merina chavez senior val

Life is about living it to the fullest, living every day like its your last. When you‟re trying to decide if you want to do something new but you‟re nervous; go for it. Don‟t live your life wishing that should‟ve done some- thing when you can say “I did that.” Life is about making mistakes and learning from them. Live each day like it‟s your last and treat each person like you‟ll never see them, again. Live louder, love stronger. Living Louder Newsletter Date Volume 1, Issue 1 The Meaning of Life 2 Most Influential 3 How I am as an Older Sister 4 What I‟ll Miss Most 5 Major Changes 6 Future Goals 7 Personal Reflections 8 Personal Reflections 9 Top 10 List 10 Time Capsule 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS Inside this issue: Merina Chavez

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Merina Chavez's senior val!


Page 1: Merina Chavez Senior Val

Life is about living it to the fullest,

living every day like its your last.

When you‟re trying to decide if you

want to do something new but you‟re

nervous; go for it. Don‟t live your life

wishing that should‟ve done some-

thing when you can say “I did that.”

Life is about making mistakes and

learning from them. Live each day

like it‟s your last and treat each

person like you‟ll never see them,

again. Live louder, love stronger.

Living Louder

Newsletter Date

Volume 1, Issue 1

The Meaning of Life 2

Most Influential 3

How I am as an Older Sister


What I‟ll Miss Most 5

Major Changes 6

Future Goals 7

Personal Reflections 8

Personal Reflections 9

Top 10 List 10

Time Capsule 11


Inside this issue:

Merina Chavez

Page 2: Merina Chavez Senior Val

Everyone is born with a purpose, whether they put that purpose to

their best ability or not. No one on Earth is a mistake but some go

about, moping around because they believe they aren‟t „worthy.‟ I

believe that the meaning of life is living it to the fullest.

Growing up I lived a very sheltered life. My parents didn‟t allow

me go to the park with my friends or even to the library. Eventual-

ly I was given the freedom that I deserved. Now, I try to live my

life to the fullest.

When I‟m given the opportunity to do something different, I take it.

I enjoy making memories with my best friends, which includes go-

ing on adventures and getting lost. A lot of the times, the drive is so

much more exciting than the actual event.

Living life to the fullest means falling for a guy who lives 8 hours

away. It‟s something that most people would never even consider.

You learn to appreciate people better and not to take them for

granted. I‟ve taken a lot of people in my life for granted because I

see them every day. But when it‟s someone really special to you

who you don‟t get to see much, you learn to value them more. Of

course it‟s a challenge but that‟s what life is all about.; challenging

yourself and succeeding in the end.

The Meaning of Life

Page 2 Mer ina Chavez Volume 1, I ssue 1

Page 3: Merina Chavez Senior Val

Most influential in my life

Most people assume that the person who has made a large influ-

ence in your life, are the people who you‟ve known your whole

life; but that‟s not always the case. You wouldn‟t think that

knowing someone for only two years would have such a large in-

fluence on your life so quickly. A family friend, Bob, has made

me believe in myself and be more confident with the tasks I‟m

faced with. He is an amazing role model considering his accom-

plishments he‟s made throughout his life, making me determined

to be just as successful one day. Before Bob was brought into my

life I struggled with many things, school and non-school related,

until he generously offered tips and advice that I was able to un-

derstand. I didn‟t always have the best initiative when it came

down to understanding something or getting something done in

the best way possible, but he changed that about me. Bob gives

me the drive to want to succeed throughout my years in college

along with the rest of my life; he helps me with the things that

I‟m not able to figure out on my own. I‟m grateful to have some-

one as inspiring and influential as Bob in my life. (204)

Page 3 Mer ina Chavez Volume 1, I ssue 1

Page 4: Merina Chavez Senior Val

Having two younger siblings means having to be a good role

model. They‟re growing up in a world that‟s constantly changing

and I always try to be their guide in a chaotic world like this.

My younger siblings, Alyssa and Mason, can depend on me to be

there for them when they need a helping hand. Whether that

means driving my sister to her friend‟s house to helping her pick

out her first cosmetic products. My family goes by the saying,

“family first”, I live by that. That may effect my relationships

with my friends but my family is extremely valuable to me and

I will always put them first. Friends come and go but family

sticks with you for a lifetime. I want my siblings to be able to

benefit from the mistakes that I have made, so that when they‟re

my age they don‟t run into the same obstacles that I have. Being

a role model to them is extremely vital to me; Once I graduate

from high school and leave for college, I want my siblings to feel

like they can still depend on me. I believe that I have used my

older age to the best of my own and their own advantage. (207)

How I am as an Older Sister

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Page 5: Merina Chavez Senior Val

What I‟ll miss most Almost every high school student looks forward to the end of their

senior year. We have to decide where we want to attend college,

what sort of profession we plan to pursue and managing money.

What I am going to miss most is the comfort my parents provide

me with. Although I make my own income and pay for the major-

ity of things that I desire, it‟s comforting knowing that I have my

parents to depend on if necessary. Leaving for college in the fall

seems bittersweet due to the fact that you have supplementary

freedom but you‟re on your own to figure things out. Everyone's

parents are there for them whether they want to believe that or

not; some parents show it better than others. When I attend col-

lege this fall I am going to miss all of their moral support that

they are constantly showering me with. College will be a very

large step in my life but I can't wait until I am on my own due to

the fact that my parents have properly prepared me for the real

word. (184)

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Page 6: Merina Chavez Senior Val

Major Changes

Entering high school as a freshman, you don‟t have too many

responsibilities; leaving high school as a senior, you have more

responsibilities than one could imagine. Until I had a part time

job and was a licensed driver, I did not completely understand

the responsibility that those required. Having a job and a li-

cense is a privilege that one must earn. Along with obtaining

my driver‟s license came with the responsibility of being a safe,

cautious and aware driver on the road. Having a job comes

with the responsibility of always being on time, striving to get

the job done and having the initiative to do the tasks I‟m told.

Balancing a part time job with school can be challenging at

times due to the fact that they both have very high expecta-

tions for you to achieve. Getting my assignments completed

along with a full night of rest seems impossible at times but I

have to do the responsible thing and make sure to accomplish

my assignments. As a senior I can say that I‟ve learned much

more about being responsible than I could have as a freshman. I

have experienced a major change in my life since I was 15. (201)

Page 6 Merina Chavez Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 7: Merina Chavez Senior Val

Future Goals

After I graduate from Fishers High School, I will be attending

Indiana State University for four years. While at Indiana

State, I plan on studying elementary education to pursue my

dream of being an elementary teacher. After I graduate from

ISU, I plan on trying to find a job in the education department.

Although I don‟t know what grade I want to teach just yet, I

know that I want to be involved with younger children so that

I will be able to make an impact on their lives. Once I feel that

I‟m settled down, I want to get married and start a family with

my significant other. I want to have one boy, one girl and may-

be a couple dogs. As of right now, those are my goals. I‟m tak-

ing life day by day; we never know what the outcome is going

to be.

Merina Chavez Page 7 Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 8: Merina Chavez Senior Val

Personal Reflections on News Events

Page 8 Mer ina Chavez Volume 1, I ssue 1


September 11th 2001, was one of the most tragic inci-

dents that has ever occurred in the US since Pearl Har-

bor. I was only in the first grade when this occurred; I

don‟t remember anything, but I can remember the sto-

ries that people told. Our president at the time, Bush,

said “Today our nation saw evil, the very worst of hu-

man nature, and we responded with the best of Ameri-

ca," I very much enjoy this quote because it shows how

strong we are through everything. There were voting

polls going on that day for the primary elections and a

lot of them had to be shut down so that those spaces

could be used for the injured. Strangers worked togeth-

er to help others out of the burning buildings. Firefight-

ers, police officers and medical assistants all risked their

lives in order to save another‟s. I find it very noble

when one is willing to risk their lives to save another.

Buildings and stock markets were shut down so that

everyone would be evacuated and out of harm‟s way.

September 11th is a day that no one will ever forget. The

people lost and the heroes will forever be in our

memory. (200)


Page 9: Merina Chavez Senior Val

Personal Reflections on Pop Culture

Page 9 Mer ina Chavez Volume 1, I ssue 1


Page 10: Merina Chavez Senior Val

Top 10 Music Artists Taylor Swift: I‟ve been a fan of Taylor

Swift since sixth grade and her music is

easy to relate to.

The Cab: The Cab‟s lyrics have an enor-

mous amount of purpose and have great

meaning that help me through a lot. The guys

aren‟t too bad looking either.

Parachute: Same as The Cab, Par-

achute has meaningful lyrics.

Brad Paisley: Brad Paisley‟s mu-

sic can go from upbeat and exciting to

sad and passionate, perfect for any


Ed Sheeran: Ed Sheeran has beautiful lyrics that

speak to me

Jason Mraz: Jason Mraz‟s music is

very mellow and relaxing

Tim McGraw: I have been a fan of

Tim McGraw ever since I was little

because of my mom

Luke Bryan: Luke Bryan‟s music is the perfect music

when you and your friends are in the mood to dance

The Script: The Script‟s music

has meaningful lyrics that speak

to me

Page 10 Merina Chavez Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 11: Merina Chavez Senior Val

1.Baby book, because it shows

my life through pictures

while I was growing up

2.„13‟ letterman numbers, I

earned these numbers my

Freshman year by playing


3. All of my concert tickets, it

shows that I love music and

going to a lot of concerts

Time Capsule

Merina Chavez Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 11