mental health iillness stigma

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  • 8/2/2019 Mental Health IIllness Stigma


    Running Head: Behind the Eyes 1

    Behind the Eyes: A Look at Mental Illness Stigma

    Sam Carpenter

    Hesser College Manchester

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    Behind the Eyes:

    A look at Mental Illness Stigma

    It has been said that people who suffer from mental illness often face more than just the initial

    diagnosis, Not only do they have to learn to cope with their new condition often with little help from

    family or friends as well as trying to cope with the new life changes and responsibilities such as

    medications and therapy appointments, but they are also subjected to the social stigma of being wrong in

    the head or dangerous.

    You might think that in today' supposedly accepting culture we would have done away with

    ostracizing people and letting stereotypes and stigma affect our reasoning towards other people. After all

    we have come along way since the atrocities of the Laconia state school and other such schools for the

    mentally ill, But in fact you would be wrong according to a study done by Indiana and Columbia

    universities. Prejudice and discrimination in the U.S. arent moving, In fact, in some cases, it may be

    increasing. Its time to stand back and rethink our approach. ( Pescosolido,2010 )

    People often do not think about how much something like this can destroy someones life, it goes

    far beyond simply having a few people look down on you. It can produce discrimination in

    employment, housing, medical care and social relationships, and negatively impact the quality of life for

    these individuals, their families and friends. (Pescosolido, 2010) To summarize the mental health stigma,

    that many patients face, affects every aspect of their lives, from where they live and work to the types of

    medical care they can receive and the types of interpersonal relationships that they are able to pursue.

    Stigma is defined as A mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or

    person. So if we apply that to mental illness then that would mean a mark of disgrace associated with

    mental illness. Sadly it would seem that even though we have made such huge advances in the fields of

    mental health and how we care for those who suffer from mental illness a large part of the population still

    see's these people as a disgrace and that there is something wrong with them that makes them somehow

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    less than human.

    We could spend the next four hundred pages going over how this affects every type of mental

    illness and how we could combat these ignorant perceptions but for the sake of time and my own sanity I

    am going to focus on only what I consider to be the top 5 mental disorders in the context of severity of

    the stigma related to them. These conditions are, in order of severity, Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar Disorder,

    Depression, Tourette Syndrome and Mental Retardation.

    Schizophrenia is generally accepted as a psychotic disorder affecting only about one percent of

    the population. In order to be diagnosed with schizophrenia you must have persistent hallucinations and

    delusions. Often these symptoms manifest in the form of hearing voices and seeing people that are not

    based in the real world but only exist within the mind of the patient. People with this condition are

    generally considered crazy because they see and hear things that do not truly exist. Due to the nature of

    the psychosis involved with this condition it is difficult to keep patients on their medications because the

    delusions tell them that the pills are poison or that they are not necessary. Often patients go off of their

    medications without telling their doctor and thus relapse back into the psychosis that the medications


    Due to the volatile nature of this condition and the issue of staying on ones medications it is

    difficult for patients to hold down careers and thus many patients end up in less than favorable living

    situations. It is also difficult for these patients to have long lasting relationships, many people simply can

    not handle that much pressure and eventually leave. More often than not it is left to the immediate family

    of the patient to take care of them and sadly more often than not it is to much for them to handle. The

    impact of stigmatization on schizophrenia sufferers has added a new dimension to the illness experience

    and has led to social isolation, limited life chances and delayed help-seeking behavior. (Harrison, 2010)

    People often look at those with schizophrenia and see only the condition and not the person

    behind the condition. Because the illness may cause unusual, inappropriate and sometimes unpredictable

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    and disorganized behavior, people who are not effectively treated are often shunned and the targets of

    social prejudice. ("Nami|schizophrenia," 2011) This is the knee jerk reaction of many people who don't

    do the research about schizophrenia before they make a judgment call.

    Bipolar disorder, or manic depression, is a medical illness that causes extreme shifts in mood,

    energy, and functioning. These changes may be subtle or dramatic and typically vary greatly over the

    course of a persons life as well as among individuals. Bipolar disorder is a chronic and generally life-

    long condition with recurring episodes of mania and depression that can last from days to months.

    (Duckworth, 2006)

    Many People who suffer from Bipolar Disorder do not see that there is a difference between the

    manic or hypo manic states and the Depressive states. As such it can be difficult to accept that one has

    this condition, this is another condition in which medication is needed but the patient may not take that

    medication all the time due to not seeing the need for it. Medication is a very necessary part of

    controlling this condition for now.

    Unfortunately this condition has become trendy with many people claiming to have it just so

    that they can feel special, that being said it is a legitimate condition that over ...ten million people in the

    US suffer from. (Duckworth, 2006) Many people who do not know what bipolar disorder is or what it

    does can not even begin to imagine how difficult it can be to live with. Sadly many refuse to accept that

    this a real condition even when the evidence is directly in front of them, many see it as controllable

    without medication, even though the high majority of people who suffer from this can not go without

    medication for now.

    Tourette syndrome (TS) is a neuropsychiatric disorder that is characterized by the presence of a

    range of both motor and vocal tics. Individuals with the condition frequently have a wide array of

    difficulties, such as problems with attention, hyperactivity, depression, obsessivecompulsive symptoms

    as well as speech problems and learning disability. (Khalifa, 2010)

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    Tourette syndrome is quite possibly the most stereotyped mental illness, most people assume that

    everyone with this condition randomly blurts out offensive words and flails their arms and legs and a

    plethora of other outlandish tics, when in reality only a very few cases are actually severe enough to

    manifest in such grandiose ways. Even television shows like Comedy Central's South Park have Drawn

    upon the stereotype that people with this condition are all at the extreme end of the spectrum.(Parker,


    Depression is quite possibly the most widely diagnosed mental illness today. When we refer to

    someone being diagnosed with depression we are not talking about someone who gets depressed from

    time to time but rather someone who is constantly depressed and often feels no joy or hope at all.

    Depression has certainly become a trendy condition, many teens claim to have this condition because

    more often than not those who have not been diagnosed with depression are the minority.

    That being said those people who truly suffer from depression often are the subjects of ridicule

    and verbal abuse for not being able to handle life sadly many people who suffer from depression

    attempt suicide at least once due to feelings of being overwhelmed and under appreciated. Many people

    who truly suffer from depression do not get the kind of help that they actually need because many do not

    see themselves as worth getting the help and so they never stand up and ask for the help.

    I believe that the single most Stigmatized condition in all of the mental disorders is mental

    retardation.Mental retardation is a disorder that is characterized by below-average intellectualfunctioning. It is usually diagnosed before age eighteen. Today, the term mental retardation is often

    replaced with other terms such as mentally challenged, and intellectual disability.("Mental illness,"


    Mental Retardation comes in many forms, most often the stigma related to mental retardation

    comes into play in the school yard with children. As much as I would like to say that the school yard is

    the only place we see this, It is not, many mentally challenged people have a very hard time finding work

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    because people assume that they are useless and can learn nothing. More often then not people with this

    condition end up working for very low wages at exceedingly menial jobs, and yet unlike most of us who

    hate our jobs these people often do their jobs with a smile on their face because they are just happy to

    have a job.

    So how can we stop the stigma, to be quite honest the easiest way to stop a lot of the stigma that

    goes with having a mental illness is the dissemination of knowledge. The more people find out about

    mental illness the more prepared they are to handle it. The more prepared they are the less scared they

    are. There are many wonderful books and websites and magazines and all manner of media out there to

    help people understand the ins and outs of mental illness and I think that more needs to be done to get

    that material into the hands of the ignorant.

    Another way for fighting the stigma is to actually stand up and fight it, verbally of coarse. If you

    see someone making fun of or laughing at or calling someone names because they have a mental illness

    or actually for any reason stand up and tell the bully that those kinds of things are not cool and then go

    and tell a supervisor. This may sound like something that would be intended for a child to hear but

    frankly its something that we all must do. Adults can be just as mean as children if not more and in a lot

    of ways adults are just older grade school kids. Just remember if you do not stand up for what you believe

    in , in this case the end of mental illness stigma, then your no better than those who are pushing the


    Mental illness runs deep in my family and so this is a topic that I grew up living. My mother

    suffered from Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder, Multiple personality disorder, Depression, Anxiety,

    Paranoia, Post traumatic stress disorder, as well as several other mental illnesses that I was not privy to. I

    myself have been diagnosed with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Post traumatic stress disorder,

    and it is suspected that I also suffer from major depressive disorder although I have not been diagnosed as

    of yet.

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    Mental illness stigma is something that I have fought against all my life at first for the sake of my

    mother and then also for myself. There have been times where it has been an uphill battle and all seemed

    hopeless, but thanks to a loving family and girlfriend and understanding friends I have been able to fight

    the good fight so to speak and I will continue to fight until either the battle is won or this soldier is no


    Pescosolido, B. (2010). Study:mental illness stigma entrenched in american culture; new strategiesneeded. Retrieved from

    HARRISON, J. J., & GILL, A. A. (2010). The experience and consequences of people with mental health

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    problems, the impact of stigma upon people with schizophrenia: a way forward.Journal Of Psychiatric& Mental Health Nursing, 17(3), 242-250. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2850.2009.01506.x

    Nami|schizophrenia. (2011). Retrieved from

    Duckworth, K. (2006, October).Nami: Mental illness . Retrieved from

    Khalifa, N., Dalan, M., & Rydell, A. (2010). Tourette syndrome in the general child population:Cognitive functioning and self- perception.Nordic Journal Of Psychiatry,64(1), 11-18.


    Parker, T. (Writer) (2007). Le petit tourette [Television series episode]. In Garefino, A. (Executive

    Producer), South Park. New York: Comedy Central.

    Mental illness. (2011). Retrieved from