merchandise vendor payable portal

Merchandise Vendor Payable Portal December 2009 Page 1 of 16 MVPP Guide Merchandise Vendor Payable Portal Guide

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Page 1: Merchandise Vendor Payable Portal

Merchandise Vendor Payable Portal

December 2009 Page 1 of 16 MVPP Guide

Merchandise Vendor

Payable Portal


Page 2: Merchandise Vendor Payable Portal

Merchandise Vendor Payable Portal

December 2009 Page 2 of 16 MVPP Guide

1. Introduction The Merchandise Vendor Payable Portal (MVPP) system is a web-based application that enables on-line access to the vendor’s payable information, Returned Goods Data Point of Sales data (RGD POS), and allows

the Vendor user to submit inquiries/disputes related to items posted to their account.

Note: Disputes starting with “ETA” and/or “ASN” should continue to be addressed as they are today through the DPS application.

2. Merchandise Vendor Payable Portal Access

The Merchandise Vendor Payable Portal (MVPP) link must be activated by the Security Administrator (SA), before a Vendor User can start retrieving account information or submitting disputes to the Payables team.

Enter the Toys “R” Us, Inc Vendor Extranet website at:

Enter the Login and Password in the corresponding spaces provided on the Vendor Extranet website. The Vendor Extranet Introduction page will be displayed.

In the left navigation column the link for Merchandise Payable Vendor Portal (MVPP) will appear under the “Application Links” section.

If the “Application Links” section does not contain the MVPP icon, you do not have access rights to the application. If the icon is displayed please continue to No 3.

In order to obtain rights to the MVPP application please contact the Security Administrator responsible for your group.

If you are the Security Administrator responsible for your group and wish to gain access to the Merchandise Vendor Payable Portal, please contact [email protected].

To access multiple accounts please ensure to logout after completing the work with one account. Then enter your login and password to access the next account. The access is granted under the payable resource number.

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3. Merchandise Vendor Payable Portal Home Page

Once you click on MVPP link on the Application links section the Welcome to the Vendor Payable Portal Home Page will appear. On the left navigation column you will see the icons below:

3.1 Payment Inquiry The Payment Inquiry link as noted above will give access to all the transaction posted to your account. Listed below are the fields that are found on the header of this screen:

Resource id = Vendor # (Vendor # that payments are made to)

Resource Name

Resource Payment Address as listed on our records

Below the header section is the search input area where searches can be done either by check, invoice, Purchase Order (PO), Direct to Store Delivery location (DSO) if applicable and memos which will include all debits and credits not equal to invoices. Required fields are noted in red and must be inputted for the search to be successful. Every item that is underlined (hyperlink) allows the user to click on that item to bring the next level of information. Once you get to the invoice/memo details the user will have the ability to click on the hyperlink and see the line level information on the returns.

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3.1.1 Payment Inquiry – Check

Click on the radio button on the left of “Check” and then enter the specific check number you want to retrieve on the “Check Number” box:

If you would like to retrieve check within a date range you must select the date from the calendar next to each check date. Once both date have been selected from the calendar click on “Search” and the system will return of the checks within the specify check range.

The system will return the checks within the specified check range. The user will have the ability to download this data to Excel.

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Note: Clicking on a heading that is underlined will sort that specific column in ascending order 2nd click will sort that column in descending order.

Click on “Download to Excel”, the system will return the data in Excel format which can be saved as an Excel file. Note: There is a limitation of 2,000 rows per request.

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Click on the hyperlink of any check and the system will bring you to the details of the check selected. This data is also available to be downloaded to Excel.

Click on the hyperlink of any Invoice/Memo Number and the system will display the invoice details.

3.1.2 Payment Inquiry – Invoice

Click on the radio button to the left of “Invoice” and enter the invoice # or the date range which must be selected from the calendar. The date range is based on due dates not invoice date. There are four status selections. These are:

All = All invoices regardless of their status within our system.

Open = All unprocessed invoices in our system that are not posted to the Trial Balance or on a check.

Scheduled = All invoices posted to the Trial Balance.

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Paid = All invoices posted to a check.

Then click on “Search”

The system will return the listing of all the invoices requested on the search. The download to Excel capability is available on this screen and the hyperlink works the same as on the Check Inquiry. The hyperlink capability is available on any item that is noted as such.

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Note: To retrieve all the items scheduled on your account (Trial Balance) you must run two queries. First all Invoices with status of “Scheduled” and then all Memos with status of “Scheduled”. Ensure to select a due date range large enough to include all the items.

3.1.3 Payment Inquiry – PO

Click on the radio button to the left of PO and either enter a specific PO # or a date range of PO’s. Select the date range the calendar icons (do not enter the dates) and click on “Search”.

The system will return the listing of the invoices for the PO’s on the specify date range. The hyperlink capability is available on any item that is noted as such.

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3.1.4 Payment Inquiry – DSD (Direct to Store Delivery)

This will allow the Vendor user to select invoices that were shipped to specific stores. The retrieval process is the same as the Payment Inquiry – Invoice.

3.1.5 Payment Inquiry – Memos

This view will allow the user to retrieve all transactions posted to your account that are not invoices. Transactions such account adjustments, credit memos, debit memos, credit request, etc.

Refer to Appendix 1 for list of memos.

3.2 Correspondence Management

The MVPP enables the Vendor users to submit disputes regarding debits posted to your account or unpaid invoices not posted to your account. In order to submit a dispute the Vendor user must click on the link on the left side of the menu called “Correspondence Management”

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These disputes or inquiries must provide factual evidence that the dispute and/or open invoice are valid. The MVPP allows the user to attach up to 3 documents each up to 5M in size to support their inquiry.

There are several departments within the Merchandise Payable Team that handle dispute. Please refer to Appendix 1 to select the appropriate department to submit your inquiry. This will ensure timely receipt of your dispute/inquiry.

3.2.1 Submit a Dispute

The user must enter or select all the required fields noted in red.

Select the “Dispute Department” as listed on the image below. Refer to Appendix 1.

Enter the invoice/reference #

Select the “Dispute Category” from the drop down box. Refer to Appendix 1.

Enter the “Dispute Amount”

Attached any supporting documentation to substantiate the claim

User may also add comments on the “Comment” box. Note that there is a limitation of up to 300 characters.

Then click on “ADD” and the application will return the following message:

The message lets the user know that the request was submitted to TRU.

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3.3 Check My Disputes

The application will allow the Vendor user to retrieve all submitted disputes for all Departments and/or by

Dispute Category and/or by Status. There are three status selections which are listed below:

Pending – Open dispute waiting to be settled.

Denied – Dispute was reviewed and found debit to be correct. Once the TRU user denies the dispute he/she will provide a reason code and this will generate an e-mail notification to the Vendor user. This

notification will provide a link (see below) that the user will access through the Vendor Extranet.

Resolved – Dispute was reviewed and found to be valid and TRU user will issue credit and provide a reason code and this will generate an e-mail notification to the user. This e-mail notification will provide

a link that will need to be access through the Vendor Extranet.

Sample of e-mail notification

The user will have to login into the Vendor Extranet and then click on the link provided on the e-mail notification and the user will be provided with the details of the claim.

Sample of Dispute Resolution

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The user may sort on any heading hi-lighted in blue to sort each column in ascending or descending order.

The user will have the ability to download to Excel the data that is returned to the screen. See below:

Dispute Number

Previous Dispute Number

Dispute Date

Dispute Department Invoice/Memo

Reference # Dispute


Dispute Dollar


Resource Comments

Dispute Status



Clear POD sent 11/06/07. PENDING


594 1/30/2008 CREDIT ALLOWANCE 253


3.4 RGD POS Reports

The Point of Sales report is issued at TRU’s fiscal month end. This report will provide the user with sales dollars and defects from our guests. The report also provides the returns of defective items from our guests

to aid our vendors with regards to their defective rate to ensure that their off invoice RGD allowance is in line with the current rate. This report also alerts the vendor when a particular item/skn has a high defect rate.

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3.5 Quick Overview

The application will provide the user with a brief overview of the account status, including all open disputes by department, last check information and the total debit and credit amounts posted to the Trial Balance.

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4. Appendix 1:

Listed below are the “Dispute Departments” along with the type of deductions or pre-fixes that the Vendor user must refer to submit a dispute or inquiry via the MVPP. Included in the listing are the “Dispute Categories” that the Vendor user must also include when submitting a dispute through the MVPP.

Note: Disputes starting with “ETA”, “ASN”, “ITM” and/ or “ITC” should continue to be addressed with the Vendor Support team as they are today. Any disputes submitted through the portal for these transactions will be denied.

Dispute Department

I. Credit Allowance: Deductions with the pre-fixes listed below are to be submitted to this


a. *CAS12345A

b. **AS12345A

c. ***S12345A

d. *CAS1234AA

e. *CA12345##

f. ****12345A

g. A-plus 8 remaining characters from vendor’s invoice excluding items with an adjustment code of “V” which should be addressed to the RGD Department

h. A plus 8 remaining characters from vendor’s invoice excluding items with an adjustment code of “V” which should be addressed to the RGD Department

Dispute Categories:

a) CA1 – Allowance Over Deduction

b) CA2 – Duplicate Deduction

c) CA3 – Terms Discrepancy

d) CA4 – Volume Base Discrepancies

e) CA5 - Other

II. Import Payment Processing: Deductions with the pre-fixes below are to be submitted to this


a. *LAB123456

b. *USLAB1234

c. *OB1234567

d. *EX1234567

e. *ID1234567

f. *CM1234567

g. *FL1234567

h. *FR1234567

i. *DF1234567

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Dispute Categories:

a) IMP1 – Request Lab Charge back-up

b) IMP2 – Dispute of Lab Charge

c) IMP3 – Status of Import PO

d) IMP4 – Import Profile Change

e) IMP5 - Import Adjustment Credit

f) IMP6 – Other

III. Profile Change Request: The Vendor User may submit requests to change the categories below

by providing the necessary documentation to support the change.

Dispute Categories:

a) AC1 – AP address change

b) AC2 – Corporate address change

c) AC3 – Change vendor name

d) AC4 – Add/Remove factor

e) AC5 – Other

IV. RGD – Return Goods Department: Disputes for this department must include the “Resource

Claim Form” in order for the dispute to be accepted by the application. The first tab on the claim form provides the instructions on how to complete the form.

Disputes related to old merchandise, freight on return goods, item/skn listed on return debit not vendors, sample item/skn listed on deduction in addition to the items listed below should be addressed to this department:

a. 10 digits debit starting with one of our DC location numbers (such as 5601 or 9501)

b. *RGD123456

c. *RTV12456

d. FI12345678

e. FO12345678

f. *FI1234567

g. *FO1234567

h. *FRTAVD123

i. *RES123456

j. A-plus 8 remaining characters from vendor’s invoice excluding items with an adjustment code of “V”

k. A plus 8 remaining characters from vendor’s invoice excluding items with an adjustment code of “V”

Dispute Categories:

a) RGD1 – POD (proof of delivery) request

b) RGD2 – Non-DFS pricing claim

c) RGD3 – Non-DFS shortage claim

d) RGD4 – DFS Pricing claim

e) RGD5 – DFS Shortage claim

f) RGD6 – Handling claim

g) RGD7 – Allowance claims

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h) RGD8 – Update CR (Credit Request) address

V. Invoice Dispute Correspondence: Inquiries about invoices with a status of “Open” that are past

their due date may be submitted to this department. This type of inquiry must include the proof of delivery (signed by a TRU employee if freight was PPD and signed bill of lading by the carrier if freight was FOB or Collect). If the invoice does not appear on the Payment Inquiry search under any status then the invoice must be re-submitted via EDI for payment processing.

In addition disputes where the debit contains the pre-fixes below may also be submitted to this department.

CB- plus 7 remaining characters from vendor’s invoice

CM plus 8 remaining characters from vendor’s invoice

DM plus 8 remaining characters from vendor’s invoice



Dispute Categories:

a) VR1 – Quantity shortage

b) VR2 – Cost (Pricing Discrepancies)

c) VR3 – Unpaid invoice (s)

d) VR4 – Cash discount

e) VR5 - Other