mes - twin falls public tw]...

' ... :PgTEET t W] VOLUMlS <5, NUMBRB W. New & j> ^ tio u ,,Orfar on .to i^ t lf It.lPM la 0^ - (Udlar Oano ^ B« roroed to BmS(d: DlmtUf^on Ovor QSnUN. JUQO S—U(e ot (hT'Cu^ ublset doiMni)* on (h« d^liitoa ot tho MW f»p«ratlon» otter oow qu lu wai to lha aUied cttrltoli, < .In {■war iir«aooat oppoiUliu ~(roin rt»pr-|iH«a.,b«fauM of lBlIura t6 . m e h IOD* eoneluillan vttib th« alllai ihat -yni .1irt .Qenoanr'a pm eni dOR; G uM tU or Cuna la u n d e n t^ to'htTi'-propM*^:' -•. j j —Puiment of approximatalr a bllf lloBi^d a tolf xuld marka 7*ar)^, ;s—8«lO«m«Di ot.tho AXAQt tennaTki bt Ufl lo an tntflmalloDal coafoi'eDce. OcDieDli at tto docutncnU w(ll'b« ottielalljr atruluir?tw n 'recolpt by ib i allln. It^^Ja-iwrDMl Uiai Cuno prof ' po«e<l,Uio teparB^tloiia amount t>«' r*U' •d fn tbo followlnk wayi: ' | ; ConaunpUon tAsea on. aucb com* modltlti aa tobacco, au|ar and braody and a cuktaina monopoly on'tbb aam* .<lhr«^ Tb«ab .taxM ll la upMted VIU provldo 4DO,DOu.QOO i o l d m ark a a year. . . • Flolatloa o( a BOll mortcati« ■mouating (o ten billion marka at rin ; por c«ot iniaran axulnat tbo yallw^i ytoldlhK BOO.OOO.OOO loM . ttirrta annually. ' tiw v;;m 6rt«aiea on Iqdnairlallita, tiCtqHw, Und bwnera tolalllnK poa> 'mUljr i«D t|]lUoii .BO)t m arks -wblcb li 'U uofliiBdfa voflld.yield anoibor tivo biiniliW ajdllon gold Yarka. '■'A ‘ap«lal'property tax whlqli hoptd-weuid-provldo l(K)<wo.m lotd nuu-kt «.yMr.> A» a uifttttkrd oa ttiwe ao<arcm ot rarjwaa.^h* ..naU-.aaXk <U>* X)«csmM . BOT.«guitmi.mi«rtea tha right to pro* vlde .ninda froth .a&y oltwr aourco •hould any ot.thoaa mentioned tall.' Tbe oote eugiMia that tlnnl ael> tlemant o( auch a great queatlon ot reparationa cannot bo roachud by lalerchtogv Ot noee. Slnco It la od> vleabla to aummoii u cutitorvnco to dUcuwi dlUereBcea. TODAY^S BIG LEAOUE GAMES AVUBUAM tKA(ll-E Ao New York: ' K. t t i:. Chicago...................................... 4 a 0 New Y o rk .................................- 1 4 0 _Hutierlea: h*aber and iivhulk; I’uu' nuck and Hotmuun. At I'hlladelphla: I(. II. B. Ht. U u li ..................................... X 10 I Philadelphia ............................. 5 13 6 Uatterlea; VnnRl{iler und Bevoreld: lUrrla and Perklne. Al Ooeion: 11.^1. E. Clovelend ................................. 17 4 Uoeton ................. .. ............. ... < H 1 Uaiterlea: Co»olei«klc and Myatt; ('ullorton and Oovormer. At Weehlnitton—{ innlncfl: Detroit .................................... 000 0 - 0 WaeblBgton............................a. 001 0—1 .UHlUrlee: l-'ntncia a n d . Uanelor; Julmaon and Kuol. ' NATIOXuTLEAflKE At Clticagfr—8 InnlURa: Now York ....................... 000 OOO O l- I ,v I Chlcaio ........................... 000 20a 00—4 Dallerloa: Nolit nnil Slnyiler; Aid- ridgo aad O’F'nrroli: At Plitaburitbl R. II. E Ilrooklyn ............................ - ..... a 8 ( I’lttaburgh .................... ............ 7 18 1 Uatt^rlee: Kouthcr and retora Hamilton and Ooocb. At 81. Loula—2 innlnga: I’hlladelphla ...... - ........................... OO—' St.’ LouU .............. :........... ........... 30— Baiierlea: Olatner and Hcnilne Tooey'jtnd MeCunly. Al ClactBBWt—T Uvutajta: Boaton ......;............... ....... 100 000,1— ClaclnoaU ............. ooi 501 0^ Oallerlaa: McNamara and O-.Vflfll Donobuo and Wlngo. ;■ BUr,E8 w oN .strr BOIHE, J bd« - 4 - ^ M • • J a n o * Xalener,«ane oat here from Rkid* 4 r . * n m i : ' w vitr w -hyvntr ^oiM. .neti^lihdP. j n » t . n vker. .tut #ai dlifppolaloil l» leam that iehn %u to a U4y trUnd. He (IM a te;«?Jss£'MK5; phattent loday ^ e 4 a Bon<tDli. ^ ON IN F PrUon Bm» for ; ‘ Newly-Cpn'?ict?d ' T ® ! 5« » Swindler* TORT WORTH. Tc*„ June C —denorel Itobert A. .Lee, Charlea Bbermao and Harrj’ 11. -Sohwaru. tin t of 83 Tuzae oil % promolora to ba tried tor nl> ^ Jqg^ mall trnude. faced. Im- k .prUonmeni. today to4 tbelr « ."wlldcit" actlvuiea. * Bhoman and SchwarK, alleged' ■'braloi" ot the Qeaeml Lob OoTOlDPment coinpany aald to I* ha»e'fleeced hunUrads of gul- ^ Ubio lUTcaloti. caob drew len n* yaara In prlaon and Its,000 tins. . General Lee. aged "Iropoiter,” who drew IM a tnoath for nt« ot hi* name la flrtn advartlatng, waa glTcn two yeara «Dil a tlna of IS.OOO, V ' Accoftllng to teatlmony dla- V cloBMl at the trial, tbo con- . ^ vltua <han ot worth- , lena oil' iftoeki witlett netted jjy Ihjem more tban ’IMO,000. slffliifiis b4 ' ■ ■ bf CIUCAOO. June C—tlatblnR anlU. Or ‘•built for awlmmtng" .are tho- order on ^Icago beacbea thu year. lUlpb i WrIgK;, beach aupertlaor, announce n* loday aa wand Weather aent tboua> ly anda to ihe lake front, ne On* plec* aolla allowed It »(i not uaed tor Vamtiing piirpoaee. On ka two piece aulU-tho'trunki will b« aa ' ahort aa pcaelbio ao aa not to Inter* .« fere wtih awlmroing. tt ' Stocklnp ars banned by tiie board tsa of health. id ' -------- NATAflKET. Moaa.. Juno 0 -U n d > locked mermaida may wear the ao- called one piece liaihing coatume .with 1 a abort eklU ettecl. dropping well ‘g below thd bipa, eo far aa NaloakQl beach police are concornod lbir aum- ,. mer. Olrli mu.t wear Iheir atocUnga WABHINOTON, Juno 8—W uhlng* ton^. bathing ault atylea aliww a wide 4A jan«ei.tli<iii.»w.. OoaaervatU^ ayis.-' ‘0- h ^ d by nklrtnl'iulta for'men and co women.-and alockinga for all vnreen )■' bathcn, proralU nt ihe tld^boaln, »*• Jhe only Iwach in ihe clly fnrvper. At Chtnpcake beach, a Maryland rcHort munl patronlzod by Waahing- 'd* ton the only rulu In ••l«[ ybu?A'ona- lo cicnto I p your siilde." Split Over W orld . Court Is A verted W at«dn D eclares WAHIIINQTON. Juno C—Danger of B aerioua Bjillt In ihe rcplibUcan pnrty over the world courl la gone. Senalor Wutaon of Indiana aald today after a „■ conforcnce with I’reildeot Hurdlng al “ Ihe While Houbb, , I* "Thero wilt b^am errallon making ® It clear that ibT.court wlii nol lake tll Inlo tbe IcBRue nt uatloni,” aald Wataon. "SelUier I'roatdcni UariUng _ nor the lonale wanta to vnler the , league." ! WuUon predicted thal the courl , proposal would be upproveil at the ' coming aeMlon ot tho ienate. jiyGiRSlVE. IWH SMUNG l-l _____ - ler; CLAYTON, N. Y., Juife 6—There ar< COO buotlcRRera lo one fedurol ottlcoi ulong the Canadian border. M. J. Lln iieli. mayOT'-Jif'Cluylon, declared to day. \ 1—^ Lintvll wQi aikud whether thon >—4 liad been a marked Increaee lo ilquo ^^‘1* •muuiUng over iltt trnotler uloce re peal ot the New York ilnte probtb| tion cotorcomeni l&w. I. B. -jiie 1)00X0 aliiiailon U unchanged, » 0 ho replied. •■TJicr*' aro 600 boollcg ' gera to eacji federal offtcor.'' ‘>■^1 Otber border lowni reported tha rum amuXKlora were operating at Uc . latad-placed but that tlie 4 v '* e* at wcro aclUe. ^ f ainlph J. Cardlaal. raaror of Malom 0—3 K. Y.. aald that 11 had been oxceplioE ally quiet tn ami around Ualgn* repeal of the Uuailn-Oage ocC ■ “ Doih teaeral and alato .men, \*B they lhave neter aeen It a» ni ' 1—2 haa been ^be pail week." hi ai*0«(4 2p T “Tho aatn'o vigilance haa been kepl B inll; but ob ielaire* havo been mad*.:. i Allention woa atimcted to tba t» ' der.aKuaUo^ when Caaadlan'officl* reported lo Otl»,wa thal th*.«mu|f)*: !**•• <w«rro aliowlhgimoto «eU»liy, du* id. the Mqltan-flaito repeal. itr ........ OTdir* hdve. been laeued to sla .liA.. AoaaUbulaijr, howOTor, lo eonilnue o lut , erilng tbo alrongeit offorta to prove Mb- . a "booxe Invaalon" from the north. 1 a ----- ]----------------- tin . Nf::v.* YOltK^Wiahlng'io oelebn f1ta« hon lOSad hlnhday, Urs. Pranc til* . Marr-WHitht fraa tprced to bold t Ige pany at the home o( a.graadetil alt. Sbe bai outllvjid all ber obUdre^ jliim /E ' IW TW.m FALLS, ,1DWe OhlnM DuperadoM Follow in 1 Pootitflpi of Kldnapir^and ! Maka Priioneri of a Niimbpr of Sol^en. )’£K]N. June 0—CblnDHo bandlia have reiumod aggreailvo oporuilona on tho Korean border. Dirganda and troopa met In battle Jt Erahliaoku. acconllng to dlipalchra recehcd here today; Hlx loldlera were killed aad a score Jcldnaped. , .After dleperalng tbe troop*, tho out- lawa kldoaped thlriy . Uborecs wl(a had been at , work under-prptMUM i ot tbs soldiers. The rest of A T w borers «acap*d by tWilng lo^.olhei* I i lowas^ along thi border. ' I ‘ -The obJ«ei qf.iiiV^iaajIlu. who re- ( eonily kidnnped many tiirninorM In- in eluding Afoerlcani. waa i<> force the JV governuiont to ^otnitatlSUioRi In the 111 anny. Tlila exploit may h^U urlber- ance ut thal achrme: Tbn «wea» nt . tho ghantuug-bandlia wbo K ^ ^ lb e Amerjcana. hoa. probably eiicdH ^d others l» lake a mure augre*tf^Kk'> Ilia* Special Election I „ O rder^ to X^oote : . Nelson's SttKsuoil BT. PAUU June (t-'m e MlnnMoU Ard aupreme court loday orders^ the special primary and election (o fill tha keal of tbe late Ll. H. Soaatat J. Knulo Nelaon to go on. An abaojulo writ ot prohibition pre> vlth ''onting the dlitrict coun ot Ramiey ,, county, from .taking any further ac- lion la Injunction proceedinga to re> itraln thv election waa liaued by-Iho lilib.r co»«. The aupreme coun held that tb* dlitrlot eourt 1* without JurladlcUon I - and that the election U purely an illfilL E D S'KlitSffllMIl —— i CHICACO. Junu 5-A girl bandU wh<) belli up and kllUd Klclard C, Teimor, 48, an IniurdSce adJuUer. ot >09 bta home bero lasl midnight wae bunt- ed throughout Chicago npd adjacent ' lowna by bundreda ot pollcbmcn and ■J’J detecdvea today. Tho girl, described by police as elim, pretty and faabloaably dreiaea, ‘ was accompanied by a young man ori ' Ihu "cake esur" type. The couple accoatod' Tosmer and hii wife aa the loller drovo Into their Barige atler an auto ride. "Handa up! Keep allll! Wo wanf your money.': orderwl Iho girl. Hbe HI® "covered" Mr. and Mm. Tfimer wbl(c hor companion leurcbod the victims. Mra. Teamor iiecaiiiv hyilerical wheo the "flapper bandit" demanded her wedding ring. . Tesmer ataned tovrnrd hU wife, ev- daatly to comfon her. Tl« Kirl ihol him wlilioul warning./ He died a few mlautca latsr. .The robbera'^tled.- The aliootlnR wus loaa thun n blnck from the homo cf &luynr Wm.- H. ^ |p pever. • I’M Milei of Freight Cars ;Tranrabrted Last Week of May Lln- Ci'. 1 to- WABHINOTON. June (^r-iMore tbau a million freight cara >>era louded iiore and moved .during the 4aat week iu quor May. » re* A new record for ibla, .Besson ot htbl; Ihe year wna set. It has only twice beeu exceeded In nay siaaon, and the gej" two bigger'weeks both' came'during illcjr- of the crop 'morement In Ibe fall. • . thal Flgurea made public today by the I U<r cars«rvlce dIvUlon of .the' American le a u tmiway Association sbowMl (hot the • WteW^pf iMay 28> loial ot .L0H.02U ilone, trtigbt’.cars wora.-^bMdad.wlUi mer- ,„pn; chsdtUsy,', l5ptuu«h'^ld^i*- 0- X rtclsW .Bp^nUrds were .klllejl: 110 Ifltrs woaaHed Ib a bsUlb .M ^ ,)l<»rrV U* to in'norihern Morocoo,'ft-was of-; ficlally anaounced taJay,'' -Many •lat* (boaisods of.-Mbbni. Were'stain. ' ue «*- A flpM lsh cotnmn-.flf'Ihaytbou*- fovont Bnd^•ftletlldla^'‘thn>e•■■lr- squad- th. rone, waa advancing near Tltlax- rancM . ;Tfas.,8paoUrda. , c b sn id with Id Ibe tlxad bayonets aad';«eraWded by Jdtilld. csratally droppsd .bomb* trom tbe ;e^ , air. WAilkETIWG iHO;, iSiBPNESDAY, JUI ilK IBIAL I liiiliKfl I aipT ifl n Rival otvaontiurd Cue -LQonis d yp .ai^^etty Woman Is >r Oborgfl^Vith Slajihg of Her Brolhet^s^jlJ*0Iirerin-Law. NEW AIl^N. J,: Jun.- n-A ii'<-oml a murder. Iaotoin<'-ni lin* bvi-u ri'(iirno<l agalnel MrM .Mary CrvlRliton. iirRity 0 ymmg Newur>nnlri<ii, wlui U nirracly '* awaliing (iW ou a t-linrcu ii( piilaon- ■ ■» Itjg her Chn», Hii^fcuwiS Av- ' h The new idSu-ll ent allegcM ilini iilip S also, poison^ her iiiuthur-lii-luw. 3 Oheml*l»„V<' BOW niiiilyzltiK ihi- J'l •t&nucll .ofttl'.ir ftilliBr-ln-lii*. wlici 1 died two yeiM ngo. M n.'iCr«l^i>n, whn bpt'atiiK ii mi>. 5: tber-torith^oecniiil ilim> jimi nficr h e r arre*t,-*Blwchi'ilu1i-ii lo ro io trla' J JMno 18 oD-nie-diarRi) ot kllllnr. Iir-r .. brniher. ’Herjiuibniut, Jdlm, Ih clinn;. .. ed'wtlli tbf'aim c <iir«n(n.' un<l win kci to ltlal le . .MrJ.-.CrclgUuu lu ui inuixl »r hav. id Mlg:alowly-(«d iinVnU: lo Ikt hrcXl.T I, Ist.-puddlagrVfO ulie uml lu-r lumluiuO k could-c«ll*o(.)>li Innuruncv. Aiiundon Kd^h* agt^inUki wm eullnl in her \ Ulleni, «ii.L ni; MADK rsKvn^ I* 'Z ■— DBNVER,'Jtini- 6—A .Icimrimciii of Ig socbil reuaA b u> creuiv "inii'niu. Sd llilRtS. liiduulrlul uodO win" (0 will bQ/«^ii>tlmuio renuli, iiccDrdliit 3* to u n lv n w .aulhorlllvM, of Iliv kIK ; toUsavi^UUlverHlly of « Jioo.oiio domitOVB (ntM 'bulld/i^liy Jamen 11/ ,, Cauaey,,laT*«moni bitkor, c- ‘'Cauaoy, toioier pariuur uf Uorar. O. nor Wm.'V..Cflwo»i.-anil p vlKonmi 10 progreaalve.-atuioiinLed be wun "inov- od by tha spirit ot llhorolluni'’ In niak- b* ini tbe gift, .r 9Q -• .li Hylan: jj^t ^Icuined ' ;ih S c l^ l j^ok^' ^NEW VpiiK. June 0—Mnyor flylua N today requvitL'd Iho bonrd of educa- tion to .n»ake nn InveiUgaUnn to du- •iciimlue'Why eoveu ut the el«Ul iexi booka .condcmnea .hy Commlmlonur I .HIrscbtleld as "pro-UrlllnbT urc nil' lfl<4iae la iho school*. Hylan placod parlloalar emtdiaali on Mumey’t AmertcsB Mlfitory. whlcb b«>. lahclcd "Ihe Vorat offender." _r En'gllatL and certain American fl- nanclal Jnteresla are behlml the plot lo reuBlte’America nnd tliu Urlilib ^ empire, Hylan charged.. Id .“III* time for all ot ua lo ri-coitnlte of the fact that-IhlCanTl-Amerlcnn prop- ilelaganda hks been kteallblly and leaUl. he lously flowing In npon us wblle It bu* ,r become a, veritable river 4>f slime, ' which only Herculean effnna cun ,n| d a n j h i * commiinlcallon iiald In pon. K ' ■ I us. /" / - / k ^ IW 1 y//'^ : Wmrri i X.W i ¥ m L o ’*' the S . ^ 1^-1 d- I S ' - ' .“ 'i bs ' ' 1 " I . . ■ ' M L\ UNE 6, 1923. 'iElEIOi ,0N Lioe RU I beilcoidb Is ________ United S^tes Feels Thai can ancT^hat Foreijri u\ Out; No Desii'c to A ^ati^ns but Decision i j, ^ :iiraM ;; IS UNIDENTIFIEO lirrn :, .\ioni,. Jum- i:.- i * cim MMhi> tT lilllt Cnliiiiil .McyiT. llllllll I'. Hl.icl i;. iiiiiri'.. nil I'X i-niivli'l. hml iili}' ><>i> HCI ......Ill'll with llll- tiv,nil of Uu- W‘1111- llll will.... :iki’lc lon \V!in .»l.iriiYi'r"i1 i>ii ,v. lhc trt:il Ilf llic I'liIllUlirlllul dlvlilu w;i'J ,.f licim; iloiiUli’il Iv-ro lotluv. U'I A'lpCcirlilfi., liinvluc-icl lluil lb - r<- i«i nial/« nrr lu.t U of a T..xu« woiiu.ii er n^ivdii ul flrnl lii-llnvoil, luivc unii- ^ •a lly iiliniul.iiiril Ilir;i Hint Mi-J<r y lilll! liny (-imii.-<'il.iii wllli lu-r tli-inli. •j' IK- III Htlll iM-iRK Iii'iirchnl for. Imw- rw r, iinil II rminil will ti.- ........ . , coiiccrninii iiriir'.->i cif \viiiiiutr>i mii'iir- vl wlllcll lie Ih iuiUI tu ImVL- luul lu Iil’i ir ■It Till- iiiyntrry Kurroiinilltii; llu' loi'ii- lift lliy of ll.' rciimln-i Ik mill Imtflllii! 1110 ail ll wHK wlu-n till' hoily wi'" l<""it'-il 11/ tiy I’nul yiH">nii1". nn nlil iiroi'li'-' tor Aulh(irllli-ri iiri> JiwiiVfciK tiirllior ■r- word frouiHir vn/C i-vvldiiK l‘> iriic.' >iiti lUu woliiuti'H lil)i<iiliy tliriiuiili un oM ;>v- wun-1i. lllnu il/ciiv«r<'0 wllh th<- r i - sk- mnlim, w b lc l/ Imri' Out iiunii- uf n Ulnnbiimiiltm.l .N. Y., Ji'Wi-lrr, JQ Iiliil!. s'HiMiBlli du- I-.-. !r exi -. . , _ . 1111 VUMA, Aril.. Jiinit C—Jim Oavln ;o(] Yiimn Inilluti, who Hucciimln'il ri'- ly'i <i-nt1y 'lo luUert-uIiinlK In (Iirt U-n- Icfl rBDwonb iiriniin wlicni Ije .was Ini prlaonud flvit yonr* fur inurderlnK un- fl. jilior ttlbcnmun. dlcif « commpo prl*- .i,,» oner nuioiiB tl.j whltu inPn'\bui a Z I.cro among h l» I,:..„lo. \ IllH body wun brouRbt horn ond lo> lie dny wni. ib.i otaiiUui for a trlliul cor- up- niiioiilal niruly *iiriiuaiiutr>u^fct:tlve lid. dcinll. Hundred* of JndluM'N^ook !)U* part in the Ilciuth rllen. dmnil^ me, weird louK* nn<i performlnR ibuir :un lOlcmn ricutli liuncr-.i, The biKly viii in. .cren'utod on ii Iiorc pyre?____________ RE-feNfORCEMENTS yO ^ •<= •' I ''n HAd^ FRm/ E xi? fw ii LIMltL NOT MtRNlNI hat Issue Is Purely Ameri- lijrn Powers Should Keep Antajjonizo Oid World >n Is America’s Ki.irht.'" . , WA.SIir.MJTOS'. J iiiu- ■ ; -I'lir I nll. l i ll.juur ;ii rn!"'ll.-‘'l'l......... nil.- lltiiii''I'li'i Ullll :ii> iirliiinrlly il<>iiii''llr lunl will ‘ 'n„IIli;!m‘,'.‘'rn;,'„ ’(.th.'-'r ' i;,iv»ni. iiu'iin-. It will n-fiMi. lu r.’.-iii:iilr.> till- Jill iHillrUoii Ilf anv liitriiiiilliiiul IHJ<i,ii.iJ ,ajili „H 1 ),.- iii,rM.-..iir(. 1 / ,,,, nil rtK.rl In uiilll.. 1c> luU.- Uu- .lur:.- Uoll Ilicri'. T lu n - In no ill>.|i.i>illI..II ' llll.' I.l aiiliimiiiki- forrlKii ruvrni- III.-nlH. Thlii i;o»i'riiliifiil I-i ii.iw .'ii- i:>» Ixtr of ulll c.imiiK'h'Ial in'alli-s with |» - snalii nn.l cith.-r JICIWITH. Tli.».' ir.-a. ><T Ilvn nmy licconir tlu- iin.lliim Tor un iiKvi'cnii-nt wllh lh.' iiinrllliii.- jiiiw.'n on ll.iuor. lly ihln iii--;iii.i tl.- A hut- „,il li:in (sovornm.-nl jwiHiillily mn lln-1 ii .,r. '‘ iiy to ntihnlil Ui.' .i>l>r.'i:i.' .u i i r l ’ii riilliiR hurrllii: nll Miiuorn, i-viii t.-;i ntor.-:.. from nlilim i-liliTliu tlir Ilirn' I'nulct 111- ilanKcr uf il.-ilroylnt; frU-tul- ly n InlloiiK. «''! On.- HiiRit.Hlliill UlM lum liri'li a.i- '"f viiui:.?i| In llml ni:ri-rnii'iit lir ninilt l„.r Ihal iln' liiilkiiiH riivipi-riiiUii: wllli IUU m,, Rovvrnin.-nt In iirrvi-niliiii mnnurllnc ulll "f ll'liior nliall li<- lii'ruilln tliiti ri. will a'.Inw .T.W5 niUiiii llcjuur lo bi liriiiifthl In nil iiinllciij Ihiuiir. iiiidi-l Htrk't ruKulalbui* for Cm ctuinumiulor while thu nblpH nrv lh un AuK-rlrui TWj m«JotUy »{ hnw cv<-r favor unulliur I'ciyrne, Thoy wun I’rnsidont ttanUnnAo a*K conRrv* n.-xI IJo(-itiiibur to inoillfy Ihi- ilrii<ili' P li prorlfilonit of lhr VnbileairInw, ellm U ImitlnK. ciiiiscR of, UiicrnftiloniirdlM fl m rd *uuli u* llili, II Thu ilnnRi-r that nurh uiii-niui; n thn lnw- ii> nniutiilnii'ui nilclit prrrliil into nni'w iii., wlioli- wn and ilr: , flRbl Iuih lii-m urtii-d iiRalnni ihln. llu rvoryhmly )* now rimvliiri.'il iliiii can , ' Krchi I* KOlUR In renppn thul 'luc* Ilon unyway, _______ Wullil Wallu. llie oldrnl liiwii li WuibliiKlon. w|ll itluRC u liugu hln ° liirlcai puKuuni i>ii Junu (>lli nml 'i t according lo un orilcie hy Dr, Kicvr: Io* I’cnroie. pri-ilduni Wblliuun'llnlverit L-or- Ity. In thi> Union Pacific- ,MuKniln< live wblch la belns dliirlbutoil today, Tb (inReunt wlli lie n iu*«on in AmrrI nh* cunbini. ehowing bow. hy iho cimililn licilr cd vo^or and foreiilKbt of iliu exidiw U'U* or*, nil»»lcinarlc* nml plont'cim, ih' Wunt wn* wnn to tliu llnlled Slalci.. I ^ ______ _ _ : \ • — -r-: P.JW ^ MES OI.U VOD. -XIII. NO. 55. ^SHRINERS T ELECTING I OFFICERS |.j.’Wany Cities Vio for Jobs -fU ,p I Convcnilon Qcts Under Way; I Keen, Good-Ifiiliirc<l Rivalry I Exist-';; Stiints Arc Features at 1 Day at Wnsliinffton. ;iiu;l wa:-hi .\'; tii .\, ........ i;-I' 111-1 IrrliiiMl. |-r..ri;., 111-. . mdiiy wiu. «lrct- ilgi.ji'il iui|irilal oiii.i Ku,iril 111 llu: lin|itir- I.ll-. lal .liM.II nr lllr .\|y»llc Sl»-lu.'. I irriiiiiil wun lllr j.urr iiviT thrre ....... I .illi.T .i>liniilnlr>.. will ill. ul.'tiiiin iiiraiH Iillll in olRht illl- yniis 111- .vm In.uin.- Iin|i.-rlal pol- Illrr ('iiiii.’iii I' Mjki'iiiati. llrotiklyii, .V. uul V., ti„!iiy ln.iiiiii- liiiiirrliil puu-nluH!. '. 1/ /.Ul I r.-dll/;: J;iiji.'« II. ,Mt(.’(lliiJluiii( of II..II Kaii-,i." Clly t.iiliiy wcm llir isai i-rn- I'liilnr riiiiv.'niliui. li v.lll m.-ul iburu UIU- K;:Iim;i>. Clly vinn uiuinlliiuilnly vlion- ,vlill ..-11. It r.-. rivi ll 11 M.I.- uf upproballon rra- .It lunt n . i.nv. In Hnu l-*rBn- iiii Ilnio. nuikini; ii nliuoni curtain of .-.'ri .’I .111.- iIiIk .'.-ar, / urr--! lliMtciu l.iilny wnn ".iiiiiroyed" for d iijilic r,‘i:r. rnuwiiiluu. Irrlund, ciccltd irl'«i| i>iiu-r iiiinnl. r.m ;;i*J v.n.n, twenty l.-;t lliun Hum lii.-1 'riii.nry lu ck-i-t. ircr .M.iyor lliiK.-r, I’lirllaiul. Oro.. gdt iciii. nr. anil Juliu s. rnii'lii-, I'hnitanoogu, l-llll- llli. Irrlaiid WUI nl|: yciirM a niftn- a.i- lu-r of i.iiii:n-nn. ' lailv - I. — IlilK ;.VASlllNtiTl»,V. Jnnr li-XoUIn War- :llne ivn t:. ll.irdlni; uf Alladln u-mplu. tbut Murlon, Ohio, ]tlny.-d n.-comi fliUIld lo- I) br dny «" 'h.- Slirlm- lionin i-liiiii- new ildrr li'uOtru. Illon "Sunny Jim" Mi-('aiidlr*ii of Aloha Iran U-nililii, Hiincdiiln. T. II., win rundy III Hull OUI of hi* ItnporlBl ihcjti to'- iin-ii.-- iMiiVi) tonm lo r Snlilp i'.onmiJ V, T)yke- . want man -ot Ilrooklyn,. deputy Impm-Ul :rv«* imieninlc, whn ta ilati'd tor tbe bOl* U-Ilc iifflri., . ^ !llm- A ruiil linille over tl> T m ^ n l oiil- dlM- ur Riinril to h.t olrcli-d, tckluy I* in niKhI wllh *lx (-undldnln In thu fie’d. i: of Nuhlci. In Ihu "linow" «ny thu hoB- mil- or will (!u (u ulihrr rx^ConRru**man ilry I'llffiinl Irrlund of.;\lohutnmud temple. ' ' llul I’.-c.rlu. IllH.. or Mayor Ouorgu’U Ba- con- kur of i'orlland, (Iru. lui-!>- Oihur nindliliiteii nru Jiihn-'Fouche. AUiambra. ClinlUiUKiKa. Tmn.;. All«R .Mci:<intn. Haiimwa. .MurUIInn, Mi*i»,; II lulHuward J. Uiiilluy, Crmccni. Csmdoa. hln-jN. J.; iiDii iiuKh M, Caldwell.- Nlie, "lh, Sualtle, Wunh. cvrn Till- Arurui icniiiln ot Kansas Ully lerit- uml the Mllu lumple of I’hllBdolphla ilnu. WIT.' puitlnK nn n warm hut frlemlir Tbo i-oni«ni for Ihu nexl .Shrine conven- nrrl- Hon. Knowing noble* rcganleil lhr> itjln- cliunc-u" nf Kanem City u* ibe be*l. pln^ . Whllr lllu inipurlgl council was de- Ihu rilling all Important ciueslloa* for Ihc cN. .Shrlnui, rliliinr noble* wer«-having . ------ u Kood limu, The beat. whleh(csn*fd more thnn 100 proglmtloni yeaierdsy, dlHnppcnriii nvernlght. Clnd In datxUsg roitumds thst would fiivu a chamelon nerrouB pros- ' - iratlcin lo Imltnte. the patrol*,rivsied with olhrr luinplu* lo "oulstuni" «*cb oilwr. : : '•I.i'fiy" Hudifin. leading'thfejmonat- ril ‘pnlrol of SInur City,-lows, nsde Ihe cowpynrJier* of tho wpstttBffOd- •. on turn Rteon with envy aa lie put-a wbllo Arnbian Steed through s serl*s ol .Bljjnif on Uie Washington M oau-. mcnt^iol. coLilSa#' iiipl' ATLANTA'; 'Oa,''jBfl e-N«,w sstA l ' nrder. to b* known.ts tto.blghUVC pSror sad ronmjar, V Slmmoos' Mst*it doto >riii>)ntW' pfoted by KlananimiU wtdnUg’tM breach, boiween Dr. H. Klan imperial .«lxs;4, siid<th* roont r . of the Klan. Ia hts Qroclsaad i. Rln/mta* iald h*-luw:-ifiJbirBiSS » , l! I'ktnbiish tne.K^hu.ot,Kaa*l{a” a v order to ‘'*avo th* KhlkbU of K. K. L ; during the yonr* fOo* hy-ts in p t 11 - '

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  • ' ... : P g T E E T

    t W]V OLUM lS ^ t i o u ,,O rfa r o n

    . t o i ^ t l f I t . lP M la 0 ^ - (Udlar O ano ^ B « r o r o e d to

    B m S (d : D l m t U f ^ o n O vor

    Q SnU N . JUQO S—U (e o t ( h T 'C u ^ u b ls e t doiMni)* on (h« d^ liito a ot tho MW f»p«ratlon» o tte r oow qu l u w a i to lha aUied cttrlto li, <

    .In { ■ w a r iir« a o o a t oppoiU liu ~ (ro in rt»pr-|iH«a.,b«fauM of lB lIura t 6

    . m e h IOD* eoneluillan vttib th« a llla i iha t -y n i .1ir t .Q enoanr'a p m e n idOR; G u M tU o r Cuna la u n d e n t ^ to 'h tT i'-p ropM *^:' -•. j

    j —Puim ent of approxim ata lr a bllf l lo B i^ d a to lf xu ld m arka 7 * a r ) ^ ,

    ;s—8«lO«m«Di o t.tho AXAQt tennaTki b t U fl lo an tntflmalloDal coafoi'eDce. OcDieDli a t t to docutncnU w (l l'b « ottielalljr a tru lu ir? tw n 'recolpt by ib i a llln . It^^Ja-iwrDMl Uiai Cuno prof

    ' po«e«' r*U ' •d fn tbo followlnk w ayi: ' |; ConaunpUon tAsea on. aucb com*

    m odltlti aa tobacco, a u |a r and braody and a cuktaina monopoly o n 'tb b aam*

    .^ J q g ^ mall trnude. fac ed . Im- k .prUonmeni. today to4 tbe lr « ."wlldcit" actlvuiea.* B hom an and SchwarK, alleged'

    ■'braloi" o t the Q eaem l Lob OoTOlDPment coinpany aald to

    I* ha»e'fleeced hunUrads of gul- ^ Ubio lUTcaloti. caob drew len n* yaara In prlaon and I ts ,000 tins.. General Lee. aged "Iropoiter,”” who drew IM a tnoath fo r nt«— ot hi* name la flrtn advartlatng,

    waa glTcn two yeara «Dil a tlna of IS.OOO,

    V ' Accoftllng to teatlmony dla- V cloBMl a t the tria l, tbo con- .

    ^ v l tu a —4 liad been a marked Increaee lo ilquo ^^‘1* •muuiUng over ilt t trno tle r uloce re

    peal ot the New York ilnte probtb | tion cotorcomeni l&w.

    I. B. - j i ie 1)00X0 aliiiailon U unchanged, » 0 ho replied. •■TJicr*' aro 600 boollcg ' gera to eacji federal offtcor.''‘>■̂ 1 Otber border lowni reported tha

    rum amuXKlora were operating a t Uc . latad-placed but tha t tlie 4 v '* e * a t

    wcro aclUe. ^f a inlph J . Cardlaal. raaror of Malom

    0—3 K. Y.. aald that 11 had been oxceplioE a lly quiet tn ami around Ualgn* repeal of the Uuailn-Oage ocC ■

    “ Doih teaeral and alato .m en, \*B they lhave n e te r aeen It a» n i '

    1—2 haa been ^be pa il week." h i a i*0«(4 2p T “Tho aatn'o vigilance haa been kep l B in ll; bu t ob ie laire* havo been mad*.:. i

    Allention woa atim cted to tb a t » ' der.aKuaUo^ when Caaadlan'officl*

    reported lo Otl»,wa th a l th*.«m u|f)*: !**••

    Ilia* Special Election I „ O r d e r^ to X^oote : ™ . Nelson's SttKsuoil

    BT. PAUU June ( t - 'm e MlnnMoU Ard aupreme court loday orders^

    the special prim ary and election (o fill tha keal of tbe late Ll. H. Soaatat

    J . Knulo Nelaon to go on.An abaojulo w rit ot prohibition pre>

    vlth ''onting the d lit r ic t coun o t Ramiey ,, county, from .taking any further ac-

    lion la Injunction proceedinga to re> itra ln thv election waa liaued by-Iho l i l ib .r co»« .

    The aupreme coun held tha t tb* d litrlo t eourt 1* without JurladlcUon

    I - and th a t the election U purely an

    i l l f i l L E D

    S'KlitSffllMIl— — i

    CHICACO. Junu 5 - A girl bandU wh09 bta home bero lasl midnight wae bunted throughout Chicago npd adjacent

    ' lowna by bundreda ot pollcbmcn and ■J’J detecdvea today.

    Tho g irl, described by police as elim, pretty and faabloaably dreiaea,

    ‘ was accompanied by a young man o ri ' Ihu "cake e s u r" type. The couple

    accoatod' Tosmer and h ii wife aa the loller drovo Into the ir Barige a tler an auto ride.

    "Handa up! Keep allll! Wo wanf your money.': orderwl Iho girl. Hbe

    HI® "covered" Mr. and Mm. T fim er wbl(c hor companion leurcbod the victims.

    Mra. Teamor iiecaiiiv hyilerical wheo the "flapper bandit" demanded her wedding ring.. Tesmer a taned tovrnrd hU wife, ev- daatly to com fon her. T l« Kirl ihol

    him wlilioul w arning./ He died a few mlautca la tsr . .The robbera'^tled.-

    The aliootlnR wus loaa thun n blnck from the homo cf &luynr Wm.- H.

    ^ | p pever. •

    I’M Milei of FreightCars ;Tranrabrted

    Last Week of MayL ln- Ci'.1 to- WABHINOTON. June ( r̂-iMore tbau

    a million freight cara >>era louded iio re and moved .during the 4aat week iu quo r May.» re* A new record for ibla, .Besson ot h tb l; Ihe year wna set. It has only twice

    beeu exceeded In nay siaaon, and the g e j " two b igger'w eeks both' cam e 'during illcjr- of the crop 'morement In

    Ibe fall. • . ■ ■th a l Flgurea m ade public today by the

    I Ur O borg fl^V ith S la jihg of Her

    B r o lh e t^ s ^ j l J * 0 I i re r in -L a w .

    ■ N E W A Il^N . J ,: Jun.- n -A ii' creuiv "inii'niu. Sd llilRtS. liiduulrlul uodO win"(0 w ill bQ /«^ii> tlm uio renuli, iiccDrdliit 3* to u n l v n w .aulhorlllvM, of Iliv kIK

    ; to U sa v i^ U U lv e rH lly of « Jioo.oiiodomitOVB ( n tM 'b u l ld /i^ liy Jamen 11/

    , , Cauaey,,laT*«moni b itkor, c - ‘'Cauaoy, toio ier pariuur uf Uorar. O. n o r Wm.'V..Cflwo»i.-anil p vlKonmi 10 progreaalve.-atuioiinLed be wun "inov-

    od by tha sp irit ot llhorolluni'’ In niak- b* in i tbe gift, .r9Q -• • .li

    Hylan: jĵ t ^Icuined

    ' ; i h S c l ^ l j ^ o k ^ '

    ^ N E W V piiK. June 0—Mnyor flylua

    N today requvitL'd Iho bonrd of education to .n»ake nn InveiUgaUnn to du- •iciimlue'Why eoveu ut the el«Ul iexi booka .condcmnea .hy Commlmlonur

    I .HIrscbtleld as "pro-UrlllnbT urc n i l ' lfl. lahclcd " Ihe V orat offender."

    _r En'gllatL and certain American fl- nanclal Jnteresla are behlml the plot lo reuB lte’A merica nnd tliu U rlilib

    ^ em pire, Hylan charged..Id . “III* time for a ll ot ua lo ri-coitnlte of the fact that-IhlCanTl-Amerlcnn prop- ile laganda hks been kteallblly and leaUl. he lously flowing In npon us wblle It bu* , r become a , veritable river 4>f slime,' which only Herculean effnna cun

    ,n| d a n j h i * commiinlcallon iiald In pon.

    K ' ■ Ius.

    ■ /" / - / k

    ̂ I W1 ■ y / / ' ^: Wmrri

    i X .W i ¥ m L o ’*'the

    S . ^

    1̂-1 ■ ■

    d- I

    S ' - ' . “ 'ib s ' '

    1 " I . . ■ '

    M L \UNE 6, 1923.

    'iE lEIO i,0N Lioe RUI“beilcoidbIs ________

    United S ^ te s Feels Thai can ancT ^ha t Foreijri

    u\ Out; No Desii'c to A ^ a ti^ n s but Decision

    i j , — ^: i i r a M;; IS UNIDENTIFIEO” l i r r n : , .\ioni,. Jum- i: . - i*cimMMhi>tT lilllt Cnliiiiil .McyiT. llllllll I'. Hl.icl i;. iiiiiri'.. nil I'X i-niivli'l. hml iili}' > i>HCI ......Ill'll with llll- tiv,nil of Uu- W‘1111-

    llll will.... :iki’lc lon \V!in .»l.iriiYi'r"i1 i>ii,v. lhc tr t:i l Ilf llic I'liIllUlirlllul dlvlilu w;i'J ,.f licim; iloiiUli’il Iv-ro lotluv.U'I A'lpCcirlilfi., liinvluc-icl lluil lb - ri cif \viiiiiutr>i mii'iir-

    vl wlllcll lie Ih iuiUI tu ImVL- luul lu Iil’i

    i r■It Till- iiiyntrry Kurroiinilltii; llu' loi'ii- lift lliy of l l . ' rciimln-i Ik mill a« Imtflllii!1110 ail ll wHK wlu-n till' hoily wi'" l JiwiiVfciK tiirllior ■r- word frouiHir v n /C i-vvldiiK l‘> iriic.' >iiti lUu woliiuti'H lil)iv- wun-1i. lllnu il/ciiv«rn Is America’s Ki.irht.'". , WA.SIir.MJTOS'. J iiiu- ■; -I'lir I nll. l

    i ll.juur ;ii rn !" 'l l .- ‘'l'l......... nil.- lltiiii''I'li'i

    Ullll :ii> iirliiinrlly iliiii''llr lunl will

    ‘ 'n„IIli;!m‘,'.‘ 'rn;,'„ ’ (.th.'-'r ' i;,iv»ni. iiu'iin-. It will n-fiMi. lu r.’.-iii:iilr.> till- Jill iHillrUoii Ilf anv liitriiiiilliiiul IHJ luU.- Uu- .lur:.- Uoll Ilicri'. T lun- In no ill>.|i.i>illI..II

    ' l l l l . ' I.l aiiliimiiiki- forrlKii ruv rn i- III.-nlH. Thlii i;o»i'riiliifiil I-i ii.iw .'ii-

    i:>» Ixtr of ulll c.imiiK'h'Ial in 'alli-s with |» - snalii nn.l cith.-r JICIWITH. T li.».' ir.-a. >ii Junu (>lli nml ' i t

    according lo un orilcie hy Dr, Kicvr: Io* I’cnro ie . pri-ilduni W blliuun'llnlverit

    L-or- Ity. In thi> Union Pacific- ,MuKniln< live wblch la belns dliirlbutoil today, Tb

    (inReunt wlli lie n iu*«on in AmrrI nh* cunbini. ehowing bow. hy iho cimililn licilr cd vo^or and foreiilKbt of iliu exidiw U'U* or*, nil»»lcinarlc* nml plont'cim, ih'

    Wunt wn* wnn to tliu llnlled Slalci..

    I ^______ _ _ : “ \

    • — - r - :

    P . J W ^

    MESO I.U VOD. -XIII. N O . 55.

    ŜHRINERS T ELECTINGI OFFICERS| . j . ’ W any C itie s V io fo r Jobs -fU , p I C o n v c n ilo n Q cts U n d er W ay;

    I Keen, Good-Ifiiliirciiu-r iiiinnl. r.m ;;i*J v.n.n, twenty l.-;t lliun Hum lii.-1'riii.nry lu ck-i-t.

    irc r .M .iyor lliiK.-r, I’lirllaiul. Oro.. gdt iciii. n r . anil Juliu s. rnii'lii-, I'hnitanoogu, l-llll- llli.

    Irrlaiid WUI nl|: yciirM a niftn- a.i- lu-r of i.iiii:n-nn. '

    lailv - I. —IlilK ;.VASlllNtiTl»,V. Jnn r li-XoUIn War- :llne ivn t:. ll.irdlni; uf Alladln u-mplu. tbut Murlon, Ohio, ]tlny.-d n.-comi fliUIld lo- I) b r dny «" 'h.- Slirlm- lionin i-liiiii- new ildrr li'uOtru.Illon "Sunny Jim " Mi-('aiidlr*ii of Aloha Iran U-nililii, Hiincdiiln. T. II., win rundy

    III Hull OUI of hi* ItnporlBl ihc jti to '- iin-ii.-- iMiiVi) tonm lo r Snlilp i'.onmiJ V, T)yke- . want man -ot Ilrooklyn,. deputy Impm-Ul :rv«* imieninlc, whn ta ilati'd tor tbe bOl*U-Ilc iifflri., . ^!llm- A ruiil linille over t l > T m ^ n l oiil- dlM- ur Riinril to h.t olrcli-d, tckluy I* in

    niKhI wllh *lx (-undldnln In thu fie’d. i: of Nuhlci. In Ihu "linow" «ny thu hoB- • m il- or will (!u (u u lih rr rx^ConRru**man ilry I'llffiinl Irrlund of.;\lohutnmud temple. ' ' llul I’.-c.rlu. IllH.. or Mayor Ouorgu’U Ba

    con- kur of i'orlland, (Iru. lui-!>- Oihur nindliliiteii nru Jiihn-'Fouche.

    AUiambra. ClinlUiUKiKa. Tm n.;. All«R .Mci:riii>)ntW '

    pfoted by K la n an im iU w td n U g ’ tM breach, boiween Dr. H.Klan imperial .« lxs;4, siid

  • P A G E T W O

    s m e l l, Mra. J . W . 'W liccliug— S o u k ty I-

    II'aInf.|lrlBU«—Til...i>l.iy iil I'rlrb..4:;u V rlo c k llovfur.l I'atin' I'Udivi i.u i !in:i>- "f ill 'rluO-Tir th« lU-r. Mr. Tulllv. r ul Hi- r . Jiap tlil cliiitch. Tli. lr imly iiiirii.i:uii 11>., imwiia Mr*, a O. Urlm;.i, ilir ...................timr. M r ii.r iltU ' I h . j r.'«i4.-i,i ..c LuUJ. Mr. I»iaii«.tH nn .iiua.i.x' ..r ti.r J.Ia>io I’owur conipnny jit I'.’. ..i. lU., 'l l , .Kli»ro ihoyiwlll i)i;.'h>|io' :irii'iiu...ii III III.- i;ii.lie,me i.f Mr,.. Kl.i'.i.:..Si Mil. Mr.. In......

    I). An.Ic-rH.iii i.'cfa-tllii: in . :.iii|,i: A-l 11 'V,IK "(ill. .1 II.IV" III.'..'

    ^ t r r to " n m r " l . '' |tl'.l''i•With l u liililiy li.';iiilUiil lr..... W.'I.' Mr..,Jiliicurl hiiiull ...............'.nil nilr;iinv.. niirili.wHU It .l;.liity h.ii. 1. iV.tU ;iii.l ..i.t.T -p j wllll 11 lnw II.-V I of flci«. r ;. II'T.' Tfi.

    iifloriionn. 'I'li.' Ir.m l ii.inli 'v;.'. . >

    • Ilny wllll II .'(.'iniiliii: I H M . .eo n , iH.norliiK Mr.., J, K K..Iiiniii wl.,.

    Kfk'H. l ’i.iip.l."'. f.iMii.-.r 111.' ...n t.T . A for III.- n.1,1.- nn.l .i.l.llric I., lh r I'l^u'

    .Jmnuty . H. I" B. 1!o1.l.-r'rlnln.'.l wllli 1 (. i'l.ic'W 1

    • Jiin.'l\'.in l.xlnv f..r lh.. H..rnn.tiy rlnh. ii"in- . Clil»l.T» of IrlH un.l KmmhriP'. xv.Tr mi.U'

    ^ flticd In .lrviir.-illn»;. . . .n - Inl.l l‘u\li, fo r twi'lv.-, llrhlHo f.i11..vv.'.i Il.l. nml' lunclL'on, iiu.--i.i ..f III.' .h .h 'V.T.' " I 'l 'l

    Wm, A, Al.'xuml.-r, Mr.i. J. Il, U'll- '"■1>1"IlnniK, nml, Mr,-. J, I.. Cr.'.'U-, ,.I..i.t ''"I 1of Mr«. .Sllf.T. uho I-. UKliltiK tif-r.-, “ 'i'l

    ^ Trnnt 1tlnnfr--N^Cjm.rMr«^, _\V. K.


    ' ■ ̂ i {■ - r e a l l l a v o r . i s i ' - : the lirst essenlial J,';;",.* o l c o o d c o l i e e . j ‘j) . w h e t h e r y o u I.Vi’i, ■ p r e f e r i t m i l d y

    ^ o r s t r o n g , y o u .'nin I n i n s l h e E v e l l a r o r " ‘i,;.

    i* C O F F E E , r ;U A a s t h a t l u l l r i c h

    ■ I l a v o r

    , '^ o n d lo r n tn x f m Y j tc a - T R E E ^ E A

    I f ' M>J-BRAI«ilEN8TEIN4CQ I'l.^.;

    t y p e w r i t e r s ” E

    W o Etfll ’em—We^ ren t ’em,J - W o f ix ’em , Lun


    _________________________________ Ihu

    “ C o m p a r e t h e W o r k * ' ^il",

    TYPEW RITERSW rilo fo r Catalog ' ^

    ^ \ ^ Idaho . T y p e w r i t e r E x .

    2H S. .'fnin .SI.-ri)rn lfIlo .

    E J Y '/ E d ilo r— I’hono 1339,

    Il'l.'U.I., I., .llnr' wllh Ih.'i.i ;.l III" nil... I1..I.1, '

    ,\ll. n k Sink.'... n Kini.'ily m i, kIuk- iilnj.I.:, lalkhi.;, .luiu'hir. an.l iiin.iU'. fnll »t-r

    III..... i;.»iil HhiKiiit: ami .lumiiiy nml.11.1111; ja z i fl.i.lllni:, .N.n n .lu ll , I M

    Mai Ik/ iI.I Dlllon In lln Ir Inl.'sl' Mil.a^y . .... . i.lL.iil.l I.rn>.. n .h - rinil . i ' . - f / ..... . ir.'a l. 'I'ti.'lr nff.rliiK T in'I i i / " l in '...iiK .m.l i.inry nml llirlr Kmr / f i . . in ualhrrhii: lanKlni nA- orlu- v lll^.1 an.l . a..y, Mh.-. Mm D.imllil i>rov.'i. M■ iXalilr frll fnr ll.T Inn inaklni: r a n - J..yl

    .ill. ;i iiha.,!!ii; vnl..'. .Mr. I.lllnn, a li . . r n i L . riili lii.m ih.- ;,uir.|,-nl .nm - froi •lly flrl.l. In a har.l w.,rlUni; ami Iiat- In

    T h r | n! /...r.ll I,, r. Krral iirmlm - 111'

    fa a T.ih'liiy 1,1̂ -hnw. ^------------------------

    Soap Maklno- ^.'Pl.' nrl nf wiiip-mill.hiB li v.-ry olil. ""

    ’ liny r.-frra li. liU wrltlm;.. lu tioth " .

    z:i ’h.; ruliin fit I'unilK-ll. Bi-t..r.- th r In-.i-nMi.ii .if nouii n.iikliii: ffi.- of •orluln jiUntil w rrr iib.'iJ Tin rli-an»lns .Xrii

    ;hu ini' tjclnc In miri'a.l il ovi-r th r 'y .■tniirnl lr> bo .-Irnni'.l iinU d irn 19 Inn .llllllll ll In wllll llll. fl'Vl. I 'r .

    Doth a t Oni Throw.J, 11. SI. w -rlln: “Wlint a of ,|,‘y

    Ilin^nni'. nllirr Ihlni;' U'.-ra woold b« -.I,,, if n frll,.* roiil.t lako tils Ht»l oceanrojn*.- i \ l Illn llr«t ~im.kf> a t tho , |,r •nni« llnK-."~lteilun Kt( o1d| Trmfi- im:K'ript. I

    ______________ L Mn

    PaHilan Modiit* R«wardi H alf. 5’.n'Every y.-ar onr of lh* faiaona Tiirl*- ,|j^

    an (irftiDiukfr* .illi.u-a farti of lili i,,,,A‘.ini(.a .-niplnyi*r« Io rh,n>ar a ilr«aa j ĵif.nd Imvr ll ninilr np t.. L«r fH,.«vu luMr. T

    V— — " J T W I N J

    Sportsmen and Farm: , Shooting ‘Vermin’ i

    H E R E A R E T H E ~ ^

    Tll* hirdt and animali •hown abov* m Ih .i prry on s .m .‘ .nd yoi.n« pai.ltry. 1 of»io«ton and. with nihari of lliair kind, an g.m* a t all th« tporliman in il.c country

    A COfNTKV-W inr. fain|.j:i;ii i. rxal i no» gii 10 Iirorivr ilir r; lhr cuuniry hy nf llie tKK. :iu! v..,r:>vin. I'l liaii); :lia> l.rrn >lalrd lhnl rich n.ov ilraK ,inO >) Itlfvni fKK» or ynwiii; ..f hir.U .hirini{ .lalmn lhai iimr, ri.i.f

    A re.l •.inWirl, ii l.ji l-crn eni- nio.i li malrtl. rarh vrar ran mrnf Jou .if il.r rrn\» ek’i;< nf iiirliil (ralhrtrd riraliirrt. Iirrii i The .ir.linary libiiiecal, wl.rn vai;runi, oihrn it a vnracioji hunler ..{ ii>r((tl verniii nf all «prcir>. In (acl/^il.iialitit reninlu .rv rra l w rrk l.

    T h r Mlrixra Jiiliu W hllnry. .Vrvn Oi.hi.rnr, Olmlyi. ami MlhlrrU i'n u nt Twin I'-nllK w,-r« Sllll.hiy Kn.'i.ln .if MUx lir lrn illllln.

    Th.- KImbrrly ha-i-ball fann u rr ni.K-h d u ln l ovrr Klmlierly’s victory ovrr llunucn Snnday ut llnni rn '.

    Mrn. M n rlu In r.rilum.lyill Ul Ihr 1.... .. of h rr .l:.m :hirr.Mr.., W allrr O.illrr.

    Mr.i. Suill ;iwrarlnj;rn wan nil lh'- i.lrk Il.l hi'.l w.'i'k,

    Mr. mill Mrn, Carl Kinrr.ion hnv.- ni. Ih rlr hnnw i;n,-..l. MN-. Arilinr.. nf S.'iilllr, n f.irnirr Irn .lirr In Ih.' l.iKh n.'liiM.I h rrr.

    Till' r.n iiirllm rn held n nprrlnl InrrllilK la'.| Mim.h.y rvrnlni: und npii.ilmr.l Mr. K. W. Tlllry. .I rrk of ' lh.. bniir.l III lakr ll|.- place ,if Urn an .Train whn Irfl fnr California Innl ,c i w rrk, Ul

    N’lni. AlL.'ri.i H anlln. who form rrly #n iniirtil In KImbrrly. vMi...l lai.l dr v . 'rk win. .\Jr, nn.l .Mrn. 1). T. T nr- bv tirr. pl,

    Mr.1. J a n ic t . c drove lo 9all I.akr ,1, C liy-Innl Monday reliirnlnK Tlnim- -n,, .Iny. H rr dnURhlrrn, Mina Mllllr nnd ni, MhiK IlrHnh- nnil MNn Mrlvn K.-mp- inn. u.-romi..-.nlcd lir r ,a ,id rcinulnrd Ihrro in tukr n rourno In u iiuri.rK- Irnlnltii! n.rh.iol.

    H iiny Courla wonl lo lla llry laal Mnnday. inklni: U.r furnllur,- of I, U..oi;ne of ptedalnrr ,, r.I. and ani.nal.. at ihit lime, »ilM.e fleclt.I il. the fall th.uiiina. I f ihe , rnpaicn I., prnlecilon , an ever will he Kivei-):i>me hirdi uf ' from

    brolhI whcr

    KImbrrly >or •l\>ti'' l-'i. «> dcclilc ion lhr in* k'vy. Tin- filmier lovy ji

    10 inlllh ll. imhl 1.1 hr Immfficicnl

    I,ay lh r .np..m.u» and a Mpi'Clai vy nf fivr inlllH addillonul Ih

    Th.- I.rrl ' Krowrrn In lliln «c,:Iinn l l i U .■ Ill.l UxiklnR iiullr no ilowiicnal raunr of lack nf Lliinncrs. About 'II chlldrrn from T « ‘n •''“ >1* »r« iirirttiHnn- iiii^,' K«nTrf?riifm ign w.irka In inu^ks nud lakUif; r lr lunclirH. Tiir«(> workera nro ipurvlnrd by c.iniii.-U'Dt liK-n lind ■p nuld lo bl- dolne roihI wnrk. o.'klnK IUI,I ibliiiiinK uboni 20 •rrn ppr ilny. A rurlond of forplnn- H. abnul iD immb«r, cum« IÎ mn Hiocklon, Cal. mornlnRId w nn t.uu l 10 \»ork lltnl nflor- >on, T lir hrrtn nro In ahnpc. lod ntaniln un n rule.' anil erowlnR crly bill w rrr br(lnnlnR to ,InnlnK bailly.

    [Green Crepe de Chine>1 - W iA W hite Trimming

    •1 v\ INBTIIUTE


    - Orren It truly a nummer color asd nevrr iiior« popular Uiaa^ now,

    ,eipoclally whun almplr uied *1 la Uilrblouati Oreat. T lrt "eo pocltela - nn.t Ihp scncrona laab wlib tta d r a p ^ alao add IntoreaL Tba Ijuiiilkoreblof collar may be ro- placed by a band a t wblui,-If do- ■Irvd. Very aborl'ateered trocki

    -make thn kimono btouae mora popular than avor befora, and I lt po^ tilartly belpt In maklax drotimnk- InR oa tr. In lbi* cate, (or Id* tiance. tbore.arc ju t t t« o team i Ib Ulfl blouan atid two tn lha aklrC.

    The preforcDcq (or the cloche ibapa will eonilnue Uirouth Uis aummer. Thia deep ball-ahapB bat ’ of sroen hnir I t tilnpljr lOtnmed wilb a .fanahaped . mlot efteci o( ildo'plalted black rlbboo a t the rlsh l tide n a r .

    a '_____;

    P E R S O N A L S I I :■ '_________ _______________ I I _____

    Mlini Alvu l-ymmi of (Slrnii'.i Kerry_____ ^Vi'!m

    MIHHCII Nuoml nml Orrnldli- J.irumo nro vlBliln« Ui.i C. l{, Joncn • | «"y- ' . vUItor

    llfllMrs, Annn llurknouii. who Jviri lim i ^ illinR nl lh r liuimi of Mr. uml Mrn n 'r i i rm r>. ilelkiiuii rriurni'il to ItTTTTim'y.T.- .Mr„,

    mnn v

    Mm. Arllinr Khlrnl un.l ̂ r- OK'-'l II uhov npeuiullfnr Ibl*■•rk. ch.iK'o »4.uO, Mon'n work 1,1 drrnr. ulnt.'s. orlnlusl IS-OO. JC.OO ,.l valnr:,,-AilV. '

    lot Much Naw. In CoUan riiouaund* o t >m ni.Jjrfor«; tli®: in- nll.m o( colton niuclilnery in Kumpa jidii* bsil cotton glut, t splDDlug lot;* und iooiun. ^

    Tlic Oriiiind Food-Dftnt for All Aaes-0ulckLuneh.tHome.0mce8irount*ln*. RiehMllk.MoltedOraln Extract Id Pew- derfcTabletformi. HourUUoe-Hn«o1da».l a rAToiJ ImiUtioM «n^ SobUtttte*

    ;0M6 tIAIK


    ’0-.III Kew Cculs n J a r-K te p s H olr (llosiiy, ^rcll-tiroomed.

    HAIR 1 GROOM ^ ■KeepsHoif

    J Combed /j 'Mllliont U te I t— Fine for H alrl

    — Net Sticky, Qreaiy or Smelly

    K ven-m ubbnrn, unruly or aham- luocd bnlr ntays combcd nll day In my ulylo you llko. •'itoir-Oroom” a a dlKnlflod coiiiblnE cream wblch ;ivca Ibnt nniurnl glosa noil wolt* irnomrd cffecl to your hair—(bat Innl louch to rood drcas bolh lo lUBlnrnn and on Hoelal occaalon*.

    nroauolemi. sinlnlcna "nulr-Oroom" locu tioL Iihow on lha h a ir because 1 is obiiorbv.l by ilie acalp, thore- ore yonr hn ir romnlns ao aoft and illnblo nml no natura l th a t no one -nn possibly tell you uned It. Drug- iloro*._____________________________


    •R E Enamed—see coupon

    i e t tw o v i ta l fa c to r*•oved two other ihing* estenlial, pile* them. I t mulllpllet the alka- T hst It'there to neutralize moulh

    f tooth decay. I t multiplies the Ihe tallvs. T hat is Ihere to digest lich msy otherwise ferment and

    , with every u je . gives manifold lat tooih-protecting agents in the

    ident it delightful. I t t benefits are . They will be a revelation to you, nnot doubt them, on for a tO-Day Tube. Note how a der uaing. M ark the abten.-t of

    lee how teelh whiten as the film- 'alch the otSer good effects, ing you.a new coneepilon o t what t wilt show you the way to prettier lh protection. Go get this tube.

    [en w h o im o k e ’ie film on leeth. So smokers see a ! when the film-coata are removed how, many men show w hite teelh one result o i thia war on film.

    C h i ld re n ‘1 more Important to children than 1 are susceptible to film attacks, e them.;hat children use Pepiodetit from ooih appears. A nd alwaya before

    id H a r m f u l G r i tn n lle a tb* film and rtoovci nnfui tcourinf. Ita poUiUng >(t«r Ihan •oamal. N evaruto mnt which eontaioa borab g r it

    y T u b e F ree>ne tu b e t o a fa m ily )> snd kJdrxa. Ih

  • ^ E W S CN riW ff f WIRES 5 M BE ALLOWED


    I ' i l n r ' Iio• s ljk tiB Y ll Mbnl., J u a s 'O -H am lllnr *■'“

    4baiLVtohl»80 a t a clianiiiUmtililp ’tiRln ' TpquliW ijaoro tlckji Uwn a clock.

    d r W Noritiem mllroail. wurli- tan wUli thO'\?iM iern Union ih Bliclliy ,r, ■luljr TAirili w in (Ick (Ue color nnd ,i,, the renultn ot- (Iio Donipnuy-Olbliun' r riRht (o (lie worlil outnldc. Il wll'- (nko-m ure tliaii a mlllln:) tickn.

    The rc3u1t2 will l»' ilckn un w)i> So' •wlnn, Kl

    TUo color will lie Ilckn on Mow Ir .,i >IId IL*Ttiuro «’ll| lip ][) nrndlni; (li;kvru a‘.

    tbe rlnRitldo. I fAt Ihlll [iRlK (livre Kill Iiu no niiuIi I I

    tiv 'nr nn n iirlvnle wire, •I 'J , Cv Ilr.nKine, iiiiiicrimoailcnt ol

    teloRrupli of (llfi On-iit Norilicrn. would like to kIvii civcry nowniiaiier vrrUnr a ni'iiarnie wiru,

    Rut tlilN Ia SliflUy and nnt Toledo o r.Jen iey City.

    W rltcm wi|] 1)1) Krixipnl nrnund ili' llckora ncndlnn llinir H''nfrul dircc tlon.

    Kar InHtancn tlio nurllx'n nvndlni 'I*; «OHt w in bo friuiiu 'a aniiihvr will hi- bnniKbt here nmt CIlKd iiii. I

    Itallw ny, offb-lalK ari' pl.imilnR ml pnrk npcclal tralnn herr on new ly ' ■ ■ bu lll «purn. He

    Thn flvt. iruln« "Xiiericil frnm Cnn- trlj nil.l will Im moppvil nl ViiriUiii. n mile bit aiKl a M lt eafli ot Shelby. \ n i

    Tbe (jpeat .Viiribcrn will pninhllsb 11„. n rrr.u lnr hnirj cnmp bore lo hoiiiirtij,n

    _ J C I L i

    hmImP /j^ n r y ■

    The dram atic momont of a wo world, f la t oa h b back in tho rin{ aa the referee points him nnt th e ^ bi^t fell back and took the c o u n t '

    s W | ] ̂ ̂ ̂ r


    f ̂ 1 The ■VinVi' »(»fort a ’ threo run

    rrilly In (lie loat or the tenth lonliiff nhd Htole a game from Ibe White Hox. 7 to 6. ■

    Colfc -UtcU In* • for Detroit, ' shu t I ou( W a«blnj(on; and the T lg e n won.-

    nommel. th# A ih lille i(»r. w at In - ! , effecH»e. and (ho Browna Rot uwny'

    ■ wKh ;n W to 3 Tlc(ory. -

    .. Th# ned-frox, hit* triilo nnd -Ed- w ard! hoM and wnn from Clerc- iQDd. I M .

    Luquft won hla n lx lh . ronaecuilve Rsm* whdti lUe Itedn . hvaui . tbo Ur»»ei, 7 to 1. I .

    rU dburttli Ju in p sd 'In lo undlipat-i . od posfenaloa of (he aeroQil p la ro ,' ' bestlDR Brooklyn c-2. '

    Ja ck D«nt1ey.-thft Ualilmore money v t« r ,, w as knock#d ont »Ka

    !>tlvern, Iduho. uol a banio rau In Il'i? ic fldh w lh lino .man on nnit In Ib'- mime f], InnlUK Kltihu'n two hiiKKer put over {( lhu run (Ual Hed ibo nrore, Hvliei-lie.W, S, C . i-onni'clod fur lwi> ihrco.bunc

    , blowa. l-'oalor. a \V. S. C., InnilnUcil :tbo fleldlnK lUrlll ot ibe ndcrnoun ' wllh a prclty calch nf a bard tiy In left (lect.

    : Hcoro: U. H. K ■' Idaho ........................................ -I :i r.w . a (•.........................................i! t! :

    UniiorlvH; KlUli.i nml (iulni'-lu; tllKblnn. Cook und llray.

    I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; - - - - - - - , ,I I l d Luck Triplcta.

    . Th# n a tlre i of Ilnroiaplnnd. In Af- i,Hfa. whpn any nf tholr women brln* „ tripleta Into tlip wnrld, cotinldrr tbe blrlh na an IIHurlt nmrn. Oup Ii ,, killed aTW two are lofl. tbo ronnon h e -, i,

    iliiR Ihul thc in.idier Itua nuly (wo ,'hron»l«. I

    / . . • ' ' y / ' - j

    w o r ld 's c h am p io n ih lp b a t t la f o r f l i t lin g , a s th o tu o n d a lo o k e d -«n a t tb e te w in n e r . I t w a s a r i g h t to the! ja ' a t o f te n — h t» f l r a t dofe i i t in y e a ra.

    j a c k d a w INC.

    I 'Nuwjiho wbllo cyrlnne pnffa aepI -, cbnuicd Jnck. "Thin In iJie qu«i I arailUally n portion nf ih* apa'e

    rec(l>- Id front of him the durkvt ' mid;bhi(.-ker. , , •

    — T


    DEEEATING ELKS.;! --------- tor:

    AIliT It belaU'd nfiir( Ihc T wIIIkIK '' l.c;.KHc lin:aiuc a leulliy la;.l niKhI, ,

    will'll III.! KKclrU-lanii kIioI (b.- Klk.i ' lo I l.l lutie of i;i-4. The liiilKl'iucli ' ! were wllb tllllnr. th r llnonp ’' !i(i two ot tho l.oitlon playnrn, O.Trrliyi ' ' and MmiiieU. nc-amp.iri-d lu thc oul- ' flplil Ior lllll Halluy ii iiiiKlt. (

    J nnlnK", I '̂Vcn It-n'msn In the ni-lii'd-1 ’ .Ilcd liiiKlhJiHl Ihl- loanin wore Intel . J ' lu (aklni; Ihc (leld llinl nInht. ' I

    I Uival Jariniin. who hui bceu w irf»sl-'f' ini; iiul ri’ititlarly nliicc the ncliuluirtk-fv,^ ni'iiiKin ilonod, wan a( hln liont, wlillo "Splvlti" IIiiiIkIii. the pliiver lOahbor V I «ho wan on Hie l.'ll (or llir Klkn, j | hIki'VciI dlrilliietly a lil. k ot praclleo,

    > 'Hplvlii" will niKin be rnuiidlni; Inln I he term tlml pa( him la the fruni ) .'null itor jcr for lhu iransiiiltlcd ucriu to U'’l lu lls

    ; iinrk. pn

    l.*t Th«m Cut Labala. p n e jt rnltvv ilny. wbea the chll-

    d m i are rliimoilni: for someihlne to do, not itiem lo ru tU nj out lbo Ulun- lrnili>nn of pi>nrupi. ponrn, npples nud nlher friilln or veifrliibloa frnm nwd cali:;i>KU05. Snre IhoKc ploturoH (n pnKi/; nn yniir (.'iilt rnnn. Tboy rnn | he i,lPiillf!ed In a aepni (o bo RottlnR darker and darker,^

    qu tc rtn l wlndaioriu I have, evilr neen." apa'co around Jnck cleared up, b n i ‘dl> rkvnlUR maiia iiran blacker ami blacki-r

    --------- . i J W I N I


    ENGLISH DERBY I■-------- ' , . Tli

    ' K1\S0 M now .vs. i;tirland. Jiiuo rapyran wiui llie nuo hmnlr.'il nnd i,„n (iirdilh lU-rliy Imlav fnuii a (Idd of .,ij, 111 Iiliirlcrn,. l ’liiir:ndi wa:i nn-nml und (i I'lirth Iblrd:,

    I’npyniii lu n-vnnl by II. Irlnli, 1‘bnr- t,-i>i mill by !,iir(l lieiliy ;iml I'arlli by Il.l .« lioculdnn. Ic:..

    In niilte of the IlyrdaloahiK Wcall.-'r wel Ihcre wmi n in'mciutniii crowd on nbu liaml lo witncnri llic ^■in̂ :lic, 'I

    Tbo only- AuiiTi.-an owned entry ''IH w.oi I'-oxliiil K.ouo',1 Toiihnu, Hui

    Townsiiurd which wan ibe tnvorlli' y. Mom , r.-aily lo |ilrl; ofT'-uia f rool }nn0,n00 (or w halo iT ho ilnrn nii'ilin' July 4. in u rlui; wlib Tmmuy (llbiioun. r I.ulu Klrpo In iln«-ii In Havtiiin remly 1 Uvi ID knock down a hamlpioki-il ojipiin-1 iici onl (or n few ll,iiiiinud pciini,

    Thu fU'.hl proiiiiUorx and haHi:IialIi I itiiiRnnlen huvo docldeil tn c:ill nft ni.. .̂ |> In'canpn o t cdutlli-t. lit couiue Je'i^' "'I ' Wlllnrd Vind Luis Vlrpo ilrow mnnl ot

    : the citatouiern who would Imvo intend- • d n Kunie a t (he I'nlo jiriiumln Iho at- 'leruiiiiii uf (heir lintl'e.

    Then (bo YunW.en .Irnw a lut ot ' ' ' ' p rnnpncll^ ciinlMiicm who mlKhi . ’

    , bavc i«ltciidcrt'll« I’rl'iul-Kllhanc fu"» lanl Hiilnrduy.

    V|-STKUU,U‘.S IlOMi: III'N ’n iT T K ns

    Miller, Alhlelli-i, l - y -lo

    Ilnunh,-lUdn, l - j j / ^ ’ 1Wurd. Y anks,xf^ ::. ii YonuB, Oliiut". l - l . •McClellan. Whllu Snx. l - l . ;

    H E c o u r

    M r toSTApht -S ^ b as^ fo r y m r s f2. ao(^ J la s w A 0 ^ u ^ -F r« B t; l^ ,W |u ’, lit pion to

    Tlien,,niiddenly ull ih f blovthic.sloppi noiled Ihal Iho llllla.lmn«i'dt'K 'u(>'u' mel waa nuwhere lo b« H as; - In fac Juck nat nllll fo r a , nioinciu «m l ll wfl» Icfl u t \bo-cycloo#. •;

    ■ ; V , ' - -V' , -.

    F A L L S D A I L Y T I M E S

    . - '/,■ I


    SilKMlY, Mnnl.. Jum- I Konr kludi iii,' l't punrhluK ba|:a w,| |-,cl Tnm Uib- i-||u loua lu tune (ll h:ill'o J.ieK Dempn'y I l'r Hie beiivywelKbl (lib- id llu; -.vorlil ilnm le'V,. July I'onrili. , piiiiThey iire--llun itin . nand, :>iirln;;n -im:

    Jiir.On oai-li nf Iboui will he paliilod nn

    luifinlnnry Ileiup;n'y-i liln uml finLii-| Nen plexuK iipol, . I I’hll

    (lUibiiUM will UDC. apiiroxlmaixly I,- t:ii-v .'IK! pnuudii of huuuin Ix'Ot lu bin dally li,-n '.-orlinuln, :u.

    .«1) (nr he h;

    Tbe i:iiO.pound hlinl«ei will he Jack I'liffnrd nf .SI. 1‘aul, Ilud {iorimiii of Huclno, Y.lii.. u m l.Joo lliirkc nf in - ::,,n

    •i'ho IlKhI-ho:ivlpri u ll lie Jlimn.v, |-i,r lliii'Uey. nt Sl, raill uud H arry h'ob'y Vcr .f l.llllc Unrk. Ark. ; U ii

    .Martin .Monre nf Mlnue.ipolln In a 'S a il it:hpilul«-d UliddlpWclKhl, 1 f̂ eri

    Suiumy .Mamtoll aud Ihul Taylnr ofitiaK;'hli-ami ri'prcntul lbo hanlaiu np.-cd.i----

    mlicrii will bo idilppcil In uj

    'T bev nay oibhnui dooii nnt liileml In' m il Illn punrbrx In Hhiiplui; fnr Hihj

    li.'.'li w Vi.rli 11 .Tr,n ■ l'ilirilmri-,b ---------Tl---- H------ TOS —|Iircnkijn J l :.i .r,l', Iill. L':: .Mm '■I-Iuilnuail :'i .4:>; .1I'bicaro :'i :!! .i.'.r, Illn.....................................17 : : ,:isiil-hiiiidclpi.a i:: ;;i)

    A.Mi:iii('AN i.iiA ia i:W. I.. I 'll .

    Noil Vnrk :iii 'i:; .i;;>sI’hllnili'liih'ii I'.I

    E , i l lI'Ai i i i r i itA sT I,»:ii;i i: ' 'V - -

    : I'tio "* '''"i ^

    Sal! iviiic -s .n ;:

    .nahlam l i'l ::7

    liinlituow. ' ■ , 1.1I Smaltait of lha Urent l.ikgi. |montS>Hjy_crly of the n i r llri'nt l.:il;c< jhi Norih Ainerica. Il^ m.ixliimm il.'pili ' ..j la 'nn foot.

    T r — ^f l i(III

    Just in by12 Summei- Sillt Dress are now displayed in values up to .$18.95, eh'oice-at '-


    — ■ . . ^ ’y A e C f r e i

    i D / M ^ P E R j ^

    "A F T E R ALL T m BE81

    wings by L ^ lie E lto a S

    i" , •

    "Why." ah tw ted 'Jac k . "(hU cjrclon# ha w lilch.I aat'dowD boalde (o «at my box Ihe ra n d j box. RBpo*. - And thua hla waa uver. Juck UAvr'ii liexi advenfuro the mya(«rr man of MItiijr Mo«.

    i COAST LEAGUE [ ,I *. .

    At S.lll |-r.Mli|i'f-n: 11. II, K;I'l’til.iud . ‘ . . < Mr.lti )-|;im-|Mn II IH I

    Ilnlh t l. : : Mliltllcii 11. Varrinun nnd D.ily; inn iln .-y nml Vdir.

    Al ;; iiili,; It. II. K-l.n-, A........ .. r, in J

    I :-..ii inmi-nii, :i 'I II ll.’llil.rll-'-: l->i'ii. Stiillli and Ily*I !• I ; lliii-lii-i, :;|ii I ami Kncbb-r,

    I iii liir i::imu< il. lonmn Iruv*' . llut;.

    y Express:sses ur(̂ to the minute, in dur north window:

    You may have youi -

    1 9 8


    E 8T I

    IS to i^ b y ^ f e o c h r a n . i

    F 5 i 5 r r 7 7 t ^ ' - ' ' '■ i '" ' y T - J . - l S ' ■ , •

    haa 'iVft box o t cflDdr.” hla odnB lur*ir« »-i>r tw.

    ̂ ■ P A O I T H R M

  • ” ’ I ’AGE F O im ■ 'IW ■


    Tb« Timefl b u moro. Benders in t ,publication.

    'Pvb]Ub*4 S n r r I^ sd Id k 'E x c ep t Buoda Cotapiiny. Twin ra il .

    ty. a M A f l f g R ^ ' —

    -SnUrMl tC tb* Twin P n lii Piatofflco ai ’*1 B allr rubllcAlloa. Apri

    J " " T T s u b s c h h ’tI o n i‘T)(»lly, yoAf.:-------------- ----- - ......' Dally, s i s louuths...... ............ .............• Dally, OM moutb...................................

    Ilny S-’nlus will siii.ri lii' Mjirli Iht'IbuiiyoiiK aii'l moiititnin.H iiroiitnl Tw llie'sc insjiiriiii^ rxciirfioiis iniu Naiiirc lhi* cxulicTiiTii'i' t>r yimlli, ninUi's tlu* mi


    ^ « iT aviii T'nllH iii’v rr loolini mi lu'anfitrePB Imve piu onkaVu Vnuliod Uii'hi- ^ri'i'.U't'lints aixl tlic i t cvor w ill l)r iijjniii IIi Ih '.•■i.m.ii atxl ih< o ff a bronUi of fresluii-KK wliii-li ib kiilil'

    .Thure iirf sovernl.nihrr lary hii:,lu y o t nj)iirnri'(l in Iliitnim rt rii-nrilK win

    .,i''allH rily . Koinn frf thr-n' fc.ilnw a lot of lio(»zc while tlieir |mi>r wife fvlloWH nre piirailiiiK rra founi1nn tmnh*.

    --------------------. ' I

    Y our w ork ^Y o u c a n 't d o Roorl

    w o rk w h e n y o u r licacl th ro b s , y o u r b ack achcs o r y o u 'r t . to r tu re d b y

    .rK eum nlic , sciixtic o r tm o n th ly p a in s . ^

    Dr. Miles' Aali*Pain PilU. 'hi' • 1 1 • rc h e v e p a in q u ick ly , t^n

    w fe ly o n d w ith o u t u n - ” ̂p le a s a n t a f te r effec ts .Your dnigjial will aell «i»

    them to you « t pre-war 'Ifo prices. »'•

    Regular package — 25 ' &>«es 25 centa. lun

    Economy package— 12S j dotes $1.00. itio

    (bs' irfl

    , • _̂_____ ■ ■ llirr

    ‘ - or*,


    s thia City th&o any other |on. ' 11

    Ddoy br tb* Tlmea Publlabint ; H>nlli. Idab«. [ y

    •gi11lr.r.t>iihll«h«f ‘ 9

    ^ _____ ____________ i II a t SvcoDi) CiBtB Msder M a I ' ip rll U . :DJ8. ■ I I

    M R A T E S. ~ j '........... ...................................... ♦0.00.............. .... .............................. a ,00....... ........... ....................... ........60 ■

    iirtiiiu' 'ih c ir M iiiimer liilies in to T w ill I 'a lU nud we en v y tlim i iirc’^ w im di'i liiruls. T h is ilh o iiliii); ...... K ia ii'l n n d KlnrioiiH

    inrir iil liM it dens tin lny . T he i;; nil « n « n . ii« ««»• m «l(lil j t •7R tnilln.t. l..n» luui aEiioM 40 ' 7 ‘.nillion In I'M). 27 ;n,llinn in IH'A). °IH mill..i.i in 1»fl. 1’ million in 1B;u. and S iii.lliuii_la IfCO.

    . W ilh the .lirarrancrm rnl of i,r..wuri.l Ind iiltrio foIluwiiiK tbc liK<

    tiun ilropixd fioin thc 78 miliina pre

    Effaet ef Mind sn MatUr. , •Kre);Jnr clrm rr* an,) ).luy.'« JM

    cauae lli* iKiuix'rnlurr* uf Biiill.i-nrt-* nmrti '(* rliv snd riisnlt In lli»,tlirnw|nc uff j ral i of bvdlljr b*a(. Kuiue (healvni luw rr j only (ba b (« l lu rp lf i* Uiv ar( 'upprbni'liN can I Um cllmjuc. ' l7l«.


    TO. f A l s d a i l y t i m e

    V iMnea*.

    ----------- - %

    T which th

    Sttvo.eac'nl(« tl.l«

    I M ti ;a r >ro« lOlee, riL^DW you biw 1 tblnk that doneen [KMl Ue*.'' Bar tiara wka aaylns. asd weY* i Unty cnme to wllh a.*(Art. tine a

    Ic waa inlddfKmooa wbea be l*ft robbed, lbe I'nrlter omc«—nc leaat he thousbt fiut«r ' It muat bo taldofTemooa until be q*. cijnaulled bla watch and (U*co*er«d dollar < that. IO 0)1 in tests and pu rpoM , b* BJcbt.~ hod compltttly loal two boura. A s 'BIul amatlDS k>M. traly. Tbtre wua no Stoni bwk o t youtbful ricor tn Calrtn « flour Gray'! mo-/vment* * i any Usm, but Lated. now tbare w u an nnafual Uchtn*** tu n e d lo hi* tread ai}d bl* Upa puckered c ry tn r in to a Joyouawhlatl* Xl bod beui • *Thli c ro il day, a day of.-the wldaat *■• Tbey'n tramea. a day of mlVrnturs and ro- owe V mance. And lhat la wbot eToiT day me. ] ahouid be. miUi.-

    .-TriAiTBR x n < r /v v tcvFour Acalnit One Uoa fl

    r ' Oniy cbormhed aay UnccolBC ^ iloubW oa tn thM'Hyally of Uol- low. crarvbllB vUtlai Of bla rutb* (Co[G~SHA^ IN m p IRON PR(on^ of IIJIJ in I.J milli.m lo n t in racliraj I'lM. a.lvan.'inR lo 72 iinllirxi in k ' ' " . i'.Jlo. ilropiniiK 1" Ion*. air-iin»l -’1 ! imillion ill IVI.I, l-l rnillinn in 1900, V’'* ' -» million in IH'O, -I mill.i.a in IWD, an.l Uyi tlian .>nc milliim in IKr̂ S,O nr ^harc of wnrhl tiro 'liirlion o( , niir ir..n ba . Mr.-^ily ..lYanCrd. “ (rotn in lH'll |r> I’-T- in IHiO, f)iicM"’- in 1H70. .’I'-.i m ItMI. ih' Slatr*lin i. in 1'H.i, ;iinl S.!rV in l ^ i i jiroiliic

    Tlic (h iri i>i)i |irodnccr> of rich Oi|hc world in .tij trd in llie Creai'nrilrr nl niaKniUulr. w rre Ihe of tnâUniicd .'^laln J(j,924,(nQ rarlric ferredlout. I'.crauiiy u,/i04.nv, J-r»iict Iiy h'rrS.iJ'̂ .OOl), (Weat Uritain ,'lnKl«-country, b a r- of anyinit bren re trn lly o lin ia tc d *t »upt>lyahont IJ l>illi.>n loi,a ut of an c«li- worldmated World •'•known” t i .l i l of ap- mayI.roiim alrly 90 billion torn. T bcte Jifc'cnliKiim oi world 'r ta c rv c" arc. irotl ihow rvrr. only cMlmatf* baaed on reliantpresent knowledue, «nd aubject to lu rct.

    • Only On* ThlaQ Laatlng.iina. Jl Iji jjoi l h / »ork»—^vbIch aru W wnrti.l. tnlliiltrty IKilo, «ad (be r» a i- / VII air c rru irr tUan ttie len*(—hutlly Uiu aiilrli U'..u, wotknat la. th»l t t iin ha \* wur(b o r u u ln u a n ce .—̂ ar> i I ^





    la*. o r of McWod* and Btontr, Vf* i>ndcai promoters. tho*e doubta"' Jroodae i hed durinc the next day or ^{eoka * A* a m ulter of fact, lh* r««dl- —

    - ^ ^^r.̂ ~ l̂r»~ *^lB^»laam' • wiu f— ------ i z r. they feU in with bl* achemn* I—need him that h* hed aclM Ir In yleldlnc lo un Impiilae to Ithom. Ithnir n t i l council of )car Omy I>ftch;of Oi*m • number of d»il- 1thlnc* to do .or lo hAve don*. I ,-vhtl^ be aoucht ctftnin faeUs I.'-, tli'ey'eamimbled tor ■ *"Cond i It woa to conipare.'to labubite., ! I

    U> contYJor.iin .m o o t / of In-, atlon ;C«nrornlhi5 tnr, 4etlvltl»* • ■•', 1 fenry NelKOJt thnl would hnvo Jy '*u rp rlacd that (tL'nilrinuA ia been pTBMOC M bear K. - r fr •cm* Uma Ionjt*c the eohaplra. ' 1^=bulled IhomasWe* ever lb*'d»- ' ■ of Uielr plana, and Oroy r a a I

    inlnit to feel aom* aatlafnotlon \ ..a rate nf procrcaa when nn In* \jtlo n took, tho torm of « colt - ■ \ a croup of highly rxcUed und '

    nanl purchiia*r" of atock In the I r t Ucorplnn Company, that pro- | on in which I'forwan^ Mallow I aailatcd un thu mornlnc ot t

    iry had t>rrn aold. virilmlzrd. f lomnied. aklnnrd: llm •i;orp1on I ' ; atunc thrm und tti4 ir. but

    ■ thnn a mlln diainnt ihrretrom.ICS ninnn hull t.rouKht forth thni: tho bour of vcnKoanc* hud f;k. fIvin Cruy withdrew qulft.i>inl *clnntlit ahruCECdi B .Of Ibn ro rn rr of hla ninulh he Rmurtd: "Why nulT I t lUI looka Hl” uiW ndAand Sionnr Were net In »Uwat alainuynl tiy thta nmnfinc {]

    irr naaunied an a ir o t evnn |U-r Rrnlullly than unual nnd nM- .> onmkaa ajrrecmm. to every janllon hiirird aKulnal him IUcht you are. meni Abnolutrly IU Wn wrro »lctlml»cd. but i0 Urklnl to drnth lo rectify thn J r. Mlchty fortunate tniatoke. na j nller o t foci. Crtclt. out wllhold check book and clve thene S■ bock IbHr monBy.** 'Wllh a1o» p Mr. filonnr cleared off hla deak g arotol himaelf. pen In hand, i

    p up und cel a dollar a ahare— k iwhat you pold. Kalr enough. I BIt. The bank»ar« open and tbe g

    ka are cood." Hledlntnly the repurchaae of alork rin, bni anirrr und auapldon etltl HIdrrr-d; there were dl«mtl*n«d gIrrinc*. Ono -Inecator. u Deld ej

    Ve'Il'^Ket eurn. nil right. Don’t ft •y. Uul how ubout tbn othar,^ H ter»r T btrn 'a n tly Ihouaond ■*M out. W h«i a n >nu coinc to iboul thatr*rVe’U pay a doltor and a balf a re Ior a ll yeu csn Ksl. lomor*

    h*ra wn» n «Ur am O ojI-U ^'tn'.’ * ' " ' Mnt «poeuhttors: the toon for m Stoner w m wrlUn« a check itred: -W bat-a tb* idear Wby a dollar And • ba it B o w r :oner and UoWade e xchnced a mine Klane*«-lt waa not loat D tbolr ottaatlT* «odlnnoe-bnt U tter abrticxnl and o n M pro-

    aU»ely. “That** oor buataew.- doelarod. IlcbUy. “ Too gbotl

    oem w aa t yonr (»oo«y bank aod ro clTlnx it to yoo. Tou*r« tot- r np a boUer tb a l jd t» wer* bod, BO como u d e a r u T *b* —* r you eomo tbe b ttta r UTI ooU ------

    Boorplon atock will doea n t m ■ ■ ■ V and » badt o r battar to o o rrv v ■ .

    Q u f t r *om*bedy gnwitO. jtoner flnUbad b li tfvnotnr* wlCft lourtah, btoUMI U. tbeo b a b « l- >Id. l ie llu ac dews bla p ra and ,ned deOanUy upon bla p a itn tf , '*tnc : ' ]Tbla a in 't te tr to tbaae BMB. ifaa. ey'r* eostoa>*r« o t o n n and w* I* 'em tbo olMuioo to make • klU. ^

    It** u p to na to teU '«m tba Ul."dcWado w aj aacry . ZUa ladlcna. n flamod. VlcetiKiaty be denied ■*1 ebarso oC nntalrataa. A apirltad

    RODUCTIONpirakcbanacs a j the htmlir* pro- ;«», for according to a very hiRlt hnrily ‘ llic aijdilions to ou r '>w» m pply £./ iron are JikcJy f o ! mncb Rrcater than th o ic o f,I. since c r c i t iron ore beiU may ; o fKl anywhere, while th o ic o f:I a rc chiefly of carboniferou* , malinn and » Urge share o£ the!fl.l'i cnal tuppiy it known andi •a«urcil while the iron ore »ui»-'

    it hardly lo be gucttcd ." I hic advantacc of tbe U niled;I r t in the m atter of p is iron i ^ g | iiliiction l in in the fact lliat i ts 'II ore l>cd> a( the north of th e ’ ■ M iai Lakc5 arc mined by lbe u t e ma^Iiincry and the ore Iran*.red a c r w t Ih r U kei al low co tl, h 'rral itram er« eipccialJy con*)/

    iietetl {iir ih^it te rv k r , paanincli cct to the- c reat coal &reat- ilU of tbe lakei, and a i our; iw n iron tuppiy rxce rd i (hat any o lhc r country and our Coal Iply about One>hal< lhat of the 'rid it would ap|>ear lh a t we y ron lm iif Indcrm ilety our •«cn( hi«h_ rank in world i>i«It prc.hiclion and the world'a iance fo r Iro n and steel m ann.«».

    s S o w w fu e O I^ ^ ^ wm

    ■ ' ■ ■■■ 'W EE

    Coniellng Thought ' | ^,Ve air, mike nil*(akM, hut“ tti*nV |.)dae*« the nUirr fellow’s alwaya iW«nrki| worao t» ua Oiin cut' own. I""" n

    I ;Q u a k e r

    C o o k s to p e r f e c t io n i n ;

    / v V

    A U k * ' ' ^

    O a t s A r eB e f o r e t h e m a n

    Thrre i« nnw a Om'rir Q uaker Oali It conk* in from lo S minulcn—f-tr i yon can buy. An.l it cooks lo perfccli

    If Ihal means anyiliins (o you, u'a gtliinit Q uaker Oats. ,.

    The same exqiiiiQuaker Oal.s are worlil-fanicd for i

    lover* urnc'l over seas lo BCt Ihcm. 1 , favorite brand.

    They arc flaked from (jiiccii Kfains Itavory oats. All flavorfcs* jrrim.s a choice oai) yields but len pounda of t

    y n if t Q nakcr rmploy> those same a rr cul before flakina. T hry are roll cooked. So the llake* are «m.iller an ibo5c small, thin Ibkcs cook quickly.

    Now you bave your choice at equal in matchless llayor. Qui^k Q uaker rue-minute conkinK.

    Ilnl you Ket ncilbcr of (bote

  • jTFEDNESDAT, J D I ^ G, 102:?.

    ~ SafcOp*F r i d a y , J ^ n e


    FREEwith $3.00 purchi grab package conl a t least 50c woi merchandise.



    C o rse t• Our e n tire stock of

    . I vnll be sold a

    1 /2 Pric

    J a p a n e s e T j

    - ^ - C o v e r s

    will be sold in this ! Sale ONE.THIRD

    • ___________^

    SilksOur stock of Silks .o ld a t ONE-THIR

    V elvets-and VeUO N E-H ^L F PR


    r L a ^ e s M J n d e i

    {- Cotton iVests ..........I Cotton V ^ t ,

    O n ld .Vests, 2 f o i^ \ W omen’s 75c grad ' SuiU .......... ...............................

    ^ L a d i e s ’ S i l k

    U n i o n s

    ' $2.00 value now se

    i / '■ t J i i i o h s/ Fam ous Seal Pox ii

    79c, 98c, $1.

    L a k e s ’ B r a i

    |5 0 c '^ a d e now seUi] ^ 5 c ^ a d e now seHii

    i - f ^ x ^ r i E P U i• I STORI

    -S- HALF^ / . GENEROUS' • BEST W E C(, ^ ORS IT WAS:hase, a ENTIRE EFFntaining FALLS HAS-orth o{ TH A T THE

    r e n e w j ;d I TH IS PART


    I f l y ! BUT TO c n ■ MR. W. E

    TH E CUSTO lE O A m a = = =

    ts Buyif Corsets a t . ^

    i c e-------------- 20c Dress Gi:

    f a b l e 25c. gi-ade D .................... and'.very, iin'

    8 39c gVaSe' 5s Removal colorsvguaratD O FF. J ap a n ^ e . Cc

    ______ all,colors ....Curtain Seri

    • moval Sale .

    cs will be « - ''

    [ R ^ O F F ^ l o n ilvetines > _



    e r w e a r I „ f a n t............. lOc

    2Sc grade, ^ y e , u ...........

    ............. 49c gradeade Union VesU, 3 for. ..............52c

    TSc grade ------------ --- Vests ..........

    k T o p Child’s Par

    t s ^ .........G irls E .Z :1

    seUing..98c red dintity \ , ,.i— ij-.i- 'ton is; 79c'-.«

    i n s b o k

    18' ,■ ‘

    ! Our entire;1.23

    a s s i e r s ^

    m ngat;.39c r i | — | tUng at.-.59c' JL JL A

    m^rnrti- ,TWX






    S i n g h a m sGinghams, 27-inch; in this s Dress Ginghams, 32 inche

    tine quality......... ....................Zephyr Ginghams, 32-iii

    .ranteed f a s t .........................Cotton Crepe in thi> heavj

    crims th a t sold a t 50c ya e ................................................

    'e WilTl! 7th, to MeL 8 ^ BARGAINS

    Vests Je Infants*. Cotton fo ..................... ........19c i:

    e Infants’ Cotton □r...................... $1.00

    le Infants’* WooV^ er .... ........................-39c 2(’anty W aists, 35c 2£ .............................24c 5(

    Union Suits, bar- / with bloomer bot-

    grade,.!...........69c fl

    F i X T U Ire line of Store, Fixtures sui

    uregraph cloth measu

    I R E E F

    g y j^ A L L S bA IL Y t i m :



    '■ ' \ 1' LTY T O S e £ l OUT OU IA T W E DECIDED NOI [E BENEFIT.TO s p e n d ' m o s t o f


    low at W

    i sale-.14c A ll 69c

    ’"'"Jit; ■ ;■inch and.......... 29c n o w .....

    ivy. g rade , 50c perr

    w d ; Re- ^^c gra3 4 ^ now ...

    Be Closeark and Pi


    L a c e s , E m b r o id e r i e8Vsc grade Laces Sc; 6 yaifor .................. ......................212ic and 15d~ g rad e Ia<priced ...............18’/ac g rade Embroidery;.:^ 12^c to 15c grade Embroery ..................................... -*̂.120c grades .........................125c grades ...................50c grades .........................575c grades .............. —......£$1.00 a n d $l•«?. pumps I priced a t ..........

    i ^ L E !rs»'tables, d^< 1 store fixtures for sale.

    3 S T O l

    f c l


    c h a,ND EXTENDS ■

    ^ ____ REMO

    Prices Dol\ma 8 '

    Play Su

    ...................... 59c 1

    ...................... 39c50c gra

    ; selling a t 49c ...................... 39c size 22 1

    ;, all colors..39c selh'ng

    fine quality;: • 5 j,_oo g ...................... 19c

    fancy a

    f size ....r s a a v —^ UEMO

    r Sale! ^iL E BARGAINS P O y «

    o e s iB oys-,.

    Sole s W 49c „srs ....... $1.39.

    Slippers..$1.69i ys’ Shoes..$1.49.. ys’ Shocs..$1.98 M e n s \

    M e n ’« ^ o u l i v O T'...................$1.79. .. Men’« Scouti '

    - ........ .- .-$ 1 .9 ^ ...ken’s Slippers in ^. an d oxford^j f O t

    ...... -----------------------------------------

    ^ Men’s, ' • and

    nachine. Mens- ;____ _

    ' ' ' ' Men’* .

    S i s

    . \» PAQB FIV E

    ileOpensi d a y , J u n e 8th ’

    R I D A Y

    ► P E C I A L ir ‘

    ree FreeB a r s G r e m e

    l1 T o i l e t S o a p

    i t h $ 2 P u r -

    t a s e o r o v e r .--------------------- -------------------------P-



    ► N o t D e l a y

    grade child’s K haki .

    Suits selling now....59c

    T o w e l s

    rrade .Turkish' .Towels;

    2 by 44, double thread,

    ff a t ...........................39c

    grade (Turkish fTowel,

    and plain; ex tra large

    ..................................... 79c n


    l̂ s’and Men’s " Clothing ^

    ■and M en’ji C l o t ^ g t a : ' e

    out ONE-THIRD .OFR

    I Wool an d Serge P a n t.^ '

    O N E - T ^ b .

    ̂ Men’s '


    ■ , ■. ■ ■.’. r i J i i - - 's Khaki P an t., '

    ........ -

    ---- --------- - ■ -’. .Worlc '

    ' "■ ■ . t

  • I*AQE s t s ------- •

    , ' p i T Ol i m E i E i s !

    ■i ;' ■J ta d g s )U ^ « D C o H w i c d B ay i

    j n i t S o n o t H m ir JoiiM Told j,"™' [ H l ia jO M t S j ^ g i B ftnoh^H od ly -in

    |! B e u L«ftse*^''•^

    — jliencc TruUi of Ihd »tt.ry told In (li« TIihpk' ji„

    y tslerday relatlvs tn .dnt li-n>e nf j i , jl lAQdB.lii.aiioihoua Itaxln. near UoAt l)iour Bprlntn by'.Ihe BtBodurd Oil t'ninpAny |( |, i i WM Ttriri* -m n irif ih !« -V ow tb a t j ' '”". '̂ m tn Uonpe ininafM to Iianjf .-n to tlia : Vf a ik-U oa UllUartl elitmploD«mp. r c ;

    H«neTd It fo r y'nritflBd j r a n , and , bcr tnen yonnf Jakit flchaeftr. a real rtilp ; o t th»*old block, took It fmm Mm.! T tt! o«ly to h a te It won back axnln by Uinpp* the year afttr. , .

    [Tben Schaerer-chillM ted hlm w rae Tb daya aco, and wEllo At flrs^ l( looked print a i i t he would wreat the title from i hero Uoppe, aratn. ha wound up ino | dlrcc

    W it ■ match of thr#* artninni « t flOOrpolDt* each, and it m ily did took u tt- the r* was neibtng in it but " ,® 8chief«r durinc tha flnit eTrnlat. , J

    .nappjj' played a wrelrheil camN SfldotD bad ha ahowtt hlmaelf li> aiicb i ‘ ^ dtM drantare. !• K* w at off In h ll atroke. nml what I TJi lf;partIcnUrly i ln o c e for him, leenfed I H m n r y htrroua.' I rtiu

    -Whvn tb e ,f l r t t n lih t'a piny w u i th n t « e r , .Sctiiefer had flnlnlied h it f lr tt i dal btock o f noo, and Hnppo tmly ninda hnun z n , o r m behind bim. nlx i

    !To ib o il billiard. p l a / i i C ^ t would | w. l4 »* b«tn an a lm u t u n iu n a V ta b le | nins ba rrl^^ .te wlnnlnc tha tourney, but a i t to to noppt,

    .AThatOTor bapfwotd to him oa tb«B n t n lit it If hard to etplnln, fnr be H uld b trd ly have been «n aura nf . * I t o t l f . hardly bav« uken auch *•"; A t o m M to deUberatHy I t t b it r lv ii 4 i t t h i t f a r ahead ot biai. !

    . • Oa t t a .Mwud tUi^t. hnweter. ho Waa Jd tlrrty lilm telf a rttn . Ife kept d b r t l lv th * bnllt a n to i t rim’rail and M t 00 carooa Ut a field Jc iM tu a a ir .

    'Ijichea aqtiare.I JIB a;W fh 'n ia wat»1^3j‘ ,\i ‘ nSehacfer da rln t Ib lt eompttlKnn « l y manafed t» aecure Hfn polnm.' t i,

    ,A d Hoppo actually .s.ll T-fl. tliertl.yl E „r| fllUoib»O ttro,t)tTli« U lhM t.IipcavV «r P*ld foi^ a |ĥ

    . M in w u C dD ft«4tf«^'jeK>wii>.Dald: : .n i g ia a a u r* b / Q>a c tllieo t • ( Tenlca

    f a t hla e u lo n r ^ tW J i ppma ; '


    Fl«b ( la lo r^ A . H. ci'’>i''rdiiy In rM- y nnd Kalliftrlno fito lti n( Kdvii rr« m arried Uy Probatu JudRe O. l \ uran }o*lay. . ,

    T n u 'H li ith ttr l lu r t- O . B. Montlelh Htali M nnipolltr. waa hurt when hla uh

    >r turned over on n Rrnile 'n ear ■ m, dlX niKht when comlnK ,,

    om Ilalte lb Twiu Kallt. M. Cuatar : CaaUoford waa in jured liy the nil imlHB ovrr of II motorryclc.'H oi'lt , •0 In the boaiiiul, ne ither Mirloua- -liijurad. . M,

    Klolar^Nklpiy t ’lty—Hhurllf furcon j*!*,,3d police ara aea re h in c -In r.l 'ran k t> « lola. flKbtlnc M eilcan, whn vrat ivtn a tine ihnt; would hnvo mennt ') day* on ihu n tr tr ti . Hll> (iikI l’oi:iiirllo. la will Iir linrJ< from June 10 to June‘ ____•_____^ ' tcMI

    Fliid'o lln4liir«>> (ii>i>d~Munaicer 0 . WriRht nt ihA Twin n ill* morn of Mi

    le (Irm uf \V. II. WrlKbl £ Sona. ro- rosa jrned lodny from OkiIcn wbarr< In deal Hcnded n met-iliiR of ilie dlruclora. iVi«r CnnrlBfcd

    • Tliat Iiealh Wnn I 'r rlu in -fn ll i She Heoinio Unronnclons No Ifrullilcd C r HiatenienI '̂ Vii'n Itiiputnlble. - ! V

    Melvin' Ill«rautlful-harriu R lrU - ' M nnir Tarln—TM* cnntle la Mnrmrco

    natloiml th r lH '-S re n man'» notel j* It'n a>bli7 nhow -jlllch ir J in rd In' he

    ; Tflrt»y, ;one I la r »nly-.H atli

    ' i* B a r g a i n V a u d e -

    '•llllllll iihl



    (IN TUK i ^ K K T SOW

    S irnw hurrl^im id.- t lv l r np- i jtK'.ininrr In Ttvln l-'niin lotlny .1 'fmm Hut Wnyahli- F ru it farm , ;|2which la locnlml-luiii ooat oC Iho , , ; l | Klmliorly .S'urnery. T h li ta own-.eil by J. Ol Ilaktr of Klmboriy > ; Inml ln planted , in liorrlta aud ■nmull trull. Iju i year '' Ihiy. | ■ ph;kvd ISSft nuorlii of a trtw b ir.;" ■ ; ■rlos ul one plcKliiK. . > B

    C r e to D n e P r i n t , i n C M a d i ,. v l W i t h P l a i n G i « e n L i o « ^ ; - ;̂ |

    1* !n u '2 ' .•/llN ST tT U T Sl r T YJL ' “ **“

    Dy MARV BROOK8N>ICKEN Tho drnprry deparunoat of cood " ‘>il

    abnpg often offera iinuiual rc i uneit to. 1,̂ 111 \T b c bat l l Qt inRborncolored und atrnw with irlmmlns ot crcam' and iliu CTi'ua o rtandlt. ’ T

    eomtthlno td.Bo Avoided. •Att'fitm tatioiror u y s n n 'is a

    a j« . on your tlmo;

    OASsiFim i'DMisiiis'KMdrtd (M LMlar CUuifktUM

    llKWAltl) llir Informnllnn nn lo red Iflnli n r ttr r ilni! tilolun Hiindny ncMm lit I’rI. nl on Sl’ver crn-k. Annw.-rn lo niiiiiit of Uiii'i'll. .Sti'Vo Ilbu^idn, Slonliitui-. IdAliit.

    WANTKD-W.mmn cth)k for hay rrow. a , cure Tlmca.

    r o n llENT-.N'lcoly furnlnhcd room, plunly hoi wuter. 311 Third uurlh.


    EATURE SHOW —of V nudovU Io 's c la s s ie s t tm d j _ w i t h -no Umil o f com etly ,

    FOUR BIG ACTS . Mathews Trio

    i A Dnnrlnt; Ueviie\ MacDonM(d and' D n io h .

    •'ViM.i llall k‘ r.a Parle Ciimrdy and Sodk^

    ^ H enry ' Gunson‘•Ibe l..m o' 1‘M ierm ad"

    K Allen arid StokesIn - J a m ' I 'p p 'n d .< '«nedy— 'Illark-fiire l)Bncln(r bind

    Monlc. .. —A «HBAT'HHOW-i----

    .1 . '

    rm e n m r wrolp a w ore tUrllllBir It—Hep tb e 'i t s y a lra n d r y « l r r .u ( irco—the nlarc m ork p t-T b e 'nea* n e l r^vence on bin enemlen—»>«»• ' .

    atlnpornlca wllh bor hunband In iho ■ , :rnluliiR. Tho rourno In marked by *’ met nnd flrmnenn. nnd thin ninki-ii ll ponnlhlo to Rlvo complcto nutI I imtlafflciory irnlnluR .for bomo luloni. . In tho two WDOkt caurno. ThorouKh- ncun In one of tbe fflnlurot. Tho ' ' ' lurcesn hero In n duplication nt Ibiit Hcored In Idaho Knlln for tbo Amer- cnn I/CRlon. Tho nconery, ccmlumen ̂ind electrical ef/cctn nro owned by .j.j| (hu firm, vece

    Tho llonnora nro from Chlcnco * nnd Mr. Wolfrum from St. l.ouln.

    Q U I C ^E X T R A

    In th ' Mote been

    This bnikt and : largei Burfo'

    ' frictii over I whicl

    Conr tmna the n press immi diatri re a r cquo been simul

    And orout linin( cnab quiet

    Tbe pricr. of Ibe. Tourhifr 1

    M AGEL A u W m OIrilO.HE 6W-5U

    . / 1 |9 B |S



    ̂ V l

    'SEY, HIM SELF, . «“.T O SLEEP ^

    ■ ■ ■ _ : ' I .

    10 a n i

    ' But R>''< riol

    W P — II-''.' deti ftpp

    I t i

    t ,

    * - '^*9M Ii»' i , 1........................... . - 1 . .1 - t ^ " 'a • nie

    bo<■ . I ' l ply

    ihouRh (ho pruHont haadiiuariefii of the firm nro In tinil Like, Clly.

    Tho nhovir lant n lcht w nktilin ilar ;u (ho ono tho provluus n lcht nnd went th roueh without n hitcli, amid W.iln of luuRbter nnd wnvcn of np- p lauie from huf;!nnlnf:‘lO end. Thoro woro nom o'uow h lit . ^

    W ell Know n B^arber o f Twin- Falls Is J

    D ead o f Pneum onia IS, in y (Jnck) W alki-r.,w'rll known ' l

    in (bln clly where bo han been cncnR- 1 e.l In Ih f Imrhcr hUBlnoi.n for neveral ycurn nn.l In (.'untnct whuru hn h id n pn number of m lnlnc clalmn, dU-d Into InJit nlKl.' u t tho TwlnM^illn Ucneral P°' honpltnl of pnoiiinontn. ”Iunil.

    Un wun mnrrh-d when n yoiiUR man [m to n nliit. r nf U. K. llolitrr ot Ihln city, thl who Illrd nlioni nn ycnni 'Sl’E t'nO M 'IU T K 8 'c iia :

  • ■W EDN ESDA Y ,. T O T E fi, 1M.X ^

    Basiness Directory i n

    Attorneys ----PORTER * WITHAM, L a v r« n .

    f la l ti U Bmlth It m tp B ld t.

    J u m n . OoihwAll - • O rr c iitpouui mko <BOTHWELL f t OHAPbUN - r r r ,

    Woo 3 yuw 'l■AOa C a -O a rb a B » baiUad dallr. Times Plioa> '1. . I h r a you r croam. ' Blatloa a t 334 ‘lIHoo

    Boihh Main. Phone 15«8. Cream. 1>«WHpoultry nml ecm . .Open Saturday Adilltl

    • nighte u n til 10 o’clock. Chaa. Under- wood. A gen t________________ '

    DAK*8 PLACB “R».New and eecond bnnd rlotblng

    bought and to ld . 806 Boulh (IhMbone ^

    ’ F i rs t class Saddle l lo n e s for h ln > -f9r Rcnttcmrn o r laileiu n o n e s ' Hem e, Hecond a u n u e Ho.

    • ■ ro r ----------------------------------------- Orlnil

    7 P e t Farm Loaiui B T n U B L . a W I M A CO.____________________________________ ler. '

    Phone D03JU for WATKCfS -------FB O D U C ra W alktna Co. Afiont, IIO.K, B. K recman, KL No. 2. Bplce*. a»cnu£ n r « H i nntl LlnlmenL A ll o rdir* -------prom ptly delU ered. I

    Ins a------------ — . ------ — M,0B.

    . Oo to the Bhodalf Bocou t n V ■ c leu i, quiet rooms and good l o beda. P ricea BOo, 76c, oad t l . u i.l : Bpeclal ratM by th e w eek or n o n th . Phone 61. Mrs, J , D.Rogers, m anager. Ovw P a rro tt .------Optical Co.. T w in .T alla, Idaha. ^

    i hrtu___________________ ________________ _ lb*.,

    • I'OULTIlir WANTEI) II n r in g w bat you bave lo tis We

    pay you for brlu|clng them In. Bee I us betore y«u aell. SouUi Iduho We :.JW P o u itr r Co. a t th e cream e'.itlon we ai

    opposite W arburg’s Storage, 406 «hlle Sboshono wesL I’hone C47. ' oniwi I— —J

    and .

    ^ t a g e s D a i l y ^

    t w i n F a l l s - B o i s e

    l e a r e BtSO m. nu 'ta d Mt^9 p i m .dally ; 7 .^ : ' , , . /

    F o r FU «r, B tih l,. BagmMa.! j B l iu , K in s H ill , G l e n a s ' i ' ^ . / K o tm tt t in H om u ,. | I .■F a i r f ie ld oail H a i l e y ; ; - ^ . \ A rr lr la g In nnH er a t S t S d ^ n .FABE LESS TllA X • ILULUOAD

    S o n l a r itag « coBsecUnv wllb Ro. 19 a t X oanlalB U e a e , for N uapo , F e rtland , ScatUe.

    PUONB M OB 88>W.

    Traalc Bros. Stage Co., Inc.

    H e lp '\^ n te diVANTEO—C h lld rS to boar.l omt F o i :o cnro- of. 1440 Olh avvnuo eaal. 3n | n

    iVANTBD-MldUle neoil woman for ic ra lw o r ic Grnnil Holel. o jm rt

    >VANTEU—Conipeitut woinim fqr i r n l bniuowDrlc and to caru lur ^ j.x;j ull chililron. Mum have rofcronuon. („« , 11 M3fi .Mnplo avonuo hiilwcuii houru lurite0 nnd tj p. m.- __ 1 -

    AI.E8MAN—E xcoplionnr oin'Orliin- j " ". Husltor» eornlOKB his. W rllo Me- . •cry CuIunUar Factory, Wakblaglon,»u. I *0:1 merchnndlulni? huBlnonn. Intor; and t iw on roniioat. Addrvas W. euro eant-

    ______________________ WA

    -^anted-Miscellaneous f^y}.'------------------------------------ 1.1------------ ,}«ct,,lV'A.STIi|>-Oo

    iVANTlCD-3000 Hlmron CroWn Nc-iil houai niock. WIII puy 8i; in'r Hharc. rocm

    ono 77r,j o r cull 635 2nd nvutiuo woek ■Bl n ftrr 0 p. tn. N.

    lVA.^•Tf•:i)-^'u^Hl-|27f.OO phonographul 20 recordM for plnno. Wriio U., ------tru TImw. __________________

    Full blooded^' ilelgU n beriie, inndIjrigbt 4app}» ta r , S W /cuIbh, 6 years old, a t H one 's Uoms a t c-ror iu a m e r irtrrJce. h .

    - - * nrll<- ________ Uial;On the Rlflht Palh. —

    Wo aluniblii and fuller nnd fall, Dnt » are never lost If even once in a WHlle we can se t our eyoa upward and sueiiward and our fvct on a path wblcb UluiBd> u« lo work tu t man. for mankind, reayid ool for ouraclvm.—Kubrrt W. stillj ^ a m . ̂ chill


    f)■ T ^ i f ^ ’LL NBED A

    . / n r / ; NEW S A T m N a - .I ■ I f SU IT . T H ia SUMtflfeS / . P̂“.V 1

    / ! ' V ( ' i n A N P LOOK. A T ,

    riMES------ ' i^WxN FA

    w M fFor Rent For

    FOR IIKNT—Furnlahed rooms, 253 K(7 li :il nvonuo uorth. Phono 2fl4J.

    Mra. C rater hui fu>nlahud nlBi'pIni; Krunkpiirlujcul. Hoard If iloslrod. 120 Clh ——vnuiio north. Phoue C41U. , an.i iit 'o n RH ST~t'uT,ihU cit hoiMOkocp- com), .

    ig room nnd iili'io« -----

    Uh Bfri’i.t and Sucaiirt .avcnar TO

    ;— i— ------------------------------------------- ru n t 1P-OU IIICNT-sn acr.:». canh or crop. -------

    loUiwoil * CliMiimnn, l-'Oll----------------------------------------------------- fru it J>'0H UKNT—l.tKhl. housukoopiuB --------

    nd aleoplui: ruoma. 222 Klftb avoaueauL_______________________________ KOI

    WATF.Il TO IIICNT—40 lo 101) tiharoa)r 1923 loanon. Can Imvo It itnllvori'd . ,> yuu anywhere un thn iraul, l( yourKctios hiivfl capacity lo carry Jt. Ar* j (iu r L. Swim, Twin h*allB. ],r,

    FOR R E N l^ llo u a e keeping apart " j lenla, complolely turnUbed to r llgbl ousekeeplng, one, two aod thre< oca* , cloee lo. and low rales, bjreek or month. Tho Oxford. 438 Male } • KOI

    , . ____ , - Hlnck;' PlwtKs

    Furntabcd hounekooplnt; apart. raonu . Oaale liunio. 403 Main Ato.No. Phone 071.--------------------------------- Red

    - I Mainn ----------------------------------- :----------------- —

    Wanted to RentWANTtlD'TO U K .vf—Slx or oIkUi ^

    ■iM)lu fnrninlUMi houm-. i-Ioki; in. Aii- ------Iroim C . caro ’rvjiicn.

    ” t 0 TiiAnhV-J27i'i»Cl |>1i»nor.raph -------mil 20 Tocorilii for iitiini). WrlN H„ KOI;iir« Tlmfn. ohi. ii----------------------------------------------------- J,, , j

    Miscellaneous “------------- ------------- ---------------------------ollKili

    31US. IL J , RII.KV U w<Ic rn t for HIcwnrt’s I'rodurln und (h» -------Varnrll fream>. I'boun M7. 13tKl >'01 ie ten lh avenue raxL

    w u T r m ^ PO*Anjw hrrp, nny .tim e. Hce Hob n | °°°^-

    i r lll f a f f ._________________________ yQ]

    \ CUICTAINS '(^ tb e d or stretched. Phone 126J.

    R IB S (;i,KANEI). PIIO.M; 401, , iMPKIUAL CI,KANIN(J t'U. 3IS rfllO.MIONE ST^EAST._________________

    PLANT OLADIOLAS NOW—Our ton a. >rito m ixture ot gorRoous biooulng Nook, •are k in d s ., Largo buiba, 100 to r 14 ir 30 for 61. Florist collection, 100 o r $2 or 40 for »1. Mammoih bulb* f*«“ * 100 fur 64 or.20 for 11, prepaid. R. J.Jlhblna, ML llolly ,.N . J. »■

    ’ RESERVE YOUR EaOS with K *3 PrcaervaKve. I f s In powder forxn - th e heal and moal convealenl on tho narkoL Darrow Bron. Sood & Suppfe-"*Q I llOTli

    FOR BAU^—V alapar Varniib. the ■arnlah for tloora and furnllure. Tbe Sov'arnlah that bot w aler w on't tu rn la siyhilc. Phone 6. Moon'a Shop. IJOO

    a iE A P E R MONBY — Unilnflled J" “imount oa farm* now a l 7 par conl. *aclading a ll commliHloos. U tach ft (>‘Vy iVllUama. PhocB 218.____________ __cHff '

    BAKER ROO&IS—Balhs U a. 448_______________________ _plvmt

    For Sale-Real Estate E,'!r o u B A I.f^40 a crei unimprovotl

    Innd a lu u i 3 niiloa from Iiul.1. Price- tea per UCK. V'OO 'H riiliun.. I'hoiii.. 245J. '

    X)It SAI.l-%-Uoo'l t!viu ink h-.-hul.orl. Hi, 3. Twin Kai'ri, jl

    •OU S ,\l-E -T w o tTimiT (.'XIkm i-.i 1 i lank, nliio ItinliW' [Ixluri n Inv > iJ; liniuy flujN'ni. reiiMoiiuhh-. J . .''I.!I'IK. Kulli, Muho. '

    •OU^lioiii."lv.ii»hwe«arn Tw a g - amU - 7.10; medium 6707.26; light. 10.00 ^7.25; light lights. 6B.50O7.16; ; oaTy -packing aows 16.1000.35; acking BOWS rouRh. 15.7600.16; V illlng plgR,'$5,6—Recelpis 7000; m arket ac* .

    lve. steady to strong ; nevnrnl loads atlve aprlngn 1SJ5; nlJrtcd llRhl ^ est 116,60; cull around

  • 1*AGB K IO llT

    i i l i f ayOE OFFICER fTHE STAIE


    M oa W ho Seined 700 Halnbows SeloDginsr U> Btate from Oedar | Oreek Dam Havo 80 F a r £ s - | cftp«d Detection; MilUoii Spnxvn Aro D eitroyed.

    Ho far no trncti ur rliip Ii:ix ■fOlina ot llie IhlcVCH »ll.) nl.llr Tilll Imineni* raliibnw Iruui (nun Hi'- BlBlO trap DII Ceclur irrrpk IiiIk Sum-

    .(luy iilitit. It wa» rcuorii'il u.iliiv. iil-! IhnuKli Dopuly Flili Wiirir porintlrnlnl lu llio iiiiiinl:i o t (lio nlnto flflli auil khiiiu il>-i>iirl- i m enl. '

    T lir Irnil III riii'il Il]i Junt Ik'Iii lirlilxu »P1J III fJiiirxi' rvnr uliu-i. tl wnn (latormlni'il in i;i'i rfnli np;>wii frott! pedar i;ri>ck. wimi to l.i'd aln,111

    .mldnlAlil. In tlii< murnlui; it un:i > tounditim t thn ri«li liail hi'on nrlii>-ii ,

    :OUt of .thn trap. Tlii' riirnii i>i ,by Blnb«r£8r wdu witlilu jmi yunl-. ; o( lh« placo rrom w hlrh lln- rlnh ,

    ' ’v e ro laken. I t liml tiri.n ili-ri'nii , tm poM lbh i'tb 'K fll, n rnrcr an tin- . Broonil la awampy tirn r tlu- irai>. ] 41 la eatlinatad tha t n mllllou npuwu haa been lent (hrouKli tin- union b t (ho' ibUvi-f.

    Bisle PI»b Commlatilfiiii'r (li'orci- It- I laaaca vaa io linvii-wcuuiu In Thurn. day to .(Ake away (hu Hpnwn. Tin- roblwra evldoutly proconlfil wiih

    , nnd quietly. Th.ty madu nn notl* su fdclrn t i» nrnunn tln> ili-puty.- 1 ' ''The ateallni! of tin- flxli. which ' would Mally liftTfl a iiinrki-t vnliii- Of tIUO'u wuuitt Tunnlltiitc thi- rrliiiK p( Rrnnd larcouy nluco (ho flnli \tv rr ' alnte propuriy.

    No offlclnl Btuttmnut ut (ho car.r ‘ i i u txen hiueil. I

    ,D*fluly m nberner bnn accuruil a ' at>«et> WB80U uu wheela and muvnl '

    ^ c I o i o to Uio Htrenoi. lie luu ' ^ l t > aecarod a Kood nupply ol 1>uc»- '

    jlhot. carlrldBoa for liln licnvy nlmi.

    *“ “ •P«teet W ill t o U N ^

    on Potatoes a t Parish H all Friday

    n ire r lo r « t ('rHOiipmtlx* .Miirkrilnir m u .tildrrvi rro p l^ nn SuhJrrI al

    ' a {M S. June N.

    Wiillon t’cteal, d lrrclnr of rn-up'-ra- live murknilnK fnr thu AnnTli'iin Karin lluri-aii Fodnradon. will npcak ul tin- Purlah lu l l Friday aripruoon ui o'clock. devotlOB m i» t of hln iliiii' in tU ' aubjoct o t apud niark-iluK.• Tht* w ord waa rocp|»eU Uilt. afU’r.

    ' noon trom ..U S. Olto, who in uttn!ill,' t» uiolil tlilu |^,r- ,, tiT lhl .'inhl.'m i uml l,;..l);.-i, Ih"

    ,','IIVI nllnll KiKl r . H. ............. Iiuil lil:icolinnltK'i' w |il u.'l' (I,it Ihut (III, cIlv

    ‘ tiiiil hit'>I" iir«* iimiKTly tl.-raKi..n, A' uuuih-T of n»-

    . ruriilnnH iiri' h-lni; iihinm-il fur Ih!»' louvenilon. iiiuunK iln-ui’ » tll 1»' .i ' ir ;v t« HU..i.bnn., aw.l ru.lH VM'x. \

    lniii; K ll.illlnit-.ivorlh, C, V. Iltiikl,'. ,f. .1. K. WhllK. I-;. 11. lliK.Iry aud ll. A. M. 1’urrotl.,.p Sii' .'lu’ I'V.'ilnro- M, C lt:ill.ty, i halr-

    •UUI.; W T. U .I I r ami Ki'un.'ih Ili urli lr, V luanrr uml lla.U;i « • ,r 11 r lliivull, rliulruiuii: f . .V H-'ultv.

    .'•il u 'catilwi-II ami r . 'w . ....... h;I r.II.'.i' Kxrrullvi. C.unmllti'- Mm.

    W >; .N'W'iu, iliairm iin; llm . -

    '* Iu.'rr III

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    pi. 1‘n rlii 'i i ln r n tli 'ii lio ii |m ; 'iv .’ii tuy i. w iiild iiu iish iii i^ 111’ Hir lii -̂lii'Mi

    W r Wnnl v.m to .s)n,)i ;n'iuiii i V w iill .’.iiy i>1lii'l-< mill Ml' liiiiia I

    Kill.- .•'il....... u r r l.i'IIrr.

    M e n ’ft O x f i

    OTfiiriU wlll. ll .:iti ru .irau lrr i. oil.' ,'n|u','l:ill> i;«n.I imiuhiT l>,u hi for llll' ynuu); nnn w iui,w .m ih.'

    Aiiiithrr I'.ooil imtiili.'i' . 'u n n I.......I. r.nn.l r ;i:i^U .r; ;,lu , t.i,11,1 l,':itln' Ihr _ pulr ...

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    ‘t III f n n - > I'lTi-uli’, u'oo'! ^

    .....................whicll il• U 6 9 c U / ' wliich 11

    ■>li«lil iiiiprrf.'i-lH : w rll I.' . lr i . . l i , . , |, g 9 c

    lii'iK. ,’iH i-x tn i l( ir^ i‘ ill •-.'^liiiiM" I'l.r llio num r%

    .................^ 9 c

    > X 1 3 c W O M E N 'SI or w hll.-:'inniti- filH "Ici'.

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    69c, 73c■ I . .—. - - i;riyii; tin.'

    A T S A V I N G S .................1 iiuullly iialnuwjli: very iinrail,

    . - • - 7 Q o >iill fiiiihnli, ...................' / O U

    I, iiiilmia; riml iiml roiu- tin' ii:ilr . l„ .„ l - n r r g g g

    ........................Th.'y will !■

    ̂ ‘'"'':98c. 2 - “llilti; rili'i'Vr o r nliort r'lePVi;;

    , SJ.45K'lO'I riunllly iirrin- hui Vrcy rl. ■*W V ||„. |,Mr

    ■ A B R I C S T H A T >

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    lu lelkO E■ r.'ii liir ih t: v.iliii-'i ill u ll Iriillic r sho luml III.' n lli 'ii lio ii oT Ilio-ii- liriiiuililiii

    u i lh ii> Ullll » 'i ' cnn i.:ifi'ly sny (linl Imil ihoM- you I'iiiil ul llii' liiililriiIII l l l r slii.-U tlinl p i i 's in lo on r slin.'

    lliml um l .'iim iiuii! Mu- i(iiiilily nT on rIV lliitl ym i Wltl In' ri.iiv iin 'i'il Ilinl l l

    ^ f o r d s Mrn'a iii.llil

    r i.oliil li'jiilirr Itirour.lioiil: ^I hro'vii, ii|iiulr hint. Iilo'.lly

    W O M EN

    I l.r..'.ui, liIiK hcr rUl. 'Vllli S’nuin i;rw

    S3.98 ........unniuii'uls;ur.' llli; ...'Itrrn JiiHt now;


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    ) o f s u c c e s s f u l v a c a t i o n s ,

    i g p l a n s , s u m m e r a p p a r

    m o n t s . f r e s h , n e w m e r c h ;

    1 i s p r i c e d t h o G o l d e n R u l e

    I m e a n s ^ ^ u r e a n d i ) o s i t i v e s i

    c h a n d e v e r y p u r c h a s e .

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    C H IL D R E N ’S GO OD H O S E 2CcII I'.lvr r.'a l n ri'v irr; wc i;nnranii'» Hint: L';;:i lh;iL a iu cUnUcully luilL.iiiid.iluubli: w. i; lu l>l:i(k. hrown uml whlli'; prlrril In}̂ ,

    lY S ’ H E A y Y R IB B E D S T O O K ra q Sa n u l ira i lir In iioyii' Ii«'«r; lliry aru huav • rl.-irillr,; ihr.VyiiinKt In h lu ik nml brown;

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    . .Mln iirlnl^. u juu irrliil In nnw