meta data for magazine pictures

Shutter Speed: 1/250 sec Exposure: Manual F-Stop: f/16 ISO: 6400 Aperture Value: f/16 Focal Length: 23.0 mm The focus of this image is on the bicycle and the lower body of the model who is on the bike. The use of the bright colour of the bike makes it stand out from the natural green colours of the background and surroundings, this also draws your attention to the bike. Using the rule of third tool, we are able to identify that the model and the bike is in the center of focus and composed well. The setting allows the lighting to be taken into effect with the aperture, as there is the right amount of light, not over exposing the content in the image.

Upload: simranpal-kandola

Post on 12-Feb-2017



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Page 1: Meta Data for magazine pictures

Shutter Speed: 1/250 sec

Exposure: Manual

F-Stop: f/16

ISO: 6400

Aperture Value: f/16

Focal Length: 23.0 mm

The focus of this image is on the bicycle and the lower body of the model who is on the bike. The use of the bright colour of the bike makes it stand out from the natural green colours of the background and surroundings, this also draws your attention to the bike. Using the rule of third tool, we are able to identify that the model and the bike is in the center of focus and composed well. The setting allows the lighting to be taken into effect with the aperture, as there is the right amount of light, not over exposing the content in the image. The exterior setting uses was not over exposed and the natural lighting gave a good amount of light without any shadows. The natural lighting also worked well with the aperture and exposure.

Page 2: Meta Data for magazine pictures

Shutter Speed: 1/3200 sec

Exposure: Manual

F-Stop: f/4.5

ISO: 6400

Aperture Value: f/4.5

Focal Length: 32.0 mm

The focus of this image is on the upper part of the bike. The use of the bright colour of the bike makes it stand out from the natural green colours of the background and surroundings, this also draws your attention to the bike. Using the rule of third tool, we are able to identify that the bike goes diagonally from the left top, through the center of focus and to the bottom right grids and the image composed well. The setting allows the lighting to be taken into effect with the aperture, as there is the right amount of light, not over exposing the content in the image. The exterior setting uses was not over exposed and the natural lighting gave a good amount of light without any shadows. The natural lighting also worked well with the aperture and exposure.

Page 3: Meta Data for magazine pictures

Shutter Speed: 1/2000 sec

Exposure: Manual

F-Stop: f/4.5

ISO: 6400

Aperture Value: f/4.5

Focal Length: 32.0 mm

The focus of this image is on the derailleur of the bike. The use of the bright colour of the bike makes it stand out from the natural green colours of the background and surroundings, this also draws your attention to the derailleur of the bike. Using the rule of third tool, we are able to identify that the derailleur of the bike is situated in the middle of the grid and this allows the d derailleur to stand out more. Furthermore, the image composed well. The setting allows the lighting to be taken into effect with the aperture, as there is the right amount of light, not over exposing the content in the image. The exterior setting uses was not over exposed and the natural lighting gave a good amount of light without any shadows. The natural lighting also worked well with the aperture and exposure of the image and the surroundings.