merr ott m · 2018. 10. 26. · i...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MERR OTT MESSENGER Your editorial team: John Bowman 74077 Marion Biggs 74170 Peter Bryans 78182 Jane Jackson 74162 Janet Lailey 271008 Eric Vose 351857 Paula Bateman 271175 Email: merriomessenger@ Delivered free to 1,000 homes November 2018 The informaon and views in the Merrio Messenger are those provided by the named individual contributors and are not necessarily supported by the Editorial Team. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the informaon given is accurate, the Merrio Messenger cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions. Copy date for the December issue is 12 th November. Inside this issue: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merriott Parish Council - Warning Notice Somerset County Council has decided to discon- nue Winter road gring on the Crewkerne to Lopen Head road through Merrio, and also on to Ilminster as a cost cung measure. This is not withstanding that an officer assess- ment states that there will be a `negave impact on road safety`. In freezing weather the cungs, bends and slopes on this road will be very dangerous. Merrio Parish Council is lobbying hard against this, poinng out that apart from the personal misery caused by injury in road collisions, the cost to SCC of it`s emergency services aending accidents will far outweigh the small savings projected ( £120k, countywide). We are not opmisc. Iain Hall Symphony Health- care Services 2 Prodigal Bikes looking for volunteers 3 Planning Applicaons 4 Careford Lodge News 5 Building a healthier Somerset 6 Launch of new local radio staon 7 Our Sponsors 7 & 8 Exciting future for Merriott Social Venue Following on from our flyer in last monthsMessenger, we can announce that aſter 46 years Merrio Social Club is rebranding and will now be known as Merrio Social Venue”. This will hope- fully show that it is no longer a private members club, but a community building open to everyone to use. There is no membership fee to pay and the commiee is proceeding with the applicaon to form a Community Interest Company. The future is excing and eventually you will begin to see big changes inside once we can apply for grant funding. We thank the community for your connued support, especially with our new once-a-month Sunday ladies pamper night, and music clubs. Halloween Workshops were a great success with M&M events and another busy Saturday indoor market, followed by the yearly family Halloween party. We hope to have more events on during the day and through the holidays like the one the Glowgirl did which everyone enjoyed. November events: Saturday 10 th November - Mer Cider Fesval, 3pm onwards, a variety of ciders on sale, food available and live music. Sunday 11 th November - ladies pamper night, 6pm onwards a variety of treatments available. Saturday 17 th November - bingo in aid of Pre– School, eyes down 7.30pm Sunday 18 th November - Mer Indoor Christmas Market - 2pm unl 5pm, lots of lovely local stalls, Father Christmas, cakes, tombolas, raffle etc. Saturday 24 th November - Bingo in aid of Merrio Brownies, Rainbows & Guide group, eyes down 7.30pm Sunday 25 th November - music club - from 7pm. Lola Clarke, Chairperson, Merrio Social Venue

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Page 1: MERR OTT M · 2018. 10. 26. · I have set up a small charity called Prodigal ikes, now based up at Furringdon Farm

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Y o u r e d i t o r i a l t e a m :

John Bowman 74077

Marion Biggs 74170

Peter Bryans 78182

Jane Jackson 74162

Janet Lailey 271008

Eric Vose 351857

Paula Bateman 271175

E m a i l :


Delivered free to 1,000 homes November 2018

The information and views in the Merriott Messenger are those provided by the named individual contributors and are not necessarily supported by the Editorial Team. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the information given is accurate, the Merriott Messenger cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions. Copy date for the December issue is 12th November.

I n s i d e t h i s

i s s u e :

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M e r r i o t t Pa r i s h C o u n c i l - Wa r n i n g N o t i c e

Somerset County Council has decided to discon-tinue Winter road gritting on the Crewkerne to Lopen Head road through Merriott, and also on to Ilminster as a cost cutting measure.

This is not withstanding that an officer assess-ment states that there will be a `negative impact on road safety`.

In freezing weather the cuttings, bends and slopes on this road will be very dangerous.

Merriott Parish Council is lobbying hard against this, pointing out that apart from the personal misery caused by injury in road collisions, the cost to SCC of it`s emergency services attending accidents will far outweigh the small savings projected ( £120k, countywide). We are not optimistic. Iain Hall

Symphony Health-care Services


Prodigal Bikes looking for volunteers


Planning Applications


Careford Lodge News


Building a healthier Somerset


Launch of new local radio station


Our Sponsors 7 & 8

E xc i t i n g f u t u r e f o r ‘ M e r r i o t t S o c i a l Ve n u e ’ Following on from our flyer in last months’ Messenger, we can announce that after 46 years Merriott Social Club is rebranding and will now be known as “Merriott Social Venue”. This will hope-fully show that it is no longer a private members club, but a community building open to everyone to use. There is no membership fee to pay and the committee is proceeding with the application to form a Community Interest Company.

The future is exciting and eventually you will begin to see big changes inside once we can apply for grant funding. We thank the

community for your continued support, especially with our new once-a-month Sunday ladies pamper night, and music clubs. Halloween Workshops were a great success with M&M events and another busy Saturday indoor market, followed by the yearly family Halloween party.

We hope to have more events on during the day and through the holidays like the one the “Glow” girl did which everyone enjoyed.

November events:

Saturday 10th November - Mertt Cider Festival, 3pm onwards, a variety of ciders on sale, food available and live music.

Sunday 11th November - ladies pamper night, 6pm onwards a variety of treatments available.

Saturday 17th November - bingo in aid of Pre– School, eyes down 7.30pm

Sunday 18th November - Mertt Indoor Christmas Market - 2pm until 5pm, lots of lovely local stalls, Father Christmas, cakes, tombolas, raffle etc.

Saturday 24th November - Bingo in aid of Merriott Brownies, Rainbows & Guide group, eyes down 7.30pm

Sunday 25th November - music club - from 7pm. Lola Clarke, Chairperson, Merriott Social Venue

Page 2: MERR OTT M · 2018. 10. 26. · I have set up a small charity called Prodigal ikes, now based up at Furringdon Farm

P A G E 2 [email protected]

N e w s f r o m A l l S a i n t s C h u r c h

M e r r i o t t M e s s e n g e r

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November is the season of remembering. We begin on Sunday the 4th by cele-brating the festival of All Saints, when we recall the example of the saints and in particular those to whom

our churches are dedicated. That after-noon we observe All Souls as well, with a special ‘Service for the Bereaved’ at 4pm. This is when we remember all the faithful departed. We have all lost someone close to us, whether family or friend, so this service is a chance to bring our grief and pain before our loving God in a safe and holy space. There will be prayers and hymns and a chance to light a candle in memory of our loved ones. We have invited the families of those who we are aware of who have been bereaved during the last year, but anyone is very welcome to come along. Refreshments will be served afterwards.

Remembrance Sunday follows a week later. As usual, we will begin our service at the war memorial in the churchyard at 10.50am. But this year is of course very

different. Not only is it 100 years since the end of the Great War, but Remem-brance Sunday actually falls on Armistice Day. We therefore have a unique oppor-tunity to come together as a community to mark this historic moment. There is added poignancy for Merriott. Astonish-ingly, eleven of the 33 men listed on our war memorial died during 1918. Two of them; Henry George Butcher and Harry Lawrence are buried in Merriott Church-yard. Another; Frederick Lawrence, sadly died 4 days after the hostilities ended. It may be 100 years, but we will remember them.

The Festival of Christ the King at the end of the month is in some ways the theo-logical pinnacle of the year, as the Church recognises Jesus Christ as reign-ing supreme over all Creation. It is per-haps a time to take stock and reflect on the past year, or even past century, to consider who or what is in charge of us, and who is our king. Rev Bob Hicks. 76406

Church Services in November

Sun 4th All Saints Day 10.30am Sung Communion

4pm All Souls Service for the Bereaved

Sun 11th Remembrance Sunday

10.50am Remembrance Service

Sun 18th 10.30am All Age Communion

Sun 25th Christ the King

9am Holy Communion

4pm Café Church @ The Tithe Barn, Church Street, Merriott

Dates for your diary:

Christmas Fayre; 11am-3pm Saturday 24th November @ All Saints Church and Tithe Barn.

Advent Communion Service with the 16 Bells Choir— 10.30am Sunday 2nd December.

Christingle Service; 6.30pm for making Christingles, 7pm service starts, Monday 3rd December

Healthcare matters

We have all heard about the growing pressures on our GP surgeries, but what does that really mean for patients and how are we affected in south Somerset?

Like most areas across the country, we are experiencing a significant growth in the demand for all healthcare services. Patient numbers have increased, there are reduced numbers of GPs and healthcare professionals available and there are a growing number of patients who are living with very complex long-term health conditions that require in-creased medical support and treatment.

What are we doing to meet these changes?

In 2015, the south Somerset Symphony Programme was created through a part-nership between Yeovil Hospital and key healthcare organisations within south Somerset. The programme developed new ways of caring for patients that re-sulted in the introduction of the complex

care service and new roles such as Health Coaches at GP surgeries. In addition, in April 2016, Symphony Healthcare Ser-vices (SHS) was launched after three GP practices directly approached Yeovil Hos-pital for help after struggling to cope with the growing financial and operation-al pressures of running a practice.

What can patients expect?

With reducing numbers of GPs nationally and increasing patient needs, we must adapt the way that we can offer high quality healthcare services. Being part of a larger organisation means that we can help to support GP practices to develop the healthcare teams required for the future. Across our GP practices we are introducing additional new specialist roles, as part of a multi-disciplinary team to work alongside our GPs, such as Phar-macists, Musculoskeletal Practitioners (MSK), Enhanced Care Practitioners (ECPs) and Advanced Nurse Practitioners. These new roles can support and treat a wide range of urgent, on-the-day

healthcare needs, which enables our GPs to concentrate on the patients who have the most complex health conditions.

Symphony Healthcare Services is creating a network of GP practices that will strengthen practices by sharing best practice and clinical expertise, create efficiencies, share resources and develop new services for patients in the commu-nity. We are also helping to recruit new GPs and healthcare specialists.

SHS is not a private healthcare organisa-tion, but a subsidiary of Yeovil Hospital that is run as an ‘arm’s length’ General Practice company. Our local practices now include Hamdon Medical Centre and Crewkerne Health Centre.

You can find out more information about Symphony Healthcare Services by visiting: or by following us @SHSpractices

Symphony Healthcare Services

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Page 3: MERR OTT M · 2018. 10. 26. · I have set up a small charity called Prodigal ikes, now based up at Furringdon Farm

P A G E 3 [email protected]

C a r o l s & C l a s s i c s X T h e F i n a l C o n c e r t

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Mobile Library @ Merriott School

Tuesday 13th Nov

9.30 - 10.00

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"As some of you know, I have set up a small charity called Prodigal Bikes, now based up at Furringdon Farm in Broadshard. We send donated bikes out to Africa, primarily to schools, to help children facing long walks each day to get to school. We are putting together our second container load of 130 bikes over the winter, to send to Kenyan schools in the spring.

We are recruiting volunteers to work with us on Fridays, alongside some disadvantaged youngsters from the local area. We'll provide you with training in how to dismantle, rebuild and set up the bikes, and provide all the tools you need. Lots of opportunities to be involved with fund raising and our work in Africa, and the satisfaction of helping youngsters here and in Africa have a better start in life.

If you would like to be involved, please call me, Anthony (AJ) Raybould, on 01460 78108. You can follow Prodigal Bikes on Facebook and visit our website at Anthony Raybould

A fitting finale to the series of this pre-Christmas gem will be performed at All Saints Church Merriott (TA16 5PS) on Saturday 15th December. Being the last year, the Fisher Sinfonia will bring the largest string en-semble ever to perform in

the church. A string orchestra directed by London Symphony Orchestra’s member, William Melvin will perform Vivaldi’s winter from his 4 seasons. Together with Gamal Khamis per-forming Beethoven’s Emperor Piano Concerto (1st movement), the evening of classical and festive arrangements will be the final concert not to be missed.

The concert will no doubt be another sell out, with mince pies and refreshments before the concert to start the Christmas festivities. 7:00pm refreshments for a 7:30pm concert start. Tickets will be available from mid-November at £10 from Merriott Service Station, Broadway, Merriott; Crewkerne Information Centre, or contact 07870 404631 / 01460 76360, please book early to avoid disappointment.

Paul Fisher

I would like to thank everyone who came to visit our Art Exhibition in the Tithe Barn at the end of September. It was a great success, despite the road works and closures! There were many appreciative comments in the Visitors Book which showed that people enjoyed it.

We were pleased to be able to donate a total of £210.17 from the event to-wards Church Funds.

Julia Cordy

P r o d i g a l B i ke s R e c r u i t i n g v o l u n t e e r s

B r i t i s h L e g i o n P o p p y A p p e a l 2 0 1 8

We are seeking a few extra volunteers to help with the Poppy Street Collection this year which runs from 28th October – 11th November.

We have a wonderful band of Collectors, but a few more willing hands would help enormously. It usually takes just one evening during this period, so if you feel you could support this very worthwhile organisation please contact Liz/Peter Fisk tel. 01460 72595 or email: [email protected].

We very much hope to hear from you.

Liz Fisk

G a r d e n i n g Q u o t e o f t h e M o n t h

Sent in by Mo Frampton

“The fires burn And the kettles sing,

And earth sinks to rest

Until next spring."

from November by Elizabeth Coatsworth

Page 4: MERR OTT M · 2018. 10. 26. · I have set up a small charity called Prodigal ikes, now based up at Furringdon Farm

M e r r i o t t M e s s e n g e r

Nov 1st - Scams and how to protect yourself

Nov 15th - Evening meal at The King`s Head

November 29th - Craft evening

For further information contact Marion Biggs on 74170 or marionbiggs169@ Marion Biggs



P A G E 4 [email protected]

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i n M e r r i o t t Flaxlands, Boozer Pit Application to carry out tree works within a conservation area. Number 1803083TCA

13 Higher Street Application to carry out tree works within a designated conservation area. Number 1803022TCA

Boundary House, Beadon Lane Demolition of existing buildings and the erection of a dwelling, Number 1802796OUT

69A Lower Street Repainting of 4 windows and door at rear of building, installation of security cameras and fixing of lantern style lamp adjacent to front door. Number 1802627LBC

For further details and maps go to South Somerset District Council (SSDC) website or write to: Planning Service, South Somerset District Council, Brympton Way, Yeovil, BA20 2HT

Merriott Parish Council discuss planning applications and make recommendations. For the Council minutes go to the Village website ( or look at the notice board outside the Co-op.

Newly formed Merriott Rhinos U7's pictured receiving their new football kit and training jackets kindly sponsored by The Kings Head, Merriott and Orchards Estates. Anyone interested in joining please contact Matt on 07967 093 563. Matt Tither


Here at Taxi Alliance the proprietors have over 40 years experience in running taxis and private hire vehicles, serving Yeovil, Crewkerne and all surrounding towns and villages. We have 4 and 6 seater taxis and 8 and 16 seater minibuses for any occasion. All our drivers have excellent knowledge of the area.

To contact us please phone or email:

Yeovil: 01935 414444, Crewkerne: 01460 75089

Freefone: 0800 066 5089, Minibus Bookings & General Enquiries: 01460 76029

Email: [email protected]

Ev a n e s c e n c e by Janet Lailey

Sitting among trees I hear a thrush sing: a rare sound now, piercing to the heart despite the rush of afternoon cars, the distant roar of a plane.

Notes harder to hold than running water, bell-notes of song, distinct, exact evanescent. An unwitting elegy for all living things evolved over aeons.

Those living beings that have seemed timeless, will all share in our hapless extinction brought upon ourselves, as we finally wreck our shared plane beyond saving.

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S t a y S a f e o n B o n f i r e N i g h t

Remember, remember the 5th of November…. and remember these safety tips:

• Always ask an adult to light your fireworks.

• Handheld fireworks like sparklers should be held at arm’s length

• Never throw a lighted firework at a person, animal or property.

• Store fireworks safely, away from a bonfire or other fire where they could go off accidentally.

• Follow the lighting instructions.

• Organised displays are much more fun!

• Keep cats, dogs and other pets indoors on Bonfire Night

Advice from the Police

Page 5: MERR OTT M · 2018. 10. 26. · I have set up a small charity called Prodigal ikes, now based up at Furringdon Farm

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Crewkerne Voluntary Transport has just taken delivery of a brand new mini-bus which runs a regular Friday morning service from Merriott to Crewkerne Waitrose and back.

Passengers get door to door service for a small charge to cover fuel. Contact the office on 01460 271669 for further details and to book a place on the bus.

John Coleshill

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P A G E 5 [email protected] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

P o p p y C o l l e c t i o n C o - o r d i n a t o r N e e d e d

It is with much regret I feel I can no longer continue as Co-Ordinator for the British Legion Annual house-to-house Poppy collection in our area after this year.

Our area has always been very successful, raising an incredible amount of money for such a worthy cause, with an excellent team of Poppy collectors in place.

If there is anyone who feels they would like to know more of what is required I would be very happy to explain; perhaps you are retired and would like to be involved in a small way in the community, or perhaps you are new to the village and would enjoy getting to know the “locals”. Whatever the reason, please give this your serious consider-ation, you can contact either myself or my husband Peter on 01460 72595 or email: [email protected] Liz Fisk

M e r r i o t t G a r d e n i n g C l u b

27th November - this month we have a presentation by our ever popular Neil Lovesey from Picket Lane Nursery, South Perrott. Neil will be talking on the progression of his new 'White Garden' and the difficulties this year keeping the gardens looking good despite the drought conditions. Meet at the Tithe Barn, Church Street at 7.30pm. Refreshments, raffle and 'Flower of the Month' competition. Everyone welcome - non-members £2 at the door. For more information please contact Barbara (72298).

Barbara Byford

C h r i s ’ s M u s i c C l u b Merriott Social Venue, Lower Street, Merriott, Sunday 30th October @ 7:30 pm (last

Sunday of each month). Free entry (no membership required) If you love music, then come along and hear great sounds from Chris’s vast collection amassed over the last 50 years. Rock/pop/blues/jazz/classical/opera/smooth jazz/reggae - from Abba to Zappa and all shades of music in between [email protected]

Chris Phillips

C a r e fo r d L o d g e N e w s Thank you to everyone at Careford Lodge for fantastic hard work and support during August’s summer Fete and Charity event. We raised fabulous funds for our charity “The Guide Dogs for the Blind”.

Residents enjoyed hosting a Macmillan Coffee Morning and raised a substantial amount of money for the charity, while DJ Baz entertained them by playing requests of favourite old tunes.

On Tuesday 30th October, from 10.30am, we have a flash-back theatre coming in. The pre-school children from both Crewkerne and Merriott also continue to come in every month. Friends of Careford are welcome to join us on these occasions. Sophie Roberts

Page 6: MERR OTT M · 2018. 10. 26. · I have set up a small charity called Prodigal ikes, now based up at Furringdon Farm

B u i l d i n g a h e a l t h i e r S o m e r s e t

P A G E 6 [email protected]

M e r r i o t t M e s s e n g e r

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Building a healthier Somerset together

We want to work with you to build a health and care service Fit For the Future that we can all be proud of. For fuller information visit

Why we must change? It’s a big challenge. Money is tight but if the different parts of our health and care system work more closely together we’ll see some big rewards.

We all need to do more to stop getting ill in the first place. But when people do become ill we want to make sure they can get access to joined up health and care support in the community, away from hospitals where possible, to help them live independently for as long as they can.

The challenges are complex. Rising demand – we think our population will grow by 15% over the next 25 years and the number of people aged 75 and over will double – escalating costs and new technologies. We need to meet these challenges, stay within budget, and improve quality.

We need to gear up to meet the challenges:

• 40% of ill health could be prevented – around 41% of adults are overweight, 26% are obese and they’re at greater risk of diabetes, cancer and heart disease

• A recent audit found 47% of admissions to hospital could have been avoided if alternative treatment had been in place

• The number of people with dementia is likely to double by 2035 to around 18,000

• 3 out of 4 people with physical ill-ness receive treatment but only 1 in 4 people with mental health problems do

• People with severe mental health issues often suffer from poor physical health and they’re at risk of dying 10-20 years earlier than others

• 2,400 disadvantaged Somerset families are part of the ‘Troubled Families’ programme and 500 of our children are looked after

• 14.5% of our children have a long term illness of some kind; 17.5% have a diagnosable mental health condition

We need to provide better joined up care. Too often we focus on each partic-ular illness or need separately, rather than the individual. Our care should be joined up with the person at its heart, and local with teams working together.

The amount of money we spend on health and care services is increasing but demand for our services and the cost of providing them is increasing faster.

Pressure on services and funding cuts mean a funding gap of £146million in our health budget by 2022/23 if we continue as we are (CCG, NHS Hospital Trusts and Somerset Partnership).

Somerset County Council faces similar challenges. Over the next three years pressures on children's’ and adult services will outstrip the funds available by £26.1million.

Our Finances

Saving and efficiency programmes in all of our organisations will help to offset the budget gap but we know if we work together we can spend the money we have more wisely and more effectively to improve health and care services for local people.

• 50% of our total health and care costs are spent on just 4% of the population

• If we could help 100 more people to stay healthy every year instead of having three or more long term conditions we could save £1million in care costs

• Supportive social networks, voluntary health coaches, champions and befrienders working alongside health professionals in the community are already paying dividends

• Estimates suggest that befriending schemes have led to health improvements

• Over the last three years we’ve been listening to local people’s views on health and care services and reduced mental health spend by £3.75 for every £1 spent.

Working for a healthier Somerset

We want to encourage and help people to live healthier, longer lives by helping them to stay well and prevent illness in the first place. Over the last few years people have told us that they want health and care services to be better coordinated in the heart of the community and centred around their needs, with the right staff with the right skills in the right place to help them when they need it.


Find out about our engagement events during the autumn. We’re coming to one near you! Email us for more information: [email protected]

Event Dates

Come along to one of our free public drop in events listed below. Register your interest – or just turn up on the day!

Ilminster Parish Hall, North Street Wednesday 31 October, 3.30-7.30pm

Crewkerne Henhayes Centre, South Street Wednesday 7 November, 4pm-7pm

Chard The Guildhall, Fore Street Monday 12 November, 12pm-4pm

Yeovil Abbey Manor Community Centre, The Forum, Abbey Manor Park Tuesday 27 November, 1.30pm-5.30pm

We’d love to hear from you!

The views, thoughts and experiences of the local communities are vital in devel-oping outstanding services in Somerset. You can…

Email: [email protected]

Write: Somerset CCG, Wynford House, Lufton Way, Lufton, Yeovil BA22 8HR

In aid of Merriott Preschool - Saturday 17th November.

Doors open 6.30pm, eyes down 7.30pm. Including raffle and tombola.

Merriott Social Venue

C a r o l s & C l a s s i c s F i n a l C o n c e r t S p o n s o r s h i p With 10 musicians or more planned to visit on the 15th December, would

anyone like to sponsor a musician’s chair? £20 to £50 would go a long

way to reduce the costs of the evening. If interested please contact Paul

Fisher 01460 76360. A Special programme is hopefully to be printed for

the evening. All profits going towards All Saints Church Fabric Fund.

Page 7: MERR OTT M · 2018. 10. 26. · I have set up a small charity called Prodigal ikes, now based up at Furringdon Farm

Hinton St. George ‘Flix in the Stix’ proudly presents

The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society (15)

on Saturday 10th November in Hinton village hall at 7.30pm

starring Lily James, Michiel Huisman, Jessica Brown Findlay, Penelope Wilton & Tom Courtenay. In 1946, a London-based writer begins exchanging letters with residents on the island of Guernsey, which had been German-occupied during WWII. Feeling compelled to visit the island, Lily James starts to get a picture of what it was like during the occupation.

The Telegraph complimented the filmmakers on all aspects of the production stating: 'It is a confection in every sense, but plump with natural sweetness.’

Tickets £5 in advance from the Village Shop and Dorothy’s Tea Room, or £5.50 on the door. Doors open 7.00 pm. To reserve tickets please contact Bob Kefford on 01460 72563. Andrew Overhill

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P A G E 7 [email protected] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Printed by Parish Magazine Printing 01288 341 617 Northmoor, Whitstone EX22 6TD

M o r e s p o n s o r s

Merriott Mobile Feet Treatment

Nail Trimming-Corns-Callus Diabetic-Cracked Heel-Etc

Home visits by Professional Foot Health Practitioner Sarah: 07733 225 360 [email protected]

Newchester Farmhouse B&B

Broadway, TA16 5QH

m: 07779 606620, t: 73917

Comfy beds, warm welcome

L a s t c h a n c e t o m a k e a d i f f e r e n c e

t h i s C h r i s t m a s

The final date for receiving boxes is Saturday 10th November at 12 Higher Beadon, Merriott

For further information please contact Beryl Virgin 01460 74917 or Beryl Bellamy -01460 74574.

Beryl Virgin

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L a u n c h o f n e w l o c a l ra d i o s t a t i o n —

R a d i o N i n e s p r i n g s 1 0 4 . 5 f m

The head of the Royal British Legions’ remembrance activities, Catherine Davies, said recently that the organi-sation saw no contradic-tion in wearing 'other

symbols' alongside the red poppy. The red poppy does not indicate support for war, and the white poppies, which are increasingly being worn too, do not diminish the respect and gratitude we feel for the courage and self-sacrifice of the soldiers. White poppies mark the

contribution of civilian volunteers, such as the Ambulance brigades, many of whom died trying to save lives in the trenches. They reflect an increasing awareness of the suffering widely borne by non-combatants, and a longing for peace world-wide. These white poppies are distributed by the Peace Pledge Union (PPU) and this year the St John Ambulance volunteers are being allowed to wear the white poppy for the first time.

White poppies were first introduced in

1933 and pacifist groups such as Quakers have worn them for years, in the face of controversy, not to lessen the strong remembrance of the bravery of our defenders, but to widen consciousness of the cruelty and sorrow of all war. Many soldiers are strong advocates for peace. The debate will continue, but it is a debate worth having. As we honour the fallen, remember all those who fell, and all whose lives were cut short, and all who then and now longed for Peace.

Janet Lailey

This community station is now broadcasting and was launched by MP Marcus Fysh at the Manor Hotel in Yeovil on September 27th. The Merriott Messenger was represented by two members of the editorial team who watched our MP (left) spread the news by launching carrier pigeons to sev-eral parts of south Somerset covered by the station. If you want to publicise an event please contact the station. Radio Ninesprings. 01935 319000, [email protected] or John Bowman

Page 8: MERR OTT M · 2018. 10. 26. · I have set up a small charity called Prodigal ikes, now based up at Furringdon Farm

Merriott Social Club •open every evening

•spacious function room available for hire

01460 74376

[email protected]

All aspects of tree and garden work undertaken

[email protected]

01460 77605 / 07799 331 805

Appliance Maintenance Services

Domestic Appliance Repairs Tel: 01460 72211

Mob: 07970 744 115

Tom Merrick

Electrical Contractor Agricultural & Industrial

No Job too small NAPIT approved contractor

01460 72757 07980 686 160

Moorlands Residential Home

Moorlands Road

Quality care for the elderly

Contact Jayne: 01460 74425

[email protected]

Manor Farm - Your local farm shop

Lower Street, Merriott TA16 5NP Tel: 07963 102258 nigel.witcombe@

Letting, Investment and Property Management for

S Somerset & W Dorset 01935 420555

[email protected]

Merriott Pharmacy

Free prescription collection & delivery

01460 72222



01460 72465

R. A. Wicks Ltd

Fireplace Showroom, Flue Lining, and Multi Fuel

Stoves 01460 74612

The Haselbury Mill

Haselbury Plucknett for Weddings and other Functions

01460 77095

Chris Martin Interiors Ltd

Specialising in installation

of kitchens and bathrooms

01460 76612 07976 848 677



your local vets

01460 72443

Lawrences Auctioneers

Free verbal valuations Home visits

01460 73041

Fax: 01460 270799 Sara Morley

[email protected] 07484 636577

Merriott Childcare Vanina Childminder

Ad-hoc F/T & P/T hours

01460 74086 07807 753 779


Complete Property Maintenance

Over 20 years experience No job too small!

01460 78891 07865 700 760

Charlotte Hamlin Merriott Childcare

OFSTED & PACEY registered

Full/part-time hours Early years funding

Between 6.00am & 6.30pm

01460 73361 07721 018 335

Popular Motors, Merriott Service Station

Broadway, Quality Car Sales, Workshop, MOT testing Garage & Car Service -

01460 76803 Shop and PO - 01460 78716

Merriott Village Hall Parties, weddings, community groups

welcome 01460 72508


Merriott Parish Council


07526 933464


Jaycee Plumbing Heating Engineers

Boiler servicing and changes Lpg / Oil / Gas-Safe 20 Shiremoor Hill

Merriott 07970 279778 / 07738 632746

Ansaphone: 01460 76000

[email protected]

Robert Frith Optometrists

your local independent Optician

FREE emergency appointments under

the NHS Somerset ACES service Chard 67771

Crewkerne 72964 Yeovil 01935 478463

01460 279 279

Fusion Fostering We are always looking for

families who can offer warm, loving and safe homes to

children and young people who need Fostering. Tel: 03301 239355

[email protected]

Careford Lodge Residential Home

Church Street

Contact Tracey on 01460 75592


Osborne’s Broadway

Butcher of local farm meat, groceries, newspapers,

wines and spirits

01460 73459

16 South Street Crewkerne TA18 8DA

01460 200666 5% off our advertised price

for people of Merriott

Kevin Swain

Electrical Contractor

Free Estimates Tel 01460 73260

P. CABLE Plumbing & Heating Services 01460 75778/07920 003938

•Gas & Oil Central Heating Systems

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Quantock Joinery Systems Limited

Tail Mill Lane Merriott TA16 5PF

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[email protected]

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Tel: 01935 411813 Mob: 07811 070 498 Interior and exterior

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T h a n k y o u t o o u r s p o n s o r s f o r t h e i r s u p p o r t

Open 6 days a week

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