Cincinnati W W Cross!ev, N Y J II Wentworth, X Y E Craighead S Orleans N It P ice, w, Je svt.Ark J K Crawford, Tenn E I H llliams. Miss 1 Hinkle, Lnnieville CH Morton, Louisville J So mine re, Louisville E Swartwood, Louisvi.le J Reccius, Louisviile J Cotiry, Louisvilie K FHHVt, Louisviile, T Mllillns. Louisville 4 Volf, I ouisvUle L Browning. Louisville L Due kelspiel.Louuviile J Kv!;aiov. Louisviile JG Hewlett, liuntsviiie Mrsj l urvant. Miss Miss A Hrvaht, Miss K Koberts, Louisville lrn G Hoilowr.y, Miss L Stuait, Louisville W K B. yd, Ga Ben s, teher, K Y RL Pyke. X Y A H Klaisdell, St Louis Herman Blanke, Berlin Mrs Porter, St Louis Harry Hill. X Y G G Bovd, Cincinnati ClaatoH'a holfl-Vovrui- brr Iw.ti. J P Simpson. Little Rock CC Huntington, citv M I. Nell, Little Rock J C Chicago R rs Pavne, Chicago WE Maxwell, Miss BF Smith, Miss w P Otfutt, Ark J L Fletcher. Ark KS Sneoi, Columbia DH Hull, Miss F B Hale and lady, Ark J K Jetfries. Friars Point Miss A JetTrie", friars Pt J L Driver, Osceola W T llHyne, Miss TT A Lynn fain, Tenn CT Selvide, Humboldt J P. Carries, Miss P W Peilcs, Miss G V prcemn. hiss i; spender t Louis C li Potter, N Y ' W VMliiS. rkismu W Harper. Philadelphia J S Bou'gs, Texus J Nelms. Texas II Ralib, Tipton, Tenn H C Castlebere, Des Arc J P Beston, Des Arc, Ark J H Ashhr, Little Km k W Norwood, Miss A Wnrdrop, Indian'plis It F lHii).'las, Covinptoii J (' Wrijnt. Covington W J Simmons, Courtlaud M I. Simmon., j o. nl'd G H Rice, N V H9 Katzcnburs, NY J'Speniny, E M Blukcmore, Phlla B Neivhouse, Nashville J MeXab. Ky. LOCAL NOTICES. Ely your shirts at May's. Nelson, dentist, corner Main and Union. Telephone to Fred Morli, 645 Shelby, for choice groceries aud fresh oysters. Monuments, grave inclosnres, lotcnrbings, cheap, at (Juig'.ey's, 432 Main, near Beale. Oatmeal, Cracked Wheat, Graham Flour, New York State Buckwheat at Oliver, b'innie & Co.'s. Tumors, erysipelas, mercurial diseases, scrofula and general debility cured by Dr. Lindsey's Blood Searcher. "Hub Pt'XC'l" is delicious with lemonade, fine ice, soda or milk. Have it ready for the welcome or parting guest. For sale by B. J. Semmes & Co. If yon want a first class boot or shoe made, go to Voegeli & Co., as they only employ only the best mechanics and use none but the best material. Solar tip children's shoes a specialty. The latest ctyles ladies' hand- made shots in every variety. The prince of punches is the delicate, d "Hub Punch," composed of old, fine liquors and luscious fruit. It can tie used clear, or with iced water, lemonade or milk, and tarsurpiuwes any punch brewed at discretion. Sold by B. J. Semmes ot Co. We hear much complaint of impure cis- terns. It is not generally known that physi- cians and sanitarians are unanimously agreed that the Kirshner Improved Water Elevator, made by the Kennesaw Manufacturing Com- pany, 'o. 81 Madison street, is an effectual remedy for foul water iu cisterns. There can be no disagreeable odors about a house where they use fluchan's Carbolic Laundry Soap. Sold at all grocers. Whole- sale depot, 83 John street, New York. Ask for Btichan's; no other genuine; beware of worthless imitations; genuine has the name of the proprietors, Kidder & Laird, on each cake. Portai.inr, or Tabler's Vegetable Liver Powder, is a Baie and effectual remedy for some of the greatest ills to which !csh is heir, and it is not noble to suffer the pangs ot a disordered Liver, and thus be incapaci- tated for usefulness, when, by opposing it with this purely vegetable compound, we can put to flight dyspepsia, sour stomach, sick headache, biliousness, etc. Sold by W. 3. Wilkerson & Co., Memphis. "Tlie Ilest of All," Is the heading of a handbill just issued by the iauious excursion manager U. L. Col- lins, announcing an excursion to start for New Orleans on December lo'.h. The rate will be very low, and passengers will be provided with a regular coupon ticket, good for first-cla- ss passage to New Orleans aud return. All tickets will be good to return on regular trains for ten days. Accommodations will be ample and strictly first-clas- including Pullman palace sleeping coaches, etc. Bag- gage will be checked through from points where taken. The great experience of Mr. Collins in this business enables him to make the best of arrangements for the comfort and pleasure of the excursionists. The dates will be announced in a few days. Silver Moon Yeast Powder, manufac- tured by us at home, and known to be abso- lutely pure and free from all adulterations, and full strength. Oliver, fiunie a co. Freli Oysters aud Celery Received daily prreip.-os- , VICTOR D. Fll'lIS, Koa. S and 41 JelTeraoo Street. The very finest Java, Maracaibo, Mocha and Rio coffees that money will buy roasted daily at Oliver. Finnie A Co.'s. Van Blel's Rye aud Rook. Sold by A. VACCARO Si CO., Sole Agents, Xo. 278 aud 260 Front streeL New Process Silver Moon Flour (none bet, ter). Royal Flour (as good as any) at Oliver-Fiuu- ie & Co.'s, The Rest Hot Dinners and Laarbn, Beer, Wine and Liquors, att Ueorge NcUlllj'a, Xo. II Court aire!. "What everyone says must be true," that 'Dr. Sellers's Cough Syrup" has no equal for oughs aud colds. Try it. Price 25c Self-Risin- g Buckwheat, always ready fur use; no failures; can make delicious cakes in five uinues. For by all retail grocers. ARKANSAS BONDS. The Railroads to be Called Upon to Fay $5,350,000, of which the Little Rock Owes $1,200,000. The Att'y-tiener- al Says They Must Pay and Decision of the U. S. Supreme Court is Against Them. The Public, one of the leading commercial and financial journals of New York, nnder the head of railroad securities, says of the Arkansas bonds: The Attorney-Genera- l of the State in response to an inquiry from the Governor, has Riven an off- icial opinion that the railroads to which State aid bonds were issued a few years aeo are legally lia- ble for the payment of the bonds. There are these bonds outstanding, issued to the following roads: Memphis and Little Rock, Little Rock and Fort Smith, $1,000,000; Little Rock. Piue Bluff and New Orleans, ILINJO,-0U- Mississippi, Ouachi'a and Red Kiver, ftiUO,-Gu- and Arkauras Central, 8t,r0,000. All of these roads are now completed, and are doing a good business, with the exception of the two last named, aud work is being vigorously pushed on the Oua- chita road. SenatorGarlaud, Governor Churchill, Justice John Met lure, and others, have expressed opinions similar to that of the Attorney-Genera- l. Suits are to be instituted in the United States court at once to force the railroad compa- nies to settle the question. WHERE THE FIGHT BELONGS. Little Rock Democrat. It seems highly probable that the fight over the railroad aid bonds is to be shifted to the quarter where it really belongs to a con- test between the holders of the bonds and the railroads for whose benefit they were is- sued. Primarily and principally, the rail- roads were the beneficiaries. The State got no value received from them, except, per- haps, in the enhanced value of property caused by the building of the roads. By a decision of the Supreme Court the bonds are held to be void so far as the State is con- cerned. There needs, therefore, to be no ap- prehension on the part of the people as to their liability. Strictly speaking, it is not their fight. Doubtless a large majority of the people would prefer to see the liability for this debt rest where it properly belongs, but this is a question between the roads and the holders of the bonds. If the roads have "loaded up" with the bonds in view of their liability, they have acted wisely; if they have not, tlie bonds are not likely to rise to such figures as would make it a heavy Lurden to "load up." The subject presents a flue field for discus- sion by two, classes of patriots those who are possibly interested in the bonds on the one side, and certain protuberant railroad lawyers on tbe other side. Meanwhile, the people can maintain tbs serene equanimity which characterised the old lady during the progress ot the ngnt oetween her husband and the bear. EFFECT OF THE DECISION OF THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT. Arkansas City Journal. Since the decision in the Florida case, by the Supreme Court of the United States, making the railroads bound lor the payment of these railroad aid bonds, lately pio- - nounced by our estate Court as UDConmtu tionil and void, there is a flurry and hub bub likely to stir greater action and energy among the amendment men to depreciate these bonds that tire railroads may cover bv i buying them in. Fair play and a fair deal . aft iiia ad aocu l v.' i u c .uuiu llun S.-- what good to brand our State with a taint ef repudiation by voting for the amendment, when suit can be brought in the federal Court and thus bind those liable, if liable, for these bonds. Politicians are just now a little pu;led to, tnow upon which aide oi the ienue it ib saiesi to laii. LET THE BONDHOLDERS GO FOR THE RAIL- ROADS. Ho News. The Supreme Court has made its decision, The bonds are decided null and void that is, the railroad bonds. Now let the holders sue the railroads, for the railroads will take care of themselves. It is the duty of the people to look to their interest, and we fear luey are oeiug satny eoparuieu. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Now York, November 18. Michigan re lief fund, 5138,052. Gloucester, Mass., November 18. Losses during the fishing season ot 1881: Men, 43; vessels, . New York, November 18. George IL Law, the capitalist, died of disease of the bladder. Knoxville, Teen., November 1?. To-da- y Mibian A. Leith, insane " several years, banged herselt. Chicago, November 18. The thermometer in some parts ot Minnesota this morning was eight degrees below zero. Springfield, 111., November 18. The heavy raiu that has been falling for the last twenty- - four hours was succeeded by a slight snow-tall- Providence, November IS. Rumballs' mill in Pascoag burned last night with some adjoining buildings. Loss about 5l0,000; insurance, 100,000. New York, November IS. Dr. I Tamil Wd, a consulting physician during the sickness of President Garfield, has been summoned as a witne.--s in the Guileau trial. Hai,ord, November i. Insurance-Commissio- r Brooks, of Connecticut, has or- dered the winding up of the Atias Fire In- surance company, of this city. Chattanooga, November 18. In the mu- nicipal election yesterday Evans, Republican, was elected Mayor. The new Board stands seven Democrats and three Republicans. Little Rock, November 18. William whosuoland killed bam 11 aster, at Forrest, City, was acquitted on the ground that the killing was done in self de- fense. Newark, November 18. The depofitors in tbe Mechanics Bank, it is understood hare determined to prosecute the directors, and employed Benjamin F. Butler and Roger A. Pryor as counsel. Harristurg, Pa., November IS. The off- icial vote for Slate Treasurer is as follows: Bailey, 205,295; Noble, 258,431; Wolfe, 49,-9- i; Jackson, A'iUon, 4507; plural- ity for Bailey, 680 i. Atlanta, November 18. A delegation of Cincinnati merchants will visit the Exposi- tion Addresses will be made in the Judges' hall. The crowd of visitors is overwhelmingly large. (lalveston, November IS. The Yu San Antonio special says; "A stage containing seven passengers and the United Stales mail was robbed by two masked and armed men near Laredo last Dight." Halifax, November 18. The los of a schooner with flour for the Magdalene Islands, is expected to precipitate a seasoq of priva- tion Or starvation on the inhabitants. The potato crop is an entire failure. Atlanta, November 18. Track-layin- g on the Georgia Pacific Railway has begun, General John B. Gordon, President of the road, driving the first spike. The occasion was one of great interest in the city. Hepkington, Mass., November 18. A fire occurred last night, which threatened to be serious, but was checked before heavy prop- erty damage ensued; but twenty-fiv- e firemtn were injured and burned, some badly. Frankfort, Ky., November 18. A fire at 2 o'clock this morning burned two saw-mil- ls at the east end of the railroad bridge. One was owned by Messrs. Wakefield & Congleton and the other by Messrs. Rodman & Sneed. Boston, November 18. A. A. Hobart, formerly Sti(erintendent of the Boston and Lowell Railroad, hss just received the Ap- pointment of Superintendent of the CliicaRn civision of the Wabash, St. Louis and Pacifio Railway. Chicago, November 18. The obsequies cf Mrs. Edwin Booth were held at the St. Paul Universalist Church, and attracted an immense concourse of mourning friendd. The funeral sermon was delivered by Prof. Swing. Pottsville, Pa., Novemlwr 18. The entire front of the residence of M. Markett, coal operator at M,inersville, was torn out by an explosion of dualiu powder, intended to de- molish the house. None of the occupants were hurt. Bismarck, November 18. The river froze here last night, and teams crossed to- day. It is cold but clear, and very little snow A Swede this evening baa his back broken instantly by falling from a scaffold at the Bismarck bridge. Springfield, III., November 18. Fifteen passengers were injured by the falling of a train through a trestle-bridg- e across a creek on the Pekin division of the Wabash Rail, road, lour miles from here, None were killed. The accident will stop travel on that division for two or three days. Paris IniellijeTiKr : "Messrs. J. B. Lemons and John White have sold their grocery store to Mr. Charles Dotey, and will go to Memphis soon. We are sorry to lose such men Several apples were brought to our office this week, which were gathered from a J tine apple tree in Mr. William Rod-gers- 's orchard, in South Paris. Some of them are as large as a hen's rgg, and are the second crop the tree has borue this year. '.We have in our office a very intelli- gent young lady typo from Alabama. She can set her two columns and be in good hu- mor all day." Creamery Butter by express every day and Cream Cheese at Oliver, Finnie & Co.'s. I)r. A. Goldstein, The celebrated Optician, can suit your eyes skillfully with the best quality of Sjiectacles. Call at his office, No. 273 Main street, up- stairs, and be convinced. Go See and Hear Those fine Canary Birds, at 211 Main street. It will interest you. Don't Die lu the House. Ask druggists for "Rough on Rats." It clears out rats, mice, bed-bug- s, roaches, ver- min, flies, ants, insects. 15c per box. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and in discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de- cay, loss of manhood, etc., I will send a reclp that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Bend a envelope to th &ev. Joaara.T. Inman, Station New.York City Our immense second stock is now here. All here! And such Bargains! And such beautiful goods. See our elegant long Silk Dolman, satin lined and for trimmed, at $31 50. And our Ulsters and our Jackets, and our Circulars, and our Children's Cloaks. Ladies Satin Coats, $22. See our Colored Plush, $2 15. See our handsome New York Bonnets, just opened, $11. See our Feather Caps,$3 50. It is true that we have Feather Caps at $1 50, but our $3 50 lot takes the lead. Exposition of Novelties Monday. M.&E.G.Kremer&Co paranatal Decline of Man. Impolency of mind, limb or vital function, nervous weakness, sexual debility, etc., cured by Wells's Health Kenewer, 51. At drug- gists. Depot, G. W. Jones & Co.'s. Use the Self-Risin- g Buckwheat, which is prepared in Memphis. It is the very test that can be made, ror sale oj all retail grocers. Burnett's C'oeoaine Promotes the growth of the hair, and ren- ders it dark and glossy. It holds, in a liquid form, a large proportion of deodorized Oil, prepved expressly for this pur- - fiose. 2Co other aympourul possesses the proerties which so exactly suit the various conditions of the human hair. Self Rising Buckwheat, prepared in Mem- phis, from the very best New York State Buckwheat. For sale by all retail grocers. KOOFIXG, OWST EOOHtTG yor Building of all C7t(f. G. KIDMAN & COo, Or to JOHK HASOUUK, Gen'l Agent, so. ln BRtti St.. tlnnplil.. Tenn. & H. Heist & Bre UNDERTAKERS! 320 Main Street, Memphis. "DUMAL KCRS3 AKH OOVFIN nASBWAEl I Oniers by teicir&ph prouipily filled, aud Caset hipped c. O. D. H. A. THOMS, UNDERTAKES, 209 JLAIN ST., 3IEMP1IIS, TENJJ. biiid ft full stock of Cofflni, Burial AlHIIMSTKATOIfS SAI.E. Public Administrator's Sale. Office of Public Administrator, Courthouse Shelby , vuiii., iciiii., i, in u r i., "VrOTICE is hereby riven that I will, as Admin-- istrator ol tho estates of John McGrner. lie- - ceased; Pu'rick Barrett, dec ssed: Daniel Horan deceased; John Callahan, deceased, and Juices Ryan, deceiiscd, on Saturday, SOib day of November, ISM, in front of the courthouse, Shelby county, Tenn , proceed to Bell, at public outery, to the- - highest bidder, for cash, the followir-- iroertv, to wit: 10 shares of stock of Tlie Home Ins.'and Trust Co. of Memphis, belonging to the estate of John McGraer. deceased. One Silver W atch belonging to the estate of Pat- rick Barri-lt- deceased. A Ledger 11 ounce of tisj S3 on the hooks of the extinct municipality of Memphis belonging to the estate of Daniel Horan, dc-ied- . A Ledger Balance of S'm nj on the books nf the extinct municipality of Memphis bo.oiiying to the estate of John Callahan, deceased. And a Ledger Balance of i IJi Pi on the books of the extinct municipality of Memphis belonging to Uie estate of James Ka:i, deceased. JolIX LOAGt E. Public Administrator. AdininlNtmtor'a Sale Valuable I'aruilus; ndf. BY virtue of a dc ree from the Honorable Chan- cery Court ol Desoto eouutv. Miss., 1 will, on Monilay, Hie Sib or Issi, at the courthouse door at Hernando. Desoto coun- ty. Miss., proceed to sell, to the highest bidder, the following described lands, situated in Desoto county. Miss., All less a acrcsof sec. 9, town. 2, range 8 38 acres. NW '4 of si', lti, town. 2, ranee 8 hal acres. East part NW of sec. 17, town. ranges 90 acres East , of sec. 26, Um n. 2, range 10 tflj acros. All of sec. an, town. 2, ratigu to 040 acres. SW oi sec. 23, town. 2, range lis-l- rto ai res. All of see. Ill, Umn. 2, range 10 rVln acres. All these lauds being valuable, and those iu range 10 situated in the Mississippi Bottom, with a fair proiiorliou of cleared land, good improvement and plenty of valuable timber. Oue half cash, uoleiayablc in twelve months. with approved security, bearing 6 per cent, interest from date ol sale, aud lieu retained for balance. Oct. 2;, ImL NAIL. Adm'r ennle i; 1. Hlvtlie. rtce'd. REWARD. 500 Itewnrtl. WE will oav the above reward for anv case ol Laver ixtmptajui, uyspepsia, oiea neauaene, Constipation or Cosliveness wecanuot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the r irec-Uo- are strictly compiled with. They are surely, Vegetable, and never fail to give satisiactiun. Sugar-coate- Large, boxes, containing so pi. Is, 25 cents. For sale by all druggist. Hewarc of coun- terfeits and imitations. Ihe genuine rostiufms Hired only by JOHN C. W EHT & CO., -- I he lill Makers," 1st aud 1M1 W. Madison street, Chicago. Free trial packitge sent by mail, prepaid ou re- ceipt of a stamp. For sale by A. Kcntert, 21a Main struct, Memphis, (DLOAM M1MWTMT ID M SELTZER. A dose or Tarrant's Seltzer Apeilent has removed the agony of rheumatism, and its con- tinued use entirely healed the patient. Rheuma- tism is but little, understood. Some empirics re- sort to embrocations, which are really dangerous. It is now acknowledged to be a blood disease, re- sulting from acidity. This aperient corrects all such acidity ,and thuscurestrotdisease. Ail rheu- matic Buften-r- are advised to try it. SOLD BY ALL DRt'QH3T3. STEAMBOATS. SPECIAL KOTICE. For Cairo, Evanavllle, loalavllle and Cinrlunatt Steamer Vint fclilnkle, In Will leave as above ATI'RDAY, Nov. la. ato p.m. R. W. LKrHTBURNE, Agent, 7 Monroe at. FOR VICKSBURG. 8t.JLoula and VIcUsbura; Anrbor Line V. H. Mall FOR VICKaBUUU. Gold lnst, fcSt. McCord master, anrSrJMES. Will leave Anchor Una Wharfboat boMDAY, Nov. 20lh, at 10 a,m Fur freight or passage apply C L. Hall. Pass'r Ag't. AD STC . Hnp't. FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. St. Louis and VtekKbui-a- ; Anebor Line Mail FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. Commonwealth, .g-SV- . McPhecters master, oSSSr5iS Will leave Anchor Line wharfboat l iil.i ia i , Nov. 19th, at p.m. For freight or passage apply O. t. HI.L. Pasa'r Agt. AD WTORM. Hup't. FOR NEW ORLEANS. for Sew Orleans and all Way and Plan, talion Lnndlnara Steamer Annie r. Silver Keith, musts. Leaves tf abave SA 1 mil AY. Kov. . p.m. Fos fxehht or passa; applyon wharfboat to C. I.. MALL, rass. Agent. AD STORM. Agent. FOR ARKANSAS RIVER. Memphis and Arkansas River Packet Co. For Pino Kl'.ut', Little Rock, and through to Fort Smith. Iatlc Hooper, r-- - Ed. Nowland master I Jas. N. Thompson . . .eiei a Leaves as above SATURDAY, Nov. l' 6 p.m. For freight or passai ge apply ' JOHN w. h AKHl.N. Slup't "TS0 Main ST. FOR 6T. rRANftS RIVER. HT. I'R.SX'la KITES MAIL LIS E-- Icene Jjlacreuuy, rZf O. K. Jopun master I A. L. Danmug ck-ii- t Will leave Memphis EVERY TL'FRD AYEVEXINO at 5 o'clock. lor Marians., Witlsburg, and all way lanuiugs. ror trutsat or passage appiy on ooaru, orto J. I. KANDAl.L. Hup't. FOR HALES POINT AND OSCEOLA Irl-Week- IT. N. Mail Packet For Ban .dolph. Fulton, Osceola and way landings. fjoanonia, r"r- - Henry coo per. ...master m. Bmithers cieik Will leave Memphis every MONDAY, WEDX&s-DA- and FRIDAY, at b p.m. For infonnauoa ap-D- lr on lnard. or to Ko 3 Mst'tnon iet. LEE LINE STEAMERS. For Ciiendule, Helena and Frtatrs Point, James JLee. Stack Lee. master I Whit'ow. clerk.i v ill ieyfc as above oa every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY ausd FRIDAY, at 4 p.l OiT.ce. No. 2 ... FOR ARKANSAS CITY. Hrmnbl, and Arkansas lity Packet Co. Adams U. S. Mail Line For Helena, Friars Point, Concordia, Terrene, Arkansas City and Pine Blufl R, R. The fine Passenger Steamer BkAfi ADAMsl, M. B. Choek master I A. L. Cummins clerk Leaves every MONDAY and THURSDAY, at & p.m. For information apply st No R Madison street. FOR (XJTTONWOOD POINT. For Cottonwood Point, Mo., and all Way Land- ings Steamer TMSEB, bCS Flowers reciter I Neil Booker clerk Will leav? TrKSDAYS and SATURDAYS, at 5 p.m. For freight or passage apply on tKiard. FOR WHITE AND BLACK RIVERS. HILT HARRT LIST Memphis Wbits and Black Ul vcr 1 . S. Ma J Packet. For Indian Bay, St. CharVja, Clarendon, Devalls Bluff, Des Arc A IV Usui, Jackaooport, 8oarcy, PatesviUo, SMwnattan, and Pocahontas, The new aim eiegant swamer Josie Marry, M. R. Harrv. Master. On and after September 3d will leave Mem- phis EVERY SATURDAY, at 6 p.ra., oonnecUug direct with the new Black river d. . nail pocket MILT HARRY for Powhatta and Pocahontas, and with Daily Pstekeks to Fatesville and Upper White river. lUionah rates to all points. i4 oon.i"Mf IO MOt H.rrv Iiuo, Memphis OfinrKE-''- , Trtt"" rrf".. Ottlce, no. b '.'Jrr rlv. ri. R. W. LItiHI BORNE, A;;ent. t Monroe st Memphis& White River PacketCo Bfrnlar Indopcadot Memphis and W hite River 1'ai.ket For Augusta, Jacksontiort, See. re y. and Way Point--Tut- ! Regular Lndepend-de-n- t Packet E. C. Postal master C Postal clerk Will leave Memphis EVERY WEDNESDAY, from July litth, at 5 p.m. For frelcHt or passage appiy to .1. T. WASHINGTON. Ay.--t.- Mrtioif IIIRDHAKE. 1- -3 is h 2 i i w i I J - H cm to EM n 5 H ei HI o P Of RFLTI.X1. J. H. COFFIN & CO. WHOLLSALK Coal Oil Linseed, Lard, Lubricating- - and Ma- chinery Oils, Engineers' Supplies. AGENTS FOB New York Belting and Packing Co Btandard Rubber Belting and Packing. J. 11. Hoyt & C7T" Standard Leather Belting, Shultz Rawhide Leather Belting, Rawhide Lace Leather. MANILLA & SISAL HOPE, Oakum, Pitch, Cool-Ta- r, Pino-Ta- r and Rosin, Tackle Blocks. . Stock Co 14 1 11 1 fin DHS WHOLESALE CLOTHING HOUSE Solicitel S. VENDIG, 259 MAIN ST. N.n corrniTRY orders promptly fillet. TO PSIIF 1W ioiiiin m) ii Mill w Loiii WHOLESALE &Otlt in St. Louis IT Uents'Furiiisiiingioods COR. ST. CHARLES & FIFTH. business roui, a.uo.1, it aas.taji.t3s it a jpuyeuufiA uupaasiDiutf ui Darrj an both houses. Any order we may be favored with, shall have our prompt attention. A Full Line of Samples of our St. Louis Stock will be kept at our former store, 296 MAIN STREET, lEBFUS IEW RECEIPTS! 1000 BAGS COFFEE. 1000 SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT, 2000 BRLS. COLE'S FLOUR. SCHOOLFIELD, HANAUER & 0. J, W. BOWIiETT & CO, Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants 355 Front Street, Slcmplils, Tenn. DANIEL ICotloiEiss, has to an . SJ I A & a: Clark. M. J. Clark. mid Bai of all to m a ITS. J. W. F. K. a CO. thanks for the liberal heretofore we ask a contlDDsnos We aaain offer yon COTTON (IINS wh.ise merits are aiute1 by the entire cotton country. We use the BK.--T MATERIAL and make a COTTON ;IN which, with proper cars, will LAST ALMOST A LIFliTlME. Our M'UPSC III I.I.KK which we WVadded are the rpsrsln uT liullx, and will from One and a naif to Flvet'a-ul- s per punnd In WE GUAKANTKK ALL OUB MACHINES. Falling to nil our Orders last season, owing to the demand, we have increased our facllD ties for Til H, and will be anle to fill all Orders promptly. We are prepared to REPAIK GINS, FEEDERS, FKiV-iSR- In this city, having established a Shop with Mr. J. A. fclMlLKY. late Foreinin at the l'HCto:v. We can as.iire all who send os their to be repaired the work will be doue in FIKaT-CLAS- OKDER and KKASO.NABI.E PKIC'Kd CHARGED. KL.Mt I'OH Oil HKIIK FOR TKKWN. TO Wholesale OKOCEKW 369 Frout a and increased nioh PRATT Eclipse Gins COTTOIf FACTORS, Tcnuefwee, ComniiHsion Merchants. SIIW C50. CJXIatU FEEDERS AND CONDENSERS. rETrRN'ING rrspectfully Islrplrknl hnllyeal-to- n manufacturing liKtl'I.AKI PRATT GIN CO., 314 FRONT ST., MEMPHIS. J. T. FABOASOM & CO. fttrcet, Cottou Fntelors ISM) Clravler Mreet, Xew Orleuii, Im, Cotton rowslirned tonnat .Vteniphis r Mew OrlrHiis will hate and careful attention. We constantly carry a Imw and carefully acleeted stock Stai.le anrT Fancy Urooertea, Wtnaa, LlQuore, Tobacco and at MKMPHItl, and will sell as low as the Wo carry no slock -- I li, but lor parties who desire it, wul make pnrc.buua lu that Bf. Oat 1st. John S. Nntllvan. C - Wholesale Oroeers, Cotton Factors, And Commission merchants. 232 and 234 Front St., Memphis. Tenn. Brlwero fiud Out I. K. RAINEY devour his whole time to tb f. II. eS- - Titos. Cotton Was WH1TK value. Oloa Clears lowt.'ol. maxke'- - Adfm ESTABLISHED 1849. TOTS.TOTS. IX GUEaTER variety th ax ever before. Largest Stock Elegant Goods Cheap. SPECHT & WALTER, WHOLESALE CONFECTIONERS, 07 niacllHon Btroot, IVIorui JAHEH TOKC1E. TO WelKhiuR Intraitod hMd patmnsse extended, iinproi-- prompt JelTemuii and lxiss. J.W.Caldwell &C SUCCESSORS WHOLESALE GROCERS, Cotton Factors and Commission Hercnts Beiuoved to 321 Front street, SfiempJ;

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Post on 18-Oct-2018




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H itAll Tlirousli Their


Prices Lower than the Same Quality of Goods

can be Purchased Elsewhere." SllL, Velvets ami lMus.ies,

Kr, Msade. Quality nd; Prlee.

Hm!soinc ami JSeuinm-Fr-e- e Iress Goods,tm all tne lrrnl Umkiamlomi.

Sill, nml Cloth Dolmans.Silk nml Cloth Circulars,Iridic" and HifM'' Cloaks,I'Ktrr. and Jackets,I.aiI.eV and Jl Uses' .Suits.l,.iii'. MiM' and Children's Fine and

JI hI i u m-- lr i co 2 Io.s i crj--.

Klcnnt Fiehii and Xeokwoar,K(Mria! Xovelties in Xsaee Goods.

Kid Gloves, Itibbous,lssamcnlerios, Fringes and




COSTCUii: S3"&2.S !

mi FRANK &

HOWE'S IMPROVEDJliilrwid Truck, ITazon, Dormant, Platform, Counter, and other






t.iim tat Ceiaia ItlaoMaxt GoodI y l4f-ria- n, R J M cm. Lack

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Coll M? , HI are and naailae tbeoeoottf ol otorlL.aritiEiitk, low riicm;GOODMAN cte CO.JET PAXACE,naiB Vlrrvr-t- . i lay Building.


AY. A. Whcatley,Real Estate Agent


ATTOBXEY;1 MXu Street, Walker Block,irirHM tf EE

)OM Orncro, Ja. C. K. QaosTISOK.


Real Estate DealersAGENTS AD BROKERS,

OiriCS, 234 SECOND ST.,M. E. Cor. Secoa! aad Coart,


PEAL"rATE EOCGHT AlfD SOLD, TAXES'f.iiect1. etc. on OowimK-lar- i.

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lMtlVrei.t Depart incuts,





-- A.2STX-

Hade to

THE SHIRT TAILOR,259 1- -2 .Main, Opp. Court SquarePerfoct Fit and Satisfaction Warranted.

Material and Make the Bevt.

Xay's Medicated Flannel UnderwearPrevent Chills and RheumatUm.

The Finest and Largest Stock of Gents'FnrnUkJDKS in the South, AT LOWESTPRICES.

No. 2G9J Main Street, Opp. Court Sqaare



SO. 211 31 UX STREET.r Received on MONDAY, 14th. SO of the finest

Andreasberx Trlller and Hani Monn-tal- n

auarie, in full toinr. In reduce thislane ato-- k. wi 1 sell. FOR POSITIVELY ONEWKEK ONLY, at from i SO to 84. aecordini; toson. The ladies are cse ially invited to call andaee the ltird. Orders by mail promptly and

filled. In fUck, a full supply ofbiro CAcs or i;vi:it v iEM:Kipno.v,

Winter Grasses, llantrlnv Raskets, Vasea, Pot-tery, Shells of Every Description.

Agency of the Celebrated DETROIT STEEL DOOR,FRAME AND JAMB SAFES.a. Telephone your OrdiT.o- -


Cliane Our Business to one of

m 1 p3 mm

."' TO OUR

"Vo invite an inspection of theIrfioei'st and Best .Assortment of

CLOTHS, CASHIMKRE8 andSUITINGS U Ik) (ound at any TalloriugEstablishment in the Southwest.

-- Wc keep nothing but ImportedGoods.a" Samples sent on application.

MURRAY A RIDUKLY,Uadtaon Street, Memphis.



MONDAY AND XOV. 21-- 22.

Only aopearance In thl eirvnf the World-re-- "

nowned PIANIST,

n. A. 35" A. 33 U

Assit-- d by the charming yotum Prima Donna


"CHANGE OF PROGRAMME EACH NIGHT.Price of Admission Dress Circle and Parquet. .SI 25

Fainilv Circle 50 cent Balcony A, centsi 7. an. . .. , t I 'urtViv'a '.l Miiin tro,.1tLI. AT Mltst I'lTTS'S

pkivati:For fine advaniagia Vocal Miuic Pmf. ANTON

has take c: :nc department.nasa ijessons, per mourn.Private per month.

EHPHIS93 Adam St., bel. Tblrd and fourth.


Door open from 10 to 12 from 3 to u p.m.,and from 7:30 to 10 p.m.

Sinple adm I avion 25

Iseoffkatea ..... --5Ticket in pakaci s of 12 each, rood for on

admi.ssion orouepairof skates 2 ;0I.adi' and children's admission JO

Use of sktu for ladies and children.-- .. IhInstruction Free

8kiteii for sale at the Rink.The management reserves the right to refute

to anv objectionable pPROvr. f.EVI. PmoriHtor and Mafia ger.


1 500 hafrs rotlce.10(H) lirls Reflned Sr.gars.1000 Tcs., liuckeU and Tin Tails Fair-

banks Lard.800 bris. Silver Moon Flour New Pro-

cess. !

200 bi bi. Royal Taint Flour.500 brls. Flour different kinds.

&0 Tierces li.tuis.500 hlf. brls. New Mackerel.

2000 Kit New Mackerel.100.000 lbs. Candy, Stick and Fancy.10,000 cases imported and American Sar-

dines, Pickles, Salmon, Oysters,Peaches, Tomntoes, Mackerel, Lob-ster!',

Etc.1000 bags hnnd-vlcke- d and

Virginia and Tennesseel'eannts.

1000 bays Nuts Brazil, Pe-rjiti-

Waln- - s. etc.500 hlf brls and Drls. Oatmeal, cracked

Wheat, Barley, tirs-hju- i Flour, etc.500 bxs. IUsmh", Prunes, Citron, etc200 bx. New Crfaui CheB.

50 brls pnre Yinetrar.100 bxs. Sase. Ho;s, Rice

Flonr,, etc. --

50 brls. and Halves tirecu & Cluik'sCider.

200 bags Bairy and Small rocket Salt.

l oJbt .lo t.K


Ammunition and Fishing Tackle,345 Main


8. W. Cor. Jefferson and Second Streets."TT"7"E have reeiv-- our Fall and Winter

V Stten ,r Ii:iprted 4.4,U. which forStyle, Mtterialand Pr:c,c.unnot be c.ce'ii d.

will rhid it to the'r iiiU rctl to examii.e ourlsre Hwortrn" t tn'fnr ll T'


tea Vine Strrtl, Cincinnati, Ohio.ALLISON, SMITH & JOHNSON.

The typo on which this paper la printed Is froutha above Foundry. Ki.

Willi all Coupon from July, 1M3, onALSO COTTON BONDS.

State quantity and price. Address" I t KS K..T .iTa. Vow York







w .ft if















Brandy-Peache- s, Brandy-Cherrie- s,

macliinc-rleane- d



VIENNA,Guus, ISiklci, litols,

street Memp!iis,Tenn.


Slayer Golilljanm,FASHIONVIiLE

Merchant Tailors,




Exclusive Wholesale,



ifi jfirm vifvim m.'sra tr.ws1w rw&








One of the Newly Elect ed Directors of theMt'iniihis ft ml Charleston Railroad,

Makes a Statement Touching the

Management of that Great HighwayThe Louisville Road Has No Share

In It and is Not Likely to' Have.

Kashville American, 17tU.

As the stock of the Memphis ami CharlestonRailroad is largely owned in this city, therein neccoaarily a great deal of interest mani-fested in whatever occur with reference toit. An Avurierrn reporter called upon Presi-dent J auics D. Porter, of the Nashville andChattanooga and St. Louis Railway, whowas elected a director in the Memphis andCharleston Railroad, Tuesday, at Hunts-vill- e,

and asked him about the Ieae for sev-

enteen years which the representatives of theEast Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Kail-rot-

claimed to have on the Memphis andCharleston Railroad. President Porter saidthat Fome of the best lawyers in the Statewere of the opinion that there would be notrouble about it. These lawyers had giventhe strongest assurance that the lease wouldnot stand tbe test of law. Besides,the lessees had not complied with theterms of the lease. By it the surplus earnings were to have been turned overto the stockholders, whicn was not done. Instead of thi, the road had been in debt. Thestockholders of the ilempuis and Charlestonhad no animosity to the leses, for, if theyhad set aside the surplus earnings for tbebenefit of them, they would probably nothave sought to gain control of their property.Neither had they formed any combinationwith any other line of road. The stock atfirst had been purchased as a speculation, butthose who held it were decided to come together in a pool and seek control of the roadThe lessees held but little of the Memphisand Charleston stock. The Board of Direc-tors would probably meet at Mem phis withinthe next ten or fifteen days, and determineon the course to be pursued. The attorneysto be employed would probably be instructedto app'v for the anpoin.ment of a receiverwhen the road would revert to the stockhold-ers, and be under the control and operated byby them.MEMPHIS HAD NO VOICE, THOUGH REPRE

SENTED.Ledger of Yesterday.

Practically speakinp, the late Board ofDirectors in the Memphis and CharlestonRailroad company had no voice in the man-agement of the road. Nominally, Memphiswas represented by three of her foremost,sncceAstiil and esteemed business men, Messrs.jieely, IiiU and IJanauer. Thp Jiaat Ten-nessee, Yirgiuia and Ueorzia Railroad company had, and has yet, a complete control ofthe Memphis and Charleston road, aa of theline runtime from .pnsioi to Miauunooga.The late Board could meet and reso've andelect olCcers, but that was all, and this wasthe idea expressed the other day, though notquite so clearly, llie new Uonrd, in thetvent that the lease is brokf n. will absolntc'ycontrol the road, elect its officers, and run itsaffairs. Then Memphis would be representedin the management. As to the eil'ect thiswould have here, we salj pqJ e hastv inexpiCa'nt an opinion. There will be timeenough when a.i ! bearings inthe case come out and are discutHed.There are large interests and able menon both sides. Elsewhere will be foundthe views of Porter stated explicitly and couc:sely. The new Memphisdirectors make eubstauuaiiy me sume state-ments. The stock was originally bought onspeculation, in view of the fact that the in-

trinsic value of the rond was increasing;stockholder representing a majority forme.)a pool, a::d repaired to break the lease ifpossible and take the rgad into their ownhands. Some of these stockholders arefriendly to tha Louisville aud Nashvilleroad, an 1 may hold sonic of its stock, butnothing more than surmise ami vague rumorconnects the Louisvilie and Xashville as acorporation with the movement. The newdirector, it is understood, will meet herenext we-- and adopt some decided policy,interesting developments may be expected.They are a brainy, long-heade- d crowd, withthe nerve and capital and experience to makea tremendous fight on any line they mayadopt. And in Colonel E. W. Cole theyhave a foeman worthy of thtir steel.


Avi,laucl;e of Yesterday.A citizen who U well info.uied in railway

matters, says that in this era of railway com-

bination an iudepeodtnt line from Memphisto Stevenson is an absurdity. It would cotbe run assuub sixty days before it was sold outto form a trunk-lin- e somewhere, or sold outto some rival line that would desire to con-trol a competing road. Railway business isn,:t the same that it wa twenty years ago.Then independent lines were the rule, nowthey are the exception, sod Ihe trunk-lin- e

combinations have it in their power to ruleor ruin the short independent lines. Thedangtr that menaces Memphis in any changeof the control of the Memphis and Charles-ton Kailwav is that the road is likely to fallinto le3S ii.endj bf-d- than the presentlessees.


Joaeffy Monday.The courts s?e all dry now.The amnement season be8it" cp;t week

Judge EUridge has returned from Bart-lett- .

A sewer is being dug back Cof tl e ourt- -UoUKr.

After a morbid day, it began to rainyesterd ay.

The work on the Customhouse is pro-gressing.

There are few deaths atd few failures iuMemphis,

Sheriff Athy is siI to be the btrongestman in town.

Yesterday was a windy, dusty, disa-greeable day.

There was no complaint about a wantoi dut yesterday.

The nmaieai i.eit dI tha season will bethe Jo?e2y concerts.

Memphis stems to be a booming everyway but iu her streets.

All contemplated suits for divorce yesterday were postponed.

The skaiisg rirk furnishes good amuse-ment all through the sea.u.

The Legislative Council will soon passupon the double-trac- k question.

Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Long will lec-ture to the youug ladies of Memphis.

Let Memphis cover her streets well andshe can laugh the yellow-feve- r to scorn.

Rabbi M. Samfield lectured on "TheJews in Spain" at the Synagogue last night.

Soon as there is some real blisteringweather, the country people will flock iotown.

The military companies are espected togive some pleasant entertainments thiswinter.

Memphis was about as dull a town yes-terday as could be found anywhere in thecounU-y- .

Joe Brooks will bring a trunk full ( fscenery and ntw curtain with him when hegets here.

W. A. Perkins wai arrested yesterdayfor olitaiuii.g a Move from Mrs. Speed audtellit'g it.

The. rain at midnight was very chillyand there was every prospect of a touch ofcold weather

The Eclipse hoys, of Louisville, beatall the New Orleans clubs. The Reds willgive them a good tu.-m-e.

M:rrias:e licenses were granted Yester-day to J. M. I fill anil Kmma r'lenony, Mosesliwynr.e and Mary AVilliams, Louis Thomp-son nnd Fannie lce.

The LtiJjer'i obituary on the Sentinel;"Another trashy, empty bit of newspaper en-

terprise in this city has gone the way of itsmany puny little predecessors."

Ed Moss, of Sardi., Mississippi, who iswanted at home for carrying a concealedweapon and resisting an officer, was arrestedby Captain OTlavrr yesterday.

A pretty enc-stor- hotisa about fourmiles east of Barllett, occupied by a gentle-man named Blaud, end owned by CharlesI'ickey, was burned night before last.

Moses Gwynti, colored, from circum-stances over which be had no control, wisforced to marry Mary Williams yesterday,Squire Spelluiau performing tlie marriageCcrcmou.

The suit of DiUi.i Long against Gabayfar the value of a car-loa- d oi iron was com-pleted in the Circuit Court a ver-dict of being brought in by the juryfor the phiintilf.

The Louisville Eclipse Baseball Clubarrived in the city yesterday, aud will re-

main through Sunday, when they will playwith the Memphis Reds. The Eclipse isabout the best amateur club in the country,and a game with them is well worth seeing.

A country darky came into the CriminalCourt the jther day while Judge 'Wright wasmaking a speech, lie had probably neverbeen in a court before, lie bent over audsaid to an attorney: '"What's dat ole man(pointing to Judge Wright) tried for?""Burglary," said the lawyer gravely.

Daniel O'leary, the great pedestrian,will be here earlv in December, and there isa probability that Charles T. liarriman, thechampion of the world, will also be here.They are to walk for a prize of $1000 earlyin I Vceuiber, and it would he a good thingif they were to have their contest here.

Last night Mary Lane, colored, diedsuddenly at 101 iVsoto street. 'SquireQuiglev was called to hold an inquest, andthe verdict of the jury was that she came toher death from spasms. About two yef.rsago .he received a severe blow upon thehead, frou which she had suffered considera-bly ever Hino.

George Cook and J. C. Carney were ar-

rested yesterday for stealing a railroad ticketfrom a passenger on the Memphis and LittleRock emigrant train. The passenger caughtIhem iu his pocket, and clinched them. Theythen juuipid oil' the train and remained hirein Memphis, l i e poliue were informed the two men did, and they arrestedt!i in, the passenger having lost his ticket bytheir sleight of hand. One. of. them said he

was going to Ilopefield, and the other to HotSprings. They had to be discharged, as thepassenger had gone on.

Captain O'Haver yesterday arrested aman named Bullard at the Chambers Hotel.Bui lard is from Corinth, Mississippi, wherehe mortgaged some stock, run off with it andsold it. A telegram to the police put theofficers on his track, and he was caught with itat the hotel, where he had signed himself H.Hull. He gave himself away, however, bysigning tbe real name of his family, who arehere.

Messrs. J. J. Ileinrich and John G. Mul- -ler returned yesterday afternoon from a two-da-

hunt at Horn Lake, Mississippi, twenty- -tnree miles south ot this place, i. hey madethe trip in a one-hors- e spring wagon, and ex-hibited on their return a fine fat

deer: one large cata-mount, which was killed by the dogs after along and desperate fight; one opossum, whichwas taken alive, and was secured to thewagon by a split limb fastened over its tail,and a fine layout of squirrels and birds. Theentire display was admired by many whilethe party took a halt for refreshments at thecorner of Main and Monroe streets.


Dr. J. D. White has returned to the city.Mr. Phil Hinkle, Auditor of Louisville,

is in the city.Mrs. E. TJrhuhart, of Little Rock, is vis-

iting her mother here.Mr. L. J. Brooks, editor of the Wat

Tennetae Whig, is in the city for a few days.Mr. "VVrkiht Kelley, agent of the San

Francisco Chronicle, was iu the city yester-day.

Mr. Erwin Craighead, of the New Orleans outlet, was in the city yesterday on hisway up the river for a visit.

Colonel YY. C. Falkner, who has wona national reputation as the author of TheWhite Roe nf Memphis, is stopping at thePeabody. He is accompanied by his beauti-ful daughter, Miss Bamma Roy Falkner.

The following visitors registered at theCotton Exchange yesterday: Mr. Saulsbury,Double Bridges; A. T. Morgan, Mt. Pleasant, Mississippi; J. II. Mosby, Kossuth; J. 1.Jackson, New York; George Wind, Cincin-nati; A. H. Goodman, Covington; 11. P,Sloan, Philadelphia.

Mrs. Sallie A. Malose, of CotirtlandiMississippi, is on a visit to her Memphisfriends and relations. Thepub'.ic will be delighted to learn that Blie proposes, at no dis-tant day, to publish in book form the poemswhich have reflected so much credit uponher genius and the literature of the South.George D. Prentice, over twenty years ago,pronounced her the most brilliant of all hisSouthern contributors, and we are gratifiedto know that her poems are to be preservedin book lorm.


C hancery Court McDowell, Judge.Calendar for Monday, 21st: 20GS, Walker

vs Wicks; ai.Vk, Cocke vs Tl atelier; 34Io,White vs Waldran; 3045, Morgan vs Dick-ens; 3627, Thomas vs McDonald; 3830,Maver vs Insurance Company; 3854, Castlesvs Woodruff'; 385S, Waldran vs Hoist; 3885,State vs Anderson; 3915, Barrett vs City;3922, McKesson vs Curtis; 3923, Cubbins vsHiskey; 39:4, Gaston vs Kittre.'ge; 3939,Lane vs Anderson; 3940, Williams vs Wil-li-m- s;

?9J1, Wheatley vsAvres: 3953, Bar-bie- re

vs Gaston; 39s!, Orgill vs Deeson;S93S, Battelle vs Rolling-mil- l; 39T3, Attjickvs Marsh; 3975, McFarland vs Allen; 397ti,Speigle vs Crook; 3982, O'Neil vs Brown;3987, Hester vs Sooy ; 398S, Ben jes vs Grist ;

399, State vs Armour; 3698, Smith vsSmith. '

decisions yesterday by chancellorm'dowell.

Lemmon vs Jelks, motion to dismiss over-rule-

Walsh vs Council, dismissed; Ander-son vs Paine, dismissed; Goldby vs Dubose,dismissed: Cragg vs Harrin, motion over-ruled; Chtyot ys Joiner, demurrer over-ruled; Black well vs Williams, dismissal;State vs Dwyer, decree for complainant;Guion vs Ely, decree for complainant; Hillvs Deap, report as amended confirmed.

HOTEL, ARRIVALS.Peabody Motel t". H. Unlloway Co.,

PrcprieUrs.This Hotel is furnished with a steam passenger

elevator, electr c bells, and is frst-eta- in eveiydepartment. Tabic board, $:to per month.R Pavne, Georeet'n, Ky J M Given, Fulton, TennT D Hull, Chicago J K Bevkcndike. ChicagoH B strecter. Chicago J B Walthall, .MissB S Hall, Miss Landon l.von, N YC O Klctt, Phi'adelphia 8 Tiichbrand, NYC Govao, Louisville G M Howard. KyJ H Naiici', Helena F Fosliay, Heaver FailsVV E Licey, Saniih. Miss F L Mitchell, Helena,Mrs Whilst. lft, liiS5 ' iliss lllialns, .i?sH S Hsekleread ik s. Miss 1 I) Tjisworlii. N YW T Under, 1 hiia. Pa H UVclcr, St LouisR R Rogers, Dull... Tex V c l'resiou. NashvilleF U Sherwood, Tenn C Halsev, N Y

Miss B Price. Ark Mow K Price. ArkII P.Slnan, Philadelphia G W Ward, CincinnatiW W Cross!ev, N Y J II Wentworth, X YE Craighead S Orleans N It P ice, w, Je svt.ArkJ K Crawford, Tenn E I H llliams. Miss1 Hinkle, Lnnieville C H Morton, LouisvilleJ So mine re, Louisville E Swartwood, Louisvi.leJ Reccius, Louisviile J Cotiry, LouisvilieK FHHVt, Louisviile, T Mllillns. Louisville4 Volf, I ouisvUle L Browning. LouisvilleL Due kelspiel.Louuviile J Kv!;aiov. LouisviileJ G Hewlett, liuntsviiie Mrsj l urvant. MissMiss A Hrvaht, Miss K Koberts, Louisvillelrn G Hoilowr.y, Miss L Stuait, LouisvilleW K B. yd, Ga Ben s, teher, K YR L Pyke. X Y A H Klaisdell, St LouisHerman Blanke, Berlin Mrs Porter, St LouisHarry Hill. X Y G G Bovd, Cincinnati

ClaatoH'a holfl-Vovrui- brr Iw.ti.J P Simpson. Little Rock C C Huntington, citvM I. Nell, Little Rock J C ChicagoR rs Pavne, Chicago W E Maxwell, MissB F Smith, Miss w P Otfutt, ArkJ L Fletcher. Ark K S Sneoi, ColumbiaD H Hull, Miss F B Hale and lady, ArkJ K Jetfries. Friars Point Miss A JetTrie", friars PtJ L Driver, Osceola W T llHyne, MissT T A Lynn fain, Tenn C T Selvide, HumboldtJ P. Carries, Miss P W Peilcs, MissG V prcemn. hiss i; spender t LouisC li Potter, N Y ' W VMliiS. rkismuW Harper. Philadelphia J S Bou'gs, TexusJ Nelms. Texas II Ralib, Tipton, TennH C Castlebere, Des Arc J P Beston, Des Arc, ArkJ H Ashhr, Little Km k W Norwood, MissA Wnrdrop, Indian'plis It F lHii).'las, CovinptoiiJ (' Wrijnt. Covington W J Simmons, CourtlaudM I. Simmon., j o. nl'd G H Rice, N V

H 9 Katzcnburs, N Y J'Speniny,E M Blukcmore, Phlla B Neivhouse, Nashville

J MeXab. Ky.


Ely your shirts at May's.Nelson, dentist, corner Main and Union.Telephone to Fred Morli, 645 Shelby, for

choice groceries aud fresh oysters.Monuments, grave inclosnres, lotcnrbings,

cheap, at (Juig'.ey's, 432 Main, near Beale.Oatmeal, Cracked Wheat, Graham Flour,

New York State Buckwheat at Oliver, b'innie& Co.'s.

Tumors, erysipelas, mercurial diseases,scrofula and general debility cured by Dr.Lindsey's Blood Searcher.

"Hub Pt'XC'l" is delicious with lemonade,fine ice, soda or milk. Have it ready for thewelcome or parting guest. For sale by B. J.Semmes & Co.

If yon want a first class boot or shoe made,go to Voegeli & Co., as they only employonly the best mechanics and use none but thebest material. Solar tip children's shoes aspecialty. The latest ctyles ladies' hand-made shots in every variety.

The prince of punches is the delicate,d "Hub Punch," composed of old,

fine liquors and luscious fruit. It can tieused clear, or with iced water, lemonade ormilk, and tarsurpiuwes any punch brewed atdiscretion. Sold by B. J. Semmes ot Co.

We hear much complaint of impure cis-

terns. It is not generally known that physi-cians and sanitarians are unanimously agreedthat the Kirshner Improved Water Elevator,made by the Kennesaw Manufacturing Com-pany, 'o. 81 Madison street, is an effectualremedy for foul water iu cisterns.

There can be no disagreeable odors abouta house where they use fluchan's CarbolicLaundry Soap. Sold at all grocers. Whole-sale depot, 83 John street, New York. Askfor Btichan's; no other genuine; beware ofworthless imitations; genuine has the nameof the proprietors, Kidder & Laird, on eachcake.

Portai.inr, or Tabler's Vegetable LiverPowder, is a Baie and effectual remedyfor some of the greatest ills to which !csh isheir, and it is not noble to suffer the pangsot a disordered Liver, and thus be incapaci-tated for usefulness, when, by opposing itwith this purely vegetable compound, we canput to flight dyspepsia, sour stomach, sickheadache, biliousness, etc. Sold by W. 3.Wilkerson & Co., Memphis.

"Tlie Ilest of All,"Is the heading of a handbill just issued bythe iauious excursion manager U. L. Col-

lins, announcing an excursion to start forNew Orleans on December lo'.h. The rate willbe very low, and passengers will be providedwith a regular coupon ticket, good for first-cla- ss

passage to New Orleans aud return. Alltickets will be good to return on regulartrains for ten days. Accommodations willbe ample and strictly first-clas- includingPullman palace sleeping coaches, etc. Bag-gage will be checked through from pointswhere taken. The great experience of Mr.Collins in this business enables him to makethe best of arrangements for the comfort andpleasure of the excursionists. The dateswill be announced in a few days.

Silver Moon Yeast Powder, manufac-tured by us at home, and known to be abso-lutely pure and free from all adulterations,and full strength. Oliver, fiunie a co.

Freli Oysters aud CeleryReceived daily prreip.-os- ,

VICTOR D. Fll'lIS,Koa. S and 41 JelTeraoo Street.

The very finest Java, Maracaibo, Mochaand Rio coffees that money will buy roasteddaily at Oliver. Finnie A Co.'s.

Van Blel's Rye aud Rook.Sold by

A. VACCARO Si CO.,Sole Agents, Xo. 278 aud 260 Front streeL

New Process Silver Moon Flour (none bet,ter). Royal Flour (as good as any) at Oliver-Fiuu- ie

& Co.'s,

The RestHot Dinners and Laarbn, Beer, Wineand Liquors, att Ueorge NcUlllj'a, Xo. IICourt aire!.

"What everyone says must be true," that'Dr. Sellers's Cough Syrup" has no equal foroughs aud colds. Try it. Price 25c

Self-Risin- g Buckwheat, always ready furuse; no failures; can make delicious cakes infive uinues. For by all retail grocers.


The Railroads to be Called Upon to Fay

$5,350,000, of which the LittleRock Owes $1,200,000.

The Att'y-tiener- al Says They Must Pay

and Decision of the U. S. SupremeCourt is Against Them.

The Public, one of the leading commercialand financial journals of New York, nnderthe head of railroad securities, says of theArkansas bonds:

The Attorney-Genera- l of the State in response toan inquiry from the Governor, has Riven an off-icial opinion that the railroads to which State aidbonds were issued a few years aeo are legally lia-ble for the payment of the bonds. There are

these bonds outstanding, issued to thefollowing roads: Memphis and Little Rock,

Little Rock and Fort Smith, $1,000,000;Little Rock. Piue Bluff and New Orleans, ILINJO,-0U-

Mississippi, Ouachi'a and Red Kiver, ftiUO,-Gu-

and Arkauras Central, 8t,r0,000. All of theseroads are now completed, and are doing a goodbusiness, with the exception of the two last named,aud work is being vigorously pushed on the Oua-chita road. SenatorGarlaud, Governor Churchill,

Justice John Met lure, and others, haveexpressed opinions similar to that of the Attorney-Genera- l.

Suits are to be instituted in the UnitedStates court at once to force the railroad compa-nies to settle the question.


It seems highly probable that the fightover the railroad aid bonds is to be shifted tothe quarter where it really belongs to a con-test between the holders of the bonds andthe railroads for whose benefit they were is-

sued. Primarily and principally, the rail-roads were the beneficiaries. The State gotno value received from them, except, per-haps, in the enhanced value of propertycaused by the building of the roads. By adecision of the Supreme Court the bonds areheld to be void so far as the State is con-cerned. There needs, therefore, to be no ap-prehension on the part of the people as totheir liability. Strictly speaking, itis not their fight. Doubtless alarge majority of the people wouldprefer to see the liability for this debtrest where it properly belongs, but this isa question between the roads and the holdersof the bonds. If the roads have "loaded up"with the bonds in view of their liability,they have acted wisely; if they have not, tliebonds are not likely to rise to such figures aswould make it a heavy Lurden to "load up."The subject presents a flue field for discus-sion by two, classes of patriots those whoare possibly interested in the bonds on theone side, and certain protuberant railroadlawyers on tbe other side. Meanwhile, thepeople can maintain tbs serene equanimitywhich characterised the old lady during theprogress ot the ngnt oetween her husbandand the bear.EFFECT OF THE DECISION OF THE UNITED

STATES SUPREME COURT.Arkansas City Journal.

Since the decision in the Florida case, bythe Supreme Court of the United States,making the railroads bound lor the paymentof these railroad aid bonds, lately pio--nounced by our estate Court as UDConmtutionil and void, there is a flurry and hubbub likely to stir greater action and energyamong the amendment men to depreciatethese bonds that tire railroads may cover bv

i buying them in. Fair play and a fair deal.aft iiia ad aocu l v.' i u c .uuiu llun S.--

what good to brand our State with a taint efrepudiation by voting for the amendment,when suit can be brought in the federalCourt and thus bind those liable, if liable,for these bonds. Politicians are just now alittle pu;led to, tnow upon which aide oi theienue it ib saiesi to laii.LET THE BONDHOLDERS GO FOR THE RAIL-


Ho News.The Supreme Court has made its decision,

The bonds are decided null and void thatis, the railroad bonds. Now let the holderssue the railroads, for the railroads will takecare of themselves. It is the duty of thepeople to look to their interest, and we fearluey are oeiug satny eoparuieu.

TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES.Now York, November 18. Michigan re

lief fund, 5138,052.Gloucester, Mass., November 18. Losses

during the fishing season ot 1881: Men, 43;vessels, .

New York, November 18. George IL Law,the capitalist, died of disease of thebladder.

Knoxville, Teen., November 1?. To-da-y

Mibian A. Leith, insane" several years,

banged herselt.Chicago, November 18. The thermometer

in some parts ot Minnesota this morning waseight degrees below zero.

Springfield, 111., November 18. The heavyraiu that has been falling for the last twenty- -four hours was succeeded by a slightsnow-tall-

Providence, November IS. Rumballs'mill in Pascoag burned last night with someadjoining buildings. Loss about 5l0,000;insurance, 100,000.

New York, November IS. Dr. I Tamil Wd,a consulting physician during the sickness ofPresident Garfield, has been summoned as awitne.--s in the Guileau trial.

Hai,ord, November i. Insurance-Commissio-

r Brooks, of Connecticut, has or-dered the winding up of the Atias Fire In-surance company, of this city.

Chattanooga, November 18. In the mu-nicipal election yesterday Evans, Republican,was elected Mayor. The new Board standsseven Democrats and three Republicans.

Little Rock, November 18. Williamwhosuoland killed bam 11 aster, at

Forrest, City, was acquitted on theground that the killing was done in self de-fense.

Newark, November 18. The depofitors intbe Mechanics Bank, it is understood haredetermined to prosecute the directors, andemployed Benjamin F. Butler and Roger A.Pryor as counsel.

Harristurg, Pa., November IS. The off-icial vote for Slate Treasurer is as follows:Bailey, 205,295; Noble, 258,431; Wolfe, 49,-9- i;

Jackson, A'iUon, 4507; plural-ity for Bailey, 680 i.

Atlanta, November 18. A delegation ofCincinnati merchants will visit the Exposi-tion Addresses will be made inthe Judges' hall. The crowd of visitors isoverwhelmingly large.

(lalveston, November IS. The Yu SanAntonio special says; "A stage containingseven passengers and the United Stales mailwas robbed by two masked and armed mennear Laredo last Dight."

Halifax, November 18. The los of aschooner with flour for the Magdalene Islands,is expected to precipitate a seasoq of priva-tion Or starvation on the inhabitants. Thepotato crop is an entire failure.

Atlanta, November 18. Track-layin- g onthe Georgia Pacific Railway has begun,General John B. Gordon, President of theroad, driving the first spike. The occasionwas one of great interest in the city.

Hepkington, Mass., November 18. A fireoccurred last night, which threatened to beserious, but was checked before heavy prop-erty damage ensued; but twenty-fiv- e firemtnwere injured and burned, some badly.

Frankfort, Ky., November 18. A fire at 2o'clock this morning burned two saw-mil- ls atthe east end of the railroad bridge. One wasowned by Messrs. Wakefield & Congleton andthe other by Messrs. Rodman & Sneed.

Boston, November 18. A. A. Hobart,formerly Sti(erintendent of the Boston andLowell Railroad, hss just received the Ap-

pointment of Superintendent of the CliicaRncivision of the Wabash, St. Louis and PacifioRailway.

Chicago, November 18. The obsequies cfMrs. Edwin Booth were held at theSt. Paul Universalist Church, and attractedan immense concourse of mourning friendd.The funeral sermon was delivered by Prof.Swing.

Pottsville, Pa., Novemlwr 18. The entirefront of the residence of M. Markett, coaloperator at M,inersville, was torn out by anexplosion of dualiu powder, intended to de-

molish the house. None of the occupantswere hurt.

Bismarck, November 18. The riverfroze here last night, and teams crossed to-

day. It is cold but clear, and very littlesnow A Swede this evening baa his backbroken instantly by falling from a scaffoldat the Bismarck bridge.

Springfield, III., November 18. Fifteenpassengers were injured by the falling of atrain through a trestle-bridg- e across a creekon the Pekin division of the Wabash Rail,road, lour miles from here, Nonewere killed. The accident will stop travel onthat division for two or three days.

Paris IniellijeTiKr : "Messrs. J. B. Lemonsand John White have sold their grocerystore to Mr. Charles Dotey, and will go toMemphis soon. We are sorry to lose suchmen Several apples were brought toour office this week, which were gatheredfrom a J tine apple tree in Mr. William Rod-gers- 's

orchard, in South Paris. Some ofthem are as large as a hen's rgg, and are thesecond crop the tree has borue this year.

'.We have in our office a very intelli-gent young lady typo from Alabama. Shecan set her two columns and be in good hu-mor all day."

Creamery Butter by express every dayand Cream Cheese at Oliver, Finnie & Co.'s.

I)r. A. Goldstein,The celebrated Optician, can suit your eyesskillfully with the best quality of Sjiectacles.Call at his office, No. 273 Main street, up-

stairs, and be convinced.

Go See and HearThose fine Canary Birds, at 211 Main street.It will interest you.

Don't Die lu the House.Ask druggists for "Rough on Rats." It

clears out rats, mice, bed-bug- s, roaches, ver-

min, flies, ants, insects. 15c per box.

A CARD.To all who are suffering from the errors and in

discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de-

cay, loss of manhood, etc., I will send a reclp thatwill cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This greatremedy was discovered by a missionary in SouthAmerica. Bend a envelope to th&ev. Joaara.T. Inman, Station New.York City

Our immense second stockis now here. All here! Andsuch Bargains! And suchbeautiful goods.

See our elegant long SilkDolman, satin lined and fortrimmed, at $31 50.

And our Ulsters and ourJackets, and our Circulars,and our Children's Cloaks.Ladies Satin Coats, $22.

See our Colored Plush,$2 15.

See our handsome NewYork Bonnets, just opened,$11.

See our Feather Caps,$3 50.It is true that we have

Feather Caps at $1 50, butour $3 50 lot takes the lead.

Exposition of NoveltiesMonday.



Decline of Man.Impolency of mind, limb or vital function,

nervous weakness, sexual debility, etc., curedby Wells's Health Kenewer, 51. At drug-gists. Depot, G. W. Jones & Co.'s.

Use the Self-Risin- g Buckwheat, which isprepared in Memphis. It is the very testthat can be made, ror sale oj all retailgrocers.

Burnett's C'oeoainePromotes the growth of the hair, and ren-ders it dark and glossy. It holds, in a liquidform, a large proportion of deodorized

Oil, prepved expressly for this pur- -

fiose.2Co other aympourul possesses the

proerties which so exactly suit thevarious conditions of the human hair.

Self Rising Buckwheat, prepared in Mem-phis, from the very best New York StateBuckwheat. For sale by all retail grocers.


OWST EOOHtTGyor Building of all C7t(f.


Or to JOHK HASOUUK, Gen'l Agent,so. ln BRtti St.. tlnnplil.. Tenn.

& H. Heist & Bre

UNDERTAKERS!320 Main Street, Memphis."DUMAL KCRS3 AKH OOVFIN nASBWAElI Oniers by teicir&ph prouipily filled, aud Casethipped c. O. D.



biiid ft full stock of Cofflni, Burial

AlHIIMSTKATOIfS SAI.E.Public Administrator's Sale.

Office of Public Administrator, Courthouse Shelby,vuiii., iciiii., i, in u r i.,

"VrOTICE is hereby riven that I will, as Admin--istrator ol tho estates of John McGrner. lie- -

ceased; Pu'rick Barrett, dec ssed: Daniel Horandeceased; John Callahan, deceased, and JuicesRyan, deceiiscd, on

Saturday, SOib day of November, ISM,in front of the courthouse, Shelby county, Tenn ,proceed to Bell, at public outery, to the- - highestbidder, for cash, the followir-- iroertv, to wit:

10 shares of stock of Tlie Home Ins.'and TrustCo. of Memphis, belonging to the estate of JohnMcGraer. deceased.

One Silver W atch belonging to the estate of Pat-rick Barri-lt- deceased.

A Ledger 11 ounce of tisj S3 on the hooks of theextinct municipality of Memphis belonging to theestate of Daniel Horan, dc-ied- .

A Ledger Balance of S'm nj on the books nf theextinct municipality of Memphis bo.oiiying to theestate of John Callahan, deceased.

And a Ledger Balance of i IJi Pi on the books ofthe extinct municipality of Memphis belonging toUie estate of James Ka:i, deceased.

JolIX LOAGt E. Public Administrator.

AdininlNtmtor'a Sale Valuable I'aruilus;ndf.

BY virtue of a dc ree from the Honorable Chan-cery Court ol Desoto eouutv. Miss., 1 will, on

Monilay, Hie Sib or Issi,at the courthouse door at Hernando. Desoto coun-ty. Miss., proceed to sell, to the highest bidder, thefollowing described lands, situated in Desotocounty. Miss.,All less a acrcsof sec. 9, town. 2, range 8 38 acres.NW '4 of si', lti, town. 2, ranee 8 hal acres.East part NW of sec. 17, town. ranges 90 acresEast , of sec. 26, Um n. 2, range 10 tflj acros.All of sec. an, town. 2, ratigu to 040 acres.SW oi sec. 23, town. 2, range lis-l- rto ai res.All of see. Ill, Umn. 2, range 10 rVln acres.All these lauds being valuable, and those iu range10 situated in the Mississippi Bottom, with a fairproiiorliou of cleared land, good improvementand plenty of valuable timber. Oue halfcash, uoleiayablc in twelve months. with approvedsecurity, bearing 6 per cent, interest from date olsale, aud lieu retained for balance. Oct. 2;, ImL

NAIL. Adm'r ennle i; 1. Hlvtlie. rtce'd.


500 Itewnrtl.WE will oav the above reward for anv case ol

Laver ixtmptajui, uyspepsia, oiea neauaene,Constipation or Cosliveness wecanuot cure

with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the r irec-Uo-

are strictly compiled with. They are surely,Vegetable, and never fail to give satisiactiun.Sugar-coate- Large, boxes, containing so pi. Is, 25cents. For sale by all druggist. Hewarc of coun-terfeits and imitations. Ihe genuine rostiufmsHired only by JOHN C. W EHT & CO., -- I he lillMakers," 1st aud 1M1 W. Madison street, Chicago.Free trial packitge sent by mail, prepaid ou re-

ceipt of a stamp. For sale by A. Kcntert,21a Main struct, Memphis,




A dose orTarrant's Seltzer Apeilent

has removed the agony of rheumatism, and its con-tinued use entirely healed the patient. Rheuma-tism is but little, understood. Some empirics re-sort to embrocations, which are really dangerous.It is now acknowledged to be a blood disease, re-sulting from acidity. This aperient corrects allsuch acidity ,and thuscurestrotdisease. Ail rheu-matic Buften-r- are advised to try it.



For Cairo, Evanavllle, loalavllle andCinrlunatt Steamer

Vint fclilnkle, InWill leave as above ATI'RDAY, Nov. la. ato p.m.R. W. LKrHTBURNE, Agent, 7 Monroe at.


8t.JLoula and VIcUsbura; Anrbor LineV. H. Mall FOR VICKaBUUU.

Gold lnst, fcSt.McCord master, anrSrJMES.Will leave Anchor Una Wharfboat boMDAY,

Nov. 20lh, at 10 a,m Fur freight or passage applyC L. Hall. Pass'r Ag't. AD STC . Hnp't.

FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS.St. Louis and VtekKbui-a-; Anebor Line Mail FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS.

Commonwealth, .g-SV- .

McPhecters master, oSSSr5iSWill leave Anchor Line wharfboat l iil.i ia i ,Nov. 19th, at p.m. For freight or passage apply

O. t. HI.L. Pasa'r Agt. AD WTORM. Hup't.


for Sew Orleans and all Way and Plan,talion Lnndlnara Steamer

Annie r. SilverKeith, musts.

Leaves tf abave SA 1 mil AY. Kov. . p.m.Fos fxehht or passa; applyon wharfboat toC. I.. MALL, rass. Agent. AD STORM. Agent.

FOR ARKANSAS RIVER.Memphis and Arkansas River Packet Co. For Pino

Kl'.ut', Little Rock, and through to Fort Smith.

Iatlc Hooper, r-- -

Ed. Nowland master I Jas. N. Thompson . . .eiei aLeaves as above SATURDAY, Nov. l' 6 p.m.

For freight or passai ge apply '

JOHN w. h AKHl.N. Slup't "TS0 Main ST.


Icene Jjlacreuuy, rZfO. K. Jopun master I A. L. Danmug ck-ii- t

Will leave Memphis EVERY TL'FRD AYEVEXINOat 5 o'clock. lor Marians., Witlsburg, and all waylanuiugs. ror trutsat or passage appiy on ooaru,orto J. I. KANDAl.L. Hup't.


.dolph. Fulton, Osceola and way landings.

fjoanonia, r"r- -Henry coo per. ...master m. Bmithers cieikWill leave Memphis every MONDAY, WEDX&s-DA-

and FRIDAY, at b p.m. For infonnauoa ap-D- lr

on lnard. or to Ko 3 Mst'tnon iet.

LEE LINE STEAMERS.For Ciiendule, Helena and Frtatrs Point,

James JLee.Stack Lee. master I Whit'ow. clerk.i

v ill ieyfc as above oa everyMONDAY, WEDNESDAY ausd FRIDAY, at 4 p.l


Hrmnbl, and Arkansas lity Packet Co.Adams U. S. Mail Line For Helena, Friars Point,Concordia, Terrene, Arkansas City and PineBlufl R, R. The fine Passenger Steamer

BkAfi ADAMsl,M. B. Choek master I A. L. Cummins clerkLeaves every MONDAY and THURSDAY, at & p.m.

For information apply st No R Madison street.

FOR (XJTTONWOOD POINT.For Cottonwood Point, Mo., and all Way Land-

ings Steamer

TMSEB, bCSFlowers reciter I Neil Booker clerk

Will leav? TrKSDAYS and SATURDAYS, at 5p.m. For freight or passage apply on tKiard.


and Black Ul vcr 1 . S. Ma J Packet.For Indian Bay, St. CharVja, Clarendon, Devalls

Bluff, Des Arc A IV Usui, Jackaooport, 8oarcy,PatesviUo, SMwnattan, and Pocahontas, Thenew aim eiegant swamer

Josie Marry,M. R. Harrv. Master.

On and after September 3d will leave Mem-phis EVERY SATURDAY, at 6 p.ra., oonnecUugdirect with the new Black river d. . nail pocketMILT HARRY for Powhatta and Pocahontas,and with Daily Pstekeks to Fatesville and UpperWhite river. lUionah rates to all points.

i4 oon.i"Mf IO MOt H.rrv Iiuo, MemphisOfinrKE-''- , Trtt"" rrf"..

Ottlce, no. b '.'Jrr rlv. ri.R. W. LItiHI BORNE, A;;ent. t Monroe st

Memphis& White River PacketCoBfrnlar Indopcadot Memphis and

W hite River 1'ai.ket For Augusta, Jacksontiort,See. rey. and Way Point--Tut- ! Regular Lndepend-de-n- t


E. C. Postal master C Postal clerkWill leave Memphis EVERY WEDNESDAY, from

July litth, at 5 p.m. For frelcHt or passage appiy to.1. T. WASHINGTON. Ay.--t.- Mrtioif


is h 2 i i w i

I J -

H cmto EM

n 5 H ei HI o



Coal OilLinseed, Lard, Lubricating-- and Ma-

chinery Oils, Engineers' Supplies.

AGENTS FOBNew York Belting and Packing Co

Btandard Rubber Belting and Packing.

J. 11. Hoyt & C7T"Standard LeatherBelting,

Shultz Rawhide Leather Belting,Rawhide Lace Leather.

MANILLA & SISAL HOPE,Oakum, Pitch, Cool-Ta- r, Pino-Ta- r and

Rosin, Tackle Blocks.


Stock Co

14 1 11 1

fin DHS



S. VENDIG, 259 MAIN ST.N.n corrniTRY orders promptly fillet.

TO PSIIF 1Wioiiiin m) ii Mill w Loiii


&Otlt in St. Louis



businessroui, a.uo.1, it aas.taji.t3s it a jpuyeuufiA uupaasiDiutf ui Darrj anboth houses. Any order we may be favored with, shall

have our prompt attention.A Full Line of Samples of our St. Louis Stock will be

kept at our former store,




J, W. BOWIiETT & CO,Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants

355 Front Street, Slcmplils, Tenn.



has to an. SJ I A



Clark. M. J. Clark.

mid Bai of all to m


ITS. J. W.

F. K. a CO.

thanks for the liberal heretofore we ask a contlDDsnosWe aaain offer yon COTTON (IINS wh.ise merits are aiute1 by the entire cotton

country. We use the BK.--T MATERIAL and make a COTTON ;IN which, with proper cars, willLAST ALMOST A LIFliTlME. Our M'UPSC III I.I.KK which we WVaddedare the rpsrsln uT liullx, and willfrom One and a naif to Flvet'a-ul- s per punnd In WE GUAKANTKK ALL OUBMACHINES. Falling to nil our Orders last season, owing to the demand, we have increased our facllDties for Til H, and will be anle to fill all Orders promptly.

We are prepared to REPAIK GINS, FEEDERS, FKiV-iSR- In this city, having established a Shopwith Mr. J. A. fclMlLKY. late Foreinin at the l'HCto:v. We can as.iire all who send os their to berepaired the work will be doue in FIKaT-CLAS- OKDER and KKASO.NABI.E PKIC'Kd CHARGED.


Wholesale OKOCEKW369 Frout



increased nioh

PRATTEclipse Gins

COTTOIf, Tcnuefwee,

ComniiHsion Merchants.




Islrplrknl hnllyeal-to- n





Cottou FntelorsISM) Clravler Mreet, Xew Orleuii, Im,

Cotton rowslirned tonnat .Vteniphis r Mew OrlrHiis will hate and carefulattention. We constantly carry a Imw and carefully acleeted stock Stai.le anrT Fancy Urooertea, Wtnaa,LlQuore, Tobacco and at MKMPHItl, and will sell as low as the Wo carry no slock --Ili, but lor parties who desire it, wul make pnrc.buua lu that

Bf. Oat 1st. John S. Nntllvan.

C -Wholesale Oroeers, Cotton Factors,

And Commission merchants.

232 and 234 Front St., Memphis. Tenn.Brlwero fiud

Out I. K. RAINEY devour his whole time to tb

f. II.








Clears lowt.'ol.maxke'- -



TOTS.TOTS.IX GUEaTER variety th ax ever before.

Largest Stock Elegant Goods Cheap.


07 niacllHon Btroot, IVIoruiJAHEH TOKC1E.


WelKhiuR Intraitod


patmnsse extended,








Cotton Factors and Commission HercntsBeiuoved to 321 Front street, SfiempJ;