microsoft: from gates to ballmer

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Post on 14-Apr-2018




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  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


    MicrosoftRobert HedgesAlex HudockSam KantnerEvan KimelTim Koenig

  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


    Microsoft under gates Gates was passionate about his work; inspired


    Microsoft stressed long term profit margins Employees encouraged to meet 100% of target


  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


    Microsoft employees

    Considered to be very intelligent


    Outside the box thinkers Not just intelligent, but also wise and knowledgeable

  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


    Microsoft mentality Never fear failure

    Used failure as a chance to learn

    To succeed, you must sometimes fail first Managers had to be qualified to manage those

    under them

    Performance based

  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


    Gates as a CEO Talked with all of his managers on a weekly


    Required monthly emails with performanceupdates

    Regularly communicated with core-level


  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


    The Problem WithMicrosofts Practices,

    Leadership, andOverall Culture

  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


    Stack Ranking Each team member = top, good, average or poor


    Horrible for team dynamics

    Result = More individualistic approach to projects. Notteam.

    Negative comeptition among teams.

    Class example: Army Crew Team JV- all worked towards a common team goal

    Varsity- became more individualistic and turned oneach other

  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


    Stack Ranking Team dynamics is not only problem

    Poor Feedback!

    Compare to other members rather than focusing onbettering the company itself

    Designating A, B, C players rather than improving them

  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


    The Innovators Paradox Microsofts success has lead to its downfall

    Why Leaders Dont Learn from Success (Ducati)

    Innovators Paradox: when you dont need the growth,you act in ways that lead to you not getting the growthyou will need.

    During Bill Gates period, great success due toinnovation

    After success, did not realize the need for continuedinnovation. Did not move with the times. Still rely mainly on Windows (~80% of revenue)

  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


    The Innovators Paradox

  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


    Limiting Culture Upper management feel threatened by younger

    generation and shut down new ideas

    Management all 50 years 0ld or higher, still living inthe glory days of Windows

    Comparison to Apple: At Apple, everyone respectsJony Ives, the head of design. At Microsoft, there is no

    respected head of design, but rather individualsbargaining with each other

  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


    Leadership Bad culture can be seen in leadership problems

    Recall the Leadership Continuum The leadership styles of the upper management

    demonstrate a high use of authority This gives the subordinates little freedom

    In the technology world, innovation is key

    This backward, strict leadership style hurts Microsoftsinnovation

    Also consider GE Case. Once established, allow employees to voice opinions

  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


    Leadership Leadership Continuum

  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


    Cutting Costs And Morale Gates was always very frugal

    Flew coach when traveling

    earned the respect of his employees

    Recently, Microsoft cut costs for employees as well Cuts in office supply and healthcare

    decrease in job satisfaction

    Recall Sears Case Job satisfaction happy customersmore profit

    For Microsoft, an increase in satisfaction may lead tomore passionate and successful innovation.

  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


    Lack of Product Knowledge Known for being a business orientated person

    Knows little about computers and other Microsoft

    products Impacts product reviews

    Doesnt have input on the actual product

    Focuses only on the business side of the product

    Opposite of Gates who had highly detailed productreviews

  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


    Lack of Product KnowledgeAlso hurts his leadership

    Doesnt have the right knowledge of products to knowwhat field to put efforts in leading to poor decisions

    Underestimated rival products: iPhone

    Failed to enter the phone market

    Wasted tons of money on R&D that resulted in no


  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


    PersonalityVery aggressive in meetings; shouts a lot

    Has a short temper

    Mark Lucovsky case Results in negative interactions with employees, which

    can hurt employee performance

  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


    Ousting of Executives Neurotic about someone trying to overthrow him as


    Neuroticism is the worst employee trait one can have

    Forced out 5 high up executives in the company shortlyafter being promoted

    Ex. Richard Belluzzo- creator of Xbox

    Destroys leadership and cohesion at the top with thehigh turnover of executives

    Company loses valuable employees

  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


    Eliminate Stack Ranking Policy In technological industries, worker creativity is highly


    Stack ranking policy stifles creativity by pittingworkers against each other rather than coercing themto work with each other toward solutions

    Competitors such as Google, Apple, and Amazon boast

    excellent workplace conditions and the idea that workcan be fun. Microsoft should be doing the same

  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


    Hire Better Managers Capable managers are a crucial bridge between

    executives and rank and file employees

    Many employees have complained that Microsoft has

    hired managers who are very conceited and greedy Overall, employees complain that the bureaucratic

    structure at Microsoft means one has to know the rightpeople and kiss your managers butt to move up the

    company ladderWe learned in the Brussels and Bradshaw case how

    lack of communication between manager andemployee can be disastrous

  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


    Value Consumers More Microsoft resides in an industry that highly depends on

    creating products that appeal to the consumers, specificallythose of teenage-young adult age A lot of the industry involves making cool products that can

    help establish a loyal fan base If you release one bad product, customers will f lock

    elsewhere (Windows Vista, for example) Microsoft needs to be more aware of the trends that are

    happening in their industry Missed out on the shift to mobile and are paying the price

    Think of the near cult Apple has created with its products,a company which values innovative products that appeal totheir customer base

  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer


    The Big Question: Should Ballmer

    Be Ousted? There are pros and cons to this decision

    Major pro: His leadership style upsets many; rules somewhatlike a dictator; Microsoft could improve if they bring in a

    CEO who mirrored Gates management style Major con: Hes been CEO for the past 13 years; probably

    knows the position the best out of anyone else in thecompany; Microsoft would possibly have to hire outside thecompany, but could they bring someone in dedicated to turnthe company around?

    Ballmer is too focused on maximizing profits fromMicrosoft Office instead of innovation and creating newproducts

  • 7/30/2019 Microsoft: From Gates to Ballmer
