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  • 7/28/2019 MIKOKORO SONGBOOK.doc


    MIKOKORO CENTER Mass Songbook

    1) LORD HAVE MERCY (1)

    Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lo-o-rd have mer-cy.

    Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mer-cy.

    Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lo-o-rd have mer-cy.

    2) LORD HAVE MERCY (2)

    1. Lord have mercy, our hearts do plead

    Lord have mercy for lives we lead

    Lord have mercy on your servant

    2. Christ have mercy, Christ have mercy

    Christ have mercy on your people.

    3. Lord have mercy and take away our sorrowLord have mercy that your love we may know

    Lord have mercy on your people

    3) LORD HAVE MERCY (3)

    Lord, have mercy. Lo-o-rd, have mercy.

    O Christ, have mercy. O Christ, have mercy.

    Lord, have mercy. Lo-o-rd, have mercy.

    4) LORD HAVE MERCY (4) new Missal translation1. You were sent to heal the contrite of heart,

    Kyrie, eleison. Kyrie, eleison.

    2. You came to call sinners all,

    Christe, eleison. Christe, eleison.

    3. You are seated at the right hand of the Father to intercede for us,

    to intercede for us, Kyrie, eleison. Kyrie, eleison.

    5) GLORY TO GOD (1)

    Ref. Glory to God in the highest and peace to Gods people on earth.

    Glory to God in the highest and peace to Gods people on earth.

    1. Lord God, Heavenly King! Almighty God and Father

    We worship You, we give You thanks, we praise You for Your glory!

    2. Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father.

    Lord God, Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world

    Have mercy on us. Have mercy of us

    You are seated at the right hand of the Father

    Receive our prayer, receive our prayer!

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    MIKOKORO CENTER Mass Songbook

    3. For You alone are the Holy One, You alone are the Lord.

    You alone are the Most High Jesus Christ,

    With the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God, the Father, Amen!

    6) GLORY TO GOD (2)

    1. Glory to God in the highest, and peace to His people on earth

    Lord God, Heavenly King, almighty God and Father

    We worship You, we give You thanks, we praise You for Your glory.

    2. Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father.

    Lord God, Lamb of God!

    You take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

    You are seated at the right hand of the Father, receive our prayr

    3. For You alone are the Holy One, For You alone are the Lord.

    You alone are the Most High Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit..

    In the Glory of God the Father. Amen

    7) GLORY TO GOD (3) new Missal translation

    Ref. Glory to God in the highest,

    And on earth peace to people of good will.

    Glory to God in the highest,And on earth peace to people of good will.

    1. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you,

    we give you thanks for your great glory,

    Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father.

    2. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,

    Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,

    You take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us;

    You take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer;You are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.

    3. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord,

    You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ,

    With the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. (Ref.)

    8) ALLELUIA (1) Seek ye first

    1. Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness

    And all these things shall be added unto you. Allelu, alleluia

    2. Ask and it shall be given unto you. Seek and you shall find.

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    MIKOKORO CENTER Mass Songbook

    Knock and the door shall be opened unto you. Allelu, alleluia

    9) ALLELUIA (2)

    1. Allelu allelu alleluia! Praise be the Lord! Allelu allelu alleluia! Praise

    be the Lord!

    2. Praise be the Lord, alleluia! Praise be the Lord, alleluia!

    Praise be the Lord, alleluia! Praise be the Lord!

    10) ALLELUIA (3)

    Alleluia, alleluia, allelu, alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia, allelu, alle--luia!

    11) ALLELUIA (4) new Missal translationRef. Alleluia, alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia!

    Alleluia, alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia!

    Chant for Ordinary Time:

    Your words, O Lord, give joy to my heart.

    Your teaching is light to my eyes

    Chant for Advent:

    Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.

    All flesh shall see the salvation of God.

    Chant for Easter:

    Christ, our Paschal Lamb has been sacrificed.

    Let us then feast with joy in the Lord.

    12) ALLELUIA (5) Sing alleluia to the Lord

    1. Sing alleluia to the Lord. Sing alleluia to the Lord.

    Sing alleluia, sing alleluia. Sing alleluia to the Lord.

    2. Jesus is risen from the dead. Jesus is risen from the dead.

    Jesus is risen, Jesus is risen. Jesus is risen from the dead.

    13) ALLELUIA (6) Thy Word

    Thy word is a lamp into my feet

    And a light unto my path

    14) ALLELUIA (7) We sing of love

    1. You speak of faith, alleluia!

    You speak of hope, alleluia!

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    MIKOKORO CENTER Mass Songbook

    You speak of justice, alleluia!

    You speak of love, alleluia!

    2. We sing of faith, alleluia!

    We sing of hope, alleluia!We sing of justice, alleluia!

    We sing of love, alleluia!

    Lenten Alternate Lyrics

    Through Your Word, we come to know Your love.

    By Your Word, we now are healed.

    For Your Word, we praise and give You thanks.

    Through Your Word, we all are saved.

    15) HOLY (1)

    Ho-ly, ho--ly, ho-ly Lord. God of power and might.

    Heaven and earth are filled with Your glory

    Hosanna, hosanna on high.

    Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord

    Hosanna in the highest, Hosanna in the highest!

    Hosanna, hosanna on high!

    16) HOLY (2)

    Holy Lord is Your name, from the heavens on high

    Blessed be the Lords name, sing His glory forever!

    Holy, holy is the Lord, for He dwells in our land!

    17) HOLY (3)

    Holy, holy, ho-o- ly Lord.

    Heaven and earth are filled with your glory

    Hosanna in the highest!Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord

    Hosanna, Hosanna in the hi--ghest!

    18) HOLY (4) new Missal translation

    Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts.

    Heaven and earth are full of your glory, full of your glory.

    Hosanna in the highest. Hosanna in the highest.

    Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

    Hosanna in the highest. Hosanna in the highest.

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    MIKOKORO CENTER Mass Songbook

    19) ACCLAMATION (1) Dying you destroyed our death

    Dying, You destroyed our death. Rising, You restored our life.

    Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus, come in glory (repeat)

    20) ACCLAMATION (2)

    Christ has died, Alleluia! Christ is risen, Alleluia!

    Christ will come again. Alleluia-le-luia!

    21) ACCLAMATION (3)

    Lord by cross and resurrection, You have set us free

    You are the savior of the world!

    22) ACCLAMATION (4) We remember

    We remember how you loved us to your death

    And still we celebrate for you are with us here

    And we believe that we will see you

    When you come in your glory, Lord

    We remember, we celebrate, we believe.

    23) ACCLAMATION (5)

    When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup,We proclaim your Death, O Lord,

    Until you come again, until you come again,

    We proclaim your death, O Lord.

    24) GREAT AMEN (1)

    A-men, a-men, a---men. A--men, a-men, amen. A-men.

    25) GREAT AMEN (2)

    A--men. Allelu-ia. Forever and e-ver.

    Forever, allelu-ia. Forever and ever, Amen.

    26) OUR FATHER (1)

    Ref. Our Father who dwells in heaven

    Holy be Your name, Your kingdom come

    And Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven

    1. Give us this day our daily bread

    Forgive us our faults and failures

    Lead us not into temptation

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    MIKOKORO CENTER Mass Songbook

    The kingdom, the power, the Glory are Yours (Ref.)

    27) OUR FATHER (2)

    Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Your Name

    Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven

    Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses

    As we forgive those who trespass against us, hmm..

    And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us, deliver us from evil

    Hmm.. Amen

    28) OUR FATHER (3) new Missal translation

    Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,

    Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses

    As we forgive those who trespass against us,

    And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us, deliver us from evil.

    29) EMBOLISM (1)

    For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory

    Forever, Amen.

    30) EMBOLISM (2)

    For the kingdom, the power and the glory are Yours

    Now and for ever.

    31) LAMB OF GOD (1)

    1. Lamb of God, You take away our sins

    Have mercy on us, and all of mankind

    2. Lamb of God, You take away our sinsHave mercy on us, and all of mankind

    3. Lamb of God, You take away our sins

    Wont You grant us Your peace, Your everlasting peace

    32) LAMB OF GOD (2)

    1. Jesus, Lamb of God,

    You take away the sins of the world

    Have mercy, have mercy on us

    2. Bread of life and Saving Cup,

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    MIKOKORO CENTER Mass Songbook

    You take away the sins of the world

    Have mercy, have mercy on us

    3. King of kings and Lord of lords,

    You take away the sins of the world.Have mercy and grant us Your peace

    33) LAMB OF GOD (3) new Missal translation

    1. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,

    have mercy, have mercy on us. (2x)

    2. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,

    Grant us peace, grant us peace.


    1. Enter, rejoice and come in

    Open your heart to the Lord

    Today will be a joyful day

    Enter, rejoice and come in

    2. Gather us all in Your love

    Gather us all in Your love

    That we may all one body beGather us all in Your love

    3. Glory to God, glory!

    Glory to God, glory!

    Let us resound with joyful song

    Glory to God, glory

    4. Sing alleluia, sing alleluia!

    Today will be a joyful day

    Sing alleluia!

    35) AS WE GATHER

    As we gather may Your Spirit work within us

    As we gather may we glorify Your name

    Knowing well that as our hearts begin to worship

    Well be blessed because we came

    Well be blessed because we came

    36) HERE WE ARE

    Ref. Here we are all together as we sing our song joyfully

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    MIKOKORO CENTER Mass Songbook

    Here we are joined together as we pray well always be

    1. Join we now as friends and celebrate

    The brotherhood we share all as one

    Keep the fire burning, kindle it with careAnd well all join in and sing!

    2. Freedom do we shout to everybody

    And unless there is, we should pray

    That soon therell be one brotherhood

    Let us all join in and sing (Ref.)

    3. Glorify the Lord with all our voices

    Show Him were sincere by all our deeds

    Shout the joys of freedom evrywhere

    And well all join in and sing

    4. Happy is the man does his best to

    Free the troubled world from all its pain

    Join we with that man and free the world

    As we all join in and sing

    5. Let us make the world an Alleluia!Let us make the world a better place

    Keep a smile handy, have a helping hand

    Let us all join in and sing


    Ref. All the ends of the earth, all you creatures of the sea

    Lift up your eyes to the wonders of the Lord

    For the Lord of the earth, the master of the sea

    Has come with justice for the world

    1. Break into song at the deeds of the Lord

    The wonders he has done in evry age

    2. Heaven and earth shall rejoice in His might

    Evry heart, every nation call Him Lord

    3. The Lord has made his salva-tion known

    Faithful to His promises of old

    Let the ends of the earth, let the sea and all it holdsMake music before our King!

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    MIKOKORO CENTER Mass Songbook


    Ref. Sing a new song unto the Lord

    Let your song be sung from mountains high

    Sing a new song unto the Lord

    Singing Alleluia

    1. Yahwehs people dance for joy

    O come before the Lord

    And play for Him on glad tambourines

    And let your trumpet sound

    2. Rise O children from your sleep

    Your Savior now has comeHe has turned your sorrow to joy

    And filled your soul with song

    3. Glad my soul for I have seen

    The glory of the Lord

    The trumpet sounds the dead shall be raised

    I know my Savior lives

    39) CITY OF GOD1. Awake from your slumber,

    Arise from your sleep

    A new day is dawning

    For all those who weep.

    The people in darkness

    Have seen a great light

    The Lord of our longing

    Has conquered the night.

    Ref. Let us build the city of God

    May our tears be turned into dancing.

    For the Lord, our light and our love

    Has turned the night into day.

    2. We are sons of the morning,

    We are daughters of day

    The One who has loved us,

    Has brightened our way.

    The Lord of all kindness

    Has called us to be

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    MIKOKORO CENTER Mass Songbook

    A light for His people

    To set their hearts free. (Ref.)


    Ref. Let heaven rejoice

    And earth be glad

    Let all creation sing!

    Let children proclaim to every land:

    Hosanna to our King!

    1. Sound the trumpet into the night

    The day of the Lord is near

    Wake His people, lift your voice

    Proclaim it to the world!

    2. Rise in splendor, shake off your sleep

    Put on your robes of joy

    And in the morning you shall see

    The glory of the Lord

    3. Raise your voices, be not afraid

    Proclaim it in evry land

    Christ has died, but He has risen

    He will come again (Ref.)

    4. Sing a new song unto the Lord

    For He has done wonderful deeds

    And praise Him, thank Him, dance before Him

    Play before the Lord (Ref.)

    5. Nations tremble, wise men amazed

    A Child is born this night

    Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty GodA Father, Prince of Peace (Ref.)

    6. Songs of angels,

    Glory on high, and peace to men on earth

    I bear glad tidings: Born this day,

    Your Savior and your God. (Ref.)


    Ref.Sing to the mountains

    Sing to the sea

    Raise your voices, lift your hearts

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    MIKOKORO CENTER Mass Songbook

    This is the day the Lord has made

    Let all the earth rejoice

    1. I will give thanks to You my Lord

    You have answered my pleaYou have saved my soul from death

    You are my strength and my song (Ref.)

    2. This is the day that the Lord has made

    Let us be glad and rejoice

    He has turned all death to life

    Sing of the glory of God (Ref.)

    42) GLORY AND PRAISERef. Glory and praise to our God

    Who alone gives light to our days

    Many are the blessings He bears

    To those who trust in His ways

    1. We the daughters and sons of Him

    Who built the valleys and plains

    Praise the wonders our God has done

    In every heart that sings (Ref.)

    2. In His wisdom He strengthens us

    Like gold thats tested in fire

    Through the power of sins prevail

    Our God is there to save (Ref.)

    3. Every moment of every day

    Our God is waiting to save

    Always ready to seek the lost

    To answer those who pray

    4. God has watered our barren land

    And spent His merciful rain

    Now the rivers of life run full

    For anyone to drink


    1.Its a time of joy, a time of peace

    A time when hearts are then set free

    A time to heal the wounds of division

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    MIKOKORO CENTER Mass Songbook

    Its a time of grace, a time of hope

    A time of sharing the gifts we have

    A time to build the world that is one

    Ref. Its a time to give thanks to the Father, Son and SpiritAnd with Mary, our mother, we sing this song

    Open your hearts to the Lord, and begin to see the mystery

    That we are all together as one family

    No more walls, no more chains

    No more selfishness and closed doors

    For we are in the fullness of Gods time

    Its the time of the Great Jubilee

    2. Its a time of prayer, a time of praiseA time to lift our hands to God

    A time to recall all our graces

    Its a time to touch, a time to reach

    Those hearts that often wander

    A time to bring them back to Gods embrace

    44) LEAD ME LORD

    1. Lead me Lord

    Lead me by the hand and make me face the rising sun

    Comfort me through all the pains that life may bring

    Theres no other hope that I can lean upon

    Lead me Lord, all my life

    2. Walk by me, walk by me across the lonely road of everyday

    Take my arms and let Your hand show me the way

    Show the way to live inside Your love

    Lead me Lord, lead me all my life

    Ref1. You are my light, Youre the lamp upon my feet

    All the time, my Lord, I need You there

    You are my life, I cannot live alone

    Let me stay by Your guiding love

    All through my life, lead me Lord

    3. Lead me Lord, even though at times Id rather go along my way

    Help me take the right direction, take Your roadLead me Lord, and never leave my side, all my days, all my life

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    MIKOKORO CENTER Mass Songbook

    Ref2. You are my light, Youre the lamp upon my feet

    All the time, my Lord, I need You there

    You are my life, I cannot live alone

    Let me stay by Your guiding love

    All through my life, all through my days

    Lead me O Lord, all my life


    Take and receive O Lord, my liberty

    Take all my will, my mind, my memory

    All things I hold and all I own are Thine

    Thine was the gift, to Thee I all resign

    Ref. Do Thou direct

    And govern all and sway

    Do what Thou wilt command and I obey

    Only Thy grace, Thy love on me bestow

    These make me rich, all else will I forego


    1. Blessed are you Lord God of all creation

    Thanks to your goodness

    This bread we offer

    Fruits of the earth, works of our hands

    It would become the Bread of Life

    Ref. Blessed be God, blessed be God

    Blessed be God, forever Amen! (2x)

    2. Blessed are you Lord God of all creation

    Thanks to Your goodness

    This wine we offer

    Fruits of the earth, works of our hands

    It will become the Cup of Joy

    47) IN HIM ALONE

    Ref. In Him alone is our hope

    In Him alone is our strengthIn Him alone are we justified

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    MIKOKORO CENTER Mass Songbook

    In Him alone are we saved

    1. What have we to offer

    That does not fade nor wither

    Can the world ever satisfy

    The emptiness in our hearts

    In vain we deny (Ref.)

    2. When will you cease running

    In search of hollow meaning

    Let His love feed the hunger

    In your soul till it overflows

    With joy you yearn to know (Ref.)

    Descant. In Him alone is our hope

    Unto Him I pour out my heart

    He alone will save me

    With His love and mercy


    Ref. Lord, I offer my life to You

    Everything Ive been throughUse it for Your glory

    Lord, I offer my days to You

    Lifting my praise to You

    As a pleasing sacrifice

    Lord, I offer You my life

    1. All that I am, all that I have

    I lay them down before You, O Lord

    All my regrets, all my acclaims

    My joy and my pain

    Im making them Yours

    2. Things in the past, things yet unseen

    Wishes and dreams

    That are yet to come true

    All of my heart, all of my praise

    My heart and my hands are lifted to You

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    MIKOKORO CENTER Mass Songbook

    49) ALL MY DAYS

    Ref. Til the end of my days, O Lord, I will bless Your name

    Sing your praise, give you thanks, all my days

    1. You have made me little less than a God

    And have lavished my heart with Your love

    With dignity and honor Youve clothed me

    Given me rule over all

    2. You have blessed me with good things and plenty

    And surrounded my table with friends

    Their love and their laughter enrich me

    Together we sing Your praise

    3. Your sun and Your moon give me light

    And Your stars show the way through the night

    Your rivers and streams have refreshed me

    I will sing Your praise

    4. How great is Your love, O Father

    That You sent us Your savior son

    His death and His rising will heal usAnd draw us all unto you


    1. Soul of Christ, sanctify me

    Body of Christ, save me

    Water from the side of Christ, wash me

    Passion of Christ, give me strength

    Ref. Hear me, Jesus

    Hide me in Thy wounds that I may never leave Thy side

    From all the evil that surrounds me, defend me

    And when the call of death arrives, bid me come to Thee

    That I may praise Thee with Thy saints forever


    Dearest Lord, teach me to be generous

    Teach me to serve You as I should

    To give and not to count the cost

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    MIKOKORO CENTER Mass Songbook

    To fight and not to heed the wounds

    To toil and not to seek for rest

    To labor and ask not for reward

    Save that of knowing that I do

    Your most holy will


    Ref. One bread, one body,

    One Lord of all

    One cup of blessing which we bless

    And we, though many

    Throughout the earth

    We are one body in this one Lord

    1. Gentile or Jew, servants or free

    Woman or man, no more

    2. Many the gifts, many the works

    One in the Lord of all

    3. Grain for the fields,

    Scattered and grownGathered to one, for all


    1. We lift our voices, we lift our hands

    We lift our lives up to You

    We are an offering

    2. Lord use our voices, Lord use our hands

    Lord use our lives, they are Yours

    We are an offering

    Ref: All that we have, all that we are

    All that we hope to be

    We give to You, we give to You


    Ref: If theres one more giftId ask of You, Lord

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    MIKOKORO CENTER Mass Songbook

    It would be peace here on earth

    As gentle as Your childrens laughter

    All around, all around

    1. Your people have grown weary

    Of living in confusion, when will we realize

    That neither heaven is at peace

    When we live not in peace (Ref.)

    2. Grant me serenity, within

    For the confusions around

    Are mere reflections of

    Whats within, whats within me. (Ref.)


    1. If I could touch You

    Id heal Your broken palms

    If I could hold You in my arms

    Id call the soft breeze

    To caress Your weary arms

    Id call the moonbeam

    To dispel this darkest nightIf I could touch You, I would

    2. If I could hear You

    Your words of anguish

    If Youd just whisper in my ear

    The sadness weighing down Your heart

    That no man sees

    If Youd just call me, I would sing

    Of flaming hope

    If I could hear You, I would

    Ref. Long have I waited for you

    To hear My cry

    Long have I waited for you

    To answer My plea

    What you do to your brethren

    You do it for Me

    I am in the brokenness

    And woundedness of man

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    Counter. Yes, you can touch me

    Im in the least of your brethren

    Im in the weak and small

    I need your hands to bear My weary arms

    I need your touch to heal My wounded palms

    Yes, you can touch Me.

    Yes, you can hear Me.


    1. Life, is not at all that bad my friend

    If you believe in yourself,

    If you believe theres someoneWho walks through life with you

    Youll never be alone

    Just learn to reach out

    And open your heart

    Lift up your hands to God

    And hell show you the way

    Ref. And He said,

    Cast your burdens upon Me,Those who are heavily laden

    Come to me all of you who are tired

    Of carrying heavy loads

    For the yolk I will give you is easy

    And the burden is light

    Come to me, and I will give you rest.

    2. When it seems the world

    Is tumbling down on you

    And you have no one

    That you can hold on to

    Just face the rising sun

    And youll see hope

    And theres no need to run

    Lift up your hands to God

    And Hell make you feel alright. (Ref.)


    1. You shall cross the barren desert

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    MIKOKORO CENTER Mass Songbook

    But you shall not die of thirst

    You shall wander far in safety

    Though you do not know the way.

    You shall speak your words in foreign lands

    And all will understand

    You shall see the face of God and live.

    Ref. Be not afraid

    I go before you always

    Come follow Me

    And I shall give you rest.

    2. If you pass through raging waters

    In the sea, you shall not drown

    If you walk amidst the burning flames

    You shall not be harmed.

    If you stand before the pow'r of hell

    And death is at your side

    Know that I am with you, through it all.

    3. Blessed are your poor

    For the Kingdom shall be theirsBlest are you that weep and mourn

    for one day you shall laugh.

    And if wicked men insult and hate you

    All because of Me

    Blessed, blessed are you!


    1. Lord, what You will let it be so. Where You will there we will go

    What is Your will help us to know

    2. Lord, when You will the time is right. In You theres joy in strife

    For Your will Ill give my life

    3. To ease Your burden brings no pain, To forego all for You is gain

    As long as I in You remain

    4. Because You will it, it is best. Because You will it, we are blest

    Till in Your hands our hearts find rest, our hearts find rest

    Till in Your hands our hearts find rest

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    59) YOU ARE MINE

    1. I will come to you in the silence

    I will lift you from all your fear

    You will hear My voice

    I claim you as My choice

    Be still, and know I am near

    2. I am hope for all who are hopeless

    I am eyes for all who long to see

    In the shadows of the night

    I will be your light, come and rest in Me

    Ref. Do not be afraid, I am with you

    I have called you each by name

    Come and follow me, I will bring you home

    I love you, and you are mine

    3. I am strength for all the despairing

    Healing for the ones who dwell in shame

    All the blind will see

    The lame will all run freeAnd all will know My name (Ref.)

    4. I am the Word that leads all to freedom

    I am the peace the world cannot give

    I will call your name

    Embracing all your pain

    Stand up, now, walk and live (Ref.)

    60) AS THE DEER

    1. As the deer panteth for the water

    So my soul longeth after thee

    You alone are my hearts desire

    And I long to worship Thee

    Ref. You alone are my strength, my shield

    To You alone may my spirit yield

    You alone are my hearts desire

    And I long to worship Thee

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    2. I want You more than gold and silver

    Only You can satisfy

    You alone are the true Joy-giver

    And the Apple of my eye

    3. Youre my friend and You are my brother

    Even though You are a King

    I love You more than any other

    So much more than anything

    61) YOU ARE NEAR

    Ref. Yahweh, I know you are near

    Standing always at my sideYou guard me from the foe

    And You lead me in ways everlasting

    1. Lord, you have searched my heart

    And you know when I sit

    And when I stand

    Your hand is upon me,

    Protecting me from death

    Keeping me from harm (Ref.)

    2. Where can I run from Your love?

    If I climb to the heavens,

    You are there

    If I fly to the sunrise

    Or sail beyond the sea

    Still Id find you there (Ref.)

    3. You know my heart and its ways

    You who formed me before I was born

    In the secret of darkness

    Before I saw the sun

    In my mothers womb (Ref.)

    4. Marvelous to me are Your works

    How profound

    Are Your thoughts, my Lord

    Even if I could count them

    They number as the stars

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    You would still be there (Ref.)

    62) I LOVE THE LORD (Psalm 116)

    Ref. I love the Lord, He is filled with compassion.

    He turned to me on the day that I called.

    From the snares of the dark, O, Lord, save my life,

    Be my strength.

    1. Gracious is the Lord, and just.

    Our God is mercy, rest to the weary.

    Return my soul to the Lord our God who bids tears away.

    I love the Lord.

    2. How can I repay the Lord

    For all the goodness He has shown me?

    I will raise the cup of salvation and call on His name.

    I love the Lord.

    3. I shall live my vows to You before Your people,

    I am Your servant.

    I will offer You my sacrifice of praise and of pray'r.

    I love the Lord.

    End. From the snares of the dark, O, Lord, save my life,

    Be my strength.

    63) MAGNIFICAT (by David Haas)

    Ref. All that I am sings of the God

    Who brings new life to birth in me

    My spirit soars on the wings of my Lord

    1. My soul gives glory to the Lord, rejoicing in my saving God

    Who looks upon me in my state, and all the world will call me blest

    For God works marvels in my sight, and Holy, Holy is Gods name

    2. Gods mercy is from age to age, on those who follow in fear

    Whose arm is power and strength,

    And scatters all the proud of heart

    Who casts the mighty from their thrones

    And raises up the lowly ones

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    3. God fills the starving with good things

    The rich are left with empty hand

    Protecting all the faithful ones

    Remembring Israel with mercy

    The promise known to those before

    And to their children forever


    Ref. How lovely is Your dwelling place

    O Lord, mighty God, Lord of All

    1. Even the lowly sparrow

    Finds a home for her broodAnd the swallow, a nest for herself

    Where she may lay her young

    In Your altars, my King and my God (Ref.)

    2. Blessed are they

    Whose dwelling is Your own, Lord of peace

    Blest are they refreshed by springs and by rain

    When dryness daunts and scathes

    Behold my Shield, my King and my God (Ref.)

    3. I would forsake

    A thousand other days anywhere

    If I could spend one day in Your courts

    Belong to You alone

    My Glory, my King and my God (Ref.)

    Coda. How lovely, Your dwelling place

    O Lord, mighty God, Lord of all

    65) BE IT UNTO ME

    Ref. Be it unto me

    According to Your Word

    According to Your promises,

    I can stand secure

    Carve upon my heart

    The truth that sets me free

    According to Your Word, O Lord

    Be it unto me

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    1. You promised Your blood will deliver

    Lord, we believe its true

    You promised us joy like a river

    And Lord, we receive it from You

    These things You have spoken

    And Youre bringing to pass

    This worlds disappearing

    But Your word will last

    2. You promised to carry our sorrow

    Lord, we believe its true

    You promised unending tomorrows

    Lord, we receive them from You

    Youll be our provider

    In Your word its revealed

    And by the stripes that You bore

    Lord, we have been healed

    Last. According to Your word O Lord

    Be it unto me


    1. Immaculate Mother

    We come at thy call

    And low at thy altar

    Before thee we fall

    Ref. Ave, Ave, Ave Maria

    Ave, Ave, Ave Maria

    2. We pray for our country

    The land of our birth

    We pray for all nations

    That peace be on earth

    3. In grief and temptation

    In joy and in pain

    Well seek thee our mother

    Nor seek thee in vain

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    1. Mother of Christ, mother of Christ

    What shall I ask of Thee?

    I do not sigh for the wealth of earth

    For the joys that fade and flee, but

    Mother of Christ, mother of Christ

    This do I long to see

    The bliss untold, which your arms enfold

    The treasure upon your knee

    2. Mother of Christ, mother of Christ

    I toss on a stormy sea

    Oh lift your child as a beacon light

    To the port where I fain would be, and

    Mother of Christ, mother of Christ

    This do I ask of thee

    When the voyage is oer

    Oh stand on the shore

    And show Him at last to me


    1. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with youBlessed are you among women

    And blest is the fruit of your womb, Jesus

    Holy Mary, mother of God, Pray for us sinners

    Now at the hour of our death, Amen

    Ref. Gentle woman, quiet light

    Morning star, so strong and bright

    Gentle mother, peaceful dove

    Teach us wisdom, teach us love

    2. You were chosen by the Father

    You were chose for the Son

    You were chosen from all women

    And for woman, a shining one

    3. Blessed are you among women

    Bless in turn all women too

    Blessed they with peaceful spirits

    Blessed they with gentle hearts

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    Tantum ergo sacramentum

    Veneremur cernui

    Et antiquum documentum

    Novo cedat ritui,

    Praestet fides supplementum

    Sensuum defectui.

    Genetori, Genitoque

    Laus et jubilatio

    Salus honor, virtus quoque

    Sit, et benedictio;Procedenti ab utroque

    Compar sit laudatio,

    Amen. Amen.


    Ref. Though many times

    I run from You in shame

    I lift my hands and call upon you name

    For underneath the shadow of Your wings

    My melody is You

    1. O Lord, I seek You for I thirst

    Your mercy is the rain

    On the desert of my soul

    2. O Lord, I raise my lifeless eyes

    And see Your glory shine

    How your kindness overflows

    3. O Lord, Your sanctuary calls

    I yearn to be with You

    In the rivers of Your love


    1. I will be Yahweh who walks with You

    You will be always within My handsTake your heart and give it all to Me

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    Ref. Strong and constant is My love

    Strong and constant is My love

    2. Should you wander far away from Me

    I will search for you in every land

    Should you call then you will truly know

    3. When you know sorrow within your life

    I will come, I will embrace your heart

    Through your pain you will discover me

    72) HE WILL CARRY YOU1. There is no problem too big

    God cannot solve it

    There is no mountain too tall

    He cannot move it

    There is no storm too dark

    God cannot calm it

    There is no sorrow too deep

    He cannot soothe it

    Ref. If He carried the weight of the world

    Upon His shoulders

    I know, my brother, that He will carry you

    If He carried the weight of the world

    Upon His shoulders

    I know, my sister, that He will carry you

    Bridge: He said Come unto me

    All who are weary,

    And I will give you rest


    1. Lord the light of Your love is shining

    In the midst of the darkness shining

    Jesus, Light of the World, shine upon us

    Set us free by the truth You now bring us

    Shine on me, shine on me

    Ref: Shine, Jesus, shine

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    Fill this land with the Fathers glory

    Blaze, Spirits blaze! Set our hearts on fire

    Flow, river, flow! Flood the nations

    With grace and mercy

    Send forth Your word, Lord

    And let there be light

    2. Lord I come to Your awesome presence

    From the shadows into Your radiance

    By the blood I may enter Your brightness

    Search me, try me

    Consume all my darkness

    Shine on me, shine on me! (Ref.)

    3. As we gaze into Your kingly brightness

    So our face display Your likeness

    Ever changing from glory to glory

    Mirrored here may our lives tell Your story

    Shine on me, shine on me! (Ref.)

    74) SERVICE

    1. We are made for serviceTo care for all men

    We are made for love

    Both time and again

    A love that will lead

    Through sorrow and pain

    A love that will never die with strain

    2. God sent His Son

    To show us the way

    One who shares His love

    Every minute of the day

    One who shed His blood

    That we might live

    And His Spirit

    To help us through the years

    3. Life can be so lonely

    When nobody cares

    Life can be so empty

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    When nobody shares

    But if man gives himself

    To help other men

    The happiness of man will live within

    75) LORD HERE I AM

    Lord, here I am to answer Your call

    Lord, here I am to serve and love You

    I have left everything just to follow You

    Here is my heart, here is my mind

    Here is my soul, here is my whole self

    I am for You and You alone


    1. Purify my heart

    Let me be as gold

    And precious silver

    Purify my heart

    Let me be as gold, pure gold

    Ref. Refiners fire

    My hearts one desire is to be holy

    Set apart for You, Lord

    I choose to be holy

    Set apart for You, my Master

    Ready to do Your will

    2. Purify my heart

    Cleanse me from within,

    And make me holy

    Purify my heart

    Cleanse me from within,

    Deep within (Ref.)

    77) IN HIS TIME

    1. In His time, in His time

    He makes all things beautiful

    In His time

    Lord, please show me every dayAs Youre teaching me Your way

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    And Ill do just what You say

    In Your time

    2. In Your time, in Your time

    You make all things beautiful

    In Your time

    Lord, my life to You I bring

    May each song I have to sing

    Be to You a lovely thing

    In Your time

    78) PASS IT ON

    1. It only takes a sparkTo get the fire going

    And soon all those around

    Can warm up in its glowing

    Thats how it is with Gods love

    Once youve experienced it

    You spread His love to everyone

    You want to pass it on

    2. What a wondrous time is springWhen all the trees are budding

    The birds begin to sing

    The flowers start their blooming

    Thats how it is with Gods love

    Once youve experienced it

    You want to sing, its fresh like spring

    You want to pass it on

    3. I wish for you my friend

    This happiness that Ive found

    You can depend on Him

    It matters not where youre bound

    Ill shout it from the mountaintop

    I want the world to know

    The Lord of Love has come to me

    I want to pass it on


    1. Its time for us

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    To make our dreams come true

    A guiding voice will tell us what to do

    Its the time to change ourselves

    And show the world

    That we still care for men

    And well lead them there

    2. Well lead them to

    A place beyond the sea

    A place of love

    Where everyone is free

    Dont despair the path

    To happiness is wide

    If we must change our ways

    Call on God for our guide


    Ref. Happy is the man who loves the Lord

    Happy is the man who walks in His ways

    Happy is the man who loves the Lord

    Happy is the man who walks in His ways

    1. On the upright the Lord shall shine

    Like a lamp to light the dark

    He will be slow to anger

    For He is God not man (Ref.)

    2. And the Lord shall be his refuge

    Like a stronghold from the foe

    He shall raise the lowly

    The proud He shall make low (Ref.)

    3. He shall shatter the chains that bind you

    Set you free among the clouds

    Sin shall no more hold you

    For he is God, not man

    81) I SEE YOU LORD

    1.Im so blessed, my Lord, I can see You

    In all the lovely things so fine and true

    I see You in the beauty

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    Of the flowers and the rain

    I see You between the lines

    Of a sweet refrain

    2. Im so blessed my Lord, I can see You

    Even when Im lonely and in pain

    I see You in the beauty of the stars at night

    I see You in my life, I feel alright

    Ref. I see You Lord

    In sorrow and in happiness

    I see You in the glory of sweet success

    I see You, Lord, every hour, every day

    I can see You Lord, whenever I pray

    3. Im so blessed my Lord I can see You

    In the smile of a baby, sweet and true

    I can see You in the eyes

    Of my very best friends

    I see You in these bonds

    Just like Your love that never ends. (Ref.)

    Coda. I pray

    I can see You Lord, whenever I pray

    I see You, Lord


    The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases

    His mercy never comes to an end

    They are new every morning

    New every morning

    Great is Thy faithfulness, O Lord

    Great is Thy faithfulness


    Ref. Come fill my world

    Come fill my life

    Come take my hand

    And walk with me (2x)

    1. Without clouds, the rain wont come

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    Without rain, the grass wont grow

    Without sun, the flowers die

    Without God, we cannot be

    2. Without eyes, we cannot see

    Without hands, we cannot touch

    Without hearts, we cannot love

    Without God, we cannot be

    3. Without bread, we cannot live

    Without friends, we cannot share

    Without joy, we cannot hope

    Without God, we cannot be


    Ref. I will give you living water

    Shade to rest under, Strength to your heart

    Go deep within me, filled by my Spirit

    My burdens are easy, My life it is yours.

    1. We have been with the lonely

    To the hungry we've given Your breadWe now come with all

    Our hopes and dreams.

    To rest awhile with you. (Ref.)

    2.To the empty we've carried

    Your Word of hope and of life.

    Build us now beyond

    Our hopes and dreams

    'Till we live in you. (Ref.)


    1. Make me a channel of Your peace

    Where there is hatred, let me bring Your love

    Where there is injury, Your pardon Lord

    And when theres doubt, true faith in You

    2.Make me a channel of Your peace

    Where theres despair in life,

    Let me bring hope

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    Where there is darkness, only light

    Where theres sadness, ever joy

    Ref. O Master, grant that I may never seek

    So much to be consoled as to console

    To be understood as to understand

    To be loved as to love with all my soul

    3. Make me a channel of Your peace

    It is in pardoning that we are pardoned

    In giving to all men that we received

    And in dying that were born to eternal life


    1. Theres a gap in the world

    Only love can fill

    And we can bridge that gap

    If we have the will

    No it wont be easy

    Well need help from above

    If everybody pitches in

    We can build a bridge of love

    Ref: Lets build the bridge of love

    Across the sea of hate, nation to nation

    Standing through each generation

    Lets build a bridge of love

    Across the sea of hate

    Hand in hand, side by side

    Thats what its gonna take


    1. Let me walk with you

    As we journey through this life

    Searching for its meaning

    As its moment passes by

    Let the hands of time

    Be like footprints in the sand

    As I carry you

    From the dawn to the setting sun

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    Ref. With just one hand

    We can travel far together

    One life sharing in love

    I will hold you forever

    Yes, I love you with all my life

    2. Therell be many crossroads

    As we walk along the way

    Therell be many questions

    As we live life day by day

    But this will never matter,

    I will always be there

    Well surely find the answer

    Cause we care


    1. Where there is fear I can allay

    Where there is pain I can heal

    Where there are wounds I can bind

    And hunger I can fill

    Ref. Lord, grant me courageLord, grant me strength

    Grant me compassion

    That I may be Your heart today

    2. Where there is hate I can comfort

    Where there are yokes I can release

    Where there are captives, I can free

    And anger I can appease (Ref.)

    Bridge. When comes the day I dread

    To see our broken world

    Compel me from my cell grown cold

    That Your people I may behold (V1.)

    Coda: And when Ive done all that I could

    Yet there are hearts I cannot move

    Lord, give me hope

    That I may be Your heart today


    1. I am your reed,

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    Sweet Shepherd, glad to be

    Now if you will, breathe out your joy in me

    And make bright songs or fill me

    With the soft moan of your love

    When your delight has failed

    To call or move your flock from wrong

    2. Make children songs or any song to fill

    Your reed with breath of life but at your will

    Lay down the flute and take repose

    While music infinite is silence in our heart

    And laid on it your reed is mute

    3. I am your reed,

    Sweet Shepherd, glad to be

    Lay down the flute and take repose

    While music infinite is silence in our heart

    And laid on it your reed is mute

    90) PEACE

    1. Peace I give to you

    My peace I leave with youThe world cannot give

    The world cannot see

    The world does not know My love

    Ref: Love, love is all my friends

    Love will make you free

    Walk the roads that I have walked

    And you will walk with me

    2. Peace I give to you

    My peace I leave with you

    The cup that you drink

    Will flow in your lives

    And youll drink the wine of love

    3. Peace I give to you

    My peace I leave with you

    The bread that you eat

    The lives that you lead

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    Are fruits of the love we have


    Ref1. I will sing forever

    Of Your love, O Lord

    I will celebrate

    The wonder of Your name

    For the word that You speak

    Is a song of forgiveness

    And a song of gentle mercy

    And of peace

    1. Let us wake at the morningAnd be filled with Your love

    And sing songs of praise all our days

    For Your love is as high

    As the heavens above us

    And Your faithfulness

    As certain as the dawn (Ref1)

    Ref2. I will sing forever

    Of Your love, O LordFor You are my refuge

    And my strength

    You fill the world

    With Your life-giving spirit

    That speaks Your word

    Your word of mercy and of peace


    1. Christify the gifts we bring to You

    Bounty of the earth, receive anew

    Take and bless the work of our hands

    Christify these gifts at Your command

    2. Sun and moon and earth & wind & rain

    All the worlds contained in evry grain

    All the toil and dreams of humankind

    All we are we bring as bread and wine

    3. Turn the bread & wine our hearts implore

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    To the living presence of the Lord

    Blessed and broken shared with all in need

    All our hungers sacred bread will feed

    4. With this bread and wine You Christify

    Now our deepest thirst You satisfy

    We who by this bread You sanctify

    Draw the world for You to Chrstify


    1. Lord I come to You

    Let my heart be changed, renewed

    Flowing from the graceThat Ive found in You

    And Lord Ive come to know

    The weaknesses I see in me

    Will be stripped away

    By the power of Your love

    Ref. Hold me close

    Let Your love surround me

    Bring me near, draw me to Your sideAnd as I wait, Ill rise up like an eagle

    And I will soar with You

    Your spirit leads me on

    In the power of Your love

    2. Lord unveil my eyes

    Let me see You face to face

    The knowledge of Your love

    As You live in me

    Lord renew my mind

    As Your will unfolds in my life

    In living every day

    In the power of Your love

    94) HERE I AM LORD

    1. I, the Lord of sea and sky

    I have heard my people cry

    All who dwell in dark and sin

    My hand will save

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    I, who made the stars and night

    I will make the darkness bright

    Who will bear My light to them

    Whom shall I send?

    Ref. Here I am Lord, is it I Lord?

    I have heard You calling in the night

    I will go Lord, if You lead me

    I will hold Your people in my heart

    2. I, the Lord of snow and rain

    I have borne my peoples pain

    I have wept for love of them

    They turn away

    I will break their hearts of stone

    Fill their hearts with love alone

    I will speak My word to them

    Whom shall I send?


    1. Jesus, Youre the sweetest name of all

    Jesus, You always hear me when I callOh Jesus, You lift me up each time I fall

    Youre the sweetest, sweetest name of all

    2.Jesus, how I love to praise Your name

    Jesus, Youre the first, the last, the same

    Oh Jesus, you died and took away my sins

    Youre the sweetest, sweetest name of all

    3. Jesus, Youre the soon and coming King

    Jesus, we need the love that You can bring

    Oh Jesus, we lift our voice to You and sing

    Youre the sweetest, sweetest name of all


    1. Give thanks with a grateful heart

    Give thanks to the Holy One

    Give thanks because Hes given

    Jesus Christ, His son

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    Ref. And now, let the weak say I am strong

    Let the poor say I am rich

    Because of what the Lord has done for us

    End. Give thanks


    1. Let there be peace on earth

    And let it begin with me

    Let there be peace on earth

    The peace that was meant to be

    With God as our Father

    Children all are we

    Let us walk with each otherIn perfect harmony

    2. Let peace begin with me

    Let this be the moment now

    With every step I take

    Let this be my solemn vow

    To take each moment

    And live each moment

    In peace eternallyLet there be peace on earth

    And let it begin with me


    Ref: All that we have

    And all that we offer

    Comes from our hearts

    Both frightened and free

    Take what we bring now

    And give what we need

    All done in His name

    1. Some men rely on their power

    Others put trust in their gold

    Some men have only their Savior

    Whose faithfulness never grows old (Ref.)

    2. Sometimes the road may be lonesome

    Often we may lose our way

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    Take courage and always remember

    Love isnt just for a day

    3. Sometimes when troubles are many

    Life can seem empty, its true

    But look at the life of the Master

    Who lovingly suffered for you


    1. Today, in the world where life is born

    Theres a struggle that is fought

    To be welcomed, to be cared for, to be at home

    Today, where all life seems bought and usedTheres a struggle to belong

    To be free and to be a gift to everyone

    Ref. We call all families, rise up and raise your hands as one

    Come show the world the love that binds all Gods children into one

    We call all families, share the treasure thats in your hands

    What can save us now, what can lead us now

    What can make us all be one

    Chorus. Only selfless love Jesus showed the world

    That only selfless love can bring a hundred folds

    Of fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, homes

    Where peace and mercy reigns, Where faith and hope remains

    Where life begins and ends in Gods embrace

    Calling all families, lets make it happen through only selfless love

    Coda. Like the Holy family, With Jesus, Joseph and Mary

    Home is where true love begins

    Love rejoices, love embraces (Ref. & Chorus)


    1. Morning comes and I must go

    Day is breaking yonder

    After all the places I have been

    Now Im going home

    I have been to seek the sky

    To travel on the highway

    And the time has come, I dont know why

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    I am going home

    Ref1. Where is the answer

    To so many questions

    I dont know, so I begin another journey

    Where is the meaning to my world?

    I see the answer now

    2. Though we came by different roads

    Now we walk together

    Stay beside me all my days

    Strangers never more

    Through the cool of summer rains

    By the hearthside fire

    Ill be with you when nothing remains

    I am home to stay

    Ref2. For love is the answer

    To so many questions, now I know

    And I can stop my endless wandring

    Love gives meaning to my world

    I see the answer now


    You are my hiding place

    You always fill my heart

    With songs of deliverance

    Whenever I am afraid,

    I will trust in You, I will trust in You

    Let the weak say

    I am strong, in the strength of my Lord.

    I will trust in You.


    God is my refuge, my trust and my deliverer

    A help close at hand in times of distress

    Ref. So I will lift my eyes unto the mountains

    From whence comes my help

    From the Lord, enthroned on high

    He is my rock and my salvation

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    Ill stand firm (Ref.)


    Ref. I will play for Him on my harp

    With my lute and ten-stringed lyre

    I will greet the Lord with my song

    I will sing of the ways of the Lord

    1. Good it is that we should sing

    To honor Yahwehs name

    To thank Him for His love at dawn

    His faithfulness through night (Ref.)

    2. Great and wide Your kindness Lord

    And fathoms deep Your heart

    The wicked heart shall not perceive

    The foolish heart shall fall (Ref.)

    3. Upon my head You pour Your oil

    You mark me as Your own

    And filled with gladness I shall sing

    My horn shall sound Your call (Ref.)

    4. The just shall grow as tall as palms,

    Like cedars they shall stand

    And planted firmly on their God

    They shall not break nor bow. (Ref.)

    104) I LOVE YOU LORD

    I love you Lord, and I lift my voice

    To worship You, All my soul rejoice

    Take joy, my King, in what You hear

    May it be a sweet, sweet sound, in your ear

    105) HE IS EXALTED

    1. He is exalted, the King is exalted on high

    I will praise Him

    He is exalted forever exalted

    And I will praise His name

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    2. He is the Lord, forever His truth shall reign

    Heaven and earth, rejoice in His holy name

    He is exalted, the King is exalted on high

    106) MAJESTY

    1. Majesty, worship His majesty

    Unto Jesus be glory, honor and praise

    Majesty, Kingdom authority

    Flows from His throne, unto His own

    His anthem raise!

    Ref. So exalt, lift up on high, the name of Jesus

    Magnify come glorify Christ Jesus the KingMajesty, worship His majesty

    Jesus who died, now glorified, King of all Kings


    Make my heart Your dwelling place,

    A temple just for You

    A consecrated resting place, a vessel ever true

    Make my heart a fire,

    With the brightness of Your Son

    Make my heart a dwelling place,

    For the Holy One (Repeat All)

    108) WHO AM I

    1. Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth

    Would care to know my name,

    Would care to feel my hurt

    Who am I, that the Bright and Morning StarWould choose to light my way

    For my ever wandrng heart

    Ref. Not because of who I am

    But because of what Youve done

    Not because of what Ive done

    But because of who You are

    Chorus. I am a flower quickly fadingHere today and gone tomorrow

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    A wave tossed in the ocean, a vapor in the wind

    Still You hear me when Im calling

    Lord, You catch me when Im falling

    And Youve told me who I am, I am Yours.

    2. Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin

    Would look on me with love

    And watch me rise again

    Who am I, that the voice that calmed the sea

    Would call out through the rain

    And calm the storm in me (Ref & Chorus)

    109) AMAZING GRACE1. Amazing grace! How sweet the sound

    That saved a wretch like me

    I once was lost but now Im found

    Was blind, but now I see

    2. Twas grace that taught my heart to fear

    And grace my fears relieved

    How precious did that grace appear

    The hour I first believed

    3. Through many dangers, toils and snares

    I have already come

    Tis grace that brought me safe thus far

    And grace will lead me home

    4. The Lord has promised good to me

    His word my hope secures

    He will my shield and portion be

    As long as life endures

    5. When weve been there ten thousand years

    Bright shining as the sun

    Weve no less days to sing Gods praise

    Than when we first begun

    110) MAKE ME A SERVANTMake me a servant, humble and meek

    Lord, let me lift up those who are weak

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    And may the prayer of my heart always be

    Make me a servant, make me a servant

    Make me a servant today


    Its better to light just one little candle

    Than to stumble in the dark

    Better far that you light

    Just one little candle

    All you need is a tiny spark

    That the world would be free

    The wonderful dawn of

    A new day wed seeAnd if everyone lit just one little candle

    What a bright world this would be!


    1. We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord

    We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord

    And we pray that all unity may one day be restored

    Ref. And theyll know we are Christians by our love, by our love

    Yes, theyll know we are Christians by our love

    2. We will walk with each other, we walk hand in hand

    We will walk with each other, we walk hand in hand

    And together well spread the news that God is in our land

    3. We will work with each other, we will work side by side

    We will work with each other, we will work side by side

    And well guard each ones dignity and save each ones pride

    4. All praise to the Father, from whom all things come

    And all praise to Christ Jesus, his only Son

    And all praise to the Spirit, who make us one

    113) SPIRIT SONG

    1. O let the Son of God enfold you, with His Spirit and His love

    Let Him fill your heart and satisfy your soulO let Him have those things that hold you, and His Spirit like a dove

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    Will descend upon your life and make you whole

    Ref. Jesus, Oh Jesus, come and fill Your lambs

    Jesus, Oh Jesus, come and fill Your lambs

    2. O come and sing this song with gladness, as your hearts are filled

    with joy

    Lift your hands in sweet surrender to His name

    Oh give Him all your tears of sadness, give Him all your years of pain

    And youll enter into life in Jesus name


    1. Come, Holy Spirit, I need YouCome, Holy Spirit, I pray

    Come in Your strength and Your power

    Come in Your own special way

    2. Come like a spring in the desert

    Come to the weary of soul

    O let Your sweet healing power

    Touch me and make me whole

    3. Halina, Espiritu Santo

    Kinakailangan kita

    Sigla at lakas ng mahina

    Pag-asa Ka naming lahat

    4. Glory be to the Father

    Glory be to the Son

    Glory be to the Spirit

    Now and forever, Amen


    1. You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord

    Who abide in His shadow for life

    Say to the Lord, My Refuge,

    My Rock in whom I trust.

    Ref.And He will raise you up on eagles wings

    Bear you on the breath of dawn

    Make you to shine like the sun

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    And hold you in the palm of His hand.

    2. The snare of the fowler will never capture you

    And famine will bring you no fear

    Under His wings your refuge,

    His faithfulness you shield

    3. You need not fear the terror of the night

    Nor the arrow that flies by day

    Though thousands fall about you

    Near you it shall not come

    4. For to His angels Hes given a command

    To guard you in all of your ways

    Upon their hands they will bear you up

    Lest you dash your foot against a stone

    116) HEAL OUR LAND

    1. If my people will humble themselves,

    Humble themselves and pray

    If they seek my face and humble themselves

    And turn from their wicked ways

    Ref1. I will from heaven and forgive their sins

    I will hear from heaven and heal their land

    Chorus. Lord, heal our land. Father, heal our land

    Hear our cry and turn our nation back to You

    Lord, heal our land. Hear us, O Lord, and heal our land

    Forgive our sins and heal our broken land

    2. Lord, we bow our knee, we humble ourselves

    Humble ourselves and pray

    Lord, we seek Your face and humble ourselves

    And turn from our wicked ways

    Ref2. Father, in Your mercy, forgive our sins

    Father, in Your mercy, come heal our land. (Repeat Chorus)

    Last. (Lord heal our land, Father, heal our land.

    Hear our cry and heal our broken land.

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    1. For God so loved the world, He gave us His only Son

    Jesus Christ our Savior, His most precious one

    He has sent us His message of love, and sends those who hear

    To bring the message to everyone in a voice loud and clear

    Ref. Let us tell the world of His love

    The greatest love the world has known

    Search the world for those

    Who have walked astray and lead them home

    Fill the worlds darkest corners

    With His light from up aboveWalk every step, every mile, every road

    And tell the world, tell the world of His love

    118) SAVE US, O LORD

    Ref. Save us, O Lord; carry us back

    Rouse your power and come

    Rescue your people; show us your face

    Bring us back

    1. O Shepherd of Israel, hear us

    Return and we shall be saved

    Arise, O Lord

    Hear our cries, O Lord

    Bring us back!

    2. How long will you hide from your people

    We long to see your face

    Give ear to us

    Draw near to us, Lord God of hosts!

    3. Turn again; care for you vine

    Protect what your right hand has planted

    Your vineyards are trampled

    Uprooted and burned

    Come to us, Father of might!

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    119) NOW WE REMAIN

    Ref. We hold the death of the Lord

    Deep in our hearts

    Living, now we remain

    With Jesus, the Christ

    1. Once we were people afraid

    Lost in the night

    Then by your cross we were saved

    Dead became living, life from your giving

    2. Something which we have known

    Something weve touched

    What we have seen with our eyes:

    This we have heard; life giving Word

    3. He chose to give of himself

    Became our bread

    Broken, that we might live

    Love beyond love, pain for our pain

    4. We are the presence of God;This is our call

    Now to become bread and wine:

    Food for the hungry, life for the weary

    For to live with the Lord

    We must die with the Lord.

    120) WE REMEMBER

    Ref. We remember how You loved us

    To Your death, and still we celebrate

    For You are with us here

    And we believe that we will see You

    When You come, in Your glory Lord

    We remember, we celebrate, we believe

    1. Here a million wounded souls are yearning just to touch you and be


    Gather all Your people, and hold them to Your heart (Ref.)

    2. Now we recreate Your love, we bring the bread and wine to share a

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    Sign of grace and mercy, the presence of the Lord (Ref.)

    3. Christ, the Fathers great Amen to all the hopes and dreams of every


    Peace beyond all telling, and freedom from all fear (Ref.)

    4. See the face of Christ revealed in every person standing by Your side

    Gift to one another, and temples of Your love (Ref.)


    1. You tore yourself from home

    From everything You ownedThe only son, a hidden sun

    To find the homeless ones

    2. You walked our wounded roads

    In Your poor mans clothes

    The boundless sky, God most high

    Bowed before our eyes

    Ref. Jesus on the cross, shelter for the lostReveal Your light, befriend our nights

    Fill our broken lives

    3.You cast yourself to sea

    The net that set us free

    The living breath, embraced our death

    To reach our darkest depths (Ref.)

    4. You bared Yourself for all

    You poured your thirsting soul

    Your emptied cup, Your every drop

    Has raised the fallen up (Ref.)

    122) OUT OF ROADS

    1. I just ran out of roads again. Dont know where to turn.

    I started counting stars again, then I lost my way

    I just ran out of time again, will I ever learn

    To stop my chase of hours again, only to learn Ive lost the day

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    Ref1. The last thing I need is to hear this whisper in the wind

    The last thing I want is this voice that rises from within

    Ill need to go home soon, I know. But maybe tomorrow, not now

    When the last thing I need here and now, Is this lasting need for you

    2. Ive been rushing out of rooms again, too afraid to stay

    Ive been dreaming of some rainbows end, but the colors melt away

    Should my heart be like an open door, helpless to the storm

    Permit your wind to touch my soul, only to leave this aching song



    1. The God of silence beckons meTo journey to my heart where He awaits

    O Lord, I hear You calling tenderly

    To You I come to gaze

    At the beauty of Your face I cannot see

    To rest in Your embrace I cannot feel

    To dwell in Your love hurting but sweet

    To be with You, to glimpse eternity

    Ref1. God of night, fount of all my delightShow Your light

    That my heart, like Yours, burn bright

    2. Be still the torment of the night

    Will not encumber you, if you believe

    My child this darkness isnt emptiness

    For here I mold your heart

    Unto My image painfully you long to see

    The self you yearn to be, but fear to know

    The world from which you flee

    In Me find home

    All these I give you, if you remain in Me

    Ref2. I am ever here

    My child, you need not fear

    The dark will set you free,

    And bring your heart to Me

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    124) HOSEA

    1. Come back to Me with all your heart

    Dont let fear keep us apart

    Trees do bend, though straight and tall

    So must we to others call

    Ref. Long have I waited for your coming

    Home to me and living deeply our new life

    2. The wilderness will lead You

    To your heart where I will speak

    Integrity and justice

    With tenderness you shall know (Ref.)

    3. You shall sleep secure with peace

    Faithfulness will be your joy (Ref.)


    1. God sent His son, they called him Jesus

    He came to love, heal and forgive

    He lived and died to buy my pardon

    An empty grave is there to proveMy Savior lives

    Ref. Because He lives

    I can face tomorrow

    Because He lives, all fear is gone

    Because I know He holds the future

    And life is worth the living just

    Because He lives

    2. How sweet to hold a newborn baby

    And feel the pride and joy he gives

    But greater still the calm assurance

    This child can face uncertain days

    Because he lives

    3. And then one day, Ill cross the river

    Ill fight lifes final war with pain

    And then as death gives way to victory

    Ill see the lights of glory

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    And Ill know He lives


    1. Every nation, every tribe

    Come together to worship You

    In Your presence we delight

    We will follow to the ends of the earth

    Ref. Alleluia! Alleluia!

    Receive the power from the Holy Spirit

    Alleluia! Alleluia!

    Receive the power

    To be a light unto the world

    2. As Your Spirit calls to rise

    We will answer and do Your will

    Well forever testify

    Of Your mercy and unfailing love


    1. O come, Divine Messiah

    The world in silence waits the day

    When hope shall sing its triumph

    And sadness flee away

    Ref. Sweet Savior haste; Come, come to earth

    Dispel the night and show Thy face

    And bid us hail the dawn of grace

    128) A CHRISTMAS PRAISE1. Sing! Rejoice in gladness!

    A King is born in Bethlehem!

    A star in heaven descends,

    descends with angels' glory and praise

    Let all the earth raise her voice upon Him Who is the Lord of all

    Sing my soul a pah-pa-rap-pa-rap-pah

    And hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!

    Ref1. Jesus Christ is bornin Bethlehem today

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    Behold the gentle one and say

    "Our lives are Yours today!"

    Receive our praise to Thee

    And see us raise our arms

    Lord Jesus, take our arms

    And bring us to the joy of Christmas today

    Wake, o lonely stranger!

    Arise, o sleepy shepherd

    Kings of all ye nations,

    Come see the lowly manger of Christ

    Redeemer and Son of God the True One!

    Come and exalt Him now

    Sing my soul a pah-pa-rap-pa-rap-pah

    And hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!


    1. Angels we have heard on high

    Sweetly singing oer the plain

    And the mountains in reply

    Echoing their joyous strain

    Ref. Glo--ria! In Excelsis Deo! (2x)

    2. Shepherd why this jubilee

    Why your joyous strains prolong

    Say what may the tidings be

    Which inspire your heavnly song


    1. O come, all ye faithful

    Joyful and triumphant

    O come ye, o come ye to Bethlehem

    Come and behold Him

    Born the King of angels

    Ref: O come let us adore Him (2x)

    O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord

    2.Sing, choirs of angels, sing in exultation

    Sing, all ye citizens of heaven above

    Glory to God, all glory in the highest (Ref.)

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    3. Yea, Lord, we greet Thee

    Born this happy morning

    Jesus, to Thee be glory given

    Word of the Father

    Now in flesh appearing (Ref.)


    1. Silent night, holy night

    All is calm, all is bright

    Round yon Virgin, mother and child

    Holy Infant so tender and mild

    Sleep in heavenly peace (2X)

    2. Silent night, holy night!

    Shepherds quake at the sight

    Glories stream from heaven afar

    Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia

    Christ, the Savior is born (2X)

    3. Silent night, holy night

    Son of God, loves pure lightRadiant beams from Thy holy face

    With the dawn of redeeming grace

    Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth (2X)


    1. What child is this, who, laid to rest,

    On Mary's lap is sleeping?

    Whom angels greet with anthems sweet,

    While shepherds watch are keeping?

    This, this is Christ the King,

    Whom shepherds guard and angels sing:

    Haste, haste to bring him laud,

    The babe, the son of Mary.

    2. Why lies he in such mean state

    Where ox and ass are feeding?

    Good Christian, fear: for sinners here,

    The silent Word is pleading.

    Nails, spear, shall pierce Him through,

    The Cross be borne, for me, for you.

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    Hail, hail, the Word made flesh,

    The Babe, the Son of Mary!


    1. Long time ago in Bethlehem

    So the Holy Bible said

    Mary's boy child Jesus Christ

    Was born on Christmas Day.

    Ref. Hark now hear the angels sing

    A new king born today

    And man will live forevermore

    Because of Christmas Day.Trumpets sound and angels sing,

    Listen to what they say

    That man will live forevermore

    Because of Christmas Day.

    2. While shepherds watch

    Their flocks by night,

    They see a bright new shining star,

    They hear a choir singThe music seemed to come from afar.

    3. Now Joseph and his wife, Mary,

    Came to Bethlehem that night,

    They found no place to bear her child,

    Not a single room was in sight.

    4. By and by they find a little nook

    In a stable all forlorn,

    And in a manger cold and dark,

    Mary's little boy was born.


    1. Away in a manger, no crib for His bed

    The little Lord Jesus

    Laid down His sweet head

    2. The stars in the bright sky

    Looked down where He lay

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    The little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay

    3. The cattle are lowing

    The poor Baby wakes

    But little Lord Jesus, no crying He makes

    4. I love Thee, Lord Jesus

    Look down from the sky

    And stay by my side, 'til morning is nigh.

    5. Be near me, Lord Jesus,

    I ask Thee to stay close by me forever

    And love me I pray

    6. Bless all the dear children

    In Thy tender care

    And take us to heaven

    To live with Thee there


    1. We three kings of Orient are

    Bearing gifts we traverse afarField and fountain, moor and mountain

    Following yonder star

    Ref. O Star of wonder, star of night

    Star with royal beauty bright

    Westward leading, still proceeding

    Guide us to thy Perfect Light

    2. Born a King on Bethlehem's plain

    Gold I bring to crown Him again

    King forever, ceasing never

    Over us all to rein (Ref.)

    3. Frankincense to offer have I

    Incense owns a Deity nigh

    Pray'r and praising, all men raising

    Worship Him, God most high (Ref.)

    4. Myrrh is mine, its bitter perfume

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    Breathes of life of gathering gloom

    Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying

    Sealed in the stone-cold tomb (Ref.)

    5. Glorious now behold Him arise

    King and God and Sacrifice

    Alleluia, Alleluia

    Earth to heav'n replies (Ref.)


    1. It came upon the midnight clear,

    That glorious song of old,

    From angels bending near the earth,To touch their harps of gold:

    "Peace on the earth, goodwill to men

    From heavens all gracious King!"

    The world in solemn stillness lay

    To hear the angels sing.

    2. Still through the cloven skies they come,

    With peaceful wings unfurled;

    And still their heavenly music floatsO'er all the weary world:

    Above its sad and lowly plains

    They bend on hovering wing,

    And ever o'er its Babel sounds

    The blessed angels sing.

    3. O ye beneath life's crushing load,

    Whose forms are bending low,

    Who toil along the climbing way

    With painful steps and slow;

    Look now, for glad and golden hours

    Come swiftly on the wing;

    Oh rest beside the weary road

    And hear the angels sing.

    4. For lo! the days are hastening on,

    By prophets seen of old,

    When with the ever-circling years

    Shall come the time foretold,

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    When the new heaven and earth shall own

    The Prince of Peace, their King,

    And the whole world send back the song

    Which now the angels sing.


    1. Bethlehem rejoices!

    Hark the voices clear

    Singing in the starlight

    Nearer and more near

    Ref. Unto God be glory,

    Peace to men be givenThis is His will who dwelleth

    In the heights of heaven

    2. Heaven cannot contain Him

    Nor the bounds of earth

    Yet, oh glorious mystery!

    Virgin gives Him birth

    3. Now the light arisethIn the darkened skies

    Now the proud are humbled

    And the lowly rise


    1. Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee,

    God of glory, Lord of love;

    Hearts unfold like flowrs before Thee,

    Opning to the sun above.

    Melt the clouds of sin and sadness;

    Drive the dark of doubt away;

    Giver of immortal gladness,

    Fill us with the light of day!

    2. All Thy works with joy surround Thee,

    Earth and heavn reflect Thy rays,

    Stars and angels sing around Thee,

    Center of unbroken praise.

    Field and forest, vale and mountain,

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    Flowry meadow, flashing sea,

    Singing bird and flowing fountain

    Call us to rejoice in Thee.

    3. Thou art giving and forgiving,

    Ever blessing, ever blest,

    Wellspring of the joy of living,

    Ocean depth of happy rest!

    Thou our Father, Christ our Brother,

    All who live in love are Thine;

    Teach us how to love each other,

    Lift us to the joy divine.

    4. Mortals, join the happy chorus,

    Which the morning stars began;

    Father love is reigning oer us,

    Brother love binds man to man.

    Ever singing, march we onward,

    Victors in the midst of strife,

    Joyful music leads us Sunward

    In the triumph song of life.


    1. We wish you a Merry Christmas;

    We wish you a Merry Christmas;

    We wish you a Merry Christmas

    And a Happy New Year.

    2. Good tidings we bring

    To you and your kin;

    Good tidings for Christmas

    And a Happy New Year.

    3. We wish you a Merry Christmas;

    We wish you a Merry Christmas;

    We wish you a Merry Christmas

    And a Happy New Year.

    140) HARK THE HERALD1. Hark the herald angels sing

    Glory to the newborn King!

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    MIKOKORO CENTER Mass Songbook

    Peace on earth and mercy mild

    God and sinners reconciled

    Joyful, all ye nations rise

    Join the triumph of the skies

    With the angelic host proclaim:

    Christ is born in Bethlehem

    Hark! The herald angels sing

    Glory to the newborn King!

    2. Christ by highest heavn adored

    Christ the everlasting Lord!

    Late in time behold Him come

    Offspring of a Virgins womb

    Veiled in flesh the Godhead see

    Hail the incarnate Diety

    Pleased as man with man to dwell

    Jesus, our Emmanuel

    Hark! The herald angels sing

    Glory to the newborn King!


    1. The first Noel, the Angels did sayWas to certain poor shepherds

    In fields as they lay

    In fields where they lay keeping their sheep

    On a cold winters night that was so deep

    Ref. Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel

    Born is the King of Israel!

    2. They looked up and saw a star

    Shining in the East beyond them far

    And to the earth it gave great light

    And so it continued both day and night

    3. And by the light of that same star

    Three Wise men came from country far

    To seek for a King was their intent

    And to follow the star wherever it went

    4. This star drew night to the northwest

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    MIKOKORO CENTER Mass Songbook

    Oer Bethlehem it took its rest

    And there it did both pause and stay

    Right oer the place where Jesus lay

    5. Then entered in those Wise men three

    Full reverently upon their knee

    And offered there in His presence

    Their gold and myrrh and frankincense

    6. Then let us all with one accord

    Sing praises to our Heavenly Lord

    That hath made Heaven

    And earth of naught

    And with his blood mankind was bought


    1. O little town of Bethlehem

    How still we see the lie

    Above thy deep and dreamless sleep

    The silent stars go by

    Yet in thy dark streets shineth

    The everlasting LightThe hopes and fears of all the years

    Are met in thee tonight

    2. For Christ is born of Mary

    And gathered all above

    While mortals sleep, the angels keep

    Their watch of wondering love

    O morning stars together

    Proclaim the holy birthAnd praises sing to God the King

    And Peace to men on earth

    3. How silently, how silently

    The wondrous gift is given!

    So God imparts to human hearts

    The blessings of His heaven.

    No ear may hear His coming

    But in this world of sin

    Where meek souls will receive him still

    The dear Christ enters in

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    MIKOKORO CENTER Mass Songbook


    1. Joy to the world, the Lord is come!

    Let earth receive her King

    Let every heart prepare Him room

    And Heaven and nature sing

    And Heaven and nature sing

    And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing

    2. Joy to the world, the Savior reigns!

    Let men their songs employ

    While fields and floods, rocks, hills & plains

    Repeat their sounding joy

    Repeat their sounding joy

    Repeat, repeat their sounding joy

    3. He rules the world with truth and grace

    And makes the nations prove

    The glories of His righteousness

    And wonders of His love,

    And wonders of His love

    And wonders, and wonders of His love

    144) O HOLY NIGHT

    1. O Holy Night!

    The stars are brightly shining

    It is the night of our dear Saviors birth

    Long lay the world in sin and error pining

    Till He appeared and the Soul felt its worth

    A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices

    For yonder breaks

    A new and glorious mornFall on your knees!

    Oh hear the ange