miguel's internship presentation

Miguel’s Internship Presentation My internship is at SkinIt, a company that creates vinyl skins for electronics. I have had many projects but the two main projects are creating a newsletter, and conducting a survey. With these projects I hope to see an increase in SkinIt’s profit, and prove that I did something that is real and

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Post on 26-May-2015




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Page 1: Miguel's Internship Presentation

Miguel’sInternship Presentation

My internship is at SkinIt, a company that creates vinyl skins for electronics. I have had many projects but the two main projects are creating a newsletter, and conducting a survey. With these projects I hope to see an increase in SkinIt’s profit, and prove that I did something that is real and worthwhile.

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An Artistic EnvironmentWhen I first started at SkinIt I was surprised by how much the facility and workers showed their interests in art and skins in general.Since starting at SkinIt I have been surprised by how much the people who work there enjoy expressing themselves, usually with art and representative images.

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While at SkinIt I worked mostly in the marketing department, but because I also needed to work with the art team I got to see how collaborative the

Art Marketing

entire company needs to be.I can relate to this because of team projects I have done in school.

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My importance to the companyThis is a picture of the conference room.Even though Joel and I are only interns we are allowed to sit in on, and often participate in meetings that are very important to SkinIt as a company.This showed me that I was actually valuable to them. Not just as “the intern” or someone who’s just there, but someone who might be able to make a difference in the company.

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Learning about my working conditions

- That although I have enjoyed my internship overall, I have learned that I am way too much of an outdoors or active/hands on kind of person to ever really have a career where I spend the majority of my day sitting down or being in an office at a computer.

From working at SkinIt as an intern I have learned two things:- That when I work I need guidance ( plain and simple goals), or else I will be easily overwhelmed. When I look at a project as a whole I feel hopeless, but when I (or someone I am working with) lays out the steps I feel completely competent.

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Because of conditions in school these have always been a necessity. But during my internship I experienced an odd sense of freedom. I was allowed to go out to lunch whenever I wanted, I could stay out relatively as long as I wanted, and I could always play my music while I worked. The rule was always just “As long as you get what needs to be done, done, then do it however it works”.

I have now gone to 4 different high schools and at every school there are consistent rules, be back in class after lunch by a certain time, no iPods or music, etc, etc.

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My conclusion.

During most of my internship I was completely unaware of how much I was learning, but now in retrospect I realize how much I learned. For example, I learned that despite how interesting and entertaining an artistic environment is, I need to be active to stay focused and positive. I have had the experience of being responsible for my time. By taking on that responsibility, I have been able to see that I can make an important contribution in a work environment.