microsoft word - archeology research 2002

  1 ARCHEOLOGY RESEARCH 2002 MASTER FILE # 1 Ronnie Carleton 2002-04-27 The trouble with past archaeology is that it was a closed field of study to many and very few people were “experts” or claimed to be experts and that left the few that were to rule the roost without question. Thankfully that now has changed and such people who have been blinked are dragged into 2002/3. For their own survival they either had to look at archaeology in the new light or live in the dark with fixed ideas of their subject, or be left alone and alone with little or no progress. In my own research I had to and still do embrace the subjects of archaeology , biology, physics, some maths, chemistry, astro-physis and geology . Add to that a sprinkling of myth, and religion, some history of the earth and the Universise, pathology and common sense and you have the whole canvas. My field of study in the main has been early human kind. That is not to say that all other fields of archaeolog y are not linked because they are but the study of bones and the main bone, the skull offer me a larger scope into what makes human beings and where indeed did we come from? When it comes down to searching and with evidence of that all elusive “missing link” I have to say that in the beginning of my work thirty years ago I did not believe there was one. That thinking has now changed because I have opened and closed doors of the past and in my research found that if we look carefully enough and keep an open mind, some of the answers are there. Even at that I am left with many un-answered questions for the moment and I may never find all the answers. The good news is that I have made progress even though it has been a slow haul up a massive hill of knowledge and of course facts by others being misinterpreted as fact. This spider’s web had to be fought through and fame and fortune cast aside for unlike many others working in my field I have no grand ideas of every being hailed as a progressive palcoanthro pologist. Nor do I care if others reject or accept my own findings. I know my bones and the shape of bones and I also know that if early human like creatures are to be accepted as a link between today’s humans then what also must kept in mind is when they got the power of thought and speech. Once we establish that factor then we can say without doubt when they walked into the world of the paranormal and religion! The grand search for “THE MISSING LINK” has went on for well over 200 years with claims and counter claims by archaeologists worldwide but with very little evidence that supports any of the finds as nothing more than wishful thinking. A few people have come close. Many were off the mark and published papers of their findings, sending them to places of learning for approval and of course worldwide acceptance. Much depended on such acceptance, future funding for more research, fame in the University of choice and of course ego. All could be lost at the simple word written or spoken. REJECTION. There were many rejections of papers when it came to the study and findings of early man but even more when it came to fi nding or claiming to have found the missing link. This Missing Link was proving to be just as hard to find as an Alien being in a flying spacecraft or evidence of The lost City of Atlantis as fact. Then there is the theory that Aliens came from deep space and started to interbreed with the local half human females which means they had to deal wi th unwashed and lice ridden females, not to mention aggressive behaviour towards them from the half human males. We can rule out that myth right away. We are not the by-product of a per history female and a big brained Alien being from deep space. That does not mean that we could not have been the by product of a mutation, the trigger being some virus or chemical that did get to some parts of our planet a few million years ago and that a gene was the reason of what we know today as the human race. But more on that l ater. When it comes to skulls and parts of skulls of human like beings and apes 3 to 8 million years ago we only have fragments to work on that had to be glued together and filled in to give us a rough shape of that the face was like but also the amount of brain tissue held within the skull cap.

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    ARCHEOLOGY RESEARCH 2002 MASTER FILE # 1 Ronnie Carleton 2002-04-27

    The trouble with past archaeology is that it was a closed field of study to many and very few people were experts or claimed to be experts and that left the few that were to rule the roost without question. Thankfully that now has changed and such people who have been blinked are dragged into 2002/3. For their own survival they either had to look at archaeology in the new light or live in the dark with fixed ideas of their subject, or be left alone and alone with little or no progress. In my own research I had to and still do embrace the subjects of archaeology, biology, physics, some maths, chemistry, astro-physis and geology. Add to that a sprinkling of myth, and religion, some history of the earth and the Universise, pathology and common sense and you have the whole canvas. My field of study in the main has been early human kind. That is not to say that all other fields of archaeology are not linked because they are but the study of bones and the main bone, the skull offer me a larger scope into what makes human beings and where indeed did we come from? When it comes down to searching and with evidence of that all elusive missing link I have to say that in the beginning of my work thirty years ago I did not believe there was one. That thinking has now changed because I have opened and closed doors of the past and in my research found that if we look carefully enough and keep an open mind, some of the answers are there. Even at that I am left with many un-answered questions for the moment and I may never find all the answers. The good news is that I have made progress even though it has been a slow haul up a massive hill of knowledge and of course facts by others being misinterpreted as fact. This spiders web had to be fought through and fame and fortune cast aside for unlike many others working in my field I have no grand ideas of every being hailed as a progressive palcoanthropologist. Nor do I care if others reject or accept my own findings. I know my bones and the shape of bones and I also know that if early human like creatures are to be accepted as a link between todays humans then what also must kept in mind is when they got the power of thought and speech. Once we establish that factor then we can say without doubt when they walked into the world of the paranormal and religion! The grand search for THE MISSING LINK has went on for well over 200 years with claims and counter claims by archaeologists worldwide but with very little evidence that supports any of the finds as nothing more than wishful thinking. A few people have come close. Many were off the mark and published papers of their findings, sending them to places of learning for approval and of course worldwide acceptance. Much depended on such acceptance, future funding for more research, fame in the University of choice and of course ego. All could be lost at the simple word written or spoken. REJECTION. There were many rejections of papers when it came to the study and findings of early man but even more when it came to finding or claiming to have found the missing link. This Missing Link was proving to be just as hard to find as an Alien being in a flying spacecraft or evidence of The lost City of Atlantis as fact. Then there is the theory that Aliens came from deep space and started to interbreed with the local half human females which means they had to deal with unwashed and lice ridden females, not to mention aggressive behaviour towards them from the half human males. We can rule out that myth right away. We are not the by-product of a per history female and a big brained Alien being from deep space. That does not mean that we could not have been the by product of a mutation, the trigger being some virus or chemical that did get to some parts of our planet a few million years ago and that a gene was the reason of what we know today as the human race. But more on that later. When it comes to skulls and parts of skulls of human like beings and apes 3 to 8 million years ago we only have fragments to work on that had to be glued together and filled in to give us a rough shape of that the face was like but also the amount of brain tissue held within the skull cap.

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    The mismeasurement of mankind when it comes down to what we term as intelligence has gone on for many years and it is all to do with our skull and brain.

    Creative interpretation in science and more so in the study of early man is well known but it also happens today when it comes down to the myth of Alien UFOs, Alien abduction, Alien cross breeding with humans, Alien buildings and ley-lines and so on. It is the interpretation that is at fault and to put a name to our theory of visits from deep space, many of us become very creative indeed but without evidence or facts that will stand up in the cold light of day. Many of the people who claim such visits from deep space and the abduction of human females for implants do not seem to grasp that in their interpretation are trapped by their own rhetoric.

    Let us say that in the near future a blood sample from me and tagged Ronnie Carleton Born 5th Jan 41 then the sample placed into a computer and a few instructions typed on the keyboard to start DNA testing into my own family history and where that family first came from. We now type in DNA + past history going back to 2.5 million years or even 5.5 million years. Press RETURN and the screen comes up with WAIT then starts the process which takes about an hour to download and would read something like this;

    Grandfather = Irish = Celt x Norse = Viking. ? Grandmother = Scot = Celt x =? Great Grandmother = French = Celt = x India =? Great Great Grandmother = India x? = Homo sapiens.

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    Homo erectus = world wide, Asia/ Africa. Human.

    Missing link? Human.

    Homo erectus erectus. Human like.

    Homo erectus sinensis. Human like.

    Australopithecus, robustus. + Pithecanthropus. Human like. + Sinathropus. + Atlanthtopus.

    Homo habilis, Plesianthropus. Ape like. + Human like.

    A. africanus. Ape like

    Ramapithecus / kenyapithecus. Ape.

    Lateral view of the skull of Peking Man H. Erectus. 500,000 years ago.

    BELOW Mandibles of H Erectus.

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    With skull size also comes brain size and it is here that we can get into a maze with a built in mine field and no map of where they really are. It is of course the map of the brain inside any of the skulls from early man to the present day that gives us the clue to parts of what is termed as the Missing Link but we have modern brains trying to deal with what we think early man brains were like.

    Brain showing left side Bocas area. This area is believed to be the speech generating area but I have found that it does not always function during linguistic use and may not in fact be linked. (Carleton 1980) What made early man human? We know that he/she used tools of a very primitive form but so do apes in Africa and India today. We know that once fire was discovered to be useful that it

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    was put to good use but apes today dont use fire as a tool and when did early man become a thinking mammal and using knowledge as well as real language? The owner of the skull below may have been a thinking mammal in the past for its own basic survival but its reasoning was more than limited and it would have used all its natural senses when alive. There would have been no language but grunts may have been emitted and communication between such mammals would have been by smell, sight and body language.

    It was rash of many people in the field to conclude, wrongly, that the owner of this skull found in Africa may have had speech even though it would have been limited speech. Future generations of the same mammal species may have began to use a form of mouth communication but we are talking 500,000 years down the line and just after basic art work on rocks and cave walls. Such art work would not have been as advanced as the cave and rock drawings that we know of today and without doubt in my mind the creature above would have been more carnivore and cannibalistic than even early upright man that was not ape like in shape and size. That does not mean that early man was not cannibalistic and ate his own kin and kind. He/she was and would have eaten dying or dead members of their own tribe rather than waste the meat. To them there was nothing moralistic or psychological damaging in eating their off spring and great grandmother. It was nothing more than a food source.

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    That X factor, the Missing Link lies between Homo erectus, Neanderthal/ Cro-Magnon Man and as for the rest of the early ape like creatures in my mind have now no place to play in the debate on such a missing link except for themselves in cross breeding and inbreeding with one another. Inbreeding in some species produces hybrids and mutants as seen in modern man in some societies. Researching the skulls below it was easy to see that they were of different shapes and sizes and therefore a crossover by breeding had to take place.

    Left to right. Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon and Australopithecus africanus.

    Somewhere in between and after A. africanus came Homo erectus but it does not explain that even today we tend to get throwbacks in a genetic form in some modern humans who have the skull shape and features of Homo erectus.

    In my research I have found human beings in todays society that show throwback features of early man and though it is claimed to be rare, it may not be as rare as we are laid to believe. I have come across it in the UK and Ireland, parts if India and if you know what your are looking for or at then it jumps out at you. The brow ridges, forehead, hair and shape of the face like the illustration below.

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    In many cases of such a condition in modern humans it is sometimes diagnosed as Acromegaly and in many cases wrongly because todays medicine and its study misses the point that it could in fact be a genetic throw back which I believe strongly it is. It is these human beings that carry the past with them into our future and somehow many people missed the link. With DNA tracing and recording with the permission of such people with the condition as well as family history backgrounds I know we will learn more of the change over between early man and todays human being. If we look closely at Acromegaly as the condition then there will be an enlargement of the bones, hypertrophy of connective tissue, noted changes in the hair and skin. The face will be large with heavy features, prognathous jaw and course thick hair sometimes over mostly of the lower body and back. The frontal sinuses are prominent with the eyes deeply set and if the mouth is examined the lower teeth and jaw project beyond the upper ones. I have seen many human beings like this but what I also noted that the feet are large and sometimes clumsy, the back slightly bent and the hands reaching almost to the top of the knees. The lips I found were also large in nature and on examination of the scalp it will be found that the skin is furrowed or corrugated. At seasonal times of the year there may well be increased sexual excitement and the chances in the basal metabolic rate are not constant but during the active stage it will be increased and the appetite can well be voracious. Seasonal sunlight hours may well have something to do with this increased sexually activity and in early man I feel that mating took place in order that children were born in a warmer time of the year and that food was more plentiful. If we look at the gestation period of humans we get around from the time of conception to birth, 9 months with a child being born between 6 lbs at 7 lbs. Early mankind would be much the same except for the time of conception and more so in the ape-like women and man.

    In part two I will look at the bones of contention that exist between our own human origins and those of apes. Because of the infighting and sometimes-public battles, those people working in the field of paleoanthropology were more at odds with themselves than with the subject matter that should have concerned them. There has been lost opportunities because of this in Africa and as it is an unstable continent some of the known sites of early man are surrounded by politics with research being slowed down. The eyes now must be turned to the SW Far East and the native peoples there as well as from where they came from because it is from here, not Africa or India that the final answer may be found of what was human-kind and the missing link.

    See part two. Ronnie Carleton [c] 2002-06-27