mentions of marxism in mein kampf.doc

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  • 8/18/2019 Mentions of Marxism in Mein Kampf.doc


    Mentions of Marxism in Hitler’s Mein Kampf 

    There are 233 mentions of Marxism (or Marxists, Marx) in Hitler’s book My Struggle,

    condemning the ideology strongly. Hitler wrote that it was the !"#$’s foremost d%ty tofight Marxism. He wrote that the name of the !"#$, calling it a &erman 'orkers’ $arty,

    was a way to show that an alternatie was ossible for the workers witho%t being hostile to

    their concerns. He wrote that making the arty flag red was a way to rooke the *eft. +n

    -2s &ermany the workers were comletely indoctrinated by the *eft into belieing that

    only a arty with the name /socialist/ stood on their side. This was heled by the conseratie

    right0wing arties also adoting class olitics as a resonse to the *eft’s attacks. Hitler wrote

    many times in Mein 1amf that /no concession is too great to win the workers to o%r side/ 0

    as workers were %sed by the Marxists to attack conseratie and nationalist arty gatherings,

    riot in the streets, beat % shokeeers and loot their stores, and for general terror in

     rearation for a comm%nist takeoer. +n arliament, the !"#$ allied with the

    onseraties, siding with them in c%lt%ral iss%es. Their /socialism/ consisted of aroingof basic labor laws, retirement f%nds, etc. %t no anti0conseratie transformation of society.

    Their concessions to workers’ demands were less than the consessions of most 'estern

    conseratie arties today.

    +n -33 the onseraties oted with to gie Hitler r%le by decree to sto the *eft’s terror,

    and almost all onseratie members of arliament 4oined the !"#$. The leaders for the

    socialist arties were later arrested. !ocialist leaders of labor %nions were likewise arrested.

    &ermany %nder the !"#$ had a lower tax ress%re than ritain, and its labor laws were far

    less leftist than what the 'est has today. &%n laws from the 'eimar time were relaxed, g%n

    ownershi was widesread, and g%ns were only banned for comm%nists, 5ews and other non0

    &ermans. ('hile the olice wo%ld not carry g%ns or een tr%ncheons, as Hitler consideredthat demeaning to the %blic.) The most left0wing olicy consisted of rod%ction 6%otas for

    large cororations, b%t these were eent%ally abolished and recogni7ed as a mistake. #s Hitler 

    said, the arty had no %nchanging economic olicy like the other arties, b%t wo%ld try

    different olicies and see what worked. /8%r socialism is not the socialism of the *eft,/ he

    said, and /'e will take the word socialism from the socialists./ The word /socialism/ was

    %sed simly as a strategy to win oer the oters, and changed to signify basic solidary with

    one’s own eole, b%t witho%t the *eft’s worldiew of /oressors s. oressed/ and anti0

    conseratism. The !"#$ was arg%ably the most conseratie arty in 9%roe.

    elow follow the 6%otes abo%t Marxism from Mein 1amf.


    +t was d%ring this eriod that my eyes were oened to two erils, the

    names of which + scarcely knew hitherto and had no notion whatsoeer of 

    their terrible significance for the existence of the &erman eole.

    These two erils were Marxism and 5%daism.


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    +t is imossible to say when + might hae started to make a thoro%gh

    st%dy of the doctrine and characteristics of Marxism were it not for the

    fact that + then literally ran head foremost into the roblem.


    #nd so at the age of seenteen the word :Marxism’ was ery little known

    to me, while + looked on :!ocial "emocracy’ and :!ocialism’ as

    synonymo%s exressions. +t was only as the res%lt of a s%dden blow from

    the ro%gh hand of ;ate that my eyes were oened to the nat%re of this

    %naralleled system for d%ing the %blic.

    Hitherto my ac6%aintance with the !ocial "emocratic $arty was only that

    of a mere sectator at some of their mass meetings. + had not the

    slightest idea of the !ocial0"emocratic teaching or the mentality of its

     artisans. #ll of a s%dden + was bro%ght face to face with the rod%ctsof their teaching and what they called their 'eltanscha%%ng. +n this

    way a few months s%fficed for me to learn something which %nder other 

    circ%mstances might hae necessitated decades of st%dy00namely, that

    %nder the cloak of social irt%e and loe of one’s neighbo%r a eritable

     estilence was sreading abroad and that if this estilence be not

    stamed o%t of the world witho%t delay it may eent%ally s%cceed in

    exterminating the h%man race.


    The man who has come to know this race has s%cceeded in remoing from

    his eyes the eil thro%gh which he had seen the aims and meaning of his

    $arty in a false light< and then, o%t of the m%rk and fog of social

     hrases rises the grimacing fig%re of Marxism.


    Making an effort to oercome my nat%ral rel%ctance, + tried to read

    articles of this nat%re %blished in the Marxist $ress< b%t in doing so

    my aersion increased all the more. #nd then + set abo%t learningsomething of the eole who wrote and %blished this mischieo%s st%ff.

    ;rom the %blisher downwards, all of them were 5ews. + recalled to mind

    the names of the %blic leaders of Marxism, and then + reali7ed that

    most of them belonged to the hosen =ace00the !ocial "emocratic

    reresentaties in the +merial abinet as well as the secretaries of 

    the Trades >nions and the street agitators. 9erywhere the same sinister 

     ict%re resented itself. + shall neer forget the row of 

    names00#%sterlit7, "aid, #dler, 9llenbogen, and others. 8ne fact became

    6%ite eident to me. +t was that this alien race held in its hands the

    leadershi of that !ocial "emocratic $arty with whose minor 

    reresentaties + had been dis%ting for months ast. + was hay atlast to know for certain that the 5ew is not a &erman.

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    Th%s + finally discoered who were the eil sirits leading o%r eole

    astray. The so4o%rn in ?ienna for one year had roed long eno%gh to

    conince me that no worker is so rooted in his reconceied notions that

    he will not s%rrender them in face of better and clearer arg%ments and

    exlanations. &rad%ally + became an exert in the doctrine of theMarxists and %sed this knowledge as an instr%ment to drie home my own

    firm conictions. + was s%ccessf%l in nearly eery case. The great

    masses can be resc%ed, b%t a lot of time and a large share of h%man

     atience m%st be deoted to s%ch work.

    %t a 5ew can neer be resc%ed from his fixed notions.

    +t was then simle eno%gh to attemt to show them the abs%rdity of their 

    teaching. 'ithin my small circle + talked to them %ntil my throat ached

    and my oice grew hoarse. + belieed that + co%ld finally conince them

    of the danger inherent in the Marxist follies. %t + only achieed thecontrary res%lt. +t seemed to me that immediately the disastro%s effects

    of the Marxist Theory and its alication in ractice became eident,

    the stronger became their obstinacy.


    >rged by my own daily exeriences, + now began to inestigate more

    thoro%ghly the so%rces of the Marxist teaching itself. +ts effects were

    well known to me in detail. #s a res%lt of caref%l obseration, its

    daily rogress had become obio%s to me. #nd one needed only a little

    imagination in order to be able to forecast the conse6%ences which m%st

    res%lt from it. The only 6%estion now was@ "id the fo%nders foresee the

    effects of their work in the form which those effects hae shown

    themseles today, or were the fo%nders themseles the ictims of an

    errorA To my mind both alternaties were ossible.


    ;ate answered the 6%estion for me inasm%ch as it led me to make a

    detached and exha%stie in6%iry into the Marxist teaching and the

    actiities of the 5ewish eole in connection with it.

    The 5ewish doctrine of Marxism re%diates the aristocratic rincile of 

     at%re and s%bstit%tes for it the eternal riilege of force and energy,

    n%merical mass and its dead weight. Th%s it denies the indiid%al worth

    of the h%man ersonality, im%gns the teaching that nationhood and race

    hae a rimary significance, and by doing this it takes away the ery

    fo%ndations of h%man existence and h%man ciili7ation. +f the Marxist

    teaching were to be acceted as the fo%ndation of the life of the

    %nierse, it wo%ld lead to the disaearance of all order that is

    conceiable to the h%man mind. #nd th%s the adotion of s%ch a law wo%ld

     rooke chaos in the str%ct%re of the greatest organism that we know,with the res%lt that the inhabitants of this earthly lanet wo%ld

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    finally disaear.

    !ho%ld the 5ew, with the aid of his Marxist creed, tri%mh oer the

     eole of this world, his rown will be the f%neral wreath of mankind,

    and this lanet will once again follow its orbit thro%gh ether, witho%t

    any h%man life on its s%rface, as it did millions of years ago.


    "emocracy, as ractised in 'estern 9%roe today, is the forer%nner of 

    Marxism. +n fact, the latter wo%ld not be conceiable witho%t the

    former. "emocracy is the breeding0gro%nd in which the bacilli of the

    Marxist world est can grow and sread. y the introd%ction of 

     arliamentarianism, democracy rod%ced an abortion of filth and fire

    (ote B), the creatie fire of which, howeer, seems to hae died o%t.


    There, in ?ienna, stark reality ta%ght me the tr%ths that now form the

    f%ndamental rinciles of the $arty which within the co%rse of fie years has

    grown from modest beginnings to a great mass moement. + do not know

    what my attit%de toward 5ewry, !ocial "emocracy, or rather Marxism in

    general, to the social roblem, etc., wo%ld be today if + had not ac6%ired a

    stock of ersonal beliefs at s%ch an early age, by dint of hard st%dy

    and %nder the d%ress of ;ate.


    !ince a commercial and ind%strial olicy had been adoted, no motie was

    left for waging war against =%ssia. 8nly the enemies of the two

    co%ntries, &ermany and =%ssia, co%ld hae an actie interest in s%ch a

    war %nder these circ%mstances. #s a matter of fact, it was only the 5ews

    and the Marxists who tried to stir % bad blood between the two !tates.


    The force to which + refer was the Marxist teaching and 'eltanscha%%ng and

    its organi7ed action thro%gho%t the nation.


    +n deling again into the theoretical literat%re of this new world and

    endeao%ring to get a clear iew of the ossible conse6%ences of its teaching,

    + comared the theoretical rinciles of Marxism with the henomena and

    haenings bro%ght abo%t by its actiities in the olitical, c%lt%ral, and

    economic sheres.

    ;or the first time in my life + now t%rned my attention to the efforts

    that were being made to s%bd%e this %niersal est.

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    + st%died ismarck’s excetional legislation in its original concet,

    its oeration and its res%lts. &rad%ally + formed a basis for my own

    oinions, which has roed as solid as a rock, so that neer since hae

    + had to change my attit%de towards the general roblem. + also made a

    f%rther and more thoro%gh analysis of the relations between Marxism and



    +n my own mind and in my conersation with my small circle of

    ac6%aintances + %sed to critici7e &ermany’s foreign olicy and the incredibly

    s%erficial way, according to my thinking, in which Marxism was dealt with,

    tho%gh it was then the most imortant roblem in &ermany. + co%ld not

    %nderstand how they co%ld st%mble blindfolded into the midst of this eril,

    the effects of which wo%ld be momento%s if the oenly declared aims of

    Marxism co%ld be %t into ractice. 9en as early as that time + warned eole

    aro%nd me, 4%st as + am warning a wider a%dience now, against that soothingslogan of all indolent and feckless nat%re@ 8TH+& # H#$$9 T8 >!.

    # similar mental contagion had already destroyed a mighty emire. an

    &ermany escae the oeration of those laws to which all other h%man

    comm%nities are s%b4ectA

    +n the years -3 and -C + exressed my oinion for the first time in

    ario%s circles, some of which are now members of the ational !ocialist

    Moement, that the roblem of how the f%t%re of the &erman nation can be

    sec%red is the roblem of how Marxism can be exterminated.


    %t since no one recogni7ed, or wanted to recogni7e, the real ca%se of the

    disease this way of combating Marxism was no more effectie than the

    alication of some 6%ack’s ointment.


    #nother thing which irritated me was the manner in which Marxism was

    regarded and acceted. + tho%ght that all this roed how little they

    knew abo%t the Marxist lag%e. +t was belieed in all serio%sness thatthe abolition of arty distinctions d%ring the 'ar had made Marxism a

    mild and moderate thing.


    +n the #%g%st of -C the &erman worker was looked %on as an adherent of 

    Marxist socialism. That was a gross error. 'hen those fatef%l ho%rs

    dawned the &erman worker shook off the oisono%s cl%tches of that

     lag%e< otherwise he wo%ld not hae been so willing and ready to fight.

    #nd eole were st%id eno%gh to imagine that Marxism had now become

    :national’, another at ill%stration of the fact that those in a%thorityhad neer taken the tro%ble to st%dy the real tenor of the Marxist

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    teaching. +f they had done so, s%ch foolish errors wo%ld not hae been


    Marxism, whose final ob4ectie was and is and will contin%e to be the

    destr%ction of all non05ewish national !tates, had to witness in those

    days of 5%ly -C how the &erman working classes, which it had beenineigling, were aro%sed by the national sirit and raidly ranged

    themseles on the side of the ;atherland. 'ithin a few days the

    decetie smoke screen of that infamo%s national betrayal had anished

    into thin air and the 5ewish bosses s%ddenly fo%nd themseles alone and

    deserted. +t was as if not a estige had been left of that folly and

    madness with which the masses of the &erman eole had been inoc%lated

    for sixty years.


    +t is only in the str%ggle between two 'eltanscha%%ngen that hysical force,consistently and r%thlessly alied, will eent%ally t%rn the scales in

    its own fao%r. +t was here that the fight against Marxism had hitherto


    This was also the reason why ismarck’s anti0socialist legislation

    failed and was bo%nd to fail in the long r%n, desite eerything. +t

    lacked the basis of a new 'eltanscha%%ng for whose deeloment and

    extension the str%ggle might hae been taken %. To say that the sering

    % of driel abo%t a so0called :!tate #%thority’ or :*aw and 8rder’ was

    an ade6%ate fo%ndation for the sirit%al driing force in a

    life0or0death str%ggle is only what one wo%ld exect to hear from the

    wiseacres in high official ositions.

    +t was beca%se there were no ade6%ate sirit%al moties back of this

    offensie that ismarck was comelled to hand oer the administration of 

    his socialist legislatie meas%res to the 4%dgment and aroal of those

    circles which were themseles the rod%ct of the Marxist teaching. Th%s

    a ery l%dicro%s state of affairs reailed when the +ron hancellor 

    s%rrendered the fate of his str%ggle against Marxism to the goodwill of 

    the bo%rgeois democracy. He left the goat to take care of the garden.

    %t this was only the necessary res%lt of the fail%re to find af%ndamentally new 'eltanscha%%ng which wo%ld attract deoted chamions

    to its ca%se and co%ld be established on the gro%nd from which Marxism

    had been drien o%t. #nd th%s the res%lt of the ismarckian camaign was


    "%ring the 'orld 'ar, or at the beginning of it, were the conditions any

    differentA >nfort%nately, they were not.

    The more + then ondered oer the necessity for a change in the attit%de

    of the exec%tie goernment towards !ocial "emocracy, as the

    incororation of contemorary Marxism, the more + reali7ed the want of a ractical s%bstit%te for this doctrine. !%osing !ocial "emocracy were

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    oerthrown, what had one to offer the masses in its steadA ot a single

    moement existed which romised any s%ccess in attracting ast n%mbers

    of workers who wo%ld be now more or less witho%t leaders, and holding

    these workers in its train. +t is nonsensical to imagine that the

    international fanatic who has 4%st seered his connection with a class

     arty wo%ld forthwith 4oin a bo%rgeois arty, or, in other words,another class organi7ation.


     eertheless it only ill%strates the mentality of o%r so0called intellect%al

    circles, that they hae not yet grased the fact that circ%mstances which are

    incaable of reenting the growth of s%ch a lag%e as Marxism are

    certainly not caable of restoring what has been lost.

    The bo%rgeois’ arties00a name coined by themseles00will neer again be

    able to win oer and hold the roletarian masses in their train. That is beca%se two worlds here stand oosed to one another, in art nat%rally

    and in art artificially diided. These two cams hae one leading

    tho%ght, and that is that they m%st fight one another. %t in s%ch a

    fight the yo%nger will come off ictorio%s< and that is Marxism.

    +n -C a fight against !ocial "emocracy was indeed 6%ite conceiable.

    %t the lack of any ractical s%bstit%te made it do%btf%l how long the

    fight co%ld be ket %. +n this resect there was a gaing oid.


    +n watching the co%rse of olitical eents + was always str%ck by the

    actie art which roaganda layed in them. + saw that it was an

    instr%ment, which the Marxist !ocialists knew how to handle in a

    masterly way and how to %t it to ractical %ses.


    +f this consiracy co%ld achiee its %rose the &erman front wo%ld hae

    collased and the wishes of the ?orwDrts (the organ of the

    !ocial0"emocratic $arty) that this time ictory sho%ld not take the sideof the &erman banners, wo%ld hae been f%lfilled. ;or want of m%nitions

    the front wo%ld be broken thro%gh within a few weeks, the offensie

    wo%ld be effectiely stoed and the 9ntente saed. Then +nternational

    ;inance wo%ld ass%me control oer &ermany and the internal ob4ectie of 

    the Marxist national betrayal wo%ld be achieed. That ob4ectie was the

    destr%ction of the national economic system and the establishment of 

    international caitalistic domination in its stead.


    9meror 'illiam ++ was the first &erman 9meror to offer the hand of friendshi to the Marxist leaders, not s%secting that they were

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    sco%ndrels witho%t any sense of hono%r. 'hile they held the imerial

    hand in theirs, the other hand was already feeling for the dagger.


    + began to st%dy again and th%s it was that + first came to %nderstand erfectly what was the s%bstance and %rose of the life0work of the

    5ew, 1arl Marx. His aital became intelligible to me now for the first

    time. #nd in the light of it + now exactly %nderstood the fight of the

    !ocial "emocrats against national economics, a fight which was to

     reare the gro%nd for the hegemony of a real international and

    stock0exchange caital.


    The fact that the entre and Marxism had adoted this olicy was

    instr%ctie, beca%se if they had not th%s c%rtailed the :rights of theciti7en’00as they described the olitical rights of the soldiers after 

    the =eol%tion00the goernment which had been established in oember 

    -E wo%ld hae been oerthrown within a few years and the dishono%r and

    disgrace of the nation wo%ld not hae been f%rther rolonged.


    The minds of the bo%rgeois middle classes had become so fossili7ed that

    they sincerely belieed the army co%ld once again become what it had

     reio%sly been, namely, a ramart of &erman alo%r< while the entre

    $arty and the Marxists intended only to extract the oisono%s tooth of 

    nationalism, witho%t which an army m%st always remain 4%st a olice

    force b%t can neer be in the osition of a military organi7ation

    caable of fighting against the o%tside enemy. This tr%th was

    s%fficiently roed by s%bse6%ent eents.


    +t was a small amhlet of which this worker was the a%thor. +n his little

     book he described how his mind had thrown off the shackles of the

    Marxist and trade0%nion hraseology, and that he had come back to thenationalist ideals. That was the reason why he had entitled his little book@

    /My $olitical #wakening/. The amhlet sec%red my attention the

    moment + began to read, and + read it with interest to the end. The rocess

    here described was similar to that which + had exerienced in my own

    case ten years reio%sly.


    %t it remained for the 5ews, with their %n6%alified caacity for 

    falsehood, and their fighting comrades, the Marxists, to im%te

    resonsibility for the downfall recisely to the man who alone had showna s%erh%man will and energy in his effort to reent the catastrohe

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    which he had foreseen and to sae the nation from that ho%r of comlete

    oerthrow and shame. y lacing resonsibility for the loss of the world

    war on the sho%lders of *%dendorff they took away the weaon of moral

    right from the only adersary dangero%s eno%gh to be likely to s%cceed

    in bringing the betrayers of the ;atherland to 5%stice. #ll this was

    insired by the rincile00which is 6%ite tr%e in itself00that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility< beca%se the

     broad masses of a nation are always more easily corr%ted in the deeer 

    strata of their emotional nat%re than conscio%sly or ol%ntarily< and

    th%s in the rimitie simlicity of their minds they more readily fall

    ictims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themseles often

    tell small lies in little matters b%t wo%ld be ashamed to resort to

    large0scale falsehoods. +t wo%ld neer come into their heads to

    fabricate colossal %ntr%ths, and they wo%ld not beliee that others

    co%ld hae the im%dence to distort the tr%th so infamo%sly. 9en tho%gh

    the facts which roe this to be so may be bro%ght clearly to their 

    minds, they will still do%bt and waer and will contin%e to think thatthere may be some other exlanation. ;or the grossly im%dent lie always

    leaes traces behind it, een after it has been nailed down, a fact

    which is known to all exert liars in this world and to all who consire

    together in the art of lying. These eole know only too well how to %se

    falsehood for the basest %roses.


    efore the 'ar the internationali7ation of the &erman economic str%ct%re

    had already beg%n by the ro%ndabo%t way of share iss%es. +t is tr%e that

    a section of the &erman ind%strialists made a determined attemt to

    aert the danger, b%t in the end they gae way before the %nited attacks

    of money0grabbing caitalism, which was assisted in this fight by its

    faithf%l henchmen in the Marxist moement.


    The ersistent war against &erman :heay ind%stries’ was the isible

    start of the internationali7ation of &erman economic life as enisaged

     by the Marxists. This, howeer, co%ld only be bro%ght to a s%ccessf%l

    concl%sion by the ictory which Marxism was able to gain in the=eol%tion. #s + write these words, s%ccess is attending the general

    attack on the &erman !tate =ailways which are now to be t%rned oer to

    international caitalists. Th%s :+nternational !ocial "emocracy’ has

    once again attained one of its main ob4ecties.


    The f%nction of the so0called liberal $ress was to dig the grae for the

    &erman eole and =eich. o mention need be made of the lying Marxist

    $ress. To them the sreading of falsehood is as m%ch a ital necessity

    as the mo%se is to a cat.

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    'hile the Marxist newsaer, in the most desicable manner ossible, reiled

    eerything that was sacred, f%rio%sly attacked the !tate and &oernment

    and incited certain classes of the comm%nity against each other, the

     bo%rgeois0democratic aers, also in 5ewish hands, knew how tocamo%flage themseles as model examles of ob4ectiity. They st%dio%sly

    aoided harsh lang%age, knowing well that blockheads are caable of 

     4%dging only by external aearances and neer able to enetrate to the

    real deth and meaning of anything. They meas%re the worth of an ob4ect

     by its exterior and not by its content. This form of h%man frailty was

    caref%lly st%died and %nderstood by the $ress.


    ;or ten arliamentary mandates they wo%ld ally themseles with the

    Marxists, who are the mortal foes of all religion.


    y means of the Marxist and democratic $ress, the 5ews sread the

    colossal falsehood abo%t :&erman Militarism’ thro%gho%t the world and

    tried to inc%late &ermany by eery ossible means, while at the same

    time the Marxist and democratic arties ref%sed to assent to the

    meas%res that were necessary for the ade6%ate training of o%r national

    defence forces.


    The 5ew artf%lly enkindled that innate yearning for social 4%stice which

    is a tyical #ryan characteristic. 8nce that yearning became alie it was

    transformed into hatred against those in more fort%nate circ%mstances of

    life. The next stage was to gie a recise hilosohical asect to the

    str%ggle for the elimination of social wrongs. #nd th%s the Marxist

    doctrine was inented.


    This Marxist doctrine is an indiid%al mixt%re of h%man reason and

    h%man abs%rdity< b%t the combination is arranged in s%ch a way that only

    the abs%rd art of it co%ld eer be %t into ractice, b%t neer the

    reasonable art of it. y categorically re%diating the ersonal worth of

    the indiid%al and also the nation and its racial constit%ent, this doctrine

    destroys the f%ndamental basis of all ciili7ation< for ciili7ation

    essentially deends on these ery factors. !%ch is the tr%e essence of the

    Marxist 'eltanscha%%ng, so far as the word 'eltanscha%%ng can be

    alied at all to this hantom arising from a criminal brain.


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    The ery abs%rdity of the economic and olitical theories of Marxism

    gies the doctrine its ec%liar significance. eca%se of its

     se%do0logic, intelligent eole ref%se to s%ort it, while all those

    who are less acc%stomed to %se their intellect%al fac%lties, or who hae

    only a r%dimentary notion of economic rinciles, 4oin the Marxist ca%se

    with flying banners.


    To those two instr%ments of disintegration a third and still more r%thless

    one was added, namely, the organi7ation of br%te hysical force among

    the masses. #s massed col%mns of attacks, the Marxist troos stormed

    those arts of the social order which had been left standing after the two

    former %ndermining oerations had done their work.


    The combined actiity of all these forces has been marello%sly managed.

    #nd it will not be s%rrising if it t%rns o%t that those instit%tions

    which hae always aeared as the organs of the more or less traditional

    a%thority of the !tate sho%ld now fall before the Marxist attack.


     ot satisfied with the economic con6%est of the world, b%t also

    demanding that it m%st come %nder his olitical control, the 5ew

    s%bdiides the organi7ed Marxist ower into two arts, which corresond

    to the %ltimate ob4ecties that are to be fo%ght for in this str%ggle

    which is carried on %nder the direction of the 5ew.


    'hile the %er classes, with their innate cowardliness, t%rn away from

    anyone whom the 5ew th%s attacks with lies and cal%mny, the common

     eole are cred%lo%s of eerything, whether beca%se of their ignorance

    or their simle0mindedness. &oernment a%thorities wra themseles % in

    a robe of silence, b%t more fre6%ently they ersec%te the ictims of 

    5ewish attacks in order to sto the camaign in the 5ewish $ress. To thefat%o%s mind of the goernment official s%ch a line of cond%ct aears

    to belong to the olicy of %holding the a%thority of the !tate and

     resering %blic order. &rad%ally the Marxist weaon in the hands of 

    the 5ew becomes a constant bogy to decent eole.


    +n the field of olitics he now begins to relace the idea of democracy

     by introd%cing the dictatorshi of the roletariat. +n the masses

    organi7ed %nder the Marxist banners he has fo%nd a weaon which makes it

     ossible for him to discard democracy, so as to s%b4%gate and r%le in adictatorial fashion by the aid of br%te force. He is systematically

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    working in two ways to bring abo%t this reol%tion. These ways are the

    economic and the olitical resectiely.


    #t the elections to the =eichstag the growing n%mber of Marxist otesindicated that the internal breakdown and the olitical collase were

    then raidly aroaching. #ll the ictories of the so0called bo%rgeois

     arties were fr%itless, not only beca%se they co%ld not reent the

    n%merical increase in the growing mass of Marxist otes, een when the

     bo%rgeois arties tri%mhed at the olls, b%t mainly beca%se they

    themseles were already infected with the germs of decay. Tho%gh 6%ite

    %naware of it, the bo%rgeois world was infected from within with the

    deadly ir%s of Marxist ideas. The fact that they sometimes oenly

    resisted was to be exlained by the cometitie strife among ambitio%s

     olitical leaders, rather than by attrib%ting it to any oosition in

     rincile between adersaries who were determined to fight one anotherto the bitter end.


    Therefore it was not a solid national halanx that, of itself and o%t of 

    its own feeling of solidarity, r%shed to the battlefields in #%g%st

    -C. %t it was rather the manifestation of the last flicker from the

    instinct of national self0reseration against the rogress of the

     aralysis with which the acifist and Marxist doctrine threatened o%r 



    8er against this class stood the broad masses of man%al labo%rers who

    were organi7ed in moements with a more or less radically Marxist



    ;or it is not we o%rseles alone who are aware of the handica that

    res%lts from the existence of fifteen million Marxists, democrats, acifists and followers of the entre, in o%r midst, b%t foreign nations

    also recogni7e this internal b%rden which we hae to bear and take it

    into their calc%lations when estimating the al%e of a ossible alliance

    with %s.


    The millions, howeer, who are oosed to eery kind of national

    reial simly beca%se of their olitical oinions, constit%te an

    ins%rmo%ntable obstacle. #t least the obstacle will remain ins%rmo%ntable

    as long as the ca%se of their oosition, which is international Marxism,

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    is not oercome and its teachings banished from both their hearts and heads.


    !ocial "emocracy and the whole Marxist moement were artic%larly

    6%alified to attract the great masses of the nation, beca%se of the%niformity of the %blic to which they addressed their aeal. The more

    limited and narrow their ideas and arg%ments, the easier it was for the

    masses to gras and assimilate them< for those ideas and arg%ments were

    well adated to a low leel of intelligence.


    To sec%re name and fame for the moement and its leader it was necessary,

    not only to gie in this one town a striking examle to shatter the belief

    that the Marxist doctrine was inincible b%t also to show that a

    co%nter0doctrine was ossible.


    The Marxist leaders, whose b%siness consisted in deceiing and

    misleading the %blic, nat%rally hated most of all a moement whose

    declared aim was to win oer those masses which hitherto had been

    excl%siely at the serice of international Marxism in the 5ewish and

    !tock 9xchange arties. The title alone, :&erman *abo%r arty’,

    irritated them. +t co%ld easily be foreseen that at the first oort%ne

    moment we sho%ld hae to face the oosition of the Marxist desots,

    who were still intoxicated with their tri%mh in -E.


    8ne res%lt of o%r tactics was to show % clearly the close olitical

    fraterni7ation that existed also here in aaria between the Marxists

    and the entre $arty. The olitical arty that held ower in aaria,

    which was the aarian $eole’s $arty (affiliated with the entre $arty)

    did its best to co%nteract the effect which o%r lacards were haing on

    the :=ed’ masses.


    #boe all, $Fhner was one of those eole who, in contradistinction to

    the ma4ority of o%r so0called defenders of the a%thority of the !tate,

    did not fear to inc%r the enmity of the traitors to the co%ntry and the

    nation b%t rather co%rted it as a mark of hono%r and honesty. ;or s%ch

    men the hatred of the 5ews and Marxists and the lies and cal%mnies they

    sread, were their only so%rce of hainess in the midst of the national

    misery. $Fhner was a man of granite loyalty. He was like one of the

    ascetic characters of the classical era and was at the same time that

    kind of straightforward &erman for whom the saying :etter dead than aslae’ is not an emty hrase b%t a eritable heart’s cry.

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    This force was destined to imede the tri%mhant adance of the Marxists

    and bring the hariot of ;ate to a standstill 4%st as it seemed abo%t to reach

    its goal.


    !carcely anything else can be so deressing as to watch this rocess in

    sober reality and to be the eyewitness of this reeatedly rec%rring

    fra%d. 8n a sirit%al training gro%nd of that kind it is not ossible

    for the bo%rgeois forces to deelo the strength which is necessary to

    carry on the fight against the organi7ed might of Marxism. +ndeed they

    hae neer serio%sly tho%ght of doing so.


    "emocracy is exloited by the Marxists for the %rose of aralysing their

    oonents and gaining for themseles a free hand to %t their own methods

    into action. 'hen certain gro%s of Marxists %se all their ingen%ity for the

    time being to make it be belieed that they are insearably attached to the

     rinciles of democracy, it may be well to recall the fact that when critical

    occasions arose these same gentlemen snaed their fingers at the rincile

    of decision by ma4ority ote, as that rincile is %nderstood by 'estern



    "emocracy is exloited by the Marxists for the %rose of aralysing their

    oonents and gaining for themseles a free hand to %t their own methods

    into action. 'hen certain gro%s of Marxists %se all their ingen%ity for the

    time being to make it be belieed that they are insearably attached to the

     rinciles of democracy, it may be well to recall the fact that when critical

    occasions arose these same gentlemen snaed their fingers at the rincile

    of decision by ma4ority ote, as that rincile is %nderstood by 'estern



    #nd international Marxism is nothing b%t the alication00effected by the

    5ew, 1arl Marx00of a general concetion of life to a definite rofession of

     olitical faith< b%t in reality that general concet had existed long before

    the time of 1arl Marx. +f it had not already existed as a widely diff%sed

    infection the ama7ing olitical rogress of the Marxist teaching wo%ld

    neer hae been ossible. +n reality what disting%ished 1arl Marx from

    the millions who were affected in the same way was that, in a world

    already in a state of grad%al decomosition, he %sed his keen owers of

     rognosis to detect the essential oisons, so as to extract them andconcentrate them, with the art of a necromancer, in a sol%tion which

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    wo%ld bring abo%t the raid destr%ction of the indeendent nations on the



    Th%s the Marxist doctrine is the concentrated extract of the mentalitywhich %nderlies the general concet of life today. ;or this reason

    alone it is o%t of the 6%estion and een ridic%lo%s to think that what

    is called o%r bo%rgeois world can %t % any effectie fight against

    Marxism. ;or this bo%rgeois world is ermeated with all those same

     oisons and its concetion of life in general differs from Marxism only

    in degree and in the character of the ersons who hold it. The bo%rgeois

    world is Marxist b%t beliees in the ossibility of a certain gro% of 

     eole00that is to say, the bo%rgeoisie00being able to dominate the

    world, while Marxism itself systematically aims at deliering the world

    into the hands of the 5ews.


    +t selects indiid%al al%es from the mass and th%s oerates as an

    organi7ing rincile, whereas Marxism acts as a disintegrating solent.


    %t the fact that this concetion of the world still maintains its indeendent

    existence in face of all the others roes that their ways of looking at life are

    6%ite difierent from this. Th%s the Marxist concetion, directed by a central

    organi7ation endowed with s%reme a%thority, is oosed by a motley crew

    of oinions which is not ery imressie in face of the solid halanx

     resented by the enemy. ?ictory cannot be achieed with s%ch weak

    weaons. 8nly when the international idea, olitically organi7ed by

    Marxism, is confronted by the folk idea, e6%ally well organi7ed in a

    systematic way and e6%ally well led00only then will the fighting energy in

    the one cam be able to meet that of the other on an e6%al footing< and

    ictory will be fo%nd on the side of eternal tr%th.

    %t a general concetion of life can neer be gien an organic

    embodiment %ntil it is recisely and definitely form%lated. The f%nctionwhich dogma f%lfills in religio%s belief is arallel to the f%nction

    which arty rinciles f%lfill for a olitical arty which is in the

     rocess of being b%ilt %. Therefore, for the concetion of life that is

     based on the folk idea it is necessary that an instr%ment be forged

    which can be %sed in fighting for this ideal, similar to the Marxist

     arty organi7ation which clears the way for internationalism.

    #nd this is the aim which the &erman ational !ocialist *abo%r Moement



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    Th%s the 5ew, 1arl Marx, was able to draw the final concl%sions from

    these false concets and ideas on the nat%re and %rose of the !tate.

    y eliminating from the concet of the !tate all tho%ght of the

    obligation which the !tate bears towards the race, witho%t finding any

    other form%la that might be %niersally acceted, the bo%rgeois teaching

     reared the way for that doctrine which re4ects the !tate as s%ch.

    That is why the bo%rgeois str%ggle against Marxist internationalism is

    absol%tely doomed to fail in this field. The bo%rgeois classes hae

    already sacrificed the basic rinciles which alone co%ld f%rnish a

    solid footing for their ideas.


    +t wo%ld be abs%rd to araise a man’s worth by the race to which he

     belongs and at the same time to make war against the Marxist rincile,

    that all men are e6%al, witho%t being determined to %rs%e o%r own rincile to its %ltimate conse6%ences.


    Marxism reresents the most striking hase of the 5ewish endeao%r to

    eliminate the dominant significance of ersonality in eery shere of 

    h%man life and relace it by the n%merical ower of the masses. +n

     olitics the arliamentary form of goernment is the exression of this



    9en if, on the basis of its mass theory, Marxism sho%ld roe itself 

    caable of taking oer and deeloing the resent economic system, that

    wo%ld not signify anything. The 6%estion as to whether the Marxist

    doctrine be right or wrong cannot be decided by any test which wo%ld

    show that it can administer for the f%t%re what already exists today,

     b%t only by asking whether it has the creatie ower to b%ild %

    according to its own rinciles a ciili7ation which wo%ld be a

    co%nterart of what already exists. 9en if Marxism were a tho%sandfold

    caable of taking oer the economic life as we now hae it andmaintaining it in oeration %nder Marxist direction, s%ch an achieement

    wo%ld roe nothing< beca%se, on the basis of its own rinciles,

    Marxism wo%ld neer be able to create something which co%ld s%lant

    what exists today.

    #nd Marxism itself has f%rnished the roof that it cannot do this. ot

    only has it been %nable anywhere to create a c%lt%ral or economic system

    of its own< b%t it was not een able to deelo, according to its own

     rinciles, the ciili7ation and economic system it fo%nd ready at hand.


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    The racial 'eltanscha%%ng is f%ndamentally disting%ished from the

    Marxist by reason of the fact that the former recogni7es the

    significance of race and therefore also ersonal worth and has made

    these the illars of its str%ct%re. These are the most imortant factors

    of its 'eltanscha%%ng.

    +f the ational !ocialist Moement sho%ld fail to %nderstand the

    f%ndamental imortance of this essential rincile, if it sho%ld merely

    arnish the external aearance of the resent !tate and adot the

    ma4ority rincile, it wo%ld really do nothing more than comete with

    Marxism on its own gro%nd. ;or that reason it wo%ld not hae the right

    to call itself a 'eltanscha%%ng. +f the social rogramme of the

    moement consisted in eliminating ersonality and %tting the m%ltit%de

    in its lace, then ational !ocialism wo%ld be corr%ted with the oison

    of Marxism, 4%st as o%r national0bo%rgeois arties are.


    Marxism too has had its aims to %rs%e and it also recogni7es

    constr%ctie work, tho%gh by this it %nderstands only the establishment

    of desotic r%le in the hands of international 5ewish finance.

     eertheless for seenty years its rincial work still remains in the

    field of criticism. #nd what disr%tie and destr%ctie criticism it has

     beenG riticism reeated again and again, %ntil the corrosie acid ate

    into the old !tate so thoro%ghly that it finally cr%mbled to ieces.

    8nly then did the so0called :constr%ctie’ critical work of Marxism



    The fact, which was always looked %on with indifference by o%r

    middle0classes, that only the so0called %ned%cated classes 4oined Marxism

    was the ery gro%nd on which this arty achieed its s%ccess. ;or while the

     bo%rgeois arties, beca%se they mostly consisted of intellect%als, were only

    a feckless band of %ndiscilined indiid%als, o%t of m%ch less intelligent h%man

    material the Marxist leaders formed a army of arty combatants who obey

    their 5ewish masters 4%st as blindly as they formerly obeyed their 

    &erman officers. The &erman middle classes, who neer bothered their heads abo%t sychological roblems beca%se they felt themseles s%erior 

    to s%ch matters, did not think it necessary to reflect on the rofo%nd

    significance of this fact and the secret danger inoled in it.


    The disr%tie work done by the Marxists and the oisono%s roaganda of 

    the external enemy had robbed these eole of their reason. #nd one had

    no right to comlain. ;or the g%ilt on this side was enormo%s. 'hat had

    the &erman bo%rgeoisie done to call a halt to this terrible camaign of 

    disintegration, to oose it and oen a way to a recognition of thetr%th by giing a better and more thoro%gh exlanation of the sit%ation

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    than that of the MarxistsA othing, nothing.


    +t is %seless to ob4ect here, as certain big erlin aers of 

    &erman0ational tendencies hae attemted to do, that this statement isref%ted by the fact that the Marxists hae exercised their greatest

    infl%ence thro%gh their writings, and esecially thro%gh their rincial

     book, %blished by 1arl Marx. !eldom has a more s%erficial arg%ment

     been based on a false ass%mtion. 'hat gae Marxism its ama7ing

    infl%ence oer the broad masses was not that formal rinted work which

    sets forth the 5ewish system of ideas, b%t the tremendo%s oral

     roaganda carried on for years among the masses. 8%t of one h%ndred

    tho%sand &erman workers scarcely one h%ndred know of Marx’s book. +t has

     been st%died m%ch more in intellect%al circles and esecially by the

    5ews than by the gen%ine followers of the moement who come from the

    lower classes. That work was not written for the masses, b%t excl%sielyfor the intellect%al leaders of the 5ewish machine for con6%ering the

    world. The engine was heated with 6%ite different st%ff@ namely, the

     4o%rnalistic $ress. 'hat differentiates the bo%rgeois $ress from the

    Marxist $ress is that the latter is written by agitators, whereas the

     bo%rgeois $ress wo%ld like to carry on agitation by means of 

     rofessional writers. The !ocial0"emocrat s%b0editor, who almost always

    came directly from the meeting to the editorial offices of his aer,

    felt his 4ob on his fingertis. %t the bo%rgeois writer who left his

    desk to aear before the masses already felt ill when he smelled the

    ery odo%r of the crowd and fo%nd that what he had written was %seless

    to him.

    'hat won oer millions of workeole to the Marxist ca%se was not the

    ex cathedra style of the Marxist writers b%t the formidable roagandist

    work done by tens of tho%sands of indefatigable agitators, commencing

    with the leading fiery agitator down to the smallest official in the

    syndicate, the tr%sted delegate and the latform orator.


    This kind of roaganda infl%enced men in s%ch a way as to gie them ataste for reading the !ocial "emocratic $ress and reare their minds

    for its teaching. That $ress, in its t%rn, was a ehicle of the soken

    word rather than of the written word. 'hereas in the bo%rgeois cam

     rofessors and learned writers, theorists and a%thors of all kinds, made

    attemts at talking, in the Marxist cam real seakers often made

    attemts at writing.


    The masses of illiterate =%ssians were not fired to omm%nist

    reol%tionary enth%siasm by reading the theories of 1arl Marx b%t by the romises of aradise made to the eole by tho%sands of agitators in the

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    serice of an idea.


    The ational !ocialist Moement sho%ld neer forget this, and it sho%ld

    neer allow itself to be infl%enced by these bo%rgeois d%ffers who think they know eerything b%t who hae foolishly gambled away a great !tate,

    together with their own existence and the s%remacy of their own class.

    They are oerflowing with ability< they can do eerything, and they know

    eerything. %t there is one thing they hae not known how to do, and

    that is how to sae the &erman eole from falling into the arms of 

    Marxism. +n that they hae shown themseles most itiably and miserably



    The ordinary bo%rgeoisie were ery shocked to see that we had also chosenthe symbolic red of olsheism, and they regarded this as something

    %nambig%o%sly significant. The s%sicion was whisered in &erman

     ationalist circles that we also were merely another ariety of Marxism,

     erhas een Marxists s%itably disg%ised, or better still, !ocialists. The act%al

    difference between !ocialism and Marxism still remains a mystery to these

     eole % to this day. The charge of Marxism was concl%siely roed when

    it was discoered that at o%r meetings we deliberately s%bstit%ted the words

    :fellow co%ntrymen and women’ for :ladies and gentlemen’ and addressed

    each other as :arty comrade’. 'e %sed to roar with la%ghter at these

    silly faint0hearted bo%rgeoisie and their efforts to %77le o%t o%r 

    origin, o%r intentions and o%r aims.

    'e chose red for o%r osters after artic%lar and caref%l deliberation,

    o%r intention being to irritate the *eft, so as to aro%se their attention and temt

    them to come to o%r meetings00if only in order to break them %00so that in this

    way we had a chance of talking to the eole.


    Those fifteen or twenty men wo%ld certainly hae been oerwhelmed in

    the end had not the oonents known that three or fo%r times as many ofthemseles wo%ld first get their sk%lls cracked. #rid that risk they were

    not willing to r%n. 'e had done o%r best to st%dy Marxist and bo%rgeois

    methods of cond%cting meetings, and we had certainly learned something.

    The Marxists had always exercised a most rigid disciline so that the

    6%estion of breaking % their meetings co%ld neer hae originated in

     bo%rgeois 6%arters. This gae the =eds all the more reason for acting on

    this lan. +n time they not only became masters in this art b%t in

    certain large districts of the =eich they went so far as to declare that

    non0Marxist meetings were nothing less than a ca%se of’ roocation

    against the roletariat.

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    Therefore, o%r methods of organi7ation at ational !ocialist meetings

    were something 6%ite strange to the Marxists. They came to o%r meetings

    in the belief that the little game which they had so often layed co%ld

    as a matter of co%rse be also reeated on %s. Today we shall finishthem off./ How often did they bawl this o%t to each other on entering

    the meeting hall, only to be thrown o%t with lightning seed before they

    had time to reeat it.


    +f time ermitted and if it s%ited %s, a disc%ssion wo%ld be allowed to

    take lace. 8%r arty colleag%e wo%ld now make his seech.... That kind

    of talk was s%fficient in itself to astonish the Marxists.

    !econdly, we had at o%r disosal a well0trained and organi7ed body of men for maintaining order at o%r meetings. 8n the other hand the

     bo%rgeois arties rotected their meetings with a body of men better 

    classified as %shers who by irt%e of their age tho%ght they were

    entitled to a%thority and resect. %t as Marxism has little or no

    resect for these things, the 6%estion of s%itable self0rotection at

    these bo%rgeois meetings was, so to seak, in ractice non0existent.


    +n erlin, after the 'ar, + was resent at a mass demonstration of Marxists

    in front of the =oyal $alace and in the *%stgarten. # sea of red flags, red

    armlets and red flowers was in itself s%fficient to gie that h%ge assembly of

    abo%t 2, ersons an o%tward aearance of strength. + was now able

    to feel and %nderstand how easily the man in the street s%cc%mbs to the

    hynotic magic of s%ch a grandiose iece of theatrical resentation.

    The bo%rgeoisie, which as a arty neither ossesses or stands for any

    'eltanscha%%ng, had therefore not a single banner.


    8f co%rse, the black, red and gold of the &erman arties in the old #%stria were

    the colo%rs of the year ECE@ that is to say, of a eriod likely to be regarded as

    somewhat isionary, b%t it was a eriod that had honest &erman so%ls as

    its reresentaties, altho%gh the 5ews were l%rking %nseen as

    wire0%llers in the backgro%nd. +t was high treason and the shamef%l

    enslaement of the &erman territory that first of all made these colo%rs

    so attractie to the Marxists of the entre $arty< so m%ch so that

    today they reere them as their most cherished ossession and %se them

    as their own banners for the rotection of the flag they once fo%lly


    +t is a fact, therefore, that, % till -2, in oosition to the

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    Marxists there was no flag that wo%ld hae stood for a consolidated

    resistance to them.


    +t was obio%s that the symbol of a rIgime which had been oerthrown bythe Marxists %nder inglorio%s circ%mstances was not now worthy to sere

    as a banner %nder which the same Marxism was to be cr%shed in its t%rn.


    The Moement which is fighting Marxism today along these lines m%st

    dislay on its banner the symbol of the new !tate.


    rowds gathered ro%nd o%r osters< the large meeting halls in the townwere always filled and tens of tho%sands of eole, who had been led astray

     by the teachings of Marxism, fo%nd their way to %s and assisted in the

    work of fighting for the liberation of the =eich.


    #t that time there was no arty in M%nich with the excetion of the

    Marxist arties00certainly no nationalist arty00which was able to hold

    s%ch mass demonstrations as o%rs. The M%nich 1indl Hall, which held

    J, eole, was more than once oercrowded and % till then there was

    only one other hall, the 1rone irc%s Hall, into which we had not



    +t was the first time that lorries had drien thro%gh the streets bearing flags

    and not manned by Marxists. The %blic stared oen0mo%thed at these

    red0draed cars, and in the o%tlying districts clenched fists were angrily

    raised at this new eidence of :roocation of the roletariat’. 'ere not the

    Marxists the only ones entitled to hold meetings and drie abo%t in motor



    %t it was ery diffic%lt to establish any abiding a%thority on the

     o%lar s%ort gien to these Marxist freebooters.


    The +ndeendent !ocialist $arty and the !artacist *eag%e were the storm

     battalions of reol%tionary Marxism. The ob4ectie assigned to them was to

    create a fait accomli, on the gro%nds of which the masses of the !ocial"emocratic $arty co%ld take their stand, haing been reared for this eent

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    long beforehand. The feckless bo%rgeoisie had been estimated at its 4%st

    al%e by the Marxists and treated en canaille. obody bothered abo%t it,

    knowing well that in their canine serility the reresentaties of an old and

    worn0o%t generation wo%ld not be able to offer any serio%s resistance.


    The &erman olitical bo%rgeoisie achieed the high hono%r of being able

    to associate itself with the acc%rsed Marxist leaders for the %rose of

    combating olsheism.

    Th%s the following state of affairs took shae as early as "ecember -E

    and 5an%ary --@

    # minority constit%ted of the worst elements had made the =eol%tion.

    #nd behind this minority all the Marxist arties immediately fell into



    &rad%ally the barricade heroes in the !artacist cam etered o%t, and

    so did the nationalist atriots and idealists on the other side. #s

    these two gro%s steadily dwindled, the masses of the middle strat%m, as

    always haens, tri%mhed. The o%rgeoisie and the Marxists met together 

    on the gro%nds of accomlished facts, and the =e%blic began to be



    'hen Marxism emerged in the world of bo%rgeois democracy, as a

    conse6%ence of that democracy itself, the aeal sent o%t by the

     bo%rgeois democracy to fight Marxism with intellect%al weaons was a

     iece of folly for which a terrible exiation had to be made later on.

    ;or Marxism always rofessed the doctrine that the %se of arms was a

    matter which had to be 4%dged from the standoint of exediency and that

    s%ccess 4%stified the %se of arms.

    This idea was roed correct d%ring the days from oember K to ,-E. The Marxists did not then bother themseles in the least abo%t

     arliament or democracy, b%t they gae the death blow to both by t%rning

    loose their horde of criminals to shoot and raise hell.


    'hen the law for the $rotection of the =e%blic was introd%ced the

    ma4ority was not at first in fao%r of it. %t, confronted with two

    h%ndred tho%sand Marxists demonstrating in the streets, the bo%rgeois

    :statesmen’ were so terror0stricken that they oted for the *aw against

    their wills, for the edifying reason that otherwise they feared theymight get their heads smashed by the enraged masses on leaing the

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    The only organi7ations which at that time had the strength and co%rage

    to face Marxism and its enraged masses were first of all the ol%nteer cors (ote -), and s%bse6%ently the organi7ations for self0defence, the

    ciic g%ards and finally the associations formed by the demobili7ed

    soldiers of the old #rmy.


    The s%ccess which Marxism once attained was d%e to erfect cooeration

     between olitical %roses and r%thless force.


    +n the consolidated =eichswehr Marxism grad%ally ac6%ired the s%ort of 

    force, which it needed for its a%thority. #s a logical conse6%ence it

     roceeded to abolish those defence associations which it considered

    dangero%s, declaring that they were now no longer necessary. !ome rash

    leaders who defied the Marxist orders were s%mmoned to co%rt and sent to



    The &erman !tate is intensely oerr%n by Marxism. +n a str%ggle that

    went on for seenty years the !tate was not able to reent the tri%mh

    of the Marxist idea. 9en tho%gh the sentences to enal serit%de and

    imrisonment amo%nted in all to tho%sands of years, and een tho%gh the

    most sang%inary methods of reression were in inn%merable instances

    threatened against the chamions of the Marxist 'eltanscha%%ng, in the

    end the !tate was forced to cait%late almost comletely. The ordinary

     bo%rgeois olitical leaders will deny all this, b%t their rotests are


    !eeing that the !tate cait%lated %nconditionally to Marxism on oember 

    -th, -E, it will not s%ddenly rise % tomorrow as the con6%eror of Marxism. 8n the contrary. o%rgeois simletons sitting on office stools

    in the ario%s ministries babble abo%t the necessity of not goerning

    against the wishes of the workers, and by the word :workers’ they mean

    the Marxists. y identifying the &erman worker with Marxism not only are

    they g%ilty of a ile falsification of the tr%th, b%t they th%s try to

    hide their own collase before the Marxist idea and the Marxist


    +n iew of the comlete s%bordination of the resent !tate to Marxism,

    the ational !ocialist Moement feels all the more bo%nd not only to

     reare the way for the tri%mh of its idea by aealing to the reasonand %nderstanding of the %blic b%t also to take %on itself the

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    resonsibility of organi7ing its own defence against the terror of the

    +nternational, which is intoxicated with its own ictory.


    8nce we had beg%n to aear as a danger to Marxism the Marxists lost nooort%nity of trying to cr%sh beforehand all rearations for the holding

    of ational !ocialist meetings. 'hen they did not s%cceed in this they

    tried to break % the meeting itself.

    +t goes witho%t saying that all the Marxist organi7ations, no matter of

    what grade or iew, blindly s%orted the olicy and actiities of their 

    reresentaties in eery case. %t what is to be said of the bo%rgeois

     arties who, when they were red%ced to silence by these same Marxists

    and in many laces did not dare to send their seakers to aear before

    the %blic, yet showed themseles leased, in a st%id and

    incomrehensible manner, eery time we receied any kind of setback ino%r fight against Marxism.The bo%rgeois arties were hay to think 

    that those whom they themseles co%ld not stand % against, b%t had to

    kn%ckle down to, co%ld not be broken by %s. 'hat m%st be said of those

    !tate officials, chiefs of olice, and een cabinet ministers, who

    showed a scandalo%s lack of rincile in resenting themseles

    externally to the %blic as :national’ and yet shamelessly acted as the

    henchmen of the Marxists in the dis%tes which we, ational !ocialists,

    had with the latter. 'hat can be said of ersons who debased themseles

    so far, for the sake of a little ab4ect raise in the 5ewish $ress, that

    they ersec%ted those men to whose heroic co%rage and interention,

    regardless of risk, they were artly indebted for not haing been torn

    to ieces by the =ed mob a few years reio%sly and str%ng % to the



    "agger and istol and oison ial cannot clear the way for the rogress

    of the moement. That can be done only by winning oer the man in the

    street. 'e m%st oerthrow Marxism, so that for the f%t%re ational

    !ocialism will be master of the street, 4%st as it will one day become

    master of the !tate.


    "%ring -- and -2 there was danger that the members of secret

    organi7ations, %nder the infl%ence of great historical examles and

    oercome by the immensity of the nation’s misfort%nes, might attemt to

    wreak engeance on the destroyers of their co%ntry, %nder the belief 

    that this wo%ld end the miseries of the eole. #ll s%ch attemts were

    sheer folly, for the reason that the Marxist tri%mh was not d%e to the

    s%erior geni%s of one remarkable erson b%t rather to immeas%rable

    incometence and cowardly shirking on the art of the bo%rgeoisie. Thehardest criticism that can be %ttered against o%r bo%rgeoisie is simly

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    to state the fact that it s%bmitted to the =eol%tion, een tho%gh the

    =eol%tion did not rod%ce one single man of eminent worth.


    +n this way the str%ggle against the resent !tate was laced on ahigher lane than that of etty reenge and small consiracies. +t

    was eleated to the leel of a sirit%al str%ggle on behalf of a

    'eltanscha%%ng, for the destr%ction of Marxism in all its shaes

    and forms.


    #doting the tyically Marxist and 5ewish method of sreading

    falsehoods, leaflets were distrib%ted by hand on the streets, bearing

    the cation@ /omrades and omradesses of the +nternational

    $roletariat./ These leaflets were meant to aro%se the wrath of the o%lace. Twisting the facts comletely aro%nd, they declared that o%r 

    :bands of assasins’ had commenced :a war of extermination against the

     eacef%l workers of ob%rg’.


    8%r contemoraries began to ay %s secial attention and for the first

    time many recogni7ed the ational !ocialist Moement as an

    organi7ation that in all robability was destined to bring the Marxist

    folly to a desering end.


    &enerally seaking, the bo%rgeois $ress was artly distressed and artly

    %lgar, as always. 8nly a few decent newsaers exressed their 

    satisfaction that at least in one locality the Marxist street b%llies

    had been effectiely dealt with.

    #nd in ob%rg itself at least a art of the Marxist workers who m%st be

    looked %on as misled, learned from the blows of ational !ocialist

    fists that these workers were also fighting for ideals, beca%seexerience teaches that the h%man being fights only for something in

    which he beliees and which he loes.


    The Marxists, who had always derided and exloited the indiid%al &erman

    states and their rinces, now s%ddenly aealed, as an :+ndeendent

    $arty’ to those sentiments and instincts which had their strongest roots

    in the families of the reigning rinces and the indiid%al states.

    The fight waged by the aarian !oiet =e%blic against the militarycontingents that were sent to free aaria from its gras was

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    reresented by the Marxist roagandists as first of all the :!tr%ggle

    of the aarian 'orker’ against :$r%ssian Militarism.’


    +n recent years things hae gone so far that atriotic circles, in&od0forsaken blindness of their religio%s strife, co%ld not recogni7e

    the folly of their cond%ct een from the fact that atheist Marxist

    newsaers adocated the ca%se of one religio%s denomination or the

    other, according as it s%ited Marxist interests, so as to create

    conf%sion thro%gh slogans and declarations which were often immeas%rably

    st%id, now molesting the one arty and again the other, and th%s oking

    the fire to kee the bla7e at its highest.


    This was the task assigned to it the moment it became a fighting weaon inthe hands of the Marxists. The trades %nion is not nat%rally an instr%ment of

    class warfare< b%t the Marxists transformed it into an instr%ment for %se in

    their own class str%ggle.


    There were two ways which might lead to s%ch a deeloment@

    () 'e co%ld establish o%r Trades >nion and then grad%ally take % the

    fight against the Marxist +nternational Trades >nion.

    (2) 8r we co%ld enter the Marxist Trades >nion and inc%lcate a new

    sirit in it, with the idea of transforming it into an instr%ment in the

    serice of the new ideal.

    The first way was not adisable, by reason of the fact that o%r 

    financial sit%ation was still the ca%se of m%ch worry to %s at that time

    and o%r reso%rces were 6%ite slender. The effects of the inflation were

    steadily sreading and made the artic%lar sit%ation still more

    diffic%lt for %s, beca%se in those years one co%ld scarcely seak of any

    material hel which the trades %nions co%ld extend to their members.;rom this oint of iew, there was no reason why the indiid%al worker 

    sho%ld ay his d%es to the %nion. 9en the Marxist %nions then existing

    were already on the oint of collase %ntil, as the res%lt of Herr 

    %no’s enlightened =%hr olicy, millions were s%ddenly o%red into their 

    coffers. This so0called :national’ hancellor of the =eich sho%ld go

    down in history as the =edeemer of the Marxist trades %nions.

    'e co%ld not co%nt on similar financial facilities. #nd nobody co%ld be

    ind%ced to enter a new Trades >nion which, on acco%nt of its financial

    weakness, co%ld not offer him the slightest material benefit. 8n the

    other hand, + felt bo%nd absol%tely to g%ard against the creation of s%ch an organi7ation which wo%ld only be a shelter for shirkers of the

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    more or less intellect%al tye.

    #t that time the 6%estion of ersonnel layed the most imortant role. +

    did not hae a single man whom + might call %on to carry o%t this

    imortant task. 'hoeer co%ld hae s%cceeded at that time in

    oerthrowing the Marxist %nions to make way for the tri%mh of the ational !ocialist cororatie idea, which wo%ld then take the lace of 

    the r%ino%s class warfare00s%ch a erson wo%ld be fit to rank with the

    ery greatest men o%r nation has rod%ced and his b%st sho%ld be

    installed in the ?alhalla at =egensb%rg for the admiration of osterity.


    The Marxist trade0%nionist citadel may be goerned today by mediocre

    leaders, b%t it cannot be taken by assa%lt excet thro%gh the da%ntless

    energy and geni%s of a s%erior leader on the other side.


    The moement and the nation can derie adantage from a ational

    !ocialist trade %nionist organi7ation only if the latter be so

    thoro%ghly insired by ational !ocialist ideas that it r%ns no danger 

    of falling into ste behind the Marxist moement. ;or a ational

    !ocialist Trades >nion which wo%ld consider itself only as a cometitor 

    against the Marxist %nions wo%ld be worse than none. +t m%st declare war 

    against the Marxist Trades >nion, not only as an organi7ation b%t, aboe

    all, as an idea.


    +s it at all ossible to concl%de an alliance with &ermany as it is

    todayA an a $ower which wo%ld enter into an alliance for the %rose

    of sec%ring assistance in an effort to carry o%t its own 8;;9!+?9

    aims00can s%ch a $ower form an alliance with a !tate whose r%lers hae

    for years long resented a sectacle of delorable incometence and

     acifist cowardice and where the ma4ority of the eole, blinded by

    democratic and Marxist teachings, betray the interests of their own

     eole and co%ntry in a manner that cries to Heaen for engeanceA


    The internationali7ation of o%r &erman economic system, that is to say, the

    transference of o%r rod%ctie forces to the control of 5ewish

    international finance, can be comletely carried o%t only in a !tate

    that has been olitically olshei7ed. %t the Marxist fighting forces,

    commanded by international and 5ewish stock exchange caital, cannot

    finally smash the national resistance in &ermany witho%t friendly hel

    from o%tside. ;or this %rose ;rench armies wo%ld first hae to inade

    and oercome the territory of the &erman =eich %ntil a state of international chaos wo%ld set in, and then the co%ntry wo%ld hae to

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    s%cc%mb to olsheik storm troos in the serice of 5ewish international


    Hence it is that at the resent time the 5ew is the great agitator for 

    the comlete destr%ction of &ermany. 'heneer we read of attacks against

    &ermany taking lace in any art of the world the 5ew is always theinstigator. +n eacetime, as well as d%ring the 'ar, the 5ewish0Marxist

    stock exchange $ress systematically stirred % hatred against &ermany,

    %ntil one !tate after another abandoned its ne%trality and laced itself 

    at the serice of the world coalition, een against the real interests

    of its own eole.


    The rohibition of ;reemasonry and secret societies, the s%ression of the

    s%ernational $ress and the definite abolition of Marxism, together with

    the steadily increasing consolidation of the ;ascist concet of the!tate00all this will enable the +talian &oernment, in the co%rse of 

    some years, to adance more and more the interests of the +talian eole

    witho%t aying any attention to the hissing of the 5ewish world hydra.


    +f nationalist circles today grow enth%siastic abo%t the idea of an alliance

    with olsheism, then let them look aro%nd only in &ermany and recogni7e

    from what 6%arter they are being s%orted. "o these nationalists beliee

    that a olicy which is recommended and acclaimed by the Marxist

    international ress can be beneficial for the &erman eoleA !ince when has

    the 5ew acted as shield bearer for the militant nationalistA


    5%st as in -E we had to ay with o%r blood for the fail%re to cr%sh

    the Marxist serent %nderfoot once and for all in -C and -J, now we

    hae to s%ffer retrib%tion for the fact that in the sring of -23 we

    did not sei7e the oort%nity then offered %s for finally wiing o%t the

    handiwork done by the Marxists who betrayed their co%ntry and were

    resonsible for the m%rder of o%r eole.


    8nly bo%rgeois minds co%ld hae arried at the incredible belief 

    that Marxism had robably become 6%ite a different thing now and that

    the canaille of ringleaders in -E, who callo%sly %sed the bodies of 

    o%r two million dead as steing stones on which they climbed into the

    ario%s &oernment ositions, wo%ld now, in the year -23, s%ddenly show

    themseles ready to ay their trib%te to the national conscience. +t was

    eritably a iece of incredible folly to exect that those traitorswo%ld s%ddenly aear as the chamions of &erman freedom. They had no

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    intention of doing it. 5%st as a hyena will not leae its carrion, a

    Marxist will not gie % ind%lging in the betrayal of his co%ntry. +t is

    o%t of the 6%estion to %t forward the st%id retort here, that so many

    of the workers gae their blood for &ermany. &erman workers, yes, b%t no

    longer international Marxists. +f the &erman working class, in -C,

    consisted of real Marxists the 'ar wo%ld hae ended within three weeks.&ermany wo%ld hae collased before the first soldier had %t a foot

     beyond the frontiers. o. The fact that the &erman eole carried on the

    'ar roed that the Marxist folly had not yet been able to enetrate

    deely. %t as the 'ar was rolonged &erman soldiers and workers

    grad%ally fell back into the hands of the Marxist leaders, and the

    n%mber of those who th%s relased became lost to their co%ntry.


    The sit%ation in -23 was 6%ite similar to that of -E. o matter what

    form of resistance was decided %on, the first rere6%isite for takingaction was the elimination of the Marxist oison from the body of the

    nation. #nd + was coninced that the first task then of a really

     ational &oernment was to seek and find those forces that were

    determined to wage a war of destr%ction against Marxism and to gie

    these forces a free hand. +t was their d%ty not to bow down before the

    fetish of :order and tran6%illity’ at a moment when the enemy from

    o%tside was dealing the ;atherland a death blow and when high treason

    was l%rking behind eery street corner at home. o. # really ational

    &oernment o%ght then to hae welcomed disorder and %nrest if this

    t%rmoil wo%ld afford an oort%nity of finally settling with the

    Marxists, who are the mortal enemies of o%r eole. +f this reca%tion

    were neglected, then it was sheer folly to think of resisting, no matter 

    what form that resistance might take.

    8f co%rse, s%ch a settlement of acco%nts with the Marxists as wo%ld be

    of real historical imortance co%ld not be effected along lines laid

    down by some secret co%ncil or according to some lan concocted by the

    shrielled mind of some cabinet minister. +t wo%ld hae to be in

    accordance with the eternal laws of life on this 9arth which are and

    will remain those of a ceaseless str%ggle for existence.


    #t that time + often talked myself hoarse in trying to make it clear, at

    least to the so0called national circles, what was then at stake and that

     by reeating the errors committed in -C and the following years we

    m%st necessarily come to the same kind of catastrohe as in -E. +

    fre6%ently imlored of them to let ;ate hae a free hand and to make it

     ossible for o%r Moement to settle with the Marxists.


    #nd then also + recogni7ed the fact that all the bo%rgeois

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     arties had been fighting Marxism merely from the sirit of cometition

    witho%t sincerely wishing to destroy it.


    #t that time00+ admit it oenly00+ conceied a rofo%nd admiration for the great man beyond the #ls, whose ardent loe for his eole insired

    him not to bargain with +taly’s internal enemies b%t to %se all ossible

    ways and means in an effort to wie them o%t. 'hat laces M%ssolini in

    the ranks of the world’s great men is his decision not to share +taly

    with the Marxists b%t to redeem his co%ntry from Marxism by destroying



    The attit%de adoted by the bo%rgeoisie in -23 and the way in which

    they dealt kindly with Marxism decided from the o%tset the fate of anyattemt at actie resistance in the =%hr.


    ;or if the res%lt of the &erman action in regard to the ;rench inasion of

    the =%hr had been only the destr%ction of Marxism at home, s%ccess wo%ld

    hae been on o%r side. 8nce liberated from the deadly enemies of her

     resent and f%t%re existence, &ermany wo%ld ossess forces which no ower

    in the world co%ld strangle again. 8n the day when Marxism is broken in

    &ermany the chains that bind &ermany will be smashed for eer.


    8f co%rse they needed the Marxists for the strike, beca%se the workers

    wo%ld hae to be the first to go on strike. ow, in the brain of a

     bo%rgeois statesman s%ch as %no, a Marxist and a worker are one and the

    same thing. Therefore it was necessary to bring the worker into line

    with all the other &ermans in a %nited front.


    #t !t%ttgart and other laces he soke to :his eole’ and this eole became

    lost in admiration for him. 8f co%rse they needed the Marxists for the strike,

     beca%se the workers wo%ld hae to be the first to go on strike. ow, in the

     brain of a bo%rgeois statesman s%ch as %no, a Marxist and a worker are one

    and the same thing. Therefore it was necessary to bring the worker into line

    with all the other &ermans in a %nited front. 8ne sho%ld hae seen how

    the co%ntenances of these arty oliticians beamed with the light of 

    their moth0eaten bo%rgeois c%lt%re when the great geni%s soke the word

    of reelation to them. Here was a nationalist and also a man of geni%s.

    #t last they had discoered what they had so long so%ght. ;or now the

    abyss between Marxism and themseles co%ld be bridged oer. #nd th%s it became ossible for the se%do nationalist to ae the &erman manner and

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    adot nationalist hraseology in reaching o%t the ingen%o%s hand of 

    friendshi to the internationalist traitors of their co%ntry. The

    traitor readily grased that hand, beca%se, 4%st as Herr %no had need

    of the Marxist chiefs for his :%nited front’, the Marxist chiefs needed

    Herr %no’s money.