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S*** ••Miaa [urn"-" * OQDKSfS- .rt.GHAPE*. .gfrtft SA*L*^. ". OFFICIAL CANVASS, OF St. Lawrence County* 1S56. Sit. Said ' a arable water, ner particulars, sea. J a T. DOTS? r. [43-Sm] ; { -"•WET. "tt. , Tbi» ! v^pr i he Plank m : rction with the [ to Hermon, and Potsdam and J; feENSSEUJEB, [30-tf]" YET. | t E M0>6,£ briber, aa^ *tIKU V KL* Eiprw-eitoix, into a K^etiier with Ten * fed tft the same. K. QSVSLX.. SALE. FOR SALE. j.-?* low and Qreen L,*AT the Baijroad | rnot anaBigelow >a Qreen street. . an H&iitflton »t. IRACE YO0NG. ( ?ro LET, as, srrr -EUlage. [10-sf] i ST- LKT;4 t ilth Paige.- frn style—folding ? iarae Soar; and £iud utliel .rooms. |4 of never-ifailing , very pleasantly*" li Road Passenger. BOSS. Agent. KNOWN* * On one- --me givenj ,£4t-«l •R SALE* I D. SEfTATED :>>lEaIb,4uLif a milo -re is on the pre- Iriage Hottso-. Wash |:!ier out-buildings, amount of fruit There is also a Uvatiori^the refit- A. Bivtis, Og- i H. BAYIES- fSS-tf] .SAAE. * LL SILL, 1 *rge Stoqe , MiTEoas, '——x **eth&jjrfsiilk, about , IeTfo*ase|ia asabst^a- \r feet, two stories |"he landt on which ' ;i the river, giving I -.->DveDi«nt crossing % the mpst'natnril -tlpil ^deosburgh, e i t Statipri on the irra sni^yELL. -. S -niUL, PKO- LL&—THE| ale, from ouej yen* caga-city*" -ffiffit SHLL, SAW t<4r^ : eftTJKi'*roin Og- jcsjve and Nourishing ulro^d $om Ogdens- kiHre^jly through the h\ 'as is offered,- Ptir- t f eBqaifiGg of B. H. VA5* WATERS. t [28-if] AAJL£-, 6 *•'.•• ' f-vLE Par- •unty, 'new . years'; is sttsated ^nbered? "and5«*bere . Tannery Tor Two, s the West water priv- ali made of good '.th cement and are excelled'torconve- laaer being placed in lovtyed lay a aewer I emptied! by the use of 1 she~ Bat* 1 -»0 oot in j by water. The Soalt • fresh w^ter aoo\ 0*5 t* v e wheel. is -not foor |se, and fe nied to on- line, arid is oaed in * tifcer; the beam house arid, not) ten feet firom^ jf tanning from 8 to i.d Tannery one miftf ' common yanoeries- ds contains one and l-good house and barn, . \T on thb premises not Jetl to good advantage •t"y, a good Shoe Store large assortment of ?!$TGS, 4c„ which I * property. her partio'biars, win ' p3 reasonabte. T STATEMENT of the Canvass, and Ksfimate oh Votes in relation *o Electors of President and » Vice-Pi-esident. The 1 Board of County Canvassers df the Comity - of St. Lawrence, having met at the office of the ' Oerk of said County, on. the 11 th day of Novem- *' ber, H5&, to canvass and estimate the votes gjv- ,eu itt thu several Election'Districts of said County, at the genera| Election held On the ,4th dav^of 80- *vember, in the year aforesaid, do certify aa follows, to wit: That it appears, on such estimate and can- vass, that 1 the whole number of votes given* foVI Electors of President tod' Tice-PtM<tent^ Waa four hundred fifty-fear; thousand dvefitrhdredand aiity•'; of which. ,- •' Ijf- Misses H. Grihneir recesred nine thousand sis hundred and ninety-eight - ; .'. . . ,j, JTinthorne Tompkins received nine thousand-six hundred/ and ninety-eight. Amos P. Stanton revived nine thousand sir hundred and ninety-eight James Kennedy received nine thousand six hundred and ninety^eight.*" ; , • Herman Raster .received nine thousand six hundred and ninety-eighu '. '' Daraet~ L. Pettee_ received nine thonsand six imndred-and ninety-eight. . ' ; , John S. Belcher received nine thousand six "tand^ed and ninety-eight. .jBaaiel D. Conover received nine thonsand six hifu'dred and ninetj-eight. . Thomas Carnjey received nine -tbbusanli six hundred and ninety-eight.'> Jired V. Pjeck received nine thousand six ^nn- ' dr«l and nrn'ety-eigfi|.' s _ ~ j. ^ John P. Jones received nine thonsand sis hnnd- red and ninety-eight- 1 > j| Erastns Cooke received (line * thousand; six hundred and n'metyreight. Robert A. Barnard received nine thonsand six hundred and ninety^fight. John. Q. M^nrray received nine tSonsand six haudr«^ and ninety-eight. ' * Henry H. Van Oyke received nine thonsand six hundred and ninety-eight. John C. Hulher't received nine thonsand six hundred and ninety-eight. i " Jacob D. Kihgsland received nine thousand six hundred and nujety-eightl . ^ , Smith Stiiwell received nine thousand six hundred and ninety-eight . j i m e s -S*4W-ads!!roxtl» recerved nine -thoossmd six hundred and ninety-eight. Daniel Cady received nine thousand six hund- red and ninety-eight. Robert S. Haghstoft received nine thousand six hundred and ninetj-eigbt • ' James S. Lynch received nine thonsand six" hundred and ninety-eight "* William S. Sayre received nine thousand six hundred and ninety-eight * . "Daniel H. Marsh received nine thousand six hundred and'ninety-eight Ashley Davenport, received nine thonsand six hundred and ninety-eight Le Koy Morgan*" r e c e i v e d nine thousand six hundred and ninety-jeight r ,' Eleazar Bm-aham; received n'me tfidusand. six h hundred and eighty-eight * ' Melttiah"H. Lawrenc% received nine thousand six hundred and eighty-eight S JosiaipS. Williams received nine, thonsand six Jiundred and ninety-eight Isaac L. Eadress" received niire thousand six hundred and ninety-eight Freeman Claik received nine thousand six hundred and ninety-eight William S. Malfory received nine thonsand six - hundred and ninety-eight William Keep' received nine thonsand six s hundred and ninety-eight Rafus Wheeler ?received nine thousand six hundred and ninety-eight ¥ Detoss E. Sill received nine thousand six hundred and ninety-eight. g, Addison Gardner received oneWthousand nin* hundred and fifty. . -,. i John Vf. Lawrence received one thousand nine hundred and fifty. J. Sullivan Thome received one thousand nine huudred and fifty. Josiah W. Brown received one thonsand nine frimilred and fifty. , Michael Turney received one thousand nine hundred and 'fifty. 2 ' William M. T/weed received one-thousand nine hundred and fifty. . f James C. Willett received one thousand nine " l hundred and fifty.; William D. Kennedy received one thousand ^' nine hundred and fifty. Kdward Cooper received one thousand nine hundred and fifty.-. " ' . ' , Benjamin Brandreth received one thousand nine. hundred and fifty. ' , Israel P. Tremam received one thousand nine hundred and fifty. David W. Wooteey receiVed one thonsand nine hundred and fifty. ; RufusrfReed.received one thousand nine hund- red and fifty. George R. Davis received one thousand nine - hundred and fifty, jr ' , 'i Josiah B. PlumBFreceived one thousand nine •• hundred and fifty. jj John Willard received one thousand nine \ hundsed and fifty. p Winslow C. Watson received one thoosandliine i^ hundred artd fifty. J- f C. M. Waterman received eight Reuben Wilcox received eight John Wait received eight. , Elisha Allis received eight Edward H. Hunt received eight WuTiaja Day received e%h(. _,• / Ods Simons received eightLJ' /., > . Wright Clapp received ^ 1^ 4 Ralston W. Lyraaii receiired eight. George Candes recelvfd'eigljt Insiey Douglass receljed ergjit. Nelson A. Frost rec^iTed e i | h t Mtrcos Stickiiey receiyed,&ght., to witness whereof thjgf sUafement iarttested % the signature? rJrfttur CHa&niaii and Secretary," and certifie&to be4Jorrec|i ' Dated atGanftfi, ^J812th day of- November, 1856.- ' .-'i ,J ', . ., /GEOSGB M. lOSgEJI^ ffludrmau. B. S. B&X&yfgi,Tgonnty Olejrfeatd Secretary. ST. LAVPKt^CB.CoTnraTi Qleri?* Q£«ev>-I cer- tify that thefaiiofe is a- correct copj of canvass tBbtaand'flve Frederick Lansingreceived one thonsand nine11 j " from-the ref6ra* kept In th$3 office. ?f B.G.BAM>WIN,GterlE. Dated NpvemberI2,1866. ' . STATEMENT hi relation to <Jovernor, Eaeutenint- » Gloverhor* Canal Ctonnmssfoner, State Prison Inspector. Clerk of the Court of Appeals, and Bepresehlative in Congress. , i The Board of County Canvassers of the County of St Lawrence, having met at the' Office of the Clerk of this Cfjonty, on the lith day of Novem- ber, A. Dj. ISofi, to canvass and estimate the vojes given in the several-Election 'Districts of said County, at the GepOral-Election held'^on the 4 th day of November, in the year aforesaid, do certify^as fellows, to wit: That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the 'whole number of votes given for Governor was twelve thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven (12,977,) of which - - ^ ^ John A. King received nine thousand five hnndred-ahd eighty-two (9382.) Amass. Jj. Parker received one thousand nine, hundred and sixty-four (1964.) «• Erastus Brooks received one thousand four'] hundred and twenty-two (1422.) A. Parke* received one. William Goodell received seven, and Amasa TiLParker received one. .That the wh9e number, of votes given for Lieu-1 tenant-Governor was twelve thousand nine hund- red&and seventy-seven; oi| which Henry R. Selden received nine thousand five hondred iaod -mnety^two. 1 John YanderbBtf received one thousand nine hundred and sixtyjtwo. , Lymin Odell received one thousand four bund- red and fifteen.' John L, Russell received one, and . Austin Ward received seven. That the whole number nf votes given for Canal Gqeraiissioner was. twelve thousand nine hundred and seventy-five; of which Charles H. Sherrili received nine thousand five hundred and ninety. John L. Russell received* two thousand and one. -: Amos H. Prescott received one thousand three hundred and twenty-six. J. u. Harrington received two. j J. K. Harrington received five, and . Amos H. Prescott received fifty-one. Tha* the whole number of .votes given for State Prison Inspector was twelve thousand nine bund- red and sixty-three \ of which Wesley Bailey received nine IrJSusand five hundred and ninety-four. - ^Matthew T. Brennan received one thousand nine hjmdred and sixty. James P. Sanders received "one thousand four hundred and two, and . Jas. C. De Long received seven. That the whole niunBer of votes given for Clerk of the Court of Appeals was twelve thousand nine hundred'and seventy-six; of which ' Russell F. Hicks .received nine thousand five hundred and ninety-two. Horatio G. Warner received one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three. Alexander Mann- received one thousand four hundred and fourteen, and ; Charles, O. B. Hills received seven.. That the whole number of votes given for Rep--] "resentative in Congress was twelve thousand nine hundred and nineteen; of which Francis E. Spinner received nine thousand six hundred and sixteen. - ' Edwin Dodge received three thousand three hundred and one;- . '' F. E. Sphajer received one. F. E. Spiner received, one. » j Dated-the 12th^ay of November, 1856. . 9EOB.GE H. FOSTER, Chairman. B. Q. Biiowra, County Clerk and Secretary. BTAfEMENI IS REIATION TO CODNTr CfWIOEBS. 'The Board of County Canvassers' of the County of St Lawrence, having met at the office o( the Clerk of said County, on the 11th day of November, 18,56, to canvass and estimate .the votes given jn the several Election Districts'of said "County, iat the general Election held on the fourth day o$j November, in the year aforesaid, do certify as fellows, to wit:" That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of •votes given' for District Attorney wis twelve thousand nine hundred and forty-one; of which Thomas V. Russell, received nine thousand; five hundred'and seventy-one. 4 James C. Spencer: received one thousand nine hundred andsix*y-two. William E. Knowles received one thousand Harlow Godard received hindred and seventy-five. Joseph,, Barnea received Onfe thousand nin??] himdredand(brty4*o. • , * J Arba Robtoson received one' thousand four himdredandtwenQr4eveb,ahd N EusaellF.HickarsOeijredtwOi . - That- the whole number of vd% given for Cjunty Superintendent df the Poor was! twelve tlousand nine hundred and seventy-one; of Which , 1 Theodore Caldwell received nine thonsand five hmdredand ninBty>six. William H. Paddock received one thousandnine^ hundred and sixty. * Jonathan E. Clark received one thousand three hundred and eighty-six, ^ CalvinE. Clark,received twenl^t-nine. * I That, the whc&e number of votes givenforCor- oner was twelve thousand nine hundred and sityon,e;ofwhfeh .'.' # , «,.,,» » Benjamin F. Sh'erman 'ree'eivad nuie thousand fijve hundred and eigbtj'.eighfe. > . John 0., Preston teceived one thousand nlne| hundred and sixty-olie. ,. * John H. Benton received ,ona thpuaand four hundred and twelve^ . ' 1 Dated the 12th day of November, 1856. OBORfflE M. TOBMit.'Chalnnan. B. O. BiiDww, OonntvClerleiuia Secretarr. K ^l&.^PpMl^jgam KEW FAIL . . . . PtAIDS and . ' ~vum __ M - iwrontis, IjADIfB CtOTHS, a One JHoclr, I A B H S CLOAKS or ItANmuS, In the l a t u t JTrench BtylMf CLOAK TXTXIBNQB, OBRTmOATB 0 > T M IEEOTI0N Of COTJNTT ' 0»«OKRS. .The Board of County Canvassers of the County if St-Lawrence, having canvassedsand estimated he'votes given in the several* Election Districts pf the "said County, at a general election held on the fourth day of November; 1856, do hereby certify, determine ind declafe; That Thomas V. iusseil, by the greatest number of votes was duly ileeted District Attorney of said County. 'That Harlow Godard and Joseph Barnes, by the greatest number of votes were duly elected Justices of Sessions of said County. That Theodore Caldwell, by the greatest num- ber of votes Was duly elected County Superintend- ent of the Poor of said County, and That Benjamin F. Sherman, by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Coronet oi said County. - , Dated the 12th day of November, 1856. i ' 4 GEORGE M. FOSTER, Chairman. B. S. BALDWIS, County Clerk and Secretary. nmi, Bich vA desirable PLAIDS, BUSSS GOODfl of every -" ' > description. WINOH .0 and ENOUBH UKBTBO, T o y Cheap. IlMBtook of HODBHtNQ GOODS, ' XUBSOBOREB— . 11 ANDKiatOniEFS, French ana 8coUoh Work, Plaids for Children, Hosiery of every description, s very Urge and desirable stock of DAMASKS ' and. UPHOLSTERY GOODS, 1 RICH COBBS and TABffflia, Beautiful Cornices at very low prices. Oil Cloths, Carpeting* and Druggets, SUrta, Eld Gloves, Broche, Stella, Cashmere, and best- Scotch and Bay State Shawls; Gentlemen'! Travelling Shawls, with many other <- Goods, at Use, lowest CASH PBI0E8. aadJejUMtt-GUe, Irlshj.. KENNEDyS. jj K E N N E t GEORGE (Buecesjor to Jrench 4 Siveni,) »WOI.Jiiit» Astir *«TatL |«AL-a» tBcae, i«Dicm»a, EAIKTB, onjaDTfrsrtrfTS, Ano—noroxm, BtA-noaaar, Oo|rfiOTta»»«T, AIS |^-Corner ford and State Btreetsjopposlte St,-Law- .* ranee Hotel, Ogdenjborgh. T HK Proprietor reepectMy toformsthepubHe, 'thathe hasjtut opened a stock of FR3C3H GOODS, comprisinr alt arUclea usually kept In a Dras 8rau; that^lJieT haye beeniiegularly «dicated In the profee- sion, sjedetsrnuned to do business, and promise to give their undltided ittentlen, that I* may be done saOifao- torUyto those who maw utvor them with their patroo- 10 BABBELS '«rwEjjM s im t* .BeJTeU'SolarOit, 6 Barrels Machi.n'efy OB, «Juj|vr»oeived andforsaleby ' * ' " nor-' OrttartBrgli.Kov.ll. 1MB- w«icmc?s EXTBACfoa praeiTis. •tTCTiJEtBANTEDTO BEHOVE GBEASE AND V'Y Oft Spot* from every ipeciw of iahrita^withshf PBODTT t BJKBGB, General Agents, P-tf] Ogdensbnrgh, n.T. BRUSHES. P AINT BRUSHES, 'TARNISH BRUSHES, Whitewash Brashes, Wall and' Paste Brushes, Art- ists* Brashes, and Tube Paints, kept constantly on hand and for sale by PBOUTY 4 KDJBGB, Druggists.' Ogdensbnrgh, MOT.2*, 1855, m STATBMJSNT IN S1BMBIRB OF AS- MXATION TO SEHBLY. The Board oA County Canvassers of Ihe Counjty of St Lawrence, met at ,fche Office of the Clerk *bi said County, on the 11th day of November, 18S6, to canvass and estimate the votes given in the several Election Districts, in .each of the Assem- bly Districts of said County, at the general elec- tion held on the fourth day of November, in the' year aforesaid, do certify as follows, to wit: That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes given for Member of As- sembly hi the First Assembly District of said County, was four thousand one hundred and se- venty one; of which . Emory W. Abbott received three thousand and two. Benjamin F. Skinner received one thousand one hundred and sixty-five. Jesse Cogswell received two# * George A. Sheldon received one, and Emory W. Abbo received one. That the whole number of votes given for Mem- bers of Assembly in .the Second Assembly District of said County was four thousand three hundred and four; of which Benjamin Squire received twq thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine. f Jesse Cogswell received eight hundred and lone. George A. Sheldon received five hundred and ix. ' Emory W. Abbott receivedsone. ' Office-Seeking Squire received five.. Briggs and Honcrief received one, and Benjamin F. Skinner received One. That the whole number of votes given (or Mem- bers of Assembly in Third Assembly District of said County was four thousand thre% hundred and jsixty-four; of which Erasmus D. Brooks received three thousand five hundred .and sixty-three. James Fay received four hundred and ninety- one. , Ziba L. Smith .received three hundred and eight- Jesse Cogswell received one, and George N. Sheldon received one. Dated the 12th day of Ndvember, 1856. GEORGE M. VOSTER, Chairman. B. G. BALDWIN, County Clerk and Secretary. CntRTIFIOATE OF THE ELECTION 05 MEMBSRS OF ASSEMBLY. * » The Board of Counly Canvassers of the County of St Lawrence having canvassed and estimated the votes given in the several Election Districts in each of the Assembly Districts of said County, at a general election held on the fourth day of November, 1856, do "certify, determine and de- clare that Emory W. Abbott; by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Member oi As- sembly, in and for the First Assembly District in said County. That Benjamin Squire, by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Member of Assembly in and for the Second Assembly District in said Counly, and That Erasmus D. Brooks, by the'greatest num- ber of votes, was duly elected Member of Assem- bly in and for thaThird Assembly District in said Is now*on hand with .a large stock of N 'E W G O O D $ , For the Fall trade 1858, and whioh will be sold for Cash, cheaper than the cheapest. BLACK AND COLORED DRESS SILKS, MERINOS, , DELAJNES, PLAIDS, PABAHBTTAS, DEBEGE8, B0MBAZIN8, ALAPAOAS. NEW STYLES s>resa a n d C l o a k TRIMMINGS. KIDDER'S *. SUPERIOR HORSE LmuaEltT, W ARRANTED to be one of the most valna-1 u3s bT ble articles ever ottered to tie public, for Sprains, I '•' Wind-galls, Spavins, Stiffness of the Joints, Strains and Callouses of longstanding; also, Srriling, fresh Wound, Gaus, ac n ac This truly valuable Llnunent his Bees In successful use for the last fifteen years, and In no/ Instance has It failed to give satisfaction. The proprietor cheerfully recommends the above remedy to the publlo under a foil conviction of Its emeaoy In the above-named diseases, and all to which that valuable aid useful animal (the Bone) by accident or neglect'« usble, where an exter- nal application is required. .This liniment will also ap- ply equally well to Heat or Horn Cattle. It reduces In- flammation and'swelling; or\ wbss the flesh has become oAllous, or the cord* stiff. It softens and reduces, and affords a mil and free.clrculatlon tt the parts previously affected. Purchasers may depend upon this being an entirely different article from any ether ever offered to the public, both in its healing' qualities and superior strength,.as but a small quantity Is required at a tune to produce thd desired effect . lor sale by FRENCH a STEVEN I, Wholesale and Re- tall Agents, comer of Ford and ftate-streeti, Ogdens- burgh. iO-tf ARTISTS' BRUSHES, ARTISTS' TUBE Patau, Poppy and Nut Oll,C«nvsj*,*c.,a large and lull assortment constantly on hand and for PKODTY * RINDGE, . Druggists and Apothecaries. OgdensbnrghJtoT. 84,1855. *>tfl ... ifoTOtw.- '-, .,•••• •• «•: CHMOPALS, " :.-&• - -*w MRaBBSf-*'- "" • ' - "_ • ' •'<-.-, - - -->*?££ ^HBWRpufjPlfi DAGIJBUUtOlimANrf^ . . INSTRDltEHTSP - '"„•'' - i.Oonsiiting of CAMERAS, of all slies, of the tSmt.aianu- |.f»sctorts; *LATI»,of all siaes',compr|singH.*B: Patent Improved Star, S. and W., and Scale Plates; Dagoerreo. type andAmbrotype Cuesof-every variety of style and Jrn7h,«l»BM*$s,PrtiuVers I HyrKWph«t»r^,lodtoft Bromine, Dryftulck, OoUodlon, 6Btta<ferchsr Os,vettos and Dippers; Sulphate of Iron, Baits at Gold, Chloride of Gold, Romrti-Plate Blocks, Head'BesU.acT Ac. ' ', •Jn Xurnlilifiig«HaBSPIBM WBAUL'fatid MHBEJjp. OLL.hehasfticilltleswhlchdefycompetltion. " A LARGE SJOOKpi' * . . DaUal sand. Siusricatl Xnatramenta, -• ,1 V , Of-'** V a i i MST-MAKai * ' •'' ~ Constantly on hand. ., -. —- ' « * « » » * > .- ••'.•;--. ' •>- oxmish t& TEETH AHD . -. Aieo, . > ' ' MACHINE CARDS, Of EVERY DESOMPTIOlf, t, AMD COMBS. * ©BOTH F LORENCE WHTTB AND •FLORENCE Vamlso, White French Zino grenad in on, Parts- Green, Paris White, Whiting, Putty, Ac. -Call and see as before purchasing elsewhere, as ottr stock. Is large and must be sold. PBOUTY i RINDGE, Druggists. Ogdensbnrgh, Nov. 24,1868. p-tf] .."i TEETH AND NAILBB! BOTTLES, Q OASES, *0.,*0., AC. Broche, long and Black Sl!k,B»y SUl which we wIB'Mu'arvery loW^rltcji^M^.-,-— —-_r- and Cloth Capes of the newest siyl«i Hair Cleth, Grafs Cloth, and Whalebone Skirts. , ' . ' Prints, eihghams; Table Covers, Cottons, Denims, .<-*:— TiekiiiBatHi.TwtoeATlclBftan Bsaieatvariety. m Gloves; arid WHITE liEAJB. S TUNS BB00KL.TN WHITE LEAD, 2 Tuns Philadelphia Pure White Lead, 8,Tuns Pore trench Zlstsln Oil, by * PROUTT * RINDGE, ; Druggists and Apotbecariee. Ford-Street, 0gden»tairgh,Hov.84,18o5. - P-tf] . LADIES' CTOTHS, . LONG AND SQUABS WOOL AND BROCHX SHAWLS, THIBET AND STELLA SHAWLS, 3 > IRISH LDIEN8, BROAD CLOTHS, CA8SIMERES, SATIN VESTINGS, HEAVY WOOLEN CLOTHS, . TWKEDS, TICKS, FLANNELS, all colors. JEANS, PAINTS, OILS ANiryABPTI81X. A LARGE Stock of Brooklyn W Boston Pure Lead t French and New-Jertey Bnc; Raw and Boiled Unseed Oil; Copal, Damar, Flounce and Asphaltnm Varnish; French Yellow Venetian Red; Pari* and Chrome Green ; Lampblack, Spirits Turpentine, Ac^, Ac; just re- ceived, andforsale at low rates, at the new Drug Store of .- " FRENCH A STEVESS, »(ftf Ford and State-eta, PEBF1MEBT, A LARGE assortment of LUTJIH'S Erraaore received this week, direct from Pari*. Farina's German Cologne, Lyon's Kathairon, Barry's Tricophe- roos, Rosemary:-and Castor Olh Bahn of Thousand Flow- ers- Phalonhi Hair Dye; Railway's ~ FL,fJTJ>. T VS, BABBELS BUBNING FLUID, JUST receives, fresh and good, at Ogdenjbnrgh, Nov. 84,1S5B. p-tf] . ALSO, ' NO. 1' FTJRN.TCRE VARNISH. 3 BARRELS JUST RECEIVED BY PROUTY A RLNDOE. Druggists and Apothecaries, Ogdenibnrgh, Nov. 24,1B55. P-tf] .jo j u^.—, - Medicated Soap; Orange Flower Lo^rrJtclietfsJajr Restorative. Also for sale at """" 40-tf FRENCH k STEVENS' Drug Btore, » Ford and State-it*. CAMPHESE. B Y THE BARBELL OR GALLON, AT PROUTY k RINDGB'S. Ogdensbnrgh, Nov. 24,1855. P-tf] WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, PROUTY A RINDGE C ALCINED PLASTER PARIS, NOW IN store, and for sale by - PROUTY k RINDGE. L EECHES- for sale by [«-tf] F RESH SUPPLY OF LINSEED OIL, WHITE Lead and Zinc, Just received by PROUTY k RINDGE. ed LARGE Stock just ^received for the Fall trade, consisting of Log< * " * -" "--"-'- dlgo. Extract Logwood, Cudb—, Indigo, and Madder Compounds, Annatto, Ac^ Ac For od, Redwood, Fustic, In- Qnercitron, heitgaui, sale at 40-Lf FRENCH k STEVENS', Ford and State-sta. ULfflF OII» SRTIPES, DENIMS, SHIRTINGS; CRASH. BUCKS, DIAPER, TABLE LINEN, «• NAPKINS, YARN, BATTING, EMBROIDERIES, COLLARS ' and SLEEVES, Blonds Edgings, Black Lace Veils, Gloves,'Hosiery, Com- forters, Boys'Mitts and Gloves, Linen Handkerchiefs, Black 811k Cravats, Kail Bonnets and Trimmings, Rib- boas of all kinds, Flowers, Ao. PRINTS, GINGHAMS, CANTON FLANNELS. Ac. Ac. Ao. 71 roBD-STHEET. Ogdensburgh, October 6th, ISM. S PERM, Winter-Bleached'Whale Oil and Extra Lard OQ, for sale wholesale, or retail, at FRENCH A TEVENB" Drag Store, 40-tf Ford end Blate-st JACOB AARON. PEACE! PEACE!! PEACE!!! mi %% A FRESH SUPPLY OF PLANTAGENET Bpring Water, just received and b offered for sale PROUTY A RINDGE. by J UST RECEIVED! A FULL ASSORTMENT of Brushes used in all branches of Paint and* Wbite- ningjjy^ . PaODTY A RINDGE. BOILED, IN L INSEED OIL, RAW largo or-amall qoantities. AND ' French Zinc, Chrome Green, Paris " do Chrome Yellow, French do Vermillion, Prussian Blue, Plaster Paris, Campbene, White Lead, . Spirits Turpentine, Japan, Venitlan Red, Oro. Verdigris, Umber, Eng. Paris White, Whiting, Gold Leaf, ^ [4D-tf] tm, |;N.Y. y LINCOLN. [46-tf{ ^BROOK. IROOK, p BEXAIJt I. > &£-, for" slcimess and ises. XI* Just received. It of ' TtCY GOODS,. At. \ Brushes-, r Cologne Bottles, r Popgerjta, Cre^a of Tartar, ; ; Soda* for CooMng, ^ i n g Extracts, Shampagne Brandy^x- lessiyfor Cooking, ' ; English Mustard,. 1 Becmnd&ArroV Root, 1 StarchforPaddings, , Jncb Getatine^ * •per"* Isinglass, A c , Ac. I* t diaa Dn Pore. (Store;, war- |>IVED, D^tGN ; MRS. , and every' sart*- •Eaattella Sts. FG FLUID, bonateilSods^ ** LM.eal, icrt Gelatine, hTiadrea «nd-iaf^^*" , . David L. Seymour received one thousand nine hundred and fifty. Daniel V. Campbell received, one thousand nine hundred and fifty. John Edgerton received one thousand nine Tvondred and fifty. _ . ,, . *• - John* Stryker received one thousand', nin^ hundred and fifty. - \ i•„•. Merlin Jackson received' one 'thousand nine . hundred and fifty. >. ' •«• Sidney T. Fan-child received one thousand nine hundred and Jifty. , v - Alburn Foster received one thons-and~aine hundred and fiftyg '. *. James P. Haskiri received one thousand nine hundred and fifty. " . - » , Michael S. Myers received one thousand nine jffhnndred and fifty. " y * y George SS. Horton received one thonsaBdi^iineJ 7 hundred andfifty. ' .. Nicoll lHalsey received one thousand -lijiie hundred and fifty.. . '-. .J- • Reuben P. Wtsner received one thousand nine hundred and fifty.- , - ? , Charles BL Clark received one thonsand nine hundred and fifty.; - Miles P. Lampsen received one thousand rumv huadred and : fifty." . . . ; Charles Lee received one ftbusand' Bine hnij.a* red and fifty. . . . , . i ' Isaac V. Vanderpool received one thonsand rune hundred and fifty. •- , ' "•, j Eleazar Harmon received one'thoiirsanltnlne'l - hundred ancLfifry. , -. "y. , . ' • ^ Daniel Gllnian received ( pne thousattd'-tii^ee huhdftd and thirty-two, . ', is. % Wm. H.,Vanderbntreceivedone thousand three, hundred and tirirty-two."' 5 4. , Roswell -Graves received one thousand three r*twoi* ^»*i*wW«-*««g^ -J Alexander Spauldirig received one. 3. C. Spencer received one. . W. L, Knowles received one, and Wm. L. Kdpwles received one. That thp whole number of votes given for Jus- tice of Sessions was twelve thousand nine, hund- red and forty-six; of which •» County. !i»ted-th»-ls*'*; B. G BiLowis, County Clerk and Secretary. PAPER WABE-HOUSE. PETTEB C. JONES, No. 8 Water Street corner of Devonshire Street, BOSTON. H AS ON HAND, AND - FOR SALE, A Urge assortment of Papers, as enumerated below: WRITING PAPERS. Blue and White Letter, Plain and Baled. " Cap, Plain and Ruled. " " Flat Cap. " " Fancy Note Paper, Plain and Ruled. " •' Note Papers, Plain and Ruled. {' V Bath Post Plain *nd Ruled. " " Demy and Medium. » " F0U0. " " Packet Post, Plain and Rnled. " •' OommercUl, Plain and Ruled. The above papers are from the best manufacturers. E a t e r f r o m E u r o p e . Peace Concluded. T HE CONCLUSION OF PEACE BETWEEN the'European Powers has not produced a greater decline In Brea4-8tuus, than a New Arrival of SPRING AMD SUMMER GOODS Has in the price of Beady Made Clothing at the OGD NSBUBQg.CLOTHINQ EMPORIUM! J. AARON, Has just completed {repairing his Store, and has fur- nished the same with an entire new stock of MEN'S AND BOYS' * READY MADE OLOTBEiG AND GENTLEMENS' FURNISHING GOODS! Walk In, and see if his Shelves are not crowded—bis Drawer* all roll, and his* Counters weighed down with the richest and most varied assortment ever before of- fered in this " BnTgh." . % Confident that ho is prepared to suit the most fasti- dious, J. Autoa extends an Invitation to aU who wish to purchase' a good article at a low, living price, to favor him with a call at No. 49 Ford-Btreet, for it is the place where they will find Ready Made Clothing to suit body and mind. Just give him-* caiVend without * moment's delay he win give you a fit, cheap for Ready Pay. His. stock comprises every article in the Ready Made Cloth- ing line; to suit purchasers, from the Laboring man to too Judge on tbe Bensh. J. Aaao* returns his sincere thanks to bis old custo- mers for past favors- and kindly solicits a continuance of the same, t"""""'""' Continual additions will be mads to the stock as the season advances. Don't mistake the place—King and Averell's Granite Block, 49 Ford-8t, Ogdensburgh, N. Y. pa-tf.] Artist's Colors, Crayons, and all kinds of Paints. They are warranted to be of the best kind; and will be sold at the lowest market prices, [tt-tf] . PROUTY k BISDGE. S o l e P r o p r i « t o r ~ o i ' th* Celebrated r BALM \- ZiSTHOBEA, Which, a* a cure forDtarrhttea, Dysentery and Cholera, stands unrivalled. Read the following certificates: OertlBfate from the late Member of Congressfrom this District' *= Ogdenlburgh.M,-'Y, Oct 26,1885. HBXKT S. Hmtracar, Esg.: Year mettecine for bowel complaint*, called the Balm ofcZanthorea, has' been ex- tensively used In this village and vicinity during the past season. I have often heard It spoken of as a moat effective remedy for diarrhosa,dysentery^uad-other bowel complaints, and I have had occasion. to nse .It and found Immediate relief from tt, and believe themedeclne r-" 1 "- rally has a high reputation among those Who have BISHOP PERKINS. The'ZANTHOREA Is a medicine valuable in numerous varieties of bowel affections, as I am well, convinced from having prescribed it; and-in those obstinate cases, of a chronic form,"! know of no one thing In which I would place more confidence, ' , S. N. SHERMAN, M. D. Ogdensburgh, July 18,1858. - {j-y READ THIS. GsnxarrowH, California, Jan. 14,1855. Mr. H. 8. HOMPHKXT—Dear Sir: It Is but justice to you that I state a fe# facts relative to your Invaluable BALM* OF ZANTHOREA.- On leaving Ogdensburgh, I provided myself with one small bottle, (which, triflingas it was, save-rkeveral individuals from death by.cholera, The cholera broke out on board the *teamer " Uncle Sam,'' after leaving San Juan del Sud, in Its most malig- nant form, and out of 558 passengers, 216 died of cholera. The disease was attended with It* usual symptoms**a'ar- rhoM, Ac. The physicians on board seemed to hate no power to cheek the disease. I first tried the .Zanthorea upon -J. L. Ross', of Macon^Georgia^—whom* the doctor had prescribed for with no beneficial regult-^and judge of my astonishment, when, in an hour or 'two; the diar- rhoea was stopped, and the patient fast recovering. I continued its use, and with the small quantity I had with me, saved the lives<sf six Individuals, and had I been provided with a sunwient'quantity, I have nodoubt or hesitation in saying I could have saved the lives of a hundred persons. I most cordially recommend its general use; for with the Balm of Zanthorea, cholera and dinrrbtea are robbed of all their terrors. - ' Your* truly, ' 6 H'. M. FAY. P. 8.—The Nicaragua steamer "7«ct« Sam left San Juan del Sud early in September. IS55. madeSatt - assortment of Yankee Notions, HosierJEOf aU descriptions, . . ... A splendid lot of FlowonvEibton, Satins, Velvets, Bilim Benches, the newest fashion of ready made Bonnet*. LacesandNeedleWorlcof-aliaescriptlonsi' -. ' ' • - " ^ABPEHNGS^j,.. ,._"^4.W.-*- - ' Parttculairattentioa bMbeetfpaultotttVdepartment we are' able to seB carpetlngs this Pall from l(f to 20 .per cent less than before. . ,,,.".. •«*• New.deaigtu of Paper Hangings ana Borderings, Look- ing Glasses, Oornloes, aaoT other jtylesof WlndowTrtn)- mtngs together with a thousand of other things too nu- merous to mention. Country Herehanto<.Mflltoer*,andEedler» supplied at Oltai Jobbing prices. * N. B.—B. k K. have alio reoeived.aohpice aSBortment Of Family. Groceries which they will always keep oh hana, at greatly reduced prices. 1 ;*£**- GOODS IN CANTON. JGQODNO, CADWELL & CO., NO. moan BLOCK, CANTON; VL y., E MBRACE THIS OCCASION TO INFORM their friends and acquaintances that they have per- manently located in Canton, where they are constantly oflfcring for sale a general assortment of Dry G o o d s , ' " G r o c e r i e s * - C r o c k e r y , &c. In this large establishmant can always be found all the newest and most approved styles which can be found . in market, consisting of -> - Moulin de Lalnes, Bgored and Plain Berages, Tissues, Poplins, Chambras, and choice MOURNING GOODS. Dress and Mantilla BILKS, and a large assortment of MANTILLAS and SHAWLS. BONNETS and BONNET TUQIMINGB, Artificial Flowers, Lfsaes, and* Velvets of aU descriptions. D.RESS XRLMMINGS; Lace, Muslin, and Cambric UndersleeTts; Vfrought Collar* and Chemisettes; Silk, Lisle Thread; and Cotton HOSE; with a large/assortment of GLOVES. Hats, Caps, Cravats, Shirts, and Collars. SUMMER GOODS, for Men and,Boy's CLOTHING. Bleached and Brown Shirting and Sheeting, Tick*, and, Denims. " Broadcldths, Doe-Skins, Gasslmeres, Tweeds, Ac. OARPKTINGS of ail descriptions. Crockery and Stone-Ware, Groceries) Oils, Paints, and Dye-Stuffs, Palis,Brooms, A c , Ac. '- \ Ik short, a "creator collection of Goods Is offered for sale, than is generally found at a Retail Store.' They would-oaU the attention of the public to the above facts, and would take great pleasure in showing their large stock of Goods, knowing that they win compare favora- bly in quality 1 and prices with any assortment now in St Lawrence County. »*» Remember—At GOODNQ, CADWELL * AC'S, NO, 4 UNION- BLOOK, CAIJTON, N. Y. June 26,1854. SO-tf ^ „,,,„ „. J N ST. -JLAW- :kr»we*na^ou>wg(tou5tatoi'or46»* -o«Bj*hciJf^s.,&»m:ito''TBtowrlei'ot OMcl-^fil,"fe6tl34n} •Sunn's*'Clark, Ba- con JMsaven, S»"iUiatti"!aalI*Sorifand N. J. & F. V" '»••- New.York. Alao,Ageht,fortli«i!ale of Oarliarti ham, find Prince's METODEONB. Kesp-i chnSiamHy^hnaiiofSiaEl? MUSIO,: TION B0FK8 for every msbmneht; Violin, Guitar, Bass "Hoi 8tiingjt,:togelher wife* MB assortment of t i n d a o f JATIiMAIi>"aS(8T5rail!aNT8,*U of which will be\ •old atc!tys pricea,^'SPBAGUE«BGOK-*3TOR*5irEa-' j l e Block, OgdeMburghS'*Sfew-*i~ork. QS-ly] T HE SUBSCBIBES WOUCD BlB^gOTFUL--' ly inform the public that he has now on exbibition at S. VAif "BJ)BEN?Siaotel,-;Madrid, Depot, One Six Oc- tave poa Wood Piano Forte, two large front round corners^ with BUdlng DeBk,*lron JPrame and Scolloped Keys of'Ha11ett,I)a-ri9 k Cos Hanruacture, Bosjton. Said Piano Forte-is aq-ery superior style of»nnish-and quality of tone^and w*U be sold, together with „a Rose Wood Stool,for 1240,00. ". He has also one'Second Hanrl Piano PoftejOf German Manufac'aire', in perfedt repair* which triB be sold very low; also New-and- Second Hand Melodeong., Any per- son desirous of purchasing any of the abov^-named ar- ticles win do welt to calf before purchasing elsewhere. *F-tf] 1 A. 8. GOODRICH. J. S. GOULD & CO. J. H. GUEST. J. HI. NEW GOODS 1 NEW.GOODS! ALWAYS THE BEST GOODS AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES. New and Rtcb Fall Goods! BUCK SILKS, FIUOT Sn^ n PUTH DUSS Goons, every variety, and of tho choicest styles, and • warranted to -"wear well. Of all kinds and colors. VA*HJAB*LE SPRING MEBICINE! BEXFORD'S Compound Cbamomlle CprVlial. T HE PECULIAB MEDICAL PROPERTIES of this preparation demand the-attentlon .of all who labor under INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA* WEAKNESS AND GENERAL DEBILITY, to; . Aa a tonic and restorative. It stands unrivalled—In- vigorating and renewing the. prostrate state of the con- stitution—Imparting an energy to the stomach, which fortifies the system again*!*, the change 9 o*f season and climate, and sh'ould be in" the possession of all who travel. Thii.Cordlal Is most admirably adapted tor the ladles; and Is strongly and -particularly recommended In all those complaints and-exigenctes peculiar to the female sex. It has also been found a sure preventive of AGUE., Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by H. 8. HUMPHREY, Chemist A Druggist, No. S, Eagle Block^Ogdensburgh, New York, NEW AR-ttlVAE AT NO. 4 UNION BLOCK, CANTON, A NEW ASSORTMENT OF PLAIN, BLACK, and. Wafered-DRESS SILKS, at fffl-tf GOODNO, R. Y. IADWELL A C0.*B. B liACK. SILK.' SHAWLS, SILK. F^GES, 1 and nice Dress Trimmings, can how be'seen al? 82-tf »GOODNQ, CADWELL A OO.'S. A NEW LOT OF LAWNS AT WHOLESALE prices, fffl-tf] GOODNO, 0 A W E L L k CO, MILLINERY GOODS, A NEW LOT, at low prices, at tbe Store of , ' GOODNO, CADWELL A OO. •flan-ton, New-York. ^ 82-tf CHOICE STYLE OF LONG AND SHORT /X Sewing Silk Mltte. 82-tf , Also, Kid, and Silk Gloves, at GOODNO, CADWELL A C0^8._ SUGARS, for POUNDS BROWN N*w CLOTHS Maanroxa, For Ladles' use. THEBE19, and Utl MiinriiHii © 2 e.&|itSt3- IplFf^ ^Kl^ .»*§ -J69 ^* to © eg, to . --iiiiiisspi C9 ox t& *-'«o nv.Orci qt«*t*-cO(»c>as»v^i&>H i i-''S) *> w to ig to 1: u «.': S'^SSeiKHmore. g 0 0 ^ . M i s i c a >!»•«» is iK w *o3istbio»»- f i-eo>-« >-. Fremontover £ o 00 *• o «> o 00 i^ woo«>o-aKioo*.i&co»o<oiK)Cooo^oD-s Bnphanan • c ^ l«3tawio2 • i s e i o i ^ «shi*e?t-«" •*:*.-«o Jo « sow M «KI»4—ojr*& Fremont over -t *••«•*"" :: FreniPBt'over,).; »«,—1 ST. LAWBKSCE County Clerk's Office, hereby certify that the above is a correct copy from, the records Uept in my office. B. G. BALDWIN, Clerk. «. A N EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT TRUNKS, Valises, Oarpet Bags, etc, at J. AARON'S. o IL CLOTH THING, a"t AND ENDU RUBBER CLO- J. AARON'S. Osaaaxass, All 'Colors. FOVDERf POWDER! •t(\(\ KEGS BLASTING POWDER, X\7\l received and for Bale by August 26,1S56. JUST H. R. HUMPHREY. PARIS CLOUS, OAPXB, and SHAWLS, Long and Squar* BaoGHa, gTBXLAB, U. THOMPSON IP* %t?.**9 3 J- .*»a . : . . . P'H'. '. . J* • • •• • i-3- O SttScSSSSSSft—* ^»*fr»32^SS»iSclS*gSISl1SSBachanan. 40 by 46. S6 by 40. 40 by 48. »*ai'%i : »i*' i #:ffi'^ .0 So^a'&.ai.ca.S.Ki*xEj'5ia--cc 1 5itS g ! 5 ; 6 j . ,«0"SBS*«K.««?*6f I'! !r*£o ;*to >*• ^fS^tsI'IlsfsiM^IS te *4 £ g w S *^* & '^ S^gS^SJRSf^rW 5 **** tc*U eo eis^««.\fe»*c.—. all the Patent sad KffiO**--, Droggist, Irt abd **abeua-street&- rsnC, LOGW<K>D, HWOOnrQfEKGJ^RON, nted Of the first qusli- OK'S, « p'ord and Isabella-sts. |I COLOGNE. €Ot^P»BOf- ITEW. : *rap*BRoog. l-RACTSb PIT ALWAYS 05T r saajtiPSJ sm t em BROWN •&, -%Met's, Mm-k- ound,A«^J tp-LE^ION. - riOWEBS^SHANDS i'sCkaJkBalis, 6J*o*-* |Q8-y:wa*qrae<-iEt;:' *m*<,.; •;' "tJ(s*i#aBsres(His»--; fiat MteMF!, tEN.DIC BX SAYS& »WO*M*TJK». ; ••if i*. a*—-." *' '\imt- Vft.% hundred and\^^.j,.-„« _ Joseph H. feme, received,otfe thouatna "Hiree;- hundred and-ftir^-tWo. - ,' Benedict I^wilkgf>, received one^tbrj*jaan|l-| three huttdr^aMpftl^two. - ' - * ".i'^jj Henry GrirmeS teeeifed t oaV &&W6it.«fl*f hundred and^&htetwa. * ",*„•', •' , ' t li, Alex. M. C.'Sn^ : -^»iv%S*oM«wasan«^ee>J hundred and thir^4wo* - . - .,,„•/ Bicbard S. Gray kceived one thquaand/ ««f» hundred and tfiirty-CT-o. '* * ''' a -_ AbraEain Hstfieid -received one -feousand three huadred--an5^is^S*^ * « • '. ' . .i„ 1 Andrew O b p g e / r a ^ e t l o n e . thonsijiul. W » f hundred ami thirty»t«or\ .- J.=Z-A * Gilbert G. Ifearie *e*eelv^rl •'one thOUaatftt w™^ hundred and thirtj4fr^ \. ' . JL ~^*' Rafus vf.WataokiseeitW a tamdred taAthirQr^«fO" "'" «"". -. Charles "Wiiiting received one ffioasantt tnree hund-sd and *tWrI3etwo>« hum^'a^.^^rM^* l^^W^CJiM^ Leonard- G. ^ 1^,wce^oS>B a*»2&&<& three ta5ire4 anp\*%ty^w*tt. ' ^ O Oitaiel i . W team* OB^MB^ 8 H«nrySfB»«* : *r«eeived one^hottj-afld t " ^ e S S S v e d o»e 4 ^ M - H * ^ & & f t l P * «» ttottaand Ihre* hTjndrea.as4'^*j-» 0 - .• v ,i. - .l„rf»Kj^j Cn!^»r«,*S*ree1manreceivedonetWMSs^^ braid«*ai**«Mi^r-'*<»- . , '\.'•''•**&.< WBpott 6reeaman received one »onaantftni nrindred and thirty-two. *v«™^ i^ f ll^b»Eell »eiaved one wmpx hmJ«^and-j)l«y-^o. , ... "^r^*^ Samael J. Hofley mmti «*» ftoa«ati**«tw» Henry H. Babooefc reeeiTed one - B, 6 « f e ^ * 3 « o wsc-eiwil hundred; and * r l^*** 0 -,__ ,1;,'. iir.iifsi.isir *XtoXae*m Jr.,r«eefv»*a*a«*JaM»!iiii«ii*W hundred and &fc?**i; '..-.- '*• '-:J\.K.,LJ ^'-.^ it«i>aisTniii*sir«i reeaifom owa,Uie*a|afl*) *n^P hmidreti and thirty.twflL - . . "- Tr—i**r Wsgner &mib&-1** Ullllsiil*-Ja^aiiaty^WO. » ,• ' - Jta-*^ Q-tt-WTa* *hasa|ii*al- a*wt ^Ukkt^gfttk -* Atsal WaksfMr ' " hnBtkW ' ' Joh» *»!»» (issss^ liis^^i^ a-^CT-Vtcteo i-tl-':e|-- — -*• *J ** * 5. *^l,--il*i» (.rV^wffaJttfii-l! * I *2JS ; 1-01 *• eg to » * S"> r '^aeisiiiaw *' .:;*« ' '•£• - • -* •'• "•'• ••"• •y«?r>5^ v -'i,- •. •SgS#S|?* BI * dL . Brpoka, I ftfe-g^-^fc^fe. »ata to to S38-s«raa«OT aL 'P c > n •%- 2, FRENCH PAPERS. - Blue and"WhIte Letter, Plain and Ruled. " " Folio Post ^ " "• Hots Paper*. I HABDWARE AND CLOTH PAPERS. 16 by 21, 91 by 80, M by 84, 26 by 80, 88 by 40, 91by2«, 99by83, «4by86, 86by86, And other size made to order at shprt notice. MANILLA PAPERS. 14 by 20, «by.21, 31 by 86, 26 by 88, 15 by 20, 19 by 24, 24 by 85, 86 by 30, 1 WRAPPING PAPERS. Single and Double Cap, Rag and Straw. ( •• Crown, Rag andlStraw. White and Colored Shoe and Tea Pipers. Carpet Paper. BALING PAPERS. 26 by 86, 8«byS6, 86 by 40, 40 by 46, And other tl*e made to order and short notice. Oelqred Paper*, of all Color, Glased and Cnglaied. White and Oolbred Blotting and, Filtering Papers. English and American While and- Colored Tissue Paper*. Log, Envelope and Post Office Paper*. PRESS PAPERS. For Clothier*, Printer* and Manufacturers, furnished at manufacturer's price*, oLany alxe required. Bonnet Paper*. Binders', Jrrunk and Straw Boards. Blue and White Bonner Boards. Entelope* of all sixes andkinds, - Fancy Box-Paper. Piter C. Jo Is Agent for flMTTH A PETERS' ENA- MELLED OABDS, and ha* constantly on hand a large assortment of the various qualities, both Sheets and Cut fl>rdi.Goia. Silver, and Colored Border*, and Embossed BEITIOVAJL. NEW STOBE, AND NEW GOODS! Card*, GoM, Silver, and Colored l Ball Carol. He U alio Agent for-BOSTON CARD GO'S PLAYING CARDS, which are considered the best manu- factared-in the United States. - *' Printing and Book Paper, of aU »Iws, on hand and made to order. Dry and Tarred Sheathing for Ship* and Houses. BT^ABH PAIDTOR1UGB. ., ., ^ ,***»4tal tg-S$.iS5lt g'llglluaseu. BS.-S^i.g€».l%g. S 3 5 6»6t'e9,S-^§§;Sptoneri g^gaie^gg-gg-^-Dodge- I •rLATpB, TALMAS. TiilUETS, -j/\ AAA" POUNDS BtttiYYii DUMDUM JLvr.VfV/v/ Also, Crushed, and Coffee Sugars, ft sale low by J82-M] GOODNO, OADWffU. % CO. CHfiffCE FKEai A NEW ARRIVAL OF TEAS, at [82-tf] GOODNO, CADWELL A CO.'S. C ASH PAID FOR FLEECE WOOL, AND Cloth* exchanged for Woo], by 82-tf ;• GOODNO, CADWELL A CO. A NEW ARRIVAL, OF PRINTS,' FAST Colors, at six, and seven-and-a-half cent* per yard, at fjtiS-tf] GOODNO, CADWELL A CO.'S. ABNSLEY-S--'DRILLS, A NEW: THIIffi", for Men'* Summer Wear, at 82-tf ^^ GOODNO. CADWELL A CO.'S. MISCELLANEOUS. Panrrsn CimmrsKa, and Mou3Lis DsLAnrss, In great variety, all wool and common. MouEjrao GOODS, A large assortment in different fabrics. BLAOX Sax "Yaxvaw, for .and MABTUiAB. a^raaomxanra, LAOis, and SIR A8T-CEY CtMJPER'S PfXES, ' BJM0US JKORDIR8 AND THEIR CURE. rrvHEBE lHlfOlSHlNaijIANfOBltSft USE- X fulandefiScientan Aperient a* the Blleitseltwhieh has beta admirably adapted by nature to supply the bowels lua state of bf»lth with the reqaistte stimulus; but when this hMfromdii^welwcme either de'ficent hi qaanttty, ordeterloraUd In qtt*H*7;'m«aii:*nes are just- ly ehUtied to consideration as the most eSkctual means of restoring a Bsaithy secretion. Sir Astley Cooper** AntI-BlUou»an4 Family Aperient Pill* are all-powerful Innm»vi»«t*»..dirtre*alDg iymptom*at"«nd»nt-,upori b*lkm*ol)i^0oi^dliort«redlta*ecvjhe*'^-wh bowels iitch a»rj«Jo« ijf th* bead-, dimness of sight . sickness, oppression of the chest, lowness 0fsp"rlts,wiUi 'great.apprekeiislon of imaginary danger, and fe»r Of fi*4iend»**h,dUlncl*riaU*>n:rora«UT*nnployinent;ana, •f^ous otier s*rmptoms, at all time* trooWesome.aud . irtt unfresutatiy danrtrou*.,. By taking two or three iof CSte'TAi-*'**^'^^^ 1 .a^f*«ilpy"-ctf»v*d,aririrflbw vads. th* mladTtfie stomach and -»w*l« ere restored to 1 their n»taralftlnctIons,aodAtrrftunf vigor Is th* remit; F%tH*Uif on*Htw»,«r4to!* pDl*^^*t:b*d-tlme,art(l.rer. petted ** occaslw-siayraodfr .nec*sM»rr, they, operate. tolrar^advsrtlsed *Jid^r«weMui-r*eiliclnes, which toe. Y^i~*±X<&J&Wm^^'!^ Mi ^ the^ jjdtBatar*- w^Miktkffim tb^-ftr^nijrj-jWMitwri aa E. THOMPS&N, W OULD BIBPEOTFUM4 INF0BM TBE Ladle* of Ogdentburgh and ticinlty, that he has taken the New Store, nearly O P ^ J * ' * " ^ . ? ' ^ ^ ; where ht will open, on "tHOB8DA| next, the largest assortmsnt of everoftredh* thlivlrfnlty. amirfe; .. Ogden*bttrgh,j? Th* largest and best} selected assortment ever offered. GsaTLX-tTJi'a SnAWU, HOAara. MAanxs, Hoenraf,' SoAira, Gtovaa, Eatabllahed In 1854. „, BE REMOVED TO THE NEW COL- , , lege Room, Dlllay's Block, comer of Saline and Fayette streets, Syracuse, October 9,where it wiU be per- manently located. -\ * ' This Institution I* unsurpassed by any a, tmilar estab- lishment in the United Statesin point of facilities for acquiring a thorough business education, aknowledge of Conunercial Science and Art * 8. M. BASSW. Principal, Professor of the Scienoe of Accounts, Practical* and Ornamental Penmanship, and Lecturer on Commercial Correspondence. W. V, PEaBm,PractIcal Acceuntant, Professor of Pen-' manship. Lecturer on Commercial Law, and Commercial Compntttlons. N. P. BASSET, Professor of'the Science of Accounts and Lecturer on Business Customs. MlssLM. NBW81X, Assistant Preceptress, in Ladies' Department. ' •, -LECTURERS. Hon. It- H. Tyler,-Judge Pratt A. Gt Hall, Esq., H. J. Sedgwick, Esq., P. M., and others.; Lecturers on Com- mercial Law.-Oommercial Calculations, Political Econo- my, Banking-, Bail Roadtng, Finance, Ao. " For further partlculafVsend for a Circular; [46-4m.] BOOTS AN» SHOES! WE WILL SELL B 0 O T S A N D S H O E S $(&., 60 DAYS, Lower than they can be bo-jght Thin siae of (I B O S . T . O N ! "(**y please call and examine for yourselves. _^J * 1. S. -GOCtD, A CO OSDESSBCBOS, Nov. IS, 1S50. SOLE LEATHER, BY THE POUND? HUNDRED OB J. S. GOULD, & CO. POST OFFICE NOTICE. Ac, Ac, Ac, Panrrs—all kind*, BoxmKQand Saurruio—all width* and qualities. OAaarmtos, TAMSTST, Baussafs,Tmucs- PXvs, IxoaAntg; VxxrriAii, DaOaoars, UATTTKO and On, Crirr*a, aU width*.. "Bp^B^member.isl'. V.*VH. 6TJESE8. CllAELES^r^HIJEy. 1 l| ' -* *— ^.... ^m ^ ^ . . ^ ' ' ' ^ ^ tf.^.^tti '4>*<** - •*•> ----ifc --feA—^fc. ^^aaaJLjataJs^-Msfc. hmdroi *«« ..r-w^iuo-.. •"—^--t-^^i^MBSiaswEsiei^. ••ft;- ••%" -'mfM^-f- HARDWARE! HABDWABEII CILABLES ASHLEY, Sp. i EAGLE BLOCK. OGDENSBURGH. N. Y., ,. Importer and Dealer "of SHELF ANt» -H*^VY«]lj*rW .trawnwAW*- TW». w.n. H flM\ •"•^•gia**,*e*m*ij,oi**,«»..te. , > > <7 i *"» SJJlDLtaYAND^OACHHARDWARir M- •*'*- 'i'T. Sola. Agent Ihr . J . , . »«!mtM<ft-wh,»efo*Tianat other,BELii,, £ FAIttBANKS * 00.-8 Platform, Ctounier, aifdi Hay M AILS FOB-THE FOTJ^WiNG**PLAC^, on and after Tuesday, October 28, wnj close as follow*: - / : Watertown, Route, Morristown, Hamtiiona Clayton, and Sacl^tiHarbbr, atG%-<?elo<!t>A,.M. -*-- For Rome, Utlca, Troy, Albany,-Albany D. P. O., New York City, New York D. P. 0 „ Syracuse, Oswego, Roches- ter, Buffalo, ^Buffalo S< P, O., Gouverneur, Rlchville, Antwerp and Ox Bow, at 6Jf o'clock A.M. OaaadiiJIail* olose at $X o'clock A. M-' , • ' Malligopig Bait by Cars will clof«i>,at'"5 o'clock P.M. Mall* for Canton will close at 9 A. M. HaiUfo;rBe-*monelo-K>4rWXarVM.- •''*- •** All other mail* close at 8 P. M. ABBIVAIi OF MAtts; Fr*m the East at UJiA.M.i_From New-York, Albany^ Utlca and Watertown, at S% P. M. From New York Buffalo, Borne and Watertown, at II P.H. from Her- mon at 103* A. M., From Canada at <P.M. . ' . . >i'/-dMiOT'HfJiJKlte'' ---•.-.•i-V, ; On week d»ys, open at T'A.M^ and close ajS P.M. .. On *""un6"*y»/bpen fcom.8 to 9 A.'.Jt» - -— iaORRISON-» RIVING, SHAVING AND JOINTING Sbintrle Machine! ff*BJB MACHINE IS NOWEXHLBlTING AND X ta operation at JOEL H. MACK'S MILL, Lake street,. Ogdensburgh, N. Y. It Is* ca*pable of Riving, Shaving, and Jointing from ' TWENTY-FIVE TO FORTY THOUSAND SHINGLES ! PER DAY. It works Eaty and Winding "timber to the greatest per- fection, and. with the'--utmost ease; so simple in con- struction' that there? is neither belt nor^o'g^wheel in it ;^ being*whdlly constructed'©! Iron and steel^trdurabtlity is very great The power of three horses will work it to it* utmost capacity, Which can at once be applied from the water-wheel, steam engine, or common horse-power, by belt or gearing; can be worked inithewoodi, mill, or shop, equally wen; a* it ocenpies'^mly'lard t>y*igbt' -feet quire* but one marr«^teMiti^na^Wt«tbat\* sim- ple though very substantial combination of the Frow, tho 8h*ving?Knife, and Jointer Irons of, tbe " old hand process," working all ouch timber as can be worked by hand, and a groat deal that cannot, and in such style of finish and beauty that givea them the preference of the markeVbver ail qther Shingles. "' f -. CAPITALISTS, WLLEBS, SHIKGLE£-5iANUrAi3TU- mOS, AND OWNERS OF SHINGLE TIJipER, Are especially directed to this Machine for profitable in- vestment The pubUcarerespeetfuily invited to'witness its operation at the above named place, whew it wiB re- main under the .superintendence of R. F. VAUGHN, one of the Proprietors, who wilt be most happy to give any information on the subject required, or negotiate with parties for Comity Rights, and Machines ready for use. ..j. |5"*****"A11 Communications addressed to Mr. VAUGHN, or J, Kv MACK, Ogdensburgh, N. *4, or to R. ?, VAUGHN, Rochester, N. Y., at any time thereafter, will be prompt- ly attended to. , * • OpiTiir.ua of the Press, dee. ' [from the Milwaukie free Democrat] The Machine is about six feet in length, and stands upon iron leg* about two.feet in height; is very compact- ly and strongly put together, and has nothing com- plicated or unwieldy about It ltc.an.J-S flfiyenby two horse-TJowbr, at Its fun spied Tor'either Oak. piiie„ceaar OanESSBDUQ^Nov. IS, 1856. THE GREATEST ntEBICAJb DISCOY- EKfT OF T H E A G E . M R. KEPJEDY, OF ROXBUBY, MASS#- chusetts, has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds.a remedy that cures' every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to & common Pimple. He has tried it in over elevenJjundred cases, and nevertail- ed, except In two casea, (both thunder humors.) Be has how In his possession over two hundred certificates of its. value, all within twenty mBes or Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cure a Nursing Sore Mouth. One to three bottles will cure the Worst kind of Pim- ples on the Pace. Two to three bottles will clear the system of Biles, ttles are warantedto cure the 1 ' ** * t^an^tojafach. horse-Tjqwot, orchesnutstuff. "the timber "aprepaTi from 0 to-61 -a*^ t.M" .-*.«.%• »>.••»- 06USB? iER*B*f^Proof Salamander BA*FW; Union-Belting Company, ' •' • Aw-^^IPdifleri^m-janir, - Wirated Kythe Oompjiny, ' -t- « »,**-^B.W6>«*io«f'r*c-tory.*e,»-*o. , ^ , Poaseesingevery faculty for«h» transaction of r'f~ 2 Aggaljjb^t aria. KeW Cloak, and •blotaa and TrUauAiag*-*' H e w »l»»>rJ:» «** H0fIMft| AND GLOVES, O0LLAIS, "AHdY -GOODS, •ONE**!, DIAPERS, ^«JW>rtU,TrOO*UrN8, XAu-rOMF tbeertaf*, MdHlaga, atrip**, D*whB«, „. W h*>).*>»alo * * * a l l , m Tt-*alt^t.fl**#s_f«Si-, oovtm, WSAL A -AN*WA«mci»^rir«AT^tTmt : *^* X ^ " r * ' ' fcitf ,0HAlt*tJ^AS**n-lT. t those nJea,J*w hand rrfing. At bolt iB.pIacea up.h the ' ' " agahjstftatrongheaa, wne'h the.Brat, «' carriaie,- riving!tht.. J.; .„-„ , . lany^aeilr^'t^messt'fBeretnr# ...... rttlngbickt^ •^qnC'^oljclatit'ffld agaliist anotter is ffirougi" : it"and takes off a shingle .of hes"aT"fbereti*«^^ ni*i?"FiB;iENasS VTGO0 YOU"SE Ol^BOiff - / -USE --OR; -R'tjinlis.. •I - /. , wj*^caliite^BYlEitP-if 1 ;., .„ , .- 'rpilS WONDEBFUt^ BEM3SDY IS EVEfif icooih;As-hmi^Br'oncUtt*«vtocIplen^riiSto « 1 Hemorrhage from tie' tor*. *^l*leld tolt* m a u e ^ l ""-*"?"'*'"!*"V.^""""^.* l !""2^"' , ""p. •"'-^T*".'-""7"!-"M?"" 1a*n^,inwSfaotarea bar K«>, aKfoftiajte Jl^^^^^^^ir^^^^fm aa^ebMtBortewaciawailuinew^^^^^ ^^^^^i^^^iummmsm^S^ head, and while the riving knlfeis taking off another, is shaved .with an even taper, jpon the upper aide • the .next back revolution takes .the sblngle;.to 31: third bed- plate and against another head, and the third revolu- tibn, wht«n cut off anothertrOTS the boltrana-shaves the |«bnaj.-*l»o»aha*?s -ffia-M'i.-o#iM'|ihJ.''F.5*ia^. f&e jihingle *pa*se*^er^tetwew"t»!*'»af^aius"^^ - that complete the shingle, ^usthereare'lbur shingles, in themachino at a time, and one'finished' at every re- voluUdn, "Ther*yolutionft*w;perform^ at ; the.r»w 60 per -iuiiiutf,•'a^amwffi(^'e-»fot^-*Of^r»tfirt6 l«*mehei,lt*wffl**m-U-*»,oO©-«b^ - -i >. -r -^ <-' -•--. IftomatDetroitAavettUer'l«v-'i;'^ ' Shingle "Machines havelong occupied'the sit tenttdnor inventoM.anffweaie.glaaiobe'ablftoanso-pW^^^ Two tattles are warantedto cure the wo.rst Canker in t h e Mont*3<and-StqeJach. Three to five Bottles are warranted to cure the worst cases of Erysipelas., s One to two boitles**,are warranted- to cure aU Humor in the Eyes. *" Two bottle* are warranted to cure Running of the Ear* and Blotches among the Hair. Four to six bottles are warranted to cure Corrupt and Running Ulcers. \ "• ' One bottle will cure scaly Eruption of the Skin. Two to threg bottles are warranted to cure the wont case o.f ting worm. .p Two.t*' three bottles are warranted to cure the most desperate case of JEUieumatism. Three -to four -obttles are warranted to cure Ealt- Rheum. V "* Five to eight bottles will cure the worst case of Scro- fl* 1 - - <*S A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the above quanti- ty i*taken. * Reader, I peddled over a thonsand bottles of this in theviclnitj of.BostQn. Iknow theieffects of it in every case; So sure a* water wiU extinguish fire, so "sure srill tail, cure Humor. 1 never sold a bottle of it but that sold another^ aften* trial, it always' speaks for itself. There are two thinga'abont.this herb that appear to Joe surprlatng-^-first; that lt^-grows in our pastures, in sbme places quit^^dentiftti; and yet its valuehas never been known until! discovered it in 1846; second, that it should cure all kinds of Humor. " In oraet to* givqabme idea of the* sudden rise and great pbpularity ef the discovery, I wiU state that in April, 18p3,{> peddled it, and told about six bottles a day. In April, 1854,1, sold Over a thousand bottles a day of it *, /-- Some of the Wholeaftle-Bruggists, who have been in business twenty aho^biriy years, say that nothing in the annals or Patent .Medicines was ever like it There * A-universai^piraise of a it ftom all-quarters. S In my -own pfactieeT always kept "it 'strictly for Ho- mora;; but-tince its introduction as a general Family Medlcin?, g»»$ and Wonderful virtues have been found ih'Hilha'fl hever sMpected. .Several oases df Epileptic Fit*, aMisease rrhich was al- "" 'ias beeuottfedby a few bot- 'win-prove ^effectual in all .„—.—^ - there are hut few who have seen more oMtthan I have'. Xknoj«ijot;ieveral case*.' of J)ropsy,«ll, of them aged ' •..-."- "• """jit.;- Por.the various diseases of the "*" IOVDyspepsia, Asthma, Pever and ' disease of *heSjrfne,and partics- iariy:inj"i»e«!!ca.«i:*>»= Kidneys, Ac, tjus diBcdvery has 'i6ne^or*^bd'"thaWBngl|tedlcine1 ever-known. '" S o m a h g e ^ ^ i e f ^ e f v iteceBsaryt eat *be best yon ^^aiPS^^Mw^'^'i^^K one. table.spoonfnl.irjjer da*.. ,pi*]d*move*-,*igh'*eiar*, desserfespnonful ;*eMl- *-** fe, fr»llS^»teW*i**Wtea^o6ij-al. A* ho di- ;n'c*tfn«'*TOb«*le:W'*il"ctmstitut^ takeEUQi- *Ttbi# i »S<*#.*'*eh«*Wl* f iwlc&**a - . ' *»i3.fB^gre^er)(c^ ! *ttenai«icei'itt^ case* . "Bie-ftlBU. » . uHlwdi-Je.'DQk.So. S Stste- $&&&<Wttim «WBEKS * 881&Uew8@&. em®&* p for trail « , jam . , WWIBKWk h. ii, ATEN^AUI-toaTie* APPIS PABERS, **vliHt*'v*st*BW»niof tfme in "Paring all kind* talt^ctaUaai j at wbei'***!*-"^"!*}!]* T7AN»WaiCLi^--ASUPK|tioltt J HOUSE TEUCK8, OF_VARIOtrS ^—i 11 nun—nm ' |i ••—y.i«J—..i|»i'li*t»u»> '•,*•'' lil.«»ji>ih*'<i TkTSUDtKi WOMVD IMOiPrf BALA- Hnj >>t> ifaiH0)i »f l^nit fcfcnwtf Wmt^ •*•-»*'* - i_t " tf******"*^*!, ^EW^Jp)IK< % ^tM » SMk sa

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Page 1: mi - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031401/1856-11-18/ed-1/seq-4.pdfS*** ••Miaa [urn"-" * OQDKSfS-. rt. GHAPE*.gfrtf. t SA*L*^. ". OFFICIAL CANVASS,

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[urn"-" * OQDKSfS-

. rt. GHAPE*. .gfrtft

S A * L * ^ . " .


St . L a w r e n c e C o u n t y * 1 S 5 6 .

Sit. Said ' a arable water,

ner particulars, sea. J a T. DOTS? r.

[43-Sm] ;


"tt. , Tbi»! v^pr i he Plank m : rction with the [ to Hermon, and

Potsdam and •


[30- t f ]"

Y E T .

| t E M0>6,£ briber, aa^ *tIKU V KL*

Eiprw-eitoix, into a K^etiier with Ten * fed tft the same.



j.-?* low and Qreen L,*AT the Baijroad | rnot anaBigelow

>a Qreen street. . an H&iitflton »t.


(? r o L E T , as, srrr -EUlage.


i ST-


tilth Paige.-frn style—folding ? iarae Soar; and £iud utliel .rooms.

| 4 of never-ifailing , very pleasantly*"

l i Road Passenger.

BOSS. Agent.

KNOWN* * On one---me givenj


•R S A L E *

ID. S E f T A T E D :>>lEaIb,4uLif a milo -re is on the pre-

Iriage Hottso-. Wash |:!ier out-buildings,

amount of fruit There is also a

Uvatiori^the refit-

A. B i v t i s , Og-i

H. BAYIES-• fSS- t f ]

k« . S A A E . *

LL SILL, 1 *rge Stoqe

, MiTEoas, '——x **eth&jjrfsiilk, about ,

IeTfo*ase|ia asabst^a-\r feet, two stories |"he landt on which '

; i the river, giving

I -.->DveDi«nt crossing % the mpst'natnril -tlpil ^deosburgh , e i t Statipri on the irra sni^yELL. -.

S-niUL, P K O -LL&—THE| ale, from o u e j yen* caga-city*" -ffiffit SHLL, SAW

t<4r^:eftTJKi'*roin Og-jcsjve and Nourishing ulro^d $om Ogdens-

kiHre^jly through the h\ 'as is offered,- Ptir-t f eBqaifiGg of B. H.

VA5* WATERS. t [28-if]


6 * • ' . • • ' f-vLE


'new . years'; i s sttsated

^nbered? "and5«*bere . Tannery Tor Two,

s the West water priv-ali made of good

'.th cement and are excelled' tor conve-

l a a e r being placed in lovtyed lay a aewer I emptied! by the use of 1 she~ Bat*1-»0 oot in j by water. The Soalt • fresh w^ter aoo\ 0*5 t*v e wheel. is -not foor | s e , and fe nied to on­

line, arid is oaed in * tifcer; the beam house

arid, not) ten feet firom^ j f tanning from 8 to i.d Tannery one miftf ' common yanoeries-ds contains one and

l-good house and barn, .

\T on thb premises not Jetl to good advantage •t"y, a good Shoe Store

large assortment of ?!$TGS, 4 c „ which I * property. her partio'biars, win '

p3 reasonabte.

T STATEMENT of the Canvass, and Ksfimate oh Votes in relation *o Electors o f Pres ident a n d

» Vice-Pi-esident. The 1 Board of County Canvassers d f t h e Comity

- of St. Lawrence, having m e t at t h e office o f the ' O e r k of said County, on. the 11 th day o f N o v e m -

*' ber, H5&, to canvass and es t imate t h e v o t e s g jv-• ,eu itt thu several Election'Districts o f said County, • at the genera | Election held On t h e ,4th dav^of 8 0 -

*vember, in the year aforesaid, d o certify aa follows, to w i t : That it appears, on such es t imate a n d c a n ­vass, that1 the whole number of v o t e s given* foVI Electors of Pres ident tod' Tice -PtM<tent^ Waa four hundred fifty-fear; thousand d v e fitrhdred a n d aiity•'; of which. ,- • ' Ijf-

Misses H. Grihneir recesred nine thousand sis hundred and n ine ty -e ight - ; .'. . .

, j , JTinthorne Tompkins rece ived n i n e thousand-s ix hundred/ and ninety-eight .

Amos P. Stanton revived nine thousand s ir hundred and n ine ty -e ight

J a m e s Kennedy received n i n e thousand s i x hundred and ninety^eight.*" ; , •

Herman • Raster . r ece ived n ine thousand s ix hundred and ninety-e ighu '. ''

Daraet~ L. Pettee_ rece ived n i n e thonsand s i x imndred-and ninety-eight . . ' ; ,

J o h n S. Belcher r e c e i v e d n i n e thousand s ix "tand^ed and ninety-e ight .

.jBaaiel D. Conover r e c e i v e d n i n e thonsand s ix hifu'dred and n ine t j - e ight . . Thomas Carnjey rece ived n ine -tbbusanli s i x hundred and ninety-e ight . '>

J i r e d V . Pjeck rece ived nine thousand s i x ^ n n -' dr«l and nrn'ety-eigfi|.'s_ ~ j.

^ J o h n P . J o n e s rece ived nine thonsand s i s hnnd-red and ninety-eight-1 > j |

Erastns Cooke rece ived (line * thousand; s ix hundred and n'metyreight.

Robert A . Barnard rece ived nine thonsand s i x hundred and ninety^fight.

John. Q. M ^ n r r a y received n i n e tSonsand s ix haudr«^ and ninety-eight . • ' *

Henry H. V a n O y k e rece ived n ine thonsand s ix hundred and ninety-eight .

J o h n C. Hulher't r e c e i v e d n ine thonsand s i x hundred and ninety-e ight . i

" J a c o b D . Kihgs land rece ived n i n e thousand s ix hundred and nujety-eightl . ^

, Smith Stiiwell rece ived nine thousand s i x hundred and n i n e t y - e i g h t

. j i m e s -S*4W-ads!!roxtl» recerved n i n e -thoossmd six hundred and ninety-e ight .

Daniel Cady rece ived nine thousand s ix hund­red and ninety-eight .

Robert S. Haghstoft rece ived n ine thousand six hundred and n i n e t j - e i g b t • '

J a m e s S. L y n c h rece ived n ine thonsand six" hundred and n i n e t y - e i g h t "*

William S. Sayre rece ived nine thousand s i x hundred and n ine ty -e igh t * . "Daniel H. Marsh rece ived n i n e thousand s i x hundred and 'n ine ty -e ight

Ashley Davenport , rece ived n ine thonsand s i x hundred and n i n e t y - e i g h t

Le Koy Morgan*" rece ived n ine thousand s ix hundred and ninety-jeight r ,'

Eleazar Bm-aham; rece ived n'me tfidusand. s i x h hundred and e i g h t y - e i g h t * '

Melttiah"H. Lawrenc% rece ived n ine thousand six hundred and e i g h t y - e i g h t S

J o s i a i p S . Wi l l iams rece ived nine, thonsand s ix Jiundred and n i n e t y - e i g h t

Isaac L. Eadress" rece ived niire thousand s i x hundred and n i n e t y - e i g h t

Freeman Claik rece ived n ine thousand s ix hundred and n i n e t y - e i g h t

William S. Malfory rece ived nine thonsand s ix - hundred and n i n e t y - e i g h t

William Keep' rece ived n ine thonsand s i x s hundred and n i n e t y - e i g h t

Rafus Whee ler ?received n i n e thousand s ix hundred and n i n e t y - e i g h t ¥

Detoss E . Sill rece ived nine thousand s ix hundred and ninety-eight . g ,

Addison Gardner rece ived oneWthousand n i n * hundred and fifty. . -,. i

John Vf. Lawrence rece ived o n e thousand n ine hundred and fifty.

J. Sullivan T h o m e rece ived o n e thousand n i n e huudred and fifty.

Josiah W . Brown rece ived o n e thonsand n i n e frimilred and fifty. ,

Michael Turney received o n e thousand n ine hundred and 'fifty. 2 '

William M. T/weed received one- thousand n i n e hundred and fifty. . f

James C. Wil let t rece ived o n e thousand n ine "l hundred and fifty.;

William D . Kennedy rece ived o n e thousand ^' nine hundred and fifty.

Kdward Cooper rece ived one thousand n ine hundred and fifty.-. " ' . ' ,

Benjamin Brandreth rece ived o n e thousand n i n e . hundred and fifty. ' ,

Israel P. Tremam rece ived one thousand n i n e hundred and fifty.

David W . Wooteey receiVed o n e thonsand nine hundred and fifty. •

; RufusrfReed.received o n e thousand n ine hund­red and fifty.

George R. Davis rece ived one thousand n i n e - hundred and fifty, j r ' • , 'i Jos iah B . P lumBFrece ived o n e thousand n i n e •• hundred and fifty. jj J o h n Wil lard rece ived o n e thousand n ine \ hundsed and fifty. p Wins low C. W a t s o n rece ived o n e t h o o s a n d l i i n e i hundred artd fifty.

J- f

C. M. Waterman received eight Reuben Wilcox received eight John Wait received eight. •

, Elisha Allis received eight Edward H. Hunt received eight WuTiaja Day received e%h(. _,• / Ods Simons received eightLJ' /., > . Wright Clapp received ^ 1 ^ 4 Ralston W. Lyraaii receiired eight.

• George Candes recelvfd'eigljt Insiey Douglass receljed ergjit. Nelson A. Frost rec iTed e i |ht Mtrcos Stickiiey receiyed,&ght., to witness whereof thjgf sUafement iarttested

% the signature? rJrfttur CHa&niaii and Secretary," and certifie&to be4Jorrec|i ' Dated atGanftfi, ^J812th day of- November, 1856.- ' .-'i ,J ',

. ., /GEOSGB M. lOSgEJI^ ffludrmau. B. S. B&X&yfgi,Tgonnty Olejrfeatd Secretary. ST. LAVPKt CB.CoTnraTi Qleri?* Q£«ev>-I cer­

tify that thefaiiofe is a- correct copj of canvass


Frederick Lansingreceived one thonsand nine11 j "

from-the r e f 6 r a * k e p t In th$3 office. ?f B.G.BAM>WIN,GterlE.

Dated N p v e m b e r I 2 , 1 8 6 6 . ' .

S T A T E M E N T hi relation to <Jovernor, Eaeutenint-» Gloverhor* Canal Ctonnmssfoner, S tate Prison

Inspector . Clerk o f the Court of A p p e a l s , and Bepreseh la t ive in Congress . , i T h e Board of County Canvassers of the County

of S t L a w r e n c e , h a v i n g m e t a t t h e ' Office of the Clerk o f this Cfjonty, o n the l i t h day o f N o v e m ­ber, A . Dj. ISofi, t o canvass and es t imate the vojes g i v e n in the severa l -E lec t ion 'Distr icts of said County, a t t h e GepOral-Election held'^on the 4 th day of N o v e m b e r , in the year aforesaid, d o certify^as fellows, t o w i t : That it appears on such est imate and canvass that the 'whole number of v o t e s g i v e n for Governor w a s t w e l v e thousand nine hundred and s e v e n t y - s e v e n ( 1 2 , 9 7 7 , ) of w h i c h - - ^ ^

J o h n A . K i n g rece ived nine thousand five hnndred-ahd e ighty- two ( 9 3 8 2 . )

Amass. J j . Parker rece ived o n e thousand nine, hundred and sixty-four ( 1 9 6 4 . ) «•

Eras tus B r o o k s rece ived o n e thousand four'] hundred and twenty - two ( 1 4 2 2 . )

• A . P a r k e * r e c e i v e d o n e . Wil l iam Goodell rece ived s e v e n , a n d A m a s a TiLParker rece ived o n e . .That t h e w h 9 e number, of v o t e s g i v e n for Lieu-1

tenant-Governor w a s t w e l v e thousand nine hund-red&and s e v e n t y - s e v e n ; oi| w h i c h

Henry R. Se lden rece ived n ine thousand five hondred i a o d -mnety^two. 1 J o h n YanderbBtf rece ived o n e thousand nine hundred a n d s ixtyj two. ,

L y m i n Odell rece ived o n e thousand four bund-red and fifteen.'

J o h n L, Russe l l rece ived o n e , and . A u s t i n W a r d rece ived s e v e n .

That t h e w h o l e number n f v o t e s g i v e n for Canal Gqeraiissioner was . t w e l v e thousand n ine hundred and s e v e n t y - f i v e ; o f w h i c h

Charles H . Sherrili rece ived nine thousand five hundred a n d ninety .

J o h n L . Russe l l received* t w o thousand and o n e . -:

A m o s H . Presco t t r ece ived o n e thousand three hundred a n d twenty-s ix .

J . u . Harrington rece ived two . j J . K. Harrington r e c e i v e d five, and . A m o s H. Presco t t rece ived fifty-one. Tha* t h e whole n u m b e r o f .votes g iven for State

Prison Inspec tor w a s t w e l v e thousand nine bund- • red and s ixty- three \ o f which •

W e s l e y Bai l ey rece ived nine IrJSusand five hundred a n d ninety-four. -

^Matthew T. Brennan rece ived one thousand nine hjmdred and s ix ty .

J a m e s P . Sanders rece ived "one thousand four hundred and two , and

. Jas . C. D e L o n g rece ived s e v e n . That t h e w h o l e niunBer o f v o t e s g iven for Clerk

of the Court of A p p e a l s was t w e l v e thousand nine hundred'and s e v e n t y - s i x ; of which ' Russel l F . H i c k s .received n ine thousand five

hundred and ninety- two. Horat io G. W a r n e r rece ived o n e thousand nine

hundred a n d s ixty-three . A l e x a n d e r Mann- rece ived o n e thousand four

hundred and fourteen, and ;

Charles, O. B . Hil ls rece ived seven . . That the whole n u m b e r of v o t e s g iven for Rep--]

"resentative in Congress was t w e l v e thousand nine hundred a n d n i n e t e e n ; of which

Francis E . Spinner rece ived n i n e thousand s ix hundred a n d s i x t e e n . - '

E d w i n D o d g e rece ived three thousand three hundred and one;- . ''

F . E . Sphajer rece ived one . F . E . Spiner r e c e i v e d , o n e . » j Dated - the 1 2 t h ^ a y o f November , 1 8 5 6 . .

9EOB.GE H. FOSTER, Chairman. B. Q. Bi iowra, County Clerk and Secretary.

BTAfEMENI I S REIATION TO CODNTr CfWIOEBS. ' T h e B o a r d o f County Canvassers' o f the

County of S t Lawrence , h a v i n g m e t at the office o ( the Clerk o f said C o u n t y , o n t h e 1 1 t h day of N o v e m b e r , 18,56, t o c a n v a s s and est imate . the votes g i v e n jn t h e several E lec t ion Dis tr ic t s 'o f said "County, iat t h e general Elect ion h e l d o n the fourth day o$j N o v e m b e r , in t h e year aforesaid, do certify as fellows, t o wit:" That i t appears on such es t imate and c a n v a s s that t h e w h o l e number of

•votes g iven ' for District At torney w i s t w e l v e thousand n ine hundred and forty-one; o f which

T h o m a s V . Russell , rece ived nine thousand; five hundred'and s e v e n t y - o n e . 4

• J a m e s C. Spencer: rece ived o n e thousand n ine

hundred a n d s i x * y - t w o . Wil l iam E . K n o w l e s rece ived o n e thousand

Har low Godard rece ived hindred and seventy-five.

Joseph,, Barnea received Onfe thousand nin??] himdredand(brty4*o. • , * J

Arba Robtoson received one' thousand four himdredandtwenQr4eveb,ahd • N

EusaellF.HickarsOeijredtwOi . -That- the whole number of v d % given for

Cjunty Superintendent df the Poor was! twelve tlousand nine hundred and seventy-one; of Which , 1

Theodore Caldwell received nine thonsand five hmdredand ninBty>six.

William H. Paddock received one thousandnine^ hundred and sixty. *

Jonathan E. Clark received one thousand three hundred and eighty-six, ^

CalvinE. Clark,received twenl^t-nine. * I That, the whc&e number of votes given for Cor­

oner was twelve thousand nine hundred and sityon,e;ofwhfeh .'.'#, « , . , , » »

Benjamin F. Sh'erman 'ree'eivad nuie thousand fijve hundred and eigbtj'.eighfe. > .

John 0., Preston teceived one thousand n l n e | hundred and sixty-olie. ,. *

John H. Benton received ,ona thpuaand four hundred and twelve^ . • ' 1

Dated the 12th day of November, 1856. OBORfflE M. TOBMit.'Chalnnan.

B. O. Bi iDww, OonntvClerleiuia Secretarr. K

^ l & . ^ P p M l ^ j g a m KEW FAIL

. . . . PtAIDS • • and

. ' ~vum __M

- iwrontis, IjADIfB CtOTHS, a One JHoclr, I A B H S CLOAKS or

I t A N m u S , In the l a t u t JTrench BtylMf CLOAK


OBRTmOATB 0 > T M IEEOTI0N Of COTJNTT ' 0»«OKRS. .The Board o f County Canvassers o f t h e County

if S t - L a w r e n c e , h a v i n g canvassedsand est imated h e ' v o t e s g i v e n in the several* Elec t ion Districts

p f the "said County, a t a general e lect ion h e l d o n the fourth day o f N o v e m b e r ; 1 8 5 6 , d o hereby certify, de termine i n d declafe; T h a t T h o m a s V . ius se i l , b y the greates t number of v o t e s w a s duly i leeted Distr ict At torney o f said County .

' T h a t Harlow Godard and J o s e p h Barnes , by the greatest number o f v o t e s w e r e duly e lec ted Justices of Sess ions of said County.

That Theodore Caldwell , by the greatest num­ber o f votes Was duly e lec ted County Superintend­ent of the P o o r of said County, and

That Benjamin F . Sherman, by the greates t number of v o t e s w a s duly e lec ted Coronet oi said County. - ,

Dated the 12th day of N o v e m b e r , 1 8 5 6 . i ' 4 GEORGE M. FOSTER, Chairman.

B. S . BALDWIS, County Clerk and Secretary.

nmi, Bich vA desirable PLAIDS, BUSSS GOODfl of every

-" ' > • description. W I N O H • . 0


UKBTBO, T o y Cheap.


. 11 ANDKiatOniEFS,

French ana 8coUoh Work, Plaids for Children, Hosiery of every description, s very

Urge and desirable stock of DAMASKS '




TABffflia, Beautiful Cornices a t very low prices. Oil Cloths,

Carpeting* and Druggets, SUrta, Eld Gloves, Broche, Stella, Cashmere, and best- Scotch

and Bay State Shawls; Gentlemen'! Travelling Shawls, with many other <-

Goods, a t Use, lowest CASH PBI0E8.

aadJejUMtt-GUe, I r l s h j . .


j j • K E N N E t

GEORGE (Buecesjor to Jrench 4 Siveni,)

» W O I . J i i i t » Astir * « T a t L |«AL-a» t » tBcae , i«Dicm»a, EAIKTB, onjaDTfrsrtrfTS,

A n o — n o r o x m , BtA-noaaar, Oo|rfiOTta»»«T, AIS

| ^ - C o r n e r ford and State Btreetsjopposlte St,-Law-.* ranee Hotel, Ogdenjborgh.

THK Proprietor reepectMy toformsthepubHe, 'thathe hasjtut opened a stock of FR3C3H GOODS,

comprisinr alt arUclea usually kept In a Dras 8 r a u ; that^lJieT haye beeniiegularly «dicated In the profee-sion, sjedetsrnuned to do business, and promise to give their undltided ittentlen, that I* may be done saOifao-torUyto those who maw utvor them with their patroo-

10 BABBELS '«rwEjjMsim t* .BeJTeU'SolarOit, 6 Barrels Machi.n'efy OB, «Juj|vr»oeived andforsa l eby ' * ' "

nor-' OrttartBrgli.Kov.ll. 1MB-


V'Y Oft Spot* from every ipeciw of iahrita^withshf PBODTT t BJKBGB, General Agents,

P - t f ] Ogdensbnrgh, n.T.


PAINT BRUSHES, 'TARNISH BRUSHES, Whitewash Brashes, Wall and' Paste Brushes, Art­

ists* Brashes, and Tube Paints, kept constantly on hand and for sale by • PBOUTY 4 KDJBGB, Druggists.'

Ogdensbnrgh, M O T . 2 * , 1855, m


T h e Board oA County Canvassers of Ihe Counjty o f S t Lawrence , m e t at ,fche Office of the Clerk *bi said County, o n the 11th day of N o v e m b e r , 18S6, to canvass and est imate the v o t e s g iven in the several Elect ion Districts , in .each of the A s s e m ­bly Districts of said County, a t the general e lec­tion held o n the fourth day of N o v e m b e r , in the' year aforesaid, d o certify as follows, to w i t : That it appears on such est imate and canvass that the whole number of v o t e s g i v e n for Member of As ­sembly hi the First A s s e m b l y District o f said County, w a s four thousand one hundred and se­venty o n e ; of which .

E m o r y W . Abbot t rece ived three thousand and

two . Benjamin F . Skinner rece ived o n e thousand

o n e hundred and sixty-five. J e s s e Cogswel l rece ived two# * George A . Sheldon r e c e i v e d one , and E m o r y W . A b b o received one . That the whole number of votes g i v e n for Mem­

bers of Assembly in .the Second Assembly District of said County w a s four thousand three hundred and four; of which

Benjamin Squire rece ived twq thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine. f

J e s s e Cogswel l rece ived e ight hundred and lone.

G e o r g e A . Sheldon rece ived five hundred and ix . '

E m o r y W . A b b o t t r e c e i v e d s o n e . ' Office-Seeking Squire rece ived five.. Br iggs and Honcr ie f rece ived one , and Benjamin F . Skinner rece ived One.

• That the whole number o f votes g iven (or Mem­b e r s o f Assembly in Third Assembly District of said County was four thousand thre% hundred and jsixty-four; of which

Erasmus D . Brooks rece ived three thousand five hundred .and sixty-three.

J a m e s F a y rece ived four hundred and ninety-

o n e . , Ziba L . Smith . rece ived three hundred and

e i g h t -J e s s e Cogswel l rece ived one , and George N . Sheldon rece ived one .

D a t e d the 12th day of Ndvember , 1856 . GEORGE M. VOSTER, Chairman.

B. G. BALDWIN, County Clerk and Secretary.


T h e Board of Counly Canvassers of the County o f S t Lawrence having canvassed and est imated the votes g iven in the several Elect ion Districts in e a c h of the Assembly Distr icts of said County, at a general e lect ion he ld o n t h e fourth day of N o v e m b e r , 1 8 5 6 , d o "certify, determine a n d de­clare that E m o r y W . Abbott ; by the greatest number of v o t e s w a s duly e lec ted Member oi As ­sembly , in and for the First Assembly District in said County.

T h a t Benjamin Squire, b y the greates t number o f votes was duly e lected M e m b e r of Assembly in and for the S e c o n d Assembly Distr ict in said Counly, and

That Erasmus D . Brooks , by the'greatest num­ber of vo te s , w a s duly e lec ted Member of A s s e m ­bly in and for t h a T h i r d Assembly District in said

Is now*on hand with .a large stock of

N ' E W G O O D $ ,

For the Fall trade 1858, and whioh will be sold for Cash,

cheaper than the cheapest.






s > r e s a a n d C l o a k

T R I M M I N G S .


WARRANTED to be one of the most valna-1 u3s b T ble articles ever ottered to tie public, for Sprains, I '•'

Wind-galls, Spavins, Stiffness of the Joints, Strains and Callouses of longstanding; also, Srriling, fresh Wound,

Gaus, a c n a c This truly valuable Llnunent h is Bees In successful

use for the last fifteen years, and In no/ Instance has It failed to give satisfaction. The proprietor cheerfully recommends the above remedy to the publlo under a foil conviction of Its emeaoy In the above-named diseases, and all to which that valuable aid useful animal (the Bone) by accident or neglect'« usble, where an exter­nal application is required. .This liniment will also ap­ply equally well to Heat or Horn Cattle. I t reduces In­flammation and'swelling; or\ wbss the flesh has become oAllous, or the cord* stiff. It softens and reduces, and affords a mil and free.clrculatlon tt the parts previously affected. Purchasers may depend upon this being an entirely different article from any ether ever offered to the public, both in its healing' qualities and superior strength,.as but a small quantity Is required at a tune to produce thd desired effect .

l o r sale by FRENCH a STEVEN I, Wholesale and Re-tall Agents, comer of Ford and ftate-streeti, Ogdens-burgh. iO-tf

ARTISTS' BRUSHES, ARTISTS' TUBE Patau, Poppy and Nut Oll,C«nvsj*,*c.,a large and lull assortment constantly on hand and for

PKODTY * RINDGE, . Druggists and Apothecaries.

OgdensbnrghJtoT. 84,1855. *>tf l

. . . i f o T O t w . - '-, • . , • • • • •• «•: C H M O P A L S , •

" :.-&• - -*w MRaBBSf-*'- "" • ' - "_ • ' •'<-.-, - - -->*?££ ^HBWRpufjPlfi

DAGIJBUUtOlimANrf^ . . INSTRDltEHTSP - '"„•'' -

i.Oonsiiting of CAMERAS, of all sl ies, of the tSmt.aianu-|.f»sctorts; *LATI»,of all siaes',compr|singH.*B: Patent

Improved Star, S . and W., and Scale Plates; Dagoerreo. type andAmbrotype Cuesof-every variety of style and Jrn7h,« l»BM*$s,Prt iuVers I HyrKWph«t»r^, lodtoft Bromine, Dryftulck, OoUodlon, 6Btta<ferchsr Os,vettos and Dippers; Sulphate of Iron, Bai tsat Gold, Chloride of Gold, Romrti-Plate Blocks, Head'BesU.acT Ac. ' ',

•Jn Xurnlilifi ig«HaBSPIBM WBAUL'fatid MHBEJjp. OLL.hehasfticilltleswhlchdefycompetltion. "

A LARGE SJOOKpi ' * . . D a U a l s a n d . S i u s r i c a t l X n a t r a m e n t a ,

-• ,1 V , Of-'** V a i i MST-MAKai * ' •'' ~ Constantly on hand. ., - . —- ' «

* « » » * > . - • • ' . • ; - - . ' •>-

oxmish t& • TEETH AHD .


t, A M D C O M B S . * © B O T H

FLORENCE WHTTB AND •FLORENCE Vamlso, White French Zino grenad in on, Parts-

Green, Paris White, Whiting, Putty, Ac. -Call and see as before purchasing elsewhere, as ottr stock. Is large and must be sold. PBOUTY i RINDGE, Druggists.

Ogdensbnrgh, Nov. 24,1868. p - t f ]




* 0 . , * 0 . , AC.

Broche, long and Black Sl!k,B»y SUl which we wIB'Mu'arvery loW^rltcji^M^.-,-— —-_r-and Cloth Capes of the newest s i y l « i Hair Cleth, Grafs Cloth, and Whalebone Skirts. , ' . '

Prints, eihghams; Table Covers, Cottons, Denims, .<-*:— TiekiiiBatHi.TwtoeATlclBftan Bsaieatvariety.

m Gloves; arid

W H I T E l i E A J B .

S T U N S B B 0 0 K L . T N W H I T E L E A D , 2 Tuns Philadelphia Pure White Lead, 8,Tuns Pore

trench Zlstsln Oil, by * PROUTT * RINDGE, ; Druggists and Apotbecariee. Ford-Street,

0gden»tairgh,Hov.84,18o5. - P - t f ]






TICKS, FLANNELS, all colors.


P A I N T S , O I L S A N i r y A B P T I 8 1 X .

A L A R G E Stock o f Brooklyn W B o s t o n P u r e Lead t French and New-Jertey B n c ; Raw and Boiled

Unseed Oil; Copal, Damar, Flounce and Asphaltnm Varnish; French Yellow Venetian Red; Pari* and Chrome Green ; Lampblack, Spirits Turpentine, Ac , A c ; just re­ceived, and for sale at low rates, at the new Drug Store of .- " FRENCH A STEVESS,

»(ftf Ford and State-eta,

P E B F 1 M E B T ,

A LARGE assortment of LUTJIH'S Erraaore received this week, direct from Pari*. Farina's

German Cologne, Lyon's Kathairon, Barry's Tricophe-roos, Rosemary:-and Castor Olh Bahn of Thousand Flow­ers- Phalonhi Hair Dye; Railway's ~


T VS, BABBELS BUBNING FLUID, JUST receives, fresh and good, a t

Ogdenjbnrgh, Nov. 84,1S5B. p - t f ] .




• Druggists and Apothecaries, Ogdenibnrgh, Nov. 24,1B55. P - t f ]

.jo j u ^ . — , - Medicated Soap; Orange Flower L o ^ r r J t c l i e t f s J a j r Restorative. Also

for sale at """" 40-tf

FRENCH k STEVENS' Drug Btore, » Ford and State-it*.

C A M P H E S E .


Ogdensbnrgh, Nov. 24,1855. P - t f ]

W H O L E S A L E A N D R E T A I L ,


CA L C I N E D P L A S T E R P A R I S , N O W I N store, and for sale by - PROUTY k RINDGE.

LE E C H E S -for sale by

[ « - t f ]

FRESH SUPPLY OF LINSEED OIL, WHITE Lead and Zinc, Just received by



L A R G E Stock jus t ^received for the Fall trade, consisting of Log< * " * -" " - - " - ' -

dlgo. Extract Logwood, Cudb—, Indigo, and Madder Compounds, Annatto, Ac^ A c For

od, Redwood, Fustic, In-Qnercitron, heitgaui,

sale at 40-Lf

FRENCH k STEVENS', Ford and State-sta.

U L f f l F O I I »







' and


Blonds Edgings, Black Lace Veils, Gloves,'Hosiery, Com­

forters, Boys'Mitts and Gloves, Linen Handkerchiefs,

Black 811k Cravats, Kail Bonnets and Trimmings, Rib-

boas of all kinds, Flowers, Ao.



Ac. Ac. Ao.

71 r o B D - S T H E E T .

Ogdensburgh, October 6th, ISM.

SP E R M , Winter -Bleached 'Whale O i l and Extra Lard OQ, for sale wholesale, or retail, at


40-tf Ford end Blate-st

JACOB AARON. P E A C E ! P E A C E ! ! P E A C E ! ! !

mi %%

A FRESH SUPPLY OF PLANTAGENET Bpring Water, just received and b offered for sale


JUST RECEIVED! A FULL ASSORTMENT of Brushes used in all branches of Paint and* Wbite-


largo or-amall qoantities. AND

' French Zinc, Chrome Green, Paris " do Chrome Yellow, French do Vermillion, Prussian Blue, Plaster Paris, Campbene,

White Lead, . Spirits Turpentine, Japan, Venitlan Red, Oro. Verdigris, Umber, Eng. Paris White, Whiting, Gold Leaf,

^ [4D-tf]


| ; N . Y . y LINCOLN.



B E X A I J t

I. > &£-, for" slcimess and

ises. XI*

Just received. I t of ' TtCY GOODS,. A t . \ Brushes-,

r Cologne Bottles, r Popgerjta, Cre^a of Tartar, ;

; Soda* for CooMng, ^ i n g Extracts, Shampagne Brandy^x-

lessiyfor Cooking, ' ; English Mustard,. 1 Becmnd&ArroV Root, 1 Starch for Paddings, ,

Jncb Getatine^ * •per"* Isinglass, A c , Ac.

I *

td i a a Dn Pore.

(Store;, war-

| > I V E D , •

D ^ t G N ; MRS. , and every' sart*-

• E a a t t e l l a S t s .

FG F L U I D , bonateilSods^ **

LM.eal, icrt Gelatine,

hTiadrea « n d - i a f ^ ^ * " , . David L . Seymour rece ived o n e thousand n ine

hundred and fifty.

Daniel V. Campbell received, o n e thousand n i n e

hundred and fifty. • J o h n Edger ton rece ived o n e thousand n ine

Tvondred and fifty. _ . ,, . *• -J o h n * Stryker rece ived o n e thousand', n i n ^

hundred and fifty. - \ i •„ •. Merlin J a c k s o n rece ived ' o n e 'thousand n i n e

. hundred and fifty. • >. • ' • « • Sidney T. Fan-child rece ived o n e thousand n ine

hundred and Jifty. , v-Alburn Fos ter rece ived o n e thons-and~aine

hundred and fiftyg '. * . J a m e s P . Haskiri r e c e i v e d o n e t h o u s a n d n i n e

hundred and fifty. " . - » , Michael S . Myers r e c e i v e d o n e thousand n i n e

jffhnndred and fifty. " y * y George SS. Horton rece ived o n e thonsaBdi^i ineJ 7 hundred andf i f ty . ' . .

Nicoll lHalsey r e c e i v e d o n e thousand -lijiie hundred and fifty.. . '-. .J- •

Reuben P . W t s n e r rece ived o n e t h o u s a n d n i n e hundred a n d fifty.- , l£-?,

Charles BL Clark r e c e i v e d o n e t h o n s a n d n i n e hundred and fifty.; -

Miles P . L a m p s e n r e c e i v e d o n e t h o u s a n d rumv huadred and:fifty." . . • . ;

Charles L e e received o n e ftbusand' Bine hnij .a* red and fifty. . . . , . i • '

Isaac V . Vanderpool r e c e i v e d o n e thonsand rune hundred and fifty. •- , ' "•, j

Eleazar Harmon r e c e i v e d o n e ' t h o i i r s a n l t n l n e ' l - hundred ancLfifry. , - . "y. , . ' • ^

Daniel Gllnian r e c e i v e d (pne thousattd'-t i i^ee huhdftd and th ir ty - two , . ', is. %

W m . H . , V a n d e r b n t r e c e i v e d o n e thousand t h r e e , hundred and tirirty-two."' 5 4. ,

Roswell -Graves rece ived o n e thousand t h r e e


^»*i*wW«-*««g^ -J

A l e x a n d e r Spauldirig rece ived one. 3. C. S p e n c e r r e c e i v e d one . . W . L , K n o w l e s rece ived o n e , and W m . L . Kdpwles rece ived one . That thp whole number of v o t e s g i v e n for J u s ­

tice of Sess ions w a s t w e l v e thousand nine , h u n d ­red and for ty-s ix ; o f w h i c h •»

County. ! i»ted-th»- ls*'*;

B. G BiLowis, County Clerk and Secretary.

P A P E R W A B E - H O U S E .

PETTEB C. J O N E S , No. 8 Water Street corner of Devonshire Street,


HAS ON HAND, AND - FOR SALE, A Urge assortment of Papers, as enumerated below:

WRITING PAPERS. Blue and White Letter, Plain and Baled.

" Cap, Plain and Ruled. " " Flat Cap. " " Fancy Note Paper, Plain and Ruled. " •' Note Papers, Plain and Ruled. {' V Bath P o s t Plain *nd Ruled. " " Demy and Medium. » " F0U0. " " Packet Post, Plain and Rnled. " •' OommercUl, Plain and Ruled. The above papers are from the best manufacturers.

E a t e r f r o m E u r o p e . P e a c e C o n c l u d e d .

TH E CONCLUSION O F P E A C E B E T W E E N the'European Powers has not produced a greater

decline In Brea4-8tuus, than a New Arrival of SPRING AMD SUMMER GOODS

Has in the price of Beady Made Clothing at the OGD NSBUBQg.CLOTHINQ EMPORIUM!

J . A A R O N , Has just completed {repairing his Store, and has fur­nished the same with an entire new stock of


A N D G E N T L E M E N S ' F U R N I S H I N G G O O D S !

Walk In, and see if his Shelves are not crowded—bis Drawer* all roll, and his* Counters weighed down with the richest and most varied assortment ever before of­fered in this " BnTgh." . %

Confident that ho is prepared to suit the most fasti­dious, J . Autoa extends an Invitation to aU who wish to purchase' a good article at a low, living price, to favor him with a call at No. 49 Ford-Btreet, for it is the place where they will find Ready Made Clothing to suit body and mind. Just give him-* caiVend without * moment's delay he win give you a fit, cheap for Ready Pay. His. stock comprises every article in the Ready Made Cloth­ing line; to suit purchasers, from the Laboring man to too Judge on tbe Bensh.

J. Aaao* returns his sincere thanks to bis old custo­mers for past favors- and kindly solicits a continuance of the same, t"""""'""' Continual additions will be mads to the stock as the season advances. Don't mistake the place—King and Averell's Granite Block, 49 Ford-8t, Ogdensburgh, N. Y. pa-tf.]

Artist's Colors, Crayons, and all kinds of Paints. They are warranted to be of the best kind; and will be sold at the lowest market prices,

[ t t - t f ] . PROUTY k BISDGE.

S o l e P r o p r i « t o r ~ o i ' t h * C e l e b r a t e d

r B A L M \ -

Z i S T H O B E A , Which, a* a cure forDtarrhttea, Dysentery and Cholera, stands unrivalled. Read the following certificates:

OertlBfate from the late Member of Congress from this District'

*= Ogdenlburgh.M,-'Y, Oct 26,1885. HBXKT S. Hmtracar, Esg. : Year mettecine for bowel

complaint*, called the Balm ofcZanthorea, has' been ex­tensively used In this village and vicinity during the past season. I have often heard It spoken of as a moat effective remedy for diarrhosa,dysentery^uad-other bowel complaints, and I have had occasion. to nse .It and found Immediate relief from tt, and believe themedeclne r-"1"-rally has a high reputation among those Who have


The'ZANTHOREA Is a medicine valuable in numerous varieties of bowel affections, as I am well, convinced from having prescribed i t ; and-in those obstinate cases, of a chronic form,"! know of no one thing In which I would place more confidence, ' ,

S. N. SHERMAN, M. D. Ogdensburgh, July 18,1858. -

{ j - y READ THIS. GsnxarrowH, California, Jan. 14,1855.

Mr. H. 8. HOMPHKXT—Dear Sir: It Is but justice to you that I state a fe# facts relative to your Invaluable BALM* OF ZANTHOREA.- On leaving Ogdensburgh, I provided myself with one small bottle, (which, triflingas it was, save-rkeveral individuals from death by.cholera,

The cholera broke out on board the *teamer " Uncle Sam,'' after leaving San Juan del Sud, in Its most malig­nant form, and out of 558 passengers, 216 died of cholera. The disease was attended with It* usual symptoms**a'ar-rhoM, Ac. The physicians on board seemed to hate no power to cheek the disease. I first tried the .Zanthorea upon -J. L. Ross', of Macon^Georgia^—whom* the doctor had prescribed for with no beneficial regult-^and judge of my astonishment, when, in an hour or 'two; the diar­rhoea was stopped, and the patient fast recovering.

I continued its use, and with the small quantity I had with me, saved the lives<sf six Individuals, and had I been provided with a sunwient'quantity, I have nodoubt or hesitation in saying I could have saved the lives of a hundred persons.

I most cordially recommend its general use; for with the Balm of Zanthorea, cholera and dinrrbtea are robbed of all their terrors. - '

Your* truly, ' 6 .» H'. M. FAY.

P. 8.—The Nicaragua steamer "7«ct« Sam left San Juan del Sud early in September. IS55. •

madeSatt -assortment of Yankee Notions, HosierJEOf aU descriptions, . . . . .

A splendid lot of FlowonvEibton, Satins, Velvets, Bilim Benches, the newest fashion of ready made Bonnet*. LacesandNeedleWorlcof-aliaescriptlonsi' -. ' ' •

- " ^ABPEHNGS^j,. . ,._"^4.W.-*- -' Parttculairattentioa bMbeetfpaultotttVdepartment

we are' able to seB carpetlngs this Pall from l(f to 20 .per c e n t less than before. . , , , . " . . • •«*•

New.deaigtu of Paper Hangings ana Borderings, Look­ing Glasses, Oornloes, aaoT other jtylesof WlndowTrtn)-mtngs together with a thousand of other things too nu­merous to mention.

Country Herehanto<.Mflltoer*,andEedler» supplied a t Oltai Jobbing prices. *

N. B.—B. k K. have al io reoeived.aohpice aSBortment Of Family. Groceries which they will always keep oh hana, at greatly reduced prices. 1



NO. • moan BLOCK, CANTON; VL y.,

EMBRACE THIS OCCASION TO INFORM their friends and acquaintances that they have per­

manently located in Canton, where they are constantly oflfcring for sale a general assortment of D r y G o o d s , ' " G r o c e r i e s * - C r o c k e r y , & c .

In this large establishmant can always be found all the newest and most approved styles which can be found

. in market, consisting of -> -Moulin de Lalnes, Bgored and Plain Berages, Tissues,

Poplins, Chambras, and choice MOURNING GOODS. Dress and Mantilla BILKS, and a large assortment of


Flowers, Lfsaes, and* Velvets of aU descriptions. D.RESS XRLMMINGS; Lace, Muslin, and Cambric

UndersleeTts; Vfrought Collar* and Chemisettes; Silk, Lisle Thread; and Cotton HOSE; with a large/assortment of GLOVES.

Hats, Caps, Cravats, Shirts, and Collars. SUMMER GOODS, for Men and,Boy's CLOTHING.

Bleached and Brown Shirting and Sheeting, Tick*, and, Denims. "

Broadcldths, Doe-Skins, Gasslmeres, Tweeds, Ac. OARPKTINGS of ail descriptions. Crockery and Stone-Ware, Groceries) Oils, Paints, and

Dye-Stuffs, Palis,Brooms, A c , Ac. '- \ Ik short, a "creator collection of Goods Is offered for

sale, than is generally found at a Retail Store.' They would-oaU the attention of the public to the above facts, and would take great pleasure in showing their large stock of Goods, knowing that they win compare favora­bly in quality1 and prices with any assortment now in S t Lawrence County.


June 26,1854. SO-tf

^ „,,,„ „. JN ST. -JLAW-:kr»we*na^ou>wg(tou5tatoi'or46»* -o«Bj*hciJf^s. ,&»m:ito''TBtowrlei'ot

— OMcl-^fil,"fe6tl34n} •Sunn's*'Clark, Ba­con JMsaven, S»"iUiatti"!aalI*Sorifand N. J. & F. V" '»••-New.York. Alao,Ageht,fortli«i!ale of Oarliarti ham, find Prince's METODEONB.

Kesp-i chnSiamHy^hnaiiofSiaEl? MUSIO,: TION B0FK8 for every msbmneht ; Violin, Guitar, Bass "Hoi 8tiingjt,:togelher w i f e * MB assortment of t indaof JATIiMAIi>"aS(8T5rail!aNT8,*U of which will be\ •old atc!tyspricea,^'SPBAGUE«BGOK-*3TOR*5irEa-' j l e Block, OgdeMburghS'*Sfew-*i~ork. QS-ly]

THE SUBSCBIBES WOUCD BlB^gOTFUL--' ly inform the public that he has now on exbibition

at S. VAif "BJ)BEN?Siaotel,-;Madrid, Depot, One Six Oc­tave poa Wood Piano Forte, two large front round corners^ with BUdlng DeBk,*lron JPrame and Scolloped Keys of'Ha11ett,I)a-ri9 k C o s Hanruacture, Bosjton. Said Piano Forte-is aq-ery superior style of»nnish-and quality • of tone^and w*U be sold, together with „a Rose Wood Stool,for 1240,00. ".

He has also one'Second Hanrl Piano PoftejOf German Manufac'aire', in perfedt repair* which triB be sold very low; also New-and- Second Hand Melodeong., Any per­son desirous of purchasing any of the abov^-named ar­ticles win do welt to calf before purchasing elsewhere.

*F- t f ] 1 A. 8. GOODRICH.



J. H I .



N e w a n d R t c b F a l l G o o d s !


P U T H D U S S Goons,

every variety, and of tho choicest styles, and •

warranted to -"wear well.

Of all kinds and colors.

V A * H J A B * L E S P R I N G M E B I C I N E !

B E X F O R D ' S Compound Cbamoml le CprVlial.

THE PECULIAB MEDICAL PROPERTIES of this preparation demand the-attentlon .of all


GENERAL DEBILITY, t o ; . Aa a tonic and restorative. It stands unrivalled—In­

vigorating and renewing the. prostrate state of the con­stitution—Imparting a n energy to the stomach, which fortifies the system again*!*, the change 9o*f season and climate, and sh'ould be in" the possession of all who travel.

Thii.Cordlal Is most admirably adapted tor the ladles; and Is strongly and -particularly recommended In all those complaints and-exigenctes peculiar to the female sex.

It has also been found a sure preventive of AGUE., Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by

H. 8. HUMPHREY, Chemist A Druggist, No. S, Eagle Block^Ogdensburgh,

New York,



fffl-tf GOODNO,

R. Y.

I A D W E L L A C0.*B.

BliACK. SILK.' SHAWLS, SILK. F ^ G E S , 1 and nice Dress Trimmings, can how be'seen al?



MILLINERY GOODS, A NEW LOT, at low prices, at tbe Store of

, ' GOODNO, CADWELL A OO. •flan-ton, New-York. ^ 82-tf



, Also, Kid, and Silk Gloves, at GOODNO, CADWELL A C0^8 ._





For Ladles ' use .

THEBE19, and

Utl MiinriiHii © 2

e.&| i tSt3-IplFf^ ^Kl^ . » * §

-J69 ^* to © eg,

to . — --iiiiiisspi

C9 ox t& *-'«o nv.Orci qt«*t*-cO(»c>as»v^i&>H ii-''S)

*> w to ig to 1:


«.': S ' ^ S S e i K H m o r e . g

^ « 0 0 ^ . M i s i c a >!»•«» i s iK w * o 3 i s t b i o » » - f i - e o > - « >-. F r e m o n t o v e r £ o 00 *• o «> o 00 i^ w o o « > o - a K i o o * . i & c o » o < o i K ) C o o o ^ o D - s Bnphanan • c

^l « 3 t a w i o 2 • i s e i o i ^ «shi*e?t-«" •*:*.-«o Jo « s o w M «KI»4—ojr*& F r e m o n t o v e r - t

*••«•*"" • :: FreniPBt'over,).;

»«,—1 S T . L A W B K S C E County Clerk's Office, hereby certify that the above is a correct copy from, the records Uept in my office.

B. G. BALDWIN, Clerk. «.

AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT TRUNKS, Valises, Oarpet Bags, e t c , at


o IL CLOTH T H I N G , a"t


Osaaaxass, All 'Colors.

F O V D E R f P O W D E R ! •t(\(\ K E G S B L A S T I N G P O W D E R , X \ 7 \ l received and for Bale by

August 26,1S56.





SHAWLS, Long and Squar*



I P * %t?.**9 3 J - • .*»a . : . . . P'H'. '. . J* • • •• •


SttScSSSSSSft—* ^ » * f r » 3 2 ^ S S » i S c l S * g S I S l 1 S S B a c h a n a n .

40 by 46.

S6 by 40. 40 by 48.

»*ai'%i:»i*'i#:ffi'^ . 0 S o ^ a ' & . a i . c a . S . K i * x E j ' 5 i a - - c c 1 5 i t S g ! 5 ; 6 j .



!r*£o ; * t o >*•

^fS^tsI'IlsfsiM^IS te *4 £ g w S *^* & ' ^


tc*U eo e i s ^ « « . \ f e » * c . — .

all the Patent

s a d

KffiO**--, Droggist, Irt abd **abeua-street&-


nted Of the first qusli-

OK'S, « p'ord and Isabella-sts.


I T E W . :*rap*BRoog. l -RACTSb PIT ALWAYS 05T

r saajtiPSJ smtem BROWN

•&, -%Met's, Mm-k-ound,A«^J

t p - L E ^ I O N . -

riOWEBS^SHANDS i'sCkaJkBalis, 6J*o*-*

|Q8-y:wa*qrae<-iEt;:' *m*<,.; • ; '

"tJ(s*i#aBsres(His»--; fiat MteMF!,

t E N . D I C BX SAYS&

» W O * M * T J K » . ; ••if i*. a*—-."

*' '\imt-


hundred and\^^.j , . -„« _ Joseph H. feme, received,otfe thouatna "Hiree;-

hundred and-ftir^-tWo. - ,' Benedict I^wilkgf>, received one^tbrj*jaan|l-|

three huttdr^aMpft l^two. - ' - * ".i'^jj Henry GrirmeS teeeifedt oaV &&W6it.«fl*f

hundred and^&htetwa. * " , * „ • ' , •' , ' t l i , Alex. M. C.'Sn^ :-^»iv%S*oM«wasan«^ee>J

hundred and thir^4wo* - . - . , , „ • / Bicbard S. Gray kceived one thquaand/ « « f »

hundred and tfiirty-CT-o. '* * ' ' ' a - _ AbraEain Hstfieid -received one -feousand three

huadred--an5^is^S*^ * « • '. ' . . i „ • 1 Andrew O b p g e / r a ^ e t l one. thonsijiul. W » f

hundred ami thirty»t«or\ • • .- J.=Z-A * Gilbert G. Ifearie *e*eelv^rl •'one thOUaatftt w ™ ^ hundred and thirtj4fr^ \ . ' . JL~ *'

Rafus vf .WataokiseeitW a tamdred taAthirQr^«fO" "'" «"". -.

Charles "Wiiiting received one ffioasantt tnree hund-sd and *tWrI3etwo>« h u m ^ ' a ^ . ^ ^ r M ^ * l^^W^CJiM^

Leonard- G . ^ 1 ^ , w c e ^ o S > B a*»2&&<& three ta5ire4 anp\*%ty^w*tt. ' ^ O

Oitaiel i . W team* OB^MB^8

H«nrySfB»«*: *r«eeived one^hottj-afld t

" ^ e S S S v e d o»e 4 ^ M - H

* ^ & & f t l P * « » ttottaand Ihre* hTjndrea.as4'^*j-»0- .• v ,i. - .l„rf»Kj^j Cn!^»r«,*S*ree1manreceivedonetWMSs^^ braid«*ai**«Mi^r-'*<»- . , ' \ . '• ''•**&.<

WBpott 6reeaman received one »onaantftni

nrindred and thirty-two. * v « ™ ^ i ^ f l l ^ b » E e l l »eiaved one wmpx

hmJ«^and-j)l«y-^o. , . . . " ^ r ^ * ^ Samael J. Hofley mmti «*» ftoa«ati**«tw»

Henry H. Babooefc reeeiTed one

- B, 6«fe^*3«o wsc-eiwil hundred; and * r l ^ * * * 0 - , _ _ ,1;,'. iir.iifsi.isir *XtoXae*m Jr.,r«eefv»*a*a«*JaM»!iiii«ii*W

hundred and &fc?**i; '..-.- '*• '-:J\.K.,LJ ^'-.^ it«i>aisTniii*sir«i reeaifom owa,Uie*a|afl*) *n^P

hmidreti and thirty.twflL - . . "-Tr—i**r Wsgner &mib&-1**

Ull l l s i i l*-Ja^ai iaty^WO. » ,• ' -

Jta-*^ Q-tt-WT a* <« *hasa|ii*al- a*wt Ukkt^gfttk -*

Atsal WaksfMr ' " hnBtkW ' '


* » ! » »


liis^^i^ a-^CT-Vtc teo i - t l - ' : e | - - — -*•

*J ** * 5. *^l ,-- i l*i» ( . r V ^ w f f a J t t f i i - l !

* I *2JS;

1-01 *• eg to » * S">

r ' aeisiiiaw * ' . : ;*« ' ' • £ • - • -* •'• "•'• ••"• • y « ? r > 5 ^ v - ' i , - •.



I ftfe-g^-^fc^fe.

»ata to to S38-s«raa«OTaL




n •%-


FRENCH PAPERS. -Blue and"WhIte Letter, Plain and Ruled.

" " Folio P o s t ^ " "• Hots Paper*.

I HABDWARE AND CLOTH PAPERS. 16 by 21, 91 by 80, M by 84, 26 by 80, 88 by 40, 91by2« , 9 9 b y 8 3 , « 4 b y 8 6 , 8 6 b y 8 6 , And other size made to order at shprt notice.

MANILLA PAPERS. 14 by 20, « b y . 2 1 , 31 by 86, 26 by 88, 15 by 20, 19 by 24, 24 by 85, 86 by 30,

1 WRAPPING PAPERS. Single and Double Cap, Rag and Straw.

<» ( •• Crown, Rag andlStraw. White and Colored Shoe and Tea Pipers. Carpet Paper.

BALING PAPERS. 26 by 86, 8«byS6 , 86 by 40, 40 by 46, And other tl*e made to order and short notice.

Oelqred Paper*, of all Color, Glased and Cnglaied. White and Oolbred Blotting and, Filtering Papers. English and American While and- Colored Tissue

Paper*. Log, Envelope and Post Office Paper*.

PRESS PAPERS. For Clothier*, Printer* and Manufacturers, furnished

at manufacturer's price*, oLany alxe required. Bonnet Paper*. Binders', Jrrunk and Straw Boards. Blue and White Bonner Boards. Entelope* of all sixes andkinds, -Fancy Box-Paper. Pi ter C. Jo Is Agent for flMTTH A PETERS' ENA­

MELLED OABDS, and ha* constantly on hand a large assortment of the various qualities, both Sheets and Cut fl>rdi.Goia. Silver, and Colored Border*, and Embossed

B E I T I O V A J L .


Card*, GoM, Silver, and Colored l Ball Carol. He U alio Agent for-BOSTON CARD GO'S PLAYING CARDS, which are considered the best manu-factared-in the United States. - *'

Printing and Book Paper, of aU »Iws, on hand and made to order.

Dry and Tarred Sheathing for Ship* and Houses. B T ^ A B H PAID TOR 1UGB. ., ., ^ ,***»4tal

tg-S$.iS5lt g'llglluaseu.

B S . - S ^ i . g € » . l % g .

S 3 5 6»6t'e9,S-^§§;Sptoneri

g^gaie^gg-gg-^-Dodge- •





- j / \ A A A " P O U N D S BtttiYYii D U M D U M J L v r . V f V / v / Also, Crushed, and Coffee Sugars, ft sale low by J82-M] GOODNO, OADWffU. % CO.


CASH PAID FOR FLEECE WOOL, AND Cloth* exchanged for Woo], by


A NEW ARRIVAL, OF PRINTS,' FAST Colors, at six, and seven-and-a-half cent* per yard,

at fjtiS-tf] GOODNO, CADWELL A CO.'S.

ABNSLEY-S--'DRILLS, A NEW: THIIffi", for Men'* Summer Wear, at

82-tf ^ ^ GOODNO. CADWELL A CO.'S.


Panrrsn CimmrsKa, and

Mou3Lis DsLAnrss, In great variety, all wool and common.

MouEjrao GOODS, A large assortment in different fabrics.

BLAOX S a x "Yaxvaw, for

. a n d MABTUiAB.

a^raaomxanra, LAOis,


S I R A 8 T - C E Y C t M J P E R ' S P f X E S , ' BJM0US J K O R D I R 8 AND THEIR CURE.

rrvHEBE lHlfOlSHlNaijIANfOBltSft USE-X fulandefiScientan Aperient a* the Blleitseltwhieh

has b e t a admirably adapted by nature to supply the bowels l u a state of bf»lth with the reqaistte stimulus; but when this h M f r o m d i i ^ w e l w c m e either de'ficent h i qaanttty, ordeterloraUd In qtt*H*7;'m«aii:*nes are just­ly ehUtied to consideration as the most eSkctual means of restoring a Bsaithy secretion. Sir Astley Cooper** AntI-BlUou»an4 Family Aperient Pill* are all-powerful Innm»vi»«t*»..dirtre*alDg iymptom*at"«nd»nt-,upori b * l k m * o l ) i ^ 0 o i ^ d l i o r t « r e d l t a * e c v j h e * ' ^ - w h bowels iitch a»rj«Jo« ijf t h * bead-, dimness of s i g h t

. sickness, oppression of the chest, lowness 0fsp"rlts,wiUi 'great.apprekeiislon of imaginary danger, and fe»r Of fi*4iend»**h,dUlncl*riaU*>n:rora«UT*nnployinent;ana, • f ^ o u s o t ier s*rmptoms, a t a l l time* trooWesome.aud

. irtt unfresutatiy danrtrou*.,. By taking two or three iof C S t e ' T A i - * ' * * ^ ' ^ ^ ^ 1 .a^f*«ilpy"-ctf»v*d,aririrflbw

v a d s . th* mladTtfie stomach and -»w*l« ere restored to 1 their n»taralftlnctIons,aodAtrrftunf vigor Is th* remit ; F%tH*Uif on*Htw»,«r4to!* pDl*^^*t:b*d-tlme,art(l.rer.

petted ** occaslw-siayraodfr .nec*sM»rr, they, operate.

tolrar^advsrtlsed *Jid^r«weMui-r*eiliclnes, which toe.

Y^i~*±X<&J&Wm^^'!^Mi^ the^ jjdtBatar*-w^Miktkffim tb^-ftr^nijrj- jWMitwri aa


WOULD BIBPEOTFUM4 INF0BM TBE Ladle* of Ogdentburgh and ticinlty, that he has

taken the New Store, nearly O P ^ J * ' * " ^ . ? ' ^ ^ ; where h t will open, on "tHOB8DA| next, the largest assortmsnt of

everof tredh* thlivlrfnlty. amirfe; . . Ogden*bttrgh,j?

Th* largest and best} selected assortment ever offered.

GsaTLX-tTJi'a SnAWU, HOAara.

MAanxs, Hoenraf,'



E a t a b l l a h e d I n 1 8 5 4 . • „ , BE REMOVED TO THE NEW COL-

, , lege Room, Dlllay's Block, comer of Saline and Fayette streets, Syracuse, October 9,where it wiU be per­manently located. -\ * ' This Institution I* unsurpassed by any a, tmilar estab­lishment in the United States in point of facilities for acquiring a thorough business education, aknowledge of Conunercial Science and A r t *

8. M. BASSW. Principal, Professor o f the Scienoe of Accounts, Practical* and Ornamental Penmanship, and Lecturer on Commercial Correspondence.

W. V, PEaBm,PractIcal Acceuntant, Professor of Pen-' manship. Lecturer on Commercial Law, and Commercial Compntttlons.

N. P. BASSET, Professor of'the Science of Accounts and Lecturer on Business Customs.

M l s s L M . NBW81X, Assistant Preceptress, in Ladies' Department. ' •,

-LECTURERS. Hon. It- H. Tyler,-Judge P r a t t A. Gt Hall, Esq., H. J.

Sedgwick, Esq., P. M., and others.; Lecturers on Com­mercial Law.-Oommercial Calculations, Political Econo­my, Banking-, Bail Roadtng, Finance, Ao. "

For further partlculafVsend for a Circular; [46-4m.]

B O O T S A N » S H O E S !


B 0 O T S A N D S H O E S

$(&., 60 DAYS,

Lower than they can be bo-jght

Thin siae of (I

B O S . T . O N !

"(**y please call and examine for yourselves. _ ^ J

* 1. S. -GOCtD, A CO





J. S. GOULD, & CO.

P O S T O F F I C E N O T I C E .

A c , A c , Ac,

Panrrs—all kind*, BoxmKQand Saurruio—all width* and qualities. OAaarmtos, TAMSTST, Baussafs,Tmucs-PXvs, IxoaAntg; VxxrriAii, DaOaoars, UATTTKO and On, Crirr*a, aU width*..

"Bp^B^member.isl'. V.*VH. 6TJESE8.


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hmdroi *««

. . r - w ^ i u o - . .

•"— --t- i MBSiaswEsiei .

• • f t ; - ••%" -'mfM^-f-


S p . i EAGLE BLOCK. OGDENSBURGH. N . Y. , ,. Importer and Dealer

"of SHELF ANt» - H * ^ V Y « ] l j * r W .trawnwAW*- T W » . w . n . H flM\

•"•^•gia**,*e*m*ij ,oi**,«». . te . ,>> < 7i * " »

SJJ lDLtaYAND^OACHHARDWARir M -•*'*- 'i'T. Sola. Agent Ihr . J . , .

»«!mtM<ft-wh,»efo*Tianat other, BELii,, £ FAIttBANKS * 00 . -8 Platform, Ctounier, aifdi Hay

MAILS FOB-THE FOTJ^WiNG**PLAC^, on and after Tuesday, October 28, wnj close as

follow*: - / : Watertown, Route, Morristown, Hamtiiona Clayton,

and Sac l^t iHarbbr , atG%-<?elo<!t>A,.M. -*--For Rome, Utlca, Troy, Albany,-Albany D. P. O., New

York City, New York D. P. 0 „ Syracuse, Oswego, Roches­ter, Buffalo, ^Buffalo S< P, O., Gouverneur, Rlchville, Antwerp and Ox Bow, a t 6Jf o'clock A . M .

OaaadiiJIail* olose at $X o'clock A. M - ' , • ' Malligopig Bait by Cars will clof«i>,at'"5 o'clock P . M . Mall* for Canton will close a t 9 A. M. HaiUfo;rBe-*monelo-K>4rWXarVM.- •''*- •** All other mail* close a t 8 P. M.

ABBIVAIi OF MAtts ; Fr*m the East a t UJiA.M.i_From New-York, Albany^

Utlca and Watertown, at S% P. M. From New York Buffalo, Borne and Watertown, at I I P . H . from Her­mon at 103* A. M., From Canada at < P . M .

. ' . . > i ' / -dMiOT'HfJ iJKl te ' ' - - - • . - . • i -V, ; On week d»ys, open at T ' A . M ^ and close a j S P.M.

.. On *""un6"*y»/bpen fcom.8 to 9 A.'.Jt»--—

i a O R R I S O N - »

R I V I N G , S H A V I N G A N D J O I N T I N G S b i n t r l e M a c h i n e !

ff*BJB M A C H I N E I S N O W E X H L B l T I N G A N D X ta operation at JOEL H. MACK'S MILL, Lake

street,. Ogdensburgh, N. Y. It Is* ca*pable of Riving, Shaving, and Jointing from ' TWENTY-FIVE TO FORTY THOUSAND SHINGLES !

PER DAY. It works Eaty and Winding "timber to the greatest per­fection, and. with the'--utmost ease; so simple in con­struction' that there? is neither belt nor^o'g^wheel in it ; being*whdlly constructed'©! Iron and steel^trdurabtlity is very great The power of three horses will work i t to it* utmost capacity, Which can at once be applied from the water-wheel, steam engine, or common horse-power, by belt or gearing; can be worked inithewoodi, mill, or shop, equally wen; a* i t ocenpies'^mly'lard t>y*igbt' -feet

quire* but one m a r r « ^ t e M i t i ^ n a ^ W t « t b a t \ * sim­ple though very substantial combination of the Frow, tho 8h*ving?Knife, and Jointer Irons of, tbe " old hand process," working all ouch timber as can be worked by hand, and a groat deal that cannot, and in such style of finish and beauty that givea them the preference of the markeVbver ail qther Shingles. "' f -.


Are especially directed to this Machine for profitable in­vestment The pubUcarerespeetfuily invited to'witness i ts operation at the above named place, whew i t wiB re­main under the .superintendence of R. F. VAUGHN, one of the Proprietors, who wilt be most happy to give any information on the subject required, or negotiate with parties for Comity Rights, and Machines ready for use. . . j . •

|5"*****"A11 Communications addressed to Mr. VAUGHN, or J, Kv MACK, Ogdensburgh, N. *4, or to R. ?, VAUGHN, Rochester, N. Y., at any time thereafter, will be prompt­ly attended to. , * •

O p i T i i r . u a o f t h e P r e s s , d e e .

' [from the Milwaukie free Democrat] The Machine is about six feet in length, and stands

upon iron leg* about two.feet in height; is very compact­ly and strongly put together, and has nothing com­plicated or unwieldy about I t ltc.an.J-S flfiyenby two horse-TJowbr, at Its fun spied Tor'either Oak. piiie„ceaar

OanESSBDUQ^Nov. IS, 1856.

T H E G R E A T E S T n t E B I C A J b D I S C O Y -E K f T O F T H E A G E .

MR. KEPJEDY, OF ROXBUBY, MASS#-chusetts, has discovered in one of our common

pasture weeds.a remedy that cures' every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to & common Pimple. He has tried i t in over elevenJjundred cases, and nevertail­ed, except In two casea, (both thunder humors.) Be has how In his possession over two hundred certificates of its. value, all within twenty mBes or Boston.

Two bottles are warranted to cure a Nursing Sore Mouth.

One to three bottles will cure the Worst kind of Pim­ples on the Pace.

Two to three bottles will clear the system of Biles, ttles are warantedto cure the 1 ' ** * t^an^tojafach.

horse-Tjqwot, orchesnutstuff. "the timber "aprepaTi

from 0 to-61

-a*^ t.M" .-*.«.%• »>.••»-


iER*B*f^Proof Salamander BA*FW; Union-Belting Company, ' •' • A w - ^ ^ I P d i f l e r i ^ m - j a n i r , -Wirated K y t h e Oompjiny, ' -t- « » , * * - ^ B . W 6 > « * i o « f ' r * c - t o r y . * e , » - * o . , ^

, Poaseesingevery faculty for«h» transaction of




KeW C l o a k , a n d

•blotaa a n d TrUauAiag*-*'

H e w »l»»>rJ:» « * *

H 0 f I M f t | AND GLOVES,



^ « J W > r t U , T r O O * U r N 8 , XAu-rOMF

tbeertaf*, MdHlaga, atrip**, D*whB«,

„ . W h * > ) . * > » a l o

* * * a l l ,




WSAL A -AN*WA«mci»^r i r«AT^tTmt : *^* X ^ " r * ' ' fcitf ,0HAlt*tJ^AS**n-lT.t

those nJea,J*w hand rrfing. At bolt iB.pIacea up.h the ' ' " agahjstftatrongheaa, wne'h the.Brat, «' carriaie,-

riving!tht..J.; .„-„ , . l a n y ^ a e i l r ^ ' t ^ m e s s t ' f B e r e t n r # . . . . . . r t t l n g b i c k t ^ •^qnC'^oljclatit'ffld agaliist anotter

is ffirougi":it"and takes off a shingle .of hes"aT"fbereti*«^^

ni*i?"FiB;iENasS VTGO0 YOU"SE Ol^BOiff

- / -USE --OR; -R'tjinlis.. •I - /. , wj* caliite BYlEitP-if1;., .„ , . -'rpi lS WONDEBFUt BEM3SDY IS EVEfif

icooih;As-hmi^Br'oncUtt*«vtocIplen^riiSto « 1 Hemorrhage from t ie ' tor*. *^l*leld to l t* m a u e ^

l""-*"?"'*'"!*"V. """" .*l!""2 "',""p. •"'-^T*".'-""7"!-"M?""

1a*n ,inwSfaotarea bar K«>, a K f o f t i a j t e J l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i r ^ ^ ^ ^ f m

a a ^ e b M t B o r t e w a c i a w a i l u i n e w ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^i^^^iummmsm^S^

head, and while the riving knlfeis taking off another, is shaved .with an even taper, jpon the upper aide • the .next back revolution takes .the sblngle;.to 31: third bed­plate and against another head, and the third revolu-tibn, wht«n cut off anothertrOTS the boltrana-shaves the |«bnaj.-*l»o»aha*?s -ffia-M'i.-o#iM'|ihJ.''F.5*ia^. f&e jihingle *pa*se*^er^tetwew"t»!*'»af^aius"^^ - that complete the shingle, ^ u s t h e r e a r e ' l b u r shingles, in themachino a t a time, and one'finished' a t every re-voluUdn, "Ther*yolutionft*w;perform^ at ;the.r»w 60 per - iu i i iut f , • 'a^amwff i (^ 'e -»fot^-*Of^r»t f ir t6 l«*mehei,lt*wffl**m-U-*»,oO©-«b^ -

- i >. -r - <-' -•--. I f t o m a t D e t r o i t A a v e t t U e r ' l « v - ' i ; ' ^ ' Shingle "Machines havelong occupied'the sit tenttdnor


Two tatt les are warantedto cure the wo.rst Canker in the Mont*3<and-StqeJach.

Three to five Bottles are warranted to cure the worst cases of Erysipelas., s „

One to two boitles**,are warranted- to cure aU Humor in the Eyes. *"

Two bottle* are warranted to cure Running of the Ear* and Blotches among the Hair.

Four to six bottles are warranted to cure Corrupt and Running Ulcers. \ "• '

One bottle will cure scaly Eruption of the Skin. Two to threg bottles are warranted to cure the w o n t

case o.f ting worm. . p Two.t*' three bottles are warranted to cure the most

desperate case of JEUieumatism. Three -to four -obttles are warranted to cure Ealt-

Rheum. V "* Five to eight bottles will cure the worst case of Scro-

fl*1- - • <*S A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle,

and a perfect cure is warranted when the above quanti­ty i*taken. *

Reader, I peddled over a thonsand bottles of this in theviclnitj of.BostQn. Iknow theieffects of it in every case; So sure a* water wiU extinguish fire, so "sure srill tail, cure Humor. 1 never sold a bottle of it but that sold another^ aften* trial, it always' speaks for itself. There are two thinga'abont.this herb that appear to Joe surprlatng-^-first; that lt^-grows in our pastures, in sbme places quit^^dentiftti; and yet its valuehas never been known u n t i l ! discovered it in 1846; second, that i t should cure all kinds of Humor. "

In oraet to* givqabme idea of the* sudden rise and great pbpularity e f the discovery, I wiU state that in April, 18p3,{> peddled it, and told about six bottles a day. In April, 1854,1, sold Over a thousand bottles a day of i t *, / - -

Some of the Wholeaftle-Bruggists, who have been in business twenty aho^biriy years, say that nothing in the annals or Patent .Medicines was ever like i t There * A-universai^piraise ofa i t ftom all-quarters. S In my -own pfactieeT always kept "it 'strictly for Ho-mora;; but-tince i t s introduction as a general Family Medlcin?, g » » $ and Wonderful virtues have been found ih'Hilha'fl hever sMpected.

.Several oases df Epileptic Fit*, aMisease rrhich was al-"" 'ias beeuottfedby a few bot-

'win-prove ^effectual in all . „ — . — ^ - there are hut few who have seen more o M t t h a n I have'.

Xknoj«ijot;ieveral case*.' of J)ropsy,«ll , of them aged ' •..-."- "• """jit.;- Por. the various diseases of the

"*" IOVDyspepsia, Asthma, Pever and ' d i s e a s e of *heSjrfne,and partics-

iariy:inj"i»e«!!ca.«i:*>»= Kidneys, A c , tjus diBcdvery has 'i6ne^or*^bd'"thaWBngl|tedlcine1 ever-known. '" S o m a h g e ^ ^ i e f ^ e f v iteceBsaryt eat *be best yon ^^aiPS^^Mw^'^'i^^K one. table.spoonfnl.irjjer da*.. ,pi*]d*move*-,*igh'*eiar*, desserfespnonful ;*eMl-* - * * f e , f r » l l S ^ » t e W * i * * W t e a ^ o 6 i j - a l . A* ho di-

;n'c*tfn«'*TOb«*le:W'*il"ctmstitut^ takeEUQi-*Ttbi#i»S<*#.*'*eh«*Wl*fiwlc&**a - . ' *»i3 . fB^gre^er)(c^ ! *ttenai«icei ' i t t^ case*

. "Bie-ftlBU. » . uHlwdi-Je.'DQk.So. S Stste-$&&&<Wttim «WBEKS *

881&Uew8@&. em®&*

p for trail

« , jam . , WWIBKWk h. i i , A T E N ^ A U I - t o a T i e * A P P I S PABERS, **vliHt*'v*st*BW»niof tfme in "Paring all kind*

talt^ctaUaai j a t w b e i ' * * * ! * - " ^ " ! * } ! ] *

T7AN»WaiCLi --ASUPK|tiolttJ

HOUSE TEUCK8, OF_VARIOtrS ^ — i 11 n u n — n m ' |i • • — y.i«J—..i|»i'li*t»u»> '•,*•'' l i l .«» j i> ih* '< i

TkTSUDtKi WOMVD I M O i P r f BALA-Hnj >>t> ifaiH0)i » f l ^ n i t fcfcnwtf Wmt^ •*•-»*'* -


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