michael porter five forces model

Michael Porter’s Five Forces Five Forces Model Model

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Michael Porter five forces model explained in details.


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Michael Porter’sFive Forces Five Forces


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Michael Porter …

“An industry’s profit potential is largely determined by the intensity of competitive intensity of competitive rivalryrivalry within that industry.”

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Porter’s Five Forces

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Portfolio Analysis …

… Strategy at the time (1970s) was focused on two two dimensionsdimensions of the portfolio grids …

… Industry AttractivenessIndustry Attractiveness… Competitive PositionCompetitive Position

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Business Strength Matrix

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Where was Where was Michael Porter Michael Porter coming from?coming from?

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School of Economics … … at Harvard …

… Exposed Porter to the Industrial OrganizationIndustrial Organization (I0) sub-field of Economics.

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Structural reasons why …

… some industries were profitable

* Firm concentration * Established cost advantages

* Product differentiation * Economies of scale

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Structural reasons … … all represented barriers to barriers to

entryentry in certain industries, thus allowing those industries to be more more profitableprofitable than others.

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But EconomistsEconomists … … generally concerned them-selves with the minimizationminimization rather than maximization of what they viewed as excess excess profitsprofits (i.e., Public Policy).

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Business policy objective

… of profit maximization Porter developed his elaborate framework for the structural structural analysisanalysis of industry attractive-industry attractive-ness ness within the framework of Business Policy.

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Michael Porter …By using a frameworkframework rather than a formal statistical modelformal statistical model, Porter identified the relevant variables variables and the questions questions that the user must answer in order to develop conclusions tailored to a particular industry and company.

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Porters Five Forces … * Threat of EntryEntry* Bargaining Power of SuppliersSuppliers * Bargaining Power of BuyersBuyers

* Development of SubstituteSubstitute ProductsProducts or Services

* RivalryRivalry among Competitors

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Barriers to EntryEntry …… large capital requirementscapital requirements or

the need to gain economies economies of scaleof scale quickly.

… strong customer loyaltycustomer loyalty or strong brand preferencesbrand preferences..

… lack of adequate distributiondistribution channels or access to raw raw materialsmaterials.

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Power of Suppliers Suppliers … … high when

* A small number of dominant, dominant, highly highly concentrated suppliersconcentrated suppliers exists.

* Few good substituteFew good substitute raw materials or suppliers are available.

* The cost of switchingcost of switching raw materials or suppliers is high.

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Power of Buyers Buyers … … high when

* Customers are concentratedconcentrated, largelarge or buy in volumebuy in volume .

* The products being purchased are standard standard or undifferentiatedundifferentiated making it easy to switcheasy to switch to other suppliers.

* Customers’ purchases represent a major portionmajor portion of the sellers’ total revenue.

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Substitute Substitute products … … competitive strength high when* The relative pricerelative price of substitute

products declinesdeclines .* Consumers’ switching costs decline switching costs decline.

* Competitors plan to increase increase market penetrationmarket penetration or production production capacitycapacity.

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Rivalry Rivalry among competitors

… intensity increases as* The numbernumber of competitors

increasesincreases or they become equal in equal in sizesize.

* Demand for the industry’s products declinesdeclines or industry growth industry growth

slowsslows.* Fixed costsFixed costs or barriers to leavingbarriers to leaving

the industry are highhigh.

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SummarySummary … As rivalry among competing firms intensifiesintensifies, industry profits declinedecline, in some cases to the point where an industry becomes inherently unattractiveinherently unattractive.

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The Experience CurveExperience Curve …

… as an entry barrier Unit costs associated with economies of scale, the learning curve for labor, and capital-labor substitution decline with “experienceexperience,” and this creates a barrier to entrybarrier to entry, as new competitors with no “experience” face higher costs than established ones.

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HoweverHowever …… If a new entrant has built the

newest, most efficient plant, it will not have not have to “catch upcatch up.”

… Technical advances purchased by new entrants – free from

the legacy of heavy past heavy past InvestmentsInvestments – may provide those companies a cost cost advantageadvantage over the leaders.

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In addition In addition …The experience curve barrier can be nullified nullified by product or process innovations innovations that create an entirely new experience curve – one to which leaders may be poorly positioned to poorly positioned to jumpjump, but to which new entrants can alight as they enter the marketenter the market .

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Strategic GroupsStrategic Groups …

Firms that face similar threats similar threats or opportunitiesor opportunities in an industry but which differ from the threats and opportunities faced by other setsother sets of firms in the same industry (e.g., in the beverage industry: soft drinks group versus alcoholic beverages).

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Strategic GroupsStrategic Groups …Rivalry generally is more intense within strategic groupswithin strategic groups than between them because members of the same group focus on the same market same market segmentssegments with similar similar productsproducts, strategiesstrategies and resourcesresources.

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Industry & Product Industry & Product Life CyclesLife Cycles

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Industry & Product Industry & Product Life CyclesLife Cycles

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