mendiondo dibelladelcarril

Aim: Find out if people would buy a smart oven or not. Target: People over 25 years old. Place: Plaza Vicente López 5:00 pm.

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Post on 01-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Mendiondo dibelladelcarril

Aim: Find out if people would buy a smart oven or not.

Target: People over 25 years old.

Place: Plaza Vicente López 5:00 pm.

Page 2: Mendiondo dibelladelcarril

Our Product

It is an oven that contains an extra function; it can cook by itself. You can program it and it will cook by the hour you decide. You just have to put the ingredients with the necessary preparations and set the time.

Page 3: Mendiondo dibelladelcarril

1) How old are you?

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2)Where do you usually eat?

Page 5: Mendiondo dibelladelcarril

3) Do you like cooking or is it a time-consuming activity for you?

Page 6: Mendiondo dibelladelcarril

4) Who cooks your food?

Page 7: Mendiondo dibelladelcarril

5) Would you buy a “Smart Oven”?

Page 8: Mendiondo dibelladelcarril


• We reached to the conclusion that people would buy the smart oven if they had the money. Also, that people don’t see the oven as a priority; they would just use it rarely because they already have the normal oven.