milestone on the path of the sidhas

MILESTONES On the Path of the Sidhas

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Milestone on the Path of the Sidhas


Page 1: Milestone on the Path of the Sidhas


On the Path of the Sidhas

Page 2: Milestone on the Path of the Sidhas

2 Ramalinga Adigal


On the Path of the Sidhas

Cover: Thillai Nadaraja in Bronze.

Agathiyan Production House First Edition February 2011

Revised Edition May 2011

Page 3: Milestone on the Path of the Sidhas

Ramalinga Adigal 3

To my gurus, Supramania Swami of Thiruvanamalai who woke me from my sleep & Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal of Kovai who nurtured me.

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4 Ramalinga Adigal

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Ramalinga Adigal 5

Swami Satprakashananda quotes the message of the world‟s great

Upanishadic sages in „Meditation- Its Process, Practice, and


‘Death is not your final end. Do not give way to

despair. You are not destined to be subject to this

play of dualities forever. There is the Supreme

Being, The very perfection of existence, which you

can reach in this very mortal life and where you

can find life beyond death and complete fulfillment

of your ideal. Therein is the culmination of your

knowledge, therein is the consummation of your

love, therein is complete rest and therein dwells

unruffled peace. There shines the light that never

fails, and there abides joy unbounded’.

‘How can man reach that?’

‘Through this very life, by regulating this mortal

life he can reach the immortal’.

This is also the essence of the message of the Sidhas. The Sidhas

are said to be eagerly waiting for a disciple to come by, whom

they can share their teachings with and transform him into another

sidha equivalent in status or higher than them.

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6 Ramalinga Adigal

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Ramalinga Adigal 7

I started frequenting temples as a bachelor and used to pray

rigorously at home in the wee hours of the morning. Then all this

came to an abrupt stop. After a lapse of fourteen years (1988 to

2002) I was introduced to the sidhas through the reading of the

nadi or writings on palm leaf by the sidhas. It amazes me even

now to think how my life took a turnaround after I saw the nadi.

Since then Agathiyar has guided me through these nadi readings.

Agathiyar, through my nephew, started me back on the path of

worship in 2001. The nadi showed me the path of the Sidhas in

2002. Supramania Swami of Thiruvanamalai aroused me from my

sleep (of ignorance) in 2003. Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal

nurtured me further.

Agathiyar had revealed through the nadi my past karma so as to

make me aware of the consequences of my action. He pointed out

ways and means to soften the hold of karma. He showed me the

path of the sidhas in 2002, which I had a choice either to follow or

ignore. He introduced me to Tavayogi in 2005. He had lots of

advice for me to strengthen my weaknesses and become a better

person. He motivated me. He delivered mantras and practices in

the nadi.

Agathiyar has also come to my home in the form of a bronze

statue. He has asked that rituals be conducted. He has asked that

homage be paid to deities. He has asked that yogic asanas and

pranayama exercises be continued. He has asked to continue

chanting mantras. He has asked that meditation be pursued.

I have held fast to the nadi and it has worked out for me. There

were instances where what was said in the nadi did not materialize


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8 Ramalinga Adigal

because I had not put in the effort towards it. And at other times it

did not work out since I had surrendered to my guru Tavayogi

Thangarasan Adigal.

Just as there are milestones along a road, I am blessed the sidhas

have provided milestones too on their path – eight in number to

date. I share the bliss that I have attained in the worship of Sidhas

with you through my writings.

The Sidhas have seen God. We seek the Sidhas aid in wanting to

see God too. By their grace we shall realize God.

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Ramalinga Adigal 9

P re face . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

In t ro duc t io n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1

S ta r t i n g the J o ur ne y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3

T he Fi r s t Mi l e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5

T he Sec on d Mi le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7

T he T hi rd M i l e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8

T he Fo u r th Mi l e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9

T he Fi f th Mi l e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0

T he Si x th Mi l e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2

T he Se ven th M i le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3

T he E i gh t Mi l e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7


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10 Ramalinga Adigal

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Ramalinga Adigal 11

I was born in Taiping, Malaysia. My late father was from

Kilaasevalpatti village in Sivagangai-Karaikudi District, South

India. My mother told me that I used to fall sick often as a child.

Once when I was a few months old, I was purging badly. My

parents had lost two children for the same reasons. So when the

doctors could not bring relief to me, my parents took me to our

neighbor of that time - a Chinese medium. I was attended to by

the medium who asked that I be given away in adoption to the

Gods. My parents agreed without hesitation so long as the

medium could save me. So it was that I was saved and had a God-

father looking over my shoulders from then on.1

1 Since then until I was thirteen years of age, I was taken to this medium for

treatment in the event I fell sick. The medium used to go into a trance in front

of his altar, hitting his back with the blunt edge of a sword and would then

dispense his medicine which was a strip of yellow paper, written with certain

Chinese characters. He would light up the strip of paper and drop the ashes into

a glass of water and the concoction was given to me to drink after which I

would be cured. The first time I ever stepped into a government hospital was

when a dog bit me and fearing I could contract rabies I was asked to seek

medical attention at the hospital.

Once when I was in my twenties I stopped over to offer prayers to my God-

father at a Chinese temple. There I got to peek into the future by way of

shaking an open cylindrical can of sticks with numbers on them. The stick that

dropped out of the can was counter referred to with a huge book of fortune

telling. The corresponding number in the book stated that I had numerous

friends – not literally speaking though but I was told gods and saints were

constantly looking over my shoulders, ever protecting me.

A palm reader told me once that the presence of a parallel line close to my

lifeline on my right palm was an indication that the gods were ever protecting



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12 Ramalinga Adigal

As a youngster I attended religious classes with my brothers and

friends where I was taught the devotional hymns Thevaram. I

attended classes held in the Buddhist Vihara next to my home

where I was told stories and parables on Buddha‟s life. I was

taught to chant mantras too. In my teens, I enrolled for a

correspondence course in Christianity from a church based in

Singapore where I read the bible and answered tests papers to

qualify for a certificate. Later in college I was exposed to Islam

through a gardener of Pakistani roots who was working in the

college and who used to accompany me on the bus.

I was having a problem-free life as a kid where everything was

taken care of as I was the second youngest in a family of seven -

so nobody expected much from me.

On finishing college, I landed a job. I frequented all the temples in

those places that I had stayed. I was also engaged in aggressive

worship at home in the early hours of the morning and at

sundown. This was the time where I had dreams upon dreams of

Hindu Gods and Goddesses which most of the time I could not


Then all these came to an abrupt stop. After a lapse of fourteen

years (1988 to 2002) I was introduced to the sidhas through the

reading of the nadi or writings on palm leaf by the sidhas.

Subsequently I made two pilgrimages to India. I was blessed to

meet two wonderful gurus. Then Agathiyar choses to come to my

home in the form of a bronze statue. I await his next directive.

This belief was later strengthened when I read my life‟s prediction written on

palm leaves (nadi), in December of 2002. I was introduced to the Agathiyar

and the Sidhas through the nadi.

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Ramalinga Adigal 13

Om Namoh Bhagavathe Vasudevaya Namaha

It was 4 pm on a Saturday afternoon on the 6th

of October 2001

when my nephew, Thayalan came over to my house and passed on

a mantra. He asked me not to question the source but he had been

instructed to pass me the mantra. He asked that I sit in front of the

altar facing him and the east. He sat crossed-legged, shut his eye,

and went into a meditative state. His body shook and he spoke,

asking me to repeat the mantra thrice – „Om Namoh Bhagavathe

Vasudevaya Namaha‟. I needed to meditate on this mantra in

preparation to meet my guru. I was told my longing for a guru was

to be realized. He asked me to get a rosary and start chanting this

mantra immediately. And so I started on this teecha mantra that

same evening.2

2 It was only on 24

th December 2005 that Thayalan revealed the source of this

message. He told me the mantra was from the Devis who accompany his

Paramaguru Gopal Pillai. They delivered the mantra on the instruction of


I happened to come across this mantra being mentioned in an article on the net.

It was an extract from an English translation of „KRIYA YOGA VIJNAN -

THE SCIENCE OF KRIYA YOGA‟, the original by Saint Lahari Mahasaya.

„Lahari Mahasaya has named this sadhana omkar kriya. This is essentially a

pranayama and the basis is the Vasudeva mantra. The sastras have propounded

that the Vasudeva mantra is an omniscient mantra. When a sadhaka starts

comprehending his awareness as one with the mantra then he becomes

omniscient himself. Then his attainment shall be – “I am this omniscient

Vasudeva”. In the Gita it is stated in the very last of all births the man of

wisdom worships me, realizing that all is Vasudeva. Rare indeed is the soul.

Then do namaskar to the self.‟

Starting the Journey

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14 Ramalinga Adigal

On the 15th

, Thayalan came over with another set of mantra for

the forthcoming Navarathri prayers. On the 17th

, I started the

Surya Gayathri Mantra and prayers to Durga. On the 26th


Thayalan gave me a further two mantras over the phone to be

recited on the 10th

day of Navarathri.

After a year into reciting this mantra, by his Grace, I am blessed to

read my nadi.


Gopalan, the author explains that this mantra is recited for balancing the Vishnu


„This is the maha mantra of Lord Krishna. Its benefits are as follows: The nadis

of the heart chakra gets cleansed. It balances the heart chakra. Continuous

practice of this meditation on this mantra helps in purification of the thinking

process. It also helps in dissolving all the past karmic deeds for a better future.

The Vishnu Granti adds obstructions for the sadhaka keeping one under the

wraps of attachment, bondage, leading to the process of selfishness and supra


In a book on Saint Dhruva, it is mentioned that this mantra was given to

Dhruva by Saint Naradar who initiated Dhruva into the mysteries of yoga and

meditation leading to Samadhi. Naradar taught Dhruva the practice of

pranayama by inhaling, exhaling, and holding the breath. He taught Dhruva to

overcome thought fluctuations with the help of breath control. Naradar also

taught Dhruva to meditate on Vishnu in the sanctuary of his heart repeating the

Lord‟s name mentally and offer prayers and worship. He advised Dhruva to go

to Madhuvana for tapas because it was a sacred place where vibrations

prevailed, which would help him in his sadhana and Samadhi.‟

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Ramalinga Adigal 15

Om Maa Sidhargal Potri Potri (Praise to the Sidhas)

My friend Murali mentions to me that he had seen his nadi in the

year 2000. It was interesting to listen and amazing to know that

the sidhas could predict what was to happen in the future through

writings in the nadi, a few hundreds of years back. They could

also tell one‟s past, I was told. He made arrangements for me to

have a reading at Sivabalan‟s house.

On 14th

December 2002, I sat in front of the nadi reader

Sentilkumar in eagerness to listen to what was in store for me. I

was also apprehensive at the same time. I sat in awe as Agathiyar

made revelations of my past, present and future through the nadi.

I was asked to perform atonements. In the thirteenth canto or

Shanthi Parikara Kandam, Agathiyar advised me to worship

Ganapathi for forty-eight days to reduce the evil effects of my

karma. I was asked to worship the Sidhas and Shiva too.

The ninth canto or Gnana Kandam dictated my spiritual path. I

was asked to worship Shiva, Ganapathi, Agathiyar, and the

eighteen Sidhas.

The worship of Sidhas was something new. I asked Sentilkumar if

he could elaborate on the prayers for these Sidhas. He

immediately gave me a booklet „SIDHAR POTRI

PAADALGAL‟. It carried a compilation of names of Sidhas that

was to be recited at prayer. He also passed me a leaflet

announcing the intention to build a temple cum ashram for

The First Mile

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16 Ramalinga Adigal

Agathiyar at Kallar, Kovai by Thaai Veedu Thangarasan.

Sivabalan gave me a painting of Agathiyar to aid in my prayers. 3

After a year into reciting the Sidhar Potri, by his Grace, I am

blessed to meet my first guru Supramania Swami of


3 When I met Tavayogi for the first time in 2005, he confirmed that the leaflet

handed to me by Sentilkumar was distributed by him. When I invited

Tavayogi to my home, he had this booklet with him. He read a few songs from

it. He mentioned that he had compiled these songs and published this booklet.

Only then did I realize that Tavayogi had already come into my life much

earlier in the form of the leaflet and the booklet.

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Ramalinga Adigal 17

Hara Hara Siva Siva Sivasivaya Namasivaya Sivayanama Om

After completing my atonements in Malaysia, I left for India the

following year in 2003. I was to conduct atonements at Utamar

temple, Palur Sani temple, and Thiru Anaikaa temple, all in

Trichy. Besides that, I was asked to worship at the five elemental

temples of Shiva, namely Kalahasti temple in Andhra Pradesh,

Egambareswarar temple in Kanchipuram, Thillai Nadaraja temple

in Chidambaram, Thiru Anaikaa temple in Trichy (already

mentioned) and to go around the sacred hill (Girivalam) of

Thiruvanamalai during a full moon. I was also instructed to

worship at Palani Murugan and Bhogar‟s temple.

After the Girivalam I headed out 8 kms from Thiruvanamalai to

have my daughter‟s astrological chart read. Deva, my appointed

driver, introduced me to his uncle, Supramania Swami. I seated

myself in front of him as he prepared to chart my daughter‟s

future. But what he actually did was to talk about my future and

me. After five hours of revelation and receiving a mantra teecha,

Hara Hara Siva Siva Sivasivaya Namasivaya Sivayanama Om, I

bid Supramania Swami farewell as night fell over this small

village known as Nachaananthal. I had met my first guru.

After I returned to Malaysia, we corresponded through the mail

and later through the phone. Swami had a desire to build a temple.

While construction of the foundation for the temple in

Thiruvanamalai was in progress, a sidha stops him from

continuing further. It has been four years now since Swami went

into Samadhi on 7th

February 2007.

The Second Mile

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18 Ramalinga Adigal

Om Sing Vang Ang Ung Mung Agatheeswaraya Namaha

On 9th

March 2005, Dr. Krishnan, my friend, astrologer and sidha

practitioner called me on the phone and passed on Agathiyar‟s

Moola Mantra Om Sing Vang Ang Ung Mung Agatheeswaraya

Namaha as I was in the midst of my prayer to Agathiyar. It was

like Agathiyar himself was giving me mantra teecha upadesam in

my ears.

Earlier on 6th

March 2005, I had received Agathiyar‟s yantra from

the Dr.

After a year into reciting Agathiyar‟s mantra, by his Grace, I am

blessed to go on a pilgrimage to several Sidha Samadhis and caves

accompanied by my second guru Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal.

The Third Mile

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Ramalinga Adigal 19

Om Sim Vam Arm Um Mum Agatheesaya Nama

I had happened to come across articles in the local Tamil language

papers about the opening of an organization called the Sri

Agathiyar Gnana Peedham at Batu Caves consecutively over a

few days. Accompanying that article was a photograph of

Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal of Kallar, India. I do not buy Tamil

papers but surprisingly during this period my neighbor Augustine

sends us a complimentary copy every day. I made an appointment

to meet Tavayogi.

I took out the leaflet that I had received from Sentilkumar when

he read my nadi in 2002. I asked if he was the one mentioned in

the leaflet. Tavayogi answered, “Its mine”. The leaflet had

mentioned plans for the construction of a temple cum ashram for

Agathiyar in Kallar.

I started narrating some portions of the nadi to Tavayogi. I told

him about my pilgrimage to India in 2003, meeting Supramania

Swami and our attempt at building a temple that was stopped by a

sidha. I mentioned to him my meeting with Rengaraja Desigar of

the Sri Agathiyar Sanmarga Sangam in Turaiyor, India too.

Tavayogi listened.

Tavayogi gave Kara Teecha ‘Om Sim Vam Arm Um Mum

Agatheesaya Nama’ to several people including my wife and me

that day.

The Fourth Mile

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20 Ramalinga Adigal

Om Sim Vam Arm Um Mum Agatheesaya Nama

15th August 2005, I wanted to see the nadi before Tavayogi left

for India that weekend. The last reading I had was in 2002 and

Agathiyar had promised another reading when I was in my forty-

fifth year.

Ramesh played the earlier reading of my nadi on tape by the

previous nadi reader Sentilkumar. He located my nadi and read

from it, taping the whole session.

Agathiyar was so kind and generous to me. He pardoned me for

the past mistakes; removed the guilt saying all was his doing and

assured me I needed those experiences too; accepted me into his

circle (margam); blessed me and my family for a better future. I

had performed the prayers well said the Sage. He was extremely

pleased with me.

I was to make a pilgrimage to India again within the next year. I

was to spend three days at Tavayogi‟s ashram the Sri Agathiyar

Gnana Peedham Thirukovil in Kallar. I was to go to Palani too.

Agathiyar mentioned that I could seek further guidance at the

Agathiyar Gnana Peedham in Batu Caves just as Tavayogi had

told me earlier. Surprisingly I was told to get another teecha from

Tavayogi and request him to accept me as his disciple


On completion of the reading Ramesh delivered the audio

recording to me. I bought flowers, fruits and sweets and rushed to

the Peedham in Batu Caves where I handed them to Tavayogi,

asking him to accept me as his disciple which he did. I narrated

The Fifth Mile

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Ramalinga Adigal 21

some portions of the nadi to him. On reaching home I played

back the cassette recording of the nadi reading. To my surprise,

after about two minutes into the recording, nothing was heard

except the crackling sound of the tape. In fact Ramesh had

recorded a small portion, rewind the tape and played it back so as

to ascertain that the recorder was functioning and the audio level

was acceptable. Even after taking such care and precaution, the

tape was blank. It amazed me. I called Ramesh to inform him and

he was equally puzzled and asks that I bring it back. Ramesh

played the cassette and was baffled. He made a transcription of

the nadi this time and read it out to me again. Amazingly the

reading revealed more information. I was to visit additional

pilgrimage spots. Besides Kallar and Palani, which was mentioned

earlier, now I had also to go to Thiruvanamalai, Vetharanyam,

Pothigai and Courtalam hills too. The Agathiyar Gnana Peedham

in Batu Caves was not mentioned any more.4

I invited Tavayogi over to my home and he obliged. He performed

a simple prayer on our request. After he left for India, we spoke to

each other over the phone and through mails.

4 The nadi reading made known the possibilities in spiritual realization that

was open and available for me; the choice was also given to me, whether to

pursue in the direction laid out in those nadi readings, or I could turn a deaf

ear and go my way. When I chose the option to see Tavayogi immediately

after the reading, the reading was erased mysteriously. The re-reading of that

particular nadi revealed much more.

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22 Ramalinga Adigal

Om Yennilaa Kodi Devargal, Sidhargal, Rishigal, Munivargal

Thiruvadigal Potri Potri


September 2005, the third day of my second pilgrimage to

India, I started for Kallar. Tavayogi was waiting for my arrival at

his ashram steps.

Prayer at Tavayogi‟s ashram, the Sri Agathiyar Gnana Peedham

Thirukovil, was simple. Tavayogi lighted camphor (sudam) and

sang a couple of songs in praise of Agathiyar and the Sidhas

followed by the rests of the disciples singing the Sidhar Potri

hymns. Agathiyar tells me the name of these sidhas itself is Maha


I had the opportunity to live out the life of an ashramite at Kallar,

an opportunity not available in Malaysia.

Besides the places mentioned in the nadi, Tavayogi took me to

Sivavakiyar‟s Cave at Sivan Malai in Kangayam, Konganar‟s

Cave at Uthiyur, Punakeesar‟s Cave at Chennimalai, and

Sargurunathar‟s cave and ashram on the way to Ooty, all in Kovai.

After fulfilling the expectations of Agathiyar in the nadi I returned

to Malaysia, a satisfied pilgrim.

The Sixth Mile

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Ramalinga Adigal 23

Arutperunjhoti Arutperunjhoti Taniperunkarunai Arutperunjhoti

After having being introduced to the worship of the sidhas; having

performed prayers at various temples to lessen the hold of past

karma; having introduced to Tavayogi who nurtured me further;

Agathiyar guides me further through the nadi with yogic practices

and advise.

After five years into sidha worship, on 13th October 2007,

Agathiyar graciously points me to the worship of Arutperunjhoti.

He tells me the sidhas are in the form of light. Agathiyar asks that

I replace the brass lamp with an earthen lamp and to worship

Arutperunjhoti in the form of the flame. He asks that I chant the

Maha Mantra Arutperunjhoti Arutperunjhoti Taniperunkarunai


Tavayogi in his book „ANDAMUM PINDAMUM‟ mentions that

Agathiyar has lived beyond the four yugas and as such no one can

predict his age.



INDIA‟ published by Oxford University Press, Inc., 2009 refers to

Tirumular‟s „TIRUMANTIRAM‟ where Tirumular reveals his


„The text depicts Tirumular as one of eight

disciples of Nandi who received the title “master”

(nātar) (129). Presumably this period of study was

spent on Mount Kailasa, Shiva‟s abode in the

Himalayas in the north. He spent much of his time

in devotional meditation.

The Seventh Mile

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24 Ramalinga Adigal

“Daily thinking of the feet of Shiva, who

wears the twilight moon, I propounded the

Āgamas. . . Reaching gracious Nandi‟s feet,

after seeing Shiva‟s matchless dance in the

flawless hall, I lived an unequalled seventy

million eons (yukam)” (135–136).‟

„The “matchless dance” refers to Shiva‟s dance in

the hall at Chidambaram, in his form as Natarajan,

indicating that Tirumular also lived some of his

eons among ordinary people.‟

Tavayogi quotes Konganar's work, „KONGANAR KAVIYAM

3000‟ where Konganar says he has seen worlds upon worlds

evolve and perish; he has seen fifteen Ramas and Ravanas come

and go and he has witnessed eighteen Bharata wars take place.

Konganar says he has seen many Vishnus and Brahmas come into

existence and go too. He says he has seen worlds come into

existence and seen them go into oblivion.

From what Konganar says it shows that the sidhas have watched

through all these happenings. How is that possible?

Agathiyar reveals this mystery to his student Pulastyar. These

sidhas are in the form of Jhoti, in the Jhoti and as the Jhoti. That

Jhoti is Sivan. This Sivan is also known as Sidhargal Veli, Ucha

Veli, Tani Veli, Yega Veli, Oli Veli, Velyil Veli, Para Veli,

Indhira Gnana Veli, Gnana Veli, Peru Veli, Uyar Veli, Nathantha

Veli, Vethantha Veli, Pazh Veli, Mupazh Veli, Muthar Pazh,

Chithira Kodam and Manimandapam too. Ramalinga Adigal calls

Sivan or Jhoti as Arutperunjhoti Taniperunkarunai.

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Ramalinga Adigal 25

Agathiyar reveals his Jayanthi as at exactly 27 ½ naligai which is

11 hours after the advent of the Ahilya Natchathiram during the

month of Margazhi.

On 8th

December 2008, he tells me in the nadi that he had

obtained Arumugam‟s consent to have His statue installed at the

Sri Jagathguru Mrithiga Brindavanam that was to be constructed

in Ipoh.

In the following reading on 8th

January 2009, Agathiyar gave me

specific instructions on the specifications, time and rituals for

casting his statue. His statue had to be a replica of the granite

statue in Agasthiyampalli, Vedharanyam, India; he was to be cast

in bronze (aimpon) and at Swamimalai, India; he was not to

exceed one foot in height; work on him had to start in the Tamil

month of Thai and Maasi of 2009; on completion, pujas were to

be conducted at the Adi Kumbheshawar Temple in Kumbakonam,

and only then was he to be shipped to Malaysia; on arrival in

Malaysia, Nava Abhisegam to be conducted and his mantra Aum

Agathisaya Nama to be chanted 100,000 times.

Vradaraj of the Bronze Creative (BC) in Swamimalai, India was

commissioned to cast the bronze statue of Agathiyar. The statue

was ordered through the internet in February of 2009. Vradaraj

made a visit to Agasthiyampalli, Vedharanyam to photograph the

granite statue of Agathiyar and subsequently started working on

the wax mould. The statue was cast and completed in early

December of 2009 and was flown to Malaysia to arrive at our

shores on 2nd

January 2010 at 5.53 am a day short of his Jayanthi.

I have been conducting pujas for Shiva, Ganapathi, Agathiyar and

Ramalinga Adigal. During these pujas I dressed Agathiyar in the

form of the respective deity or guru and sing the praise of the

Page 26: Milestone on the Path of the Sidhas

26 Ramalinga Adigal

deity/guru. On 17th

October 2010 Agathiyar tells me that is the

TRUTH and he shall take the form of whoever we wished to see.

He asks that I continue worship of the sidhas with my family and

friends (kootu puja). He asks that I continue rituals to invoke

deities and sidhas; the bathing of statues of deities (abhisegam)

and lighting the fire pit and delivering various items into the

sacrificial fire (homam). He reveals the benefits that are gained

from conducting such puja.

Page 27: Milestone on the Path of the Sidhas

Ramalinga Adigal 27

Aum Srim Aum Satguru Patame Saaba Paava Vimosanam Rowga

Ahangaara Dhur Vimosanam Sarva Deva Sagala Siddha Oli

Rupam Sarguruve Aum Agastiya Kiranta Kartaaya Nama

Agathiyar himself has revealed a magnificient mantra of his in his

Aasi Kaandam reading on 19 April 2011 to mankind to be recited

daily during ones prayers.

Agathiyar promises that one shall attain greatness and success in

all his ventures. He shall gain good health. Good shall prevail. No

obstacles and hurdles shall be met.

One shall attain a blissful state. He shall get to see Arut Jhoti if

this mantra is chanted, promises Agathiyar.

I have seen the nadi forty-one times to date and I await further

guidance and revelation for nothing is possible without his Grace.



INDIA‟ published by Oxford University Press, Inc., 2009 quotes

Tirumular‟s „TIRUMANTIRAM‟,

„I received the title of “master” by Nandi‟s

grace. I found Mulan only through Nandi‟s grace.

Without Nandi‟s grace, what can be accomplished?

With Nandi showing the way, I remained on the


Richard says it beautifully,

„Human effort is successful only with divine assistance.‟

The Eight Mile