mibm m o m i i - twin falls public...

WeatherForecast U>ni(bt «in<! WfdnwdAy: cooUt WMlniydtf}'. >Iiixln]iini }-rstenla>- H T m lnlm um B<. Loiv thli meriting tit: Today’s ' News TODAY SLAYER HUNTEO FQReUiNGI ■iOMRl:; Daughter of Slate •. Treasurer Of Oolifomia Discovered Dead in Oarage SUroroE THEORY HINTED ^If-Deatli Angle CSnsldore'd Despite Murder Claim By Victim's Father , Muy llful ilrbutaflte iluu^iitrr of Trrimurnr CtuirlM G. Jolnc Ron, (]I mI (r«ni bunw, mirsranH nnnounrv^ un<‘r on uiitoimy t<>- < The nu(op><y ■urK<*n>ia founil nn immf<Uatn nvldonoo of pol- *nn. Thrrp \v«rf> no IjhiI wh nr iilhpr Incllcatlonn of vlolrnrr or KtronciaAlion, nor wnii It found Ihat »bo had l>m notlierwlne un> uiUipsy MuJled. , CompluU' rcfliilt *bf the will not be known, however, uiiu cliemlitA have rxaralncd conlcnti (i( the Hlutnach und pofiltlonn of itip bniln tlMUC, llw r und IcWncyn. An Iho InvMllipilloti continupcl, the Biilcldi theory Balnrcl prominence. De»plt« the ntati aS herlaUitr lhal the Rlrl was dered. pollcc were taking Intc .... nldcmtion the fnct that nhe had been 11). Added to thLn wan Iho ntatcmi of Claire FUzserold. sister of Vlr- Klnlo, ihol Virginia had-been In highly ncn'oiui state for nome tii twd had been acting Irratlonnlly. Bigamy'Charged to Youth of 18 FLIERSORDERED FATHBU IS CANDIDATR 6ACIUJ.raNT0, Calif., itay 50 i1'j:| — 'MiM VlrRlrra Johniwn. s o c ia lly prominent 10-ycar-oll dnughter of Charles G. Johnwn, fl.Ute treaiurcr and a cubema- (Continued on Po^o 3. Comma 3) BOOGEI EXPENSE iEttf«ftSl “ Hua:rSjrtfldIWg“PrbI«llii-W lll : Be Required If Outlay Equals Estimate BY ItlCHAIlD L. ORIDIJEV --->-Vr'AfiHINOTONr-Mny-20-<l«!>-^ The fovemnicnt will have to npcnd money faster than over before In pfinco tIme-JlO,000.000,000 In 13 month-t If all the money President Roonevelt a.iked 'In hla laat budf;vt . meiuaEe lfl to be used. Experts, think tho tank In.phy- ' The country hao not Bci'n nuch a hupo »pendlnfr proRram alnco the year ending Juno 30. lOlfl. when *18,500,000.000 wna spent In an ef- fort to win Uie World war. .The, Kovtrament will opcnd only SO,- COO,000,000 In Uic current /laeaJ year. ., Prt»Id«nt Itoosevclt aaked con Krei* for authority to «pend SIO. 002,007 In the two ycaro ended Jilne 30, m s. I : '- Bcluw luUmute ; In Ihe first baU of the period povnmmant expendlturea can hard- ly run over *0,800.000.000 cxcluSlvc of \he jilakliiK fund. '' JuAt the same, treasury offlcLali InaLiftho government will live uj tb'lla budc«L That would meoi 510,000,000.000 cxpcndltures ln Ihi coralnf fluciJl year, •• > : Thi-re arc still untouched about «.600.000,000 in funds net aside thW year far tlio ncconainjctlon ruiance corporation. Presumably t^ds.money will be spent or loaned hy;RFC during the next 13 montha, Other relief flfcnclcfl with small ex- ception*,' axich aa the >m A, also lukvd fallen far behind... >The covemmenfa J7,GOO,000,000 ' war chest for the next flaeal yeai ' compares with rettaf expenditure; . foj^ thla year of about J7.7JS0.000. AddendTroops Called for Toledo Riot Duty fpOGERS Two More Factories Facing Attack by •> Unruly Mobs , 'igys: BET/EnLY HfLLS. Ciillf.— Secretary of Agriculture Wul- Incc Is out our way hen*. He hoa KOt a. tough }ob. by fur .tcyxhvRi. M la. tlio..coblncl. Sws. ol \ht -nAvy only liu* to deal with'an admiral; ««. of the-army with the Rencnila: pAntmaaler i.'cncnil with the TOLRDO, May of furthur rlotinj; cuu:iccl nnllonni i;uard!imen to bo runhcMl lo tlircc .partn. nmnufaclurinj: .today while fe<lt ' itroye unavalllngly '•(Jn^^Tokdo'n tcoublVd one dctaehmcnt patrolled riot-torn Klectrlc Auto-Lltc c of disturbances wljich pprllcr ' (Inj; II lre<\ durlnir from U- UourK^l. Hn«.il'il ri-port dlliclcvicd ft which obfii;rvrr;i at I-r-i5o nil;i.-«'d whrn llie heavy plant- tiff ul dawn. Unable to i;iiin tiidp quickly rnouch. It bruj-lwd i tl'CL' n quartrr mile from Le IJoiir Cct. datnncint,' the. prupi'llor vvcnlimlly Bntllnfr up vlbratl that ml(:hl break the wln>;!i or ; D''nl:u5 lniitrurli-(l Uoiiiil In touch with Ambajiwulor df UlKJUlaye at WiuihUiKU map out a rcl»i<l.'<hlp t»ur of tli United SlntM In apprrclatlnn r the InU-rriit xhown )n th<- flight. U. s. Climaxes Arms Meet By Offer To Reduce Navy, Tom Munitiofls Bio DESERT ARIDITY SEEN AS ■ THREA TENING ■ WEST To Halt Trend orrt.M.vN lIM O IIS lE r fOS CiECHIEF Davis Places Nation On Record For . Peace GIVES ROOSEVELT STA^^D Consultative Accord Agreeable, Envoy Tells Europe r him elf. , If I < I- deal- n dr;tl- T U’nl- would .-lay, -ncys. you Just t<>')-|?}<>(l-fnrinur".- Jiwt nilao too much: If vpu jiiHt Wdiilrln't r/t e.t- pert for a few .yo;ir/>. It drn't do nny BOod lo plow under 'try third row. If you . ' Intr t raise thu oilier two than you did o Your efficiency i.t driving ym to the- Dvorhouflc. no jilPiiM .<^«n'l'1)e iii'ch Kovd farni'Ti.” 000.: SliNEWPAC . WXsiirN'OTON,-May 20 uir.)— A inew basic treaty txitwec'n the : •'United Stale* and Cuba In which ' Iths Platt amendment la ellmlnat- _ ^ - w ‘th the exception of provl- "Mona: for a naral baac at' Cunr nUtc.deparlment nt»-3;ao p, i lUGWELLBA' NEARSiifll Senate Opposition to Hi(^her Post for Brain Truster Moves to Crisis : other troopers were by Col, \Vllll.im A. rllri for rlOt duty at tho Ulnjr; n Stii-mplni; company and Lo- i-Ccar-compaay............ ........... Anfiry Croud* nnlered out nv M. 0. tllO M I’SON’ WASHINGTON. Miiy i. .lift future and Influrncu of the RoonevcU. ftdmUilatratlon’fl No, l brain truatcr are at nUke In a flRht which approached u senate cri.'ila today, Pr«slvl«T\fR nomination oC r^exfflrt’Guy TuRwell to be under- secretary of'aBriculture l.i'duc for ahowdown-latOc soon, TujrwdI mav renlKn hln prencnt )5ttlon as-najlBUint nccn-tary If le tjew nomination Is not con- firmed. • or ,the moment. Chairman Elll- Q.-Snjllh ot the senate iiktIcuI- turtf cwnmlttce contiols tJio «llun- ^iltJj oppcaca TuRwell. Oppo»ltlon.,Stratf«- .Snjith'a strateio' to kllrthe ............... .................. loml- nation would be to refuse to let hln comniltteo nieet before adjourn- nicnt of eonprtss. Thus., he could nomination ' unles.i the fICht .were carried to thc-scnati floor. There are enou[!n Tiijrwcll «ap (nomination Is. con.nldercil. There Iwere InQlcatlons they will brlnf; Ihb Uauc dtrrctly bctoro tho ncn- au on a' motion to dischnrp) the committee from further conncctl wlUiUc'nomination. ■A-word from UiG :Whlto Hou iccompllah NKW U'AU CLOUUS TOL1-:d O. May'20 4U:> — New war cloud.'i irathered today Toledo, Jicenc of the bloodk . labor.rloLi In the era of the New Dual. So iierlous was the nlH ti(m that one mediator tallied iippi-iillnjr to 1‘reiildcnl Rpoiicv for intervention. Liibor leaders, openly thrcatenfd a Kcncml strike, lyinc Toledo Industry. Company officials planned to ri-opcn the plant noon with strike- brenkcra If necuJLiary, which could well provide the «p;irk for n re- irwiil of fijihtlnjf. ' Tin; .itrlkern' drtnand (nl- a 10 lier cent waEn Incroune neemed tlio focal point of'dlsocrremenL Oil Measure Given Favorable Report Washington ; May 2b <iii:i_ The ndmlnlfilrallon ;oll retrumikin hill, ventlnfr In the a'ccrelnry of ihe Interior the powrr lo provrnl the. cJiccaalvc..-auppIy_«f.-cnido petroleum by flslnjr production and Import quotas, was reported fovorably today by the aenntc ................. commltlcc on mines and mining.'iron. Steel and Tin workers. Day-Old Quintuplet Babe^ Startle Medical Science WlU>nNCTON. Del,. May ■ilJlJ — A preliminary Injunc wan denied the government todoy In Its suit npalnst the Wolrton Steel company. The {;°vcrnmenl contended the steel company vio- lated tbc collective barf'ulnln}; provlnk)M of the NRA. . JudRO John P. Nlelda. who ILitened to four days of testimony what wai heralded as a tent IV of the conntltutlonallty cif Roonevelt recovery measures, handed down the decision In thn '..S . district court. . * Claim Coert-Jon The frovemmenfs case. prcBont- ed ‘by James Lawrence Kly and former Juilsfi F'nink T. Ntbek. ba.ied on charjres that c ecutlve.i of the steel company :cd" employes to Join a so- d company union. ' which Ittl their .rlRhts to make i ! and independent chalce oi reiyenentatlven to b a r ^ ln col- !octivcly with (he mannRcmcnts." Company attorneys pointed oui that 80 per cent of the employe; of the mllla TOted for the "em- ploye -r«pr«ientotlon"--pIan -and ■;iuit only a small pcrccnlapc ' :he workment were members the Amalpimated Aasoclatlon ' fiumrier Wellca. nsaiatant serrc- tar^ state, who haa been ScUve .Ini.thfl necollatlona With Cuban ArtihM»ador Dr, Manuel Marques •atirllnff, jal‘1 )»tHlement would t« U wj«J_at the; be'sufficient ti state departmenl after alRnlnp of • . _____ .w.. •- "tSe-?ac1( . NAVA!'. WERO DVmO ™ahi?l^^^8^t“ tts^n aa .TOICIO; Muth, 20flLri-Admlral ik)JsW«'wllh-the Uopa-that favor-,HctocWro'.Toco. Japan’s grenteflt f*i« action on ratification by Lhal.navfli hero.'.aank Into a coma to- ibody' miiy take place durinp thj dny on,hi* deathbed In his lllHi* ptcaent teaslon. - ■ ................... r the Imperial palace. Country Doctor Thlnlu Five Tiny Mites May All Survive To Prove Age of Miraclca Isn’t Past . Sweelby Prcscnti Petition Include Fo«r Blocks ; Asks Tanlc Btin a brief Txvin Falls city CO neatlon lait evenlntr. Thursdoy ot 7;30 p, rnlnn to a petition by K. M. Swci- ley, former ctly nltomcy. request- Inj; the Inelunlon of four additional blocks In Uie flre-sone dlatrlcl. They are blocks numbered H.'i. Ho. 1B< and 153, He wafl spokciimen for n croup of 23 tilRners to the petition which iirsed the Indunlon of th.- tilocks In tho preiient flre'llmltfl, and al nuBRe.ited that' the ordinance r lutln;: to ntorace tanka be amendi I to pi'cvent the erecUon. operation I plant lo Rock lYiadtt-ny c.’ctcndlnR Park, failed to cor ' B, Ilirclay In dlat yesterday that It. w.irninted. The rc The hlifhw.ay dislrlcl, tlinmcli n. M. Swecley und .M. J, 8wivli-y. .tlcmtyii, had iiouKht the orvler in i/rounda tluit the drain pipe k ’aii loaklnir. and that the «Iati' tojburcau of hlRhways would not proceed With eon»triicll«n ot a rciad until the pipe wna rllbrr !r.‘mnved or Its use dlncontltuii-.l. Twin J'allfl city offlclal.n. had-fa;V ed lo act on request of the hlch- waydlntrlct to make .tome other proviKlon about the nlpe. until afler adoption of ILi 103-1-35 np-; proprlatlon bill In June. | Coatllctlnt; lesHinoay was p:c- .(jenleil at the henrms yestcMay. John a. Hayes, city mKlm-cr. (Continued on Tajfc Column Dlonr his II of Oliva, bom In the anmc child- !b«J. siHi wch! .nUvc .lodiy, proving to ^loctors that the.age of . miracles Is not past. Dr, A. n . Dafoe, a, country doctor, kept the tiny miles of humanity alive and felt thot perhaps liiey might Ml pull Uirouffh. ' • C M rs.. Dionne,2U-year-old,waa already the mother of six. children, when nature surprla- Inffly enlarged hot- family by five. The quintupliibi were bom w rly yesterday, one, of Ihn very few cases reeonled In medical science where all }>ables survived for more Uinn n few minutes, T>r, Da/oe pave ns much at- . tcntlon to the mother as to the babies, the larcest wo'EhlnR three pounds, four ounces, the two smallest, two pounds and four ounces when wclchwl to- gether. Tho combined weight- of the five at b'lrth wan 13 pounds, alx ouncc.!.' The father etlll seemed startled. He didn't Icnow how he would provide for hla fam- ily. but felt sure God would provltlo a way. :E OEB Action was defem-d on motion of. Mayor Duncan McD. Johnston. PAIIIS, May 20 ilM:i-A dcf- who plated that the Covey OH and j inlto .swlnp toward at lenst par- Gas company, a new-firm Which .tlal pjyment of rmnce’s JS5,000.- has asked prrmbslon to ' erect.OOO June 15 War debt lniit^»lm«nt jrasollne tanka wlUiln thn area dc- lo th« United States was shown flii«d.'woukl bf nrttlflcd of th< plaint. He said the n-<iuesl of the petitioners would be Klven consid- eration. Rains Cut Hazard Of Idaho Blazes BOISE, iiay io < hj:j _ Lipht ralna In the hills have helped put out forest fires and temporarily reduced hasaMi officials jcported today. Since Suoday n ig h t 27 fires have started, all by lightning, in the Bolao and Payette National fOrtsts, all but Ihrtc 'in the form- None covcred more than an before being smothercO; fxpecled .................... md the outcomi was uncertain. Dut a polV M In- fluential cabinet ministers show- ed that support, for uoma »ort of pajTtient. If any way could be found to avoid furnishing a pre- cedent. for full payment, was prowlne. - - - Premier Gaaton Doumenruc. Minister of Finance Louis Cer- main-Martln, Ulnlatcr of -Na\-y Francois Pletrl and Foreign Min- Loula Barthyu are In favor me sdrl of payment, II 'learned. THOMAS, IRKED BY GAS, PLANS MORE LECTURES P.OCKVX>UD, 111., May »20 il’.lli—.Norman Thomas In. dls- k-iisted with IlllnoLi hosplLillty but he reltcratfil today, after clearln»: tear jjas from his lungn and eyi-.i, that h*- la do- ternilnc'l lo complete a sched- uird npenklng tour. The dynamic Socialist load- er wa.n routed from a rontrum by tear gas last night the second time In six days that hlii ineetlnpi have l>e«n dis- rupted by .violrnce. lie was npi-aWng last nSght to 1,200 persons when a crude, h o m e - m a d e bomb hurtled through an open wlnikm-. Its explosion sent men, women and_ "children shrieking, and fispliiK from the hall. Thomas was not among the last Wllneaaea nald he reached open nlr only slightly behind Wwln Copeland, one of hW nudlence. who leaped from a w indow and fracturcd a shoulder.' MiBM M O M II- Fi/rht Against World Ban’ By Placing- Drastic Limit On Import Trnile UKftUN. May 2f d'Hi-Klght- K for economic and financial ability against a. world boycott ’ by-J<*w« and their nympiithlzer*. the Natl govcrtimenl today Im* posed drastic restrictions on Im- port trade, Tho restrictions eolnclde<l with postponed meeting of the trann- • ?r conference between Relchii- banlc repre.Mntatlvcs and thu untry’s foreign creditors, and ly have been timed to 'convince, foreigners of ■Germany's ne»?da, 10 Per Cent Dtirlng June, tha currency con-' trol office announced; ,lmportci-n may apply'for only 10-pet ccnt of the'normal quota of forclim cjfchange lo pay for imports. In the case of self-liquidating credits only 20 per ccnt of normal muy. be asked. Corresponding figures for April were 25 per ccnt and 50 per cent. In order that Imports absolute- ly ncccaaary *tlU might enter, i f was provided that Individual con- Kldrmtlon - would ba given appll- .catlona for wool, cotton, vcg*" table fiber, sklii. hide and non-..- 'prcclous metal. Customs Collector Dies in Air Cr£ish Et. PASO. Texas,^Mny 2!) airi — Harry I*.'SeXton. collector of customs at San Antonio, wan kill- and Llcut. Harry Edge, a lte<l States coast guard pilot, I Injured In a plane, crash here today. The plane, with UeuteaanlEd^ro' .it the controls, had left for San Antonio, but became overheated and tho pilut headed back for El Paao. He was about half a mils from the army airport when Ihe craft' plunR*^ to the grouad.-U ^urat into flame* u It fell.' rO IA in ) PLANS DEFAULT- WARSAW, May 29 'JllD The govemment has decided not 'lo' poy Itn Juno in war debt Inatall- ( mcnt. It -was undcr*tood today. NATIOKAL LEAGUE By United A t Brooklyn— New Yorjt ____ .030JOO-1- « .000000— 0 JVH./E. ' A t Bofltan— .............. ... i’hlladclphla'oooionois--4 l: Doflton •- ....:,ioi 000 o i :Only i^ipije<,8Chcduled. AMEItlCAN IJCAOUE ' A t SL Loulfl— ' R.' Detroit -' . . St. Ixiuls .,• • • A t Cleveland— . . 'R. Clilcago ....... .................OOOOO-^' O ' Ocvelahd ............ ........ lOO'10--:'2 • : A t PhlWdelphla— • ' R. • Boston _____ ______ 100010 Philadelphia 1000000^,1. Only gnraes ocheduled,' Coma Holds Doctor - 3 .«>isE.' uir' Dr.---:' ' WUllam meBtock-i-.iliht.-fbrj life ' Dgaloft-tlie.- ■vea^ ct -» Bpider.|oatlauB(l.lodaj,Jl^(t ' after It Jp4* , home Dt brao(Mdr;-70;ttif^^>iiV .from "hc^ti'oa. tho

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  • Weather ForecastU>ni(bt «in

    cooUt WMlniydtf}'. >Iiixln]iini }-rstenla>- HTmlnlmum B-Vr'AfiHINOTONr-Mny-20--^

    The fovemnicnt will have to npcnd money faster than over before In pfinco tIme-JlO,000.000,000 In 13 month-t If all the money President Roonevelt a.iked 'In hla laat budf;vt

    . meiuaEe lfl to be used.Experts, think tho tank In.phy-

    ' The country hao not Bci'n nuch a hupo »pendlnfr proRram alnco the year ending Juno 30. lOlfl. when *18,500,000.000 wna spent In an effort to win Uie World war. .The, Kovtrament will opcnd only SO,- COO,000,000 In Uic current /laeaJ year.., Prt»Id«nt Itoosevclt aaked con Krei* for authority to «pend SIO. 002,007 In the two ycaro ended Jilne 30, m s . • •

    I : ' - Bcluw luUmute; In Ihe first baU of the period

    povnmmant expendlturea can hardly run over *0,800.000.000 cxcluSlvc of \he jilakliiK fund.'' JuAt the same, treasury offlcLali InaLiftho government will live uj tb'lla budc«L That would meoi 510,000,000.000 cxpcndltures ln Ihi coralnf fluciJl year, •• >: Thi-re arc still untouched about

    «.600.000,000 in funds net aside thW year far tlio ncconainjctlon ruiance corporation. Presumably t^ds.money will be spent or loaned hy;RFC during the next 13 montha, Other relief flfcnclcfl with small exception*,' axich aa the >mA, also lukvd fallen far behind...> The covemmenfa J7,GOO,000,000

    ' war chest for the next flaeal yeai ' compares with rettaf expenditure;

    . foj ̂thla year of about J7.7JS0.000.

    Addend Troops Called for Toledo Riot Duty


    Two More Factories Facing Attack by •> Unruly Mobs ,

    'igys:BET/EnLY HfLLS. Ciillf.—

    Secretary of Agriculture Wul- Incc Is out our way hen*. He hoa KOt a. tough }ob. by fur .tcyxhvRi. M la. tlio..coblncl. Sws. ol \ht -nAvy only liu* to deal with'an admiral; ««. of the-army with the Rencnila: pAntmaaler i.'cncnil with the

    TOLRDO, May of furthur rlotinj; cuu:iccl nnllonni i;uard!imen to bo runhcMl lo tlircc

    .partn. nmnufaclurinj:

    .today while fe — New

    war cloud.'i irathered today Toledo, Jicenc of the bloodk . labor.rloLi In the era of the New Dual. So iierlous was the nlH ti(m that one mediator tallied iippi-iillnjr to 1‘reiildcnl Rpoiicv for intervention.

    Liibor leaders, openly thrcatenfd a Kcncml strike, lyinc Toledo Industry.

    Company officials planned to ri-opcn the plant noon with strike- brenkcra If necuJLiary, which could well provide the «p;irk for n re- irwiil of fijihtlnjf. 'Tin; .itrlkern' drtnand (nl- a 10

    lier cent waEn Incroune neemed tlio focal point of'dlsocrremenL

    Oil Measure Given Favorable Report

    W a s h in g t o n ; May 2b nNCTON. Del,. May ■ilJlJ — A preliminary Injunc wan denied the government todoy In Its suit npalnst the Wolrton Steel company. The {;°vcrnmenl contended the steel company violated tbc collective barf'ulnln}; provlnk)M of the NRA. .

    JudRO John P. Nlelda. who ILitened to four days of testimony

    what wai heralded as a tent IV of the conntltutlonallty cif

    Roonevelt recovery measures, handed down the decision In thn '..S . district court. . *

    Claim Coert-Jon

    The frovemmenfs case. prcBont- ed ‘by James Lawrence Kly and former Juilsfi F'nink T. Ntbek.

    ba.ied on charjres that c ecutlve.i of the steel company

    :cd" employes to Join a so- d company union. ' which Ittl their . rlRhts to make i ! and independent chalce oi

    reiyenentatlven to ba r^ ln col- !octivcly with (he mannRcmcnts."

    Company attorneys pointed oui that 80 per cent of the employe; of the mllla TOted for the "employe -r«pr«ientotlon"--pIan - and ■;iuit only a small pcrccnlapc ' :he workment were members the Amalpimated Aasoclatlon

    ' fiumrier Wellca. nsaiatant serrc- tar^ state, who haa been ScUve .Ini.thfl necollatlona With Cuban ArtihM»ador Dr, Manuel Marques •atirllnff, ja l‘1)»tHlement would t« Uw j«J_at the; be'sufficient ti state departmenl after alRnlnp of • .

    _____ .w .. •-"tSe-?ac1( . NAVA!'. WERO DVmO

    ™ a h i ? l ^ ^ ^ 8 ^ t “ t t s ^ n aa .TOICIO; Muth, 20flLri-Admlral ik)JsW«'wllh-the Uopa-that favor-,HctocWro'.Toco. Japan’s grenteflt f*i« action on ratification by Lhal.navfli hero.'.aank Into a coma to- ibody' miiy take place durinp th j dny on,hi* deathbed In his lllHi* ptcaent teaslon. - ■ ................... r the Imperial palace.

    Country Doctor Thlnlu Five Tiny Mites May A ll Survive To Prove Age of Miraclca Isn ’t Past .

    Sweelby Prcscnti Petition

    Include Fo«r Blocks ;

    Asks Tanlc Btin

    a briefTxvin Falls city CO neatlon lait evenlntr.Thursdoy ot 7;30 p, rnlnn to a petition by K. M. Swci- ley, former ctly nltomcy. request- Inj; the Inelunlon of four additional blocks In Uie flre-sone dlatrlcl. They are blocks numbered H.'i. Ho. 1B< and 153,

    He wafl spokciimen for n croup of 23 tilRners to the petition which iirsed the Indunlon of th.- tilocks In tho preiient flre'llmltfl, and al nuBRe.ited that' the ordinance r lutln;: to ntorace tanka be amendi

    I to pi'cvent the erecUon. operation

    I plant lo Rock lYiadtt-ny c.’ctcndlnR Park, failed to cor ' B, Ilirclay In dlat yesterday that It. w.irninted. The rc

    The hlifhw.ay dislrlcl, tlinmcli n. M. Swecley und .M. J, 8wivli-y. .tlcmtyii, had iiouKht the orvler in i/rounda tluit the drain pipe k’aii loaklnir. and that the «Iati'

    tojburcau of hlRhways would not proceed With eon»triicll«n ot a rciad until the pipe wna rllbrr

    !r.‘mnved or Its use dlncontltuii-.l. Twin J'allfl city offlclal.n. had-fa;V ed lo act on request of the hlch- waydlntrlct to make .tome other proviKlon about the nlpe. until afler adoption of ILi 103-1-35 np-; proprlatlon bill In June. |

    Coatllctlnt; lesHinoay was p:c- .(jenleil at the henrms yestcMay. John a. Hayes, city mKlm-cr. (Continued on Tajfc Column ■

    Dlonr hisII of

    Oliva, bom In the anmc child- !b«J. siHi wch! .nUvc .lodiy, proving to l̂octors that the.age of . miracles Is not past.

    Dr, A. n . Dafoe, a, country doctor, kept the tiny miles of humanity alive and felt thot perhaps liiey might Ml pull Uirouffh. ' • C

    Mrs.. Dionne,2U-year-old,waa already the mother of six. children, when nature surprla- Inffly enlarged hot- family by five. The quintupliibi were bom wrly yesterday, one, of Ihn

    very few cases reeonled In medical science where all }>ables survived for more Uinn n few minutes,

    T>r, Da/oe pave ns much at- . tcntlon to the mother as to the babies, the larcest wo'EhlnR three pounds, four ounces, the two smallest, two pounds and four ounces when wclchwl together. Tho combined weight- of the five at b'lrth wan 13 pounds, alx ouncc.!.'

    The father etlll seemed startled. He didn't Icnow how he would provide for hla family. but felt sure God would provltlo a way.


    Action was defem-d on motion of. Mayor Duncan McD. Johnston. PAIIIS, May 20 ilM:i-A dcf- who plated that the Covey OH and j inlto .swlnp toward at lenst par- Gas company, a new-firm Which .tlal pjyment of rmnce’s JS5,000.- has asked prrmbslon to ' erect.OOO June 15 War debt lniit^»lm«nt jrasollne tanka wlUiln thn area dc- lo th« United States was shownflii«d.'woukl bf nrttlflcd of th< plaint. He said the n-UD, 111., May »20 il’.lli—.Norman Thomas In. dls- k-iisted with IlllnoLi hosplLillty but he reltcratfil today, after clearln»: tear jjas from his lungn and eyi-.i, that h*- la do- ternilnc'l lo complete a sched- uird npenklng tour.

    The dynamic Socialist loader wa.n routed from a rontrum by tear gas last night the second time In six days that hlii ineetlnpi have l>e«n disrupted by .violrnce.

    lie was npi-aWng last nSght to 1,200 persons when a crude, h o m e - m ad e bomb hurtled

    ■ through an open wlnikm-. Its explosion sent men, women and_

    "children shrieking, and fispliiK from the hall.

    Thomas was not among the last Wllneaaea nald he reached open nlr only slightly behind Wwln Copeland, one of hW nudlence. who leaped from a w in d o w and fracturcd a shoulder.'

    M i B M

    M O M I I -Fi/rht Against World Ban’ By

    Placing- Drastic Limit

    On Import Trnile

    UKftUN. May 2f d'Hi-Klght- K for economic and financial ability against a. world boycott ’

    by-J isE .' u i r ' Dr.---:' '

    WUllam meBtock-i-.iliht.-fbrj life ' Dgaloft-tlie.- ■vea^ ct - » Bpider.|oatlauB(l.lodaj,Jl^(t ' a fte r I t Jp4* ,home Dt brao(Mdr;-70;ttif^^>iiV .from "hc^ti'oa. tho

  • Pago Tw6 IDA H O EVENING TIMES, TWIN EALLS, IDA H O'Tii.-wlny.-jrjiy i l l . JUW

    u m m^ARiPROPOL

    ' OlinuLXCa Geneva Parley W ith

    Offer to'Out Navy, Join

    Mtfnitions Blockade

    - (Coattou*on*c 10 wamlngi of Impcndlajr dajiRcr ■of war and to 80S appeals for aid, frona threatened itatcs,. i

    ••It Btwuld aKnlonn. In tlK- dim tliinuw u uniouldiTliic ln'up on tl floor. Smoke wmi rUlni; fro - ‘ • ippeiirrd l < i ^ « p||o .tlebri-1.


    natlnr 1 tlK-

    JUuimujwrn CuUcd Cilpt. Johrv I>. Ilannuivicn, Tivln

    FallH. hau been ucldetl to tin- li.-ii oi rcJren'

    ■lopmentlf of its Cdlonbil empire, le third larj;c,it In the world.

    J?orlugaL-Wlll-prcseal—from-June lo Si.'ptenTlwr u NMlnnnI Colonla: E.xhibltlon. It has bern announced *ere by the National Geographic Society,

    I ’oriugal. the mnnl ancient of uul colonizing countrlea of

    Rurope. ha-1 t>3U,:il-i aguare mlle.'i of coIonieiTln Africa and A.niii.

    ily Brll •ire qutl


    Only Britain and t ’raace pcuae/i: allying cal nporljmien, dl.ieoverlng

    that cavle;< will rout hunnie-t when sent into llielr biirrowii, uu\ In u fjuandry over whiil old John Uf.v thinks about such hunting. So Joe Walker, of Or.-mwlch, near here, a drpuiy game pro- lector. h;ui been anked for a ruling- . ^

    St. Louis PicksOpera’s Chorus

    ST. l.OUia 'r.l;i v- From hun- drc-d« of appllcant,i. directors of the Municipal Opera have neiecl-' ed more tluin 100 pn '̂tpecllve ,$ ^n ia glrb and men iil tryoulii

    T'-Ĵ e opera hi lo opea June -1 and continue until Aiigunl 3a In the outdoor araphlthcatcr in Fur eat Park here.

    When the opera opens It will bt the ICth ne.i.wn for the elabor.itc prcsenlallon/i, ,

    J. J. Sluibert of N'w York wli iigaln thin wa;K)n be i:ie protluc-

    J ikIbc B.trcl(iy •^efuiies- Plea

    k'but'in ! Injunction i in Drain

    iiu rea ij Leakage CaseI Thurn- j ^ ______

    i adtiliiim to belni' Itose Cough- [ ' ‘Continued from Pago One)!\ grand-danghtcr yoiini; r„m- ‘ ''''‘■••mli.ng lhal thc^kplpe wan no he Krand.daughlrr of thu Intel'’"' nuL-umco claImM by the high

    Arthur Johnjion, on her mother’.-i 1 . dL'itrlct, whoao prlncipa .‘lide. Many acrrrn fana win remeni-'" IU5Cii-'> waa J, u. Slnema, en bc-r the Imiidjiotiie Ulograph pliiy.;r lllneer.aa -Mary I'lckford'n fir il leading,' J'xlire Jwrclay,. Jeriime, wa. iiiiin. • 'called In lo hear.Die caae aflc.

    "Flnl.'dilng Scliool" i.’i a dnima'-ludge W. A- Habcock dliiquallfied laid In a fa-iliional)le glrl-^-'Ixiardlng 't'lniself. Ijtlng a alockholdor In achool, Franc.;--i Uee. Ginger Hog- 11‘e Tv.’in KaiI.i Canal .company, era. Ulllle Burke, Bruce Cabot lire -m Inteniited parly in the cojie featurnl, ' ■Ix'caui.c of the |>o;i;ilblUty at U

    .♦ * + ♦ idrain wilier being diverted lo

    Gable-Harlow Next j‘As Idaho FeatdrelJ'!

    Till- Iilaho thc'iiter prrsent/i f< tho liiiit tlmea today Klchanl I5a thelmeiia In "A Mode "Jenn Mlllr, Added;

    Big Clly K

    DIJFFALO, N. Y, (r.Ri-FrancLi A, Crundall. -curator ut the De.ia- ware ParlJ aoo, l.s up In iirm.̂ a):alani fkvme "pracllcal jokern." wlio nro,endangering the liven of nnlmal-i. ul the .Buffalo Zoo. '

    So-called ••irlck.'i" played on the anlninLn during the pa.it few nonth.1 Included:Tlirt>wlng u nlce big Juicy steal:

    o Qucenle, the polar U-ai olirr being Ijy t the choice in'iM VMnliiVneii lour three-inch iturgeon fliih-hook.i. Crandall roa- :usd the iilenk Just as Queenle w.-ia'about to masticate 11.

    TlM-loi 111 Cniidy A liirgc chocolate bar War.

    tliiown into the monk«-y»' cage,- The little anlniahi tnlffcd it and wnllced away. Inveatlgat on dia- cloiied 11 carpel tucks t nbeddeuthu, worJ> und eventual.! rf)Ck in lliir V

    gni;-.ing ;

    lat Htoi . aand an pliiy ivllli her, udoplrd non, Peter. H

  • 'turw.tny. May 29, lOSl-*"rPAHO EVENING TOreS. T 'l™ F A U A ID A H g Ihrrf

    » f lN | M C I Si r P L A E C M


    W illing; to Give Jimmy Second

    B o u t; Ooaonlulon W antj

    Lishlweight Fray

    By JACK CUDDV-y£iRK..^y-ae-0Mih—

    TJsmcy/ Itou, Uie ^irsl man la TtaC Wslory \o wear almuiuu' coualy the world Itglilwclglil imd ■wcllepwelgbt • crowna, wondurcJ Whfth UUo to defend flrat.

    Tho liuiniin tommy-Kun fred»loa The flpllt deelBlon fueled dlB-

    Bi.Ustactlon in the MclAmln camp. Judge Harold Darne.i voted for iRoM, glvuifc Barney • 11 rounds; ZlcLamin jru , nnrf twc

    • even. Jodga Tom O'Rourke b:i1- Jotcd for Jimmy, giving the Irlah- miui Rltte rounds; ItoM one, unm«- |>a])cr. ril ti'll you liv up thi; clutja." Joe

    rcpllwl, ‘Utuliir.'m Ilf c.-ttlnj; - n

    from Al Schnch!, Chr rioj impi-r from ihe hold mitn,

    Joe ii!iy/i:

    » in .' l̂utiip


    of thf T. amliilTi;.' !

    new It wan the Kin;; tin- I -I IllM ry,-, oil lllril. Ji !iail lo l.c Uii- Kill):, In-

    a 'lilvi r

    DiKiiirM'd iuigrrou%

    nrxiwns: Good liiJiitlln;,' • tram nil ciipuble pKclilng. unil ,teller In Hcm.'iley who seem ivc come Into hia own »-'i u i

    UurnaUy luis tcRsn fCt;lH.lni;.■ WTilte Sox: Renewed (iplrlt der DyUca untl cnjiablo vi giving any team a hatllo. Cum.'U;\cUs of liimflhaw and Lyona giving teiim pitching for flrat time thla aea-

    Athlrtle.i: Liick of jilti'ilnjr Ihandlcapa A'/i. but they have a '• ill club built for Shibc p.trk,

    nking them- tough at liujiie, (Connie Mack i/i tiilll experlment- |ing after nclling lilii vcU-ran stnrn.

    Seaatnm Will Impruv.

    Wanhlngton: Warm weather UvUl Improve our \Vc liiwe' - • of seaiioncd -IkiII .jilnycr:'.

    ■ will î ct iiettur ttK the .nice Koefl on. W c lulvc iiiauAce,

    Bring Washington Tcajii tO;—pflvl tiiut means- u lot in a eloae


    F inal Two Conference OJashcs.

    MacLcftn' F ie ld

    m m mm i l SCHEOUI

    Officialfl Pavo'r. Cutting 1034

    Play In to Two Bounds as

    Int(rr.cst Bpilr •

    UNIVERSITY OP Id a h o ! Moa- - >vv. ,Mny 2,') fS/>ccJnJ;—0«ieJj Rich J-'0X'S-1£I34 ete In a p(«itponed gnmp, 3r. to 0. With Bfvcn wlna nnd ;dv JoJisen, Idaho I'lt prenent holda tEc high- cat percentage it haa booatcd In tia«cball for neveml yfinrii.

    Monday's game apiinat W. S.' C. wna the deciding gnnic of Ihb year'll licriej. Idaho having won one and Innt one nijaln.'it tJie Cougarn. Wiudilhgton O e fe n te d Rich Fox'* me ntwlce n t Seattle.

    Balling overagcB ror the aix gamen prcceillng yciilenlny nhow

    en regulars lo he h i l l i n g .100 better with l>«s Albee. Oiim-

    eii. lending the Vanilalu with a • ilthy overage of ,uell. Hla lack the'ninth week with Ibo-Loa A of. ftccuracy and Baraey’a apeed icelea Angels so far ahead rinlymodc-Wrri aeem' wild-throiigbout tli«.-br».wL . .lO a their'actual fighting—omit-

    tlpe-.penalUca-the- United Prew •Mro . ahcet credited 'McLamln'

    - wldj-^fl^n-rouadarRoM-nve and thrce.even.- Thl* reeord wwi baaed w ;A r c I ,a r n In 'a •aggreaalvoneM throughout:’ hla • harder punching, and scoring the fireator mimber of -'blow*. A amaahlng hooJr- to Barney* jaw opened tTie-aawlon. Three.more followed to the'came

    r L-'.'nven Jimmy 'apun out of rf trte-ahirt. ^aO . -acujined Rom

    with 'ttaothor left hook to " ]ftWi forcing Baraey to hang

    Amailng - Roily.Bamcy'a. amaitap rally In'the

    JOUj^waa one ot the hlghllgbta of the tatUe. Ho threw every ounce ot hh 237'ii pouMdi inU-a punch- u>g 4ximbardment' that had tiie li2«pound Irljbraan floundering. ;Tho' ralllc fund, promolera.: wi--

    noutieed 'that' toUl -attesdance -waa'45,000. with'30,008 paid ciia- loJucM who eontrMjiited lo a total p ie 'Of-: 9W.S3P^7.7AfUr Male and .'federal tax**-wtro taken'off, tba-aet-'waa »Ifl3.7l2.71. "Of this the 'mUk fimd received (10,371.20: McUmln.- -Me,eM.fto,-aad - Ross *86,835.38. ,/ n o Garden bowl, with a capaN

    clly Of 70.000 wtM Bot acld cut/ 4)ut • It was the . biggest figbt erff^-aad biggest gate for'any' bout tialwaeo. "littlo’-'-men-alaea' Ujo MMnd l«)nard-Tendlcr match In 1023. ,

    vej3t their r c t ^ ’ing the'ehiimp^i.

    'I ’w.ilUl- (M c h ) Beuuier. S..t- tie. pilot'.whose team w-on fivegamM.la»t-woek-/rora-Onk!am}.*i3Bald to be among the foremost nd- rocatat of a plan Co tflvWo the aea-

    I'son Into'two.parts. Support has been found among other league officials while Loa Ahgelea, nuiunU- ly. Is prcteatlng against any.octlon of that nature.' The AnreU carried ’ their 10- I game lend Into a eerJee Btartlflr today with the Hollywood Star*, third-place ciub.. In other nerlea, tho MIm Iou Redo

    nnd tho San Francisco Seals pl»y at San- Francisco; Sacramento movM o n . ^ ^cattle. oncJ.OUdand plays at Portland.'' < « .

    Y E S T E R D A Y ’S

    H E R O E S ;

    By Uulua TVavla Jaekaon. Clant^-^iispal;

    of homera won b double headerWnd Dill HalU taS -

    Wanked the-r-hiUW-to place-theleagiie icaS.

    'Earl Averlll, -Indians — drove “O.me-.wlJiniaff run ' ta lOUj cn-

    ni?JnUla (eigu*

    Ray Steele PinsMidweatern Foe

    KANSAS' CITY, Mo.. May .W--Riiy Steele, Glendale. Cnllf..

    defeated . Orville Brown. WulliiCc. lOin.: 13d WJUte, E>nporlu. lOin.. de/c«{cd Ff?m;c Sexton, Colum-, bus, 0.; George-Znharittn, Puobli Colo,, dcfcaUd lOirl Duvin, Nci York city; Fred IJctcroon, Holt, Mt>,. rtefcatc-, Hut ;iay. To

    i!>oul ‘ Ilia; two.lK>i).eif you

    ‘old litily ! an.l i;et It today. If I c gomm grl II In tli.--n>

    I-utur. when I i--c..vi the Mliiick and left II iiiy Kill): w.ifi tiiUli

    Vtn :,t the- towiT j; dor.en olluT Kln ;̂.., of the guan! nn t out lo be. wiTc- lioat the iTniundii plcUln; i.tomplng out eUriu and showing Mr, J/ertjc-rt Tomplc'ns Fall.'i the r.iom whr litlie j>rince.i. ’'Cii-l

    vi-red fnini the plaer, » Up llelc-

    6 0 L f

    Box Scores< -Southrm Idalio Ix^ugun


    Smai ' i S'̂ l i D , atom I1 o p ^ e n t Ment Market ^o ne

    SpUTH BEND. Ind. nii:i_Tho first- Notre Dame lnterachola.Hici Imck and field meet ror Catholic high schools will bo held hero June 2,

    Invitations have been ' sent lo 300 acliool.i throughout tijc try.

    The went will be similar to tho Interscholastlc meet which -wn* held annually at Stngg Field, Chicago, for o^venu years. U |j be Ing BponsoreJ by Jolin P. Nicholson. veteran Notre Dame University track ^oach,- who hopes lo make the-'meei on minual affair.

    The rfrogram will bo comprised of five? running cvenla. two hur-l die raccfl,.'sb(; fleW events and a' haJf-mlle relay.

    AH Arc Rccords All martta-made la the moot

    will be-regarded an natwnal Catholic pri!p records alnce no official rccorda now exist, Nicholson said,

    Partlclpantfl w ill be gueata-of the university from noon June J

    ) noon-June*?, sleeping in the .jhool dormltorlca. which will have been •vacated by graduating neniors, nnd, eating In the acbool dining halla.

    Winnere will' receive p r im and WUI be gucata n t- a . champions’ banquet. • •

    INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., May .. il!!’)—Frcil, Frame. l/>a Argele.i, J032 winner of Ihr .'iOO-milc Memorial day race, ulruck the inKido relainlnft will yentcniay «Uiclo loumuy.’’ It was na* Mini-rd by Dick Oliion.Oompii!ie iicori-a In Sunda/ailn* ■r-cliib iiuilvheH, rcaulta of which ■'■rr announced in the Kvcnbg lnu-;i ye.ilenlay. wcre.rclcnacd to- ly. Rupert, Cjinyon Crest and

    I’-uhl ranl(ealI 'Hli.rWhA . . ■ «ilmied''Jlm ’Atlai^.’ tiem rta

    NA’nONAL LEAGUE• • w. l ;

    St.' LouU ..............22 1.1IPlttaburgh ......... ,20jNow York ..........22Chicago Boston

    . R'ouo, above,' Ueiioalta, nie«;drh-er,,rocentn'''cot

    mWrJed. .The Uttlo .vvoonn.n^, b0 Jn d » ctalul-hiollsit fqr-blmT.' to u-ln tbo t in t loOlAoapoUa OOChmlte autombllo ’m-eat aba

    1 8 PORTi , For. Men md Women " jj OPPOHITK>BRRl>'K‘ HO’re i. ;■ 'f. f MUOBS g

    D 0 m in o Cigarettes ■. ■SPECIAL!

  • ■ TOAnO EVENING TIMES. TW IN PALLS. IDAHO ...... T,uuJa>v-iInj-.-20,_iaiL-___


    Wirt B-Tvlic ll .'These are not questions tliat can be answered off- ..•hahd.'They need a £;reat deal of .study; and it is highly regrettable that the men immediately con- COTcd are conducting a j)ersonal argimient with one another.;and calling eacli other’s motives into ques- tioni-'when an unbiased and detailed examination 'of these issues is very badly needed.'• But, m-the long inn even'such a determination of

    ...thg, facts-will, not be enough.-For in'the end the -g’cqûe'to.'be taken must depend on the go.M which --̂ihetriMjorily-wanls to reach—and wc-don’t-scem-to

    lia'y;e'.made yp our minds'as to what th'at goal shall ;-be.;. ; , . •

    ’'We'haven’t.'jtliought our way through the N R A problem,̂ et, in spite of the fact,that the NR.\ Ik bê ;in:̂ tencoTiearly a vean.. smoother;-and̂\iore efficient industri;

    'of;,course—we''\varit mo'ht.jobs, higher wage ibettpr profits,-and -mTich le.ss uncerUiinty. BiliNw

    . :havGn-̂igiired nnich Tarther than that. * J - ; Before Uib'-'NRA can function properly, we ŝ ll ■Jiayiij down and .decide e.xactly >v]i«t 'sofTof blertd'of 'dompetition and monopoly we'are siioouHg

    'we do, squabbles like the j)resent (/ne will continue to arise—̂and thev won’t be verv instnic-

    CiiAlTEU X X I:PJfB cfrcuti waa-cn routo to

    Orlcnns ntid nil tho pflTIormt :cro InaUIni: forwnr.l to tho we 1 1)0 upent them. It wiuj wlit n'n iioiinMjf ntipnt tlin winter ci a linil mnnr (rlrnda In tlie cltr. It leant n chnnuo (fo'" 1‘ullnmn m

    wlio could

    arJIiiK lioiODia t 0 10 liotcls nnJ

    :imrn cli'atlfi) or ninlilns nuvr one >r tlio opniiliip Ihcra In NnnlitUlo Cou lia«. -It's bad liiclc!“ ulio wnllod.

    yellow .la Ind luck.lOtlcM orWo'll

    IIo Iniittl

    Mr cltlM und I r

    oli-Q will led nt tier Duperslltlon. Hbout notlcoa ciny way yellow null In nil th<

    ncd tlifllio Iknral til slio Dliould be I tlioy playeil iruKKlo for 8U

    ind ben.ni

    mar be.uii Orlennn. Tli aey between mnnnl/lcenL Dny nftcr iiiro cat would l>o drlren li nrcnn wlioro Can fnced I I. Slio would nnnri dollanco croueb na IIiolkU to sjirlnc.

    ;k ot hlti whip, nlio awnr until her rors^ .1 cnialion-iwiratloi

    for tho cominc cclcbratlon, Jul; 3, i iind 5, The numerous deLilI; In conoectlon with the bli; cvi-n ri'rreo aliop. ,Tfio eliy wan new .md Inlerfntlnt: I her nnd nfli-r hrciikt.iiit nho waiv MCd down towarda the rlrcr. The

    olij K/-cnct) market iv.ri lecnilnc rlth llfo imd ahfl ntnnil for some- Imo watchluR colored wnuion liar, alnlnn for.iliili and rnlii and tliiy

    nhrlmp. j{or maiiKoey V;

    1 youl

    ted lilni mtll ntic rcariitd i

    I hear you' mal net now. ,tl blR ntar bitched up think n i eomo out acL Mcbbji you'll do an extra turn, knowlnn I'm In tho Budlcnco."

    ' I ’erhnps I will," Slio nttompted to tftiiRli llrhtly, and inado n ninii toward tho doorway, but he moved moro quickly and blocked the cjIU

    "Maybo you and your buabnnd wlJl bare aupper wUh mo after, wnrd?” ho nnecred.

    t i ’ou keep nwny from-'Con. If you don't—"

    •'You'll whnliy'I'll—n i biivil you ftrre3tnlenienl of llcm iifflclnl. and he can

    It IM C............ .. ....an to rxph.ln- tlu- rf

    rnntidentlal Wfetiri>: the prfit-'i. Thill Jrili '

    • '.?h .lay for th.' .liy lb,x̂plaim

    • The name llilnj,' ifcvpiieiiln;: iii reinxnl to Ihla le(;l;ilalln nn on (he bill. In ttir cn l̂. It wtljKo Om/VK'b ileiipllu t:ie ol>Jectl,m;i oI manWauturcrn' orBunlzalionn.

    The WaKTicr Wll oppoidllon win mlKled to Mr, Itooncvelfn nn- ii.uiiicenienl that he wan Kolnf: t" nend, conm-nii ft apccliil mr!i.'iaj:i;

    I!o lold nyrn̂ilauon,llc Mooi- Ix.i'h view to action n « l .'lea idon. Tluit w«ul" well nil t-ie txni|ilio Inflation bill and the Me- I^ iil bank bill payo.T,• At no,llm^

    eriKl intci' a

    lai. of the to tlie

    ed of jiljmnlnK, vtn},' awnltene’“Xo iiee~3ilirr

    repila .t-fnr-all.... .-luch a race anyone.:ui of fltneaa. may wp the n atlon. We hope fervently ipiiljle of Klvlni; a stwd adm!

    trallon. will he in the rtnab.Let I . pray. .

    Tho world'n mo?it iKiwerfiil llt;hllioii.M- l;i lix-aled at Ca])!' Kl-

    ;nt. PorliiKal.

    [xiri of the ?»allon!

    mviri undfi Ined -e

    intended.•cear the i


    hua been ot (;nin;i

    ippointment/i.- Al- ;itcn!ilbly apjwlntincntn

    ..........ncrlt iiyiitcm, It chanjeJ.nclually they allll nr^ used widelyUM.-n.TBiilcliv-of.patn^niijje, ..

    The report nald that Piintmas- ler General Kiirley "'had not her nls-

    Mra. Trunlet^Guycr In Altoonn.. Mrn, N ina Rllf>y ia epondinB , her vacatlon wllh hrr fnlhtr'and other relntlvcn in Klrknvlllc, Mo,, where aUe will be Joined, by her dauKhter, Mln.i Alene micy.'.and Mlm Rleen Trenhalle haa Rone to ’ norlljeiuit Ncbrafllta to vbll -rMa- .

    I llveti for nix wcokn. ''.

    IJ>TS US OUT' (C,-iIctii'e» Newn-Trlbune}Uay McKalir baa finally made

    up l;ia mind, Me'a a itepiibllcnn. In fact, he'n Kolnff to try to fro to conRre.n.1 In the second dlntrict as a Iteplibllcan.

    Ah. well, We're Riad he finally niannf,'.-d lo Itlentlfy hlmaclf politically. It muat be a aatlnfaction lo hlr.i to have a political label

    .pinned on. him after, nil 'Ihene uncertain ytar.-t.

    JJuf If MdCnlR Is Republican, n lot of folkfl we have UiouRht to bo menitxira of the wr«cic of the Grand Old Party muat be oranRC elephanla or pink hippopotami. They certainly piibllcan.-".

    lot be Re.

  • ■;~Po«e'nvo—


    Telling of naUvea no nuptrtU- tloua Uuit one of tbcn< ilaru.nol build a betUr bufthan nnoUitr for rear ofevll apirtU. and of tt nmnll Kiri who converlcU n whole tribe of hftUvca.,l!lM C^id'Cross, mla- nlonftryfrom Bojit Africa, Ulktd lo an all dny mecUnx pf 'the Wo- Incn'a Foreign MUfllonary n^lely ot the M«hodlflt chun;Ii. MornJny. She ftlm drew a word picture of Uie tcrfll>!e. lack of RonllAtlon and dfjnllnsa« tnJontr Ue naUvej. The

    -- lattrtitf ttimtrUrt!! forctd-n-tTUrach'-Ihjr^dTth? mlralnniiry.wprk'bbt the

    •native wcrlterii arc dolnjr a grcnt, rteal.vof wnvcrtlnff. • among the tribe*'ncwinJiOB'to MUa Cross,

    ■ Anotiier IntarcsUng speaker was Mrs.-H. E.'Woolevcr, nallonalretary of.l^'e aoolely; who compared, the branchpfl of the Hoclcty to those of a banyoa tree, which frrow

    - C a le nd a r-

    Mentor club will meet Wed- ncftdiiy iiftcmoon nt the country homo of Mm, C, H Smith. -

    Tlv'^bamroclt club will meet Thursdny afternoon, May 31. nt the home of Mrs, Robert Qruce. The meetlnfr will be in honor o£i tho pmndmotiiers of Uie club. I

    The Youni; Murrled Pcoplo'n _c,l(iiu« 5t,.ilhc ■ CJirlstlna church wHryu»iir-a-stntwl3cny-rwtlTal- today ut 7:30 p. m. In Hormop park. All membcra nre ur{;e6 present

    .. n and tAlio root and form trcci which continually spread. She dlacunaed every part of the worJcin-.{jdef «nd compJImenteJ the mU/ilonB on Uielr irplcndld worki

    After tlie momlnir sfMion luncheon won .lerved with Mni. William Uaker In charije 'of the dlnlnj: rooro.' which wno deconitcd with llChted tnpcra and ronen In bud •vniten,

    SpcClnl muAle. wna, heitnl at the afternoon epMlpn.


    rnvlntlona to attend the pIcnJc to be held Prldny of Ihla week have

    .been,laaueU.to,nil.parent# of children attending tJie Dally Vacation Bible flchool of. tho, Pr'eabyterian church. Tho picnic, will follow t flpcclal program of mjiale and me mnry ' work. Handlcm tt/ raffia- emft, manual training rtvnd oth?i work of the children wll) be on ex

    , hlblL . /Tho Enrollment noMl/otnln 107

    pupils. Offlcern of thit/jichool are J; I?, Bamhitrt. au r̂lntcndenl; Mr/t.JcAilc Huatcecn realdcntn of Holllater for IS years.

    Out of town gueata were Mr. ami Mra. DeWltl Blnnltcnshlp and family. Buhl. Mr. and Mrn. Bert Mort nnd Mr. and Mra. Fred Ulppe, Twin FftJls.


    Miss McOpy W ill Prcsido a t

    H om ing Session in Idaho

    .FftUs Next Week

    • Mbs IzctU McCoy, Twin F.illa, second vice iresldenfof the Idaho Stnte FedctnitUin of nu.iine/is and- Profcaalonifl-,women, will preside ot the Tuesday morning aeislon of the alittc convention at Idaho mils, which, opens Sundoy evening, Memtwra-of the faculty of

    liranch, Pocatello, will 'apeak on aoclal and economic queationa of the present diiy a l this 'meeting.

    The’ day's program will open with a booster for tba 1035 tlonnl convention at Seattle, Includes a home products lunetti con at noon, lo which members eluhJi are lnvlloKV. mV :o IV held Sunday n

    Social Club Holds ' Annual Guest Day

    m iH U 'M ay 21̂ (8pecL-i«-The

    week In tiio Duhl clly park. Uur- Ing the short buslneaa meeting ucommittee compoaeell.und Mra. Son-n Jennrn wrrcl-Tcn Pupifs Listed npix>]nted to work on tJjc pro/^ram' for the new year iKMik, The remainder of the nftemivin was ̂ pent .toctally. 'Tho club Indlca ner\-ed lunch tf> their gue.iu nt the cl'w ' of till-meeting. The next me

    HiKh'Lnurels Grotip for F inal

    Six, Weeks .

    Surprise of Friends Is- Birthday Party

    WntTWCtr.'^Iav-M- fSpoclnl)-•A group of •friemli.tr^ic.a aur-

    prlae pariy-'roV Mrs, Lloyd Oavls Thursday'evening In honor of her 'ilrlhdnv. The evening waji spent In dancing and plnochlo., Refrea^- menta were aervcd at the dote of ■‘i" evening.

    Thoao pre.ient were .Mr. nnd Mrs, nnall Lems and family, Mr. ond Mra. D, Drnke and family. Mr, luid Mra. Joe Cummins, Mr. and Mrn,Lewi* Bomnon\ Mr. nnd Mra,Friinh Egbert; Mr, nod Mra. Ifow- nnl Klelnkopf and famllv, Mr. and Mra. Clause Clau/wn, and the Mlaa- ra Anna Slevena, Virginia McKar- tnnd, Genevieve Rowley, and Jnck Slevena. Rob Andemon. Roy Moth-crahe4>d nnd Mr, and Mra, DavLi ] Oiimer. .Melvin Cruwell, Wiildo

    a famlly,_ ._ • _ harrt!!. CcorKO . Haycork, MnryKatherine linnks, Fredrick John.

    tabernacle.Prnludc wa.'i playrd by 'the h'gh

    .icJwol stringed fjuartct, followê J by the Invocation by K.irl L>-ons. The addrtsii.of Weleoi'ilc wna glv-.CD__fcy— DoaaJJ—J t̂altitcHVT ̂TJ/tmixed choruii ann,7 nnd, the following ppr.vins lalkeii; Jean Camphell, Mclvin Oruwrll and LaVcrn Schmidt. Tlic valedictory addrcs.1 waa j:lvcn by Jack Gar* ner. A niano aolo and a reading rallowerc'sonlci| the

    ■ thi' I bedThis 'w.’ill be the annlverajiry mrrt- Ing and new iifficera will be rlpcl-’ "''"''^"’':^' ■'>' rd for tho coming year.

    Table Decoration®' Discussed ^^^iClubUUHL.. May-2'9,-(fi^to>i-Mra,

    It, R, Oranndn ^ v e it profitajn on -Table DeComUona for-Hom# Kn- tcrtalnlng" a l the Mentor clulx mrellng WednrmlAy..a£temoon. nl Uu' home of Mrii. Emil I^rdewlck.

    Uuring llio bualneaa moc'Ung the fnll(^lng new offtcern were elect-!

    ).-.l; Jirrflldrnl. Mrs.. Martin >JlIler: vltc: president. Mrn. OorOor^ Cold- llmiiUf: ai'cretftry-treoaurtr, ■ Mra, Unvrrnce Vun,Rip*r.: ^

    Tlio next meeting-, which y il l be ini' i.isi before the..lumrocPtrcceAi. will with'a covered vl.nltwlth relatives and friends. •

    Mlsa Lillie Hestbfck and Ml.w DorlJt Sronnon rrtumnS lo nchnai in Salt Lake City after vbltlng with their parents here.

    CL.\sa OIVE.S DANCK BUIUJ-TV, May 20 (Special) —

    The Junior Prom was given st the Palm Ganlens Friday nl/rht. The claaji members in charge

    Arlen Tnylor. Jeanne Oaa- tnmblde. Liston Frcnistad. I.ee Wright. Hm'ey Stewart, and

    InhcriUi *10,000 from the estate Oraham Daven. The drcorntlons nnd, prognww' were In the co}on of the two claaaea, Patron.i nnd 1̂ll

    ot hla brct^er. the late Emeal E. Reed, nnd Ernest Tandy Reed, ofTw.-ln'-ra31s.-nephcw of-the.dc* cedent, recclvea J5,000. according

    the terms of the will offered for probate In surrogBtis court here today. .

    The testator, who .was former president of tlie Emeiit 13. Recif Co,, textile merchanlii. died at

    home, 302 West 80th street, ... March 23, leaving an estate formally dMCrjbed tui being "ov?r

    Former Baslietball I' The ■ widow recelvea sioO.OOO,.

    Team-Honw-s.Bride S i ' S , ‘‘;;;id‘’"a%̂ uiĥ r̂Inherits certjiln specific Jewelry and the ether half of the residue. Other ' bequests total more than J75.000. . . . .

    nnd Mrs, George K. Denman, Mr.and Mra, Lorin l./eivia, Mr. andMrs. Scony Henderson, and Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Brown.

    ,wjn.' Druellla I-'erne Johnson. Arthur Judd. Aflon Knight, ni'irl Dean- Lyons. Pearl l-iin>on. Don- nld ,Mn{(hr;s'.\ Ooorge yui'cn, Fern Olsen, (.JKinn Ptipraon, Camilla Prlcc, ‘Amy Marie Ihe.i- c(>il. ICvelyn Roberta, IjiVern .Schmidt. IJIIte" Smith. Alton H, Snow, nnd Claron Tmmpson.

    Mii.xini- iiiTry, J>iriithra Kill- meyer. Rji«.- Kuci'ra, I'.dna I. liman. ilclly I.uiilo. Caril.' .Mil-

    irshop acle. Lorraine I’alniiT, Jm ir Pro- . 1, Ev'clyn I’nidcli, AlIro* Itai'.

    gave the invocation. The hCjh Dg. Smp- erl;w>n, .Miirijanc .'ikllln'ii, Murirl ture was read by Rev. CharlM M. Smlth.wn, Vivian’ Swigir. Oi>:il Reed, pastor of the First Melh-- Wciisllng, Juno Wlllcjiiiui. oiibit church, followed by a voclil Mra, Klcaiior Van Jloul.'O, prin- nolo by Helen Srague. clpiO of tlie Huhl Juiiinr liljjh

    Tlie 'baccaluureajc uermon wan school, hiiji iinntninLol the follnw- givcn by Rc< H, J, Reynolds of Ing stuilcntii wJio Had in-rfccl ;it- the First Clirl,itiftn churrh. The Icndanci' recortln for tinYOUNd.PKOPIX MKBT

    CLOVBR’. May 20 (Sprcial)The Young People's society w.. . ...........meet Wcdneivlay evening for a ! congregational singing. Blslwip J. Votroulwlt. Clark iicni. u biiiilne.u and iioeial meeting. Th's, D. iloggan of the aecond wartl, Kenr mri'tlng will feature the topic D. S. church, pronouncrj ihe Hycpn re-

  • Today’s Late News in Markets and Finance

    in «1.0Q4 .,HU 10 *1.85, ArlvniB .1: 7.

    iicntj 303,

    Tno«il«y, Wfl)' 20,

    n il L i L E I SNBW VORK. May 20 H'-W —

    TraJffB tlfJicrlct tlio Block jnarket ttxJay unti jirJccn nmvcU heavily

    . iMc)ln»r thiit, wllh one cxccp- tlon. went back 10 years for com- piulfton.■ l)uIlnca3_WM..jjljtltei.Jjy..Uic- fnct Uia cxchonRc. clo-v» twnor- w lor Mcmorlftl- ‘lay. Mil'iy imkcri iinJ trodcr.i hnvc Icfl t'

    y npproxlnialri ahiircn, (lupllcultiif: tli

    iriii- liinl Monclny wWch wn "incc June 'i. 102: Wlsconnln IXournl Wlillei) Sl.iS, comblnnllon Rmdp $1.10: M(chlcun HuMct Kuralu JI.M,

    New Slock: supply moderate; dcmnnil nnd, Irnditii; moderate; mnrltcl steady: Alaluiiiia Triumph.^ S1.8S \Q 51.00; l^uWixna Triumphs


    track ?50. ship


    The followmR dona nro corrcctcd -

    ngo.. Nearhy illiinp Optra- amonu them white pine

    \VOOLUCISTON, M«.y 20 (IM’.i—Sinnll

    (!UiintlU.-.i of tlw n w ficccc wools contlniif to mnvc in Boston but the miirkot !» uumKy dull nnd In* trrpiit Is rpntrleted lo a few buy- cr;(. ilcci-nl rcp'irts. rc'ci-ivntl by int'inhenf nf llir wool trado frrwi llic- f'lunlry, Indicate Uiut prlccn tliivc bcci.nic firmer lo nllB»lUy liljihcr in f;hono ADS.

    AUTO TOP—BODY W O E K S Munv---- -̂---- .......... ....................Orr,vv, ,MAV

    . SiOll. 1):.I -SB T-11-

    - 1. I). in It. T.i. S-f.. ■ Wi A.lllD.


    1,. 1). AlK-n to ,11. T.1, SIflO, 1, Addn. to


    block 3.

    FOR SALE—WIN0SHIELD AUO , door slaaa. Auto tops and

    ' tain repair, canvaa and coavn< rcpalrinir.sThDmetz Top & Body

    |i Works, Dock of Danceload.


    I ;i, N\V S\V 31-10-

    ' 35NQRAV1NO

    STEDOWQ ANN0UNCEMENT8 ■ i>'uid, caUin; cartU eagravod or ' prl0 t«d. U iny oomct style* to '■'■--ebooM from. Call &t th«. • nlnc.Tlwea, of«c^ 255 MolB

    . Atd. G u t ' TelepbODo 88.

    Uasc- J. w, Mtlls to \v, j.,. Starr. NR.S^^, SKSW Hi p.cirt ofxicNvv ^-wNi: no.

    Divd- F, I-:. Illnndrr, Nugent: •Savrl SUverhcrg: »nd Ilcnry Zlinlnslil,

    ’lha'tj Dress From Sacks , Scores in Texas

    STEI'ilENVlI,LI-r Tex. ,4-3 lb*........-lOcColored fryers, 2'^-3 lbs.........10a'Leghorn hens ..... -......... ..... 8cSings ........................................ r«Old cocka ........ ..................... 3c

    yotj>U>ni Market higher.0. 18. bulk ... ....JOc \o. 2fl, b u lk ... ....lOc *1

    rfodoo#Butterfut .......................... l&c

    cxtru........................ I60 .Whites, medium .................... 13cBtand/irda ........................ >.JOcBJikcm ......................-....6c to BeKsRa. un. Uc

    Ltveitoclr Choice light butchers, 160 to

    210 pouniiers .............. .....J3.00Overweight butcbera, 310 to

    200 pounders ____________^2.00.-.Overwctgtit butchira; 2&0.to

    300 ’poundera ..........-.....12.50Undenvetgbt butchers, 125 to

    I 100 pounders .....-.......... ,.J2.00! P a c k 1 a g bows, good 260

    pounderjt, up ------ ;.....$J.OO 'Steers ..... ......... ..........2^10 40Helfera.................._.......254 lo 3^0 .

    Lambn............................... }0.>o JOSpring lamba .....--- J--..---- 7o

    f BUTTER, EGGS 1

    IM S AN’OEI.£S IX>S ANGI2LES, May 20 (lU:i-

    Tiutler: Extra. 21Vi. up !k: prime • firntfl 20>i, up ‘i;'standards 10',4. up ’i : undnr grades 18’4, .up ’/j.

    Uxrgc CRK8 candled clean cxUaa 20, up ,1._ ̂ ^ . , ; ,.

    CIliCACO- ’ '.I CHICAGO. May 20 ;: nlnmlarda 33; cent 311) 22>/.: cent. (68) 21>/,.,

    SUGARNEW YORK. May, 20 >U!:i —

    Sugar futunui closed 3 to 0 poiota lower. Spot 1,43. July 1.63-.0t; , SfpL l-&0‘ ,00; Otc, \-68--63; Jtm. ' ■1,70..71: Mwxh 4.78: ' May 1.7D..80.' Sales' 20,250 Iona; • '

    College May Have Own Trout Stream

    WATBIIVILLE,'Me. (Iti!!—Oil- by college may gain the dlstinc- lion of having r.the only campus In Ihe country wUh ila own Uout

    •Hlreiini-rnrfeaiwp A. Galen Ku«a^ of

    ihi!' faculty caiighl 11 Irotii from 11 brook ninning through Uie land on tbo ciulalUrU of WatcrvUlo which Is lo bo the new,alto of tho in'alUutlon.' ' -..................

    W e Havo A P«w More

    Oardbn -Bow OonlrtcU i,

    ■ ,sm E IJ)S ' & CANifOfif ' ’Pbono U !)• (»>0—nuU

    Arrives .. 0:30 p-M

    . . . . . . FISHERMEN

    How about a n̂ cei cool drink of beer,-between catches _



    AT THE

    v f/ 'i

    W HITE HOU^Owen iBucheuian

  • T i u n n i.'v i.'W T M h »i I'w i.’ s: TvvtMMi'AT r « im a t t m r tig c 8ovc»'

  • O u t l a w a n d g ir l f r ie n d d ie in g u n f ir e

    Youuff A c to rS in jc r Declares

    / ' He W iU Eeturn to Italy

    V I f Requested

    . ^ '-2V1W 4'

    f I r S l U I O A IT E N O C IP

    :36uthcm' Idaho Pupils W ill

    , -J-pO Asiong Oroup OoJnff

    ! ' : 'To Moscow

    : ut^rvEaisrry o f i d a h o .Mo«ow-(Speelal) — .More than

    btfjl high school tnunl- clshi In .the state hnve already >riCten.lhat they w ill attend the 'Irflsrlflehen of Uie Wtnl” jium- ■mtT.-cainp to. be held lit thn Unl- .verslly. o£ Idaho. June 18 to July ’]C. How hi(;h the total enrollment ^ illruD cannot be entlmatrd until all|- appllcntlons hnve 'been le-

    •celved June 11,Many high Bchootn In tho iitatr

    —from Eantporl on Itic Canoilian twandafy to . Kimberly, only 3l— commfuxlcr will

    6 L A Z E .0 M G B

    W ind Hinders Buhl'B Firemen

    u- As . Blaze Spreads to

    ,Freight Oar. .

    BUHL. May 20 (fipcelal)—The unloudltij; platform, ndjolnlnff the O. S. L. paJi-ienf;cr depot. wn« par- tlolly destroyed by fire late Monday uftemoon. The riro filarted-un- der the lending'plnlforni and wSS thought to have bceji caused by a lighted cigarctte.

    iTpr̂ firj ft-ntn Hi,* jiTfit.form to a car of hc\v C/ievroIet tarn consigned to tho Curtis Chcv- ruli;t company, The'.:j;lufl:i wo-i eracknl In two nf the cars and the flnhh nn them wan damnced, 15iic to tho hi);h wind blowing from tho south, th* local fire department had conulderable difficulty In Ket- ting the flameii under cnntrol. It was thought for a time the Uol.nc I'ayetto Lu;nber yards anil other liulldlncB were In danger.

    The amount of dnmsgu to the lilatforin wan ijitlnmied tii l)o be- - -:rnJ3tlDnml5f.0Q,..:. ■ . .

    ■ Inni>cenl victim nf itn auto[; lilM lou

    loned whoi) hu Jaiimu-d hi;i car into the rear of n truck, which aloppitl flUiJdwily on Mnlii iivf-' nue, becftUKc u car aliciul of lla' truck al!>o iitupped without warning. The radiator nf thir Injured machine wnn piinhcd hack to a 45-dej:rre angle, thi: wind- nhlolcfM,'Ji.i brf>kcn, and the car olhenviJio wan pul out-of com- mlimlon - , , Bnnkcr. by mlalalu'. culling uiMJn n Swedi' to hi.'lp traiuilatv a letter written In t’i>- llsh , , , &Iotorlal cnmplalnlii;r over Iho Uw nol:iy Imn plank.t on the bridge xvhlch gara over Diad Mim'« j;iilch, weal i ri'trieved, his father uiiil Itvlii lirotlier :iXM-rt they too heard JiIh voIiv thr^ Name iilclil lii tbelr dreiuiJi*.



    Luck of Medical Help' After

    W ound in ? Cited a i Basb

    F or Belief

    Kelly's Joyful - That Tribe Has Removed- Curse

    NEW YORK. May 20 fllpi—John Kelly dlflcb.ied loday that his hoL. dog utand In the creepy-cmwly at- moaphere of Central Park finako house will soon be share:in‘t Mlut ttrb Splken ruinous . Colorril Orchestra

    AT s h a d o w :WED. NIO irr, MA'

    Uanre Till 3

    'i;rl l-rli-c. ..

    (ilani and Wliiditdrld>

    • - .Vn f ’bnrgr fur Solllne ■ «!ct 0(ir IvjiTi,

    ''"™” MOON’Sra liil lind I'lirnllure Slorti nvrr^j^lng fiif ihe Home



    W i t h N o r g e y o n w i l l

    l i e m o i j e y a h e a d a n d

    h a v e y e a r s o f - e x c e l l e n t - -

    r e f r i - g e r a t l o n s e r v i c e

    relief ndmlnlMrntlon In this ty. work her