microwave background image from space telescope science institute what reionized the universe?...

M i c r o w a ve B a c k g r o u n d Image from Space Telescope Science Institut What reionized What reionized the universe? the universe? Searching for Lyman Beyond Reionization Betsy Barton (UC Irvine)

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Page 1: Microwave Background Image from Space Telescope Science Institute What reionized the universe? Searching for Lyman  Beyond Reionization Betsy Barton (UC





Image fromSpace TelescopeScience Institute

What reionizedWhat reionizedthe universe?the universe?

Searching for Lyman Beyond Reionization

Betsy Barton (UC Irvine)

Page 2: Microwave Background Image from Space Telescope Science Institute What reionized the universe? Searching for Lyman  Beyond Reionization Betsy Barton (UC

Recent reionization results

• Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP):

– Reionization begins at 14 < z < 20 (Kogut et al. 2003)

• Becker et al. (2001); Djorgovski et al. (2001); Fan et al. (2002):

– Absorption systems and Gunn-Peterson troughs in distant quasar spectra

– Reionization ends near z ~ 6

• Fan et al. (2001):

– quasars not enough to reionize universeSTAR-FORMING GALAXIES!

(see Tinsley 1973)

How can we find these galaxies?

Page 3: Microwave Background Image from Space Telescope Science Institute What reionized the universe? Searching for Lyman  Beyond Reionization Betsy Barton (UC

Cosmological hydrodynamic simulations form “tiny” early seed galaxies

(Davé, Katz, & Weinberg)

z=8 Ly

star formation

cooling radiation

Page 4: Microwave Background Image from Space Telescope Science Institute What reionized the universe? Searching for Lyman  Beyond Reionization Betsy Barton (UC

Cosmological hydrodynamic simulations: the star formation history of the universe





r fo





(Springel &Hernquist 2003)

Peak is near z=5

rate significantat extremely high redshifts

Page 5: Microwave Background Image from Space Telescope Science Institute What reionized the universe? Searching for Lyman  Beyond Reionization Betsy Barton (UC

Finding “holes” in the night sky

Atmospheric lines dominate

At higher spectral resolution, observe between them

Page 6: Microwave Background Image from Space Telescope Science Institute What reionized the universe? Searching for Lyman  Beyond Reionization Betsy Barton (UC

Window at z=8.227

Narrow-bandfilter (R=125)

Noise down byfactor of >10 from other Gemini/NIRInarrow-bandfilters



Page 7: Microwave Background Image from Space Telescope Science Institute What reionized the universe? Searching for Lyman  Beyond Reionization Betsy Barton (UC

The Production and Escape of High-redshift Lyman- Photons


{{stellar initialstellar initialmass functionmass function

star formation ratestar formation rate

penetration through penetration through intergalactic mediumintergalactic medium

escape ofescape ofionizing andionizing andLyLy photons photons

partially neutral IGM(above z ~ 6.2)

Page 8: Microwave Background Image from Space Telescope Science Institute What reionized the universe? Searching for Lyman  Beyond Reionization Betsy Barton (UC

Adopted Lyman scenarios




(ZO)fIGM fesc fLy

Optimistic 300-1000 0 1.0 0.35 2.1 x 1043

Plausible 50-500 0 0.25 0.1 6.4 x 1042

Heavy Salpeter 1-500 10-5 0.25 0.1 1.8 x 1042

Salpeter 1-100 0.2 0.25 0.1 7.3 x 1041

Page 9: Microwave Background Image from Space Telescope Science Institute What reionized the universe? Searching for Lyman  Beyond Reionization Betsy Barton (UC

Lyman Luminosity Function

8m8m30+ hrs30+ hrs

Models: Bartonet al. (2004)

Data: varioussources compiledin Santos et al. (2004)

Page 10: Microwave Background Image from Space Telescope Science Institute What reionized the universe? Searching for Lyman  Beyond Reionization Betsy Barton (UC

“optimistic” scenario simulation

48 hour obs.1.122m20% throughputR=125 filter0.35-arcsec seeing

Springel & Hernquist (2003) model

(Barton et al. 2004)

z=8.2 galaxiesz=8.2 galaxies

10 10 hh-1-1 comoving Mpc=5.4 arcmin comoving Mpc=5.4 arcmin

Page 11: Microwave Background Image from Space Telescope Science Institute What reionized the universe? Searching for Lyman  Beyond Reionization Betsy Barton (UC

Narrow-band filter

Hubble Deep Field

[OII] line emission at z=2.01, 15 hours with Gemini/NIRI

Page 12: Microwave Background Image from Space Telescope Science Institute What reionized the universe? Searching for Lyman  Beyond Reionization Betsy Barton (UC

The Next Steps: FLAMINGOS 2 and MOSFIRE


6.2’ FOV

Gemini-SouthFLAMINGOS 2:

6.1’ FOV

Page 13: Microwave Background Image from Space Telescope Science Institute What reionized the universe? Searching for Lyman  Beyond Reionization Betsy Barton (UC

F2T2F2T2An engineering prototype for the JWST Tunable Filter

Imager… F2T2 will be fed by a multi-conjugate adaptive optics system and be a facility-class instrument on

Gemini next year.

An engineering prototype for the JWST Tunable Filter Imager… F2T2 will be fed by a multi-conjugate adaptive

optics system and be a facility-class instrument on Gemini next year.

Page 14: Microwave Background Image from Space Telescope Science Institute What reionized the universe? Searching for Lyman  Beyond Reionization Betsy Barton (UC

The F2T2 TeamBob

AbrahamU. Toronto

Steve EikenberryU. Florida

Nick RainesU.Florida

Jeff JulianU.Florida

Betsy BartonUC Irvine

Dave LoopHIA, Victoria


JD SmithU.Arizona

David Crampton

HIA, Victoria

Joss Bland-Hawthorn


Mike GladdersU.Chicago

Roger JulianU.Florida

Neil RowlandsCOMDEV

Matt BershadyU. Wisconsin

René DoyonU de Montréal

Jean-Paul Kneib


Page 15: Microwave Background Image from Space Telescope Science Institute What reionized the universe? Searching for Lyman  Beyond Reionization Betsy Barton (UC

JWST TFI Gemini F2T2

First light

Spectral resolution

Wavelength range

Field of view

Image quality


Prototype single etalon IR tunable filter for JWST. This opto-mechanical design is the basis for F2T2. Contributed by the Canadian Space Agency.

Polished F2T2 optics. F2T2 will be inserted into Flamingos-2 and fed by the Gemini MCAO system.



1.5µm – 3.5µm


Diffraction limited

R. Doyon (Montreal)

Early 2007

800+ (wing suppressed)

30% of the range 1.0µm – 1.35µm


R. Abraham (Toronto)


JWST TFI and Gemini F2T2 share key optics and electronics. The biggest optical difference is that F2T2 is designed to work inside contaminating OH lines, and has two etalons running in series to suppress transmission profile wings.

Page 16: Microwave Background Image from Space Telescope Science Institute What reionized the universe? Searching for Lyman  Beyond Reionization Betsy Barton (UC

New observatories will reveal the birth of galaxies

Thirty Meter Telescope James WebbSpace Telescope

Page 17: Microwave Background Image from Space Telescope Science Institute What reionized the universe? Searching for Lyman  Beyond Reionization Betsy Barton (UC

The FutureR >> 125 gives more sensitivity but less volume

Maximum R set by intrinsic linewidths

Need larger telescopes to study:• IMF• metallicity• line profiles • clustering


Page 18: Microwave Background Image from Space Telescope Science Institute What reionized the universe? Searching for Lyman  Beyond Reionization Betsy Barton (UC

Penetrating the IGM with ionized bubbles

Furlanetto & Oh (2005)Furlanetto, Zaldarriaga, & Hernquist (2004)

Page 19: Microwave Background Image from Space Telescope Science Institute What reionized the universe? Searching for Lyman  Beyond Reionization Betsy Barton (UC

Penetrating the IGM with ionized bubbles

Best places to find PopIII Ly may be small galaxies inside these ionized bubbles

Luminous sources already enriched(e.g., Davé, Finlator, & Oppenheimer 2005)

Page 20: Microwave Background Image from Space Telescope Science Institute What reionized the universe? Searching for Lyman  Beyond Reionization Betsy Barton (UC

HeII (1640): signature of Pop III


Pop II

• Only PopIII has detectable HeII (1640) emission

• Schaerer (2003) predicts high (>~ 20 Angstrom) equivalent widths for young, zero-metal bursts

Page 21: Microwave Background Image from Space Telescope Science Institute What reionized the universe? Searching for Lyman  Beyond Reionization Betsy Barton (UC


• Ly at z=8 may be detectable with present-day technology

–high e from WMAP suggests that conditions favorable

–Gemini survey underway with NIRI

• Future will focus on luminosity function, topology of reionization, searches for PopIII