microsoft office excel

Microsoft ffice Excel 2010 Prepared by hezha

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Page 1: Microsoft Office Excel


ffice Excel 2010

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Page 2: Microsoft Office Excel


History of Excel

Versions of Excel

Open Microsoft office Excel 2010(Title Bar)

File Tab (Backstage View)

Home tab (font)




Conditional Formatting

Cells &conclusions

Page 3: Microsoft Office Excel

• --Excel: is a computer program used to electronic spreadsheet Microsoft Excel is a

program included in the Microsoft Office suite of applications. Spreadsheets present

tables of values arranged in rows and columns that can be manipulated mathematically

using both basic and complex arithmetic operations and functions.

• --This program consist of a (1717960704) cells these cells consist of a row and column.

--Number of columns (16384) number are known by letter English (a-b-c-d) etc…

--Number of row consist (1648576) rows are known by a number (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9…..)

A spreadsheet is the computerized equivalent of a general ledger.

It has taken the place of the pencil, paper, and calculator.

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In 1978, Harvard Business School student Dan Bricklin developed a program

called VisiCalc. It was a relatively small program with few basic capabilities. It

could only calculate data within a matrix of 5 columns by 20 rows.

To make VisiCalc more powerful Bricklin hired Bob Frankston, who is also

known as the co-creator of VisiCalc. Frankston made the program fast and with

better arithmetic. VisiCalc was an instant success and the duo were able to sell

around 1 million copies of the program.

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Excel 2.0


Excel 95 (1995)Included in Microsoft Office 95

Excel 2002 (2002) -Included in Microsoft Office XP

Excel 2003 (2003) -Included in Microsoft Office 2003

Excel 2007 (2007) -Included in Microsoft Office 2007

Excel 2010 (2010) -Included in Microsoft Office 2010

Excel 2013 (2013) -Included in Microsoft Office 2013

Microsoft Excel was first released for

Macintosh systems in 1985, followed by the

first Windows version in 1987. The following

is a list of Excel releases for Windows:

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(Title Bar):

Start=> all programs => Microsoft office => Microsoft office Excel 2010

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(Backstage View)

List consist of these parts :-

1-save: used to keeping data when you want data is not be delete.

2-save as: used to save data again but by other name and other place.

3-open:used to opening a new file before you are saving.

4-new:used to opening a new file page by these steps

new blank blank work book Create

5-close: used to closing face of program when you a some thing do in a


6-information: In here giving them about program.

7-recent: In here we can see all of project we are creating before.

8-print: used to printing data from program to paper .

9-help: used to how a more information about program and {F2} for help.

10-Exit: used to get out (go out ) of program.

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1-Font: to change the font face.

2-Font size: to change the font size.

3-Font color: to change the text color.

4-Fill color: color the background selected cells.

5-increase font size: increase the font size.

6-Decrease font size: Decrease the font size.

7-Bottom Border: apply borders to the currently selected cells.

8-Format cells(Ctrl+ shift + F): show the font tab of the format cells dialog box.

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This part consist of these down icon:-

1-Top Align: used transfer writing to a part top of cell.

2-Bottom Align: used to transfer writing to a bottom of cell.

3-Middle Align: used to transfer writing to middle of cell.

4-Align text to left: used to transfer writing to a left a cell.

5-Align text to Right: used to transfer writing to center of cell.

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This part consist of down icons:-

1-Number Format: in this part cell is be private just number or

date\ time or any thing we want insert.

2-Accounting number format: used to put symbol of money inside cell.

3-Percent style: used to write (percent) in side cell.

4-Comma style: used to put comma between three number together


5-Increase Decimal: used to increasing number (zero) after comma.

6-Decease Decimal: used to delete number (zero) after comma.

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This part consist of down icons:-

1-Format as table: in this part we can put a variety style to cell we

want beater that creating table.

2-Cell style: in this part we can take a variety style to cell.

3-Counditional formatting: this part very important in the program

Because caused by this part we cant change count color and change

background or table cells and along more thing we want put condition change.

Page 12: Microsoft Office Excel

-Hilghtghtin cells rules: in this part we are putting condition

for cell of cell larger or on less or equal is the privet number

if condition is change font color or background of table or cells.

-In here we write any number Less than (50) background of cells if be RED

-look the picture we can change number in a part of right cell and change

font color or table or any changing in color of table.

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This part consist of down icons:-

1-Insert: this icon used insert :

A- Insert cell: used to inserting cell.

B- Insert sheet colums: used to inserting colums.

C- Insert sheet rows: used to insert rows.

D- Insert sheet: used to inserting sheet.

2-Delete: this icon used to delete table:

A- Delete cell: used to delete cell.

B- Delete sheet colums: used to delete colums.

C- Delete sheet rows: used to delete rows.

D-Delete sheet: used to delete sheet.

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In this program Excel talked about operation calculation.

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Thank you