midwest center' survival from stress- understand, learn & overcome

Midwest Center’ Survival from Stress Survival from Stress - Understand, Learn and Overcome Stress is the natural way your body responds to threats or opportunities. Positive stress can help you develop focus and enhance your thought patterns. But even positive stress in the long term can have debilitating effects on your mind and body . You may eventually begin to observe constant and recurring headaches, stomach pain , higher susceptibility to diseases, mood swings, sleeplessness and depression . What is Stress and why does it happen? Stress, as we all know by now is an indispensable part of every individual’s routine. Even the most passionate of tasks are often filled with deadlines, commitment, complications and delays . Further, interdependence of tasks and people can make any activity stressful. Some days are more stressful than the others.

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First Understand what is stress, what causes it, and how to identify it; Learn how to manage Stress as it is unavoidable in our present life.


Page 1: Midwest Center' Survival from Stress- Understand, Learn & Overcome

Midwest Center’

Survival from StressSurvival from Stress - Understand, Learn and Overcome

Stress is the natural way your body responds to threats or opportunities. Positive

stress can help you develop focus and enhance your thought patterns. But even

positive stress in the long term can have debilitating effects on your mind and body.

You may eventually begin to observe constant and recurring headaches, stomach

pain, higher susceptibility to diseases, mood swings, sleeplessness and depression.

What is Stress and why does it happen?

Stress, as we all know by now is an indispensable part of every individual’s

routine. Even the most passionate of tasks are often filled with deadlines,

commitment, complications and delays. Further, interdependence of tasks and people

can make any activity stressful. Some days are more stressful than the others.

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Having said that, it is also important to understand that stress can be both positive

and negative. Stress that comes from doing something you have been looking

forward to like planning a holiday or a party can be taxing but can also be

exhilarating. But every individual should learn basic techniques of relieving stress

regardless of what kind it is.

How can you identify you are Stressed?

Determining the effects is the first step to knowing

if you are stressed. Pounding of the heart,

excessive sweating, rising anger, extreme

anxiousness and panic attacks are some of the

clear indicators of stress. There are many tips and

techniques you can use to relieve yourself of

possible stressful situations.

If you actively consider every individual’s life, you are likely to notice that work,

home, family, friends, children and other chores are an active part of everyone’s lives.

They can give you as much happiness as much they can seem stressful at times. And

when you find it tough to apply appropriate stress management techniques, you are

bound to experience burn out excessively and very quickly.

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Prolonged stress can result in major physical and emotional effects. They can

include body pains, depression, sleeplessness, pounding heart and erratic moods.

Understanding the Signs of Stress

Stress is your body’s natural response to pressure, challenges, danger, helplessness

and other kinds of emotional disturbances. Stress can cause different kinds of

symptoms in different people. An increase in your body’s adrenaline, rapid

breathing and pulse, accelerated blood flow and muscle tightening are some

of the active signs of stress. Stress can also result in increased tensions, irritability

and nervousness in you. Stress need not often be, as perceived, to be negative. It can

also be positive and contribute to better performance.

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But chronic stress and even positive stress for extended periods of time can also be

potentially damaging. Excessive stress can create exhaustion, increased blood

pressure and severe headaches. These signs can be controlled significantly when you

learn to manage stress efficiently.

Symptoms of Stress

Stress is an indispensable part of every individual’s life. Many times, they can seem

extremely difficult to cope with. And quite alarmingly, there is a strikingly large

percentage of people dealing with stress related issues every day. Stress can create

immense negative impact on your physical and emotional happiness. Headaches,

depression, stomach aches, breathlessness, sweating, mood swings and frustration

are some of the most common symptoms of stress. Although, stress can create

tremendous negative effects in your daily lives, it must be understood that this is not

a lasting problem. With assistance, you can put an end to physical and emotional

trauma you may be undergoing due to stress and anxiety.

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There are certain prominent emotional and physical symptoms you can identify in

highly stressed individuals. Here are some of these common symptoms.

Frequent headaches High blood pressure Depression

Stomach pain Frequent illness Mood swings

Chest pain Difficulty sleeping Eating disorders

Back pain Constant worrying

If these are symptoms you have been experiencing for some time, you are likely to be

vulnerable to a lot of stress in life. However, while many of these signs may seem

normal, intervention becomes essential when they disrupt your daily activities and

begin to leave you feeling paranoid excessively. Seeking professional assistance may

become essential then. It should be some kind of solace that you are not alone in this

predicament. There are millions of people experiencing the problems of stress and its

side effects and a great percentage have derived maximum benefits from

experienced stress relief centers. The proven solutions and mediums help

individuals learn the art of managing stress over a period of time thus lifting the veil

of discomfort and trauma. The right kind of assistance is never too far away from an

individual in distress.

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Where to seek Professional Help from?

There are reputed and successful centers for stress

and anxiety in every region. They deliver professional

expertise along with peer motivation programs in a

cascading approach to offer relief to stress ridden

individuals. These programs help you identify and

isolate causes, signs and fears to stress and anxiety.

The more important objective of these programs is to

help you enhance self control, self esteem and your thought patterns so as to learn to

exercise control on emotions effectively. The programs may also combine diet and

exercising tips depending upon the nature of situation. Hence a full range of

professional solutions complete the program to increase its efficacy.

Identifying a Center for Stress & Anxiety

There are numerous centers for stress & anxiety in the country. However, seeking

assistance from a successful one at the closest proximity is important. Rate of

success, cost of program and expertise of staff are other important factors to

help you choose. Also, there are a number of online stress management

programs that help you seek effective solutions from the comfort of your home. The

Midwest Center for Stress and Anxiety has been successful in its online programs that

are essentially 16 session workshops. These programs have helped thousands of

people combat stress and anxiety.

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Accessibility of a Stress Relief Center today

Today, accessing a center for stress, anxiety and depression is greater than it was a

few years ago. Success of the treatment approach has contributed to the growth of

these centers in bigger numbers in every region.

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Today, there are centers like the Midwest Center for Stress and Anxiety that offers

highly successful online programs that are both convenient and quickly accessible. In-

house or online; efficacy of the programs definitely lies in the methodology followed

and experience of staff.

Stress may be a common problem all of us confront at some point of time or the other. But

some others experience extreme effects. The best candidates for seeking stress

management support are those who feel that a hundred negative feelings and immense

panic bombard them constantly. Professional stress relief centers can offer a tailor-made

strategy to help you deal with stress related problems and prepare you for challenges ahead.

Learning how to Manage stress

Can you do away with stress completely? It is an impossible task even if you stop

working, have no relationships, do not experience the responsibilities of a family or

cut away everything that have been conventionally known to cause stress. You will

begin to experience loneliness and isolation that can contribute to stress. Therefore,

running away or escaping stress is not the right way to deal with it. These acts can

never be perfect solutions to the problem. This natural human response must be dealt

with in the most appropriate ways to help you identify the right solutions.

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It has thus been derived that stress is indispensable and even the rosiest of pictures

or people can give you stress. Life is thus. Even a roadblock is a reason for stress.

However, managing stress and controlling symptoms of the problem is the right way

to deal with the problem.

Have you always wanted to know how to manage stress? Here are few tips and tricks

to help you get started and handle them before they can loom large. Stress cannot be

avoided but they can be controlled.

Most times, people fail to identify

stress. The moment you begin to

observe the obvious signs of stress

like emotional turmoil, irritability,

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headaches and tensions, you should also realize the fact that you are likely

undergoing stress. Identifying stress as early as possible is perhaps the first thing to

help you deal with stress efficiently.

Failure or absolute denial to acknowledge or postponement is the first and obvious

mistake to avoid. Understand it is ok and normal to feel stressed. Try to stay calm

even when you are feeling stressed. Engage in deep breathing exercises and other

relaxation procedures to develop an internal balance.

Work along with stress and its symptoms. But the first thing to do is to recognize and

react to it appropriately. Identify the reason you were stressed in the first place and

do what is right to keep those reasons at bay. The moment you approach the problem

with a neutral mind, you will begin to observe how easily the solution has fallen into


What can you do to Relieve stress?

Life today throws open umpteen number of challenges, tough patches and less rest

and sleep. You are bound to feel stressed, wound up and frustrated to make sure

things get better professionally and personally. But alas, in the pursuit of growth and

prosperity, some unwanted visitors wreck havoc and make your routine as debilitating

as possible. This is when you need to take control and relieve yourself of negative


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Getting rid of the omnipotent stress thus becomes a huge task. as possible. This is

when you need to take control and relieve yourself of negative influences. Getting rid

of the omnipotent stress thus becomes a huge task.

Meditation: Meditation is an age-old proven technique that has demonstrated

significant positive results in helping stressed individuals achieve a more relaxed and

calm state of mind. Meditation can be done using some medium. Focusing on one

thing that relaxes you deeply like a picture of a beautiful memory or even listening to

soothing music can do you a lot of good. Your imagination is within your control and

does not influence external entities or people. It is very surprising to realize that your

thought patterns have great powers to control your emotions and responses.

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Breathing: As simple as it may sound; breathing is not just an involuntary act done

to survive. Deep and conscious breathing can help you calm your nerves. Many times,

you will be pleasantly surprised to notice that a lot of your anger and initial agitation

reduces when you breathe deeply.

You need a break: It is quite normal to feel stressed

when you do something for extended periods of time.

Hence, it is advised to take a break every now and

then before you reach your breaking point. Any

activity, pleasant or complicated warrants periodic

breaks to help your mind and body avoid monotony,

exhaustion and frustration. When you come back,

you are bound to feel more energetic, less stressed

and more pleasant.

Express your emotions: Emotions, of any kind, are dangerous when they are

bottled up. You have to let them out before they take control of you. Suppressed

anger, tears or even laughter can lead to anxiety and depression. Express your

emotions in a way that they neither harm you nor people around you.

Page 13: Midwest Center' Survival from Stress- Understand, Learn & Overcome

Millions of people around the world battle with the problems of stress. Stress has

emerged as an inevitable phenomenon that has given rise to a number of lifestyle

diseases in every part of the world. Stress causes numerous negative effects in every

individual’s life that include headaches, body pains, nervousness, depression, panic

attacks, high blood pressure and constant emotional discomforts. However, stress is

not a problem that has no solution.

The Midwest Center for Stress and Anxiety is a

stress relief center, founded by Lucinda

Bassett, functioning at Los Angeles in California, since 1983. The center has managed

to make a considerable dent in educating and guiding a large cross-section of the

population than any other center in the country, with over 1 million Americans

relieved of stress, anxiety and depression with Midwest Center's "Attacking Anxiety

& Depression" program.

(866) 771-9858 12300 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 325, Los Angeles, CA 90025