mid-year update: 10 new laws in illinois | july 2014

10 new laws you don’t want to miss July 2014 edition

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Since the end of the 2015 spring legislative session, dozens of new laws have been signed by the governor. Take a look at some of the most important laws likely to effect your life.


Page 1: Mid-Year Update: 10 New Laws in Illinois  |  July 2014

10 new laws you don’t want to miss

July 2014 edition

Page 2: Mid-Year Update: 10 New Laws in Illinois  |  July 2014

Since the General Assembly adjourned in May, the

governor has signed dozens of new laws.

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Some won’t take effect until January 2015, but others are already the law of the land.

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Here are 10 new laws you don’t want to miss:

Page 5: Mid-Year Update: 10 New Laws in Illinois  |  July 2014

1. Do your kids want to open a lemonade stand or sell cupcakes?

Now they can without having to worry about a state or local permit. (Just make sure they don’t make more than $1,000.)

Public Act 98-0643

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2. Do you think Illinois should raise the minimum wage to $10 per hour? Think raising the minimum wage is a terrible

idea? You’ll get a chance to weigh in on Election Day this year.

Read more.

Public Act 98-0657

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3. Do you think that insurance companies should be required to cover birth control?

Or should that be between you, your employer and your insurance company?

Weigh in on Election Day. Read more.

Public Act 98-0696

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4. Does your child have dyslexia? Starting next year, dyslexia will be included in Illinois’ special education provisions and the State Board of Education will provide teachers with training on how to help children who suffer from this difficult learning disability. Read more.

Public Act 98-0705

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5. Want to take your children hunting?

A new law will allow them to hunt under your supervision before they take the hunter’s safety course. The Youth Hunting License

also costs less than most existing licenses.

Public Act 98-0620

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6. If you ever find yourself in the terrible position of being sexually assaulted, make

sure your attacker is tested for STDs.

Public Act 98-0760

A new law requires state’s attorneys to ensure your assailant is tested so you can find out if you may have contracted a disease.

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7. Have you ever wanted to vote, but haven’t had the time? Have you arrived at the polling

place and realized you weren’t registered at your current address?

This year, you’ll have more opportunities to early vote and vote by mail. You also can register to vote on Election Day itself. (Hint: If you want to register to vote or change your address, now you can do it online.) Read more.

Public Act 98-0691

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8. In order to save lives with a defibrillator, you have to know

how to use one. Soon every teenager in the Land of Lincoln will. CPR and the

use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) will be taught in every school in the state starting this year. (If you have religious or moral objections, you can pull your child out of class.) Read more.

Public Act 98-0632

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9. Are you a teacher? A new law changes the order in which teachers are called

back to work after layoffs.

Public Act 98-0648