men’s furnishings. l co. · attorneys-at-law, solicitors a masters in chan* eery, mikado...

V ol. XIV ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY^. SATURDAY, . JANUARY lu, 186'.). No. 3. Slrofessiotml (tafls. JV A . W. HETRICK, M. D. . — ;- - Homceopattoo Physician awl Bttrgeon.1 ' Onr. Cookman A Ban#* am , Asbnry Park, N. J. Hoars: nntll 10 a. m., and after.4 p. m. .g S. KINMONTII, tf. !».. ' , Corner Gran^ and Asbury Avenues,' Office Iloure-r7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3 p. ra.i Oto 8 p. m. , TSiL BBITCK 8. KKATOR, ,• ; Honwopathlo PhyBlolan and Surgeon. Graduate op both Softools. 1 Cor.. ABbury avenue anrtBergh ljtroet. Honrar-UntiVO a, m., 7 to 0 p. ro, ; % <■ ^lepbono'OonnoctiOhs, ‘ •'«, v- JAMKS ni BURNET* M. D. ; , s *' , . 16 Chestnut Hlrcct, Newark, N. J; Ofllco Hours-8 to 12 a. m„ 5fo7p. ni,' ' .. - -Runways—8 lo 10 a. in., 5 fo 7 p. ni. •HPEOiAriTY-maFAflHa op ttir nabal PAS- SAGED THROAT AND L</NGS. ^Y"M. J. GILL, A. M., P. D., . * Pnonmatopat W^tfWWtfntrtt ltoalcr, 400 sowall ayonuo. Cor. Hock street., hours 7 to 10,12 to 3, 0 to 0. F. PAWLEY, ; ; i SS17TZ6T, ... 0115 Bangs avo., Afjbpry Park, N. J, •PR S. T. StOCUM, DENTIST, >. Offl007^301 Main St.,opposito Railroad Stdtion, Gan administered. Asbury Park, N .«I. - A. 8. BURTON, T>, li» B. . I.'fJ. PTIKTON, JJ. I>. S. TMJRTON BROTHERS, D . Rfwlilflnt.DontiRtA. Donn Ihilldlnif, fi05 Cookman avo., Asbnry Park. Now York .Oflloo~-G9 W est Stth st. Gas administered. Appointments mado by tolo- phone or by mall. Hours: 9 a. m. to ft p. m. M’f'rfl of “ ZOZ0’’—tho hew preparation for cleansing nnd preserving tho Teeth. L N. SKYMOITR, T). T). 8. DENTIST, Ofllco 530 Cookman avonue, near Emory streot. Mechanical work a specialty. Difficult operations solicited,. % J.iF. HAWKINS. . FRANK 'DT7KAND. J J AWKINS &-D1TRAND, Attorneys-at-Law, Solicitors A Masters in Chan* eery, Mikado Building, Cookman A v„ . Asbnry Park, N. if. JSAAC C. KENNEDY, Attorney-at-Law, Solloltor, Master ln Chancery and Notary Publlo. Speclalattentlon glyen to examination of Titles, ~‘r Ao. Office.In Cook’s Building, -- . , Asbnry Park, New Jersey. A LpRED D. BAIiLEY, :. Attptn^y-at-Law, Solicitor and Master In Chancery and Notary Pnbllo. Special attention given to collection of claims. Offico In Mikado Building, Asbury Park, |-)AVID HAHVEY, Jr., Attomey-«t-Law, Solloltor, Mastor and Examiner ' In Chancery, Notary Public. ----- Asbury .Park, N. J. ’Q.EORGE W. BYRAM, Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor in Chancery, ‘ Address P. O. BoxlOM,, Asbury Park, N- J. -H^nrvM .N bvius, . E dmund Wii^ on, - Counsellor ofc Law. .. . Alt*>rnoy,at Law. XTEVIUS A WILSON, ' . Law Offices, :* 1 ' RBD BANK. N. J. PRANK V, BODINE, ' A R C H ITEC T , ‘ MIKADO BUILDING, P. O. Box 85,r>. ^ ASBURY PARK. N, .1, Jy/JRS. ROSALINE V. IOTL1EY, TEACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN AND THEORY. Forolgfl andAwcrlcan ilngeHnor. Terms—815 for . ' 20 lessons, payable At lOttrTessorf. • H. B. JOHNSON, '1 Practical Watchmaker, Dealer In Fine Watches, .Tow^try. Speetaclcs Ac. Watchesana Jewelry repaired at City Prices. Main street, near Ooolmmn avonne, _ ' ASBURY PARK, N. J. * GEO. M. BENNETT, HOUSE PAINTING In all Its branehas. - Hanlwood flnlshlnj?,' Oralii-- lj}K. CalclmlnlnR, Ac. Estimates furnished on application. L. Box 2133. Ocoan Grovo., N. J. ft. C. MARRYOTT, Contractor and Builder, Estimates furnished for ovory description pf ?work. Jobbing attended to,promptly. , Rosldcnco--.- ' Cor. Sewail kit and Emory St., i/wk nox 7io anbiir V park . k . A. A. TAYLOR, • Mason and Builder, Bricklaying and Plastering In all branches pf Masonry work. Jobbing promptly attended to, t ,P. O. Box 007. , Offico, 733 Mattlson avonuo COOK HOWLAND, . Architect ^ Builder. , Building plansoxoouted and alfwo^k promptly . 'done. i < ; Offl.ce in Cook’s Building, Main street and Cookman avonue. Asbury Park. JOHN “W. SUTPHEN, B lacksm ith and Horseshoer, • Carriage work In all Ita branohos. CARRIAGE PAINTING AHD TRIMMING In tho finest stylo of deeorativb art. Main street and First avenue, A8BTOY PABK. ADON LIPPINCOTT, Contnactor ■& Builder Jobbing IttjUl.branchos'.promptly and carefuUy attendod to. •-ii;;’*- . . Rosldonco—C02 First avenuo, . ' ShopVr007 Main st. ASbURY PARK, N. J. VFRRDr B. GOWDY. ClIAH. II. PITCHER. GOWDY & PITCHER, Carriages, and Mamifactu- r'"' . rersujf Harness; Be|»ONitrtrIoH—A«bnpy P a r k , R ^ l llim h . * . . and.Tom* Itlvflr.f’:,,. Tents, Awnings, Flags. .*= , Felting for boilers arid steam ptyies.. . .. S. H EMM ENWAY, - _ 615Bookman Ave.. AsburyPorltrHnJ, ' Sail lofts, COSouth 8fc. Now York City, - ■' •» J. O; \V. STOUT. , ' AWHBn.flAUT STOUT & HART, A ^iry Park ^n<V4Jcoiiu Cfrove Concrete W alk. Layers, , ’Y J j ASBURY PARK, N: J. Offico 713Matt!soh a've. Satisfaction guarantoorf-l ROBERT T. GRAYAOT, DKAI.RR n« . Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, T I N W A R E , <*e. Gookman iiv., near Bond st., ASBURY PATtK, N. J. ' TIN RDOFma, LEADERS, BUTTERS, AC. sa m R ^ U U IU .IH ltT IXSR WORK OF M l RINDS. ^.t.- CerFirst'Olass work at low rates. LIPPINCOTT, rrJL X ii, o k . 797- Cookman Av?, Men’s Furnishings. TRENTON STEAM DYEING WORKS, ESTABLISHED 1849.' Ladles* drcssos dyed in all the newest shades. Feathers dyod-to ail colors.’ Gentlemen’s cloth - ing oloanoa, dyed and pressed equal to new. • Agontror Asbury Park. The Old and Reliable Brand. Co. j. An Immense Stock on Haiifl, ' ;. 1 All Dcsiralilc Shades ofColoi;, N .E . Buchanon & Co. Solo Agonte for Stato of Now Jersoy, tar“prtce3 low to painters and Consumers. Liberal arrangements mado with dealers. MAIN ST. AND ASBURYAVE. SANITARY PLUMBIN^ B. CHOWELL & (CO Now occupy the new brick bunding of J. !ilenry. Applicate,on 1 o Mattison Avenue, near Bond Street, where they arc preparcd to C8Umate^>'rfaU ^Inds Of PLUMEJNG, GAS AND STEAK HTTIK8. Thpjrdp.nODO other than flrst-class work, and a)I mnmblng will be don6 after the most approved sanitary methods. ' RepalrlUK prom ptly ntteuded to. John A, Gttkns l Co. ' v- ’ Manufacturers of, and wholesale and retail dcalors Ih Mattresses, Beilli FEATHERS, Etc. FACTORY NO. 143 MAIN ST. ‘Up S t a i r s , | ’ Ilonovating Mattreea«B a Spooialty. Telephone c’onnectlon. HENRY DOREN, . (Sueccssor to G, W. Read,) MERCHANT TAILOR, .738 COOKMAN AVENUE. Suits niado to order guaranteed to fit. (^loaning atid Repairing. GEORGE W. LEE JOBBING HOUSECARPENTER Hardwood w<vrk a specialty •, orders promptly attended to i*ml work donoinllrst-elass manner. Manufacturer of storm Doors, Window, and Door Screens. Orders left at D. n. Wyckoff’tr paint storo, or received by mall, will bo promptly attended to. • ; RcHldonee^N. E. Cor, Asbury avenuo and Main si root. P.O. Box cor,, ahuury PARK, n . j . - SAMUEL W. KIRKBRIDE, CONXRACTOB, Carpenter & Builder. Plans and specifications furnished. Jofthlng promptly attended to. Bost of; referorico given. Hcsidonee—First avo., bot Bond and Emory sts. Shop and Office—First avo. a nd*Malti at. P.O. Box743. ASBURY PARK. George W. Patterson,-, Bridge Builder t General Contractor, P. O. Box 173.' .- ASBUItY PARK, N.-T. Dealer In Georgia Pino Lumber, TetenhOnOand Telegraph poloa. .Oak, Chestnut and Pine piling furnished at short notice, all. lengths and sizes. . M. M. CROSBIE, . Successor to David Cartwright, Tar Paper, Sheathing Papor, Tvvo and Tbroo-ply Roofing,, Paper, P. O. Bo* 8i)2. Anbury Pnrk, MATTRESSES and BKDDJNO of all kinds can ^•c found at ‘ ' * ' No: J Main 3t* (Ormerod Building), - ABBURY PAltlv. N. J. - ! Renovating Mattrcssi's n KnocfaltV at reasonablo prices. ' ' <iOO. tv It»|lUHIM«»U* Affft. __ __ ^ , - - JOS. L. D im RAH, - : P l a s t e r e r , 505 THIRD AVENUE. Jobbing Promptly atlondud toj’t : CEO. C* ORMEROD, CONTRACTOR m BUILBER, , ANltUIty I*AHK, EstabllshoU' 187.1. Jobbing promptly ftt^tnded 1 -to/. Jlest of nufercneo glvon, ' - Office and Resldonco, * 'v » ' COR. SK WALL AVE. AND BOND S T .; ; T HE ASBUBT PARK PRINTING HOUSE ia tiiB largest and best equipped In the Gotraty. u s ; F. C. BRAEUTIGAM, ^ Beal Estate anil Insurance. . Hotels, Boarding Houses and Cpttages to Let, for Bale and Exchange. Special attention given to drawing mortgages, lojisca and decds a t short notice. Offico_; • . • 710 COOKMAN AVENUE, . ’ P. O, Box l7. Near Main et, Asbury Park, N; jf. H. B. BEECLE, (Uto fnTE B o ® r* B6np KKAIj ESTATE an«l INSURANCE AGENT, 43 Kain Amu, OceanBrow , S, J. ' ; Loans Negotiated-flnrVLegal Papers Drawn. H. B. BEEOLE, Notary x'uhlleand Commlsslonfir , of Deeds for New*Jorsoy* Pennsylvania and » T-tho District of Columbia. (Bargains in Real Estate LOTS AND IMPBOVED PROP- ERTY AT NORTH SPRING LAKE. Improved Property ahd Lots at Point Pleasant choap.for cash,, • . . Lots at Manhasset for Salo or Exchange. 200 feet of Bay front, suitable for a wharf. The only Bay front In tho market Jfor salo In that vicinity. Will bo sold choap. . lAil s»xl25 foot on Sixth avenuoi near theo.cean, Asbury Park, • * . If you want to buy or rent any proporty any- where along tho ooast Apply to R. M. WORTHINGTON, Cor. Bo\Va11 av. and Emory st, Asbury Park. Or W. T, Street, Point Pleasant, N. J: „ W. H. Poteeu, Spring Lake, N. J. ASBURY PARK ELEm iO K ET eo. MAIN STATION: Railroad, near -firat avenue.' Furnishes Eleetrlc, Arc and l^candoiwent lights at any location. * - i. OFFICERS: Prealdent—MYRON H. GOULD, Vico lW t-E D M D N D (LHARRISON, Treasurer— .JOHN ROCKAFELLER, Hec’y and Kup’t-OKO. M. LANE. DIRKCTORS j Myron S. Gould, . fleo. F. Kroehlr lidmundil. HarrlHpn, John C. MaoMurray, .John Rockafeller^-. ■Geo. A. Smock, 1 ueo. M. Ijine. WHY SUFFER When It Is a well-known fact that BOURNE’S English' Tonic Dyspepsia Pi life will not only glvO ease, but pormanontly cure. Indlgostlon, Dyspepsia, or any gastrlo trouble. For Sale by all Druggists. WESLEY HUGGINS, Contractor, Carpenter & Builder - Plans-and-specifications furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. Boat of i*of8nonco given. H'csldohco—Bangs Av. near Langford, WofltPark. P. 0. Box 70, Asbury Parki'Ni J. LADIES! ' Do Tonr Own Dyeing, nt Hom e, wUh PEERLESS DYES They will dyo everything. They aro sold overy where. .Price lOe: a paeka&o—40 colors. TJioy- esiual for Strength, Brlghtnosa, Amount In Packages or for Fastness of Color, or non-fad- ing Oualltlcs.. They do not orock or smut. For salo bv It, Tuatlng, M. D-. Woolloy & Reed, W. B, Chrlatlno, Drugglsta, Asbury Park, N. J. •' THE- MATTISON AVENUE GROCERY PETER DE KEYSE'R; ’ SuocQssor to VVm. Boamos, V— > Dealer in Choioe Family Groceries. ; ■The host brands of FIoyr,jine Teas audlC<JlTeo, and oyorythlng!*iprtntnlrig to h jllwt-alasa Gro* Toery.; ;.v ••• , ^ ,,j ;• '• NeWiSfboTc! Primo Qoods pirSNSYI-VANIA UAlI.HOAl>. .j On and aftor January 10, 1880, TKMNfl U n i AHBUBT TAUK. Por Now York. Newark, Kllzabeth. RahW&y Red Bank, Long Branoh and IntermoqlGie stations, at a. mMLin, 5.35 p. tn^. , , Express for Now York, Newark, Kltobeth and Long Branch, at 7.-4.1 a. m. •' For Matawan, 7.43, 0.15 a.m ., 1.15, 6.85p.qv. F or !<ong Branch, 7.45, 9.15 a. m ., 1.15, 5.85 p. 10. ForPblladol^nla^.HroadBtOTronton.Prlnooton, Monmouth Junction, Froohold and Boa Girt, • 7.60 a. m .(12.117,4.20 p. m . M' For Camdon, Burlington, Bordentown and polnta ' • on thd Amboy Division, via. Berkoloy aM Toms Rlvor, on Mondays and Saturdaysdftty, 2.00 p. m. - - ■' (wjt; For Camden. Burlington, and Donlentowh,(vla. Trentop,) ICO a. m., 13.27, 4.20 p. m.?C¥|a. JaraeSburg* p.m . ■ . if* For Toms Rlvor, Island Heights, and Intermedi- ate, stations, at 11.05 a. m. On Monday! and Shtnruays only, 2.00 p. ra. For Point Pleasant, and intermediate statiflN gt ..., 11.00 a. m ., a.oo, 6.00,7.00 p. m. * rttlm a iAiiTa -tnrw^tmnt w & ;‘D®^fcoB8U*, Cortlandt fits, ferries) fob Annuer pabk At 9.10 a. m„ 12.00 noon, 4.80,iU)0 p. m. ThAiirs uu v x paiWD^wmA, Qlroad 8t.) l’Qa A8BOTVT PABK . At 7.32,11.15 a. to., 4.0CX»p. m. Market-St., via. . Camdon and TrontOn—7.20, 10.80 a. m., 2.30 p. m. Via: Jamesburg. 7.20 a. m„ 8:30 p. m. Via. Toma Rlverand Berkeley, on Mondays and Saturdays only, 8.80a. m. J. R. WOOD, ra»». Affi. CHAS. E. PUGH. GetSl Manager. j^KWTOKK A UWIO BIIANCII B. K. Tlmo Table, in efToct January 10t 1880. Stations In New-York-rCentral R.R. of New Jer - soy, foot of Liberty Streot j P. R, R., foot of Cortlandt apd Desbrosses BtreetsvN. J.Sonth- em Railway, foot of Roctor Bt. rjAVX H*W TOBK TOB ASBtTOV PABK, Acu Central R. I t of N. J.-4.30,8.15, *11.15 a. m., 1.00, 4.00. *4.30,0.10 p.m . Pennsylvanla‘--'*9.i0 a. m., 12.00 m., *4.30, 5.00 p. m. '— Leave Nowark, Broad St. Station, for Aifbmy' Park, Ao. — a25, 11.20 a. mn LOI. 4.00,;. 4.85,6.20p. m. Market Bt. Btatlon—9.88 a. m., 12.20,4.44,5.20 p .m . . LBAra asbubt park'j’ob mfW tobk; Ao. ' Central IL R. of N’ . J.-G.15, C.W, *7S&, ll-.O^a.m., p.m . . u Pennsylvania—*7.‘45, 9.15 a. m., 1,15, 5,85. p. m. For Philadelphia and Trenton,: via. Bound Brook Ronte—5.15,0.50,7.55 a.m., 4,15p.m. •• - For Ooean Boacb, Spring Lake and Sea Glrt^- 7.00, 7.59, 10.20, ll.OO a. m ;. 12.27, 1.05, 2.00, 2.58,4.20, &.IS5, 0.0C, 0;11,7.00,8.10 p. nj. . For Manasquan and Point Ploaaant—7.00,10,20, 11.06 a. m., 1.00, 2.00, 258, 5.65, 0.00, 6.11,' 7.00, 8.10 p. tn. For Philadelphia, via. Sea Glrtrtf.Ki a. m., ;1227,4JM p. m. - - For Toms River, H,05 a.jn . : - f—Kxprosfl. --------RtJKt;SBLai)aKTT,Jfi//>L' H. P. BALDWIN, O. P. A.4J. Jt, 11. o/N. J. , J. R. WOOD. Qen'l Vat. Agt. P. U.S. jpH E K IIO I.D ANU IVEW YORK R* II* In efTeot Nov. 10,1888. , » - TRAINS WILL J.BAYK Potf PRRSUOtJS AS »OI4>OWS: - Leavo Asbury Park-r-8.00, J0.55 a. m„ 1.15, 4.15, 6.35 p. m. Leave Long‘Branch--8 15, 11.10 a. m.« 1.80,4.30, 5.50 p. m. . Leavo Branchport—7.20* 11.13 a. m., 1.83, 4:33; 5.53p. m. • - . . - : Leave Littlo Sllver-7.2r,( 11.18 a. in., 1.88, 4.88,- 5.58 p. ra. '* Loave Red IJank-8 25,11.30 a. mr, 1.43, 4.46, 6.00 Loave Middletown—7.37, 11.37 a. m., 1.50, 4.52 C.14 p. m, I.KAVK MATAWAN FOB PHKEIIOf.n. 0.30,8.37, 9.81 a, ra., 12.20, 2.08, 5.30,7.25 p. m. LKAVR PRJEBIIOLD POB TUB SII01IB. 8.05,11.15 a. m.. 1.85,4,30,0.30 p. m'. 'J . E. RALPH, Sup’t. . OFFICE OF Discount on Sewer Bills. • . ••. , -*fV ' . ’ During tho past year a number of now connec- tions have been mado with the how ore. This has to some extent lessened tho percentage of cost of maintaining the works. As the erection. 06 -the Bower Works was not a -matter.o.LPPCgula-' tion, but became a necessity because of the site* c*essful and rap 1(1growth of the town, the owners desire to keep' the . annual rent at tho,lowest possible polpt. j£r-> ■i . { - Notice Is horoby glvon that on all sewer rents for 1888, whjch will bo due January 1st, 1889, for prepayment a deduction of one per cent, a month will bo allowed. After January 1$ 1880, on sower rents duo the following January a deduc- tion of two per cent, a month will for preilay- mont bo allowed. On Uie third year^ for pro-, payment, three per cent, a .month wlU be. allowed;’ and on tho fourth1 yoar; for pre- payment,-four per cent, a mohth. will be allowed. This pmctlcally-rotlucos tho &wer rant moro than one-third In tho last three yeare. Bnt taking the lourth year alone, It reduces the rent fully one-half. It Is of .course Impos- sible to tell, at tlie presont time, if a-, still furthor discount can bo allowod on tho fifth or succcodlng years, on account of increased num- ber of connections, but tho owners of proporty which Is connocted with tho seWcr ihay rest assured that they will reap overy advantago pos- sible. Owners of tho works only deslre, after working oxpenpes aro paid, a moderate Interest on the Investment.;— .— O. T, BAILEY^, j Seo’y Sowor Works. Aabury Park, May-aid, 1888. “ ....... |^ ”If sewor ronts for 1880 aro paid according to tho abovo plan—January 1, 1880—tho exjiense will be nparly ono-qtiartor less than If paid at the omi of thoyoar. To onable as many aa possible to avaimiom- solves of the advantages of the plau for noxt year, payments mado by January 10th will count as Hough pa|d January iHt. i > Itoftl JCstato Coiivoyancos. List of cnnveyancoft, Monmouth County CJerk’n ofllco, for tho week ending *fan. 12, 18S9: t • • * ' ABituur i*AnK. * * BenJ. il. Wister to James N. Timfsoh-lot As- bury Park. SI.hoo. , 11 • «™ ll Wm. M. Bavhi—parts of lots 1073, 1071 a n d 1075. 51. oauAv aitovB. r Tho Occan Grove Camp meeting Assoctatlon to Henry C. Pftitt—lot 2jw: t o . , : Henry (!. PratC’to Benjamin O, Cottrell—name properly. SG25. . ^-r-rr . • ■ ‘ NB1»TUNB TOWNsillP. , . M; V. Farrington'ri al, to Mrt^4losor V. Ripley— cemetery plot. $35, - ••• ._j .......... Myron ». Gould to Abel*Coleman—lot Ocoan1 Park. 8500. Frederick G. Burnliam to* Alfred Cubberly-Aot West Aabury Park. 8546.' ' Biittihanito Alfred Cuhbcyly—lets JUI<} H u e y andhttM>anV^ii5?tto^ 'Hron- Son—lot.BraWcy Beach. flGO, F. G. Burnham’to-Lizzle Butcher—lot West As- bury I’ark. 8275, ■Myron 8. Gould lo Julia A." Rogcrs-?lot Ocean Park. *300. . . __ Myron 8J Gould to Frank G. Bum'cy-^lol Ocean Park, 8500.' * J. Edward Borden to Daniel H. Ireland—ininear Ocean Grovo. 8175. . . —: . MISOBI.tANBOl'8. . ^ w, Sarah Ann Bartlett lo Edward Swaln-lofci Walt townslilp. SLfint), - Edwfn.F, Thorno fo Thomas Patton—2 tracts laud Ocean township. #5,1*>o. . Bridget Slurphy to Lovl .H, Emmons. Lot at- M ataw an. ^ $75(1. - ■i . Rhoda DeKtyno to The Maplewood Cemotery Coj^Cenletpry.plot. $ 1. . Tho Ocean Beach Association to' Marmaduke Watson. I/>t 620 at Occan Beach. 82M, . Rachol IL Conovor to Thomas P. Hayward. Undivided 1-3 of lot at Keyport. $500 George Lewis, el al. to Josoph Novls. 2 lots in . Howell township, 85Q. - . JanitM'S, Johnson to Tho Koyport Railroad Cos Lot at Keyport. $700. - -J Battvh A.- Bowne, tl ul. tS^Marltn C. IX)h8on|. 4 loti? In Middletown township. I4U2. i James IL Vrodenbui township. 1402. j inrgh to Wm. IL Vroden-' ihold. $1,701. burgh. iAnd at li’roohol— _____ Win; H, Yrcdonborgh to James B.iVredon- bergh- Farm in Froohold township. $1. Joseph Maurer. Jr;, et al. to Edward W. Adams. I-ot at Koyport. $2,000. David Vai>Pelt to E<1 ward D.. Adams. Lot at Koyport. 81,500. Matthew Walling io'The Keyport Railroad Co. Ix>t a t Jvcyport. $1,850. Kato B. Stokes au<‘ * ' r: ” vr.‘*VD nu<1John Av. stokes to Caro- llne M. MorIII. Lot a t Long Braneh. $120. Calvin Rold U) Ilaiinah Corlloa. Lot at' Long Branch. $350. . Theodore Sickles, Ex’r ofJtlcharl -A. Slcklos, deo d .io Harry QSuipBell, Lot In Shrewsbury township. 8L. -Georgo II,Sickles, ct al.' to. Harry Campbell. House awl lot at Shrewsbury. $1,000. Farmingdale Cemetery Co. to Mary’Ai Thall. Ixit In conielery. 825. Pcatik I*. Mo Uormott to >Mary Langan." Lot at Keyport.'$730, ‘William Rjifdgo to I^iura E:'Mount. Lot'at At|jtntlolII«hlawis. 81. ... William liurdgo to Edwin F. Burdgo,. Storo and lot at Naveslnk. $2,000.- William Burdgo to Eawin F. Burn go; Lot at NaveslnkriMTr ; William F, Cawloy to Jacob J.Garrabrant. I*ot* a t Branch port;"'$JkW. Q ' * George W. MorrlB, Aaron Morris and Henry Pentoruian to Johh H. Willey. J.ot of woodland. $1,000. - ft Henry Ilyer to Francis j; Moulton. Lot at oyport. 8212.50. 1. Elizabeth Uyer to Henry Dyer, Lot at Key- port. ?L .Joseph Homicssoy to Samuol II. Worthley,’Ix)t in Occan township. $r»0. Tlieodore Aumaok, sherKT, to Tracy II. Harris. Lot at Long Branch. S'.i,225. Bartholomew. Scanlon to "Mary Baggot. 15 48-100 acres In Freehold township. 81,400,.— Jonathan C. Croxsoti, by ex're, to Joseph h. Butchor—7 8-100 acres,-Howell township. 8T><i.Gl. Robert M. W'orthhlgton ,to Melissa King—lot North Spring Lake. 81. ; . . IL T. fltoutto samo—same ptoporty. 81.000. Miles W. Newman fo Albertus Newman—undi- vided 1-6 of 2&acres, Wall townshIn,.$100. ! John H, Conover to David W. VanPott—lolftt Keyport. 81/250, • Kmiha F. S;' Sylvester to Aloho C. Hankins—lot ,Mfttawftu4-85«0. William R. Kennedy to samo—2 lots Matawan. $300v ‘ . .... .............................. JasopIrF. Allen Will him Naylor—lot at Man- ftSfluan.. 8150.-. . Jamfes W. Sickles to MicJiacl New—3 acres, At- lantic townshsp. 8iso. - ■ David-W. VanPoltt^j Edward D. Adams—lot at Keyport. 81,000. Tbe Maple\voo<l Cemetery company to Rhoda 'DeKlyne—cemetery.plot.. *», Lamyetto Conover to William M. Tilton—lot at Holmdcl. 5500. ; KniclIuOiFutlor. aud Amienta Falter by Tlico- ilore Fields, sherlll’, to -Mlcluiol Callaghan—lot at Red Batik. 8L330. J Joseph F. ;AUeh to Georgo F. Mount—lot at Manas<iuan,f2UO. • ' .. —- ,w ,:rr GarreCB, Mott to John Moses—lot No. 32, Spring Lako Beach jlmnrovemont Company. 81. Eiperlenc’o Magep to Margaret E. A. Bolco—12 acres. Marll^oro township. 81. Julia A. Maps to Ueoigo Corllcs—lot at Braneh- burg, Eatontbwu township. 8S0. Henry C. Bennett ami William W’olcott today VToolley—deed of asslgnmont, Occan township.81* Albert I* Hayward to Ixiulsa M. llaywiird—lot, Wall township. 88,600. . - Charles Ajiton Ides to ,Catharine Wanlell-ript Wall township. 81.000. •jQeotgo K.i Hopping and wife to Thomas B. Shcnnaii—2,50-100. acres, Allddlelown township. Richard ifanklns to William U. Kennedy tt til., —lot Matawan. 8100. , ... r Eusebla Tilton to David VanPolt—lot at Koy* porL 8J.100. • Caro) liio FlntL to John E. Jones rl «/,—2 lots nt Brighton. 81,525. Josoph R, DcBow dal., ex’rs, to Samuel Lemlug el fit.—2 lots land. Freehold township. 878 85. Samuel Lemlng ct-<il., fo Isaura B.'Beckman— samo property. 8J»5. y Edward T. Bobbins to Amelia R. S|>oncer—lot at Long Branch; 811,6(W. . / Artistic Printing. Material— >>«« . I , Workmanship— Delivery—prompt. Charges.—mo:ier«i.. . ASBLVRV PARK PRINTING HOUSE. 718 Mattison Ave. - W . E. HOGG,' P^rpenterapd Builder JOBBING PROMPTLY DONE/ RoBi^enoo-^lOlOjMain St. , Asbnry Pftrfcj Building Contracts. ril.UI) TO AND INOLUDINO JAN; |3 , *- 211)8—T, A. Roberts with W. E, Hogg-.bow houso at Monmouth Bcach. W.OOO. ~ ^ 2499—Frederick A. Leggett with Albort A, Tay- lor—mason work new hous<i at Asbnry Park. 8915. *2500—Sam^wlth Georgo C. Ormerod—carpenter work samebouse. 83,100. 2501—Sfftno with Joseph A. 11 iiiso—paint e houso. $152. 2502—wamo with Uriah While—plumbing samo houso, 8345. 2503—John B. Swan wRhWm. Kipp—uow houso a t - — . 81,255. 2501—G: II. Dnnham with R. II. Hughes—now houso atU m g Branch. 83,400. Sweotiross for MIlUous. ciau88IlrookoI8, now 0Ug[ar refinery nt Phil- adelphlai \^liloh will bo ready; to bogltf, husl- neas in July, will need ono. million pounds of raw sugar for each day's wofk, a production of a.SOO barrelaof theYeDned artlolo. When fully, comploted tho cftpacity ^WiU^bo about, doubled. " •. ' 1 ; To proVi’ do/or-this enormous bualneas lio haa sequred all the augaf grown on tho ’ l’hll- Ipplne Islands, hla SanFranclsqo reflnory bo- intt mainly aupplted from tho Sandwich Is- lands;'/- To carry th Is groat amou nt, of fro lg|it Spreekela has chartered a licet ot' thirty v^a-- vols,which 'will reeetro tholr cargo at Manllla,- gft-the rate of two vessels por weok, of about 1500 tons cach. . *Tho Hudson connly liquor dealers whtfhavo been broughi beforo tho court or. against Whom complaints have-been lodged for vlo: lating the Sunday law aro sadly dlappolnted. JUdgc/Kfiapp on Saturday sonderedadeelslon against .them... Soveral. ^cok^ ,ago ex-Gov- Abbott aakod for ft fltay of eonteoco lu.tho cases.of. thoso convicted until tbo Supremo Court'had passed upon tho questions ralBcd, Tho object of the dolay was tbe anticipation that tho Leglslaturoi would amend tho' lawi and those who had boon convlctcd wronld os- cai>o' piihlshmeht'’ •' Tho' advcrso dcclslbn, however, bas bhghted'thla :hopo. Two.ot the eonvictwl, dealers woro sentenced. Louis Klrtlor and I'cQdorlck Ilonu Vfero tho offottd- Pra^rf^hoy woro oach 'flnod $l 00 an^ costs, jtlrtler was advised to" to tiro from the bugp The NeSv Bpjhswlck Common Couucll h ^ ended Its long Wrrtnglo over tho sofoction o t a qhlet; of Police by electing! »ex*Alderftan, Frank Harding to tho office. The Council has toon deadlocked on tho rorfttor fo^half a year. Jlnllot Keform . We^give below ah oxtended synopsis ol tho ballot reform bill lnlroduced in the New Jer- sey Asaombly' lo st. week by ABsemblyman Kano, of Middlesex : , . t In thej nomination of ^candidates the bill provides that conventions or nominating bod- loa rcpresflnllng a political party that at, the preceding fitato olection polled at least 4 per cent, of Iho onliro vote cast in the State-or In any* part of the State tnny^ by 'causing a cer- tificate of nominations to bo duly filed, make one nomination for each ofllce lo(bo filled at tiio election. Every audit certificate shall state such facta aa may bo required for its acceptance; shall be signed by the presiding ofllocr and pocrotary of^ the convention, and shall bo flworn to by them. t^fJ^t^rlant aoctlons rpquSres that certificates f noTnfnattdh AhivxloinTriatl^ papers shall contain tho'namo and residence pf each candidate nomlnatod,' and the office for which he la nominated {.’ the certificate of nomination shall contain' tho name of tho por iltlcal party making tho nomination or nomi- nations^ expressed In not moro than three woMs. Nomination^ papers may contain .a designation or politlenl appollailon oipreasivo of tho prlncfple'-represoiited by tho nomina - tions^ expressed Iu not moro than three wgrds; In caso of Electors of President and Vice Presldont of tlio United States; the names of candidates for Presldont and Vice Prealdent may bo added to the party name or,political appellation. Such party names and political appellations'and. names of candidates for President and Vico President cor titled or nom- inated as aforesaid, shall bo printed upon.tho ballot as hereinafter directed. It is also ro-; qulred that cortincates' of nomination ahd? nomination papura for the nonilnatlon of can« ■^idatca-fer State offices,.shall bo fllod with tho Secretary of 8tato at loa^t twenty daya. previous to tho day ot etcpllop for which the candidates aro nominated. Certificates and papers for thb nomination of candidates tor city or town offlcea ehall bo filed, with clerliri RLttfp-tMipeottyo.piUea o r townships to rp la y r provlous to the day of such election. Tho Secretary of Stato is required to give tvyplvo days’ notice of all candidates whose nominations aro filed In his office. The Corm ol tho ballot is described In detail. It must contain the names and residences, together with the party designation*of all, candidates wiioso nominations for any oflleo specified in tlio ballot, have been duly made aud not withdrawn In accordanco horewitb, and shall contain no other names, except aa hereinafter "provided. Tho names of tbo candidates for each ofllco shall be arranged unjler tho proper designation of the offico and tho namo of each candidate for tho samo office, uhdor his proper party or political designation or' appellation. The names of candidate^ in whoso nomina- tion papers no political appellations are given, shall bo arranged tinder tho designa- tions or captions, “Independent Candidates.’' All ballots shall bo printed upon pl^n white paper, without dovlco, mark or word thereon, sare aa horoin provided. An asterisk shall be printed Iti the tipper left-hand corner of each balloL All ballots pri otod'for uso In a par- ticular city or townHblp shall be uniform in alfce and gdnoral appearanco. Thoro shaU bp left at thpicnd. oM he llat of. candidates for each different office as many blank spaces as thore are persons to be. elect- ed to such office, in which tho elector may in- sert tho naino of any person or persons not printed up^on. tho ballot, for whom ho desires, to voto for such .office. Whenever the' ap- proval of a constitutional amendment or other question la to bo submitted to the vote of the ipeople^such questions .shall bo printed upon the. ballot list of candidates. - AU ballots shall bo ao printed to give to tlie elector a clear opportunity to designate by a cross mark, in a sufllcibnt margin at the right of tho namo of cach candlduto and of each question submitted, his choice of candidates aud bis answer to the questions submitted. All ballots when prlntod ^hall be fastened to- gotherrln convonlont numbers iu books or blocks In such manner that each ballot may be dctachjjd aud removed separately. '(’ho ballots are to be printed and dtstrjb- ulpd nt public expense fivo^lhys befofe miy. Olection. 'Tho city authorities miiat also pro- pare fuillnstructlous for voters. / ‘Tho.ballots for each district shall be In- closed in a sealetl packet marked with Hie propor designation and number of the dis- trict, addressed to the judge of tho oloctlon district, Itshall bo tlio duty of-overy oloc- tfou clerk receiving Bitch packet ot ballots to' deliver tho santo to tho judge .pf election or « member of tho oloctlon board of hla district, with tho seal unbroken, 011 tho morning'of oloctlon. ' . / Thp followlifg scctlon providing for polling booths Is the most radical and the thing oii which the system hinges : The city ofliclals whoso duty .It Is to dosignato and lippolut polling places thorelh, shall cause tho samo to bo suitably provided wl^h a sufficient number of voting cpmpattments, - in which electors may convonlontly mark the jr. ballots, so that in tho marking thereof they may be screened from tho observation of othors'.. Tho com- partnionts shall .bo erectcd within a single railed Inclosuro, and shall cach bo provide^, with a writing shelf and with a swing door so arranged that a person standing att the shelf con be scon ff'om tho outside of'tlio compart- ment when the door Is. closed. The number of such compartments shall not be loss than one tfbveftty'five^votea-cast^at^the next prepotllng el^btlo|i hold in siioh district, and not less than five such caiBlRttrinenta sit all bo provided in any polling place." Each compartment shall bo kopt provided with lead pencils for.marking the ballots. Tbo- ballot boxes nt utery pollliig pluee ahall bo ho: placed that tho doctor may dollwr hls ballol' to tho judge of oloctlon after having marked tho eamo aa hereinafter provided, boforo loaylng tho railed inclosuro within which tho compartmQUte are placed, S«eh 'inclosuro shall be constructed with a single entranco by which electors shall eptor, and a single exit by which they shall leiSvo tho samo. , Tho election ofllcors shall occupy an inclosed or marks upon tho front, of faco thereof, and Without first leaving the enclosure ;in- wii^ch thocompartmcnts aro placed^ doll yer tho bal- lot to the judgo of elecilon, who shall, without exposing tho namcsor. marks upon tho front or face'thereof, vPrlfy the sign at tires tipnnthp baok thereof and deposit tljio ballot in tho ballot box hi tbe prosenco of the olectpr, and ’ the.olcetpr Mntli forthwith leave the polling, room. * . ; .. Some of the . rules governing the’ polling booths areI N» two votcra are allowed in dnP compartment at. iho same ilnto; no votor can stay In tlio compartment more than fi.vo min- utes; no person shall bo given a ballot whoSo name Is not on tho . rlglstry list; no person is allowed to tako a ballot .from the polling placo. If any voter, is Ineapahlb ot marking hia owp bollot by reaso 11 .oif blindness or other pliyaicol cauao, ho shall, upon request, rccclvo thO ^ fstahttooH^ottheele^ rs|n, tho m arki n g* thereof, and in c h ' offi cors slial i certify on ‘the outsldo thereof that It was so marked with thelrvassistance, and sliall there- after givojio Information regairding tho.samo. The judge of election may jn his dlscrotion require such declaration of dlsablHty. to bo mado under oath, and lie. Is hereby qualified to administer the same. And any elector falsely swearing tp such disability shalf be deemed guilty of perjnryV NoYOter, having inadvfcrtently spoiled, onp ballot, can receive another .until ho returns theapolled,one. lie cannot havo more than threo ballots in succession. Only two agents shall bp allowed at each polling placo to rep- resent all tho candidates. Any .person who mhy announce himself, tlirongn ijhe' no'wspa- pers, as acandldato.for any public office af any eiectionv rnqyvfe^fiao^Vo' be^ delivered to the Jqdgo^f election of any election .district' in which electors fiiay voto for candidrttoa lor- stich office, slips pf paper or .pasters, with his namo and residence and the tltlo of. tho office for which he Is a candidate printed thereon ; one such slip or paster ahall bo £lvon’to-eaoh ‘elcctor with his ballot, and any elector may vote for snch' <mndldj>te, bxpaatlngjotch^allp. or paster upon tho ballot, under the propor designation of offic0, and making a cross In the propor margin, opposite the name. '* The penalty-foy a violation of any part of this act Is a flno of |ii,000 or’^mprisoumpQt at hard labor for not moro than two years. T|»o First Accidont., The first mishap that has occurred, of any .account, during* the erection of the: bank buildings, was about 11 o’clock Monday niorningi'^hen William Curtis, a resident of 8horcvllle, below Ocean Beach, stepped on an Insecure arch frame atid fell through to the main floor, receiving severe injuries to his head and faep.„__;_.'----- —- lit), with other workinon, were turning tho fire-proof archcs between the,lron glcdP.Jj§rttf> the second floor. In stopping 00 the frame- work it yielded and ho foil-through to tho main floor, a distance of fifteen feet. 4 In his descont he struck a plank about midway, which was Tised for scaffolding. This gavo him a turn so that ho striiok on his head and faco on tho brickwork of the floor bolow.'r '~f For a tlmo ho was unconscious, and It was thought bo was fatally injured, bnt ho soon revived and -was’ taken-to tho' foaidencb'of Contractor Taylor near by, where his wbunda were dressed by I)r. Kinmonth/. Subsequent- ly hQ waB Sont homo lu a eatrlago.^ MtV Cur- tis worked on tho Appleby building, and is a careful and prudent man. X I51 lap; 111 au’s AwtulTlrroi*. - Monday morning as train No. 8 for New York, on the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad, was running at a high rate of speed it eameHu collinlon with part of a sec- tion of a freight train. Nino wero killed, five burned to deiith ami twelve: othors Injured,. Tiio a.fccident occurred two miles from Talb madge. Freight train No. 81 hud parted on an. np grade, A fiagnian was sent Put to warn the ehst bound passenger train ihuti duo, whllo' the first part of tho freight was run to a sido-track and Lho engine returned .for ' the balanco. Thp Ragman thought ^e heard the signal to return to his traiu and icft .lie track, un^rfanlod as tlio fast express eamo arptfnd the- cqrvo and struck the. freight almost at full.speed. 1 Tho passenger engine and the express and smoking ears following' were literally ground lo pieces against tho heavy freight engine' Nearly all Hhd*train hands wore caught in tho fearful crushing of tltilbers and Iron. To add .to the tiorf|>rs tho cars took Ore and all’ but the two -sleepers wero burned, Sovoral pas - sengers who. could not be released In tlmo were also consumed in the dribria. The error of tlio flagman was torriblo in its consequences, and was groiitly enhanced- by that awful ear stove, which makes these acci- dents donbly appalling; - . 'r-~ spaco outaldo of and-1 ad Join lug. tho Inclosuro, Bltu&to TJtnrweon tiio ontrauco and exit.,/'., Wbou a votor prcsonts,himself he sliall re- cOlvo from ji member of 'tho election board a ballot upon the back of which two members or tho bpard 8liall flrat write thclr nanies lo Ink ; the ploctpr shall then forthwith pcoceod, .alone into a. compart mon t,lfonobo thon un oeeupled, and iihall proparo his . ballot by marking in tho appropriate margin ol- place a oroa^oppofllto thO namo of tho eandidato of his choice for each office to 'be filled, or by filling in tho namo of the candldatd: of bis olrtJf&o In the blahk apaco provided' therefor and marking with a eroia (x) opposite there- to ; he ehnll then fold the ballot ao as to con- ceal tho napies and tho marks thercortfflrid to Expose tho names of thp mombora of tho qleo- tion board upon iho baok thereof, and’ shall without tfolay and without exposing thb opines dotting iDftreless. - ’By rooson df lack of means to carry on tho ' work our*Board Of Health lias boon obliged to ■" some extent to relinquish its former.vigilance ln: regard to health matters, it has been , fonnd, aa waa expected, that many complied with the regulations simply because thoy were sharply Idokod after, and that when frequent inspections and prompt moasnrea became iess Pertain that many grew very careless. Wo quoto tho following paragraphs from a reeont roport of Inspector L lpplncott‘ On iho block hounded by Fourth and Fifth ayenuesand by Heck ahd Borghslreotft three now bulldirrgsjire in .course of erection and ono other haa recently been built. . . Precedent has boen established1 by this Hoard for requiring that catch basins only should bo permitted in tho location abovo ro-. ferrcd to. Two privy vaults havo boon ap- plied for in that block. 'i . -Your attention is also called to the fact that1 Section 30 of the Sanitary Codd irbeing very , gonoraliy violated thronghoqt the borough, .Two years ago compliance wlfh this scctlon . was almost univorsal, but manure plies upon . tho ground besido stablo doors and windows ciin now bo seen In all directions.. , -f.. . Tho keeping pf fowls Is also on the increase, - nltliOugh It Is strictly forbidden by Section 41, unless a permit shall have been obtnfned*from this Hoard, - * .< Heption 37 of the Sanitary Codo requires thnt ovorv privy vault, etc.,- shall bo emptied between Nov. 1st and Jan. let of each year. Few property owners havo complied with that section. . - 1 1 1 . ' Seiiutorlal Klectioiis. Fivo Logislatlvo caucuses . In Ropublieon States have decided tho status pf their Sena- torial elections, -as'the ujesbnt week, In ac - cordance with law, is designated for tho elec- tion of sovon Souatora; Two of thO soven Btateg, North,Carolina aud Tonuessco. wlll in all probability return the prpseut pomocratlo incnmbehts, -Mefsr^. iianaom and Harris. In Maine Senators Fryo had scarcely any opposition. His long and honorable record Gengreea-w ith ^it l.r-sti I l*nnottr"ltono cably recprd ha Mr. Blaine’s successor, gives him a' prominence 4hat fey/ possess, fie has occu- pied seat^ in the two Houses from the begin- ning of the 42d Congress, a period ol ovor 10 ; yearfl,:and if he completes tho new torm wUl havo served 5i4 years as a National Legialator. MassachueeHB will present an exceptionally strong man by return^og Sonnior Iloar, who hap ueflrly. completed two Senatorial terras. He has been oho of the conspicuous Senators who Is ever ready in debate and maintain^ his position with strong and logical argument, Michigan wlR bo roprosontcd in the Senate by James- McMillan, and Colorado willeond" A|r. E.“0, Wolcott# Both'arp able aud iiouest men, and will represent 'Hioir-States ln all their interests Senator Mauderson will bo returned from Nebrasijar thus breakingup tbo rptation iheth’ods heroiofot,eNprovuillhg in that Stdte. In additlou to these tho little Btato of Dela- ware, thoUglr for many years, tho ‘‘pocket .borough’’ of the Sauisburya and tho Bayards, haa turned into tho Republican ranks, and on Tuesday Hjo Ropubllcan legislative caucus soJectod Anthony Illgglns, of Wilmington, to bo their candidate, and thp Rpplibllean Legls- laturo will conflrm tho^electlon. « -JU| IntcrcBtiner ItomiiiiBceiice; CONNECTEO WITH THE WABIIINOTON TIIIEN- • NIAIi QUAUTBUS OP COUSON CO^MANDEKV. ... WASun<flfpN,.D. C., Jan, 12, 18S0. .' To th$ Edito fty-lfie &ourital : " V r On arriving at laat ovenlng from the Capitol, I was informed that three gentle- > “men from Asbury Park had called to boo mo. I thereupon took stops tb Aunt them up, fouhd them on the. wing 4n eager search tar quarters for tho uso qf Corson CommanOery -+■ during the approaching trjeUnlal couelave of tho Omnd Encainpment _of Tcmplara of the * 'UiHttid'StatesIt Be0 m8 that these gentie- mon, Sir Knights Thomas II. Redway, John f D. Beeglo and Alfred C. Atkins, had been4ap- pointed by their Commandery as a committee for tho purposo Indicated, and iiad In thp dla- . charge ol their duties perambulated thi/f great city of magnificent distances from centro'to clrctmiferenco without meeting wltlTthoBUe- ... cess which they hoped for. Tho gathering of Tomplars Is probably to bo the largest since tho days of the crusades, honco •quarters-in- all tho principal hotels had'been engaged. Our three frators, thoroforej though valiant Knights, were somewhat discouraged,- but tho Webster House, on Thirteenth streot near William, and tiio Ebbitt, centrally located, had boen recommended ^o them and I waa'asked about ’it, and although in former days I had 1 heard the godlike Dauiol Web- ster 'spotlit iu thj£scnate‘«Pll\o United States, andcolhld givo lutorestihg-romlnieccnces ln regard io hi in, I waanot abl^to give thom juucli information about tiio Webster IIouso. In fact I had a wrong Impression respecting its exact locality, ami I accordingly proposed to visit friends near It, ascertain tbe desired information and vmak^ report thereof this 'morning. In executlug my mission I Was not only gratified a t the- favorable yeporta. In re - gard to tho houso and- its accommodations, but very much surprised on visiting lt to find that a part of tho Webster IIouso—tbo. four- ytory main building—was an old acquaint- ance, aucf called up front memory’s page a remluiseuneo which can noVor bo effaPeti therefrom. I must relate It,, not only 88 a matter of interestto your readers, but more particularly so. to tho mombora of Corson Commandery. "!■ From Docombor, 1847, to 1854, 1 waa con- bected with the press as tho Washington cor- respoiident of Western and, Eastern papers. It was my .eu&tom to make frequent visits to ‘ thp rooms on Capital II|ll of the member who represented tho Cleveland District, where I resided, ahiVin so doing I became acquainted with a member from' Illinois, who occupied adjoining robtus. Thoso two members were quite intiluato, compared notos, talked to- gether, walked together, and disensaod the great questions of tho day, aiid anon the lllln pH member prepared a speech on the Mexican War then , boing waged, and lead it to his frlehd.ata timo when I happened to be pres- ent. “1 soon after hoard him deliver It in tho IIouso, where It was one/of . tlto.ablest and boat npon tho snbjeet during that session, This luomber was an ardent - friend of lloury C!lay, am t'^ith other W&ig members during that session labored hard to make that eminent statesman- tha nominee of tlio Whig party In preference to General Tay- lor. But thoy failed. Gonetal Taylor was nominated and elected, and symo days after;- hla inauguration, on passing down-tho .aVe- nue, 1 met tho Illinois meuiber, who had failed of a reulctlon (declined,. I think), ho acoiqcd heartily glad to boo me and invited me to go with him to rooms that ho had taken on Thlrteonth street—to this very houao wham ; Corson Commandery will bp quartered. After. climbing Up with him to tho northwest corner ~ room in tho fourth story, and being seated, he Informed mo that ho was a candidate for tho Commissioner oLGonoral Land ~ Office, and showed mo bis payors, ^rhomaisi Ewing +faa thon SecretatJ'.of tho Interior, That Dopartmpnt was organized by him, and there waa another candtdato from IUIntfta for the Commlsslonorsliip, an original Taylor .VVhigr-ondduriu«4>Hr-eonver#ation-T:pcm'the"~ chau^es of snccoss, I snggoated that . aa the Secretary was originally for Taylor Instead Ot Clay^ be might select thla other candidate in proforence to a Clay Whig. -But this did not dotor me in tho least from taking amplo uotcs atid giving- them a corispteuoua place in my • Porroapondonco ln«ripgard'to the application ' of my friend,' I call him a /»;&«<*jp r he had ' til waya been oxccodlugly friendly to me in maiiy ways. Ilia application was not success-,. rul, and Ijp returned to his home, and I dljl .. not seo him agpln In this city until 1801, and not then at hfs old quarters whero the banners of Corson Commandery will bo unfurled, but upon tho east’frput Capitol steps, where In tho presence of thousands of bis counlrycpen, on tho 4th o£ March of that year, ho took> that doloipu oath, proclaimed those'noble Bontl- monts, and ontored upon a carcer which.has - mado.thp panto of Abfabant Lincoln a house-, hold word among all the civilized nations of thp earths—a name that will -live whon all th a 1 nionumont8 of greatness aiid grandeur/ have becofno extinct and crumbled to dust. i. ' .E; Kj&lnymta. The employds,of-. the New’ Brunswick Itiib: bor \V0 rk8 have been pnt on elght hours’ tlmo* bepauso of slupk wort'cft«sgdv,by tho bpcn •Winter. Tho Batjieicausc led to tho dtspharge Of 117 hnhda at tho NewJersey Rjrhbor-Works ' ately, -v i * .Chlof AtthuiV'of tho Brotherhood of ^Loco- mdtfvo Engthcors,- will not resign as reported. The rumor grew out of the fact that he did not approve of tho action In Bottling with Vhb railroad. / . .... ‘. -.f r 'TheElectrlo Sugar fraud is devojopln^Sv- cral astonishing pliasoo-and morpHare ImplU “** catcd in the scheme than*Waa first supposed.) • *

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Page 1: Men’s Furnishings. L Co. · Attorneys-at-Law, Solicitors A Masters in Chan* eery, Mikado Building, Cookman Av„.. Asbnry Park, N. if. JSAAC C. KENNEDY, Attorney-at-Law, Solloltor,


Slrofessiotml (tafls.JV A . W. HETRICK, M. D. . — ;-

- Homceopattoo Physician aw l Bttrgeon.1 ' Onr. Cookman A Ban#* a m , Asbnry Park, N. J .

H oars: nntll 10 a. m., and a fte r .4 p. m.

. g S. KINMONTII, t f . !».. '

, Corner G ran^ and Asbury Avenues,'Office Iloure-r7 to 9 a. m ., 1 to 3 p. ra.i O to 8 p. m., TSiL BBITCK 8. KKATOR, ,• ;

Honw opathlo PhyBlolan and Surgeon. G raduate op both Softools. 1 ■

• Cor.. ABbury avenue anrtBergh ljtroet. Honrar-UntiVO a , m ., 7 to 0 p. ro, ; % <■ ^lepbono'OonnoctiOhs, ‘ •'«, v -

JA M K S ni BURNET* M. D. • ; , s *'

, . 16 Chestnut Hlrcct, Newark, N. J;

Ofllco Hours-8 to 12 a. m „ 5 fo 7 p . ni,' '

.. - -Runways—8 lo 10 a. in., 5 fo 7 p. ni.

•HPEOiAriTY-maFAflHa o p t t ir n a b a l PAS­SAGED THROAT AND L</NGS.

^Y"M. J . GILL, A. M., P. D.,

. * Pnonmatopat W^tfWWtfntrtt ltoalcr,400 sowall ayonuo. Cor. Hock street.,

hours 7 to 10,12 to 3, 0 to 0.


; ; i S S 1 7 T Z 6 T , . . .0115 Bangs avo., Afjbpry P ark , N. J ,


Offl007^301 Main St.,opposito Railroad Stdtion, Gan administered. Asbury Park , N .«I.

- A. 8. BURTON, T>, li» B. . I.'fJ. PTIKTON, JJ. I>. S.TMJRTON BROTHERS,D . R fw lilf ln t.D o n tiR tA .Donn Ihilldlnif, fi05 Cookman avo., Asbnry Park.

Now York .Oflloo~-G9 W est Stth s t.Gas administered. Appointments mado by tolo-

phone o r by mall. H ours: 9 a . m. to ft p. m. M’f'rfl of “ ZOZ0’’—tho hew preparation for

cleansing nnd preserving tho Teeth.

L N. SKYMOITR, T). T). 8.D E N T I S T ,

Ofllco 530 Cookman avonue, near Emory streot. Mechanical w ork a specialty.

Difficult operations solicited,. %


Attorneys-at-Law, Solicitors A M asters in Chan* eery, Mikado Building, Cookman A v „ ..

Asbnry Park, N. if.


Attorney-at-Law, Solloltor, M aster ln Chancery• and Notary Publlo.

Speclala tten tlon glyen to examination of Titles, ~‘r Ao.

Office.In Cook’s Building,- - . , Asbnry Park, New Jersey.

A LpRED D. BAIiLEY, :.Attptn^y-at-Law, Solicitor and M aster In

Chancery and N otary Pnbllo.Special atten tion given to collection of claims.

■ Offico In Mikado Building, Asbury Park,


Attomey-«t-Law, Solloltor, M astor and Examiner ' In Chancery, Notary Public.----- Asbury .Park, N. J .


Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor in Chancery,‘ Address P. O. B oxlOM ,, Asbury Park, N- J.

-H^n r v M .N bvius, . E dmund W ii^ on,- Counsellor ofc Law. .. . Alt*>rnoy,at Law. XTEVIUS A WILSON, ' .

Law Offices,• ■ :* 1 ' RBD BANK. N. J .PR A N K V, BODINE,


P. O. Box 85,r>. ASBURY PARK. N, .1,


TEACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN AND THEORY.Forolgfl andA w crlcan ilngeHnor. Terms—81 5 for . ' 20 lessons, payable At lOttrTessorf.

• H. B. JOHNSON, ' 1 Practical Watchmaker,

Dealer In Fine W atches, .Tow^try. Speetaclcs Ac. W atchesana Jew elry repaired a t City Prices.

■ Main street, near Ooolmmn avonne,_ ' ASBURY PARK, N. J . *

GEO. M. BENNETT,H O U S E P A I N T I N GIn a ll Its branehas. - Hanlwood flnlshlnj?,' Oralii--

lj}K. CalclmlnlnR, Ac.Estim ates furnished on application.

L. Box 2133. Ocoan Grovo., N. J.

ft. C. MARRYOTT,Contractor and Builder,Estimates furnished for ovory description pf

?w ork. Jobbing a ttended to,promptly., Rosldcnco--.- '

Cor. Sewail k it and Emory St.,i/wk nox 7io a n b iir V p a r k . k .

A. A. TAYLOR, • M ason and Builder,

Bricklaying and Plastering In a ll branches pf Masonry w ork.

Jobbing prom ptly attended to, t ,P. O. Box 007. , Offico, 733 Mattlson avonuo

COOK HOWLAND, .A r c h i t e c t ^ B u i ld e r .

, Building plansoxoouted and alfwo^k promptly . 'done. i < ;

Offl.ce in Cook’s Building, Main stree t and Cookman avonue. Asbury Park.

JOHN “W. SUTPHEN,Blacksmith and Horseshoer,

• Carriage w ork In all Ita branohos.

CARRIAGE PAINTING AHD TRIMMINGIn th o finest stylo of deeorativb a rt.

Main street and First avenue,A8BTOY PABK.

ADON LIPPINCOTT,C o n tn ac to r ■& B u ild e rJobbing IttjUl.branchos'.promptly and carefuUy

attendod to . •-ii;;’*- . . Rosldonco—C02 First avenuo, . '

ShopVr007 Main st. ASbURY PARK, N. J.


GOWDY & PITCHER,Carriages, and Mamifactu-

r'"' . rersujf Harness;Be|»ONitrtrIoH—A«bnpy P ark , R ^l llim h ■ . * . . a n d .T o m * Itlvflr.f’:,,.

Tents, Awnings, Flags..*=, Felting for boilers arid steam ptyies.. . ..

S . H EM M E N W A Y ,- _ 615 Bookman Ave.. Asbury PorltrHnJ,' Sail lofts, CO South 8fc. Now York City, - ■' •»

J . O; \V. STOUT. , ' AW HBn.flAUT

S T O U T & H A R T ,A ^ ir y Park ^n<V 4Jcoiiu Cfrove

Concrete W alk. Layers,, ’ Y J j ASBURY PARK, N: J .

Offico 713Matt!soh a've. Satisfaction guarantoorf-l


Stoves, Heaters, Ranges,■ T IN W A R E , <*e.

Gookman iiv., near Bond s t . ,

A S B U R Y P A T tK , N . J .


s a m R ^ U U I U . I H l t T IXSR WORK OF M l RINDS. ^.t.-

CerFirst'O lass work a t low rates.


r r J L X i i , o k .797- Cookman Av?,

M en ’s F u rn ish in gs.


Ladles* drcssos dyed in all th e new est shades. Feathers dyod-to a il colors.’ Gentlemen’s cloth­ing oloanoa, dyed and pressed equal to new.

• A gontror Asbury Park.

The Old and Reliable Brand.


An Immense Stock on Haiifl, ' ;.1 All Dcsiralilc Shades ofColoi;,

N . E . B u c h a n o n & C o .Solo Agonte for Stato of Now Jersoy,t a r “prtce3 lo w to painters and Consumers.

Liberal arrangements mado w ith dealers.



Now occupy the new brick bunding o f J . !ilenry.A pplicate,on 1 o

Mattison Avenue, near Bond Street,where they arc preparcd to C8Umate^>'rfaU ^Inds

Of PLUMEJNG, GAS AND STEAK HTTIK8.Thpjrdp.nODO other than flrst-class work, and

a) I mnmblng w ill be don6 after th e most approved sanitary methods. ' ■

R e p a lr lU K p r o m p t l y n t t e u d e d to .

John A, G ttk n s l Co.' v- ’ M anufacturers of, and wholesale and

retail dcalors Ih

Mattresses, B e i l l iFEATHERS, Etc.

FACTORY NO. 143 MAIN ST.‘ ‘Up S t a i r s , | ’

Ilonovating Mattreea«B a Spooialty.Telephone c’onnectlon.

HENRY DOREN,. (Sueccssor to G, W. Read,)


Suits niado to o rder guaranteed to fit. (^loaning atid Repairing. „


Hardwood w<vrk a specialty •, orders promptly a ttended to i*ml work donoinllrst-elass m anner.

M anufacturer of storm Doors, Window, and Door Screens. Orders left a t D. n . Wyckoff’tr paint storo, or received by mall, will bo promptly attended to. ’ • ;

RcHldonee^N. E. Cor, Asbury avenuo and Main si root. P .O . Box cor,, a h u u r y PARK, n . j . -


C a r p e n t e r & B u i l d e r .Plans and specifications furnished. Jofthlng

promptly a ttended to. Bost of; referorico given. Hcsidonee—F irst avo., bot Bond and Emory sts.

Shop and Office—F irst avo. a nd* Malti at. P.O . B ox743. ASBURY PARK.

George W. Patterson,-, Bridge Builder t General Contractor,

P. O. Box 173.' .- ASBUItY PARK, N.-T.Dealer In Georgia Pino Lumber, TetenhOnOand

Telegraph poloa. .Oak, Chestnut and Pine piling furnished a t short notice, all. lengths and sizes. .

M . M . C R O S B IE ,. Successor to David Cartwright,

T ar Paper, Sheathing Papor, Tvvo and Tbroo-ply Roofing,, Paper,

P . O . B o * 8i)2. A n b u r y P n r k ,

MATTRESSES and BKDDJNO of all k inds can ^•c found a t ‘ ■' *' No: J Main 3t* (Ormerod Building),

- ABBURY PAltlv. N. J . - !Renovating Mattrcssi's n KnocfaltV a t reasonablo

prices. ' ' <iOO. tv It»|lUHIM«»U* Affft.__ __ ^ , - -

J O S . L. D im RA H ,- : P l a s t e r e r ,

5 0 5 T H IR D A V E N U E .Jobbing Promptly atlondud toj’t :


, ANltUIty I*AHK,EstabllshoU' 187.1. Jobbing promptly ftt^tnded

1 -to/. Jlest o f nufercneo glvon, ' - Office and Resldonco, * ' v » '



largest and best equipped In the Gotraty.u s ;

F. C. BRAEUTIGAM, ^Beal Estate anil Insurance.. Hotels, Boarding Houses and Cpttages to Let, fo r Bale and Exchange. Special a tten tio n given to draw ing m ortgages, lojisca and decds a t short notice. Offico_; • . •


P . O, Box l7. N ea r Main e t , Asbury Park , N; jf.

H. B . B E E C L E ,(U to fnTE B o ® r * B 6 n p “


43 Kain Amu, Ocean Brow, S, J. ' ;L o a n s N egotiated-flnrV L egal P a p e rs D raw n .

H. B. BEEOLE, N otary x'uhlleand Commlsslonfir , of Deeds fo r New*Jorsoy* Pennsylvania and

» T-tho District of Columbia.

(Bargains in Real EstateLOTS AND IMPBOVED PROP­

ERTY AT NORTH SPRING LAKE.Improved P roperty ahd Lots a t P o in t P leasant

choap.for c a sh ,, • . .Lots a t M anhasset for Salo o r Exchange. 200

feet of Bay front, suitable for a wharf. The only Bay front In tho m arket Jfor salo In th at vicinity. Will bo sold choap. .

lAil s»xl25 foot on Sixth avenuoi near theo.cean, Asbury Park, • * .

If you w an t to buy o r ren t any proporty any­where along tho ooast

Apply to R. M. WORTHINGTON, Cor. Bo\Va11 av. and Emory s t , Asbury Park.

Or W. T, Street, Poin t Pleasant, N. J :„ W. H. Poteeu, Spring Lake, N. J .


E L E m i O K E T


Railroad, near -firat avenue.'

Furnishes Eleetrlc, Arc and l^candoiwent lights a t any location. ■ * -

i . OFFICERS:Prealdent—MYRON H. GOULD,Vico lW t-E D M D N D (LHARRISON, Treasurer—.JOHN ROCKAFELLER, Hec’y and Kup’t-O K O . M. LANE.


Myron S. Gould, . fleo. F. Kroehlr lidm undil. HarrlHpn, John C. MaoMurray, .John Rockafeller^-. ■ Geo. A. Smock,

1 ueo. M. Ijine.

W H Y S U F F E R• When It Is a well-known fact th a t

BOURNE’SEnglish' Tonic

Dyspepsia Pi lifewill n o t only glvO ease , bu t pormanontly cure. Indlgostlon, Dyspepsia, o r any gastrlo trouble.

For Sale by all Druggists.


Contractor, Carpenter & Builder- P lans-and-specifications furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. Boat of i*of8nonco given. H'csldohco—Bangs Av. nea r Langford, WofltPark.

P. 0 . Box 70, Asbury Parki'N i J .

LADIES!' D o T o n r O w n D y e in g , n t H o m e , w U h

P E E R L E S S D Y E SThey will dyo everything. They aro sold overy where. .Price lOe: a paeka&o—40 colors. TJioy- esiual for Strength, Brlghtnosa, Amount In Packages o r fo r Fastness of Color, o r non-fad­ing O ualltlcs.. They do n o t orock or smut. For salo bv It, Tuatlng, M. D-. Woolloy & Reed, W. B, Chrlatlno, Drugglsta, Asbury Park, N. J . •'



’ SuocQssor to VVm. Boamos, V — >

Dealer in Choioe Family Groceries.; ■ The host brands of F Ioyr,jine Teas audlC<JlTeo, and oyorythlng!*iprtntnlrig to h jllwt-alasa Gro*Toery.; ;.v ••• , ^ • ,,j ;• '•NeWiSfboTc! Primo Qoods

p i r S N S Y I - V A N I A U A lI .H O A l> . .j

On and a fto r January 10, 1880,TKMNfl U n i AHBUBT TAUK.

Por Now York. New ark, Kllzabeth. RahW&y Red Bank, Long Branoh and IntermoqlGie sta tions, a t a. mM Lin, 5.35 p. tn^. , ,

Express for Now Y ork, Newark, K ltobeth and Long Branch, a t 7.-4.1 a. m. •'

For M atawan, 7.43, 0.15 a .m ., 1.15, 6.85p.qv. F or !<ong Branch, 7.45, 9.15 a. m ., 1.15, 5.85 p. 10. ForPblladol^nla^.HroadBtOTronton.Prlnooton,

Monmouth Junction, Froohold and Boa Girt,• 7.60 a. m .(12.117,4.20 p . m . M '

For Camdon, Burlington, Bordentown and polnta ' • on thd Amboy Division, via. Berkoloy aM ’ Toms Rlvor, on Mondays an d Saturdaysdftty,

2.00 p. m. - - ■ ' (wjt;For Camden. Burlington, and Donlentowh,(vla.‘ Trentop,) ICO a. m ., 13.27, 4.20 p. m.?C¥|a.

JaraeSburg* p .m . ■ . i f *For Toms Rlvor, Island Heights, and Intermedi­

a te , stations, a t 11.05 a. m. On M onday! and Shtnruays only, 2.00 p. ra. •

F or Poin t P leasant, and interm ediate s ta t if lN g t ..., 11.00 a . m ., a.oo, 6.00,7.00 p. m. *rttlm a iAiiTa -tnrw^tm nt w & ;‘D®^fcoB8U*,

C ortlandt fits, ferries) fob Annuer pabk At 9.10 a. m„ 12.00 noon, 4.80,iU)0 p. m.

ThAiirs u u v x paiWD^wmA, Qlroad 8 t.) l’Qa• A8BOTVT PABK .

A t 7.32,11.15 a . to ., 4.0CX»p. m. M arket-St., via.. Camdon and TrontOn—7.20, 10.80 a . m., 2.30

p. m. Via: Jam esburg. 7.20 a. m „ 8:30 p. m. Via. Toma R lverand Berkeley, on Mondays and Saturdays only, 8.80a. m.

J . R. WOOD, ra»». Affi. CHAS. E. PUGH. GetSl Manager.

j ^ K W T O K K A U W IO B IIA N C II B . K .

Tlmo Table, in efToct January 10t 1880.

Stations In New-York-rCentral R .R . o f New Je r­soy, foo t of Liberty S treot j P. R, R., foot of Cortlandt apd Desbrosses BtreetsvN. J .Sonth- em Railway, foot of Roctor Bt.

rjAVX H*W TOBK TOB ASBtTOV PABK, Acu Central R. I t of N. J .-4 .3 0 ,8.15, *11.15 a. m., 1.00,

4.00. *4.30,0.10 p .m .Pennsylvanla‘--'*9.i0 a. m ., 12.00 m., *4.30, 5.00

p. m . ' —Leave Nowark, Broad St. Station, for Aifbmy'

Park, Ao. — a25, 11.20 a . m n LOI. 4.00,;. 4.85,6.20p. m. M arket Bt. B tatlon—9.88 a. m., 12.20,4.44,5.20 p .m . .LBAra a s b u b t p a rk 'j ’ob mfW to b k ; Ao. '

Central IL R. o f N’. J.-G.15, C.W, *7S&, ll-.O^a.m., p .m . . — u

Pennsylvania—*7.‘45, 9.15 a. m., 1,15, 5,85. p. m. F or Philadelphia and Trenton,: via. Bound Brook

Ronte—5.15,0.50,7.55 a.m ., 4,15p.m. •• - F or Ooean Boacb, Spring Lake and Sea Glrt^-

7.00, 7.59, 10.20, ll.OO a. m;. 12.27, 1.05, 2.00,2.58,4.20, &.IS5, 0.0C, 0;11,7.00,8.10 p. nj. .

For Manasquan and Poin t Ploaaant—7.00,10,20,11.06 a. m., 1.00, 2.00, 258, 5.65, 0.00, 6.11,'7.00, 8.10 p. tn.

F or Philadelphia, via. S e a Glrtrtf.Ki a. m ., ;1227,4JM p. m. - -

For Toms River, H,05 a . jn . : -f—Kxprosfl. --------RtJKt;SBLai)aKTT,Jfi//>L'H. P. BALDWIN, O. P. A.4J. Jt, 11. o /N . J .

, J . R. WOOD. Qen'l Vat. Agt. P. U.S.

j p H E K I I O I .D A N U IVEW Y O R K R * II*

In efTeot Nov. 10,1888. , » -

TRAINS WILL J.BAYK Potf PRRSUOtJS AS »OI4>OWS: -Leavo Asbury Park-r-8.00, J0.55 a. m „ 1.15, 4.15,

6.35 p. m.Leave Long‘B ranch--8 15, 11.10 a . m.« 1.80,4.30,

5.50 p. m. .Leavo Branchport—7.20* 11.13 a. m ., 1.83, 4:33;

5.53p. m. • - . • . - :Leave Littlo Sllver-7.2r,( 11.18 a. in., 1.88, 4.88,-

5.58 p. ra. • '*Loave Red IJank-8 25,11.30 a. mr, 1.43, 4.46, 6.00

Loave Middletown—7.37, 11.37 a . m ., 1.50, 4.52C.14 p. m,

I.KAVK MATAWAN FOB PHKEIIOf.n.0.30,8.37, 9.81 a, ra., 12.20, 2.08, 5.30,7.25 p. m.

LKAVR PRJEBIIOLD POB TUB SII01IB.8.05,11.15 a. m .. 1.85,4,30,0.30 p. m'.

' J . E. RALPH, Sup’t.


D is c o u n t o n S e w e r B ills .• . ••. , -*fV ' . ’During tho past year a num ber o f now connec­

tions have been mado w ith th e how ore. This has to some exten t lessened tho percentage o f cost of m aintaining the works. As the erection. 06 -the Bower Works was not a - matter.o.LPPCgula-' tion, but became a necessity because of the site* c*essf ul and rap 1(1 growth of the tow n, the owners desire to keep' the . annual ren t a t tho,lowest possible polpt. ‘ j£r-> ■ i . { -

Notice Is horoby glvon th a t on a ll sewer rents for 1888, whjch will bo due January 1st, 1889, for prepaym ent a deduction of one per cent, a month will bo allowed. After January 1$ 1880, on sower rents duo the following January a deduc­tion of tw o per cent, a m onth will for preilay- m ont bo allowed. On Uie third year^ for pro-, payment, th ree per cent, a .month wlU be. allow ed;’ and on tho fourth1 yoar; for pre­paym ent,-four per cent, a m ohth . will be allowed. This pmctlcally-rotlucos tho & wer ran t moro than one-third In tho last three yeare. Bnt taking the lourth year alone, I t reduces the ren t fully one-half. I t Is of .course Impos­sible to tell, a t tlie presont time, if a-, still furthor discount can bo allowod on tho fifth or succcodlng years, on account of increased num­ber of connections, b u t tho owners o f proporty which Is connocted w ith tho seWcr ihay rest assured th a t they w ill reap overy advantago pos­sible. Owners of tho works only deslre, after working oxpenpes aro paid, a moderate Interest on the Investment.;— .— O. T, BAILEY^,

j Seo’y Sowor Works. Aabury Park, May-aid, 1888. “ .......

| ^ ”If sewor ronts for 1880 aro paid according to tho abovo plan—January 1, 1880—tho exjiense will be nparly ono-qtiartor less than If paid a t the omi of thoyoar.

To onable as many aa possible to avaim iom - solves of the advantages of the plau for noxt year, payments mado by January 10th will count as Hough pa |d January iHt. i >

I to f t l J C s t a to C o i i v o y a n c o s .

L is t o f cnnveyancoft, M onm outh County CJerk’n ofllco, fo r tho week en d in g *fan. 12, 18S9: t • • * '

A B i t u u r i* A n K . * *BenJ. il. W ister to James N. T im fsoh-lot As­

bury Park. SI.hoo., 11 • «™ll Wm. M. Bavhi—parts of lots1073, 1071 and 1075. 51.

• oa u A v aitovB .r Tho Occan Grove Camp meeting Assoctatlon to Henry C. Pftitt—lot 2jw: t o . , :

Henry (!. PratC’to Benjamin O, Cottrell— name properly. SG25. . ^ -r-rr . • ■ •

‘ NB1»TUNB TOWNsillP. , .M; V. Farrington'ri al, to Mrt^4losor V. Ripley—

cemetery plot. $35, - ••• ._j ..........Myron ». Gould to Abel*Coleman—lot Ocoan1

Park. 8500.Frederick G. Burnliam to* Alfred Cubberly-Aot

West Aabury Park. 8546.' 'B iittihanito Alfred Cuhbcyly—lets

JUI<} H u e y andhttM>anV^ii5?tto^ 'Hron- Son—lot.BraWcy Beach. flGO, ■ •

F. G. Burnham ’to-Lizzle Butcher—lo t West As­bury I ’ark. 8275,

■Myron 8. Gould lo Ju lia A." Rogcrs-?lot OceanPark. *300. . . __

Myron 8J Gould to Frank G. Bum'cy-^lol Ocean Park, 8500.' •* J. Edward Borden to Daniel H. Ireland—in inear Ocean Grovo. 8175. . . — : .

MISOBI.tANBOl'8. . w ,Sarah Ann Bartlett lo Edward Swaln-lofci Walt

townslilp. SLfint), - Edwfn.F, Thorno fo Thomas Patton—2 tracts

laud Ocean township. #5,1*>o.. Bridget Slurphy to Lovl .H, Emmons. Lot at- M atawan. $75(1. - ■ i .

Rhoda DeKtyno to The Maplewood Cemotery Coj^Cenletpry.plot. $1. . •

Tho Ocean Beach Association to ' M armaduke W atson. I/>t 620 a t Occan Beach. 82M,. Rachol IL Conovor to Thomas P. Hayward. Undivided 1-3 o f lo t a t Keyport. $500

George Lewis, el al. to Josoph Novls. 2 lots in . Howell township, 85Q. -. JanitM'S, Johnson to Tho Koyport Railroad Cos Lot a t Keyport. $700. - - J

Battvh A.- Bowne, t l ul. tS^Marltn C. IX)h8on|.4 loti? In Middletown township. I4U2. i

James IL Vrodenbuitownship. 1402. jinrgh to Wm. IL Vroden-' ihold. $1,701.burgh. iAnd a t li’roohol— _____

Win; H, Yrcdonborgh to Jam es B.iVredon- bergh- Farm in Froohold township. $1. •

Joseph Maurer. Jr;, et al. to Edward W. A dams. I-ot a t Koyport. $2,000.

David Vai>Pelt to E<1 ward D.. Adams. Lot a t Koyport. 81,500.

M atthew Walling io 'T he Keyport Railroad Co.Ix>t a t Jvcyport. $1,850.

Kato B. Stokes au<‘ * 'r: ” vr.‘*VD nu<1 John Av. stokes to Caro- llne M. MorIII. Lot a t Long Braneh. $120.

Calvin Rold U) Ilaiinah Corlloa. L o t a t ' Long Branch. $350. .

Theodore Sickles, Ex’r of J t l c h a r l -A. Slcklos, deo d . io Harry QSuipBell, Lot In Shrewsbury township. 8L.-Georgo II,Sickles, ct al.' to. Harry Campbell.

House awl lot a t Shrewsbury. $1,000.Farmingdale Cemetery Co. to Mary’Ai Thall.

Ixit In conielery. 825.Pcatik I*. Mo Uormott to >Mary L angan." Lot a t

Keyport.'$730,‘William Rjifdgo to I^iura E:'M ount. L o t 'a t

At|jtntlolII«hlawis. 81. . . .—■ William liurdgo to Edwin F. Burdgo,. Storo

and lot a t Naveslnk. $2,000.- William Burdgo to Eawin F. Burn go; Lot a t

NaveslnkriMTr; William F, Cawloy to Jacob J .G arrabrant. I*ot* a t Branch port;"'$JkW. Q ' *

George W. MorrlB, Aaron Morris and Henry Pentoruian to Johh H. Willey. J.ot of woodland. $1,000. - ft

Henry Ilyer to Francis j ; Moulton. Lot a t oyport. 8212.50. 1.Elizabeth Uyer to Henry Dyer, Lot a t Key­

port. ?L.Joseph Homicssoy to Samuol II. W orthley,’ Ix)t

in Occan township. $r»0.Tlieodore Aumaok, sherKT, to Tracy II. Harris.

Lot a t Long Branch. S'.i,225.Bartholomew. Scanlon to "Mary Baggot. 15

48-100 acres In Freehold township. 81,400,.— Jonathan C. Croxsoti, by ex're, to Joseph h.

Butchor—7 8-100 acres,-Howell township. 8T><i.Gl.Robert M. W'orthhlgton ,to Melissa King—lot

North Spring Lake. 81. ; .. IL T. fltoutto samo—same ptoporty. 81.000.

Miles W. Newman fo Albertus Newman—undi­vided 1-6 of 2& acres, Wall townshIn,.$100. !

John H, Conover to David W. VanPott—lolfttKeyport. 81/250, •

Kmiha F. S ; 'Sylvester to Aloho C. Hankins—lot ,Mfttawftu4-85«0.

William R. Kennedy to samo—2 lots Matawan.$300v ‘ . .... ..............................

JasopIrF. Allen Will him Naylor—lot a t Man- ftSfluan.. 8150.-. .

Jamfes W. Sickles to MicJiacl New—3 acres, At­lantic townshsp. 8iso.- ■ David-W. VanPoltt^j Edward D. Adams—lot a t Keyport. 81,000.

Tbe Maple\voo<l Cemetery company to Rhoda 'DeKlyne—cemetery .plot.. *»,

Lamyetto Conover to William M. Tilton—lot at Holmdcl. 5500. ;

KniclIuOiFutlor. aud Amienta Falter by Tlico- ilore Fields, sherlll’, to -Mlcluiol Callaghan—lot a t Red Batik. 8L330. J

Joseph F. ;AUeh to Georgo F. Mount—lot a t Manas<iuan,f2UO. • ' .. —- , w ■,:rr

GarreCB, Mott to John Moses—lot No. 32, Spring Lako Beach jlmnrovemont Company. 81.

Eiperlenc’o Magep to Margaret E. A. Bolco—12 acres. Marll^oro township. 81.

Julia A. Maps to Ueoigo Corllcs—lot a t Braneh- burg, Eatontbwu township. 8S0.

Henry C. Bennett ami William W’olcott to d a y VToolley—deed o f asslgnmont, Occan township.81*

Albert I* Hayward to Ixiulsa M. llaywiird—lot, Wall township. 88,600. .- Charles Ajiton Ides to ,Catharine W anlell-riptWall township. 81.000.

•jQeotgo K.i Hopping and wife to Thomas B. Shcnnaii—2,50-100. acres, Allddlelown township.

Richard ifanklns to William U. Kennedy tt til., —lot Matawan. 8100. , . . . •r Eusebla Tilton to David VanPolt—lot a t Koy* porL 8J.100.• Caro) liio FlntL to John E. Jones rl «/,—2 lots nt

Brighton. 81,525.Josoph R, DcBow dal., ex’rs, to Samuel Lemlug

el fit.—2 lots land. Freehold township. 878 85.Samuel Lemlng ct-<il., fo Isaura B.'Beckman—

samo property. 8J»5. y Edward T. Bobbins to Amelia R. S|>oncer—lot

a t Long Branch; 811,6(W. . /

A r t i s t i c P r i n t i n g .

Material— >>««.

I • ,Workmanship—





718 Mattison Ave.

• - W . E. HOGG,'

P ^rpenterapd B u ild erJOBBING PROMPTLY DONE/

RoBi^enoo-^lOlOjMain St., Asbnry Pftrfcj

B uild ing C TO AND INOLUDINO JAN; |3 , *-

211)8—T, A. Roberts with W. E, Hogg-.bow houso a t Monmouth Bcach. W.OOO. ~ ^

2499—Frederick A. Leggett with Albort A, Tay­lor— mason work new hous<i a t Asbnry Park. 8915.

*2500—Sam ^wlth Georgo C. Ormerod—carpenter work samebouse. 83,100.

2501—Sfftno with Joseph A. 11 ii iso—paint e houso. $152.

2502—wamo with Uriah While—plumbing samo houso, 8345.

2503—John B. Swan wRhWm. Kipp—uow houso a t- — . 81,255.

2501—G: II. Dnnham with R. II. Hughes—now houso a tU m g Branch. 83,400.

S w e o t i r o s s f o r M I lU o u s .

ciau88IlrookoI8, now 0Ug[ar refinery n t Phil- adelphlai \^liloh w ill bo r ead y ; to bogltf, husl- neas in Ju ly , will need ono. m illion pounds o f raw su g ar for each d a y 's w ofk , a production o f a.SOO b a rre lao f theYeDned artlolo. When fully, comploted tho cftpacity ^WiU^bo about, doubled. " •. ' 1 ;

To proVi’d o /o r- th is enorm ous bualneas lio haa sequred all th e augaf grow n on tho ’ l ’hll- Ipplne Islands, hla SanFranclsqo reflnory bo- in tt m ainly aupplted from tho Sandwich Is ­lands;'/- T o carry th Is g roat am ou nt, o f fro lg |it Spreekela has ch artered a licet o t ' th irty v^a-- vols,which 'will reeetro tho lr cargo a t Manllla,- gft-the ra te of two vessels por weok, o f abou t 1500 tons cach. .

*Tho Hudson connly liquor dealers whtfhavo been broughi beforo tho co u rt o r . against Whom com plaints have-been lodged fo r vlo: lating the Sunday law a ro sadly dlappolnted. JUdgc/Kfiapp o n S aturday sonderedadeelslon aga inst .them... Soveral. ^cok^ ,ago ex-Gov- A bbott aakod fo r ft fltay o f eonteoco lu .th o cases.of. thoso convicted un til tbo Supremo C o u r t 'h a d passed u p o n tho questions ralBcd, T ho ob ject of the dolay was tbe an ticipation t h a t tho Leglslaturoi w ould am end tho' lawi an d those who had boon convlctcd wronld os- cai>o' p iih lshm eht'’ •' Tho' advcrso dcclslbn, however, b a s bhghted 'th la :hopo. T w o.o t the eonvictw l, dealers woro sentenced. Louis K lrtlor an d I'cQdorlck Ilo n u Vfero tho offottd- Pra^rf^hoy woro oach 'flnod $ l0 0 a n ^ costs, j t l r t le r w as advised to" to tiro from the bu g p

T h e NeSv Bpjhswlck Com m on C ouucll h ^ ended Its long Wrrtnglo over tho sofoction o t a q h le t; o f Police b y electing! »ex*Alderftan, F ra n k H ard ing to tho office. The Council h as to o n deadlocked on tho rorfttor fo^half a year.

J l n l l o t K e f o r m .

We^give below ah oxtended synopsis o l tho ballot reform bill ln lroduced in the New Je r­sey Asaombly' l o s t . week by ABsemblyman Kano, of M iddlesex : , . t

In thej nom ination o f candidates th e bill provides th a t conventions or nom inating bod- loa rcpresflnllng a political p a rty th a t at, the preceding fitato olection polled a t least 4 per cent, of Iho onliro vote cast in th e S ta te -o r In any* p a rt of the S ta te tnny^ by 'causing a cer­tificate of nom inations to bo duly filed, m ake o n e nom ination for each ofllce lo (bo filled a t tiio election. Every audit certificate shall s ta te such facta aa m ay bo required for its a ccep tan ce ; shall be s igned by the presiding ofllocr an d pocrotary of^ the convention, and shall bo flworn to by them .

t ^ f J ^ t ^ r l a n t aoctlons rpquSres th at certificates f noTnfnattdh A h iv xlo inT riatl^ papers shall con tain th o 'n am o a n d residence pf each candidate nomlnatod,' a n d the office fo r which he la nom inated {.’the certificate of nom ination shall contain ' tho nam e of tho por iltlcal party m aking tho nom ination o r nom i­nations^ expressed In n o t moro than th ree woMs. Nomination^ papers m ay contain .a designation o r politlenl appollailon oipreasivo o f tho prlncfple'-represoiited by tho nom ina­tions^ expressed I u not m oro than three wgrds; In caso o f E lectors of P residen t and Vice Presldont o f tlio U nited States; the nam es o f candidates for Presldont and Vice P realdent m ay bo added to th e p arty nam e or,po litical appellation. Such party nam es an d political ap p e lla tio n s 'an d . names of candidates for President and Vico P residen t cor titled o r nom ­inated as aforesaid, shall bo prin ted upon.tho ballot a s hereinafter d irected. I t is also ro-; qulred th a t cortincates' o f nom ination ahd? nom ination papura for the nonilnatlon o f can« ■^idatca-fer State offices,.shall bo fllod with tho Secretary of 8 tato a t loa^t tw en ty daya. previous to tho day o t etcpllop fo r which the candidates aro nom inated. C ertificates and papers for thb nom ination of cand ida tes tor city or town offlcea ehall bo filed, with clerliri RLttfp-tMipeottyo.piUea o r tow nships t o r p la y r provlous to the day of such election.

T ho Secretary of Stato is required to give tvyplvo days’ notice of all candidates whose nom inations aro filed In h is office. The Corm o l tho ballo t is described In detail. I t m ust contain th e nam es and residences, together with the p arty designation*of all, candidates wiioso nom inations for an y oflleo specified in tlio ballot, have been du ly m ad e aud not withdrawn In accordanco horewitb, and shall con tain no other nam es, except aa hereinafter "provided. Tho nam es o f tbo candidates for each ofllco shall be arranged unjler tho proper designation of the offico a n d tho nam o o f each candidate for tho samo office, uhdor his proper party or political designation or' appellation. The names of candidate^ in whoso nom ina­tion papers no political appellations are given, shall bo arranged tinder tho designa­tions o r captions, “ Independent C andidates.’' All ba llo ts shall bo prin ted upon p l^ n white paper, w ithou t dovlco, m ark o r word thereon, s a re aa horoin provided. A n asterisk shall be p rin ted Iti the tipper left-hand co rner of each balloL All ballo ts p ri o to d 'fo r uso In a p a r­ticu lar c ity o r townHblp shall be uniform in alfce an d gdnoral appearanco.

Thoro shaU bp left a t thpicnd. o M h e llat of. candidates fo r each different office as m any blank spaces as thore are persons to be. elect­ed to such office, in which tho elector m ay in ­sert tho naino of an y person o r persons no t printed up^on. tho ballot, for whom ho desires, to voto for such .office. W henever the' a p ­proval of a constitu tional am endm ent o r o ther question la to bo subm itted to the vote of the ipeople^such questions .shall bo p rin ted upon the. ballot l is t o f candidates. - AU ballots shall bo ao prin ted to g ive to tlie elector a c lear opportun ity to designate by a cross mark, in a sufllcibnt m argin a t the r ig h t of tho namo of cach candlduto a n d of each question subm itted, h is choice o f candidates aud bis answ er to th e questions subm itted. All ballots when prlntod ^hall be fastened to- gotherrln convonlont num bers iu books o r blocks In such m anner th a t each ballo t m ay be dctachjjd aud rem oved separately .

'(’ho ballots a re to be p rin ted a n d dtstrjb- ulpd n t public expense fivo^lhys befofe miy. Olection. 'Tho city au tho ritie s miiat also pro- pare fu illn stru c tlo u s for voters. /

‘T ho .ballo ts for each d istr ic t shall be In­closed in a sealetl p acket m arked with Hie propor designation a n d num ber o f the d is ­tric t, addressed to th e judge of tho oloctlon d istrict, I t s h a l l bo tlio d u ty of-overy oloc- tfou clerk receiving Bitch p acket o t ballo ts to' deliver tho santo to tho judge .pf election o r « m em ber of tho oloctlon board of hla d istrict, with tho seal unbroken, 011 tho m o rn in g 'o f oloctlon. ■ ' . /

Thp followlifg scctlon providing fo r polling booths Is the m ost radical and the th ing oii which the system hinges : The city ofliclals whoso duty . I t Is to dosignato an d lippolut polling places thorelh, shall cause tho samo to bo suitably provided wl^h a sufficient num ber o f voting cpm pattm ents, - in which electors m ay convonlontly m ark the jr. ballots, so th a t in tho m ark ing thereof they m ay be screened from tho observation of o tho rs '.. Tho com- partnionts shall .bo erectcd w ithin a single railed Inclosuro, and shall cach bo provide^ , with a writing shelf a n d with a sw ing door so arranged th a t a person stand ing att the she lf con be scon ff'om tho outside of'tlio com part­m ent when th e door Is. closed. The num ber of such com partm ents shall no t b e loss th an o n e tfbveftty'five^votea-cast^at^thenext prepotllng el^btlo|i hold in siioh district, and n o t less than five such caiBlRttrinenta sit all bo provided in an y polling p la c e ." E ach com partm ent shall bo kopt prov ided with lead pencils fo r.m ark ing th e ballots. Tbo- ballot boxes n t u tery pollliig pluee ahall bo ho: placed th a t tho d o c to r may d o llw r h ls ballo l' to tho judge o f oloctlon a fte r having m arked tho eamo aa hereinafter provided, boforo loaylng tho railed inclosuro w ithin which tho compartmQUte are placed , S«eh 'in c lo su ro shall be constructed w ith a single entranco by which electors shall eptor, a n d a single ex it by which they shall leiSvo tho samo. , Tho election ofllcors shall occupy an inclosed

o r m arks upon tho front, of faco thereof, and■ Without first leaving the enclosure ;in- wii^ch th o co m p artm cn ts aro placed^ doll yer tho bal­lo t to the judgo of elecilon, who shall, w ithout exposing tho nam csor. m arks upon tho front o r face 'thereof, vPrlfy the sign a t tires tipnn thp baok th e re o f and deposit tljio b a llo t in tho ballot box hi tb e prosenco o f th e olectpr, and ’ the.o lce tpr Mntli forthw ith leave th e polling, room. *. ; .. ‘

Some o f th e . ru les governing the’ polling booths a re I N » two votcra a re allowed in dnP com partm ent at. iho sam e iln to ; no votor can stay In tlio com partm en t m ore th an fi.vo min­u te s ; n o person shall bo given a ballo t whoSo nam e Is n o t on tho . rlglstry l i s t ; no person is allow ed to tako a ballo t .from the polling placo.

I f any vo ter, is Ineapahlb o t m ark ing hia owp bollot by reaso 11.oif blindness o r other pliyaicol cauao, ho shall, upon request, rccclvo thO f s t a h t t o o H ^ o t t h e e l e ^ r s |n ,tho m arki n g* thereof, an d i n c h ' offi cors slial i certify on ‘the outsldo thereof th a t I t was so m arked with thelrvassistance, and sliall there­afte r g ivo jio Inform ation regairding tho.samo. T he judge o f election m ay jn his dlscrotion require such declaration of dlsablHty. to bo m ado under oath , and lie. Is hereby qualified to adm inister the sam e. And any elector falsely sw earing tp such disability s h a lf be deemed gu ilty o f perjnryV

NoYOter, having inadvfcrtently spoiled, onp ballot, can receive another .un til ho returns theapolled ,one. lie cannot havo m ore than threo ballots in succession. O nly two agents shall bp allowed a t each polling placo to rep­resen t all tho candidates. Any .person who m hy announce himself, tlirongn ijhe' no'wspa- pers, as a c an d ld a to .fo r any public office a f an y e iectionv rnqyvfe^fiao^Vo' be^ delivered to th e Jq d g o ^ f election o f any election .d istrict' in which electors fiiay voto for candidrttoa lor- stich office, slips pf p aper or .pasters, w ith his namo and residence and the tltlo o f. tho office fo r which he Is a candidate printed thereon ; on e such slip o r paster ahall bo £lvon’to-eaoh ‘elcctor w ith h is ballot, and an y e lector may vote fo r snch' <mndldj>te, bxpaatlng jo tch^allp .o r paster upon tho ballot, u nder the propor designation o f offic0, an d m aking a cross In th e p ropor m arg in , opposite the nam e. '*

The penalty-foy a violation o f any p a rt of th is a c t Is a flno o f |ii,000 or’ m prisoum pQt a t h a rd labo r for n o t moro th an tw o years.

T|»o F i r s t A ccidont.,T he first m ishap th a t has occurred, of any

.account, during* the erection o f the: bank buildings, w as ab o u t 11 o’clock Monday n io rn ing i'^hen W illiam Curtis, a residen t of 8horcvllle, below Ocean Beach, stepped on an Insecure arch fram e atid fell through to the m ain floor, receiving severe in juries to his head and faep.„__;_.'-----—-

lit), w ith o ther workinon, were tu rn in g tho fire-proof a rchcs betw een the,lron glcdP.Jj§rttf> the second floor. In stopping 0 0 the fram e­w ork i t yielded an d ho fo il-th rough to tho m ain floor, a d istance o f fifteen feet. 4 I n his descont he stru ck a p lan k ab o u t m idw ay, which w as Tised for scaffolding. T his gavo him a tu rn so th a t ho striiok on his head and faco on tho brickw ork o f the floo r bolow.'r '~f

F o r a tlm o ho w as unconscious, and I t was though t bo was fatally in jured , b n t ho soon rev ived and -was’ tak e n - to th o ' foaidencb 'of C on trac to r T ay lo r near by, where his w bunda were dressed by I)r. K inm onth/. Subsequent­ly hQ waB Sont homo lu a ea trlago .^ MtV C u r­tis worked on tho Appleby building, a n d is a carefu l an d p ru d en t man.

X I51 lap; 111 a u ’s A w tulT lrro i* . -M onday m orning a s tra in No. 8 for New

Y ork, on th e New York, P ennsy lvan ia and O hio R ailroad, w as ru n n in g a t a high ra te of speed i t eameHu collinlon w ith p a r t of a sec­tio n of a f re ight t ra in . Nino wero killed, five b u rn e d to deiith am i twelve: o thors Injured,.

Tiio a.fccident occurred tw o m iles from T alb m adge. F reight tra in No. 81 hud p arted on a n . n p grade, A fiagnian was sen t P u t to w arn the ehst bound passenger tra in ihuti duo, whllo' the first p a r t of tho freight was ru n to a sido-track and Lho engine retu rned .for ' th e balanco. Thp Ragman th o u g h t ^ e heard the signal to retu rn t o his tra iu an d icft .lie track, un^rfanlod a s tlio fast express eam o arptfnd the- cqrvo and struck the. fre ight a lm ost a t full.speed. 1

Tho passenger engine an d the express and sm oking ears following' were literally ground lo pieces a g a in st tho heavy freight e n g in e ' N early all Hhd*train hands wore caugh t in tho fearfu l crushing of tltilbers and Iron. T o add .to the tiorf|>rs tho cars took Ore and all’ b u t the tw o -sleepers wero burned , Sovoral p a s ­sengers who. could not be released In tlm o w ere also consum ed in the dribria.

The e rro r of tlio flagm an was torriblo in its consequences, and was groiitly enhanced- by th a t awful e a r stove, which m akes these acci­d en ts donbly appalling; - . 'r-~

spaco outaldo o f and-1 ad Join lug. tho Inclosuro, Bltu&to TJtnrweon tiio ontrauco and e x it ., / '. ,

W bou a votor prcsonts,him self he s lia ll re- cOlvo from j i m em ber o f 'tho election bo ard a ballo t upon th e back o f w hich tw o m em bers o r tho bpard 8liall flrat write thclr nanies lo Ink ; th e ploctpr shall then forthw ith pcoceod,

.alone in to a . com part mon t , l f o n o b o thon un oeeupled, and iihall proparo his . b a llo t by m ark ing in tho appropriate m argin ol- place a oroa^oppofllto thO nam o of tho eandidato o f h is choice fo r each office to 'b e filled, o r by filling in tho nam o o f the candldatd : of b is olrtJf&o In the b lah k apaco provided ' therefo r an d m ark ing w ith a e ro ia (x) opposite there­to ; h e ehnll then fold th e b a llo t ao a s to con­ceal th o napies and tho m arks thercortfflrid to Expose tho nam es of th p m ombora of th o qleo- tion b o a rd upon iho baok thereof, a n d ’ shall w ithout tfolay an d w ithou t exposing th b opines

d o t t i n g iD f t r e le s s .

- ’By rooson d f lack o f m eans to ca rry on tho ' work our*Board Of H ealth lias boon obliged to ■" som e ex ten t to relinquish its form er.vigilance ln: regard to health m atters, i t has been , fonnd, aa w aa expected, th a t m any complied with the regulations sim ply because thoy were sharp ly Idokod a fte r, and th a t when frequen t inspections and p ro m p t m oasnrea becam e iess Pertain th a t m any grew very careless.

Wo quoto tho following p aragraphs from a reeont ro p o rt of Inspecto r L l p p l n c o t t ‘

On ih o block hounded by F o u rth and Fifth ay en u esa n d by H eck ahd Borghslreotft three now bu lld irrgsjire in .course of erection an d ono o th er haa recently been built. . .

Precedent has boen established1 by th is Hoard for requ iring th a t ca tch basins only should bo perm itted in tho location abovo ro-. ferrcd to. Two p rivy vaults havo boon a p ­plied fo r in th a t b lock. 'i . - Y our a tten tion is a lso called to th e fact th a t1 Section 30 o f th e S an ita ry Codd i rb e in g very , gonoraliy violated th ro n g h o q t th e borough,

.Two years ago com pliance wlfh th is scctlon . was a lm ost univorsal, b u t m anure plies upon . tho ground besido s tab lo doors an d windows ciin now bo seen In all d irec tio n s .. ■ , -f.. .

Tho keeping pf fowls Is a ls o on the increase, - nltliOugh It Is strictly forbidden by Section 41, unless a perm it shall have been obtnfned*from th is Hoard, - * .<

Heption 37 of the San itary Codo requires thn t ovorv p rivy vau lt, etc.,- shall bo em ptied between Nov. 1st a n d J a n . l e t o f e ach year. Few property ow ners havo com plied with th at section. . - 1 1 ■ • 1. '

S e iiu to rla l K lectio iis .Fivo Logislatlvo caucuses . In Ropublieon

S ta te s have decided tho s ta tu s p f their Sena­toria l elections, -as 'th e u jesbnt week, In a c ­cordance w ith law , is designated for tho elec­tio n o f sovon Souatora; Two o f thO soven B tateg, N orth ,C arolina au d Tonuessco. w lll in all p robability re tu rn th e prpseut pom ocratlo incnm beh ts, -Mefsr^. iianaom a n d H arris.

I n M aine S enato rs Fryo had scarcely any opposition . His long and honorable reco rd

G engreea-w ith it l.r-sti I l*nnottr"ltono cably recp rd ha M r. B laine’s successor, gives h im a' p rom inence 4 h a t fey/ possess, f ie has occu- p ied seat^ in th e tw o H o u ses from the begin­n in g o f the 42d Congress, a period ol ovor 10

; yearfl,: a nd if he co m pletes tho new torm wUl havo served 5i4 years a s a N ational Legialator.■ MassachueeHB will p resent an exceptionally

s tro n g m an by return^og Sonnior Iloar, who hap ueflrly . com pleted tw o S enatorial terras. He has been oho o f the conspicuous Senators w ho Is ever ready in debate and m aintain^ his position with s tro n g and logical argum ent,

M ichigan wlR bo roprosontcd in the Senate by Jam es- M cMillan, and Colorado willeond" A|r. E.“0 , Wolcott# Both'arp able aud iiouest m en, and will represent 'Hioir-States ln all their in terests Senator M auderson will bo re tu rn ed from N ebrasijar th u s b reak in g u p tbo rptation iheth’ods heroiofot,eNprovuillhg in th a t S tdte.

I n additlou to these tho little Btato of Dela­w are, thoUglr for m any years, tho ‘‘pocket .borough’’ of the Sauisburya and tho Bayards, haa tu rned in to tho R epublican ranks, a n d on T uesday Hjo Ropubllcan legislative caucus soJectod A nthony Illgglns, o f W ilm ington, to bo th eir candidate, an d thp Rpplibllean Legls- la tu ro will conflrm tho^electlon. «

- J U | I n tc r c B t i n e r I t o m i i i i B c e i i c e ;


... WASun<flfpN,.D. C ., Ja n , 12, 18S0. . 'To th$ Edito f ty - lf ie &ourital : ■ " ‘ V r On a rriv in g a t m y .house laat ovenlng from the Capitol, I was inform ed th a t th ree gentle- >

“m en from A sbury P a rk had called to boo mo.I thereupon took stops tb Aunt them up, fouhd them on th e . w ing 4n eager search ta r q u a rte rs for tho uso q f Corson CommanOery -+■ d u rin g the ap proach ing trjeUnlal couelave o f tho O m nd E ncainpm ent _of T cm plara o f th e *

'U i H t t i d 'S t a t e s I t Be0m8 t h a t these gentie- mon, S ir Knights T hom as I I. Redway, Jo h n fD. Beeglo and Alfred C. A tkins, had been4a p ­pointed by th eir Com m andery a s a com m ittee for tho purposo Indicated, an d iiad In thp dla- . charge o l their duties peram bulated thi/f g rea t city o f m agnificent d istances from c e n tro 'to clrctm iferenco w ithout m eeting wltlTthoBUe- ... cess which they hoped for. Tho gathering o f Tom plars Is probably to bo th e largest since tho days of the crusades, honco •q u arte rs -in - all tho p r in c ip a l hotels h a d 'b e e n engaged. O ur th ree fra tors, thoroforej though valian t K nights, were som ew hat discouraged,- b ut tho W ebster H ouse, on T h irteen th s treo t near W illiam, and tiio E bbitt, centrally located, had boen recom m ended ^o them a n d I w aa'asked ab o u t ’it, and a lthough in form er days I h ad 1

heard th e godlike D auiol W eb­ste r 'spotlit iu th j£ scn a te‘« P ll\o U nited States, andcolh ld givo lutorestihg-rom lnieccnces ln regard io hi in, I w a a n o t a b l ^ t o give thom juucli in form ation a b o u t tiio W ebster IIouso.In fac t I had a w rong Im pression respecting its ex act locality, ami I accordingly proposed to v isit friends near It, a scerta in tbe desired inform ation a n d v m a k ^ rep o rt thereof th is

'm orning. In execu tlug my m ission I Was n o t only gratified a t the- favorable yeporta. In re ­g a rd to tho houso and- its accom m odations, b u t very much su rp rised on v isiting l t to find th a t a p a r t of tho W ebster IIouso—tbo. four- ytory m ain building—was an old acq u ain t­ance, aucf called up front m em ory’s page a rem luiseuneo which c a n noVor bo effaPeti therefrom . I m ust re la te It,, n o t only 88 a m atte r o f in te re s t to y o u r readers, b u t m ore p articu la rly so. to tho mombora of Corson C om m andery. • " ! ■

From Docombor, 1847, to 1854, 1 waa con- bec ted with the press as tho W ashington cor- respoiident of W estern and, E aste rn papers.I t was my .eu&tom to m ake frequen t visits to ‘ thp rooms on C apital I I |l l of the m em ber who represented tho Cleveland D istrict, w here I resided, ahiVin so doing I becam e acquain ted with a m em ber from ' Illinois, who occupied ad jo in ing robtus. Thoso two m em bers were qu ite intiluato, com pared notos, talked to­gether, walked together, and disensaod the g rea t questions of tho d ay , aiid anon the lllln pH m em ber prepared a speech on the M exican W ar th en , boing w aged, and lead it to his f r le h d .a ta timo when I happened to be p res­e n t. “1 soon a fte r hoard him deliver It in tho IIouso, where It was com m on e /o f . tlto .ab lest and boat n p o n tho sn b jee t during th a t session, T h is luom ber was an a rd e n t - friend of lloury C!lay, a m t '^ i t h o ther W&ig m em bers during th a t session labored h a rd to m ake th a t e m in e n t statesm an- th a nom inee o f tlio W hig p arty In preference to General Tay­lor. B ut thoy failed. Gonetal Taylor w as nom inated and elected, an d sym o days a fte r;- hla inauguration , on passing dow n-tho .aVe- nue, 1 m et tho Illinois meuiber, who had failed o f a reulctlon (d ec lin ed ,. I th ink), ho acoiqcd heartily g lad to boo m e an d invited me to go w ith him to room s th a t ho had tak en on Thlrteonth street—to th is very houao wham ; Corson Com m andery will bp q uartered . After. clim bing Up w ith him to tho northw est co rner ~ room in tho fourth story , and being seated, he Informed mo th a t ho was a cand ida te fo r tho Com m issioner oLG onoral L and ~ Office, an d showed mo b is payors, ^rhomaisi E w ing +faa th o n S ecre ta tJ '.o f tho In te rio r , T h a t Dopartm pnt was organized by him , and there waa another candtdato from IUIntfta for the Commlsslonorsliip, an original T aylor .VVhigr-ondduriu«4>Hr-eonver#ation-T:pcm 'the"~ chau^es of snccoss, I snggoated th a t . aa the Secretary was originally fo r T aylor Instead Ot Clay^ be m igh t select th la o ther can d id a te in proforence to a Clay W hig. -B ut th is d id not dotor m e in tho least from tak ing amplo u o tcs a tid giving- them a corispteuoua place in my • Porroapondonco ln«ripgard'to th e application ' of my friend,' I call him a /»;&«<* j p r h e had ' til way a been oxccodlugly friendly to m e in m aiiy ways. I lia application was n ot success-,. ru l, and Ijp returned to his hom e, an d I dljl .. n o t seo him agpln In th is city u n til 1801, and n o t then a t hfs o ld qu arte rs whero the b anners o f Corson Com m andery will bo u n fu rled , b u t upo n tho east’frp u t Capitol steps, where In tho presence of thousands of bis counlrycpen, on tho 4th o£ M arch of th a t year, ho took> th a t doloipu o a th , proclaim ed th o se 'n o b le Bontl- m onts, an d ontored upon a carcer w hich.has - m ado.thp panto o f A bfabant L incoln a house-, h o ld word am ong all th e civilized na tions of thp earths—a nam e th a t will -live whon a ll t h a 1 nionum ont8 of g rea tness a iid g ran d e u r/ h ave becofno e x tin c t a n d crum bled to dust.

i . ' .E; K j& lnym ta .

T h e employds,of-. th e N ew ’ B runsw ick I ti ib : bo r \V0 rk8 h ave b een p n t on elg h t hours’ tlmo* bepauso of slupk w o rt 'c f t« sg d v,by tho b p c n •Winter. T ho Batjieicausc led to tho d tspharge Of 117 hnhda a t tho N ew Je rsey Rjrhbor-W orks ' a te ly , -v i

* .Chlof A tthuiV 'of tho B rotherhood of ^Loco- m dtfvo Engthcors,- will n o t resign a s reported. T he rum or grew o u t of th e fac t th a t h e did n o t approve o f tho action In Bottling with Vhb railroad . / . . .. . ‘.■ - . f

r 'T h e E lec trlo Sugar fra u d is d ev o jo p ln ^S v - c ra l astonishing p liasoo-and m orpHare ImplU

“** ca tc d in th e schem e than*Waa first supposed.)

• *

Page 2: Men’s Furnishings. L Co. · Attorneys-at-Law, Solicitors A Masters in Chan* eery, Mikado Building, Cookman Av„.. Asbnry Park, N. if. JSAAC C. KENNEDY, Attorney-at-Law, Solloltor,

!:■ • , '~ lM ~ j

: l ' !• - r£ . ?-

......... S' l

. r ~ r ' v' h


and M ONM O UTH R E P U B l^C A N . JOHN L. COFFIN editor.



. jAIOJUJiyfAftKj-:;;: • - -----y i;....-;..;..; v HCW Jl

E nter fit as srcaiiif-class matter at the Asbury P a ri Post Office, February 7, 1888. •■■■— .


nfands, including a froight station At IJorth Aebqry Park.” P

Tliat would be- ** facilities’' wtthft'von- geanco. Ono freight station tliroo-quar­ters of a mile in ono' direction, and an*-

________ ___ other at tho samo distanoo in an oppositeTHE A S B O rY -P A R K P R IN TIN G HOUSE, (^direction, while nineteen-twentieths of

the freight is to be carted to a centre be­tween these points.

„Is it>po8siblo that Asbnry^Park* which furnishes a greater profit to the Long Branoh Railroad than any three or four other stations combined, is, to be always .considered o fso little aoco’unt as to be uuwortiiy of any recognition in. ihe reg­ulation of its own affairs? '’ "What, in the nature of things,, after the railroad company had forfeited its right to the lot a t the head of Fletcher JjakO, was in the way of a freehand fl^en consultation with our dimness men in reference to locating the freight station ? Theft) is certainly no need to go ’three- quarters of a mile away into a~ swamp to secure the land. Ji Ocean Grove de­sires better facilities we have no right to object, but for our people whose freight forms tiie bulk of shipments to and.frOJn Asbnry Park, wo protest against moving the freight station to so great a distance from the business part of the town: j

N eptune 's Socond Social.

1 year,in ad ya n ce .......fimonths, In advance,...

' 8 m onths. In advance,.., . • SlngJ^COptOS,.V.. . .. .. ..

.................................$1 BO

......... 75

, I TO CD^RISPDMDWTS.Wo flball bo glad to rocolvo Homs or nown an d ;

ooram nnlcations on subjects of in te res t to th ia com m unity. • ■' ; . . .

In writing at-Mclos Intendod for publication, oar frlonds w ill please bear ln.mtnd th a t a Bheet written on both Bides bas to be copied beforo go­in g to tbo printer—a labor wo cannot undertake.

A ll com m unications should be accom panied by th e fu ll nam e and address of tho w riter, no t n ecessa rilrfo r publication b u t as a g u aran tee of good faith . Anonymous le tte rs wll) n o t be notlcod. _

W e - cannot retu rn rejected comniunloatloBB, - Ju t will hold them fo rb lim ited tim e If requested

All letters intended fo r th e editorial 05 new s departm en t should bo addressed to the

Editor of T n » .TouhnaL ahd Rkfitbijoah, Asbury P a rk ; New Jersey.



On ih o la b e fo re M h pap^r w ill be fonnd tb e date of exp iration of the unbaerlptlon. I f th is dnte Is wrong please notify n s nt oneej If yon n*e ln nrrears please -remit a t once.

The petition for a special election on tho qneation 1of licensing saloons in Mon­mouth county was presented to Judge Scudder at Freehold on Monday morn­ing of this week by Maj. James S. Yard, editor of tho Monmouth Democrat. I t bore the names o f 2,414 legal voters of this connty, divided by townships as fol­

low s :A tlan tic .......... ................................E a t o n t o w n .............. .., .Freehold 1. . . . . . . . . . . .

- H o lm d e l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H o w o ll . .. .........................M analapan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,M ataw an ............. . . . . ; .

’ . M iddletow n . . . . , vN ep tune. J .................O coan. . . - . . T . V . . . . ........R aritan

-^S h rew sb u ry . . . . 1. . . . . . . . ............U pper F reehold ..................W all........................................ ..




Total . . . . . . . . 2,414Neptune, tiie youngest township in tho

j county, and one' bf thfc smallest in area, Meads the list with more than double the

number of names of any other township,. jjnd more than one-fifth of the whole

number. Wo are proud of Neptune. Marlboro and.Millstone woro not repre­sented in the petition.

Judge Scudder appointed Saturday! the ninth day of February, at 10.30 a.Sm., at tho Court House in-.Freehold, as the timo nnd place for hearing any testimony lhat may be offered as to the citizenship of any of the signers, and directed the proper legftl advertisement to bo inserted

. ^ n the oounty.nowspapors.The fact that 2,414 names were secured

/ when only. 1,G44 were necessary is a promising ■ indication that successful work Ms been already begun, and that the prospect of carrying Monmouth against rum is very promising.

-A - P ro p o s e d R e fo rm .There is no question as to the necessity

. i- of purifying elections. If common re­port is to bo believed bribery, irTeepec tive of party, exists in every section. So serious has this evil beoome that elections

■ in many places are no longer expressions of the sentiments of tho people, but merely Bhow which party or candidate has spout the most money. Men elected under such circumstances can hardly be expected to perform .their official duties with an eye to tho publio good, but rath er to endeavor to make-their position re­pay them for tbe outlay of election. So, too, thero aro scores of capable men in this and every other county wjio wolild

> - honor and' benefit their district in public office, but who. cannot afford to Be candi­dates undoV tho present system.'""A moro enactment- against- bribery,

' howovor severe tho penalty attached, is .P f ,littlo or. nn uso, because bribery ia a peculiar crime. Assault* theft, arson are offences against individuals in the

. prosecution of wliioti the State is assisted by the injured-parties ; illegal rum-sell­ing and the keeping of disorderly houses are crimes that are publio in thoir nature, and criminating testimony is compara­tively easy to obtain ; bu t bribery is tlici easiest concealed all crimes. The se­cret compaot between two men cannot be legally proven in court unless there is a ^voluntary confession by both; parties; the testimony of a man who has accepted

t a bribe is not sufficient to convict the I1' briber, nor should it be. Clearly the

only way to stop bribery os not to punish, it when found out, b u t to devise some -means to render its practice impossible.

We print on first page: a very fullsab- — struot-<)f4lie-bjU~8ubmitted--to-'the-NeW'

Jersey Assembly last week by Mr. ^ n e ,- of Middlesex. I t may not be the best

law that can bo devised, bnt it appears to us as the best yet proposed. At all

“ ovents it is a long step in tho right direo- 4 tion and wo ^hould like to see it passed

-• and tried. * " .

■r C o n su lt B u s in e s s In te re s ts .As a rnlo railroad corporations, when

they make changes, do not consult the interests of tlioso who are paoat jlooply affcctcd. ^Thoir own convenience, or per­haps tho savingjpXa few- dollars, has far more to do with the matter. •

■ The moving of tho Asbnry Park.froight station, from its present location to a re-

* . mote point, /ar from the centre of boai- ness,' te^Jjere the bulk of freight must be carted,' is in tiie highest^'degree 'objec-

7 tionable, and why our business* people were .not consulted in this jriatter, savors very .much of the coercive system which lias become prevalent generally wherfi there is but ode railroad outlet

I t is said in a report’ emanating-frppa the Ocean Qroye Association, or those

. closely allied,. that. ‘ * Supt, Blodgett con;, templates giving tho business 6f Asbury Park ovory additional^ncility 'fpr its d6-

... V ... v ' ; ‘7

P ro h lb o c ra t ic . ,>»v Somo of the Prohibition organs are discussing , the question of changing the name of the party to */National.’' Sdch a name certainly would be meaningless. The proper name—and wo would sug- gest its adoption—would b e 'th a t at the head of this article. “ Prohib” would represent the party in its half-way tactics in serving temperance principles,* and “ocratic” wonld be so appropriately sug­gestive of its caudal position. .

E v e ry M an a M e m b er.The importance of maintaining an ac­

tive prganization like the Board of Trade has beoome so manifest that each man in the borough and vioinity should be a member and do wlrnt he can to support and perpetuate it. The annual fee ($2) is now so low that all can contribute that amount, even if they cannot attend the meetings regularly. There are, necessar­ily, expenses attached, and the Board could be made more effective were its in- oome increased. Quite often important projects are abandoned because the funds are wanting. Will more of the citizens join ? Application may be made to any member, or to the secretary, at The Jo u rn a l office.; y&.f'-* .

Investigation is in the wind at Free­hold, and wo hope that Messrs. Howland and Seabrook will not stop until a thor­ough sifting is made. The ring that has controlled the Board -of 1 Freeholders should be relegated to their quiet homes, there to meditate on the sip gfjquander- ing the people's money;)

A Now H ank .. Tho friends o f Me. H enry C . W insor have bebnlic ilvely a t w o rk th is weolj o rganizing a now bank, which will p robab ly bo know n aa “ Tbo P ark and G rove B ank .” T he cap ita l s tock was placed a t $50,000, b u t moro th an double th a t am o u n t h a s a lready been applied fo r by residents o f th e p laco and n ea r vicin­ity . T he necessary legal papers have been ex ecu ted a n d it Ui expected th a t tho bank will bo open fo r business by the.first o f February. Mr. W insor will be president.

Legislative Doings.Between the S enate and tho Assembly-tbeilc:

have been in troduced so f a r ab o u t -llfc bills. M any of them a re triv ia l in their n a tu re an d som e of them purely p a rty m easures. A m ong the niore Im portan t m ay bo m e n tio n e d : Re­qu iring v tfo rln a ry surgeons to bo g raduates o f a vo te rn a ry co lleg e ; g iv ing tbo a p p o in t m en t of d istric t co u rt ju d g es to tlio G ovornor {- p rovid ing th a t g ran d ju ro rs shall bo paid tbe sam e a s p e tit ju ro r s ; lim iting , th o -ex p en d i­tu re s of Boards o f Freeholders to |5 on each $1,000 of taxab le p ro p e r ty ; com pelling ra il­ro ad , telegraph,* telephone and express com ­panies, an d m ining an d m an u fac tu rin g co r­porations, to pay th e ir omploy&j wookly ; p ro ­vid ing for the licensing of a ll e n g in ee rs ; mak-. ing th e legal school ago frqm 0 to 20 y e a rs ; m aking all railroad ticke ts good u n til u se d ; (by M r.' O’Neill, o f H udson,) re p e a lin g 'th e local option law ih to to , a n d also repealing the effect o f any election a lready h e ld u nder th a t law an d m aking null a n d void a n y o rd er by a judge to -hold sn c h a n eleotlon, I t a lso prov r license fees a t a b o u t tb e sam e ra te a s a t p re s e n t; m aking i t unlaw ful for ln^ suranco com panies td~combiho to fix 'rates ,* (by M r. Feeney,- o f H udson,) legalizing the play ing of baseball o n S u n d a y ; crea tin g tb e office o f weigher and m easurer in overy town an d b o ro u g h ; (by Mr.- Pattcrqon, o f M on­m outh,) giv ing the county c le rk a fe e of (5 for each license g ran ted by tbo c o u r t ; req u ir in g s tree t railw ay com panies to provide a d river an d a conducto r fo r each c a r ; giv ing tow n­sh ip com m ittees pow er to license h acks and s ta g e s ; p rovid ing th a t in -b o ro u g h s o f the second elass, (which Includes A sbury Park), the “.com m on c o u n c il” sh a ll co n sis t o f six eotincllm en elected fo r threo, yoaraeach ; ta x ­ing the rea l and personal p ro p erty o t all cor­porations tho sam e as th a t o f individuals.

On W ednesday-m orning both branches of the Legisla ture m ot In tho S enate cham bor to b ea r tho p leas m ade by the rep resen tatives o f tho various tem perance associations o f tbe S tato ag a in st the repeal o r m utila tion of the tlocal oitMon law . Besides othegs th ere were liev . J . 'Y . D obbins, Rev. Thos. H anlon , Rev. i i r u rn p p f B c o t t , ' i io v .^ iO f o ir t tT T J F .T r R TC arroll, H on. Je sse D lverty, Rev. .11, M. Brown* Rev. G. B. W.r igh t, Rev, A. E. Bal- lard and G en , CHUton B. F isk .

Senato r W orts V a a m ade, o f the m eeting, a n d D r .B a lla rd m a d e a n earn o st a p ­peal, s ta tin g th a t th ese p e rsons cam e n o t aa partisan s , b u t a s com m issioners from the ohurches, S ta te A lliance, W . G. T . U . and k indred oirganlzatlons. H e was' followed by Revi C ornelius Brett, o f Jersey. C ity , M ajor Ja m e s 8 . * Y ard, of- the M m thouih Democrat designated th e law a s being In th e line- of sound dem o cra tic do c trin c, in asm u ch -as It, em bodied-the will o f 0tho pooplo. ^.Tbls tfegld-’ la tu re was n o t responsible f o r th o la w .b n tth e y w ould bo fo r any action ag a in st It. I t was v ita l to^tho beat In terests o f the people and be w arped them to keop hapda off tho m eas- u ie . Dr. W allacc M cGeorge, of G loucester, and Mr.O. Jeffreys, o f W arren,'spoko and a fte r them cgme H on. W , II. J lo d Ine, fi-W llllatrfs- tow n, who represented th e Sanday:8chool Aaaociatlon o f ttiQ State. H e askixl th a t no m ovem ent be m ade tow ards a repeal, and sa id there werelO.gfiQjjflicerSj 22,000-t each era and 246,000.. c h ild ren /w h o jo ined him In th is -re -1 qpest. ,Tho othor speakers wero Roy; ^ H;

^ n o w le s , o f N ew ark, an d Mra. M . Ilelon Crane, o f A sbnry P a rk . The’ e was, of.course, n o expresslon of o p in io n ' from the m em bers o f ih o Legislature* bftt they hdard enough’ to open their eyes a s to the feeling of th e people upon the su b jec t.; - r‘ ' . .

A fter the c lo se \o f th is.m eeting bo th ho u ses a d jo u rn e d n n tllM o n d a y n ig h t. .

■iTho m ombors o f Nop.tunC E ng in e C om pany

muu t.c c rla lh ly b c ' ln_ fa v o rw lth th e o ld s to rm god. L ast y ea r bo gavo th em hrIg h t s ta rs a n d fa ir sklos for tholr f irst * social, a n d again o n T hursday evening h e b rushed n p h is w tlnk lod visage a n d so n t'th e w eeping c lo u d s f a r p u to n his wldo Boa dom aln, leaving a bdhuttfu l even­in g w ltb ;a fu ll m oon, a ll th e m o re effulgent fo r hor oclipso of th e prev ious ovonlng.

T he adheren ts o f N ep tune a ro well versed In social ontortalnm ept. E ven ' th e ir montlTly ga therings in their own room a re noted fo r th e ir p leasan t, foaturosj g iv ing to tbo flromon o f th is com pany a s tro n g a ttach m en t for th eir m eeting room , w hich generally insu res tb e lr preson$o a t a ll reg u lar gatherings.;■. T hu rsd ay evening, a t E d uca tiona l H all, w as no exception:; ’ T he g reatest o f c a re h ad been exercised b y the several com m ittees in secur­in g m u slo ' and preparing (o r th is annual eyont. /Elio suppor, wHioh Is Usually a c o n ^ sp lcuons p a r t of the,evening’s entertainm ent^ w as again placed in th e ca re o f Jo sep h W etr, J r . , who m ade am ple provision fo r seating iOO o r 500 guosts. Tho m enu em braced ro as t tu rkey , chicken, oysters, several varie ties o f salads, cake, fru its , coffee, and Indeed every­th in g to tem p t th e 1 ep icure. . •

Tho hall w&s festooned and decora ted w ith , fla js , whlio ln tbc??rotit o f t&o atago ap p eared th o namo an d num bed of the com pany. T he rccsption com m ittee, M essrs. E . C . YanCloaf,F. A Leggett an d C apt. J . M inot, in red , w hite an d gold b adges, took charge o f the guests a s they a rrived an d directed thom to th e dressing room s. U pw ard o f 0 0 wero ln a ttendance ,

W o rtm an 's o rch estra o f s ix pieces w a s en ­gaged tor dan c in g m Sslc a n d N ep tune C ornet B and, p t‘18 pieces, s ta tio n ed In th e gallery , inspired tho g ran d m aroh an d betw een sets played m any o f th e ir best pieces.. A t 9.30 t h e g ran d m arch in au g u ra ted the festivltlos^ noariy one hundrbd couplesjtaklnfc p a ri u nder the direction o f M r. J o h n L . Schnei­der. Following,, th is , a floor com m ittee, M essrs. FI. J . Rockefeller, D r. A. 8 . Burton ,G. F . Kroehl,v 8 . W. K lrkbrlde an d G. L. Jo r- alem on, ln b lue, w h ite a n d gold badges, by th eir po lite a tten tio n , placed the com pany In en tire barm ony. T herea fte r the d anc ing w en t on w ith insp iring m uslo a n d p leasan t associa­tions.- Tho only d raw back was th b lack o f room , b u t even th is d id n o t "detract'from th e p leasures, so agreeablo w ere the guosts a n d a tten tiv e were tho com m ittee In charge , to whom m ay bo credited the grand success o f theocc^B ion.

A m ong those p re s e n t with thoir wives were: M essre/O eorge F . K roehl, N. :E. Buchanon, George L, Joralerapn ,’ T. A . iRoberta, D i l l . T aylor, G. W. M aoKenzle, A lfred W , Dey, F ran k H arris, J . H enry A pplegate, G. A. A rnd t, J o h n B urtls, Jesse C layton, H u rb it H urley , R. B. Cusaek, George A. Sm ock, II. C. jelllff, 8 . W. K lrkbrlde, E . H alsey W ilcox, M illard F. Birdj F red. A. Leggett, R. H . W ort- m anr M ilan Ross, Jo h n llubb 'a rd , Jo h n L. Schnoidor, N. P. L lttlo , W . H , Sm ith, F . L. TenBrocck, George II, Brown and A bram P . W llklow. . V . T - ?

N otlceab lo 'am o n g ladios w e re -M iss , Ray Osborne^ 11188 (^ovlngten, Mlsa M innie Apple­gate, Miss French , tho M tsses G ithons, M iss Aahnfore, M iss Jo s ie Kingsley, M iss M aggie T rum p, M iss M aggie H ance, MigSy,<inimby, o t W hite P la ins, M rs. Bam ber, M rs. J . W ag­ner, Mrs. L. H. Force, Mrs. R. J . S loan, M iss Day 18, T heresa M artin , w l th a h undred o thers In tbelr b est to ilets an d richest a ttire .- Tho gentlem en w ere o u t ln full force, m any

In full dross. A m ong them were W m . Exall, of one of tho N ew ark cppipaples, T. J , W inek- ler, F. B. Gowdy, J a m e s Cookt rE lv ln B urtls, Drs. A[Vs. an d I. Gr B nrton , Dr. 8 . T , Slocum,, W. G. llom aln , J . R . C am pbell, Jo sep h C. G lthcns, G eo .'D av is , W alte r D avis, F ra n k W right, T atilm an A.* M iller, Qhaa.. Toland, W m.*and H enry N afta l, F ra n k C . Borden, o f Princeton , N. J . , J o h n F . H aw kins, Jo h n Form an , J r . , H arry V ansant, Jo h n R ock­efeller, H a r t Rogers, Nell Rogers, E . K . D ayton, D. M. Polhem us, Chief D aniel B row ­er, Lloyd M cKee. Indeed I t w ould be ©aster to itfuno th e a b sen t ones ra th e r th an those present, so universal w as th e a ttendance.

Dancing w as k ep t u p continuously n n tll a f te r 3 o’clock. Supper w as served from 11 till 1 , those re tiring to tbo dining-room being scarcely missed from tho crow d.' N eptune’s second social m ay bo p laced on

the rccord aa tho largest an d m ost successful affa ir of its k ind ovor given in A sbnry P ark .

First Meeting of the Year.T he A abnry P a rk B oard o t T rad e hold I ts

first m eeting o f the now y ea r on W ednesday evening. I t w as w ell a ttended , a n d proved th e m o st In te resting an d Im p o rtan t th a t has been held in a long tim e. . .; T he m eeting w as called to o rder prom ptly,

P residen t H arriso n In the chair. ’ T ho fSecro- ta ry read th e m inutes, w hich w ere approved.

T he P resid en t th en read h iaan n u a t address. I t t re a ts o f th e m enhaden Ashing, m onum ents fo r governors, n eed ed legislation, health m at­ters, th e sow er system , paving o f stroots, pu b ­lio ro ad s a n d o ther m atters, an d Is a valuablo an d ln te re s tln g docum ent, O w ing t o i ts longth its p n b liea tlon is deferred till .next week. • \

T he pbnvnlttee o n pub lication o f a m onthly m agazino fo r advertising purposes, j reported progress. “ T h e schem e la to moro fully adver- tiso A sbnry P a rk a n d T Ita bQglgfisa i in tereets, a n d w hile conducted Uy an d u nder th e caro o f th e B oard, th a t b od y will n o t bo financially, responalblo f a r th e un d ertak in g . 1 •• ^

T he S ecretary read thp final rep o r t o f t | j ^ Beach Band Com m ittee, a s fo llow s: .i- 1

.Total am o u n t BUbscrlbedi. . J . . . . . . . . .|670 50M ■ u n c o llo o te d . .i j* . .

*, ; v Total c p l l e c te d . . . . . . 'f . ,$620 50Am oUnt.pgid B a n d . ^ ; $ 6 O 0 00 '

‘Inciden tal ex p e n se s :. ; .............. .1 2 03B a lan co o n J i a n d . . ; . . i . . . . . . . . 7.88

• ' • v y e n bo T he rep o rt w as approved an d the com m ittee

d ischarged witl) tho th an k s o f the Board.''The P residen t th en announeeft the standing

com m ittees a s fo llo w s:_ STANniNO ooiiufTTBES. ■ '* ;>IC'

C ongress ICcpubllcau.C ertificates o f election have been g ran ted

to 'm em bors from a ll the Congressional dls- trlo ts b n t th ree , m ak in g 163 R epublicans an d

150 D em ocrats. I f tb e o th ers a ll g o to tbe Dem ocrats, the R epublicans Would s till baXfi' one m ajo rity . »

Besides these throe con tests before the re ­tu rn in g boards in W est V irg in ia a n d -T e n n e s ­see, there w ill bo a t leas t fifteen which r tu s t be se ttled b y tbo Com m itteo o n E lections In Congress. In a reco u n t o f votes In S an F ra n ­cisco, whioh la 'a p a r t of tbo F ifth C ongres­sional D istrict, i t la shown th a t Phelps, th e Republican, has a m ajo rity of 417, w hereas tho G overnor had g ran ted a ccrtlQ cate to. b is opponent. T his Is one of th e con tes ts to .b e . brough t before the com m ittee ,-and tho fa c t tb a t the House has even a sm all m ajo rity will p reven t ■ tbo D om ocrats from ■ seatin g those illegally elected.

Gen. W. D. W ashbnm w as elected to tho U nited S tates Senate^by tbo R epublican Legis­la tu re o f M innesota o n Thursday , a n d Jam es McMillan received th e certificate p f election- a s S enato r from the R epub lican G overnor an d Legislature o f M ichigan,

A-Passor Nothing.

An cstoomed citizen of A sbury P a rk , w ith tim e hang ing heavily upon h is b an d s during .the dull m on ths o f printer, took a notion to try a .change o f a ir. Of a n au tica l tu rn o f m ind, both b y inclination a n d profession^bo took his pen In h a n d an d w rote briefly to a well-known steam sh ip com pany, w ith which he w as o n ' term s o f fam ilia rity ,. ask ing . the coveted p riv ileg e of go ing an d re tn rn ln g from the fam ons c ity p f Som ewhere u p o n one of th o lr v.esseb.. H e w as polite a b o u t lt,\an d . prefaced Ijls request w ith “ p lease.”

— I n Arery.short o rd e r a rep ly cam p. -.Tlio pass was re fu se d ; b u t to let the^appU caut dow n easy, tiiey offered tran sp o rta tio n free , b u t In­s isted tb a t a cash equivalent fo r a b e rth an d fo u r meals a day should be a p a rt o f th o con­tra c t. A fte r w alking to the ocean a n d b ack "and" fo u r m W ~arbulid tho~ block o n whleh s ta n d s his sum m er villa, he. w as sufflciontly com posed t b succinctly s ta te bis feelings. H e w rote th u a ly : \ .To the Free Ih ss Steamship Company

Y our favor a t han d . I d o n ’t See why you shou ld refuse m e a,fgfmnine Sim on-pure pass aq I asked. H aven’t I ’boom ed y o u r lino to the exclusion of a ll .o th e rs f H aven’t I alw ays traveled by your line—o n a p a s s? I have. ITonr tim es h ave I m ade th is tr ip w ithou t cost. Y ou havo been glad to ex tend such courtesies, although, I am n o t a purse-proud an d blgh- pplnded ed itor. 1 h ave n ev er p a id any th ing so far, an d I th ink i t ’s, too la te to begin nowi I f you will consider th is m atte r calm ly,' p ray ­erfully , an d In the s p ir i t o f b ro therly k in d ­ness, I am su re you will g ra n t m y request.

1....Y o u rs ,_______ —____N ow an ed ito r, is glvon c red it fo r th ep o a -

fiessibn of a ll tho. qua lities necessary to g e t every th ing in the trav e lin g lino fo r nothing, b n t m ay the ch ronicler o f th is solem if fac t be o tern a lly -d au b ed w ith lam pblack, a n d axle* g taase if thia a p p lican t d id n ’t ge t th a t pass insldo o f 24 hours—a n d a ll because he bad tiie. nerve to ta lk b ack to aB team shipcom pany I

... Free V^ccliiatloQ'. .,A t a m eetin g o f th e H ealth B oard held* fast

Friday , It,w as ordered th a t free vacoln& lon bo offered % tho B o a r d . /

F inance—J a m o s l l . B lrd .W . T . Dudley, J . H . Davis.

L egislation an d Law —J i A. G lthens, Honry G. C layton, C. H. K idder. ’ ,• Railroads-^-N. E. Buchanon, Jo h n L. Coffin, Jo h n A. G ltliens, N. W. Ponfield, G. I I., K id­der, G . W. T reat, G. F. K ro o h l... C om plain ts and Credits—W m. F. LeRoy,

F. L . T enBroeck, Goo. C. John so n , Poter De- Keyser. .

M anufactures—G. A. Sm ock, Ilon ry Stein-, bacb, Jo h n Rockafellor, M .L . Bam man

P ublication—lle n ry Mitchell, A . C. Atkins, E. G. H arrison .

H otels a n d Boarding H ouses—Jo h n Rock- afellcr, J o h n S. Ripley, C apt. J< M inot, A, C.* A tkins, W. 8 , 'Goodno. , . . • 1 - . P ub lic Im provem ents^T * A. Roberts, W .

D. P ennypackcr. i le n ry M itchell, T . M. D un­ham . -

Business In te res ts—D. IL Wyokoff, L. M. T aylor, I I. J . Rockafellor,' Am os -L ippincott, W i -T. D udley , J a s . I I . Shepherd, Johnson T aylor, W. L . A tk inson , C apt. J . M lnpt.

On m otion o f Mr. Bird, the P residen t’s a d ­dress w as referred to the Board of A rb itra to rs fo r consideration^ tbey to rocom m end auob action as w ould b es t secure the in te rests mon- tloned. T he m at^or o f special legislation wais deem ed so im p o rta n t th a t im m edjato action was taken , a n d the Law 'C om m ittee: was in ­s tru c ted to sc c n ro th e am endm ent to the stat-. u tes so a s to; give m oro la titu d e to law s rela t­in g to Beaaide- bo roughs, H b a c co td a n c e w l tlr- the recom m endations of tho G ovornot’s tiies- 8a8 ®*- - . ■”

Dr; M itchell,spoko b f the advan tage of spe- claTlaws; Goneral law s could notTbo adaptod to special w ants. T he In land to w n s 'h a d no need for law s th a t w ould b est so^vo'tho'shore tow ns an d th e reverse. M essrs W yckoff and B uobanon a lso spoke on the sam e line. As­bury P a rk h as suffered m ateria lly because o f th is general o r c lass legislation.

M r. H arrison roportod on tho su b jec t of ihe rem oval o f th e fre igh t s ta tion , th a t ho could n o t a scerta in from M r.B lodgo tt, o rM r .B a n - n a rd ,to w h o m h e w as referred , w hat tho I n< ton tions o f th e ra ilro ad com pany are . T he m atte r la y e t in the bands o f itfo cpm m ltteo.

D r. M itchell called a tten tio n to tho -Wesley Lako nuisance, which elicited q u ite a sp irited discussion, In w hich a .num ber o f th e m em ­b ers to o k p a rt . I t w as tbo goneral son tlm eh t th a t I t fully tim e th a t .sbme decldod steps be t a k e n ." _■

M r. G ithens m oved .tha taspoc ia l com m Utoe b e a p p o in t^ to d ra f t reso lu tions e x p rtn d n g the aensb pit th e B oard an d In fever b f im prov­ing the s a n i t y tkm ditlon o f tbe lakes w ith in tho borougb, and rep o rt a t th e jn to t ip g ioexV W ednw day evonlng. ' Com m ittee, Mosara. G ithens, LeRoy an d Wyckoff.

M r. G ithens, In speak ing o f tho su b jec t o f w in ter em ploym ent, though t th a t there should bo a goneral discouragem ent of poor people m oving here In tbe w in ter season, w here the w orking classcs a ro already over-crowded. Mr. B uchanon a lso n o ted Instances o f th e u u 1 wise course of th is class, b n t th o u g h t I t would rogulate Itself eventually .

T he rep o rt on p am phlet publication was r e ­ferred to C om m ittee o n P ublications.

T hree now m ombors wero adm lttod.A vo te o f th an k s w as tendered to tho Presi­

d en t fo r hi§.able address.T ho B oard th en ad journed , to m eet noxt

W ednesday, J a n . 23. - ■- ~ v '

s te r C hurch, S. to devote a fewm inu tes befdro o ^ H w u n d a y m orn in g serm on to com m ents o n top ics o f th o previous w eek. $ y req u est wo p r in t hla address m ad e las t S ab b ath m o rn in g :

O n S ab b ath a fternoon , A pril 18,1681, as the tem p es t lifted, wo children, s tro llin g th rough tho m eadow , epied ly in g -u p o n the g round a pino shingle, sp lin te red a s though fresh ly to rn from somo build ing . H ard b y a‘ g a rm e n t lay as,If w renohed from a h u m an tofm . These wfare iftfbrlr&t ih o M arshfie ldstorm .

Provlonaly tho w oj^ ‘‘cyclonp” h u rried bveh grow n-up .peoplo TO tho d ictionary . T hey knew. Its m ean ing ever a fte r. Y ou a re aw are tho a tm osphere presaes^.wlth a fitteem pound w eight Upon oaoh square inob o f surface. Suppose thbro I? a rap id rise o f tem p era tu re , and grow lbg ligh ter th is a&cends, o r a sudden condensation atid a Vacuum crea ted . O n tslde. a ir rushos llko w ater where a p a ilfu l i s d ipped from .the; spring , an d like i t whirlsi ab o u t. Thus the gas explosion doubtless augm ented tho folnd-blaat W ednesday evening . W hy

6 M 0 -th o so cu f ton ta riprth o f the E q u a to r a lw ays w hirl against, tlio han d s o f -a w atch a n d sou th of th e E q u a to r alw ays w hirl w ith them ; bcI- enco doollnos to answer*

N othing a la rm s a m an sor m uoh a s th e ele­m ents in a rm s ag a in s t him. E arth q u ak e , tbo dynam iter, an d hurricane, th e m arau d er; an d lightning, tho incendiary , ta k e aw ay h is very senses. L isten k lud ly tben to su rv ivors In P ittsburg , a n d Reading, an d B rooklyn, while one affirm s th e storm , was b lack a s je t, and an o th er behold It w hite as.snow , a n d an o th er know s I t waa rod a s flro. Som ebody saw It like a runnel, large end u p ; to h is good neigh­bor th e fun n el was stem skyw ard.. Believe them —thoy m ean to b e tru th fu l . . .

How a to rn ad o chagrins h u m an p rid e I O ur firemen have the flam e prb tty well u n d e r tow : H olland dykes and M ississippi leveeS ipault tho water's, saying, “ H ere shall th y prpud waves be s tay ed um brellad publish t o suU and rain , 14 N o adm ittance ,” and iro n con- duotors to the ligh tn ing , u E n & r the cellar by th ls^ ta lrw ay .” P roud despo ts th a t We a re I But w hat o f the tem pests? W here t s a n earth ­quake departm en t ? W ho c a n lock a cyclone out i Build s trong houses ? A good Idea a lw ay s ; yet brick and s tone a n d t im b e rs wlU only w het tho raonater’s rage. We a re pro- teotorloss absolutely. Our nob le s igna l s e r­vice falters here an d falls, 8 0 wo conclude our littlo lives a re ln! o th e r h an d s th a n ours. The h app iest m an I ever paw was a M issouri countrym an, who h ad every th ing b u t bis farm blow n off tho prem ises. H e cam e to consciousness with stonos a n d logs p iled high above him , reached o h t h is hand to find his wife i u ^ t t _ a n d fo u r ch ildren sa fe b*sslde- h b r .^ ^ e jw a s so happy. A pply th b p a rab le .-

T o tK ^sou thw est o f m any a hom e In th a t Tegion will T>e-notlced^n"dutdp0 r x e l i a r ^ p r covort in tho tem pest. -.However, whoh the cyclone c o ^ e s nobody 'w ill a rriv e th e re . I t comes to p f a s t ' i f yon b ea r a storm ro arin g longer than! tw o m inutes, be calm ; i f . Is Only a ga le and you aro safo. W o aro reckoned still to be in tb e cyclone co rn er of th e heavens and th e plane is sh ifting A tlantic-w ard. Wis- dom- offers little com fort sav e th is -simple rec ip e ; Keop a c lear conscience. T re a t each s tranger k lnd ly as a b ro tf io r^ T ra lB your life os a flower In yonder park , rain in g Its pure arom a on overy pasaer-by, yot veiling Its own faco bolUnjLtbe trellis, an d faithfu lly a t 'n ig h t­fall look to tlJo loving M aster say ing , " 1 have s triv en to do thy ,biddlng, th y w ll l ,0 Lord, be dono ;” then w hisper w ith your la tes t though t:

A n .Evening a t Koine.A ccording to tho p rogram laiil dowi? fpr thb

w in ter m ootings a t the L ib rary , tbo . th ird M onday ev en in g iu cach m ontb ls t o b e given to som e o n e o f the great; c ities of th e world.

F o r n e x t M onday evening M rs. A nnabald l h a s p rep ared an ex cellen t o rder o f exercises, b rin g in g o u t ln tercqypg^m atters p erta in ln g to■Rome.-

P ro f. Jo h n W ilson will give an h istorical sketch , w ith a n a cco u n t o fth o . onilno n t people who have lived there.' Li

M adam e D avis has prepared an a rtic le on w orks o f a rt , etc. - - .

M rs. Dr. M itchell w ill give readings ap p ro ­p ria te to tho sub jec t, as w ill also Mr. O. II. Brown. ••— ...

M isses F a rrin g to n and n e rn mon way arid M r. R . A. T u s tln g w ill lender, I ta lia n muslo, b oth vocal a n d Instrum ental, and i t |s also expected M iss Alice H arrison w ilt give some selections. * >. “ , • : ’

On the whPle It p rom ises to bo one o f the b es t p rogram s ever presented boforo the library.

C r y s t a l i z i n g .

- T he lad ies o f W ostm lnator C hurch can be co n g ra tu la ted npon th e i r novol “ C rysta l on- to rta ln m en t,” given,, ln Educational^ I la ll o n , Tuesday a n d W ednesday evenings o f th is woek. The H all w as e labora te ly decoratod, whllo the booths and o ther fix tures wore cov­ered 'w ith p u re white, do ttud .w lth s ilver sp a n ­gles. The lad les In chargo w^re a lso d ressed In w hite a n d the tnise cn scene w as extrem ely novel a n d pleasing. .- Besides th e crysta l an d othor a rtic les offered

for sale , an d th o d a in ty ea tab les served ln! c rysta l w are, thero were othor p leasu res f o r the eye an d e a r. T he tab leaux, i n charge o f M iss A. L .. M cFarland, wero am o n g .th e beat ever given in tb a tillu str io u s hall, T be choicest were ** J o a n of. A rc , ” 1 “ ‘Coining th ro ’ thb Rye,” “ A rtis t’s S tud io ,” ' “ R em oving the T h o m ’.* h n d “ In d ian C am p,” th e^ la tte r In th ree d istin c t scenes. Miss M oFarland rec ite d “ L aaca>” a n d a r ich an d laughable d ialogue e n title d ** T he In telligence Office, ” w as so well received o n Tuesday: n ig h t th a t Its repe^ tltlon w as v igorously dejnanded on th e sec­o nd evening.

T he a ttendance ' o n thp first evening was vory jargo , b u t inclem ent w eather . decreased I t s ligh tly o n W ednesday n ig h L ^ T h o gross, rece ip ts a re n o t yet. know n, b u t^ w ii be very satlflfactory to tbo iad le^—p ro b ab ly . realizing, aboye $ i00. • • '. - ,V. * ' V .: A t th e c lose o f Miss M cFarland’s recitation^

on T uesday evening a beau tifu l c rysta l d lsb of f ru i t waa p resen ted tb her. P rospeot Cor- net*Band furn ished m uslo on both evbnlngfl.

W e s t m i n s t e r C l t u r c l i .\y -

“ "Sunday m orning, feotnment. pn top ics o f . the w eeji an d regu lar serm on by- th e paBtor^ 8 , E d . Y oung . { S u b ject of e«enlng\serm on : 1‘jD lv ln e ; w isdom displayed, lu j^ e hum an

^frapie.*.* ’ \ tl -“V . _ V-

^ \ o ■ * * • '•*«

IjessonsLIfla thb custoi

A3STrARY .19. 1889.

e Cyclone,[ p asto r o t W estm ln-

' If I should dlo boforo I wake,I pray the Lord my soul to tako.'

- Tho “ Cobweb” irocturo.T his exceedingly In teresting a n d p o p u 'a r

lecturo was given by Prof. C harles Ja co b n s , of N ew BrtOfWlcfc, a t L ib rary H all, M onday n igh t, td q u ite a lim ited aAdiesoe. E v en the usual’'atteU dastii. n i thc»e m eet! ngs w erec b- s e a t, m ore th e p l t y , l i they c a n n o t realize a ll t h a t they "mlssod.

Indcod ovpry p a ren t w ho has>cblldron to brlrig n p an d to g ive a s ta r t o n tho r ig h t road in lifo should have been th ere to receive the wlso counsol an d adm onition of o n e whose h eart Is with the p a re n t In hi! laudable efforts to Instil the b es t p recepts Ip the h ea rts o f tholr ch ildren , th a t no cobw ebs m ay afte r-, w ard*m ar tho 'a lghtllness o f tb elr lives.

W e woro extrem oly sorry th a t oqlyiXno o r two^Sf onr toachers ■ were p resen t to receive Inspiration fo r th eir d u ties frpm one w ho bas m ade teach in g h is lifo s tu d y and .h as qyer stood In the fro n t ran k of progressive educa­tion. Wo confess to a d isap p o in tm en t th a t tbe teachers a n d their.o lder pup ils d isregard ­ed, by thelrabsonco^such a g^and o p p o rtu n ity as w a s placcd before thorn T o any teachar; o r ono who expects to becom e one, It was w ofth^m ore thny. a torm o f close application to-toxt books. - =— - > . '

Tho leqturo was roplcto from lo g in n in g to ond with the finest though t’re g a lin g _ th e c a re and instruction b f th e young. I t !.d ld n o t deal so m uch with m ethods a s In th e Inculca­tion of the higher, nob ler a lm s ; in th e incen­tives an d resu lts, ra th e r th a n In th e details. Ho regarded the p rim ary d ep a rtm en ts a s the moro im p o rta n t, and the p ljtcejn rj^h lch the boat, tho w isest a n d m oat experienced teach­ers should be em ployed. He a ls o objected lo the crow ding o f a h undred of the younger p u ­pils in. th a t d ep artm en t w hile the g ram m ar averaged one e ighth aa m any.

The finer portion o f his lec tu re w as b rodgb t but In the. o rd er of educating the* threo h’s, which, he Illustra ted w ith .c o m p a ra tiv e 'd ia ­gram s. F a r too m any begin tra in in g wltJjS the h ea rt, w hich la neglected a n d dw arfed , in tho education o f tho head an d hand . - T he op­posite d iag ram show ed tho reverse, where tra in in g began w ith the band—physical—In* creasing b n t n o t .overshadowing, aa the edu­cation o f tho head—In te llec t-H jxpandsin tru e proportions.- G rea ter ’than all, tbo h e a r t - sp iritua l—shou ld tak e p receden t o v er the others. i,n im portance, as no e ducation Is com ­plete a n d well rounded unless thla Is develop­ed an d Is p redom inan t over th e o thera.

P rof. J a co b u s ia a vory p leasan t, ca*y -speaker, an d h is earnest m an n e r secures tbe a tte n tio n an d sym pathy of h is audience. We. hope t o hear h invagain u n d e r m ore favprable c lrc u m sta n ce sr '-H eb a a a n u m b er of-Interest* in g a n d in stru c tiv e ta lk s w hich -are well w orthy of A tten tion . -

A t the con c lu slo n 'o f th e-lec tu re M r. D r II; W yckoff road a series of—resolu tions oxproa- slvo o f the feelings of th e Asscwl^tion on . the doath of Mro, M ary P o r te r B oeglo,-onopf thb oldest m em bers. - - - Several volum es presented > y ,tb e W , C. T . U. wero received w ith thb tffanks o f tho A sso­ciation', andU hb secretary w as Instructed to acknowledge tho sam e. ■ '

N ex t M ohdayovonlng wlU b e “ C ity N ight.” j i r s . A nulbald l haa p rep ared a verjr complote. program atvd I tw lil all to ‘bo p resen t,. .

Sale o f th e A talaiita^.Mr. W illiam A pplogate, o f thla tow n, has

p u rch a se d ’the A ta la tita Ilotol^ on Sunaet avo- nnp an d 'K in g sle y s tree t, o t.M r. Noble, for $30,000, an d w n d u c t- it a s a flret-ol^as hotel , in ovory. rcspeci.. Mr. A pplegate l^ a n o ld a n d well-known.resident o f thla^place, b u t fpr th e paat tW tj'euinm ers harf Daanagod; th6' S urf Houeo a t Ocean Beach'. U n d er.h is con­tro l tlio A ta lan ta will Boon m ake a re fu ta tio n .

’ i —* " ' * ' * • ' 1 ; ¥O dd Fell^wSISup. ^

: T orch of W isdom Lodgo, I . O. O, F .j gave a fine eo lla tipn W ednesday evening, a t their -rooms In W hite’s build ing on M ain s tree t. -:,Thb la y o u t waa very choice, p repared by

' tbo m em bers, and i t was g reatly enjoyed by a num ber of v isito rs both Colored an d white.

•A ppropriate addresses were*made, on d tbe occasion provod a very p leasan t one.

• - v

Well Contamination.To the Editor of the' Journal:— ‘ . _

W hen A rtesian w a te r w asJflre t offered to th e people p f A sbnry P a rk they gavo evidence o f apprec ia tion o f i ts value a s a prp tpctlop to health , an d service pipes Were laid a t a rap id ra te i T h e ; w ells w hich w ere sup p lan ted <by_ t t e pub llo w a te r supply*w ere n o t alw ays th o se w hioh m o st Urgently nebdted to be abandoned , b u t the im portance o f p n rlty a s a ch arac te ristic o f d rin k in g w ater h a s grown n pon th e com m unity u n til flvo h undred and th irty-seven o f our e ig h t h undred and fifty houses have b een connected w ith th e w ater m ains. -A bou t tw o h undred an d fo rty wells have th u s fa r been exam ined undor th b hpalth la w s a n d twenty-five p e r cen t, o f thom were fo u n d by the chem ist to be unfit fo r use. Those wells ^ e ro n o t selected b n t tak en by s tree ts . T his w ork was carried on , a s a il of th e opera tions.o f th e H ealth Board a ro , w ith­o u t p ub lic m oney, and^ circum stances com­pelled Ita relinquishm ent.

T h e m any o u tb re a k s o f typho id fevor which have occurred In th is S ta te d u rln g tho p as t few m onths, a n d th e p resen t e p ld em lo in New Y ork city , suggest anew the risk incu rred by th§f ex jstence o t the wells which a re still in n ab m ^A sb u ry P ark . T h e ..larger p o rtio n of; these wells have n o t y e t been exam ined, b u t. a fa ir Inference, based bn previous experiencey is t b a t ono b u t of'every* fo u r is polluted. I t is p ro b ab le in d eed th a t a largor proportion' th an twenty-five p e r cen t, is unfit fo r use, fo r a chem ical exam ination o f ;w ater does n o t re­veal I ts w orst dangers, A well m ay be pro- nonnced safe*by a com peten t obem lst an d yot be reek in g w ith typho id poison. T he lm- p u rity show n byAfialyBls m ay p rove oohelu-, s lv e iy 'th a t com m u n ica tio n ex ists botwtfeh the yyell an d so m e;so u rce o f foulness, a n d the chem ist m ay Oven, in som e cases; safely as­sort tb a t the contam i nation is due to decom ­posing house slop's wblch hayp percolated from th e ground surface, o r escaped from a Idaby d ra in ._ JB u t. wo know th a t som etim es houao s lops d o n o t k ill,-a t^ least h o t quickly, fo r n u m b ers of- wells closed u p in p a s t years

•wero p roved to d raw th eir w ater supp ly from a d ja c e n t oesspools. W e d o n o t know, though, a t w h a t m om ent typhoid poison wili en te r a well together w lth '*other re(nseLif_there is a free passage way from dralm j, etc.

T he c h a rac te r o f the sbll b f th is lo ca lity Is such th a t n q well in A s b u ry 'P a rk n o r in Ocean Grove is safe aga lna t con tam ination , an d in th e m o re th ick ly popu lated portions o f b o th p laces th o re la probab ly no well which Is n o t contam inated .

T hese assertions w ill bo disapproved by well-owners In the d istr ic ts roforrod to , and they w ill a ssu re you th a t tho lr Well w a te r “ Is c lear afi cry sta l, sp a rk lin g an d delicious,” and th a t n o ill health has been caused b y i t , etc. B u t su ch fac ts jno re ly show th a t d ilu ted sew­age d oes n o t uniform ly cause* Blokneas, ~^.Lot~ the.-puro^w ell-w ater-«dvooato >pbnder- upon the follow ing In o ld b u t: " A few- years ago b lack d a y was u se d to m end somo of the s tre e ts 1& Ocean Grove, and w ith in a few days a h eavy ra in occurred . T he w ater In m any o f th e wells o n both sides o f th p s tree ts refer- od to a t once becam e colored llko tho clay In •the roadw ay. '"O f course no Illness waa caused In tb ir 'c a s e , "because clay suspended In w a te r Ib .no t poisonous. B u t suppose typho id poison bad been sp read over the g ro u n d su rface w lthlnr the a re a covered by th is olay I W here th e soil Is sufficiently open to p e rm it th is passage o f th in m ud, no ob- s truo tlbn ex ists t o . the free transm ission of d isease germ s.

N um erous o th er fac ts nearly a s 'S tr ik in g aa th is b lack c lay Instance have been observed, show ing the perm eability o f o u r soil, and we m ay consider t t firmly estab lished th a t all soJuablo and firmly suspended m a tte r s Which a re c a s t u p o n o r in to th e ground in the neighborhood off.wells, ln ,ih la v lc ln lty , are liab le to affec t the w ater. I n one case a well w as co n tam in a ted by a sourco o f pollution s itu a te one^ tho u san d feet d istan t.

I t Is a m atte r of p ub lic concern th a t private houses shall be! supplied w ith p u re w ater, for from one case o f typhoid fever m any others m ay arisen A dm itting th a t typhoid fever can ty) conveyed th rough the m edium o f the air, and In food, y e t In A sbury P a rk we havo l lt tl i to feat* from th is dlaease if the dan g er from wells can be overcom e.

A ll o f ou r sew er connections a ro c u t off o u tside o f houses, an d n o sew erj a ir c an by an y chance p ass the ca tch b aa ln .. I t m ay be asked , W hon the law c lea r Ift regard to the c losing o f dangerous wells, why la It not enforced ?” I t la n o t enforced becauao thp Com m issioners do noT provide the rao'noy to pay tho fees o f ah analyst. B u t why should any .citizen w a it for his well to b e exam ined an d condem ned before c losing I t u p ? Tbq> A rtesian w orks a re now proVdd to be adequate to fu rn ish a n unfailing supp ly , and the w ater Is boyond - suspicion In quality . E very lot o w ner now pays a w ater ta x w hether h e Uses the c ity w a te r o r no t. - I f a ll housefl in the borough were supplied with th e water, w ould be decreased. I f any well-dofendor can b rln g a rg u m en t to su sta in hla position, le t h im teli -tw in T n s .JotntKAn on w hat g ro u n d s ho declines to n seA rtea lan w aterr” ^

•• -. . m .

R esolu tions o f ICespect.R esolu tions o n tbo d eath of M rs. M ary P.

Beegle, passed by the L ibrary A ssociation of A sbury P a rk an d Ocoan Grove, a t a . m eeting held M onday ovenlng, Ja n u a ry 14, 18$0.~'

W ukniAs, In the mysterious ordor of Dlvino’ ProTldpnOe, Mps. Mary 1*. BbeRle has beon re­moved from our Soolety by death, and

WuKRKAa, She waB one of the first, to auMOSt the organization of this Asaoelatlon, there­fore, I t is proper that wo Bhould fltlyt^eeoipilSiO th b olronmstaneeH.latho following resolutions:

Retoived. T hat in the death of Mrs. Mary P. Beegle, this Soolety has lost ono of Its first and m ost valuablo member*, and ono of tho limited num ber who w as.alw ays roady and willing to perform every d u ty in connection w ith th o boat' interests o f o a r Soolety.

Xetolved, T hat hor womanly virtues, h e r high ambition, soholarly attainm ents, and her readi­ness to perform alij^hl.IgatlonB combine to mako It difficult to placo any other membor ln iie r va­cant seat. • v

Resolved, T ha t wo bavo faith to bellove th a t her work in this world has loft its lniluonco for good Upon h er friends and rolatlvos still with us, add th a t her example Is well worthy of Imitation by all who havo known her bore.

Resolved, T ha t wo dooply sympathize w ith tho sorrowing rolatlvos and friends,- and hereby or­der a copy of these resolutions entered on the reoords o f our Soolety and another sent to the lmmedlato family of the'deceased. -

A n o th e r U nrated B ubble.T he T rip le Therm ic M otor, an o th er median-*

leal bubblo, h as .burstod^ ln which m illions of ha^d-earned savings o f poor peoplo h ad been draw n , T ^ e -firs t company, w as s ta rte d in ’ N atick ,"M ass., w ith $25,000,000 cap ita l, and

-ftho schem e w orked so well that-a second com­pany w as s ta r te d In New Y ork w ith the same, cap ita l a n d pracUcally. th e sam e officers.

Llko the.K eely m otor, no p rac tica l engineer' has b een allow ed to te s t the princip les o f the Therm lo .m otor.- T he p o w e ris c la lm ed 'to be derived ' by vaporiz ing bisu lphide o f carbon With steam , ’ T he schem e Of pronounced a fallacy by engineers. A ll tlm exhib itions th at have been m a d e were before inexpertS or th6ae who w ould be Investors, T h o aaddeat p a r t Is th a t m any o f tho dapeu a re p o o r people. ‘

Y . M. C. A^ C onvention. tThe F o u rth iDlstr,Ict Y...lrf. C- A ..Convention,

will be .held in the, rooms, o f th e Association, b eginning w ith F riday ev en in g next, a n d con­t in u in g til l S unday . * ' <-" ‘ ,,. Am ong the speakers will bo Prof.r tJharlos

Jaco b u s, o f New B ruhsw lck, M r. M urray , a New .York counselor,' D. F , -Moore, S ta te Sec­re ta ry o f th e Y. j y r u ; ^ . , an d A nthony Cotft- atpcjc. Satu rday evening tbero wlll bo ator- eoptloon-views a n d le c tp re . P ro g ftm w ill be given lu full n e x t week. .

' ' -v . ^C o tto n th read haa advanced 10 p e r cent.,

tb e re s u lt ,o f a com bine, betw een C oats and the C lark company. «

A lthough w e have o ften given the h isto ry of A abury P a rk , th o placo la becom ing so well” know n th ro u g h the ownera ,of co ttages and the press, th a t w e a re o ften u rg ed to , again g ive i ts h isto ry in type. I t s success Is a lm ost m arv e lo u s ; i ts g row th a s a soa-sido re so rt has been g rea te r th a n an y sim ilar en terp rise Cn the A m erican co n tin en t. I t w ifi bo n o ticed th a t a p e rm an en t village h as g row n u p , a ris­ing from th e . necessities o f tho s itua tion . Somo, w ho a t first on ly spen t a few* m onths ln sum m er,-now live h e ro the y e a r a round , as they have n i l th o com forts o f th e large tow ns' th a t a ro m uch n e a re r Now Y ork.

We, tak e pleasure In re-publlshlng i ts his­tory, as given in a p rev io u s’n u m b er o f T ub J ournal by M r. J a m e s A. Bradloy, th e orig­inal proprie to r ': •• ■

" One afte rnoon In M ay, J870, 1 w as wjilkr ing dow n B roadw ay, New”*York,; a n d «hd- denly r a n a g a in st ifiy, friend , D av laH . Brown, Esq ., T re asu re r p f tho O cean G rove A ssocia­tion. f ‘ How is Ocean G rove g e ttin g a long . I askod. * V eiy falrly ,*B aldhe, *why do n ’t you b tiy a lo t ? Thoso w ho have tho lr nam es, p u t dow n now havo first choice.’ - - Well, p u t mo down fo r tWo.’ aatd I . A few;, day a a fte r, in com pany w ith som e friends w e -s ta r te d for Ocean G rove. W e to o k thp b o a t fo r P o rt M onm outh, thence b y ra ilro ad to E aton tow n. The sea-shore ro u te w as opened a few days a fterw ards. A fto r d in in g a t Mr. Brown’s co u n try h o u se a t E a ton tow n, we, d rove to Ocean G rove In carriages. Tho tu rnp ike Company h ad ju s t com m enced operations, a n d fro m G reat Pond to Ocoan G rove w as one o f th e w o rst ro ad s t h a t could woll bo im agin­ed. I w as com pletely tak en w ith Oceari'G rove a n d i ts suixonndingft—so m uch so th a t I p u r-’ chased th e f irst lo t e v e r sold there , thoprcm r- um b e in g $85. . ,

“ H av ing ,fo r som e, tlm o p rev io u s-b een In bad hea lth , I concluded to try w h a t I had been recom m ended—sea a ir . T oo closo application to b u sln e 8 s 'h a d . m ade in roads on m y con­s titu tio n an d ray n ervous sy8tem was seriously affectod. So. a few days a fte r pu rchasing tbo lo ts , tak in g tw o horses, ca r­riage a n d ten t, a n d J o h n R aker, my colored m an, J le f t th e h u m o f tho busy city l>cblnd, to becom e a n in h ab itan t o f tho wild woods, w here m y w earied b ody and-b rain m igh t rest, liillod to s leep b y th e m urm u rin g sea p t night, and aw akened In the m orn ing b y the songa o f birds in tho p in e trees surround ing m y couch.

“ J o h n and I a rr iv ed a t O cean GrOve ju s t a t n ightfall, an d hav in g g o tten o u r ho rses u n d e r Shelter in a b a rn belonging to Charles Rogors. near tho p resen t Ocean Grove school house, we en tered th o w oods an d ab o u t half a rallo off, e rec ted o u r ten t. I t was too d a rk to g e t poles, s o w e h u n g .tb o .te n t on .the b eam s of w h a t w as a fte rw ards the Associ­atio n Office, th e first bu ild ing ever erec ted in Ocean G rove. (T his bdlltllng stood ,near the A uditorium a n d w as a fte rw ard to rn dow n o r rem oved). T he b u ild ing a t th a t tlm o was w ith o u t roof. W e w ere w ith o u t light, afiu soon a fte r lunch ing o n som e crackers wo lay down to Sleep, o u r h eads res tin g on th e car­riage cushions, an d o u r covering b e ing the carriage b lankets. 8 0 wo sp en t ou r first n ight In O cean Grovo, a n d so began a n entire change In m y m ode o f life an d w hich led

.ev e n tu a lly -ta a n .a lm o s t com ple te re s to ra tio n . to l i e a l th ^ —

“ I n th e .m orning B aker Blghod a n d said,4 Mr. B., th is is a wlldorneaa p lace .’ H e was h om esick ; fo r, lo t th o reader, whp perhapB has been o n th o sam e sp o t du ring the- busy su m m o r. Beason, an d heard th e Continuous click o f th e telegraph^ inatrum ent a n d seen tho v a s t th ro n g o f m en^and m aidens call for th e ir le tte rs w h en the m ail arrives, rem em ber I t w as f a r d ifferen t on th e m orning o f which we a re w r i tin g ; a lth o u g h i t w as th e 10th of June, n o t a so u l w as w ith in hearing d istance of us. I cheered him b y saying1? * Oh I don’t be c a st dow n,’ ah d soon We w ere ea tin g our m orning lnnch . T h a t finished we p ro jje d e d to m y lo ta,on th o lake, and pltchod on 1 small te n t o n thb g round now built'upon and owned by Rev. A lfred C ookm an’6 widow. M y large

•tent w as erec ted an d so we began o u r Cru­soe life. D uring the d ay wo occasionally saw F orem an F ra n k lin ’s m en , who worked ab o u t tbe grounds, a n d a t n jg h t wb w ere lo ft to o nr solitude. Mr. F ra n k lln ’a m en ten ted on the lots now cpvercd b y Ihe H ayw ard cottage, b u t on Sundays w en t ' t o th e ir hom es lii the in tbrior.o t.tho tow nship .„* “ B aker w as m y 8 tew ard, housokceper and cook. I p rocured a b o x a n d dug^a hole in the g ro u n d a n d p u t It In, and th q t w as o u r ice house. W o w ould som etim es d riv e to ,L o n g Branch, six m iles aw ay , a n d p ro cu re ' food, principally can n ed goodB. ' Mr; F ran k ­lin’s m en indulged m ore In freah m eats th an B aker an d I , so I w ould trad e canned goods to r th e old-faahloned savory stew th a t gave m uscle to the' m en w ho first rem oved briars and b rush from Ocean G rove and m ade i t s streets,

“ O n eev en in g B aker and I took a stroll a long th e o cean and I proposed a bath . Baker 8 m lled an d sa id ‘ No, n o ,’ * But? rem em ber, John ,-c lean liness is n e x t to godliness.’ I took an o cean b a th ; bu t, ohj how different from the w ay b a th e rs naUally en joy the su rf, th e w aves d a sh in g o ver th e ir heads? I laid dow n oh the soft sa n d an d allow ed tho w ater to jn a t touch m y body, and l e a n toll ypu, rea d e r ,it Is som e­w hat lonely to tru s ty o u rac lf in tho g rea t .ocean in th e tw iligh t a n d alone.- A fte r I h ad been lying o n tho beach fo r a little while, tI looked a ro u n d to see w h a t h ad becOme o f Baker. H e h ad p lucked u p courage by m y exam ple and h ad really divested him self o f h is clothes, and , cow ard like myself, barely allowed

t e w a te r to to u ch him . H is duaky akin was m ew hat In 'c o n tra s t w ith the white sand , nnd

the w hole scene forcib ly rem inded m e o f Rob­inson Crusoe a n d h is m an Friday.

“ I have o ften m ot persons sinco tho tim e 1 first cam ped o u t a t O cean Grovo whoso norvcs were sh a tte re d . by to o close app lica tion to th e ir p rofession , s tud ies o r th e ir chase for-tho ‘a lm ighty d o lla r .’ I waa fam iliar w ith tholr sufferings w hich, alas, s trong m en Jook -upop with contem pt. Som e were tak in g thia o r th a t • nervluo cure-all,’ b u t th e b es t nerv ine fo r a m an who is n o t absolu tely p a s t reparr: ia to

jb roak’ away entirely from his calling o r greed a n d cam p outrrm-tho se a shore, w h lto M ountains, A dlrondacks o r in som e o ther healthy locality , o r trav e l In E urope,' and pa tien tly w ait fo r the re tu rn o f th e .g reatest boon God h as ever givenjto-man—good health;

“ D uring tho cam p-m eeting t h a t to o k place In A uguat we o ften h ea rd tho Inquiry, Who ow ns th e lan d o n 1 the o th er side of tho lako !■ Ono d ay Rov. W m. B. O ab o m an d niyaelf w en t over, an d a t tho rtsk o f having our clothes to rn off, w o rk ed .r o u r way through tho b ria rs u n til we reached fJunaet?fLake. And, like the red m an of w hom wo read In trad ition , w e could say * Alabania^-rhoro we res t ‘J fo r we etood o n tho banka of’ a s beau tifu l a sheet of w ater a s c a n b e found anyw here. W e retu rn ed to the Grove b y w ay o f tho beach, a n d soon se t to w ork to m ake u p a com pany to purchase tho land , W b 'lea rn ed the. ow ner would n o t sell th e lau d in parcels, b u t the p urchaser m ust tak e the whole o r-n o n e . H ere w as a d ifficu lty ; flvo h undred acres 1—a wlldorncs3 and b a rren sand:w aste , w ithout housifcp tJn- hab itan t, an d -not ih . foot, o f cu ltivated soil In tbo whole’ trac t. 4 N ever m in d ,’ Bald som e, ‘th e m ore land we have th e m ore profit wo will have. ’ : O ur com pany w as to con- s ls to f e igh t persons, som e of whom wore very en th u s ia s tic ; b u t, :w heh th e cool n igh ts o f au tu m n cam e along, i t chlllod tholr en thu­siasm , a n d th e ir exam ple had i ts chilling effect o n m e. B u t I often th ough t o f the m atter, an d a s soon a s I heard th a t Bishop Sim pson, o f the M. E . C hurch , u rg ed th e Ocean J3rove A ssociation to p urchase It, to provenW ta fall­

i n g in to th e hands.of.^Qm o p h e w ho w as n o t lh sym pathy w ith th e entortSrlso they h ad In th eir hands, I called o n D avid H , Brown, and proposed h e shou ld jo in mb ih tho purchase by tak in g one-eighth, th o prlco asked being abou t $0|),000; ‘N o,’ s a id ho, *1 am d e ter­m ined to havo noth ing to do w ith a n y en ter­prise in th a t neighborhood th a t would seer^Xo placo m e In a n inco n sis ten t position, a s I am now T reasurer o f the Ocean Grove Aesocfa- tlon. T his 1 will do t; I will w rite to every m em ber o f t h o A ssociation,, a n d if th ey say buy It, I am inclined to th in k ! shall no t oppose it, a lthough I th in k wo hayo onough lan d nowi B u t If thoy do h o t b u y it. you can. A nd as

Sou w ish mo to n eg o tia te tho purchase, I will o so, o n condition th a t you advance tho

requ isite am o u n t to secure tho proporty, and if th e . A ssociation decide to tako .it, your m oney to be refunded. W e a re -to T ia v o a. w eek’s 'option to consider the- m atte r .’ A m ajo rity " o f th e -'Association dooUMtTPOt to pu rch ase -th o land , a lthough som e u rg ed "It very s tro n g ly ; so tho p roperty becam e m ine—I, a t th e ’sam e tim e a ssu ring thom th a t th e pro p erty w onld bo resold otfly to such parties a s w ould a p p rec iate the s itua tion of the place.

“ A s B tatea-above It ’w assupposedJhftt im ­m ense profits, w onld resu lt from tho purchase o f tho lan d know n as A s b u r /P a tk , b u t tlio.m an Who h as tried to m oo t'every em ergency th a t has a risen Is - .w iser now th an w hen ho first TiBked'a fo rtu n e in a n en tirely now and Untried schem e. T here w as not, so f a r aa bo knew,, a seaside reso rt, .an incorporated tow n,on thb A m erican c o n t|n o n to r tn-Europe,- w hero jln th o deeds tho sale o f in tox icating llqnor w as prohib ited . ‘ W ith your res tric t t lo n yo d can never m ake a seaside re ­so rt a suocess so n e a r N e w Y o rk ,’ sa id t h e 't im id an d the crgakefcs, 1 b u t the fonnder o f A sbnry P axJ^jw ith , a n in tense an d llfp-long h a tred o f th u J lq u o r traffio, haa g iven 'hundreds pn d h u n d ro d s o f deeds w hich a re on record a t tho C ounty C lerk’s offleo', an d co n ta in a p ro tes t ag a in st th e oureo of socloty which tho A m erican pboplo s trangely

allow to ex ist; a n d yot A sbury P ark , n o tw ith ­stand ing , d id g row a n d Its success has been no gTeat lb a t th e an ll-liq u o r c lause la. noW-a~- feature In the deods of mariy seaside ' reso rts . s ta rte d on tbo New Jersey co ast w ith in the p a s t to n yoars. 7 -

“ As th e tow n grew a serious difficulty arose:-’ ‘ How w ill y o u d rain au d sew er the p lace? ’I t w as found th a t tho peoplo wero n o t p rep ared to g rapplo w ith th a t quostlon, so, again , a n ­o ther fo rtune waa invested ln dem onstra ting th a t seasldo tow ns On tho Now Je rsey co ast could bo Boworodand every house p u t In ai comploto san ita ry condition.

“ Money has n p t beon lost ou tho purchase of A sbury Park, b n t th e sligh t profit m ad e (a m ore sa la ry to Its foundor) w ould dlogust tho ord inary speculator, a n d although the ealeu- latiop a s to profits bas boon a d isappoin tm ent, the enterp'riso. is a g ran d success.”

There will never be an o th er seaside to w n on tho A tlan tlo coast frbm Sandy Hook to Barne- g a t In lo t w ith a s .wide streets an d open spaces a s A sbury P a rk , becauao nearly a ll tho land n orth a n d sou th of A sbury P a rk han been - m ap p ed .'-o u t-o r la owned In sm aller p a r ­cels th d n 'th e original tra c t o f Asbury; Park. F u tu re generations will have oppo rtu n ities to O rnam ont tho tow n by s ta tu a ry , vases ,' gar­dens a n d fountains. .

. , A sbury P a rk Was the first seaside re so rt on thp Am orican C ontlnont to a d o p t a p e rfec t,- By stem of drainage. W e have fifteen mllog o f s tre e t m ains, - exclusive • of houso con­nection pipes; O ur sew age Is discharged In to the ocean a n d Is carried aw ay by the c u r­ren t. W e have m iles o f w a lk s ; an Ocean P laza one mllo long, an d from six teen to

Jh lrty -tw o feot w ld o .. ^ ., .A sbury f t i rk has th o pu rest w ater in t h e .

wprid from o ur A rtesian wells; the analysis of which waa m udo by Profossor Cook, S ta te Geologist. . ,M

A abury P a rk h a s 's e v e n ° church edlficcs-r- E plscopallan, Reform ed, Baptist. Catholic, P reabyterian , M tethodlst and1 A frican . A P ub lic L ib rary Building w orth , w ith tho grounds, tw onty th o u sa n d ' dollars. H otels, board!ng-houaea, storfes o f every Variety nec­essary t o a largo po p u latio n aro estab lished ; weekly papers w ith c ircu la tion o f over 3.000 c o p ie s ; a po st offleo, sa la ry $2 ,3 p0; tw o pubilo halls—ono, E d u c a tio n a l nu ll, b e ing tho sam e h am o 'lt boro whon i t Stood oh th e C entennial g rounds at'Philade^thia-M .Boatfng o v o r 1,500 peoplo. W e havo also a n opera house seatin g ab o u t.1,500. \

Thoro a re ' eight' h undred cottages, besides hotels. -Tho finest M aabniolodge-room In Mon.- m outli coun ty w as e rected by the lato Allen R. Cook,' who w as for a long tlm o thp esteem ed S uperin tenden t o f A sb u ry P ark . W e have a lso onb o f thp bost p lanned school-houscs in th o S ta te , with ' a dally a tten d an ce o f seven h u n d red ; the school lo t fro n ts o n threo s tree ts . * r.

A sbpry P ark was assessed ln 1860/. a t $15,000, The assessed v a lua tion In 1B80 was o v e r$2 ,000,000. f . ... • , . ;

S tree ts ru n n in g a t r ig h t angles to th e sea* are from o no to tw o h undred fee t w ide, a n advan­tag e possessed, by no o thor seaside re so r t on th e Now Jorsoy coast. T ho dopot g rounds aro tho finest on tho lino of tho L ong Branch D ivision o f tho C entral R ailroad-o f New Je r­sey, a n d vijlth ad jo in in g s tree ts cover four acres, includ ing a splondld grovo.. In tho m atte r o f e lectric lights A abury Park w as tho p ioneer a long .th e Mon m outh , county'Coa8t;>.v_ ■- •

The F irs t N ational B ank of A sbury Park w as organized fo r business in tho early part.

‘Of 1886. Ita.succeaa has ticen g reat.- T he de- pM its ih the sum m er of 1887, ran u p to nearly , $500,000;- Tho A sbury P ark N ational Bank w as opened to tho public _opi_-Tuesday, Sent: 20,1887..- Capital stock $ 100,000, ....

Tho first stree t car line In M onm outh coun­ty had Its b irth In A sbnry Park. Tho cara a re propelled by electricity , power being supplied by tho A sbury P a rk E lectric L ight and Pow er Com pany.

A t th is p o in t In tho h istory o f A abary Park i t should be atatod th a t ono of tho agencies In bulld ing .up thb tow n was tho A sduuy P a h k J o u r n a l . T a b original .p roprie to r of-A sbury P a rk was. the founder o f T ttn J O u u n a l . . Thu in a t to rfo r its colum ns WAS prepared .In As­bury P a rk an d p rin ted a t tho office of. the Brooklyn Eagle, b u t a fte r a few years tho' paper was_printcd In Aabufy Park}

Tlio p ap er was sen t In g re a t num bers to all

J tarts o f tho. co un try besides having a large ocaU diatribu tlpn . Tho liberal m an n er pf

conducting tho papor o f course required an expend itu re th a t was frigh tfu l fo r a coun try paper, b u t it served its purposo.

The pap e r was fearless In denouncing w rong and approv ing the righ t. Suits fo r l ib d did n o t d e te r I t a u d span It becam e a bu lw ark o t defence; a n d a lthough i t Is now som e tim e s ince I t passed entirely o u t of tho hands o f i t s founder, i t s till m ain tains its h igh charac te r, an d I am hap p y to say yields a h andsom e in- eomo to i ts nresen tbw nors. - ___ _______________ ■ . A l___ ___________

M otels, Sic.

H O M E C O T T A G E- “ 007 p i K8T AVKN UK.—

W inter board can bo obtained a t a reasonable price.- j ' Mltf}. J. KMMONH.

TH E O A K S ,50C_Thlrd avdiiuo. Situated opposite E<lura- tlonal Hall Siiuaro. Fall and w inter terms $5 to 8a. ’ H eater, Ac. Excellent tablo. Ojhjii entire year. .Special term s to families.

M R S . KI3ST G 8 L E Y " T H E IM P E R IA L ,”

announces th a t Bho will keep hor. house open during tho Winter.

Grand A ve. H otel,tho largest hotol open all tho year.

Complete in all m odem appliances for tho health aw l comfort of W inter guests.

Artcslun w ater. Perfect soworago:. Steam ho ata ll through.

, IjYHRAND SILL, Prop’r.

TH E IR V IN G ,Third avenue, near ocean, - j -

ASBtJRY PARK, NEW JERSXlY. , ~ * <* . ‘OPRN TttE , ENTIRE YEAR. , . J F or fu rther partleulilira, address



H om e S ch o o l.Miss M. J . Drako receives pupllB a t

WOClUMIDK CtiTTAOE, 215 Second avenuo, Asbury l’a^k, N. J .

S e a -S id e H om e,Boarding and Day School for Young ** Ladios and Children, . . ‘ .

A S B U ltT P A R K . - N E W J E K N K T .Eleventh year opens Septem ber 20, J888.

Address,.;_JJJLIA ROSS, Principal,.604 Asbury ave., Asbnry P ark , N. <T

E s t a t e .

— BARGAIN.Fully furnished hoarding housem earthebeaoh,

also co ttage and oholce lo t very cheap.Address BOX'181, Asnurv Park P . O. ‘

FOR SALE.. -ILO'r AT A ’ Prospect cemeteuvr~ atmiy ""to U. HrTAYLOn, Post Office Hnlldlng, R oO m X . Aflbury Park. . •

WANTEI). ..In Asbury Tark,sm all cottage partly, or fully fu r­nished, for year. S tato rout. Family adults. Addrpus Soooud,avonuo, Asbury Park,

For Sale or Exchange.A oountry- store and desirable dw elllnu 18

rooms (suitable for summ er boarders) barn, w a­gon-house, &o. 7 acros fine garden land, 400peach trees, 25 apple troes, 1 aero straw berries and raspberries. Wear Long Branch and Asbury Park,* N .J .

Farm 12 aores, 8J£ miles from Aabury Park , N .J . Apply to WM.B.BYltAM.

, Postofiloe Building. Room 1, r Asbury park , N. J . .


. . . • •: ■ • •••- - ^ A t tho w est ond of Barheght.' on Bay St., oon-‘ y en len tto tho Bay and only 5 mhuiios* w alk from thb'depot. ___^ ^

Op/oil J Io iiN c n n A O ii t l l t i l ia i iig f tv ' "* J

Als‘6 '50^pp lo Trees' and nn d *'150 Peach Trees.• • .. .** * "-. i'*

• W lll'sell'w lth 01 without- Stock and F ann ing Implements. P a r t of rjurohasri money m ay re ­main on m ortgago us long as desired. * v

F or furthor. lnfonriatlon lmiulre o f ow ner on premises; • . ■ - ->• ' y

.. ERY1NJlR^ECE, Barnogat, Ocean Co., N .J.


Employment Office.N R » . L . L , N E W T O N ,

Nos. 704 and 70fl M«ttlaorf avenuo, Asbufy Park;Good reliable help furnished anjl fiwt^class s it­

uations sec.urbd- „ • . r~;-~

Page 3: Men’s Furnishings. L Co. · Attorneys-at-Law, Solicitors A Masters in Chan* eery, Mikado Building, Cookman Av„.. Asbnry Park, N. if. JSAAC C. KENNEDY, Attorney-at-Law, Solloltor,

. • •* 'Jt' .

j " '


»'n6 M O N M O U T H REPU B LIC A N ;


SATURDAY, JAtf tf ABY 19,1889.

R n l e i o f A d v e r t i s in g .

W kbks. . Moktus.BPACK.

a ! e | 1a1 11 3 , I , a

H In. BO 7t> ti 00 JM25 f l 75 %i 50]$4 00I5 0 00, 7ft 125 1 M) 1 75 « 25 4 00 0 00 10 00

1 ^ “ 1 00 1 (M) «(KI U 75 425 5 50 8 00 U 4 002 - * 1 a oo ‘JWV H!Vl 5M 7 00 10 00 18 003 . ** 17.* y?r. HM) i Ml 7 (Ml 000 1500 28004 “ • 221 a wi 450 5 Wl HOO 13 00 2000 85 00M col. 1WH1 4 Wl 7 Ml 1SW1 1800 3000 50 00

r.wi HOC u 15 0(1 25 00 8500 55 00 85 001 “ 1000 17 CX»23 00 80 00 4htW 65 00100 001150 00

Looai. N o tio rs.—A lim ited num ber of local noticoa will be adm itted a t tho ra ta o f1 fifteen oenta per lino. They will bo placed a t the bot­tom o f the looal coluranp.only, and-m ust Jiavo “ (Kin ” n t tho ond. W hen oon tinned. four weoka "or lohger, a d iscount <of 25 p er cent. Is allowod. .

T kumh.'—Yearly advertisem ents aro . payable quarterly , In ailvatiofi: advertisem ents for loss period than throe m ontha a re cash.

■ O n r A g e n t s .Geo. P. Tto wo 11 & Co.*, 10 Spruce at., Now York.W. W. Sharp & Co.. 31 Park Row, New York,

.. Edwin Alden & BrO., 140 N assau at., New Yttrk, and Cincinnati.''' • ■ - *

J . II. Bates, 41 Park Row, New Yqrk.N , W. Ay or & Son, Tlmoft Building, Phlla'd..P ra tt A Co., Ninth arid Arch sts., P ldla’d,

•Will rood^e advertisem ents fo r T bs J o n n n it , a t regular tmbltahed rates.

In all oa'ses wo reserve the r ig h t to -re jeo t any advertisem ent th a t m ay bb obieotionablo to ub.

I i« K aI N o t ic e * .O ur frionds w ill please bear in m ind th a t Tn*

. J ournal is a tegal newspaper. and as such" is the p roper medium for all legal notices. ... Some ad- vertiHomenta belong to u s 'b y law , 'While w ith m any others I t la optional w ith tho p arty for­ested as to w h a t papor-Bhould publish them.

“ F r e e K o U c ^ s .”By m utual agreem ent, and by recommenda-

—% tfoh of .tbUrNow Jorsoy 'Editorial Aflnoclatlon, tho newspapers of Anbury Park havd decided tb abolish, the unfair and unw arranted custom of giving freo local notices to entertainm ents of atiy kind whloh have aa thoir ob ject tho raising

• of m oney fo r tlio benefit of. societies o r Indi­viduals. H ereafter wo shall m ake a charge of Jive cents por- lino to residents and -ten cen ts per llfle to traveling o r outside companies o r persons

Tho toboggan slide looks d reary .

S tau ffer Is hav ing a b ig run op h la ’*‘U nique” p o rtra its . ■ - ‘ v

“ H ov. Iloyey , of Ind iana, w as in align rated on Tuesday. ' , . . ■

P em berton business m en a re ■organising a b an k , capita lized a t $50,000.

Tho m ajority ag a in st license in H nn terdqn ^ co u n ty foots u p 715 Instead-of 537, a s n t flrst

reported . . . .. ‘- - . i

T ho O riental, on Cook^nart avonue, n e a r tho se a , is In pcarcb of a ten a n t to r .1889;"»ecord'- Ing to city advortlsom onts. **

rTho union sorvlces th is week continued from ’ the W eek ^of Prayor have boon quito

" well a tten d ed an d p ro fltab le .'

Tho caps a n d ornam ental Wbrk on tho walls of tho M onm outh T ru s t Co.’s bnltd lng have been p u t In placo this week.

Thp, m em bers o( Aebury Lodgo were guests • o f Bro. Charles Schw agcr a t a to o th so m e lay­

o u t a t W eir’s o ir Tuesday evening.'

Mr. Jam es ir . Sox ton Is g rea tly Improved in health by hfa ex tensive to u r o f th e Wear, h ay ing gained tw enty fo u n d s in w eigh t?-^

Dr. Chandler, has en tirely recovered from hia reeont b ronbhial troubles, a n d on Sunday p reached two ab le an d p rac tica l discourses.'

A . Mrs. J a fO o a ld , wife o f tbe m illionaire, died a t her homo in Now Y ork on S unday evening. H or dca ,tb .bad b een , e^pec tod fo r several .Tvoeks^

Mr. F. Y, Sodino has p lans com pleted fo r a new houso to b o ,e rc c te d lo r M r, E.* A. Leggett on Thlfd avenuov wost o f G rand. I f will coat *5,000 to build. /

S nedeker IJros.’ p ony had a lit tle ru n on; M ain s tree t, W ednesday, th row ing o u t tw o p ap er boys and doing slig h t dam age . to tho harness and wagon. .

Tho Now York Times' London correspond­e n t c la im s to have d irec t inform ation th a t S tauley Is safe, b u t t b a t thbiet^enThhvo been w ithheld for a purpose. . 4 -'

' ^ h e c losing 'm eetings o f the W eek of P rayer a t the P resby terian an d M ethodist churches w ere tyell a ttended.. 8pcclal union services have boon hold th is weok.

Mr. T. B. Shay and fam ily , leave th is week for Philadelphia. T hey have n o t yet de­cided a b o u t going to Florida,.although tem pt­ing offers have been.m ado.'

A lbert Voso, ty/fireman on a Pennsy lvan ia engine, w as badly scalded on M onday By tho b lo w in g -o u t o f tho boiler tu b es w liih r tte r tra in w as a t A llaire station-.-

A ^now ice com pany has -bco a /form cd a t E ltp b e tt/w lth " a cap ita l o f f i 00,000. s■>\ ' \ r r——>—-— ■-»•» ' —f ■

Tho boyfl h ave fun r id ing on tho e lec tric cars s ince the co nducto rs were tak en off.

A g enu ine co ld wave is announced to follow T hu rsd ay ’s storm , w ith rapid failjp! temper-^

MrV M cBrldo Is b u lld in g a la rg e add ition to tho b id T ro jan H ouse,-to bo u se d fo r sto re purposes.

I t ta sa id th a t thero a re m ore c a p ta in s .jn Capo May coun ty than thoro a re co lonels 'In a ll K e n tu c k y . ' - r -

I f th ein ih L w eather continues u n til sp rin g there o u g h t to be some m oney in ice-m aking m achines noxt sum m or. *.

Mr. J . E .'W o rtm an will occupy tho room in C entral Hall S lo ck ad jo in ing T h b J ournal ofllco fo r his rea l esta te business. -

T he body o f a n in fan t, ap p aren tly a b o u t six m onths old, was w ashed a sh o re a t ‘P o r t .M onm outh d a rin g the recen t severe s torm .

Tw o lar£e tra c ts of lan d have beon’ offered to H am raoqton’s Board o f T rade, to b e g i^cn to any partlea w ho will locate fac to ries u g b tfthem .'......■ .*_______ . T 1"1" ■

Clifford Miller, a y oung m an form orly well known boro, d ied w ith consum ption a t h is m other’s house in Ocoan Grove, o n Thursday evening. .*-'•% •

tTho papor m ills "a t W eym outh, A tlan tic co u n ty , which), bavo b een closed fo rb o rn e U m e ,'a ro now in full, o p e ra tio n ,; ru n n in g irtj^it a n d .d ay .' . ‘

S im ultaneous w ith the apnounccm ont o f the election of a ,U . § . Senator in Delaware, w ill very likely be tbo news th a t the poach crop has boon killed. * : :

T he Ocean G rove Association w ill erec> a flno 'brick build ing fo r M essrs. W aln rlgh t tfe K rrickson on th o silo of th e p resont builcUng o n P itm an avenue.

Tho C entra l R ailroad. hfl3 opened a- TT6W Touto from rNow York to A tlan tic C ity , by w ay o f Bed Bank, Lakewood, .A talon an d Winfelow Junc tion .

Several moro persons have been ind icted th is term o f c o u rt for Illegal rum soillng In N eptuno towjp^hlp, b n t h av e npt y e t boon a r - raignod a t Freehold . * 1 .

C apt. Chas. A. Y oung p a id a h asty v isit to th e Park o n M onday add dined, w ith C a p t / J . M inot. ‘C ap t. Y oung and w ifo.w iH goto.Flor-' Ida on th e 29th Ifl^t.-

A m ong the poultry secured by Jo sep h W eir, J r .~ to r N eptune’s soplal suppor, wero eight tu rkeys,,none weighing less than 25 pounds. Tho largest weighed 33 pounds. ‘

M rs.-E liiM lw th 'Bennettfm othqr utr n e tt, d ied a t P o in t P leasant, M onday, tho re ­s u lt of. h e r clothes tak ing flre whilo a t w ork near, tho s tove on S unday m orning.

Through th e courtesy o f P ro f. G reen yw have received, a copy o f the la s t a n n u a l je p o r t of th e I^ong Branoh Board o f E d nca tlop . I t is a pam phlet of 7-4iipagea, illu stra ted w ith cu ts o f tho various school b u ild ings o f tb a t d istr ic t aEd replete w ith every so rt o f ln fo r ' m atlon valaablo and desirab le to tho p a trons

^ f- th o schoo ls.-'A -com m endab lo poin t tn (he th a t th is tirho I t was prin ted a t home a t tho ifarord oflico.

M adam e Ilraa d i M urska, a onco noted p rlm a donna, d ied in*destltute circum stances b n T hursday in M unich. H erdapK liter, ovor- como by bereavem ent, com m itted suicide.

A deadlock in tho E lizabeth Board o f A lder­m en was broken on F riday night, th reo Dem i o cra taV oting with s ix Republicans. Tho c ity offices wero divided betw een the,, tw o parties.

Tho residence of Mr. Jdeoph A. 11 tiIse, on . M unroo avenuo, was Invaded by a surprise p a rty W ednusday ovenlng. , Tlio neighbors took possession aud had a good I4nie.

The ^Electoral. Colleges of**Hits yevemrstalc-h m et on M onday. Tho usual form alities wero. observed. Of tho 401 electors chbsen, 218 wero fo r H arrison a n d ' M orton, and 18-1 for Clbvo- lau d an d T hhrmari". r

41 Owing to tho Iatene«H of the season, Or. K eato r has deeiiled to d efer tho erecflmi of his proposed new b^iek building on Cookm an avenue u n til n ex t fall. I t would be impossiblo' to com plete It now In tlm o for occupancy the com ing sum m er.

i l i o inont hly.m eetlng o e Y uung.Peoplu’s U nion of tho I’roabytorSan Church was held o n W ednesday evening a t the reslderiCo o f M rs. Brigham , on Cookm an avonuo. A very

- fl no' program was roudered a lu t a n lnlcreatI iig Hoclcty paper was read . 1 1.

J . J . M cIntyre, (one-arm ed ‘’Joib” ) o f Ocean- vlllo, has boon yictimissod by a y o u n g .-c o o n ” .

•‘ w hom ho had takon In f d ^ '^ w e e t ^ ^ I t y ’a- sako .” Jlo appropriated ab o u V ?f(F o f Jo e ’s h a rd earned bash an d with an o th e r 'la d . w ent, to New York for a spree. ‘ .. -■

“ Gov. Green is already being",boomed fo r ... a n o th e r te n j i , ’’ Kays J ho New -B rtjnsw lek'i'V ^-

donian. Look u p ,y o u r C onstitu tion '^friend T Jndoll; o r was it some o th er term -Iti tho d is ­t a n t fd tu rp to which you had referenco. T he .n ex t term m ust bo given sorab o ther m an; ■

Jo h n II.; Cook, o f tho Red Bank Iteyh tn \ a t a tr ia l lu F reehold - la s t w eek, received a .vor: d ie t to recover a p rin tin g bill for work done

J f o r Uovs. Goorgo F . I’eniecoKt oniV. B:^>Fay. m ills, o n ja m agazine th ey were publishing. T ho vordlct was g iven Cor 1^15 20 w ltb in terest.

Tho' Mtillor O rgan C o m p an y /w h ich b u ilt tho plpo organ fo r tho B aptist church , has ju s t p u t one o f thoir largo Instrum ents in th o P res­b y terian church a t M arlborough, N. Y. Tlila ip tho ten th large o rg an b u ilt th is year, bc-

>» sid es tw o hVm^od sm aller bhea, builUI$’ th is . firm .‘ '• ■ , . - ■

H igh llcenBo has cu t 'dow n, tho num ber o f saloons In 8 t. P aul from 7G^ to 8G1, an d y e t som o tem perance raon th in k thero is no v irtue i,P a h lg liilceh se ..; Thoy ifelght'ds V c iiT 6^ B 0 san ctio n to all laws against theft and 'h rg o n bocausb thoy do1 n o t p reven t a ll persona 'from stealing; o r sotting flro to buildings.

A ndrew J . Cay wood, n oxt to Charles Down­ing , the 6bat inform ed pom ologiat In tho H ud­son river f ru i t d istric t, d ied S unday night. H o was th e o rig ina to r o f m an y o t tbo desira ­b le small f ru its now u nder successfu l cu ltlva- t lo n . r--- - . -

A b acket o f n ice F lo rlda -otangea found its w ay to T h * J oubnai. o f f l^ 'ia a t woek th rough th e courteey o f Mra. B enj A^bertaon, They w ere p a rt o f a sh ipm en t froio. Mr. L . F.-'Le- Chevalier. Thoro w as a genera l sam pling all a ro u n d . ' v ' . ' ’ .

T be old-established s ta tio n e ry sto re a t 208 M ain stree t is now owned bjr M essrs. Q ulm by & Co. Mr. Qulm by, although'" a s tm n g er, Is adm irab ly ilttcd fo r tho business, a n d -will both ' m ako and reta in friends. The e s ta b lish ­m en t baB one of the best locations and largest s tocks of s tap les an d novoltlea in the city . ,

M r. Danlol R. Kelly Is m aking experim ents u pon ono o f tho non flowing A rtesian wells a t; tho E lectric Light Co.’s lot, weBt o f th e rfilt-, road . Soveral chargcs of dynam ite,have boon su n k to the bottom an d exploded by a c u rren t from the E lectric .Railway pow er s ta tio n near by. Tho first chargfi was o f a b o u t three pounds and the last tw o o f ten pounds.* The shock and rep o rt o i the heav ier charges w re hoard and felt a q u a rte r of a mile aw ay, a l­th o u g h tho explosions were 000 feet below' the surface. T ho dynam ite has deepenp^J.thofwoll nearly 50 feet, b u t the question .of H i in creas­ing tho flow eaunoi. bo dtilorm lued u u til much of J.he sand is piTmped'biit. •

M a i l l i i r d ’H

Tho fltu^tyF rench cunfootionery th a t wo kiiow.of is m ade by Mjiilhird, o f . NcJw York’, r’ho has ju s t o[H!iiod-a simp in iho a rcad e of tho E qu itab ly Building, 120 Broadway. * This,

<>Is o iinhfi'siroet floor, o f the 'buU dlng , a n d is ono of. thojbrinhlest-ljttlo sloops th a t ia tb bo foum l-iu tlui areathi. :Vl«Uors to Now York who t6 seo the nights alw ays go to the Kquitablo Building a s one <»f the principal sigh ts of th e 'c jiy , a n d they w il l 'b o g lad t o kuoW th a t M alla rd ts right a t haud to fu tn lsh any tb lp g th ey wnnt In lino C onfectionery.— A (Iff. '

PJaUtaiKl fmi cy (lreHsmaklng.-irA ecurato Ii t by la te s t p a te n t m ethods. 610 Sowall avenuo, —Atfv.

' ' H a i i i h u r g l i u i h r o l U e r i c s . .

Ileni^y S teinbach, o f tho Brick Store,- h a s purohasod " a t . a - larga sale a hundsom o line o f . em broideries, w hich , w ill be p u t on salo th is week a t the price it c o s t . to manu*

; “ ;W hy allrfw th a t troiiblesom'b cough to alarm

y o u r friends, when a lew doses of K inm onth & C o .’s E x p ec to ran t 'will euro I t ?— t .

T o X o t—A store, a lso a su ite b f throe r ooms, ja ^ M < i’rlloor,''wltW ^sKynght/enitablo lo r a

photographic business, In uow brlck.bullding, 306 M ain S t.,1 near M attlson av . Aftply to J ”. R. Royco, a t above num bet'.—Adu. ■

’N apcrou c t Cravat© Reception*A t tho Preabytorlau paraonago the paator

an d Ladles’ Aid Society dosire to welcome their frien d s to. a Witperon et (h-avate recep tiop, J a n . 24. N o adm laslon.— Adv. ’ *’

R ich volyet carpots, barga in a t $ l . t5 v a Schneider’s, 107-109 Main St;—4<f»^— ■L--J~

. . B u t t e r . ■'

F an cy Cream ery B u tte r 28c. por pouhd, a t W. It, ^)’B r|dn’s grocery, C ookuiiur avonuo and Bond s tre e t.—yid». . . '

-<^ood R eal -Estate, M orteragesand. Loans, n e g o tia te d .. L. .. Loom is, Deal Beach, N. J .— Adv. ‘

. ;.Wo Bay i t w ithout fear, o f Odhfradiotfon, th at K inm onth ' & Co’s. E x p ec to ran t w ill cu re a cough and cold q u ic k e r than any othor m ed­icine th a t h as ever been offered .a suffering people.—Adv.

F u rn itu re recovered eq u a l'to now,. E legan t/ Mr.* D avid Craw ford, o f the, “ Parac‘0 o f m _______M usic,” M ain s tree t, has |jjij|t sold a flne'8efiifi lapho lste ry in stock, Schneider’s,—/tdw.

, B ros, j* Co. piano to oach o f tb e i ' following ' *" *V p e rs o n s : M rs.'R . C. Love, Key E a s t ; Mra. 8 .

II. Fay, o f F irs t av«nuev and. Mrs. Ei W.H pw land,' W est GrOve. Mr. Crawford has tho exclusive agency for these excellent Instru­m ents a lo n g this coast.

• . .* ‘ W a n t e d /V ;- -> V ■ '■A lp t-s itu a ted along tho railroad In A sbnry P a rk or. vicinity. A ddress or ap p ly to - , v , AtFRKD D\ B a ilb v ,“A sbnry P ark j N . J / Office, P* 0 . B alld lag . * Adv.

8onato.rNevlu3 iB r e c o v o r ln g f r o m h la la te illness an d was ab le to a p p ear a t T ren to n th is week. . .

M rT'Joaepfi L /D u r ra h b a s re tu rn ed from P h iladelph ia and Is ready fo r any th in g in the p laste ring line again . . ;

The eloctrlc ligh ts were k ep t go in g A t E du­ca tio n a l H a ll fo r th e N ep tu n e social, u n til 8 a . m . F rid ay m orning. ^

• Mr. Jam es A. B rad ley ‘ Is tak in g a n active p a r t In h is g rea t b rush fac to ry lb N ew .York. A sbury P a rk , in th e m eantim e,;still Uvea atid is ‘ih c re to s tay .” — , • •• •

A novelty called a l l ,Nap)x>n et c ram te^ ro- oeption will b e g ife n .by tbo lad ies’ so'oleiy a t tb o , P resby terian j>arsonago, T hursday oven ing , 4Ja ii. 2. / - >■' . '

T he ; sn it q f R. T. and W.-B. S tou t a t a ln s t Jfttneg II. Roinali), for- legal services,-w as d e ­cided for th e p laintiffs ias t F riday , a t F ree­hold. The sum aw arded w as <684. .


be returned to* the County Clork’g offlco and filed

os a first lien on real estato . . ':’ J o n N HUBBARli. Collector.

M aggie Poarse, a lia s F ox, w as a rrested las t week lo r keeping a disorderly house M W est P a r k / Sho gav,e $100 bail to ap p ear ior, tria l befo re Ju s tic e B orden- on Tuesday, b u t has ie f t for. p a rts unk n o w n < -< - •

T he coun ty convontlou o f . the W om en’s. C hristian Tem perance U nion will be held a t M a taw ario n Friday , J a n , 25. No delegates will be appointed, b u t a general Invita tion Is oxtondcd tho m em bers o f th e U n ion to p a r­tic ip ate in th e exerolses o f th ed a y . — . .

Several y aca tlo n ' trlpa , to O ld P o in t Com­fo rt have been announced b y the P / H R.’ Tho first w a s ' m ade on «Tbursday. O ther d a tos fall o n J a n . JJ1 an d early in February . One o f the featnrds Is the e x tra tr ip return? Ing, whfeh. Includes R ichm ond an d W oshlng- tort*....... ' ■ ~

Mr.' P , F, Dodd, salesm an in tho c h in a d e­p a rtm en t a t Jo h n W anam aker’s grefit store, in Philadelphia, has been g ran ted th ree days* loave of absonco for ex tra service, a n d will spend th e tim e w ith his friend , W llllan ^ R , O’Brien, w ho was form erly In thb sam e dopartrj m ent. w ‘ - "• ^

Tho ladles o f W estm inster C hurch wish to re tn rn th eir sincere thanks to Mr, J a m e s A. B radley for tb e nae of E ducational H a ll ; Miss A. L , M cFarland, W m. M. Pawley, H enry Stelnbach, J . I . Suydara, W. D. Ponnypacker, P rospect C ornet Band, and o thers, fo r their kind assistance* and favors rendered In their la te en te rta inm ent.

Q H E R IF F ’S 3ALE.—Hy Virtue of a O w rit of fl. fa. td mo directed, Issued o u t of the Court of Common P leas of the county of .Monmouth, New Jorsoy, w ill ho oxposod to solo a t publlo vend uo.-on. , \ 'Monday, tlio 4 th day of February, 1889, between tho hours of 18 and 6 o’clock, (at o ’olook). In the afternoon o f said day, a t the %’ourt Houso, a t Freehold, In tho township of Freohold. county ofJMonmouth, New Jersoy, all tb a t certain lo t o f land, sltuato, lying and being In tho bor6ugh of Asbury Park, township or Nep­tune, county of Monmouth and Stato of Now Jersey, bounded and described as follows: Be­ginning a t tho southw est corner of Seventh avo­nue and Webb s tre o t; thence west, a long south side of Seventh avenuo; fifty fe e t ; thence south, a t right angles w ith Seventh avenuo ono hun­dred ahd fifty fe o t; thence east, parallel with Seventh avenuo, fifty feet to tho w est lino of Webb s tr e e t ; thence north, along the w est lino o f Wobb street, ono hundred and fifty feet to tlie place o f beginning.

Seized a s tho property o f Mary Sexton, taken In execution a t tho suit of Georgo II. Uoodhcart, and to be sold by .; .

, THKODORE FIELDS; Sheriff.H4WKWB ’& DrnANn, A tt’yS.Dated January 3 ,1H89. (Pr’s fee, $5.40.]

Tw o tra in s collldod a t W oodbrldgo Ju n c - tioD, o u th e C en tra l R ailroad, F rid ay night, ow ing to a n im proper signal. Tho caboose a n d tw o loaded ' oars o f a f re igh t tra in were dem olished by thb engino o f ' a passenger Ira ln . The engine^-one o f thS finest o n th e road—rolled dow n the em bankm ent a n d Is badly dam aged. No one w as in ju re d b u t traffic was delayed u n til late: S a tu rd ay evon- in g . . ' ..' ‘ •

Peculiarly sad haa been the afiilctipn th is week o f Mr. llh ln o H. G erhard, ran fidcn tial clerk o f the Ocean G rove Association. Tho la t te r p a r t bf la^t woek h e was suddenly sum ­m oned to bis form er hom o by the fa ta l Illness b f h ls father. H is wifo had been In rapfdiy failing health fo r somo m onths, b u t a s her condition woa^not deem ed Im m ediately dan­gerous th e counseled him to go. He, w ent and tiod scarcely a rrived when an o th er m es­sage inform ed him o f a grave chango in bis Wife's condition and h e hurried back to Ocean G rove only to spend a few sho rt hours w ith his wifo boforo sho d ied . Tbo funeral took, placo a t St. P aul’s M. E . Church o n T hursday afternoon.

I t is g rcg tjy .to be iiopod th a t ou r1 Borough Com m issioners will d ro p persuasion w ith the E lectric Railway peoplo and t ry som ething th at will accom pllah somo good. At p resen t 'therfi a re b u t th ree cars ru n n in g over tho on- tlre| line, tw o of them a re open onos an d nono fiaye conductors. One o f tho a rg u m en ts used by tbe railroad pooplo was th a t by ru n n in g the c a rs a ll the y ea r i t w ould accom m odate tho residents o f N orth A sb u ry P a rk , and there­by enhance th o v alu o o f property In thatlocal-> ity by m aking it* m ore accessible ' from the lower p a rt of tow n. A fte r a lady o n Seventh o r Eighth avonue has w aited b n a co rner from twonty m inutes to h a lf an h o u r fo r a c a r an d then discovers i t Is a p n eu m q n la -b r^ d ln g o p en one, h e r opinion of the cbnvenlpnco o f the road Is h o t com plim entary.

!o William Form an:By virtue of an order of tho Court o r Chancery

bf Now Jersey, m ade on thb day o f tbo date hereof, ln a causo w herein W illiam S. Ferris and William K. Miller are complainants, and you and another aro defendants, you aro required- to ap­pear and plead, demur or answer to tho bill o f said complainants, on or beforo tho eighteenth day of February next, or tho said bill will bo taken aa confessed against you. - ..

Tho said bill is filed to forecloso a mortgage given by Catharine Hustls {nowForman) and Cor­nelius Hustis, h er husband, to the said William S. Ferris and WiBiam It. Miller, 'dated the nliith day of June ; A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty- four, on lots N08, 127$, 12H0,1277 and 1279, on m ap o f Ocean Grove, Monmouth county. Ncw Jersey, and you, William Forman, a re made a defendant because you aro tho husband of said ‘Catharine Forman, and have, or. claim to have, an 'In terest in said lands by courtesy;

Dated Decerober'17, ltw8.\DAVID HAUVEY, JR.,

, Solicitor o f Complainants,I Pit’s fee, 50.30.] Asbury Park, N. J.

s HERHFJP'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ o f fi. fa. to me directed, Issued out of the

Court/of Chancery o f the State of New Jersey, WUl be exposed to sale a t public vendue, on Tuesday, the 22d day of January, 1889,between the hours o f 12 and 5 o’clock (at 2 o’clock)... ---------------------------- -- . . . . ^ ..............

Tlie H u n te r C oncrete,of tar, p itchL gravel aud Kami/ for sidewalks, garden walks, roadw ay^ and collar bottom s, is both good and cheap, serves tho purpose and tho coal is low. Only s ix cents a square foot; flfieeii do llars for a fifty-four-foot walk, five feet wide. Is not affoctcd by.frost o r wet, an d will no t r o t out. Will Iasi for years. W ork will bo In M arch, w eather perm itting, and orders received now will bo booked iu order, a n d tho w ork dono accordingly. O w ners desiring to plaqe I heir "orders please address J . R Royce, Box 7 0 2 ,'o r ca ll a t office, now hrl6k bjaiidlng, 300 Main s tre e t, A sbury P ark . — Adv. .

For S a 16—> A .! o (, 40 f ee ts f ro n t “an d ^ ^ ot drfep^iituated oB*Pnokard streo t JQetween S ixth and Soyorith av.onues, • N orth A sbury P ark . A^ply to j . H. Royce, office 300. M ain etreCt, near M attlson avenue.—Adv. "

F o r Salo Olieap.T w o bouses and lo ts on Sylvan avenue, Weat- Park . In q u ire a t L. 'Kt. Taylor’s coal office, ABbury P ark , N. J .—Adv. ' ‘ .

L inoleum , the best d o o r covering, solid an d everlasting; 85b. yard : Schneider’s.—Adv.

I Thb new t l^ p ltu re c lu b a t S o h n o ld e r^ la I n c r cos»n jrvo ry-^api d ! y.™ T h os t) 'w h q ’% lsh ■&" Gandsom e su it o r carp e tin g s should jo in a t onco. T he payraont—ono do llar q , week—Is Bcarcely'felt, am l very soon the subscriber in 'posaesslon of a .fluQ^outfit;—Adv.

New B u ck w h ea t.a t W. R. p ’Brion’8 grocery, C ookm an avenue an d Bond streo t.—Adv. ~ - .

-M ince M ea t .a t W^ R . O ’Briefa’s g rocery, C ookinan avenue and .B odd s tree t.— Adv. - . v

A D a ir y m a id s ’FESTIVAL

Will be given In

Educational Hall1 ---- O N -;— ’

VVednesday & Thursday Ev’gsJaju iary 30 and 31,

U nder tho auapiees o f the Ladlba o f the Firat 1 M. E.' Church. • _ .

ADMI8SION, 18 C en ts; ejlILDREN, 10 Cents.

. Cake and loe Cream w ill be on sale.

P ro p o sa ls W anted.Sealed proposals, addressed tb the under­

signed, win bo received, until 2 p . m. on Satur­day. January io, 1S80, a t tlfo offioo o f tho W ater Commlsaloners of. ABburv Park, N..J.. fo r funk­ing onp Artesian woll w ith, 4 ^ Inch tub Ing to a depth n o t exoeedlnir 000 feet, w ith tho option of tw o additional sim ilar welta a t contract price If tho W ater Commissioners ao dotormlno. Tho bids m ust bo upon the p rice per foo t for sinking j tlio Water. Commissioners famlBhlng the points and tho 4 lnoh tubing. Full speolficatlons may bo obtained o f tho Superlntendout a t the office on Summerflold avonuo. - ‘ '

The W ater Commissioners reserve the right to rojoet any or a ll bids.


W ater Commlsslonersi' Asbury Park, N. J. January.6th, 1689.

P rop osa ls W anted.Sealed proposals, addressed to the underslgnPd,

will be reoeived until 2 p. m. on Saturday. Jan : 20,1889, a t the ofllce of the. W ater CommlBslou- era o f Asbury Pork, N .J . . for sink Ing .^an Art<v slan well to a depth oxceeding six. hundred anu fifty fee t, thb contractor to furatsh all materials and labor and to guarantee a natural fiow of not less than flrty gallons per m inute a t an elevation of one foot above $ha surface of the ground. Full specifications may be obtained of the Super­in tendent a t tbo offico on Summerfield avenue.

The W ater Commissioners reserve tho r ig h t to re je c t any o r a ll bids. *


.. . • JO IlN L . c o f f in ,■ W ater Commissioners, Asbury Park, N. J .

January 20,1889. -


iu tho afternoon of said day, a t Park Ila ll, in the borough o f Aabury Park, Sn tbo township of Nop* tune, eonuty of Monmouth, New Jersey,

All the re *' * ' “ ‘ or par?

. _____ . .. Jersey, _____________near Asbury Park, on the east side of Union ave­nue, beginning at a stake ou tho side of said ave­nue ln the com er o f Lot No. 9 ; thence (1) north, fifteen degrees and forty minutes west, ono hun- *~ 'A along Union avenue to the com er of LotIredfeeta ......... ... J ____ ______ ___ ______No. 12; (2) along tho south lino o r lk)t No. 12 north, Bov'enty-nme degrees aud ten m inutes cast, one hundred and fifty fee t; (3) along the rear Hub o f lots ln range D south, fifteen degrees and forty minutes cast, ono hundred' feet.: to tho northeast com er of Lot No, y. Range F ; (I) south, seventy- nine degrees and ten minutes west along the north lino of lot No. D ono hundred and fifty feet to the beginning. Tho same being Lots. Nos. 10 and 11 iuR augoF . Being the same lots described In a deed for division o f property from J. Edward Borden, Elizabeth C. Bergen (late Wardell) aud husband, to-J. DeWltt Fay, bearing date tho third day of May, 1883. Being the same premises con­veyed-by tho said J. Dewitt Fay and wifo to tho Said Conover Lcfloreon, on May 4,1883,

Seized as tho property of Cpnover LelFerson dal., taken ln execution a t tho suit of Catharine C. Thompson, and to be sold by

THEODORE FIELDS, Sheriff.Isaac C. Kennedy, Sol'r. Dated Dec. g), 1888. [Pr'sfee, $7,20.]':

[N CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY.To Jam es A. Campbell and Ida A-. Campbell

hla wife, and William U, Granger, and Emma C. Granger, hia wife- •

-By virtue of an order ottfieTfourt of Chancery of New Jersey, m ade on ih e day .of th e date hereof, ip a cause wherein M argaret A. Green is complainant, and you aro defendants, yon aro required to appear, atid plead, demur o r answer to tho complainant's bill on, o r beforo t ho twenty- eighth day of January uoxt, o r the said bill will be takon as eoufcRKed against you, —.

The said bill la filod to foreclose a mortgage fflven by Jam ea A. Campbell and Ida A.; his wife, and William I t Grander and Emma C., hla wife, to tho complainant M argaret A. Green, bearing date tho firat day of October in the year of our Loid oiio thousand eight hundred and olghtv-seyoii, on lands In the Borough of Aabury Park in thp township o f Neptune, In tho county of .Monmouth aud-State of New Jersey, and yon Jam es A. .Campbell and William U. Granger are mado defendants because ' you own : the aald lands o r some Intercut therein, and also because youfoxecutcd tho^ald mortgage, and you Ida A. Campboll and Emma U. Granger aro m ade do- fendanls bouause you each m ay have an inchoate right of dowor In thb said lands o r some part thereof, and -a lso because you . executed tho Said mortgage. ISAAC C. KENNEDY,

' Solicitor o f Com plainant...P. O .uddresa, AsburyPark, NSW Jersey..

Dated Novem berS7,18 8 . [ I 'r ’a fee, ftt.SQ.J .

J^OOAIi O r a O N N f f c lE .On application, by a petition signed by one-

tenthrof tub lexai votew of .the comity o f Mon­m outh, In the Stato of Now Jersey, as determined by the votes cast a t the lastprevloua oloctlon for membora of tho General Assembly, to Edward WirSoudder. Esq., Judge of tho Circuit Court In and fo r said county * praying th a t an election may be ordered lu Bald county under th e provls-

' • * jntltiiIons o f the fourth section of tho Act entltiod “ Act to rognlato tho sale of Intoxloatlnp brew ed liquors,” passed Maroh 7, 1888, not)

n»k>n,^tjthaiiGllrt.Bous^Jn_EttuihoI<l^hdtwlJiL Tiear any person or persona who.may appear be­fore him , as to tho imgBt4un-of said applicants being legal voters Ih said county, o r any-othor m atter which may be brought bofore’sald Judge fo rh la determ ination touching said application “urauant to the s ta tu te ,.

Dated Jan . 14, A. d .l ;K. W. SCUDDER, J.

M R , H . M 'C A U L E Y ,

S p e 'C ia l A ^ e n t N o r t l i w e s t e r n M u ­t u a l .L if e I n s u r a n c e C o . :

AsBiihr. P aijk, N. J „ Jan . 8/1889.JDear Sir—I hereby ackhowlodgo tho payment

on tho Bath' ult, through you, of the $3,000 Insur­ance on my husbanq’s llfo* sjx weeks beforo 1 w as duo, from tho Company ybd represent. You will please re tu rn my sincere th an k s to tho Com­pany fo r th eir promptness and liborality, and sa v th a t I now realize the g rea t advantago of Life Insuranco in a good Company, and recom­mend It. • Yours vooLtruly,


M E L!The Trustees and Executive* Com mittee of the

Llbrary Assoolatl<?n haVo arranged for a monthly, ooureo orleo turea and a concert in conneotlon WRh the regu lar m eetings. T lie following are announoed: .

MONDAY EVEN ING, JAN. 14, 1889. Lecture by. P ro f/C h as . Jacobua. • S ubject:

“ Cobwoba.” •- r. MONDAY EVENING, FEB. 11.

Lecture by Dr, F rank .Chandler. Subjoct: “ Travels in Foreign p a rts .’’ ' -. .

MONDAY EVE.NINGTMARCII 11., Concert by tho Choral Union-of Asbury Park, The othor d a tes w ill bo announced horeafter.

--------fo r the en tire .co u rse ,. $1.tlokots, 2R cents. For salo a t the hall < bore of tho Commltteo.

.00, Single o r by mem-

-Ottu M J i :

Open all the Year.

Transient Hates, B0 cenhyi M eal, Porfcct system o f drainage. Pure Ar­tesian waterJ Steam beat. Eleetrie.. 2 - - . - lights, Sufi p a r l o r . '- - ’' " : '

CHAS. J . HUNT, Proprietor.

■ . OrganlzodFobraary. 188ft. .GEO. F. KHOEHL, Presldont. . * OLIVER II. BltdW N, Vlco-Prcaldcnf. •

ALBERT C. T W IN raa, C ashier;, 'J

ASBUBT PABK, N. ,J., 'C a p i t a l , A n u .O O O iO O . • S u r p l l l N , 1 3 5 , 0 0 0 . 0 0

. rflHT OPFIOIt HUILDINU, MAIN 8TBEKT AND MATTISON AVKKUB,Traiwaots ft Kenoral bankintr buBlnoss. Issues letters i>f credit available In tlio principal cities of tbo world. Foreign and domestic exchanges bought and Sold, . -

Collections carefully made a n d promptly accounted for. , ~ ;


O. F. Kroehl, . .. ‘ "Albert C.:Tw ining,' " ./‘“N. E. Buchanon, . ‘ Isaac C. Kennedy,'Jas.A .W alnrlght, BrucoS..Keaitor, O liverII, Brown, t J .S . Fergtison, HenryIL.Y ard

ffirsch’s Standard Store.

CLOSING-OUT1 SALE.' " ■ • ■" . . { - ;

■ W e a re c lo s in g o u t o u r e n -

, t i r e S to c k , in o rd e r to Q U IT

B U S IN E S S . A U G o o d s s o ld

a t a s a c r if ic e . ' : /

Eirsch’s Standard Store,159-161 Main St.

' - ‘ T

Asbury Park, N. J..

. V .■

J! i,— -r

I D ^ i T I E X - C . C O T 7 - E 3 I S 'T ,

REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT,27 P ilgrim Pathway, Ocean Grove, N. J .

A lso A f fc n t tor t b e N lo n n a n d C o n c r e te W a lk s . Negotiates Ilians on R6nl Estato. t'orrespondenco fiollcUetl. A large num ber of Boarding Houses and Cbt-

tagoS for Ront for tho Heason of 1889..

M ILA N R O S S ,Estate and Insurance Agent,

725 Gookman Avonuo, ABbury Park, N. J . fTransacts n general Eeal Estate business, lmndliug properties on following terms:

FOB BELLING, 2 j P E lt CENT.; BENTING. 6 PER CENT., dodnofced as tlio rent is collected.

Negotiates Mortgage Loans on Beal Estate. " -. r -Beprcnonta M iADINO JNSTJRANGE COMPANIES.

< 3-© o_ "^77". T x ’U .a ^ s : ,

Licensed Auctioneer,§100,000 to Loan on 1st Mortgage.


Utica Palace King Furnace 'cannot bo excelled. • ’*

W . M / F a w l o y & O o .Agent§ for tho Now Joraoy C»»ast, .

166 and 168 Main St*.

I f a n y d e a le r say» h e b a s t b e W . l . D o u g las S hoes w ith o n t n a m e a n d p r ic e s ta m p e d on th e b o tto m , p u t h im d o w n a s a f ra u d .

A N n U B T P A R K , N. JT.

L . D O U G L A S$ 3 S H O E O E N T L E M E fl. ']

B e s t In t iio w o r ld . E i a m l n e h l r 8S.OO O EN.CINE HA N1)-8KW 1!P SH O E,

ll;,*4 .00 n A « D -S E W I5 D W E L T SH O E.*3^10 P O L IC E A N D P A R M E ltS ’ 8 H O E. •S .5Q E X T R A V A t.UK CAT.F H11012.* a .a 5 W O R K IN G M A N 'S SlfO K .8 » .0 0 a n d IH .75 BOYS’ SCHOOL SHOES.

AIL made ln Congress, Button and Lace.

W . L. DO UG LAS S 3 SH O E ladTes.

B e s t M a te r ia l . B e s t Style: B e s t F i t t in g .I t not sold by yonr dealer, write

W . L . DOUGLAS, BItO CK TO N , MASS. F O I t S A L lf B T t» .■-

CHAS. h . p o r t e r ;A 8B U R Y P A R K N . J .

. .^ N E W JE R S E Y ■ 'f

A R T E S I A N W E L LV ■ ___AND—

CONSTRUCTION iOMPANY.1 ContraCta to drill wells, erect 'brldgea, Inilk- heada and piers. Piling by hydraullo ’prhceaa. CorreBpoiidonco solicited for oatimatos. ,

D A N I E L R . K E L L Y ,■ •■■!. . ' EnglneorantlSuperintendent,

1 - ; 718 M attison aveiiuo, Aslrary Park.

Watchmaker sad Jeweler

MAIN ST.Largo d o c k In

fro n t of the storeDIAMONDS, •


Finb^repalrlng and adjusting a specialty

Billiard Fixtures For SaleTwo Pool and one Billiard T able, 'wlih couw-

tor, caso, oues, balla'and everything heeded .for complete outfit. Applj*^to JACOB DOLL* 643 Cookman avonue.

A . .


IN ALL DEPARTMENTS"Will commence at the


1 ' ] Q a E A . i s r | ^ A x J^ . a E j


. : i ' . . . .

W e h a v e ta k e n o u r a n n u a l “ A c c o u n t o f S to c k ” a n d re d u c e th e p r ic e o f g o o d s to s u c h a f ig u r e as s h o u ld c le a r o u r s h e lv e s . T h is is th e t i in e to r e p le n is h h o u s e h o ld a r t ic le s fo r n e x t sea so n ’s u s e . r ~ .

rVisit thp Brick Store every day.


Cl :

a o ^ . l

FERGUSON’S Coal, Wood & Charcoal

GEO. 35. FAlfcajER, P roprietor,

W h o lesa le and R eta il. •All my Stock la of tlio best quality In the m arket, and la now

kept constantly dry under oomploto cover. -

. I w arran t everything I aoll. I f not aa represented the_thbney will bo refunded. '••/.* . •■■■*.


Y a r d a n d O ffic e , 5 1 S o u t h M a in S t r e e t ^• '

r Oppoalto Ocean Orov^ Main Entrance. T -

BRAN«JII OFKICKH—Bamman’a Grocery Storo In th e Park;. '.*»'>•- ,W ainright& Krrlckson’s Store in the Grove.

Orders by mall promptly received and delivered. Complete Teleuhono Com icction., _

X i r / M I . T A Y L O B wSuccessor fo OKA V ATT Sa TAYLOR, wholesale ayt) retail dealer in ) . '

C O A L Q k rcc v liinc, Lalb, Hair,'• Cement, Piaster.

And all kinds of ~r~~

Masons’ Materials,W O O D ;

CHARCOAL. a t tho old establlsluid.yanl

I N R E A R O F L A K E V I E W H O U S E .A full Stoak of th o abovo'articled >vlll bo kopt constantly on hand and satisfaction guaranteed. \

Branoh officen a t Beamed GrpeeryvA«l>nr)i i'a rk .an d Matthuwa & hazard 's Gro<5erj-, Ocean Grove

150 a Month Turned Out at Our Factory

THE OPERA PIANOlHuy of tho m annfactnror and favo agents' profits.

T i l fe O l 'K i u 1MANO M strictly flrat-olaas. Every instrum ent 18 ft\lly w arranted. We Invito ouroustomera to inspect our factory and Hpo for-them - ■ HelveH th a t a Plano-can be matfe perfect evom at a reasoimble-pHeor-CatahJBUo aent ou applluatlbh .; ’

New Pianos Sold on Installment Plan o f $10 Per Month.

Piano8and0rgaffs Taken in Ex­change ana Full Value" Al- \

lowed for them.•v Second-hand Plauoa-Ond Cirgana from 825'up ; 15 / per m onth. Pianos and-Di^rans’tunod and repaired. -

S I E i T I S ' S r ^ . / i F •••■ ' /


. FOR SALE.An ontnbllahod I'Unoy and W orsted Storo, well stocked. Good location and paylrtg agenoy. PaTty wishes to re tire and w ould exchange for proporty In tho Park. Address Wedcl, MS Cook-, man avpjiuo, jvsbdry Park : ______ ; ■ -.

N O V E L T I E SF in e S t a t i o n e r y ; D o l l s , T o m

C u t l e r y , W r i t i n g . M a t e r i a l s , e t c . ^ C i r c u l a t i n g : l i b r a r y .


Main ifltreeti oppccife De|»oL -. v


W illisford Dey & Co.,: B S T i L T B . :■

(aroi8]j(jd cottagof, and a few hoarding housea In Aabury Park* and Occan Grovo for rent. . Bradloy Beaoh plota alm ost given away. » - ;

S t r o n g e s t I n s u r a n c e A g e n c y i n A m e r i c a ^ ; .

G o rm Q a -A ja w o m t,' H o m o , N iogftro , C o n t in e n ta l , P h o n ix ib c r ty , N e w .Y o r k ; In ffn m n o e C o . o f N o r th A m erioa,- F i r o

A sso o ia tio n a n d 'O n io n , P h i ln J o lp U in ; l iv o r p o o l a n d L o n d o n a n d

Plioanii, Hortford, Glpns -Falla ond Liberl

- f i , j

G lo b e , R o y a l a n d L o n d o n a n d L a n c a s h ir e , L iv e r p o o l ; C o m - '.■___ flle ro iu l.U m o B , P h o o n i i , I m p e r ia l , F i r e In B u ran o o Abso-■. oiatiun a id City of London, Litodon j Lanoaaliire, Manchester; . ' :

North'Britiali and Mdroantilo, Edinburgh; Eliot, Boston; Britiuh" Amerioa, Toronto; Providenoo. Washington,. EroVwenoe; Eqnitoblo

Info, Metropolitan Plate Glass, and American Surety Company,. Now York.Our companies Insure atrntimt ijamaeo by lightning, whottiSr lire Otunea o rn o t.

'V* /■

Page 4: Men’s Furnishings. L Co. · Attorneys-at-Law, Solicitors A Masters in Chan* eery, Mikado Building, Cookman Av„.. Asbnry Park, N. if. JSAAC C. KENNEDY, Attorney-at-Law, Solloltor,


- P R E P A R E D



W H ER E C U S T E R . W AS K IL L E D .1E F F E C T S 'O F I N H A L I N Q .T f tE D U S T * T -' O F W O R K SH O PS AND MILLS,


Bhrowdnmu of the Indian* In Eluding Cap­ture - , rtomlolKcenooa of tlio Famous lluttlo^-A Gallant Old War llorta—A Woman Ohiwjred into Stoniv -

“ Custferfr bat t le g round ," sa id IL B .P a r k r 'th o : a rt is t and co rresponden t- for . ^torpor's Wookly and Frn#k LosIIo’b I llu s tra ted i’apor, “ is ono. o f 't h o moHt curious places I over visited.” -

U r. Park has.spenfc several years a t various places in tho w estern torritoriofii ' - •

“ I was saying tb a t tho b a ttle ground was p e c u l i a r c o n t in u e d ha. “ Tho fight, you know, took placo in a valley on tho U trao Dig . H ornrivor.- W ell, a ll ab o u t th a t r iv e r an d fa r in the distonco on e ith e r side a ro low,’un­dulating foothills, covorod* in sum m er,’ with moat lu x u rian t wild grass and tho g reatest varie ty o f wffcl flow on^ possible to Imagine. Ycsj can find alm ost any conceivable color th o ra In the dlstanco, ju s t over thb first low hills from th o river, a re o th er hills covered with Banio wild pinos and shrubs, c h a ra c te r Istlc or tho high tab lo loncUr Blending tho b righ t green gross and m any colorod flowers and troos w ith tbo c lear Bky and th o b rig h t running river, y o u " havo . a soeno fo r ia jiainter . “ . \ : . _ ... '■

‘ ' OUTWITTING A ;GREAT COUNTRY. ‘.11 was boro th a t tbo heroio C u s te llo n

J uno points which* 1 g o t fromtho Sioux and others whiio a t S tand ing Itock wore to tho effect th a t Chief Gall, and not Hitting Bull, led tho a ttack . As to the Indian wtjo killed Gon. Custer, i tw o s Rain-in-tho- {faco * Custer hod no sooner dism ounted ,to engage In the fray th an thia ctvjof. w ho, w ith hi* tinnd.'w qs ambuabod in the wild pines, ahnt.hiin-«)eaii:' T hen tho Indians rushed in bn tho- atfjd' engaged iu> wholosalobutchery • : •. : ' , ■ .

“ All tho ablo boiilpd S louy of tbo 6,000 and m oro -now a t Bind cling Rock agency took

„p art, in tlio .hattle, excep t tho old chief, Bit- t in g Hull, who, as nqwVclfchrly established, w ns nw ay, and thus a f te r long years i t de­v e lo p ! th a t K itting , B ul^ who woa^croditod wlth.iuudlng the attack^' was n o t thoro a t all.

'Crowfoot, Bon o f B itting Bull, was, bowovor, and It. w as ho who su rrendered B itting Bull's gun As for S ittin g Bull, ho claim s th a t ho never did surrender

“ W o call th is a g ro a t co u n try , b u t ts i t n o t ’ odd th a t though this battio occurred back in tlio m iddle o f IH7d, Chief Gall was n o t cap­tured until tbo. w in ter of 1881* Crowfoot, S ittin g Hull’s son, finally surrendered a t P ort Buford, D .T ., in 1882, nnd Raln-ln-tho-Face, who wiu*-faotured, shortly a fte r tho nmssocre nndcbnirnod a t F o rt Lincoln for’m urdep, ee- raped ; and It was n o t till 1881 th a t ftatn-tn- the-Fort* finally surrendered a t F o rt Keogh. Tbo govoriim ont was a long w h llo 'a lso In cap tu rin g sovoral of tho o th er prominonfc In*dinns.

“ Thero thoy were o a t in tbo hills a ll this iim o sufcossfuBy eluding th e troops, an d tho n o r was p ro tracted fo'r years, a moro hand- ■ fill o f Indians, com paratively , s tanding off tho oiitbj) governm ent force. I t seems bnpos* slblo. b u t hero the Indians were, now dodging tho 8oldioral-in.the m ountains an d now dash­ing lii oolong them a n d ' k illing moro nnd fly*

■ Ing aw ay again .TUB STORY OF OLD COMANCHE.

“ B ut a t t h a t battio whoro C uster w as killed som ething occurred th a t I h ave never soon ,In prin t, Capt. I t W. Koogh, for whom F ort Koogh Is now. named, rodo a m agnificent chargor coiled Comanche. Capt. Keogh was ovorywhore In tho th ickest o f tho f ig b t Re­peatedly his g a llan t horso boro him whoro flro. stream ed heaviest from Indian guns. Koogb, though wounded tw o o r throo tim es, still kept hla seat and renew ed his charges.

“ Thoro wero successive advances a n d . re­trofits u n til tho battio oxtendod all u p and down tbo valloy. Tho fight was a t random and geucral, avory m an .fo r bUnnelf, and a t last whon the masaobro o f troops was -com- ploto, and o thers visited th a t battio ground, thoy found old Com anche fo u r miles aw ay

1 from tho a tta c k , his dead r id e r by b is side, and tho g a llan t stood w ith soven balls in bis body. • 1

“ Tho faith fu l w ar horso was so f righ tfu lly Injured th a t no ono bad hopes of his_ living, yet w ith one.accord thoy becamo bis a tten d ­ants. A Burgeon was especially detailed to ox trn c t w hat bullets bo could and prescribe fa r him . I t was a long stru g g le , h u t finally*Com anche began to m en d -... ' . • .■ MlIo was w ith difficulty rem oved to F o rt S tand ing Rock and tbo secre ta ry o f w ar la-' sue*I a n order th a t henceforth old Comancho should havo a soldier oKpeclailjT to u ttoud to him and th a t no ono should rldo him.

“ Tho fo rt and agency o f S tan d in g Rock tako tholr names from a u oxutxxLlugly quocr% looking rock-which tower* u p o n the p rairie*

. In thtf-jdistance, ajid oven a f te r tho o l^e rv er conies closo u p to it, i t looks stran g e ly Hko: fx~ w ithered up old woman o f g igan tic si/xx

"Tho Sioux cafi tho old stone llguro a petri* fiod squaw, and they bavo a s trango legond of how m any moons ago, In tho days when tbo. Sioux wore of g ian t size, th is squaw, who hod been tho dau g h ter o f a g re a t chief, refused to do th e bidding o f hor lord and m aster, himself a noted chief, and was fo rth w ith changed by

- tbo G re a t S p irit to stouo. H er tcrrfb to fato is qf ten t I men quoted now to tho Sioux wives nnd m aidens a s a reason why they should render im plic it obodionco to tho m any «tal-: w art bucks who may havo th ings they wish lono."—Ran Francisco Exam iner.

A fltnuig* Medley of> Recreation and b#- votlon— Foselnatlns Glimpses of an

- Adobe Doll .Boom2^i(| ^rt:..Voang;_En*r; Joy ThemiHilv«g T o ^ e th en

AiattlBon Ave;,-opp. P . O. A S H U ItY I ’A K K , N E W J E K 8 E V

The las t s tra in s o f /a dying- hym n, chanted, tn a so rt of je rk y monotone, bad scarcely toasod cfti^ tho ponderous, rough hown, ^ e b e o v o ro d booms of th o llttlo adobe church a t G ra n t’s, N. M., w rites a corrospoud-

jent^ whon tho congregation, principally women, tru o to a hab itual failing , began an an im ated conversation. W hether th e ir com ­m ents related to an y p a rticu la rly ImprosHlvo point o f th e past* sdrvico, o r woro dovotod to c o n n in g .W e r intorecting b its o f dom estic aifa lrs, Is n o t known, b u f -f t su rp rises tbo stronger, whllo w aiting n fow m om ents a t tl}0 on tran co o f thb church w atching tho pooplo,

- ta roceiyo a pressing in v ita tio n to a tte n d a “ balloH o r Moxican danco.

A bailo Is, of course, a m ost harm loss rec- roqtiou, i>ut to fly to tho opposite oxtremo, w ith -th o -U g lits o f tbo ^church yot' burrib'ig and tho prlertts still shrouded In Bntiramentol robes, impressed ono ns Iwing ju s t a trifio sox?

,rilegious.- ( , . ; !A VEnY SIMPLE na Llroom. ‘

^Women so lately s ittin g w ltb uncoverod heads in silent devotion now ;trippod ligh tly through tho .gloom y streets, m oving in a n d out lietwoen the darkonod structuft)«, c h a t­ting and laughing each with tho o th er, apjMir ontly in tho very tra n sp o rts o f m errim ent, all seemod Incohgruoua

R eaching a long, low roofed building, whoro a sm all, d ingy window em itted a flick- erbig, uncerta in light, anti sh rill s tra in s of muslo floated o u t i« to th e n ig h t th rtn igh - a n , open door, th een su a j visitor allowed h itn ^ lf to be hustled ra th e r uricereincmh>usly in to tb $ vory m idst Of a Moxican d n n m ' .

T h o d a n c in g ii|m rtiiiciit consisted o r one long, narrow- hull; a long e ither nido of which, for tho nt'couHiiodiitlun of ladies, sovoral rough wo<Hlen .Iwuches w oro s tru n g o u tt e a c lr setchisely ag a in s t the w all. Upon theeo sa t women of a ll ages', in a ll im aginable toilets, with hands crossed dem urely in f ro n t of them , b u t intcnty, upon w atch ing tho m bvo ; m ents o f th.«wc‘ UtK)ii-th^ i}(>q'r ?: " A nuiftlHigof^tmow candles Htuck Into wide, woorlcn Vnisses ■ and susiwndod a t various places fron%■ tin- ceiling im parted a d im and

f lnitat*TOII”lo n s ligh t, th a t c ast a weird, jtecu- argh>w ji|kih the dusky oecujKints o f tho-

room. ■ U|)itn'Mio‘woilj which had rccelvoda fresh m lorm iuuit of whitew ash for thS occa , sioh, aiTttii”i'il ln an oti(l,_n«itastlc fashion^ wore gtxiitjiH o f v a rl hu«Tm uslins nnd calicoc9 ma/it* up w ith complicated hsipH,. boivs and. circles, and neatly plnncvl togother by means of green cedar laughs, llioso shnplo greop leaves anti iir ig h t colored m uslins, combined in m aking a noticeably pleasing efToct, an<C grea tly roliovcd tho dull, duad whlto o f tho walla. . j . • ,

To assist tho jpassago.of sound tw o soulful m usicians woro accorded a seat high aliovo tho crow d-un" a m am m oth d ry go0»ls t)ox, whoro thoy played on a violin and g u ita r . How ever, tho duncers woro favortxi w ith nd- dltional sou nils, very hollow, however, th a t issued from tlio. depths o f the resonant d ry goods box, and occasioned byjfour woll stalled boots keeping u p a contbiual ta tto o .

Iu tho oven t o f such enjoyable occislous tbo M exican pooplo (of Now Mexico) oiwervo very littlo o r no social d istinction , conse<iuently all classcs o f peoplo in all phases of lifo mUiglo together in tho ball room. Tho haugh tiest don, surpassing himself In a swooping s u it of broadcloth, goes around in a m azy whirl luitid ln hand with a moccasinbd poon and m lieo ehveloixxl lass. .

W omen of all ages and girls n o t y e t in tholr teens eagerly a w a it a roqucst to bo lod o i\t upon the floor, ye t -upon tho ' fltco of thoso

jjegloctod, and who w a it u n ask ed 'fo r hours upon tho bard wooden bonchos, I havo fiovcr noticed an expression tlia t woUld donoto cpvy. . ■ ' ’

Tho old crono of 60 accepts an Invita tion os prom ptly as tbo blushing young dam sel o f 10.Bho perhaps does n o t feel tho sam o tlirU l o f pieasuro as h e r younger sister, b u t sho c e r­ta in ly brigh tens up on “ danco ulghta” an d goes through th o regulation moves to tho best of her ab ility , which, considering h e r ad* vancod years, is vory considerable. Tho p r in ­cipal charm , if any th ero bo. in .Mexican dances, la th o lr sim plicity. .'Each dancar, from reason of being ta u g h t from e a rly child* hood, has a ll tlio required stops down to a science, which obviates tho necessity o f a n y “ callihg ofF’- o r -*1 p rom pt i n g . - i—-*— :-------- -

— TIIB/UEKUKKIIMKNT IlOOM-Such sim plicity , however, does n o t prevail

th roughou t tlio ontiro perform ance, as o th er ve ry undeslrablo.and h igh ly ,congruous featr*„ uros s tr ik e ono a s being oxtrem oly vw<gnr-»if n o t wholly barbarous. F o r lusbuico, a main g a lla n td firln g in te rvals Ijetwpon so tsa in iisw . himsoif, if no ono else, by s ta lk ing up an d down thp-floor., leoriqg- his. body to and fro with an a ir oT brovado, a iid by poundhig his feot vigorously ujion iho ixjards m ado a harsh , discordant noiflo w ith th o clashing of tw o m onster spurs, ono of which he w oro buckled to c ith e r boot*. — P

A nother youug.tnan, tall m ld4ptecptIorplly florco looking, sw ung a p re tty young g irl

i th rough tho dnlights o f a w altz, whiio tho polished end o f -a*1 hugo six shooter a t eoa«h^ ^ tu rn gleamod b r ig h t and form idable f i’onV — : beneath bl3coaL J

A t tlio com pletion o f cacb sot, th o gontlo- man^condueta tho lady to ai\ adjo in ing room, whero refreshm ents aro served. Tho refresh­m ent s ta c d .o V e r which a n elderly woman in a white aprun presided, la w orthy Of noto.Tho u pper, surfaco o f th e stand, upon which tlio doljcacio* were se rved ,jneasu rod ab o u t four febt square. DtrecQy In th o co n te r stood a dozen o r moro-targo black bottles, somo fu ll, others p a rtia lly IKIikt w ith Uijuor. A round tho bottles a rran g ed hi a circ le w ero a num -

Jbor'of sauoera . '' Tho m en fo r tho m ost p a r t took liquor^ b u t tho women regaled them selves each tlm o w ith tho contents of a singlo Baucer, an d tho prico fo r tho com bination or liquors, f ru i t and con­fections am oun ted to tho m odest sum o f 25 cents. Aa tho hours wahod the raoro caroful naronts took .thoir; ch ildren home. O thers left in small m bribers;"tho candlos ono by ono flu ttered o u t g rad u ally , d arken ing tho room , and flnfiUy- tu a> o v e le rs wero followed in to tho diirkness by tbo tw o v e ry m uch fatigtied

Authorized by law to a c t as Bxooutor, Admln- iBtrator, GuartlIan, Trustoo. Assiguoo, Itecolvor. 'ARont. oto., and fo rth o faithful performance of all hnoIj duties its capital stook ami surplim a re liab le; also to Keeotvo and Bxeouto TrllstaTof every description, from tho Courts, Corporations and lndlvUUmU. ■ . , . ■ >-•* AU Trust Funds aud InvostmoDts aro hiBorlbed In the nam caof the. ownors of the propeytydiold Ui tp is d a re kept soparatoBiid apart from tho assets of tho Conlpany. ^

I n t e r e s t A l lo w e d o n D e p o s lin .N n fe B c p o f tl i V a n l l s , i p t i r e s a d b a r .

5l a r p r o o f b n I Id In fc ti(ttv in jeourso o f oroc- on, cornetiMattlson avonye and Bond Btroet.Wills rocolptod fo r and kopt w ithout eharKoi**.

‘ ISAAC C. KENNEDY, President.. a - OKO. F. KROEHL, Vico l*realdont.

11ENRY C. WIN80K, Seerotary.<* A. C; TWINING, 'J’roaaUcer.

DIRECTOItH! 1G, D. W. VIIOOM, Trenton, N . J .

. W. J . IIAKKIHON. Lakewood, N .J . , ' OLIVER Ii; HROWN, Spring Utka. K. J . 1IENRYII. YARD, Ocean Heachi N. J . ;

^INO. 8. FERGUSON, Anbury Park, N .J .HENRY CVWINSOR, r‘

• g e o . f . Kr o e h l , : “ •** ■'. u n t/C E S . k e a t o r , m .d ., “ •

■ A. C. TWINING, - .* - * • “N. E. BUCHANON, « . . .ISAAC C. KENNEDY. ** “ v

NEW JERSEY.are offering great Bargains in all Departments*!® reduce their large stock..' Half an1 hour’s inspection will show you how you, can salve many dollars. . -.

Handsome, and usoful ar­ticles are presented to eveiy purchaser of Shoes.


Near the Lake.

Wo do a G e n e r a l B a n k i n g a n d Col* l e c t i o n B iiH lnes/s; Issue Forolen Drafts and Lotters of Credit, throuuh tho . wdll- known Banking Houso of W rexC I, M o r­g a n € o « , N . Y .; Collect’ In terest, Dlvl* dends and Coupons, w ithout charRO, and. A l lo w i n t e r e s t on M o n e y d e p o s i t e d hy C’c r t i l l c n tc * ' -----------^ :

. If you aro \desirous o f transactlnp .rfny banking huslfiO8Ht-AV0„ali^ll bo" ulad to' offer- you o u cfa iiilitlep " —

P R I N T I N G *

CASH CAPITAL, $100,4.00.00.|i Or any .ntrd Very .puim­

pose that may be re-,

tjuifetl-^from a visiting

card to a newspaper or a

300-page book.M ikado” Building,

To Loan on Good Mortgages.S. C. COW ART,.Freehold,N .J. P re m iu m s h a v e b e e n -a w a r d e d fo r o u r

e x c e l le n t w o r k . ; f ..

Advertising is the best Lu­bricant for rusty and slow- moving business. Try it.

* Asl>ory Patk Prlnllng H OOS6, +

718 Mattison Avenue,opposite Bank.


E v e ry A m e ric a n F a r m e r , W a g o -E a rn e r : n n d B u s in e ss M a n , th o U n io n

__ t0 e r s ; th e . S e ttlo rs o f t b o .W e s te rn T e rrito r ie s ,, e v e ry Y o u n g M a n a n d

W o m a n , tlm I ? r e e d m o n \o f th o S o u th , o u r ^ n e r i c a n r i s l i e r -

m o n a n d S m p b u ild e rs ,’ a m i I th e W h o le P e o p lo G en o - ;•■■■■- ra lly ,' o n t l io .

N o r t h S p r in g L a k e ,(Known as.Txits Nos. SO and lii,)

Situated within 1W feot of Ocean avenuo and Within 100 yards of tho surf. BRUSH M ANUFACTURERS,

251 Pearl Street, near Fulton Street, New YorkHavo occupied tho samo buildlnK nioro than1 OTjugrter o f a century. Their proods are.shlpped to all p arts o f tlupUnited States.

Tho plot has a frontage of 100 feot on Brighton avenno and tho cast lino is i£it feet In depth. ‘ On., tho block adjoining tho largo Hotel WUhurton. Ju s t tho place for a flno summer resldoneo, with plenty or room for stable and carriagediouso.

Antl-Uqnor and antl-nnlBanco clanses in all deeds in tho neighborhood. * ,

Tlio p lot will lie sold a t a roasonahio figure, as th e owners’ residenco and Interests aro else- whero.

Inquire o f ,

O. H. Brown or W. H. Potter,Sl'IHNtl LAKK POST OFFTOB,


H E A D , O F W E S L E Y L A K E , M A IN 8 T B E E T ,

( E a t s b l l i b e d l i i K e f Y o r k 1861.)

U p D o Iste rin g i n a ll i t s b ranohew c a rr ie d o n , a lso a f rd l l in e o f P io tn r e F ra m e s S n d M o u ld in g s k e p t o o n s ta u t ly o n l ia n d . W in d o w C o rn ic e s o f a ll d e s c r ip tio n s .

T u rk ish Culalne.Rousseau has said th a t from tho food of a

natidii you can tell ita characteristics. If this Is iru o no b e tte r spot for tho stu d y of ethnology 1. could - be . found thon Cuvalla. Doubtless,' If It bo desired, a n opportun ity will occur o f dining w ith m any nationalities. By all means acccpt an Inv ita tion to dino with a T urkish |iaeba, says a w rite r In Corn- hill fo r August. I bad tbe pieasuro o f tak­ing a meal w ith tho governor o f D ram a, who .Is passing rich for a T urk , seeing th a t ho rules ovor tho plain w here tho chief* tobacco farm s aro, an d bis opportun ities for anHissing Wealth a ro m any and Variod.r Silence and expedition a ro t^o chief charac te ristics o f j i Turkish moaL The tab lo p repara tions aro fo w ^b u tth o dishes a re m any; oilvea, caviare, chooso, etc., a ro d o tted abou t, and perhap3 as m any as ten dishes a re banded rouod ou covered , brazen disbes, ' con* Bisting _ rico o r barioy, m ea t o r boiled flph/ cakes seasoned with vegetables, roast lam b, beans, a species of eissolo w rapped up In vlno-loaves, tho Inovitablo pUaf and f ru i ts ,a n d ,.a s wine Is forbidden, an Intoxl-r ea tin g su bstitu te U found Cn' liqiiors and brandy. Each person has his glass of sherbet by him , and his pteco o f unleayenod bread, for tho T urks love h a lf baked dough. I t will com fort th e Eurpp&m to see every ono wpsh his hands beforo his m eal, for forks a ro un­k n o w n ,'a n d each. Is expected to d ip his

t e ^ S & ^ D i ^ ^ g 't h o ^ w h o l e ^ ^ t h o feeding process scarcely fou ro r five words will be u t­tered, and a t ' t h o m ost your repast w ill last tw onty minutes," b u t thob a fte rw ard , , w ith tho coffee and tho hubblo-bubblo, conversa­tion will flow frooly. . T o th o T u rk ea tto g Is a sbrlous gastronom ic exercise, which wiH iiot ad iid t or M y convoreation beirig entered Into d u rin g Its progress.—Good Housokpcping.

Having had several years’-oxporlenco In the undertaking hushiew In Anbury Tark and vlclnltv I feeVlyrrmpeiont to give satisfaction to all who m ay favor mo with tholr patrona«o,

TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS with principal hotels andW ores In Park and Grovo. .

Offleo open day and night. I " ' ' t a m e s xdi. s e z c t o n -Tho Finest Stock of

. to bo found on tho Now Jorsoy Coast.

Newest Designs in Furniture.A N T I Q U E O A K

in Badroom Syitsp Side Boards, Chairs, ■ ■; Tables, Oe

Ono of tho bost places to find an.assortm ent of FIRST-CLASS'BUILDING MATERIAL, Is a t the • . *• old established business plaeo of- ■ '

N.'E. BUCHANON ^ CO,. - ...Southwest cornor of Main streot and Ashnry avonuo, ’

A sbury P a rk , Now Je rsey , .Thousands o f eusfdrtiors.who havo patronIzod this house, can testify th a t thoro -Is no hotter

plaob to purchase everything which entors-lnto tho construction o f a cottage o r a palaeo. Como along with your orders for **" ■" > . .

L V H B E B , L IM K . I .A T I f , R A R D W A R K ,P J U 8 T K R , <JKM KST, . M A IB , V A R M S I1 ,O IL , T U R P E N T IN E , P A IN T , E T C ., KTC’.

- And everything to. comploto y o u rh d u so .«Satisfaction guaranteed to a ll customers.

-------— .T, - —0,7JaoolE,i— ------- GsariUiiisd

Finesi Poultry, ?Smoked Meats.

Superior Oornetl X‘eef^ o m Selected stobki Artesian W ater and Pure

Pickling Materials. . .. - •

V e g e t a b l e ^ a n d F r u i t s

....... ■ N atu ra l G a a ,.,„ _ .- . - y_._In 'v iow of tho ovor expanding en te r prise of

Am erican tow ns and A m erican raanufap- turos, an d especially In viow of Am erican ex­t r a vagauco and w akefulness, It does not a p ­pear probable t h a t n a tu ra l gas w ill continue to supp ly fo r m an y decades, I wlll h o t say years, tho favored d istric ts th a t now en joy it. B u t even if i t proves transien t, i t s till has a m ost im p o rtan t and bonafiqont work to do.

Carpete, Mattings, *Reed and Kattasi Gooria.

A D eadly R ailroad .Nolkxly w ill over know how m any lives the

building o f .tho C anadian Pacific railroad th ro u g h , M ai no cost, Tho dead unknowns havo boeh burled like sheep., $ correspond­e n t of Tho Dextor G azette, w ritin g from '

Silverware, L a m p , Stoves.' All tho Novelties in - . t 1

mestic Glastt..Foreign and Domestic China

, and Table W are. -Goods delivered ln Asbury P ark and Ocoan

G rove..

rovolution of no small p roportions, vlz,i T f« s roplacem ont of solid by gaseous fuel. I t ia educating pooplo . by a n _objoct lesson ns * to w h a t constitu tes a perfeot fuel. Tho com- m uniti6a th a t havo onco enjoyed th e lu x u ry and economy of n a tu ra l gaa will bo slow to re tu rh to tho b arbarism 01 raw coal, and h e a t and power will a t no d istan t day bo d istrib ­uted in all ou r totvns from cen tral stations, pa light is now supplied.—Louisvillo Courier* Journal. ' .

Fresh Dally from Monmouth COnnty - Farms. ' •••-- * .

C A N N E D V E G E T A B L E S ,^ jlb E S R E R T F R V lT S j

? i*I<IJM P V D D IN G , A c .

' A satisfactory placo to doal, w hore everything sold la guaranteed to be the b<?Bt in ,tho markot.

Tolophono conpoctlonH with Park and Grove.Crawford’s Palace o f ilusic,

the leading muslo store o f tho Atlantlo coast.

G . J . S C H A N C K & S D N , Successors to. f u e d L . S O M E J 1 S ,

A slm r.y A v e i a n d l t i i i i i S t .^ .A s lm ry P a r i t yBRANCH OFFICKH--Miiaii Ro^s's, 120 Cookm,auavenue, 'Afibury, Park, and SG. W. Martin’s, Pilgrim

Pathway, Ocean Groyo,-wliero.all orders received will bo promptly filled^ - ",

. W o rk ff .101 in M ii

lUniUMON.lN. J : .

Adamant tho now .plioan and only suporlor siilmtUuto for.tho ordinary wdll Ph.stor. .

IrM, JACOims.QtmCTal A epqJ^ . -No authorlzotl; agont'W ithout wrlUeiwiuthor*

Ity with.seal of company attHiohed.. -; ;r; 'li J . W.1)EV,‘tJehoral MUnager;

N. E. Bu^ianori & Co., agents -for Asirnry Park, KlhcroU>iW Long B ra n th .; II. II. Jones, agont for Ocoan Beaoh and vicinity.

M anufacturers &nd,Doa1orerln nH branches of• ; - . ■ • _________;

^ .j H I L L j T O R K [ ^

Main Street, Murtroe Avenue and 'Railroad.. ASBURY '.PARK, M.-J.

Window Fraraew« Hawli. Bllmlii, Doors, Mon 1*11 u rn , firnck>(N nnd Carved Work Ilartl slid Noll wood SlnntelN. Tnntlna; mid Ncroll Nawing n Spc*- u

. eirilty. P w lgna and Prlccw FornlHluHl ou A ynHcwtloii. .

MADt SHOES , . I n 'y o u C n » 8 i l t 0 8 H I J l r t l ‘I

Make tt l,lvcly l>y AdvertlSlni?.of evory description, Ih stock dr m ado to ;order on tno promises a t short notice* Repair-

Ing dono nea t and choap.<- 70 7 C o o k n ia i i 'A v o i , A w b tiry P a rk ,- iy » J .

•• Old No. ItO.