methods used by interest groups


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Post on 16-May-2015



News & Politics

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Page 1: Methods used by interest groups


Page 2: Methods used by interest groups

What is Conflict?

• Where more than one group have a difference of opinion, interaction or relationship with the same topic.

Page 3: Methods used by interest groups

• Small Scale – disagreement between smaller user groups.

• Eg Surfers / Lifeguards

• 4WD / Bike riders

• Horse riders/ Bushwalkers

• Jets skies / Fishermen

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• Larger Scale: - disagreements between companies, government, environmentalists, Locals

• Eg Franklin River

• Port Philip bay Dredging

• Logging in Otway Ranges

• Wonthaggi Desalination Plant

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A group which attempts to influence the making or

implementing or administering of government


Interest Groups

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• Most interest groups are single-issue groups which

• - seek to benefit the interests of their members (trade unions, cattlemen, 4WD assoc, Save Albert Park,)

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• Interest groups are formed voluntarily and do NOT include government bodies

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Methods Used By Interest Groups

• direct action

- picketing/ - strikes


Marches, protests

demonstrations, - boycotts, go slows, bans

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• Advantages of Direct Action

- free publicity in media

• Disadvantages

- usually seen by community

as negative or disruptive

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• Conducted directly by interest groups, or by employing professional lobbyists who have access to Government ministers.

• Lobbying not always directed primarily to those making decisions, also to those that can influence decision-makers.

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Petitions• Used to raise awareness of issues

and to show levels of support for position in relation to issue.

• Not very affective in influencing decision-making.

• Members of Parliament count letters to gauge level of feeling on an issue.

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Use of Media

• Usually only wealthy groups can afford paid advertising.

• Editorals and reports can at times be more sympathetic to groups representing commercial interests.