micros simphony v1.2

Simphony v1.2 General Release and Maintenance Releases

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  Simphony v1.2 General Release and Maintenance Releases    

Page 2: MICROS Simphony v1.2

Table of Contents  

Simphony 1.2 ............................................................................................................................................... 4

Prerequisite Knowledge ............................................................................................................................ 4

Document Overview ................................................................................................................................. 4

Terminology .......................................................................................................................................... 5

Prerequisite information for installing Simphony 1.2 ................................................................................... 6

The new mymicros.net .......................................................................................................................... 6

Post-Install Configuration for Fresh Installs ......................................................................................... 6

New Features ................................................................................................................................................ 7

Enhancements ............................................................................................................................................... 9

Revisions ..................................................................................................................................................... 10

See also ....................................................................................................................................................... 15

Simphony 1.2 Maintenance Release 1 ..................................................................................................... 16

Prerequisite Knowledge .......................................................................................................................... 16

Document Overview ............................................................................................................................... 16

Terminology ........................................................................................................................................ 16

Obtaining/Installing the Software ........................................................................................................... 16

New Features .............................................................................................................................................. 17

Enhancements ............................................................................................................................................. 17

Revisions ..................................................................................................................................................... 18

See also ....................................................................................................................................................... 21

Simphony 1.2 Maintenance Release 2 ..................................................................................................... 22

Prerequisite Knowledge .......................................................................................................................... 22

Document Overview ............................................................................................................................... 22

Terminology ........................................................................................................................................ 22

Obtaining/Installing the Software ........................................................................................................... 22

New Features .............................................................................................................................................. 23

Enhancements ............................................................................................................................................. 23

Revisions ..................................................................................................................................................... 23

See also ....................................................................................................................................................... 26

Simphony 1.2 Maintenance Release 3 ..................................................................................................... 27

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Prerequisite Knowledge .......................................................................................................................... 27

Document Overview ............................................................................................................................... 27

Terminology ........................................................................................................................................ 28

Obtaining/Installing the Software ........................................................................................................... 28

New Features .............................................................................................................................................. 29

Enhancements ............................................................................................................................................. 29

Revisions ..................................................................................................................................................... 30

See also ....................................................................................................................................................... 33 

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Simphony 1.2


Starting with this release, the MICROS standard Release Versioning has been implemented. See Release Versioning Scheme for more information. A number of steps or considerations should be performed prior to installing this release. See Prerequisite information for installing Simphony 1.2 for more information.

This article is a quick reference guide to features, enhancements, and revisions for Simphony 1.2.

Prerequisite Knowledge

This document assumes the reader has the following knowledge or expertise:

• Understanding of basic network concepts • Experience with Microsoft Windows platforms and terminology • Familiarity with this product line and its hardware, software, and peripherals

Document Overview

Simphony Version 1.2 General Release

Simphony 1.2 MR 1 Simphony 1.2 MR 2 Simphony 1.2 MR 3

Previous Version     Next Version  

Simphony 1.0       Simphony 1.4  


This document includes the following sections:

What's New

This section describes new features in this software release. A new feature is one that provides capabilities that were not available in previous versions.

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What's Enhanced

This section describes enhancements in this software release. An enhancement is a change made to improve or extend an existing feature, under the following criteria:

• The basic feature or functionality already exists in the previous release. • The change adds to or expands on the current process — it does not replace it. This differs from a

revision that corrects a problem.

What's Revised

This section describes issues that have been corrected. A revision is a correction made to an existing form, feature, or function, using the following criteria:

• The item must be part of the previous version. • The change must replace the current item or remove it from the application.


• A Fix ID is an internal tracking number used by R&D. This ID is primarily used by R&D personnel; it is helpful for mapping fixes to documented items.

• A CR# is a "Change Request ID" that is generated during the escalations process. When a case is started at the Support Center and the issue is determined to be an application defect, a Change Request is created, informing R&D that an issue needs to be fixed.

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Prerequisite information for installing Simphony 1.2

The new mymicros.net

MICROS recommends performing a backup of the mymicros directory prior to upgrading to this version. While a periodic backup may be performed on your machine, a specific one-time backup of the directory before upgrading to this release is strongly recommended.

Simphony 1.2 requires at least mymicros.net version 4.5.2:

• Older versions of Simphony will still function with mymicros.net 4.5.2, however the mymicros.net Serving Period Financial Report will not function properly.

• Users who launch EMC with a mymicros.net version below 4.5.2 will receive a warning that they are not running the correct mymicros.net software version.

Post-Install Configuration for Fresh Installs

This section applies only to new installs of Simphony (no upgrades) for customers using the sample database.

After installing this version with the sample database, the following steps need to be performed before data can be properly posted into mymicros.net:

• One of the following SQL scripts must be run. Note that the files are located in the Installer\Components\DbHelper directory on the install media; the files are not installed on the server.

o MSSQL_moveflag.sql (for MS-SQL installations) o Ora_moveflag.sql (for Oracle installations)

• The Windows Service, MICROS New DTS, must be restarted.  


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New Features Fix ID Feature CR #


711 4482

Support for Slip Printers has been introduced.

Slip Printers can now be used in Simphony. For more information about configuration and usage, see Slip Printer.

6748 Support for the NALDS has been introduced.

The North American Liquor Dispensing System can now be used in Simphony. For more information about configuration and usage, see NALDS.


6667 Printer troubleshooting link has been added to PMC Diagnostics.

PMC Diagnostics now includes a link that allows troubleshooting and communications testing for all printers in a Property. For more information see, PMC Diagnostics: Printers.


1505 A New Simphony Licensing model has been implemented.

The new Simphony Licensing model has been implemented. For more information, see Simphony Licensing.


2105 4805 6381

New Serving Period functionality has been introduced.

• New Serving Period functionality has been introduced: • Previously, all Serving Periods changed automatically at the specified begin

time. Now, Serving Periods can be configured to change automatically or manually via user-interaction.

• Previously, Serving Periods were active every day of the week. It is now possible to configure Serving Periods to be active only on specific days of the week.

• Serving Period Financial Reports have been implemented. • To correspond with the new changes, Serving Period Posting guidelines have


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Fix ID Feature CR #

been documented.

For more information about configuration and usage, see Serving Period: Manual and Automatic.

5745 6492

Support for VAT has been introduced.

Support for VAT has been introduced.



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Enhancements Fix ID Enhancement CR #


6429 The Printers Module now detects "duplicate" printers and alerts the user.

When a user saves a Printer record, EMC now prevents multiple printers from having the same configuration. Duplicate configuration is prevented in these situations:

• Two IDN Roll Printers are using the same Print Controller and have the same IDN ID.

• Two IP Printers are using the same Print Controller and have the same IP Address



5266 The Simphony Software Version is now displayed on all reports.

The Simphony Software Version will now display on all reports according to the MICROS standard Release Versioning Scheme.


6694 Functionality introduced to allow the final image of a check to be saved.

A new option has been added that allows the final image of a check to be saved. The Property Parameters reporting option, [23 - Save the final check image], controls this behavior. When enabled, an image of a check is stored when Guest Checks, Customer Receipts, or Memo Checks are created; these checks are then viewable from Audit and Analysis or from a PMC Journal Report.


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Revisions Fix ID Revision CR #

Credit Cards

6706 Issue: Old Credit Card Batches were being purged every time a purge job ran; the Property Parameters setting for the number of days to save batch files was being ignored.

Resolution: This has been corrected.


5230 Issue: The database download handler cached all strings available for download by any clients within an enterprise. This caching would consume too much memory on some systems.


Resolution: The HierStrucID column has been added to STRING_TABLE for faster downloads by workstations. The strings are no longer cached.


6371 Issue: In the Stored Value Cards EMC Module, the wrong text was used to describe Interface group box.


Resolution: This has been corrected.


6644 Issue: EMS batches statuses were not updating from "In Progress" to "Completed."


Resolution: This has been corrected.


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Fix ID Revision CR #


6008 Issue: Installation did not include some components. 26304

Resolution: The install application now includes the following components:

• Components for Report Mail • Required files in the Simphony\mymicros\InfoDelivery directory • Micros Portal Info Delivery • Updates to parameters in SchedulerConfig.xml and db.xml • Missing translation files in the Simphony\mymicros\InfoDelivery\

finengine\translation folder • The Simphony\mymicros\InfoDelivery\log directory and the

scheduler.log file in this directory.


4325 Issue: The mymicros.net OPS Common Currency Report was running unsuccessfully.


Resolution: The issue existed because a number of tables in the LOCATION_ACTIVITY_DB were not being populated. This has been corrected.

5267 Issue: Month-to-date RVC Financial and Property Financial reports did not display the correct start date.

Resolution: This has been corrected.

5268 Issue: Daily Net Sales breakdown by Order Type did not match with Net Sales when menu items with inclusive tax were ordered.

Resolution: This has been corrected.

5269 Issue: The Employee Financial Report did not fit the width of the paper when using the PDF format; the left and right side margins were cutting off information.

Resolution: The column width has been adjusted to fit the report.

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Fix ID Revision CR #

5270 Issue: When a Service Charge was voided, the voided amount was added to both void and credit, which caused the Change in Grand Total field to be wrong.

Resolution: The voided amount is no long posted to Credit.

5278 Issue: The RVC tax report sometimes showed incorrect totals.

Resolution: This has been corrected.

5287 Issue: When a user selected a date for the Property Financial Report, the incorrect Grand Total displayed; the most recent Grand Total displayed instead of the Grand Total as of the reporting date.

Resolution: This has been corrected.

5336 Issue: When a discount was linked to a Tax Class that was programmed with an Inclusive Tax, sales totals would not balance after this discount was voided.


Resolution: This has been corrected.

5899 Issue: VAT Inclusive Tax posted to Tax Collected and to Total Revenue on Offline Reports, essentially doubling the sales tax.


Resolution: This has been corrected.

6279 Issue: The Forgot Password link in mymicros.net did not work in Simphony. When a user clicked the link and followed the prompts, no email was sent to the user.


Resolution: The password is emailed to the user as expected.

6389 Issue: Employee Financial Reports included the Grand Total field, which could have caused performance issues.

Resolution: The Grand Total field has been removed from Employee Financial Reports.

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Fix ID Revision CR #

6714 Issue: Portal reports displayed "NOW" as the End Time for to-date or daily reports.

Resolution: When an Enterprise-level report is generated, reports will display the application server local time as the End Time; when a Property-level report is generated, reports will display the local time of the Property as the End Time.


5446 Issue: After a new service pack or hotfix was applied to a system, some workstations would prompt the user for the Install User Security password when OPS started.


Resolution: This has been corrected.

5815 Issue: When a tender record was configured to prompt for CVV or AVS during credit card authorizations, the workstation did not prompt for this information if the tender was accessed via the [CCard Lookup] function key (625) or [Manual Authorize] function key (632).


Resolution: This has been corrected.

6385 Issue: After frequent reboots, a workstation would prompt the user for the Install User Security password multiple times. This issue occurred when OPS lost communication with the server prior to receiving a valid authorization.


Resolution: This has been corrected.

6733 Issue: There was an event handle leak in OPS; this error may have been particularly severe when a workstation was the Offline Cache Service Host.

Resolution: This has been corrected.


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Fix ID Revision CR #

PMC Procedures

5651 Issue: When the Alpha Entry Screen was configured on a touchscreen record that was not using the Classic Touchscreen Template, PMC would display only the first 10x6 keys of the grid.


Resolution: This has been corrected; all the keys of the touchscreen are now displayed.


1232 Issue: When an Order Device was configured as a Dopplebon Printer, the printer did not cut the paper betweeen the separate Order Chits.


Resolution: This has been corrected.

2745 Issue: When a workstation's backup printer was configured with a Print Controller of "0-None", print jobs would fail with an "Object does not exist" error.


Resolution: A workstation now prints to the primary printer and ignores the backup printer if its configuration is not valid.

2912 Issue: Workstations would not print to locally-connected printers while operating in Red Mode.

Resolution: This has been corrected.


5272 Issue: When a user ran a Journal Report that included a query by Check Number, cancelled transactions were not returned in the result set. This issue occurred because DPS did not post cancelled transactions.

Resolution: Cancelled transactions are now posted by DPS.


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Fix ID Revision CR #


6675 Issue: SIM printing did not cut the paper. 27191

Resolution: SIM print commands now work as follows:

• EndPrintNoFF will not perform a form feed or cut the paper; • EndPrintFF will perform a form feed and then cut the paper; • EndPrint will behave like the EndPrintNoFF command if

printing to a journal printer; otherwise, it will behave like the EndPrintFF command.

See also

• Versions and Releases • Versions and releases category • Schema Changes

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Simphony 1.2 Maintenance Release 1

This article is a quick reference guide to features, enhancements, and revisions for Simphony 1.2 Maintenance Release 1.

Prerequisite Knowledge

This document assumes the reader has the following knowledge or expertise: • Understanding of basic network concepts • Experience with Microsoft Windows platforms and terminology • Familiarity with this product line and its hardware, software, and peripherals

Document Overview

This document includes the following sections:

What's New

This section describes new features in this software release. A new feature is one that provides capabilities that were not available in previous versions.

What's Enhanced

This section describes enhancements in this software release. An enhancement is a change made to improve or extend an existing feature, under the following criteria:

• The basic feature or functionality already exists in the previous release. • The change adds to or expands on the current process — it does not replace it. This differs from a

revision that corrects a problem.

What's Revised This section describes issues that have been corrected. A revision is a correction made to an existing form, feature, or function, using the following criteria:

• The item must be part of the previous version. • The change must replace the current item or remove it from the application.


• A Fix ID is an internal tracking number used by R&D. This ID is primarily used by R&D personnel; it is helpful for mapping fixes to documented items.

• A CR# is a "Change Request ID" that is generated during the escalations process. When a case is started at the Support Center and the issue is determined to be an application defect, a Change Request is created, informing R&D that an issue needs to be fixed.

Obtaining/Installing the Software

The installation file is named Simphony_1.2_MR1.iso; it can be downloaded from http://downloads.micros.com/micros/simphony/Simphony_1.2_MR1.iso.

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New Features There are no new features in this version.

Enhancements Fix ID Enhancement CR #


6063 New functionality for Non-Revenue Service Charges has been introduced.

Previously, when a transaction included a Non-Revenue Service Charge, the checks begun/paid section of reports did not include these checks. Now, the behavior for the checks begun/paid fields is configurable. A new Service Charge option bit, [Add to Checks Begun/Paid Count if Non-Revenue], has been introduced to control this behavior. (This option applies to a Service Charge only if it is configured as "Non-Revenue".) When this option is enabled, the checks begun/paid count on reports will be increased when the Non-Revenue Service Charge is applied to a transaction. When this option is disabled, the checks begun/paid count will not change.



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Revisions Fix ID Revision CR #

Credit Card Batch

6724 Issue: Credit Card Batches had performance problems on large systems.

Resolution: A database index was added to improve performance.

Credit Card Driver

6482 Issue: The CAPMS option, [Include $0.00 Payment Records], was being ignored. This caused some Credit Card Batches to fail when a $0.00 record existed and the processor was not configured to receive $0.00 records.


Resolution: This has been corrected; CC Settlement now considers the setting of the option when settling batches.


6281 Issue: It was not possible to return menu items in an automatic discount environment; the discount was not posted to the mymicros.net database.

Resolution: This has been corrected.

6775 Issue: Fixed period totals weren't always created for sites using TAPE/Balance. 27352

Resolution: This has been corrected.


6307 Issue: When a user's password was changed, it was possible for the user to lose the ability to sign in.


Resolution: This has been corrected.


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Fix ID Revision CR #

6669 Issue: Interface logs were not enabled.

Resolution: Logs have been enabled for the following interface types: PMS/SIM, Security, and Table Management.


5110 Issue: The KDS Controller service sometimes failed when closing; this prevented the service from being restarted successfully.


Resolution: This has been corrected.


6814 Issue: The Move History job sometimes deleted checks when multiple Application Servers were running NewDTS.


Resolution: This issue was reported and hot-fixed in Simphony 1.0 Maintenance Release 12; the fix is included in this release.


6730 Issue: iCare discount and loyalty awards prompted for an amount instead of applying the discount automatically.


Resolution: This has been corrected.

6779 Issue: It was not possible to use the [Exempt Auto Service Charge] function key (534) in VAT environments.


Resolution: This has been corrected.


5823 Issue: A form feed was not performed after pickup chits printed from a serial printer.


Resolution: This has been corrected.

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Fix ID Revision CR #

6746 Issue: Slip Printing was not optimized.

Resolution: Slip Printing performance has been improved; this fix incorporates speed improvements of 30-35% for most printing types.

Reporting / mymicros.net

4255 Issue: The No Sale Report failed with the error, "No information is available for the selected range."


Resolution: This has been corrected.

5633 Issue: The Daily Checklist Report was not functioning correctly. 25723

Resolution: This has been corrected.

6209 Issue: The Clock-in Status Report did not display employees who were on break.


Resolution: This has been corrected.

6234 Issue: The Void Reason Report displayed an error when a check did not have a Table Number.


Resolution: This has been corrected.

6679 Issue: When a menu item was voided, the transaction date/time of the original item was changed.


Resolution: This has been corrected.


6439 Issue: The Sales Itemizer variable, @SI[i], was returning the value of Sales Itemizers less Discounts; this does not match the documented behavior.


Resolution: This has been corrected. The variable now returns the Sales Itemizer total prior to backing out Discounts.

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Simphony 1.2 Maintenance Release 2

This article is a quick reference guide to features, enhancements, and revisions for Simphony 1.2 Maintenance Release 2.

Prerequisite Knowledge

This document assumes the reader has the following knowledge or expertise:

• Understanding of basic network concepts • Experience with Microsoft Windows platforms and terminology • Familiarity with this product line and its hardware, software, and peripherals

Document Overview

This document includes the following sections:

What's New

This section describes new features in this software release. A new feature is one that provides capabilities that were not available in previous versions.

What's Enhanced

This section describes enhancements in this software release. An enhancement is a change made to improve or extend an existing feature, under the following criteria:

• The basic feature or functionality already exists in the previous release. • The change adds to or expands on the current process — it does not replace it. This differs from a

revision that corrects a problem. •

What's Revised

This section describes issues that have been corrected. A revision is a correction made to an existing form, feature, or function, using the following criteria:

• The item must be part of the previous version. • The change must replace the current item or remove it from the application.


• A Fix ID is an internal tracking number used by R&D. This ID is primarily used by R&D personnel; it is helpful for mapping fixes to documented items.

• A CR# is a "Change Request ID" that is generated during the escalations process. When a case is started at the Support Center and the issue is determined to be an application defect, a Change Request is created, informing R&D that an issue needs to be fixed.

Obtaining/Installing the Software The installation file is named Simphony_1.2_MR2.iso; it can be downloaded from http://downloads.micros.com/micros/simphony/Simphony_1.2_MR2.iso.

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New Features There are no new features in this version.

Enhancements There are no enhancements in this version.

Revisions Fix ID Revision CR #


6731 Issue: When the RVC Parameters Posting option, [6 - Post Totals and Tender to Transaction Operator], was enabled, DPS was posting data with the check employee ID, instead of the transaction employee ID.


Resolution: This has been corrected.


5160 Issue: When a Menu Item Definition's second name was changed, mymicros.net was not updated.


Resolution: This has been corrected.

6753 Issue: For checks including Credit Cards, DTS was posting the amount authorized instead of the actual amount paid. This resulted in a mismatch between the EMC's Batch Report and the mymicros.net Credit Card Batch Detail Report.


Resolution: DTS now sends the correct amount to the mymicros.net databases.

6774 Issue: In some circumstances, definitions were not moved to the reporting database. There was no easy way to force definitions to be posted into the mymicros.net databases.


Resolution: Now, the MyMicros module in EMC contains a "Refresh Definitions" button. This button lets a programmer move all definitions for the selected Property into the mymicros.net databases.

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Fix ID Revision CR #

6777 Issue: Time Period reports sometimes failed because an invalid name was created by NewDTS when moving the record from the transaction database to the mymicros.net database.


Resolution: This has been corrected.

6894 Issue: "Old DTS" was sometimes attempting to run "New DTS" jobs.

Resolution: This has been corrected; "Old DTS" now runs only the Labor job.


6911 Issue: EMS sometimes created records in the wrong Revenue Center.

Resolution: This has been corrected.

Mobile Micros

6949 Issue: When a check was started and service totalled on a Mobile MICROS client, and then picked up on a workstation, the Mobile MICROS unit would freeze and require a reboot.


Resolution: This has been corrected.

6951 Issue: Mobile MICROS clients sometimes froze when processing database updates.


Resolution: This has been corrected.


5765 Issue: Stored Value Card Interfaces did not work when the interface had an object number greater than 255.


Resolution: This has been corrected; now, Stored Value Card interfaces can have an object number up to 65535; EMC will prevent users from saving an interface record if the object number is larger than this and it is a Stored Value Card interface type.

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Fix ID Revision CR #

6330 Issue: After applying an automatic discount to a check, the [Menu Item Price Override] function key (641) would not work. In addition, it was not possible to override the price of a discounted item.


Resolution: This has been corrected.

6367 Issue: Checks with large dollar amounts were not transmitted from the database to the workstation.


Resolution: This has been corrected.

6390 Issue: OPS allowed tender values that were too large to post to mymicros.net. 26746

Resolution: OPS now disallows tender amounts that are larger than 9,999,999.99 with the error, Entry too large.

6790 Issue: When using Seat Filtering, Credit Card payments were not finalized to the same seat on which they were authorized.


Resolution: This has been corrected; the seat number is now included in the authorization.

6821 Issue: Certain SVC messages errored with a buffer overflow; the buffer was too small.

Resolution: This buffer size has been increased.


6413 1952

Issue: Non-revenue Service Charges were included in the Total Revenue section of Financial Reports.


Resolution: This has been corrected; now a "Non-Revenue Service Charge" line appears on Property Financial Reports, Revenue Center Financial Reports and Employee Financial Reports below the Service Charge line.

6432 Issue: The mymicros.net Major Group Sales Report sometimes contained duplicate entries.


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Fix ID Revision CR #

Resolution: This has been corrected.

6794 Issue: When two checks were added together in Offline Mode, the carried over count was calculated incorrectly.


Resolution: This has been corrected.

See also

• Versions and Releases • Versions and releases category • Schema Changes

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Simphony 1.2 Maintenance Release 3

This article is a quick reference guide to features, enhancements, and revisions for Simphony 1.2 Maintenance Release 3.

Prerequisite Knowledge

This document assumes the reader has the following knowledge or expertise:

• Understanding of basic network concepts • Experience with Microsoft Windows platforms and terminology • Familiarity with this product line and its hardware, software, and peripherals

Document Overview

Simphony Version 1.2 General Release

Simphony 1.2 MR 1 Simphony 1.2 MR 2 Simphony 1.2 MR 3

Previous Version     Next Version  

Simphony 1.0       Simphony 1.4  


This document includes the following sections:

What's New

This section describes new features in this software release. A new feature is one that provides capabilities that were not available in previous versions.

What's Enhanced

This section describes enhancements in this software release. An enhancement is a change made to improve or extend an existing feature, under the following criteria:

• The basic feature or functionality already exists in the previous release. • The change adds to or expands on the current process — it does not replace it. This differs from a

revision that corrects a problem.

What's Revised

This section describes issues that have been corrected. A revision is a correction made to an existing form, feature, or function, using the following criteria:

• The item must be part of the previous version. • The change must replace the current item or remove it from the application.

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• A Fix ID is an internal tracking number used by R&D. This ID is primarily used by R&D personnel; it is helpful for mapping fixes to documented items.

• A CR# is a "Change Request ID" that is generated during the escalations process. When a case is started at the Support Center and the issue is determined to be an application defect, a Change Request is created, informing R&D that an issue needs to be fixed.


Obtaining/Installing the Software

The installation file is named Simphony_1.2_MR3.iso; it can be downloaded from http://downloads.micros.com/micros/simphony/Simphony_1.2_MR3.iso.


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New Features There are no new features in this version.

Enhancements Fix ID Enhancement CR #

Credit Card Batch

6885 Retry mechanism added for Credit Card Batch creation.

A retry mechanism has been introduced for Credit Card Batch creation, allowing communications to become automatically reestablished if the connection is lost. If the Credit Card Batch creation message fails, this mechanism closes and then reopens the TCP/IP connection to the third-party vendor. The retry mechanism attempts two retries when communications fail (for a total of three attempts). This retry mechanism occurs automatically; there is no configuration for this enhancement.



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Revisions Fix ID Revision CR #


7015 Issue: KDS Display Controllers on versions 80-89 were not able to update their CAL versions or KDS Display versions.


Resolution: This issue was reported and hot-fixed in Simphony 1.0 Service Pack 11; the fix is included in this release.

Credit Card Batch

5798 Issue: When multiple Credit Card Merchant Groups were configured to use the same settlement Credit Card Driver, and settlements were scheduled to run at the same time, errors would occur.


Resolution: This has been corrected.

6822 Issue: When a VISAD Credit Card Batch had a balance of $0, the batch number did not increment. This caused the next batch to fail.


Resolution: This has been corrected.

6823 Issue: Credit card batch records with a status of either "Processor Connection Failure" or "Interface Connection Failure" could not be resubmitted without a user directly manipulating the status of these records in the the database.

Resolution: It is no longer necessary to manually alter these records; batch settlement now attempts to transfer records that are marked with a status of "Not Settled", "Processor Connection Failure", or "Interface Connection Failure".

6922 Issue: PC Autosequences sometimes failed to create Credit Card Batches; this issue was caused by connection failures and/or threading problems.


Resolution: This has been corrected.


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Fix ID Revision CR #


7029 Issue: When an employee clocked in, the Timeclock Schedule did not always return the correct information when trying to determine if an employee was early or late, etc.


Resolution: This has been corrected.


6680 Issue: Audit and Analysis has a filter that allows a user to search for checks that were Added, Transferred, or contained a Non-Revenue Service Charge. DPS did not populate the table this filter references, causing the feature to return '0' results.


Resolution: This has been corrected. DPS now sends "A" if checks were added to a check, "X" if the check was split to other checks, or "N" if the check contained a Non-Revenue Service Charge.

6836 Issue: The Daily Ops Report did not display reference entries associated with pickups and loans. This occurred because DPS did not populate this data.


Resolution: This has been corrected. DPS now sends Reference Entry information for Pickups and Loans.


6477 Issue: When an Employee was clocked in for more than two Pay Periods, the labor calculator always tried to make calculations back to the clock-in date.


Resolution: These old clock-ins are ignored; if the labor calculator determines that a Clock-In Cycle started too long ago, the timecard is not processed.

6619 Issue: The XFER_DB_RVC table did not get updated when aligning RVCs in mymicros.net.


Resolution: This has been corrected.

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Fix ID Revision CR #

6791 6793 6832

Issue: NewDTS was not filling in some fields in the mymicros.net databases, causing Menu Item Sales Reports to return with no totals.

27389 27391 27504

Resolution: This has been corrected.


6316 Issue: The Cashier Financial Summary and Cashier Report drill-down sales amounts did not balance correctly.


Resolution: This has been corrected.

6423 Issue: When a Tender/Media required manager authorization, the authorizing employee ID was not being sent by OPS to the Reporting Database. This caused Audit and Analysis to show incorrect data.


Resolution: This has been corrected; OPS now sends this information.

6685 Issue: The Credit field did not display on the PMC version of the Employee Financial Report.


Resolution: This has been corrected.


4930 Issue: Service Charge totals were inconsistent on the Employee Tip Report, Employee Financial Report, and Employee Financial Range reports for the same employee and time period. This issue occurred because the service charge totals were acquired from the incorrect database field.


Resolution: This has been corrected.

6125 Issue: The operator option, [13 - Bank Entry Required at Beginning of Shift], was not being observed by OPS; operators were not forced to enter a Bank Loan Tender Media at the beginning of a shift.


Resolution: This has been corrected; OPS now prompts for the Bank amount. For more information, see Bank Entry Required.

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Fix ID Revision CR #

6479 Issue: When a Service Total Tender/Media was configured with [14 - Print Seat Check] enabled, Tax Exemptions did not post correctly.


Resolution: This has been corrected.

6948 Issue: Memory leak issues occurred, primarily regarding peer-to-peer communications and generation of the Open Check SLU.


Resolution: This has been corrected.

7009 Issue: SIM Sales Itemizers did not work correctly:

• Prorating discounts did not return the correct results when a combination of discounts and partial payments were entered

• The standard PMS interface returned the Sales Itemizers less the discounted amount.

Resolution: This has been corrected. Now, the PMS totals will reflect the sales amount before any discounts are applied. The standard PMS interface will send the total sales amount without discounts for itemizers 1-4.

7073 Issue: When a workstation was operating in Offline Mode, PMS transactions were not replayed after the workstation reestablished communications.


Resolution: This issue was reported and hot-fixed in Simphony 1.2 Maintenance Release 1; the fix is included in this release.

See also

• Versions and Releases • Versions and releases category • Schema Changes