memphis daily appeal. (memphis, tennessee) 1884-11-11 [p ]. · v i'1 4.. taproveient! feeling...

V I'1 4.. taproveient ! Feeling that the public is warmly interested in n.AQnniiiv nf mir hnnse. we announce with " " pleasure the vast improvements in our mndo necessary by the or AAV li nf nnr business. The space has been doubled, making these the lt.rMmi nnfi niftst, rnnimodioiaS aDartments in ajTrjll Jlja,a.vva flu. rniiiifrv. It is almost needless to aim is to reach the very highest standard of excel , lnice in every detail of our enormous business. Sl ... i.aMilea or their aartwada. . au ...a Hll. snarUlBK all th nts Ridgely, Tailors and Importers, 38 Iladison, aa rM.natl tbwae of y rir-t-I-a ftUlwr la the TJmltl State. application to tea wbo tins lert nawerM, ar Bmmlr, It ie eeenemy set bee)t. ' ' RELIABLE GOODS -- REASONABLE PRICES Adieu? Bro. "J; FINE: 2G1 3Iniu r..r. ihxuiamwlll HWlieenr ereaiel alltaUm. Our Illaatrateel atilntn. !! rf mmt fre H.G tin QuncQ Wlreet, HOLLENBERG'S No. 2SO Street. F. MILIiEH PIAHO.the acknowledged faTorHe of the ,' j iiii.i Err A mill rllkn Th. HULI.CN. tr. it rianints. mi i . nii i - . ih. mo . t Doim'tir u Hlano ... in i the couth -- .1,1 .V. hi a u i a. a.. nun iu, - iW lniramU ho e IHw Inatmllmei HEW GOODS. 2Vu liouieiana ioldon KyrniN Jlnplc Syrui, llitlvi and Soir-Klttl- ng llncka wheat jr. F. aTJCltnAM & OQ J)HS. A. WliSSON & SON, DENTISTS, 5o. Slnln Street. i Wbolwale and Betail Dealer In OUN3, RIFLES. PlctfOLS, All of AramnnUton, Fine Pocket httlry, , .Li'. faokle, ui" r,8J looted floe llKmrocricM and e .ir f r.r. 14 aaleit., Mempima. T-n- Man- - fct.-fir- and reiia.rina don. jr .""f,1? N- - ".VJ-,.- r. Ir,. .li.l on SliiRA & XcCAKTUY, Froprt, 140. U2, 144 Front st, Memphis SS ? TBS 1ATUJJbT BOILKR 8H0P8 IH J U 6.utl, imn vne o -- .i.u... vVnr1!! intbe ... a. . k.l&a trwei' trrlee, biioeiaJ attaotioa gi A. J. VIENNA gSsCO. ' TMP0KTERS ASDIHSAI.RR8 VB 1 ltlttes, Ammunition A5D riSUU'U TACKLE. So, a 17 Main Street Mompliti. rnn n rli'd at tb l"wct rrlo. pa 0aiw, i t. C. K. e0T0S QYERTOH & GR0SVEK0R, .Uoal Estate Dealers AOiiXTS AXD BBOKEKS, o ri lCE, 234 SECOND ST., i is. K. Vr. Sreoon avrnd Cowrt, jftiATIalS, TEX58SEE. BSTATSBOUSHT ANDSOLB.TAXia HEAL Bnt (oHt.til. et.. on ComlHin, j..o."scaMZOi atsoN, (Sitoeaeeor to J. 8. Schmidt). rp rl KC St As w aTatF.KT Wnoieaaleand retail ' ' tmmaBlliea, rial, w.. Lleotrio Hell a"d Annuociator mr Hmcia and Rcsiococca. Itartlsr and tire- - itmi rrr, siann n,v.... j . j ' I pi). liwKt'infl Bftnd ULMULK!K!S IAUSS k S lOKEUOLSl'.H FOB IK EST OK RALE. etTcrini, on liberal terras, aaort desirable 1AM riyin t et Tenneeeee. At Witbe Sta- tion, miles from Memphis, on L.aad N. R.R., au, litre reaidence with i moms: onestorehooae, town inta and parcels of land. At Atoka tbe C, O. ead S. W K.R.. aailae Hw Memphis, storehouses, eottaces and dwel- ling, all in brvt-cla- repair, with all aecessarr Alao. a new livery liable and drut at re i r pecna wiahinr to aecure sins 11 farms w lb caltivatlos of cottoo, sTs-a- . traits, atc.l.r tbe a.e.mihia or Nortbera mar. Vets, i atu olierina special Inducements in Utile Inriiia, ransiu fmm JO. ln, eoand tract,. Aim. larircr tracts, contAinina 100. rial, am. uu at.d NA anrea ell ef wbirb. witai (ord imoroTe-imi- u ao-- l in tiUh atate of eullnaUia.conren-teo- t mr .lujimant from Atoka, and is aituuted in haoltl'T eiuuur, where there are aood ewkones andcuurobta. Adirs ' TiPM'Ka'L'WaWl'' aa J, Ml Pt.lLSONAL. M. FVi'V A Office, aortbeaet eetwet 1 J Jef'oreon aud Miin s taensral OHioeaed iiaied-o- fraftioe. Offioe lours, 10 a.m. to 1 i . , and ryan2 to a p.m. Vr i -- - r'illi.'l'irs has remoTed U MadC 1 K--a sirest to Secjjnd stryet. qy I'm I Nnna !. I . i Unl . M KAVKJ OK KT0LE. K- -A V.aynisre male, 6 vears old, 10 bands u i.i iurti to isccy't sULlc, Aiiatns A Iff I'.rd i d wLite tnearly wh tel cowi ti u one ear, otrf lu ia tfce ; i.;iici 'n rio'i.K. Liix-r- l - M 1 V. Vf nr-- 1. tlj R(tICIHIC. l!.-r.- iti Cnl'm's pasture, on r.d, mr t, i';b, ..f... j. aiifi tis offers tfj-- " 1 - v ii a a e u rapid and unparalleled a add that our constant lock Imported Olotb.j Eateat PeiliM la aeaUeanoa'B Ww, Co Memphis, Tenn. tm mm ly miquww, w wpirT .1 . inn at medium price, j neteet w "in me a.k ..uaumniB Tli. and n.oat aa taw 3Iaiu iKSIStMIMoai HKJfRY foIastfH Impair, Ouns. jiri,Hlcr,iM Insr laatramrala, t.t., W iM!-aa- il ama aietmtl. fiaie. ROOMS AND BOARD, or witbont board, at the Arlinf ROOVfl-Wl- th lOOend 111 Adame ttreet. fiOUM AND BCMRO Une laree and ene email XV room, with poard, at 34 Second atr.t. 00 Mi. Without board. PARK HOTEL. i( AND 18 Market l treat Beard. W 50; tlrfle JLJ roomi, W Pr weem traniianit, n per uay. With or wtthoot board ROOMS At 1U3 foplar rtreat. T0ARINO Firat-olaa- e boarding by the day JD or ink. at (IS Monroe trout. tOOMa A SI) BOAKU By WMk or month, at LV ui Second ftrect. Alao.aay board R OOM Delrable lrnlhd room, with board J two ant'eDion preierrea, bl io vmn iu TSbS'fRtlOMS At 4S2 bhelby etnet.. Aleo, 3 a few poaMere taken. 0003 A larpe, plaaaant front room, with XV board, at moderaU prica. Alan few day boarder. DOOMS Elegant fiuniabed front room "with Aor without board Large yard. 116Coartat- - ftlllki Thre. pleaaaat furnliibed roorai with JTv or without board. UltUUAl O OOM U nfurnlihed room, with or withont fTAJIllS w urwTnpillTS At LOKO A MOOK'3, Main it. n aSVAPSKBe A good oanrajaer fortbii city. Abw nveior ie right party. C. 1. A UlAllOV.I , WjlMirvB GE8T Can add Al line Samnlee (mall: xV. eoiamiaaione eaan. N. Orltana agent earn I18U0 yearly, r. u- - 11 'X 1371 Mework. T ADIE3 AND QKJiTUIS wifnin; ; to leare 1 j on tbe eriy ireiiini oi ine iopiiiic, ow n.l.ra and Texae railroad can Und acco aod- - fioneat BO, WSliliOKUlASr. TABKSSMAKKRa Foar good dieatmakan al U M Marrhall arenne. Apply at once QITCATI'IS By competent book keaeer. O fliw.d refercnc. Adrers W. 8. 14 Main. B 0ABUEB- 8- m SHELBY ST. -- wp ari-la-a aawtnr-machin- e operator, W" AIM a akin-trimm- ind waiu-roaic- r. Ap ply at once to Mint. Alexandre voaari, zu mam Mrees. n. At 71 Union itre--t. Ileed net apply C10K well recommended. " rtli-- No Ire'-elar- a yonn men for the pr- - XA-- twae of inu-uoic- T.P?illwJSI,, al. Apply at rpo RENT a Cottage, with o or I Kiomji. In aood X repair. Addreae SU.l-- nlt Bleetrla Lamp ASNT8-Add- rei Louie. Mo., for Circulare, Cut -- nd term ef power Marah Klectrical Lamp. A OKNT- -It will uf an intelligent man or XJ-- woman wanting iiQtame gropioyoiana w wriie isr my lllnftrated elrcular ana ao.'ms of , V celebrated MISSOURI PtbAM WASliliH, wii'i. .byreaaon of it great In Irineie nierit, ia fch phenomenal iueow. AAdeaa J WORTIi. beTfubiWh and franklia API EH A Jat"TLEMKl n eitT or conn. try, to UM msia.rj ax weir own nomee: io4adaycil7 worn .cnxby mail i no 0BtlD. Wa bare good deaH; r .DTK and Wkh tamp, rLV OOLD WATCH-CAPErr-t- .Jawairr, et., fur eh J N UTIt Dj'.tltk a 11 TWO Single Rooma, fnrniibed. wib er without private family preferred. Addrcaa BOARI, thli orBce, ataiing local ion and price. OAatTiKH- a- At M Madison street. A rff TON'S Race, Iron. Bonee, Featren XVJUW and Matala. Bend for prioe list. New and seoond-ban- d woods for eal e Addrea f. U ABA 1 A real aad Oomniailoa MerehaaU 40S tA4lbl FOB SALE. PH AKTO- K- Fi- - new phaeton, fnr sale aheap. Inquire st ItollcnlHr's Musio House. HITZFKLD'S oil and fluid Stores for cooking purposes, at 233 8ei-on- d st. A LOOS A arst-ela- s saloon, alifibls located, S well etocked, flnely fnrqisbed, aad doint a paylac buainrae. Tbe proprietor dairen of en-a- in other butne, will sell oa reasonable terms. Ad r '"L." tkis office. FARM A beautiful farm of 173 aeree, TOmilee of Memphia, en Hernando roadt rood dwellm of 4 rnps i S tenant hooeas, and alt out kuildn(. Plenty of cood water Fine ercbards. A bariaia can be bad, and on reasonable terms. M ATCH EFT A yTRTTOS, 3M Main st. AND HIAKIO.N Aa extra (enUe MARK and a pbasrfoa a auod ax new. Sold separately if aeaircd. Apply -- t MX JKrFKHSOX EXTENDED. A IlBAl'TIKri. FARM Of 320 ace. SiW open I a. ana m cultivation, . miles soma ol Uulij on M. end C. Railroad. Nice duelling, two new barns, windmill, aad all Improv, menis and coa- - Tenence' twaw ; im class larm. Ail new aad in avod order. U ill be sidd vary low and on very reaionabla terms of payment, K. A. fAW KbK, rrcnt st. TERr-K- COW-O- ne half breed Jersey cow J wits calf, three weeks old: No. 1 milker; aleo, one Jrey Bull Cnlf (lack in one sixty ourth ot tutl mood.) Apr y at 5W MAI. 8TKFKT. L RU B Ml LL3 snd 9 BOR5 KS Ap,ly to Watt Mcnsshan, Jefferson street, or J05. Bl KNtV. New Rajeih rosd. W. R. CVNN'INGHAM 1 now her MKH. California lo sell ber home Jackson street, near Kayburp and roston avenues; nice residence aad (roue Sea A. rUEATLITT, SSI Main rt- - X'F-- AND 6K0OND-UAM- ) MACHINERY-- " XN Uf erery decription. at one-ba- the r'le ol new. Jones s pa? b ton n aan cale aud Dla-- Bond Cm Mills, at J. O. ATES 4 COJB. JlOfront st. "O1AN08 LOW FORCASII Goodseroad hsnd JL. hTRiswaT riANo; secona-nsn- a naaaa ii- - Mi (coet new tattli) one new Wsara 1"ino. 1 heac Planus must k sold. Uod chance f. ra bsrsoln. K. W 1T.MA IX. T3IANO fine new Upricht E I'iano, S- - J atrlna li nisou ibiueL rand will sell at a saoriaue. Call at corner hlatb and Jackaoa streeu, Port I'lck-rii- i. Hawkins's drug store- FAMlLf MARE GOOD Apply at 110 Market stret. rrKNNKS!KiT!ATR ii:ftTiriCATauWR- - A. eeirable for any and all duea to th S'ate OVkKTO?! IIHUVIEMIt. tJ6rSk New and elaaaotly tnlahed house, XX Bow beinf built oa 1 Iflb rt.., bet. Karr aad Keel, Caelsea: I rooms, outhouses ootnplela, aa-- ealleat well aad euterai I t M by 14bs, feet, ea str t ear tiine. AuM: y t jaiaxtn li'AkKER Off A. J MAK TIM, Ixt Mala etreet. eur. htadiaon. - Lb' a P t fcja- -i t C A p KJ AT THIB omn. iris's A aacond-kaa- d No. a A sues E urine. pwr: aood aa new. aad very IDF.rKK MUtKAt.ifBlrentrt. Cr jJ CsaTTo il VV OU H . (it4 Dtit 1 IS A awl V- - . Trfr MrUx. f s ni'rHT '.n jtia ;m , Is CPod T , We- -, nt, a, T.'j t t,wl tor eu TH1MEMPH1S 1DIH,Y A;PP JE T A. Y, NOVEMBER 11. 1884. KREUERS o sale of Sell PloA Saiis at 22 50, . 2? SO and KO, bar bean immense, and still Of continue. Have by far th belt as: orttnen t of Newmarket 1 the dtf , ana ther '1 tbea at prion ebeep. NKWMARKT3 at M, , $10. 12 and ppward. Mew styles received Jut toon they appear oa Broadway and Fifth arenne. A treat Combination in our DRK83 GOODS De partment: 9 jit Drap de Vaennaand Yj& Kmbroidered Velvet for tlO. The are tbe very latert in dree ffee'.a. On MONDAY MORNING we offer 50 pet of Lidle donble width cloth, at 45e per yd. in 10,000 pci Wool Filled Goodi at OX, 10 and 120 and per yard. Oar Great Silk Combination Sale. Silk and Velvet Combination, full pattern,-o- rich material, AT US: WORTH 125. AT 122 50; WORTH MO. Bill AT Vt SO, WORTH S. AT H7 50, WORTH 175. . ' RICH TRICOT SILKS, PONBOS SILKS. . MONOPLY SILKS. Wear Guaranteed. All-Si- lk LYOX3 TELVEM, for costume., rleb Uohltef , just opened. OX MONDAY WE SHOW New Style Pattern Bonnets KREMER'S far ahead in this department. Xo competition recognised. NONPAREIL. KRKMEKS will ehoar Immenae bartsint in RIB BON, LACK and FANCY GOODS Department. fORSCHOOL-F- or Bolt and OirUtbe JERSEY CAP at 25e, every color. THE SAILOR, THB KENSINUION, and eTery deaired shape U FELT HATS- - OBo-- Ai lmmente line of HATS worth twice and thrice. ' ' Dae notice of the openinc of our Christinas Department will be lirea. r.l.&E.G.Kremer&Co AXUSEXENT8. W KITIiaiiava THEATER. JobKrB Baooti - Leasee and Manager Three Kiihta and Wednesday Matinee, Com meoemg neeeaj, . wie. LIZZIE HAY ULf.lER In ber new play DAu'4 GIUIjX Written mnulv for her by B. J. 6warti. play ot tne ncoee. ran in wuiiuirm. iuu ui va nt Hnllenbarc'e. Monday. Nor. 17 Madison rViuare Theater Company In the flu v Am aci-KE- n . OFEIIING CONCERT! At ASSEMBLY II ALL (The new hall of Toons Ven'a Hebrew AMocia- - uon, corner union ana ooooau iiraui, TfESOAT EVE I JIG, at S O'Claek. ander tbeaonpicet of tbe Moiartonsqrratery of Mueio. MOHsES. WWAS iUasioal Director. CHARLES WERNER,, aeeUted by Meeara. BRUCH and STBELEZKl and a corp. of talented rocaliita. Admuainn. ReiCfv.d teata (no extra charge) at Mannlbrd'e. "DO YOU KNOW?' Private Secretary. FOB SALE OB BENT. In firt-el- at eondition ' PIANO At 21ft Union atreet. LOST. rnnan a kukma MX band hitht mark r"l on left ahoalder and a Small ent at top of the left hind hoof, and verr Ions tall. I will par areward of lu Tor nij retorn u; OTP. IT ED. TantJY. From 2! Tate treet. one small, dark X bay Indian pony mare Star on forehead. thod all round, and very fcntie. Return and receive reward TWO 00W- B- email red cow. with teat out off. One larce dun cow. bundin oneeye. Liberal rewara. Rot urn to tin MAM' SIRKKT. S10W Sandy-re- white spot, iwallow-fbr- k J in left ear, under-cu- t in right ear; three years old. Strayed September alb. $S rnward. 37 RAMI vr..Tna. FOit REST. X5IAJJOS AND ORdAJJfl Second hand pino L ao dor ran). In perleetoioer ana tone, irom 12 and upward per month, at fluLUBJ iiarm o atoiv avion. Furnished or nnfnrnipbed, 7 room, HOUSE Jackson and Fifth, Fort Pickerjp;. OT0REB0CSK OR 6TABLE-30- x0 feet. rith ample lot. on MoTall etraet. weat ot Uayoso House. WM, L. va.nck. : Btie'oy it. . S.L k 1 -- frost room FURNIBMED wanted in private family, S minntea walk f Conrt Bqo-- e, t. ton oa'ce. T AKK ROOM In office of Continental Faat 1 fraimt Line. " M.di-on ureal. Unfnrni.bed, without board, at 455 ROOMS ttreot, Linden. FCRSISIIKD ROOMS At 326 Second NICBL1 oppoaita itrackett's Apply at 48 HON ROB ST. furnished front room, southern NICELY also other rooma. at 56 Monroe St. T7MJRKIBja ROOAia J." At S7 Mulberry ftreet. PERSONALS. C. K. CinoTHEEn, Coico, Miss. ; J. Ib-umut- b, Sew Orleans; James Fossil I, For- rest City, visited the Cotton Exchange yesterday. Mbs. John C. McKscaor. alter a three months visit to her relitive and friends in Desha county, Ark., has returned with her children, very much improved in health. Charles M. fcrtcm, an old Memphis boy, is in the ailsj circulating among hia friends. Mr. SWaf is tbe representative of the big soaaw pei turnery bouse oi James o. Kirk at Ubicago. Tub ladies of the First Presbyterian church invite the gentlemen of the city to a dinner to-d- to be given by them at Bard's old stand, opposite Court Square. All that th? season affords will be served hv many of the belie of Memphis, and it is nopeu tne aueuaance win e large. LAW BE PORTS. Crftalaait Cvr DAnalitan, Jntdcc. Calendar for to-da- : Koa. fi", Walker Normentl 58, W. C. Xorment; 3, Wiliter-so- n . Co.; 78 and 79, Minter Parker; 63, John Johnson : 7S, John Johnson. LQCAL NOTICES. A.S1" ' Bpt your fchirtg at Sar'a. ttct try tlFr 9Bre JJopa Soap. Givr yinT hliilrfl Smith's Worm Oil. Call and tea the"""1.' Qnai Eollenberg. rF.RFECTioi in Coffee, "Java Blend." City Tea Store, 3.19 Main street. Try it. Thk latest novelty in ladies' slippers is tut l'arieian opera just arrived at VOfcWitLI A CO.'d,. Tl Main St. For a good pisnks go to Landman's, at Hery Luehrmann's old stand. OysUrs served in every style. Tna TnaoAT-Brow- n's Bronchial Troches act directly on the organs of the voice. They have an extraordinary effect in all disorders of the throat. Tub Herbal Chill Cure, the best tonic and known. A certain and sure cure for chills. Price tl per bottle. Bend stamp circular. Any reference firen. Address Jor C. Rucker, Lyncbberr, Va. DraKKE's Salad Dressing and CM Meat Pauce, the universal favorite both in the Ignited Sta'es and Great Britian. Whole- some, delicious, economical and nutritious. Haves anxiety, waste and trouble. Do not forget to add to your lemonade or soda ten drops of Angostura Bitters. It imparts a delicious flavor and prevents all summer diseases. Be sure to get the gen uine Angostura, manufactured ry Dr. J. G. B. Siegert & Sons. ms Arraaowrf Xrjmbllrav, Ann. 1ft, 1SS4. Thb drop la the prlc of quinine may have) been caused by the large ehlpmxnte of Collins' AaaeCnro Into the malarial aud ctallle and ferer diatrlcta throuxhout the South and West, wherw formerly It waa aupposed nothing but quinine would cure. Judtina- - from ths lara-- e ahlpments dally of thie remedy from thi laboratory of tbe Cnillne Brae. Drof Co., Sec- ond and Vine streets, It looki as if Collins' Aftu Oir waa taklnc 1 place of all other remedies for ohflls. Ktlty 1 liowaasxl at Tear. To be sure You've "only got a coM," "only a court." "Be all crer in a few days." 'l,n't worry about me.' Well, we won't. But Mi.OPOpeople die every year ia tbe I'nited State from consumption: anderery soul of tbcre be-a- that war. Botter stop it new with Parker's lunic. This learsdy will expel the euld at once. SM and Admire?. The finest piano ever brouttht to this market, aud real work cf art, is now on exhibition at Hollenberg's, No. 22 Main atreet. Cleatnlua; and Djeiiig. Utdiea and genta clothes cleaned or dyed iu any color: ostrich feathers, lace curtaina, by Louia Kieael, No. 69 Jefferson atreet. Vsoods raoauwawt t,v Advlew le Utera. Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the UtUs auiTcrer at once ; It produces natural, quiet aleep by relieving the child from pain, and the lit- tle cherub awake aa "bright aaa bntton." It is very ptasant to taste. It soothe th child, softens the) turns, allays all pain, re-lle- wind, regulate th bowel, and ia th bast Jtnowo rem4w -- v oiarrUe. n,3e,v!f stibicg lrora t. ttwejtber cxxju. etj-- , t tfinf a ti Uo. MONTHLY MEETING the 8chol Board Yesterday Reports of the Superintendent od of tbe . Flnanco Committee. for Desks Ordered for Alabama Street School The Repair Bill Referred Minor Matters Discussed. The School Board mt in reimlar monthly eseion yee'erdir. with President Rambaut an tbe chair and Messrs. Jordan, winters Ravage present. FIXAKCa COMMITTEE. of The Finance Committee reported follows : Caeh on hand laxt report ... fllO M lenoeitea taition accoani. no ladebtedneia last report S8.1'.T 02 Pay-ro- ll for October . o,0830 for Ootober T40 81 Total -- ...13,WT !.' Bednot tuition eolleoted.. 115 is Total J13.831 38 A. J. Harris, trustee, and the Taxintc- - Distrlct have about $1960, which will be distributed about the 15th instant. bcpebintemdbiit's be port. Msupbis. November 10. 1 SSI. Gentlemen of the Board of Education : The aummaries tor October show an en rollment of 3400 pupils. Of theee 127 be long to the senior department, 905 to the intermediate department and -- is in tne primary department. The following table elves the number in each building and other statistical lniormauon : 5323 a 5r 0-- Sro Smith eohool. or 1 Leath echool 4,5 V Peabodr achool.....w... 3S Merrill acbool .............. 3Ut 1 JeSenon eohool. Ml 3 Pope achool ZU I Total white 1S43 Kortreeht sabool..... tViO 83 Monroe eohool.. 4W 92 V Inoheater eohool. 188 91) Silfaraae aohool. oerenth-etreet m 9 ichool. 91 Total colored... 151S Amount collected frjm pay pupils for month of October, $115 "5. Adopted. 8ALARIJBS OF TBACHXRS. President Rambaut said he had had a number of calls from teachers for the pay ment of their salaries. Mr. Jordan said he had made an effort to negotiate a loan sudicient to pay the two months due. about S35GO. and while it could not be done now, he thought it could be managed in a short time. The Finance Committee was authorized to ob tain the required loan. RBPAia BILLS BKFEKRBD Mr. Winters objected to the payment of tne repair Din oi Vi , Decause tne wort had been done without order of the board. The bill was referred to the Building Committee to investigate and report back. ...... DISKS TO BB BOUGHT. ' The superintendent was anthorized to buy forty desks for the Alabama street school, a manufacturing company having agreed to supply them at $3 75 each on twelve months time. THB WISD-U- A controversy then arose concern i as the admission to tbe schools of a child whose parent do not reside in the city. It was stated that the mother of the child lives with relatives elsewhere, and that the person who boards tne cnud cbareea no board. Tne discussion extended far into the silent watches of the stilly night and the re porter withdrew. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. The School Board met yesterday. Legislative Council meets Thursday. A good attendance at all the churches Sunday. LiszieMay Ulmer otLeubrie's Theater again Two drawines to-da-v New York State and Liouibiana btate. The Beaver Dam Hunting Club having fine sport now. The news from New York continues to be tbe topic. The Theater will be c'osed Thursday, Friday and Saturday mgnts next. Judge Pierce has taken charge of a Bible class at the Strangers' church. Judse Hammond and his clerks have eone to Jackson to hold the United States Court Jane Jovner. for receiving stolen goods, will serve three months in the workhouse. No bombs were exploded yesterday, but tne atmosphere is still redolent ot burnt powder. A sentence of $50 and thirty days waa imposed on Mrs. hmmi lorry yesterday for carrying a pistol. With all the whisky and other fire-sror- i-s of the past lew days, the police have had very little to do. Albert Jlnll-ert- , a petty thie, was sentenced by J udga Douglass yesterday to three months in tup workhouse. Depnty Sheriff Powel lost a fine Colt's revolver in the procession Saturday nignt, and anxiously desires its return. John Wilson was sentenced to two yerrs aui Frank Kanz to three years, in the Criminal Court yesterday, for larceny. Licenses to marry were issued yeiter- - . . 1 oi T. t a, i5 r usj iu Auucn b aso auu jura, r jauvu Franklin, Je se Hughes and Mrs. Ann Jones. Orno B. Hatsks, of tbe German Na- tional Bank, is the happiest man in town a thirteen-poun- d boy and bis name is Pgc It is said I bat both sides are ready for trial in tbe Acahnche case and that it is likely to be beard by Judge Pierce in a week or mtjre. Coughs and colds are numerous. Jqrttfing fforri the dreadlnl atmosphere which Ells every hole and corner of the earth at night we must be passing through the tail of comet, Tbe Trl-Stat- e Medical Association will meet in this city Wednesday and Thursday. Q lite a numbs. of visiting physicians will be in attendance. Angel rakes, made by Mrs. Hawkins and Mrs. Willie James, at the Firat Pres- byterian church to-da-y, to be distributed by so ne of the belles of the city. Mitchell, the Blackfish Crockett, was in thj city yesterday, and reports tbe thbirg theri as' very doe, the squirrels more numerous than lio ever saw theui and the ducks coming in rapidly. Mrs. Henry Berry will sing the famous "Jewel Song," from Faul, at the concert ller admirers, and they are a If tfion. clsfra that few professionals who have visited Memf,hi ( i; yith as niuch dranu!l? flra ad PASSU a. The management of the Mtzart will sell tickets to the grand voucb-t- , ai vnicn erner appears, to- - night at ball price to' aji' school children btinging their teacheri' indorsenieat of their a'4eodjtnpe tp Mr. young, at Hans- ford's. It will be a relief when the Presiden- tial question is settled. Ia Memphis alonA the. loss to business enterprises amounts to sever! thousand dollars dailv. The merchants tbin', howaver, that busi ness is not loir, but simply delayed, aud expect a rush Wedoesday. Many persons seem under the imiirr s- - sion that Assembly tiall is on the north- east eoruer of (Jnion and Second. It is in the new bnildini cf George Peters, over Cole fe Co. Tbe Mojiart. Conservatory pre- sents tbe great cell'st Werner, and the theater, to the public there The regular dinner of the ladies of the First Presbvierian church to-da- y will be one of the beet that has been served, and all the ladies w ill be presant. The best things of the season will be served and in abundance. All the gentlemen in Mem- phis are invited to be present and partici- pate. This week is observed by the Young Men's Christian Association, all around the world, as a week of prayer for young men. The Memphis branch cordially in- vite you to meet with them every even- ing this week from S to V o'clock. Short but pointed talks, inapiiing songs and Mscsible prayers (two minutes) are re- quested frcin those intereete4 in the suc- cess of these meetings. Now that the election is over aud the people of Memphis got sobcrwd UD and settled down to business, something to s&y about the new Mem plus operabouse wiil be in order. We have carefully examined the plans as drawn by Mr. C. G. ltosen-plaente- r, architect. A full description has been given in the press of the city, which we fully coincide in. trillions vary al o it its location, as different parties have dif- ferent views as to the same. It seems to ua these differences can be easily recon- ciled. W hope the work wiil soon be commenced and pushed to its early com- pletion, as this growing city is badly in need of more and better theater accommo-datio&- a. Tae Interest la bicycling, Tyhich the Appeal has ao strongly advocated, ati,l goes bravely on. A onthly paper, the Smihern CueJer, published in MernphN, bas been started, tbe editor being Mr. W. L. Surprise, a member of the Memphis Bicycle Club. The initial number, whii b has mat been issued, gives promise cl a live and well conducted journal whose growth will be al with tnat of bicy- cling in the South. The first issue contains rtUea on "Our Club," the L-- A.. W., "Lady Trioyslers," "My irst Itld on a TriuTcle." a letter from Karl Kron, anoth er entitled "Expressions Anent Cy- cling," by J. R. Lauasr, of Savannah, be- side some selected matter. The subsarlp boo prio la but fifty cent a year. Capt. 0' Haver yesterday arretted Jo Moore, colored, for some outrageous oon-du- et on Baal atreet last night. It ap- pear that ?0& negroes concluded Saturday biaiit that tby woul "Jj-- a a limine meeting, "elat 'w,' Main street for the purpose about 10 1 - o doc. 9 niaan met inem aaa warned them to keep quiet. Hia words bad tbe effect of dispersing the crowd, but a doaen or more ot them, bent on der-ilme- continued on their way up Beale street. Opposite Battier's drag store they encountered a white man who was hur rahing for Cleveland sad made a break him. He was obliged to fly, and ran into the drug Btore. Tbe crowd would have followed except for the prompt ac tion of Mr. Battier, who stood at his door, Aj pistol in hand, until the fugitive could es cape by way ot tne suey. suortiy after- wards She crowd jumped on a little son of Mr. James Roper, who was going home with a transparency, took it away from him and beat him unmercifully. The boy finally managed to cet home with his clothing covered with dust and blood and ugly cut in bis lorenead. Aioore was the rineleader of this rang. It is very fortunate tne crowd up town oua not near at l these outrages, or there is no telling what might have happened. THE CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION. An Amended telarn riled Its- - Jaitlee C. K. Smitb. No' further returns have yet been ie- ceived from Tipton and Fayette counties, and it is said that the returns will not be counted until Wednesday, it is an nounced that the result will be made pub lic then beyond a doubt. The friends of Mr. Harris insist tnat He is elected and unless footings oi returns now in are ma- terially changed by those to come their prediction is likely to be realised. The only development of yesterday is an amended return filed by Justice C. E. Smith, which wi'l be forwarded to Nash ville by buenH Uannon. Tbe vote In nis district was 90 for Harris and 399 for Tay lor. The following is a cop) of the docu ment spoken of . At an election held in the Thirteenth Civil District at Arnold's school house on tbe 4th day of November, 1884, for Presi dential electors, member of Congress from the Tenth Congressional District and members of the Legislature of Tennessee, the undersigned, in the capacity of dep uty sberin. being duly deputized lor tbe purpose of holding said election by the) Btienn oi Shelby county, did as sucn dep uty noid saia election, wniie mere act-in-n as deputy sheriff he was and is one of the duly qualified and acting justices of toe peace ot enelby county. lie did not act or profess to act by virtue of any power or authority whatever, save tnat as snenu, conferred on him by (aid deputation, and in sizaiug the principal return heretofore made touching said election, he signed the same in his olhcial capacity as deputy sheriff, which was according to the facts as above recited, tie is advised that by section 340 of tho code of Tennessee there is a positive inhibition against any justice of the peace acting as sheriff or deputy sheriff while holding such office of justice of the peace, and that his action by rea son of this provision of the code was un authorized, and being requested to amena his return so as to make this fact appear. he accoidingly hereby does so. Us fur- ther amends said return by stating that at the time of holding said election he held tbe office of supervisor of the election under the act ot Uongress making provis ion for such supervisors. Kespecuauy submitted, ' v. &. uefuiy eneriii. I. C. K. Smith, the above-name- d deDUtv sheriff and returning officer, do make oath that the facts set forth in the foregoing amended return are true to the best of my knowledge, information aid belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this November 6, 1884. 1'. 4. tilllibtl, 4, r 5EW ORLEANS COMPRESSES Get Bit of free) Advertialna; by ass Is. KOUibu, acaeiae. The following item will attract the at tention of all the cotton compressors out- side of New Orleans. It is clipped from the New York Commercial-Bulku- of r ti dv last : A lew days ago the agent of the steamship lines running to New Orleans informed tho railroads that they. would refuse to accept any cotton which was not compressed at that port. The announce- ment canned s ime consternation among tbe rsilrrad officials, who thought at first that the rteamsbip agentd were working id the intern t of tbe cotton pi ess people The roads, after investigating the matter. however, discovered that tnch was no' tho case, and that the steamship owners were just-tiibl- e in making the announce ment refanmg to accept cotton other than that compressed at that t, for the rea son that very nariy ail of tbe cotton com pressed at the small country towns is not properly put cp. In examination ot the matter tbe Time DtMOcral says: 'It appears that the country compresses, as a teneral rule, are ereatlv infeiior to those of this city, and that they empl.oy inex- perienced men, who do not know how to press a bale oi cotton. In consequence of this fact tbe steamers lose a great deal of Bpace, which is woith money to the owners; or, to put it in plain words. a vessel can carry at least 200 or 300 bales more cf cotton that is compressed in this city than it can when the cotton is com pressed in the country, for the reast n thai the presses here are so handled aa to put the cotton in a much smaller bulk. Un ices of 200 or 300 bales of cotton in the make-u- p of a cargo is quite an item to shipowners, and, in consequence, they are not disposed to carry a certain number of bales of cotton of large s:ze, when the? can crry a greater number of bales of-- a smaller siaa. especially when the weight and freight is the same per bale. It is a question among the railroad oflicia1s as to what action the country compresses wi 1 take in tbe matter. It all the steamships o'vins between Liverpool and the Mouth ern ports refuse to accept cotton improp- erly compressed, it is evident that the cuuntrv presses will be pieced in an em barrassing position, or else be compelled to improve their facilities for handling AMUSEMENTS. "Dad's ttlrl." Lizzie May Ulmer and company appea ed at Leubrie's Theater last night in Dad't (Jul, a play said to have been written for ber bv r. J. jranz. Miss Ulmer as "Dad s Girl" is the daughter oi an Illinois farmer who suddenly became rich by the' discov- ery t-- a bed of sott coal ' under hia land, and by somo lucky speiulations in pork. This gi7es Miss Ulmer an opportunity to play the prijutoipd child ci nafqre' to the utter dpmora'u'uion of all the' Vfaah-ionab- lo folk." tfhen it is paid that she ioiprortp her . oppartunitios to the utmost, ail is said that can be. Miea Ulmer bas a naturally vivacious aud it is plain that she enters into her part with all her heirt. This leads her to overdo it in the first act, and in raspy cf the later scenes, but on the whole she ia very pleasing an leaves a COo4 iitp.rescioa. he baa a'l of tho wovk to do, "aud whatever apflaoso "pad's Girl" received laot nig t w due to her alone. An exception ought to be made in the rase of Mr. Harry Rob- inson, who plsvj "Biles," and does it well. It 'ti to li " rgre'.!eti that there is not more in the Dart, ikeur- - j rlrjjj to iUe y'ny Ks):, it amy be s&id tha' i It iiuprovts on sc.niaintance. The f.rat aci is a bore, the second much more en- tertaining, the third good and the last very good indeed. Dad's Girl repeated tomorrow matinee and night," '.The r rivie k, ciarv.: The latest London and New York laugh ing success v. ill be given here November 17. h 1tri anil 1U.K ku tha U.i'ann uare Theater Oomnauv. The following is a brief synopsis of the story: 2'he i'rv rafr txentaru is the adsntation bv C. H. Uawtrey.ol Moser'a Drr ftM Ufa itr. which recently achieved success in Kaeland.,The adaptation, like its original, is clever, some sm.ut dialogue?, several con vulsivefy tunny situations, and presenting a variety of humorous characters. A rich East Indian, 'Mr. Cattermole," returns to'4nd to rjieet his nephew, "Douglas," whom lie has never .eert. 4 ho will t c his heir when the wjWroa'.a period of j oane manhood is passed. "Douelas" is iu debt to a lot c f tradepinsn. In order to evade the service cf a wru at tbe instance of "Gibson," a Bond street ta:lor, he per. sonates the "llev. liobeit pulding," newly engased as private secretary to " 'Squire Marsland," and runs down to the latter's country seat with a friend. Here he trta into and out of numberless scranes "Calteronole" comes to tlie house ; so does ' GiKson ;" so dues the real private recretary. "DoCglas" conceals his identity from his 11 nil?, satirlit-- s bis tailor's urjrent demands f r pavment by introilucinp bim to the " 'fkjuiru'aud his family aaa friend, and palms tbe secretary off as a spirit- ualistic ipediuru on a spinster who is a believer iu the materializing science. The old East Indian ban mistaken the canting, idiotic "Spaul ling" for his net,hew, and this blunder leads to several1 hilarious results. Finally tbe young man finds a way out of his difficulties and a wiie in "Klith Marsland. ' His unci is glad to exchange him for the idiotic aecia'ary, and everything comes to a jolly ending. (rand Oprn:aff Co arcrt at Arveaably Mall. This cveninz at 8 o'clock the above In teiesting event occurs at the new hall of the Young Men's Hebrew Association, atove the Uole Manutactunng (jorapany The sale of 8ats at the box-offic- at Maosford's, promises a large and brilliant audience. The mansgeruent of the Con servatory will decorate tbe stsge band; somely, so as to ctve a suitable settinir iar the fine array of talent it will grace the occasion with. Of the chief attraction, tbe sreat artist Werner, tun reaiier 01 the Ap-- may gain some idea from the sub joined press utterances: Mr. Werner's playing at the lima di Muraka concert last nicht was snrpai inzly beautiful, and entitles him to tha 5ofcjtion of the leading violoncellist here, of his tone and the grace ot Lif bowing hare seldom been equaled here. - 1.-- 1 rr ia t Mr. Werner showed hjmaelf last'Tra; ins a Deflect master of tbat diioultinstru? ment the violoneelL. which ha handles with signal ease and greatly to tha pleo ore ol bid audiennv-a- . Nt JVJ SiA-- , Tut fuiofit Plana ever broaghtvb this autw ia now fin exhibition at ' neLLSr'at'e. at BRO. SWEENEY Preaches oa the World and Its Minis tratloas to Mas The Lav of ' . Demand and Supply.. of It Is Seea to Obtain Between JUa aid His World Instinct, Love. . Business aad Fossetaiaac The following is an abstract of a sermon of preached by tbe lie v. ueorge w. oweenejj naatar of the Christian church, preached that church on Sunday before a very r re audience, the text being as follows: Tha Celd la tha world Matt. I. 3. Tak them not out of the world, bat keep them from em John xtU. The HerenaM. Dr. Sweeney said: Oar great world of mattj,e and tnind and mart's in which we live here is th field from which Uodis to gather a crop of manhood for future aces. It is the hot bed O' nursery in wnicn soronis cnaraeier. ner we are oailed into tbe fair and beautiful precincts nf kaln anil hvie the endleas erolution of life. The world, like th Sabbath, "was mad for man." It ia not a aril wor d. but the product of Sod's hand, aad w are to-d- in the world not y the explosion oran asteroiu droppint nere ny accident, but delibe-atel- by divine decree hare hA out into the world to crow, to ao to scnool and fight bat lea that we may be the worthy par ticipant in tne joy ana aiory 01 ineiiioyeiio come. Our bavtor said, tnereiore : 'lase mem rnt&ut nf the woeld. but Keen tbem tram em. W find man aud his world under the law of demand and supply. olaa mat In, many d- - manda and the earth abound ing- - in a joyous supply ana measureiesa abundanos. Man is a many-side- d being, possess-i- a eomplex and wondrous endowment of fac- ulties- tie makes demands, physical, intellect ual attaohnnRI inrt aniritual. ma Dour. neBil heart and spirit assert their native wants, tie wanta bv nature tnina-- a to eat. arina ana wear. All hia aentient and vital faculties constantly call for light and darkness, for heat and cold, and all the versatile complements that constitute the sup- - nlv of material wanta. lie demands llsmt nnd truth and facts as the food of mind. He demands ivmoathr. tenderness, healina-- . helDfulneeB and love on whioa hia heart may live. And con sciousness tell blm that he wanta the perfeot y trna. beautiful and rood. That he is made for tne right and with a native sense of obligation to do the right. That he ultimately depends not only on an "Infinite Somewhat," but an "Infinite RamMH." He baa arreat aoiritual wants. Antt hnW Iftailllini U LOO BUDD1V IU man's world for all . tnese . aemanaa. Kiaid and aea and aky abound good gifts to man, the grains possessing the power to reeruduoa themselves manifold and keep pao with tha aver lnoreasinr noDUiation or tne And the same is true of tbe fishes, fowls and all nesh that teed nnd minuter to tbe pbysioai de- mands. And how great is the supply of tbe mindl It is imoossible lor man to tuliiK un all tho thoughts. The laws of login never break down under the wetant of man s reason 11 Thahlgber man olimbs tbe " peaks of thought th broader and more beauititu Decomes tne nori-o- n of the mind's growth and activities. A great world of science end philosophy and litera- ture and lansnatre and music and architecture and oratory aad poetry and truth And Hod has made a Boundless supply 01 anevunm ana senti ment and emotion to fted the human heart.- it is found in home life and all the relations of father, mother, brother, sister, husband and wife. It is found in tbe relations of friends and lovers and the love of native land, and all that patriotism holds dear as to man's nation, kindred and country. Man cannot bv loving use up tho affection and t the tenderer se'ti- - menx 01 nis world u nen ne nas lovea ninareo. friend and lover to tho limitj. there is room for him to increase loving Jews and Gentiles. lie ocrat and Kepubl cans andUbmamen. And we find the same marvelous supply in the world of riaht and mora and worshio. en cannot by deeds of righteousness and moral eonduot break down tbe moral taw nor destroy the moral order tie finds infinite room in which to advance toward tbo infinitely true, beautiful and good. and nis worsoio win grow young witnout ceasing It is a great world, abounding n eoarreetireness ef s Lo to lnnnite riant and nit will; the physical, intellectual, allectional and spiritual supplies are found abundantly to complement an nis wants ana lurnisnau nis de- mands, stnd Uod, by certain great natural ties has bound mm 10 His world thet he may receive its ministrations. The "Inttinctire law" of aelf- - nraaervation. tbe first law or nature, makes him sbrink from or the removal of hs life from tbe field of His discipline. All tbe 'nursnits of me carry with them a fascination that make the continuation of life desirable. It ia true or tbe larmer. merchent. Pbvstcian. sci antlst. nreacher. editor aud lawyer. And in the fascination and joy of "business" men a r kept bound up to life, and thus from yesr to year re ceive tbe ministrations ot the world to charac ter. And the atleotions of life make men struggle to stay bero. Ihey would not le ve home and wife and children, and all tbe hallowed associations ot the family and social life The same influence is exerted on man from "worldly possessions." Having amaaaed fortunes, honora and emoluments in lite, be nrays to eonttnue bis existence here that be may eon the nroduct ot bis beal. heart and nam. And thus, in another way and bv another chord. Is he harmonized and held to toe world that he mar be charactered for tbo life to come. In man's world he is called to solve nroblems ef labor, bereavement, betrayal, poverty, penalties. doubts and death. Andontof all thcae strug gles come theelementai fo'oes of industry and energy and sympathy and self-deni-al and for giveness and obedioace and faith and fraternity and love. And by thee force are men charac tered for all future aces. Alon woven about and throuah aad thioush with these elements make "Sons of God in tbe great spirit-world- ." Ont of conflicts with life a battles and problems and trials is to 00 ma individual character. Men, like fruits. must n ' plucked that toer may grow meuow and, like the rough gold, mast be paasod over tbe anvil and uader the bug hammer bef re they are fit for the King's inscription: and. like the rough marble, inuet endure tbe seamii-g'- merciless work of mallet and ebisel before they stand for final adiairatioo. And. thua. it is auod. for man to live in this world. And. therefore, our Lord oraved: "Take him not out of the world" till be has received it ministrations of good, "but keep him from evil." And, then, be is to stay here for tbe anod of others, lie is ia-o- r with Uod to beln bis fellow-ma- It has been a good to other tbat Moses lived Through him monotheism and law and Divine rrovidence bave come to bis succeed lug gets better interpreted to men. It has proved a good to others that Luther has lived. We re indebted largely to him for our freedom of conseiecce and pres and pulpit and the religious right of individual interpretation in the matter of the Binlc and the worshin of the living God It ia gnod forothera that Washington has lived. lie projeoted a atream of patriotism into the veins of the ages, and posterity has not been ungrate- ful. Men bave built a monument to his me.nory, the bigheat object on tbe globe built by human hanJ. It is tribute to tne memory of a man who lived for others ! It was for tbe accompli, of grarious pup-ife- in tbe lives of other that Paul lived, tie lived to open eyes aad turn men from darkness to light, and from the powers of evil to QjA, that they might receive forgive- ness of sins and inheritance among the faith- ful of all ages and climes. And his words, tha record of bis own exoerience will cheer othor heirt dnwn through the sucoeesion of ages! 'We are trouMed on every sMe, yet not dist-es-e- we ar per- plexed, but not in despair: perfoeut-- d, but not forsaken: cast down, but not destroyed. or we which live are alwa.'s deliv red n . to death for Jesus s sake, that tbe life elso of Jcs-i- s miwit be manifes'ed in our mortal flesh. 80. then, death worketb in us, but life in yoq." And for what be has said and done the ages will bear bis name and fame to the ends of the world- - And it is for the good of other worlds that we live be-- e and do our part well. And angels in the heavenly worlds rejoice over every sinner that forsakes vic-f- , aaj cleaves to virtue. "There is ioy among the &n- - mli over ever ainnav tbat ranantath And tha eonHiote ol man with evil involve th demons or spirits nt evil men in the spirit-worl- Ann. therefore. Paul said. "We wreetl not onlv agamei nven ana oicou. out wiraca epir,"- - Ya the regions ef th air." And he said,-agai- that the manifold wisdom of Uod is bring made known to power and actlioilties in the heavenly reg one, by the Church." God's treat- ment ef the problem of evil iu man fat-be- s to th? inhabitant of other worlds. ha shown in Iam h.3 tort that afi- ma- terial world are e.iset3ally one. The sitbstanre of any on Is thesame it all. And whst anecls one affects all. And it U true of the world uf mind and mora's. Good done here in this world is a contribution to Ibn sgregnle of all worlds, hvil pernctra'ad Vera Jars tha uni-rer- for cu world, life bc-.- is a factor in the unified lif 5 rtf all Worlds. Ahdi tlilriore. ".an- gels reloiiV'-as- "devil? treuble''when man ex- hibit the triumph of virtue over vice a the bat- tles of qur worM. ; 1'tls view of man and his world. It seems to me. should exalt our rnncoptions of humaa lit and arouse us to virtuous and noble deeds. The harvert will come bye and bye. end the angeis will bind the good in bundles to take to the bosom of God, and burn up all evils like "tares" from the 6elds of life. The good in man under Provi- dence will survive bis evil. All malice a,nd hai and cruelty must give awax A&w manhood, charactered in irufcb and tenderness aud honor and virtue and nobil.tycnd love. IU reflect the glory of God as the stars-reflec- th light of tbe sun in th firmament of the hear'naV LITERARY NOTES. uTh articles on the battle and leaders of lue civil war, the first of which was fur- nished by Gen. Beauregard in the current number cf "The tinri', .a'ae a demand for that king of the monthlies that will challenge all its resources to supply. erv : The question now amoniz fashionable people is who-wro-te the new society novel entitled .V'jrrifrf .6ore Her, Which . it. Peterson Brothers, Phila-Uelpll- i-, hsve in press, arid to be published immediately. It is said to be a true story, l ken irom me, and by a lady moving in New York society. Mb lBAxcjia Laiuroi, whose tame as a decorative painter is well known in con- nection with the Metropolitan Opera-hous- e, and other public and piivatebuild-ings- , has made a handsome and striking design for the cover of Com Wt Family Magazine, The new cover win appear on the first number of the new volume for January, 18M5, and will be ready Decem- ber 12, 18M. Thb Corier-Rei'- w Call Bmik, a physi- cian 'a pocket reference book and vtsitirtr list, arranged and prepared by i- - M. Xe son. ai. u., Fh. 11 , published bv J. 11. Chambers 4 Co., St ijouis and Chicsji, 1 1 , is an absolute necessity to every phy- sician iu practioa. It is well printed and neatly bound, and will fit to the breast- pocket of an ordinary coat, and thus be convenient to carry. The chief place among the holiday books announced by J. B. I.ippincott & Co., is given to The Seven Agt of Man, from Shakespeare's At You Lit It. Every effort has been put forth to make this work an artistic success. Tbe illus- trations, which are by Church, Harper, Hovenden, Gaul, I'rosf, Smedley and Shir-la- have been engraved by Jnenglint, French, and others prominent in this art. The recent announcements of J. B. Lippincott & Go. inforrq us that they "have ready an elegant edition of Sterne s Journey, with illustrations by Mauric LiCloir, reproduced lrora tha original French edition. We leant that no pains have been spared in tha prepira-tio- n of the American reprint, and shall look for it to take rank among the fire-mo- st books of the season. J. B. LtrrcoTT 4 Co. eeeia to bo msk. tag an waraest endeavor to bring historical, s ientitlc, and other important informa- tion within reach of the younger class of of readers. We notice two additions to their "Young Folks' Series Our Young Folk' Jotephut, uniform with Plutarch, is- sued a year ago, and Our Young J'.itj' idrcs, en fhe Mine general' plan with Yhyi i"ii yhfreforfi, also brought out last season, Messes J. B. Lipnkoott A Co. have In press Uowjdet of My Second Lif', bv Anto- nio Gallenga ( L. Marlotti). We understand that in this volume the distinguished au- thor furnishes a veiy entertaining account of a long and eventful liii. Some halt century sg he earns to this country, and through the Influence cf Edward Everett waa fortunate enough t i meet such litera- ry celebrities aa Longfellow, 'Holmes, Em-rao- n snd.cbers, Jiany interesting remlniaoerjAWoftose p'.esaant 45'' are gives) In the first part ot tills wor, while the lattar portion rebate hia pa'rlotie, die plomatie, litara)T tud TBsuiatie expert, eaee. la Saglani aorS oa Ua aontlaauit. fir. KscareiAa, upifaujs among jutlSim, la aa much a iuvoritf with tbe Eniita a'-m- aa tha AmericaJu people, it sxUted with surpassing excellence and with all the charm and loving kindness of a mother catering for children, by Mrs. Mary Ma pea uoagfi- - one nas anacneu to ner sian men and women of like kindly sympathies for children, and the publishers lay all the best resources of book-maki- under con tribution to satisfy ber demands, tne re- sult is a series of numbers that at the end the year make a book than which no better or cheaper Christmas or &ew Year's gift can be purchased anywhere in the world.- - It is published by tbe Century Company and may be had bound in cloth lor to per volume. la 1876 Baby Day was issued, compiled from the Sc. Nicho'.a$ magasin, and after running through a number of edition the plates have finally been destroyed in favor a new volume of the same character, cilled Baby World, just issued by the Cet tympany, made, up from tne very choicest tntngs nr uttle folks in ten vears of SU Nicholas. Tbe editor,. Mis. Mary Mapes Dodge, has had a field to work in which is not given to many, and she has fulfilled her task by presenting for tbe en joyment ol multitudes ot little fiiks a volume cf more than 300 pages crowded with pictures, short stories (many of them in targe type for little eyes), bits of quaint rhyme and charming verse. Yam Antwerp, Bbaoq fc Co.. of Cincin nati and New York, have just published Murdoch' Analytic Elocution, by Mr. James . Murdoch, actor, reader and instructor in elocution. It is a complete and practi cal exposition ol the only truly scientific metbod of devefoping Use speaking voice. Fully illustrated by numerous extracts from the best sources, to which are added seventy pages of carefully selected lead ings. Tbe appearance of tbis work Irom the pen of the well-know- n, veteran and accomplished elocutionist, Mr. Murdoch, will be bailed with satisfaction, not onty by his many personal friends, but by the public generally, aud especially the edu cational world. Embodying, aa it does. the successful experience of nearly fifty years study and practice of this art, it cannot fail to bave a wide recognition and influence. Thb Cestuby ia beyond question the first among magaaines in the English lan guagenot only lor tne character and quality of its illustrations, for Us fiction, literary criticism, Diograpny, articles on urgent public questions, travel and ad venture, art aud architecture, and special papers like those of Dr. Esxleston'a three papers on "Husbandry, Commerce, and So cial Conditions of the Colonies;" irof. Langley's papers onthe"Sun :" Burroueh's papers on ".English Country Lite snd Wild Flowers! ' "Extracts from Garfield's Diary in London;'' Mr. Harrison's record of The Capture of Jefferson Davis: ' and Mr. Townaend's "How Wilkes Booth Crossed the Potomac;" and the revelation concerning tbe "Kukhix K lan." In the course of a year it gives for $3 60 a whole library of useful knowledge, tbe very es sence of enrrent history in all departments 01 numan Knowledge and euort, aud then it is superbly printed, every number being a gem of the best and latest results of tbe art preservative. The people of the South owe The Century especial thanks not only lor tee latrnesa 01 its spirit toward this n, but because it opened its pages to many 01 our Dest writers and made them known to the world. A novel feature of the December num ber of the Magazine of Art will be the page contnoutea oy ansa Aiica Havers and Mr. K. Lu Ntavenson, tbe former supplying picture-settin- g to a verse bv tne latter. The page will be printed in color. In the same number will appear the commence' ment ot a description of Ilatfleld House, the residence of the Marquess of Salis bury, fully illustrated, and a paper by Airs, r awcett on "ibervew forest. An etching by Mr. R. W. Bachetb, will form tbe frontispiece. Chateaubriand's famous story. Atila. with illustrations by Uustave uore ana an introduction from the grace ful pen 01 nr. J.. J. Harding, of rew York, will be issued by Messrs. Cassell t Co. as a holiday book. Alula, as mav not be generally known, was the result of Chateaubriand's visit to America in 1791. and "was," as be haa told us, "written in the desert, beneath the huta of the sav ages." It is a love story, told in pictur- esque language, the scene laid in "the lorest primeval, aud tbe lovers an Indian brave and an Indian maiden. Notwith standing the French coloring found in the story, it has proved so satisfactory to tbe American public that three translations of it have appeared in this country, all of which have been popular, though none have had so beautiful a setting as tlfis. Thb Mitiistippi VaUry Medical Mo.tihly, which, under the editorial control and management of Dr. F. h Sim, haa steadi- ly increased in value, and ia among. 1 he best of the recognized publications of the medical profe-sio- contains this month two exceedingly valuable and well-prepar- papers, one by Dr. Stilwell, cf Hum boldt, lean , on " tJa'tena aod Their to Disease,'' and the other by Dr. O. B. Thornton, of tbis city, en tbe "Sani- tation of the Mississippi Valley. This last was read before the American Public Health Association at ita recent session, and was indorsed by a f jrmal resolution. Besides thee is a paper on "Ethic," by Dr. Jagoe, c f Hernando, Miss., tbit will challenge tbe attention c f tbe prrf-jssio- especially An article, with illustration, on Krao will challenge general attentian. Dr Sim'a leading editorial is on "Abdomi- nal Surgery," a topic that just now ia be- ing generally discussed by the profession ti this country and Europe. Dr. Sim is on the safe side, aud advises the utmost stretch of cleanliness and the reduction of operators' assistants to tbe fewest possible number, following the plans ao carefuliy laid down by Keith and Tate, whose suc- cesses, averaging ninety-seve- per cent., prove ' their soundness and correctner s. Dr. Kim, in his editorial management, aims high, looks to tbo highest and beat results of tbe medisal profession, emulous of bringing it in this section up to a par with that of the larger tities, and there is no reaion why he should not succeed. If the doctors will mo.YB. with him, follow him, he will. .' ' - ll OOTU1. ABBIVAIaS. PeMsbodx Motel. C. B-- ALLOW AY CO PaorairroM. Bate 12 SO and S3 per day, according to ia and location ot roost. F Mort-an- , Micli ' F Aldri:fa. St Louis i'er.ron. IV n a WC Lyons, Mo R Forward. Ohio' JEM 8touhton, Mass J E Bngli.h. S V W Bsndnan, city w I' elaon. eitv W M Cex, c tv J W i nacan. ciiy I Lebcrsmitb. KO H Beekner, S T L Lon&den, Mo ll V Koese-- , S Y MX Phillips, . Y W;, Miw I.M Bellonser. Mies U Jackson. Mlm W Vow burner. NV Ketin, si V M Moyeer. Miss UM Miss Ji Cat W U.halh, NO V b Loery, Alias JW edre, Ohio J Donnelly, citv WM Seal. Ark t V Hunter, N V RJ Thurmond, Miss J 8 Brownkrida-c- , N T D F Wright, ienn W R WancllojsT-- Y Q A R Srjtt, Tcnn X Crciirht. n. Oi-i- e J Q flnuld, Ohio J Friedlof, Tenn ' A l. Kmc, Col II C ' 8 A Warner ir. A, a C Barton, Atk 0 M Buicer: IH TF Williams, 'fenu Miss M tti.ith.-- a t)MUavdcD,A"-- C R Barney, Ark ' A J' Wifuy. T It Ui trpartU AU SUKverett, Ark WRCobntsTAtV 8 POrafif Is. Ark V R Von,, Mo 11 B Moore. Mn tV C W heeler. Ala 8 J Miller. Miss T H Flallam. Ohio ll R Clore, Tenn A h Steets. X V R C Lane Af, XY J S Fellows. Ark MW Alexander. Ala gP Harvey, Xena KB Ilryar. lean Nocent. city Wm Robinson Aw, Tens Vrs Pirtle. Tenn John Pirtle Tviiff ' ' Mrs W li U rris. ' Tone JI u "umte'erfie) J, Mist JFPId'er. i a t, Ailmy, lonq A Cohen, l.itac Rock i cam. rk James W atson Aw, Pa H Jnnab. Mo S Felswonh, Ark k UHhtlbj, clt-- " r A awyr, Ark .. jjusrsD. ars A M Roujrer. Vo J W Pel by. fa T II C'raiahead. Tenn W A Bunttn, Tenn , CCK:rk:atrn-a,Tva- 11 A LS'If-nc- , k i Bi. cV.tepn 8 S W'poMridaw, K. f V Robinson, Miss Ms Nellie Taylor, A l t, 1 rcoit. Mm li A Woodson, Ky K F lawyer. Boston LtiTie My I liner, A X ueo 1 I luier, . i W II Hall. Pa UK Smi h. II S A K 11 tiuodbart, X 0 J Stern. X Y C Jicpre, Ark Bpn bL.ies, S Y J6 Vthuakcr. HO J Mai tin, Lonisviil W K Lscey, MiVs J Bry.n, X Y A ii Sinclair, c tr J E Wilson Aw. XY CK Carutkers. Conn J A, XY H Knauih, X Y J LFrieduian, Ohio I K Oreener, Ohio BCnvitt. Tenn K Renia jiib. Ohio IrO M Blanton, Miss Mrs H il Xewbald. Miss Mia X Carrican, Miss J I. t'olbriw. A 1 W K Owen. S Y J L McMeo, St Louis 1 r Kennev. Mo YC Barton, Ark R J Ihurrrond, sr. Mis R J Xhnraicnd, ir. Miss 6 Uunt, Miss. Uaatoai'a Hotel. Enroian plan. Enlarired and refurnished. Prioss aecrdinsr to sise and location of rooms. W. il. EUUA leUMau.. Mrs Ood.-fiic- tt is, Mo RFC Moss, Tcnn W C Lunul. ICLn E B Pierce, Tonn EG CoiM', Tenn P C Burton. Tenn R U Ky W I) Slaughter As, Tesn H Weber. Ark Jas B White, Ark IISUv.ti, A k Mies XW neten. Miss Miss F Stoval, Miss Kain H Irwin, Miss CM ilardner, Mits SA Wood, Ark J V Maulding, Tenn Wm Baker, Tenn Thos U Watterson, Ky R H Bnir-s- . Ky J A Pew, Ky SA tiodhaw. city F i Sirreut. Mass J hn McUooks, Ala Allen Jones, (ia Miss Jones, (la W I Alexander, city tl J bunaorth. Mo FP 8ianloius, city Tbo A Moore, c;t. John smith. Ark Jamas A Vca'.'To. D C Vim Johnson, Tee". m t)dnn. Tens J A Plt.mina' , ienn W Fllne. lonn W li'.lltlnod. K Y F A Oattman, Ark I) A Roberts, Tenn LUCIees.Tenn S M ltell. Ark J A Bell. Ark J II Shcrard, Tenn 8 Carets, Tenn RPKaiford Aik ' 9, SPaitofa, Ark W h Alklnssn. Ark ohn Brown, Ark O II Blutnin, Ark ' E. Buck. Ark Joe lioOHlinan, O. H L Itomjass, Ml. Il.Mnran. Mjs KC ttooch, Tcun kC freccAg, 'yn UW Fostr. Mi A biiaiison, Jiai SRChiem.Miss J S Waehintrton, Tenn Miss ltell Jackson, Tenn L Qodsell, Ohiu r'erd I'ercueon, X. Y IT I'sller. 01 BA Tucker Miss W T Ward, city Mrs Rivd&s, Miss JT Porter, Tenn Frar.k Burdinc, Ten T LOwin. Ohio 8 M MeConiira, Xeb JR Vaughan.Uhio TJBtccn.K. S (i Carnes. Tenn W il Keliy, K FOLeUr.kJ KCK,.bert-i,M- W A Persons, Ala BW Bryant, Mi 11 Holt, MW 1 O Kuocke, Ky CT landis.Tenn M Tumfield, Tenn W lK.wdy.Tenu R W Smith. Tenn J I I'sajry.Tenn KT Allen, Tenn TI Bullock, fa jniaaoajneD Miss Mirs Mollie Jones, Miss " dtfjctly Traalvwt. Amerkaa qa4 EaawttMsi aa,Ba. Rate) at'a. 3 aa and ta wr Day. UM.aee, flanUaiats. Ue-aal- Mania, eXMv. a., aa. aaaiaa a , aaiaaimejarr. J F Cameron, Aln J A Rocer, Ten J M Bteel, Ark KC Sreaks, Ark L W Winn, Misa It J Bolton, Miss E DTnrley, Mies WR Celliloud, aflss J N Fi.sur. Miss 11 RC Foster, il... AA Foftex, Miea WD TUaUoa. Tann J M Caldwell. T.aa J'M Bell. Mies K it Plater, ind 11 A t'riocp, Ark PJ Blockson A2c,Tez Mrs Johnaoa, Ark. J T Haley. Col Jr. Wilson. X Y Mr Philip Ac. IT Y TR Uavl. Mla u 11 (.sine X Y rtenrv VYIisoo. X I XW Ak..e faT Ihoi stark. X T W 1 Parkiea. Mia K Oiirtls. Ha Ark Jsnes It revas, Tn EfBlaka w. OitiS. i MWlll!as.qbi 1 an B RoblBjoa, Ky. - .lacawc pay riooBd. City T.a aworw, 9 nlrw t. TESIYODR BAM POWDER Mil Blwnda adTntiaad a. ahaoleMly pare THI Tllfl . Pla a can top down on a bostevantUheated.tSaa remove the cover and aaaalL A cawealas wttl ant t ) uired to dstect the pi iiiaaa or aaaaaoaaa. . DOES SOT COSTAia aggA. its immaii ssw aaa ngyga) awsa aawanaaaav In a mllUoo CMd ttk THE TOT CF TH GZL price bjuono powDEaca, Dr. Pries'. Sgsclal FlaTarim Extracts, Dr. Prloa's Lupulla Yutt Qtai For ugac, Beanay Bread. Twe orf W Teaetta the World. WOK SALE BY OROCCM. OHtOAOOa - T. 0. B. FARKES. . W. PABKBR. 0. B. PARKER & SON Rental Agents AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS 385 Matin Street. qWBClAL attention riven to the rental depart-Sj- T aaant. Close collections andprompt aeitla- - ment will be our motto. ataVMixer, Scoop. Measure, Weieber, HUNTER Dredxer, Kice Washer, Tomato, Pumpkin, Starch, C?vl Wine and Fruit Strainer. Twelv Jameo articles ia oae. ' as QmtscatComU- - uUoi Xsjn. Mere laid r.ia aS fttfiar Slava. aad mAoi eombincd I Everybody l.kea rhan I W. make urge stitan oe stti far haod aad no. Wriasfut caulafua. Tbe Haauv Siaer Mfr Co.. Claciaaifi. O.. aaa Caaal St.. New York. SIFTERS A ceats waaled tot cue Kittlica SpeclalOas aa4 lluatc Silw Cook Bowk SEEB. Orchard Grass, Timothy, Herda and Clo rer, Winter Pasture, Barley and RT3S! Summer, Fall and Winter Turnip SEEB! Latest Improred Fanulnff Implemeata, Kemp's Slannre Spreader, Aema, Tbomaa i Eagle HARROWS ! R.G.CRAia&CO 361 Main street and 37 Union street, MEMPHIS. : TEXXESSEE. HE NINGS IEPR0VED SOFT ELASTIC SECTION a T Ts warranrMfl tn ksawk tile tun, Mt. an 'a12araJn than - , .Ll lSllilLaBr ta tfce Biarkea. or prl-- peM wil 2Sl ia Liuum iMtutuiVWm . i, h..l.... .. . WUl each raraot- - rrbe. &4a. HsSceaT - . lMpaaO,8l.61 A,k your rDrOaat tar theia7 w MBSoSXai UHCrJILja. aau HIISTKH R8M, Almost a Miracle A RE9 ASKABLE tsTOBT. A few days a to a gentleman of hih stacdint in Atlanta met Dr. J. Brad field on the street, and re lated the foliuwinc, ia which all ladies ar dap interested "For the put eigVeea months my wife haa neenan invalid, caos.d trom womb trouble, cas- eation of menees. etc.. abd I have tried every thing- I cou'd har of in the way of medicine, and nave bad several ot onr U;;t pbysioiaos attendlna ber. to one ol wcsm (calliuch.m by mat) I naia ft.6?. Instead of imptovn or aettinx any re fief, she rradaaJly jr--w worse, and I ,hd a.moat i von up hoi-e- , and really ilia not heliev h wouia ever x, t no irotu an invalid s ued : bat fn.ndo m,ae who kPew of the pa?e ne;tad fLa li waa f- liraafleW'f Female Regulator, and I'V.uh he sUted that he knew of a similar ca- - beinx enred by it, and indorsed it highly bimebif. I was so discoarsf ed I did not believe it would do her any good; but as a laat resort I bought a larre bottle ef it and she be van taking it, and from the very first a change took Place- - bbe bezan to reprove lapialy, ner appe- tite retarnbd. ber whole system waa up. and life, and I ain nndor lilo-lou- g obligations to yea and vnnr remedy, for it undoubtedly fayed her life: and bo added, "1 wish every lady in th world so afflicted would t.y it, a? I know it will curethoni," TTe Claim ant Con Prove Beyond a Doubt Bi the highest aud most undoubted testimony: That this Kemedy will curs all womb troubles. That this Bctnjdy will cure leueorrhrc a or wb'.'i That this F.emedy will rc'tore the Jbsnstrnal functions. t That this Heaedy TjUl eton. ezeesaiv monthly fl.w, 4'hu this cmed will relieve paiafnl menstrua- tion. Thst this Remedy will baitd np the system as a tntfc. That, this Remedy will care all female disorder. 'C'lIAXGE OF LIFE." If taken during this 1 crioJ, so critical, it stands without a rival. bend for our treatise on woman. Mailed fre t any address Trie BraJScld fircnlator Co., AtlanU. O. MEM CAYLDS' Veed for over 3 nwt mcccaa by tbe phyaicianaof l;i. York and andeupe. rior tpaliMoerSrfrthe rt cure of all or or kmx Ftautlin. Put up nn-- in G'lae cODtrlnixM Cilea each. PRICE 7 CtNlU, TflKM Till: CiLLAlXST CAfbUiXa IS 1U MARKET. MHS. A. 11ETAT, loarsusal St , Kcw Crleaaa, SrKcuLTixs roa Msciao FLAGS AND BAUNER?, And Dealer in all kinds ef Paraphernalia for Societies, Associations and Clubs. SlXK.ttOa.Det SILT KB K BKOlDERIEe alade to order. Send for estimRtcj. WEAK, UNDEVELOPED PACTS py tub hi: .Of iti'nv r.M.t.t;t:n. r ut U in. On Uc cn. Hit rt ilm eirlg p'.li-falar- n lre.!r N. Y. T.leS. ilae Baa, CHANCERY SAT.K REAL ESTATE, No. 5252. K. Chancery Court of Shelby ooaaty SW. ti. Csmf'jCu, (e;uw f, ft., of Harriet J. lPati!lo, ueceaaed, vs. Vanuie K. Kennedy et al, BY virtue of an interlocutory decree tor sal, d in tbe above eaase on the ltah day of October, 1KS4, M. B. ii, axe l'i, I will aell. at public auction, to tha hicbMt bidder, ia front ol th Clerk and Master's olSn, courthouse f tiht-k- f , MBihi,Tenn., n Katwrtlay. Mefsasker 13, 18SA. within legal hour, th following deecribad prop- erty, situated in the city of Memphis (now Ta. county, Tenncsse, ti Beginning at a point on the north side of Union atreet 118V, feet eaat of Waiiington street, tbe same being the southeast eorner of a lot owned bv Troaaweli aad running thenoe northwardly with said Tread well's lot 1&6 feet to an alley: thence eastwardly with the south line of said alley CSV, test more or less to the northwest corner of a lot owned by M. 1. Mcachamt thence sonth-war- d y with said Meaehatn' west lin IS6 feet to tbe nnrth line of I'ninn street; thence weetwaro ly with the line of Union t oiS feet asoaof lese to tha p'ac of beginning, t,he ,in ninf part of country lot No. eaAlso, whatever ivwast H. J . Fatillo had at th titii UT a r dg.ta m a certain lot oa tbe aorth jiie of Afpnrue street: beginning at a point, on he north side of Monro street as aow located U) feet east ef VCellirgton street, running theao east with tbe aorth line of Monroe street 0 et; thenee northwardly 14 feet; tbenee weetwardly i feet ; thence southwardly to the poiat of begin- ning 14 feet. Terms of Bale One-thi- rd cash, Uu In el and twelve months; notes w'.th personal security, bearing interest, fr deierreu laiyuients; liea re- tained ; rctieuhiion barred. This October 20, 1484. K. J. BLACK, Clerk and Haa Ur. By Geo. Mallary, Uepnty Clark aad Mas en-tie- o. Gilhan., solicitor. FEfJiJYr.OYAL FIUSU Y RTTT(! I (CHicHcaTCR't fKiAt) HL"0'y, rrwis out, wea Mna rev ratmr 1 Art ClasesesKig Illjbee's eekooL , rriir K Si to. ii awwes, uaew t f v I ,N Wet r t i J " 4 fa. ,. e.,1 . . C01TRH0ES! acobs's Patent Wheel Railroad Barrow, Western Wheel-Scrap- er Co.'s XSAILROAD CAMP Scrapers, PLOWS, UTENSILS, Zfos. Front Street BfemPnis, Tenn. PURE STtJIRE HOPE SOAP Perfectly Pnre, and free from ad ulteratlon. Entirely Vegetable no diseased animal fat. orelj Pure na frroussd stone, clay or reals In It. For China, Bat la nnd Toilet. Uos) further lasts lonxer. lluy from any Grocer. BOPZI OXZj MITiTi. SkXeanxplxleji. Tann. A. VACCARO t& CO. WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS ATTD gQ T. C. HEKLT. S. II. Brooks, Weely & Go. . m. t. c w. Late with Brooks, Neely A Co. J. 9 WHOIaHSALXl GROCERS, COTTON FACTORS A2VD COMMISSION HERCHAKTA, Wo. 867 VrAnt street. cioorea. with X. C. A Co. And If ay, vo, and aN3 BBOOKS. mow ELL. Buehanan ALSTON, GROWELL & 00. CommisBios. Merchant. Cora teneat, Tlaater, BaUdlar BbU t ire Brick, Ete. . . Cor. and Union, No. D.T. POBTEB, to 300 STREET. P ALL, N. W. TO or nr lwllryw Powara. Ha Saarinx. Railroad aa Steamboat awel ! Swra, Itlaaeaalel, Wnek aad Aawaral aad S W. M. Irateieit- - WHOLEiALE ST.. a. t. rrmt. i. H. of Breaks. Hli a C. W. B. r areaU A 0. J. H. AR. o A C. vnaasUM, Uwitaiit. " Dray Wheel 310313 laundry, FTtOTw-- Front FKOIVT IIHTlw il f tmmim. STRTEIBI f . H. KXt.T. : : Ilempliift, P. S. AL-TO- V Late of BatasvilU. Miss. Oata, Itran, Chos Feed, Oil-Hea- l, Line, 1 Howard's Row, Memphis. U. W. MACBAJL I.. i. NtJiaijrjr.8. FUAJIISILED. SauaniBc, Hmm Frwajta, Oottem Pi rTesw Work, Kwarti ,) waa Ortaaaaiilla, Slaaisai earauBiaa and Oraaaaaa Ire sr. (lalnl. BKceeosrs POBTER, TATLOR 00 Clottom Factors WnOLESALE r.Tilburn Gin and Machine Gomp'y MJJfFACTI7RERS OF Eclipse and Anti-Fricli- on Cotton Gins, FEEDEKS, C0KDE5SEKS sad PRESSES, STATIONARY ESGISZ8, ' - -- BoDera, SkaiUng-- , alleys. Etc. ' Railroad, SteambfMtt aad Archltectaral Vark. 17fT-rJ"T- R. GrODWUk. Late J. R. GODWIN & CO. ? And Commission Merchants, . Front St.. Coy. Unlm. intrvmnlala. Tmmi CQTTO IXSUBED, ssd 9 Tenn. Ilia. Nat, 73-- 5 Tnnce street,. SPEERS. Jr PR0PR1ET0B. LARGEST and ONLY COMPLETE GIN in the city. ThcCcst Sample and Ytclci Guaranteed. Ti.e LIVERHORE FOUNDRY Ci LIACIIINE Co lOO 174 A1MJHS STIlEirr.. -- ..MEMPnLTlLalf HAJrrjVACTiTjixRs ajtd dkaIiSBS Cwwtls faisaspau lanlialara, latas, Kraa. aVIaoela. !!. risw V.IU Sleeiaw rewst feaelag, Ran) WHOIsTJSAXaXI GROCERS, COTTOfl FACTORS And Commission Hcrchants, 260 and 62 Front Street- - TXemphf a. Tenn. Peoples InsomQce (So. OQce 10 Madison Street, Memphis, Tenn CASH CAPITAX., 5 $200.000 aa.ljumrea all Claaaaa T Xerckaadlae, Storeboiuea, Ckarehea weUlsga.Tac FAItniweJWw. II. T. LEMWOJT, Wf W.B.Galbreath&Co. Cotton UWlll mm Tl 1 uuauwj anu NO. 333 MAIN ram, na BK0OES, W.EBal OOODB aWdaar jb., MACKS ssse. 836 The W. Is. PARK EH, IFac'ior a, "1 4aa, w. a. joTaaa MM. Uf I lia:ars, MEMP1TT8. TENN. wi , 1 a. 1. bauib, i I &. L. COFFDf. f DIUar A Coma. ,f J. K. a4wia A Caw JUlLsAaB. D. T. fO&XKR, of Porisr A Ml -- raring BwlliM ia7. OSS&S PAID, a a raa PLANTEQS INSURANCE C0L1PAI1Y I1PIHB lvlNrX3 XkSaWZ.XZT3a) OFFICB I2f COMPASVS Ua)IH)I2Q,4H MADISON, MEHFIIim otkbtoji. axnaorons. OALBRKATU, PKALKBW rKUtxxATu Mr All kladi f Froaerty Insured. Special (Haiti ale lva to I ft reasonable rate. Cotmeaee4 kaslaaa la Hals e, w,ntaei. A Home Pampt,,, va.oeetfellv ask voar natrowa t. T. IAMAB0B. t. Aa HUitX. 0. 0. H1&. &. A. PAjUUR, A. la. WV01MK K, J, T. FARGASOr. h CO. Uholcsalo Grocers and Cotton Factory 9S9 TronX Street, Uemphlm, Teu. Owttaa aaaitmd to u will avwar aawrfal atUntiea. W sarr U all Use a wU risas xaka SU,U z&i Frassy Graeeriet, Wines, Uquf rt, Tctzccj tzi C!;ht. S aval will !! au aaa tat Lawsat. XAjrcTArnniu rrrr r. ii -- '.i r o C-- r a KJ a a s i a S

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Page 1: Memphis daily appeal. (Memphis, Tennessee) 1884-11-11 [p ]. · V I'1 4.. taproveient! Feeling that the public is warmly interested in n.AQnniiiv nf" mir hnnse. we announce with pleasure




taproveient !

Feeling that the public is warmly interested inn.AQnniiiv nf mir hnnse. we announce with" "

pleasure the vast improvements in our

mndo necessary by theorAAV li nf nnr business.

The space has been doubled, making these thelt.rMmi nnfi niftst, rnnimodioiaS aDartments in

ajTrjll Jlja,a.vvaflu. rniiiifrv.

It is almost needless toaim is to reach the very highest standard of excel

, lnice in every detail of our enormous business.


... i.aMilea or their aartwada.. au ...a Hll. snarUlBK all th


Ridgely,Tailors and Importers, 38 Iladison,

aa rM.natl tbwae of y rir-t-I-a ftUlwr la the TJmltl State.application to tea wbo tins lert nawerM,

ar Bmmlr, It ie eeenemy set bee)t. ' '


Adieu? Bro."J; FINE:

2G1 3Iniur..r. ihxuiamwlll HWlieenr ereaiel alltaUm. Our Illaatrateel

atilntn. !! rf mmt fre


tin QuncQWlreet,


No. 2SO Street.F. MILIiEH PIAHO.the acknowledged faTorHe of the,' j iiii.i Err A mill rllkn Th. it rianints.

mi i. nii i- . ih. mo. t Doim'tiru Hlano... inithe couth

-- .1,1 .V. hi a u i a. a.. nun iu, -

iW lniramU ho e IHw Inatmllmei


2Vu liouieianaioldon KyrniN

Jlnplc Syrui,llitlvi and Soir-Klttl- ng llncka


jr. F. aTJCltnAM & OQ


DENTISTS,5o. Slnln Street.


Wbolwale and Betail Dealer In

OUN3, RIFLES. PlctfOLS,All of AramnnUton, Fine Pocket httlry,, .Li'. faokle, ui" r,8J

looted floe llKmrocricM ande .ir fr.r. 14 aaleit., Mempima. T-n- Man- -fct.-fir- and reiia.rina don. jr .""f,1? N- -


Ir,. .li.l on

SliiRA & XcCAKTUY, Froprt,

140. U2, 144 Front st, Memphis

SS ? TBS 1ATUJJbT BOILKR 8H0P8 IHJ U 6.utl, imn vne

o --.i.u... vVnr1!! intbe... a. . k.l&a trwei'trrlee, biioeiaJ attaotioa gi


ltlttes, AmmunitionA5D riSUU'U TACKLE.

So, a 17 Main Street Mompliti.rnn

n rli'd at tb l"wct 0aiw, i t. C. K. e0T0S


.Uoal Estate DealersAOiiXTS AXD BBOKEKS,

o ri lCE, 234 SECOND ST.,i is. K. Vr. Sreoon avrnd Cowrt,

jftiATIalS, TEX58SEE.BSTATSBOUSHT ANDSOLB.TAXiaHEAL Bnt (oHt.til. et.. on ComlHin,

j..o."scaMZOi atsoN,(Sitoeaeeor to J. 8. Schmidt).

rp rl KC St As w aTatF.KT Wnoieaaleand retail '' tmmaBlliea, rial,

w.. Lleotrio Hell a"d Annuociatormr Hmcia and Rcsiococca. Itartlsr and tire--

itmi rrr, siann n,v.... j . j ' Ipi). liwKt'infl Bftnd


etTcrini, on liberal terras, aaort desirable1AM riyin t et Tenneeeee. At Witbe Sta-tion, miles from Memphis, on L.aad N. R.R.,au, litre reaidence with i moms: onestorehooae,

town inta and parcels of land. At Atokatbe C, O. ead S. W K.R.. aailae

Hw Memphis, storehouses, eottaces and dwel-ling, all in brvt-cla- repair, with all aecessarr

Alao. a new livery liable and drutat re i r pecna wiahinr to aecure sins 11 farmsw lb caltivatlos of cottoo, sTs-a-

. traits,atc.l.r tbe a.e.mihia or Nortbera mar.

Vets, i atu olierina special Inducements in UtileInriiia, ransiu fmm JO. ln, eoand tract,.Aim. larircr tracts, contAinina 100. rial, am. uuat.d NA anrea ell ef wbirb. witai (ord imoroTe-imi- u

ao-- l in tiUh atate of eullnaUia.conren-teo- tmr .lujimant from Atoka, and is aituuted in

haoltl'T eiuuur, where there are aood ewkonesandcuurobta. Adirs

' TiPM'Ka'L'WaWl'' aa J, Ml

Pt.lLSONAL.M. FVi'V A Office, aortbeaet eetwet

1 J Jef'oreon aud Miin s taensral OHioeaediiaied-o- fraftioe. Offioe lours, 10 a.m. to 1

i . , and ryan2 to a p.m.Vr i -- - r'illi.'l'irs has remoTed U MadC

1 K--a sirest to Secjjnd stryet.

qy I'm I Nnna !. I . i Unl .

M KAVKJ OK KT0LE.K- -A V.aynisre male, 6 vears old, 10 bandsu i.i iurti to isccy't sULlc, Aiiatns

A Iff

I'.rd i d wLite tnearly wh tel cowiti u one ear, otrf lu ia tfce; i.;iici 'n rio'i.K. Liix-r- l -

M 1 V. Vf nr-- 1. tlj R(tICIHIC.l!.-r.- iti Cnl'm's pasture, onr.d, mr t, i';b,

..f... j. aiifi tis offers tfj-- "1 - v ii a a e u

rapid and unparalleled


add that our constant

lock Imported Olotb.jEateat PeiliM la aeaUeanoa'B Ww,


Memphis, mmly miquww, w wpirT .1 . inn

at medium price, j neteet w "in a.k ..uaumniB Tli. and n.oat








laatramrala, t.t., W iM!-aa- il ama aietmtl.fiaie.


or witbont board, at the ArlinfROOVfl-Wl- thlOOend 111 Adame ttreet.

fiOUM AND BCMRO Une laree and ene emailXV room, with poard, at 34 Second atr.t.

00 Mi. Without board.PARK HOTEL.

i ( AND 18 Market ltreat Beard. W 50; tlrfleJLJ roomi, W Pr weem traniianit, n per uay.

With or wtthoot boardROOMS At 1U3 foplar rtreat.T0ARINO Firat-olaa- e boarding by the dayJD or ink. at (IS Monroe trout.tOOMa A SI) BOAKU By WMk or month, atLV ui Second ftrect. Alao.aay board

ROOM Delrable lrnlhd room, with board Jtwo ant'eDion preierrea, bl io vmn iu

TSbS'fRtlOMS At 4S2 bhelby etnet.. Aleo,3 a few poaMere taken.0003 A larpe, plaaaant front room, withXV board, at moderaU prica. Alan few dayboarder.DOOMS Elegant fiuniabed front room "with

Aor without board Large yard. 116Coartat- -

ftlllki Thre. pleaaaat furnliibed roorai withJTv or without board. UltUUAlO OOM U nfurnlihed room, with or withont

fTAJIllSw urwTnpillTS At

LOKO A MOOK'3, Main it.

n aSVAPSKBe A good oanrajaer fortbii city.Abw nveior ieright party. C. 1. A UlAllOV.I , WjlMirvBGE8T Can add Al line Samnlee (mall:

xV. eoiamiaaione eaan. N. Orltana agent earnI18U0 yearly, r. u- - 11 'X 1371 Mework.T ADIE3 AND QKJiTUIS wifnin; ; to leare1 j on tbe eriy ireiiini oi ine iopiiiic, own.l.ra and Texae railroad can Und acco aod- -fioneat BO, WSliliOKUlASr.TABKSSMAKKRa Foar good dieatmakan alU M Marrhall arenne. Apply at once

QITCATI'IS By competent book keaeer.O fliw.d refercnc. Adrers W. 8 . 14 Main.

B0ABUEB- 8- m SHELBY ST.--wp ari-la-a aawtnr-machin- e operator,

W" AIM a akin-trimm- ind waiu-roaic- r. Apply at once to Mint. Alexandre voaari, zu mamMrees. n.

At 71 Union itre--t. Ileed net applyC10K well recommended." rtli-- No Ire'-elar- a yonn men for the pr- -XA-- twae of inu-uoic- T.P?illwJSI,,al. Apply atrpo RENT a Cottage, with o or I Kiomji. In aoodX repair. Addreae

SU.l-- nlt Bleetrla LampASNT8-Add- rei

Louie. Mo., for Circulare, Cut -- ndterm ef power Marah Klectrical Lamp.

A OKNT- -It will uf an intelligent man orXJ-- woman wanting iiQtame gropioyoiana wwriie isr my lllnftrated elrcular ana ao.'ms of

, V celebrated MISSOURI PtbAMWASliliH, wii'i. .byreaaon of it great In Irineienierit, ia fch phenomenal iueow.AAdeaa J WORTIi. beTfubiWh and franklia

API EH A Jat"TLEMKl n eitT or conn.try, to UM msia.rj ax weir own nomee:

io4adaycil7 worn .cnxby mail i no

0BtlD. Wa bare good deaH; r .DTK

and Wkhtamp,

rLV OOLD WATCH-CAPErr-t- .Jawairr,et., fur eh J N UTIt Dj'.tltk a 11

TWO Single Rooma, fnrniibed. wib er withoutprivate family preferred. Addrcaa

BOARI, thli orBce, ataiing local ion and price.OAatTiKH- a-

At M Madison street.A rff TON'S Race, Iron. Bonee, FeatrenXVJUW and Matala. Bend for prioe list. Newand seoond-ban- d woods for eal e Addrea f.U ABA 1 A real aad Oomniailoa MerehaaU 40S


PH AKTO- K- Fi- - new phaeton, fnr sale aheap.Inquire st ItollcnlHr's Musio House.

HITZFKLD'S oil and fluid Stores for cookingpurposes, at 233 8ei-on-d st.

A LOOS A arst-ela- s saloon, alifibls located,S well etocked, flnely fnrqisbed, aad doint apaylac buainrae. Tbe proprietor dairen of en-a-

in other butne, will sell oa reasonableterms. Ad r '"L." tkis office.

FARM A beautiful farm of 173 aeree, TOmileeof Memphia, en Hernando roadt rood

dwellm of 4 rnps i S tenant hooeas, and altout kuildn(. Plenty of cood water

Fine ercbards. A bariaia can be bad, and onreasonable terms.

M ATCH EFT A yTRTTOS, 3M Main st.AND HIAKIO.N Aa extra (enUeMARK and a pbasrfoa a auod ax new. Sold

separately if aeaircd. Apply -- tMX JKrFKHSOX EXTENDED.

A IlBAl'TIKri. FARM Of 320 ace. SiW openI a. ana m cultivation, . miles soma ol Uulijon M. end C. Railroad. Nice duelling, two newbarns, windmill, aad all Improv, menis and coa- -Tenence' twaw ; im class larm. Ail newaad in avod order. U ill be sidd vary low and onvery reaionabla terms of payment,

K. A. fAW KbK, rrcnt st.TERr-K- COW-O- ne half breed Jersey cowJ wits calf, three weeks old: No. 1

milker; aleo, one Jrey Bull Cnlf (lack in onesixty ourth ot tutl mood.) Apr y at


L RU B Ml LL3 snd 9 BOR5 KS Ap,ly toWatt Mcnsshan, Jefferson street, or

J05. Bl KNtV. New Rajeih rosd.W. R. CVNN'INGHAM 1 now herMKH. California lo sell ber home Jackson

street, near Kayburp and roston avenues; niceresidence aad (roue Sea

A. rUEATLITT, SSI Main rt- -


XN Uf erery decription. at one-ba- the r'leol new. Jones s pa? b ton n aan cale aud Dla--Bond Cm Mills, at

J. O. ATES 4 COJB. JlOfront st."O1AN08 LOW FORCASII Goodseroad hsndJL. hTRiswaT riANo; secona-nsn- a naaaa ii- -

Mi (coet new tattli) one new Wsara 1"ino.1 heac Planus must k sold. Uod chance f. r absrsoln. K. W 1T.MA IX.T3IANO fine new Upricht E I'iano, S- -J atrlna li nisou ibiueL rand will sell at asaoriaue. Call at corner hlatb and Jackaoastreeu, Port I'lck-rii- i. Hawkins's drug store-

FAMlLf MAREGOOD Apply at 110 Market stret.rrKNNKS!KiT!ATR ii:ftTiriCATauWR- -A. eeirable for any and all duea to th S'ate

OVkKTO?! IIHUVIEMIt.tJ6rSk New and elaaaotly tnlahed house,XX Bow beinf built oa 1 Iflb rt.., bet. Karr aadKeel, Caelsea: I rooms, outhouses ootnplela, aa--ealleat well aad euterai I t M by 14bs, feet, eastr t ear tiine. AuM: y t jaiaxtn li'AkKER Off

A. J MAK TIM, Ixt Mala etreet. eur. htadiaon.- Lb' a P t fcja--i t C A pKJ AT THIB omn.iris's A aacond-kaa- d No. a A sues E urine.pwr: aood aa new. aad very

IDF.rKK MUtKAt.ifBlrentrt.Cr jJ CsaTTo il VV OU H . (it4 Dtit1 IS A awl V- - .

Trfr MrUx. f s ni'rHT '.n jtia ;m

, Is CPodT , We--, nt, a, T.'j

t t,wl tor eu


o sale of Sell PloA Saiis at 22 50, .

2? SO and KO, bar bean immense, and still Ofcontinue.

Have by far th belt as: orttnen t of Newmarket1 the dtf , ana ther '1 tbea at prion

ebeep. NKWMARKT3 at M, ,

$10. 12 and ppward. Mew styles received Juttoon they appear oa Broadway and Fifth


A treat Combination in our DRK83 GOODS De

partment: 9 jit Drap de Vaennaand Yj&Kmbroidered Velvet for tlO. The are tbevery latert in dree ffee'.a.

On MONDAY MORNING we offer 50 pet of Lidledonble width cloth, at 45e per yd. in

10,000 pci Wool Filled Goodi at OX, 10 and 120 andper yard.

Oar Great Silk Combination Sale.Silk and Velvet Combination, full pattern,-o-

rich material,AT US: WORTH 125.

AT 122 50; WORTH MO. Bill

AT Vt SO, WORTH S.AT H7 50, WORTH 175. . '


. MONOPLY SILKS.Wear Guaranteed.

All-Si- lk LYOX3 TELVEM, for costume., rlebUohltef , just opened.


New Style Pattern BonnetsKREMER'S far ahead in this department. Xo

competition recognised.

NONPAREIL.KRKMEKS will ehoar Immenae bartsint in RIB

BON, LACK and FANCY GOODS Department.fORSCHOOL-F- or Bolt and OirUtbe JERSEY

CAP at 25e, every color.THE SAILOR, THB KENSINUION, and eTery

deaired shape U FELT HATS- -

OBo-- Ai lmmente line of HATS worth twiceand thrice. ' '

Dae notice of the openinc of our

Christinas Departmentwill be lirea.


W KITIiaiiava THEATER.JobKrB Baooti - Leasee and Manager

Three Kiihta and Wednesday Matinee, Commeoemg neeeaj, . wie.

LIZZIE HAY ULf.lERIn ber new play

DAu'4 GIUIjXWritten mnulv for her by B. J. ot tne ncoee. ran in wuiiuirm. iuu va nt Hnllenbarc'e.

Monday. Nor. 17 Madison rViuare TheaterCompany In the flu v Am aci-KE- n .


(The new hall of Toons Ven'a Hebrew AMocia- -uon, corner union ana ooooau iiraui,

TfESOAT EVE IJIG, at S O'Claek.ander tbeaonpicet of tbe Moiartonsqrratery of

Mueio. MOHsES. WWAS iUasioal Director.

CHARLES WERNER,, aeeUted by Meeara. BRUCH and

STBELEZKl and a corp. of talented rocaliita.Admuainn. ReiCfv.d teata (no extra

charge) at Mannlbrd'e.


Private Secretary.


In firt-el- at eondition '

PIANO At 21ft Union atreet.

LOST.rnnan a kukma MX band hitht mark

r"l on left ahoalder and a Small ent at top ofthe left hind hoof, and verr Ions tall. I willpar areward of lu Tor nijretorn u;

OTP. IT ED.TantJY. From 2! Tate treet. one small, darkX bay Indian pony mare Star on forehead.thod all round, and very fcntie. Return andreceive reward

TWO 00W- B-email red cow. with teat out off. One

larce dun cow. bundin oneeye. Liberal rewara.Rot urn to tin MAM' SIRKKT.S10W Sandy-re- white spot, iwallow-fbr- k

J in left ear, under-cu- t in right ear; three yearsold. Strayed September alb. $S rnward.

37 RAMI vr..Tna.

FOit REST.X5IAJJOS AND ORdAJJfl Second hand pinoL ao dor ran). In perleetoioer ana tone, irom

12 and upward per month, atfluLUBJ iiarm o atoiv avion.Furnished or nnfnrnipbed, 7 room,HOUSE Jackson and Fifth, Fort Pickerjp;.

OT0REB0CSK OR 6TABLE-30- x0 feet. rithample lot. on MoTall etraet. weat ot Uayoso

House. WM, L. va.nck. : Btie'oy it..S.L k 1 --frost roomFURNIBMED wanted in private family, S

minntea walk f Conrt Bqo-- e, t. ton oa'ce.

T AKK ROOM In office of Continental Faat1 fraimt Line. " M.di-on ureal.

Unfnrni.bed, without board, at 455ROOMS ttreot, Linden.FCRSISIIKD ROOMS At 326 SecondNICBL1 oppoaita itrackett's Apply at


furnished front room, southernNICELY also other rooma. at 56 Monroe St.T7MJRKIBja ROOAiaJ." At S7 Mulberry ftreet.


C. K. CinoTHEEn, Coico, Miss. ; J. Ib-umut- b,

Sew Orleans; James Fossil I, For-rest City, visited the Cotton Exchangeyesterday.

Mbs. John C. McKscaor. alter a threemonths visit to her relitive and friendsin Desha county, Ark., has returned withher children, very much improved inhealth.

Charles M. fcrtcm, an old Memphisboy, is in the ailsj circulating among hiafriends. Mr. SWaf is tbe representativeof the big soaaw pei turnery bouse oiJames o. Kirk at Ubicago.

Tub ladies of the First Presbyterianchurch invite the gentlemen of the city toa dinner to-d- to be given by them atBard's old stand, opposite Court Square.All that th? season affords will be servedhv many of the belie of Memphis, and itis nopeu tne aueuaance win e large.


Crftalaait Cvr DAnalitan, Jntdcc.Calendar for to-da- : Koa. fi", Walker

Normentl 58, W. C. Xorment; 3, Wiliter-so- n

. Co.; 78 and 79, Minter Parker; 63,John Johnson : 7S, John Johnson.


'Bpt your fchirtg at Sar'a.ttct try tlFr 9Bre JJopa Soap.

Givr yinT hliilrfl Smith's Worm Oil.

Call and tea the"""1.' QnaiEollenberg.

rF.RFECTioi in Coffee, "Java Blend."City Tea Store, 3.19 Main street. Try it.

Thk latest novelty in ladies' slippers istut l'arieian opera just arrived at

VOfcWitLI A CO.'d,. Tl Main St.For a good pisnks go to Landman's, at

Hery Luehrmann's old stand. OysUrsserved in every style.

Tna TnaoAT-Brow- n's Bronchial Trochesact directly on the organs of the voice.They have an extraordinary effect in alldisorders of the throat.

Tub Herbal Chill Cure, the best tonicand known. A certain and surecure for chills. Price tl per bottle. Bend stamp

circular. Any reference firen. AddressJor C. Rucker, Lyncbberr, Va.DraKKE's Salad Dressing and CM Meat

Pauce, the universal favorite both in theIgnited Sta'es and Great Britian. Whole-some, delicious, economical and nutritious.Haves anxiety, waste and trouble.

Do not forget to add to your lemonadeor soda ten drops of Angostura Bitters. Itimparts a delicious flavor and prevents allsummer diseases. Be sure to get the genuine Angostura, manufactured ry Dr. J.G. B. Siegert & Sons.

ms Arraaowrf Xrjmbllrav, Ann. 1ft, 1SS4.

Thb drop la the prlc of quinine may have)been caused by the large ehlpmxnte ofCollins' AaaeCnro Into the malarial aud ctallleand ferer diatrlcta throuxhout the South andWest, wherw formerly It waa aupposed nothingbut quinine would cure. Judtina-- from thslara-- e ahlpments dally of thie remedy from thilaboratory of tbe Cnillne Brae. Drof Co., Sec-

ond and Vine streets, It looki as if Collins' AftuOir waa taklnc 1 place of all otherremedies for ohflls.

Ktlty 1 liowaasxl at Tear.To be sure You've "only got a coM,"

"only a court." "Be all crer in a few days."'l,n't worry about me.' Well, we won't. But

Mi.OPOpeople die every year ia tbe I'nited Statefrom consumption: anderery soul of tbcre be-a-

that war. Botter stop it new with Parker'slunic. This learsdy will expel the euld at once.

SM and Admire?.The finest piano ever brouttht to this

market, aud real work cf art, is now onexhibition at Hollenberg's, No. 22 Mainatreet.

Cleatnlua; and Djeiiig.Utdiea and genta clothes cleaned or

dyed iu any color: ostrich feathers, lacecurtaina, by Louia Kieael, No. 69 Jeffersonatreet. Vsoods raoauwawt t,v

Advlew le Utera.Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup should

always be used when children are cuttingteeth. It relieves the UtUs auiTcrer atonce ; It produces natural, quiet aleep byrelieving the child from pain, and the lit-tle cherub awake aa "bright aaa bntton."It is very ptasant to taste. It soothe thchild, softens the) turns, allays all pain, re-lle-

wind, regulate th bowel, and iath bast Jtnowo rem4w --v oiarrUe.n,3e,v!f stibicg lrora t. ttwejtbercxxju. etj-- , t tfinf a ti Uo.


the 8chol Board Yesterday Reportsof the Superintendent od of tbe .

Flnanco Committee.for

Desks Ordered for Alabama Street SchoolThe Repair Bill Referred Minor

Matters Discussed.

The School Board mt in reimlar monthlyeseion yee'erdir. with President Rambaut an

tbe chair and Messrs. Jordan, wintersRavage present.


The Finance Committee reportedfollows :

Caeh on hand laxt report ... fllO Mlenoeitea taition accoani. noladebtedneia last report S8.1'.T 02Pay-ro- ll for October . o,0830

for Ootober T40 81

Total -- ...13,WT !.'

Bednot tuition eolleoted.. 115 is

Total J13.831 38

A. J. Harris, trustee, and the Taxintc--

Distrlct have about $1960, which will bedistributed about the 15th instant.

bcpebintemdbiit's beport.Msupbis. November 10. 1 SSI.

Gentlemen of the Board of Education :

The aummaries tor October show an enrollment of 3400 pupils. Of theee 127 belong to the senior department, 905 to theintermediate department and -- is in tneprimary department. The following tableelves the number in each building andother statistical lniormauon : 5323

a 5r0-- Sro

Smith eohool. or 1

Leath echool 4,5 VPeabodr achool.....w... 3SMerrill acbool .............. 3Ut 1

JeSenon eohool. Ml 3Pope achool ZU I

Total white 1S43

Kortreeht sabool..... tViO 83Monroe eohool.. 4W 92

V Inoheater eohool. 188 91)

Silfaraae aohool.oerenth-etreet

m 9ichool. 91

Total colored... 151S

Amount collected frjm pay pupils formonth of October, $115 "5.


President Rambaut said he had had anumber of calls from teachers for the payment of their salaries.

Mr. Jordan said he had made an effortto negotiate a loan sudicient to pay thetwo months due. about S35GO. and whileit could not be done now, he thought itcould be managed in a short time. TheFinance Committee was authorized to obtain the required loan.

RBPAia BILLS BKFEKRBDMr. Winters objected to the payment of

tne repair Din oi Vi , Decause tne worthad been done without order of theboard. The bill was referred to theBuilding Committee to investigate andreport back. ......

DISKS TO BB BOUGHT.' The superintendent was anthorized to

buy forty desks for the Alabama streetschool, a manufacturing company havingagreed to supply them at $3 75 each ontwelve months time.


A controversy then arose concern i as theadmission to tbe schools of a child whoseparent do not reside in the city. It wasstated that the mother of the child lives withrelatives elsewhere, and that the personwho boards tne cnud cbareea no board.Tne discussion extended far into the silentwatches of the stilly night and the reporter withdrew.

LOCAL PARAGRAPHS.The School Board met yesterday.Legislative Council meets Thursday.A good attendance at all the churches

Sunday.LiszieMay Ulmer otLeubrie's Theater

againTwo drawines to-da-v New York State

and Liouibiana btate.The Beaver Dam Hunting Club

having fine sport now.The news from New York continues

to be tbe topic.The Theater will be c'osed Thursday,

Friday and Saturday mgnts next.Judge Pierce has taken charge of a

Bible class at the Strangers' church.Judse Hammond and his clerks have

eone to Jackson to hold the United StatesCourt

Jane Jovner. for receiving stolengoods, will serve three months in theworkhouse.

No bombs were exploded yesterday,but tne atmosphere is still redolent otburnt powder.

A sentence of $50 and thirty days waaimposed on Mrs. hmmi lorry yesterdayfor carrying a pistol.

With all the whisky and other fire-sror- i-s

of the past lew days, the policehave had very little to do.

Albert Jlnll-ert-, a petty thie, was

sentenced by Judga Douglass yesterday tothree months in tup workhouse.

Depnty Sheriff Powel lost a fineColt's revolver in the procession Saturdaynignt, and anxiously desires its return.

John Wilson was sentenced to twoyerrs aui Frank Kanz to three years, inthe Criminal Court yesterday, for larceny.

Licenses to marry were issued yeiter- -. .1 oi T. t a, i5 rusj iu Auucn b aso auu jura, r jauvu

Franklin, Je se Hughes and Mrs. AnnJones.

Orno B. Hatsks, of tbe German Na-tional Bank, is the happiest man in towna thirteen-poun- d boy and bis name isPgc

It is said I bat both sides are ready fortrial in tbe Acahnche case and that it islikely to be beard by Judge Pierce in aweek or mtjre.

Coughs and colds are numerous.Jqrttfing fforri the dreadlnl atmospherewhich Ells every hole and corner of theearth at night we must be passing throughthe tail of comet,

Tbe Trl-Stat- e Medical Associationwill meet in this city Wednesday andThursday. Q lite a numbs. of visitingphysicians will be in attendance.

Angel rakes, made by Mrs. Hawkinsand Mrs. Willie James, at the Firat Pres-byterian church to-da-y, to be distributedby so ne of the belles of the city.

Mitchell, the Blackfish Crockett, wasin thj city yesterday, and reports tbethbirg theri as' very doe, the squirrelsmore numerous than lio ever saw theuiand the ducks coming in rapidly.

Mrs. Henry Berry will sing the famous"Jewel Song," from Faul, at the concert

ller admirers, and they are aIf tfion. clsfra that few professionals whohave visited Memf,hi ( i; yith asniuch dranu!l? flra ad PASSU a.

The management of the Mtzartwill sell tickets to the grand

voucb-t- , ai vnicn erner appears, to--night at ball price to' aji' school childrenbtinging their teacheri' indorsenieat oftheir a'4eodjtnpe tp Mr. young, at Hans-ford's.

It will be a relief when the Presiden-tial question is settled. Ia MemphisalonA the. loss to business enterprisesamounts to sever! thousand dollars dailv.The merchants tbin', howaver, that business is not loir, but simply delayed, audexpect a rush Wedoesday.

Many persons seem under the imiirr s--sion that Assembly tiall is on the north-east eoruer of (Jnion and Second. It isin the new bnildini cf George Peters, overCole fe Co. Tbe Mojiart. Conservatory pre-sents tbe great cell'st Werner, and thetheater, to the public there

The regular dinner of the ladies of theFirst Presbvierian church to-da- y will beone of the beet that has been served, andall the ladies w ill be presant. The bestthings of the season will be served and inabundance. All the gentlemen in Mem-phis are invited to be present and partici-pate.

This week is observed by the YoungMen's Christian Association, all aroundthe world, as a week of prayer for youngmen. The Memphis branch cordially in-

vite you to meet with them every even-ing this week from S to V o'clock. Shortbut pointed talks, inapiiing songs andMscsible prayers (two minutes) are re-

quested frcin those intereete4 in the suc-cess of these meetings.

Now that the election is over aud thepeople of Memphis got sobcrwd UD andsettled down to business, something to s&yabout the new Mem plus operabouse wiilbe in order. We have carefully examinedthe plans as drawn by Mr. C. G. ltosen-plaente- r,

architect. A full description hasbeen given in the press of the city, whichwe fully coincide in. trillions vary al o itits location, as different parties have dif-ferent views as to the same. It seems toua these differences can be easily recon-ciled. W hope the work wiil soon becommenced and pushed to its early com-pletion, as this growing city is badly inneed of more and better theater accommo-datio&- a.

Tae Interest la bicycling, Tyhich theAppeal has ao strongly advocated, ati,lgoes bravely on. A onthly paper, theSmihern CueJer, published in MernphN,bas been started, tbe editor being Mr. W.L. Surprise, a member of the MemphisBicycle Club. The initial number, whii bhas mat been issued, gives promise cl alive and well conducted journal whosegrowth will be al with tnat of bicy-cling in the South. The first issue containsrtUea on "Our Club," the L-- A.. W.,

"Lady Trioyslers," "My irst Itld on aTriuTcle." a letter from Karl Kron, another entitled "Expressions Anent Cy-

cling," by J. R. Lauasr, of Savannah, be-

side some selected matter. The subsarlpboo prio la but fifty cent a year.

Capt. 0' Haver yesterday arretted JoMoore, colored, for some outrageous oon-du- et

on Baal atreet last night. It ap-pear that ?0& negroes concluded Saturdaybiaiit that tby woul "Jj-- a a limine

meeting, "elat 'w,'

Main street for the purpose about 10 1 -odoc. 9 niaan met inem aaawarned them to keep quiet. Hia wordsbad tbe effect of dispersing the crowd,but a doaen or more ot them, bent on der-ilme-

continued on their way up Bealestreet. Opposite Battier's drag store theyencountered a white man who was hurrahing for Cleveland sad made a break

him. He was obliged to fly, and raninto the drug Btore. Tbe crowd wouldhave followed except for the prompt action of Mr. Battier, who stood at his door, Ajpistol in hand, until the fugitive could escape by way ot tne suey. suortiy after-wards She crowd jumped on a little son ofMr. James Roper, who was going homewith a transparency, took it away fromhim and beat him unmercifully. The boyfinally managed to cet home with hisclothing covered with dust and blood and

ugly cut in bis lorenead. Aioore wasthe rineleader of this rang. It is veryfortunate tne crowd up town oua not near at

lthese outrages, or there is no tellingwhat might have happened.


An Amended telarn riled Its-- JaitleeC. K. Smitb.

No' further returns have yet been ie-

ceived from Tipton and Fayette counties,and it is said that the returns will not becounted until Wednesday, it is announced that the result will be made public then beyond a doubt. The friends ofMr. Harris insist tnat He is elected andunless footings oi returns now in are ma-terially changed by those to come theirprediction is likely to be realised. Theonly development of yesterday is anamended return filed by Justice C. E.Smith, which wi'l be forwarded to Nashville by buenH Uannon. Tbe vote In nisdistrict was 90 for Harris and 399 for Taylor. The following is a cop) of the document spoken of .

At an election held in the ThirteenthCivil District at Arnold's school house ontbe 4th day of November, 1884, for Presidential electors, member of Congress fromthe Tenth Congressional District andmembers of the Legislature of Tennessee,the undersigned, in the capacity of deputy sberin. being duly deputized lor tbepurpose of holding said election by the)Btienn oi Shelby county, did as sucn deputy noid saia election, wniie mere act-in-n

as deputy sheriff he was and is one ofthe duly qualified and acting justices oftoe peace ot enelby county. lie did notact or profess to act by virtue of any poweror authority whatever, save tnat as snenu,conferred on him by (aid deputation, andin sizaiug the principal return heretoforemade touching said election, he signedthe same in his olhcial capacity as deputysheriff, which was according to the factsas above recited, tie is advised that bysection 340 of tho code of Tennessee thereis a positive inhibition against any justiceof the peace acting as sheriff or deputysheriff while holding such office of justiceof the peace, and that his action by reason of this provision of the code was unauthorized, and being requested to amenahis return so as to make this fact appear.he accoidingly hereby does so. Us fur-ther amends said return by stating thatat the time of holding said election heheld tbe office of supervisor of the electionunder the act ot Uongress making provision for such supervisors. Kespecuauysubmitted, '

v. &. uefuiy eneriii.I. C. K. Smith, the above-name- d deDUtv

sheriff and returning officer, do make oaththat the facts set forth in the foregoingamended return are true to the best of myknowledge, information aid belief.

Subscribed and sworn to before me thisNovember 6, 1884.

1'. 4. tilllibtl, 4, r


Get Bit of free) Advertialna; by ass Is.KOUibu, acaeiae.

The following item will attract the attention of all the cotton compressors out-side of New Orleans. It is clipped fromthe New York Commercial-Bulku- of r tidv last :

A lew days ago the agent of thesteamship lines running to New Orleansinformed tho railroads that they. wouldrefuse to accept any cotton which was notcompressed at that port. The announce-ment canned s ime consternation amongtbe rsilrrad officials, who thought at firstthat the rteamsbip agentd were workingid the intern t of tbe cotton pi ess peopleThe roads, after investigating the matter.however, discovered that tnch was no'tho case, and that the steamship ownerswere just-tiibl- e in making the announcement refanmg to accept cotton other thanthat compressed at that t, for the reason that very nariy ail of tbe cotton compressed at the small country towns isnot properly put cp. In examination otthe matter tbe Time DtMOcral says: 'Itappears that the country compresses, as ateneral rule, are ereatlv infeiior to thoseof this city, and that they empl.oy inex-perienced men, who do not know how topress a bale oi cotton. In consequenceof this fact tbe steamers lose agreat deal of Bpace, which is woith moneyto the owners; or, to put it in plain words.a vessel can carry at least 200 or 300 balesmore cf cotton that is compressed in thiscity than it can when the cotton is compressed in the country, for the reast n thaithe presses here are so handled aa to putthe cotton in a much smaller bulk. Unices of 200 or 300 bales of cotton in themake-u- p of a cargo is quite an item toshipowners, and, in consequence, they arenot disposed to carry a certain number ofbales of cotton of large s:ze, when the?can crry a greater number of bales of-- a

smaller siaa. especially when the weightand freight is the same per bale. It is aquestion among the railroad oflicia1s as towhat action the country compresses wi 1

take in tbe matter. It all the steamshipso'vins between Liverpool and the Mouthern ports refuse to accept cotton improp-erly compressed, it is evident that thecuuntrv presses will be pieced in an embarrassing position, or else be compelledto improve their facilities for handling

AMUSEMENTS."Dad's ttlrl."

Lizzie May Ulmer and company appeaed at Leubrie's Theater last night in Dad't(Jul, a play said to have been written forber bv r. J. jranz. Miss Ulmer as "Dad sGirl" is the daughter oi an Illinois farmerwho suddenly became rich by the' discov-ery t-- a bed of sott coal ' under hia land,and by somo lucky speiulations in pork.This gi7es Miss Ulmer an opportunity toplay the prijutoipd child ci nafqre' tothe utter dpmora'u'uion of all the' Vfaah-ionab- lo

folk." tfhen it is paid thatshe ioiprortp her . oppartunitios tothe utmost, ail is said that can be.Miea Ulmer bas a naturally vivacious

aud it is plain that she entersinto her part with all her heirt. Thisleads her to overdo it in the first act,and in raspy cf the later scenes, but on thewhole she ia very pleasing an leaves aCOo4 iitp.rescioa. he baa a'l of tho wovkto do, "aud whatever apflaoso "pad'sGirl" received laot nig t w due to heralone. An exception ought to bemade in the rase of Mr. Harry Rob-inson, who plsvj "Biles," and doesit well. It 'ti to li " rgre'.!etithat there is not more in the Dart, ikeur--

j rlrjjj to iUe y'ny Ks):, it amy be s&id tha'i It iiuprovts on sc.niaintance. The f.rataci is a bore, the second much more en-tertaining, the third good and the lastvery good indeed. Dad's Girl repeated

tomorrow matinee andnight,"

'.The r rivie k, ciarv.:The latest London and New York laugh

ing success v. ill be given here November17. h 1tri anil 1U.K ku tha U.i'ann

uare Theater Oomnauv. The followingis a brief synopsis of the story: 2'he i'rvrafr txentaru is the adsntation bv C. H.Uawtrey.ol Moser'a Drr ftM Ufa itr. whichrecently achieved success in Kaeland.,Theadaptation, like its original, is clever,

some sm.ut dialogue?, several convulsivefy tunny situations, and presentinga variety of humorous characters. A richEast Indian, 'Mr. Cattermole," returns'4nd to rjieet his nephew, "Douglas,"whom lie has never .eert. 4 ho will t chis heir when the wjWroa'.a period ofj oane manhood is passed. "Douelas" isiu debt to a lot c f tradepinsn. In order toevade the service cf a wru at tbe instanceof "Gibson," a Bond street ta:lor, he per.sonates the "llev. liobeit pulding,"newly engased as private secretary to" 'Squire Marsland," and runs down tothe latter's country seat with a friend.Here he trta into and out of numberlessscranes "Calteronole" comes to tlie house ;so does ' GiKson ;" so dues the real privaterecretary. "DoCglas" conceals his identityfrom his 11 nil?, satirlit-- s bis tailor's urjrentdemands f r pavment by introilucinp bimto the " 'fkjuiru'aud his family aaa friend,and palms tbe secretary off as a spirit-ualistic ipediuru on a spinster who is abeliever iu the materializing science. Theold East Indian ban mistaken the canting,idiotic "Spaul ling" for his net,hew, andthis blunder leads to several1 hilariousresults. Finally tbe young man finds away out of his difficulties and a wiie in"Klith Marsland. ' His unci is glad toexchange him for the idiotic aecia'ary, andeverything comes to a jolly ending.

(rand Oprn:aff Co arcrt at ArveaablyMall.

This cveninz at 8 o'clock the above Inteiesting event occurs at the new hall ofthe Young Men's Hebrew Association,atove the Uole Manutactunng (jorapanyThe sale of 8ats at the box-offic- atMaosford's, promises a large and brilliantaudience. The mansgeruent of the Conservatory will decorate tbe stsge band;somely, so as to ctve a suitable settinir iarthe fine array of talent it will grace theoccasion with. Of the chief attraction, tbesreat artist Werner, tun reaiier 01 the Ap--

may gain some idea from the subjoined press utterances:

Mr. Werner's playing at the lima diMuraka concert last nicht was snrpaiinzly beautiful, and entitles him to tha5ofcjtion of the leading violoncellist here,

of his tone and the grace ot Lifbowing hare seldom been equaled here.- 1.-- 1 rr ia t

Mr. Werner showed hjmaelf last'Tra;ins a Deflect master of tbat diioultinstru?ment the violoneelL. which ha handleswith signal ease and greatly to tha pleoore ol bid audiennv-a- . Nt JVJ SiA-- ,

Tut fuiofit Plana ever broaghtvb thisautw ia now fin exhibition at' neLLSr'at'


Preaches oa the World and Its Minis

tratloas to Mas The Lav of'

. Demand and Supply..of

It Is Seea to Obtain Between JUaaid His World Instinct, Love. .

Business aad Fossetaiaac

The following is an abstract of a sermon of

preached by tbe lie v. ueorge w. oweenejjnaatar of the Christian church, preached

that church on Sunday before a veryr re audience, the text being as follows:Tha Celd la tha world Matt. I. 3. Tak them

not out of the world, bat keep them from emJohn xtU.

The HerenaM.Dr. Sweeney said: Oar great world of

mattj,e and tnind and mart's in which we livehere is th field from which Uodis to gather acrop of manhood for future aces. It is the hotbed O' nursery in wnicn soronis cnaraeier. nerwe are oailed into tbe fair and beautiful precinctsnf kaln anil hvie the endleas erolution of life.The world, like th Sabbath, "was mad forman." It ia not a aril wor d. but the productof Sod's hand, aad w are to-d- in the world not

y the explosion oran asteroiu droppint nere nyaccident, but delibe-atel- by divine decree harehA out into the world to crow, to ao to scnooland fight bat lea that we may be the worthy participant in tne joy ana aiory 01 ineiiioyeiiocome. Our bavtor said, tnereiore : 'lase memrnt&ut nf the woeld. but Keen tbem tram em.W find man aud his world under thelaw of demand and supply. olaa matIn, many d- - manda and the earth abounding-- in a joyous supply ana measureiesaabundanos. Man is a many-side- d being, possess-i-

a eomplex and wondrous endowment of fac-

ulties- tie makes demands, physical, intellectual attaohnnRI inrt aniritual. ma Dour. neBilheart and spirit assert their native wants, tiewanta bv nature tnina--a to eat. arina ana wear.All hia aentient and vital faculties constantly callfor light and darkness, for heat and cold, and allthe versatile complements that constitute the sup- -nlv of material wanta. lie demands llsmt nndtruth and facts as the food of mind. He demandsivmoathr. tenderness, healina-- . helDfulneeB andlove on whioa hia heart may live. And consciousness tell blm that he wanta the perfeot ytrna. beautiful and rood. That he is made for tneright and with a native sense of obligation to dothe right. That he ultimately depends not onlyon an "Infinite Somewhat," but an "InfiniteRamMH." He baa arreat aoiritual wants.Antt hnW Iftailllini U LOO BUDD1V IU

man's world for all . tnese . aemanaa.Kiaid and aea and aky aboundgood gifts to man, the grains possessing the powerto reeruduoa themselves manifold and keep paowith tha aver lnoreasinr noDUiation or tneAnd the same is true of tbe fishes, fowls and allnesh that teed nnd minuter to tbe pbysioai de-mands. And how great is the supply of tbemindl It is imoossible lor man to tuliiK unall tho thoughts. The laws of login never breakdown under the wetant of man s reason 11

Thahlgber man olimbs tbe " peaks of thoughtth broader and more beauititu Decomes tne nori-o- n

of the mind's growth and activities. Agreat world of science end philosophy and litera-ture and lansnatre and music and architectureand oratory aad poetry and truth And Hod hasmade a Boundless supply 01 anevunm ana sentiment and emotion to fted the human heart.- itis found in home life and all the relationsof father, mother, brother, sister, husbandand wife. It is found in tbe relations of friendsand lovers and the love of native land, and allthat patriotism holds dear as to man's nation,kindred and country. Man cannot bv loving useup tho affection and the tenderer se'ti- -menx 01 nis world u nen ne nas lovea ninareo.friend and lover to tho limitj. there is room forhim to increase loving Jews and Gentiles.lie ocrat and Kepubl cans andUbmamen. Andwe find the same marvelous supply in the worldof riaht and mora and worshio. en cannotby deeds of righteousness and moral eonduotbreak down tbe moral taw nor destroy the moralorder tie finds infinite room in which to advancetoward tbo infinitely true, beautiful and good.and nis worsoio win grow young witnout ceasingIt is a great world, abounding n eoarreetirenessef s Lo to lnnnite riant and

nit will; the physical, intellectual, allectionaland spiritual supplies are found abundantly tocomplement an nis wants ana lurnisnau nis de-mands, stnd Uod, by certain great natural tieshas bound mm 10 His world thet he may receiveits ministrations. The "Inttinctire law" of aelf- -

nraaervation. tbe first law or nature, makes himsbrink from or the removal ofhs life from tbe field of His discipline. All tbe'nursnits of me carry with them a fascination

that make the continuation of life desirable. Itia true or tbe larmer. merchent. Pbvstcian. sciantlst. nreacher. editor aud lawyer. And in thefascination and joy of "business" men a r keptbound up to life, and thus from yesr to year receive tbe ministrations ot the world to character. And the atleotions of life make menstruggle to stay bero. Ihey would not le vehome and wife and children, and all tbe hallowedassociations ot the family and social lifeThe same influence is exerted onman from "worldly possessions." Havingamaaaed fortunes, honora and emoluments inlite, be nrays to eonttnue bis existence here thatbe may eon the nroduct ot bis beal. heart andnam. And thus, in another way and bv anotherchord. Is he harmonized and held to toe worldthat he mar be charactered for tbo life to come.In man's world he is called to solve nroblems eflabor, bereavement, betrayal, poverty, penalties.doubts and death. Andontof all thcae struggles come theelementai fo'oes of industry andenergy and sympathy and self-deni-al and forgiveness and obedioace and faith and fraternityand love. And by thee force are men charactered for all future aces. Alon woven about andthrouah aad thioush with these elements make"Sons of God in tbe great spirit-world- ." Ont ofconflicts with life a battles and problems and trialsis to 00 ma individual character. Men, like fruits.must n ' plucked that toer may grow meuowand, like the rough gold, mast be paasod over tbeanvil and uader the bug hammer bef re they arefit for the King's inscription: and. like the roughmarble, inuet endure tbe seamii-g'- mercilesswork of mallet and ebisel before they stand forfinal adiairatioo. And. thua. it is auod. for manto live in this world. And. therefore, our Lordoraved: "Take him not out of the world" till behas received it ministrations of good, "but keephim from evil." And, then, be is to stay here for tbeanod of others, lie is ia-o- r with Uod to belnbis fellow-ma- It has been a good to other tbatMoses lived Through him monotheism and lawand Divine rrovidence bave come to bis succeedlug gets better interpreted to men. It has proveda good to others that Luther has lived. We

re indebted largely to him for our freedom ofconseiecce and pres and pulpit and the religiousright of individual interpretation in the matterof the Binlc and the worshin of the living GodIt ia gnod forothera that Washington has lived.lie projeoted a atream of patriotism into the veinsof the ages, and posterity has not been ungrate-ful. Men bave built a monument to his me.nory,the bigheat object on tbe globe built by humanhanJ. It is tribute to tne memory of a manwho lived for others ! It was for tbe accompli,

of grarious pup-ife- in tbe lives of otherthat Paul lived, tie lived to open eyes aad turnmen from darkness to light, and from the powersof evil to QjA, that they might receive forgive-ness of sins and inheritance among the faith-ful of all ages and climes. And hiswords, tha record of bis own exoeriencewill cheer othor heirt dnwn through thesucoeesion of ages! 'We are trouMedon every sMe, yet not dist-es-e- we ar per-plexed, but not in despair: perfoeut-- d, but notforsaken: cast down, but not destroyed. or wewhich live are alwa.'s deliv red n . to death forJesus s sake, that tbe life elso of Jcs-i- s miwit bemanifes'ed in our mortal flesh. 80. then, deathworketb in us, but life in yoq." And for whatbe has said and done the ages will bear bis nameand fame to the ends of the world- - And it is forthe good of other worlds that we live be-- e and doour part well. And angels in the heavenly worldsrejoice over every sinner that forsakes vic-f-, aajcleaves to virtue. "There is ioy among the &n- -mli over ever ainnav tbat ranantath And thaeonHiote ol man with evil involve th demons orspirits nt evil men in the spirit-worl- Ann.therefore. Paul said. "We wreetl not onlvagamei nven ana oicou. out wiraca epir,"- - Ya theregions ef th air." And he said,-agai-

that the manifold wisdom of Uod is bringmade known to power and actlioilties in theheavenly reg one, by the Church." God's treat-ment ef the problem of evil iu man fat-be- s

to th? inhabitant of other worlds.ha shown in Iam h.3 tort that afi- ma-terial world are e.iset3ally one. The sitbstanreof any on Is thesame it all. And whstanecls one affects all. And it U true of the worlduf mind and mora's. Good done here in thisworld is a contribution to Ibn sgregnle of allworlds, hvil pernctra'ad Vera Jars tha uni-rer-

for cu world, life bc-.- is a factor in theunified lif 5 rtf all Worlds. Ahdi tlilriore. ".an-gels reloiiV'-as- "devil? treuble''when man ex-hibit the triumph of virtue over vice a the bat-tles of qur worM. ;

1'tls view of man and his world. It seems tome. should exalt our rnncoptions of humaa litand arouse us to virtuous and noble deeds. Theharvert will come bye and bye. end the angeiswill bind the good in bundles to take to the bosomof God, and burn up all evils like "tares" fromthe 6elds of life. The good in man under Provi-dence will survive bis evil. All malice a,nd haiand cruelty must give awax A&w manhood,charactered in irufcb and tenderness aud honorand virtue and nobil.tycnd love. IU reflect theglory of God as the stars-reflec- th light of tbesun in th firmament of the hear'naV


uTh articles on the battle and leaders oflue civil war, the first of which was fur-nished by Gen. Beauregard in the currentnumber cf "The tinri', .a'ae a demandfor that king of the monthlies that willchallenge all its resources to supply.

erv : The question now amonizfashionable people is who-wro-te the newsociety novel entitled .V'jrrifrf .6ore Her,Which . it. Peterson Brothers, Phila-Uelpll- i-,

hsve in press, arid to be publishedimmediately. It is said to be a true story,l ken irom me, and by a lady moving inNew York society.

Mb lBAxcjia Laiuroi, whose tame as adecorative painter is well known in con-nection with the Metropolitan Opera-hous- e,

and other public and piivatebuild-ings- ,has made a handsome and striking

design for the cover of Com Wt FamilyMagazine, The new cover win appear onthe first number of the new volume forJanuary, 18M5, and will be ready Decem-ber 12, 18M.

Thb Corier-Rei'- w Call Bmik, a physi-cian 'a pocket reference book and vtsitirtrlist, arranged and prepared by i- - M. Xeson. ai. u., Fh. 11 , published bv J. 11.Chambers 4 Co., St ijouis and Chicsji,1 1 , is an absolute necessity to every phy-sician iu practioa. It is well printed andneatly bound, and will fit to the breast-pocket of an ordinary coat, and thus beconvenient to carry.

The chief place among the holidaybooks announced by J. B. I.ippincott &Co., is given to The Seven Agt of Man,from Shakespeare's At You Lit It.Every effort has been put forth to makethis work an artistic success. Tbe illus-trations, which are by Church, Harper,Hovenden, Gaul, I'rosf, Smedley and Shir-la-

have been engraved by Jnenglint,French, and others prominent in this art.

The recent announcements of J. B.Lippincott & Go. inforrq us that they "haveready an elegant edition of Sterne s

Journey, with illustrations byMauric LiCloir, reproduced lrora thaoriginal French edition. We leant thatno pains have been spared in tha prepira-tio- n

of the American reprint, and shalllook for it to take rank among the fire-mo- st

books of the season.J. B. LtrrcoTT 4 Co. eeeia to bo msk.

tag an waraest endeavor to bring historical,s ientitlc, and other important informa-tion within reach of the younger class ofof readers. We notice two additions totheir "Young Folks' Series Our YoungFolk' Jotephut, uniform with Plutarch, is-

sued a year ago, and Our Young J'.itj'idrcs, en fhe Mine general' plan with

Yhyi i"ii yhfreforfi, also brought outlast season,

Messes J. B. Lipnkoott A Co. have Inpress Uowjdet of My Second Lif', bv Anto-nio Gallenga ( L. Marlotti). We understandthat in this volume the distinguished au-thor furnishes a veiy entertaining accountof a long and eventful liii. Some haltcentury sg he earns to this country, andthrough the Influence cf Edward Everettwaa fortunate enough t i meet such litera-ry celebrities aa Longfellow, 'Holmes, Em-rao- n

snd.cbers, Jiany interestingremlniaoerjAWoftose p'.esaant 45'' aregives) In the first part ot tills wor, whilethe lattar portion rebate hia pa'rlotie, dieplomatie, litara)T tud TBsuiatie expert,eaee. la Saglani aorS oa Ua aontlaauit.

fir. KscareiAa, upifaujs amongjutlSim,la aa much a iuvoritf with tbe Eniita a'-m-

aa tha AmericaJu people, it sxUted

with surpassing excellence and with allthe charm and loving kindness of a mothercatering for children, by Mrs. Mary Ma peauoagfi- - one nas anacneu to ner sian menand women of like kindly sympathies forchildren, and the publishers lay all thebest resources of book-maki- under contribution to satisfy ber demands, tne re-sult is a series of numbers that at the end

the year make a book than which nobetter or cheaper Christmas or &ew Year'sgift can be purchased anywhere in theworld.- - It is published by tbe CenturyCompany and may be had bound in clothlor to per volume.

la 1876 Baby Day was issued, compiledfrom the Sc. Nicho'.a$ magasin, and afterrunning through a number of edition theplates have finally been destroyed in favor

a new volume of the same character,cilled Baby World, just issued by the Cet

tympany, made, up from tne verychoicest tntngs nr uttle folks in ten vearsof SU Nicholas. Tbe editor,. Mis. MaryMapes Dodge, has had a field to work inwhich is not given to many, and she hasfulfilled her task by presenting for tbe enjoyment ol multitudes ot little fiiks avolume cf more than 300 pages crowdedwith pictures, short stories (many of themin targe type for little eyes), bits of quaintrhyme and charming verse.

Yam Antwerp, Bbaoq fc Co.. of Cincinnati and New York, have just publishedMurdoch' Analytic Elocution, by Mr. James

. Murdoch, actor, reader and instructorin elocution. It is a complete and practical exposition ol the only truly scientificmetbod of devefoping Use speaking voice.Fully illustrated by numerous extractsfrom the best sources, to which are addedseventy pages of carefully selected leadings. Tbe appearance of tbis work Iromthe pen of the well-know- n, veteran andaccomplished elocutionist, Mr. Murdoch,will be bailed with satisfaction, not ontyby his many personal friends, but by thepublic generally, aud especially the educational world. Embodying, aa it does.the successful experience of nearly fiftyyears study and practice of this art, itcannot fail to bave a wide recognition andinfluence.

Thb Cestuby ia beyond question the firstamong magaaines in the English languagenot only lor tne character andquality of its illustrations, for Us fiction,literary criticism, Diograpny, articles onurgent public questions, travel and adventure, art aud architecture, and specialpapers like those of Dr. Esxleston'a threepapers on "Husbandry, Commerce, and Social Conditions of the Colonies;" irof.Langley's papers onthe"Sun :" Burroueh'spapers on ".English Country Lite snd WildFlowers! ' "Extracts from Garfield's Diaryin London;'' Mr. Harrison's record of

The Capture of Jefferson Davis: ' andMr. Townaend's "How Wilkes BoothCrossed the Potomac;" and the revelationconcerning tbe "Kukhix K lan." In thecourse of a year it gives for $3 60 a wholelibrary of useful knowledge, tbe very essence of enrrent history in all departments01 numan Knowledge and euort, aud thenit is superbly printed, every number beinga gem of the best and latest results of tbeart preservative. The people of the Southowe The Century especial thanks not onlylor tee latrnesa 01 its spirit toward this

n, but because it opened its pages tomany 01 our Dest writers and made themknown to the world.

A novel feature of the December number of the Magazine of Art will be the pagecontnoutea oy ansa Aiica Havers and Mr.K. Lu Ntavenson, tbe former supplyingpicture-settin- g to a verse bv tne latter.The page will be printed in color. In thesame number will appear the commence'ment ot a description of Ilatfleld House,the residence of the Marquess of Salisbury, fully illustrated, and a paper byAirs, r awcett on "ibervew forest. Anetching by Mr. R. W. Bachetb, will formtbe frontispiece. Chateaubriand's famousstory. Atila. with illustrations by Uustaveuore ana an introduction from the graceful pen 01 nr. J.. J. Harding, of rewYork, will be issued by Messrs. Cassell tCo. as a holiday book. Alula, as mav notbe generally known, was the result ofChateaubriand's visit to America in 1791.and "was," as be haa told us, "written inthe desert, beneath the huta of the savages." It is a love story, told in pictur-esque language, the scene laid in "thelorest primeval, aud tbe lovers an Indianbrave and an Indian maiden. Notwithstanding the French coloring found in thestory, it has proved so satisfactory to tbeAmerican public that three translations ofit have appeared in this country, all ofwhich have been popular, though nonehave had so beautiful a setting as tlfis.

Thb Mitiistippi VaUry Medical Mo.tihly,which, under the editorial control andmanagement of Dr. F. h Sim, haa steadi-ly increased in value, and ia among. 1 hebest of the recognized publications of themedical profe-sio- contains this monthtwo exceedingly valuable and well-prepar-

papers, one by Dr. Stilwell, cf Humboldt, lean , on " tJa'tena aod Their

to Disease,'' and the other by Dr.O. B. Thornton, of tbis city, en tbe "Sani-tation of the Mississippi Valley. Thislast was read before the American PublicHealth Association at ita recent session,and was indorsed by a f jrmal resolution.Besides thee is a paper on "Ethic," byDr. Jagoe, c f Hernando, Miss., tbit willchallenge tbe attention c f tbe prrf-jssio-

especially An article, with illustration,on Krao will challenge general attentian.Dr Sim'a leading editorial is on "Abdomi-nal Surgery," a topic that just now ia be-ing generally discussed by the professionti this country and Europe. Dr. Sim is

on the safe side, aud advises the utmoststretch of cleanliness and the reduction ofoperators' assistants to tbe fewest possiblenumber, following the plans ao carefuliylaid down by Keith and Tate, whose suc-cesses, averaging ninety-seve- per cent.,prove ' their soundness and correctner s.Dr. Kim, in his editorial management,aims high, looks to tbo highest and beatresults of tbe medisal profession, emulousof bringing it in this section up to a parwith that of the larger tities, and thereis no reaion why he should not succeed.If the doctors will mo.YB. with him, followhim, he will.

.' ' - llOOTU1. ABBIVAIaS.

PeMsbodx Motel.C. B-- ALLOW AY CO PaorairroM.Bate 12 SO and S3 per day, according

to ia and location ot roost.F Mort-an- , Micli ' F Aldri:fa. St Louisi'er.ron. IV n a W C Lyons, MoR Forward. Ohio' JEM 8touhton, MassJ E Bngli.h. S V W Bsndnan, cityw I' elaon. eitv W M Cex, c tvJ W i nacan. ciiy I Lebcrsmitb. K OH Beekner, S T L Lon&den, Moll V Koese-- , S Y M X Phillips, . YW;, Miw I.M Bellonser. MiesU Jackson. Mlm W Vow burner. N V

Ketin, si V M Moyeer. MissU M Miss Ji CatW U.halh, N O V b Loery, AliasJ W edre, Ohio J Donnelly, citv

W M Seal. Ark t V Hunter, N VRJ Thurmond, Miss J 8 Brownkrida-c- , N TD F Wright, ienn W R WancllojsT-- Y

QA R Srjtt, Tcnn X Crciirht. n. Oi-i- e

J Q flnuld, Ohio J Friedlof, Tenn 'A l. Kmc, Col II C '8 A Warner ir. A, a C Barton, Atk0 M Buicer: IH TF Williams, 'fenuMiss M tti.ith.-- a t)MUavdcD,A"--C R Barney, Ark ' A J' Wifuy.T It Ui trpartU AU SUKverett, ArkWRCobntsTAtV 8 POrafif Is. ArkV R Von,, Mo 11 B Moore. MntV C W heeler. Ala 8 J Miller. MissT H Flallam. Ohio ll R Clore, TennA h Steets. X V R C Lane Af, X YJ S Fellows. Ark M W Alexander. AlagP Harvey, Xena KB Ilryar. leanNocent. city Wm Robinson Aw, TensVrs Pirtle. Tenn John Pirtle Tviiff ' 'Mrs W li U rris.'

Tone JI u "umte'erfie) J, MistJFPId'er. i a t, Ailmy, lonqA Cohen, l.itac Rock i cam. rkJames W atson Aw, Pa H Jnnab. MoS Felswonh, Ark k

UHhtlbj, clt-- " r A awyr, Ark.. jjusrsD. ars A M Roujrer. Vo

J W Pel by. fa T II C'raiahead. TennW A Bunttn, Tenn , CCK:rk:atrn-a,Tva-11 A LS'If-nc-, k i Bi. cV.tepn8 S W'poMridaw, K. f V Robinson, MissMs Nellie Taylor, A l t, 1 rcoit. Mmli A Woodson, Ky K F lawyer. BostonLtiTie My I liner, A X ueo 1 I luier, . iW II Hall. Pa U K Smi h. II S A

K 11 tiuodbart, X 0 J Stern. X YC Jicpre, Ark Bpn bL.ies, S YJ6 Vthuakcr. HO J Mai tin, LonisviilW K Lscey, MiVs J Bry.n, X YA ii Sinclair, c tr J E Wilson Aw. X YC K Carutkers. Conn J A, X YH Knauih, X Y J LFrieduian, OhioI K Oreener, Ohio BCnvitt. TennK Renia jiib. Ohio IrO M Blanton, MissMrs H il Xewbald. Miss Mia X Carrican, MissJ I. t'olbriw. A 1 W K Owen. S YJ L McMeo, St Louis 1 r Kennev. MoY C Barton, Ark R J Ihurrrond, sr. MisR J Xhnraicnd, ir. Miss 6 Uunt, Miss.

Uaatoai'a Hotel.Enroian plan. Enlarired and refurnished.

Prioss aecrdinsr to sise and location of rooms.W. il. EUUA leUMau..

Mrs Ood.-fiic- tt is, Mo RFC Moss, TcnnW C Lunul. ICLn E B Pierce, TonnE G CoiM', Tenn P C Burton. TennR U Ky W I) Slaughter As, TesnH Weber. Ark Jas B White, ArkIISUv.ti, A k Mies X W neten. MissMiss F Stoval, Miss Kain H Irwin, MissC M ilardner, Mits S A Wood, ArkJ V Maulding, Tenn Wm Baker, TennThos U Watterson, Ky R H Bnir-s- . KyJ A Pew, Ky S A tiodhaw. cityF i Sirreut. Mass J hn McUooks, AlaAllen Jones, (ia Miss Jones, (laW I Alexander, city tl J bunaorth. MoF P 8ianloius, city Tbo A Moore, c;t.John smith. Ark Jamas A Vca'.'To. D CVim Johnson, Tee". m t)dnn. TensJ A Plt.mina' , ienn W Fllne. lonnW li'.lltlnod. K Y F A Oattman, ArkI) A Roberts, Tenn LUCIees.TennS M ltell. Ark J A Bell. ArkJ II Shcrard, Tenn 8 Carets, TennRPKaiford Aik ' 9,SPaitofa, ArkW h Alklnssn. Ark ohn Brown, ArkO II Blutnin, Ark ' E. Buck. ArkJoe lioOHlinan, O. H L Itomjass, Ml.Il.Mnran. Mjs K C ttooch, TcunkC freccAg, 'yn U W Fostr. Mi

A biiaiison, Jiai SRChiem.MissJ S Waehintrton, Tenn Miss ltell Jackson, TennL Qodsell, Ohiu r'erd I'ercueon, X. YIT I'sller. 01 B A Tucker MissW T Ward, city Mrs Rivd&s, MissJT Porter, Tenn Frar.k Burdinc, TenT LOwin. Ohio 8 M MeConiira, XebJR Vaughan.Uhio TJBtccn.K.S (i Carnes. Tenn W il Keliy, KFOLeUr.kJ KCK,.bert-i,M-W A Persons, Ala B W Bryant, Mi11 Holt, MW 1 O Kuocke, KyCT landis.Tenn M Tumfield, Tenn

W lK.wdy.Tenu R W Smith. TennJ I I'sajry.Tenn KT Allen, TennTI Bullock, fa jniaaoajneD Miss

Mirs Mollie Jones, Miss

" dtfjctly Traalvwt.Amerkaa qa4 EaawttMsi aa,Ba. Rate)

at'a. 3 aa and ta wr Day. UM.aee,flanUaiats. Ue-aal- Mania, eXMv.

a., aa. aaaiaa a , aaiaaimejarr.J F Cameron, Aln J A Rocer, TenJ M Bteel, Ark K C Sreaks, ArkL W Winn, Misa It J Bolton, MissE DTnrley, Mies W R Celliloud, aflssJ N Fi.sur. Miss 11 RC Foster, il...A A Foftex, Miea W D TUaUoa. TannJ M Caldwell. T.aa J'M Bell. MiesK it Plater, ind 11 A t'riocp, ArkPJ Blockson A2c,Tez Mrs Johnaoa, Ark.J T Haley. Col Jr. Wilson. X YMr Philip Ac. IT Y T R Uavl. Mlau 11 (.sine X Y rtenrv VYIisoo. X I

X W Ak..e faT Ihoi stark. X TW 1 Parkiea. Mia

K Oiirtls. Ha ArkJsnes It revas, Tn EfBlaka w. OitiS.

i MWlll!as.qbi1 an B RoblBjoa, Ky.

- .lacawc

pay riooBd. City T.a aworw, 9nlrw t.

TESIYODR BAM POWDER MilBlwnda adTntiaad a. ahaoleMly pare

THI Tllfl .Pla a can top down on a bostevantUheated.tSaa

remove the cover and aaaalL A cawealas wttl ant t )uired to dstect the pi iiiaaa or aaaaaoaaa. .

DOES SOT COSTAia aggA.its immaii ssw aaa ngyga) awsa aawanaaaav

In a mllUooCMd ttk

THE TOT CF TH GZLprice bjuono powDEaca,

Dr. Pries'. Sgsclal FlaTarim Extracts,

Dr. Prloa's Lupulla Yutt QtaiFor ugac, Beanay Bread. Twe orf W

Teaetta the World.WOK SALE BY OROCCM.




385 Matin Street.qWBClAL attention riven to the rental depart-Sj-T

aaant. Close collections andprompt aeitla--ment will be our motto.

ataVMixer, Scoop.Measure, Weieber,HUNTER Dredxer, KiceWasher, Tomato,Pumpkin, Starch,

C?vl Wine and FruitStrainer. TwelvJameo articles ia oae. '

as QmtscatComU- -uUoi Xsjn.

Mere laid r.ia aSfttfiar Slava. aad mAoieombincd I Everybodyl.kea rhan I W. makeurge stitan oe sttifar haod aad no.Wriasfut caulafua.

Tbe Haauv Siaer MfrCo.. Claciaaifi. O.. aaaCaaal St.. New York.SIFTERS A ceats waaled tot cueKittlica SpeclalOas aa4lluatc Silw Cook Bowk

SEEB.Orchard Grass, Timothy, Herda and Clo

rer, Winter Pasture, Barley and

RT3S!Summer, Fall and Winter Turnip

SEEB!Latest Improred Fanulnff Implemeata,

Kemp's Slannre Spreader, Aema,Tbomaa i Eagle


R.G.CRAia&CO361 Main street

and 37 Union street,MEMPHIS. : TEXXESSEE.



a TTs warranrMfl tnksawk tile tun, Mt. an'a12araJn than -

, .Ll lSllilLaBr ta tfce Biarkea. or prl-- peM wil2Sl ia Liuum iMtutuiVWm. i, h..l.... .. .WUl each raraot- - rrbe. &4a. HsSceaT - .lMpaaO,8l.61 A,k your rDrOaat tar theia7 w



Almost a MiracleA RE9 ASKABLE tsTOBT.

A few days a to a gentleman of hih stacdint inAtlanta met Dr. J. Brad field on the street, and related the foliuwinc, ia which all ladies ar dapinterested

"For the put eigVeea months my wife haaneenan invalid, caos.d trom womb trouble, cas-eation of menees. etc.. abd I have tried everything- I cou'd har of in the way of medicine, andnave bad several ot onr U;;t pbysioiaos attendlnaber. to one ol wcsm (calliuch.m by mat) I naiaft.6?. Instead of imptovn or aettinx any refief, she rradaaJly jr--w worse, and I ,hd a.moat

i von up hoi-e- , and really ilia not heliev hwouia ever x, t no irotu an invalid s ued : batfn.ndo m,ae who kPew of the pa?e ne;tadfLa li waa f-

liraafleW'f Female Regulator,and I'V.uh he sUted that he knew of a similarca- - beinx enred by it, and indorsed it highlybimebif. I was so discoarsf ed I did not believe itwould do her any good; but as a laat resort Ibought a larre bottle ef it and she be van takingit, and from the very first a change tookPlace- - bbe bezan to reprove lapialy, ner appe-tite retarnbd. ber whole system waa up. andlife, and I ain nndor lilo-lou- g obligations to yeaand vnnr remedy, for it undoubtedly fayed herlife: and bo added, "1 wish every lady in thworld so afflicted would t.y it, a? I know it willcurethoni,"

TTe Claim ant Con Prove Beyond a Doubt

Bi the highest aud most undoubted testimony:That this Kemedy will curs all womb troubles.That this Bctnjdy will cure leueorrhrc a or wb'.'iThat this F.emedy will rc'tore the Jbsnstrnal

functions. tThat this Heaedy TjUl eton. ezeesaiv monthly

fl.w,4'hu this cmed will relieve paiafnl menstrua-

tion.Thst this Remedy will baitd np the system as a

tntfc.That, this Remedy will care all female disorder.

'C'lIAXGE OF LIFE."If taken during this 1 crioJ, so critical, it

stands without a rival.bend for our treatise on woman. Mailed fre tany address

Trie BraJScld fircnlator Co.,AtlanU. O.

MEM CAYLDS'Veed for over 3 nwt mcccaa by tbe

phyaicianaof l;i. York and andeupe.rior tpaliMoerSrfrthe rtcure of allor or kmx Ftautlin. Put up nn-- in G'laecODtrlnixM Cilea each. PRICE 7 CtNlU, TflKM Till: CiLLAlXST CAfbUiXaIS 1U MARKET.

MHS. A. 11ETAT,loarsusal St , Kcw Crleaaa,

SrKcuLTixs roa Msciao

FLAGS AND BAUNER?,And Dealer in all kinds ef Paraphernalia for

Societies, Associations and Clubs.SlXK.ttOa.Det SILT KB K BKOlDERIEe

alade to order. Send for estimRtcj.

WEAK, UNDEVELOPED PACTSpy tub hi: .Of iti'nv r.M.t.t;t:n. r

ut U in. On Uc cn.

Hit rt ilm eirlg p'.li-falar- n lre.!rN. Y. T.leS. ilae Baa,


REAL ESTATE,No. 5252. K. Chancery Court of Shelby ooaatySW. ti. Csmf'jCu, (e;uw f, ft., of Harriet J.lPati!lo, ueceaaed, vs. Vanuie K. Kennedy et al,BY virtue of an interlocutory decree tor sal,

d in tbe above eaase on the ltah day ofOctober, 1KS4, M. B. ii, axe l'i, I will aell. atpublic auction, to tha hicbMt bidder, ia front olth Clerk and Master's olSn, courthouse f tiht-k- f

, MBihi,Tenn., nKatwrtlay. Mefsasker 13, 18SA.

within legal hour, th following deecribad prop-erty, situated in the city of Memphis (now Ta.county, Tenncsse, ti

Beginning at a point on the north side of Unionatreet 118V, feet eaat of Waiiington street, tbesame being the southeast eorner of a lot ownedbv Troaaweli aad running thenoe northwardlywith said Tread well's lot 1&6 feet to an alley:thence eastwardly with the south line of saidalley CSV, test more or less to the northwest cornerof a lot owned by M. 1. Mcachamt thence sonth-war- d

y with said Meaehatn' west lin IS6 feet totbe nnrth line of I'ninn street; thence weetwaroly with the line of Union t oiS feet asoaoflese to tha p'ac of beginning, t,he ,in ninfpart of country lot No.eaAlso, whatever ivwast H. J . Fatillo had at thtitii UT a r dg.ta m a certain lot oa tbe aorthjiie of Afpnrue street: beginning at a point, onhe north side of Monro street as aow locatedU) feet east ef VCellirgton street, running theao

east with tbe aorth line of Monroe street 0 et;thenee northwardly 14 feet; tbenee weetwardly

i feet ; thence southwardly to the poiat of begin-ning 14 feet.

Terms of Bale One-thi- rd cash, Uu In eland twelve months; notes w'.th personal security,bearing interest, fr deierreu laiyuients; liea re-tained ; rctieuhiion barred. This October 20, 1484.

K. J. BLACK, Clerk and Haa Ur.By Geo. Mallary, Uepnty Clark aad Mas en-tie- o.

Gilhan., solicitor.

FEfJiJYr.OYAL FIUSUY RTTT(! I (CHicHcaTCR't fKiAt)HL"0'y, rrwis out, weaMna rev ratmr

1 Art ClasesesKig Illjbee's eekooL, rriir K Si to. ii awwes, uaew

t f v I ,N Wetr t iJ " 4 fa. ,. e.,1 . .

C01TRH0ES!acobs's Patent Wheel Railroad Barrow,

Western Wheel-Scrap- er Co.'sXSAILROAD




Zfos. Front Street BfemPnis, Tenn.


Perfectly Pnre, and free from ad ulteratlon.Entirely Vegetable no diseased animal fat.orelj Pure na frroussd stone, clay or reals In It.

For China, Bat la nnd Toilet.Uos) further lasts lonxer. lluy from any Grocer.

BOPZI OXZj MITiTi. SkXeanxplxleji. Tann.




Brooks, Weely & Go.


m. t. c w.Late with Brooks, Neely A Co.





Wo. 867 VrAnt street.cioorea.

with X. C. A Co.

And If ay,





mow ELL.Buehanan


CommisBios. Merchant. Corateneat, Tlaater, BaUdlar BbU t ire Brick, Ete. . .

Cor. and Union, No.






N. W.

TOor nr

lwllrywPowara. Ha Saarinx. Railroad aa Steamboatawel ! Swra,Itlaaeaalel, Wnek aad Aawaral

aad S

W. M.Irateieit- -



a. t. rrmt.

i. H. of Breaks. Hli a C.W. B. r areaU A 0.J. H. AR. o A C.vnaasUM, Uwitaiit.


Dray Wheel






IIHTlw il ftmmim.


f . H. KXt.T.

: : Ilempliift,P. S. AL-TO- V

Late of BatasvilU. Miss.

Oata, Itran, Chos Feed, Oil-Hea- l, Line,

1 Howard's Row, Memphis.


I.. i. NtJiaijrjr.8.


SauaniBc, Hmm Frwajta, Oottem Pi rTeswWork, Kwarti ,) waa Ortaaaaiilla, Slaaisai

earauBiaaand Oraaaaaa Ire sr.



Clottom FactorsWnOLESALE

r.Tilburn Gin and Machine Gomp'yMJJfFACTI7RERS OF

Eclipse and Anti-Fricli- on Cotton Gins,FEEDEKS, C0KDE5SEKS sad PRESSES, STATIONARY ESGISZ8, ' - --

BoDera, SkaiUng-- , alleys. Etc. ' Railroad, SteambfMtt aad Archltectaral Vark.17fT-rJ"T-




? And Commission Merchants, .

Front St.. Coy. Unlm. intrvmnlala. Tmmi






Nat, 73--5 Tnnce street,.SPEERS. Jr PR0PR1ET0B.

LARGEST and ONLY COMPLETE GIN in the city.ThcCcst Sample and Ytclci Guaranteed.


HAJrrjVACTiTjixRs ajtd dkaIiSBSCwwtls

faisaspau lanlialara, latas, Kraa. aVIaoela. !!. risw V.IUSleeiaw rewst feaelag,Ran)


GROCERS, COTTOfl FACTORSAnd Commission Hcrchants,

260 and 62 Front Street- - TXemphfa. Tenn.

Peoples InsomQce (So.OQce 10 Madison Street, Memphis, Tenn

CASH CAPITAX., 5 $200.000aa.ljumrea all Claaaaa T Xerckaadlae, Storeboiuea, Ckarehea weUlsga.Tac




1 uuauwj anuNO. 333 MAIN

ram, naBK0OES,

W.EBalOOODB aWdaar








4aa, w. a. joTaaa



lia:ars,MEMP1TT8. TENN.

wi , 1 a. 1. bauib, i

I &. L. COFFDf. f DIUar A Coma.,f J. K. a4wia A CawJUlLsAaB.

D. T. fO&XKR, of Porisr A Ml-- raring BwlliMia7. OSS&S PAID, a

a raa


OFFICB I2f COMPASVS Ua)IH)I2Q,4H MADISON, MEHFIIimotkbtoji.axnaorons.




Mr All kladi f Froaerty Insured. Special (Haiti ale lva to I

ft reasonable rate. Cotmeaee4 kaslaaa laHals e, w,ntaei. A Home Pampt,,, va.oeetfellv ask voar natrowa

t. T. IAMAB0B. t. Aa HUitX. 0. 0. H1&. &. A. PAjUUR, A. la. WV01MK K,

J, T. FARGASOr. h CO.Uholcsalo Grocers and Cotton Factory

9S9 TronX Street, Uemphlm, Teu.Owttaa aaaitmd to u will avwar aawrfal atUntiea. W sarr U all Use a wU risas xakaSU,U z&i Frassy Graeeriet, Wines, Uqufrt, Tctzccj tzi C!;ht.

S aval will !! au aaa tat Lawsat.


rrrr r. ii -- '.i r oC-- r a KJ a a s i a S