microsoft power point - 2011 link rxn kreb cycle

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  • 8/4/2019 Microsoft Power Point - 2011 Link Rxn Kreb Cycle


    Link Reaction(In mitochondria Matrix)

    Pyruvate will entermitochondria to be

    converted to Acetyl-CoAin a reaction known as :

    (Inside Mitochondria)

  • 8/4/2019 Microsoft Power Point - 2011 Link Rxn Kreb Cycle


    Link reaction

    Pyruvateenters thematrix ofmitochondrionvia activetransport.


    Pyruvate is decarboxylated to form 2-carbon acetyl group the removed carbon is released as CO2.Acetyl group is oxidised with the formation of NADH and itcombines with Coenzyme A (CoA) to form acetyl CoA.

  • 8/4/2019 Microsoft Power Point - 2011 Link Rxn Kreb Cycle


    The acetyl group passes into acyclic reaction and combines witha 4C molecule (oxaloacetate) tofrom a 6C molecule (citrate).

    The CoA is released for reuse.

    6C molecule (citrate) is oxidisedto form a 5C molecule, NAD+ is

    Krebs cycle (In mitochondria Matrix)



    5C molecule is oxidised anddecarboxylated to form 4Cmolecule.

    CO2 is released.

    Another NAD+ is reduced to formNADH.

  • 8/4/2019 Microsoft Power Point - 2011 Link Rxn Kreb Cycle


    The 4C molecules undgoesseveral changes resulting inthe following products:

    - another NADH formed- FAD is reduced to FADH2- reduction of ADP to ATP

    The 4C molecules is

    Krebs cycle (In mitochondria Matrix)


    to reform the startingmolecule of the cycle,oxaloacetate.

    Oxaloacetate may begin the

    cycle again

    NAD= nicotinamide adenine dinucleotidFAD= flavin adenine dinucleotide

  • 8/4/2019 Microsoft Power Point - 2011 Link Rxn Kreb Cycle


    Summary of Krebs cycle

    INPUT per turn OUTPUT per turn

    1 Acetyl CoA 2 Carbon Dioxide

    1 ADP + 1Pi 1 ATP

    3 NAD+ 3 NADH



    Note that 2 molecules of pyruvate (& thus 2molecules of acetyl CoA) are produced from each

    glucose molecule.

    Hence, the Krebs cycle has to turn twice for eachglucose oxidised.

  • 8/4/2019 Microsoft Power Point - 2011 Link Rxn Kreb Cycle


    Glycolysis, Link Reaction, Kreb Cyclegenerates large amounts of reducedelectron Carriers. i.e NADH, FADH2

    A lot of energy is still trapped within thesemolecules


    But How do we get Energy (ATP) fromReduced Electron Carriers (NADH, FADH2)?

    Via Oxidative Phosphorylation!

  • 8/4/2019 Microsoft Power Point - 2011 Link Rxn Kreb Cycle


    Process by which ATP is formed as

    e- are transferred from NADH or FADH2to O2

    via a series of electron carriers

    Oxidative Phosphorylation(Occur on the inner mitochondrial membrane and on the membrane of cristae)

    Oxidative because it involvesoxidation (loss of e-) of NADH or FADH2.

    phosphorylation because it involvesaddition of Pi to ADP to form ATP.

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    Electron Transport For reduced NADHydrogen atomscarried by by NADHare released at thecristae and split intohydrogen ions (or

    protons or H+) andelectrons.

    The electrons pass


    8Electrons from NADH pass through all the carriers in theelectron transport chain and drive all three proton pumps

    chain, losing energyas they pass fromone carrier to thenext.

    Oxygen is the finalelectron acceptorand combine withhydrogen atoms toform water.

  • 8/4/2019 Microsoft Power Point - 2011 Link Rxn Kreb Cycle


    Electron Transport For reduced FADHydrogen atomscarried by byFADH2 are releasedat the cristae andsplit into split into

    hydrogen ions (orprotons or H+) andelectrons.

    The electrons ass


    9Electrons from FADH2 do not pass through all the carriers inthe electron transport chain; they drive two of the three protonum s.

    along the transportchain, losing energyas they pass fromone carrier to thenext.

    Oxygen is the finalelectron acceptorand combine withhydrogen atoms to

    form water.

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    Oxidative Phosphorylation= Electron Transport chain + Chemiosmosis



    Accumulation of protons (hydrogen ions) in in the intermembrane space creates aproton gradient. Protons pass down the gradient through ATP synthase moleculesand produce ATP from ADP and Pi.

    1 NADH yields 3 ATP1 FADH2 yields 2 ATP

    Oxygen is the final electron acceptor andcombine with hydrogen atoms to form water.

  • 8/4/2019 Microsoft Power Point - 2011 Link Rxn Kreb Cycle


    Stages ATPproduced

    Glycolysis- used 2ATP- made 4ATP(substrate phosphorylation)- yield 2 NADH


    Link reaction- yield 2 NADH

    Krebs cycle

    Summary of ATP production


    - made 2ATP(substrate phosphorylation)- yield 2 FADH2- yield 6 NADH


    Oxidative Phosphorylation- 10 NADH yield 30 ATP- 2 FADH2 yield 4 ATP


    Maximum Total Yield fromone molecule of glucose 38

  • 8/4/2019 Microsoft Power Point - 2011 Link Rxn Kreb Cycle


    Summary of ATP production


    Diagram from Biological Science 1 by N.P.O. Green, G.W. Stout, D. J. Taylor, Cambridge University Press