methodologies for small group part 3


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Page 2: Methodologies for small group Part 3

As a teaching methodology requires the students to search for information from printed and illustrated

learning materials.Reading newspapers, speeches and special reports reveal data, evidences and conclusions that can be

used in understanding the lesson better.

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1. The articles, essays and narratives to be read are well-organized and edited, making it easy for the

students to understand and learn from them.2. Some first-hand narrations reveal important and

updated information which may not yet be available in textbooks such as recent discoveries

and inventions.

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3. The prints include photographs, illustrations and diagrams which add to vividness and accuracy

of the information being gathered.4. Skill in analyzing, classifying and organizing

information for their own presentation is developed.

5. This methodology is guaranteed to increase enjoyment of the lesson especially if the content

comes from authoritative sources.6. The love for reading is the best outcome of this

methodology which will insure enjoyment in reading during leisure hours.

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1. Train the students to use the table of contents, index, appendices and glory for ease in looking

for the right information.2. The writing style, vocabulary and other technical

terminologies must be suited to the age level of the readers.

3. Reading could be done during the lesson in the classroom.

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4. Guide questions, problems or subtopics may be provided to be sure they will concentrate on relevant

details and avoid wastage of time on unimportant sections.

5. Reading from a wide variety of printed materials will enable them to obtain information as viewed and

expounded by different authors and writers.6. Train them in recognizing trends, consistencies

and accuracy of content.

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Aims to teach organized bodies of knowledge. While other approaches help students discover

information by themselves, through self-directed investigations.

This model presents a comprehensive collection of systematically arranged knowledge such as facts, concepts, and principles.

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The accepted and recognized bodies of knowledge are presented through lesson topics that combine these facts and concepts and it is up for the students to draw their own generalizations.

The integrative approach is closely related to the inductive approach wherein the students form a concept or generalization by discovering common characteristics or patterns.

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1. The students should feel free to give their own conclusions, inferences or speculations after making their analysis and presentation of evidences.

2. Make sure they are provided with all the needed information in order to insure success, since they will try to make conjectures only on what they see during the presentation.

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3. Open-ended question will make them infer or hypothesize based on their experience. They develop critical thinking and creative organizing of information.

4. Guide them in discovering relationships among the facts and concepts that could lead to accurate conclusions.

5. Practice them in categorizing or sorting out objects, organisms and experiences based on common attributes or properties.

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Projected teaching aids Prepared transparencies Real objects and specimens Models Graphic materials Mounted pictures, photographs and clippings Diagram, drawing, painting, and sketches Aquarium, terrarium, mini weather station, mini zoo Collection Clippings Tapes and records for audio lessons

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the use of instructional media provides a concrete and direct learning experience for children in elementary age group. Still in the concrete stage of their intellectual development they understand and attach meanings to objects and phenomena which they personally see, hear, manipulate and witness.

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The teacher must be in constant search for media resources which are available in the immediate environment of the children such as objects and organisms such as stuffed birds and fishes.

Local radio programs may include broadcast about the current science information.

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Involve the children in a variety of learning activities that would require construction of audiovisual materials such as preparing poster, bulletin board display, exhibits, puppets, models, etc. this activities will encourage pupils to design their own learning tools as well as enhance their creativity and resourcefulness. They may be motivated to take photographs for their own record of significant scientific events.

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If possible, provide a workshop which is equipped with simple construction tools, drawing materials, recording equipment, radio and television set.

Choose carefully the films, educational programs, and printed materials to be used to suit the children’s age, needs, interest, and level of understanding.

Models and miniatures must be checked as to accuracy of the information being presented. Use materials that are similar to the original if possible scaled models are highly informative.

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Model of the solar system Relief of the earth Lives of famous scientist Discovery of electricity Structure of the atom Body structure of microorganisms Inventions Organ systems of the human body

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Basically the scientific method includes the following steps:

Identification of the problem Collecting data Formulating hypothesis Testing the likely hypothesis Analysis and interpretation of data Formulating conclusions

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In experimenting, the students determine the variable they need to manipulate. This would entail establishing two groups that possess similar characteristics. One group will be given special treatment while the other will serve as the control group. Then the results will be analyzed to find out any difference brought about by the variable being tested.

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It develops the skill in the basic science processes.

Performing an experiment requiring mind among the young.

Higher-order thinking skills especially critical thinking, creativity and inventiveness are best acquired by experience and constant use.

“learning-by-doing” forms part of the student’s attitudes, habits and ways of reacting.

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A methodical procedure, as a way of solving puzzling/problem situations, is internalized and instantly applied.

Hearsays, superstitions and unfounded beliefs are replaced by more objective assessment and evaluation. Suspending judgement and carefully weighing evidences are acquired through constant use of experimenting.

The students are made aware of the ways of the scientists, their persistence, anxieties, and relentless toil, thus instilling the value of being appreciative and grateful for their achievements.

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The problem must be well-defined and clearly understood before performing the experiment.

Choose one variable to be tested at a time. Never vary two or more conditions in an experiment, otherwise confusion like “what results from which” will ensue.

Every student will actively involve in manipulating tools, materials and equipment. It is by direct experience through constant practice that they improve on their inquiry skills.

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An observant teacher could easily spot incorrect steps and procedure. Early guidance could avoid mistakes that might douse off their enthusiasm to continue.

Improvisations of some needed tools and substitutions for some materials may be encouraged in order to promote resourcefulness and creativity.

Orderly distribution and retrieval of laboratory equipment will lessen wastage of time and effort.