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Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids! By Roy Carter Copyright©2010 Roy Carter

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  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    By Roy Carter

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    Copyright 2010 Roy Carter

    All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder.

    Disclaimer and Terms of Use: The Author and Publisher has striven to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this book. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the Author and Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees. You should use this information as you see fit, and at your own risk.

    Any trademarks, service marks, product names or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if we use one of these terms.

    The author does not warrant the performance, effectiveness or applicability of any sites listed or linked to in this Ebook. All links are for information purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose.

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 Introduction 4

    Chapter 2 Why Outsource 7

    Chapter 3 Why Do You Work 10

    Chapter 4 The Down Side To Outsourcing 13

    Chapter 5 Where To Find Freelancers 18

    Chapter 6 Outsourcing Quality Control 23

    Chapter 7 What Is A VA And How Are They Different From Freelancers


    Chapter 8 Conveying Your Needs 31

    Chapter 9 If It Doesn't Pan Out 36

    Chapter 10 Empire Building And Dancing Money 41

    Chapter 11 Where To Find A VA 48

    Chapter 12 Actual Plans You Can Follow 57

    Chapter 13 Conclusions 93

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Welcome to Middle Man Magic, and prepare to go on an adventure into your possibilities. Whether you currently have an online business or not shall not be a factor that holds you back in learning the secrets revealed in this guide. Secrets you say? Surely not. Many people use outsourcing for a number of tasks, and maybe you already know its pretty useful. The point is it isn't just useful, it can be used to turn a tiny little $5 a day business into an empire.

    In this guide you are going to learn what it takes to make a successful online business, that doesn't require more than an hour or two a day to manage. Hold on there a minute, I know I just heard your B.S alarm kick in, and normally I would agree that those woulds be pretty ambitious claims for an ebook.

    However, I am not just going to give you some mumbo-jumbo about the concepts of outsourcing, I will actually walk you through the process.

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    I know it can be hard to decide to trust parts of your business to others, but if you want to grow it is going to be necessary. Though I will say right from the start, who you trust, and how you go about setting up a proper business structure, is vital.

    As someone reading this guide, I expect there is a high probability that you have tried outsourcing in the past. Maybe you had a bad experience, didn't know how to ensure you got a good quality return on your investment, or maybe everything worked brilliantly and you are just looking for some extra tips. Don't worry, this guide is definitely for you.

    One of the hardest parts of outsourcing is finding people that can do the tasks you set them. The second hardest part is ensuring you actually give them enough information to complete the task. For instance, if you want them to write an article about why using a certain company is good, tell them the specifics. If you just ask for an article about your niche, they may well write a beautifully written article telling people it is a terrible service. Be specific, if you want specific results.

    Included in this guide you are going to find specific outsourcing tasks, and even businesses plans, that you will be able to give to your outsource worker so that they will understand what is required. You see I am not just asking you to learn to give detailed instruction for every task that is required, I am actually going to help you teach your outsource

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    worker how to do the job for you. This means you will not need to spend hours explaining things, which is exactly the way it should be.

    To many people find themselves working in their business, instead of on their business. You are supposed to have a company that you run, and it in turn makes you an extremely nice living. If you find yourself working nonstop, then you are both the boss and the hired employee, and you will probably find the two roles extremely stressful. No one can be so demanding of an employee, as a person that works for themselves.

    The purpose of this guide is to free up your time, maximize your profits, and let you tell your evil slave driving boss (YOU) to take a hike. Its time to get your business back on track, with you at the helm, not the oars!

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    Chapter 2 Why Outsource

    To start with I should say that some of the ideas you will learn later in this guide, don't rely on using outsource workers in the normal way. However, the benefits are still the same.

    First of all I want you to think about the time you spend working on your internet business. I know most of you are probably spending a huge amount of time trying to make things work, but are making very little. Now consider that you were dividing your weekly earnings by the amount of hours you work online. How much do you make per hour? Now if the amount you make is below minimum wage then I would suggest part of your basic plan is wrong. You should be able to make at least minimum wage online without too much trouble, but is that all your worth?

    Now consider that if the tasks you do make you minimum wage, could you get someone else to do them for half that? Because if you could then you would be able to hire two freelancers, and make the same income as you do now, just by saying Go forth and make me money!. Obviously some instruction is going to be required, but lets jump a little down the road. You now have two trained people performing collectively twice the work you did, and you no longer need to give them instruction.

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    So with two people performing the tasks you performed yourself, you have free time. Time for your family, time to catch a movie, time to go to the beach...or time to build your income.

    Why not then hire ten people to do what you would have done instead of two? That would give you five times the income you did have, but of course then you need to manage what ten people are doing. WRONG! Then you use a fifth of your new income to hire a manager for your company. You can then continue to expand until you reach a point where the market will not sustain any more activity, and settle at that level. Then you let the manager run it, as is their job, while you start your next business.

    Another way to look at itLets say I'll give you ten dollars if you can draw a circle.

    Well try as you may, there are only so many circles you can draw in a day. How about if I didn't need to actually see you draw the circle, I just wanted to see them all at the end of the day. Well then you go and find some freelancers that are willing to draw circles at five dollars a go, and get them all going. Admittedly your making less per circle drawn, but you don't have to do the drawing anymore. All you need to worry about is how many circles can you be paid for, then put someone else in charge of the circle drawers if there are too many of them.

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    Quantity and QualityAnother reason for outsourcing your work is the quality and

    quantity. For example, if you try and do every task yourself, you are by necessity doing things you aren't that good at. Its just the way people are made, that nobody is great at everything, and if you are doing something you are not suited to, you are not going to be fast.

    Also you should consider the tools of the trade. Whether you are outsourcing back-link creation or writing, you may not feel that buying expensive software for that specific task justifies the expense. For instance, Adobe Acrobat Pro (over $750) is a worthwhile investment for a writer, but not if you only want the occasional job done with it. The same could be said of many back-linking services that charge you a fortune. If you where constantly back-linking your website they would be a justified expense, but not necessarily for a business owner who is only spending an hour or two a day. The point is an outsource worker may actually be able to do a better job than you could yourself, because they have often already invested in the equipment to do their specific task.

    This subject really leads us on to...

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    Chapter 3 Why Do You Work

    Let me just say that the work in question in this chapter, is of the online variety.

    Who exactly do you work for, and why! You probably will cry but I work for myself to make my business more productive!! Wrong, you work for other just as surely as if you did it in a cubicle.

    The ConceptIn any business there are only two positions you can be in.

    The first is someone that works, and usually works hard. The second is someone that organizes, arranges, and tells others what to do. You have created whatever situation you are currently in, and did you intend to give yourself the role you know have. You see, its a matter of how you look at things. Do you want to be a manager or a worker? They are the only two positions available in any company, and its amazing how many people start out with the intention of being the former, but somewhere along the way end up as the later.

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    You need to get into the right frame of mind before taking your business to the next level, or for that matter even to start one. If your business model involves you being chained to the computer 24/7 then you don't have a business, you have a job.

    Luckily for you, you are currently reading a guide written by someone with some bolt cutters, and we will have those chains off you in a just minute.

    The problem usually starts because someone that has been an employee all their life, suddenly has the chance to start a business. The fact its online is irrelevant, as any business has tasks that are needed to be done, customers to see to, and accounts to be kept. When someone with the mentality of an employee starts a business they look at what they can do themselves, and quickly end up working for others again, albeit on slightly better terms than before. What you need to keep in mind is that you are supposed to run a company, not work in it.

    If your business was cutting tables in half, would you A: look at the costs and the profits to be had, then look to see whether it would be worth hiring staff, and if it could grow. Or would you B: Start thinking about how fast you can saw. Most people would like to say A, but actually know they would do B.

    If you want to start a business or take the one you have to the next level, you need to understand the difference in thinking between that of an employee,and a manager. Then once you get that difference, start acting and thinking as you should to

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    run your business, or it will run right over you! Always think in terms of managing your business, not working in it. While you have your nose to the grind-wheel you will rarely get a chance to look up and see the opportunities that surround you.

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    Chapter 4 The Down Side To Outsourcing

    Before embarking on your first experience into outsourcing, there are various things you need to be aware of. First of all it is that not all freelancers are the same, and while some certainly are worth their weight in gold, others will do nothing but slow you down.

    WritersA common outsourced task is article creation, spinning, and

    even ghost writing. However, while there are many that claim they are experienced at performing this service, the vast majority will turn in very poor quality work. It is important to not only ask for something they have written before, but to also look for some kind of social proof if possible.

    If you ask a potential writer for something they have written previously, the first thing to ask is if what they have sent you was written for someone else. If it was, then you know that they may well send out the work they would do for you as their examples in the future, and the person they show may decide to steal your niche or even your article. Make sure that the writer you hire not only knows about the copyright law, but also acts as if they know about it.

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    Other than just copyright you must of course be assured that they can actually write. It is of little regard that they are the cheapest writer in the business, if it looks like it was written by a child. Regardless of what you have written for you, it must use good grammatical usage, and not have any spelling mistakes. You need to watch writers from the East especially for contextual confusion, and gender identifies. Not long ago I saw an article that clearly stated the writers Grandmother was a man. He said... was in reference to the Grandmother, and I have also seen many errors in regard to the tense that is used with in a sentence. An example of what to watch for is I will build a boat last week. I have actually seen this, and came away from the article wondering whether the writer would not have written a better guide about time travel than they did about boats.

    You can get adequate writers from low wage countries, but they are buried under a mountain of optimists. Just make sure you test them out before agreeing to any big orders, or you will end up regretting it.

    I also advise that even if their example is brilliant, you still give them a small order initially. The idea of using a PLR article as proof of their abilities, has sadly caught on. However, if you tell them what the article/project is about, they cannot use a PLR article because they would quickly be discovered.

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    CodersA coder can be a useful freelancer if you have need of one.

    Whether they are turning out scripts for you to resell, or doing some other job, you will have to check that they know what they are doing.

    You have one big advantage with coders, and that is that they do not require a high degree of English to be able to perform their tasks properly. By being able to outsource to the 3rd world, you instantly increase your potential profits. Do not forget that in many places the average weekly wages are under $10, and often the very best and most educated among them will still earn under $50 a week.

    The main trouble with coders is their delivery time, as this can turn into a major issue. I recommend you start as you mean to go on, with clear instruction as to when you need the coding completed. Obviously some problems will cause an overrun and often this is nobodies fault. However, some coders will keep you waiting weeks beyond their deadline, and because of the fact you do not understand their problems (unless you are a coder) you may have trouble understanding if they are having you on.

    I recommend you always offer a small bonus to a coder if they complete the job in the time frame they offer. This way they will go out of their way to make sure they have your project completed on time, and if problems do pop up, greed is

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    a great motivator to help encourage them onwards through the problem.

    SEO ManagerIf you are outsourcing your SEO, then you need to

    understand exactly what it is that your freelancer is planning to do for you. Far too often people take it at face value that the SEO expert they are hiring is going to just get on with it, and they don't bother to check the plan, until after they get a report of what has been done. The problem is of course that the person performing the SEO for your site maybe quite happy to use black hat methods, or be unaware of the various practices that can land you in all sorts of trouble. For instance, they could be spamming blogs as fast as they can, with your best interest at heart. Unfortunately this is going to do your business no good, if they accidentally create your own personal hate group. It is important to know what they are doing and provide clear instruction, because if you don't they could do anything.

    Provided they have a detailed plan to follow you will be OK, but make sure they are not just getting creative, because that could lead to problems.

    Social Media Representation

    Hiring a social media representative can be extremely beneficial, but at the same time just as hazardous. You need to

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    think of what could go wrong and plan ahead. For instance, if your social media guy or gal is posting gibberish in every direction, it may be better if they don't add a link to your website.

    A social media representative needs to be watched. To do their job they need to know exactly what you want them to do, and the concepts to promote. Just giving them a niche is not good enough, as they need to know which arguments to push, and in which ways. I recommend you discuss the direction your campaign is to go over Skype, as it is easier to ensure that they grasp what you are talking about.

    If you get the whole social media thing outsourced properly, you are on to a winner. However, if you plan to just throw money at someone and hope, you are in for a rude awakening. Clear instruction is always required, unless you don't care what people think your company is saying in public. Social media is a powerful tool, but used unwisely can cause you massive harm. I will explain exactly what to say to avoid the pitfalls I have mentioned later in the guide.

    The Good, The Bad, And The Bloody Awful!

    You know how people are, they are all unique! Whether you get a good freelancer or a terrible one will be down to chance, but if you get a bad one - ditch them fast and move on!!

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    Chapter 5 Where To Find Freelancers

    While you should have a clear plan of action before outsourcing, you will eventually be ready to hire someone. In this chapter I will recommend some places that I know have good workers, though I warn you they all have the odd turkey too. Be careful who you choose, as they will be representing your business.

    w ww.warriorforum.com/warriors-hire is a great place to find freelancers. Whether you are looking for writers, graphic designers, SEO services etc. it is great for finding experts. The main problem is that the listings are put up by the freelancers themselves, and as such they usually have standard tasks they are willing to perform for a set fee.

    In most outsourcing websites you would put up your own advert, and the workers would bid accordingly. However, the advantage of this system is that it is the freelancer that pays for

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    the advertising, and they will have a forum thread attached to their offer. What this means to you is that you can quickly scroll down through the feedback, and check that people like their work. Obviously whether the other person liked their work will depend on what it was they wanted, but generally happy customers are a good sign that the freelancer can do what they claim. One thing to watch out for is false positives, and by this I mean feedback that has only come from members of the forum with under 15 posts. Provided the freelancer has positive posts from people with at least 100 posts, you know they are not just creating parallel accounts to plug their own services.

    w ww.Freelancer.com is a useful site for finding freelancers. You will find all types of people here, whether you are looking for graphic artists, writers, webdesign etc. they are all here. Freelancer has a predominantly cheap work force, and as such most are will have poor to adequate English. However, it is an easy to use interface to outsource your tasks and they only charge 3% or $3 (whichever is greater) or your project fee.

    I do recommend posting smaller jobs on Freelancer initially, and then if you decide you like the writer you can offer them a

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    bigger contract. Just post up a small job to start with, but make sure you mention that you will be hiring regularly if the work is satisfactory.

    www.guru.com is another great outsourcing destination, and they have a wide range of freelancers for you to choose from.

    Whether you decide to use Guru Employer will probably come down to whether or not you like their payment structure. Instead of the standard PayPal interface, Guru Employer use Escrow. Some people far prefer escrow, while others absolutely hate it. Which are you? Maybe this would be the ideal place to pick up a freelancer.

    www.elance.com is one of the biggest databases of freelancers, and certainly worth checking out.

    The main benefit of using Elance is that there is such a wide range of people on there. Whether you want a coder or a

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    consultant, you will find them. This is also a good place to find managers to overview your other freelancers.

    It costs $10 to register as an employer at Elance, but this entitles you to posts as many jobs as you like. As I said earlier, if you are looking to outsource a non-standard task, this is a great place to find them.

    w ww.scriptlance.com is a good place to outsource programming tasks, as they have a lot of high-end coders on there. If you are looking to create something that cannot be done with hard work or templates, ScriptLance is definitely the place to go. Unfortunately the coders that make ScriptLance good, also have a fair idea of their worth. Generally they are not cheap, but if you are looking for something extremely complex you are for more likely to find someone to outsource on there, than a more general freelancer site.

    ScriptLance do not only cover freelance coders, but because the prices are high for them, this has encouraged the other freelancers on there to up their prices. I find it an expensive place for writers, especially considering the quality. However, if you are looking for a high end coder you can't go wrong.

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!


    When deciding on which freelancer to use, I highly recommend you outsource a small task initially and see how they get on with it. There is nothing worse than a freelancer going AWOL on you, so consider the small project a test of their skills and reliability.

    You should be aware that you may well need to select several freelancers to complete your task, because the good ones are often booked up in advance. Provided you find a few that seem to deliver on what they claim, you should be alright. Just email the most promising looking three and see if they are available. Or if you are posting up a job opportunity you will get only available people contacting you. Don't forget to ask for a sample of their work, and if they give you something they wrote/made for someone else, run for it. If you hire someone that gives out the work they do for other, you should know your work will also be handed out.


    Many people forget to treat their outsource workers with respect, and this causes everyone problems. What happens then is you have a resentful employee, that can't be bothered to put the time in. If you treat people well, they will return the favor.

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    Chapter 6 Outsourcing Quality Control

    My first tip is that regardless of how much you check the work you have outsourced, if it is written work, then there may be grammatical errors. Generally a few of these are no big deal, and you do want to leave them in so it looks like it was written by a person with a personality. However, if you are a stickler for grammatical usage then I recommend www.grammarly.com

    With Grammarly you can past the work your freelancer gives you, then Grammarly will look through it for plagiarism, grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Generally you don't need to worry about spelling errors as everyone uses spell-check now, but grammar is another issue. Also, being able to see if any of the work you have been given is plagiarized, is a great feature that helps to tell you whether your article will appear in the index or supplemental index of Google.

    If you are using cheap 3rd world writers then Grammarly or something similar is essential. Though I do wish it had an auto correct feature, it does at least point out all the problems and

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  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    explain what is wrong.

    Code Words

    Many people recommend using code words when outsourcing. Personally I would pay more attention to whether or not they ask for clarifications as to what is required, but code words do serve a purpose if you are busy. When writing out an advert to put up in a freelancing site, one way to check that the freelancer has actually read your requirements before contacting you, is to hide a sentence in the middle of your requirements telling them to say the codeword at the start of their reply. Now, if you get a reply that seems OK but doesn't start with your code word, you know the freelancer probably went through copying and pasting that reply to everyone's advert. This of course means they have not even bothered to check they could do the job before sending you a message, and that is not how happy ending are started.

    Dead Lines

    Having the work you have outsourced not arrive when it supposed to is very annoying, but what you may not realize is it also annoys the person working on it. Your typical freelance worker, be they a graphical genius or an exceptional coder, want to finish on time. They will usually divide their time among the projects they have to do, and then decide on a

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    balance between quality and price. If they run behind in their work they risk making less money, and this means they maybe tempted to rush your job, so don't rush them too much. While you need to get your work on time, you also need to give them time to overrun the time scale you have given them, if it means preserving the quality you need.

    So at this point you're thinking that while that all seems perfectly reasonable, it doesn't get you your articles or graphics done on time. Correct, so what you do is always agree a time one week before you need the work completed, and if they email you in a panic that they have overrun, just tell them to take an extra few days and you will not only still have the task you outsourced done to schedule, but as well as that they will think your great for not badgering them. Don't forget that if you can get your workers on-side, they will go the extra mile for you. Just like every other part of your internet business, what makes everything work smoothly is the relationships you make.

    Organize your timetable so that you don't actually need anything completed for a week after the time you tell your freelance worker, and everything will run smoothly.

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    Chapter 7 What Is A VAAnd How Are They Different From Freelancers

    Freelancers come from all across the world, and depending what tasks you have, they may be perfect. If you need a specific set of tasks to be performed just once, then you need a freelancer. Even regular work that comes in patches is also great for a freelancer, but freelancers are significantly more expensive than a VA, and knowing which you need is essential.

    As an example we shall look at the case of a freelance writer. They post ads or respond ads that are looking for writers, and agree to do a set task for a set fee. When the deal is done then your business is over unless you want to rehire them for something else. Technically a freelance worker is not a member of your staff, but more like a contractor at a building site. They come in and do the job, and if you don't need them for anything else, they go again.

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  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    A VA is much different, as they are a member of your staff. Generally they come from countries where the difference in monetary value means they can live nicely on a wage that is far reduced from what an American or English worker could live on. For instance a Filipino nurse earns roughly $55-$60 a week, and that is one of their high end jobs. Someone working full-time in Tesco there is extremely lucky to pull in $20 a week. However, before you imagine that this means you would be hiring incredibly poor and uneducated people, the difference is largely caused by the exchange rates. There are plenty of out of work English grads there, and most are looking for work.

    So What Are The Pros And Cons Of A VA

    The downside to a VA is that they will be on your payroll, and will expect you to pay them monthly/weekly on a permanent basis. They don't just turn up for a project and then disappear again, they are in it for the long haul like you.

    One good point to note about this, is that because they consider themselves part of the business, they want you to do well. They look on their job as a career, and will often work very hard to see that the company succeeds.

    Another negative aspect of using a VA is that because they see themselves as part of the business, having to fire them if necessary is not easy. You may well come from a background

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    where hiring and firing people based on the needs of the company have caused you to tell people they are out of a job, but many haven't, and find it extremely difficult.

    The price is of course a major consideration when hiring anyone. In the case of VAs you will find that you get much more time invested by them, and work delivered than you would from a freelancer. However, because English is rarely their first language, you need to keep in mind that they will probably produce a significantly lower quality article.

    While an Indian or Filipino SEO guru, coder or graphical artist, will be the equal of their American or English counterpart. When it comes to articles, press releases and ghost-writing, the quality will be lower.

    When hiring a VA you are not paying for a specific task to be completed, but their time. This means that if you purchase software or tools that can speed up their task, they will be able to complete more work for you in the same amount of time, and it won't cost you anymore. If you're hiring a freelancer then you are not paying for time, but for the task to be complete. This means that if there is a quick way of doing what you need to be done, you will not benefit by giving them the tools to complete the task more quickly.

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    With this said, you will usually find that both freelancers and VAs have the equipment necessary to do the jobs that they advertise themselves as able to do. Though in the case of VAs you will be able to train them over time to accomplish more tasks than they originally advertise themselves as able to do. Of course having a VA is much more of a commitment, as you're usually not hiring them for a project, but for general use in your business.

    Because of the difference in abilities and skills between freelancers and VAs, the best approach is often to hire both of them for the skills that they have, and not to hire them for tasks that they are not suitable for. For instance, if I needed several hundred SEO articles created just for the back-links. Provided my intention was just that they point to a blog for SEO purposes, I would use a VA for this.

    However, for the articles that were going to go on the blog I would use a freelance writer instead. Those articles would need to be great, as they would be the ones I would want ranking in the search results. In the same way, a professional copywriter would have to be found to write the sales-copy.

    Let's imagine we didn't use a VA for the articles. Well to start with we would have to hire a freelance writer to create over 100 articles, and this would be a waste of money as these would only be used for SEO benefits. On the other side of the

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    equation we could assume we use our VA to write our sales copy, and our blog articles. In this case we would find that the project was significantly reduced in cost, but at the expense of articles that could convert interested parties into potential buyers, and sales copy that could turn potential buyers, into credit card waving buyers.

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    Chapter 8 Conveying Your Needs

    When outsourcing to either a freelancer or a VA (I'll get to them later) you need to provide clear instructions for the task you want completed. One of the most common complaints that you will hear in a forum is in regard to the tasks being done improperly. This can often lead to a marketer giving up on their plan to outsource, and instead go back to working for themselves. If you want a task completed properly, you need to walk them through it in baby steps.

    Lets look at an example. We shall assume you are outsourcing back-link creation, and that you have asked for a set number of back-links to be created per day. So your worker has agreed they can make you 300 back-links per day, and you are delighted. Unfortunately you didn't specify what type of back-links, and this could be a huge problem. Your worker now goes to twitter, and using some auto-tweet software they start auto-tweeting your link, yup 300 times a day. They are delighted as they can keep this up indefinitely, but you have just wasted your time and energy, on a lot of auto-tweets that will

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    probably not help you at all.

    As you can see from the example above, you need to be specific in what you ask for. Now had that worker been asked to create PR4 or above back-links they would have probably asked for more money, less links per day etc. but it would have been worth it. Unfortunately your potential workers may well have no clue as to what it is you require, and assuming that everyone does things the same way you do them can be a costly mistake.

    So How Can You Ensure They Know What To Do?

    To start with you need to assume the worker you are hiring has absolutely no idea about what they have been hired to do, because this will enable you to create a proper explanation that they can follow.

    The best way is of course using Camtasia. What I would recommend, is if you can video yourself completing the task you want them to do, as they can then refer back to that video at any time, and see if they are doing anything wrong. This will mean they do not get stuck and give up half way through, and because you have proper instruction that even an amateur can follow, you can now outsource the task to a less skilled worker, and therefore it will be cheaper.

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    If you haven't used Camtasia before, I would advise you to go and look at their free trial. It really is simple to use, and helps to leave expensive misunderstandings in the past.

    Screen capture with a description is another great way to instruct a freelancer or VA in what they should be doing. First of all you need OpenOffice, as this is a simple to use, free word-processor.

    If you go to OpenOffice's home page you will be able to download the software from menu, second down on the left as shown in the picture above. OpenOffice is an open source software, so is free to download, and regularly updated.

    Using OpenOffice is the same as any other word-processor, and possibly you will want to stick to Microsoft's Word. However, I will explain the OpenOffice method as its free.

    So lets say you want to tell someone how to make a PDF teaching someone how to instruct an outsource worker what to do. Its handy example as its what I am doing now. First you type out

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    the instructions, then explain that they should click the PrtSc button so their computer will take a picture of the screen they are trying to show. Then go back to OpenOffice and click Ctrl+V to post the picture into the document. Once the picture is pasted in, you right click on it and select Wrap then Optimal wrap as shown in the picture above. Then position the picture where you want it in the document.

    By using the above technique that I just used above to post in the picture you just saw, it is easy to show people exactly what you want them to do.

    Go through your task writing out the instructions as you do it, and also taking PrtSc pictures and inserting them to your document as you go.

    When you are satisfied that you have completed the instructions necessary for your workers to complete the task, click File in the top left, then click Export as PDF. You can now send them a complete instructional ebook that walks them through the tasks you need them to do, and if you take on more staff, or replace someone, you have the PDF ready to be used for their instruction.

    A quick tip that you may find useful when doing this is that if you hold down the Ctrl key wheel turning your mouse scroll wheel, the screen will zoom in and out. This allows you

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    to zoom in on important parts of the screen, to highlight what you are talking about.

    If you are either very busy or just lazy, there is an even simpler way of teaching your freelancer/VA what to do. First of all you go to your favorite freelancer website and post a job. The job you post is to create Camtasia video walk-through of the tasks you need completed by your workers. Now you can just send them the appropriate video whenever you hire someone new.

    If you already have a VA working for you, then why not put them in charge of creating the Camtasia videos. This way you can also check that they are doing what they are supposed to, while maximizing the use of your existing assets.

    I do recommend you tell any long-term staff to try and get hold of Skype if possible, as it makes communication with them much easier. However, a web-cam is not really necessary, and if your VA is wandering around in their underwear while working, does it really matter? The reason I suggest Skype is that it is a great way to quickly ask a question and ensure you get a response, which don't forget is something you want your freelancers and VAs to be able to do.

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    Chapter 9 If It Doesn't Pan Out

    When trying to outsource your work for the first time, you may encounter problems. In this chapter I am going to try and give you a plan for what to do if it all goes wrong.

    Occasionally when you try to outsource a task for the first time, it only becomes apparent that something has gone drastically wrong once it is too late to fix it. In this situation is very easy to freak out, but also very necessary that you keep a clear head.

    For instance, if you asked for a particular type of article to be created then received something totally different, did you give clear enough instructions so that the writer would know your intentions. Generally if the problem is concerning the direction an article has taken, it can still usually be used, and may just get you some long-tail keywords you would not otherwise have thought of. Unfortunately if the task that was supposed to be completed is software related, you will almost certainly need to have it done again.

    If the work that was done incorrectly was due to poor direction, then you are probably stuck. Some freelancers will happily go over the work they have done, regardless of who is at fault. On the other hand, there are some that will refuse to,

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    and will point to your e-mail and ask where you gave specific instructions in regard to the problem. If you are using a VA then obviously you have wasted time they could of been working for you on something worthwhile. With the VA the best course of action is definitely to make sure your instructions are specific the next time around, and simply put it in the past. With a freelancer I would recommend that you at least tried to make them correct the mistake, even if it wasn't their fault, and some maybe willing to help.

    If you give them perfectly clear instructions and then they simply ignore it, that is a whole other can of worms. There are various things you can do to try and get back your money, or have the work corrected. To start with try asking them to fix it. Admittedly this doesn't sound like a complicated plan, but in actual fact most freelancers are trying to build up reputations for excellence, and simply don't want to have unsatisfied customers. Obviously if it is a VA that has made the mistake they will be fixing it anyway, as they work for you full-time.

    Always start out by explaining the errors and then ask to see if they understand what it is they have done wrong. It is pointless to have someone "give it another go" if they still don't understand what it is they are supposed to be doing. When you get one of those situations where you are not sure if the other person understands you, do not just hope for the best, contact them and make sure.

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    When something does go wrong, it can actually help your business, and here's why. The first reason is that you have now learned that the method of passing on the information you needed to pass on, was not sufficient. In the future you know that you have to be more thorough in specifying your needs.

    The second way it can help your business is that just occasionally when a freelancer or VA does something wrong, it is because they have seen a way to market your product that they assume you know about. Believing that you know about this benefit they may simply wish to exploit it on your behalf, and in doing so bring it to your attention. In summary, sometimes you tell someone to turn left, they miss-hear you, turn right and hit the jackpot.

    If you have a particularly stubborn freelancer that has simply done a poor job, not through misunderstanding your instructions but because they cannot be bothered to do it properly, then I recommend you ask for your money back. If they give it to you then there is no harm done, and if not then you can always open a dispute with PayPal or the freelancing website you hired them at. Just make sure that you are completely correct in your judgment that it is their fault before taking this action, because if PayPal think you are trying to scam someone, things can get nasty very quickly. PayPal are horribly unpredictable in circumstances like this, and will rule as they see fit.

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    Try to remember that the best way to settle any dispute online, is the same as it is offline. If you have a problem, then you need to talk about it and let your freelancer/VA know what it is. This not only means that they won't make the same mistake again in the future, but also they might be able to explain why they did what they have, and just possibly it is a reason that you will approve of once you know it.

    As with most of life, the best way to deal with a problem is to stop it from developing. I cannot stress enough the importance of ensuring that anyone doing a task for you, knows exactly what they are supposed to do. The time you save in writing a short explanation will come back ten fold to bite you in the rear, so be completely thorough and especially when dealing with people for whom English is not a first language.

    If you skimmed through the chapter where I explain your options in describing your requirements. Naughty, go back and read it! Its important, and more than anything the key to success in this business.

    Firing People

    While the relationship with a freelancer is not one where you would ever be required to fire them, chiefly because they do not technically work for anyone but themselves, in the case of VAs this is quite different.

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    There may be times when you will have to fire a VA, and I can assure you that it isn't going to be pleasant. People from 3rd world countries (typical VAs) do not argue when you fire them, instead they are polite but sad. This can be quite disheartening, and unless you are trained in human resources, it can feel worse than being fired yourself. My best advice is to tell them exactly why it has to happen, and be definite. Do not sound like there is an option that if they do this or that you will keep them on, as this just makes it harder on them and you. Be definite, then you can allow yourself to be sympathetic and offer any advice you wish.

    I do assume that your reasoning for firing a VA is because they are either not adaptable, trainable, or consistently doing something wrong. Provided you have a VA that does what they are supposed to, and can retrain, there is never a reason that you would want to fire them. The ways in which you can use a re-trainable VA that will bring you profit are so easy to find, it simply must be the case they are doing something wrong, or you are not providing sufficient instruction.

    Either way a failing situation needs action, so do something positive one way or the other, but be definite as there is a responsibility that comes with having people be dependent on you for their livelihood.

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    Chapter 10 Empire Building And Dancing Money

    In this chapter I am going to teach you some basic business truths, and the ways in which you can build a small business into a very large business. I mentioned earlier in this guide about the importance of being in charge of your business, of running it instead of working in it. This chapter is going to build on what you have learned so far, but it will also include some "business basics" that anyone trying to run a business... needs to know!

    To start with it is important to realize that the fundamentals of any business involve only three things, and one general guideline. The guideline of all successful businesses, is that the more money you have moving through your hands, the more chance there is that you can keep a percentage of it. This principle has been in action in many businesses you may see every day. For instance, does the large mall that only makes a few cents per sale, make more than the mom-and-pop shop with their higher percentages? Of course not, because although the mall only makes a tiny profit per customer, it uses its low prices

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    to drive more and more customers through the door.

    The three things that control the success or failure of every business are:

    Profit Per Sale Quantity Of Sales Average Cost Of Making A Sale

    If we look at these three inescapable truths of business, we clearly see that the amount you make per sale is only part of the equation. While you may think all you need to do is continue selling products in greater quantity, reducing the cost of making the sale is just as important for your ROI (Return On Investment). Let us assume that you can sell an ebook for $20 and that you are driving customers to your ebook using Adwords. Maybe you make $10 per sale after taking into account your advertising budget. Well as you try and grow your business, you will find that you already have the best positions for your adverts, and the only way to continue growing is by bidding on less profitable keywords.

    If you try and grow with this business model, eventually your cost of making a sale will be greater than your net return. So as you can see, just increasing your quantity of sales is often not enough to ensure your success. If you want to become very wealthy, you need to find ways of reducing the cost of making a

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    sale and of producing your initial products.

    Luckily when it comes to the Internet, the cost of having a product created for you is only paid once. However, unless you invest your money in SEO and get out off the PPC model, you will eventually hit the ceiling for your business. The ceiling is caused because you are at that stage bidding more and more, essentially just to get a tiny bit more of the market.

    If you invest your money in SEO, then every penny comes back to you in the form of work that has a reoccurring effect. Obviously just throwing money at SEO services is not the way forward, as many can be incredibly expensive. Though if you use freelancers or VAs to perform the same function, you will find the cost is vastly reduced, the back-links look natural as they have been manually created, and because you can instruct them in various different SEO techniques you know you are showing the search engines a more natural looking linking structure.

    In many of the following sections of this ebook I will be giving you actual actionable plans that you can follow, but do not forget the basics of all marketing. You have the cost of creating the product, the price that is determined by the market, and the quantity you can sell using different marketing strategies before you are actually losing money.

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    A very important part of any business is keeping detailed records of how much you are taking from customers, and how much you are spending on your business. This will allow you to keep track of what is profitable, and what only appears to be profitable until you look deep enough. I should probably recommend that you take at least a basic course in business before starting out online, but of course many of you have already skipped this step and figured most of it out for yourselves. Though I do want to reiterate the importance of learning the basics of running any business, be it online or off-line, and to learn what ROI actually means for your business as a whole.

    Empire Building

    One of the best ways of ensuring that your business continues to grow, is by not limiting yourself to just one business. Many people already understand this basic concept, but there is far more involved than just trying to run several businesses at once.

    If you wish to build up multiple businesses, the best way to do it is by building each business one at a time. Keep working at it and growing the business, always finding ways that you can put others in charge of your workload while remaining profitable. This will give you the time to look for better ways to promote your business, and to automate as much as possible.

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    When that first business is complete, only then should you start building your next business. Also you may have noticed that I am using the word "business" as opposed to just saying website. The reason I do this is because there is more involved in a business than just having a website. A business is a plan of action to control a portion of the money spent within your target market, and while your website is an important feature, it is not the only one.

    Always build your businesses up one at a time, automate them, then start on your next project. This way if something changes, outside of your control, it does not mean the end of your financial security, only one small part of it. The reason I do not recommend starting multiple businesses at once, is that even if you outsource the vast majority of the work you still need to keep your head in the game while you tweak and test for better conversions. Only after this has been done and you are satisfied that your business is running at its peak, should you consider turning the management side over to an outsource worker.

    After your first business is running you are going to start your next one, but be sure to keep track of the profitability of the first. Occasionally you may need to go back to an earlier business and tweak the business model you were using, and the easy way to see if this is necessary, is simply to watch the incoming and outgoing money.

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    Provided your percentages stay the same, everything is running smoothly, but if they start to slip intervention may be required. As I said earlier you should already have appointed a VA to watch over the running of your business at this stage, and they should be able to tell you if anything untoward is happening. However, I do still suggest you at least look at the monthly figures just to keep abreast of the situation.

    The beauty of building your businesses up one at a time, is that the previous business will provide you with start-up capital for your next one, and as you may be aware start-up capital makes a big difference in the speed at which a business can reach its peak performance.

    If a previously successful business starts to flag at any stage, you should by now have several businesses that use VAs and freelancers to keep them going. If you do become aware that one of your business does start to become less profitable, you will then have many people employed that you can quickly shift onto your other business model for a day.

    Let's assume you have five businesses running, all with VAs and freelancers working full-time. You may well have 10 members of staff you can switch to article creation, press releases and back-linking for a very quick fix of the situation. If your business grows large enough you may even employ a surplus of VAs, just so that you can have some employees that

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    are easily moved to whichever project needs it the most. Sort of like having a cork at the ready, to plug any leaks that may appear in your ship.

    At this stage you're probably thinking that while what I say is very interesting, how does one go about starting up these multiple online businesses, and building them up to these levels. Do not worry about this yet, as it is very simple to do, and I shall provide you full instruction later in the guide. However, understanding these basic business principles is a vital part of keeping you on the track to success.

    If you go into this with the wrong attitude, you are either going to become overwhelmed, or pulled in so many directions that you get nothing done.

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    Chapter 11 Where To Find A VA

    As your business grows you may feel that you can't handle the work load yourself, or maybe you just don't want to do all the hard graft yourself, and why should you? Certainly to enable your business to grow and even maintain the level it is at, you may need to increase your workforce. Whether you are alone in your endeavors or part of a team, you will eventually reach a point that you will need assistance. This is where Virtual Assistants come in.

    When considering hiring a VA you should have a clear outline of the tasks that you will want them to complete for you. These can be blog entries, email, answering phone calls, basically anything that you would need a regular assistant to do for you. Make a list of projects and goals that you would need them to achieve for you and a time frame.

    Where To Start Looking

    You should search far and wide to find your VA, and I recommend you not just go with the first company/person that offers you a good deal. Do not let yourself be limited by geographic location or time zone difference. When advertising for a VA there are many ways you can go about this. Online

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    classifieds such as Craigslist, freelance sites, Twitter, and other social networking sites, as well as popular specialist VA sites. The main thing to keep in mind here is not to limit yourself.

    Some of the more popular sites include:


    OnlineJobs is one of the biggest outsourcing companies and is based out of the Philippines. There is a positive and negative side to using them, so listen up. We will start with the positive, and that is that they have a huge database of people willing to work incredibly long hours for ridiculously low pay. They are second only to visiting the Philippines as a source of cheap qualified labor. There are many on there willing to put in a weeks 9/5 for under $250 and when choosing a VA you will be able to see a list of the things they can and cannot do.

    The negative part is that the website charge you $49 a month to access the contact information of the people in their database. Obviously after the first month you will not need to keep paying as you will have found the right people. However, while it is the best place to outsource work, its still annoying that they

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    charge you $49 per month. Just make sure that once you have hired your Vas you don't forget to cancel that subscription.


    This website offers rates from $4.03 / hour. They also have a monthly rate of $699. They also provide a specialized phone service that will allow you to outsource your entire call center if you wish.


    Task Escape is another website that will allow you a free trial to make sure you want use the VA that they provide. They also have categorized a list of tasks so that you can search for a VA that is experienced in what you require. Their services are not limited to this list and will consider most tasks.

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    This website works on a bidding system. You place the job you require completed and and then you evaluate bids from freelancers. You then choose which freelancer you would like to compete the work.

    This is quite a good way of using a VA if you have small occasional tasks to be completed, but it does not allow you to build a rapport with the VA. For more long term needs I suggest using a VA that you pay monthly or weekly, rather than per task completed.

    Most of these agencies will have a vetting process in place to ensure good quality work from their VAs. It is in their best interest to do so and maintain and grow their client base. While this offers some reassurance, you should never just take their word for it, always ask for a sample piece of work from the VA or a trial period.

    You must remember that this is a business and you must be able to profit from hiring a VA. There is no point outlaying money to a VA if you do not know what you are going to do with them. VAs will not help you make business decisions and

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    cannot be held accountable for your mismanagement. You should ask yourself, do you really need a VA, can you afford one and most importantly, will it be profitable.

    Before you begin looking for a VA you should write a clear job description, so that anyone who applies will know if they are qualified to do as you need. Make sure that you include what language they will need to speak in order to work for you. If you need a VA for writing content or replying to emails then they will have to have a good working knowledge of the language that you are doing business in. Do you need any special skills such as, coding or designing? Specify which computer programs they will have to have to enable you to work more efficiently. If you both use the same programs you will avoid any issues with conflicting formats on documents or images.

    Also include what hours you will need to have access to your VA. While most VAs will have flexible hours occasionally the time zone difference can be a problem. What kind of communication will you want with your VA? There are many ways to contact people all over the world, be it Skype, IM's or email, you should specify which you feel will serve you best.

    You may find yourself inundated with applicants and you have to be ruthless while vetting through them. Even if you have stated your basic requirements you may get applications

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    from people who obviously don't meet with them. You should have a list of priority requirements, such as speaking your language at a high standard and contact-ability, how easy will it be to contact them in order for you to ensure that they are following your instructions. Even by just filtering through the applications with these two requirements you will have cut down the list significantly and allow yourself time to vet the remaining applicants in more detail.

    Inquire about their experience. How long have they been a VA, ask who there last employers were, although they may not be at liberty to say because of confidentiality.

    Check up their references and website if they have one. Ask yourself is it professional, are there grammatical or spelling errors, what is the overall impression you get from their website? If that all seems OK then follow up on their application with a phone call, see how easy they are to deal with, can you understand each other. Give them a sample task to do, this may be writing a short article or a small sample of their work. Ask how many people are they currently working for, some VAs may only be needed for an hour a day, and this will allow them to hold down multiple jobs, so make sure hat they will be capable of giving you the time commitment yo will need.

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    Another aspect of hiring VA's is confidentiality. You should have an agreement with your VA regarding this and other privacy issues. You do not want other businesses knowing what your unique selling point is and you would not like your clients email lists being released to the public. You should also agree on how you will pay your VA. There are many ways of doing this and most will be flexible. The most widely used is PayPal. Some VAs will want payment upfront in advance while others will be happy with a monthly contract paid behind. During the early stages of your agreement do not make any long term binding contract that will see you having to keep on a VA that you do not like.

    If you are hiring your VA through an agency then you will most likely be paying them via the agency too. Most agencies will offer a broad range of payment options, usually Paypal, credit card or bank transfer. Many of them will also offer payment plans. You can pay per task accomplished, or by the hour and on a weekly or monthly basis.

    It may benefit you if your VA knows how to use such applications like Google documents. This is available free of charge to anyone who has a Google account. It will allow you both to edit and share documents more efficiently than email.

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    Some other useful software includes yahoo messenger, or Webinar these will allow you to communicate more freely. If you are of a distrustful nature and would like to make sure that your VA is really putting the amount of hours into the work that they say they are, then you can set up a web cam connection so that you can see for yourself how long they are spending working for you.

    Before you commit to a contract with your VA, I would recommend doing a paid trial, usually a 10 hour trial will suffice. This will let you know what their work is like, how long they take to complete tasks and their general demeanor. Also you should ensure that they have a good grasp of what your business needs are. If they understand what you need for your business they will be more capable of helping you achieve your goals. You should feel comfortable speaking to them regarding all aspects of your business and you should feel that they are honest and trustworthy. If you can develop a good working relationship with them, then your experience with VAs should be a pleasant one.

    On a side note. You will probably be amazed just how little people in the Philippines can work for. It is best to remember that food and housing is all at a far reduced cost to the price you would pay elsewhere. However, if you are feeling guilty then I recommend paying bonuses. A little bonus of $10-$20 when they help you get through a particularly difficult time will not

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    make much of a difference to you, but it will ensure that their loyalty and financially for them it is the same as giving them $200 as a bonus.

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    Chapter 12 Actual Plans You Can Follow

    In this section of the guide I am going to walk you through some simple plans (and some not so simple) that you can start working on today. They are going to build you a real viable business online, though of course as you are hiring people they will cost you money to start.

    The point is most businesses that actually work to generate you any usable revenue are going to cost money to start, and hopefully you already know there is no magic button to make money poor from your disk drive. However, building a real business by utilizing a trained team of professionals is not a new concept, but it is a viable one that you probably wont have heard of because there is not enough hype attached to it.

    You know if you could work non-stop on your business you could make money, but damn it you are inconvenient enough to want a life as well. Trust me I have been there, we all have.

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    The businesses you are going to learn are probably not revolutionary in themselves, but I am sure you will not have heard of them done in this way on any forums, at least not all of them because they give to much power to anyone that uses them. Seriously, they do. Many of these plans end up with you able to create several million words worth of content and have it rank per year. With that sort of power you need to be careful of what you do, as you are then starting to make a difference in the world.

    If you use this content creation and back-linking power to promote false medical cures, people will die as a result. When you start hiring a staff of people and creating a viable business in the ways you are going to learn, you make a difference. Make sure the difference you make benefits the world, or the powers that be will smack you down.

    It is perfectly acceptable to be a cretin as an individual, but when you are able to spread your views far and wide, if you promote lies then you will eventually need a large budget to fight your legal battles. Honestly, part of the reason people don't teach what I am about to, is that they don't know you and don't trust you. I am an optimist.

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    The Super Charged BlogThe supercharged blog method is basically a twist on the

    creation of a normal blog. If you have a blog you will probably be writing several articles a day for it, and uploading them. If you have been doing this for any length of time I am sure you are aware that it is very time-consuming, and it gets old really fast. As you're probably aware, if you can write consistently within one small niche on a keyword targeted blog, you are going to get traffic, subscribers and sales.

    What you may not be aware of as you cannot normally test it, is that the increase in traffic a blog receives is exponentially larger than the amount of posts that have been added. For instance, if you have one post a day and you receive 500 unique visitors per month, then it does not automatically mean that two unique posts per day would receive double the amount of visitors. What actually happens is that the more posts you have added to your blog each day, the more the search engines crawls your website. The more they need to dedicate their resources just to index the contents of your website, the more traffic they will send you. As I mentioned earlier, the connection between the amount of post added each day and the amount of visitors is not linear. If you could add 50 posts a day you would receive far more than 50 times the amount of visitors, provided your niche could support it, because the search engines would then assume your blog is an authority site.

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    The problem is that writing 50 posts a day and posting them on your blog is a nonstarter. While it may be possible to write 50 posts in a day, they would by necessity be incredibly short, and the workload would probably quickly drive you insane.

    The advantage of adding a large amount of posts to a blog every single day, is that you are helping it to rank for a vast array of keywords, and provided the posts interlink you should be able to rank your home page extremely well for the majority of them.

    This Is Where Outsourcing Comes Into This Business Model

    While it may not be possible to personally write 50 posts or more a day, it is relatively easy to outsource the process. The first thing you should do is spend a day writing posts for your blog, and see how many you can get done. Provided the average post for your blog is about 350 words, you should be able to get at least 25 posts written in the day. Now let us assume your VA is going to be less efficient than you, because you already know about the topic. If your VA manages 20 blog posts a day, you are still going to be adding roughly 600 posts a month to your blog.

    So go and hire a VA that advertises them-self as a writer, using all the cautions and advice I taught you earlier. Make

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    sure you see a sample of their work before taking them on, and that they understand the basic principles of SEO in regard to keyword optimization. If they don't then you may choose to educate them so as to get cheaper employees, but this will have to be your decision. If you do decide to teach them how to do the work you need, see the section earlier in the guide where I discus the best ways to go about it.

    I recommend you use whichever keyword tool you prefer, to find five really profitable keywords. Once you have these five keywords you should go to Google's wonder wheel, and search

    for your keywords to find what suggestions they have. The Google wonder wheel suggestions are not useful in themselves, but they do tell you what Google believes to be topics that should also be in a blog about the keyword you searched for. So if you include some of these in your keyword list, then when your VA writes about these topics as well as your main money keywords, Google believes your blog is authentic, and thus sends more traffic. This is called LSI or latent semantic indexing traffic, and using words Google associate with your main keyword helps to convince Google you are not just a keyword spammer.

    Now you will probably be able to get a VA working on this project and delivering your 20 articles each day for roughly $300 per month. So think about the fact that this means you are

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    getting 600 articles a month for $300 and what this amount of keyword optimized content on your blog will do for your search rankings.

    Obviously before starting your VA on creating content, I would advise you to create a profile for them where they can upload and post the articles onto your blog. If you use WordPress this is very easy, as you can create a Contributor profile for them, then anything they upload as a blog post will be put in the review queue for you to check before approving it.

    Another thing to get done before starting the article creation, is to ensure that your RSS feeds have been spread far and wide across the Internet. Most people know that RSS feeds are a great way of building back links to their blogs. However, when you have the amount of content that a full-time VA can produce, obviously the RSS feeds become far more powerful.

    I also recommend that initially you continue to write articles for the blog yourself, and to proof-read what your VA has created. After a while you may feel comfortable upgrading their status on your blog to that of author as this will give you more time, because you will no longer need to proof read the articles before they appear on the blog. Obviously this is only an option if your VA writes to a high standard, but you will find that some do.

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    Okay so at this point you should have a lot of articles being created for your blog and upload, and provided you have some kind of monetization system in place, the money should be rolling in. The best thing to do at this stage is to use the profits that you are receiving from your niche blog to hire another VA, but this time use them just for spinnable content that you will distribute to Unique Article Wizard. If you don't know what Unique Article Wizard is, it is an online membership website that takes articles in spinnable form from you, and posts unique versions of your article to up to 2000 websites. As the articles will appear unique to the search engines, this works brilliantly for creating a large amount of back links to your high content blog.

    So if you hire another VA just to create five highly spinnable articles a day (5 versions of each sentence) then you should achieve incredible rankings in no time. At this point I would advise you to switch your writer on to creating content for a new niche blog, while leaving your SEO VA still creating back-links for the blog you have already made. When the new blog has a weeks worth of content, then you should also switch the VA in charge of spinnable content onto your new blog to start really promoting that one as well. Many of the links that were created to your first blog will not be found for months, and your search engine rankings will continue to climb even though you are no longer actively working on that blog.

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    Once your second blog is created in the same way as the first, and you have at least one month's worth of content on it. It is then time to start on a third blog. By this stage you should have a significant amount of money coming in from your two highly ranking, very search engine friendly niche blogs, but if you don't then you should try and play around with different monetization methods to see what works best. Usually with that amount of content on a keyword targeted blog you should be making a good living, though I now advise you to reinvest the money you are making for the two blogs, into hiring one more content VA, and one more SEO VA that would exclusively on creating high PR links. The high PR back-links could be of the same variety as Angela's Packets, or comments on .Gov and .Edu relevant blogs. This team of four VAs is probably going to cost you between $1000 and $1250 a month. However, the two writers should be able to create 1200 articles a month between them. While the VA writing spinnable content for Unique Article Wizard will be helping you to create 300,000 spun articles per month pointing back at your blogs, and this isn't even counting what your new high PR VA will be adding into the mix. All together this can make a seriously powerful combination, and your only job is to manage the business.

    From this point on your task will simply be telling your team which blog to create and work on for a month, and also in setting up the monetization side of things. For instance, you will probably want to hire a freelancer to create an auto-

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    responder series for each blog, as this method is more profitable than attempting direct-sales. However, some people preferred just to use Adsense as their main income source. If you really find it hard to manage the people working for you, after a few blogs you will have enough income to be able to appoint a manager to oversee the continuation of your empire.

    As you can see, it will probably take up to six months until you have truly arrived at the financially secure place you want to be. Though considering the vastly reduced workload you will personally have to worry about, and the fact you can start this blog empire on only a few hundred dollars, I don't feel that's too long to wait.

    One extra point to consider about this method, is that you do not necessarily need to stop at four Vas. There is nothing holding you back from continually reinvesting your money, and appointing sub-managers to oversee different groups of blogs that are being created simultaneously. However, unless you are using a diverse array of monitization methods, I would advise you to start branching into some of the other business plans at this point. This is just to ensure that differences in search engine algorithms that may appear in the future, will not have too much of an effect on you.

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    Clickbank StormIf you have been into Internet marketing for any length of

    time, I am sure you will have heard of Clickbank.

    Clickbank puts vendors and affiliates in touch with each other through their website. As a vendor, after setting up your product you will pay a $49.95 activation fee for your product to go live. I am not going to walk you through the process of getting your product listed in this guide, as Clickbank have already done a very nice guide to doing this here, so it is not necessary.

    However, we will not be using Clickbank in the normal way, so what I will show you is how to get the products created quickly and cheaply, and get them promoted and selling far faster than normal.

    The first thing you will need to do is decide upon a niche that you wish to promote. I am not going to tell you to choose something you will feel comfortable writing about, because while this may sound like great advice it will inevitably lead to you getting zero sales.

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    You need to be promoting a product in a niche with low competition, where there is an actual need for the product to be created. It is simple to check whether or not the competition is going to be a problem. Simply go to Clickbank and do a search for your niche and see what shows up. If there are hundreds of similar products already on the market, it is time to think of a different niche.

    As far as actual website competition goes, this is not necessarily a bad thing. Don't forget, if there are thousands of websites already actively promoting the niche you plan to enter, if there is no viable product for them to sell they will be looking at your offering with great interest. In this situation the quickest way to get affiliates for your product is by simply e-mailing what would normally be considered your competition, and pointing out that you have a product you think would go down well with their readers and reap them a nice commission.

    Most of you probably already have your own ways of picking a niche, so choose one in the normal way and lets get started. If not then I recommend you take a course in niche selection, or keyword research. You will find plenty of them in the Warrior forum's WSO section.

    Once you have decided which niche you wish to target, I recommend you go and hire a freelancer from one of the freelancing websites I mentioned earlier, and get them to create

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    an ebook for you. If you want to create a good impression and lower your refund relates I recommend a 20,000 word ebook, though I know some people go with just half that size. It all comes down to what you consider a valuable product, and how much it will cost you to get it made.

    Another alternative is of course to write your own ebook or video course, but if you have the skills to do this you don't need me to repeat the process to you. If not then I advise you to learn, but first just hire someone else to do it, as you do not want to get tied up in the lengthy process of putting everything on hold while you up-skill.

    When contacting a freelancer about making your ebook, I recommend you ask for samples to start with. If they send you something they have made for someone else, then you know they do not respect copyright law, and having them create your product may be a bad idea. However, if they show you something they have written in their own name, then you should evaluate it to see if it is of high enough quality to sell as your own. Provided it is, then make sure they know exactly what you want your ebook to be about, and find out whether you need to hire a separate graphical artist or whether graphics are included, and then book them.

    Okay so we have waited and finally we have had the ebook sent to us complete by our writer. Maybe we have to go and

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

  • Middle Man Magic! - Internet Marketing Outsourcing on Steroids!

    ask about changing one or two things, and maybe we don't. Either way you will have to play that part of the process by ear, but rest assured it is relatively easy to see if an ebook is usable or not.

    Now you need to either make a website to sell your ebook from, or hire someone to do this for you. This again is another great job for a freelancer, because at the moment freelance web designers are working for peanuts, and producing some great results. A great example of this is the warrior for hire section of the Warrior Forum. If you look in there you will see many website designers offering to create complete websites for $50 and under, and while they must be crazy to do this I am not complaining.

    Make sure that whoever designs your website understands Clickbank's requirements, and if they cannot write sales copy which they probably won't for $50 then you will need to find a copy-writer. These are often much more expensive on the warrior forum than in other places, so go look around those freelancing websites I gave you earlier and find a cheap copy-writer that has a proven background. This is essential, as if you are willing to let just anyone write your sales page, you might as well do it yourself.

    At this stage you should have your website and product complete, and I am going to assume you at least know how to

    Copyright2010 Roy Carter

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    upload your website to your hosting account and connect your payment buttons. If you do get stuck, Clickbank have quite a large collection of help manuals that should help you through the process.

    Once you have submitted your product and website to Clickbank, you will have to wait until they approve it for use in their system. This usually takes under a week, but if they do have any criticism of your content or website, the easiest course for you is simply to fix the problem. Very rarely does anyone get anywhere arguing with Clickbank, so just bite the bullet and play the game.

    Great, so you have have had a freelancer create your product, and you have either made the website and sales copy yourself, or outsourced these too. Now comes the next step, promotion.

    Promoting your product is very important when you start out as a vendor. I do recommend you contact the main forum owne