mfsunit 2 part 5

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  • 7/29/2019 MFSunit 2 Part 5


    Unit 2

    Capital Market Operations

    Functions of New Issue Market

    Contents of Offer Document

    Methods of Floating New Issue

    Procedure for Initial Public Offer (IPO)

    SEBI Guidelines

    Players in New Issue Market

    Book Building Process

    Secondary Market Operations


  • 7/29/2019 MFSunit 2 Part 5


    Secondary Market Operations


    The market where existing securities are traded is

    referred as Secondary Market orStock Market

    Stock exchanges are the important ingredient

    of the Capital Market

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    As per the Securities Contracts Regulation Act

    1956, a stock exchange has been defined as

    follows :

    It is an association organization or body of

    individuals whether incorporated or not,

    established for the purpose of assisting, regulating

    and controlling business in buying , selling and

    dealing in securities

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    In brief, Stock exchanges

    Constitute a Market

    where securities issued by

    the Central and State governments,

    Public Bodies and

    Joint stock companies are traded.

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    Functions/Services of Stock Exchanges:

    1. The stock market plays very important role in

    Financial System

    2. It performs several economic functions and

    renders services to the investors, Companies

    and to economy as a whole.

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    The functions are summarized as follows:

    1. Liquidity and Marketability of Securities:

    Stock exchanges provide liquidity to

    securities Since securities can be converted into

    cash at any time according to the discretion of

    the investor by selling them at the listed prices.

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    Marketability of Securities:

    They facilitate buying and selling of securities at

    listed prices by providing continuous

    Marketability to the investors and provides a

    ready outlet for dealing in securities.

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    3. Supply of Long Term Funds:

    Whenever a security is transacted , one investor is

    substituted by another , but the company is assured of

    long term availability of funds.

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    4. Flow of Capital to Profitable Ventures:

    The Profitability and Popularity of companies are reflected

    in Stock Prices

    The prices quoted indicate the Relative Profitability and

    Performance of companies.

    Funds tend to be attracted towards securities of Profitablecompanies and this facilitates the flow of capital into profitable


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    5. Motivation for Improved Performance:

    The performance of the company is reflected on the

    prices quoted in the stock market

    This public exposure makes a company conscious of

    its status in the market and it acts as a motivation to

    improve its performance further.

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    6. Promotion of Investment:

    Stock exchanges mobilize the savings of the public

    and promote investment through Capital Formation.

    Helps to channelize the surplus funds with

    individuals and institutions for productive ventures.

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    7. Reflection of Business Cycle:

    The changing business conditions in the economy are

    immediately reflected on the stock exchanges

    Thus a stock market portrays the prevailing economic

    situation instantly to all concerned so that suitable

    actions can be taken.

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    8. Miscellaneous Services:

    Stock exchanges Supplies securities of different

    kinds with different maturities and yields

    It enables the investors to diversify their risks by a

    wider portfolio of investment

    It also inculcate saving habits among the

    community and paves the way for capital formation.

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    It guides the investors in choosing securities by

    supplying the daily quotation of listed securitiesand by disclosing the trends of dealing on the stock


    It enables companies and government to raise

    resources by providing a ready market for their


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    NSE: National Stock Exchange

    The establishment of NSE was a

    Step to overcome the Deficiencies

    of the existing stock market

    and to bring Indian Financial Markets

    in line with International Markets.

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    Weaknesses of Indian Stock Markets

    were identified:

    1. Inefficient and Outdated Trading system

    2. Outdated Settlement System3. Inability of various stock exchanges to function

    Cohesively in terms of legal structure, regulatory

    framework, trading and settlement procedures

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    Formation of NSE:

    The National Stock Exchange of India was set up by

    Government of India on the recommendation of

    Pherwani Committee in 1991.

    The NSE was formed in November 1992

    promoted by IDBI, ICICI, LIC, GIC and its

    subsidiaries, State Bank of India.

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    NSE has the Following Objectives:

    1. To establish Nation wide trading facility for all

    types of securities

    2. To facilitate equal access to investors across

    the country

    3. To provide fairness, efficiency and

    transparency to the securities trading

    4. To enable shorter settlement cycles

    5. To meet International Securities Market


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    Major Features:

    NSE Employs a fully automated screen basedtrading system, investors can trade from 400 cities.

    The automated trade matching system securesthe best price available in the market to the


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    Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)

    BSE is the oldest Stock Exchange in AsiaIt was established as early as 1875 itself

    Historically it was an open outcry floor trading

    exchange which was switched to an electronictrading system in 1995.

    It took the exchange only fifty days to make this


    This automated, screen-based trading platform

    called BSE On-line trading (BOLT) had a capacity

    of 8 million orders per day.

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    Over The Counter Exchange of India

    Presently Stock Market Consists of 22 RegionalStock exchanges

    And Two National Stock Exchanges known as

    1. NSE

    2. OTCEI

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    The OTCEI was incorporated in 1990 as a

    company under the companies act 1952.

    It became fully operational in the year

    September 1992

    The OTCEI is recognized by the Govt. of India

    as a recognized Stock Exchange under Section 4

    of the Securities Control Regulation Act, 1956.

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    Features of OTCEI:

    1. Trading on the OTCEI takes place through a net work

    of computers of OTC dealers located at differentplaces within the same city and even across the cities

    2. These computers allow dealers to quote , query and

    transact through a central OTC computer, using the

    telecommunication links.

    3. Small and Medium sized companies may be enlisted onthe OTCEI

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    4. A company which is listed on any other

    recognized stock exchange in India is not

    permitted simultaneously for listing on OTCEI

    5. The OTCEI has been promoted by all India

    financial institutions, namely UTI,ICICI,IDBI,LIC,SBI etc.
