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Oracle® Communications Session Border Controller MIB Reference Guide Release S-Cz8.3.0 F20278-01 October 2019

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Page 1: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

Oracle® Communications SessionBorder ControllerMIB Reference Guide

Release S-Cz8.3.0F20278-01October 2019

Page 2: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

Oracle Communications Session Border Controller MIB Reference Guide, Release S-Cz8.3.0


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Page 3: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including


About this Guide

My Oracle Support viii

Revision History

1 SNMP Configuration

Overview 1-1Basic SNMP Parameters 1-1SNMPv1v2 Community Configuration 1-2SNMPv1v2 Trap Receiver Configuration 1-2SNMP IPv6 Support 1-2

SNMP Configuration Overview 1-2Configure SNMP System and Agent Parameters 1-2SNMPv3 1-3

SNMPv3 Users 1-3Configure an SNMPv3 User Identity 1-3

SNMPv3 User Groups 1-4Configure SNMPv3 User Group 1-5

SNMPv3 Manager Access 1-6Configure SNMPv3 Manager Access 1-6

SNMPv3 Views 1-7Specify SNMPv3 View Access to a MIB 1-7

SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 1-8SNMPv1v2 Community Configuration 1-8

Configure the SNMP Community 1-9SNMPv1v2 Trap Receiver Configuration 1-9

Configure Trap Receivers 1-9Specify an NMS for EMS Generated Traps 1-10Enabling Administrative Trap Types 1-11Enabling Media Supervision Traps 1-12View SNMP Address, Statistics and User Information 1-13


Page 4: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

Consideration for HA Nodes 1-14

2 Introduction to MIBs and Traps

About MIBs 2-1Object Identifiers and Instance IDs 2-1MIB Tree Structure 2-2Managed Objects 2-3

Scalar MIB Objects 2-3Table MIB Objects 2-3

SNMP Traps 2-3MIBs Supported 2-3

Standard MIBS 2-4Enterprise MIBs 2-4

Traps 2-5Standard Traps 2-5Enterprise Traps 2-6

apApps Traps (ap-apps.mib) 2-6apAclDropOverThresholdTrap Objects 2-6apDiameter Traps (ap-diameter.mib) 2-7apDnsAlg Traps (ap-dnsalg.mib) 2-7apEnvMon Traps (ap-env-monitor.mib) 2-8apH323 Traps (ap-h323.mib) 2-8apLicense Traps (ap-license.mib) 2-8apSecurity Traps (ap-security.mib) 2-8apSip Traps (ap-sip.mib) 2-10apSyslog Traps (ap-slog.mib) 2-10apSysMgmt Traps (ap-smgmt.mib) 2-10apUSBC Traps (ap-usbcsys.mib) 2-20

Specify an NMS for EMS Generated Traps 2-20Persistent indexing of SNMP Tables 2-21Log Levels and syslog Level Severities 2-22

Log Levels 2-22syslog Level Severities 2-22Mapping Trap Filter Levels to syslog and Alarm Severities 2-23

Platform sysObjectIDs 2-24

3 Standard SNMP GET Requests

Interfaces Object 3-1Interface Table 3-1


Page 5: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

Interface Description in MIB 3-3ifXTable Table 3-4ip Object 3-7

ipAddrTable Table 3-8icmp Object 3-9TCP Object 3-10

tcpConnTable Table 3-11UDP Object 3-12System Object 3-12

Object Resource Information Object 3-13SNMP Object 3-14Physical Entity Table 3-15

4 Enterprise SNMP GET Requests

Applications MIB (ap-apps.mib) 4-1apAppsENUMServerStatusTable Table 4-1apAppsDnsServerStatusTable 4-1

Codec and Transcoding MIB (ap-codec.mib) 4-2apCodecPairStatsTable 4-5Transcoding Capacity in System Management MIB (ap-smgmt.mib) 4-6

Diameter MIB (ap-diameter.mib) 4-6DNS ALG MIB (ap-dnsalg.mib) 4-7

apDNSALGServerStatusTable 4-7apDNSALGStatsTable 4-8

Environment Monitor MIB (ap-env-monitor.mib) 4-10H.323 MIB (ap-h323.mib) 4-13License MIB (ap-license.mib) 4-13Security MIB (ap-security.mib) 4-15

apSecurityCertificateTable 4-21SIP MIB (ap-sip.mib) 4-22syslog MIB (ap-slog.mib) 4-29System Management MIB (ap-smgmt.mib) 4-30

Notes on ENUM Server Names 4-47Software Inventory MIB (ap-swinventory.mib) 4-47Multicore Monitoring MIB (ap-usbcsys.mib) 4-48

apUsbcSysDPDKObjects 4-51apUsbcSysScalingObjects 4-52


Page 6: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

5 SNMP-based Application Features

SNMP Reporting of Message Rate Statistics 5-1apSIPRateIntfStatsTable 5-1apSIPRateAgentStatsTable 5-1apDnsAlgServerRateStatsTable 5-1apEnumServerRateStatsTable 5-2

SNMP Reporting of Message Data Counters 5-2Call Duration Counters for SNMP Retrieval 5-2Local and Remote Call Termination (BYE) Counters for SNMP Retrieval 5-2SIP Method Counters for SNMP Retrieval 5-3SRVCC Objects for SNMP Retrieval 5-3Rx Policy Server Objects for SNMP Retrieval 5-3IKE Session Agent Objects for SNMP Retrieval 5-3IMS-AKA Session Agent Objects for SNMP Retrieval 5-3SRTP Session Agent Objects for SNMP Retrieval 5-4Transcoding Load Objects for SNMP Retrieval 5-4

FQDN-resolved Session Agent Statistics SNMP Retrieval 5-5CAC Utilization Statistics via SNMP 5-5

SNMP Get for CAC Utilization 5-6CAC Utilization Traps 5-7

External Policy Server Connection Status Reporting 5-8

A System Alarms

Alarm Severities A-11


Page 7: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

About this Guide

The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller MIB Reference Guide providesinformation about the following:

• Management Information Base (MIBs)

• Acme Packet’s enterprise MIBs

• General trap information, including specific details about standard traps and enterprisetraps

• Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) GET query information, includingstandard and enterprise SNMP GET query names, object identifier names and numbers,and descriptions

• This guide also describes the correlation between system alarms and the MIBs that supporttraps, and it provides reference information about log levels, syslog level severities (theprotocol used for the network logging of system and network events), and trap receiverfilter levels. Appendix A contains several trap examples. Appendix B contains the locationof documents where you can obtain more information.

Documentation Set

The following table describes the documentation set for this release.

Document Name Document Description

Acme Packet 3900 Hardware InstallationGuide

Contains information about the components andinstallation of the Acme Packet 3900.

Acme Packet 4600 Hardware InstallationGuide

Contains information about the components andinstallation of the Acme Packet 4600.

Acme Packet 6100 Hardware InstallationGuide

Contains information about the components andinstallation of the Acme Packet 6100.

Acme Packet 6300 Hardware InstallationGuide

Contains information about the components andinstallation of the Acme Packet 6300.

Acme Packet 6350 Hardware InstallationGuide

Contains information about the components andinstallation of the Acme Packet 6350.

Release Notes Contains information about the current documentation setrelease, including new features and management changes.

ACLI Configuration Guide Contains information about the administration andsoftware configuration of the Service Provider OracleCommunications Session Border Controller.

ACLI Reference Guide Contains explanations of how to use the ACLI, as analphabetical listings and descriptions of all ACLIcommands and configuration parameters.


Page 8: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

Document Name Document Description

Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide Contains information about Oracle CommunicationsSession Border Controller logs, performanceannouncements, system management, inventorymanagement, upgrades, working with configurations, andmanaging backups and archives.

MIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base(MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, generaltrap information, including specific details about standardtraps and enterprise traps, Simple Network ManagementProtocol (SNMP) GET query information (includingstandard and enterprise SNMP GET query names, objectidentifier names and numbers, and descriptions), examplesof scalar and table objects.

Accounting Guide Contains information about the Oracle CommunicationsSession Border Controller’s accounting support, includingdetails about RADIUS and Diameter accounting.

HDR Resource Guide Contains information about the Oracle CommunicationsSession Border Controller’s Historical Data Recording(HDR) feature. This guide includes HDR configurationand system-wide statistical information.

Administrative Security Essentials Contains information about the Oracle CommunicationsSession Border Controller’s support for its AdministrativeSecurity license.

SBC Family Security Guide Contains information about security considerations andbest practices from a network and application securityperspective for the Oracle Communications SessionBorder Controller family of products.

Installation and Platform Preparation Guide Contains information about upgrading system images andany pre-boot system provisioning.

Call Traffic Monitoring Guide Contains information about traffic monitoring and packettraces as collected on the system. This guide also includesWebGUI configuration used for the SIP Monitor and Traceapplication.

HMR Resource Guide Contains information about configuring and using HeaderManipulation Rules to manage service traffic.

TSCF SDK Guide Contains information about the client-side SDK thatfacilitates the creation of secure tunnels between a clientapplication and the TSCF of the OCSBC.

REST API Guide Contains information about the supported REST APIs andhow to use the REST API interface.

My Oracle SupportMy Oracle Support (https://support.oracle.com) is your initial point of contact for all productsupport and training needs. A representative at Customer Access Support (CAS) can assist youwith My Oracle Support registration.

Call the CAS main number at 1-800-223-1711 (toll-free in the US), or call the Oracle Supporthotline for your local country from the list at http://www.oracle.com/us/support/contact/index.html. When calling, make the selections in the sequence shown below on the Supporttelephone menu:

1. Select 2 for New Service Request.

About this Guide


Page 9: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

2. Select 3 for Hardware, Networking, and Solaris Operating System Support.

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In the event of a critical service situation, emergency response is offered by the CustomerAccess Support (CAS) main number at 1-800-223-1711 (toll-free in the US), or call the OracleSupport hotline for your local country from the list at http://www.oracle.com/us/support/contact/index.html. The emergency response provides immediate coverage, automaticescalation, and other features to ensure that the critical situation is resolved as rapidly aspossible.

A critical situation is defined as a problem with the installed equipment that severely affectsservice, traffic, or maintenance capabilities, and requires immediate corrective action. Criticalsituations affect service and/or system operation resulting in one or several of these situations:

• A total system failure that results in loss of all transaction processing capability

• Significant reduction in system capacity or traffic handling capability

• Loss of the system's ability to perform automatic system reconfiguration

• Inability to restart a processor or the system

• Corruption of system databases that requires service affecting corrective actions

• Loss of access for maintenance or recovery operations

• Loss of the system ability to provide any required critical or major trouble notification

Any other problem severely affecting service, capacity/traffic, billing, and maintenancecapabilities may be defined as critical by prior discussion and agreement with Oracle.

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Oracle Communications customer documentation is available on the web at the Oracle HelpCenter (OHC) site, http://docs.oracle.com. You do not have to register to access thesedocuments. Viewing these files requires Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded at http://www.adobe.com.

1. Access the Oracle Help Center site at http://docs.oracle.com.

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3. Under the Oracle Communications sub-header, click the Oracle Communicationsdocumentation link.The Communications Documentation page appears. Most products covered by thesedocumentation sets appear under the headings "Network Session Delivery and ControlInfrastructure" or "Platforms."

4. Click on your Product and then Release Number.A list of the entire documentation set for the selected product and release appears.

About this Guide


Page 10: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

5. To download a file to your location, right-click the PDF link, select Save target as (orsimilar command based on your browser), and save to a local folder.

About this Guide


Page 11: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

Revision History

This section provides a revision history for this document.

Date Description

April 2019 • Initial ReleaseOctober 2019 • Adds updates for S-Cz8.3.0m1 release.

• Removes references toapEnvMonVoltageStatusValue objects.

• Removes voltage monitoring alarms.


Page 12: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

1SNMP Configuration

The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) allows you to monitor system and healthconditions for an Oracle Communications Session Border Controller (OCSBC) through anexternal network management (northbound) system, such as the Oracle CommunicationsSession Delivery Manager or an SNMP manager. The system supports SNMPv3, v2 or v1 tointerface with a range of external NMS systems.


SNMP configuration is not required for the service operation of the OCSBC, but isperformed on the majority of systems. Most network administrators are familiar with,or become familiar with SNMP.

OverviewSNMP is comprised of three groups of settings on a Oracle Communications Session BorderController (OCSBC). These settings includes:

• System-wide configuration

• Access Configuration, including:

– SNMPv1v2 Community Settings

– SNMP IPv3 Authentication, Encryption and Filter Settings

• Trap Receiver Configuration

You can configure an SNMP manager to query the OCSBC or be a trap receiver. You canconfigure an SNMP manager to perform both functions by configuring two snmp-address-entry elements that have the same IP address, but different names.

Basic SNMP ParametersThe Oracle Communications Session Border Controller (OCSBC) includes several parametersthat control basic SNMP functionality and are common to both SNMPv1v2 and SNMPv3deployments. The MIB-related elements are for informational purposes, and are helpful if set.The remainder of the parameters determine if certain OCSBC events are reported to the SNMPsystem.

System-wide configurations including:

• Enable SNMP operation (enabled by default)

• System-related contact information

• Enable the OCSBC to send information within traps, including:

– syslog

– authentication


Page 13: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

– environmental

– system monitoring

SNMPv1v2 Community ConfigurationSNMPv1v2 community configuration consists of setting a community name, an access modeand IP addresses of the servers. Configurations accept multiple addresses. You can provide bothREAD and WRITE mode to a single manager by creating two objects with different names andaccess modes, but the same IP address.

Determine your planned name, address type (IPv4 vs IPv6) and modes before starting.

SNMPv1v2 Trap Receiver ConfigurationDetermine the community, addressing (IPv4 or IPv6) and filter level for each trap receiverbefore configuration.


Configure each Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager that manages anOCSBC as trap receivers on the OCSBC.

SNMP IPv6 SupportThe Oracle Communications Session Border Controller supports IPv6 addressing. Thisincludes trap receiver configuration, statistics, and information within traps that use varbinddata types (InetAddress and InetAddressType).

SNMP Configuration OverviewUse the to configure SNMP on the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller:

1. Configure SNMP System and Agent Parameters.

2. Configure SNMPv3 or SNMPv2.

3. Enable SNMP Traps.

Configure SNMP System and Agent ParametersHigh level SNMP identification is configured by all SNMP users. This information includessystem-level management Information, system contact information, system name and locationinformation and is applicable to both SNMPv1v2 and SNMPv3 deployments. The Oracle®Communications Session Border Controller MIB Reference Guide includes detail on SNMPdata.

1. Access the system-config configuration element.

ORACLE# configure terminalORACLE(configure)# systemORACLE(system)# system-configORACLE(system-config)#

Chapter 1SNMP Configuration Overview


Page 14: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

2. Type select to begin editing the system-config object.

ORACLE(system-config)# selectORACLE(system-config)#

3. mib-system-contact—Specifies contact information that is used within OCSBC MIBtransactions. This value is a textual identification and usually contains information aboutthe company system contact person.

4. mib-system-name—Specifies the identity of this OCSBC that is presented within MIBtransactions, which is the FQDN of the node.

5. mib-system-location—Specifies the physical location of the OCSBC that is reportedwithin MIB transactions. This parameter is reported when an SNMP GET is issued by theNMS for the MIB-II sysLocation variable. This parameter has no direct relation to thelocation field in the system configuration element.

6. snmp-agent-mode —Select the operating mode of the SNMP agent.

• v1v2—The SNMP agent supports SNMPv2.

• v3—(Default) The SNMP agent supports SNMPv3.

Once the SNMP agent mode is selected, the SNMP agent that you selected is enabled.

7. snmp-engine-id-suffix—Uniquely identifies the SNMP Engine by specifying a uniquesuffix for the SNMPEngineID. This attribute is optional.

8. Type done to save your configuration.

SNMPv3The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller supports SNMPv3 by default. Tosecure your SNMPv3 system, you must configure SNMP users and groups, SNMP managers,and view access to MIB trees. SNMPv3 provides the SNMP agent and SNMP NetworkManagement System (NMS) with protocol security enhancements used to protect your systemagainst a variety of attacks, such as increased authentication, privacy, MIB object accesscontrol and trap filtering capabilities.

SNMPv3 UsersAn identity must be created for an SNMPv3 user to specify their name, security protocolchoices, passwords for secure authentication and privacy, and the ability to receive securedtraps. You configure SNMPv3 users to protect your SNMPv3 system from any unauthorizedSNMP agent that uses message capture and replay or a network traffic source that uses anincorrect password or security level.

Configure an SNMPv3 User Identity1. Access the system configuration element.

ORACLE# configure terminalORACLE(configure)# systemORACLE(system)#

2. Type snmp-user-entry and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know thatyou can begin configuring individual parameters used to create an identity for an SNMPv3user.

Chapter 1SNMPv3


Page 15: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

ORACLE(system)# snmp-user-entryORACLE(snmp-user-entry)#

3. user-name—Enter the name of the user authorized for retrieving SNMPv3 traps.


• <user name string>—that is 1 to 24 characters.

4. auth-protocol—Specify the authentication protocol.

• sha256—HMAC-SHA2-256 authentication protocol.

• sha512—(Default) HMAC-SHA2-512 authentication protocol.

5. priv-protocol—Specify the privacy algorithm.

• aes128—Authenticates using the AES128 algorithm.

6. auth-password—Enter the authorization password for this user.


• <password-string>— that is 6 to 64 characters.

7. priv-password—Enter the privilege password for this user.


• <password-string>— that is 6 to 64 characters.

8. address-list—Enter the host IP address(es) that are associated with this user.

• <address-string>— that is 1 to 24 characters. You can specify multiple address listnames by separating them with a comma.

9. Type done to save your configuration.


Repeat the previous steps if you need to add more SNMPv3 users.

SNMPv3 User GroupsA group of SNMPv3 users can be specified for easy management and access control.

Each SNMPv3 user can be configured to belong to a specific security model and security level.You can choose either the SNMPv1 and v2 model or the SNMPv3 model (which is selected foryou by default). When you assign a security level to a group, this level is consistent for all userswithin this group and the security level can be used across multiple OCSBC devices. Also,these security levels determine how data is encrypted to prevent information leaks and stop anunauthorized user from scrambling the contents of an SNMP packet.

The following security levels can be assigned to an SNMPv3 group:

• The default authPriv security level specifies that the user group is authenticated by usingeither the HMAC-SHA2-256 or HMAC-SHA2-512 authentication protocols and theprivacy password is encrypted using the AES128 authentication protocol. Using thissecurity level provides user authentication and ensures message privacy so that the trap isnot tampered with during transit.

Chapter 1SNMPv3


Page 16: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

• The noAuthNoPriv security level specifies that the user group is authenticated by a stringmatch of the user name and requires no authorization and no privacy similar to SNMPv1and SNMPv2.

• The authNoPriv security level specifies that the user group is authenticated by using eitherthe HMAC-SHA2-256 or HMAC-SHA2-512 authentication protocols to produce a keyused to authenticate the trap and ensure the identity of the user.

You can also configure an SNMPv3 user group to allow the co-existence of multiple SNMPmessage version types at the same time, specify a list of users belonging to the group, andassign the group privilege to read, write, and add SNMP objects and receive trap notifications.

Configure SNMPv3 User Group1. Access the system configuration element.

ORACLE# configure terminalORACLE(configure)# systemORACLE(system)#

2. Type snmp-group-entry and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know thatyou can begin configuring individual parameters used to configure a group of users thatbelong to a particular security model who can read, write, and add SNMP objects andreceive trap notifications.

ORACLE(system)# snmp-group-entryORACLE(snmp-group-entry)#

3. name <group-name-string>—Specify a group name that is 1 to 24 characters for theSNMPv3 group name.

4. mp-model—Specify the SNMP message processing model.


• v1v2—The SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 model.

• v3—The SNMPv3 model (default).


If the mp-model parameter is specified with the v1v2 value, the community-string parameter (not configured) defines a coexistence configuration whereSNMP version 2 messages with the community string from the hosts is indicatedby the user-list parameter, and the corresponding snmp-user-entry and snmp-address-entry elements are accepted.

5. security-level—Specify the security level of the SNMP group, which are consistent for theuser and can be used across multiple OCSBC devices.

• noAuthNoPriv—This value specifies that the user group is authenticated by a stringmatch of the user name and requires no authorization and no privacy similar toSNMPv1 and SNMPv2. This value is specified with the mp-model parameter and itsv1v2 value and can only be used with the community-string parameter not specified.

• authNoPriv—This value specifies that the user group is authenticated by using eitherthe HMAC-SHA2-256 or HMAC-SHA2-512 authentication protocols to produce akey used to authenticate the trap and ensure the identity of the user.

Chapter 1SNMPv3


Page 17: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

• authPriv—This default value specifies that the user group is authenticated by usingeither the HMAC-SHA2-256 or HMAC-SHA2-512 authentication protocols and theprivacy password is encrypted using the AES128 algorithm. Using this security levelprovides user authentication and ensures message privacy so that the trap is nottampered with during transit. This value is specified with the SNMP mp-modelparameter and its v3 value.


If there is a switchover on a high-availability OCSBC device, the SNMPEngineIDvaries and your network management system (NMS) should be updated with theSNMPEngineID of the standby OCSBC device.

6. community-string <community-string>—Specify the community name that is 1 to 24characters to allow the co-existence of multiple SNMP message version types at the sametime for this security group.

7. user-list <user-name string>—Specify a name for the user list that is 1 to 24 characters andmust match the name of the user-name parameter of the snmp-user-entry element toconfigure user host names.

8. read-view <group-read-view-string>—Specify the name of the SNMP group's read viewfor a collection of MIB subtrees that can be 1 to 24 characters.

9. write-view <group-write-view-string>—Specify the name of the SNMP group's writeview for a collection of MIB subtrees that can be 1 to 24 characters.

10. notify-view <group-notify-view-string>—Specify the name of the SNMP group'snotification view for a collection of MIB subtrees that can be 1 to 24 characters.

11. Type done to save your configuration.


Repeat the previous steps if you need to add more groups.

SNMPv3 Manager AccessYou identify an SNMPv3 manager by adding its name and IP address to authenticate andinterpret traffic, such as secure traps that it receives from the SNMP agent device (OCSBC).This traffic is kept private during transit by using time stamps and boot counts to protectagainst delayed packets.

Configure SNMPv3 Manager Access1. Access the system configuration element.

ORACLE# configure terminalORACLE(configure)# systemORACLE(system)#

2. Type snmp-address-entry and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you knowthat you can begin configuring individual parameters used to identify the SNMP manager.

Chapter 1SNMPv3


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ORACLE(system-config)# snmp-address-entryORACLE(snmp-address-entry)#

3. name—Specify a name to be referenced when operating with this manager.


• <management-hostname-string>—that is 1 to 24 characters and is used to specify thename for the SNMPv3 target IP address.

4. address—Specify the IP address of the manager. The parameter requires an IP addressfollowed by either the mask, in number of bits, or the port number.

ORACLE(snmp-address-entry)# <ip-address> [/<num-bits>][:port]


• <ip-address>—IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 standard format.

• /<num-bits>—specifies the mask, in number of bits, used to route to the address.

• <:port>—this optional parameter to enter a subnetwork (subnet) mask. The defaultsubnet mask is Set this value if the manager is a trap-receiver. Donot set this value if the manager is performing queries.

5. trap-filter-level— Set this value if the manager is a trap-receiver. Select a priority levelthat is equal to or lower than the value of the filter-level. Do not set this value if themanager is performing queries.


• "" (Default)—The field's setting is blank. The user is not configured to receive anytrap.

• ALL—A user can view all trap conditions.

• Minor—A user can view trap error conditions that exist on a device.

• Major—A user can view trap critical conditions that exist on a device.

• Critical—A user can view trap conditions that require an immediate action for adevice.

6. Type done to save your configuration.


Repeat the previous steps if you need to add more SNMPv3 target IP addresses.

SNMPv3 ViewsSNMPv3 utilizes a view-access-control model (VACM) for checking whether a specific type ofaccess to a specific managed object is allowed through the SNMPv3. You can configureindividual parameters used to include or exclude view access to single or multiple MIB OIDnodes for an SNMPv3 view name.

Specify SNMPv3 View Access to a MIB1. Access the system configuration element.

Chapter 1SNMPv3


Page 19: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

ORACLE# configure terminalORACLE(configure)# systemORACLE(system)#

2. Type snmp-view-entry and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know thatyou can begin configuring individual parameters used to include or exclude view access.

ORACLE(system)# snmp-view-entryORACLE(snmp-view-entry)#

3. name Specify the SNMPv3 view name.

Valid value:

• <SNMP-view-name-string>—that is 1 to 24 characters.

4. included-list— Use this parameter to include view access to a MIB OID subtree ormultiple OID subtrees for this SNMPv3 view name.

Valid value:

• <OID(s)>—Object Identifier number separated by a dot (.), in which each subsequentnumber is a sub-identifier. You can enter multiple OIDs by separating them with aspace. Each subtree OID starts with the prefix For example,

5. Repeat the previous step if you need to include or exclude additional views.

6. excluded-list—Use this parameter to exclude view access to a MIB OID node for thisSNMPv3 view name.

Valid value:

• <OID(s)>— Object Identifier number separated by a dot (.), in which each subsequentnumber is a sub-identifier. You can enter multiple OIDs by separating them with aspace. Each subtree OID starts with the prefix For example,

7. Type done to save your configuration.


Repeat the previous steps if you need to add more SNMPv3 views.

SNMPv1 and SNMPv2Use this task if you selected v1v2 for the snmp-agent-mode parameter in the system-configelement to configure SNMPv1 and SNMPv2, which includes the configuration of the SNMPcommunity and the trap receiver.

SNMPv1v2 Community ConfigurationSNMPv1v2 community configuration consists of setting a community name, an access modeand IP addresses of the servers. Configurations accept multiple addresses. You can provide bothREAD and WRITE mode to a single manager by creating two objects with different names andaccess modes, but the same IP address.

Determine your planned name, address type (IPv4 vs IPv6) and modes before starting.

Chapter 1SNMPv1 and SNMPv2


Page 20: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

Configure the SNMP Community1. Access the snmp-community configuration element.

ORACLE# configure terminalORACLE(configure)# systemORACLE(system)# snmp-communityORACLE(snmp-community)#

2. Type community-name to specify the SNMP community name of an active communitywhere this Oracle Communications Session Border Controller can send or receive SNMPinformation.

3. access-mode—Set the access level for all network management servers (NMSs) definedwithin this SNMP community. The access level determines the permissions that otherNMS hosts can wield over this Oracle Communications Session Border Controller. Thedefault is read-only. The valid values are:

• read-only—allows GET requests.

• read-write—unsupported.

4. ip-addresses—Specify a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address within this SNMP community thatcorresponds to one or more NMS that monitors or configures this OCSBC. If you arespecifying more than one IP address, separate each IP address with a space and enclosewith parenthesis.

ORACLE#(snmp-community)ip-addresses (

5. Type done to save your configuration.

SNMPv1v2 Trap Receiver ConfigurationDetermine the community, addressing (IPv4 or IPv6) and filter level for each trap receiverbefore configuration.


Configure each Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager that manages anOCSBC as trap receivers on the OCSBC.

Configure Trap Receivers1. Access the trap-receiver configuration element.

ORACLE# configure terminalORACLE(configure)# systemORACLE(system)# trap-receiverORACLE(trap-receiver)#

2. Select the trap-receiver object to specify a trap receiver.

ORACLE(trap-receiver)# select<ip-address>:


Chapter 1SNMPv1 and SNMPv2


Page 21: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

3. ip-address — Set the IPv4 or IPv6 address of an authorized network management system(NMS) where traps are sent. If you do not specify a port number, the default SNMP trapport of 162 is be used.

4. filter-level — Set the filter level threshold that indicates the severity level at which a trapis to be sent to this particular trap receiver. The default for this parameter is critical.

Example: When a trap with a severity level of critical is generated, the SNMP agent sendsthis trap only to NMSs that are configured in a trap-receiver element and have a filter-levelvalue of critical.

The following table maps Syslog and SNMP alarms to trap receiver filter levels.

Filter Level Syslog Severity Level (SNMP) Alarm SeverityLevel

Critical Emergency (1)Critical (2)


Major Emergency (1)Critical (2)Major (3)


Minor Emergency (1)Critical (2)Major (3)Minor (4)


All Emergency (1)Critical (2)Major (3)Minor (4)Warning (5)Notice (6)Info (7)Trace (8)Debug (9)


When configuring the trap-receiver element for use with Oracle Communications SessionElement Manager systems, Oracle recommends that the value of filter-level be set to Allfor that configuration element that includes those servers.

5. community-name — Set the community name to which this trap receiver belongs. Thiscommunity must be defined in the SNMP community element.

6. Type done to save your configuration.

Specify an NMS for EMS Generated TrapsYou must configure a northbound network management server (NMS) such as an SNMPmanagement system as the receiver of element manager system (EMS) traps. An EMS, such asthe Session Element Manager, generates the (EMS MIB) traps shown in the table below when itdetects the following conditions:

• There is a failure to discover or rediscover a SBC configuration.

• There is a failure to save a SBC configuration.

• There is a failure to activate a SBC configuration.

Chapter 1Specify an NMS for EMS Generated Traps


Page 22: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

• There are missing components when validating a SBC configuration.

• The node status changes from reachable to unreachable.

Trap Name Description


Generated when EMS fails to discover or rediscover a SBC configuration. Thetrap is generated from any discovery or rediscovery failure initiated by the SOAPXML API, EMS, or system processing. The trap contains the SBC’s node ID, thestart and end time of the discovery or rediscovery operation, and the user whoinitiated the operation.

apEMSSaveFailure Generated when EMS fails to save a configuration. The trap is generated by asave failure whether initiated by the SOAP XML API or EMS GUI for save/activate, save or offline save operations. The trap contains the SBC node ID, thestart and stop time of the save configuration attempt, and the user initiating thesave operation.


Generated when EMS fails to activate a configuration, whether initiated from theSOAP XML API or EMS GUI for the save/activate or activate operations.


Generated when EMS validates a discovered SBC’s configuration (for exampleconfirms each referenced realm is configured) and detects missing components.The trap contains the time and the SBC node ID.


Generated when a node’s status changes from reachable to unreachable. The trapcontains the SBC’s node ID and the time of the event.


Generated when a node’s status changes from unreachable to reachable. The trapcontains the SBC’s node ID and the time of the event.

Enabling Administrative Trap TypesUse this task to enable traps for certain Oracle Communications Session Border Controller(OCSBC) events that are reported to a network management system. These settings areapplicable to both SNMPv1v2 and SNMPv3 deployments. The OCSBC does not require you toenable traps other than those in the following steps.

1. Access the system-config configuration element.

ORACLE# configure terminalORACLE(configure)# systemORACLE(system)# system-configORACLE(system-config)#

2. Type select to begin editing the system-config object.

ORACLE(system-config)# selectORACLE(system-config)#

3. enable-snmp-monitor-traps—When this parameter is enabled, the OracleCommunications Session Border Controller generates traps with unique trap-IDs for eachsyslog event. If this parameter is disabled , a single trap-ID is used for all events, withdifferent values in the description string. The default is disabled. The valid values are:

• enabled | disabled

4. enable-snmp-auth-traps—Set whether the SNMP authentication traps are enabled. If anSNMP request fails authentication because of an IPv4 address and SNMP communitymismatch, the SNMP request will be rejected. This field determines if an SNMP trap willbe sent in response to the authentication failure. The default is disabled. Valid values forthis parameter are:

• enabled | disabled

Chapter 1Enabling Administrative Trap Types


Page 23: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

5. enable-env-monitor-traps—Set whether or not the SNMP environment monitor traps areenabled. Environment traps include main board PROM temperature, power supplies, fanspeeds, etc. The default is disabled. Valid values for this parameter are:

• enabled | disabled

6. enable-snmp-syslog-notify—Set whether SNMP traps are sent when the system generatesan alarm message. The SNMP agent sends a trap when an alarm is generated if thefollowing conditions are met:

• SNMP is enabled.

• This field is enabled.

• The syslog severity level is equal to or greater than the severity level configured in theSNMP Syslog Level field.

The default is disabled. Valid values are:

• enabled | disabled

7. snmp-syslog-his-table-length—Set the length of the syslog trap history table. When asyslog message that meets the SNMP syslog level field criteria is generated and SNMP isenabled, the SNMP agent adds that message to a history table. This parameter indicates thenumber of entries the table can contain. The default is 1. The valid range is:

• Minimum—1

• Maximum—500

Once the last table entry is filled, the oldest entry will be overwritten with a new entry.

8. snmp-syslog-level—Set the log severity level threshold that will cause the syslog trap tobe sent to an NMS. When this criteria is met and the appropriate SNMP trap is sent, anentry is written to the SNMP Syslog History Table. The default is warning. The followingare valid values:

• emergency | critical | major | minor | warning | notice | info | trace | debug | detail

Enabling Media Supervision TrapsThe Oracle Communications Session Border Controller (OCSBC) sends the following mediasupervision trap when functioning as a border gateway and the media supervision timerexpires:

apSysMgmtMediaSupervisionTimerExpTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { apSysMgmtCallId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The trap will be generated when a media supervision timer has expired. This behavior is disabled by default but may be enabled by changing the 'media-supervision-traps' parameter of the 'media-manager' configuration element. The included object is the call identifer for the call which had the timer expire." ::= { apSystemManagementMonitors 34 }


The system does not send this trap when functioning as an integrated OCSBC.

Chapter 1Enabling Media Supervision Traps


Page 24: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

The media supervision trap is disabled by default. You can enable the trap by changing themedia-supervision-traps parameter to enabled in the media-manager configuration element.

View SNMP Address, Statistics and User InformationThe user can view real-time information on agent traffic using the show snmp-info command.

show snmp-info address—View the traffic to and from the SNMPv3 addresses that youconfigured in Superuser mode. For example:

<device># show snmp-info addresssnmp-address-entry name : acme82 address : mask : total requests in : 3 total replies out : 3 total traps out : 1snmp-address-entry name : acmepc58 address : mask : total requests in : 0 total replies out : 0 total traps out : 1

show snmp-info statistics—View the SNMP agent mode and statistics for the SNMP engine inSuperuser mode. For example:

<device># show snmp-info statisticsSNMP Agent Mode : V3SNMP Engine ID Base : 0x800023bc05ac1e50e8SNMP Engine ID Suffix : SNMP Engine ID : 0x800023bc05ac1e50e8SNMP Engine Boots : 622Total packets in : 17Total packets out : 10Total traps out : 2Unknown security models : 0Invalid Messsages : 0Unsupported SecLevels : 0Not In Time Windows : 0Unknown User Names : 1Unknown EngineIDs : 3Stats Wrong Digests : 0Decryption Errors : 0

show snmp-info snmp-user—View information and traffic associated with SNMP users inSuperuser mode. For example:

<device># show snmp-info snmp-usersnmp-user-entry name : snmpuser1 auth-protocol : auth-password : priv-protocol : priv-password : address-list : address1 address2 total requests in : 0 total get reqs in : 0

Chapter 1View SNMP Address, Statistics and User Information


Page 25: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

total next reqs in: 0 total replies out : 0 total traps out : 0

Consideration for HA NodesKey pairs are generated based on the user and SNMPEngineID. In the event of a switchover,the SNMPEngineID will vary. The user's NMS should be updated with the SNMPEngineID ofthe standby Oracle Communications Session Border Controller.

Chapter 1Consideration for HA Nodes


Page 26: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

2Introduction to MIBs and Traps

This chapter describes Management Information Bases (MIBs) and the correlation betweensystem alarms and the MIBs that support traps. It also provides reference information about loglevels, syslog level severities (the protocol used for the network logging of system and networkevents), and trap receiver filter levels.

About MIBsEach network device managed by SNMP must have a MIB that describes its manageableobjects. MIBs are collections of objects or definitions that define the properties of the managedobjects. Each managed object has specific characteristics.

The manager relies upon the database of definitions and information about the properties ofmanaged resources and the services the agents support. When new agents are added to extendthe management domain of a manager, the manager must be provided with a new MIBcomponent that defines the manageable features of the resources managed through that agent.

The data types and the representations of resources within a MIB, as well as the structure of aparticular MIB, are defined in a standard called the Structure of Management Information(SMI).

Object Identifiers and Instance IDsEach managed object/characteristic has a unique object identifier (OID) consisting of numbersseparated by decimal points (for example,; numeric OIDs can also betranslated into human-readable form. The MIB associates each OID with a readable label andvarious other parameters related to the object. The OID identifies the location of a givenmanaged object within the MIB tree hierarchy by listing the numbers in sequence from the topof the tree down to the node, separated by dots.

By specifying a path to the object through the MIB tree, the OID allows the object to beuniquely identified. The digits below the enterprise OID in the tree can be any sequence ofuser-defined numbers chosen by an organization to represent its private MIB groups andmanaged objects.

An instance ID identifies developments that have occurred for the managed object. Theinstance ID values are represented as a combination of the OID and the table index. Forexample, you can find the following instance ID in the TCP connection table:


• tcpConnState is the OID

• is an IPv4 address

• 1024 is the port number

• is another IPv4 address

• 3000 is another port number


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MIB Tree StructureMIBs are arranged in a tree-structured fashion, similar in many ways to a operating systemdirectory structure of files. The following diagram illustrates a MIB tree with a sample of thestandard MIBs shown under the mib-2 node and a sample of a system management enterpriseMIB under the enterprise node. (The listing is only a partial sample of the MIB contents.)

The diagram shows how the OID is a concatenation of the prior addresses up to that point. Forexample, the OID for apSysCPUUtil is



acmePacketMgmt (3)apSystemManagementModule (2)

apSysMgmtMIBObjects (1)

apSysCPUUtil (1)apSysMemoryUtil (2)apSysHealthScore (3)apSysRedundancy (4)





apSysMgmtGeneralObjects (1)

systems (1)Interfaces (2)ip (4)icmp (5)tcp (6)udp (7)








The diagram shows the Acme Packet node has the value 9148; this is Oracle's vendor-specificnumber that uniquely identifies an Acme Packet product MIB. This node is the highest level of

Chapter 2About MIBs


Page 28: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

the private (proprietary) branch containing Acme Packet managed objects. The number 9148was assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).

Managed ObjectsManaged objects are made up of one or more object instances, which are essentially variables.Managed objects can be scalar (defining a single object instance) or tabular (defining multiple,related instances).

Scalar MIB ObjectsScalar MIB objects contain one precise piece of data (also referred to as discrete). Theseobjects are often distinguished from the table objects by adding a .0 (dot-zero) extension totheir names. Many SNMP objects are scalar. That is, the operator merely has to know the nameof the object and no other information. Discrete objects often represent summary values for adevice, particularly useful for scanning information from the network for the purposes ofcomparing network device performance. If the extension (instance number) of the object is notspecified, it can be assumed as .0 (dot-zero). See the Enterprise SNMP Get Requests chapterfor examples of scalar MIB objects.

Table MIB ObjectsTable MIB objects contain multiple pieces of management data. These objects are distinguishedfrom the scalar objects by requiring a . (dot) extension to their names that uniquelydistinguishes the particular value being referenced. The . (dot) extension is also referred as theinstance number of an SNMP object. In the case of table objects, this instance number is theindex into the SNMP table. (In the case of scalar objects, this instance number is zero.)

SNMP tables allow parallel information to be supported. Tables are distinguished from scalarobjects, in that tables can grow without bounds. For example, SNMP defines the ifDescr objectas a standard SNMP object, which indicates the text description of each interface supported bya particular device. Since network devices can be configured with more than one interface, thisobject could only be represented as an array. By convention, SNMP objects are always groupedin an Entry directory, within an object with a Table suffix. (The ifDescr object described aboveresides in the ifEntry directory contained in the ifTable directory.) See the Enterprise SNMPGet Requests chapter for examples of table MIB objects.

SNMP TrapsThe MIB also contains information about SNMP traps, which enable an agent to notify themanagement station of significant events by way of an unsolicited SNMP message. When anelement sends a TRAP packet, it can include OID and value information (bindings) to clarifythe event.

MIBs SupportedThe system supports both standard MIBs and Oracle-specific MIBs (enterprise MIBs). Theconfigurable system elements are identified in the MIBs provided by Oracle. Every systemmaintains a database of values for each of the definitions written in these MIBs.

Chapter 2MIBs Supported


Page 29: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

Standard MIBSThe values in the standard MIBs are defined in RFC-1213, (one of the governing specificationsfor SNMP). A standard MIB includes objects to measure and monitor IP activity, TCP activity,UDP activity, IP routes, TCP connections, interfaces, and general system description. Each ofthese values is associated both an official name (such as sysUpTime, which is the elapsed timesince the managed device was booted) and a numeric value expressed in dot-notation (such as1., which is the OID for sysUpTime).

Oracle provides the following standard MIBs:

• rfc3411-framework.mib

• rfc1907-snmpv2.mib

• rfc2011-ip.mib

• rfc2737-entity.mib

• rfc2863-if.mib (Oracle supports the ifName entry of the ifXTable, which is an extension tothe interface table and which replaces ifExtnsTable. See RFC 2863 for details.)

• ianaiftype.mib

• rfc4001-inetAddr.mib

• rfc4022-tcp.mib

• rfc4113-udp.mib

Enterprise MIBsOracle provides the following enterprise MIBs:

MIB Name Description

ap-agentcapability.mib Details the SNMP agent’s capabilities that includes support for differentmodules:• SNMPv2 capabilities support the SNMPv2 MIB and include the

systemGroup, snmpGroup, snmpCommunityGroup, andsnmpBasicNotificationsGroup variables.

• MIB-II capabilities support MIB-II and include the User DatagramProtocol (UDP)-MIB (udpGroup) variables and some, but not allof the IF-MIB (ifGeneralGroup and ifPacketGroup), IP-MIB(ipGroup and icmpGroup), and TCP-MIB (tcpGroup) variables.For more information about which variables are currentlysupported, refer to the ap-agentcapability.mib file.

• MIB capabilities include support for the contents of the MIBslisted in this table. Refer to the individual MIBs for details.

ap-ami.mib Management interface on the SBC.ap-codec.mib Codec and transcoding information generated by systems.ap-ems.mib EMS traps.ap-entity-vendortype.mib OID assignments for Acme Packet hardware components.ap-env-monitor.mib Fan speed, temperature, and power supply for the system. It also sends

out traps when status changes occur.ap-license.mib Status of your licenses.ap-products.mib Descriptions of the different SBC versions.

Chapter 2MIBs Supported


Page 30: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

MIB Name Description

ap-security.mib Information about the Acme Management Interface running on theSBC.

ap-slog.mib syslog messages generated by the system via SNMP. Used for thenetwork logging of system and network events, the syslog protocolfacilitates the transmission of event notification messages acrossnetworks. The syslog MIB can also be used to allow remote log access.The SNMP system manager references syslog to find out about any andall syslog messages.If the following conditions are present, the SNMP agent sends anSNMP trap when a message is sent to the syslog system:• The system configurations’s snmp-enabled parameter is set to

enabled.• The system configuration’s enable-snmp-syslog-notify parameter

is set to enabled.• The actual syslog severity level is of equal or greater severity than

the severity level configured in the system config’s snmp-syslog-level field.

No trap is sent under the following conditions:• A syslog event is generated and the system config’s enable-snmp-

syslog-notify parameter is set to disabled.• The actual syslog severity level is of lesser severity (for example,

higher numerical code value) than the severity level configured inthe system config’s snmp-syslog-level parameter.

ap-smgmt.mib Status of the system (for example, system memory or system health).ap-smi.mib General information about the system’s top-level architectural design.ap-swinventory.mib Status of the boot images, configuration information, and bootloader

images for the system.ap-tc.mib Textual conventions used in enterprise MIBs.

TrapsA trap is initiated by tasks to report that an event has happened on the system. SNMP trapsenable an SNMP agent to notify the NMS of significant events using an unsolicited SNMPmessage.

Oracle uses SNMPv2c. These notification definitions are used to send standard and enterprisetraps.

Traps are sent according to the criteria established in the following:

• IETF RFC 1907 Management Information Base for Version 2 of the Simple NetworkManagement Protocol

• IETF RFC 2233 The Interfaces Group MIB using SMIv2

• Appropriate enterprise MIB (for example the syslog MIB or the System ManagementMIB).

Standard TrapsThe following table identifies the standard traps that the system supports.

Chapter 2Traps


Page 31: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

Trap Name Description

linkUp The SNMPv2 agent detects that the ifOperStatus object of an interface hastransferred from the down state to the up state. The ifOperStatus value indicatesthe other state.

linkDown The SNMPv2 agent detects that the ifOperStatus object of an interface hastransferred from the up state to the down state. The ifOperStatus value indicatesthe other state.

coldStart The SNMPv2 agent is reinitializing itself and its configuration may have beenaltered.This trap is not associated with a system alarm.

authenticationFailure The SNMPv2 agent received a protocol message that was not properlyauthenticated. If the snmp-enabled and enable-snmp-auth-traps fields in theACLI's system-config element are set to enabled a snmpEnableAuthenTrapsobject is generated.This trap is not associated with a system alarm.

Enterprise TrapsThe following sections list traps available on the Oracle Communications Session BorderController. Traps are divided by the mib file they are contained within.

apApps Traps (ap-apps.mib)The ap-apps.mib includes the following traps.

Trap Description


Generated if the reachability status of an ENUMserver changes.


Generated if the reachability status of a DNS serverchanges.


Generated when the acl drop ratio exceeds theconfigured threshold.


Generated when the acl drop ratio goes below theconfigured threshold.


Generated when there is a disconnect between aSession Border Controller and a CommMonitor.


Generated when a Session Border Controllerreconnects with the CommMonitor and normaloperation resumes.

apAclDropOverThresholdTrap ObjectsThe following objects, which are part of the apAclDropOverThresholdTrap, are not availablewith an SNMP GET.

MIB Object Object ID1. +


apAclDropType .1 ACL drop type.

Chapter 2Traps


Page 32: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

MIB Object Object ID1. +


apAclDropCount .2 ACL drop count within monitortime window.

apAclDropRatio .3 ACL drop ratio as permillage ofcurrent time window.

apDiameter Traps (ap-diameter.mib)The following traps are found in ap-diameter.mib.

Trap Description


Generated when a Diameter Accounting Servergoes up.


Generated when a Diameter Accounting Servergoes down.


Generated when the accounting message queue isfull and all accounting servers are down.


Generated when the apAcctMsgQueueFullTrapcondition clears.


Generated when the Diameter Server returns 3xxx(Protocol Errors), 4xxx (Transient Failures), or5xxx (Permanent Failure) Result-Code AVP (268).


After an error result, generated when the DiameterServer returns a 2xxx (Success) Result-Code AVP(268).

apDnsAlg Traps (ap-dnsalg.mib)The following traps are found in ap-dnsalg.mib.

Trap Description


Generated if the reachability status of an DNS-ALG server changes from In-Service to eitherTimed out or Out of Service.


Generated if the reachability status of an DNS-ALG server changes from either Timed out or Outof Service to In-Service.


Generated if a DNS-ALG configuration object'sconstraints state changes from In-Service toConstraints Exceeded.


Generated if a DNS-ALG configuration object'sconstraints state changes from ConstraintsExceeded to In-Service.


Generated if a DNS Server (i.e. IP-Address)constraints state changes from In-Service toConstraints Exceeded.


Generated if a DNS Serve (i.e. IP-Address)constraints state changes from ConstraintsExceeded to In-Service.

Chapter 2Traps


Page 33: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

apEnvMon Traps (ap-env-monitor.mib)The following traps are found in ap-env-monitor.mib. They are used generally forreporting on environmental changes.

Trap Description


Sent when the Inter-IC bus (I2C) state changesfrom normal (1) to not functioning (7).


For the AP4500 only. Generated if a physical portis inserted/present or removed/not present.


Sent when any entry of any environment monitortable changes in the state of a device beingmonitored. To receive this trap, you need to set thesystem config’s enable- env- monitor- table valueto enabled.

apH323 Traps (ap-h323.mib)The following traps are found in ap-env-h323.mib. They are used generally for reportingon environmental changes.

Trap Description


Generated when the number of H.323 callsincreases the percentage of the max calls threshold.


Generated when the number of H.323 callsdecreases to below the lowest max calls threshold.

apLicense Traps (ap-license.mib)The following traps are found in ap-license.mib. They are used generally for reporting onenvironmental changes.

Trap Description


Generated when the total number of active sessionson the system (across all protocols) is within 98 -100% of the licensed capacity.


Generated when the total number of active sessionson the system (across all protocols) has gone to orbelow 90% of its licensed capacity (but no soonerthan 15 seconds after the original alarm wastriggered).


This trap is sent when a license is within 7 days ofexpiration.

apSecurity Traps (ap-security.mib)The following traps are found in ap-security.mib.

Chapter 2Traps


Page 34: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

Trap Description


Generated when an IPSec IKEV2 tunnel cannot beestablished.


Generated when an IPSec IKEV2 tunnel failsbecause of Dead Peer Detection (DPD).


Generated when an invalid CRL is detected.


This trap is generated periodically if a locallyinstalled certificate has expired. The interval ofminutes between this trap being generated isconfigured in the local-cert-exp-trap-intparameter.


This trap is generated if a locally installedcertificate will soon expire. The number of daysbefore expiration in which this trap is sent isconfigured in the local-cert-exp-warn-periodparameter.


Generated when TACACS+ authentication requestfails due to one of the following reasons:• a TACACS+ daemon becomes unreachable• an unreachable TACACS+ daemon becomes

reachable• an authentication error occurs• an authorization error occurs


Acme Packet Agent Capability for enterprise TSCFSecurity MIB.


Collection of MIB objects for the collection ofTSCF statistics


Collection of notifications for TSCF resource alerts

apSecurityTscfAddressPoolUsageTrap1. /apSecurityTscfAddressPoolUsageClearTrap1.

These notifications are sent when the available IPaddresses in TSCF address pool depletes below theconfigured threshold level, then increases above theconfigured threshold level. The configuration MIBobjects involved are:apSecurityTscfAddressPoolName( andapSecurityTscfAddrPoolThresholdLevel( statistical MIB objects involved are:apSecurityTscfInUseAddressCount( andapSecurityTscfTotalAddressCount(

Chapter 2Traps


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Trap Description

apSecurityTscfMaxTunnelTrap1. /apSecurityTscfClearMaxTunnelTrap1.

These notifications are sent when the number ofTSCF tunnels established exceeds the number ofTSCF tunnels licensed, or exceeds the configuredthreshold for the maximum numbered of tunnels,then decreases below the threshold.The configuration MIB objects involved are:apTscfLicenseTunnelCount( andapSecurityTscfMaxTunnelsThresholdLevel( statistical MIB object involved is:apTscfActiveTunnels (

apSip Traps (ap-sip.mib)The following traps are found in ap-sip.mib.

Trap Name Description


Generated if the total number of registrations on all secondarySIP interfaces exceeds the configured threshold.


Generated if the total number of registrations on all secondarySIP interfaces falls below the configured threshold.


Generated if the apSipCACUtilTrapValue exceeds themonitoring threshold set in the cac-trap-threshold configuredin a realm or session agent.


Generated when the CAC utilization thresholds fall below thecac-trap-threshold configured in a realm or session agent.

apSyslog Traps (ap-slog.mib)The following traps are found in ap-slog.mib. They are used generally for reporting onenvironmental changes.

Trap Description


Generated by a syslog event. For example, this trapis generated if a switchover alarm occurs (for HighAvailability (HA) system peers only), or if an HAsystem peer times out or goes out-of-service.

apSysMgmt Traps (ap-smgmt.mib)The following traps are found in ap-smgmt.mib. These Traps generally are used for systemmanagement.

Chapter 2Traps


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Trap Description


Generated if the CPU utilization percentage ofapplication tasks has exceeded the threshold algd-load-limit.


Generated when the CPU utilization percentage ofapplication tasks has fallen below the thresholdalgd-load-limit.


Generates when the number of rejected messagesexceeds the configured threshold within theconfigured window. This trap is used for bothwhitelists and HMR rejected messages. The trapdoes not indicate which feature enabled this trap.To indicate which messages and rules generated thetrap, you can consult the matched.log file.


Generated when one of the audit logs full thresholdis met:• time interval• file size• percentage full


Generated when free audit log storage spacebecomes available.


Generated when the audit file transfer fails.


Generated when the audit file is successfullytransferred.


Generated upon system lockout after multipleauthentication failures.


Generated upon an unsuccessful login attempt. Thetrap includes the following information:• administration and access level (SSH, user,

enable)• connection type (network or console)


Generated when a call recording server changesstate.

apSysMgmtCdrFileDeleteTrap Generated when a CDR file is deleted because oflack of space on the partition or the drive exceedsthe number of files specified.


Generated when an enabled CDR push receiverfails. Returns the address, the address type, and thefailure reason code.


Generated when an enabled CDR push receiverresumes normal operation after a failure.


Generated when all enabled CDR push receiversfail.


Generated when one or more enabled CDR pushreceivers return to normal operation after failureswere encountered on all push receivers.


Generated if an error occurs while the system istrying to save the configuration to memory.


Generated when the collector successfullycompletes a push operation.

Chapter 2Traps


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Trap Description


Generated if the reachability status of an ENUMserver changes; contains:• apENUMConfigName• apENUMServerIpAddress• apENUMServerStatus


Generated when a device exceeds configuredthresholds and is denied access by the SBC.


Generated if a fan unit speed falls below themonitoring level.


Generated when the default gateway issynchronized in the ARP table.


Generated if the gateway specified becomesunreachable by the system.


Generated when the system determines that thegateway in question is once again reachable.


Generated when a significant threshold for asystem resource use or health score is exceeded.For example, if Network Address Translation(NAT) table usage, Address Resolution Protocol(ARP) table usage, memory usage, or CentralProcessing Unit (CPU) usage reaches 90% orgreater of its capacity, the apSysMgmtGroupTrap isgenerated. If the health score (for HA peers only)falls below 60, the apSysMgmtGroupTrap isgenerated. This trap is sent for sessions only iftiered thresholds for sessions have been configuredin system-config, alarm-threshold. If no tieredthresholds have been configured for sessions, thenthe apSysMgmtLicenseCapacity is sent.


Generated when the SBC’s system resource use orits health score returns to levels that are withinthresholds. For example, NAT table usage ormemory usage could return to acceptable levels,and the systems health score could return to a levelabove 60.


Generated if an H.323 stack has failed to initializeproperly and has been terminated.


Provides a text string indicating the type ofhardware error that has occurred. If the messagetext exceeds 255 bytes, the message is truncated to255 bytes.


Generated when an IP address is placed on a denylist because of denial-of-service attempts. Itprovides the IP address that has been demoted, therealm ID of that IP address (if available), the URIportion of the SIP From header for the message thatcaused the demotion, and the reason for thedemotion.


Generated when an IP is placed on a untrusted listfrom trusted list. Contains the ip address that hasbeen demoted, the realm-id of that IP (ifavailable) , and the URI portion of the SIP Fromheader of the message that caused the demotion.

Chapter 2Traps


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Trap Description


Generated when there is a change in the status ofthe SIP interface; either the SIP interface is inservice or constraints have been exceeded.• apSysMgmtSipInterfaceRealmName—Realm

identifier for the SIP interface (OID1.

• apSysMgmtSipInterfaceIP—IP address of thefirst SIP port in the SIP interface (OID1.

• apSysMgmtSipInterfaceStatus—Code is 0(OID

• apSysMgmtSipInterfaceStatusReason—Statusreasons and in-service (3) andconstraintExceeded (4) (OID1.


Generated if the status of whether a LDAP server isreachable changes.


Generated if bandwidth allocation fails at apercentage higher or equal to the system’s defaultthreshold rate.Bandwidth allocation failure rates are checkedevery 30 seconds. The trap is sent when the failurerate is at 50% or higher. After that time, the trap issent every 30 seconds until the failure rate dropsbelow 35%. The clear trap is sent once the failurerate drops below 5%.


Generated when the percentage rate of failure formedia bandwidth allocation decreases to the defaultallowable threshold.


Generated if the media process cannot allocatememory.


Generated when the alarm for insufficient memoryfor media processes is cleared manually.


Generated if port allocation fails at a percentagehigher or equal to the system’s default thresholdrate.Port allocation failure rates are checked every 30seconds. The trap is sent when the failure rate is at50% or higher. After that time, the trap is sentevery 30 seconds until the failure rate drops below35%. The clear trap is sent once the failure ratedrops below 5%.


Generated if the port allocation failure rate dropsbelow the system’s default acceptable threshold.


Generated if the media process cannot find anassociated realm for the media flow.


Generated if the NTP has to adjust the clock bymore than 1000 seconds.


Generated if the specified NTP server becomesunreachable.• apSysMgmtNTPServer—Server that is or was

formerly unreachable (OID1.

Chapter 2Traps


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Trap Description


Generated when an NTP server deemedunreachable subsequently becomes reachable.


Generated if all configured NTP servers areunreachable.


Generated if NTP service again becomes available.

apSysMgmtPhyUtilThresholdTrap Generated when the media port’s utilization crossesa configured threshold. Indicates whether theOverloadProtection feature is active.

apSysMgmtPhyUtilThresholdClearTrap Generated when a media port’s utilization fallsbelow the lowest configured threshold.


Generated if a power supply is powered down,powered up, inserted/present or removed/notpresent.


Generated if the system collector cannot reach aspecified server; used with the historical datarecording (HDR) feature.


Generated if the system collector can again reach aspecified server that was unreachable; used withthe historical data recording (HDR) feature.


Generated if all or some configured RADIUSaccounting servers have timed out from a RADIUSserver.

Chapter 2Traps


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Trap Description


Generated when some or all of the previouslyunreachable RADIUS servers can be again bereached.


The SBC searches fora TACACS+ serveruntil it finds anavailable one andthen stops searching.However, in theTACACS+ SNMPimplementation,SNMP expects theSBC to makeconnection attemptsto all servers. Whenthere is only oneTACACS+ server andthat server goesdown, the SBCbehaves normally,sending aapSysMgmtTacacsDownTrap trap when theserver goes down,and aapSysMgmtTacacsDownClearTrap trapwhen the servercomes back up. Whenthere is more than oneTACACS+ server andthe active server goesdown, anapSysMgmtTacacsDownTrap trap is sent,indicating that someservers are down andthe next server istried. If all serversfail, anapSysMgmtTacacsDownTrap is sentindicating that allservers are down. Ifone of the serverscomes back up whilethe rest are still down,anapSysMgmtTacacsDownTrap is sent

Chapter 2Traps


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Trap Description

indicating that someservers are still down.

Chapter 2Traps


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Trap Description


Generated when a TACACS+ server becomesunreachable.


The SBC searches fora TACACS+ serveruntil it finds anavailable one andthen stops searching.However, in theTACACS+ SNMPimplementation,SNMP expects theSBC to makeconnection attemptsto all servers. Whenthere is only oneTACACS+ server andthat server goesdown, the SBCbehaves normally,sending aapSysMgmtTacacsDownTrap trap when theserver goes down,and aapSysMgmtTacacsDownClearTrap trapwhen the servercomes back up. Whenthere is more than oneTACACS+ server andthe active server goesdown, anapSysMgmtTacacsDownTrap trap is sent,indicating that someservers are down andthe next server istried. If all serversfail, anapSysMgmtTacacsDownTrap is sentindicating that allservers are down. Ifone of the serverscomes back up whilethe rest are still down,anapSysMgmtTacacsDownTrap is sentindicating that someservers are still down.

Chapter 2Traps


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Trap Description


Generated when a TACACS+ server that wasunreachable becomes reachable.


Generated when ICMP heartbeat failure occurs.


Generated when ICMP heartbeat failure clears.


Generated when the number of contacts stored inthe registration cache exceeds the configuredthreshold.


Generated when the number of contacts stored inthe registration cache falls below the configuredthreshold.


Generated if the monthly minutes for a realm areexceeded.


Generated if monthly minutes for a realm are reset.


Generated when there is a change in the status ofthe realm constraints.


Generated if a state change occurs on either theprimary or secondary system in a redundant (HA)pair.


Generated when a session agent is declaredunreachable or unresponsive for the followingreasons:• signaling timeout (H.323 and SIP)• session agent does not respond to SIP pings

(SIP only)When session agents are declared unreachable orunresponsive, they are placed out-of-service for aconfigurable period of time.


Generated when a SIP INVITE orREGISTRATION request fail.


Generated when the space available on a partitioncrosses a configured space threshold.


Generated when the space available on a partitionfalls below the lowest configured threshold.


Generated if a SIP user attempts to register morethan the configured, allowable number of times;supports SIP surrogate registration for IMS.• apSysMgmtSurrogateRegHost (OID• apSysMgmtSurrogateRegAor (OID

Generated when the SBC is instructed to changethe system-state or the transition from becomingoffline to online occurs. This trap contains one fieldcalled apSysMgmtSystemState, and that field hasthree values:• online(0)• becoming-offline(1)• offline(2)

Chapter 2Traps


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Trap Description


Generated to described what task was deleted.From Release C4.1.4 and C5.1.0 forward, this trapcontains text noting that the time has been resetwhen the system clock time and remote clock timeare too far skewed.


[Reserved for future use.]Generated when a task is deleted; it readsapSysMgmtTaskDelete and includes the test in thetrap.


Generated if a critical task running on the systementers a suspended state.


Generated if the temperature falls below themonitoring level.


Generated when a write to file fails.


Generated when a write to file succeeds.


Generated when the SBC is unable to connect to anexternal policy server


Generated when the SBC is able to re-establish aconnection with an external policy server


Generated when an activate-config command isissued and the configuration has been changed atrunning time.


Generated when an OSCR server becomesunreachable.


Generated when an OSCR server becomesavailable.


Generated if all or some of the configured OSCRaccounting servers are down.


Generated if all OSCR accounting servers haveresumed communications.


The trap will be generated when CPU LoadAverage Alarm exceeds its minor alarm threshold.


The clear trap will be sent when the CPU loadaverage recedes to the minor alarm level.

apSysMgmtGroupTrap TrapsThe apSysMgmtGroupTrap ( can convey multiple traps byidentifying a system event and corresponding value. The apSysMgmtGroupClearTrap( is sent when this condition is cleared, according to the application.

apSysMgmtTrapType Description


When Opus session utilization exceeds 90%, thisobject is sent in the apSysMgmtGroupTrap. Whenutilization falls below 85%, theapSysMgmtGroupClearTrap is sent.

Chapter 2Traps


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apSysMgmtTrapType Description


When SILK session utilization exceeds 90%, thisobject is sent in the apSysMgmtGroupTrap. Whenutilization falls below 85%, theapSysMgmtGroupClearTrap is sent.

apUSBC Traps (ap-usbcsys.mib)The following traps are found in ap-usbcsys.mib.

Trap Name Description


The trap is generated when a thread is exceeding pre-definedusage.


The trap is generated when a thread is dropping back under pre-defined usage.


The trap is generated when a thread cpu overload is activated.


The trap is generated when a thread cpu overload is de-activated.


The trap is generated when a thread is not responding.


The trap is generated when the system detects a deadlock.


The trap is generated when the system detects that a deadlock usclear.

Specify an NMS for EMS Generated TrapsYou must configure a northbound network management server (NMS) such as an SNMPmanagement system as the receiver of element manager system (EMS) traps. An EMS, such asthe Session Element Manager, generates the (EMS MIB) traps shown in the table below when itdetects the following conditions:

• There is a failure to discover or rediscover a SBC configuration.

• There is a failure to save a SBC configuration.

• There is a failure to activate a SBC configuration.

• There are missing components when validating a SBC configuration.

• The node status changes from reachable to unreachable.

Trap Name Description


Generated when EMS fails to discover or rediscover a SBC configuration. Thetrap is generated from any discovery or rediscovery failure initiated by the SOAPXML API, EMS, or system processing. The trap contains the SBC’s node ID, thestart and end time of the discovery or rediscovery operation, and the user whoinitiated the operation.

Chapter 2Traps


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Trap Name Description

apEMSSaveFailure Generated when EMS fails to save a configuration. The trap is generated by asave failure whether initiated by the SOAP XML API or EMS GUI for save/activate, save or offline save operations. The trap contains the SBC node ID, thestart and stop time of the save configuration attempt, and the user initiating thesave operation.


Generated when EMS fails to activate a configuration, whether initiated from theSOAP XML API or EMS GUI for the save/activate or activate operations.


Generated when EMS validates a discovered SBC’s configuration (for exampleconfirms each referenced realm is configured) and detects missing components.The trap contains the time and the SBC node ID.


Generated when a node’s status changes from reachable to unreachable. The trapcontains the SBC’s node ID and the time of the event.


Generated when a node’s status changes from unreachable to reachable. The trapcontains the SBC’s node ID and the time of the event.

Persistent indexing of SNMP TablesCertain Oracle Communications Session Border Controller proprietary MIB tables supportpersistent indexing across reboots. The purpose is to maintain the value of that object so thatafter a reboot or configuration reload, the value that identifies an object remains the same.

Please be aware of the following three limitations:

ObjectID Wrapping

The maximum value of an object that is persistently indexed is 4294967295. In the unlikelyevent that the Net-Net SBC exhausts all index values, it will wrap beginning with the first,lowest, unused index number.

Consecutive Table Entries

For any two consecutive table entries, the indices from ObjectID are not guaranteed to beconsecutive. The value of an ObjectID reflects the order when the object is created.

Persistent Exception

Using the backup-config and the restore-backup-config commands do not impact the indexpersistency. But, if a configuration file created on one Net-Net SBC is loaded on another Net-Net SBC, the element IDs were assigned by the first Net-Net SBC are likely to be different thatthe IDs used on the second Net-Net SBC.

If, after a backup is created, an element is deleted from the configuration and then later createdagain, the element's ID will probably change. Then, if the operator restores an older backup, achange in the MIB ID of the object will result.

MIB Table in MIB file Persistent Index


ap-smgmt.mib apSigRealmStatsRealmIndex


ap-smgmt.mib apCombinedStatsSessionAgentIndex

Chapter 2Persistent indexing of SNMP Tables


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MIB Table in MIB file Persistent Index


ap-smgmt.mib apSipSAStatsSessionAgentIndex


ap-smgmt.mib apH323SAStatsSessionAgentIndex

Log Levels and syslog Level SeveritiesThere is a direct correlation between log levels and syslog level severities. This correlation canbe used for syslog MIB reference purposes.

Log LevelsThe following table defines the log levels by name and number, and provides a description ofeach level.


Log Level Description

1 EMERGENCY The most severe condition within the system whichrequires immediate attention. If you do not attend to itimmediately, there could be physical, irreparabledamage to your system.

2 CRITICAL A serious condition within the system which requiresattention as soon as it is noted. If you do not attend tothese conditions immediately, there may be physicaldamage to your system.

3 MAJOR Functionality has been seriously compromised. As aresult, there may be loss of functionality, hangingapplications, and dropped packets. If you do notattend to this situation, your system will suffer nophysical harm, but it will cease to function.

4 MINOR Functionality has been impaired to a certain degreeand, as a result, you may experience compromisedfunctionality. There will be no physical harm to yoursystem. However, you should attend to it as soon aspossible in order to keep your system operatingproperly.

5 WARNING The system has noted some irregularities in itsperformance. This condition is used to describesituations that are noteworthy. Nonetheless, youshould attend to it in order to keep your systemoperating properly.



All used for Oracle customer support purposes.

syslog Level SeveritiesThe following table defines the syslog levels by severity and number against the University ofCalifornia Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) syslog severities (by level and number).

Chapter 2Log Levels and syslog Level Severities


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Refer to the Example Log Message column to view example syslog-related content/messages.

syslog Level (Numerical Code) BSD syslog Severity Level (Number)

EMERGENCY (1) Emergency - system is unusable (0)CRITICAL (2) Alert - action must be taken immediately (1)MAJOR (3) Critical - critical conditions (2)MINOR (4) Error - error conditions (3)WARNING (5) Warning - warning conditions (4)NOTICE (6) Notice - normal, but significant condition (5)INFO (7) Informational - informational messages (6)TRACE (8)DEBUG (9)

Debug - debug level messages (7)

Mapping Trap Filter Levels to syslog and Alarm SeveritiesAlthough there is no direct correlation between system alarms and the generation of SNMPtraps, traps can be mapped to syslog and alarm severities through trap filters that are configuredin the filter-level field of the trap-receiver configuration element of the ACLI. The followingtable shows this mapping.

filter-level FieldValue

Filter Level Description syslog Level(Numerical Code)


CRITICAL The SNMP agent sends a trap for all alarmsand syslogs with a severity level that isgreater than or equal to CRITICAL (with alesser log level numerical code). Thecorresponding NMS receives only errorevents.



MAJOR The SNMP agent sends a trap for all alarmsand syslogs with a severity level that isgreater than or equal to MAJOR (with alesser log level numerical code). Thecorresponding NMS receives warning anderror events.



MINOR The SNMP agent sends a trap for all alarmsand syslogs with a severity level that isgreater than or equal to MINOR (i.e., with alesser log level numerical code) a generate atrap. The corresponding NMS receivesinformational, warning, and error events.



ALL The SNMP agent sends a trap for allalarms, syslogs, and other traps. Thecorresponding NMS receives informational,warning, and error events.



The following table describes the types of events that an NMS can receive.

Chapter 2Log Levels and syslog Level Severities


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Event Category Description

Error Indicates a catastrophic condition has occurred (e.g., an internal temperaturereading exceeds the recommendation).

Warning Indicates pending failures or unexpected events (e.g., at the console, you typedthe wrong password three consecutive times)

Informational Represents non-critical conditions (e.g., an event can indicate to an administratorthat a configuration element has changed).

For more information about the filter-level field specifically or the trap-receiver element ingeneral, refer to the Configuration via the ACLI chapter of the Administration andConfiguration Guide for the ACLI.

Platform sysObjectIDsEach hardware platform in the Acme Packet family has a designated system object ID(sysObjectID). In addition to the system object ID, each platform includes a descriptive string(sysDescr) comprised of the product name followed by a string identifying the full softwareversion operating on the system.

Platform sysObjectID

Acme Packet 4600 apNetNet4600: Packet 6100 apNetNet6100: Packet 6300 apNetNet6300: Packet 3900 apNetNet3900:

Chapter 2Platform sysObjectIDs


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3Standard SNMP GET Requests

This section explains the standard SNMP GET requests supported by the OracleCommunications Session Border Controller. SNMP uses five basic messages, one of which isthe GET request that is used to query for information on or about a network entity.

Interfaces Object

MIB Object Object ID: + Description

ifNumber .1 The number of network interfaces (regardless of theircurrent state) present on this system.

ifTable .2 A list of interface entries. The number of entries isgiven by the value of ifNumber.

Interface TableThe following table describes the standard SNMP Get support for the interfaces table, whichcontains information on the entity's interfaces. Each interface is thought of as being attached toa subnetwork. (Note that this term should not be confused with subnet, which refers to anaddressing partitioning scheme used in the Internet suite of protocols.)

MIB Object Object ID1. +


ifIndex .1 Unique value for each interface. Value has a range between1 and the value of ifNumber and must remain constant atleast from one re-initialization of the entity's NMS to thenext re-initialization. See for examples of ifIndex values.

ifDescr .2 Textual string containing information about the interface.This string includes the name of the manufacturer, theproduct name, and the version of the hardware interface.

ifType .3 Information about the type of interface, distinguishedaccording to the physical/link protocol(s) immediatelybelow the network layer in the protocol stack.

ifMtu .4 Size of the largest datagram which can be sent/received onthe interface, specified in octets. For interfaces that transmitnetwork datagrams, this is the size of the largest networkdatagram that can be sent on the interface.

ifSpeed .5 Estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in bits persecond. For interfaces which do not vary in bandwidth or forthose where an accurate estimation cannot be made, itcontains the nominal bandwidth.

ifPhysAddress .6 Address of the interface, at the protocol layer immediatelybelow the network layer in the protocol stack. For interfaceswhich do not have such an address for example., a serialline), it contains an octet string of zero length.


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MIB Object Object ID1. +


ifAdminStatus .7 Current administrative state of the interface. The testing(3)state indicates that operational packets cannot be passed.

ifOperStatus .8 Current operational state of the interface. The testing(3)state indicates that operational packets cannot be passed.

ifLastChange .9 Value of sysUpTime at the time the interface entered itscurrent operational state. If the current state was enteredprior to the last re-initialization of the local networkmanagement subsystem, then it contains a zero value.

ifInOctets .10 Total number of octets received on the interface, includingframing characters.

ifInUcastPkts .11 Number of subnetwork-unicast packets delivered to ahigherlayer protocol.

ifInNUcastPkts .12 Number of non-unicast (i.e., subnetwork-broadcast orsubnetwork-multicast) packets delivered to a higher-layerprotocol.

ifInDiscards .13 Number of inbound packets which were chosen to bediscarded even though no errors had been detected toprevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be tofree up buffer space.

ifInErrors .14 Number of inbound packets that contained errors preventingthem from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.


.15 Number of packets received via the interface which werediscarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

ifOutOctets .16 Total number of octets transmitted out of the interface,including framing characters.

ifOutUcastPkts .17 Total number of packets that higher-level protocolsrequested be transmitted to a subnetwork-unicast address,including those that were discarded or not sent.

ifOutNUcastPkt .18 Total number of packets that higher-level protocolsrequested be transmitted to a non-unicast (i.e., asubnetwork-broadcast or subnetwork-multicast) address,including those that were discarded or not sent.

ifOutDiscards .19 Number of outbound packets which were chosen to bediscarded even though no errors had been detected toprevent their being transmitted. One possible reason fordiscarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

ifOutErrors .20 Number of outbound packets that could not be transmittedbecause of errors.

ifOutQLen .21 Length of the output packet queue (in packets).ifSpecific .22 Returns a reference to MIB definitions specific to the

particular media being used to realize the interface. Forexample, if the interface is realized by an ethernet, then thevalue of this object refers to a document defining objectsspecific to Ethernet. If this information is not present, itsvalue should be set to the OBJECT IDENTIFIER {0 0},which is a syntactically valid object identifier, and anyconformant implementation of ASN.1 and BER must beable to generate and recognize this value.

Chapter 3Interfaces Object


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Interface Description in MIBThe ifDescr object in the ifEntry object in ifTable is a string of up to 255 characters. Itcurrently contains the name of the interface only. This change adds to the ifDescr string,separated from the first part by a space, a keyword that represents the internal interface type.The values can be {ETH, FE, GE, OC, XE, null}.

RFC 3635 supercedes RFC 2665. RFC 2665 recommends, but RFC 3635 requires, that allEthernet-like interfaces use an ifType of ethernetCsmacd (6) regardless of the speed that theinterface is running or the link-layer encapsulation in use. Heretofore, Oracle CommunicationsSession Border Controllers could return values of fastEthernet (62) and gigaEthernet (117), but,in accordance with RFC 3635, will now return ethernetCsmacd (6) for all Ethernet interfacetypes. To let users determine the type of Ethernet interface more readily than by some othermethod, Oracle has changed the syntax for ifDescr to include the interface type.

The current values of ifDescr are either the names of physical or network interfaces (forexample, "wancom0", "lo", "s1p0", "Access", or "Core"), or, for sub-interfaces, interface namesappended with sub-interface numbers (for example, "Access.22" or "Core.33"). This changeadds to the ifDescr string, separated from the first part by a space, a keyword that representsthe internal interface type rather than the actual queried value. The current set of possiblevalues is {ETH, FE, GE, XE, null}.


• wancom0 GE

• lo (Second part empty)

• s1p0 GE

• s0p0 XE

• Access GE

• Access.22 (Second part empty)

• Core.33 (Second part empty)

Chapter 3Interfaces Object


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ifXTable TableThe ifXTable is available to support 64-bit counters for interface statistics. Only Gets aresupported for this MIB Table, and are supported on all interfaces.

MIB Object Object ID1. +


ifName .1 ifName is the textual name of the interface. Thevalue of this object should be the name of theinterface as assigned by the local device and shouldbe suitable for use in commands entered at thedevice's console. This might be a text name, such asle0 or a simple port number, such as 1, dependingon the interface naming syntax of the device. Ifseveral entries in the ifTable together represent asingle interface as named by the device, then eachwill have the same value of ifName. For an agentthat responds to SNMP queries concerning aninterface on some other (proxied) device, the valueof ifName is the proxied device's local name for it.If there is no local name, or this object is otherwisenot applicable, then this object contains a zero-length string.

ifInMulticastPkts .2 The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layerto a higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to amulticast address at this sub-layer. For a MAC layerprotocol, this includes both Group and Functionaladdresses. Discontinuities in the value of thiscounter can occur at re-initialization of themanagement system, and at other times as indicatedby the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.

ifInBroadcastPkts .3 The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layerto a higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to abroadcast address at this sub-layer. Discontinuitiesin the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and atother times as indicated by the value ofifCounterDiscontinuityTime.

ifOutMulticastPkts .4 The total number of packets that higher-levelprotocols requested be transmitted, and which wereaddressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer,including those that were discarded or not sent. Fora MAC layer protocol, this includes both Group andFunctional addresses. Discontinuities in the value ofthis counter can occur at re-initialization of themanagement system, and at other times as indicatedby the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.

ifOutBroadcastPkts .5 The total number of packets that higher-levelprotocols requested be transmitted, and which wereaddressed to a broadcast address at this sub-layer,including those that were discarded or not sent.Discontinuities in the value of this counter canoccur at re-initialization of the management system,and at other times as indicated by the value ofifCounterDiscontinuityTim

Chapter 3ifXTable Table


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MIB Object Object ID1. +


ifHCInOctets .6 The total number of octets received on the interface,including framing characters. This object is a 64-bitversion of ifInOctets. Discontinuities in the value ofthis counter can occur at re-initialization of themanagement system, and at other times as indicatedby the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.

ifHCInUcastPkts .7 The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layerto a higher (sub-)layer, which were not addressed toa multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer.This object is a 64-bit version of ifInUcastPkts.Discontinuities in the value of this counter canoccur at re-initialization of the management system,and at other times as indicated by the value ofifCounterDiscontinuityTime.

ifHCMulticastPkts .8 The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layerto a higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to amulticast address at this sub-layer. For a MAC layerprotocol, this includes both Group and Functionaladdresses. This object is a 64-bit version ofifInMulticastPkts. Discontinuities in the value ofthis counter can occur at re-initialization of themanagement system, and at other times as indicatedby the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.

ifHCInBroadcastPkts .9 The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layerto a higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to abroadcast address at this sub-layer. This object is a64-bit version of ifInBroadcastPkts. Discontinuitiesin the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and atother times as indicated by the value ofifCounterDiscontinuityTime.

ifHCOutOctets .10 The total number of octets transmitted out of theinterface, including framing characters. This objectis a 64-bit version of ifOutOctets. Discontinuities inthe value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and atother times as indicated by the value of

ifHCOutUcastPkts .11 The total number of packets that higher-levelprotocols requested be transmitted, and which werenot addressed to a multicast or broadcast address atthis sub-layer, including those that were discardedor not sent. This object is a 64-bit version ofifOutUcastPkts. Discontinuities in the value of thiscounter can occur at re-initialization of themanagement system, and at other times as indicatedby the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.

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MIB Object Object ID1. +


ifHCOutMulticastPkts .12 The total number of packets that higher-levelprotocols requested be transmitted, and which wereaddressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer,including those that were discarded or not sent. Fora MAC layer protocol, this includes both Group andFunctional addresses. This object is a 64-bit versionof ifOutMulticastPkts. Discontinuities in the valueof this counter can occur at re-initialization of themanagement system, and at other times as indicatedby the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.

ifOutBroadcastPkts .13 The total number of packets that higher-levelprotocols requested be transmitted, and which wereaddressed to a broadcast address at this sub-layer,including those that were discarded or not sent. Thisobject is a 64-bit version of ifOutBroadcastPkts.Discontinuities in the value of this counter canoccur at re-initialization of the management system,and at other times as indicated by the value ofifCounterDiscontinuityTime.


.14 Indicates whether linkUp/linkDown traps should begenerated for this interface. By default, this objectshould have the value enabled(1) for interfaceswhich do not operate on 'top' of any other interface(as defined in the ifStackTable), and disabled(2)otherwise.

ifHighSpeed .15 An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth inunits of 1,000,000 bits per second. If this objectreports a value of `n' then the speed of the interfaceis somewhere in the range of `n-500,000' to `n+499,999'. For interfaces which do not vary inbandwidth or for those where no accurateestimation can be made, this object should containthe nominal bandwidth. For a sub-layer which hasno concept of bandwidth, this object should be zero.

ifPromiscuousMode .16 This object has a value of false(2) if this interfaceonly accepts packets/frames that are addressed tothis station. This object has a value of true(1) whenthe station accepts all packets/frames transmitted onthe media. The value true(1) is only legal on certaintypes of media. If legal, setting this object to a valueof true(1) may require the interface to be resetbefore becoming effective. The value ofifPromiscuousMode does not affect the reception ofbroadcast and multicast packets/frames by theinterface.

ifConnectorPresent .17 This object has the value 'true(1)' if the interfacesublayer has a physical connector and the value'false(2)' otherwise.

Chapter 3ifXTable Table


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ip ObjectThe following table describes the standard SNMP Get support for the IP group. Implementationof the IP group is mandatory for all systems. The IP address table contains this entity's IPaddressing information

MIB Object Object ID: +


ipForwarding .1 Indicates whether this entity is acting as an IP gateway inrespect to the forwarding of datagrams received by, but notaddressed to, this entity. IP gateways forward datagrams. IPhosts do not (except those source-routed via the host). Notethat for some managed nodes, this object may take on only asubset of the values possible. Accordingly, it is appropriate foran agent to return a badValue response if a management stationattempts to change this object to an inappropriate value.

ipDefaultTTL .2 Default value inserted into the Time-To-Live (TTL) field of theIP header of datagrams originated at this entity, whenever aTTL value is not supplied by the transport layer protocol.

ipInReceives .3 Total number of input datagrams received from interfaces,including those received in error.

ipInHdrErrors .4 Number of input datagrams discarded due to errors in their IPheaders, including bad checksums, version number mismatch,other format errors, time-to-live exceeded, errors discovered inprocessing their IP options, and so on.

ipInAddrErrors .5 Number of input datagrams discarded because the IP address intheir IP header's destination field was not a valid address to bereceived at this entity. This count includes invalid addresses(for example, ...) and addresses of unsupported Classes (forexample, Class E). For entities which are not IP Gateways andtherefore do not forward datagrams, this counter includesdatagrams discarded because the destination address was not alocal address.

ipForwDatagrams .6 Number of input datagrams for which this entity was not theirfinal IP destination, as a result of which an attempt was madeto find a route to forward them to that final destination. Inentities which do not act as IP gateways, this counter includesonly those packets which were Source-Routed via this entity,and the Source-Route option processing was successful.

ipInUnknownProtos .7 Number of locally-addressed datagrams received successfullybut discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

ipInDiscards .8 Number of input IP datagrams for which no problems wereencountered to prevent their continued processing, but whichwere discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space). (Note that thiscounter does not include any datagrams discarded whileawaiting re-assembly.)

ipInDelivers .9 Total number of input datagrams successfully delivered to IPuser-protocols including ICMP.

ipOutRequests .10 Total number of IP datagrams which local IP user-protocols(including ICMP) supplied to IP in requests for transmission.(Note that this counter does not include any datagrams countedin ipForwDatagrams.)

Chapter 3ip Object


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MIB Object Object ID: +


ipOutDiscards .11 Number of output IP datagrams for which no problem wasencountered to prevent their transmission to their destination,but which were discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space). (Notethat this counter would include datagrams countedinipForwDatagrams if any such packets met this (discretionary)discard criterion.)

ipOutNoRoutes .12 Number of IP datagrams discarded because a route could notbe found to transmit them to their destination. Note that thiscounter includes any packets counted in ipForwDatagramswhich meet this "no-route" criterion. (This includes anydatagrams which a host cannot route because all of its defaultgateways are down.)

ipReasmTimeout .13 Maximum number of seconds which received fragments areheld while they are awaiting reassembly at this entity.

ipReasmReqds .14 Number of IP fragments received which needed to bereassembled at this entity.

ipReasmOKs .15 Number of IP datagrams successfully re-assembled.ipReasmFails .16 Number of failures detected by the IP re-assembly algorithm

(for whatever reason: timed out, errors, etc.). (Note that this isnot necessarily a count of discarded IP fragments since somealgorithms (notably the algorithm in RFC 815) can lose trackof the number of fragments by combining them as they arereceived.)

ipFragOKs .17 Number of IP datagrams that have been successfullyfragmented at this entity.

ipFragFails .18 Number of IP datagrams that have been discarded because theyneeded to be fragmented at this entity but could not be (forexample, because their Don't Fragment flag was set).

ipFragCreates .19 Number of IP datagram fragments that have been generated asa result of fragmentation at this entity.

ipAddrTable .20 The table of addressing information relevant to this entity'sIPv4 addresses.

ipAddrTable TableThe table of addressing information relevant to this entity's IPv4 addresses.

MIB Object Object ID: +


ipAdEntAddr .1 IP address to which this entry's addressinginformation pertains.

ipAdEntIfIndex .2 Index value which uniquely identifies the interfaceto which this entry is applicable. The interfaceidentified by a particular value of this index is thesame interface as identified by the same value ofifIndex.

ipAdEntNetMask .3 Subnet mask associated with the IP address of thisentry. The value of the mask is an IP address withall the network bits set to 1 and all the host bits setto .

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MIB Object Object ID: +


ipAdEntBcastAddr .4 Value of the least-significant bit in the IP broadcastaddress used for sending datagrams on the (logical)interface associated with the IP address of this entry.For example, when the Internet standard all-onesbroadcast address is used, the value is 1. This valueapplies to both the subnet and network broadcastsaddresses used by the entity on this (logical)interface.

ipAdEntReasmMaxSize .5 Size of the largest IP datagram which this entity canre-assemble from incoming IP fragmenteddatagrams received on this interface.

icmp ObjectThe following table describes the standard SNMP Get support for the Internet Control MessageProtocol (ICMP) group. Implementation of the ICMP group is mandatory for all systems.

MIB Object Object ID: +


icmpInMsgs .1 Total number of ICMP messages which the entityreceived. (Note that this counter includes all thosecounted by icmpInErrors.)

icmpInErrors .2 Number of ICMP messages which the entity receivedbut determined as having ICMP-specific errors (badICMP checksums, bad length, and so on).

icmpInDestUnreachs .3 Number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messagesreceived.

icmpInTimeExcds .4 Number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages received.icmpInParmProbs .5 Number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages

received.icmpInSrcQuenchs .6 Number of ICMP Source Quench messages received.icmpInRedirects .7 Number of ICMP Redirect messages received.icmpInEchos .8 Number of ICMP Echo (request) messages received.icmpInEchoReps .9 Number of ICMP Echo Reply messages received.icmpInTimestamps .10 Number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages

received.icmpInTimestampReps .11 Number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages

received.icmpInAddrMasks .12 Number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages

received.icmpInAddrMaskReps .13 Number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages

received.icmpOutMsgs .14 Total number of ICMP messages which this entity

attempted to send. (This counter includes all thosecounted by icmpOutErrors.)

Chapter 3icmp Object


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MIB Object Object ID: +


icmpOutErrors .15 Number of ICMP messages which this entity did notsend due to problems discovered within ICMP such asa lack of buffers. This value does not include errorsdiscovered outside the ICMP layer such as theinability of IP to route the resultant datagram. In someimplementations there may be no types of error whichcontribute to this counter's value.

icmpOutDestUnreachs .16 Number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messagessent.

icmpOutTimeExcds .17 Number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages sent.icmpOutParmProbs .18 Number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages sent.icmpOutSrcQuenchs .19 Number of ICMP Source Quench messages sent.icmpOutRedirects .20 Number of ICMP Redirect messages sent. For a host,

this object will always be zero, since hosts do not sendredirects.

icmpOutEchos .21 Number of ICMP Echo (request) messages sent.icmpOutEchoReps .22 Number of ICMP Echo Reply messages sent.icmpOutTimestamps .23 Number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages sent.icmpOutTimestampReps .24 Number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages sent.icmpOutAddrMasks .25 Number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages

sent.icmpOutAddrMaskReps .26 Number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages sent.

TCP ObjectThe following table describes the standard SNMP Get support for the TCP connection table,which contains information about this entity's existing TCP connections.

MIB Object Object ID: +


tcpRtoAlgorithm .1 Algorithm used to determine the timeout value used forretransmitting unacknowledged octets.

tcpRtoMin .2 Minimum value permitted by a TCP implementation for theretransmission timeout, measured in milliseconds. Morerefined semantics for objects of this type depend upon thealgorithm used to determine the retransmission timeout. Inparticular, when the timeout algorithm is rsre(3), an object ofthis type has the semantics of the LBOUND quantity describedin RFC 793.

tcpRtoMax .3 Maximum value permitted by a TCP implementation for theretransmission timeout, measured in milliseconds. Morerefined semantics for objects of this type depend upon thealgorithm used to determine the retransmission timeout. Inparticular, when the timeout algorithm is rsre(3), an object ofthis type has the semantics of the UBOUND quantity describedin RFC 793.

tcpMaxConn .4 Total number of TCP connections the entity supports. Inentities where the maximum number of connections isdynamic, this object contains the value -1.

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MIB Object Object ID: +


tcpActiveOpens .5 Number of times TCP connections made a direct transition tothe SYN-SENT state from the CLOSED state.

tcpPassiveOpens .6 Number of times TCP connections made a direct transition tothe SYN-RCVD state from the LISTEN state.

tcpAttemptFails .7 Number of times TCP connections made a direct transition tothe CLOSED state from either the SYN-SENT state or theSYN-RCVD state, plus the number of times TCP connectionsmade a direct transition to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD state.

tcpEstabResets .8 Number of times TCP connections made a direct transition tothe CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED state or theCLOSE-WAIT state.

tcpCurrEstab .9 Number of TCP connections for which the current state iseither ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-WAIT.

tcpInSegs .10 Total number of segments received, including those received inerror. This count includes segments received on currentlyestablished connections.

tcpOutSegs .11 Total number of segments sent, including those on currentconnections but excluding those containing only retransmittedoctets.

tcpRetransSegs .12 Total number of segments retransmitted - that is, the number ofTCP segments transmitted containing one or more previouslytransmitted octets.

tcpInErrs .14 Total number of segments received in error (for example, badTCP checksums).

tcpConnTable .13tcpOutRsts .15 Number of TCP segments sent containing the RST flag.

tcpConnTable TablePer connection, tcpConnTable.tcpConnEntry: Refer to the following tablefor all objects per connection.

MIB Object Object ID: +


tcpConnState .1 State of this TCP connection. The only value whichmay be set by a management station isdeleteTCB(12). Accordingly, it is appropriate for anagent to return a badValue response if a managementstation attempts to set this object to any other value. Ifa management station sets this object to the valuedeleteTCB(12), then this has the effect of deleting theTCB (as defined in RFC 793) of the correspondingconnection on the managed node, resulting inimmediate termination of the connection. As animplementation-specific option, an RST segment maybe sent from the managed node to the other TCPendpoint (note however that RST segments are notsent reliably).

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MIB Object Object ID: +


tcpConnLocalAddress .2 Local IP address for this TCP connection. In the caseof a connection in the listen state which is willing toaccept connections for any IP interface associatedwith the node, the value is

tcpConnLocalPort .3 Local port number for this TCP connection.tcpConnRemAddress .4 Remote IP address for this TCP connection.tcpConnRemPort .5 Remote port number for this TCP connection.

UDP ObjectThe following table describes the standard SNMP Get support for the UDP group.Implementation of the UDP group is mandatory for all systems which implement the UDP. TheUDP listener table contains information about this entity's UDP end-points on which a localapplication is currently accepting datagrams.

MIB Object Object ID: +


udpInDatagrams .1 Total number of UDP datagrams delivered to UDP users.udpNoPorts .2 Total number of received UDP datagrams for which there

was no application at the destination port.udpInErrors .3 Number of received UDP datagrams that could not be

delivered for reasons other than the lack of an application atthe destination port.

udpOutDatagrams .4 Total number of UDP datagrams sent from this entity.udpTable.udpEntry .5.x The UDP Listener Table, per entry

UDP Listener Table

MIB Object Object ID: +


udpLocalAddress .1 Local IP address for this UDP listener. In the case of a UDPlistener which is willing to accept datagrams for any IPinterface associated with the node, the value is

updLocalPort .2 Local port number for this UDP listener.

System ObjectThe following table describes the standard SNMP Get support for the system group which is acollection of objects common to all managed systems.

MIB Object Object ID: +


sysDescr .1 Textual description of the entity. This value includes the fullname and version identification of the system's hardware type,software operating-system, and networking software.

Chapter 3UDP Object


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MIB Object Object ID: +


sysObjectID .2 Vendor's authoritative identification of the networkmanagement subsystem contained in the entity. This value isallocated within the SMI enterprises subtree ( andprovides an easy and unambiguous means for determiningwhat kind of box is being managed. For example, if vendorFlintstones, Inc. was assigned the subtree, itcould assign the identifier to its FredRouter.

sysUpTime .3 Time (in hundredths of a second) since the networkmanagement portion of the system was last re-initialized.

sysContact .4 Textual identification of the contact person for this managednode, together with information on how to contact this person.If no contact information is known, the value is the zero-lengthstring.

sysName .5 Administratively-assigned name for this managed node. Byconvention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. Ifthe name is unknown, the value is the zero-length string.

sysLocation .6 Physical location of this node (for example, telephone closet,3rd floor). If the location is unknown, the value is the zero-length string.

sysServices .7 Value which indicates the set of services that this entity maypotentially offer. The value is a sum which initially takes thevalue zero, Then, for each layer, L, in the range 1 through 7,that this node performs transactions for, 2 raised to (L - 1) isadded to the sum. For example, a node which performs onlyrouting functions would have a value of 4 (2^(3-1)). Incontrast, a node which is a host offering application serviceswould have a value of 72 (2^(4-1) + 2^(7-1)). See thefollowing table for how this value is calculated.

sysORLastChange .8 Value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent change instate or value of any instance of sysORID.

layer functionality

1 physical (for example, repeaters)2 datalink/subnetwork (for example, bridges)3 internet (for example, supports IP)4 end-to-end (for example, supports TCP)7 applications (for example., supports SMTP)

For systems including OSI protocols, layers 5 and 6 may also be counted.

Object Resource Information ObjectThe following table describes the standard SNMP Get support for the object resourceinformation which is a collection of objects which describe the SNMPv2 entity's (statisticallyand dynamically configurable) support of various MIB modules.

Chapter 3System Object


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MIB Object Object ID: +


sysORID .2 Authoritative identification of a capabilities statement withrespect to various MIB modules supported by the localSNMPv2 entity acting in an agent role

sysORDescr .3 Textual description of the capabilities identified by thecorresponding instance of sysORID.

sysORUpTime .4 Value of sysUpTime at the time this conceptual row was lastinstantiated.

SNMP ObjectThe following table describes the standard SNMP Get support for the SNMP group which is acollection of objects providing basic instrumentation and control of an SNMP entity.

MIB Object Object ID: +


snmpInPkts .1 Total number of messages delivered to the SNMPentity from the transport service.

snmpInBadVersions .3 Total number of SNMP messages delivered to theSNMP entity for an unsupported SNMP version.

snmpInBadCommunityNames .4 Total number of SNMP messages delivered to theSNMP entity which used a SNMP communityname not known to said entity.

snmpInBadCommunityUses .5 Total number of SNMP messages delivered to theSNMP entity which represented an SNMPoperation which was not allowed by the SNMPcommunity named in the message.

snmpInASNParseErrs .6 Total number of ASN.1 or BER errors encounteredby the SNMP entity when decoding receivedSNMP messages.

snmpEnableAuthenTraps .30 Indicates whether the SNMP entity is permitted togenerate authenticationFailure traps. The value ofthis object overrides any configurationinformation; as such, it provides a means wherebyall authenticationFailure traps may be disabled. (Itis strongly recommended that this object be storedin non-volatile memory so that it remains constantacross re-initializations of the networkmanagement system.)

snmpSilentDrops .31 Total number of GetRequest-PDUs,GetNextRequest-PDUs, GetBulkRequest-PDUs,SetRequest-PDUs, and InformRequest-PDUsdelivered to the SNMP entity which were silentlydropped because the size of a reply containing analternate Response-PDU with an empty variable-bindings field was greater than either a localconstraint or the maximum message sizeassociated with the originator of the request.

Chapter 3SNMP Object


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MIB Object Object ID: +


snmpProxyDrops .32 Total number of GetRequest-PDUs,GetNextRequest-PDUs, GetBulkRequest-PDUs,SetRequest-PDUs, and InformRequest-PDUsdelivered to the SNMP entity which were silentlydropped because the transmission of the (possiblytranslated) message to a proxy target failed in amanner (other than a timeout) such that noResponse-PDU could be returned.

Physical Entity TableOracle Communications Session Border Controller implements the Physical Entity table fromthe Entity MIB (RFC 2737). The following table describes the standard SNMP Get support forthe Entity group, which is a collection of multiple logical entities supported by a single SNMPagent.

MIB Object Object ID: +


entPhysicalIndex .1 The index for this entry.entPhysicalDescr .2 Textual description of the physical entity. A string

that identifies the manufacturer's name; whichshould be set to a distinct value for each version ormodel of the physical entity.

entPhysicalVendorType .3 Indication of the vendor-specific hardware type ofthe physical entity. (This is different from thedefinition of MIB-II's sysObjectID). An agentshould set this object to a enterprise-specificregistration identifier value indicating the specificequipment type in detail. The associated instanceof entPhysicalClass is used to indicate the generaltype of hardware device. If no vendor-specificregistration identifier exists for this physical entity,or the value is unknown by this agent, then thevalue { 0 0 } is returned.

entPhysicalContainedIn .4 Value of entPhysicalIndex for the physical entitywhich contains this physical entity. A value of zeroindicates this physical entity is not contained inany other physical entity. The set of containmentrelationships define a strict hierarchy; that is,recursion is not allowed. In the event a physicalentity is contained by more than one physicalentity (for example, double-wide modules), thisobject should identify the containing entity withthe lowest value of entPhysicalIndex.

Chapter 3Physical Entity Table


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MIB Object Object ID: +


entPhysicalClass .5 Indication of the general hardware type of thephysical entity. An agent should set this object tothe standard enumeration value that mostaccurately indicates the general class of thephysical entity, or the primary class if there is morethan one. If no appropriate standard registrationidentifier exists for this physical entity, then thevalue other(1) is returned. If the value is unknownby this agent, then the value unknown(2) isreturned

Chapter 3Physical Entity Table


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MIB Object Object ID: +


entPhysicalParentRelPos .6 An indication of the relative position of this childcomponent among all its sibling components.Sibling components are defined asentPhysicalEntries that share the same instancevalues of each of the entPhysicalContainedIn andentPhysicalClass objects. An NMS can use thisobject to identify the relative ordering for allsibling components of a particular parent(identified by the entPhysicalContainedIn instancein each sibling entry).This value should match any external labeling ofthe physical component if possible. For example,for a container (such as card slot) labeled as slot#3, entPhysicalParentRelPos should have the value3. The entPhysicalEntry for the module plugged inslot 3 should have an entPhysicalParentRelPosvalue of 1.If the physical position of this component does notmatch any external numbering or clearly visibleordering, use external reference material todetermine the parent-relative position. If this is notpossible, the agent should assign a consistent (butpossibly arbitrary) ordering to a given set of siblingcomponents, perhaps based on internalrepresentation of the components.If the agent cannot determine the parent-relativeposition for some reason, or if the associated valueof entPhysicalContainedIn is 0, then the value -1 isreturned. Otherwise a non-negative integer isreturned, indicating the parent-relative position ofthis physical entity. Parent-relative orderingnormally starts from 1 and continues to N, where Nrepresents the highest positioned child entity.However, if the physical entities (for example,slots) are labeled from a starting position of zero,the first sibling should be associated with aentPhysicalParentRelPos value of 0.This ordering might be sparse or dense, dependingon agent implementation. The actual valuesreturned are not globally meaningful, as eachparent component may use different numberingalgorithms. The ordering is only meaningfulamong siblings of the same parent component. Theagent should retain parent-relative position valuesacross reboots, either through algorithmicassignment or use of non-volatile storage

Chapter 3Physical Entity Table


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MIB Object Object ID: +


entPhysicalName .7 Textual name of the physical entity. The value ofthis object should be the name of the component asassigned by the local device and should be suitablefor use in commands entered at the device'sconsole. This might be a text name, such asconsole or a simple component number (forexample, port or module number), such as 1,depending on the physical component namingsyntax of the device. If there is no local name, orthis object is otherwise not applicable, this objectcontains a zero-length string. The value ofentPhysicalName for two physical entities will bethe same in the event that the console interfacedoes not distinguish between them, for example,slot-1 and the card in slot-1.

entPhysicalHardwareRev .8 Vendor-specific hardware revision string for thephysical entity. The preferred value is the hardwarerevision identifier actually printed on thecomponent itself (if present). If revisioninformation is stored internally in a non-printable(for example, binary) format, the agent mustconvert such information to a printable format, inan implementation-specific manner. If no specifichardware revision string is associated with thephysical component, or this information isunknown to the agent, this object contains a zero-length string.

entPhysicalFirmwareRev .9 Vendor-specific firmware revision string for thephysical entity. If revision information is storedinternally in a non-printable (for example, binary)format, the agent must convert such information toa printable format, in an implementation-specificmanner. If no specific firmware programs areassociated with the physical component, or thisinformation is unknown to the agent, this objectcontains a zero-length string.

entPhysicalSoftwareRev .10 Vendor-specific software revision string for thephysical entity. If revision information is storedinternally in a non-printable (for example, binary)format, the agent must convert such information toa printable format, in an implementation-specificmanner. If no specific software programs areassociated with the physical component, or thisinformation is unknown to the agent, this objectcontains a zero-length string.

Chapter 3Physical Entity Table


Page 68: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

MIB Object Object ID: +


entPhysicalSerialNum .11 Vendor-specific serial number string for thephysical entity. The preferred value is the serialnumber string actually printed on the componentitself (if present). On the first instantiation of anphysical entity, the value of entPhysicalSerialNumassociated with that entity is set to the correctvendor-assigned serial number, if this informationis available to the agent. If a serial number isunknown or non-existent, theentPhysicalSerialNum will be set to a zero-lengthstring instead.Implementations which can correctly identify theserial numbers of all installed physical entities donot need to provide write access to theentPhysicalSerialNum object.) Agents whichcannot provide non-volatile storage for theentPhysicalSerialNum strings are not required toimplement write access for this object.Not every physical component will have, or need, aserial number. Physical entities for which theassociated value of the entPhysicalIsFRU object isequal to false(2) do not need their own uniqueserial number. An agent does not have to providewrite access for such entities, and might return azero-length string.If write access is implemented for an instance ofentPhysicalSerialNum, and a value is written intothe instance, the agent must retain the suppliedvalue in the entPhysicalSerialNum instanceassociated with the same physical entity for as longas that entity remains instantiated. This includesinstantiations across all re- initializations/rebootsof the network management system, includingthose which result in a change of the physicalentity's entPhysicalIndex value.

entPhysicalMfgName .12 Name of the manufacturer of this physicalcomponent. The preferred value is themanufacturer name string actually printed on thecomponent itself (if present). (Note thatcomparisons between instances of theentPhysicalModelName, entPhysicalFirmwareRev,entPhysicalSoftwareRev, and theentPhysicalSerialNum objects, are only meaningfulamongst entPhysicalEntries with the same value ofentPhysicalMfgName.) If the manufacturer namestring associated with the physical component isunknown to the agent, then this object will containa zero-length string.

entPhysicalModeName .13 Vendor-specific model name identifier stringassociated with this physical component. Thepreferred value is the customer-visible partnumber, which may be printed on the componentitself. If the model name string associated with thephysical component is unknown to the agent, thenthis object will contain a zero-length string.

Chapter 3Physical Entity Table


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MIB Object Object ID: +


entPhysicalAlias .14 Alias name for the physical entity as specified by anetwork manager, it provides a non-volatile handlefor the physical entity.On the first instantiation of an physical entity, thevalue of entPhysicalAlias associated with thatentity is set to the zero-length string. However, anagent might set the value to a locally uniquedefault value, instead of a zero-length string.If write access is implemented for an instance ofentPhysicalAlias, and a value is written into theinstance, the agent must retain the supplied valuein the entPhysicalAlias instance associated with thesame physical entity for as long as that entityremains instantiated. This includes instantiationsacross all re- initializations/reboots of the networkmanagement system, including those which resultin a change of the physical entity'sentPhysicalIndex value.

entPhysicalAssetID .15 User-assigned asset tracking identifier for thephysical entity as specified by a network manager,which provides non-volatile storage of thisinformation. On the first instantiation of anphysical entity, the value of entPhysicalAssetIDassociated with that entity is set to the zero-lengthstring.Not every physical component will have a assettracking identifier, or even need one. Physicalentities for which the associated value of theentPhysicalIsFRU object is equal to false(2), donot need their own unique asset tracking identifier.An agent does not have to provide write access forsuch entities, and might instead return a zero-length string. If write access is implemented for aninstance of entPhysicalAssetID, and a value iswritten into the instance, the agent must retain thesupplied value in the entPhysicalAssetID instanceassociated with the same physical entity for as longas that entity remains instantiated. This includesinstantiations across all re- initializations/rebootsof the network management system, includingthose which result in a change of the physicalentity's entPhysicalIndex value. If no asset trackinginformation is associated with the physicalcomponent, then this object will contain a zero-length string

entPhysicalIsFRU .16 Whether this physical entity is considered a fieldreplaceable unit by the vendor.• true(1) means this is a field replaceable unit.• false(2) means this is not a replaceable unit

Chapter 3Physical Entity Table


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4Enterprise SNMP GET Requests

This section explains the proprietary enterprise SNMP GET requests supported by the system.The SNMP GET is used to query for information on or about a network entity.

Applications MIB (ap-apps.mib)The Apps mib (ap-apps.mib) contains tables related ENUM and DNS statistics and states.

apAppsENUMServerStatusTable TableThe following table all configured ENUM servers' status.

MIB Object Object ID1. +



.1 Numbered table entry.


.1.1 The name of the enum-config element that contains thisENUM server.


.1.2 The internet address type of this ENUM server.


.1.3 The IP address of this ENUM server.


.1.4 The status of this ENUM server.

apAppsDnsServerStatusTableThe following table all configured ENUM servers' status.

MIB Object Object ID1. +



.1 The name of the dns interface that contains this dns server.


.1.2 The internet address type of this DNS server.


.1.3 The IP address of this DNS server.

apAppsDnsServerStatus .1.4 The status of this DNS server.


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Codec and Transcoding MIB (ap-codec.mib)The following table describes the SNMP GET query names for the Codec and TranscodingMIB (ap-codec.mib). The apCodecMIBObjects object has the OID TheapCodecRealmStatsTable object has the OID TheapCodecRealmStatsEntry object has the OID


SNMP GET Query Name Object ID:


apCodecRealmCountOther .1 Count of the SDP media streamsreceived in the realm which negotiatedto a codec not defined in this table.

apCodecRealmCountPCMU .2 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to the PCMUcodec.

apCodecRealmCountPCMA .3 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to the PCMAcodec.

apCodecRealmCountG722 .4 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to the G722codec.

apCodecRealmCountG723 .5 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to the G723codec.

apCodecRealmCountG726-16 .6 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to theG726-16 codec.

apCodecRealmCountG726-24 .7 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to theG726-24 codec.

apCodecRealmCountG726-32 .8 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to theG726-32 codec.

apCodecRealmCountG726-40 .9 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to theG726-40 codec.

apCodecRealmCountG728 .10 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to the G728codec.

apCodecRealmCountG729 .11 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to the G729codec.

apCodecRealmCountGSM .12 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to the GSMcodec.

apCodecRealmCountILBC .13 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to the iLBCcodec.

Chapter 4Codec and Transcoding MIB (ap-codec.mib)


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SNMP GET Query Name Object ID:


apCodecRealmCountAMR .14 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to the AMRcodec.

apCodecRealmCountEVRC .15 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to the EVRCcodec.

apCodecRealmCountH261 .16 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to the H261codec.

apCodecRealmCountH263 .17 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to the H.263codec.

apCodecRealmCountT38 .18 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to the T.38codec.

apCodecRealmCountAMRWB .19 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to the AMR-WB codec.

apCodecRealmCountEVRC0 .20 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to theEVRC0 codec.

apCodecRealmCountEVRC1 .21 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to theEVRC1 codec.

apCodecRealmCountEVRCB .22 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to theEVRCB codec.

apCodecRealmCountEVRCB0 .23 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to theEVRCB0 codec.

apCodecRealmCountEVRCB1 .24 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to theEVRCB1 codec.

apCodecRealmCountOpus .25 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to the Opuscodec.

apCodecRealmCountSILK .26 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to the SILKcodec.

apCodecRealmCountT140 .27 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to the T.140codec.

apCodecRealmCountBAUDOT .28 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to theBAUDOT codec.

apCodecRealmCountH264 .29 Count of SDP media streams received inthe realm which negotiated to the H.264codec.

apCodecRealmCountEVRCNW .30 The count of SDP media streamsreceived in the realm which negotiatedto the EVRCNW codec.

Chapter 4Codec and Transcoding MIB (ap-codec.mib)


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SNMP GET Query Name Object ID:


apCodecRealmCountEVRCNW0 .31 The count of SDP media streamsreceived in the realm which negotiatedto the EVRCNW0 codec.

apCodecRealmCountEVRCNW1 .32 The count of SDP media streamsreceived in the realm which negotiatedto the EVRCNW1 codec

apCodecRealmCountEVS .33 The count of SDP media streamsreceived in the realm which negotiatedto the EVS codec.


The apTranscodingMIBObjects object has the OID TheapCodecTranscodingRealmStatsTable object has the OID TheapTranscodingRealmStatsEntry object has the OID

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID: +


apCodecRealmSessionsTransparent .1 Number of sessions in the realmthat did not use any DSP resourcesfor transcoding or transrating.

apCodecRealmSessionsTransrated .2 Number of sessions in the realmthat had a common codec but usedDSP resources to modifypacketization rate.

apCodecRealmSessionsTranscoded .3 Number of sessions in the realmthat had used DSP resources totranscode between codecs.


The apCodecTranscodingResourceMIBObjects object has the OID Itcontains 5 OIDS that return overall system transcoding counts and statistics.

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID: +



.1 Total number of transcodingsessions available on the system.


.2 Number of transcoding sessionscurrently in-use.


.3 Highest number of transcodingsessions simultaneously in-usesince system reboot or manualstatistic reset.


.4 Transcoding sessions currentlyin-use as a percentage of totalavailable sessions.

Chapter 4Codec and Transcoding MIB (ap-codec.mib)


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SNMP GET Query Name Object ID: +



.5 Transcoding sessionssimultaneously in-use sincesystem reboot or manual statisticreset expressed as a percentage oftotal available sessions.

apCodecPairStatsTableThis table, found in the ap-codec.mib, provides a listing of all unique codec pairs currentlybeing transcoding and the session count of that pair currently in use. It conveys the sameinformation displayed in the show xcode codecs command. Use the apCodecTable forcorrelation between Codec name (apCodecName) and Codec index (apCodecIndex) to defineapCodecPairAIndex and apCodecPairBIndex. When Ptimes for call legs in the codec pairdiffer, they will be included as additional indices. When digit translation is active on the calland digit translation types differ across call legs, indication of which call leg uses which digittranslation type is output as well. Use the ApCodecDigitTypes object for digit type valuecorrelation.

MIB Object Object ID: +


apCodecPairStatsEntry .1 Entry of this table. Note that theend point A is the one withsmaller or equal apCodecIndex.

apCodecPairAIndex .1.1 The index of the first codec in thepair

apCodecPairBIndex .1.2 The index of the second codec inthe pair

apCodecPairAPValue .1.3 The p value in the end point A. Avalue of zero indicates the valueis not provided.

apCodecPairBPValue .1.4 The p value in the end point B. Avalue of zero indicates the valueis not provided.

apCodecPairADigitType .1.5 The digit type index in the endpoint A.

apCodecPairBDigitType .1.6 The digit type index in the endpoint B.

apCodecPairTranscodingCurrent .1.7 The current number oftranscoding sessions for thiscodec-pair since system reboot ormanual statistic reset.

apCodecPairTranscodingHigh .1.8 The highest number oftranscoding sessions in use forthis codec-pair since systemreboot or manual statistic reset.

Chapter 4Codec and Transcoding MIB (ap-codec.mib)


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Transcoding Capacity in System Management MIB (ap-smgmt.mib)

The following VARBINDs are used in Transcoding related traps. They may not be polled andretrieved using an SNMP GET.

The apSysMgmtMIBObjects object has the OID TheapSysMgmtGeneralObjects object has the OID

SNMP Object Name Object ID: +


apSysXCodeCapacity .34 Percentage of transcoding utilization.apSysXCodeAMRCapacity .35 Percentage of licensed AMR

transcoding sessions.apSysXCodeAMRWBCapacity .36 Percentage of licensed AMR-WB

transcoding sessions.apSysXCodeEVRCCapacity .39 Percentage of licensed EVRC

transcoding sessions.apSysXCodeEVRCBCapacity .40 Percentage of licensed EVRCB

transcoding sessions.apSysAcpTlsEnabled .41 A value of TRUE indicates ACP

over TLS connection is supportedand enabled. A FALSE valueindicates ACP over TLS connectionis not enabled

apSysXCodeG729Capacity .42 The percentage of licensed G729transcoding utilization

apSysXCodeOpusCapacity .46 The percentage of licensed Opustranscoding utilization (nonpollable).

apSysXCodeSILKCapacity .47 The percentage of licensed SILKtranscoding utilization (nonpollable).

Diameter MIB (ap-diameter.mib)The Diameter MIB (ap-diameter.mib) contains one table (apDiamClfErrorStatsTable: and 6 traps. There are numerous objects that are included withinthe traps, and these objects are not accessible from outside of the traps.

The apDiamClfErrorStatsTable lists Diameter Clf error status.

SNMP GET QueryName

Object ID: +



.1 N/A


.1.1 An integer for the sole purpose ofindexing the external policy servers.


.1.2 External policy server name

Chapter 4Diameter MIB (ap-diameter.mib)


Page 76: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

SNMP GET QueryName

Object ID: +


apDiamClfErrorsRecent .1.3 Number of diameter errors in recentperiod received on e2 interface with theCLF.

apDiamClfErrorsTotal .1.4 Total number of diameter errors in lifetime received on e2 interface with theCLF.

apDiamClfErrorsPerMax .1.5 PerMax count of diameter errors in lifetime received on e2 interface with theCLF.

The following objects in the ap-diameter MIB are only available in the trap notifications:

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID: +


apDiamAcctSrvrHostName .1 The Diameter Accounting Serverhost name.

apDiamAcctSrvrIPPort .2 The Diameter Accounting ServerIP address and port number:XX.XX.XX.XX:P

apDiamAcctSrvrOriginRealm .3 The Diameter Accounting ServerOrigin Realm.

apDiamAcctSrvrOriginHost .4 The Diameter Accounting ServerOrigin Host.

apDiamAcctSrvrTransportType .5 The Diameter Accounting ServerTransport Type.

apAcctMsgQueueAvailCurrent .6 The current measured percentagevalue of space available


.7 The current configured minorthreshold value.


.8 The current configured majorthreshold value.


.9 The current configured criticalthreshold value.

apDiameterResultCode 10 The Result-Code AVP (268)value RFC 3588, 7.1. Result-Code AVP

DNS ALG MIB (ap-dnsalg.mib)The DNS ALG mib (ap-dnsalg.mib) contains tables related to capturing dns-alg constraints andother statistics.

apDNSALGServerStatusTableThis table, found in the ap-dnsalg.mib, provides a listing of DNS ALG status of a the DNSALG server. It conveys the same information displayed in the show dnsalg status command.This table is indexed by the DNS ALG server

Chapter 4DNS ALG MIB (ap-dnsalg.mib)


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MIB Object Object ID: +


apDNSALGServerStatusEntry .1 An entry designed to hold thestatus of a single DNSALGserver.

apDNSALGConfigIndex .1.1 An integer for the sole purpose ofindexing the DNS-ALGconfiguration. Only one DNS-ALG configuration is allowed pera realm.

apDNSALGServerIndex .1.2 An integer for the sole purpose ofindexing the Dns ServerAttributes in a DNS-ALG config.Each DNS-ALG configurationcan have multiple Dns ServerAttributes.

apDNSALGConfigName .1.4 The name of the dns-alg configelement that contains this DNS-ALG server.

apDNSALGServerRealm .1.5 The name of the server realmelement that contains this DNS-ALG server.

apDNSALGDomainSuffix .1.6 The name of the domain suffixelement that contains this DNS-ALG server.

apDNSALGServerIpAddress .1.7 The IP address of this DNS-ALGserver.

apDNSALGServerStatus .1.8 The status of this DNS-ALGserver.• 0 - in service• 1 - lover priority• 2 - out of service,


apDNSALGStatsTableThis table, found in the ap-dnsalg.mib, provides a listing of DNS ALG statistics and counts fora specific realm. It conveys the same information displayed in the show dnsalg stats command.This table is indexed by the DNS ALG realm.

MIB Object Object ID: +


apDnsALGStatsEntry .1 Entry of this table.apDnsAlgClientRealmIndex .1.1 Index of this table.apDnsAlgClientRealmName .1.2 The name of the realm that

contains this DNS-ALG server.apDnsAlgCurrentQueries .1.3 Total number of lifetime queries

received on the DNS-ALG serverin the given realm.

apDnsAlgTotalQueries .1.4 Total number of lifetime queriesreceived on the DNS-ALG serverin the given realm.

Chapter 4DNS ALG MIB (ap-dnsalg.mib)


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MIB Object Object ID: +


apDnsAlgCurrentSucess .1.5 Number of success responses in arecent period received on theDNS-ALG server in the givenrealm.

apDnsAlgTotalSucess .1.6 Total number of lifetime successresponses received on the DNS-ALG server in the given realm.

apDnsAlgCurrentNotFound .1.7 Number of not-found responsesin a recent period received on theDNS-ALG server in the givenrealm.

apDnsAlgTotalNotFound .1.8 Total number of lifetime not-found responses in received onthe DNS-ALG server in the givenrealm.

apDnsAlgCurrentTimeOut .1.9 Number of time-out responses ina recent period received on theDNS-ALG server in the givenrealm.

apDnsAlgTotalTimeOut .1.10 Total number of time-outresponses in a life time receivedon the DNS-ALG server in thegiven realm.

apDnsAlgCurrentBadStatus .1.11 Number of bad status responsesin a recent period received on theDNS-ALG server in the givenrealm.

apDnsAlgTotalBadStatus .1.12 Total number of bad statusresponses in a lifetime receivedon the DNS-ALG server in thegiven realm.

apDnsAlgCurrentOtherFailures .1.13 Number of other failure responsesin a recent period received on theDNS-ALG server in the givenrealm.

apDnsAlgTotalOtherFailures .1.14 Total number of other failureresponses in a lifetime receivedon the DNS-ALG server in thegiven realm.

apDnsAlgAvgLatency .1.15 Average observed one-waysignalling latency during theperiod in milliseconds.

apDnsAlgMaxLatency .1.16 Maximum observed one-waysignalling latency during theperiod in milliseconds.

apDnsAlgMaxBurstRate .1.17 Maximum burst rate of trafficmeasured during the period(combined inbound andoutbound).

Chapter 4DNS ALG MIB (ap-dnsalg.mib)


Page 79: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

Environment Monitor MIB (ap-env-monitor.mib)The following table describes the SNMP GET query names for the Environment Monitor MIB(ap-env-monitor.mib).

SNMP GET QueryName

Object ID: +


apEnvMonI2CState .1 State of the environmental monitor located in thechassis. Values are:initial (1): environment is at the initial statenormal (2): environment is good; for example at lowtemperatureminor (3): environment is not good; for example fansspeed is more than minor alarm threshold but lessthan major alarm thresholdmajor (4): environment is bad; for example an speedis more than major alarm threshold, but less thancritical alarm thresholdcritical (5): environment is very bad; for example fanspeed is more than critical alarm thresholdshutdown (6): environment is at its worst, the systemshould be shutdown immediatelynotPresent (7): environmental monitor is not presentnotFunctioning (8): environmental monitor does notfunction properly; for example, IC2 failure ortemperature sensor generates abnormal dataunknown (9): no information available because ofinternal error

The apEnvMonVoltageStatusEntry object has the OID This objectis deprecated.

The apEnvMonTemperatureStatusEntry object has the OID

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID: +


apEnvMonTemperatureStatusType .2 Indicates the entity being monitoredfor temperature. Values are:ds1624sMain (1)ds1624sCPU (2)lm84 (3)lm75 (4)lm75Main (5)lm75Cpu (6)lm75Phy (7)

apEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr .3 Description of the temperature beingmonitored. It has the value of theMain Board PROM Temperature (inCelsius).

Chapter 4Environment Monitor MIB (ap-env-monitor.mib)


Page 80: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID: +


apEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue .4 The current temperature of the mainboard PROM in Celsius.

apEnvMonTemperatureState .5 Current state of the temperature whichcan have one of the following values:3800:1: initial. Temperature is at its initialstate.2: normal. The temperature is normal.3: minor alarm - the temperature isgreater than or equal to 53 degreesCelsius and less than 63 degreesCelsius.4: major alarm. The temperature isgreater than or equal to 63 degreesCelsius and less than 73 degreesCelsius.5: critical alarm. The temperature isgreater than 73 degrees Celsius.6: shutdown. The system should beshutdown immediately7: not present: The temperature sensordoes not exist.8: not functioning: The temperaturesensor is not functioning properly.9: unknown. Cannot obtaininformation due to an internal error.4500:1: initial. Temperature is at its initialstate.2: normal. The temperature is normal.3: minor alarm - the temperature isgreater than or equal to 95 degreesCelsius and less than 100 degreesCelsius.4: major alarm. The temperature isgreater than or equal to 100 degreesCelsius and less than 105 degreesCelsius.5: critical alarm. The temperature isgreater than or equal to 105 degreesCelsius.6: shutdown. The system should beshutdown immediately7: not present: The temperature sensordoes not exist.8: not functioning: The temperaturesensor is not functioning properly.9: unknown. Cannot obtaininformation due to an internal error.

Chapter 4Environment Monitor MIB (ap-env-monitor.mib)


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SNMP GET Query Name Object ID: +


apEnvMonTemperatureSlotID .6 Slot for which this temperature isfound.

apEnvMonTemperatureSlotType .7 Type of module found in this slot.

The apEnvMonFanStatusEntry object has the OID

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID:


apEnvMonFanStatusType .2 Location of the fan, which can have one ofthe following values:11: fan112: fan213: fan314: fan4

apEnvMonFanStatusDescr .3 Textual description of the fan.apEnvMonFanStatusValue .4 Current measurement of fan speed in

percentage.apEnvMonFanState .5 Current state of the fan speed which can have

one of the following values:1: initial. The temperature is at its initial state.2: normal. The fan speed is normal.3: minor. The fan speed is between 75% and90% of the full fan speed4: major. The fan speed is between 50% and75% of the full fan speed5: critical. The fan speed is less than 50% ofthe full fan speed.6: shutdown. The system should be shutdownimmediately7: not present. The fan sensor does not exist.8: not functioning. The fan sensor is notfunctioning properly.9: unknown. Cannot obtain information dueto an internal error.

apEnvMonFanState .6 Current state of the fan being monitored.apEnvMonFanSlotID .7 Slot where this fan is found. A zero is

returned if this fan is not the type slot.

The apEnvMonPowerSupplyStatusEntr object has the OID

Chapter 4Environment Monitor MIB (ap-env-monitor.mib)


Page 82: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID: +


apEnvMonPowerSupplyStatusType .2 Location of the power supply,which can have one of thefollowing values:0: left power supply B1: right power supply A3: slot

apEnvMonPowerSupplyStatusDescr .3 Textual description of the powersupply.

apEnvMonPowerSupplyState .4 Current state of the power supply.Values:2: normal. The power supply isnormal.7: not present: The power supplysensor does not exist.

The apEnvPhyCardStatusEntry object has the OID

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID: +


apEnvMonPhyCardStatusDescr .3 Textual description of the phy card.apEnvMonPhyCardState .4 The current state of the phy card.

Values:2: normal7: not present

H.323 MIB (ap-h323.mib)The following table describes the SNMP GET query names for the H.323 MIB (ap-h323.mib).

The apH323MIBObjects object has the OID, the apH323StackTableobject has the OID, and the apH323StackEntry object has the OID1.

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID: +


apH323StackName .1 Configured H.323 stack name.apH323StackCurrentCalls .2 Number of current calls.

License MIB (ap-license.mib)The following table describes the SNMP GET query names for the License MIB (ap-license.mib). The apLicenseEntry object has the OID

Chapter 4H.323 MIB (ap-h323.mib)


Page 83: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

SNMP GET QueryName

Object ID:


apLicenseKey .2 Key, not applicable to the first index, whichrepresents the consolidated license. Displays N/A.

apLicenseCapacity .3 Maximum number of simultaneous sessionsallowed by a system for all combined protocols.

apInstallDate .4 Installation time and date in the following format:hh:mm:ss Month Day Year. Displays N/A if alicense is not enabled.

apLicenseBeginDate .5 Installation time and date in the following format:hh:mm:ss month day year. Displays N/A if alicense is not enabled.

apLicenseExpireDate .6 Expiration time and date in the following format:hh:mm:ss Month Day Year. Displays N/A if alicense is not enabled.

apLicenseSIPFeature .7 Value that indicates whether a Session InitiationProtocol (SIP) license is present. A value of 1indicates that SIP licensing is enabled. A value of2 indicates that SIP licensing is not enabled.


.8 Not Supported.

apLicenseH323Feature .9 Value that indicates whether a H.323 Protocollicense is present. A value of 1 indicates that H.323 licensing is enabled. A value of 2 indicatesthat H.323 licensing is not enabled.

apLicenseIWFFeature .10 Value that indicates whether a InterworkingFeature (IWF) license is present. A value of 1indicates that IWF licensing is enabled. A valueof 2 indicates that IWF licensing is not enabled.

apLicenseQOSFeature .11 Value that indicates whether a Quality of Service(QoS) license is present. A value of 1 indicatesthat QoS licensing is enabled. A value of 2indicates that QoS licensing is not enabled.

apLicenseACPFeature .12 Value that indicates whether a Acme ControlProtocol (ACP) license is present. A value of 1indicates that ACP licensing is enabled. A valueof 2 indicates that ACP licensing is not enabled.

apLicenseLPFeature .13 Value that indicates whether a Local Policy (LP)license is present. A value of 1 indicates that LPlicensing is enabled. A value of 2 indicates thatLP licensing is not enabled.

apLicenseSAGFeature .14 Value that indicates whether a Session AgentGroup (SAG) license is present. A value of 1indicates that SAG licensing is enabled. A valueof 2 indicates that SAG licensing is not enabled.(load balancing feature)


.15 Value that indicates whether a ACCT license ispresent. An ACCT license allows the system tocreate connections and send CDRs to one or moreRADIUS servers. A value of 1 indicates thatACCT licensing is enabled. A value of 2 indicatesthat ACCT licensing is not enabled.

Chapter 4License MIB (ap-license.mib)


Page 84: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

SNMP GET QueryName

Object ID:


apLicenseHAFeature .16 Value that indicates whether a High Availability(HA) license is present. A value of 1 indicatesthat HA licensing is enabled. A value of 2indicates that HA licensing is not enabled.

apLicensePACFeature .17 Value that indicates whether a PAC license ispresent. A value of 1 indicates that PAC licensingis enabled. A value of 2 indicates that PAClicensing is not enabled.

apLicenseIKEFeature .18apLicenseIPsecTunCap .19 IPsec Tunnel CapacityapLicenseAuthFeature .20apLicenseDatabaseRegFeature



.22 Database registration contact capacity


.23 SLB endpoint capacity


.24 AMR codec licensed capacity


.25 AMR-WB codec licensed capacity


.26 EVRC codec licensed capacity


.27 EVRCB codec licensed capacity


.28 OPUS codec licensed capacity


.29 SILK codec licensed capacity


.30 EVS codec licensed capacity

Security MIB (ap-security.mib)The following table describes the SNMP GET query names for the Security MIB (ap-security.mib).

The apSecurityMIBObjects object has the OID

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID: +


apSecurityOCSRIpAddress .5 OCSR server IP AddressapSecurityOCSRHostname .6 OCSR server hostnameapSecurityTscfStatsObjects .14 TSCF Statistical Objects

The apSecurityTacacsTable object has the OID, and theapSecurityTacacsEntry object has the

Chapter 4Security MIB (ap-security.mib)


Page 85: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID:


apSecurityTacacsCliCommands .3 Number of CLI commands sentfor TACACS+ accounting

apSecurityTacacsSuccessAuthentication .4 Number of successful TACACS+authentication requests

apSecurityTacacsFailureAuthentication .5 Number of failed TACACS+authentication requests

apSecurityTacacsSuccessAuthorization .6 Number of successful TACACS+authorization requests

apSecurityTacacsFailureAuthorization .7 Number of failed TACACS+authorization requests

The apSecurityTscfStatsObjects object has the OID

SNMP GET QueryName

Object ID:

SYNTAX Description

apTscfActiveTunnels .1 Counter32 Number of activetunnels


.2 Counter32 Number of establishedtunnels

apTscfFinishedTunnels .3 Counter32 Number of finishedtunnels

apTscfReleasedTunnels .4 Counter32 Number of releasedtunnels


.5 Counter32 Maximum number ofactive tunnels

apTscfConfReqReceived .6 Counter32 Number of configrequests received


.7 Counter32 Number of configrequests with naglereceived

apTscfConfRespSent .8 Counter32 Number of configresponses sent


.9 Counter32 Number of configrelease requests received

apTscfConfRelRespSent .10 Counter32 Number of configrelease responses sent

apTscfCSResponseSent .11 Counter32 Number of client serviceresponses sent

apTscfCSREnableDDT .12 Counter32 Number of DynamicDatagram Tunnel enableclient service responsesreceived

apTscfCSRDisableDDT .13 Counter32 Number of DynamicDatagram Tunnel disableclient service responsesreceived

Chapter 4Security MIB (ap-security.mib)


Page 86: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

SNMP GET QueryName

Object ID:

SYNTAX Description


.14 Counter32 Number of redundancyenable client servicerequest received


.15 Counter32 Number of redundancydisable client servicerequest received

apTscfKAReceived .16 Counter32 Number of keep alivemessages received

apTscfKARespSent .17 Counter32 Number of keep aliveresponses sent

apTscfKASent .18 Counter32 Number of keep alivemessages sent

apTscfKARespRcvd .19 Counter32 Number of keep aliveresponses received

apTscfCMReTx .20 Counter32 Number of controlmessage retransmissions

apTscfFailureMalformed .21 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to malformedrequests


.22 Counter32 Number of unknowncontrol messages


.23 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to client assignedinternal IP addresses


.24 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to internal IP thatcannot be provisioned


.25 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to internal IP thatare already provisioned


.26 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to general IP error


.27 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to internal IP maskassigned by client


.28 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to IP masks thatcannot be provisioned


.29 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to internal IP masksalready provisioned


.30 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to General IP maskerror


.31 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to client assignedSIP server addresses


.32 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to not being able toprovision SIP serveraddresses

Chapter 4Security MIB (ap-security.mib)


Page 87: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

SNMP GET QueryName

Object ID:

SYNTAX Description


.33 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to SIP server addressalready provisioned


.34 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to SIP server generaladdress errors


.35 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to client assignedkeep alive value


.36 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsnot being able toprovision keep alivevalue


.37 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to keep alive valuealready provisioned


.38 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to keep alive valueerror


.39 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to nonexistingtunnel ID


.40 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to out of resources


.41 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to tunnel IDexhaustion


.42 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to non null IPaddress


.43 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to non null IP mask


.44 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to non null SIPserver


.45 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to non zero keepalive


.46 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to a missing(listening socket?) filedescriptor


.47 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to server failure


.48 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to redundancy notbeing enabled on server


.49 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to redundancy factorlimit being exceeded onserver

Chapter 4Security MIB (ap-security.mib)


Page 88: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

SNMP GET QueryName

Object ID:

SYNTAX Description


.50 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to tunnel IDexhausted on server


.51 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to timer failure onserver


.52 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to DynamicDatagram Tunnel notbeing enabled on server


.53 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to DynamicDatagram Tunnelrequest wrong transporton server


.54 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to DynamicDatagram Tunnel onlyfor datagram transportson server


.55 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to inconsistenttransport for DynamicDatagram Tunnel onserver


.56 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to unknown servicetype requested on server


.57 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to incorrect controlmessages for establishedtunnels on server


.58 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to unavailableaddress pools on server


.59 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to a unavailable(listening socket?) filedescriptor on server


.60 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to version not beingsupported


.61 Counter32 Number of failed tunnelsdue to exceeding theTSCF license/entitledlimit


.62 Counter32 Number of packetsdropped due to beingsent to an unused TSCFIP address

Chapter 4Security MIB (ap-security.mib)


Page 89: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

SNMP GET QueryName

Object ID:

SYNTAX Description

apTscfWrongSeqNum .63 Counter32 Number of controlmessages with wrongsequence number

apTscfConDrop .64 Counter32 Number of configrequest drop due tolicense limit (Inter-clientcommunications?)

apTscfIntfConDrop .65 Counter32 Number of configrequests dropped due toper interface limit

apTscfStatsAllocs .66 Counter32 Number of stats memoryallocation

apTscfStatsFrees .67 Counter32 Number of stats memoryfrees

apTscfStatsMemFails .68 Counter32 Number of stats memoryallocation failures

apTscfSwitchToActive .69 Counter32 Number of times thesystem switched to anactive system

apTscfSwitchToStandBy .70 Counter32 Number of times thesystem switched to astand-by system

apTscfGetDTLSCtxSent .71 Counter32 Number of get DatagramTransport Layer Securitycontext request sent


.72 Counter32 Number of successfulGet Datagram TransportLayer Security contextrequest


.73 Counter32 Number of failed GetDatagram TransportLayer Security contextrequests

apTscfSetDTLSCtxSent .74 Counter32 Number of Set DatagramTransport Layer Securitycontext request sent


.75 Counter32 Number of successfulDatagram TransportLayer Security contextrequests


.76 Counter32 Number of failed setDatagram TransportLayer Security contextrequests

apTscfFdTableSize .77 Gauge32 The number of entries inthe File Descriptor Table

apTscfAddressTableSize .78 Gauge32 The number of entries inthe Address Table

apTscfTunnelTableSize .79 Gauge32 The number of entries inthe Tunnel Table

Chapter 4Security MIB (ap-security.mib)


Page 90: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

SNMP GET QueryName

Object ID:

SYNTAX Description


.80 Gauge32 The number of entries inthe Active Tunnel Table

apTscfFlowIdTableSize .81 Gauge32 The number of entries inthe Flow Table


.82 Gauge32 Number of licensed/entitled tunnels


.83 Counter32 Number of requests for aspecific IP address


.84 Counter32 Total number of timedout tunnels


.85 Counter32 Total number oftunneled packet dropped


.86 Counter32 Total number ofuntunneled packetdropped

apTscfCsrReceived .87 Counter32 Total number of clientservice requests received


.88 Counter32 Number of packetsdropped due to inner IPdestination match withaddress pool

apSecurityCertificateTableThis table, found in the ap-security.mib, provides information about installed securitycertificates and their expiration. It conveys the same information displayed in the showsecurity certificates command.

MIB Object Object ID: +


apSecurityCertificateEntry .1 The certificate entry.apSecurityCertificateConfigId .1.1 The internal configuration ID of

the certificate.apSecurityCertificateIndex .1.2 The internal index of the

certificate. Combined withconfiguration ID is the unique IDof a certificate.


.1.3 The SBC's configuration recordname for the certificate.

apSecurityCertificateCertSubject .1.4 The security certificate subject.apSecurityCertificateCertStart .1.5 The start time and date of the

security certificate.apSecurityCertificateCertExpire .1.6 The expiration time and date of

the security certificate.apSecurityCertificateCertIssuer .1.7 The issuer of the security

certificate.apSecurityCertificateCertIsCA .1.8 Boolean value indicating if the

certificate is a CA certificate.

Chapter 4Security MIB (ap-security.mib)


Page 91: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

SIP MIB (ap-sip.mib)The following table describes the SNMP Get query names for the SIP MIB (ap-sip.mib).

The apSipMIBGeneralObjects object has the OID

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID: +


apSipSecInterfaceTotalRegistrations .1.1 Total number of registrations onall secondary SIP interfaces.

apSipSecInterfaceRegThreshold .1.2 The maximum threshold forregistrations on all secondary SIPinterfaces. If this threshold isexceeded, an alarm is raised.

apSipSecInterfaceClearThreshold .1.3 The threshold for registrations onall secondary SIP interfaces toclear an alarm.

apSipVideoCallsActive .2.1 Total number of Active VideoCalls

apSipAudioCallsActive .2.2 Total number of Active AudioCalls

apSipSRVCCStatsTotalSuccess .3.1 Total successful SRVCC HOapSipSRVCCStatsTotalFailed .3.2 Total failed SRVCC HOapSipSRVCCStatsTotalCallsAfterAnswer

.3.3 Total calls subjected to SRVCCafter answer


.3.4 Total successful SRVCC HO afteranswer


.3.5 Total failed SRVCC HO afteranswer


.3.6 Total calls subjected to SRVCCduring alerting.


.3.7 Total successful SRVCC HOduring alerting.


.3.8 Total failed SRVCC HO duringalerting.

apSipSRVCCStatsAtcfCancel .3.9 Total ATCF cancellationsapSipSRVCCStatsEmergencySuccess

.3.10 Total successful SRVCC HO forEmergency calls

apSipSRVCCStatsEmergencyFailed .3.11 Total failed SRVCC HO forEmergency calls

apSipSRVCCStatsEatfCancel .3.12 Total EATF CancellationsapSipSRVCCStatsTotalCallsDuringPreAlerting

.3.13 Total calls subjected to SRVCCduring pre-alerting


.3.14 Total successful SRVCC HOduring pre-alerting


.3.15 Total failed SRVCC HO duringpre-alerting


4.1 Number of Active Reg EventSubscriptions in the SBC.


4.2 Lifetime PerMax Reg EventSubscriptions count in the SBC.

Chapter 4SIP MIB (ap-sip.mib)


Page 92: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID: +



4.3 Count of Lifetime MaximumActive Reg Event Subscriptions inthe SBC

apSipStatsTotalSubscriptionsRegEvt 4.4 Count of Lifetime Total Reg EventSubscriptions in the SBC.

Object Group Object Name Description

Object group inap-sip.mib

apSipSecInterfaceRegObjectsGroupIncludes:apSipSecInterfaceTotalRegistrationsapSipSecInterfaceRegThresholdapSipSecInterfaceClearThreshold(apSipObjectGroups 1)

Object group to monitorregistrations for secondarySIP interfaces.

Object in ap-sip.mib

apSipSecInterfaceTotalRegistrations(apSipSecInterfaceObjects 1)

Total number of registrationon all secondary SIPinterfaces.

Object in ap-sip.mib

apSipSecInterfaceRegThreshold(apSipSecInterfaceObjects 2)

The max threshold forregistrations on allsecondary interfaces beyondwhich a trap is generated.

Object in ap-sip.mib

apSipSecInterfaceClearThreshold(apSipSecInterfaceObjects 3)

The threshold forregistrations on allsecondary SIP interfacesbelow which a clear trap isgenerated.

Object group inap-sip.mib

apSipRegEvtSubStatsObjects(apSipMIBGeneralObjects 4)

Object group to monitorregistration eventsubscriptions in the SBC.

MSRP Objects for SNMP

GET Query Name Object ID: +


apSipMSRPFdTableSize 1 The number of entries in theMSRP File Descriptor Table. Theactual object counter on physicalplatforms is 32-bit long while onvirtual platforms it is 64-bit.

apSipMSRPSessionIdTableSize 2 The number of entries in theMSRP Session-Id table.

apSipMSRPActiveSessions 3 The number of total ActiveMSRP Sessions.

apSipMSRPMaxActiveSessions 4 The number of max active MSRPsessions.

apSipMSRPEstablishedSessions 5 Total number of MSRPEstablished Sessions.

apSipMSRPProvisionedSessions 6 Total number of MSRPProvisioned Sessions.

Chapter 4SIP MIB (ap-sip.mib)


Page 93: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

GET Query Name Object ID: +


apSipMSRPFinishedSessions 7 Total number of MSRP FinishedSessions.

apSipMSRPAcceptedConnections 8 Total number of AcceptedConnections in MSRP sessions.


9 Total number of ConnectedConnections in MSRP sessions.

apSipMSRPReleasedConnections 10 Total number of ReleasedConnections in MSRP sessions.


11 Total number of Stream RequestsReceived in MSRP sessions.

apSipMSRPStreamRequestSent 12 Total number of stream RequestsSent in MSRP sessions.


13 Total number of StreamResponses Received in MSRPsessions.

apSipMSRPStreamResponseSent 14 Total number of StreamResponses Sent in MSRPsessions.

apSipMSRPGlobalBufferedData 15 Current Global Buffer Data sizefor MSRP sessions.

apSipMSRPFlowAdd 16 Total number of MSRP NatFlows Added.

apSipMSRPFlowDelete 17 Total number of MSRP NatFlows Deleted.


18 Total number of Failed MSRPSessions due to No Session RouteFailure.


19 Total number of Failed MSRPSessions that can not connect.


20 Total number of Falied MSRPSessions due to FingerprintMismatches.


21 Total number of Message SendFailures in MSRP sessions.


22 Total number of MalformedMessages Received in MSRPsessions.

apSipMSRPSendQFullEvents 23 Total number of TCP Send-QFull Events in MSRP sessions.


24 Total number of TCP Send-QCongested Events in MSRPsessions.


25 Total number of TCP Send-QRelieved Events in MSRPsessions.


26 Total number of No Trans-IdStream Errors in MSRP sessions.

Chapter 4SIP MIB (ap-sip.mib)


Page 94: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

GET Query Name Object ID: +



27 Total number of No MessageType Stream Errors in MSRPSessions.


28 Total number of No Byte Lengthstream Errors in MSRP Sessions.

apSipMSRPBufferLimitExceeded 29 Total number of Buffer LimitExceeded Errors in MSRPSessions.

apSipMSRPFailedConnectionInit 30 Total number of ConnectionAttempts Failed in MSRPSessions.


31 Total number of SessionReprovision Mismatches.

apSipMSRPTcpListenErrors 32 Total number of TCP ListenErrors in MSRP Sessions.

apSipMSRPTcpConnectError 33 Total number of TCP ConnectErrors in MSRP Sessions.

apSipMSRPTcpError 34 Total number of TCP Errors inMSRP Sessions.


35 Total number of FROM Headerwithout a session-id in MSRPSessions.

apSipMSRPNoFromHeader 36 Total number of Messageswithout FROM Header in MSRPSessions.


37 Total number of FROM HeaderParse errors in MSRP Sessions.

apSipMSRPNoFromHdrAddr 38 Total number of FROM Headerwith no Address in MSRPSessions.

apSipMSRPNoFromHdrPort 39 Total number of FROM Headerwith no port in MSRP Sessions.


40 Total number of From Headerwith no Authority in MSRPSessions.


41 Total number of FROM Headerservice type mismatches inMSRP Sessions.

apSipMSRPSendFailNoDestFd 42 Total number of send failures dueto No Destination File Descriptorfound in MSRP Sessions.


43 Total number of send failures dueto No Destination Session foundin MSRP Sessions.


44 Total number of TO Headerswithout a session-id in MSRPSessions.

apSipMSRPNoToHeader 45 Total number of Messageswithout TO Header in MSRPSessions.

Chapter 4SIP MIB (ap-sip.mib)


Page 95: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

GET Query Name Object ID: +



46 Total number of TO HeadersParse errors in MSRP Sessions.

apSipMSRPNoToHdrAddr 47 Total number of TO Headers withno Address in MSRP Sessions.

apSipMSRPNoToHdrPort 48 Total number of TO Headers withno port in MSRP Sessions.

apSipMSRPNoToHdrAuthority 49 Total number of TO Headers withno Authority in MSRP Sessions.

apSipMSRPToHdrSrvMismatch 50 Total number of TO Headerservice type mismatches inMSRP Sessions.

apSipMSRPNoDestFdEntry 51 Total number of No DestinationFile Descriptor Entry Errors inMSRP Sessions.

apSipMSRPTcpSendFailure 52 Total number of TCP SendFailures in MSRP Sessions.


53 Total number of Insert Collisionserrors in File Descriptor Table.


54 Total number of No Data InsertErrors in File Descriptor Table.


55 Total number of Memory InsertErrors in File Descriptor Table.


56 Total number of Max Hops InsertErrors in File Descriptor Table.


57 Total number of Bad Insert Errorsin File Descriptor Table.


58 Total number of Insert CollisionsErrors in Session Table.


59 Total number of No Data InsertErrors in Session Table.


60 Total number of Memory InsertErrors in Session Table.


61 Total number of Max Hops InsertErrors in Session Table.


62 Total number of Bad Insert Errorsin Session Table.


63 Total number of Insert Errors inFlow-To-Session Table.

apSipMSRPNumPreProvSessions 64 Total number of PreProvisionedSessions in MSRP Sessions.


65 Total number of PreProvision RXMessages in MSRP Sessions.


66 Total number of Sockets in InitialState in MSRP Sessions.


67 Total number of Sockets inListening State in MSRPSessions.


68 Total number of Sockets inPending State in MSRP Sessions.

Chapter 4SIP MIB (ap-sip.mib)


Page 96: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

GET Query Name Object ID: +



69 Total number of Sockets inConnecting State in MSRPSessions.


70 Total number of Sockets inConnected State in MSRPSessions.


71 Total number of Sockets inEstablished State in MSRPSessions.


72 Total number of Sockets inFinished State in MSRP Sessions.


73 Total number of Sockets inReleased State in MSRPSessions.


74 Total number of Sockets inUnqualified Status in MSRPSessions.

apSipMSRPSessionStateNone 75 Total number of Sessions inInitial State.


76 Total number of Sessions inListening State.


77 Total number of Sessions in Pre-Provisioned State.


78 Total number of Sessions inProvisioned State.


79 Total number of Sessions inEstablished State.

apSipMSRPSessionStateFinished 80 Total number of Sessions inFinished State.

apSipMSRPClosedFdTableSize 81 Closed FD Table Size.apSipMSRPClosedFdTableInsertErrors

82 Total number of Insert Errors inClosed File Descriptor Table.


83 Total number of Forced ReleaseFile Descriptor in MSRPSessions.


84 Total number of Forced ReleaseListen File Descriptor Not Foundin MSRP Sessions.


85 Total number of Forced ReleaseForked File Descriptor Not Foundin MSRP Sessions.


86 Total number of Forced ReleaseListen File Descriptor in MSRPSessions.


87 Total number of Request BytesReceived in MSRP Sessions.

apSipMSRPRequestBytesSent 88 Total number of Request BytesSent in MSRP Sessions.


89 Total number of Response BytesReceived in MSRP Sessions.

Chapter 4SIP MIB (ap-sip.mib)


Page 97: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

GET Query Name Object ID: +


apSipMSRPResponseBytesSent 90 Total number of Response BytesSent in MSRP Sessions.

apSipMSRPUnqualifiedClose 91 Total number of UnqualifiedCloses in MSRP Sessions.

apSipMSRPUnconnectedClose 92 Total number of File Descriptordid not get any connection inMSRP Sessions.

apSipMSRPAcceptErrorClose 93 Total number of Accept ErrorCloses in MSRP Sessions.

apSipMSRPPreProvisionClose 94 Total number of Pre-provisionCloses in MSRP Sessions.

apSipMSRPReadErrorClose 95 Total number of Read ErrorCloses in MSRP Sessions.

apSipMSRPStreamErrorClose 96 Total number of Stream ErrorCloses in MSRP Sessions.

apSipMSRPBufferClose 97 Total number of Buffer ErrorCloses in MSRP Sessions.


98 Total number of ReleaseNotification send failures.


99 Total number of Unsent ReleaseNotifications due to No sessionID.


100 Total number of Unsent ReleaseNotifications due to invalid FileDescriptor.


101 Total number of Unsent ReleaseNotifications due to No ListenFile Descriptor.


102 Total number of CEMA AcceptedConnections.


103 Total number of CEMAConnected Connections.

apSipMSRPActiveCemaSessions 104 Total number of Active CEMASessions.


105 Total number of EstablishedSessmatch Sessions.


106 Total number of ProvisionedSessmatch Sessions.


107 Total number of ActiveSessmatch Sessions.

apSipMSRPMessageFromHost 108 Total number of MessagesReceived from Host in MSRPSessions.

apSipMSRPMessageToHost 109 Total number of Messages Sent toHost in MSRP Sessions.

apSipMSRPMessageToHostFail 110 Total number of Messages Sent toHost Failed in MSRP sessions.

Chapter 4SIP MIB (ap-sip.mib)


Page 98: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

syslog MIB (ap-slog.mib)The following table describes the SNMP GET query names for the syslog MIB (ap-slog.mib).


Form the Object Identifier (OID) Number by concatenating the OID of apSyslogBasic( with the OID termination number.

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID: +


apSyslogNotificationsSent .1 Number of apSyslogMessageGeneratednotifications sent. This number may includenotifications that were prevented from beingtransmitted due to reasons such as resourcelimitations and/or non-connectivity. If one isreceiving notifications, one can periodicallypoll this object to determine if anynotifications were missed. If so, a poll of theapSyslogHistoryTable might be appropriate.


.2 Information about whether or notapSyslogMessageGenerated notifications willbe sent when a syslog message is generatedby the device. Disabling notifications doesnot prevent syslog messages from beingadded to the apSyslogHistoryTable.

apSyslogMaxLevel .3 Information about which syslog severitylevels will be processed. Any syslog messagewith a log-level value greater than this valuewill be ignored by the syslog agent. Note thatseverity numeric values increase as theirseverity decreases (for example, major (3) ismore severe than debug (9).

apSyslogMsgIgnores .4 Number of syslog messages which wereignored, meaning that there is no need to sendan apSyslogMessageGenerated notification. Amessage will be ignored if it has a log levelvalue greater than the apSyslogMaxLevelvalue.

apSyslogMsgDrops .5 Number of syslog messages which could notbe processed due to lack of system resources.Most likely, this will occur at the same timethat syslog messages are generated to indicatethis lack of resources. Increases in thisobject's value may serve as an indication thatsystem resource levels should be examinedvia other MIB objects. A message that isdropped will not appear in the history table,and no notification will be sent for thismessage.

Chapter 4syslog MIB (ap-slog.mib)


Page 99: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including


Form the Object Identifier (OID) Number by concatenating the OID ofapSyslogHistory ( with the OID termination number.

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID:



.1 Upper limit for the number of entries that theapSyslogHistoryTable may contain. A value of0 will prevent any history from being retained.When the apSyslogHistoryTable is full, theoldest entry will be deleted and a new one willbe created.

apSyslogHistMsgsFlushed .2 Number of entries that have been removed fromthe apSyslogHistoryTable in order to makeroom for new entries. Use this to determinewhether the polling frequency on the historytable is fast enough and/or if the size of thehistory table is large enough such that messagesare not missed.


Form the Object Identifier (OID) Number by concatenating the OID ofapSyslogHistoryEntry ( with the OID termination number.

SNMP GET QueryName

Object ID:


apSyslogHistIndex .1 Monotonically increasing integer for the solepurpose of indexing messages. When it reachesthe maximum value, the agent wraps the valueback to 1.

apSyslogHistFrom .2 Process name and host of the sending client (forexample, [email protected])

apSyslogHistLevel .3 Log level of the message.apSyslogHistType .4 Textual identification for the log type, which

categorizes the log message.apSyslogHistContent .5 Text of the syslog message. If the text of the

message exceeds 255 bytes, it is truncated to 255bytes.


.6 Value of sysUpTime when this message wasgenerated.

System Management MIB (ap-smgmt.mib)The following table describes the SNMP GET query names for the System Management MIB(ap-smgmt.mib).

Chapter 4System Management MIB (ap-smgmt.mib)


Page 100: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

Note that the apSigRealmStats MIB is populated for realms on which H.323 and SIP areconfigured; this supports aggregate statistics for H.323 and SIP. A note like this one appearswith the OID information shown in the table below.

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID:


apSysCPUUtil .1 Percentage of CPU utilization. This valuereflects the mean CPU utilization for all coreson the system. For a system with 4 cores, thenumber reported here is (CPU0 + CPU1 +CPU2 + CPU3)/4. This value is updated verysecond.

apSysMemoryUtil .2 Percentage of memory utilization.apSysHealthScore .3 System health percentage, with a system

health percentage value of 100 (100%) beingthe healthiest.

apSysRedundancy .4 For HA pairs, information about whether thisSBC is active or standby. Possible values are:initial(1): system is at initial stageactive(2): system is activestandby(3): system is standbyoutOfService(4): system is out of serviceFor a Standalone system, a value of (2) isreturned.

apSysGlobalConSess .5 Total instant number of global concurrentsessions at the moment.

apSysGlobalCPS .6 System-wide global calls per second. Thiscounter is calculated based on a slidingwindow of 100 seconds.

apSysNATCapacity .7 Percentage of NAT table in ContentAddressable Memory (CAM) utilization.

apSysARPCapacity .8 Percentage of ARP table (in CAM) utilization.apSysState .9 Current system state. Online denotes regular

call processing and offline implies no callprocessing occurring but other administrativefunctions are available.

apSysLicenseCapacity .10 Percentage of licensed sessions currently inprogress.


.11 Number of currently cached registeredcontacts in the SBC.

apSysMgcpGWEndpoints .12 Not Supported.apSysH323Registration .13 Number of H.323 registrations in the SBC.apSysRegCacheLimit .14 Maximum number of contacts to be accepted

into the registration cache. A value of 0indicates no limit.


.16 This value reflects the load of the sipdapplication on the cores where the threadshave been scheduled. Thus if there are twosipd threads running on individual cores, a andb, the number reported here is (CPUa +CPUb)/2.

apSysRejectedMessages .18 Number of messages rejected by the SBC dueto matching criteria.

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SNMP GET Query Name Object ID:



.19 Global counter for SIP endpoint demotionfrom trusted to untrusted.


.20 Global counter for SIP endpoint demotionfrom untrusted to deny.


.21 Not Supported.


.22 Not Supported.

apSysSipTotalCallsRejected .25 Global counter for SIP calls that are rejectedby the SBC


.27 An unsigned 32-bit integer that specifies thecurrent global count of active SIPsubscriptions.


.28 An unsigned 32-bit integer that specifies themaximum global count of SIP subscriptionsinitiated during any 100 second period sincethe last SBC re-boot.


.29 An unsigned 32-bit integer that specifies themaximum global count of active SIPsubscriptions since the last SBC re-boot.


.30 An unsigned 32-bit integer that specifies theglobal count of active SIP subscriptions sincethe last SBC r e-boot.

apSysMgmtH248MgcName .31 Not Supported.apSysMgmtH248Realm .32 Not Supported.apSysMgmtH248PortMapUsage

.33 Not Supported.


.43 The percentage of CPU Load across all coresmeasured over 1 minute.


.44 The percentage of CPU Load across all coresmeasured over 5 minutes.


.45 The percentage of CPU Load across all coresmeasured over 15 minutes.

The apSysMgmtCPULoadAvgGroup object has the OID, and is anobject that monitors CPU Load Average across all CPU cores for 1, 5, and 15 minutes.

The apSysStorageSpaceTable object has the OID, and theapSysStorageSpaceEntry object has the OID

SNMP GET QueryName

Object ID: +


apSysVolumeIndex .1 Monotonically increasing integer for thepurpose of indexing volumes.

apSysVolumeName .2 Name of the volume.apSysVolumeTotalSpace .3 Total size of the volume in MB.apSysVolumeAvailSpace .4 Total space available on the volume in KB.

The apCombinedSessionAgentStatsEntry object has the OID

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This table object reflects statistics found in the show sipd agents ACLI command.

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID:


apCombinedStatsSessionAgentIndex .1 A monotonicallyincreasing integer forthe sole purpose ofindexing sessionagents. When itreaches the maximumvalue the agent wrapsthe value back to 1.

apCombinedStatsSessionAgentHostname .2 The hostname of thesession agent forwhich the followingstatistics are beingcalculated.

apCombinedStatsSessionAgentType .3 The type of thespecified sessionagent, either SIP orH323.

apCombinedStatsCurrentActiveSessionsInbound .4 Number of currentactive inboundsessions.This value is foundon the ACLI at showsipd agents,"Inbound Active"column.

apCombinedStatsCurrentSessionRateInbound .5 Current inboundsession rate in CPS.This value is foundon the ACLI at showsipd agents,"Inbound Rate"column.

apCombinedStatsCurrentActiveSessionsOutbound .6 Number of currentactive outboundsessions.This value is foundon the ACLI at showsipd agents,"Outbound Active"column.

apCombinedStatsCurrentSessionRateOutbound .7 Current outboundsession rate in CPS.This value is foundon the ACLI at showsipd agents,"Outbound Rate"column.

apCombinedStatsTotalSessionsInbound .8 Total number ofinbound sessionsduring the 100 secondsliding windowperiod.

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SNMP GET Query Name Object ID:



.9 Total number of non-bandwidth constraintsthat exceededrejections on inboundsessions (forexample, max-sessions, burst rate,etc.).

apCombinedStatsPeriodHighInbound .10 Highest number ofconcurrent inboundsessions during theperiod.

apCombinedStatsAverageRateInbound .11 Average rate ofinbound sessionsduring the 100 secondsliding windowperiod in CPS.This value is foundon the ACLI at showsipd agents,"Inbound Rate"column.

apCombinedStatsTotalSessionsOutbound .12 Total number ofoutbound sessionsduring the 100 secondsliding windowperiod.


.13 Total number of non-bandwidth constraintsthat exceededrejections onoutbound sessions(for example, max-sessions, burst rate,etc.).

apCombinedStatsPeriodHighOutbound .14 Highest number ofconcurrent outboundsessions during the100 second slidingwindow period.

apCombinedStatsAverageRateOutbound .15 Average rate ofoutbound sessionsduring the 100 secondsliding windowperiod in CPS.This value is foundon the ACLI at showsipd agents,"Outbound Rate"column.

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SNMP GET Query Name Object ID:


apCombinedStatsMaxBurstRate .16 Maximum burst rateof traffic measuredduring the 100 secondsliding windowperiod (combinedinbound andoutbound).This value is foundon the ACLI at showsipd agents, "MaxBurst" counter.

apCombinedStatsPeriodSeizures .17 Total number ofseizures during the100 second slidingwindow period.

apCombinedStatsPeriodAnswers .18 Total number ofanswered sessionsduring the 100 secondsliding windowperiod.

apCombinedStatsPeriodASR .19 The answer-to-seizureratio, expressed as apercentage.For example, a valueof 90 would represent90%, or .90.

apCombinedStatsAverageLatency .20 Average observedone-way signallinglatency during theperiod.

apCombinedStatsMaxLatency .21 Maximum observedone-way signallinglatency during the100 second slidingwindow period.

apCombinedStatsSessionAgentStatus .22 The current status ofthe specified sessionagent, which isexpressed as INS,OOSnonresp,OOSconstraintsviolation, BecomingOOS,or ForcedOOS.

The apSipSessionAgentStatsEntry object has the OID

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SNMP GET Query Name Object ID:


apSipSAStatsSessionAgentIndex .1 A monotonicallyincreasing integer for thesole purpose of indexingsession agents. When itreaches the maximumvalue the agent wraps thevalue back to 1.

apSipSAStatsSessionAgentHostname .2 The hostname of thesession agent for whichthe following statistics arebeing calculated.

apSipSAStatsSessionAgentType .3 The type of the specifiedsession agent, either SIPor H323.

apSipSAStatsCurrentActiveSessionsInbound .4 Number of current activeinbound sessions.

apSipSAStatsCurrentSessionRateInbound .5 Current Inbound Sessionrate in CPS.

apSipSAStatsCurrentActiveSessionsOutbound .6 Number of current activeoutbound sessions.

apSipSAStatsCurrentSessionRateOutbound .7 Current outbound sessionrate in CPS.

apSipSAStatsTotalSessionsInbound .8 Total number of inboundsessions during the 100second sliding windowperiod.


.9 Total number of inboundsessions rejected due toinsufficient bandwidth.

apSipSAStatsPeriodHighInbound .10 Highest number ofconcurrent inboundsessions during the 100second sliding windowperiod.

apSipSAStatsAverageRateInbound .11 Average rate of inboundsessions during the 100second sliding windowperiod in CPS.

apSipSAStatsTotalSessionsOutbound .12 Total number of outboundsessions during the 100second sliding windowperiod.


.13 Total number of outboundsessions rejected becauseof insufficient bandwidth.

apSipSAStatsPeriodHighOutbound .14 Highest number ofconcurrent outboundsessions during the 100second sliding windowperiod.

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SNMP GET Query Name Object ID:


apSipSAStatsAverageRateOutbound .15 Average rate of outboundsessions during the 100second sliding windowperiod in CPS.

apSipSAStatsMaxBurstRate .16 Maximum burst rate oftraffic measured duringthe 100 second slidingwindow period (combinedinbound and outbound).

apSipSAStatsPeriodSeizures .17 Total number of seizuresduring the 100 secondsliding window period.

apSipSAStatsPeriodAnswers .18 Total number of answeredsessions during the 100second sliding windowperiod.

apSipSAStatsPeriodASR .19 The answer-to-seizureratio, expressed as apercentage.For example, avalue of 90 wouldrepresent 90%, or .90.

apSipSAStatsAverageLatency .20 Average observed one-way signaling latencyduring the 100 secondsliding window period.

apSipSAStatsMaxLatency .21 Maximum observed one-way signaling latencyduring the 100 secondsliding window period.

apSipSAStatsSessionAgentStatus .22 The current status of thespecified session agent,which is expressed as INS,OOSnonresp,OOSconstraintsviolation,BecomingOOS, orForcedOOS.

The apH323SessionAgentStatsTable object has the OID, and theapH323SessionAgentStatsEntry has the OID

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID:


apH323SAStatsSessionAgentIndex .1 A monotonicallyincreasing integer forthe sole purpose ofindexing session agents.When it reaches themaximum value theagent wraps the valueback to 1.

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SNMP GET Query Name Object ID:


apH323SAStatsSessionAgentHostname .2 The hostname of thesession agent for whichthe following statisticsare being calculated.

apH323SAStatsSessionAgentType .3 The type of thespecified session agent,H323.

apH323SAStatsCurrentActiveSessionsInbound .4 Number of currentactive inbound sessions.

apH323SAStatsCurrentSessionRateInbound .5 Current InboundSession rate in CPS.

apH323SAStatsCurrentActiveSessionsOutbound .6 Number of currentactive outboundsessions

apH323SAStatsCurrentSessionRateOutbound .7 Current outboundsession rate in CPS

apH323SAStatsTotalSessionsInbound .8 Total Number ofinbound sessions duringthe 100 second slidingwindow period.


.9 Total number ofinbound sessionsrejected due toinsufficient bandwidth.

apH323SAStatsPeriodHighInbound .10 Highest number ofconcurrent inboundsessions during the 100second sliding windowperiod.

apH323SAStatsAverageRateInbound .11 Average rate of inboundsessions during the 100second sliding windowperiod in CPS.

apH323SAStatsTotalSessionsOutbound .12 Total number ofoutbound sessionsduring the 100 secondsliding window period.


.13 Total number ofoutbound sessionsrejected because ofinsufficient bandwidth.

apH323SAStatsPeriodHighOutbound .14 Highest number ofconcurrent outboundsessions during the 100second sliding windowperiod.

apH323SAStatsAverageRateOutbound .15 Average rate ofoutbound sessionsduring the 100 secondsliding window periodin CPS.

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SNMP GET Query Name Object ID:


apH323SAStatsMaxBurstRate .16 Maximum burst rate oftraffic measured duringthe 100 second slidingwindow period(combined inbound andoutbound).

apH323SAStatsPeriodSeizures .17 Total number of seizuresduring the 100 secondsliding window period.

apH323SAStatsPeriodAnswers .18 Total number ofanswered sessionsduring the 100 secondsliding window period.

apH323SAStatsPeriodASR .19 The answer-to-seizureratio, expressed as apercentage. Forexample, a value of 90would represent 90%,or .90.

apH323SAStatsAverageLatency .20 Average observed one-way signalling latencyduring the 100 secondsliding window period.

apH323SAStatsMaxLatency .21 Maximum observedone-way signallinglatency during the 100second sliding windowperiod

apH323SAStatsSessionAgentStatus .22 The current status of thespecified session agent,which is expressed asINS, OOSnonresp,OOSconstraintsviolation, BecomingOOS, orForcedOOS

The apSigRealmStatsTable object has the OID and theapSigRealmStatsEntry object has the OID


This table is populated for realms on which H.323 and SIP are configured; this supportsaggregate statistics for H.323 and SIP.

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SNMP GET Query Name Object ID:


apSigRealmStatsRealmIndex .1 A monotonicallyincreasing integer forthe sole purpose ofindexing realms.When it reaches themaximum value theagent wraps the valueback to 1.

apSigRealmStatsRealmName .2 The name of the realmfor which thefollowing statistics arebeing calculated.

apSigRealmStatsCurrentActiveSessionsInbound .3 Number of currentactive inboundsessions.

apSigRealmStatsCurrentSessionRateInbound .4 Current inboundsession rate in CPS.

apSigRealmStatsCurrentActiveSessionsOutbound .5 Number of currentactive outboundsessions.

apSigRealmStatsCurrentSessionRateOutbound .6 Current outboundsession rate in CPS.

apSigRealmStatsTotalSessionsInbound .7 Total number ofinbound sessionsduring the 100 secondsliding windowperiod.


.8 Total number ofinbound sessionsrejected because ofinsufficientbandwidth.

apSigRealmStatsPeriodHighInbound .9 Highest number ofconcurrent inboundsessions during the100 second slidingwindow period.

apSigRealmStatsAverageRateInbound .10 Average rate ofinbound sessionsduring the 100 secondsliding window periodin CPS.

apSigRealmStatsTotalSessionsOutbound .11 Total number ofoutbound sessionsduring the 100 secondsliding windowperiod.


.12 Total number ofoutbound sessionsrejected because ofinsufficientbandwidth.

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SNMP GET Query Name Object ID:


apSigRealmStatsPeriodHighOutbound .13 Highest number ofconcurrent outboundsessions during the100 second slidingwindow period.

apSigRealmStatsAverageRateOutbound .14 Average rate ofoutbound sessionsduring the 100 secondsliding window periodin CPS.

apSigRealmStatsMaxBurstRate .15 Maximum burst rateof traffic measuredduring the 100 secondsliding window period(combined inboundand outbound).

apSigRealmStatsPeriodSeizures .16 Total number ofseizures during the100 second slidingwindow period.

apSigRealmStatsPeriodAnswers .17 Total number ofanswered sessionsduring the 100 secondsliding windowperiod.

apSigRealmStatsPeriodASR .18 The answer-to-seizureratio, expressed as apercentage. Forexample, a value of 90would represent 90%,or .90.

apSigRealmStatsAverageLatency(not supported)

.19 Average observedone-way signalinglatency inmilliseconds duringthe period.

apSigRealmStatsMaxLatency(not supported)

.20 Maximum observedone-way signalinglatency inmilliseconds duringthe period.

apSigRealmStatsMinutesLeft .21 Number of monthly-minutes left in thepool per calendar yearfor a given realm.

apSigRealmStatsMinutesReject .22 Peg counts of thenumber of callsrejected because themonthly-minutesconstraints areexceeded.

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SNMP GET Query Name Object ID:


apSigRealmStatsShortSessions .23 Lifetime number ofsessions whoseduration was less thanthe configured shortsession durations.

apSigRealmStatsAverageQoSRFactor .24 Average QoS factorobserved during theperiod.

apSigRealmStatsMaximumQoSFactor .25 Maximum QoS factorobserved during theperiod.

apSigRealmStatsCurrentMajorRFactorExceeded .26 Peg counts of thenumber of times themajor Rfactorthreshold wasexceeded during theperiod.

apSigRealmStatsTotalMajorRFactorExceeded .27 Peg counts of thenumber of times themajor Rfactorthreshold wasexceeded during thelifetime.

apSigRealmStatsCurrentCriticalRFactorExceeded .28 Peg counts of thenumber of times thecritical Rfactorthreshold wasexceeded during theperiod.

apSigRealmStatsTotalCriticalRfactorExceeded .29 Peg counts of thenumber of times thecritical Rfactorthreshold wasexceeded during thelifetime.

apSigRealmStatsRealmStatus .30 Current status of thespecified realm, whichis expressed as INS,constraintviolation, orcallLoadReduction.

apSigRealmStatsActiveLocalContacts .31 An unsigned 32-bitinteger that specifiesthe current domaincount of active SIPregistrations.

apSigRealmStatsActiveSubscriptions .32 Number of activesubscriptions for thegiven realm.

apSigRealmStatsPerMaxSubscriptions .33 Lifetime PerMaxsubscriptions count forthe given realm.

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SNMP GET Query Name Object ID:


apSigRealmStatsMaximumActiveSubscriptions .34 Count of lifetimemaximum activesubscriptions for thegiven realm.

apSigRealmStatsTotalSubscriptions .35 Count of lifetime totalsubscriptions for thesystem.

The apSysMgmtNetMgmtCtrlObjects object has the OID, theapNetMgmtCtrlStatsTable object has the OID, and theapNetMgmtCtrlStatsEntry object has the OID

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID: +


apNetMgmtCtrlStatsName .1 Name of the networkmanagement control (NMC)the for which statistics arebeing calculated.

apNetMgmtCtrlStatsType .2 Type of specified NMC:gap-rate, gap-percent, orpriority.

apNetMgmtCtrlStatsIncomingTotal .3 Total number of incomingcalls matching a destinationidentifier of the NMC.

apNetMgmtCtrlStatsRejectedTotal .4 Number ofapNetMgmtCtrlStatsIncomingTotal that are rejected.

apNetMgmtCtrlStatsStatsDivertedTotal .5 Number ofapNetMgmtCtrlStatsIncomingTotal that are diverted.

apNetMgmtCtrlStatsStatsIncomingCurrent .6 Number of incoming callsduring the current periodthat match a destinationidentifier

apNetMgmtCtrlStatsStatsRejectedCurrent .7 Number ofapNetMgmtCtrlStatsIncomingCurrent that are rejected.

apNetMgmtCtrlStatsStatsDivertedCurrent .8 Number ofapNetMgmtCtrlStatsIncomingCurrent that are diverted.

apNetMgmtCtrlStatsIncomingPeriodMax .9 Maximum number ofincoming calls during aperiod that match adestination identifier of theNMC.


.10 Number ofapNetMgmtCtrlStatsIncomingPeriodMax that arerejected.

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.11 Number ofapNetMgmtCtrlStatsIncomingPeriodMax that arediverted.

apNetMgmtCtrlStatsState .12 The state of the specifiednetwork managementcontrol, which can bedisabled or enabled

The apSysMgmtMIBENUMServerStatusObjects object has the OID,the apENUMServerStatusTable object has the OID, and theapENUMServerStatusEntry object has the OID

SNMP GET QueryName

Object ID:


apENUMConfigname .1 Name of the ENUM configuration element thatcontains this ENUM server.


.2 IP address of this ENUM server.

apENUMServerStatus .3 Status of this ENUM server.

The apSysMgmtMIBNSEPStatsObjects object has the OID

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID: +



.1 Number of currently activeinbound NSEP sessions.

apNSEPStatsTotalSessionsInbound .2 Total number of inboundNSEP sessions during lifetime.

apNSEPStatsPeriodHighInbound .3 Highest number of concurrentinbound NSEP sessions duringthe period.

apNSEPStatsPeriod .4 The period for which allstatistics are collected (inseconds). (Currently a non-configurable value of 30minutes.)

The apNSEPStatsRPHTable object has the OID, and theapNSEPStatsRPHEntry object has the OID

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID:


apNSEPStatsRPHValue .1 The specific RPHvalue used forindexing(namespace.rpriority).

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SNMP GET Query Name Object ID:


apNSEPStatsRPHCurrentActiveSessionsInbound .2 Number of currentactive inbound NSEPsessions for thisspecific RPH value.

apNSEPStatsRPHTotalSessionsInbound .3 Total number ofinbound NSEPsessions for thisspecific RPH valueduring lifetime.

apNSEPStatsRPHPeriodHighInbound .4 Highest number ofconcurrentinbound NSEPsessions during theperiod for this specificRPH value.


.5 Total number ofinbound NSEPsessions rejected forthis specific RPHvalue during lifetime.

apNSEPStatsRPHCurrentActiveSessionsOutbound .6 Number of currentactive outboundNSEP sessions forthis specific RPHvalue.

apNSEPStatsRPHTotalSessionsOutbound .7 Total number ofoutbound NSEPsessions for thisspecific RPH valueduring lifetime.

apNSEPStatsRPHPeriodHighOutbound .8 Highest number ofconcurrent outboundNSEP sessions duringthe period for thisspecific RPH value.


.9 Total number ofoutbound NSEPsessions rejected forthis specific RPHvalue during lifetime

The apLDAPServerStatusTable object has the OID, and theapLDAPServerStatusEntry object has the OID

SNMP GET QueryName

Object ID:


apLDAPConfigName .1 Name of the LDAP configuration element thatcontains this LDAP server.


.2 IP address of this LDAP server.

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SNMP GET QueryName

Object ID:


apLDAPServerStatus .3 Status of this LDAP server.

The apSysMgmtTrapTable object has the OID, and theapSysMgmtTrapTableEntry object has the OID

SNMP GET QueryName

Object ID:


apTrapTableSystemTime .1 System time of the session border controller.apTrapTableInstanceIndex

.2 Instance index of the trap ID incremented witha resolution of a second.


.3 Number of informarion encoded in the trap.

apTrapTableSysUptime .4 SNMP sysUpTime when the trap wasgenerated.

apTrapTableTrapID .5 Trap ID assoicated with the fault condition.

The apSysMgmtTrapInformationTable object has the OID, and theapSysMgmtTrapInformationTableEntry object has the OID

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID:



.1 Index of the information encoded in thetrap.


.2 SNMP type enumerated encoded in thetrap.snmpTypeInteger is the size of integersnmpTypeObjectIpAddress is an octetstring of length 4


.3 Octet length of the information encodedin the trap.


.4 Information represented in octets:snmpTypeInteger,snmpTypeObjectCounter32,snmpTypeObjectGauge,snmpTypeObjectOpaque, andsnmpUnsignedInteger32 are 4 octetslongsnmpType counter is 8 octets longsnmpTypeObjectIpAddress,snmpTypeObjectNSAPAddress are 4octets longData is aligned in network order.

The apSysMgmtInterfaceObjects object has the OID, theapSysMgmtPhyUtilTable object has the OID, and theapSysMgmtPhyUtilTableEntry object has the OID

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SNMP GET QueryName

Object ID: +



.1 RX network utilization of the physical portmeasured over a one second period.


.2 TX network utilization of the physical portmeasured over a one second period

Notes on ENUM Server NamesNote that the characters of the name are given in the ASCII values because of SNMP’srestrictions. This representation affects the order in which entries in the table appear. Entries arelisted:

• By the length of their names

• Then by a comparison of the characters they contain; this comparison is not limited toalphabetical order in that uppercase letter precede lowercase characters

• Last, by the IP address of the server for that entry

Take, for example, the case where there are three ENUM configurations:

• aaa, with servers and

• BBB, with servers and

• cc, with server

The entries would appear in the following order, with the following instance IDs:

1. cc would appear first because cc is the shortest name), and would be represented bythe instance ID: … .

2. BBB entries would be next, sorted by IP address, because “BBB” is considered less thanaaa, and would be represented by the instance IDs: … . and … .

3. aaa entries would appear last, represented by the instance IDs: ... . ... .

Software Inventory MIB (ap-swinventory.mib)The following table describes the SNMP GET query names for the Software Inventory MIB(ap-swinventory.mib).

Chapter 4Software Inventory MIB (ap-swinventory.mib)


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SNMP GETQuery Name

Object ID: +


apSwBootDescr .2 Description of the software image which mayconsist of a filename, data and time this image wasbuilt or the unique identifier of the software. Forexample:boot image: for host addressis, and image name is sd201p3.gzboot image: /tffs0/sd201p3.gz for boot from flash0 and image name is sd201p3.gzboot loader: bank0:03/18/2005 10:58:25 for bootfrom bank 0, and version is March 18 2005,10:58:25’.

apSwBootType .3 Type of software image. A value of 1 indicates aboot Image. A value of 2 indicates a bootloaderimage.

apSwBootStatus .4 Status of the software image. A value of 1indicates an image that is currently being used. Avalue of 2 indicates a previously used image.

The object apSwInventoryCfgObjects has the OID

SNMP GET QueryName

Object ID: +


apSwCfgCurrentVersion .1 Current version of the saved configuration.apSwCfgRunningVersion .2 Current version of the running configuration.

The object apSwCfgBackupEntry has the OID

SNMP GET QueryName

Object ID: +


apSwCfgBackupName .2 Description of the configuration filename, forexample: p1604, 063004-cfg.

Multicore Monitoring MIB (ap-usbcsys.mib)A variety of statistics that report information on the CPUs/Cores within the OracleCommunications Session Border Controller are available via the ap-usbcsys.mib MIB.These statistics are:

Object Name Object ID: +


apUsbcSysModuleapUsbcSysMIBObjects .1apUsbcSysObjects .1.1apUsbcSysCpuUtilAll .1.1.1 The percentage of total Cpu

utilization.apUsbcSysCpuCount .1.1.2 The number of cpus for this system.apUsbcSysCpuSpeedMHz .1.1.3 The speed in MHz of the cpus for this


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Object Name Object ID: +


apUsbcSysMemSzMB .1.1.4 The number of megabytes of all cpusfor this system.

apUsbcSysMemSzGB .1.1.5 The number of gigabytes of all cpusfor this system. This value is derivedfrom the apUsbcSysMemSzMBobject.

apUsbcSysAppMemUtil .1.1.6 The number of megabytes of memoryused by the applications.

apUsbcSysKernelMemUtil .1.1.7 The number of megabytes of memoryused by the kernel.

apUsbcSysMyBogoMips .1.1.8 The processor speed measured inmillions of instructions per second perprocessor, calculated by the kernel atboot time.

apUsbcSysAllBogoMips .1.1.9 The sum of all bogo mips(millions ofinstructions per second) of all cpus forthis system.

apUsbcSysCpuTblObjects .1.1.10apUsbcSysCpuTable . A read-only table to hold information

for a cpu indexed by the cpu number i+ 1.

apUsbcSysCpuEntry . A entry designed to hold the status of asingle Cpu.

apUsbcSysCpuNum . The cpu number + 1 of this entry.apUsbcSysCpuUtil . The percent of cpu utilization of this

cpu.apUsbcSysSmMsgRate . Session Manager SIP Messages, Enum

Messages, and Cx Diameter messagesper second

apUsbcSysThreadObjects .1.2 A collection of objects providing theUSBC thread level statistics.


.1.2.1 An identifier provided for each objectin the thread usage table.

apUsbcThreadUsageTable . A table to hold the thread usageinformation, on a Session BorderController.

apThreadUsageEntry . A table entry designed to hold thethread usage information, on a SessionBorder Controller.

apThreadId . The instance index of the thread.apThreadName . The name of the thread.apThreadCurrentUsage . The current cpu usage of the thread.

Multiply by 100 from % value.apThreadOverloaded . Indicator if thread is in overload


.1.2.2 An object within the table holdingthread event information.

apUsbcThreadEventTable . A table to hold the thread eventinformation, on a Session BorderController. These are all read only.

Chapter 4Multicore Monitoring MIB (ap-usbcsys.mib)


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Object Name Object ID: +


apThreadEventEntry . A table entry designed to hold thethread event information, on a SessionBorder Controller.


. The event pending Active counter.


. The event pending High counter.


. The event pending window.

apThreadEventPendingTotal . The event pending Total counter.apThreadEventPendingMaximum

. The event pending PerMax counter.

apThreadEventPendingHigh . The event pending High counter.apThreadEventDroppedCurrent

. The event dropped Active counter.


. The event dropped High counter.


. The event dropped window.


. The event dropped Total counter.


. The event dropped PerMax counter.


. The event dropped High counter.


. The thread average latency.


. The thread max latency.


. The thread average latency.


. The thread max latency.

apUsbcSipObjects .1.2.3 An object grouping SIPD-related per-thread CPU utilization information.

apSipNumberOfThreads . Number of SIP threads.apSipAverageCpuUtil . Average CPU utilization.apSipPendingAverageLatency

. The average latency of SIP Pendingevents.

apSipPendingMaxLatency . The max latency of SIP Pendingevents.


. The average latency of SIP Processingevents.


. The max latency of SIP Processingevents.

apUsbcAtcpObjects .1.2.4 An object grouping ATCP-related per-thread CPU utilization information.

apAtcpNumberOfThreads . Number of ATCP threads.apAtcpAverageCpuUtil . Average CPU utilization.

Chapter 4Multicore Monitoring MIB (ap-usbcsys.mib)


Page 120: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

Object Name Object ID: +



. The average latency of ATCP Pendingevents.

apAtcpPendingMaxLatency . The max latency of ATCP Pendingevents.


. The average latency of ATCPProcessing events.


. The max latency of ATCP Processingevents.

apUsbcMbcdObjects .1.2.5 An object grouping MBCD-relatedper-thread CPU utilizationinformation.

apMbcdNumberOfThreads . Number of MBCD threads.apMbcdAverageCpuUtil . Average CPU utilization.apUsbcEbmdObjects .1.2.6apEbmdNumberOfThreads . Number of EBMD threads.apEbmdAverageCpuUtil . Average CPU utilization.apUsbcDnsObjects .1.2.7apDnsNumberOfThreads . Number of DNS threads.apDnsAverageCpuUtil . Average CPU utilization.apUsbcSysThreadNotRespondingTrap

System Thread is not responding

This MIB reflects statistics displayed by the show platform cpu, show platform cpu-load,and show platform memory commands. The following screen capture is annotated with thecorrespondence.

ORACLE#show platform cpu CPU count : 8 //apUsbcSysCpuCount CPU speed : 2301 MHz //apUsbcSysCpuSpeedMHz CPU model : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3615QE CPU @ 2.30GHzCPU flags : [...]

CPU workload: Capacity : 80000 bogoMIPS //apUsbcSysAllBogoMipsApp load : 4599 bogoMIPS //apUsbcSysMyBogoMips

ORACLE> show platform cpu-loadTotal load: 9% //apUsbcSysCpuUtilAllCPU#00 4% //apUsbcSysCpuNum + apUsbcSysCpuUtilCPU#01 13% //apUsbcSysCpuNum + apUsbcSysCpuUtil

ORACLE> show platform memory MemTotal : 1892 MB //apUsbcSysMemSzMB Mem App : 213 MB //apUsbcSysAppMemUtil MemOS : 849 MB //apUsbcSysKernelMemUtil

apUsbcSysDPDKObjectsThis group of objects, found in the ap-usbcsys.mib, provide a listing of DPDK statistics.

Chapter 4Multicore Monitoring MIB (ap-usbcsys.mib)


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MIB Object Object ID: +


apUsbcSysDPDKFwdPurpose .1 A bitset representing Forwardingcores. 1s represent forwardingcores, while 0s represent non-forwarding cores.

apUsbcSysDPDKDOSPurpose .2 A bitset representing DoS cores.Bits set to 1 represent DoS cores,while 0s represent non-DoScores.

apUsbcSysDPDKSigPurpose .3 A bitset representing signalingcores. Bits set to 1 representsignaling cores, while 0srepresent non-signaling cores.

apUsbcSysDPDKTransPurpose .4 A bitset representing transcodingCores. Bits set to 1 representtranscoding cores, while 0srepresent non-transcoding cores.

apUsbcSysDPDKCmdLine .5 System CmdLine string - asdefined in /proc/cmdline.(including relevant bootparams.)

apUsbcSysDPDKFileMem .6 Total DPDK File Memory.apUsbcSysDPDKSysMem .7 Total DPDK System MemoryapUsbcSysDPDKNum1G .8 Number of 1GB Hugepages

allocated.apUsbcSysDPDKNum2MB .9 Number of 2MB hugepages

allocated.apUsbcSysDPDKHypervisorType .10 The description regarding the

system type and what hypervisorthe system is running on (OVM,KVM, VMWare,...).

apUsbcSysDPDKAddFwdCores .11 Number of additional cores thatmay be used for forwarding.

apUsbcSysDPDKAddSigCores .12 Number of additional cores thatmay be used for signaling.

apUsbcSysDPDKAddTransCores .13 Number of additional cores thatmay be used for transcoding.

apUsbcSysScalingObjectsThis group of objects, found in the ap-usbcsys.mib, provide a listing of objects relating toscaling VMs.

MIB Object Object ID:


apUsbcSysEstSessions .1 Estimated number of unecryptedmedia sessions.

apUsbcSysEstG711G729Trans .2 Estimated number of G711<->G729 transcoded mediasessions.

apUsbcSysEstSigTPS .3 Estimated number of signalingTPS.

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MIB Object Object ID:


apUsbcSysEstACLs .4 Estimated number of ACLs.apUsbcSysEstTCP .5 Estimated number of TCP

connections.apUsbcSysEstTLS .6 Estimated number of TLS

connections.apUsbcSysEstVLANs .7 Estimated number of VLANs.

Chapter 4Multicore Monitoring MIB (ap-usbcsys.mib)


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5SNMP-based Application Features

This chapter contains Oracle Communications Session Border Controller features that involveSNMP reporting on application activity.

SNMP Reporting of Message Rate StatisticsThe message rate statistics feature enables the system to provide message rate statistics for SIP,DNS, and ENUM traffic via ACLI and HDR output. These statistics can be retrieved viaSNMP.

Message rate statistics are available through four tables. These tables correspond to SIP Methodmessage rate per SIP Interface, SIP Method message rate per SIP Agent, DNS ALG messagerate, and ENUM server message rate. Ensure that the following parameters are enabled for thetype of statistics you wish to collect:

Statistic Type configuration element parameter

SIP Message Rate sip-config extra-method-statsDNS Message Rate media-manager, dns-config extra-dnsalg-statsENUM Message Rate sip-config extra-enum-stats

apSIPRateIntfStatsTableThis table, found in the Ap-sip.mib, provides a listing of SIP message rate statistics per SIPinterface. It conveys the same information displayed in the show sipd rate interface command.The table is indexed by the SIP Interface index and SIP method. The SIP Interface to indexnumber mapping is found in the apSipInterfaceTable in Ap-sip.mib. The SIP method to indexmapping is found in the ApSipMethod object in Ap-tc.mib.

apSIPRateAgentStatsTableThis table, found in the Ap-sip.mib, provides a listing of SIP message rate statistics per SIPagent (SIP session agent). It conveys the same information displayed in the show sipd rateagent command. The table is indexed by the SIP agent index and SIP method. The SIP Agentto index number mapping is found in the apSipAgentTable in Ap-sip.mib. The SIP method toindex mapping is found in the ApSipMethod object in Ap-tc.mib.

apDnsAlgServerRateStatsTableThis table, found in the Ap-dnsalg.mib, provides a listing of message rate statistics for aspecific DNS Alg Server. It conveys the same information displayed in the show dnsalg raterealm-id and show dnsalg rate server-ip-addr commands. The table is indexed by the DNSALG realm index and DNS ALG server index. The table of rate statistics also includes theDNS ALG server IP address and IP address type (IPv4 or IPv6). If a DNS ALG client realm,DNS ALG server, and IP address are not configured, then the combination of those indices willreturn no data. The DNS ALG Server to index mapping is found in the apDnsAlgServerTable


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in the Ap-dnsalg.mib. The DNS ALG realm to index mapping is found in theapDnsAlgConfigTable in the Ap-dnsalg.mib.

apEnumServerRateStatsTableThis table, found in the Ap-apps.mib, provides a listing of ENUM message rate statistics fora specific ENUM server. It conveys the same information displayed in the show enum ratecommand. This table is indexed by the ENUM configuration name, ENUM Server IP addressand IP address type (IPv4 or IPv6).

SNMP Reporting of Message Data CountersThe message data counter statistics feature enables the system to provide message rate statisticsfor Call Duration, Call Termination and SIP Methods output. These statistics can be retrievedvia SNMP.

Call Duration Counters for SNMP RetrievalCall duration counters are available by way of SNMP retrieval. These counters are the same asthat reported by the show sipd agents and show sipd realms commands. The pertinent MIBobjects are found in the ap-sip.mib file.

The applicable Call Duration counters and tables include:

• apSipSACallInfoStatusTable, which contains:

– apSipSAStatsTotalCallDurationInbound

– apSipSAStatsTotalCallDurationOutbound

• apSigRealmCallInfoStatusTable, which contains:

– apSigRealmStatsTotalCallDurationInbound

– apSigRealmStatsTotalCallDurationOutbound

Local and Remote Call Termination (BYE) Counters for SNMPRetrieval

Local and Remote Call Termination (BYE) counters are available by way of SNMP retrieval.These counters are the same as that reported by the show sipd agents and show sipd realmscommands. The pertinent MIB objects are found in the ap-sip.mib file.

• apSipSaCallInfoStatusTable, including the Call Termination (BYE) counters:

– apSipSAStatsTotalCallDropsNormal

– apSipSAStatsTotalCallDropsLocal

• apSigRealmCallInfoStatusTable, including the Call Duration counters:

– apSigRealmStatsTotalCallDropsNormal

– apSigRealmStatsTotalCallLocal

Chapter 5SNMP Reporting of Message Data Counters


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SIP Method Counters for SNMP RetrievalGlobal SIP method counters are available by way of SNMP retrieval. These SIP Methodcounters are the same as that reported by the show sipd <method> command. The pertinentMIB objects are found in the ap-sip.mib file.

The apSipMethodStatsTable holds counters:

• apSipMethodStatsEventCount for each SIP method.

• apSipMethodStatsIndex, whether that SIP method is from server- or client- transactionperspective.

• apSipMethodStatsTransType, and the returned SIP response code.

• apSipMethodStatsEventCode associated with that method transaction and perspective.

SRVCC Objects for SNMP RetrievalSRVCC counters are available from the apSipSRVCCStatsobjects. The OID prefix is1. which is found in the ap-sip.mib file. The These countersare the same as that reported by the show sipd srvcc command.

The apSipSRVCCStatsobjects contains numerous SRVCC statistics and corresponds to theshow sipd srvcc command and the sip-srvcc HDR group.

Rx Policy Server Objects for SNMP RetrievalRx policy server counters are available from the apDiamRxPolicyServerStatsTable. The OIDprefix is which is found in the ap-diameter.mib file.

The apDiamRxPolicyServerStatsTable contains numerous policy server statistics andcorresponds to the show policy-server stats command and the ext-Rx-policy-server HDRgroup.

When system boots, every policy server object is assigned id which persists across subsequentreboots. If policy server objects are deleted, the id does not change. This is similar to howsession agent objects have persistent indexing.

IKE Session Agent Objects for SNMP RetrievalIKE Session Agent counters are available from apSecuritySAIKEStats. The OID prefix is1. is found in the ap-security.mib file.

The apSecuritySAIKEStats contains numerous session agent statistics concerning IKE trafficand corresponds to the show sa stats ike command and sa-ike HDR group.

IMS-AKA Session Agent Objects for SNMP RetrievalIMS-AKA session agent counters are available from apSecuritySAIMSAKAStats. The OIDprefix is which is found in the ap-security.mib file.

The apSecuritySAIMSAKAStats contains numerous IMS-AKA session agent statistics andcorresponds to the show sa stats ims-aka all command and sa-imsaka HDR group.

Chapter 5SNMP Reporting of Message Data Counters


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SRTP Session Agent Objects for SNMP RetrievalSRTP Session Agent counters are available from apSecuritySASRTPStats. The OID prefix is1. which is found in the ap-security.mib file.

The apSecuritySASRTPStats contains numerous session agent statistics concerning SRTPtraffic and corresponds to the show sa stats srtp command and sa-srtp HDR group.

Transcoding Load Objects for SNMP RetrievalTranscoding load and resource utilization counters are available in the ap-codec.mib file. Thereare three groups which are presented, currently active transcoded session per licensed codec,maximum licensed capacity per licensed codec, load per DSP.

Active Transcoded Sessions

The apCodecTranscodingResourceUtilMIBObjects, OID: presents thecurrent number of active sessions of licensed codecs. This is found in ap-codec.mib.

This object corresponds to show xcode load ACLI Command and xcode-codec-util HDRgroup.

DSP Load of Transcoding Module

The apCodecTranscodingTCULoadStatsTable, OID: presents a tableof the following information in ap-codec.mib:

• TCU identifier

• TCM Identifier

• DSP Identifier

• Session Count for that DSP

• Current load for that DSP

• Peak load for that DSP

• DSP Overload state


If the DSP is neither Active nor Overloaded then that DSP will not appear as aninstance of the table.

This object corresponds to show xcode load -detail ACLI Command and xcode-tcm-util HDRgroup.

Licensed Codec Capacity

MIB Objects that present maximum capacity of licensed codecs are found in ap-license.mib, as part of the apLicenseEntry, OID:

This object corresponds to show xcode load ACLI Command and xcode-codec-util HDRgroup.

Chapter 5SNMP Reporting of Message Data Counters


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FQDN-resolved Session Agent Statistics SNMPRetrieval

When FQDN-resolved Session Agent Statistics are enabled, you can retrieve each IP target'ssession agent statistics via SNMP.

The apSipAgentTable returns a list of configured sessions agent with an index correspondingand configuration name. The mapping of index to configuration name is persistent acrosssystem reboot.

The index of the additional entries that correspond to the individual IP targets are identified bystarting at 10000000. Because the IP targets that are retrieved from the DNS server may changeon any DNS query, they are not persistent across a reboot. An snmpwalk query onasSIPAgentTable appears as:

SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9148. = STRING: "sa1.dg.com"SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9148. = STRING: "sa1.dg.com#"SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9148. = STRING: "sa1.dg.com#"

The following snmpwalk query on asSipSessionAgentStatsTable appears as:

SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9148. = INTEGER: 36SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9148. = INTEGER: 1000000SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9148. = INTEGER: 1000001SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9148. = STRING: "sa1.dg.com"SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9148. = STRING: "sa1.dg.com#"SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9148. = STRING: "sa1.dg.com#"SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9148. = INTEGER: 1SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9148. = INTEGER: 1SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9148. = INTEGER: 1SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9148. = Gauge32: 0SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9148. = Gauge32: 0SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9148. = Gauge32: 0FQDN-resolved Session Agent Statistics SNMP Traps

The apSysMgmtSAStatusChangeTrap trap is generated when a session agent's individual IPtarget changes state.

CAC Utilization Statistics via SNMPTheOracle Communications Session Border Controller allows you to retrieve information oncurrent session utilization and burst rate as a percentage of their configured maximums on persession-agent and/or realm basis. The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller usesthe configured max-session and max-burst-rate settings in conjunction with a percentageformula to calculate this value. The system also uses an ACLI configuration setting to establishthe threshold at which trap and trap clear messages are sent from the SNMP agent to theconfigured manager(s).

The user must load the MIB version associated with this software version on all pertinentSNMP managers to query these CAC utilization (occupancy) values and interpret the traps. Inaddition, the user must configure the threshold at which the system generates the CAC

Chapter 5FQDN-resolved Session Agent Statistics SNMP Retrieval


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utilization trap. Note that the corresponding clear trap uses the same threshold setting, sendingthe clear trap when utilization falls below 90% of the threshold.

SNMP Get for CAC UtilizationUsing a MIB browser, the user can query the current percentage utilization values for bothmax-session and max-burst-rate for any session-agent or realm. The calculations for theseutilization levels are:

• Session utilization level = (current session count * 100 ) / max-sessions

• Burst rate utilization level = (current burst rate * 100 ) / max-burst-rate

The MIB objects associated with these statistics are parallel for session agent and realm andinclude a table to contain the objects, an object associating the objects containing the valueswith the applicable table, and objects containing the values themselves. These objects are listedbelow.

The MIB objects containing CAC utilization data for Session Agents are listed below.

The object establishing the statistics table for session agent CAC utilization follows:

--apSip Session Agent Connection Admission Control Stats TableapSipSaCacStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApSipSaCacStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SIP Session Agent Connection Admission Control Stats Table." ::= { apSipMIBTabularObjects 5 }

The object establishing the session agent CAC utilization statistics objects follows:

apSipSaCacStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApSipSaCacStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Connection Admission Control Statistics." AUGMENTS { apSipSessionAgentStatsEntry } ::= { apSipSaCacStatsTable 1 }The session agent CAC utilization statistics values include:ApSipSaCacStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apSipSaCacSessionUtilLevel Gauge32, apSipSaCacBurstRateUtilLevel Gauge32}

The above objects, specifying the CAC utilization value for sessions and burst rate utilizationfor session agents include:

apSipSaCacSessionUtilLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "percentage" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current session utilization level." ::= { apSipSaCacStatsEntry 1 }apSipSaCacBurstRateUtilLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "percentage"

Chapter 5CAC Utilization Statistics via SNMP


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MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current burst rate utilization level." ::= { apSipSaCacStatsEntry 2 }

The MIB objects containing CAC utilization data for Realms are listed below.

The object establishing the statistics table for realm CAC utilization follows:

--apSig Realm Connection Admission Control Stats TableapSigRealmCacStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApSigRealmCacStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Realm Connection Admission Control Stats Table." ::= { apSipMIBTabularObjects 6 }

The object establishing the realm CAC utilization statistics objects follows:

apSigRealmCacStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApSigRealmCacStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Connection Admission Control Statistics." AUGMENTS { apSigRealmStatsEntry } ::= { apSigRealmCacStatsTable 1 }

The session agent CAC utilization statistics values include:

ApSigRealmCacStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apSigRealmCacSessionUtilLevel Gauge32, apSigRealmCacBurstRateUtilLevel Gauge32}

The above objects, specifying the CAC utilization value for sessions and burst rate utilizationfor realms include:

apSigRealmCacSessionUtilLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "percentage" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current session utilization level." ::= { apSigRealmCacStatsEntry 1 }apSigRealmCacBurstRateUtilLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "percentage" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current burst rate utilization level." ::= { apSigRealmCacStatsEntry 2 }

CAC Utilization TrapsTheOracle Communications Session Border Controller can issue a trap when either the value ofmax-session or CAC burst rate exceeds a configured value. The system only sends one trap

Chapter 5CAC Utilization Statistics via SNMP


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when the threshold is exceeded. When the value falls back under 90% of this threshold, theOracle Communications Session Border Controller sends a clear trap.

You configure the value that triggers these traps as a percentage of the max-session and max-burst-rate settings configured for the applicable session agent and/or realm. The system uses thesame setting to specify when to send both the sessions and burst rate traps. The name of thisparameter is the cac-trap-threshold.

For realms, you configure a session-constraint element with the cac-trap-threshold setting andapply that session constraint to the realm. For a session agent however, you configure the cac-trap-threshold directly within the session agent's configuration. You must express the value asa number less than 100. There is no default setting; the system does not generate a trap if youhave not configured this setting.

The apSipCACUtilAlertTrap identifies the threshold exceeded on a per-element and per-value(session count or burst rate) for each trap, including:

• apSipSaCacSessionUtilLevel

• apSipSaCacBurstRateUtilLevel

• apSipRealmCacSessionUtilLevel

• apSipRealmCacBurstRateUtilLevel

External Policy Server Connection Status ReportingWhen the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller (OCSBC) loses connection to theexternal policy server or an attempt is unsuccessful, the OCSBC generates an SNMP trap. Inaddition to this trap, the OCSBC generates major or minor, non-health effecting alarms. Whena connection is restored, the OCSBC sends a clear trap and clears the associated alarm.

Enterprise Traps

The following table identifies the proprietary traps that the ap-diameter supports.

Trap Name Description


Generated when the SBC is unable to connect to anexternal policy server


Generated when the SBC is able to re-establish aconnection with an external policy server

These traps contain the following information:

• Name of the policy server as it is configured on the OCSBC

• FQDN of the policy server cluster (This is left empty if the policy server is entered as an IPaddress)

• IP Address and port of the active policy server in the form <IP-Address>:<Port>

• Realm to which the policy server belongs

• Operation type (RACF/CLF) of the policy server

A connection is deemed successful when the Diameter CER/CEA transaction completes. In thecase of FQDN, a connection-established trap is sent when each policy server in the top-levelcluster completes its CER/CEA action.

Chapter 5External Policy Server Connection Status Reporting


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During a reboot, a connection-down trap is sent initially. An attempt is made to connect; if theattempt is successful, a connection-established trap is sent. Upon every subsequent failedattempt to establish a connection, the OCSBC makes another attempt without an additionaltrap.

During a switchover, the newly activated OCSBC behaves in the same way as a reboot process.Initially, a connection down trap is sent. An attempt is made to connect; if the attempt issuccessful, a connection-established trap is sent. After the switchover, and upon everysubsequent failed attempt to establish a connection, the OCSBC makes another attempt withoutan additional trap.

In the event that a transport protocol connection is established but a Diameter connection isunsuccessful, the existing connection is closed and a connection down trap is sent.


Alarms that correspond with the traps above notify the user, as follows:

• When the OCSBC sends a connection down trap for a connection configured within apolicy server cluster, it generates a minor alarm.

• When the OCSBC sends a connection down trap for a connection configured with an IPaddress and port, it generates a minor alarm.

• When the diameter connection is re-established, the OCSBC clears the alarm.

• When all connections associated with a single ext-policy-server are down, the OCSBCgenerates a major alarm.

The table below shows alarm information associated with a failed connection to an ext-policy-server.

Name/ID Severity/HealthDegradation

Cause(s) Log Message Traps Generated


MINOR/0 Connection toExternal PolicyServer is lost.

External PolicyServer (RACF)connection lost!!!


You see this alarm using the display-alarms command.

ORACLE# display-alarms1 alarms to showID Task Severity First Occurred Last Occurred327689 97 4 2018-03-20 01:29:46 2018-03-20 01:29:46Count Description1 External Policy Server (RACF) connection lost!!!

When multiple server connections are lost, the alarm appears as follows:

ORACLE# display-alarms1 alarms to showID Task Severity First Occurred Last Occurred327689 97 4 2018-03-20 01:30:56 2018-03-20 01:30:56Count Description1 2 External Policy Server (RACF) connections lost!!!

The alarm definition is as follows:

• Definition: APP_ALARM_LOST_RACF_CONN - ID: 327689

• Text: External Policy Server (RACF) connection lost!!!

Chapter 5External Policy Server Connection Status Reporting


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• Definition: APP_ALARM_LOST_CLF_CONN - ID: 327690

• Text: External Policy Server (CLF) connection lost!!!

These alarms remain cleared as long as all diameter connections are established. The alarm textprovides counts of the number of connections that are down, which the system updates asconnections go down or are re-established.

The alarm text differs, based on the number of servers down, as follows:

• External Policy Server (RACF) connection lost!!!" (one connection down)

• 2 External Policy Servers (RACF) connection lost!!!" (more than one connection down)

Chapter 5External Policy Server Connection Status Reporting


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ASystem Alarms

A system alarm is triggered when a condition or event happens within either the systemhardware or software. Given a specific alarm, the system generates the appropriate SNMP trap.These traps include a description of the event or condition that caused the trap to be generated;or provides information associated with the alarm, such as the interface ID (ifIndex)/status orobject identifier/object type integer values.

The following table maps system alarms to SNMP traps. This table includes the followinginformation:

• alarm names

• alarm IDs

• alarm severities (including threshold values)

• alarm causes

• example log messages

In addition, this table specifies the type of traps that are generated for SNMP and the trapreference locations (the supported MIB or RFC).

Alarm Name AlarmID


Cause(s) Example LogMessage

Trap Generated (TrapReference)

FAN STOPPED 65537 CRITICAL:any fanspeed is<50%. Orspeed of twoor more fansis >50% and<75%.MAJOR:speed of twoor more fansis > 75% and< 90%. Orspeed of onefan is >50%and <75%and the othertwo fans areat normalspeed.MINOR:speed of onefan> 75%and <90%,the other twofans are atnormalspeed.

Fan speedfailure.NOTE: If thisalarm occurs,the systemturns up thefan speed tothe fastestpossible speed.

fan speed:XXXX,XXXX, XXXX(where xxxxxxxx xxxx isthe revolutionsper minute(RPM) of eachfan on the fanmodule)

apSyslogMessageGenerated(ap-slog.mib)apEnvMonStatusChangeNotification (ap-env-monitor.mib)apSysMgmtFanTrap (ap-smgmt.mib)


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Alarm Name AlarmID


Cause(s) Example LogMessage

Trap Generated (TrapReference)


65538 Acme Packet4600/6100/6300/6350CRITICAL:speed of anyfan is < 5000RPM,apEnvMonFanState is setto critical.MINOR:speed of anyfan < 8000RPM,apEnvMonFanState set tominor.MINOR: afan is pulled(RPM == 0)Acme Packet3900:CRITICAL:speed of anyfan is < 4000RPMMINOR: thespeed of anyfan is < 6000RPMAcme Packet1100:CRITICAL:the fan speedis < 4000RPMNote: Fansmay not beremoved inthe field forthe AcmePacket 3900.Note: Fansmay not beremoved inthe field forthe AcmePacket 1100

Fans areobstructed orstopped. Theroom isabnormallyhot.

Temperature:XX.XX C(where XX.XXis thetemperature indegrees)

apSyslogMessageGenerated(ap-slog.mib)apEnvMonStatusChangeNotification (ap-env-monitor.mib)apSysMgmtTempTrap(ap-smgmt.mib)

Appendix A


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Alarm Name AlarmID


Cause(s) Example LogMessage

Trap Generated (TrapReference)


65539 CRITICAL Theenvironmentalsensorcomponentcannot detectfan speed andtemperature.

Hardwaremonitor failure!Unable tomonitor fanspeed andtemperature!


PLD POWER AFAILURENote: PLD standsfor ProgrammableLogical Device

65540 MINOR Power supplyA has failed.

Back PowerSupply A hasfailed!


PLD POWER AUPNote: If thesystem boots upwith one powersupply, the healthscore is 100, andan alarm is notgenerated. Ifanother powersupply is thenadded to that samesystem, this alarmis generated, butthe health score isnot decremented.

65541 MINOR Power supplyA is nowpresent andfunctioning.

Back PowerSupply A ispresent!



65542 MINOR Power supplyB has failed.

Back PowerSupply B hasfailed!


Appendix A


Page 136: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

Alarm Name AlarmID


Cause(s) Example LogMessage

Trap Generated (TrapReference)

PLD POWER BUPNote: If thesystem boots upwith one powersupply, the healthscore is 100, andan alarm is notgenerated. Ifanother powersupply is thenadded to that samesystem, this alarmis generated, butthe health score isnot decremented.

65543 MINOR Power supplyB is nowpresent andfunctioning.

Back PowerSupply B ispresent!


PHY0 Removed 65550 MAJOR Physicalinterface card0 wasremoved.

N/A apSyslogMessageGenerated(ap-slog.mib)apEnvMonStatusChangeNotification(ap-env-monitor.mib)

PHY0 Inserted 65552 MAJOR Physicalinterface card0 was inserted.

N/A apSyslogMessageGenerated(ap-slog.mib)apEnvMonStatusChangeNotification(ap-env-monitor.mib)

PHY1 Removed 65553 MAJOR Physicalinterface card1 wasremoved.

N/A apSyslogMessageGenerated(ap-slog.mib)apEnvMonStatusChangeNotification(ap-env-monitor.mib)

PHY1 Inserted 65554 MAJOR Physicalinterface card1 was inserted.

N/A apSyslogMessageGenerated(ap-slog.mib)apEnvMonStatusChangeNotification(ap-env-monitor.mib)

The following table lists the supported system alarms.

Alarm Name AlarmID


Causes Example LogMessage

Trap Generated (TrapReference)



Major CommMonitordisconnected

One or moreCommMonitorsaredisconnected


Appendix A


Page 137: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

Alarm Name AlarmID


Causes Example LogMessage

Trap Generated (TrapReference)


131073 MINOR GigabitEthernetinterface 1goes up.

Slot 0 port 0UP

linkUp (IETF RFC 2233)


131074 MINOR GigabitEthernetinterface 2goes up.

Slot 1 port 0UP

linkUp(IETF RFC 2233)


131075 MAJOR GigabitEthernetinterface 1goes down.

Slot 0 port 0DOWN

linkDown (IETF RFC2233)


131076 MAJOR GigabitEthernetinterface 2goes down.

Slot 1 port 0DOWN

linkDown (IETF RFC2233)


131077 MINOR Controlinterface 0goes up.

wancom0 UP linkUp (IETF RFC 2233)


131078 MINOR Controlinterface 1goes up.

wancom1 UP linkUp (IETF RFC 2233)


131079 MINOR Controlinterface 2goes up.

wancom2 UP linkUp (IETF RFC 2233)


131080 MAJOR Controlinterface 0goes down.


linkDown (IETF RFC2233)


131081 MAJOR Controlinterface 1goes down.


linkDown (IETF RFC2233)


131082 MAJOR Controlinterface 2goes down.


linkDown (IETF RFC2233)


131083 MAJOR Fast Ethernetslot 0, port 0goes up.

Slot 0 port 0UP

linkUp (IETF RFC 2233)


131084 MAJOR Fast Ethernetslot 1, port 0goes up.

Slot 1 port 0UP

linkUp (IETF RFC 2233)


131085 MINOR Fast Ethernetslot 0, port 1goes up.

Slot 0 port 1UP

linkUp (IETF RFC 2233)


131086 MINOR Fast Ethernetslot 1, port 1up.

Slot 1 port 1DOWN

linkUp (IETF RFC 2233)


131087 MINOR Fast Ethernetslot 0, port 2goes up.

Slot 0 port 2UP

linkUp (IETF RFC 2233)


131088 MINOR Fast Ethernetslot 1, port 2goes up.

Slot 1 port 2UP

linkUp (IETF RFC 2233)

Appendix A


Page 138: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

Alarm Name AlarmID


Causes Example LogMessage

Trap Generated (TrapReference)


131089 MINOR Fast Ethernetslot 0, port 3goes up.

Slot 0 port 3UP

linkUp (IETF RFC 2233)


131090 MINOR Fast Ethernetslot 1, port 3goes up.

Slot 1 port 3UP

linkUp (IETF RFC 2233)


131091 MAJOR Fast Ethernetslot 0, port 0goes down.

Slot 0 port 0DOWN

linkDown (IETF RFC2233)


131092 MAJOR Fast Ethernetslot 1, port 0goes down.

Slot 1 port 0DOWN

linkDown (IETF RFC2233)


131093 MAJOR Fast Ethernetslot 0, port 1goes down.

Slot 0 port 1DOWN

linkDown (IETF RFC2233)


131094 MAJOR Fast Ethernetslot 1, port 1goes down.

Slot 1 port 1DOWN

linkDown (IETF RFC2233)


131095 MAJOR Fast Ethernetslot 0, port 2goes down.

Slot 0 port 2DOWN

linkDown (IETF RFC2233)


131096 MAJOR Fast Ethernetslot 1, port 2goes down.

Slot 1 port 2DOWN

linkDown (IETF RFC2233)


131097 MAJOR Fast Ethernetslot 0, port 3goes down.

Slot 0 port 3DOWN

linkDown (IETF RFC2233)


131098 MAJOR Fast Ethernetslot 1, port 3goes down.

Slot 1 port 3DOWN

linkDown (IETF RFC2233)


131099 MINOR CPU usagereached 90%or greater of itscapacity.

CPU usage X%over thresholdX%



131100 CRITICAL Memory usagereached 90%or greater of itscapacity.

Memory usageX% overthreshold X%


HEALTH SCORE 131101 MAJOR system’s healthscore fellbelow 60.

Health score Xis underthreshold(where X is thehealth score)



131102 MINOR NAT tableusage reached90% or greaterof its capacity.

NAT tableusage X% overthreshold X%



131103 MINOR ARP tableusage reached90% or greaterof its capacity.

ARP table X%over thresholdX%


Appendix A


Page 139: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

Alarm Name AlarmID


Causes Example LogMessage

Trap Generated (TrapReference)


131104 CRITICAL A statetransitionoccurred fromStandby/BecomingStandby toBecomingActive.

Switchover,<state to state>,active peer<name of HApeer> has timedout orSwitchover,<state to state>,active peer<name of HApeer> hasunacceptablehealth (x)(where x is thehealth score) orSwitchover,<state to state>,forced bycommand



131105 CRITICAL A statetransitionoccurred fromActive/BecomingActive toBecomingStandby/RelinquishingActive.

Switchover,<state to state>,peer <name ofHA peer> ishealthier (x)than us (x)(where x is thehealth score)or Switchover,<state to state>,forced bycommand



131106 MAJOR An HA systempeer was notheard fromwithin theconfiguredsilencewindow.

Peer <name ofHA peer>timed out instate x, my stateis x (where x isthe state (e.g.,BecomingStandby))


Appendix A


Page 140: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

Alarm Name AlarmID


Causes Example LogMessage

Trap Generated (TrapReference)

REDUNDANTOUT OFSERVICENote: Theactivate-configfailed log messageappears for thosecases in which theexecution of theactivate configcommand failedon the standbySBC.

131107 CRITICAL Unable tosynchronizewith ActiveHA systempeer withinBecomingStandby timeout.

Unable tosynchronizewith Activeredundant peerwithinBecomingStandby timeout,goingOutOfServiceoractivate-configfailed, processbusyoractivate-configfailed, must dosave-configbeforeactivating.oractivate-configfailed, couldnot get currentconfig versionfrom fileoractivate-configfailed, couldnot set runningconfig versionto file.



131108 CRITICAL A system task(process)suspends orfails.

Task Xsuspended,whichdecrementedhealth by 75!(where X is thetask/processname)


The following table lists the supported media alarms.

Alarm Name AlarmID


Cause(s) Example LogMessage

Trap Generated (TrapReference)


262145 CRITICAL:for flowMAJOR: formedia (ifserver cannotallocate anew context)

No furthermemory can beallocated forMBCD.

Flow: Cannotcreate free portlist for realm.Media Server:Failed toallocate newcontext.


Appendix A


Page 141: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

Alarm Name AlarmID


Cause(s) Example LogMessage

Trap Generated (TrapReference)


262147 MAJOR: ifmedia serveris adding anew flow

Media server isunable to findrealminterface.

Realm type(ingress, egress,hairpin) X, notfound



262149 CRITICAL:failure rate =100%MAJOR:failure rate >or = 50%

The realm isout ofbandwidth.

Out ofbandwidth



262150 CRITICAL:failure rate =100%MAJOR:failure rate >or = 50%

The realm isout of steeringports.

Out of steeringports


The following table lists the supported network alarms.

Alarm Name AlarmID


Cause(s) Example LogMessage

Trap Generated (TrapReference)



MAJOR The SBC lostARPconnectivity toa frontinterfacegateway.

gatewayX.X.X.Xunreachable onslot Y port Zsubport ZZ(whereX.X.X.X is theIPv4 address ofthe frontinterfacegateway, Y isthe frontinterface slotnumber, Z isthe frontinterface portnumber, and ZZis the subportID)



The value of this alarm ID is dynamic. That is, it changes based on a numbers offactors, but the total alarm ID range falls between 196608 and 262143. The alarm ID iscalculated based on the compilation of the following information: a hexadecimalnumber that represents the VLAN ID and the front interface port/slot numbers.

Appendix A


Page 142: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

The following table lists the supported application alarms.

Alarm Name AlarmID


Cause(s) Example LogMessage

Trap Generated (TrapReference)


327681 CRITICAL:if all enabledandconfiguredRemoteAuthentication Dial-inUser Service(RADIUS)accountingserverconnectionshave timed-out withoutresponsefrom theRADIUSserverMAJOR: ifsome, but notallconfiguredRADIUSaccountingserverconnectionshave timed-out withoutresponsefrom theRADIUSserver.

The enabledconnections toRADIUSservers havetimed-outwithout aresponse fromthe RADIUSserver.

CRITICAL: Allenabledaccountingconnectionshave been lost!Checkaccountingstatus for moredetails.MAJOR: Oneor moreenabledaccountingconnectionshave been lost!Checkaccountingstatus for moredetails.



XX CRITICAL:All ENUMservers areunreachableMAJOR:Some ENUMservers areunreachable

The enabledconnections toENUM servershave been lost.

CRITICAL: AllENUM Serversare currentlyunreachable!MAJOR: Oneor more ENUMServers arecurrentlyunreachable!



327682 CRITICAL The H.323stack has failedto initializeproperly and isterminated.

[H.323 | IWF]stack <stack-name> hasfailed toinitialize and isterminated


The following table lists the supported configuration alarms.

Appendix A


Page 143: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

Alarm Name AlarmID


Cause(s) Example LogMessage

Trap Generated (TrapReference)


393217 MAJOR The save-configcommandexecutionfailed on astandby SBCpeer operatingas part of anHA pair.

save-configfailed ontargetName!/code full,config syncstopped!orsave-configfailed ontargetName!/code full,config syncstopped!(where thetargetName isthe target name(tn) configuredin the bootparameters)


The following table lists the supported license alarms.

Alarm Name AlarmID


Cause(s) Example LogMessage

Trap Generated (TrapReference)


50004 MAJOR Total sessioncount isapproachingthe licensecapacityallowed (98%or higher)This alarm iscleared whentotal sessionsis less than90% of licensecapacity.


For additional information about system alarms for the components of the system, refer to theAlarms section of the Monitoring via the ACLI chapter of the Administration andConfiguration Guide for the ACLI.

Alarm SeveritiesThe system architecture includes five levels of alarm severity. These levels have beendesignated so that the system can take action that is appropriate to the situation triggering thealarm.

Alarm Severity Description

Emergency Requires immediate attention. If you do not attend to this condition immediately, therewill be physical, permanent, and irreparable damage to your system.

Appendix AAlarm Severities


Page 144: MIB Reference Guide - OracleMIB Reference Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including

Alarm Severity Description

Critical System is inoperable, causing a complete loss of service in a production environment.Requires attention as soon as it is noted.

Major Functionality has been seriously compromised. This situation might cause loss offunctionality, hanging applications, and dropped packets. If you do not attend to thissituation, your system will suffer no physical harm, but it will cease to function.

Minor Functionality has been impaired to a certain degree. As a result, you might experiencecompromised functionality. You should attend to this type of alarm as soon as possiblein order to keep your system operating properly.

Warning Some irregularities in performance. This condition describes situations that arenoteworthy, however, you should attend to this condition in order to keep your systemoperating properly. For example, this type of alarm might indicate the system isrunning low on bandwidth and you may need to contact your Oracle customer supportrepresentative to arrange for an upgrade.

Appendix AAlarm Severities
