military systems and technology digital newsletter

1 MILITARY SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGY PLUS... EMCEL FILTERS Military Filters for CBRN Applications PROENGIN Biological and Chemical Detection Alarm with One Sensor: AP4C-VB SCOTT SAFETY Respiratory Protection Equipment AVON PROTECTION CBRN Respiratory Protection at its Best EDITION 22 T. +44 (0) 1398 351606 E. [email protected] BREAKING NEWS FROM... COBHAM I-BODI NORTHROP GRUMMAN PELI PRODUCTS TELEDYNE Image Courtesy of Scott Safety

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Military Systems and Technology Digital Newsletter Edition 22


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PLUS...EMCEL FILTERSMilitary Filters for CBRN Applications

PROENGINBiological and Chemical DetectionAlarm with One Sensor: AP4C-VB

SCOTT SAFETYRespiratory Protection Equipment

AVON PROTECTIONCBRN Respiratory Protection at its Best

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Image Courtesy of Scott Safety

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NEWSLETTER | EDITION TWENTY TWO T. +44 (0) 1392 881545 E. [email protected]


Welcome to this edition of theMilitary Systems & Technologynewsletter.As an established web portal for the International Defence &Aerospace Industry, we strive to provide a comprehensive anddetailed listing of Military Equipment Suppliers, Products andServices. This newsletter is designed to keep you up-to-date withlatest news and events within the Defence Industry’s GoverningBodies, Organisations and Companies.


Avon Protection 4CBRN Respiratory Protection at its Best

Proengin 6Biological and Chemical detection alarm with one sensor: AP4C-VB

Emcel Filters 8Military Filters for CBRN Applications

OWR 10Manufacturers of Outstanding Decontamination Equipment

Scott 12Scott Safety Respiratory Protection Equipment

Smiths Detection 14World leader in Products & Systems to Detect & Identify Threatsto our Freedom



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Avon Protection

AVON PROTECTION– CBRN RESPIRATORYPROTECTION AT ITS BESTAvon Protection is the recognized global marketleader in respiratory protection systemtechnology. An unrivalled 80 year pedigree inmilitary mask design and manufacture hasplaced Avon Protection at the heart ofnumerous national defense and tacticalPersonal Protective Equipment (PPE)deployment strategies.

Avon Protection's expanding global client basenow includes military forces, civil and first linedefense troops, emergency service teams andindustrial, marine, mineral and oil extraction sitepersonnel. All put their trust in Avon's advancedrespiratory protection solutions to shield themfrom every possible threat.

It has built up a unique capability in this areabased on a range of advanced CBRNtechnologies in respirator design, filtration andcompressed air breathing apparatus. With newconflicts and growing threat scenarios creatingadditional daily risks for individuals in military,law enforcement, first responder andemergency service applications, Avon maintainsa global market leading position by investing incontinual research and development to meetchanging operational requirements.

Military CBRNRespirators and

MasksAvon Protection offers a comprehensive rangeof CBRN Respirators/Masks that have beendesigned to cope with the fiercest challengesfrom specific CBRN situations that face today’smilitary and first responders.

Each solution has been developed for theoperational user when in a high riskenvironment. In terms of actual benefits, all ofAvon’s respirators are quick to don, comfortableto wear, provide the highest protection factor,enable the user to have a wide field of view andinclude a communications port compatiblewith all current specialist radio systems. They

also come in multiple sizes, are robust and easyto decontaminate and maintain. In terms of therespirators themselves, they include:50 Series of Military Mask/RespiratorsThe 50 series is the most comprehensive set ofrespiratory solutions on the market today.Through this range, Avon has introduced novelground breaking technology to the industrywith features such as a wide panoramicoptically correct flexible polyurethane visor formaximum field of view and enhanced weaponscompatibility.


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Included in the 50 series are the FM50 (a militarymask), the C50 and FM53.

The C50 GeneralService Masks

The C50 General Service Mask was developedin line with the latest NATO requirements, andhas achieved both CE and NIOSH CBRNcertification. It gives the user unprecedentedlevels of protection, comfort and versatility inthe most hostile of environments.

It offers full integration with helmets, CBRNprotective clothing and communicationsystems. With the appropriate filter, the C50 canprotect against a wide range of CBRN threatsincluding chemical warfare agents, toxicindustrial chemicals and materials, biologicaland radiological hazards and riot agents.

The FM53 RespiratorMask

The CE approved FM53 is the only mask of itskind, offering users the highest levels ofversatility, comfort and protection. It features alever which allows the wearer to easily switchbetween negative (filter) and positive (SCBA)pressure with a simple operator movement. Itsunique shape allows for the easy incorporationof a helmet interface, and it includes a superiorcommunication interface allowing dual comsand VPU use, as well as an ability to be usedwith SCBA, PAPR and filters.

It also includes a drinking system that is capableof drawing half a litre of water in three minutesto rehydrate the specialist user during periodsof high intensity workloads. With the addedbenefit of CE certification, users from both themilitary and civil sectors now have amultifunctional mask that they can use in anygiven CBRN situation without the need tochange equipment.

The ST53 Multi-roleRespiratory System

The CE approved ST53™ is the most technicallyadvanced respiratory system on themarketplace today, and is now available tocivilian organizations such as police forces andemergency response teams. The ST53™ offers aselection of respiratory possibilities when in theheat of a threat scenario.

With the FM53 at its heart, and a choice of short(seven or 14 minutes) or long duration (up toapproximately 60 minutes) compressed aircylinders, it is possible to enter a location onfilter mode, assess the situation, and then

change to SCBA mode if the need ariseswithout having to leave and change equipment.With a range of accessories available as well, itis the perfect versatile system for building andconfined space entry where the threats areunknown.

FM12 CBRNRespirator

The FM12 is one of Avon’s legacy masks, and isprobably the most widely used respirator acrossthe world by military and law enforcementorganizations. It provides high levels ofrespiratory protection against both classicalchemical warfare agents and toxic industrialmaterials.

It has CE and NIOSH accreditation, and is themask of choice for the Quick Don CBRNensemble – a complete CBRN personal

protection equipment suit for the UK policethat can be donned in five minutes.

The NH15 EmergencyRespirator Hood

The NIOSH approved NH15 is the smallest singleuse Emergency Hood on the market. It gives thewearer a high level of respiratory, eye and faceprotection against all airborne CBRN threats andliquid agent splashes for a minimum of 15minutes, enabling users to evacuate from acontaminated area. The clear material it ismanufactured from has been designed to aidthe wearer with recognition of other peopleand objects as well as allow for superior visualcommunication. Finally, the NH15 is compact,easy to don and has the ability to be stored in aglove compartment, in desk drawers or worn ona utility belt, allowing easy access and thereforean effective response.


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BIOLOGICAL ANDCHEMICAL DETECTIONALARM WITH ONESENSOR: AP4C-VBProengin has developed biological and chemicalwarfare agents field detectors using flamespectrophotometry.

This technology consists in burning within a tinyhydrogen flame, gases or particles and analyzingthe spectra of the light of the flame todetermine what atoms are present in theburned gas or particles. This very simple anduniversal physical principle, used by chemicalindustry since decades, has been applied byProengin to Chemical warfare agents detectionon the field.

The well-known and world widely used AP2Cand AP4C have proven the capacity of thattechnology to be the most reliable on the fieldwith the lowest false alarm rate and thesimplest ease of use.

Flame spectrophotometry technology has alsobeen applied by Proengin to biological alarmdetection.

Biological alarm detection consists in detectingin the atmosphere sudden changes in theconcentration of bacteria or living particles. Thissudden increase or the simple fact to reach athreshold in the living particles concentrationmight be the sign of an airborne biologicalattack.

Biological alarm detection technologies do nothave the capacity to determine if the particlesthat have caused that alarm are reallydangerous. However, such an alarm would leadto a sampling of air and particles and a furtheranalysis will confirm the presence of lethalbacteria.

It is important therefore important that aBiological Alarm Detector will be differentiatebiological particles from dust, pollens or anyother particles.

Flame Spectrophotometry detectorsdeveloped by Proengin, such as MAB, use hecontent of potassium and sodium in, moreparticularly, the ratio Potassium/sodiumconcentration in each particle to discriminateliving particles from others.

This technology is well adapted to field use asit is not affected by environmental conditions -humidity- or dust or diesel exhausts.

The first instrument developed by Proenginfor biological detection is the MAB:MAB has the unique capacity of detecting andcategorizing biological particles with a provenextremely low false alarm rate and the uniquecapacity to discriminate dangerous orsuspicious biological particles such as Anthraxspores from natural background. It has beendesigned to be mounted on tracked vehicles.

MAB is now in service in more than 10 countriesby armed forces.

As Proengin chemical detectors also use Flamespectrophotometry by detection the presenceof phosphorus, sulfur, arsenic and HNO within


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the molecules , it became therefore natural tocombine those two types of detection withinonly one instrument: available in two versionsAP4C-VB.and AP4C-FB.

AP4C-VB is not the combination of onechemical detector and one biological detectorin one box.

Only one sensor is used and chemical andbiological detection are simultaneously done;in the worst environmental conditions, AP4C-VB detects the presence of both chemicalwarfare agents and biological warfare agentswith a high sensitivity and specificity.

Those detections are automatically done anddo not require any technical skills for the user.

Besides its technical capacities, one of the mainadvantages of APC-VB is economical. Having the

two types of detection performed by only onesensor allows to significantly reduce the priceof the complete biological-chemical detectionfunction.

Moreover, flame spectrophotometry requiresvery few consumables and a minimalmaintenance. No change filters is required.

With AP4C-VB, another version of theinstrument has been specifically designed for 24/7 usage. In this configuration , hydrogen thatis the fuel of the flame at the heart of flamespectrophotometry, is simply produced by the

electrolysis of water, and the only consumableof AP4C-FB is one liter of water per month.

Both instruments are field proven. For instance,AP4C-FB is now in service in several criticalinfrastructures at the highest level.

AP4C-VB and AP4C-FB represent a newgeneration of reliable instruments at anaffordable price for a critical function of thefield.


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spray area of approximately 11m², theCOBRA can be filled with any liquiddecontamination or disinfection solutionand has been developed in closecooperation with both military and civilcustomers as part of their personalprotective equipment for CBRNoperations. The hand held unit contains apatented pressure pump system withwhich the operator can quickly creates apressure to allow the liquid to be sprayed.The COBRA has a metal stainless steelbody and chemical resistant seals andrequires no special preparation before use.The COBRA comes either as a stand aloneunit supplied with a carrying bag whichclips to a belt, or can be incorporated intokit supplied in a robust plastic carry case.Light, Transportable Thermal FoggingSystem - DECOFOG

The Decofog is a light, transportablethermal fogging system designed to applydecontamination solutions as a fog. It issimple to use, has no mechanical parts andcan be set up for use in seconds. Based on“jet-engine technology” it uses hot air tovaporise a solution and turn it into a fogwith particles of 1 to 4 microns. TheDecofog is robust and been designed to beoperator friendly with large grip handles. Itis supplied standard with an operators


MANUFACTURERS OF OUTSTANDINGDECONTAMINATIONEQUIPMENTAs a manufacturer of decontaminationequipment, OWR has been setting thestandards for CBRN defence and civilprotection for more than 50 years. Usingmodern techniques and user-friendlyapplication systems, OWR develops andbuilds efficient mobile decontaminationsolutions for its customers, offering thema complete service from productdevelopment to training and after salesservice. With a full range of productsranging from small hand-held sprayapplicators such as the Cobra, to the containerised multi purposedecontamination systems such as the MPD100i, OWR can offer a solution to fit the needs of the customer, and with adesign team constantly developing

new and innovative products, OWR issetting the standards for the future ofdecontamination and helping to provide asafer and more certain future for theworld.



DecontaminationSpray Unit

The COBRA is a 0.4 ltrs decontaminationspray unit used for emergencydecontamination or disinfection. Giving a


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harness and metal travel case. Usingchemically resistant parts it is suitable foruse with aggressive chemicals and needslittle maintenance. The Decofog is used bymultiple NATO countries and has theNATO Stock Number NSN 4230-01-499-5612.

Decontamination andDisinfection FoggingDevice - FOGBOOSTERThe FOGBOOSTER is the new generationof decontamination and disinfectionfogging devices. By using compressed aircombined with an especially designednozzle, decontamination or disinfectionfluid is microscopically atomized to formparticles on a micro-scale basis to producea highly effective dry mist or fog. TheFOGBOOSTER produces a micro-film mistwhich covers all surfaces and gets into allgaps and joints, detoxifying ordecontaminating all surfaces. TheFogbooster is lightweight (approx 6 kg)quiet and highly mobile and can either usestandard compressed air bottles or acompressor to run.

Fast Response MobileDecontamination


The SMGD has been designed as a fastresponse mobile decontamination system.Completely self contained with its owngenerator, diesel and decontaminationsolution tanks, it is a compactdecontamination unit for the applicationof water-free decontaminants whendecontaminating vehicles, largeequipment, infrastructure, roads and high-value equipment. The system is basedon a low pressure spraying system andcomes complete with decon spray lancesand an independent high pressure cleaningunit for pre-cleaning.

The generator of the SMGD createsenough power to run the decontaminationsystem and provide external power for theindependent sprayer and lights. Designedto be transported to the decontaminationsite on a pick-up, once un-loaded it can beeasily moved easily by one person whilststill running. The unit is ready to use within1 minute and needs only to be switched on.Multi Purpose Decontamination System -DEDAS

The DEDAS is a universal mixing unit whichcan be programmed to mix allcommercially known decontaminationsolutions. The patented low-pressuresystem allows the mixing of emulsions,foam and diluted solutions fordecontamination purposes, in either smallor large quantities. It has a capacity of upto 200l/min and can even be used withseawater. The DEDAS can be used as astand-alone unit but is used as the heartof the OWR MPD 100 multi purposedecontamination system.


UnitThe SURF-Ex is a decontamination unitwhich uses industrial vacuumingtechnology combined with a spray-extraction system to clean anddecontaminate surfaces of CBRN, HazMatand explosive material. The SURF-Ex canbe used to vacuum all types of dryhazardous dust without danger to theoperator due to its comprehensive filteringand dust collection system. Its can also beused to clear up liquids and uses a spray-extraction system to decontaminate andclean surfaces of hazardous and dangerouschemicals. By using GD-6 with the sprayextraction system, the surfaces of sensitiveequipment can be decontaminatedwithout risk. Using comprehensiveselection of inter-changeable vacuumingand spray heads ensures that the SURF-EXcan be used to tackle multipledecontamination tasks.

The SURF-EX was successfullydemonstrated in Fukushima, Japan and wassuccessfully used to clean vehicles,equipment and external surfaces ofradiation.

Multi PurposeDecontamination

Units - MPDThe Multi Purpose Decontamination Unitor MPD is a complete decontaminationsystem Contained in a 20ft ISO containera standard unit can decontaminate 120 persons per hour, 20 light vehicles per hour, or 6000m² of terraindecontamination. Despite its largecapacity, the MPD100 is a highly mobileunit containing 3000 ltrs of water and canbe operated using 4 personnel.

The MPD 100 has recently been upgradedto include the UAM (Universal ApplicationModule). The MPD 100i can apply readymixed decontamination solution using low pressure technology and offers anenhanced decontamination capacity.

GD-6The decontamination solution GD-6 is aready to use patented decontaminationsolution which is used to decontaminatechemical warfare agents. It is especiallyeffective when used with OWR lowpressure application technology, but canbe used with any spray unit and foggingunits.


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SCOTT SAFETY RESPIRATORYPROTECTIONEQUIPMENTScott are leaders in the design andmanufacture of Respiratory ProtectionEquipment (RPE). Scott’s range includesmilitary and civil defence “gas masks” andfilters, Powered Air Purifying Respirators(PAPR), Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus(SCBA) and Escape Sets (Emergency EgressBreathing Devices – EEBD).

Supplying military, CBRNe first responderand civil defence customers is an importantpart of Scott’s business but they are alsomarket-leaders in the provision of RPE toindustrial and fire-fighting markets. This hasproved invaluable during recent operations,where some Urgent OperationalRequirements (UOR’s) were met by utilising

technology from within Scott’s “industrialmarket” portfolio.

The breadth and diversity of Scott’sexpertise frequently enables them toprovide quick and often novel responses torespiratory protection requirements. Theyinvest heavily in research and developmentfor RPE employing dedicated engineeringteams in centres of excellence globally.

Key products in the Scott portfolio include:-

The General ServiceRespirator (GSR)

The new twin filter, single flexible lens CBRNrespiratory protection ensemble developedto the exacting requirements of the UKMOD.


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Offering unprecedented levels of respiratoryprotection, including Toxic IndustrialChemicals and ground breaking levels ofparticulate protection (against biologicalhazards, radiological dusts and viruses) GSRalso combines a list of design features tooffer significantly reduced physiological andpsychological burden to the user, enhancedfield of view and easier communication. GSRplatform variants can now facilitate the useof positive pressure supplied air technologiesmeaning combination respirators forspecialist users incorporating SCBA, PAPR andsupplied airline in addition to negativepressure APR filters are possible.

The “M” Range ofCBRN Respirators and

FiltersThe M95 and M98 offer both military andcivil defence solutions to CBRN respiratoryprotection. The M’95 is a conventionalbinocular mask with drinking facilities and isideally suited to military and Civil Defencerequirements where personal weaponsighting is part of the requirement. The M98has an identical level of protection but witha large single visor offers a wider field ofview and better facial recognition, a featurethat can be important for crowd control andcordon duties.

Additionally Scott design and manufacture arange of filters to meet customer specifiedperformance requirements.

Self ContainedBreathing Apparatus

World leaders in Self Contained BreathingApparatus, Scott design and manufactureSCBA to both NIOSH and European CBRNstandards. Scott also specialise in theprovision of SCBA for damage control onships and include amongst their customersThe US Navy, The Royal Navy, The SwedishNavy and the Pakistan Navy.

Powered Air PurifyingRespirators

Scott have considerable long termexperience in the design and manufacture ofPAPR, indeed the first ever PAPR CE certifiedwas produced at their Skelmersdale UKfacility. This is further backed by their inhouse filter design and manufacturingcapability making them an ideal partner tofill operational capability gaps.

Emergency EgressBreathing Devices –

EEBDCompressed air, filtering and oxygengenerating escape sets form part of the Scottrange of escape hoods.Scott also have significant capability inThermal Imaging, Gas Detection, AirCompressors and Communications for firefighting and related applications.

Though LifeCapability

ManagementScott have also developed a full workingunderstanding of TLCM and understand theimportance of working across all the lines ofdevelopment, with the unified customer, todevelop the required capability.

www.scottsafety.comPictures: Courtesy of United States Navy and©Crown Copyright/MOD.

Reproduced with the permission of theController of Her Majesty’s Stationary Office.


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MILITARY SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGY T. +44 (0) 1392 881545 E. [email protected]


Smiths Detection is a world leader inproducts and systems to detect andidentify threats to our freedom,safeguarding society against terrorism andcriminality and protecting our emergencyresponders and armed forces.

Its technologies detect chemical andbiological warfare agents, explosives andnarcotics, including powerful X-ray imagingtechnologies to identify weapons andillegal goods.

Main Product Groups

Chemical AgentDetection

For military forces, the threat of chemicalweapons has existed for decades and canradically affect operations, particularly onland and sea. That threat is increasingly

spreading to the civilian population. Theability to detect an attack by chemicalagents or toxic industrial chemicals (TICs),rapidly, is therefore vital to protect thosein the front line and the public at large.

Smiths Detection is acknowledged as aglobal leader in chemical agent detection,offering individual products and fullyintegrated systems with highly sensitivedetection capabilities that are reliable,accurate and easy to use.


EquipmentWhen called to deal with a potentiallytoxic incident, emergency response teamshave to know what they are facing. SmithsDetection equips them with the mostadvanced technology, to face potentialthreats from unknown substances, withconfidence.

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Chemical identification equipment fromSmiths Detection is trusted by emergencyresponders, HAZMAT teams, lawenforcement, and federal & localgovernment agencies around the world,putting laboratory power that requiresminimal training into the hands ofemergency responders.

Explosives TraceDetection

Trace detection products from SmithsDetection are designed to detect thedeadly threat from explosive substances,through the rapid analysis (in around 8seconds) of samples taken on swabs.

Hand-held and table top equipmentanalyses trace particles on baggage orclothing.

Biological AgentDetection

Protection of troops against attack bybiological warfare agents has long been afocus for Smiths Detection, which hasdeveloped advanced bio detection suitesfor biological agent detection and nowacts as systems integrators on majorprogrammes, to defeat bioterrorism.

As the threat target has widened to thegeneral public, the technology has beenadapted and simplified to create fielddeployable instruments that offerlaboratory standard identification of bioagents, on-the-spot, with minimum delay.

X-ray SecurityScanners

X-ray scanner technology is a central fieldof expertise within Smiths Detection. X-rayinspection equipment plays an integralpart in scanning for explosives, weapons,narcotics and contraband such as

cigarettes and alcohol in baggage, mail andfreight.

The wide range of equipment enablesaviation security authorities, policeprofessionals, customs experts and otherprivate industry customers to optimisesecurity measures, non-intrusively.

More About SmithsDetection

The company is truly global with Researchand Development in six countries andsystems deployed from Alaska to NewZealand. These factors make SmithsDetection the perfect industry partner forgovernments in advancing technology todefeat the terrorist threat.

Smiths Detection takes science out of thelaboratory and puts it in the hands ofsecurity professionals. Its technologies arebuilt into products that safeguard those inthe front line and the public at large;protecting buildings and transport systems;screening everything from a ticket to atruck.

The products and systems are designed forthe real world and are based on a deepunderstanding of the real operationalenvironment faced by security and militaryprofessionals. An increasing activity forSmiths Detection is taking individualproducts and integrating them to formcomplete security solutions, includingnetworking, customised to individualrequirements.

Among the major users of SmithsDetection equipment are armed forcesand public service workers who needprotection against the growing threat ofchemical and biological agents; securityprofessionals who ensure our safety onboard aircraft or in public places; police

forces and customs officers combating arising tide of illicit narcotics; and theemergency services who are confrontedwith unknown threats every time theyattend an incident.

Some 220,000 chemical agent detectorshave been supplied to internationalgovernments, principally for use inprotecting military forces.

Smiths Detection has long beencommitted to eliminating threats atairports and on board aircraft, andprovides security solutions for mass-transitsystems and passenger terminals acrossthe world. More than 75,000 X-ray systemshave been sold worldwide and over 5,000trace detectors for explosives aredeployed in U.S. airports alone.

Smiths Detection systems provide similarlevels of security in government buildings,public facilities, vital utilities and high-profile sporting events.

For customs and border protection SmithsDetection offers complete x-ray systemsfor cargo inspection that scan singleparcels or fully loaded freight containers.Smiths Detection is one of five operatingdivisions of Smiths Group, a globaltechnology company listed on the LondonStock Exchange. Smiths employs morethan 23,000 people in over 50 countries.

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MILITARY SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGY T. +44 (0) 1392 881545 E. [email protected]

PROENGIN1. Rue de l’industrie78210 Saint Cyr l’Ecole, FRANCETel: (33) 1 30 58 47 34 / Fax: (33) 1 30 58 93 51E-mail: [email protected]

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MILITARY SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGY T. +44 (0) 1392 881545 E. [email protected]

Cobham UnmannedSystems – Successfulperformance at M-ELROB Cobham Unmanned Systems has picked up towinner awards at the 5th Military European LandRobot Trial 2014 (M-ELROB). The event, whichtook place in Warsaw (Poland), is in-tended toprovide the manufacturers of robotic systemswith the opportunity to present their productsin “… scenarios [which] have been developed inclosest co-operation with the military users and[to] reflect the up-to-date requirements of theforces.” [].

The participants in these events are very familiarwith the general tasks in the scenarios. Howeverthe exact setup and the conditions of the areaare unknown to them. The circumstances theyare in, when taking part in the event, cantherefore be compared to a real mission. Theyknow what they are expected to do, but theydo not know what it is they will encounter.

In order to see what the robotic systems arecapable of when really in a mission, one of the

rules is that the robots must be controlledwithout directly looking at the robot in thescenario. Being in an unknown area and havingno direct line of sight probably is what makesthe conditions so real and so different from thegeneral laboratory setup or self-made scenarios.At the M-ELROB 2014 the EOD robot telemaxwas twice the winner of best scenarioperformance. It came first in the categories“Reconnaissance and surveillance in non-urbanenvironment” and in “Reconnoitering ofstructures”. Cobham Unmanned Systems is veryproud to thus continue the long and successfultradition of telerob Gesellschaft für Fernhantierungstechnik mbH, that is now doing businessas Cobham Unmanned Systems, and achievedbest scenario performances at the previous M-ELROB in the categories “Reconnaissance andsurveillance – RSTA” (2010) and “InnovationAward(s)” (2010 and 2012).

However, these are not the only events

Cobham Unmanned Systems performed well

at. The EURATHLON, the civilian equivalent to

the M-ELROB, also aims at challenging robotic

systems with real world scenarios. At this event,

Cobham Unmanned Systems in 2013 performed

best in “Mobile manipulation for handling

hazardous material” and in “Search and rescue

in a smoke filled underground structure”.

Altogether this perfectly shows the capabilities

of Cobham Unmanned Systems robotic


The M-ELROB also conducts non-public

scenarios for EOD experts. This year the

“Reconnaissance and disposal of bombs and

explosive devices” scenario took place. The

results are for obvious reasons not publically

available but by looking at the performance in

the scenarios mentioned above you can guess

what Cobham Unmanned Systems has shown

in these scenarios. If you can prove a

professional interest and an expertise in the

EOD area the results may be shown to you

upon request.

Page 19: Military Systems and Technology Digital Newsletter


RefeRence PaRtneR foR cBRn Detection,SuRveillance & iDentification




Hovereye® EX



Bertin TechnologiesUSAWashington DC155 Gibbs Street20817 Rockville, MD, USATel.: 301 339 8103

FranceParis, HeadquartersParc d’activités du Pas du Lac10 bis, avenue Ampère78180 Montigny-le-BretonneuxTel.: +33 1 39 30 61 60

AsiaSingapour2 Kallang Ave#07-23/24 CT HubSingapore 339407Tel.: +65 6444 5256

[email protected]

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A New Recruit -PORTON MANMeet Porton Man, an articulated, roboticmannequin, designed and built by i-bodiTechnology for Dstl to test chemical andbiological (CB) protective suits and equipmentfor the UK’s Armed Forces. It is the latestmannequin development for i-bodi Technology,a company with 10 years experience ofdesigning and building military test equipmentfor various defence organisations such as DRDC(Canada), DSTO (Australia), DGA (France) andDstl (UK).

Unique in its capabilities, Porton Man isdesigned to accurately represent the militaryuser. Using state of the art technology, thiscomputer controlled mannequin is able to walk,march, run, sit, kneel and lift its arms as if sightinga weapon. Jez Gibson Harris, CEO of i-bodiTechnology said “Our brief was to produce alight-weight, robotic mannequin that had a widerange of movement, fitted the anthropometricdata and was easy to handle”. Porton Man wasproduced using chemically resistant, carboncomposite body parts. Weighing only 14kg, themannequin is far lighter than its predecessorswhich were less advanced and weighed 80kg.Dr Jaime Cummins from Dstl’s ProtectiveClothing, Chemical and Biological ProtectionDepartment said that “we will be able to assess

and characterise protective clothing in wayswhich were not previously possible. We areimmensely proud to have this mannequin aspart of our capability to protect against thethreat posed by chemical and biological agents”.I-bodi Technology have designed this roboticmannequin to have body sensors that are ableto record data during tests using live or simulantagents and carry out real-time analysis. Thiscutting edge technology will help design thenext generation of protective suits andequipment enabling them to be tested in arealistic but secure environment.

The team at i-bodi Technology have a wealth ofindustry experience and specialise in providingintelligent solutions. Mike Franklin, chief DesignEngineer at i-bodi Technology, was recentlyawarded the BEEA Design Engineer of the Year2014 and is testimony to his innovative designswithin strict commercial limits. Other projectsinclude; the design and build of a computercontrolled, sweating, heated head form (FARSS)to evaluate fogging and ice propagation in aircrew, military and first responder respirators;the Respirator Testing Head Form; the CBplusMannequin Technology System and FASTMAN,a Fully Articulated, Anthropometrically Correct,Sweating, Thermo-Regulated Mannequin. I-

bodi Technology are also specialists in DigitalBreathing Machines, which can be used inconjunction with head forms or mannequins tosimulate live participant breathing in respiratorand head-wear evaluation studies and similarapplications.

Philip Dunne, minister for defence equipment,support and technology, said, “This technology(Porton Man), designed by a British company isenabling the UK to lead the way in thisimportant testing. Increased investment inscience and technology by the MoD (Ministryof Defence) is not only enabling battle-winningand life-saving equipment to be developed butalso helping innovative companies like i-bodiTechnology to develop cutting edge capability”.


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Sapphire Suite of Products and Services Includes Latest Generation of T6 Radio; Key Features are Ease of Installation, Maintenance and SignificantReduction in Environmental Impact

LONDON – Sept. 16, 2014 – Northrop Grumman Corporation’s (NYSE: NOC) U.K.-based air traffic management subsidiary, Northrop GrummanPark Air Systems, today announced the introduction of a new line-up of air traffic control (ATC) communication products called Sapphire.

A photo accompanying this release is located at:

Sapphire is a solution-driven portfolio ofproducts and services aimed at providing ATCcommunication systems with componentsdesigned to ensure ease of purchase, installationand maintenance.

At the heart of the portfolio is the newgeneration of the world’s most widely deployedATC radio, the Park Air T6. The latest version ofthe T6 is a highly capable radio fully compliantwith Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), andEUROCAE Interoperability Standards for VoIPATM (ED-137).

Ease of installation and maintenance are keyfactors in the deployment of an effective ATCcommunication system. For the first time,Sapphire introduces a new cabinet architecturewhich allows a tool-free installation of allsystem components through the design of aninnovative mounting system for the newgeneration of radios, filters and ancillaries.

The radio has industry-leading environmentalfeatures, including reduced power consumptionand no hazardous materials in its construction.Half the size and weight of its predecessor, theall new T6 is the world’s most compact ATCradio solution.

Sapphire also includes the MARC Server, ahighly configurable internet browser-basedcontrol and monitoring system to monitor allthe Sapphire assets from desktops or tablets.

The Sapphire equipment range iscomplemented by an expanded suite of

support services that includes a new customerportal. This will enable customers to gainassistance, access technical information andtrack orders and repairs in real time.

Sapphire also includes tailored training throughthe Park Air Academy based in a new purposedesigned training centre at the company’sfacility near Peterborough, U.K. The Park AirAcademy offers the latest in e-learning andpractical courses centred on ATCcommunications theory, system design,implementation, maintenance and support.

To showcase the Sapphire suite of products and

services, the company has developed the ParkAir Sapphire App for tablets. This can bedownloaded for free use from iTunes andGoogle Play.

Northrop Grumman is a leading global securitycompany providing innovative systems,products and solutions in unmanned systems,cyber, C4ISR, and logistics and modernization togovernment and commercial customersworldwide. Please for more


MILITARY SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGY T. +44 (0) 1392 881545 E. [email protected]

Northrop GrummanLaunches New Air TrafficControl CommunicationPortfolio

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DISCOVERYSENTINELDiscreet protection with the legendary capability of a Land Rover.

Discovery Sentinel is the most capable of all the vehicles in the Land Rover Armoured range. It offers an outstanding breadth of off-road capability while providing B6 ballistic capability, which is

Almost indistinguishable from the non-armoured Discovery, it is deal for both VIP protection, support and escort roles, the Discovery Sentinel is an ideal platform for both police and security organisations.

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MILITARY SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGY T. +44 (0) 1392 881545 E. [email protected]

Barcelona, Spain - September 2014– Peli Productsannounces their support of the recent InvictusGames (held in London, in September) with thedonation of tough-as-nails Peli ProGear™ S145Sport Backpacks to more than 400 participatingcompetitors.

Over 400 competitors from 13 nations took partin the Invictus Games, an international sportingevent for wounded, injured and sick Servicemenand women. The Games focused on the power ofsport to inspire recovery, support rehabilitation,and generate a wider understanding and respectof those who serve their country. The event,championed by Prince Harry, was a celebration ofresilience and passion. The Games shine aspotlight on Armed Forces personnel and veteranswho have put their lives on the line for theircountry demonstrating how they and their familiesare valued, respected and supported. Forcompetitors, it was a memorable, inspiring andenergizing experience in their journey of recovery.

“Protecting the equipment of those that protectus has proudly been part of our core business formore than 40 years,” said Lyndon Faulkner,President and CEO of Peli Products. “It is anespecially great honor to be supplying our gear tothe brave men and women who have sacrificed somuch protecting all that we value.”

Peli ProGear™ Sport Backpacks are built with thetough DNA of any Peli product, yet are offered ina range of colors (black, orange and green) and

lightweight styles. The collection features light rip-stop nylon and a wide range of tablet and laptopprotection from Elite models with incorporatedwatertight, crushproof Peli cases to semi-rigid,water-resistant compartments. The Peli ProGear™S145 Sport Backpack includes an impactprotectedtablet sleeve with rigid front plate offering anadditional storage option to the 21-liter mainstorage unit. It also features an ergonomic, fast-access/top-load design with deep-ventilatedchannel back panel.

Peli Products SupportsCompetitors of theInvictus Games

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Copyright © 2011 Scott Safety. All Rights Reserved.


Scott Safety are world leaders in the design and development of Respiratory Protection Equipment (RPE). We have a detai led understanding of the physiological and psychological burden RPE can

place on users. That is why we test in the f ield. We apply what we learn there – as well as emerging research and technologies to every design to ensure superior capabil ity, functionality and comfort. Irrespective of whether your requirement is for CBRN protection, Breathing Apparatus

for EOD, USAR, Damage Control , Law Enforcement, Fire Fighting or for special ist applications Scott can meet your requirements- Comfortably












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Teledyne Coax SwitchesAnnounces New COAXSWITCH SERIES CCT-38 New Commercial NormallyOpen Multi-Throw CCT-38 SP10T Coax Switch T. +44 (0) 1392 881545 E. [email protected]

Teledyne Coax Switches introduces its new Series CCT-38 Coax Switch.The CCT-38 is a broadband multi-throw, electromechanical coaxialswitch designed to switch a microwave signal from a common input toany of 10 outputs. The CCT-38 Normally Open Switch coversfrequencies from DC to 12GHz and is available with 12, 15, 24 and 28 coilvoltages. Internal 50Ohm terminations make the CCT-38 switchessuitable for applications where unused ports must be terminated toeliminate noise.

The expansion of the CCT-38 Series reduce switch count from 3switches to achieve a SP10T (1 SPDT to 2 SP5T switches), thus being ableto offer smaller, price competitive switching solutions. The CCT-38 measures 3.10 x 3.10 x 2.77 inches and have a maximumweight of 9oz. (255.2g).

Customers may download the datasheet at

For more information, visit www.teledyne-europe.comor send e-mail to [email protected]

Teledyne Relays, a Unit of Teledyne Technologies Inc., has been theworld’s innovative leader in manufacturing ultraminiature, hermeticallysealed, electromechanical and solid-state switching products for morethan 50 years. The company’s comprehensive product line meets a widerange of requirements for Commercial, RF & Microwave,Communications, Test & Measurement, Industrial, Medical, Aerospaceand Military applications. In addition to Teledyne Relays, Teledyne CoaxSwitches offer a complete line of Coaxial Switches and Switch Matricescapable of low insertion loss, high repeatability, low intermodulation, 5million cycle life and high power switching.

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