microcomputer business applications


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Page 1: Microcomputer Business Applications
Page 2: Microcomputer Business Applications

Microcomputer Business Applications

Howard M. Bunch, Robert M. Scher, Paul W. Vickers

Department of Naval Architecture and Marine EngineeringThe University of Michigan

August, 1984

Nr,Y.v",,>I 5-; r .;..',Y r�:-pod'YORY MICHU-SG-84-603$4.00

Michigan Sea Grant College Program � Publications Office2200 Bonisteel Boulevard - Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

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The wide 1 v recoqn i zed va 1»e of the mi c roc om pii ter in the em' 1 I -hus i ne ss

settinq has heen perhaps the greatest sinqle factor in the recent qrowth of.

the market for sma1 1 computer svstems and sof tware . 0 qlance at any of the

popular maqaz ines on mi crocomputer techno loov will show that hus i ness

apnlica t i ons, the use of the computer for typical of f ice-oriented wor k, now

cons ti tute a predomi nant par t of. hoth the. hardware and so f tware marke ts .

<on ver se 1 v, for man v small firms, hus i ness applications are the pr i mar v reason

f or acq»i ri nq a micr ocomp» ter . In fact, in mos t small hus ines ses, qene ra 1

applications in the husiness of fice remai.n the primarv soiirce of. pavhack Rue

to computerization, ra ther than more specialized enqi neer i na or sci enti f ic

uses. It is of ten true, therefore, that a small maniifacturinq firm mav heqin

with husiness applications as the surest rationale for comnuterizinq, and

suhsequen t1 v realize, almost as a hy-product, the potential henef i t s to he

qained hy computer applications in enqineerino or production.

It is not surprisinq, then, that for most manaqers the first contact

wi th microcomputers is like 1 v to he in the field of. husi ness applications:

book-kee pi nq, accouh tinq, word-process incr, inventor v and pa vro 1 1

record-keepinq, and other every-Ray of fice work, J or this reason the process

of fir st introducinq the computer into a small hiisiness often occiirs in the

husiness of f ice, rather than in enqineerinq or oroRuction ..Ws a riile, this

introduction also implies some restructurinq of ofFice roiitines. The prohlems

that can arise in the course of this process are therefore iis»all v related to

the everyday operations of the husiness of tice. Very often, such -nrohlems

arise fr om an incomplete anal vsis of existinq of f ice procedures, or from

nai ve expec tation that a compiiter wi 11 automatica1 1 v or rather, mani ca 1 1 v!

Page 6: Microcomputer Business Applications

streamline proced»res, reduce the volume of. paperwork, eliminate Rup] i ca ted

ef fort, and ens»re rapid access to all needed information hy all interested

parties. In fact, witho»t a qood deal of earnest human tho»oht .ef ore

installinq the computer, quite the opposite effects can occ»r, and have.

General ly, however, if a manaqer beqins with acc»rate concepts of what

computer system can Ro for him, and what it needs From him in order to work

well, the results will he more reasonable expectations, an order 1v transition

period, and a succe ss f ul ins ta 1 la tion that wi 11 reco ver its own cos ts ver v


Before we even heqin an overview of the vario»s kinds of h»siness

applications, therefore, we will look insome detail at the process of

hrinqinq a computer into the of f ice for the first time. Wo kev concepts

e spec i a 1 1 v importan t Rurinq the oeri od of st»R v tha t should orecede the

installation of any computer svstem. These concepts are based on some

recoqnition of how comp»ters function, althouqh of. co»rse it is not necessarv

to understand the internal workinqs of the svstem in order to»se it

correctly. If it were necessarv tor the averaqe evervdav user to become

computer scientist, the "computer revo1»tion" as we have come to know it wo»ld

never have taken place. !

9'irst, with reqard to svstems that do ro»tine business calo»lat ions, such

as acco»nti nq proqrams, for example, there is no essential Ri F f erence between

the wav a computer treats the numhers and the way a person would handle them

i n a conventional accounti nq procedure . However, in or Rer to ins tall a svs tern

that wi 1 1 do the work ef f iciently, the manaqer must he able to describe the

procedure in such explicit Retail that an»ntrained person virt»ally an

idiot! would be able to understand it, witho»t makinq any assumptions or

Page 7: Microcomputer Business Applications

inferences. 'Vhe computer is just s»ch an iRiot. it will not assume or infer

anvthi na, which ma v seem a qrea t inconvenience at t i r st, b»t wh irh, on

ref lection, is real 1 y the supreme virt»e of obeR ience . It is the onl v wa v

tha t a mana qe r shou lR wan t. a compute r to he . !

second, wi th reqarR to svstems tha t store anR retrieve inf ormation, s»rh

as Ratahase nroqrams, it sho»lR he kent in minR tha t the comn»ter svstem

"remembers" information in a hiqhl v strurt»reR wav that Roesn' t al ~ave

resemble ei ther human memory the Reta i ls of which Re f v Rescription !, or even

a conventional f i 1inq svs tern. %is is tr»e berause, in human tho»qht anR in

the conventional file Rrawer, spatial anR temporal relationships are the most

obvious anR convenient ways to orqanize the worlR. In a file Rrawer, for

example, when we want to aRR new inf ormation or even a comnlete1 v new fi le !,

we just push two adjacent Ror»ments or folRers ! apart at the req»i reR nlare,

crea tinq an empty space just where we want it. we then slip the new mater ia 1

into that space, anR the filinq oneration is Rone. qimilarlv, to remove or

replace unRa te! inf orma tion alreaR v in the file, we qo t o a oar ti cular place,

oerf arm a physical lv obvious action, anR it ' s clone.

In qeneral, however, computers Ro riot perform memory operations in such

physically meani nqf»l wa v. Computers have no intr i ns ic concepts of nLace,

soatial relationships, for Rata . In fact, two se ts of. inf ormation that

human he inq miqht picture as occ»pyina aR jacent file folRers mav be storeR in

complete lv senarate reqions of the system. %lever the less, with the proper

s vs tern for stori nq and recoveri nq the in f orma tion, the human opera tor is free

to have to have his own human conceptualization of. "where" the Rata is, whi le

the computer wi 11 take care of its own internal arranqements . Obvious 1 v, both

the computer and the user wi 1 l, have to aqree on some thinqs, such as the

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iden ti tv of the element of in formation heing stored or re tr ie ved, and what it

is .supposed tn con ta in. Thus, »neer s tanning t he concepts of. corn p»ter acces s

to information may require a more ahs tract wav of thinkinq than a oh vs ical

filinq system usually demands. Accordingly, it »s»ally also requires more

pla nninq in advance. Some de tai ls of. this pla nni nq wi 11 he discussed at

greater Length suhsequentlv.

With these two notions, namelv, the similarity of calculational chores

and the dissimilarity of memory structure, we will now examine the process of

preparinq for computerization in the of f ice. We will then t»rn to a hroaA

overview of application areas for the husiness environment.

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The ke v to success f u 1 intr od»r tion of. a mi rrocomp»t e r-based sytem into

anv business is planninq. The purchase of a microcomputer should be recrarded

in tAe same way as anv othe r ma j or investment, with rare f ul consideration of.

the functions that the new aequi si tion is supposed to per f orm, and how it wi 11

be used. It can hardlv be too stronqly emphasized that the comp»ter is not

black box that wi 1 1 automa ti ca 1 1v cut costs and increase prod»r ti vi t v. Like

manv other capital improvement, the computer is mere lv a tool, and it wi ll

only work well if. it is applied corrertlv and to the riqht jobs.

Like all computers, the mirro can be used to qrea tes t advantaqe in

"system" environment, that i.s, in a sit»ation where of f ice routines aro well

es tab li shed, and man aqeme n t inte r ven ti on is suppos ed to be the excp mt i on

rather than the rule. In order to fit anv new member even a human beina!

i nto the picture wi th a minim»m of di s ruption it is ver v important to orqan i ~e

the work into a set of fair lv speci f ic, self -contained routines. These can be

assiqned in an appropriate order, so that the new member of the svstem can be

observed and c:orrec ted as the learninq process qoes on. Of cour ~e, when the

new arrival is a computer rather than a person, the necessit v For well

defined, discrete units of work is not merelv a convenience, it is an absol»te

necessi ty. Only when the»ser has identif ied and defined the applirations ran

he beqi n to ma tch the machine, ocr i phera ls, and oe rhaps most impor tant l v ! the

sof twa.re for his own of tice applirations.

The f ir st ste p in planninq f' or comp»te ri @ation is to determine how vour

office operates riqht now, in detail. This mav sound obvio»s, and perhaps

tri vial, but the level of detai 1 required for the most ef f icient start»p of

COmputer SVStem iS Substantial, and it iS Often Surprisina hOw complicated a

Page 10: Microcomputer Business Applications

supposedlv "simple" procedure really is, when it is broken down into its more

basic elements. The class ir. example, of co»rse, is to desrr ibe how to tie

your shoes.!

In the case of of fice operations, however, the basic element is the flow

of a unit of. information. There are six fundamental questions to be asked

about each movement of i.nformation into, thro»qh, and out of the of f ice.

These are: Who? What? Wher e? When? How? Why? These ques tions sho»ld

asked and answered about each of the everydav information transactions +>at

goes on wi thin the of f ice� . In other words, the user must Ref inc, qui te

explici tly, the identi tv, source, Res ti nation, schedule, ~cans, and mat i vation

of. all the standard forms of information fiowing through the of fice. Me

process may be described as gathering information abo»t information.

The obvio»s place to begin is in the file cabinets. All routine renorts,

work orders, invoices, anR other typical paperwork should be examined and

ca ta loqued . ~i a»re I may ser ve as a quiRe to the kind of in f or ma tion vo»

should be lookinq for when you review a par tic»lar type of Rorument.

obviously there is no need to review everv record in the place. In fact, i»st

a few examples from every cateqorv will s»f fice. Ln order to see what kinds

of forces may be at work within your existing svstem, however, it mav be a

good i Rea to look at examples of a given tvpe of document from dif ferent time

periods, generated by Ri f ferent staf f members, and related to di f ferent ~obs

Changes in format or content, whether these rhanges resulted due to an

"of firial" policy derision, a change in personnel, or nothinq but random

personal whim, should be noted. If a "routine" has been established at some

time in the past, anR it has changed over the co»rse of time, there should be

a reason, and a manaqer should be interes ted in whv it Rid rhange . Qf course,

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Date:Completed by:

Record Name:

Name Department

Originator s!:


Description of Record:

Information Description:

Alphanumeric Length of DescriptorNumeric English




FIGURE 1--Record description sheets, such as this, will aid

in the introduction of the microcomputer by standardizing reports

and smoothing information flow in the organization.

Page 12: Microcomputer Business Applications

here never was any real routine, a manager might also want to know that,

especially if he is considering a move into computerization.

During the record cataloging process it is use f ul, nay, imperative, to

inter view some of the people who most frequently or iqi nate and recei ve the

typical documents that you' ve found. The most important ques tions to ask them

include the following:

How many of the s e documents do you see in a week? Do you tend to see

them on a fairly steady basis, or do they come in concentrated batches?

How long does it take to complete this document? Note that "completing

a document may ref er to wri ting it, reading it, or acting on it. ! Do you

usually have to complete the document under time pressure?

What addi tional information do you need to get to complete this document?

Where do you get this additional inf ormation? Is this information always

available in a form that' s convenient for helping you process the document?

I s the inf orma tion usually accura te enough f or your purpos es?

What else needs to be done bef ore you are free of this document?

Who or where do you get it from? Who or where do you send it to? Do the

documents you recei ve as a matter of routine usually contain all the

information you need to process your other documents, or to do other parts of

your job? What other information should be sent to you on a routine basis?

Conversely, do you routinely get a great deal of superfluous information?

If so, does this interfere with or mask" the necessary information?

Page 13: Microcomputer Business Applications

. he next step in pre para ti on is the eva 1»ation of the cata. loaned record s

and the accompanyinq interviews. lt is of ten convenient to draw a chart of

the information flow in the company. L typical administrative flow chart may

follow the example of Fiq. 2. <o arrive at a reasonablv complete, but still

under standable, picture of the company ' s inf ormation flow, it is neces sar v to

start with a very larqe-scale, over-all view, on the order of Fiq. 2. 'This

larqe-scale information map sho»ld lend itself to a fairly straiqht~orward

division into a niimber of sub-seqments . If not, then it ' s possible t hat the

orqanization itself is not systematized in the best wav. ! On the level of

these sub-seqments, the flow chart mav be expanded to the level of oriqinat ors

and rec i pien ts of the var io»s kinds of documents .

How, qiven the cataloqued records, the interview results, and the flow

charts, it is time to ask some hard <iestions. noes the present system work

as well as its participants feel it should? >Jhat are its identif iahle

weaknesses and stronq points'? Is there a redunRancv of effort in di f ferent

areas of the orqanization? How convenient is it to f ind the reqiii red

i nf ormation when it is needed? Are there anv consistent bott lenecks of

information? Is there a problem with accuracy of documents from anv area?

Are ther any obvious holes in the svs tern, or parts of the sys tern that seem to

work only because of informal intervention by key individuals? &is kind of

human orqanizational "maqic" is extremelv difficiilt to replicate by corno»ter

unles~ it can be def ined in a very explicit way. !

An honest. and informative evaluation of the present system will ease the

i ntroduction of the microcomputer into voiir of tice . As a vile, vou should

beqin to make any chanqes in procedure that may seem helpful at an earlv

s taqe, be f ore br i nqi nq in the computer . It is an advantaqe to have ocr sonne1

Page 14: Microcomputer Business Applications
Page 15: Microcomputer Business Applications

qet »sed to any chanqes in procedure beFore thev are Faced with a new,

unfami1 i ar, and verv central participant in the of fice�. Af ter. some st»R v, I t

may he possible to red»ce the number of standard document tvnes, to eliminate

red»ndancy, and perhaps to outline anv new Roc»ments or reports that mav be

initiated af ter the arrival of the comp»ter.

I t is impor tant to remember that man v people are s ti 1 l qui te

uncom f or table with the idea of a computer: thi s is par tie»la r I v tr»e if. t he v

feel that the machine wi ll in some wav be "takino over their job." It is

important to reassure the people who will be handlinq the new svstem that the

computer will be there as an aid to them, not a replacement for them.

The next. staqe of advance planninq For compute ri zation, and it is

overlooked surprisinqly often, is Reve lopinq a work space for the comp»ter.

The most important attributes of a micr ocomputer work station are environment,

storaqe, operator comfort, and access. obviouslv, these factors are import ant

in almost ever v part of the of f ice but they become even more crit ical or

computer and the people who wi ll be worki nq with it .

'The microcomputer work center sho»ld have a cool, clean air suppl v. The

computer is itself a substantial heat source, and both the processor and manv

peripherals are sensitive to both temperat»re and dirt. lf there is anv heavy

electrical equipment in operation nearbv, the microcomp»t er mav require

surqe suppressor to control voltage to the machine. Static electricitv can

damaqe the information on a maqnetic Risk; antistatic carpe tinq is one

possible solution. Because most micros fit easily on a desktop, the space

requirements for the machine alone are not qreat. however, manv new users

mav tend to for»et the additional ~pace required for external Risk drives,

orinter, plotter, bookshelves, and storaqe cabinets, which adds»p to a fair Lv

Page 16: Microcomputer Business Applications

large floor-space, much bigger than one desk.

Remember. also that for convenient »se i t. wi 11 he neces sar y to give the

operator enough work space to kee p some input and ou tp» t ma te r ia ls laid o»t

for ref erence, as well as the reauired manna.ls and program documentation,

times. This wi 1 1 probably require a single large work table, in add i tion to

the desk holding the computer, and a quickly accessible file rabinet for

storinq disks, etc. The operator should also have access to the bookshelves

and other storage spaces without moving too far� . In addition, the re wi 1 1 be

times when two or more people will need to look at the displav. It is an

ad vantaqe at times to have ample space to do this.

comfortable chair is a neressity for anyone using a keyboard for anv

length of time, obviously. Other environmental factors are glare from the

video display due to liqht re flections, and eye fatigue d»e to the disnlav

itself .

further element of the planning process is to ronsider who will have

access to the machine, on what schedule, and how that access «ill be

controlled. A scheduling system for training and everydav use is very

desirable, and should be sketched out to some level of. detai 1 even bef ore the

machi ne is brouqht in. The sched»les can, of course, be ad j usted later as

experience dicta tes, but you should "e pre pared f rom the outset. 4 log-in,

log-out system will aid in developinq a workable permanent schedule, while

an advance sign-up sheet may help avoid conf lirts and wasted time.

Having prepared in advance, the trans i ti on to a computer ized of f ice

system ran in fact be made with a minimum of disruption and pain. Of course,

there remains the matter of hardware and sof tware selection, a proces~ which

Page 17: Microcomputer Business Applications

usually qoes on concurrently with the preparations described above. The

f ollowinq sections of this paper outline some of the applications of the

microcomputer to the business of f ice, while other papers in this series of fer

more detailed introductions to both the hardware and sof tware areas.

In any case, the overall financial success of vour install.ation depends

in qreat measure on the ease with which you can work the machine into your

system. Farly setbacks are not irredeemable, of course, but you should

remember that if you allow the computer to disrupt. a workinq off ice, even for

a few weeks, you will have in effect added a substantial amount to the

purchase price of the system. As stated before, the microcomputer can be a

money maker, and it can more than pay its own way if it is used riqht.

However, there is no neeR to challenqe both yourself anR the machine bv

imposinq a handicap durinq the star tup period, especially when this can be

avoided to a qreat extent bv some advance effort in thinkinq and planninc

before the computer arrives.

-1 1-

Page 18: Microcomputer Business Applications


In this section we will present a general Rescription of some of the more

important applications of the microcomputer in the business off ice. The

purpose of this brief survey is to outline some of the more impor tant

applications of microcomputers in the small-business set tinq. The Retails of

speci f ic hardware and sof tware on the market is hest lef t to the relevant

owner' s manuals and program documentation. However, this brief survey mav

provide some quidance for the selection of applications proqrams for a

particular office environment.

Accountinq Applications

Accounts Receivable/Payable Programs

In justifying the acquisition of a microcomputer, the accountinq function

is probably the greatest initial source of benefits in the small-husiness

settinq. A system that can assist in computinq balances, updating, verifvinq,

and printing hills and statements, maintaininq an un-to-date record of cash

requirements, writing and recording checks and purchase orders can often pav

back the entire installation cost in a relativelv short period . In fact, the

business use of the computer in the accounts-receivahle/pavahle function

remains the moet impOrtant sinqle application for manV Small-business

microcomputer users.

Potential savinqs due to computerization of the accountinq function arise

from two principal sources. First, accountinq svstems can help management


Page 19: Microcomputer Business Applications

control cash flow. Accurate and up-to-date evaluation of the comapanv' s cash

position can of ten prevent short-term financial problems from arising due to a

lack of current information, in other words, clue to knowina too little too

late. Second, the computer svstem can save accountinq ef fort by faci litatinq

Rata entry and verif ication, obviously speedinq the routine calculations, and

by reducinq and localizing errors. These two benefits are clearly relateR:

the high speed of the system allows rapid Rata retrieval and manipulation,

which gives management a faster response when an evaluation of cash position

is needed. Manual operations and bookkeepinq expenses can be cut accordinqly,

since onl v the input functions actually require a signif icant amount of

operator time.

The computer performs numerical operations very reliably and accuratelv.

This means that in general, with a verified workinq system of proqrams, the

only source of exror is the input process. If an input veri fication procedure

is used, such as repeatinq each Rata entry and comparinq the two inputs which

the computer can do very quicklv!, then the possibility of introducinq

numerical errors is reduced substantially. Thus, if .the initial input to the

system is regarded as reliable, then all subsequent numerical results are

equally valid . Furthermore, there will be no arithmetic errors to "mask"

any original data flaws. The "self-auditing" nature of the input verification

process also facilitate error location and recoverv, and leads to qreater


Machine requirements for an accountinq package vary widely, The most

important variables are: number of accounts, repox'tinq features, invoice and

check-writing characteristics, and auditinq and error-trapping abilitv.

Simple accounts-payable proqrams can run on 16-k machines, while more


Page 20: Microcomputer Business Applications

sophisticated sof tware may require 64 k and up. Dual Risk drives are of ten

required. For invoice and check wri tinq, a daisy-wheel printer gives best

results, rather than a dot-matrix type.

When choosing accountinq software the selection is extensive! the hest

course is to consult your own accountant or bookkeeper first. Then, allow

them to review the available software-vendors' literature with you, anR with

the computer or software sales people. Since your accountinq staff will he

the people who will use the system, their opinion on the required features of

software, which in many cases is as much a matter of personal preference as

well as functional business requirements, will be most valuable in the

decision process.

Sample reports from a typical accounts payable proqram are show in the

followinq Fiqs . 3 a-c! .

General Ledqer Proqrams

The qeneral ledger is the source of the majority of financial reports in

the boatyard. The general ledqer can also be the source of hundreds of

headaches for manaqers, accountants, and hookkeepers because of the long,

tedious hours spent trackinq down input and arithmetic errors. Among all the

accountinq functions the qeneral ledger is the most time consuminq and

critical to the financial health of the yard.

The use of the microcomputer to assist the bookkeeping process and

maintain an accurate qeneral ledqer is a very straightforward and cost-

effective application. The microcomputer can cut bookkeeping time

requirements siqnificantly hy allowing for detailed audits, error recovery,


Page 21: Microcomputer Business Applications


Ressrsemenrs ReportCASH RRChUIRRNSNTS RRPORT is a vahade topi in


Aasmplete audit trail is ~ from the ~. Detaitsd 'e peperert~~.'.~.ot ssroN ~ being pall ppyrnent aaeotton nrrnitianoe NrklllllNN otrectr... «p j@~~-.

Page 22: Microcomputer Business Applications

~ -.. 05/5t/82,. ~..- -', ~'-' '- ~ ;r - YOUR CoefPANY; �. -A/P VENDOR PURCHASE ANALYSIS

� NONTH TO DATE � � YEAR TO DAm � -. - 4HAtK " ' " '. ' ' '- - PURcHAsEs RETLHNs PLSIcHAsEs - RETUReee

0100 ASTERN TELEPHOTO% COeIPANY 2~ 058e 45 ~ 00-.0200.- - sAIÃ KIERS sTATIONARY- 587. 45 ~ 000300 ISIITED STATES POST OFFICE 520+00 . 000400 - Tea3PPKE%p ALLEN er YOlBdl ~ 00 000500 ' PAcIFIC SAs 6 KLElcTRIC 00 00

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Fj GURE 3b Tise Vendor Pun&ran by vandnr as wa» aeAnalysis pn vridee a a eenarara liednQ of

VENQONPURCHA88AlCALYSII Snnmaryofpwnhaeee aeratumenrOradea.

5,548.92 '.00 - - .'01 ~ 586~ 1 1, 001 l07 65'' ... "'.004,OOO.OO - - - .OO ~lq 515 97 - 006,000 00;, 002e470 00 00

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Page 23: Microcomputer Business Applications

FIGURE 3cThe awaice ~%ovid' a Iisting oi am lhe eIrpem throrrghevoiCee entered into InvoiCe Data Enter


-Of OO

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Hantivrittenohecka ' mrrNPA-bertt--~ eatppenmred - -. acomia wtgleeimplehrar the etiam.;-, "hier corwr».'-. - ..

A~counte Payabrte R~porte-

Page 24: Microcomputer Business Applications

and double-entry accountinq. Balance sheets, income and expense statements,

and other specialized reports can of ten be prepared in a matter of minutes,

rather than Rays.

In a computerized qeneral ledqer system, the account Rata is usually

contained in a master qeneral ledger file, or it can be combined with other

f inancial proqr am Rata f i les, such as accounts recei vahle/pavable, oavrol 1, or

even inventor v data, to form an inteqrateR sinqle-entry svstem, as shown in

Fiq. 4. General ledqer systems are usually hiqhlv interactive. The system

provides the operator wi th prompts for the information to be inserted, or

displays a menu from which the user can choose the Resired repor t or format

for input or output. Reports can be either custom desiqned or follow a

s tandard format. Sample reports from a typical microcomputer-based qener al

ledger proqram are shown in the followinq Fiqs. 5 a-c! .

Memory requirements for supportinq a qener al ledqer svstem are dependent

on the number of entries to be maintained in memory at a qiven time. This

requirement can usually be estimated by reviewinq your existina books. In

certain cases, also, the machine requirements will Remend on the level of

sophistication of the computerized accountinq svstem. For example, if the

qeneral ledqer proqram forms part of an inteqrated system with other

accountinq proqrams, such as oayroll or accounts receivable/pavable, to allow

for single-entrv accountinq, the memory requirements will be increased

considerably, 128 k beinq the norm for such inteqrated svstems. In spite of

the recent decreases in memorv costs, compared with other system components,

memory requirements can still be a critical factor in Reterminina the

selection of hardware and software, althouqh this may no lonqer be true

several years from now.


Page 25: Microcomputer Business Applications


Single-entry accounting systems can simplifythe introduction of the microcomputer intothe boatyard business office. Each program,represented by a different shaped box, can"stand alone," yet each program communicateswith the general ledger program.

Page 26: Microcomputer Business Applications



G3r 31/82GENERAL




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!emfarl~ - CASH. TaL BANK?10~0 ''... - FEDERAI- &/ff TAftES

"- F. I . C. A. l AXES - PA501 ~ �.. � SAL'4R I.ES. '505~ -,: .;-' PAYROLL TAXES%10~ ' '.' - FRINGE' BEMEF ITS




complete lrshng of aliThe General Ledger transacsiorls affectlrlgDetail Report i ~ a the General Ledger. Reference number Reference remarkDETAIL REPORT



101-00 C

02/28/82- CD JV 15. /' CASH DISSURSENENTS02/28/82 CR JV-14 / CASH RECEIPTS02/28/82 PR- JV 17'; ./ PAYROLL02/28/82 SJ JV 13 - / SALES JOURNAL.

85i 51n. 8267r465i 60

7;315.82.5i 734 60'

lgr626. 44123, 222'. 04



n4t ANCE FOR4/AR Total of activity forperiod

Tfie Dariy Transaction thereby providing anRegister summanzas audit trail from the Souroe Journals Cashall coatings to the various Source Disbursenafnts. Cash Each Source JournalGeneral Ledger, Journals. Reornpts, payroll, etc.! is in balance

Page 27: Microcomputer Business Applications



~ m/is r




05/ZI/a2 Jv- Iz

8/L NO

5i734 60B9, 445. Z2

25' 655 ' 0421 ~ 524. B412,4!9. 50

154. 777. 52 154, 777. 52aac&aea



01 AA



Page 28: Microcomputer Business Applications


At any bme you may~ a Tnal Batsnc» General Ledger isindicabng tbat your m baganda.



DATEt 05/51/82



e~essa~~~nrmarsRI~~wm . > ~~ '.~~r~ a ~s~

0 101~I OS~1 05~011~012~1

, ~ 12~21~5



~TTtmP L a'+

142, 848~ 48147. 50

89,295. 9910,000 0052, 069. 3746,941.60l5,392 30"-B5, 510.81

105r &i 005'I ~

19. 626- 44CR- 125, ~. 04. 00 147

22 179. 72 111,475,71~ OO - 10r000 OO

1,914. 74 . 55, 984. 114~784.84CR- 42,156 76


Page 29: Microcomputer Business Applications

In war kinq with a computerized qeneral ledqer it is vital for the

operator to be aware of the use of storaqe space, that is, how much memory is

available in the system at any time. In some sof tware arranoements, an entire

accountinq system can be interrupted crashed! if the operator attempts to

enter more data than the proqram can store. The entire proqram will then have

to be restarted, and this procedure can he lengthy, especially with larqe

amounts of Rata to be recovered from disk. Protection aqainst this kind of.

crash is one impor tant feature of more sophisticated accountina sof tware.

Obviously, therefore, it is crucial to make sure that the sof tware vou

acquire has enouqh entry space available for your current needs, plus a

reserve. Furthermore, because your requirements may expand into this reserve,

a backup system should be incorporated which will tell the operator how many

available entries are left, or at least provide an advance warninq as the

system approaches its capacity.

Page 30: Microcomputer Business Applications

Word Processing Programs

Word processing is a useful and extremely time-saving application of the

microcomputer. Even a relatively simple W-P system allows letters, reports,

orders, quotations and specifications to be written, edited, and printed far

more quickly and accurately than is possible with a typewriter. word

processing is particularly effective in cases where correspondence, reports,

or other documents are assembled from standardized components. In such cases,

the required pages can be recalled from disk, modified as required for a

particular job, and then printed. '1he advantages of speed and accuracy will

ultimately lighten the load on secretarial staff, although there will be an

initial investment in the effort required to prepare the standard document

modules in advance.

For the usual microcomputer-based W-P system, the system itself is

usually loaded from disk at the beginning of a session, thereafter, the drive

is free to be used for storage and retrieval of documents. However, more

sophisticated word processing programs may a3.so contain dictionaries,

word-break information, and other utility functions. In such cases, the W-P

system disk must remain available at all times, so that dual drives are


Desirable features of a word processing program include the ability to

switch the display from page to page rapidly, and to perform editing

operations by individual character, word, line, sentence, paragraph, or entire

page at a time. 'Ihe ability to move entire blocks of text from one place in a

document to another, and to do this conveniently, is extremely valuable.

For standard communications such as requests for vendor information,

Page 31: Microcomputer Business Applications

forms for regulatory agencies, and other frequently accessed addresses, it may

be useful to maintain mailing lists, or even equigoent lists and the like, on

a disk, to supplement the standard document segments. With such a system,

even the insertion of modifications to standard documents can be assisted by

the compu ter.

Word processing programs can often be used in conjunction with accounting

spread-sheet and database programs, allowing for virtually automatic report

generation. Zn such a combination, a .typical database run can produce not

only the screen output, but also an entire standard report on the printer.

Typical uses for this kind of application may include standard reports on

scheduling, project expenditures, progress, or billings.

-1 8-

Page 32: Microcomputer Business Applications

Database Systems

Many business operations require access to larqe sets of information:

for billinq, payroll, material orderi nq, planninq, schedulinq, etc.

Typically, this information must be made available to different users for

various applications. Often, each of these distinct applications requires

that the information be accessed and displaved in a special wav, suitable for

the particular need.

In a conventional filinq svstem information is ordinarilv storeR in a set

of filinq cabinets. As each user needs to store or retrieve information, he

must go to the correct ranqe of cabinets, tinR the proper Rrawer, and locate

the desired information in a labeled folder within the file. Database systems

currently available for the microcomputer can be useR to facilitate Filinq

procedures in the business office, and thus to streamline the over-all flow of.


A database is, in effect, an electronic filinq svstem in which user

access time can be measured in seconds rather than minutes or hours. In

addition, the database system keeps track of the file contents, and can

perform all searchinq, collatinq and manipulation of desired data.

Database Orqanization

The primary purpose of the database is to serve as a hiqhlv structured

and rapidly accessible electronic filinq system . From the user's viewpoint,

the basic orqanization of the database is analoqous to a conventional filinq


Inf ormati on i s maintai ned in the Ratahase in the Form of Ris ti net


Page 33: Microcomputer Business Applications

records. A record corresponds to an individual file entry, and may refer to

any collection of information describinq a single entity in the file; whether

this is a transaction, a work order, a purchase order, a part, or even a

vessel. In a sense, a record correponds to the material that would normally

be kept in a single file folder in a conventional filing svstem.

The information set contained in each record is stored in the form of.

consecutive fields. Fwch field corresponds to a descriptor, or attribute of

the entity, that is, a parti cular kind of inf ormation about. the enti tv:

date entered, oriqinator, weiqht, cost, vendor, date required, etc.

Obviously, the set of attributes used in a particular database depends

entirely on the nature of the problem. Thus far, the database is in concept

and arranqement almost identical with a conventional filing system.

For reasons of computer memory structure, however, each field must also

have a formal width, that is, the number of characters stored in consecutive

columns within the field, and of ten a type definition, such as real number,

inteqer, alphanumeric literal!, date, or dollar value. These field widths

and types are assigned by the user when setting up the database.

For example, a purchase order record might be set up with the followinq



Field Number

DescriptorField Width


Field Number


Field Width


P,,O ~ No9



Uni t Pr ice


$ Value


Item Description15



guanti ty4



Ve nd or Name


Alphanumeri c


Total Cost


S Value


vendor Item No.




Date Ordered


Page 34: Microcomputer Business Applications

Simi lar records, corresponding to simi lar entities, are stored together

within the database as a file in computer usage ! or a segment. F+ch record

in a particular file uniquely refers to a particular entity, yet each is set

up identicallv in terms of fields. A file is therefore analogous to a file

drawer in a conventional filing system.!

collection of related files, or seqments, constitutes a database. The

conceptual orqanization of a database is illustrated in Fig. 6.

Database Filing and Retrieval Operations

Since the database structure is so closely patterned on that of a

conventional filinq system, the power of the database concept ari,ses from

speed, compactness, and above all, from the abi l i tv to access particular

f iles, records, and fields automatically, according to commands entered bv the


The database management system is a proqram containing a set of routines


�! Keep track of files and file contents.

�! Maintain a cataloq of record formats for all files'

�! Perform specific input and output functions.

�! Perform search and retrieval functions.

�! Perform arithmetic operations on the database contents.

The program is designed to allow the user to perform these tasks with a

minimum of manual effort. The user is required only to issue instructions, or

commands, to the system, tellinq the program which function he wants to

perform, and the program will repond with the appropriate actions to store,


Page 35: Microcomputer Business Applications





Database Management Organization � Data files, organized by records and fields, are

controlled by a central program which gives the user access to virtually any combinaticm

of file record and field through a series of subroutines.



Page 36: Microcomputer Business Applications

recall, or manipulate parts of the database.

For data input, as an example, the user first describes the format of a

new file at the time of the initial entry into that file. At this stage, he

must Refine the fields within that file. Thereafter, when making additional

entries into that file, the computer will automatically recall the format,

and will normally but not in all systems! prompt the user to enter the new

information sequentially into the record.

For our previous example, a purchase-order file, the program will first

ask for a purchase-order number, followed by an item description, then the

vendor's name, and so on down the list of fields. The program will monitor

each entry to insure field compatibility, for example, to see that a proper

date entry is made in the "Date Ordered" field, and not some other type of

information. The number of columns in the input may also be checkeR against

the specified field format for the entry.

The utility of the database concept becomes more apparent in the

retrieval and manipulation of data. As mentioned previously, Rata retrieval

in a conventional filing system consists of. opening drawers, searchinq for anR

locatinq or failing to locate! the correct folder, and then finding and

withdrawing the document containinq the desired information. The entire

process is repeated for each document reguired. Often, the documents are also

physically removed from the file space for use at someone's desk. Thev are

then at least temporarily unavailable to other users, and unless a

time-consuminq flagginq system is installeR, onlv the actual user may know

where the required information has qone. Worse, the withdrawn information may

be lost or misfiled on return. 1n a computerized database, by contrast,

documents can be used and displayed without beinq withdrawn from storaqe .

Page 37: Microcomputer Business Applications

As its most basic use, the database proqram can search for and locate

particular records, copy and collate them, and present them to the»ser in anv

format desired. This simple function is performed by routines that make use

of the orqanization of records within the files of the database.

Recall, however, that the data in each record is stored in discrete,

predefined fields, each of which contains a dif ferent attribute. The actual

data stored within a field on a particular record mav be ref erred to as a

value of that attribute. The user can specif v desired values of any

particular attribute, and instruct the proqram to find only those records

having certain characteristics. Such proqrams are often called relational

database proqrams because of this valuable form of Rata search and retrieval.

The desired characteristics of records can be defined for relational »se

either by specif ic values or ranqes of an attribute. Furthermore, a number of

attributes can be speci f ied at the same time, usinq "AND" or "OR" loqical

operators, to locate a verv specif ic subset of records from the database. On

output or display, records can also be sorted accordinq to values of the

attributes. The order of the sort depends on the user' s specific commands.

That is, records may first be sorted accordinq to values of attribute A, and

within a given value of A, sub-sorted by the value of attribute R. In most

systems, both numerical and alphabetical sort alqorithms are available.

Database Arithmetic Operations

Database proqrams are not necessarily restricted to electronic filinq,

search, and retrieval operations. A number of commercially available database

programs also allow the operator to specify mathematical relationships between

entries in the database in order to create and fill new information sets.


Page 38: Microcomputer Business Applications

Consider aqain the example of the purchase-order file. .iven the uni t

purchase price of each item, and the quantitv ordered, the database manaqement

program can compute a total price for each order . The program can add the

number of units or total purchase prices for any number of records, specified

relationally. Thus, the proqram can compute the total number of units of a

particular item description, and the total cost, ordered from a particular

vendor or qroup of vendors !, during a specified period. All of the

information needed to identif v the required records and per f orm the ari thme tie

manipulation is contai ned within the database f ile . ! Thus, database material

can be manipulated by both relational and arithmetic operations at the same


Common arithmetic operations found in tvpical database proqrams include

the four basic arithmetic functions, totals and suhtotals, percent, and in

more sophisticated systems, hiqher math functions and elementarv statistics.

Database Output Operations

A, valuable feature of the database system is the ability to specifv

output. format for a particular run, or for a particular use. There are two

basic types of output available to the database user: formatted and format-


Formatted output is tvpically used for standard reports and other

frequently used database applications. The user must initiallv define the

type and arrangement of output desired. This formatting process is commonlv

referred to as "desiqninq a screen." Typicallv, a "screen" corresponds to an

array of output that can fit on the display at one time, in readable form.

Normally, it also corresponds to an 8-1/2 bv 11-inch sheet, althouqh this can


Page 39: Microcomputer Business Applications

be varied at the user's discretion on certain svstems. The user defines the

screen by graphicallv blocking out areas of the Risplav to contain information

from the database, usinq a special system routine, and insertinq anv required

labe llinq or text material that will remain consistent in the report format.

When the screen def inition is finished to the user ' s sati sf action, it is

analoqous to a standard form with blanks for the entry of Rata. The screen,

or standard form, can then be catalogued and saved on Risk for furtheruse.

Typical screen layouts are shown in Fiqs. 7 and 8.

Format-free output is typicallv used in relational-database operations,

such as informal queries, searches, and sorts that are not intenRed to produce

s tandard reports or documents. The data resultinq from the operator ' s request

is simply printed in the order speci f ied by the instruction, without extra

material or pre-specified format.

Limi tati ons of Microcomputer Database Svstems

A wide variety of database sof tware is available. Some proqrams

are exceptionally powerful, versatile, and convenient, while others have

rather stringent limitations which must be considered before purchase. The

most important limitations in database applications are size, arithmetic

operations, and access re lationa 1 operations I .

Size limi tations may be imposed bv the machi ne, hut not always directlv

by the size of random-access memorv. For example, while manv machines feature

the ability to expand RAN capacity by installing additional memorv boarRs,

many database proqrams are limited to the RAN available on the basic svs tern

f or which they are des iqned . Thus, the ef f ective capaci tv of the database


Page 40: Microcomputer Business Applications






PART NO. : <I2









4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~


Typical database input screen � This screen will prompt the user to fill inthe information to be stored and used with the database. Each entry promptsthe user for the pertinent information with a descriptor, such as vendor:.Following the descriptor is a field indicator. Example field indicatorsare: *-alphanumeric,[-must fill date filed, .-decimal field, and >-must filldate field. These field indicators insure the information is of the correcttype to insure record compatability. Following the field indicator is thenumber of the field the information will be stored. / indicates the end ofthe field. Any information which exceeds the / will be lost.

Page 41: Microcomputer Business Applications





/ DEPARTMENT : * 13/ WORK CELL : * 14




~ ~ ~ ~ ~t

~ ~ ~ ~ tt eo l I ~ ~ ~ 1a ~ o ~ s f ~t

~, l,~ ~~ ~ 92 ~


Database Output Screen � Production control reports can be quickly and efficientlyproduced with the database systems currently available. The information can bepresented in any format desired by the user. Similar to FIGURE 7, the data isformatted with a descriptor, a field indicator, field number, and end of recordindicator. Note that not all of the information vill be supplied by the database,the user must still fill in the date and period of the report. However, the programmay fill in dates automatically with the computers internal clock.




$. 2425



Page 42: Microcomputer Business Applications

may be software-limited, rather than hardware-limited.

Sof tware capacity limitations mav results from the following


� ! Maximum number of files def inable within a Ratabase.

�! Maximum number of records within each file, and within the datahaseas a whole.

3! Maximum number of different fields per record .

�! Maximum total number of characters per record .

Each of these quantities qenerallv has an absolute limit, hut all of

these limits may not actually he achievable simultaneously. For example, in

increasinq the amount of information stored in each record, the user generallv

decreases the total number of records available.

In many cases, too, the limits cannot, be exceeded without causinq the

system to "stall," or even "crash." In stallinq, a filleR database will lock

out all new entries, and may even prohibit modifications to existing entries.

Although none of the existing database information is lost, the operator mav

waste some time and effort enterinq Rata into the input and Risplav buffer,

only to find that this information cannot be transferred into database memory

due to the filled condition.

In more unfortunate cases, a filled system may start to overwrite itself,

losinq previously stored data. Needless to sav, it cannot be assumed that the

data lost is the oldest data, and therefore no lonaer useful. Similarlv, the

overwritinq may occur into a file space containing clifferentlv formatteR data,

which will cause further errors when data is to be recovered from that file.

Needless to say, any qood database svstem should stop dead before it does

Page 43: Microcomputer Business Applications

this much damage.

F!owever, most serious problems ran he averted hy ensuring that the

system generates some kind of message as the capacity limit is approached, or

at least that the operator has some convenient means of. Retermininq how much

usable space remains in the database. Old records must he trans f erred to

separate inactive or "dead-files" storaqe, to make room for new entries. To

avoid system interruptions due to database fi llup, this file-saving operation

should be done on a fairly reqular basis, rather than wai ting until thinqs

ge t tight.

The ari thmetic operations available in di f f erent systems vary wide lv.

The potential database buyer must carefully consider which arithmetic

operations he will use, takinq account insofar as possible of future needs and

applications. For example, the user may beqin with an application of the

database program in the business of f ice alone, hut he should consider whether

database concepts will eventually he used hy engineerinq or production, which

may well have more complicated arithmetic and statistical needs.

The most signif icant potential problem in microcomputer databases,

however, is in terms of permitted types of access to the Rata. Some database

management proqrams are truly relational across all files in the database, and

can move from file to file with ease while carryinq out relational operations.

Access can he specifieR throuqh any attribute, or combination of attrihutes,

in any file. Less sophisticated proqrams, however, may only allow relational

access throuqh a sinqle master file in each database. All other files in

the database can be accessed only by direct record location, based on searches

throuqh the master filch This limitation implies that the hurRen is on the

user to ensure that the database is set up to allow Rata in the support files

Page 44: Microcomputer Business Applications

to be accessed by cross-referencinq from the master file.

The next. section, codinq systems, is stronql v related to the concept

of the dat.abase. In the desiqn of his codinq system, the system user

obviously imposes certain field width and storaqe-capacity limi tations on his

own database. At the same time, however, he can ensure that database entries

are fairly standard, easy to enter and correct, transparent and logical, and

convenient to use as keys in searching for particular records.

Page 45: Microcomputer Business Applications


The use of a special "lanquaqe" is essential in the application of the

microcomputer in the boatyard. The shipbuildinq industry has, of course,

developed its own terminology based on traditional usaqe. bulkhead, deck,

floor, even the words port and starboard, are terms which would be clearly

understood by builders, althouqh not by many other people, and still less by a

computer, at the outset. In order to keep track of inventory, tor example, or

to follow the progress of a particular part or assembly throuqh the yard, the

computer must be provided with a descriptive "language" that is concise,

easily entered, and capable of manipulation by the machine. For other

reasons, of course, the words of this "lanquaqe" should be easi lv inter preteR

by people, too. What is required is a compact, standardized set of. svmbols

that can be used to pass information reqardinq the various items that the yard

must work with, or the various qr oups or functions within the yard or the

entire company. This set of. symbols may be referred to as a code.

For reasons of storaqe efficiency, the computer is served best either by

a purely numerical languaqe, or by by short sequences of letters and numbers,

alphanumeric strinqs, as they are called. The advantage of usinq some

alphabetic characters in the code is that if the letters are chosen

meaningfully, they will assist the user in enterinq, interpretinq, and

cor rec ting the data. The machine itself, of course, is indi f f e rent to the

actual appearance of the code, but onl v requires that the set of codes be used


Prior to developinq the code it is most important to consider who will be

using the information in the code, and what functions the information will

have to the operator, the user, and within the proqram itself. The record


Page 46: Microcomputer Business Applications

cataloging process described in an earlier section is a good model for

evaluating the kinds of information that may be required in the code.

Another aid to this process is shown in Fig. 9. Each component of the

information contained in a code requires a "field," that is, a series of

consecutive columns reserved to receive a particular number of characters.

The fields can be separated by dashes, by blank spaces, or they can be

adjacent although this can make the code more difficult to enter or read! .

Depending on the amount of information to be contained in a particular code,

therefore, the total length of the code may vary from one character to an

entire line, or morc' Naturally, very long codes are less efficient from

both the machine-storage and human-convenience standpoints, and in general

enough information for most purposes can be conveyed in a code of reasonable


There are a number of different approaches to coding systems in use. In

the manufacturing environment, two primary forms of codes are most commonly

used in database systems, namely, "hierarchical" and "indexed.'

A hierarchical code is a tree-like structure, in which each item of

information must be present in a strict order. For example, the first field

in the code may represent a particular item of output, while the second field

may be a description of a particular attribute of this item . This second

field might have another meaning depending on the contents of the first field .

In general, the chain of reference in a hierarchical code goes from right to



Page 47: Microcomputer Business Applications


0'0 0G



4 8C40










'U 0

6'e CI



S 8C


8 Q


Page 48: Microcomputer Business Applications

By contrast, an indexeR code sometimes called a referencinq code!

implies only a location within a specif ied list of items. In ef feet, the code

is analoqous to a conventional filinq svstem, althouqh it does not have to

have an obvious order. This concept is illustrated in Fiq. 10. As in an

alphabetically ordered file, the fact that two Rif ferent codes may beqin with

the same character has no particular relationship to any similaritv between

the meani nqs of the two codes, any more than pi pi nq, pane llinq, or plate are

similar because the words all beqin with the letter "p." Althouqh there are

applications for indexed codes in many areas, most database manaqement

proqrams are best used in conjunction with a hierarchical system of codes.

One of the considerations that Ristinquishes a "qood" codinq system from

a "bad" one is the degree to which the code can aid in correctinq mistakes in

input, or in avoiding mistakes in interpretation. Codes can be given some

error-resi stinq qualities either bv addinq redundant characters to each field,

or hy addinq characters that are transparent to Fnqlish. For example, to

represent, the three-field code 00-12-37, an entry miqht be made in the form

0000-1122-3377. Thus, any appearance of dissimilar Riqits in the first two or

last two columns of each expanded field would be recoqnized hy the machine or

by the operator! as an error. However, it is obvious that this a cumbersome


Addinq mnemonic alphabetical prefixes to fields is a common plov. In

order to aid in error recovery, two quidelines should be followed: first, the

mnemonic should contain enough letters to mean somethinq obvious> second, the

meaning should tend to persist even with one character missinq or incorrect.

Finally, in developinq a code, the followinq qeneral rules may be of some


Page 49: Microcomputer Business Applications

FIGURE 10 a. Hierarchical Structured Cade � 3 implies 4, 4 implies A.

FIGURE 10 b. Referencing Code-- no relation between similar code words.

FIGURE 10 c. Networked Hierarchical Code-- If B. then A.3 and B.l, B.2, and C.

A! !.3.3

B ,2.1B ~ p .2.2B<p.2 3

FIGURE 10 d. Combinatian of Referenced and Hierarchical Coding.

Page 50: Microcomputer Business Applications

1 ! The code should consist of a series of fields, separateR bv hyphens

for clari ty.

2! In general, each field should correspond to information that is useRby a particular department or function within the varR. In this wav, reportsgenerated from the database using the codes can be easilv tailored to give thevarious departments only the information they need from a particular code,nothing more and nothing less.

�! Do not include information items that can be directlv derived fromother fields in the code. This tvpe of redundancv does not contribute vervmuch to error recovery, and it hoes use up both input time and storage snace.

4 ! Use alphanumeric codes . Meaningful pre f ixes will aiR in readahi litvand in error recovery. The cost in computer storage is negligible, becausethe "internal" form of the code doesn' t have to 'have the same appearance as

the external representation.

�! Keep the code as short as possible, consistent with expressing allthe necessary information. The longer the code becomes, the more chance thereis for an error.

�! Do not include information in the code that has no immediate user.However, leave room for future additions in the database for expansion. Thismeans that you may want to incorporate extra fields in the definition of arecord. They can be lef t empty until they are needeR. On the. other hand, iffuture needs dictate the inclusion of additional information and there is no

room lef t in the record description, the entire system of Rata storage mavhave to be overhauled.
