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Microorganisms : Friend And Foe BY- Sudhanshu Kathuria

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Post on 25-May-2015




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  • 1. BY-Sudhanshu Kathuria

2. Microorganisms are very tiny one-celled organisms, viruses, fungi, and bacteria, and are found everywhere in the world. 3. MicrobiologyThe study of microorganisms is calledmicrobiology.The microbes were seen for the first time in 1677 with help of a simplemicroscope developed by Anton Van levenhoek 4. Anton Van levenhoek Antonie Evan Leeuwenhoekis commonly known as "the Father ofMicrobiology", and considered to bethe first microbiologist. He is bestknown for his work on theimprovement of the microscope and forhis contributions towards theestablishment of microbiology. 5. Amoeba parameciumSpirogyraChlamydomonas Bread mouldvirus penicillium aspergillum 6. Chlamydomonas is a genus of greenalgae they are unicellular flagellates. Chlamydomonas is used as a modelorganism for molecular biology,especially studies of flagellar motilityand chloroplast dynamics, biogenesis,and genetics. 7. Spirogyra is a genus offilamentous green algae ofthe order Zygnematales, namedfor the helical or spiralarrangement of the chloroplaststhat is diagnostic of the genus.They are found in fresh waterareas. 8. The amoeba is a tiny, one- celled organism. You needa microscope to see mostamoebas - the largest are only about 1 mm across. Amoebas live in fresh water (like puddles and ponds), in salt water, in wet soil, and in animals(including people). There are many different typesof amoebas. The name amoeba comes from the Greek word amoibe, which means change. (Amoeba issometimes spelled ameba.) 9. Paramecium is a groupof unicellular ciliate protozons,which are commonly studied as arepresentative of the ciliategroup, and range from about 50to 350 cm in length. 10. Bread mold is a kind offungus that is commonly foundon bread surfaces. It takesfood and nutrients from thebread and causes damage tothe surface where it lives. Itcauses a bad taste to thebread also. But the mold hasa place in the industry whereit serves as a decomposer thatcan decompose decayed plantsand animals. 11. Penicillium isa genus of ascomycetousfungi ofmajor importance in the naturalenvironment as well as food anddrug production. Itproduces penicillin, which is usedas an antibiotic. 12. Aspergillus is a genus consisting ofseveral hundred mold species found invarious climatesworldwide. Aspergillus was firstcatalogued in 1729 by the Italianpriest and biologist Pier AntonioMicheli 13. A virus is a small infectiousagent that can replicate onlyinside the living cells oforganisms. Most viruses are toosmall to be seen directly witha light microscope. Viruses infectall types of organisms,from animals and plants to bacteria and archaea. 14. Name of theyear contributionscientistRobert Hooke 1665 He observed cork cellLouis Pasteur1885 He proved that fermentation is a biochemicalprocessRobert Koch1872 He proved that the mycobacterium is maincause of tuberculosisAlexander flemming 1929 He prepared first antibiotic from Penicilliumnotatum 15. HABITTAT OF MICROORGANISMSThey can survive under all types of environment. Ranging from ice cold climate to hot springs.Deserts to marshy lands.They are found in the bodies of animals including humans. Some microorganisms grow on other organisms while others existsfreely. 16. USES OF MICROORGANISMSMicroorganisms are used :- For preparation of milk products. For making bakery products. Commercial use of microorganisms. Medicinal use of microorganisms. Used as vaccine. For increasing soil fertility. For cleaning up the environment. 17. Preparation of milk productsLactobacillus bacteria promotes formation milk productslike curd, cheese, etc.This bacteria multiplies in milk to form curd. 18. Making of bakery productsMaking of bakery products like bread, cakes etc.Yeast reproduces rapidly and produces carbon dioxide during respiration.Bubbles of the gas fill the dough and increase its volume. 19. Commercial use of microorganismsMicroorganisms are used commercially for the production of wine, alcohol and acetic acid.Yeast is used for commercial production of alcohol and wine.Yeast is grown on natural sugars present in grains like barley, wheat etcYeast converts the sugar into alcohol by the process of fermentation. 20. Medicinal use of microorganisms Microorganisms are used as medicines like antibiotics. Antibiotics kill or stops the growth of disease causing microorganisms. Tetracycline, Streptomycin and erythromycin are the examples of antibiotics. 21. Vaccine When a disease-carrying microbe enters our body, the body produces antibodies to fightthe invader. The body also remembers how to fight the microbe if it enters again. So, ifdead or weakened microbes are introduced in a healthy body, the body fights and killsthem by producing suitable antibodies. The antibodies remain in the body andwe are protected from the disease causing microbes. This is how a vaccine works.Several diseases, including cholera, tuberculosis, smallpox and hepatitis can beprevented by diseases . Edward Jenner discovered the vaccine for small pox in 1798. 22. Cleaning the environmentWe often see large amounts of dead organic matter in the form of decaying plantsand sometimes dead animals on the ground. You find that they disappear aftersome time. This is because the microorganisms decompose dead organic waste ofplants and animals converting them into simple substances. These substances areagain used by other plants and animals. Thus, microorganisms can be used todegrade the harmful and smelly substances and thereby cleanup the environment. 23. Harmful microorganismsMicroorganisms are harmful in many ways. Some of the microorganismscause diseases in human beings, plants and animals. Such disease-causing microorganisms are called pathogens. Some microorganisms spoilfood, clothing and leather. Let us study more about their harmfulactivities. 24. Increasing soil fertilitySome bacteria and blue green algae are able to fix nitrogen from theatmosphere to enrich soil with nitrogen and increase its fertility. Thesemicrobes are commonly called biological nitrogen fixers. 25. Disease causing microorganisms in humansThere are some insects and animals which act as carriers of disease causingmicrobes. Housefly is one such carrier. The flies sit on the garbage andanimal excreta. Pathogens stick to their bodies. When these flies sit onuncovered food they may transfer the pathogens. Whoever eats thecontaminated food is likely to get sick.Female anopheles mosquito Female aedes mosquito 26. Disease causing microorganisms in animals Several microorganisms not only cause diseases in humans and plants, but also in other animals. For example, anthrax is a dangerous human and cattle disease caused by a bacterium. Foot and mouth disease of cattle is caused by a virus.Robert Koch was the person who discovered bacterium which causes anthrax disease. 27. Human Disease Causative Mode ofPreventive MeasuresMicroorganism TransmissionTuberculosis bacteria AirKeep the patient in completeMeaslesVirus Air isolation. Keep the personalChicken PoxVirus Air/contact belongings of the patient awayPolioVirus Air/Water from those of the others.Cholera Bacteriawater/food Maintain personal hygieneTyphoid Bacteria water and good sanitary habits. Consume properly cooked food and boiled drinking water. VaccinationHepatitisVirusWaterDrink boiled drinking water. Vaccination.MalariaProtozoa Mosquito Use mosquito nets and repellents. 28. Disease causing microorganisms in plants Several microorganisms cause diseases in plants like wheat, rice, potato,sugarcane, orange, apple and others. The diseases reduce the yield of crops.plant diseases. They can be controlled by the use of certain chemicals which killthe microbes. 29. Food poisoningFood poisoning could be due to the consumption of food spoilt by some microorganisms. Microorganisms that grow on our food sometimes produce toxic substances. These make the food poisonous causing serious illness and even death. So, it is very important that we preserve food to prevent it from being spoilt. 30. Food preservationThe process of preserving food from spoiling is called food preservation. Methods of food preservation1.chemical method2.Preservation by common salt3.Preservation by sugar4.Preservation by oil and vinegar5.Heat and cold treatments6.Storage and packing 31. Chemical methodmany chemical substances help inpreservation of food materialsby arresting the growth ofmicroorganisms in them .Lemon preserved in commonsalt sweet known as Agra kapetha,Murabba etc . are theexamples of preservation bydehydration . Acetic acid,Benzoic acids are used aspreservatives 32. Preservation by common saltCommon salt is used for preserving meat and fishes for ages. Meat and fish arecovered with common salt . Salting is also for storing alma.Preservation by sugarJams, jellies and squashes are preserved by sugar. Sugar reduces the moisturewhich inhibits the bacteria which spoils the food. 33. Preservation by oil and vinegarUse of oil and vinegar prevents spoilage of pickles because bacteria cannot live in such an environ ment.vegitables,fruits,fish and meat are often preserved by this method. 34. Heat and cold treatmentsYou must have observed your mother boiling milk before it is stored or used.Boiling kills many microorganisms . Similarly, we keep our food our food inthe refrigerator. Low temperature inhibits the growth of microorganisms.PasteurisationPasteurised milk can be consumed without boiling as it is free from harmful microbes. ThemilkIs heated about 70* for 15 to 30 seconds and then suddenly chilled and stored. By doingso, it prevents the growth of microbes. This process was discovered by Louis pasteur.it iscalled pasteurisation. 35. Nitrogen cycleOur atmosphere has 78% of nitrogen gas. Nitrogen is one of the essential constituents ofall living organisms as part of protiens,chlorophyll,nuclic acids and vitamins. Theatmospheric nitrogen cannot be taken directly by plants and animals. certain bacteriaand blue green algae present in the soil fix nitrogen from the atmosphere and convert itinto these usable compounds, it can be utilised by plants from soil by their roots.EG-Azotobacter 36. Microorganisms are too small and are not visible to the unaided eye.They can live in all kinds of environment, ranging from ice cold climate to hot springs and deserts to marshy lands.Microorganisms are found in air, water and in the bodies of plants and animals. 37. They may be unicellular or multicellular. Microorganisms include bacteria, fungi,protozoa and some algae. Viruses, thoughdifferent from the above mentioned livingorganisms, are considered microbes. Viruses are quite different from othermicroorganisms. They reproduce only insidethe host organism; bacterium, plant or animalcell. 38. Some microorganisms are useful forcommercial production of medicines andalcohol. Some microorganisms decompose the organicwaste and dead plants and animals into simplesubstances and clean up the environment. Protozoan cause serious diseases likedysentery and malaria. 39. Some of the microorganisms grow on our foodand cause food poisoning. Some microorganisms reside in the rootnodules of leguminous plants. They can fixnitrogen from air into soil and increase thesoil fertility. Some bacteria and blue green algae presentin the soil fix nitrogen from the atmosphereand convert into nitrogenous compounds. 40. Certain bacteria convert compounds of nitrogen present in the soil intonitrogen gas which is released to the atmosphere.