microbial diseases of the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems

Microbial Diseases of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems

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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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Page 1: microbial diseases of the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems

Microbial Diseases of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems

Page 2: microbial diseases of the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems

Introduction CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Circulates substances to

and from the body cells Heart Blood (plasma and cells) Blood vessels RBC- carry oxygen WBC- body’s defence

against infection


Transports fluid, fats, proteins, and lymphocytes to the bloodstream, and remove microorganisms and other debris from tissues

Lymph (lymph capillaries) Lymph vessels Lymph nodes (B & T cells) Lymphoid organs Interstitial fluid

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The relationship between the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic


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Bacterial Diseases of the Cardiovascular and


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1. Sepsis (inflammation of body)

- Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS)

Pathogen: gram- negative bacteria, gram- positive bacteria Infective bacteria cause RBC to lyse, the release of iron-containing hemoglobin can result to accelerated microbial growth.

Signs and symptoms: fever, rapid heart or respiratory rate, high count of WBC, lymphagitis ( inflamed lymph vessels from the site of infection)

Bacterial Diseases of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic

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2. Endocarditis (inflammation of the endocardium)

Pathogen: Streptococci (S. aureus) Symptoms: fever, general weakness,

heart murmur Transmission: arises from focal

infection elsewhere in the body such as tonsil and teeth,

Treatment: antibiotics- pathogens released by tooth extraction or tonsillectomies enter the blood and find their way to the heart

Bacterial Diseases of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic

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Bacteria attach to the surface and multiply causing damage that promotes vegetation where bacteria are being protected.

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3. Rheumatic fever

Pathogen: Group A beta- hemolytic streptococci

Symptoms: Arthritis, fever, damage to heart valves, inflammation of the heart

Prevention: penicillin to treat streptococcal sore throat - Immune responses to streptococcal infections - Leads to autoimmune complication (allergic reaction to own body)

Bacterial Diseases of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic

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A nodule caused by rheumatic fever

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4. Brucellosis (undulant fever)

Pathogen: Brucella ssp. (B. abortus, B. melitensis, B. suis)

Symptoms: Local Abscess (pus); undulating fever (spikes each evening)

Reservoir: Grazing animals Transmission: Direct contact Treatment: tetracycline, streptomycin Diagnosis: serological tests

- Bacteria enter through breaks in skin, reproduce in macrophages, spread via lymphatics to liver, spleen, or bone marrow

Bacterial Diseases of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic

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5. Anthrax

Pathogen: Bacillus anthrcsis (endospores

survive in soil for 60 years)

Symptoms: Papule(cutaneous); bloody diarrhoea (gastrointestinal

Reservoir: soil, large grazing animals Transmission: direct contact (animal

secretions), ingestion, inhalation Treatment: Ciprofloxacin: doxycycline Diagnosis: isolating and identifying

the bacteria

Bacterial Diseases of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic

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Anthrax lesion. Swelling and formation of a black scab that formsaround the infection.

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6. Gangrene

Pathogens: Clostridium perfringens (anaerobic)

Symptom: tissue death at infection site

Reservoir: soil Transmission: puncture wound Treatment: surgical removal of

necrotic tissue- Soft tissue death from ischemia (loss of blood supply)

- Entrance through the wall of uterus during improperly performed abortions

Bacterial Diseases of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic

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7. Rat- bite Fever

Pathogen: Streptobacillus moniliformis, Spirillum minus

Symptom: fever, chills, muscle and joint pain, rash in extremities

Reservoir: Rats Transmission: Rat bites Treatment: Penicillin

Systemic Disease caused by Bites and Scratch

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8. Cat Scratch Disease

Pathogen: Bartonella hensellae Symptoms: Prolonged fever Reservoir: Domestic cat Transmission: Cat scratch or bite Treatment: antibiotics

Systemic Disease caused by Bites and Scratch

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9. Plague

Pathogens: Yersinia pestis Vector: rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis) Symptom: enlarged lymph nodes (buboes), skin

bruises Reservoir: rodents Transmission: fleas, inhalation Treatment: streptomycin, tetracyclin Diagnosis: isolating and identifying the

bacteria- from flea bite, bacteria enters the blood stream and proliferate in the lymph and blood- they have the ability to survive inside phagocytes rather than being destroyed

Vector Transmitted Disease

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10. Lyme Disease

Pathogens: Borrelia burgdorferi (spirochete)

Symptom: bull’s eye rash, neurologic symptoms

Reservoir: field mice, deer Transmission: ticks Treatment: antibiotics

Vector Transmitted Disease

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11. Typhus

Pathogen: Rickettsia (obligate intracellular parasites )

2 types: 1. Epidemic Typhus 2. Endemic Murine typhus 3. Rocky mountain spotted fever- spread by arthropod vectors

Vector Transmitted Disease

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11a. Epidemic typhus (louse borne typhus)

Pathogens: Rickettsia prowazekii Symptom: high fever, stupor (reduced

consciousness, difficulty in thinking), rash Reservoir: squirrels Transmission: Pediculus humanus

corporis louse (from the feces and rubbed into a wound)

Treatment: tetracycline, chloramphenicol

prevention: sanitation

Vector Transmitted Disease

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11b. Endemic murine typhus

Pathogens: Rickettsia typhi Symptom: fever, rash Reservoir: rodents Transmission: Xenopsylla cheopsis

flea Treatment: tetracycline,


Vector Transmitted Disease

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11c. Rocky mountain spotted fever (tick borne typhus)

Pathogens: Ricketssia rickettsii Symptom: rashes, fever, headache Reservoir: ticks, small mammals Transmission: Dermacentor ticks Treatment: tetracycline,

chloramphenicol- this parasite can pass from gen. to gen. through their eggs (transovarian passage)

Vector Transmitted Disease

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Viral Diseases of the Cardiovascular and

Lymphatic Systems

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1. Burkitt’s lymphoma

Pathogen: Epstein- Barr virus (EB virus)

Symptoms: Tumor (leads to childhood cancer)

Reservoir: Unknown Transmission: Unknown Treatment: Surgery

- it tends to occur in immuno-compromised patients

Viral Diseases

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2. Chingkungunya fever

Pathogens: Chingkungunya virus Symptom: fever, joint pain Reservoir: humans Transmission: mosquitoes (Aedes

aegypti) Treatment: supportive

Viral Diseases

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Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers

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Protozoan Diseases of Cardiovascular and Lymphatic System

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1. Chagas’ Disease (American


Pathogens: Trypanosoma cruzi (flagellated protozoan)

Symptom: damage to heart muscles or peristaltic movement of gastrointestinal track

Reservoir: rodents, oppossums Transmission: reduviid bug (kissing bug)

feces into the bite wound Treatment: niturtimox , benznidazole

Protozoan Diseases

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2. Toxoplasmosis

Pathogen: Toxoplasma gondii (spore-forming protozoans)

Symptoms: Mild diseases: initial infection acquired during pregnancy can be damaging to fetus: serious illness in AIDS patients , brain damage, vision problems

Reservoir: Domestic cats Transmission: ingestion Treatment: Pyrimethamine,

sulfadiazine, and folinic acid

Protozoan Diseases

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3. Malaria

Pathogens: Plasmodium ssp. Symptom: fever and chills at

intervals of 2-3 days , vomiting, headache,

Reservoir: humans Transmission: Anopheles mosquito Treatment: Chloroquine

Protozoan Diseases

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4. Leishmaniasis

Pathogens: Lieshmania ssp. Symptom: L. donovani- systemic

disease, L. tropica- skin sores, L. braziliensis- disfiguring damage to mucous membranes

Reservoir: small mammals Transmission: sandfly Treatment: antimony compounds

- protozoa reproduce in the liver, spleen, and kidney

Protozoan Diseases

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5. Babesiosis

Pathogens: Babesia microti Symptom: fever and chills at

intervals Reservoir: rodents Transmission: Ixodes ticks Treatment: Atovaquone and


Protozoan Diseases

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6. Schistosomiasis

Pathogens: Schistosomiasis ssp. Symptom: inflammation and tissue

damage at site of granulomas –

tumorconsiting a mass of granular tissue(ex. Liver, lungs, bladder)

Reservoir: definitive host: humans Transmission: cercariae penetrate skin Treatment: proziquantel, oxamniquine

prevention, sanitation, elimination of host snail

Protozoan Diseases

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S. heomatobium- urinary schistosimiasis , inflammation of urinary bladder, ME, Egypt, Africa

S. japonicum- intestinal inflammation, Asia

S. mansoni- intestinal inflammation, America, Carrebean, Puerto Rico

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