microsoft power point - ekg notes

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  • 8/3/2019 Microsoft Power Point - EKG Notes


    Basic Dysrhythmias

    Adam Glaser, BS, EMT-P

    -Electrical Conduction of the Heart-A System of Defining 3-Lead EKGs

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    Pieces Parts

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    Conductionand the ECG


    Conductionand the ECG

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    The Isoelec t r ic L ine

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    EKG Waveforms

    Cardiac Cycle = P, QRS, and T


    Deflections from/to iso-line Segments

    Sections between waveforms (ST)

    Intervals From wave to complex (PR-I)

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    The Electrocardiograph

    Electrical Activity

    Not Muscle Records +/ impulses Paper 25mm/s Counting Rates

    300-150-100-75-70-60-50 6 s x 10 10 s x 6 The little number on

    the monitor

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    Lead Considerations $25,000 mVoltmeter

    Lead Views:

    1 Superior

    2 Inferior, Anterior

    3 Inferior, Left

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    The Components SA Node

    Internodal Pathways

    AV Junction

    AV Node

    Bundle of His

    L & R Bundle Branch

    Purkinje Network Purkinje Fibers

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    Ode to a Node Have a heart, and have no fear,

    The SA node is over here.Beating at a constant rate,

    60 100 is really great.The AV node can make a show,If SA node has gone too slow.

    40 60 is not too badIf its all youve got, you will be glad.Should the whole thing drop its speed,

    His and bundle branches will take the lead.And that, my friend is the whole and part,

    Of the conduction system of your heart. Flip and See ECG, Cohn/Gilroy-Doohan

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    Sino AtrialNode

    The Natural Pacemaker

    Connects directlyto atrial fibers

    Fires 60-100 times per


    Wavelike AtrialDepolarization

    The P-Wave


    P-R Interval


    .04 Sec .04 Sec .04 Sec .04 Sec .04 Sec

    0.20 Seconds per 5 Boxes

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    AV Junction

    Receives impulses from

    SA Node via the AtrialCells An electrical funnel

    Impulses hit at varioustimes

    Causes delay PR-I

    Susceptible to blockage Path from A to V

    Delivers impulse to the AV


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    Atrio-Ventricular Node Lies between the Atria

    and Ventricles Collects impulses from


    Stimulates Ventricles If unstimulated

    Intrinsic rate 40-60

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    Bundle of His /Left and Right Bundle Branches

    Distributes Impulses from theNode

    The Ventricular Messengers

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    Purkinje Network/Fibers

    Direct connection with

    ventricular tissue

    Intrinsic rate 20-40 ifunstimulated


    P-R Interval




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    The Six Step Approach What is the Rate?

    Is the Rhythm Regular?

    Are there P-Waves?

    Is the P-R Interval Normal? Is the QRS Complex Normal?

    Is There a P-Wave for Every QRS?

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    Step 1 = Rate Is the rate between 60-100 (Sinus)

    Between 40-60 (Junctional/Bradycardic)

    Above 100 (Tachycardic)

    Between 20-40 (Ventricular)

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    Step 2 = Regularity At-a-glance: Does it look regular?

    Are the P-Waves evenly spaced?

    Are the QRS Complexes evenly spaced?

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    Step 3 = P-Waves Are P-Waves present?

    Are they upright and rounded?

    Are they irregular in any way: Notched /

    Peaked / Depressed? Are they all the same?

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    Step 4 = P-R Interval Is the P-R Interval between 0.12-0.20?

    Is it too long / too short? (Block)

    Is it the same on every conduction?

    Is it absent?

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    Step 5 = QRS Complex Is it there?

    Is it between 0.04 - 0.12?

    Does it have any abnormalities? (Notched

    / Rabbit Eared / Wide / Bizarre)

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    Step 6 = P-QRS Married? Is there a P-wave for every QRS?

    Are there more P-Waves than QRS?

    Are the P-Waves after or within the QRS?

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    Describe What Youve Found!!! IN GENERAL (underlying rhythms)!!!

    What are the abnormalities?

    Does it originate in the Sinus Node?

    Does it follow through from the Atria to theventricles? Are there abnormal delays?

    What are the exceptions to the underlying

    rhythm? (Describe those also)

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    E K G I N T E R P R E T A T IO N C H A R T

    R H Y T H M R A T E R E G U L A R IT Y P -W A V E ( U /R ) P -R

    I N T E R V A L

    Q R S P - Q R S

    M A R R I

    N S R 6 0 -1 0 0 R e g u la r N o r m a l/U p r ig h t /R o u

    n d e d

    0 .1 2 - 0 .2 0 se c . 0 .0 4 -

    0 . 1 2

    Y e s

    S i n u s

    T a c h y c a r d i a

    A b o v e

    1 0 0

    R e g u la r N o r m a l/U p r ig h t /

    R o u n d e d

    0 .1 2 - 0 .2 0 s e c 0 .0 4 -

    0 . 1 2

    Y e s

    S i n u s

    B r a d y c a r d i a

    B e lo w 6 0 R e g u la r N o r m a l/U p r ig h t /

    R o u n d e d

    0 .1 2 - 0 .2 0 s e c 0 .0 4 -

    0 . 1 2

    Y e s

    S i n u s

    A r r h y t h m i a

    6 0 -1 0 0 I r r e g u la r N o r m a l/U p r ig h t /

    R o u n d e d

    0 .1 2 - 0 .2 0 s e c 0 .0 4 -

    0 . 1 2

    Y e s

    A t r i a l

    Fibr i l lat ion

    U s u a l ly

    T a c h y

    I r r e g u l a r N o t D isc e r n ib le N o t D isc e rn ib le 0 .0 4 -

    0 . 1 2

    N o t

    D i s c e r n i

    A tr ia l F lu t t e r M a y b e

    N o r m a l / T a c h y

    A t r i a - r e g u l a r /

    V e n t r i c le s -r e g u l a r o r i r r e g u l a r

    S a w t o o t h p a t te r n ,

    2 : 1 , 3 : 1 , 4 : 1 r a t i o s

    0 . 1 2 - 0 . 2 0 o n t h e

    c o n d u c t i ng b e a t

    0 . 0 4 -

    0 . 1 2

    O n t he

    c o n d u c t if lu t t e r w

    ( P ) S V T 1 4 0 -2 2 0 R e g u la r I n Q R S /T c o m p le x

    o r n o t p r e s e nt

    S h o r t e ne d o r

    a b s e n t

    0 . 0 4 -

    0 . 1 2

    N o

    1 st D e g r e e

    B l o c k

    N o r m a l R e g u la r N o r m a l/ U p r ig h t /

    R o u n d e d

    L o n g e r t ha n

    0 . 2 0

    0 . 0 4 -

    0 . 1 2

    Y e s

    2 n d D e g r e e

    ( T y p e 1 )

    W e n c k eb a c h

    N o r m a l

    o r B r a d y

    I r r e g u la r N o r m a l/U p r ig h t /R o u

    n d e d

    L e n g t h e n i n g

    un t i l bea t is

    d r o p p e d

    0 . 0 4 -

    0 . 1 2

    N o

    2 n d D e g r e e

    ( T y p e 2 )M o b it z I I

    B r a d y I r r e g u la r N o r m a l/U p r ig h t /R o u

    n d e d 2 : 1 , 3 : 1 , 4 : 1

    N o r m a l o r lo n g

    o n c o n d u c t edb e a t s

    0 . 0 4 -

    0 . 1 2

    O n t he

    c o n d u c t iW a v e

    3 rd D e g r e e

    C o m p l e t e

    H e a r t B l o c k

    4 0 -6 0 A t r ia -R e g u la r

    V e n t . - R e g u l a r

    N o r m a l / U p r i g h t /

    R o u n d e d

    A t r i a

    in d e p e n d e n t o f

    V e n t r i c le s

    U s u a l ly

    g r e a t e r

    t h a n

    0 . 1 2

    N o

    J u n c t i o n a l

    ( a c c e l / t a c h )

    4 0 - 6 0

    ( 6 0 + /

    1 0 0 + )

    R e g u la r I n v e r t e d /R e t ro g ra d e /

    A b s e n t

    S h o r t / N o r m a l /

    A b s e n t

    0 . 0 4 -

    0 . 1 2

    Y e s - if P

    is visible

    V e n t r ic u l a r

    T a c h y c a r d i a

    1 0 0 -2 2 0 U su a lly R e g u la r N o t D isc e rn ib le

    (usua l ly )

    N o t D isc e rn ib le G r e a te r

    t h a n

    0 . 1 2

    N o

    V e n t r ic u l a r

    Fibr i l lat ion

    R a p i d /

    C h a o t i c

    I r r e g u la r N o t d is c e rn ib le N o t

    D e t e r m i n a b l e

    W id e / B i

    z a r r e

    N o

    A sy s t o le 0 N /A N o n e N o n e N o n e N o

    A g o n a l

    I d i o v e n t r i c u l a r

    2 0 -4 0 I r r e g u la r N o n e N o n e W id e N o

    - P V C - W id e , B iz a r r e Q R S C o m p l e x , L o o k a t u n d e r ly in g r h y t h m . C a n a p p e a r in c o u p l e t s , t r ip l e t s, o r s h o r t r u n s o f V T

    b e m u l t i- f o c a l o r u n i- f o c a l . C a u s e d b y r a n d o m f ir in g w i th i n t h e v e n t r i c le s . N o a t r i a l f ir in g .

    - P A C - C o n d u c t e d b e a t a p p e a r i n g in a n o t h e r w is e n o r m a l r h y t h m . S t i m u l i o r i g in a t e s w it h in t h e a t r ia , b u t n o t in t h e S A .- I f B u n d l e B r a n c h B l o c k o c c u r s , Q R S w ill u s u a l ly b e w i d e r t h a n 0 . 1 2 .

  • 8/3/2019 Microsoft Power Point - EKG Notes


    Normal Sinus Rhythm Rate: 60 - 100

    Regularity: Very

    P-Waves: Present and Normal

    P-R I: 0.12-0.20 sec

    QRS: 0.04-0.12 sec and Normal Married: 1 P: 1 QRS, no extras or shortages

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    Sinus Arrhythmia Rate: 60 - 100

    Regularity: Irregular

    P-Waves: Present and Normal

    P-R I: 0.12-0.20 sec

    QRS: 0.04-0.12 sec and Normal Married: 1 P: 1 QRS, no extras or shortages

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    Sinus Tachycardia Rate: Over 100 Regularity: Regular

    P-Waves: Present and Normal

    P-R I: 0.12-0.20 sec

    QRS: 0.04-0.12 sec and Normal Married: 1 P: 1 QRS, no extras or shortages

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    Sinus Bradycardia Rate: Less than 60

    Regularity: Regular

    P-Waves: Present and Normal

    P-R I: 0.12-0.20 sec

    QRS: 0.04-0.12 sec and Normal

    Married: 1 P: 1 QRS, no extras or shortages

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    Atrial Fibrillation Rate: Usually tachy

    Regularity: Irregular (Irregularly irregular)

    P-Waves: Not Discernible

    P-R I: Undeterminable

    QRS: 0.04-0.12 sec

    Married: Undeterminable

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    Atrial Flutter Rate: Usually tachy

    Regularity: Atria Regular Ventricles May be Irregular

    P-Waves: Sawtooth Pattern 2:1, 3:1, 4:1...

    P-R I: 0.12-0.20 sec on conducting beat

    QRS: 0.04-0.12 sec

    Married: P-waves outnumber QRS

    (Picket fence)

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    (Paroxysmal) Supra Ventricular

    Tach Rate: 140-220 Regularity: Regular

    P-Waves: Usually falls within the QRS-Tcomplex (not visible)

    P-R I: Shorter than 0.12, or absent

    QRS: 0.04-0.12 sec and Normal

    Married: Undeterminable

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    Usually based on Hx. Delta wave on Q

    Shortened PR-I

    No Verapamil Accessory Path useincrease

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    1st Degree Heart Block Rate: 60 - 100

    Regularity: Very

    P-Waves: Present and Normal

    P-R I: Longer than 0.20 sec

    QRS: 0.04-0.12 sec and Normal Married: 1 P: 1 QRS, no extras or shortages

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    2nd Degree Heart Block (Type

    1) Wenkebach Rate: Can be Normal, or usually brady

    Regularity: Irregular

    P-Waves: Present and Normal

    P-R I: Lengthens until beat is dropped

    QRS: 0.04-0.12 sec and Normal Married: P-wave present on conducting beats,

    increased delay causes missed QRS

    n egree eart oc ype

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    n egree eart oc ype

    2)Mobitz II Rate: Less than 60 Regularity: Irregular

    P-Waves: Present, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1

    P-R I: 0.12-0.20 sec on conducting beat

    QRS: 0.04-0.12 sec, may begin to widen

    Married: P-wave for every QRS and extras

    depending on conduction ratio

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    3rd Degree Heart Block (CHB)

    Complete Heart Block Rate: Ventricular Rate 40-60

    Regularity: Atria-Regular

    Vent-Regular P-Waves: Present and Normal

    P-R I: Atria independent of Ventricles

    QRS: Usually greater than 0.12 sec

    Married: P-waves completely unrelated to QRS


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    Complete Heart Block

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    Junctional Rhythm Rate: 40-60 Regularity: Regular

    P-Waves: Inverted, Retrograde or Absent P-R I: Shortened or absent

    QRS: 0.04-0.12 sec

    Married: P-wave for every QRS, sometimes notvisible

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    Junctional Accelerated Rhythm

    Rate: 60-100

    Regularity: Regular

    P-Waves: Inverted, Retrograde or Absent

    P-R I: Shortened or absent

    QRS: 0.04-0.12 sec

    Married: P-wave for every QRS,sometimes not visible

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    Junctional Tachycardia

    Rate: 100-140

    Regularity: Regular

    P-Waves: Inverted, Retrograde or Absent

    P-R I: Shortened or absent

    QRS: 0.04-0.12 sec

    Married: P-wave for every QRS,sometimes not visible

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    Ventricular Tachycardia Rate: 100-220

    Regularity: Regular

    P-Waves: None P-R I: None

    QRS: Greater than 0.12 sec Married: NO

    Well look at Torsades de Pointes in Lab

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    Ventricular Tachycardia

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    Ventricular Fibrillation Rate: No ventricular rate Regularity: Irregular

    P-Waves: No P-R I: No

    QRS: No, unorganized ventricular baseline

    Married: No

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    Ventricular Fibrillation

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    Rate: 0

    Regularity: N/A

    P-Waves: None

    P-R I: N/A

    QRS: None

    Married: No (verify a second lead)

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    Agonal / Idioventricular

    Rate: 20-40

    Regularity: Irregular

    P-Waves: None

    P-R I: N/A QRS: Wider than 0.12 sec

    Married: NO (a dying heart)

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    Idioventricular Less regular than this!

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    Exceptions / Disruptions Premature Ventricular Contractions

    Premature Atrial Contractions Bundle Branch Blocks

    Pacer Considerations (Atrial, Ventricular orBoth)

    Premature Ventricular

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    Premature Ventricular

    Contractions Wide, Bizarre QRS Complex

    Always identify the underlying rhythm first Can appear in couplets, triplets, short runs

    of V-Tach, bigeminy and trigeminy

    Can be uni-focal or multi-focal

    Caused by random firing within the

    ventricles Not accompanied by a P-wave

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    PACs P-QRS Complex

    appearing in an

    unexpected location

    Caused by a stimulusfrom within the Atria,

    but not from the SANode

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    Bundle Branch Block Any rhythm having a BBB will have a

    widened twin peaked R-Wave

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    Paced Rhythms Patients may have various types of

    pacemakers Atrial



    Vertical spike on monitor is an indicator

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    Paced Rhythms Various

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    Artifact 60 Cycle Interference

    Loose Leads/Moving Ambulance

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    Rhythm Interpretation andPatient Assessment

    A 68 year-old female complains of shortness of

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    breath for the last day. She is feverish and has aproductive cough. Her BP is 164/78, HR

    matches with the ECG below, and RR of 20.She speaks in 6 word-sentences. She has

    rhonchi in her right lung. Her past medicalhistory includes an MI 4 years ago and mild


    A 61 year-old male collapses at a localb i CPR t t d b hi

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    business. CPR was started by his co-workers. The patient has a history of highcholesterol, hypertension and was recently

    diagnosed with angina. Your quick-lookreveals the following rhythm.

    A 65 year-old male calls for weakness. The patientstates that he has been feeling this way over the

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    states that he has been feeling this way over the

    last 2 days and becomes more short of breath withactivity. He also becomes dizzy when he standsup. The patient has a history of COPD and is on

    home oxygen at 2 liters/minute. His BP is 128/84,RR 22 with some pursed-lip breathing. He states

    that he has a history of skipped heart beats. Lung

    sounds reveal wheezes in the mid-lobes and bases.He takes Alupent, prednisone, Altace and Cozaar.

    A 78 year-old male is found unconscious in his

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    bed. He was last seen the night before by hisfamily. As you move him to the floor, you seethat a bottle of nitroglycerin falls out of the bedand onto the floor. The patient is warm but his

    back reveals mottling. He is pulseless andapneic.

    You respond to a 58 year-old male in cardiac

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    arrest. The patients daughter tells you that hedidnt feel well for the last few days.

    She also states that he is a chronic alcoholic.The patient is lying in his bed, pale-gray in color

    and apneic. He is also pulselessness. Hisabdomen is distended and he has large blood

    stains on his pillow.

    A 58 year-old male complains of dizziness andnausea The symptoms started 45 minutes ago

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    nausea. The symptoms started 45 minutes ago

    when he was getting dressed for work. Thesymptoms did not change when he lied down onthe couch. He denies chest pain or jaw pain. He

    had a similar episode 4 months ago but thesymptoms resolved. His BP is 100/50, HR below,and RR of 16. His CBG is 80. Lung sounds are

    clear.6-sec ond st r ip

    A 70 year-old male experienced a syncopal

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    A 70 year old male experienced a syncopal

    episode. He is found on his bed, pale anddiaphoretic. He has had problems with dizzinesswhen standing up for the last few days. He had

    dark tarry stools for the last week. His BP is88/40, RR of 28 and HR below. He is pale.

    A 52 year-old female complains of epigastric pain.

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    5 yea o d e a e co p a s o ep gast c pa

    Onset was 30 minutes ago. She also complainsof nausea and mild shortness of breath. Her

    history includes CHF, Type II diabetes and high

    cholesterol. BP is 134/88, HR matches the ECGbelow, and RR is 12. Her medications includefurosemide, K-Dur, digitalis, and metoprolol.

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    And Now For the Summary The ECG should confirm what you know about

    the patient V-fib for dead folks

    Tachycardia for dehydration

    PVCs for chronic heart conditions AV blocks chronic or acute conditions

    Treat the rhythm in perspective

    Underlying cause drug overdose, hypovolemia

    Sources In order of

  • 8/3/2019 Microsoft Power Point - EKG Notes


    preference Many of the pictures and info from:

    Flip and See ECG, 2nd Edition Cohn/Gilroy-Doohan

    A great resource

    Paramedic Paramedic Textbook, Revised 2nd Edition Mick J. Sanders, Mosby

    ECGs Made Easy, 2nd Edition Barbara Aehlert, RN, Mosby

    Basic Dysrhythmias, Interpretation and Management,


    Edition Robert J. Huszar, Mosby