milo yiannopoulos review

Milo Yiannopoulos “Exposed: The Secret Mailing List of the Gaming Journalism Elite” Review drafted by: The Sentinel TRUTH 6 | AVOIDANCE OF HARM 8 | INDEPENDENCE 20 | TRANSPARENCY 0 34/100 Seek Truth and Report It 4 out of 16 Goals Achieved. 6/25 Points awarded. “Take responsibility for the accuracy of their work. Verify information before releasing it. Use original sources whenever possible.” Cites GameJournoPros Google Group as a source on claim; “ Highprofile editors, reporters, and reviewers from heavyweight gaming news sites … us the private Google Groups mailing list ... ” This is an original source. Cites Kotaku article authored by Nathan Grayson as a source on claim; “ [Nathan Grayson] mentioned [Zoe Quinn] and her products in his reporting. ” This is a secondary source. Cites Breitbart article authored by Milo Yiannopoulos as a source to describe; “... the Zoe Quinn scandal. ” This is a secondary source. Cites photo published by Breitbart London as a source on claim; “ … Kyle Orland … [discussed] the Zoe Quinn Scandal. ” This is an original source. Cites Breitbart article authored by Noah Dulis as a source on claim; “ ... [Some Video game journalists] … have long [been] suspected [of] a persistent bias and unusual levels of cooperation and coordination from senior journalists. ” This is a secondary source. Cites photo published by Breitbart London as a source on claim; “ Polygon editor Ben Kuchera is seen on the list offering support to Quinn and chiding other writers for not actively doing the same. ” This is an original source. 1

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The Sentinel Wire reviews Yiannopoulos's article on GameJournoPros!


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Milo Yiannopoulos “Exposed: The Secret Mailing List of the Gaming Journalism Elite”

Review drafted by: The Sentinel



Seek Truth and Report It

4 out of 16 Goals Achieved. 6/25 Points awarded.

“Take responsibility for the accuracy of their work. Verify information before releasing it. Use original sources whenever possible.”

Cites GameJournoPros Google Group as a source on claim; “ High­profile editors, reporters, and reviewers from heavyweight gaming news sites … us the private Google Groups mailing list ... ” This is an original source. Cites Kotaku article authored by Nathan Grayson as a source on claim; “ [Nathan Grayson] … mentioned [Zoe Quinn] and her products in his reporting. ” This is a secondary source. Cites Breitbart article authored by Milo Yiannopoulos as a source to describe; “... the Zoe Quinn scandal. ” This is a secondary source. Cites photo published by Breitbart London as a source on claim; “ … Kyle Orland … [discussed] the Zoe Quinn Scandal. ” This is an original source. Cites Breitbart article authored by Noah Dulis as a source on claim; “ ... [Some Video game journalists] … have long [been] suspected [of] a persistent bias and unusual levels of co­operation and co­ordination from senior journalists. ” This is a secondary source. Cites photo published by Breitbart London as a source on claim; “ Polygon editor Ben Kuchera is seen on the list offering support to Quinn and chiding other writers for not actively doing the same. ” This is an original source.


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Cites photo article published by Breitbart London as a source on claim; “ Jason Schreier, a senior writer at Kotaku, can be seen defending Nathan Grayson, the journalist who admitted to beginning a sexual relationship with Zoe Quinn ... ” This is an original source. Cites photo published by Breitbart London as a source on claim; “ … Also on the secret mailing list are James Fudge, managing editor of, and Mike Wehner, a writer for the Daily Dot … and Yahoo, demonstrating [its] influence within the mainstream media ... ” This is an original source. Cites Breitbart article authored by Frank Ross as a source on claim; “ The revelation [of the GameJournoPros list] echoes the 2010 JournoList scandal, in which liberal reporters were caught colluding and smearing their ideological opponents ... ” This is a secondary source. ­­ Yiannopoulos’s article uses five original sources out of nine sources.

However, three of those five sources are screenshots from an alleged Google Group which exists, but cannot be generally accessed. Of four

secondary sources, three are articles from Breitbart London the publication who employs the writer. None of the original or secondary

stories are reviewed for their veracity. Each source is listed as confirmation of the claim made by Yiannopoulos.

This Goal was Not Achieved. – “Remember that neither speed nor format excuses inaccuracy.”

­­ While supposed screenshots of the alleged “GameJournoPros” list are included in the article, lack of review of those and other sources

within the work makes determination of its veracity impossible. While it is possible none of the sources are faulty, there is a lack of attention

to robust of verification of such serious allegations. This Goal was Not Achieved.

– “Provide context. Take special care not to misrepresent or oversimplify in promoting, previewing or summarizing a story.”

­­ Yiannopoulos in his work discussing a private online mailing list and suggests collusion and nepotism/cronyism with the gaming journalism

industry. He proposes that

“ Several prominent gaming journalists across America are part of a secret mailing list on which they discuss what to cover, what to ignore,

and what approach their coverage should take to breaking news … ”


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However, Yiannopoulos does not include comments from the alleged members of this group, nor does he mention having sought comment before the

article was published. Neither full context, nor fair representation can be gathered without some response from those whom allegations are being

leveled against. This Goal was considered a Total Failure.

– “Gather, update and correct information throughout the life of a news story.”

­­ Yiannopoulos provided a "paste dump" of the text of the e­mails he’d received from the group after receiving criticism of the evidence for his claims. However, Yiannopoulos either has not or cannot provide

more robust proof of either his access or the e­mails from this group, as has been requested.

This Goal was Not Achieved. – “Be cautious when making promises, but keep the promises they make.”

­­ Yiannopoulos did not make any promises in this article. This category will be removed from scoring.

– “Identify sources clearly. The public is entitled to as much information as possible to judge the reliability and motivations of sources.”

­­ Yiannopoulos does not directly reveal or mention the source for the majority of his claims. Yiannopoulos mentioned via Twitter that his

source would remain anonymous and implied he or she would face professional consequences if revealed, however he did not explain this

within the article or update it to include new information. This Goal was Not Achieved.


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– “Consider sources’ motives before promising anonymity. Reserve anonymity for sources who may face danger, retribution or other harm, and have information that cannot be obtained elsewhere. Explain why anonymity was granted.”

­­ Yiannopoulos states on his twitter that he will be preserving the anonymity of his source, suggesting they may suffer professional

consequences for their involvement. Yiannopoulos does not mention any of this on his article. In addition, in a later leak of the Group’s

directory, the person whose account is registered in the screenshot is plainly visible. It is unknown whether or not this accidentally revealed source is the same as the source used for this article. The source later claimed they were not bothered by the leak, but did not explain whether

or not they expected their identity to be revealed. This Goal was Achieved.

– “Diligently seek subjects of news coverage to allow them to respond to criticism or allegations of wrongdoing.”

­­ Yiannopoulos did not allude to having sought statements from any members of GameJournoPros, and does not include comment in this article.

This Goal was considered a Total Failure. – “Avoid undercover or other surreptitious methods of gathering information unless traditional, open methods will not yield information vital to the public.”

­­ The majority of background information comes from other widely­available articles written on this and similar topics. However, the meat of the article­­the GameJournoPros screenshots are claimed to

have been gathered by a member of the group, whose posts are closed from public view. Based on the allegations given in the article, this data, though gathered surreptitiously, is vital to consumers of gaming media.

This Goal was Achieved. – “Be vigilant and courageous about holding those with power accountable. Give voice to the voiceless.”

­­ In this article, Yiannopoulos posits that a ‘secret mailing list’ between influential members of the industry collude and conspire on what

stories are fit for public consumption. The claim is that these elite members are violating basic tenets of the journalist­consumer

relationship, and he is revealing those violations to consumers who would otherwise be clueless. It is clear he is speaking on behalf of the

general consumer in this article. This Goal was considered an Exceptional Success.


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– “Support the open and civil exchange of views, even views they find repugnant.”

­­ Yiannopoulos does not detail or describe any stated purpose for the Group, or interview any of its members for their perspective on its activities. Instead, Yiannopoulos says “High­profile editors, reporters,

and reviewers … use the private Google Groups mailing list … to shape industry­wide attitudes to events[.]”

This Goal was considered a Total Failure. – “Recognize a special obligation to serve as watchdogs over public affairs and government. Seek to ensure that the public’s business is conducted in the open, and that public records are open to all.”

­­ There is nothing in this article or topic that is relevant to this criteria.

It will be removed from scoring. – “Provide access to source material when it is relevant and appropriate.”

­­ Most source material is readily available and easy to access. While the screenshots of the GameJournoPros list are available, no robust

evidence to confirm they are legitimate is accessible. According to Yiannopoulos, to provide such evidence would endanger his source.

This Goal was Achieved.

– “Boldly tell the story of the diversity and magnitude of the human experience. Seek sources whose voices we seldom hear.”

­­ Yiannopoulos did not feature any voices in this article, other than his own and copies of leaked e­mails.

This Goal was considered a Total Failure. – “Avoid stereotyping. Journalists should examine the ways their values and experiences may shape their reporting.”

­­ Yiannopoulos does not stereotype or caricature those members alleged of collusion. However, in using language such as “High­profile

editors, reporters, and reviewers … use the private Google Groups mailing list … to shape industry­wide attitudes to events,” and “The

GameJournoPros emails appear to confirm widely­held suspicions that video game journalists operate with one voice and collude on major issues”

could suggest to readers that these members are not only behaving inappropriately, but also hold sinister intentions. Without any statement from those against whom this is alleged, it is impossible for readers to

see or understand any context. This Goal was considered a Total Failure.


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– “Label advocacy and commentary.”

­­ Prior to this article being posted, Yiannopoulos voiced his support of the #GamerGate movement, who the members featured in this article were opposed to. He did not reveal this bias in the article.

This Goal was considered a Total Failure. – “Never deliberately distort facts or context, including visual information. Clearly label illustrations and re­enactments.”

­­ Yiannopoulos does not distort facts, however, his failure to include any response or additional detail from one side of the exchange

by default distorts the context of the situation. This Goal was Not Achieved.

– “Never plagiarize. Always attribute.”

­­ Yiannopoulos does not plagiarise his work. However, he did not attribute any of his sources.

This Goal was Not Achieved.


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Minimize Harm

2 out of 6 Goals Achieved. 8/25 Points awarded.

“Ethical journalism treats sources, subjects, colleagues and members of the public as human beings deserving of respect.”

“Balance the public’s need for information against potential harm or discomfort. Pursuit of the news is not a license for arrogance or undue intrusiveness.”

­­ As a matter of necessity, Yiannopoulos does name certain members of the GameJournoPros group. In addition, he also inevitably mentions Zoe Quinn, the subject of the e­mails in question. However, in naming them

Yiannopoulos does accuse Quinn of not only infidelity, but also of participating in the ethical failings of a journalist, whom he does not

name. This Goal was not Achieved.

“Show compassion for those who may be affected by news coverage. Use heightened sensitivity when dealing with juveniles, victims of sex crimes, and sources or subjects who are inexperienced or unable to give consent. Consider cultural differences in approach and treatment.”

­­ In the center of this controversy is Zoe Quinn, a game developer who is accused of having intimate relations with a journalist who covered her some time close to when they had a relationship. Yiannopoulos also makes

accusations against her. He states, “developer Zoe Quinn had a sexual relationship with at least one prominent games journalist ­­ a journalist

who had mentioned her and her products in his reporting.” He does not name the journalist in question, nor explain why Zoe Quinn, specifically,

was brought up rather than the journalist she allegedly slept with. This Goal was considered a Colossal Failure.

“Recognize that legal access to information differs from an ethical justification to publish or broadcast.”

­­ While the information posted by Yiannopoulos was not illegal, or illegally obtained, it is possible that its being published without

context or comment from those featured in it could be considered unethical, or at least worthy of more careful consideration by the

author. This Goal was not Achieved.


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“Realize that private people have a greater right to control information about themselves than public figures and others who seek power, influence or attention. Weigh the consequences of publishing or broadcasting personal information.” ­­ Yiannopoulos does not publish or link to private information of any of

his subjects in this work. He does however mention allegations of infidelity and collusion.

This Goal was Achieved. “Avoid pandering to lurid curiosity, even if others do.”

­­ This piece details insider information on industry response to a sex scandal. Yiannopoulos avoids discussing details of this scandal and

focuses on its fallout. This Goal was Achieved.

“Balance a suspect’s right to a fair trial with the public’s right to know. Consider the implications of identifying criminal suspects before they face legal charges.”

­­ This story does not feature legal proceedings. It will be removed from scoring.

“Consider the long­term implications of the extended reach and permanence of publication. Provide updated and more complete information as appropriate.”

­­ The article states that “[high]­profile editors, reporters, and reviewers … use the private Google Groups mailing list … to shape

industry­wide attitudes to events,” and “The GameJournoPros emails appear to confirm widely­held suspicions that video game journalists operate

with one voice and collude on major issues[.]” While readers may find the statements included in the e­mails to be troublesome, there was no

options for them to consider responses from those members in question. In addition, there was no additional context for the e­mails included within

the article. This Goal was Not Achieved.


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Act Independently

4 out of 5 Goals Achieved. 20/25 points awarded.

“The highest and primary obligation of ethical journalism is to serve the public.”

– Avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived. Disclose unavoidable conflicts. ­­ Yiannopoulos did not reveal his connection to the movement #GamerGate,

which was critical of Zoe Quinn and opposed by the featured members of GameJournoPros.

This Goal was Not Achieved. – Refuse gifts, favors, fees, free travel and special treatment, and avoid political and other outside activities that may compromise integrity or impartiality, or may damage credibility.

­­ There is no evidence that Yiannopoulos participated in any of these actions, in the creation of this article.

This Goal was Achieved. – Be wary of sources offering information for favors or money; do not pay for access to news. Identify content provided by outside sources, whether paid or not.

­­ There is no evidence that Yiannopoulos participated in any of these actions, in the creation of this article.

This Goal was Achieved. – Deny favored treatment to advertisers, donors or any other special interests, and resist internal and external pressure to influence coverage.

­­ There is no evidence that Yiannopoulos participated in any of these actions, in the creation of this article.

This Goal was Achieved. – Distinguish news from advertising and shun hybrids that blur the lines between the two. Prominently label sponsored content.

­­ There is no evidence that Yiannopoulos participated in any of these actions, in the creation of this article.

This Goal was Achieved.


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Be Accountable and Transparent

0 out of 5 Goals Achieved. 0/25 points awarded.

“Ethical journalism means taking responsibility for one’s work and explaining one’s decisions to the public.” 0 out of 5 Goals Achieved. 0/25 points awarded. – * Explain ethical choices and processes to audiences. Encourage a civil dialogue with the public about journalistic practices, coverage and news content. ­­ Throughout his involvement with #GamerGate, Yiannopoulos has taken the position of there needing to be stricter ethical standards in the gaming journalism media, and a greater discussion of that topic in journalism at­large. Yiannopoulos has not specifically detailed his own ethical

standards, but has appeared available to respond to his past reporting. However, as is explained in greater detail below, he has reacted strongly

to questions about his ethical behavior as well. This Goal was Not Achieved.

– * Respond quickly to questions about accuracy, clarity and fairness.

­­ Some featured members of the GameJournoPros group responded to Yiannopoulos’s articles with concerns over representation, specifically stating that they were not approached for comment before the article was published. Yiannopoulos did not and has not responded robustly, if at

all, to their concerns. In addition, when some of his evidence was questioned by journalist Liana Kerzner, he insulted her, but later

apologized. This Goal was considered a Colossal Failure.

– Acknowledge mistakes and correct them promptly and prominently. Explain corrections and clarifications carefully and clearly.

­­ Please see the above. This Goal was Considered a Colossal Failure .


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– * Expose unethical conduct in journalism, including within their organizations.

­­ The purpose of this article was to expose evidence to support allegations of collusion and corruption in the gaming journalistic media.

However, Neither Breitbart, nor Breitbart London have written codes of journalistic ethics, and Yiannopoulos has not advocated for their

inclusion at any time. This Goal was Not Achieved.

– * Abide by the same high standards they expect of others. ­­ Having achieved 44% of the goals in previous categories, Yiannopoulos

has failed to even approach the standards he expects from others. This Goal was Not Achieved.

Each article is judged according to the level of adherence to a code of ethics as provided by the Society of Professional Journalists. Each category presents a goal, and the piece (or in specific cases the author) is judged to have achieved or not achieved the goal, according to a review of evidence as provided by the work or author’s history.

The author is considered to have achieved the goal if they or their work adhered to all aspects of the code in that category. The author is considered to have not achieved the goal if any part of the code is not fully adhered to in that category. In instances where the author clearly expended exceptional effort to adhere to the code of ethics they will achieve an exceptional success in a category. In instances where the author fails to achieve any aspect of the code, their efforts will be considered a total failure. In instances where the author grossly violated the code, or showed clear disdain for ethics in their writing or behavior, their efforts will be considered a colossal failure.


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Disclaimer: It's important to remember that ethics in journalism is a complex issue, and adherence to a single code is not an accurate measure of whether or not a journalist is ethical. That being said, the score given by The Sentinel is a

measure of adherence to the SPJ's code of journalistic ethics. It should be treated as a starting point for greater discussion and accountability, rather than "proof" of unethical behaviour. No part of the Code is enforceable in any legal sense. The Sentinel Wire will never agree to label a journalist as unethical due to a score assigned by it, during review. In addition, The Sentinel Wire does not encourage or support the taking of negative action against anyone

reviewed or mentioned in its writings.

In short, The Sentinel does not care about your petty human drama, and will not participate in it.

* Several comments in the “Transparency” section are in review of the journalist’s overall behavior in response to certain criteria. Points earned in this section are applied to all articles in the journalist’s selection of works.