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1 Chapters 1-2 Words and expressions to remember the bulletproof glass untaxing (work) a bet (to bet on sth) to urge smb to do sth a crucifix probable odds to be on credit to be reared on sth to be furious with sb to be engrossed in to keep track of to make a point of doing sth to stutter / a stutter to have a check up to tempt sb / to be tempted to do sth to come down with an illness to give rise to irreversible conscientious 1.Reproduce the situations from the chapters where these lexical items are used. 2.Comment on or paraphrase the following sentences from the chapters. To have a supply of books on hand to suit my tastes;

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Chapters 1-2

Words and expressions to remember

the bulletproof glass untaxing (work) a bet (to bet on sth) to urge smb to do sth a crucifix probable odds to be on credit to be reared on sth to be furious with sb to be engrossed in to keep track of to make a point of doing sth to stutter / a stutter to have a check up to tempt sb / to be tempted to do sth to come down with an illness to give rise to irreversible conscientious

1. Reproduce the situations from the chapters where these lexical items are


2. Comment on or paraphrase the following sentences from the chapters.

To have a supply of books on hand to suit my tastes;

The management saved on electricity, as on everything else;

She had insisted that I learn at least one useful thing;

The hotel had seen better days;

I had paid a good part of my way through college in fraternity poker games;

My financial situation didn’t permit me to demand luxury;

I was grateful that I had never been tempted to take a job on one of the big


I didn’t like being tied down to a schedule;

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I didn’t allow myself to sink into gloom;

A rather desultory affair;

Stubbornly unmarried;

Re-assess the feelings;

They are not sticky about it;

To be alert to a whole array of dials;

How are you fixed for dough?

History is the most relevant of subjects;

The hum of education swelled to a roar of freedom.

3. Answer the questions.

Where is the scene set?

What are the duties of a night watchman? What are the benefits of working

as a night watch?

What kind of activities was Grimes engaged in during his being on duty?

What was Grimes’s background?

In what way can you describe Grimes’s appearance and habits?

What kind of hotel did Grimes work at?

What was Grimes’s hobby?

What were Grimes’s reasons for taking up that occupation?

What kind of books was Grimes interested in?

What was striking for Grimes about the date of 15 January?

Why did Grimes pay so much attention to a flying jet?

What was the Wales family like?

What did Grimes and Didi have in common?

Did Grimes have a girlfriend? Could you call his relationship with the girl

friend confused?

In what way did Grimes’s life change after that physical examination?

Why did Grimes decide to quit at once after learning the results of the


Do you think Grimes’s girlfriend loved him?

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4. Do you agree or disagree with the following? Quote the text to prove that.

Grimes was in a perfect physical form;

Grimes was fond of reading (he was a devoted reader);

Grimes was pleased with his work (it suited him);

Grimes was educated in business;

Grimes was an enthusiastic gambler;

Grimes missed his previous occupation;

Mr.Wales was quite a rich person;

Didi enjoyed reading;

Grimes was rather a shy person;

Grimes was frustrated on hearing the news about his poor vision.

5. Topics for developing argumentation and rhetorical speech skills. Dwell on

the following subjects:

When experiencing a kind of turning point in their lives people may be

caught by an unexpected desire to start from scratch.

Life is made of millions of moments, but we live only one of these moments

at a time. As we begin to change this moment, we begin to change our lives


Every move we make today is the result of what men and women have been

doing with each other and to each other since before recorded time.

If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday. (P.Buck)

People’s characters are reflected through their reading habits.

Books let us into their souls and lay open to us the secrets of our own.


6. Insert the right prepositions.

I picked …………a sandwich ……….. the way …………. work.

The previous man had taken ……….. another profession.

The odds were 15 …………. 1.

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It was my devotion ………… gambling that had led me to the Hotel


I came ………….. a religious family and had been reared…………. the


When he called …………. a charter, he always asked……….. me.

The reason ……………. this was that I skied with them ………….

time……………. time.

I was trying not to be jealous………………… a man.

When I came …………… ……………. a mild illness he prescribed a

new medicine……………….. me.

He stared curiously …………… me as I headed ………..the nearest bar.

A strange incident happened……………… him.

I was going to try to figure ……………….. what I was going to do with the

rest of my life.

I'm vain enough to be pleased ………….. this.

The management saved ……… electricity.

I owed my position ……….. the fact that, ……… the urging of my mother, I had taken a year's course ………… business procedures in college.

They paid modestly …………. their accommodations and expected little ………… return.

I had paid a good part of my way ……….. college ………. fraternity poker games.

7. Translate into English using your Active Vocabulary.

1. После авиакатастрофы доктор настоятельно советовал Граймсу

сменить работу.

2. Друзья убеждали Граймса, что работа ночного портье была наиболее

спокойной из всех, которые ему предлагали до этого.

3. Шансы слечь с гриппом повышаются, когда вы посещаете места

массового скопления людей.

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4. Граймс был совершенно уверен (держал пари), что умерший в

гостинице человек был очень важной персоной.

5. Сейчас особенно важно воспитывать детей на хороших примерах из


6. Петр был настолько поглощен чтением, что не заметил, как пропустил

свою остановку.

7. Постарайтесь сделать эту работу как можно быстрее.

8. Еву так и подмывало спросить Пола о его командировке и выяснить,

реализовал ли он все, что задумывал.

9. Условия договора, который мы вчера подписали, непреложны и

обязательны к исполнению.

10. Мэри – очень добросовестный и ответственный работник, поэтому

старается никогда не давать пустых обещаний.

11. Меня никогда не увлекала возможность работать в крупной компании.

12. Тэд был в ярости, когда узнал, что жена разбила его машину.

Chapters 3-4

Words and expressions to remember

attachments to take chances to be crammed with reclusive habits to stretch an accusation the day shift (on) an inventory a witness (to witness) to imply to interfere with sth to occur to devour sth

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a suspicion matter-of-fact to fit into standards of behavior to rake in the loot to commit a crime charges in broad daylight law-abiding to abhor violence not to bother to do smth no sense in doing a manila envelope a solid tie a glen plaid (sober) suit the sole person authorized a teller’s window to break the bill down into smaller denominations a receipt stained-glass windows to make inquiries about sth/sb for the time being to enter into sudden wealth to straighten out the matter to quit to donate to be in the habit of doing omnipotence to exaggerate the Mob to be on the trail to figure out

1. Reproduce the situations from the chapters where these lexical items are used.

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2. Comment on or paraphrase the following sentences from the chapters.

…plunged in that solitude that is supposed to be the essential condition of

philosophic speculation;

I wanted no attachments;

New York is a good city for a man who prefers to be alone. It is the easiest

city in the world to enjoy solitude;

I was not paid for solitary heroics;

Thou shalt not steal (thou shalt not do a lot of things);

This is a hotel you have to keep up appearances;

But it had been an effort not to look up at the shelf;

This country is in full decay. Nobody moves;

I wasn’t conscious of feeling any emotion, not fear, or exhilaration, or


I wanted to give the impression of being a solid citizen…modestly

prosperous (not wealthy)

I couldn’t help wondering how all the treasure lying in those locked boxes,

the greenbacks, the stocks and bonds, the jewelry, had been accumulated,

what sweat expended, what crimes enacted, through whose hands all those

stones and all that luxuriously printed paper had passed before coming to

rest in this sanctified cold steel cave;

I had no lease (was on a month-to-month arrangement);

Everything up to now had been almost mechanical, act following act…my

movements ordered and precise, as though I had been following a program


Now I had to make decisions, consider possibilities, scan the horizon for


It had to be bribery of some sort, a payoff, blackmail;

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This was when the scandals of the second Nixon administration were just

beginning to surface, when we all discovered that perfectly respectable

people, pillars of the community, had developed the habit of secretly

carrying huge sums of money around in attaché cases, and, stuffing

hundreds of thousands of dollars in office desks so it didn’t occur to me, as it

could have later, that I might have stumbled on an amateurish and

comparatively undangerous political technique;

In one moment in the tag end of a cold winter night, I had become an outlaw

who could look only to himself for safety;

Lie for the sheer pleasure of lying.

3.Answer the questions.

Why didn’t Grimes want any attachments?

What were Grimes’s routine activities like after moving to a new place?

What happened on that unforgettable (memorable) night on the 16th of


What did Grimes do in the dead man’s room?

What was in the dead man’s hand?

What conclusions did Grimes make after examining the dead man’s body?

What made Grimes take the tube with the money?

What was the reason for the man’s death?

Why did Grimes take the dead body to the room from the corridor?

Why didn’t Grimes tell anything to the police about the found tube?

Why did Grimes invite one of the policemen to drink a little (for a drink)?

Why did Grimes conceal his name while sending a telegram?

Why did Grimes steal the tube with the banknotes?

How much money was there in the tube?

What actions did Grimes do (effect) with the bills?

What plan did Grimes have on packing all the bills?

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Why was Grimes sure that one day somebody would appear to look for the


How do you account for Grimes’s extreme calmness in the bank?

Why didn’t Grimes leave his actual address in the bank?

Why did Grimes fail to give up the habit of betting on horses?

Why did Grimes decide to call the St.Augustine hotel?

Who made inquiries about the dead man?

Was Grimes ready for the dramatic (radical) changes in his life?

Was Grimes afraid of those men who followed (chased) the dead man?

What were the rules Grimes set (invent) for himself?

What mistakes did Grimes make?

What made Grimes think of travelling abroad?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following? Quote the text to prove that.

Grimes was rather a brave person;

Grimes was a man of strong will (self-possession; self-control);

Grimes was quite a religious person;

Grimes felt that life had been unfair to him;

Grimes was an industrious man;

Grimes was a careful person;

Grimes had quite a rich imagination;

Grimes was a man of sober mind;

Grimes was a curious person (fond of watching people, observing their

behavior and drawing conclusions about their characters and lives – keen on


Grimes was a risk-taking person;

Grimes was rather an intelligent person;

Grimes was a gambling man;

Grimes’s manner of speech altered significantly.

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5. Topics for developing argumentation and rhetorical speech skills. Dwell on

the following subjects.

What do people need solitude for? If we are social animals why do we

sometimes seek solitude?

We live in a very tense society. We are pulled apart…and we all need to

learn how to pull ourselves together…I think that at least part of the answer

lies in solitude. – H.Hayes

It is only when we silent the blaring sounds of our daily existence that we

can finally hear the whispers of truth that life reveals to us, as it stands

knocking on the doorsteps of our hearts. – K.T.Jong

Your character is your fate, your rewards and failures are the result of your

faults and virtures.

Are people really destined for smth?

Fate leads the willing, and drags along the reluctant. – Seneca

Failure and success seem to have been allotted to men by their stars. But

they retain the power of wriggling, of fighting with their star or against it,

and in the whole universe the only really interesting movement is this

wriggle. – E.M.Forester

Why do people sometimes behave so unexpectedly? (Where is the

explanation for our actions?)

Given half a chance, every man becomes the hero of his own detective story.

There is a certain natural inclination for adventures in all of us.

The fear of being laughed at makes cowards of us all. – M.McLaughlin

I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to

do it. – P.Picasso

To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily. To not dare is to lose oneself. –


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6. Insert the right prepositions:

Your rewards and failures were the result …………your faults and virtues.

………….. the wheel of the little Volkswagen, speeding …………….the

great highways past Washington and Richmond and Savannah, I

remembered Lord Jim.

………………. the beginning, all went well.

I was content ……………….. the long sunny afternoons at the track and the

solitary meals and the evenings spent studying the habits of trainers and


As Dr Ryan had assured me, the condition of my eyes did not interfere

………………… my ability to read.

I reached …………………. the switch and the lobby was brightly lit.

He was trying to grab……………….. the door.

That was not unusual with my working hours, coming in after guests had

checked ……………………. ……………… the night and leaving

before they came down in the morning.

Death was something you kept ……………….. of the sight of paying


That looked strange that the dead man had more than a thousand bucks

……………. cash……………… him.

He and the driver picked…………….. the stretcher and I led the way

…………………. the lobby.

I will pass the word………………….. to the day man.

Please get ……… touch ……………… me immediately…………………


There was no need…………… the family in Chicago to know my name.

There was nothing remarkable………………. a man carrying a cardboard

tube wrapped………………… brown paper …………….. broad daylight.

It was stuffed ……… top ………. bottom ……… one-hundred-dollar bills.

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At that table I could sit……………….. my back……………… the wall,

with a clear view of the entrance……………….. the restaurant.

I had no lease and was …………….. a month-to-month arrangement.

……….. the dim light of the corridor, I’d have been frightened too, if a

naked man had suddenly sprung ……… waving the thing menacingly

……….. me.

Do you wish to pay ………. cash or ………. check?

I could no longer depend ……… simple reflexes or ………. anything in my

past to guide me.

I had only the vaguest notion ……….. what was meant by the Mob and a

perhaps exaggerated respect ……… its omnipotence, its system of

intelligence, its power to seek ……….. and destroy.

I am ……….. my second year in medical school.

7. Translate into English using your Active Vocabulary.

1. Приложения к инструкции тоже требуют внимательного изучения.

2. Обвинение, предъявленное преступнику, было опровергнуто его


3. У нас есть некоторые подозрения по поводу того, что наши партнеры с

нами нечестны, но мы не можем это ясно выразить.

4. Экранизация столь захватывающего детектива оказалась весьма скучной

и прозаичной.

5. Не стоит преувеличивать важность соответствия нормам поведения,

принятым в той или иной группе людей. Оставайтесь собой!

6. Неприятно быть ограбленным на улице средь бела дня.

7. Иногда состоятельные люди даже не задумываются о том, как важно

делать пожертвования в разные благотворительные фонды.

8. Не разменяете ли мне 100 долларов мелкими купюрами? – Да,

пожалуйста, вот ваша квитанция.

9. На данные момент нет смысла наводить справки о новых сотрудниках.

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10. Всемогущество требует ответственности и меры.

11. У Мэри была раздражающая привычка всех перебивать.

12. Доктор заверил Джима, что состояние его здоровья не помешает


13. В прошлом году мы стали свидетелями очень странного


14. Не было никакого смысла разговаривать с нею о планах на будущее.

Chapters 5-6

Words and expressions to remember

to check out to board a bus to register under a name to go to extreme lengths to do sth pugnacious to serve sb right to wind up doing sth at one’s / smb’s disposal to come into a little dough to fish out an overworked look condescending despicable to know next to nothing inmate to leap at an opportunity to come to a halt ferocious exhilarating a nightcap in the prime of life to have the virtue to do unscrupulous to trace down

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an overwhelming desire a naughty world on the edge of crime deprived reluctant prudent a margin of doubt outgoing to have a knack for business to overcome objections to work fingers to the bone to despise even-tempered solicitous to keep track of exhausted MIT to put one’s finger on sth to be on to smth to bear the burden

1. Reproduce the situations from the chapters where these lexical items are


2. Comment on or paraphrase the following sentences from the chapters.

My patriotism did not run in the direction of bloodshed;

Deception I found was coming easily;

To be in the middle ranks of the Foreign Service;

I had no taste for the ordinary kind of male conquest;

A whole new world seemed to be opening up before me;

I’m playing a role that can’t be beat. The dauntless Portia striking deadly

blows at the malefactors of great wealth;

We all have to pretend we love our roles;

I am just a simple country boy;

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It’s America’s real living theatre. Standing room only at every performance.

Except that it’s a peculiar audience. The good seats are all filled by actors

(allusion to Shakespeare);

After what I had done in the St.Augustine Hotel, I could hardly refuse on

moral grounds;

Was it possible that for thirty-three years I had miscalculated absolutely

what sort of man I was?

If you wanted to figure out what your future was going to be, you had to

have a firm grasp on you past;

I had received much more that I had given and the imbalance disturbed


By high American standards I am a failure;

They worked their fingers to the bone.

3. Answer the questions.

What did Grimes travel to Washington for?

Why did Grimes think that is was suitable to celebrate Nixon’s inauguration

at Arlington?

What acquaintance did Grimes make in Washington?

Why did Grimes want to visit his brother himself?

Why did Grimes agree to take part in a poker game?

What kind of company (circle/group of people) did Grimes find himself in


What facts did you learn about Evelyn Coates?

Was Evelyn a career-oriented person?

How do you account for Grimes’s stopping stutter in the presence of


Why didn’t Grimes want Henry’s wife to know about his visit?

What kind of man was Henry?

What feelings were aroused in Grimes on meeting his brother Henry?

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What shocked Grimes about the appearance of his brother?

What troubled Henry about his health?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following? Quote the text to prove that.

Grimes was quite patriotic (to some extent);

Mr.Hale from the State department was as American as an Apple Pie;

Grimes was touched by his meeting with Hale;

Grimes was rather shy;

Grimes was generous;

Evelyn was shrewd;

Grimes was brilliant at making acquaintances;

Grimes was just a lucky country man (not spoilt by big money);

Grimes was a man of conscious (conscientious);

Grimes was a determined person;

Grimes was a cold-hearted person;

Henry really loved Grimes;

The two brothers went their different ways;

Henry was a loving caring father;

Americans are a nation of hard-working people;

Grimes was the happiest (luckiest) of all the 3 brothers;

Henry was a disappointed person (frustrated; disheartened);

Henry was confident that his enterprise would be a success.

5. Topics for developing argumentation and rhetorical speech skills. Dwell on

the following subjects:

Official patriotism versus people’s patriotism

Avoid the chambers of the mighty. Danger lurks at their doorsteps.

I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man

live so that his place will be proud of him. – A. Lincoln

He loves his country best who strives to make it best. – R.G. Ingersoll

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My kind of loyalty was loyalty to one’s country not to its institutions or its

office holders. – M. Twain.

Politics has no relation to morals. – N. Machiavelli

Rural American public and top figures from capitals (the discrepancy):

interests; way of life; the general outlook.

2 ways for young capable/talented men. A bird in the hand is worth two in

the bush.

Duty and honour (the two driving forces of an average person).

“I must do something” always solves more problems than “Something must

be done” – author unknown

A man sooner or later discovers that he is the master-gardener of his soul,

the director of his life. – J. Allen

Setting too high standards may lead people to broken dreams and hopes.

6. Insert the right prepositions.

I checked ……., paying……….. some of the money I had won on the

second race at Hialeah.

I saw there was a long line of people waiting for taxis, so I started to walk,

hoping to pick………………. a taxi …………….. the avenue.

The beautiful young woman smiled radiantly………………….. me.

She was determined to run ……………….. Congress.

Take it ………………. granted that I would get to know the right people.

If you wanted to figure………………. what your future was going to be,

you had to have a firm grasp………………….. your past.

Henry reminded me…… a small, worried animal peering fearfully of a hole.

I was ……………….the habit ………………… taking orders from him.

My brother Henry was one of the people in my life who somehow made me

feel guilty, lacking………………. feeling.

I registered ………. my own name.

By the time Vietnam came around I was set ……. the job ……… the airline.

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He had put………….. weight since I had last seen him.

The government is ………… your disposal.

I came ………… a little dough.

He couldn’t have afforded many parties like this ………. his salary.

I had merely stood around, wincing a little as the drinks began to take effect

…………. the rising curve of conversation.

Say goodbye ……….. your hosts.

I was resigned ……….. the fact that other men got the beauties.

I trust myself ………… your hands.

But suppose I had to find this hypothetical friend, how would I go …….. it?

Were they all ………… the edge of crime?

Henry had taken ………. the responsibility of the male head of the family

automatically, ……… fuss.

We’re ……. …….. our payments ………… the television set.

I keep track ……. other people’s money.

7. Translate into English using your Active Vocabulary.

1. Кен не боится риска, поскольку обладая особым деловым чутьем,

готов идти на все ради достижения цели.

2. Ральфу было трудно справиться со своей воинственной натурой.

Непреодолимое желание победить охватывало его каждый раз при

встрече с врагом.

3. Если Марк не изменит своих привычек, то окажется на грани


4. Средства данного благотворительного фонда целиком в распоряжении


5. Уставший взгляд Мэри говорил о том, что она совершенно не хотела

продолжать работу.

6. Есть предел сомнениям при ведении совместного бизнеса, но излишняя

снисходительность также опасна.

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7. Поскольку Ник практически ничего не знал по этой теме, он не

решился опровергать возражения оппонентов.

8. Несмотря на то, что Борис буквально трудился до седьмого пота

(горел на работе, работал не покладая рук), проект все равно зашел в

тупик (затормозился).

9. Иван Грозный считается одним из самых жестоких и беспощадных

правителей, который презирал своих подданных.

10.Эндрю – великодушный и внимательный муж и отец. Только его

уравновешенность и спокойствие помогают ему нести бремя забот о

своей большой семье.

11. Джулия с радостью ухватилась за возможность съездить в Париж на


Chapters 7-8

Words and expressions to remember

ambiguous subconscious merciful to put sth out of one’s mind unpredictable hard-nosed resentful to be on the verge of doing / to be on the point of doing to handle sth to bring up the subject meticulous incredulous to get the guts to do to fight down the temptation to do day in, day out to be liable to do to relish

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courteous to dig for information to undertake an errand to cut all ties hilarious to intrude an overnight bag to play with the idea of doing to give a lift to smth to sb’s relief to say the least to socialize boisterous fastidious distracted to disclose a source amiable offhand

1. Reproduce the situations from the chapters where these lexical items are


2. Comment on or paraphrase the following sentences from the chapters.

The twenty-five thousand dollars, I was going to give Hank was a small

price to pay for freeing me from the guilt about my brother;

I wasn’t used to hard women;

You represent the pure, undefiled American public here tonight. Let’s hear

the simple wisdom of the masses…

Voting is an undignified occupation for a grown man…

You don’t joke in this town, friend;

The Xerox is Washington’s secret weapon. No man is safe if there’s one in

the office;

To know from birth that the way up is through the sewer;

The Water-gate break-in;

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I was beginning to have the feeling that I would have to be at my best

physically and mentally, anytime I had anything to do with Evelyn;

She put on her armor for the day’s work;

… a man regrets in daylight the dark confidences of midnight;

Whatever happens, I thought, I am not going to look like that when I am his


But caution was becoming automatic with me;

The Swiss were tolerant toward prosperous visitors to their country;

I swore softly at the chain-belt system of manufacturing and selling in

America, where everybody makes and sells a million identical copies of


3. Answer the questions.

Why did Grimes feel jealous of Hale when he phoned him in Washington?

Why didn’t Evelyn pay any attention to Grimes during the poker game?

What subjects were discussed during the poker game?

What did Jeremy Hale think of his job?

Why did Grimes give the impression of being a man with something to


Why did Evelyn trust Grimes?

Why did Grimes decide to give his brother that big sum of money?

What hopes did Grimes put (place) on his changing place of living?

Was Grimes sorry to leave the USA?

What preparations did Grimes make for the trip?

What happened to Mr.Drusack?

What situation did Grimes find himself in at the hotel in Switzerland?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following? Quote the text to prove that.

Grimes longed for a family;

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Grimes was quite superstitious (the silver dollar in the pocket);

Evelyn was pragmatic, practical with a man-like manner of acting;

Grimes was self-respecting (sure of himself);

Grimes was a smart man;

Hale was satisfied with his job for the government;

Grimes was an honest person;

Evelyn was a worldly woman;

Evelyn thought she could trust Grimes;

Evelyn didn’t have any romantic feelings about Grimes;

Grimes produced the impression of a reliable man;

Grimes was rather attentive (sharp-sighted; alert);

Grimes was ironic with a good sense of humour;

Grimes was rather cold-blooded.

5. Topics for developing argumentation and rhetorical speech skills. Dwell on

the following subjects.

How can one feel when finding oneself in unusual surroundings (from being

a nightwork to talking and playing with important political figures)?

Sincerity is impossible and punishable when being engaged in doing big

business or politics;

When you say that you agree with a thing in principle you mean that you

have not the slightest intention of carrying it out in practice. – O.


Such people will be prosecuted by the authorities (the intrepid-truth-seeker,

the brave little old truth announcer);

How much do you have to pretend if you want to succeed in business or


I was really too honest a man to be a politician and live. – Socrates

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The press is irresponsible. It lost the war in Asia for us. It chums up the

public against the President, the vice President, it holds up all authority to

scorn, it’s making it more and more impossible to govern the country.

The magician and the politician have much in common: they both have to

draw our attention away from what they are really doing. – Ben Okri

Money was both a disease and a cure.

They who are of the opinion that money will do everything, may very well

be suspected to do everything for money. – G.Savile

It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good,

too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven’t lost the

things that money can’t buy. – G.H. Lorimer

6. Insert the right prepositions.

It was only five o’clock and I played ….. the idea of calling Evelyn Coates.

I put it …………….. ………………….. my mind.

If he hadn’t been married …………. a rich wife, I doubt that he would have

called it moderate.

I had never had as much money to back me ……………in any of the games

I had been in before.

They played ………….. ……………… hope and optimism.

When Evelyn brought……………….. the subject of the Water-gate break-in

and said it meant grave trouble ahead for the President, the columnist didn't


Something would be bound to turn ……………. Take a few


It didn’t occur………………… me that you must be hiding something.

I was connected …………………… her, even if it was only

…………………… the memory of a single night.

I helped her …………………. …………………… her coat.

Her hair smelled …………………. winter countryside.

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His face lit …………………when he saw me.

I still had more money……………. me than I ever had carried at one time in

my whole life.

The plane touched down smoothly and I had a moment of

envy…………………… the men who piloted those marvellous machines.

Washington was ……. its best …….. weekends, when the mills of

government ground to a halt.

I got …….. ……… the bath, feeling fit and rested, put ……. some fresh

clothes and went ……… and had a leisurely dinner …….. myself ……..


I met him ……… a party the other night ……. your house, Jerry.

It was a friendly game and even the losers were good-natured ……… their

bad luck.

………. a moment I was ……. the verge of saying that I would be available

next week to give them all the chance to get ……… their money.

Caution was becoming automatic ………… me.

Sober myself, I regarded my boisterous and boozy fellow-travelers …….


The Swiss, I saw, were charmingly tolerant ……… prosperous visitors

……. their country.

7. Translate into English using your Active Vocabulary.

1. Дэвид рассматривал возможность принять участие в проекте, хотя дело

казалось весьма сомнительным.

2. Ника привлекала идея отправиться в отпуск в горы, хотя подсознательно

он понимал, что ничего хорошего из этого не выйдет.

3. Наслаждайтесь тем, что имеете, и забудьте все свои беды и невзгоды,

приняв участие в нашем шоу.

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4. Эдгар обязуется (берет на себя ответственность) устроить нам

незабываемый вечер.

5. Поскольку Фрэнк отвечает за организацию данного мероприятия, его

возмущает, когда люди подводят его. От требователен и щепетилен даже в

отношении мелочей.

6. Грейс почувствовала, что была близка к тому, чтобы купить эту дорогую

вещь, но поборола свое искушение.

7. Когда был поднят вопрос о новом назначении Генри, он почувствовал, что

близок к тому, чтобы сказать правду о деятельности компании.

8. Так как Джеймс сам крайне обходителен и галантен, он всегда дотошен в

вопросах соблюдения всех норм поведения другими людьми.

9. Профессиональный репортер всегда скептически относится к фактам и

охотится за сенсационной информацией.

10. Джуди надо было иметь огромную силу воли, чтобы порвать с

предавшими ее людьми.

11. К всеобщему облегчению Фил вернулся из экспедиции целым и


12. С ним нужно вести себя очень осторожно – его реакция непредсказуема.

Chapters 9-10

Words and expressions to remember

superstitious a houndstooth jacket to recognize defeat thrifty to grasp at straws

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a consolation to be deterrent to sth to be exquisitely dressed to be worthy of to confess exhilarating to exhaust to reciprocate to pamper to contemplate to deprive menace / to menace complacent to get a crush on sb to take advantage of sth

1. Reproduce the situations from the chapters where these lexical items are


2. Comment on or paraphrase the following sentences from the chapters.

I realized I was married to a certain number of hundred-dollar bills. It wasn’t


There was a feeling of holiday that I was in no mood to share;

I grieved briefly for all prowling animals threatened with extinction;

The Swiss are neutral about Castro;

The hotel had a tantalizing, faint, indefinable aroma. Its source was money.

Quiet money;

It was easy to love the poor in that atmosphere;

She was a flighty woman, but she had a strong feeling for economics;

A Florence Nightingale gesture;

Everyone to his own brand of trouble.

Switzerland was one country where you could get any kind of medical

attention you paid for, necessary or not.

3. Answer the questions.

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What did Grimes find inside the wrong suitcase when he dared to open it?

What could be concluded about the character of the owner of the suitcase?

Why did Grimes decide to try some of the clothes on?

What impressions did the married couple on the train produce on Grimes?

What struck Grimes about the man’s appearance when they got closer


In what way were the Sloanes treated in the hotel?

What made Grimes feel confused in the hotel?

Whom did Grimes meet at the cards game?

Why did Grimes agree to accompany the Sloanes?

What kind of manners did Flora Sloane have?

What made Grimes stutter again?

How do you account for Flora’s attempts to attract Grimes’s attention?

Why did Grimes pretend he had broken his leg?

What kind of situation did Grimes find himself in when he penetrated into

the room of the Sloanes?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following? Quote the text to prove that.

Grimes was a man of deductive reasoning;

Grimes had a sense of humour;

Grimes was perfect at adjusting to changing conditions;

Mr.Sloane was quite an industrious shopaholic;

Grimes couldn’t help underestimating the importance of money;

Mr. Sloane was too self-assured;

Grimes was a determined person;

Grimes was quite a smart guy;

Mr. Sloane did love his wife.

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5. Topics for developing argumentation and rhetorical speech skills. Dwell on

the following subjects.

The Lord gives and the Lord takes away.

Appearances are deceiving.

Money was power.

A great fortune is a great slavery. – Seneca

Lack of money is the root of all evil. – G.B. Shaw

6. Insert the right prepositions.

I realized I was grasping …………………. straws.

If I could have chosen a list of people whom I could suspect………………

having stolen my suitcase.

There was a choice of reasons………………. my coolness.

I had knocked ………………. the door several times ………………. the

pretext ………………….. being invited.

That afternoon she presented me …………………. a watch.

She was dressed……………….. skintight green slacks and sweater that

made the most……………………. her perfect figure.

She was not a woman who liked to be deprived ……………. what she


I took advantage ………………….. this trip.

There was no doubt that he was linked ………… an unusual passion

…………. his wife.

I knew I was a superstitious man and I should have paid more honour ……..


It was ……….. keeping ………… the houndstooth jacket.

The atmosphere ………… the new train was considerably different

………… the one ……….. the express from Zurich.

There was a feeling ……… holiday that I was ……….. no mood to share.

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She rewarded me ………….. a smile.

Weren’t you …………. the plane Wednesday night?

I certainly couldn’t afford it, but I was not going to let my new friends

……… ……….. my sight ……….. any cost.

When we got to St Moritz, I insisted ………… waiting ………. them until

their luggage came ……….. ……….. the baggage car.

…………… other conditions it would have been exhilarating.

I felt a cold coming ………….. I could think ………. nothing ……….. to

hang ………… and watch.

Flora asked ……….. champagne, and this time it was fairly and truly

……….. my bill.

My efforts …………… detective work had been pathetically useless.

It interferes …………. the healing process.

7. Translate into English using your Active Vocabulary.

1. Быть суеверным значит бояться любой угрозы.

2. Джек очень экономен и бережлив с деньгами, поэтому он сколотил

хорошенькое состояние.

3. Утопающий хватается за соломинку. Не лишай его последнего шанса.

4. Когда люди несчастны и одиноки, они часто находят утешение в

созерцании природы.

5. Слишком строгие меры воспитания могут стать препятствием на пути

развития ребенка.

6.Анна не считала себя достойной нового назначения.

7. Мэри призналась, что ребенок был такой избалованный, потому что она

ему во всем потакала.

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8. Лоуренс чувствовал невероятное возбуждение (чувства опьяняли его),

когда он узнал, что зачислен в университет.

9. Чтобы поддерживать отличную физическую форму, Молли буквально

изнуряла себя физическими упражнениями.

10. Любовь Майкла к Нэнси казалась безнадежной, без возможности

вызвать ответное чувство.

11. Он влюбился в Памелу еще в старших классах школы.

12. Зал был полон изысканно одетых мужчин и женщин.

Chapters 11-12

Words and expressions to remember

to explore to yearn for to surrender to x-ray sth / to have sth x-rayed significant a reasonably priced hotel to take a liking to sb/sth a tuxedo to squander money harrowing to restrain oneself from doing to long to do sth peevish the forwarding address to be oblivious of sth to be dread to think to take the liberty of doing vague to go to extremes to come to terms with sb/sth

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to make investments not to have the heart to do sth to reap the full benefits to ride one’s luck to abuse sb’s patience in the long run to drive at sth to be liable to the American income tax to take one’s eyes off sb/sth to be in a position to do sth prudish to make on a shoestring / to live on a shoestring lucrative to treat sb to sth

1. Reproduce the situations from the chapters where these lexical items

are used.

2. Comment on or paraphrase the following sentences from the chapters:

I heard him say “Americanish” to the cashier, as though that explained all


He and the other doctor exchanged significant looks. Obviously they would

never choose St Moritz for medical attention;

The Last Supper (the artist; allusions);

I had felt safe, although uncomfortable, in Switzerland, but here I couldn’t

help remembering what I had read about the Italian connections to organized

crime in America;

She strode over to the reception desk with the air of a woman who had been

used to five-star hotels all her life;

She plainly had no girlish prejudices against talking to strangers in bars;

We were in the hush of the rich;

The future was far from certain, but there were gleams of hope;

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If ever there was a lady made for an American’s dream of a wicked weekend

in Paris, it was Lily Abbott;

It’s a hand-to-mouth existence;

I was not pleased with what the future might have in store for me;

It was a situation for a basso and I was singing tenor. High tenor;

He slipped in and out of being British;

I envy you your initiation;

3. Answer the questions.

What was the reason for Grimes’s leaving for Davos?

What kind of hotel did Grimes choose in Davos and why?

What did Grimes find in the pocket of the houndstooth jacket?

What conclusions did Grimes make about the appearance of the author of

the letter?

Why did Grimes leave for Florence?

What European cities did Grimes visit in search of his missing suitcase?

Why wasn’t Grimes impressed by Florence art at that moment? What

distracted him?

What kind of lady entered the hotel hall?

Who that mysterious man turned out to be (from Lady Abbott’s letter)?

How did Grimes guess that the suitcase belonged to Fabian?

Why did Grimes refuse the porter’s help and decide to give the suitcase to

Fabian himself?

Why didn’t Fabian admit that the suitcase was his one?

Why did Grimes hit Fabian with the lamp?

Why did Fabian decide to tell his life story?

What was Fabian’s origin?

What kind of family did Fabian come from (was he born to)?

Did Fabian fight on World War II fronts?

How did Fabian take up British citizenship?

What brought Fabian to gambling?

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Why did Fabian decide to involve Grimes into his fraudulent (dishonest)


What was Fabian’s offer to Grimes?

What kind of investment did Fabian make with Grimes’s money?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following? Quote the text to prove that.

Grimes was quite well-educated;

The woman entering the hotel hall had an air of something that was eye-

popping and jaw-dropping about her;

Lady Abbott was the least curious of women;

Fabian and Lady Abbott really loved each other;

Grimes felt jealous of Fabian;

Fabian was an adventure-lover and risky man;

Fabian was self-possessed (could keep temper; keep a grip on himself);

Grimes regretted having hit Fabian;

Fabian was born to a wealthy family and enjoyed a luxurious lifestyle;

Fabian was an intelligent and smart guy;

Grimes had no experience in handling large sums of money;

Fabian was experienced (competent; well-informed; hot shot Charlie);

Fabian was quite sociable;

Fabian was a man of various interests

5. Topics for developing argumentation and rhetorical speech skills. Dwell on

the following subjects.

What stereotypes and eccentricities do you know about other nations?

Preconceived notions are the locks on the door to wisdom. – M. Browne

Judgments prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances. –

W.W. Dyer

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In front of the statue of David Grimes was “musing on the nature of heroism

and the defeat of villainy”. Florence, with its history of plots and vendettas,

its Guelphs and Chibellines, was a fitting city in which to meet his enemy;

Killing for money (reasons);

It is rasping to the soul to be committed to the company of the rich without

being rich yourself;

People in risky business (sacrificing everything);

How to adapt the simple soul person to the social environment. The

guidance and coaching necessary for it and provided by an experienced

master. Grimes came into money, but he would have wasted it and ended up

turning into a bore. Fabian taught him how to make the most of your fortune

and make money work, but not lie idle.

6. Insert the right prepositions.

Davos is a ski resort that I had no intention ……………….exploring.

I yearned………………… the comfort of soft Southern weather.

I was doomed………………… the winter to cold country.

Milan was covered ………………….fog.

I reached …………… the phone and asked……………… Lady Abbott.

They were two lovers in the city of lovers………… their way to an exquisite

lunch, oblivious ………… the rest of the world, oblivious ………… me.

I reached …………… my pocket and took …………… Lily Abbott’s letter.

He didn’t move, but looked ……… ………… me…………. terror.

I was …………………. the point………………… murder.

It is dangerous to be committed ………………… the company of the rich

……………………. being rich yourself.

I take it ………………. granted that you have not declared the seventy

thousand dollars that is the subject ………………. our discussion.

You, as an American, are not legally permitted to trade ……………. gold.

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I arrived ……. the Hotel Excelsior ……. Florence …….. the evening …….

the thirteenth ……… February.

……….. an excellent dinner I wandered ………. the streets of Florence

musing ……….. the nature of heroism and the defeat of villainy.

………. ……… a sense of duty ……… my role as a tourist, I wandered

through the Uffizi Gallery.

…two of the three American children broke ……… a loud argument ………

whose turn it was to go up to their room and take the first bath.

She was the sort of woman who is served immediately …….. all occasions.

I had no plan ………… getting ……… Fabian’s room and confronting him

………. his valise.

I took …… my paper knife and knelt ……. him, waiting for him to come


Suddenly the reaction set ………...

I was not pleased …….. what the future might have ………. store ……. me.

People don’t usually pack a case like that …….. their luggage, but usually

carry it ……….. hand.

7. Translate into English using your Active Vocabulary:

1. С самого утра Пэм мечтала о чашке ароматного кофе, и была удивлена,

когда Ник угостил ее в обед.

2. Проект только кажется сложным, не стоит сдаваться, пока не взяты на

вооружение все преимущества новых технологий.

3. Дети очень привязались к щенку, но не смогли договориться с мамой,

чтобы оставить его дома.

4. Стив позволял себе тратить деньги, как хочется, это привело к тому,

что он промотал их все.

5. Том отвел взгляд от шокирующей сцены в фильме ужасов.

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6. Перспективы успеха проекта были весьма туманны и неопределенны,

поэтому Боб воздержался от вкладывания денег в него.

7. Спортсмен так стремился выиграть Олимпиаду, что пошел на крайние

меры и принял допинг.

8. Сварливые и ворчливые люди часто злоупотребляют терпением


9. Игрок забыл об опасностях и мерах предосторожности, положившись

только на счастье и ожидая удач.

10. Дик не решался ничего предпринимать, страшась непредвиденных


11. Стив вырос в небогатой семье, где денег всегда не хватало.

12. Фабиан считал, что торговля золотом – очень прибыльное дело.

13. В конечном итоге, инвестиции в этот участок земли окупятся и будут

приносить им стабильный доход.

Chapters 13-14

Words and expressions to remember

a smell of shabby building in a nutshell to head for workout(s) appropriate to be hunched a string of thoroughbreds to replace sth with sth to persist in doing sth touchy to live up to sth (reputation)

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to be denied the pleasure of for the sake of sth / for sb’s sake to cover an investment objection to sth /to object to sth to be exposed to sth to feel like doing sth at random to endanger to be inclined to to have sth to do with to outwit prominent a campaign contribution to resent to dilute the pleasure admirable flashy to take delight in sth

1. Reproduce the situations from the chapters where these lexical items are


2. Comment on or paraphrase the following sentences from the chapters.

I couldn’t go along with Fabian’s manic optimism, but I felt the power of his


Finally the money I had stolen had achieved a concrete good;

I was beginning to develop a taste for Moet & Chandon;

As a guiding principle, sentiment was more profitable than survival at a


You are not yet sufficiently rich to love horses enough to hold onto them.

The same I may say goes for ladies;

When in Rome. Caviar and circuses. (what kind of allusion is meant; a

reference to what proverb)

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I had discovered one of the deepest pleasures of wealth – addition. The

numbers on the page gave me a greater satisfaction than I could hope to get

from buying anything with the money the numbers represented;

Don’t underestimate the joys of the spirit. Man does not live by caviar alone;

You have to know what you think of the world in general before you can

hope to have a clear notion about money;

That’s one of the nicest things about wealth. It leads to generosity.

To really appreciate art you need to have some background knowledge.

3. Answer the questions.

What kind of company (group of people) gathered to see the film?

What feelings did Grimes experience while watching the film?

What is Paris famous for?

What argument took place after watching the film?

Why did Grimes think he would have to “rethink” his wardrobe?

What brought the whole company to Nice?

Why did Grimes change his attitude to Fabian?

Why did Grimes avoid those film-shooters?

What worried Fabian about their company of three and why?

Why did Grimes consider Pat and Evelyn to be unsuitable companions for

their travelling? (the clash of interests and habits)

Do you think Fabian would also give his unhealthy brother 25.000 dollars?

Why did Grimes speculate on the problem of whether love of money was a

vice or not?

Why didn’t Grimes want to return the stolen money to the owner?

Why wasn’t Grimes impressed after visiting a museum in Nice?

What was Grimes’s conception of money? And what was that of Fabian?


How do you account for Fabian’s outlook of the world?

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4. Do you agree or disagree with the following? Quote the text to prove that.

Grimes was a shy and decent person (rather timid);

Fabian was a real connoisseur of art;

Fabian didn’t care much about his clothes;

Fabian was really interested in and enthusiastic about everything he took up;

Fabian was sensitive to beauty;

Lily had an aristocratic disregard for the machinery behind events. She was

the sort of woman you could never imagine in a kitchen or an office;

Fabian was accustomed to leading a high style of living;

Fabian was cold-blooded;

Fabian had an abiding fondness for money;

Grimes couldn’t fully trust Fabian;

Fabian was suspicious and careful;

Fabian was well-read and educated;

Fabian wasn’t as lazy as he showed himself;

Grimes really lacked direction in his life;

Fabian was a good psychologist;

Grimes wasn’t really ready to accept the consequences of his actions;

Fabian was sick and tired of deceiving people;

Fabian was practical;

The difference in doing business between them (Fabian prefers a candid

manly handshake while Grimes cold legal language)

5. Topics for developing argumentation and rhetorical speech skills. Dwell on

the following subjects.

Why do art and politics often become subjects for arguing among people?

The role of art in our life/ types of art/ prove that literature is also art;

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Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into

his pictures. – H.W. Beecher

Art is the only way to run away without leaving home. – Author unknown.

Must there be any limits set to the subjects depicted in canvases or on

screens? To which extent are moral issues relevant in art (for an artist);

The social responsibility of artists (CSR – corporate social responsibility) in

its application to art;

Why are we sometimes charmed by people that seemed real villains at first?

Men’s friendship is based on common activities and lucky business matters.

What else can bring people together?

A single rose can be my garden…a single friend, my world. – L. Buscaglia

A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down. –

A. Glasow

Is there any connection? The richer you are, the more unemotional (cold-

hearted) you become;

Too much money is as demoralizing as too little, and there is no such thing

as exactly enough. – M.McLaughlin

Art has to be learned;

Money brings freedom. The more you can afford the wider is your horizon;

To get the most pleasure out of money, it is best not to have to think about it

most of the time;

Modesty and money don’t go well together;

Hesitation is the mother of being unlucky.

6. Insert the right prepositions.

The room smelled ……………….. twenty years of cigarettes and sweat.

Yesterday I treated myself ………………..a visit to the Jeu de Paume.

Do you disapprove …………………. all that?

He lived …… ……… his reputation for picking appropriate races.

He helped himself ………………. more caviar.

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Nothing will commit me……………….. this business.

There are people who wear themselves……………………

…………………….. heart attacks before the age of sixty.

She seemed to take delight ……… baiting the man, ………. her offhand,

ladylike manner.

You’re a hard man to do business …………, Philippe.

I think it is time we thought …………. Italy.

As an afterthought he mentioned ………… me that the price of gold had

gone ……….. five points that day.

He had had three or four business conferences too many ………….. odd

hours with Nadine Bonheur.

Do you have any objection ………….. Jaguars?

She had an aristocratic disregard …………. the machinery ………. events.

I would like to bring ……….. a delicate subject.

If there is a lady you have …….. mind ……… a fit traveling companion,

Douglas, why don’t you get ………. touch ……….. her?

I was once again exposed …………. old emotions, old loyalties.

He has an abiding fondness ………… money. Be careful ……… him.

The people I had to associate …………… depressed me.

7. Translate into English using your Active Vocabulary.

1. Короче говоря, инвестируя в этот проект, фирма подвергается

опасности банкротства.

2. В тот день Вильям совсем не испытывал желания изнурять себя на


3. На рабочих местах регулярно проводятся выборочные проверки с целью

выяснить, надлежащим ли образом исполняют сотрудники свои


4. Неправильная поза за столом может подвергнуть спину вашего

ребенка опасности стать сгорбленной.

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5. Хотя Вивьен была склонна к занятиям гуманитарными науками, мать

упорствовала в своем желании отправить ее в университет изучать


6. Поскольку Виктория очень обидчива, не заставляй ее признавать, что

она причастна к этому неудачному проекту.

7. Виктор оправдал всеобщие ожидания и перехитрил всех своих врагов.

8. Ванесса не смогла отказать себе в удовольствии послушать концерт

выдающегося пианиста, хотя цена на билет была очень высокой.

9. Тони негодовал и возмущался по поводу неподобающего поведения

сына в школе, но ругал его во имя его же блага.

10. Сьюзан не возражала, чтобы ее сын Род встречался с Софи, она

находила ее очаровательной и восхитительной.

Chapters 15-16

Words and expressions to remember

to be bound together to impose taxes irresistible to withdraw money without sb’s consent the full assets commodity market fluctuations to make / lose a fortune an elaborate dinner to bring oneself to do at sb’s request precarious peculiar to appeal to sb prejudices against sb/sth to smuggle

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discretion s corduroy suit a superficial inspection timidity to coincide a deprivation a blind chance indulgent vulnerable to relieve of the burden to be engaged in to weigh the pros and cons legitimate

1. Reproduce the situations from the chapters where these lexical items are


2. Comment on or paraphrase the following sentences from the chapters.

For the first time I had an inkling of the fact that the prisons of the world

might be filled with men who had read Plato and appreciated music,

literature, modern painting, fine wines, and thoroughbred horses;

Whatever Miles Fabian may have lacked, he had aplomb;

For a man who had lived a precarious existence for most of his life, he had

lordly habits;

The German Economic Miracle;

Too many Americans are still fighting World War II;

My credentials as an art expert had been confirmed;

Pleasure delayed is pleasure increased;

The days in the heavy atmosphere of Zurich and the dealings with lawyers

and bankers had made me long for clear mountain air and violent exercise;

What we don’t know can’t hurt us;

I calculate and I intend to teach you to calculate too;

You and I are no longer permitted the luxury of morality;

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Sometimes frankness is not the virtue it’s cracked up to be.

3. Answer the questions.

What kind of agreement was signed between Fabian and Grimes?

Did Grimes have any kind of doubts after concluding the agreement? Why?

Why did Grimes leave decisions up to Fabian? (as far as their investment

operations were concerned)

Do you think Grimes envied the way Fabian was acting in business?

In what way did Grimes start to feel after eating all those delicious meals?

Why didn’t Grimes dare to court or date Eunice?

How did Grimes feel about the fact that he had to be present at all business

meetings Fabian arranged?

What surprised Grimes about Fabian’s habits and behavior?

How do you account for Fabian’s tastes in art?

How did Grimes feel when Fabian took him to museums and galleries and

tried to educate him? Why?

What kind of deal did Fabian find in Lugano?

What impression did Herr Steubel produce on Grimes?

What made Fabian so angry after visiting Herr Steubel?

Why did Grimes and Fabian argue a lot after visiting Herr Steubel? What

happened to Herr Steubel?

Why did Grimes think that the police should arrest him and Fabian?

Why did Fabian want Grimes to marry somebody?

Why did Fabian call English countryside hospitable to eccentrics?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following? Quote the text to prove that.

Fabian didn’t like to allow money to lie idle. How does it characterize him?

Grimes was rather naïve, not adventurous (enterprising) by nature;

Fabian was a cold-blooded businessman (imposter; swindler);

Fabian wasn’t scrupulous about money, he was (spender; unthrift);

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Fabian was a kind of modern hero;

Grimes was a shrewd man;

Grimes wasn’t a criminal by nature;

Grimes had an excellent intuition;

There was something fatherly in the way Fabian treated Grimes;

Fabian was rather cynical;

Grimes was worried;

There was something like a spy activity in their business.

5. Topics for developing argumentation and rhetorical speech skills. Dwell on

the following subjects.

Admiration for art doesn’t stand idle people of inert minds;

Even if you are adventurous and risk-liking that doesn’t mean you are a born


Success is the child of audacity. – B. Disraeli

Somebody recently figured out that we have 35 million laws to enforce the

ten commandments. – E. Wilson

To marry either for money or of convenience – should you be driven by

heart or mind in marriage matters;

Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate,

but through being the right mate. – B.R. Brickner

Don’t marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the

individual you think you can’t live without. – J.C. Dobson

Where are the limits for morality?

Travelling is only amusing when you have a home to return to;

The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. – St.


6. Insert the right prepositions.

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I understood, or pretended to understand, our convoluted operations, but

when asked ……………… an opinion could only leave decisions …………

…………… him.

I could understand why the climate of the Ticino might

appeal………………… a northern race.

Our business done in Lugano, we set …………………. the next morning in

the new dark blue Jaguar ………………….. Gstaad.

I have proved ……………….. you that I am ………………… some use

………………… the field ………………… investments.

I think you can indulge yourself ………………….. one or two drinks.

We are now bound together ………….. the chains of law.

We each deposited five thousand dollars ………… our own names ………..

an ordinary checking account in the Union Bank of Switzerland.

……………… other circumstances I would undoubtedly have been attracted

………… the girl.

Don’t worry – if it amounts …………. anything, you’ll be …………

……………… every detail.

You have no prejudices ………………….. Germans, I trust?

South American countries are noted …………. their discretion ………….

their handling ………….. the importation of art treasures.

If we’d gone …………... …………… the deal, I guarantee you he would

have come …………. …………… our money.

One thing I can’t stand in a man, Douglas, and I must tell you ………..your

face, is timidity.

If they ever can pin anything ……… me, it will only be evasion ………..

income tax.

I tell you that I’ve grown fond ………… you, that I have your best interests

…….. heart, especially when they coincide ……………… my best interests.

All I’m suggesting is that you shouldn’t leave it ………….. blind chance.

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……………….. any moment some extremely unpleasant chap may present

you ……………… a bill ………………. one hundred thousand dollars.

7. Translate into English using your Active Vocabulary

1. Нелегальный ввоз товаров процветает из-за того, что взимаются

высокие налоги.

2. Партнеры предложили очень привлекательную схему инвестиций.

Наши требования совпали.

3. Это было случайное совпадение, что Пенни как раз сняла достаточную

сумму денег, чтобы купить эту дорогую брошь. Она не могла больше

сопротивляться искушению.

4. Во время кризиса рынок очень уязвим и подвергается колебаниям.

5. Прежде чем устраивать изысканный обед из многих блюд, взвесь все за

и против.

6. Очень трудно заставить себя победить собственные предрассудки и

стереотипы в отношении людей других национальностей.

7. Адвокат взялся заниматься этим делом по просьбе родственников


8. Филипп проявил себя как крайне нерешительный менеджер во время

нестабильной и сомнительной ситуации в компании.

9. Эта работа требует осторожности и благоразумия, а Сэм отличается

слишком оригинальными приемами, он с ней не справится.

10. Достаточно нетребовательные и невзыскательные начальники всегда

импонируют внештатным сотрудникам (свободным художникам,


11. Один визит в казино может означать потерю целого состояния.

12. Уже в ходе поверхностного осмотра стало понятно, что эта картина –


Chapters 17-18

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Words and expressions to remember

to face a problem arrogant to be doomed to do to speculate on sth perilous enterprises in the height of fashion to have not a care in the world to relish the idea of doing a circulation to pursue education natural habitat to speak one’s mind on sth smashing (lunch) to make an appointment to catch on overpopulation to get involved a loan real estate An obstacle to contribute to sth / to make a contribution to sth to owe sb sth / sth to sb to nibble at sb’s reputation immaculate to make a show of oneself It would serve you right

1. Reproduce the situations from the chapters where these lexical items are


2. Comment on or paraphrase the following sentences from the chapters.

Fabian moved from place to place in waves of welcome;

I felt the wrong age, in the wrong place;

I doubted that I could ever get rid of Scranton;

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They skied with a devoted British recklessness;

She looked at me challengingly, as though daring me to comment on this;

Education. Hah! How to grow up useless in three languages. And expensive;

Didi Wales’s remark about my natural habitat had had its effect;

I owe something to my reputation as a gentleman;

I felt the power of Miles Fabian’s arguments in favour of wealth;

I hesitated to talk fearing that I somehow would betray my outsiderness;

One must learn the rules of the game.

3. Answer the questions.

Why didn’t Grimes want to see St. Moritz again?

Who did Grimes come across in Gstaad (in the bar)?

What happened to the Wales family?

What kind of doubts did Grimes have about his marrying Eunice? Were they


What made Grimes so worried while skiing?

What brought Didi Wales to Gstaad?

How do you account for Didi Wales’s dream of becoming an archaeologist?

What shocked Didi Wales about Grimes being surrounded by Fabian and

the ladies?

What kind of philosophy did Fabian have?

What attracted Fabian in real estate business?

Who unexpectedly appeared in Gstaad one evening?

Describe the usual routine of ski resorts as they are depicted in the book;

What subjects were brought up for discussing in the course of the party?

Why did Grimes feel ill at ease at the party?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following? Quote the text to prove that.

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Grimes was nostalgic about his home country;

Grimes was amazed to meet somebody from the USA in Gstaad;

Didi Wales was on good terms with her friends;

Grimes had a rich imagination;

Didi Wales had had a crush on Grimes since her childhood;

So many business deals made Grimes dizzy;

Such parties were not Grimes’s cup of tea;

Grimes was a decent man of principle.

5. Topics for developing argumentation and rhetorical speech skills. Dwell on

the following subjects.

Live your own life – you can bring a horse to the water, but you can’t make

it drink;

Speak about ‘small talk’ as a peculiar characteristic of polite well-bred

people (any tips);

Luck and risk – their contribution to people’s wealth;

Name the greatest of all inventors. Accident. – M. Twain

Luck never gives; it only lends. – Swedish Proverb

Those who have succeeded at anything and don’t mention luck are kidding

themselves. – L. King

Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. –R.W.


If you don’t take risks, you’ll have a wasted soul. – D. Barrymore

To win you have to risk loss. – J.-C. Killy

6. Insert the right prepositions.

Fabian had not brought ………………… the subject of Eunice again on the

trip from Bern, and I was grateful………….. him ……………… it.

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The economy of the planet is suffering …………………. overpopulation,

fright, wars, a bad conscience, and an overabundance of available cash.

I refrained………………… telling her that when she reached my age she

would find everybody didn’t get what they wanted.

……… this weather and ……….. this time of day, the town looked magical.

My mother is recovering …………her heartbreak in Palm Beach. And I'm

stashed ………… here.

You never showed ………., like the rest of the boys.

I doubted that I could ever get rid ……… Scranton and pretend to be

anything but what I was - a man trained as a kind of superior technician,

dependent …….. a payroll.

Fabian could educate me ………. a degree, but there were limits.

It's a tribute ………. our beauty.

The chair mounted silently and we got a view ………. the whole town

spread ………. ……… the sunlight.

I saw them ……. . the stores the day they came, buying ……… everything

………… sight.

I think you're being a little harsh ……… them.

………. the end of the afternoon we had made an offer ……. a six-month

option ………. a hilly stretch of ground ………. the road, about five miles

……….. Gstaad.

Fabian merely looked quietly pleased ……….. the day's work.

Bill Sloane had not contributed ………. my finest hours in Europe.

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Assembled for celebration, the guests were a joyous company of equal

friends, secure ………… disaster, ……….. petty care.

The subject of politics came ……….. with the dessert.

7. Translate into English using your Active Vocabulary

1. Никто не решался затронуть его репутацию, хотя все признавали его

крайнюю самонадеянность.

2. Все художественные произведения Ван Гога обречены на успех.

3. Норман был занят размышлениями о своем будущем.

4. Странно, что с такой безупречной репутацией Нед решился участвовать в

таком опасном и рискованном предприятии и вложил деньги.

5. Морис понял, что попал в дурацкое положение, но ему все было нипочем,

благодаря его оптимизму.

6. Родители Мартина стремились дать ему самое лучшее образование, он

понимал, что он всем обязан им.

7. Лили очень хотела откровенно высказаться по поводу этого дела, но

сдержалась, не желая обижать ничьих чувств.

8. Английский автомобиль Мини очень быстро вошел в моду.

9. Джон больше не хотел быть вовлеченным в дела Лена. Он полагал, что и

так уже сделал достаточный вклад в этот проект.

10. Лизе не удалось получить банковскую ссуду, но ей никто не объяснил,

что же было препятствием.

11. По ее слегка высокомерной манере поведения сразу было понятно, что

она принадлежит высшему обществу.

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12. Перенаселение – одна из самых актуальных проблем, с которыми

человечество сталкивается в наши дни.

13. К этому доктору очень трудно записаться на прием – всегда большая


Chapters 19-20

Words and expressions to remember

a breakfast tray an intrusion a warrant incredulous embarrassing questions to frown to break the news Johnny-on-the-spot a touch of reproach to count on on a small scale to hurt feelings to be a credit to to infuriate hand-me-downs inevitable hostile trap / to trap sb the premises an IOU contented to eliminate

1. Reproduce the situations from the chapters where these lexical items are


2. Comment on or paraphrase the following sentences from the chapters.

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The water was getting deep;

He was the sort of man who could destroy relations between friendly nations

in the space of a half-hour;

Partially against my will he had established himself in my imagination as a

looming father-figure, capriciously powerful, solver of problems and

mysteries, mover of men and laws;

Being in wine is like having a license to steal;

I don’t like to worry you about projects until they ripen;

We’ll have to try to uproot the old Puritan in you…

As the plane disappeared westward I felt deserted, left behind, the only one

not invited to the party.

3. Answer the questions.

Why did Eunice decide to leave Gstaad?

What happened in the morning?

What was all that fuss at the hotel about?

How can you describe Grimes’s feelings when he was being questioned by

the police?

What factors made Grimes and Fabian’s relationships so complicated?

What happened to Sloane?

Do you think Grimes was struck (shocked) by Fabian’s act when he took out

the IOU from dead Sloane’s pocket?

Why did Fabian decide to accompany Sloane’s dead body to the USA?

What kind of business did Fabian decide to do?

Why did Grimes ask Fabian to call his brother?

What amazed Grimes about Fabian?

Why did Grimes feel so hopeless after Fabian had left?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following? Quote the text to prove that.

Grimes was a sympathetic person;

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Grimes was not in the least worried about the visit of the policeman;

Grimes was full of irony;

Grimes looked forward to his trip to Italy;

Fabian believed that Grimes might have taken the necklace;

Fabian was sometimes intrusive;

Fabian was cynical;

Grimes felt lonely with Fabian and Lily gone.

5. Topics for developing argumentation and rhetorical speech skills. Dwell on

the following subjects.

Business partnership – what factors should be born in mind?

A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business. – H. Ford

Competition brings out the best in products and the worst in men. – Author


In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience.

Take the experience first; the cash will come later. – H. Geneen

Friendship is like money, easier made than kept. – S. Butler

Sometimes it is the person closest to us who must travel the furthest distance

to be our friend. – R. Brault

Soul-mates are people who bring out the best in you. They are not perfect

but are always perfect for you. – Author Unknown

6. Insert the right prepositions.

I was shaving. Looking …………. distaste at my eyes ……….. the mirror.

He dug ………… his pocket and dug ……… a piece of the hotel stationery.

I concentrated ………………. my crossword puzzle.

He picked………… the phone and asked ……………… the hairdresser’s.

'Now, see here,' I appealed ……… the assistant manager.

After that, he went swiftly …………. all my belongings.

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Swiss prisons are ………….. a good reputation.

'I say, Douglas, I'm concerned ………… you. You do look glum.'

That's what I call showing a decent respect ……….. the dead.

……….. usual, there were newspapers everywhere, opened ………. the

financial pages.

I don't think we can count ……. everybody we do business ………..

dropping dead ………. payday.

We played ………. the idea last summer ………. contracting to buy the crop

…………. his neighbours, having a pretty label drawn ………., and bottling

it under his name and selling it in the States directly ……….. restaurant


In fact, they've been ……….. me to come in with them as vice-president

…………. charge ……….. public relations.

I can vouch ……….. the fact that she's a marvelous girl.

I had thought that I would be relieved …. seeing them finally…. their way.

7. Translate into English using your Active Vocabulary.

1. Если вы не прекратите досаждать мне глупыми вопросами, я буду считать

это посягательством на мою частную жизнь.

2. Эбби была скептически настроена в отношении возможности для ее мужа

сделать карьеру в этой фирме.

3. Александру бесило, когда ей задавали нескромные вопросы.

4. В выражении лица Альфреда было что-то враждебное. Может быть

потому, что он все время хмурился.

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5. Эндрю был как раз тем человеком, который должен был сообщить

неприятную новость. Он понимал, что это неизбежно.

6. Анджела появилась как раз в нужный момент.

7. Бернард лишь немного укорял себя за то, что ввел в заблуждение


8. Билл – гордость нашего университета. Главное – на него всегда можно


9. Альтернативные источники энергии развиваются, но в небольшом объеме.

10. Необходимость носить дешевую (и даже поношенную одежду) задевала

самолюбие Дэйзи.

11. Граймс знал, что полиция не имеет права обыскивать его номер без


Chapters 21-22

Words and expressions to remember

on the list to savour a moment not to give a thought to sth insane to reconcile to be dwarfed as a matter of fact to be briefed on sth weather-worn dilapidated contemporary enigmatic to reveal to affect

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to haggle vivacious magnificent to dote to speak highly of sb/sth red tape to be on the alert to come into money discreet (man) a complication tTo be different kettle of fish from sb to be blind to the fact sophisticated to be committed to a deposit rectitude

1. Reproduce the situations from the chapters where these lexical items are


2. Comment on or paraphrase the following sentences from the chapters:

I had four days to enjoy Rome or despair in it;

I had been alone for almost a week, walled off from all but the most

primitive communication by the barrier of language;

The contented unsociability of my nights at the St Augustine had vanished;

By now I had acquired a small addiction to museums;

1973 – do you think they well get that second-story man out of the White


I was paying two hundred and fifty dollars for each of the five suits. They

would never give me as much pleasure as either of the paintings.

As American as an Apple Pie;

My theory is that you must leave home to know what home is like;

You’ve made my day;

Like marriages partnerships are made in heaven;

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Lawyers hardly starve in America;

Angelo Quinn’s paintings back in the hotel room were having their effect on


I couldn’t spend my life seeking Miles Fabian’s approval;

Some people are born to be aliens, luxuriate in being aliens.

3. Answer the questions.

What for did Grimes travel to Rome?

How did Grimes feel when he reached Rome? Why?

Why did Grimes start to be interested in art?

What instructions and tips was Grimes given in Rome by Evelyn’s friend?

What attracted Grimes in one of the shop-windows in Rome? Why?

Describe Grimes’s feelings after visiting a gallery in Rome where he saw

some pictures of American cities;

How did Quadrocelli characterize Fabian?

Who suddenly turned up at Quadrocelli’s?

What changed about Evelyn (manner of speaking and behavior)?

Why didn’t Grimes tell Evelyn at once about the fact of his buying a picture

by Angelo Quinn?

Why did Grimes decide to present Evelyn with Angelo Quinn’s pictures?

What was the purpose of Evelyn’s visit to Rome? What changes took place

in her life?

Why didn’t Grimes want to tell Evelyn the whole truth about himself?

Why didn’t Evelyn trust people?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following? Quote the text to prove that.

Grimes didn’t enjoy a single minute of his trip to Rome;

Grimes felt awkward and confused in the presence of Evelyn;

During his time in Italy Grimes learned a lot about himself;

Evelyn was an honest and straightforward woman;

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Grimes started to develop expensive habits;

Grimes valued Evelyn’s opinion;

Grimes wasn’t nostalgic.

5. Topics for developing argumentation and rhetorical speech skills. Dwell on

the following subjects.

People’s addiction to art. How does it develop? How is it bred?

Fundamental differences in two civilizations. How can we bridge the gap

between two mentalities – are they destined to never be reconciled? Mental

differences trigger all wars. We call to each other from opposite sides of an


The reasons for people being nostalgic;

The world is full of people whose notion of a satisfactory future is, in fact, a

return to the idealized past. – R. Davies

Should young people leave parents or stay with them?

6. Insert the right prepositions.

………………the trip down from Geneva to Rome, I dutifully visited most

of the churches …………………. the list that Fabian had given me.

All the pictures were painted ………………. memory. He

painted………….. …………………. loneliness.

Are you going to present me …………… the most perfect gift possible?

I was still committed ………………… what I had said to her.

You will end ……………… …………a bullet in your head.

Driving, especially ………. his speed, seemed to require all his attention, so

there was no conversation.

Evelyn told me you'd turn ………….. eventually.

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Will you take a check …………. a Swiss bank? - Certainly. Make it

…………… to Pietro Bonelli.

When Miles called me ………….. the telephone from Gstaad, he spoke

very highly ………… you.

And you hit it ……….. together just like that?

You have no idea ………………. how difficult they make it just to keep the

head ………….. water.

He made an impatient gesture, as though he was annoyed ………… himself

………….. this show of pessimism.

I no longer had the feeling that she was ………… a desperate search

……………. something she would never find.

Without reflecting ………….. it, I kept …………. the pretense that I was

still committed …………. what I had said to her.

7. Translate into English using your Active Vocabulary

1. Эмили души не чаяла в своем ребенке и наслаждалась каждым

моментом, проведенным со своим жизнерадостным сыном.

2. Грег всегда был осмотрительным человеком. Странно, что он даже не

задумался, насколько опасным может быть это путешествие.

3. В новом офисе Фрэнк чувствовал себя приниженным в окружении важных

людей. Другим затруднением было адаптироваться к новым условиям


4. Собственно говоря, этот обшарпанный дом когда-то был великолепным и

роскошным особняком.

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5. Казалось, что Фред не замечал очевидных фактов.

6. Когда Джил начала учиться в зарубежном ВУЗе, она поняла, что это было

нечто совершенно отличное от всего, к чему она привыкла на Родине.

7. На рабочем месте вы обязаны быть бдительным. Кроме того, вы должны

быть ознакомлены с правилами поведения в учреждении.

8. О Хэролде все очень высоко отзывались. Его обветренное лицо и живые

глаза, вся его мощная фигура выдавали в нем путешественника. Его

преданность своему делу вызывала уважение. Вся его судьба казалась крайне

загадочной и таинственной.

9. Способы легкого обогащения почти всегда криминальны и рано или

поздно разоблачаются.

10. Бюрократия настолько сильно поразила всю систему управления, что

необходимы изощренные методы борьбы с ней.

11. Она была гораздо более искушенной в вопросах искусства, чем ее

младшая сестра.

Chapters 23-24

Words and expressions to remember

to be in no mood to do to ignore a vanity table a bedside table barefooted to handle work there is speculation about sth to say the least ungracious in terms of money

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to be jammed to spare an hour for to break the ice to come up with an idea / an objection to be stunned to be replete with to challenge to do to buy sth out to have a handshake on the deal to be in on (options) tongue-tied can’t stand sb doing sth to catch up on one’s/sb’s doing to turn on the ignition a holdup the emergency ward to sort out (understand) to give oneself up to indulge in sth swanky to tease sb considerate output vulnerability

1. Reproduce the situations from the chapters where these lexical items are


2. Comment on or paraphrase the following sentences from the chapters.

Whoever would finally marry her would marry a woman with sound nerves;

I am not opposed to larceny in a good cause;

I stick out like a lighthouse among Europeans;

….to go to any extra lengths to impress the first friend of mine she had ever


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She was not one of those American women who believe that the

Constitution guarantees that they will never be required to carry anything

heavier that a handbag;

I do like a woman who knows her own mind;

Congratulating myself for having had the good sense to marry a woman who

came complete with a house on a beach;

I didn’t try to analyze my feelings as I stood beside my son, but when I went

out of the room, I was smiling;

It was amazing how much litigation went on in this peaceful part of the


In the fourteen months since we had been married, I had become addicted to


No, I can’t say that you’ve steered me wrong up to now;

People are interested in art here and they have the dough to invest in it;

I wasn’t quite sure whether my refusal was influenced by modesty or fear of


If stealing a hundred thousand dollars from a dead old man could put the

expression that I saw now on Henry’s face, felony became a virtue and I

would steal ten times over from ten dead men.

3. Answer the questions.

What happened to the boat when they set out on a boat trip?

What made them leave Italy suddenly?

Why do you think Grimes gave him away to Evelyn in France?

Why did Grimes come to see Pat?

In what way did Grimes feel about Pat and their relationship? Why did he

decide against speaking with her?

What were Grimes’s reasons for staying in the USA?

Why did Fabian want to meet Evelyn?

What were Evelyn’s conclusions about Fabian?

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What do you think was Fabian’s impression of Evelyn?

Why didn’t Grimes want anybody to know about his cooking at home?

How did Grimes feel about being a married man?

Can you guess what Grimes’s everyday routine was like?

Why didn’t Evelyn stop her law practice?

What changes took place as far as the relations between Fabian and Evelyn

are concerned?

What kind of plan did Fabian outline to Grimes?

What arguments did Fabian provide to persuade Grimes to run the gallery?

Why did Grimes refuse to give his name to the gallery?

What changes took place in Henry’s life?

What kind of offer did Henry make to Grimes?

Was the gallery business a success?

What happened to Grimes and Fabian on the way home after opening the


What was so new for Grimes about Fabian’s past (war background)?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following? Quote the text to prove that.

Grimes felt indifferent towards Pat;

Evelyn had a sense of humour;

Evelyn was rather a hospitable hostess;

Fabian felt a kind of affection to Evelyn;

Fabian was a true attentive and loving friend;

Grimes wasn’t happy in his marriage;

Grimes was a responsible husband/father;

Evelyn was a real businesswoman;

Fabian was a born businessman;

Henry had completely changed his lifestyle;

Priscilla Dean caused a lot of trouble.

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5. Topics for developing argumentation and rhetorical speech skills. Dwell on

the following subjects.

Sudden coming into money (pros and cons): opportunities, consequences,

moral issues;

He is rich or poor according to what he is, not according to what he has. –

H.W. Beecher

Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not

replace you as the driver. – A. Rand

It is an unfortunate human failing that a full pocketbook often groans more

loudly than an empty stomach. – F.D. Roosevelt

Life shouldn’t be printed on dollar bills. – C. Odets.

6. Insert the right prepositions.

Watch out ……………….changes in the weather.

I didn’t have to pay any duty………………… the five Roman suits.

Outside there was the sound of the traffic on Fifth Avenue, reduced

……………a rich hum by thick walls and heavy drapes.

I hoped to be able to teach you to blend……………….the scenery.

Evelyn was not going to be taken……………… surprise.

Evelyn and Fabian came ………………. terms at last.

Surprisingly, Evelyn approved ……………..our plan.

Fabian decided to come…………… ………………. a new scheme.

I couldn’t see their faces in the dark but could make ……………… that they

were both holding guns.

Grimes had to fire………………… the man.

Fabian coached Grimes ………………….. Britishisms.

He wants to take us ………… a ride ………….. his boat.

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Evelyn insisted …………seeing the casino and playing ……… the roulette


She hadn't been ………… Paris ………… years and it would be a shame

just to pass ………...

We had driven slowly, stopping often to sight-see and indulge ………. great

meals outside Lyon and in Avallon.

The customs man who came ………… to me must have taken pity ……….

my condition because he merely waved me …………..

You're pleased ………….. the prospect of having a son.

The lobster turned ……….. to be every bit as good as Evelyn had promised.

I could see that ……. better or worse he had decided to win ……… Evelyn.

He did not make it ………. the wedding, as he was in England that week.

I pondered …………. the special, marvelous taste of breakfasts that you

made ………… yourself on a sunny morning.

This area is rich ……………… three things: money, potatoes, and painters.

I couldn't see their faces ………… the dark but could make ………. that

they were both wearing leather jackets and fishermen's long-billed caps.

7. Translate into English using your Active Vocabulary.

1. Было очевидно, что представители конкурирующей фирмы не были

расположены сделать первый шаг в переговорах.

2. На последнем совещании Джек предложил новый метод работы, но

его предложением пренебрегли.

3. Нельсон был буквально ошеломлен, когда увидел новый туалетный

столик своей жены.

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4. Фирма инициировала новую рекламную кампанию. Их конкуренты

почувствовали свою уязвимость.

5. Перевод, выполненный Оливером, был полон лексических

трудностей, но он справился с работой.

6. Есть мнение, что наши конкуренты собираются заключить сделку.

7. Лекции профессора М. плохо посещаются. Помимо того, что он

косноязычен, он еще и груб.

8. Вся партия товара была выкуплена нашими партнерами. Имея в виду

деньги (по части денег), они получили приличный доход.

9. Нора совершенно не выносит, когда квартира загромождена


10. В конце тяжелого трудового дня у Майкла остался только час,

чтобы навестить тяжело больного отца в отделении интенсивной

терапии (реанимации).

Chapter 25 + final discussion

Words and expressions to remember

contemptuous of sb/sth; contemptuously to have enough of sb/sth to coach sb on (Britishisms) on behalf of sb to ease the pain of doing sth that makes my day distinguished people composed disgusted; disgustedly to neglect sth cunning a hangover from childhood

1. Reproduce the situations from the chapters where these lexical items are


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2. Comment on or paraphrase the following sentences from the chapters.

I was not running as an admirable man;

He is vain about his body;

Even at that moment her American distrust of titles prevented her from

saying Lady Abbott;

Glory hunter;

He had done his last deed for humanity;

There’s nothing like a good deed for hilling in a naughty world

Absurdly wealthy.

3. Answer the questions.

Why did Fabian decide to confess that he had been cheating Grimes?

Who was waiting for Grimes at home on his arrival?

Why did Grimes decide to return the money?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following? Quote the text to prove that.

Fabian was a courageous person (was not a coward);

Fabian had suffered a lot during the war time;

Fabian wasn’t an honest person;

Grimes thought it fair that somebody came to claim the 100000 dollars;

Grimes was deeply saddened by Fabian’s death.

5. Topics for developing argumentation and rhetorical speech skills. Dwell on

the following subjects.

Are you ready to forgive people even their miner vices for having fun

(enjoying) their company (communication)?

6. Insert the right prepositions.

I had told her that the doctor believed that there was a good chance that

Fabian would pull …………...

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You remember I warned you ……….. him when it came ………. money?

I had left word ……….. Anna to tell Mrs Grimes that I had been called

…………. the city suddenly …………….business.

7. Translate into English using your Active Vocabulary.

1. Он не скрывал своего пренебрежения в отношении людей, добившихся

успеха и признания.

2. Пренебрежение профессиональными обязанностями может привести к


3. «Я устал от твоих хитроумных ловушек», - выкрикнул он с отвращением.

4. По поручению руководства я уполномочен провести с вами

ознакомительную беседу по правилам техники безопасности.

5. Избавь меня от труда составлять столь сложные предложения. Я еще

недостаточно свободно владею английским языком.

6. Он отличался сдержанными манерами и не позволял себе вольностей в

отношении женщин.


The whole novel is kind of proof (evidence) for the American dream

that came true

The whole novel is like the encyclopedia of American Life (find the


There are those, I know, who will say that the liberation of humanity, the

freedom of man and mind, is nothing but a dream. They are right. It is the

American dream. – A. MacLeish

Do you think it is done by accident (unintentionally) that the author

described the American way of life as a gloomy one?

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Americans in the book are hard-working, but not happy. Their American

dream came true – they achieved something socially and economically, but

without moral satisfaction.

Otherwise, Europeans are pictured as always relaxed people, having the

pleasure of being interested in art and things like that. They seek only their

moral and physical satisfaction and pleasures. At the end Grimes unites both

ways: he is rich and independent and full of knowledge and interests. Only

in combination with experience and expertise money can make people really

happy when your outlook /worldview and range of interests increase.

I met a lot of people in Europe. I even encountered myself. – J.Baldwin – A

way to find out your inner self.

This nation was built by men who took risks – pioneers who were not afraid

of the wilderness, business men who were not afraid of failure, scientists

who were not afraid of the truth, thinkers who were not afraid of progress,

dreamers who were not afraid of action. – B. Atkinson

Lust is easy. Love is hard. Like is most important. – C. Reiner

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming

gardeners who make our souls blossom. – M. Proust

We could never have loved the earth so well if we had had no childhood in

it. – G. Eliot

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