mi(mkim,%hl^ {upnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031529/1815-07-25/ed-1/seq-2.… · 2 do. fine...

«m l 3^m^t0mS>* HALE, "S now receiving, at his CASH STOBJ;, oppo* _* site Meww, Memi* tf Jteattf rBootf-ShroxK, ^extensive! assortment of k > Fresh] Imported Goods, I r Among-which. «re 1$0 piece* Cidicos,frob| 84 Shawls, v JSStoSOcehtoperyd, Large Imitation, do.'. :s , >'[ #- - ». r * m -, i - u- Z f: I ; ' i 30 ps super undre*bed * da. . ,, 25p»,Birmturedo. 1,0 prBengal Stripes* , 2 0 p* elegant plaid & , *tripeGtogham*, 80 pa, 64/Cambrics h from4#6tul0*6per yd, * , * 4 40 ps '4-4do.from.3a6 " to7*6;./ > .SppsfencyjUnoWua ' lio, from 2t6 to 10« per yd, iLactf and corded Cam- bric do. f - Jaconet and Lappet do. Cluster Seeded, dp," A few piece* Purl Fet, '. Lace ^ A V b l p Net Oauie, , ; . . Harness & plain Mus- Cambric and cotffmon 20 ps British Shirting, 10 pstfine Colwdndo. [IffthUftOlli* Marseilles .Vesthigi Cottoir Cfc*simers auo Velvets,, ' ;Cottow & Silk Hosiery, Beaver St Silk Gloves, • Fancy Cotton <H and &R0GERIE&. 20 cheats- Hyson" Skin *3" dot Spice, & 6do..!lysonTeiuj, which w& be Sold by the chest itthe tfew * York prices, 30001b. ColFee, 2 hhdsT Jaimaica, and 2 do".St."Crol£ Rum, 1 pipe ttfal Cognac ' Brandy,' !L do. Spanish do. 1 do; Holhtnd Gin, ^ 10 cases, of a'superlor quality, do. 1 pipe .Madeira,^ » 2 do, Sicily* > ? 1 do. Sheeny _> ? jlO~ v boxes first <jaaH*y long cork Claret do 3-hhds brown andlump Sugars, ~ 3 do. Molasses, 6 bag* Pepper, o^4 Damask Cotton do. 8-4 Levantine a&d'Mo* rence Silk Shawls, Gentlemen's fancyCra- vats, , i Madras* Hdkfs,, Cotton' ihtg do: I Fancy Pocket do, Black Silk Barcelona do, f Plaid Silk do. 11 Lu9tnpgs, Sinchews, i Levantine Silks^ Crapes, Ribbons and Laces, 15 ps Bbmbazetts as- sorted colors, _ '"' Black, fciue, drab-and mix'd superfrliroad- cloths, ! Plain and Angola. Cas- sim'ers,. fashionable coloi's, i i* SaUmett und Bedford ^ Cord% ' Heel, wliite,»ndi yellow Flannels & Baize*, 150 ps AmcricariCotton Goods, consisting of .* Checks, and Plaids, Stripes & Tickings,' 300Olh. Cotton Yarn, from JXoA to**?*' Jftsfothe WymH<*$ Cmtinel Though tjiejwb|e,queot Sl^ng; wjas fvmg ; at.a party cel^bratwn^'5ft^ consjdef it entirely w#*ti& *«#h; gbiy -memm* we thank the laic authoress $* m §opf con\hiutu> * c a i e c k » . ! ; ' 1 '^ '' j . - ; 'For ifa 4th of iftfe* 18t6ki *he:\ Mirth Bay of ' Rowsol^'#'f«;C?«?^r4»^ . Strike! strike $ie chord rr^i|?e5raisfe the . .',strain I. | : • • l : l- '(•• Let joy re-ecb,o|f0imd eacit plai^ ,l%tr ; 'banners-be unjiM'd} t '> • , Hail! lkdtuetef v^e«teUiiWlMne ? « LyndonJraher* If The uejtt-oi s d r e ^ ^ U * ^#^y 1 With-*h1* h^ crossed t % mui-toaf*- 'Qiliger, fiottle & keg Mustftra, Starch, IjOgwOv'd, Ifscaragua, Copj^ras, Alkm> 5 harels 'Connecticut Mess SSiadr ^ do, Salmon, 10 kegs Virginia sweet scented Xobacct», 3 do, very superior C* 1 - vend|l«li (LUf, S do. Tail* 2 do. fine Twis|t dp. 4bhls.LoriUar4 l sifine cut do. I 50 bottles jvraepbay Snuff, 500 lb. Scotch do. 2Q. boxes. Spanish Ci 8 do. Pipes. -ji general assortment of HARD WARE, Amortg which are 1 boxWaiters, contain in^l0doz.fromSi6 to 48*-each* English battle & Amer- ican Powder, r 20 casks Cut. Kails, as sorted, '; 50 boxes 9 by 7 and 10 by 8 Glass, - 50 P^cut Brads, TMiik Swedei, and 3 10001b. American Steel, 5001b. English Hoop L do. warranted,' ' 2501b. German do. in small bars, \ 30 doz. Waters* grass Scythes, at ip* each, 12 doz. Sickles,' - Aisa^ ^200 "Looking Glasses, from one dol- lar to t#entp.,; .is sublime -Toptlbfish Jove%de«i i jee, Ck>hin)hkft6'theew ! dof t>me,n Shall feurish>mm'V and FREE. Hail I hail! the llay wheil -hafli^ in hatid, , 1 VATttlOTS andjaER^I^gl^rious band, '. Bfewii\VMb*solelinnYow, , - , Ffefdamtopwroh^eor.tip dif*|.. While Jove's ow^irdrWiith mmg eye ireli*d.#etHhetc-6lietV^iif* brow. jSeltdnMs ; m.art i«l cptrions; «pun4 „ ^Tb^p^listrJ'ttVefsdec.ree.f: . Colunibtal shall to-d'ay bfe orown'd , •. -,.' A 1S4m QKE^T l f liEK. iHvk! liftii I tliis woodtods c^lch tlieiirairj, Pan and his Sjfl«lans beat the plain •JttK wild fentastic roumtl; j White •&&&. tkiustlc pms iinjd bowers, Tlie vkicm ti'akjfiing od'rotts powers, And eheelttfiil rebeckis sound Chaitc ftibl^nyni|hsvvi|h tunefulhorn -' itte-edlxo lovers ^cwcli " ' A na*loh has thisday beien bovn-i— " Coluijitiia 6KSAT and Fiiee. On our primeval m&TIBttS?* *w».v«, I^t^reedom , s[bknnersp : li-otidl) r |w'ave, rmmortal Jbc their name r" nd1 sound i the cli^e,tet;cannon war, v hill to hillj'-from stiipr* to inshore, 'o celebrate their Rime« j' OldJeptiuie bMs hisjmoiii spunj Jove's hiandate o'er tliaSea; Cotumtiia must e'l'en here becrown'd v VICTfaKIOUS, GHE4T and FBEB. All ToTiofaiim the gveat ktthgghfar Jsrfir- pendmce.' . . | ' *- To^eisei? with,*gixidislortment of Mi(MKim,%Hl^ {up ^^v*&oVe ^Socds: ~i0 %c* sold cheap f t^pnp::v^':- --;ii, •••>.. o..-|. •' '• ' •• thfe^ftesi^BBMITim paidfor^GOLDand '•*&$:'.X •'.'•••."•.. - i ; iVv'. -J:•*-••' . : .':.,J$f:^Bj.; K,-^tMM^ ^aixhid;L one •who^s-.ac- qa|&t<?d Wl^ mercantile business. - |Also>^an '"bfymftU^ i Apply as-poveV- . . - . ' . ", . ^naa^fguiy July If; I6l5. -, Wt A Deist, thinking to silepce' a Chris- tian, hj Vmxpr and Knotty qwesiions, in- quired—<* What is fo\it I6OD!" *J Sfzirihi" says the Christian^ "• How large is he ?' " w large m tofillimmwtcy, and so sTftal\ as to dwell in the humble and contrite heart" Blemefttsi/of * Agricultural -Chemistry, by >ffi$$fe\ Hislbry off England., li-otn the ;i earliest period to the c&se of tlievear ;?-3/-j;'jt®^siss.*»ts|_,•!'.:.\ '". . • ." •*,,. »^nedj5(ia^eej;drihe Fair^oF 1hc,;:i9th\Cen£W'! "*' ""•r^i,b^iS.Mth0#ot'^* ; ^B' ifvVl&intlh - W'$v0*£'):'~:. '•-*" l - V : >v v ;-..! I ' -• i ,The.ieier^Sf^ss&t'anfct W&edition,, ' ••* .Bevptionil S0ntiium. or a. c^llictloft of *-;?.-" f '^Ks*' itAClTOL-BAlsE^B^ -'with iai a'c^ •, ;coB^Qrhe^;j^-^-: v ^ i c c ; ^ - ' ' -- : «« :-4,..- -i,3^riCft4«.--* : ,•. ••-•7.^i:^~?t-,:.->-.i\ '- l . .•* "fm&As*.oniEarnassu,s^',J?y' Iticmcfc ^«'»- :: ': ^ f B t / o f the O t e r s i^tailrjed'i«itm A^ttiy ' - : ^ Mf-ih6 United Sites'. •' ^rkftte&ctsv'*'. •••.' 3&V^urofe=dP ; tb^La%<|rof?ttii# SSat& '.r '•> .*: •^d.^A;Ve^- i v con#ide^bie'^ stock of^RE^&iaus, Miacsiau^Eous, JUIKI Cijk^- •i^j^-3jtiiJ'idsi^'*" ;'v."'..'J! •.i.*V^~-',v"; -:., ^ i -—^ - » a > ; wbjtch f w m - be 1 'sold • -hy rtim It is not ijrij general the |want of evi- dence, but thejwant olfvif'tiife, that makes men infidels |; jlet thcim ceade to be wick- ed, aind theyj^ill soon ceasjs to be tinbe- lievers. «I(: (is with) the hejart^sayaSt Paul (not with the head) " [that man be- iieveth unto; |righteaubes£. M * Correct the heart, anjdj all will go ri^ht.-—Uxiless the soil is gioOd, all the scied you cast upon it will hi wasted fy Vain. In the parable of tjhe so wen* w^ ftnd^ that the only seed which cawnS to perfection, was that which tell on good gi'oiind, on an honest and a |good hieait. I This is the •'first and mora essential requisite to be- lief. Unbelievers coimplaih of the mys- teries.of-revelation f but y/e have the .highest autlloKty for saying, that in gen- eral, the^ onjI)f tnystery which prevents them from freceivisg it, k the mystery of iniquity. ! I , - (| We are apt to mistake <\ our vocation by Jookin^ 0pt»of *h© way' for occasions to exercise tgreat and iwp virtues; and by stepping joVer tlno§4. Ordinary ones which lie directly in the; r^ad before us. When we ifeadj we fan^ytwe could be nmartyrs, andf when we cpme to act we cannot eveii bear a protoUihg ^vord. .JPrkih a late Maryland paper. Three rjie|n from K e 4 Island, Were |shingjforI)iurn off toy e Pointjin about $$ feet wate:y and having been there a cohsidefable tim^ Without'success, at length Haycock, chte bfi he party, felt something t^ove hfs jtfnfy arid upon dewing 5 it itkfbund thait he:ha.d brought tip a large I f arthin ju'g, aritl his £o*ok with the bait within it,-$ wliich being unable tQexbicat^, he jjVpke the jug in piece;*,, .^lieh, to hiis ujitejr surprise and IstoijHKmit he discovered a large cat* 'fis'h s 'vM;'-ir|c)h:es:-'in- lettgtjb, w h i c h had _ L r .._ fwi . '•' i^i.^:, ",'- r .;'.'-!L:\-.~ ii...'ii.i-'r. ,.: . i c ...v • r - a...i.,.j>7.iT..-. - '*aleai"-{Csitt^',ad.vfen,cfe* €ot readj? 'Spay\onte . ^ f ^ ^ p l l ^ f 'SUMMd^ prj(#l-'Mu^' MmfW^Mnki ^F^-»a^':aM:|Levantih«i i o w e ' d h i s j^ti;ok w i t h t h e b a i t . It is sup- posed tji^ ju^ T*as^icsst frorti s o t a c v « s s e i ? M tev v M]««uU^ftt1l)e : .bobm inn "^ei'pendlipdlir^kuatliony tti6 fish:-entered itWhenJswi^if ^wd bein^ at^acted by sottietliln^ ^i It* oiv hpt %m% able to jiusd its #a^*ou^ eipntin^ied thei-e until gmwn' tooJliirge to||et6ul at its mouth \ a"hd the biiJL having: accidentally fallen Into itV wa^seiied Avkji'avidity by the: |slh JTUi.jjugj irtltet l a b been a long ilicbe -at thje bottom, 'as. ihere were very long grass, i and suverM! lat|e • oyatcri .-adheiding imu ]:•••••''/ "Wjt%a-f "pmt *rtlcJN»i -.ii»Mv-ii«%M # u * l $ i itfiTiitjaii|Wfft< ^ Pi _ ^ , * i l ^ ^ # & - dpiii W - in ^ o % . i f #- fflE f4)l«i W fllE ISLES, ] It 1$ said that this Poem was* t#der{a< ken long befbl'e « Ro^by,** and tbauts subject m$ i favorite one with the au- thor, at ajveify early period of hb poet- icEsl career. ; The latter report^ a^tj least, is not. at all improbable; for whajt poet of 1 Scotland |» ihere, from BarbpUir to Burns, who has not, at some time br oth- er> been fivell with th<*. i.dca of .celebrat- ing;the hetoie deeds ofJRobert Bruce,the deliverer of his country ? 'Such theme must h&ve 14 £ 1 very;potent claims oh the attention of Mtv $cott, referring, as it does to thos0 times of chivalry which H has been lm delight tQ contemplate and presenting Scenes with which his -fc»'-, tile and well sloped fancy has been! Jong familiar, It has the attraction also of presenting••» noblef class of characters, than any of ,his former subjects J and Of editing.interest by a mm of striking and glorlon^ events, Very susceptible of fictitious prnament. It, m' no Wonder, then, th#! « P f eiercisitig his; powers on aworU Of a totally diftetent chaftac- iePv^lF' icOtt^hould have resumed thi^ undertaking. ivitli redoubled vigor j and catchmg, as* it.Avere, a strain of [loftier inspiration among the wilds Where Qs- siah sung, should have cbrnpleted it in a style moi"? uniformly excellent than that of his ^therc works. It is very evi- dent ttmi l^e felt, wfiile compo^ihg this P6em, all the freedom and ease result- ing from conscious self-superiority. The Poem, is written in the author's accustomed; measure, each canto being preluded by a few Spenserian stanzas,, the sojemn, march of which serves to gi\ e a lively effect to the more rapidly flowing numbers in which the story is told. At the commencement of the first canto, there is a kind of morning salutatiurij sung by the minstrels in the hall of Artpnish, to Edith of Lorn, the destined brpde of' Ronald, the Lord of the Isles, on the day' fmetl for their nuptials:— " Wake, Maid of Lorn!" 'twas thusthey sung, And vet more fwoud the descant Ming, , " Wake, Maiii of Lorn?" high right is ours, TO charm dull sleep from Beauty's tower* ; - forth,flceanjiAir, have nought m shy Bat owns the jower of Minstrelsy. In Lettermoreithe tijnid deer "' ' Will pause, th^harp'8 wild chime to hear* Rude Heiskar's.ieal through surges dark, Will long "pursue the minstrel's bark; To list his notes the eagle proud , Will poise him'oa Ben-Cailliach's cloud. Then let not maiden's ear disdain The stirantoriB of the minstrel train \ But while our harps wild music make, Edith of Lorn, awake, awake! <*0! wake, while dawn, with dewey shine, Wakes Nature's charms to .vie with thine! She bids the inottled thrush rejoice, To match thV melody of voice. j The due thatf on the violet lies, : . ' Mocks die dark lustre of thine eyes 1 But, Edith, wake! and all we see Of sweet and fair shall yield to thee." ; The Lady, however, does not appear*, and Ferrand, the chief of the minstrels, bids his brethren choose a softer theme, more suited to the emotions which, the thought of the approaching ceiemony is likely to have occasioned* " Wake, Maid of Lorn! the momeijits fly } Which yet that maiden name allow—- Wjake, maidpn, wake'. the hour is high When Love shall claim a plighted vow. By Fear, thy bosom's fluttering guest, By hope, that soon shall fears remove, We bid thee break the bonds of rest, . And wake thee at the call of Love. •* Wake, Edith, wake! in yonder bay Lies many a galley, gaily mann'd; We hear the merry pibroch's play, We see the streamers' silken band. What Chieftain's praise these pibrocks swell? What crest is on those banners wove?, The harp, the minstrel dare not tell— The riddle must be read by Love." The Lord of the Isles arrives in great pomp with his fleet, but Edith's appre- hensions of his indifference to her affec- tion are cohfiitned, by his behaviour at the banquet given previous to the arri- val of the Abbot, Who is to perforin the ceremonyi At this banquet jthree straw* gers. are introduced, as seeiing refuse from adverse winds^ which had driven their bark unddr the rock of Artonish. They s prove to be Robert Bruce, his brother Edward, and his sister Isabel. In her Ronald recognises the Lady who had! won his heart at a tournament at WoqflstoqK. A tremendous quarrel arises among the Chieftains, respecting the "outlawed and banished monarch; tfc^aBpeai Co tiro Abbot on his arriyaj, wliP", seized with.-a. kind of trauce, prp- toounces , a prophetic benediction . on Bruce and his cause. The nuptials are tin; iiias ; 3for rose in peifce the fifend LOW 6ne caitiff died upon tus siword-^ And one beneath his grasp liea-proife brought abemt without considerabledilBl* culfy. His Excellency the Oovernofl was decidedly opposed to it,„audd'araii' he ' coukl to defeat it| he seemed & ' -5 n mortal grapple overtrirown, jut while LOfdBonaid'is dug^ But «c- dFa»1t' file life-blood from his paht-MM- SX nfc, The father-ruffian, of the h*m .' Behind Mm reks a coward hand! . --—o for a inomphfs atd, ! Till Bruce, who deals no double Blow, Dash to the earth another ftttejj I . . Above-his comrade-l^d,?': j And it is ga'm'd—the captive sprung , On the rais'd *W$ and closely clung; . And erehe shook him loose, The masterWelon pi'esk'd the ground, And gasp'd beneath a mortal wouiid, ' Whil0 o'er him «tands t^eBmce/' , Edward $oon after jolnsj the^i with news of i very favorabfe IO^OFE, upon which Honaid determines to raise all hisJslesmen in the liing^s fafdr. Their voyage i | described Watli gr<?|ac spirit ? came'inoijiy at the eleventh hour,,:, On the ether hand the claimHk>f^thejfMsv conveat weie. streauously tlrged byitajk* Honor the BJCTATOR, Who, on thi f occasion, left Albany aivd came down «r ' procure the Mayoralty of New^-York, , lor his bosom friend, Hebcggcd^b^ entreated, he ci/njured, and he appealed ^ to his Excellency's recollection whether^ he himself, (his-Honor the Dictator) h«d not fjiven more than a thousand proofs 4tow invaluable were l^ie sefvkei,'bOvr j bitter the tcsenUTients against fbrmcii , ftiends, how relentless the persecution!" of them, that might be expected JVom% true apostate from federalism? *Lheap- peal was irrcsi&tible, and lus ExCellenc|r could bold cut i,*r longer. ' feuspend^ed. Thus is formed the nodus. jea* of ^4. guns, o^ly'ftjsui?years, and a umu, f^ontractifhipj w»i taken in^o dock-tat* l*w% at PJyinouthr >M wa| found lis 4 **pid smtc of decaf In every p*rt>* j Many mlM ship;* ar* ah^ in a ^ttc of -pfdmitnm decay* "and th$wiiT co»ti«u« t a m the eiasc, while woodiqtiite gr«#n fromJ"ftfrfoifettfei iuffered to be put -tott>•&*. »fii^s. It h a* fact well 1mmt&t«*4>r /tt$nit mb*m that «tr«e* p ^ ^ t f c l ^ ^ g i ^ h ^ fereit, awd tiitf#jia|iifer»^iii|)6^i5nt|iartt of mt J»JJd b^lwukl^Undon fiaficr. of the story, which in the sequel ii very Skilfully tmravelled. ''•-!.. foi the third canto, there is a striking description uf a wild scene ,)h the Isle Of S k y e , whither Bruce and. Ronald « # repaired^ to miture; the great en- terprise, which is to i*sto^,the King to his throne. They ipeet: W«lr five mn of sava«j^ and suapicjou* appearance, who invite them to.Cake shelter in their hutfot the night* A qaptlvii dumb boy there, w^rni the itrangfri fcy signs, to beware* pf tfaeir bpitf.; They retire, iletermiinttgt^ watch and reit by turiis. Toward tnqrhwg, ^hiit AJh^i, the pake of Ronald, it e t c h i n g , Jbei* »ttd>b«d by on* U th# mmmi th# e*ptiv« bpf [screittng, and All*», calling? on bit ma** ;fwv*ibcjifcm»r Th* jfaDtfj* i» ii» m, mmauWof thUwivwttfrfJ . 8wh5hMr>t«tb««Ur.kD^dh»^d; - "Merrilyj jn^rriiyigoes the bark, . Before the:gale'she bounds: So darts, the dolphin from she shark- er deer; before the hounds j . 1. Th^left.Touch-TuaoftJdiehTl^e, . An<dtiiey wakened ihe men of the wild Tiree, AndtheXJbief of the Sandy Cjoll. They pau^'d not'at Colurtb^s isle Though.peal'dthe bells Irojtt the holy pile," "Widxlo;ngiand mea»ur*d toll; j Ko, time for niatin, or forttiassi| And the sounds of the holy summons pass Away in the billow's roll, tochbuie's fierce and warlike lord, . Their signal saw and grasp'd jhia sword; And verdant Hay call'-d her host?~ And the clps of Jura's ruggedpoast Lord B!onald's call obey, j , . AndL Scbarob?« isle, whose tortuf*d shore. Still rings| to Corri'vreken's roarj, ] And lonely Golonsay" ' To these extracts we Laye not room to 3dd, the desgription "of fjie battle of Bannockbdrn. Those whoi remember the' animated picture of' HJ/ie JFzeld of jFlo4dm f m MarmoTi) will'easily con- ceive with what spirit, and force of col- oring, Mr. Scott iras painted tjhi? signal and meinorable triumph ol his country, From the Philadelphia. JQailt/ Advertiser, of July $. j GelebraMon of Independenee. Afew Old. Whigsrfth^ Revolution^ (whojse services Lave been forgotten, to. accommodate some new fledgjed and imported patriots) got together yester- day to talk over affairs in the rime that « tried menT3Qul$"-»-%b,ey partoOK of a plain repast^ and afterwards drank the following Toasts ;•— j 1. This 4thiof Jfuly, 1776-j-It deliver. e*dus from British idbsation-4—xii^y it ne- ver be forgotten, j j 2. The last Congress—We have it in remembrance.' ! ; 3. The'Boot tax—It finches our toes. 4. The; Hat tax—3t gives us the head ache. I .'•'•'' 5. The Land taxr-It sciOrtensi our crops of profits. 6. Tile Leather tax—W© feci hide bound. ! •••}•• ,. 7. The Snuff tax-—I| makes our eyes water. - t , ' 8. rThe Scgar tax^~W e ^M P u ff f h6m no more. , i . : • 9. The Carriage tax-^-A heavy di*ag. 10. The Whiskey tax^Huzza! for Albert Gallatin. I 11. The hand Writing for all these things, vbfitt be upon the Wall I 12. The Saddle tax—They have rode lis lohgj enough. - { 13*. The 'Bridle tax—-though intended to affeqt our jap t we wiil sjieck our minds.:: 14. The Whip tax—« A Rod for the Fool's back." ' 15. The Furpiture tax-r-As merciful as the voracious creditor, Who takes hold of ercry t^jng but our Beds / 16. The W atc h tax—Legalized ticks to suck our pockets. if. The Stamp Apt—jBunker Hill and Yahkee Town—^O how things' have changed? j ' ' ' [ - J "" ..'• ymrrm^Em .; > The Treasury—Hats! ffatsl English Rats 1 . . . The i^avy Yard—Eire ( Bre! Fire! The, Army-—" JDeratigejd*' for lack of depletibn. , ' The Commander in CMef—Run, Run boys, IRun. . t The Senate qf pqnnsylyamaj In Ses- sion 181-4 and 1815-—~W:e have Sons, and cannot fbrgetj the Conscription JBil(. r , OflB^ch0cah^y;^old,eohtIe. man of eighty, now rose and said^— Mrifr&idcnt). | . Yoit know that my hea.4 is whitevwitri the SBOW, of many Winters—I have re- jected tipdn ; what I have witnessed! I jfeel very solicitous for piei welfare of my country, and the happiness of those whom! must soon leave forever 1 lean- not be accused of seeking popular ia- vor, nor public h/onorsi I/never fawned nor flfittered, arid you know X never withhfM-iny; hohest pphifanfrom '/ear of any mortaf. As a parting, sentirhent, permit me tb give— Qtfk$M ! *ifcM*'M8*Xfte can never *icquiy& a national thamcie^ whilst foreigner* are permitted f^mingle in Ota?c4uiic4»s..-,'.. •?"••.•' -.Y , With no common sincerity/ive cdn-f grpfulate air. Madison, the supporters of his administration, and more particu- larly thfr advocates of the late war, on this felicitous appointment. A man is called by the friends of the President to the chief magistracy of New-York, who actually proposed to the winter cf tbi* article, to4iave a meeting' of the people of this city called in the Park, to expres their Utter disapprobation of the -unne- cessary war in which he had .involved the country. I challenge Mr. Radciif? on the fact, and dare him or any of hi* friends to the denial of it. / P. S. We understand the new Mayor celebrated bis'appointment with a few choice friends at Tammany*Hall. ' < ./* i' i '- v ' ' M-w~¥ifr£ r fitly 1U - , A *>m Mmar^ikt <|.t>ttn0Nf Ap- pointiqaehty hav% at length, agreed to mwm Jtsofe Radifillff, Esq. with the Mayoralty 0 ^ | | q f e ^ | h i pMce ot J v" .f'T ' * "*' : ' ' '.'" ' : ' !; '•' • . * f ' The Council of Appointment have* at length adjourned, sine die. It seems they passed their last" hour* in much dignity at the Governor's mansion^ as it is call* ed in the National Advocate, on Staten island. They have, it is said, made-up- wards of one hundred andfiftycivil, and upwards of five hundred military ap- |'», pointmest^: but we a r e riot t o k n o w | *_ particulars until they are annouueedof-. ficially. Their .efforts to create two ad- | ditionai Judges of the Supreme" Court L* have been abortive; they have succejd* 1' ed in giving us for Mayor a man after" * I their own hearts; and from ail account^ *r they have played the very devil with th* - t | Masters in Chancery and Notaries Pub- h lie.—Herald, July 14. ' * fl We trust we shall hear no more of \l the wickedness and bad tendency of the; Washington Society, and of their disor- ganizing nature, with which the demo^ cratic papers have been so prohfic ; sinoar they have appointed to the first magis- tracy of this city, a man who has hel4 the second, office, in one of tho««. socie- ties, and still continues a member. ^ " ' The funeral of the lamented youth, N Mr. Goverrieur, who .causelessly fell a- 1 victim to mistaken conceptions of honor, was attended this morning by a large collection of respectable citizens, and-- particularly of young gentlemen.* Tho public sensation is excited in an unjoin** * mon degree by his untimely fate. [Mr* "* G. was the second son of the late Nich- olas Govetneur, Esq. He was mortally wounded in a duel toughtlwith William ' Maxwel, at Hoboken. The latter gen- tleman, we understand, has been taken into custody by the civil authority of New-York:.]—id.' \ > Greenland Whales.—>& gcntlemafif from Long Branch informs -us, that' oh Wednesday last, three* large Greenland "Whales were discovered off that plo'ce* One of them, supposed to be SO,fee: long, ran ashore on the bar at nearly low water, where he remained about three hours, roaring loud enough"to be heard at the distance of two or three miles, and dashing the sand in every direction with his tail. While he was lying in this situation, his associates were plunging about, as near to him as they could approach:-with safety i con-' stantly spoutjng and throwing arounA. the water, and manifesting the liveliest- * sympathy for their afflicted companion. When the tide rose, he worked himself from the bar ; wheeled about several times in the waters joined Mi compaft* ions; and spouting in triumph, steerwl his course tq the northeast. ^ r By his weight, ahd hk struggle* tO extricate himself), he'had formed a deep gutter in the sand. * , j On the 4th of July, a large Whid» , was caught near Chcesequake, on tl»e Jersey shore. He was discovered asleep near the beach, by a man Who wa&a»oW* y ing in a satomeadow* The laborer, supposing the whale was dead, took JU* oar and waded out to it j while attempt- ing with ^ the oar to open its month* it awoke, and rolled itself like a log, TO or ao yards upon the be*eh> 1 he laborer,, who had escaped with difficulty, sQlied* cd the people In the neighborhood, and with scythes and other instruni "" soon killed it.' - \Bostoni My f§& W e liavelrfOndon date* to the $4&» and Pari* %o the 38*U May; which, f » * many Interesting items of ftcwu. * , The Allies had renewed their i^ngfS* ments to ptotecute an, united wv* ag^to* Bonaparte; in which Auitria *pp**K« th* mptt In earneat. T h e coiiloft <1 uoop« round France gttlicrcd stren 4iiiip Aii &e great commjmderii%fii at their post*. The B ussian masses bs penetrated far inter, Germany, on th? wm totheKhins and Farts; t TheJeu ml dc Park of Mayi^Si, wttmate^: tl allied force Ueh near, the French/bfi der to exceed 500,000 men, Tb«Bts Uh government tm ihe 22d May, yv - dalnted the existence «f a state of i?3 fare betweee Gr&at-Britam and Bon parte; This mmt have soon bseh k lowed by the timing of tetters of msfqu She had agreed to^avance fbeMlio sterling to the allied cause. A gre degree of unanimity prevailed m P^ liament; and'they had pledged the! laid to ,bt? gettin^^lp agaisst4t T State^apers kid before Parliament a 'interesting, ' ^ '^' *ln France, if we credit their ^onma every thing *as warlike* abd^pkito and, with tne exceptioa of a, few ^l tricts where they were compelled i« a mit that-insurrections existed, the whe nation in arms werTd4etermined to ri or Ia1l with their ruler* iB\& there e isted more indications of measures deei *4 necessary for tfie defence of Par than for the formation of .great armi on the frontier to r*peJ jthe invader. Large* bodies of regulars remained Paris j where Napoleon continued t ! . 28th of May. Many nmices were pu fished of devotion to the Empercr* ai of offerings to his Tjause, too inbigni cant to receive attention in any but d* perate times. ^Every art was in pra tice to keep up thejone of the natio 1 and tales of war declared by 1 Turk against Russia—of a .secret negociati with Austria—the abdication of Lot 18 th j a and the desertion of the Hanove ians, are^a good satnplfeofthem. Gre exertions unquestionably were raaki by Bonaparte to preserve His curtail throne, and none of Ms acts or speech jhad deviated from the altered tone J took on his arrival-ill Paris. i In Italv Murat had experienced, vie situdss oi fortunes. It is certain, hyson -well-managed ancJ rapid ixiGyesaeatSi-j obtained advarjta^ps over $bp pursuii Austrians -on £he 1st atioT 2d May5 b -was repulsed-in-an attacfcon~tse 3d ne Xolen;tiuO, andjetreated towards Anc na, leaving j .his enemy in. force on 1 rear. After tnis x h*s situatibn was h pardons; andiihe last Bsrdsdaux'ad^ic announce ms capture-^—which is not'ii probable.' 1 ' " - t _ ^ I TtrESDAT-MORXOrG," JUIA--25, 1815. An. unhappy affair lateiy took place Buffalo, the pantcularsr of which a ^ given in a letter^to a gentleman in tr ^-townv-On the 14fth insua Cayaga India named George, M^omg from BulTa'J met a Mr. David J&ees, and two otb. - white men, hear the creek, when a qua ref arose hetween Rees and George, n apecting- a spear. Rees, by 'repeat* blows, knocked George down, ana kic 1 I ed him ill the face_until he bled'free! At this time, a number of Chiefs, (wl were returning from- holding a Counc at Mr. Grangers,} came up: ohe them, Young King,' (principal chief the Seneca nation,) on seeing what hi been done t^ George, and feeling exa .perated, struck Rees with is. pine sticl «n' which R.ees took irom one of tl white men, anew hexxf scythe, and a vancirg up to Young King, who 'Was i horseback, gave JtHtn a. blow % \ ith tJ scythe that cut offJhis left arm abo the^elbow, so that ii>hung by~a part the flesh I His arm wai{amputated 1 the following day, near'the shoulder.- The letter adqs, *«^rouj3gXmg is ve low, the vvpathcjt* is hot, and we fear fever andanordScatjon—every attentw is paid j him. Rees ^s bound over court in a bond of two^tliousand dollai Tlie Indians are incensj'cd, and have se runnjeri* to call a copt*cs d from ail qua ters. W e have received Capt. Biddie!*s € ficial account of th^jcapture_pf the Br ish brig Penguin, by the United Slatt sloop Hornet under Kis command. It a modest-letter, ano 'dies not differ any part from, the unofficial stateme alread\ published of tnls brilliant affai it confirms the fact before stated* ai which is highly dishonorable to t3 Brithb crew? that Capv B. was wotmd^ after the Penguin had surrenderei.. The National Jnteijigcncer contai documents recei ved by government fix Bnglai'd, re!aii\e to the killing a wounding of Amerieah citizens impi oned at iSartmoor^ ^The affair has be investigated by i>ien pi^erly'appotati and, we are| sony tkeir report did i Teaoh us ,in season for this jpitper. 1 <lpcumenW will appear in our*next. The Council of Appointment h^sc aed its session^ having made anbut 1 civil and 500 military appjointrtvetits. , Of the numerous appointtaents $ removals,, but few are yetr published tine following are am^ng them t , * Ja&tF Mad$i$l (xm japosiatft ^ d c i ist,) Mayo^ vf't he clty^ofHew-Wkrv JoitnFevgttson l ^who^ha.vjn|;«lucral office und^t the g*w*l ^vtrasw could not hold both) rc*l$rut&' ' * IVftltfm Wudvmzrtfii Mf«}or-Gca« of Mlik^a, vtfc© *dfatf* ?£<**% rctHsrrt Peter Jttfen) B?ig_ Gcn«r^J ? \lkv Vk Wadsworth, |fcomQte& 4'

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Page 1: Mi(MKim,%Hl^ {upnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031529/1815-07-25/ed-1/seq-2.… · 2 do. fine Twis|t dp. 4bhls.LoriUar4lsifine cut do. I 50 bottles jvraepbay Snuff, 500 lb. Scotch


l3^m^t0mS>* HALE, "S now receiving, at his CASH STOBJ;, oppo*

_ * site M e w w , Memi* tf Jteattf rBootf-ShroxK, ^extensive! assortment of k >

Fresh] Imported Goods, I r Among-which. «re

1$0 piece* Cidicos,frob| 84 Shawls, v JSStoSOcehtoperyd, Large Imitation, do.'.

: s ,


#- -

». r *


- , i -


Z f: I


' i

3 0 p s super undre*bed * da. . ,,

2 5 p » , B i r m t u r e d o . 1,0 prBengal Stripes* , 20 p * elegant plaid & , *tripeGtogham*, 80 pa, 6 4 / C a m b r i c s

h from4#6tul0*6per yd, * , *

4 4 0 ps '4-4do.from.3a6 " t o 7 * 6 ; . / > .Spps fency jUnoWua ' l io , from 2t6 to 10«

per yd, iLactf and corded Cam­

bric do. f -Jaconet and Lappet do. Cluster Seeded, dp," A few piece* Purl Fet ,

'. Lace ^ A V b l p Net Oauie , , ; .

. Harness & plain Mus-

Cambric and cotffmon

20 ps British Shirting, 1 0 pstfine Colwdndo. [IffthUftOlli* Marseilles .Vesthigi Cottoir Cfc*simers auo

Velvets,, ' ;Cottow & Silk Hosiery, Beaver St Silk Gloves,

• Fancy Cotton <H and

&R0GERIE&. 20 cheats- Hyson" Skin *3" dot Spice,

& 6do..!lysonTeiuj, which w & be Sold by the chest i t t h e tfew

* York prices, 30001b. ColFee, 2 hhdsT Jaimaica, and

2 do".St."Crol£ Rum,

1 pipe ttfal Cognac ' Brandy,' !L do. Spanish do. 1 do; Holhtnd Gin, 10 cases, of a'superlor

quality, do. 1 pipe .Madeira,^ » 2 do, Sicily* > ? 1 do. Sheeny _> ? jlO~v boxes first <jaaH*y

long cork Claret do 3-hhds brown andlump

Sugars, ~ 3 do. Molasses,

6 bag* Pepper,

o^4 Damask Cotton do. 8-4 Levantine a&d'Mo*

rence Silk Shawls, Gentlemen's fancyCra-

vats, , i Madras* Hdkfs,, Cotton' ihtg do: I Fancy Pocket do, Black Silk Barcelona

do, f

Plaid Silk do. 11 Lu9tnpgs, Sinchews, i Levantine Silks^ Crapes, Ribbons and Laces, 15 ps Bbmbazetts as­

sorted colors, _ '"' Black, fciue, drab-and

mix'd superfrliroad-c loths , !

Plain and Angola. Cas-sim'ers,. fashionable coloi's, i i*

SaUmett und Bedford ^ Cord% ' Heel, wliite,»ndi yellow

Flannels & Baize*, 150 ps AmcricariCotton

Goods, consisting o f .* Checks, and Plaids,

Stripes & Tickings , ' 300Olh. Cotton Yarn,

from JXoA to**?*'

Jftsfothe WymH<*$ Cmtinel Though tjiejwb|e,queot Sl ng; wjas fvmg;at.a

party cel^bratwn '5ft^ consjdef it entirely w#*ti& *«#h; gbiy-memm* we thank the laic authoress $* m §opf con\hiutu>

* c a i e c k • » . ! ; ' • 1 '^ '' j . - ;

'For ifa 4th of iftfe* 18t6ki *he:\ Mirth Bay of

' Rowsol^'#'f«;C?«?^r4»^ . Strike! strike $ie chord rr^i|?e5raisfe the

. .',strain I. | : • • l • :l- '(•• Let joy re-ecb,o|f0imd eacit plai^

,l%tr;'banners-be unjiM'd} t ' > • , Hail! l k d t u e t e f v^e«teUiiWlMne ?

« LyndonJraher* If The uejtt-oi s d r e ^ ^ U * ^ # ^ y 1 With-*h1* h^ crossed t% mui-toaf*-

'Qiliger, fiottle & keg Mustftra, Starch, IjOgwOv'd, Ifscaragua, Copj^ras, Alkm> 5 harels 'Connecticut

Mess SSiadr ^ do, Salmon, 10 kegs Virginia sweet

scented Xobacct», 3 do, very superior C*1-

vend|l«li (LUf, S do. Tail* 2 do. fine Twis|t dp. 4bhls.LoriUar4lsifine

cut do. I 50 bottles jvraepbay

Snuff, 500 lb . Scotch do. 2Q. boxes . Spanish Ci 8 do. Pipes. -ji general assortment of

HARD W A R E , Amortg which are

1 boxWaiters, contain i n ^ l 0 d o z . f r o m S i 6 to 48*-each*

English battle & Amer­ican Powder, r

20 casks Cut. Kails, as sorted, ';

50 boxes 9 by 7 and 1 0 by 8 Glass, -

50 P^cut Brads, TMiik Swedei, and 3

10001b. American Steel, 5001b. English Hoop L

do. warranted,' ' 2501b. German do. in

small bars, \ 30 doz. Waters* grass

Scythes, at ip* each, 12 doz. Sickles,' - Aisa^ ^200 "Looking

Glasses, from one dol-lar to t#entp.,;

.is sublime -Toptlbfish Jove%de«iijee,

Ck>hin)hkft6'theew!dof t>me,n Shall feurish>mm'V and FREE.

Hail I hail! the llay wheil -hafli in hatid, , 1 VATttlOTS andjaER^I^gl^rious band, '.

Bfewii\VMb*solelinnYow, , - , Ffefdamtopwroh^eor.tip dif*|.. While Jove's ow^irdrWiith mmg eye

ireli*d .#etHhetc -6lietV iif* brow. jSeltdnMs ;m.art i«l cptrions; «pun4 „

^Tb^p^listrJ'ttVefsdec.ree.f: . Colunibtal shall to-d'ay bfe orown'd , •. -,.' A 1S4m QKE^T m§lfliEK.

iHvk! liftii I tliis woodtods c lch tlieiirairj, Pan and his Sjfl«lans beat the plain

•JttK wild fentastic roumtl; j White •&&&. tkiustlc pms iinjd bowers, Tlie vkicm ti'akjfiing od'rotts powers,

And eheelttfiil rebeckis sound Chaitc ftibl^nyni|hsvvi|h tunefulhorn

-' •• itte-edlxo lovers cwcli " ' A na*loh has thisday beien bovn-i—

" Coluijitiia 6KSAT and Fiiee. On our primeval m&TIBttS?* *w».v«, I^t^reedom,s[bknnersp:li-otidl)r|w'ave,

rmmortal Jbc their name r" nd 1 sound i the c l i ^e , tet; cannon war, v hill to hillj'-from stiipr* to inshore,

'o celebrate their Rime« j'

OldJeptiuie bMs hisjmoiii spunj Jove's hiandate o'er t l iaSea; Cotumtiia must e'l'en here becrown'd v VICTf aKIOUS, GHE4T and FBEB.

All ToTiofaiim the gveat ktthgghfar Jsrfir-pendmce.' . . | '

*- To^eisei? with,*gixidislortment of

Mi(MKim,%Hl^ {up ^^v*&oVe ^Socds: ~i0 %c* sold cheap f

t ^ p n p : : v ^ ' : - --;ii, •••>.. o..-|. •' '• '•• thfe^ftesi^BBMITim paidfor^GOLDand

'•*&$:'.X •'.'•••."•.. - i ; i V v ' . -J:•*-••' •• .:.':.,J$f: Bj.; K,-^tMM^ ^aixhid;L one •who s-.ac-qa|&t<?d W l ^ mercantile business. - |Also>^an '"bfymftU^ i Apply as-poveV- . . - . ' . ", .

^ n a a ^ f g u i y July I f ; I 6 l 5 . • -, Wt

A Deist, thinking to silepce' a Chris­tian, hj Vmxpr and Knotty qwesiions, in­quired—<* What is fo\it I 6 O D ! " *J Sfzirihi" s a y s t h e Christian^ "• H o w l a r g e

is he ?' " w large m to fill immwtcy, and so sTftal\ as to dwell in the humble and contrite heart"

Blemefttsi/of * Agricultural -Chemistry, by

>ffi$$fe\ Hislbry off England., li-otn the ;i earliest period to the c&se of t l ievear

;?-3/-j;'jt®^siss.*»ts|_,•!'.:.\ '". . • ." •*,,.

»^nedj5(ia^eej;drihe Fair^oF 1hc,;:i9th\Cen£W'! "*' ""•r^i,b^iS.Mth0#ot'^* ;^B'ifvVl&intlh

• - W'$v0*£'):'~:. '•-*" l-V:>vv ;-..! I ' -• i ,The.ieier^Sf^ss&t'anfct W&edition,, ' ••* .Bevptionil S0nti ium. or a. c^llictloft o f

*-;?.-" f '^Ks*' itAClTOL-BAlsE^B^ -'with iai a'c^ •, ; coB^Qrhe^; j^-^- : v ^icc ;^- ' ' --:


:-4,..- -i,3^riCft4«.--* : ,•. ••-•7.^i:^~?t-,:.->-.i\ • '-l. .•* "fm& As*.oniEarnassu,s^',J?y' Iticmcfc ^«'»-::':

^ f B t / o f the O t e r s i^tailrjed'i«itm A^ttiy ' -:^ Mf-ih6 United S i tes ' . •' ^rkftte&ctsv'*'. •••.' 3&V^urofe=dP;tb^La%<|rof?ttii# SSat& '.r '•> .*: •^d.^A;Ve^-i

vcon#ide^bie'^ stock of^RE^&iaus, Miacsiau^Eous, JUIKI Cijk^-• i ^ j ^ -3 j t i i J ' i d s i ^ ' * " ;'v."'..'J! •.i.*V^~-',v"; -:., ^ i -—^ - » a> ;

wbjtch f w m - be1 • 'sold • -hy rtim

It is not ijrij general the |want of evi­dence, but thejwant olfvif'tiife, that makes men infidels |; jlet thcim ceade to be wick­ed, aind theyj^ill soon ceasjs to be tinbe-lievers. «I(: (is with) the hejart^sayaSt Paul ( n o t w i t h t h e h e a d ) " [that m a n b e -iieveth unto; |righteaubes£.M * Correct the heart, anjdj all will go ri^ht.-—Uxiless the soil is gioOd, all the scied you cast upon it will hi wasted fy Vain. In the parable of tjhe so wen* w^ ftnd^ that the only seed which cawnS to perfection, was that which tell on good gi'oiind, on an honest and a |good hieait. I This is the •'first and mora essential requisite to be­lief. Unbelievers coimplaih of the mys-teries.of-revelation f but y/e have the .highest autlloKty for saying, that in gen­eral, the^ onjI)f tnystery which prevents them from freceivisg it, k the mystery of iniquity. !

I , - (|

W e are apt to mistake<\ our vocation by Jookin^ 0pt»of *h© way' for occasions to exercise tgreat and iwp virtues; and by stepping joVer tlno§4. Ordinary ones which lie directly in the; r^ad before us. When we ifeadj we fan^ytwe could be nmartyrs, andf when we cpme to act we cannot eveii bear a protoUihg ^vord.

.JPrkih a late Maryland paper. Three rjie|n from K e 4 Island, Were

|shingjforI)iurn off t o y e Pointjin about $$ feet wate:y and having been there a cohsidefable tim^ Without'success, at length Haycock, chte bfi he party, felt something t^ove hfs jtfnfy arid upon dewing5 it itkfbund thait he:ha.d brought tip a large I f arthin ju'g, aritl his £o*ok with the bait within it,-$ wliich being unable tQexbicat^, he jjVpke the jug in piece;*,, .^lieh, to hiis ujitejr surprise and IstoijHKmit he discovered a large cat* 'fis'hs'vM;'-ir|c)h:es:-'in- lettgtjb, w h i c h had

_L r .._ fwi .

'•' i^i.^:, ",'-r.;'.'-!L:\-.~ ii...'ii.i-'r. ,.: . i c . . . v • r - a...i.,.j>7.iT..-. -

'*aleai"-{Csitt^',ad.vfen,cfe* €ot readj? 'Spay\onte . ^ f ^ ^ p l l ^ f 'SUMMd^ prj(#l-'Mu^' MmfW^Mnki ^F^-»a^':aM:|Levantih«i

i owe 'd h i s j^ti;ok w i t h t h e b a i t . I t i s s u p ­p o s e d t j i^ j u ^ T*as^icsst frorti s o t a c v « s s e i ?

M tevvM]««uU^ftt1l)e:.bobm inn "^ei'pendlipdlir^kuatliony t t i6 fish:-entered itWhenJswi^if ^wd bein^ at^acted by sottietliln^ ^ i It* oiv h p t % m % able to jiusd its #a^*ou^ eipntin^ied thei-e until gmwn' tooJliirge to||et6ul at its mouth \ a"hd the biiJL having: accidentally fallen Into itV wa^seiied Avkji'avidity by the: |slh JTUi.jjugj irtltet lab been a long ilicbe -at thje b o t t o m , 'as. i h e r e w e r e v e r y

long grass, i and suverM! lat|e • oyatcri .-adheidingimu • ]:•••••''/

"Wjt%a-f "pmt *rtlcJN»i -.ii»Mv-ii«%M # u * l $

i itfiTiitjaii|Wfft< ^ Pi

_ ^ , * i l ^ ^ # & - dpiiiW- in ^ o % . i f •


fflE f 4 ) l « i W f l l E ISLES, ]

I t 1$ said that this Poem was* t#der{a< ken long befbl'e « Ro^by,** and tbauts subject m$ i favorite one with the au­thor, at ajveify early period of hb poet-icEsl career. ; The latter report^ a tj least, is not. at all improbable; for whajt poet of1 Scotland |» ihere, from BarbpUir to Burns, who has not, at some time br oth-er> been fivell with th<*. i.dca of .celebrat­ing;the hetoie deeds ofJRobert Bruce,the deliverer of his country ? 'Such a» theme must h&ve 14£1 very;potent claims oh the attention of Mtv $cott, referring, as it does to thos0 times of chivalry which H has been lm delight tQ contemplate and presenting Scenes with which his -fc»'-, tile and well sloped fancy has been! Jong familiar, It has the attraction also of presenting••» noblef class of characters, than any of ,his former subjects J and Of editing.interest by a mm of striking and glorlon^ events, Very susceptible of fictitious prnament. I t , m' no Wonder, then, th#! « P f eiercisitig his; powers on aworU Of a totally diftetent chaftac-iePv^lF' icOtt^hould have resumed thi^ undertaking. ivitli redoubled vigor j and catchmg, as* it.Avere, a strain of [loftier inspiration among the wilds Where Qs-siah sung, should have cbrnpleted it in a style moi"? uniformly excellent than that of his ^therc works. I t is very evi­dent ttmi l e felt, wfiile compo^ihg this P 6 e m , a l l t h e f r e e d o m a n d e a s e r e s u l t ­i n g f r o m c o n s c i o u s s e l f - s u p e r i o r i t y .

The Poem, is written in the author's a c c u s t o m e d ; m e a s u r e , e a c h c a n t o b e i n g preluded by a few Spenserian stanzas,, the sojemn, march of which serves to g i \ e a l i v e l y e f f ec t t o t h e m o r e r a p i d l y flowing numbers in which the story is told. At the commencement of the first c a n t o , t h e r e i s a k i n d o f m o r n i n g

salutatiurij sung by the minstrels in the hall of Artpnish, to Edith of Lorn, the d e s t i n e d brpde of' R o n a l d , t h e L o r d o f

the Isles, on the day' fmetl for their nuptials:— • " Wake, Maid of Lorn!" 'twas thusthey sung, And vet more fwoud the descant Ming, , " Wake, Maiii o f Lorn?" high r ight is ours, TO charm dull sleep from Beauty's tower* ; -

forth, flceanji Air, have nought m shy B a t owns the j o w e r of Minstrelsy. In Lettermoreithe tijnid deer "' '

Will pause, th harp'8 wild chime to hear* Rude Heiskar's.ieal through surges dark, Will long "pursue the minstrel's bark;

To list his notes the eagle proud , Wil l poise him'oa Ben-Cailliach's cloud. Then let not maiden's ear disdain The stirantoriB of the minstrel train \ But while our harps wild music make, Edith of Lorn, awake, awake! <*0! wake, while dawn, with dewey shine, Wakes Nature's charms to .vie with thine! She bids the inottled thrush rejoice, To match thV melody of voice. j The due thatf on the violet l ies , :. ' Mocks die dark lustre of thine eyes 1 But, Edith, wake! and all we see Of sweet and fair shall yield to thee." ;

The Lady, however, does not appear*, and Ferrand, the chief of the minstrels, bids his brethren choose a softer theme, more suited to the emotions which, the t h o u g h t o f t h e a p p r o a c h i n g c e i e m o n y i s l ike ly to h a v e o c c a s i o n e d * " Wake, Maid o f Lorn! the momeijits fly } Which yet that maiden name allow—-

Wjake, maidpn, wake'. the hour is high When Love shall claim a plighted vow.

By Fear, thy bosom's fluttering guest , By hope, that soon shall fears remove,

W e bid thee break the bonds of rest, . And wake thee at the call o f Love.

•* Wake, Edith, wake! in yonder bay Lies many a galley, gaily mann'd;

W e hear the merry pibroch's play, W e see the streamers' silken band.

What Chieftain's praise these pibrocks swell? What crest is on those banners wove?,

The harp, the minstrel dare not te l l— The riddle must be read by Love." The Lord of the Isles arrives in great

pomp with his fleet, but Edith's appre­hensions of his indifference to her affec­tion are cohfiitned, by his behaviour at the banquet given previous to the arri­val of the Abbot, Who is to perforin the ceremonyi At this banquet jthree straw* gers. are introduced, as seeiing refuse from adverse winds^ which had driven their bark unddr the rock of Artonish. They s prove to be Robert Bruce, his brother Edward, and his sister Isabel. In her Ronald recognises the Lady who had! won his heart at a tournament at WoqflstoqK. A tremendous quarrel arises among the Chieftains, respecting t h e "out lawed a n d b a n i s h e d m o n a r c h ;

tfc^aBpeai Co tiro Abbot on his arriyaj, wliP", s e i z e d with.-a. k i n d o f t r a u c e , p r p -

toounces , a prophetic benediction . on Bruce and his cause. The nuptials are



3for rose in peifce the fifend LOW 6ne caitiff died upon tus siword-^ And one beneath his grasp liea-proife

brought abemt without considerabledilBl* culfy. His Excellency the Oovernofl was decidedly opposed to it,„audd'araii' he ' coukl to defeat i t | he seemed & '


n mortal grapple overtrirown, jut while LOfdBonaid'is dug^ But «c- dFa»1t'

f i l e life-blood from his paht-MM- SX nfc, T h e father-ruffian, of the h*m .' Behind Mm r e k s a coward hand! .

--—o for a inomphf s atd, ! Till Bruce, who deals no double Blow, Dash to the earth another ftttejj I . . Above-his comrade-l^d,?': j And it is ga'm'd—the captive sprung , On the rais'd *W$ and closely clung;

. And erehe shook him loose, The masterWelon pi'esk'd the ground, And gasp'd beneath a mortal wouiid, '

Whil0 o'er him «tands t^eBmce/' , • Edward $oon after jolnsj the i with

news of i very favorabfe IO^OFE, upon which Honaid determines to raise all hisJslesmen in the liing^s fafdr. Their voyage i | described Watli gr<?|ac spirit ?

came'inoijiy at the eleventh hour,,:, On the ether hand the claimHk>f thejfMsv conveat weie. streauously tlrged byitajk* Honor the BJCTATOR, Who, on thif occasion, left Albany aivd came down «r ' procure the Mayoralty of New -York, , lor his bosom friend, Hebcggcd^b^ entreated, he ci/njured, and he appealed ^ to his Excellency's recollection whether^ he himself, (his-Honor the Dictator) h«d not fjiven more than a thousand proofs 4tow invaluable were l^ie sefvkei,'bOvr j bitter the tcsenUTients against fbrmcii , ftiends, how relentless the persecution!" of them, that might be expected JVom% true apostate from federalism? *Lheap­peal was irrcsi&tible, and lus ExCellenc|r could bold cut i,*r longer. '

feuspend^ed. T h u s i s f o r m e d t h e nodus.

jea* of ^4. guns, o^ly' ftjsui? years, and a umu, f^ontractifhipj w»i taken in o dock-tat* l*w% a t PJyinouthr > M wa| found lis 4 **pid smtc of decaf In every p*rt>* j Many mlM ship;* ar* ah^ in a ^ttc of -pfdmitnm decay* "and th$wiiT co»ti«u« t a m the eiasc, while woodiqtiite gr«#n fromJ"ftfrfoifettfei iuffered to be put - tott> •&*. »fii s. It h a* fact well 1mmt&t«* 4>r /tt$nit mb*m that «tr«e* p ^ ^ t f c l ^ ^ g i ^ h ^ fereit, awd tiitf#jia|iifer»^iii|)6^i5nt|iartt of mt J»JJd b^lwukl^Undon fiaficr. •

of the story, which in the sequel ii very Skilfully tmravelled. ' ' • - ! . .

foi the third canto, there is a striking description uf a wild scene ,)h the Isle Of S k y e , w h i t h e r B r u c e a n d . R o n a l d « # repaired^ to miture; the great en­terprise, which is to i*sto^,the King to his throne. They ipeet: W«lr five mn of sava«j^ and suapicjou* appearance, who invite them to.Cake shelter in their hutfot the night* A qaptlvii dumb boy there, w rni the itrangfri fcy signs, to beware* pf tfaeir bpitf.; They retire, iletermiinttgt watch and reit by turiis. Toward tnqrhwg, hiit AJh i, the pake of Ronald, i t e t c h i n g , Jbei* »ttd>b«d by on* U th# mmmi th# e*ptiv« bpf

[screittng, and All*», calling? on bit ma** ;fwv*ibcjifcm»r Th* j faDtf j* i» i i » m, mmauWof thUwivwttfrfJ .

8wh5hMr>t«tb««Ur .kD^dh»^d; -

"Merrilyj jn^rriiyigoes the bark, . Before the:gale'she bounds:

So darts, the dolphin from she shark­er deer; before the hounds j . 1.

Th^left.Touch-TuaoftJdiehTl^e, . An<dtiiey wakened ihe men of the wild Tiree,

AndtheXJbief of the Sandy Cjoll. They pau^'d not'at Colurtb^s isle Though.peal'dthe bells Irojtt the holy pile,"

"Widxlo;ngiand mea»ur*d to l l ; j

Ko, time for niatin, or for ttiassi | And the sounds of the holy summons pass

Away in the billow's roll, tochbuie's fierce and warlike lord,

. Their signal saw and grasp'd jhia sword; And verdant Hay call'-d her host?~ And the clps of Jura's ruggedpoast

Lord B!onald's call obey, j , . AndL Scbarob?« isle, whose tortuf*d shore. Still rings| to Corri'vreken's roarj, ]

And lonely Golonsay" •' To these extracts we Laye not room

to 3dd, the desgription "of f jie battle of Bannockbdrn. Those whoi remember t h e ' a n i m a t e d p i c t u r e of' HJ/ie JFzeld of jFlo4dmf m MarmoTi) will'easily con­ceive with what spirit, and force of col­oring, Mr. Scott iras painted tjhi? signal and meinorable triumph ol his country, From the Philadelphia. JQailt/ Advertiser,

of July $. j GelebraMon of I n d e p e n d e n e e . Afew Old. Whigs rf th^ Revolution^

(whojse s e r v i c e s L a v e b e e n f o r g o t t e n , to . a c c o m m o d a t e s o m e n e w fledgjed a n d imported patriots) got together yester­day to talk over affairs in the rime that «tried menT3Qul$"-»-%b,ey partoOK of a plain repast^ and afterwards drank the f o l l o w i n g T o a s t s ;•— j

1. This 4thiof Jfuly, 1776-j-It deliver. e*dus from British idbsation-4—xii^y it ne­ver be forgotten, j j

2. The last Congress—We have it in remembrance.' ! ;

3. The'Boot tax—It finches our toes. 4 . T h e ; H a t t a x — 3 t g i v e s u s t h e h e a d

a c h e . I . ' • ' • ' ' 5. The Land taxr-I t sciOrtensi our

crops of profits. 6. Tile Leather tax—W© feci hide

b o u n d . ! • • • } • • , .

7. T h e Snuff tax-—I| makes our eyes water. -t , '

8. rThe Scgar tax^~We ^M Puff fh6m

no more. , i . : • 9. The Carriage tax-^-A heavy di*ag. 10. The Whiskey tax^Huzza! for

Albert Gallatin. I 11. The hand Writing for all these

things, vbfitt be upon the Wall I 12. The Saddle tax—They have rode

lis lohgj enough. - { 13*. The 'Bridle tax—-though intended

t o affeqt o u r japt w e w i i l sjieck o u r minds.::

14. The Whip tax—« A Rod for the Fool's back." '

15. The Furpiture tax-r-As merciful as the voracious creditor, Who takes hold of ercry t^jng but our Beds /

16. The W a t c h tax—Legalized ticks to suck our pockets.

if. The Stamp Apt—jBunker Hill and Yahkee Town—^O • how things' have changed? j ' ' ' [ - J ""

..'• ymrrm^Em .; > The Treasury—Hats! ffatsl English

Rats 1 . . . The i^avy Yard—Eire ( B r e ! F i re ! T h e , A r m y - — " JDeratigejd*' for l a c k o f

depletibn. , ' • The Commander in CMef—Run, Run

boys, IRun. . t The Senate qf pqnnsylyamaj In Ses­

sion 181-4 and 1815-—~W:e have Sons, a n d c a n n o t fbrgetj t h e Conscription JBil(.r

, OflB^ch0cah^y;^old,eohtIe. m a n o f e i g h t y , n o w r o s e a n d said^—

Mrifr&idcnt). | . Yoit know that my hea.4 is whitevwitri

the SBOW, of many Winters—I have re­j e c t e d tipdn; what I have witnessed! I j f e e l v e r y s o l i c i t o u s for piei w e l f a r e of my country, and the happiness of those whom! must soon leave forever 1 lean-n o t b e a c c u s e d o f s e e k i n g p o p u l a r i a -vor, nor public h/onorsi I/never fawned nor flfittered, arid you know X never withhfM-iny; hohest pphifanfrom '/ear of any mortaf. As a parting, sentirhent, permit me tb give—

Qtfk$M!*ifcM*'M8*Xfte can never *icquiy& a national thamcie^ whilst foreigner* are permitted f^mingle in Ota?c4uiic4»s..-,'.. •?"•• . • ' -.Y ,

With no common sincerity/ive cdn-f grpfulate air. Madison, the supporters of his administration, and more particu­larly thfr advocates of the late war, on this felicitous appointment. A man is called by the friends of the President to the chief magistracy of New-York, who actually proposed to the winter cf tbi* article, to4iave a meeting' of the people of this city called in the Park, to expres their Utter disapprobation of the -unne­cessary war in which he had .involved the country. I challenge Mr. Radciif? on the fact, and dare him or any of hi* friends to the denial of it. /

P . S . W e u n d e r s t a n d t h e n e w M a y o r celebrated bis'appointment with a few choice friends at Tammany*Hall. ' <

. / *


;« i

'- v ' • ' M-w~¥ifr£rfitly 1U -• , A *>m Mmar^ikt <|.t>ttn0Nf Ap-pointiqaehty hav% at length, agreed to mwm Jtsofe Radifillff, Esq. with the Mayoralty 0 ^ | | q f e ^ | h i pMce ot

J v" . f ' T ' * "*': ' ' '.'" ':' !; '•' • . *f'

The Council of Appointment have* at length adjourned, sine die. It seems they p a s s e d t h e i r last" hour* i n m u c h d i g n i t y at the Governor's mansion^ as it is call* ed in the National Advocate, on Staten i s land. T h e y h a v e , i t i s sa id , m a d e - u p -

wards of one hundred and fifty civil, and u p w a r d s o f five h u n d r e d m i l i t a r y a p - |'», p o i n t m e s t ^ : b u t w e a r e riot t o k n o w | *_

particulars until they are annouueedof-. f« ficially. T h e i r .efforts to c r e a t e t w o ad- | ditionai Judges of the Supreme" Court L* have been abortive; they have succejd* 1' e d i n g i v i n g u s for M a y o r a m a n after" * I „

their own hearts; and from ail account *r t h e y h a v e p l a y e d t h e v e r y d e v i l wi th t h * - t | M a s t e r s i n C h a n c e r y a n d N o t a r i e s P u b - h lie.—Herald, July 14. ' * fl

W e trust we shall hear no more of \l the wickedness and bad tendency of the; Washington Society, and of their disor­ganizing nature, with which the demo^ crat ic p a p e r s h a v e b e e n s o prohf i c ; sinoar they have appointed to the first magis­tracy of this city, a man who has hel4 the second, office, in one of tho««. socie­ties, and still continues a member. ^ "

' The funeral of the lamented youth, N

Mr. Goverrieur, who .causelessly fell a-1 • victim to mistaken conceptions of honor, was attended this morning by a large collection of respectable citizens, and--particularly of young gentlemen.* Tho public sensation is excited in an unjoin** * mon degree by his untimely fate. „ [Mr* "* G. was the second son of the late Nich­olas Govetneur, Esq. He was mortally wounded in a duel toughtlwith William ' Maxwel, at Hoboken. The latter gen­tleman, we understand, has been taken into custody by the civil authority of New-York:.]—id.' \ >

Greenland Whales.—>& gcntlemafif from Long Branch informs -us, that' oh Wednesday last, three* large Greenland "Whales were discovered off that plo'ce* One of them, supposed to be SO,fee: long, ran ashore on the bar at nearly low water, where he remained about three hours, roaring loud enough"to be heard at the distance of two or three miles, and dashing the sand in every direction with his tail. While he was lying in this situation, his associates were plunging about, as near to him as they could approach:-with safety i con-' stantly spoutjng and throwing arounA. t h e w a t e r , a n d m a n i f e s t i n g t h e l i v e l i e s t - * sympathy for their afflicted companion. When the tide rose, he worked himself from the bar ; wheeled about several

times in the waters joined Mi compaft* i o n s ; a n d s p o u t i n g i n t r i u m p h , s t eerwl his course tq the northeast. ^ r

By his weight, ahd hk struggle* tO e x t r i c a t e himself), h e ' h a d f o r m e d a deep

gutter in the sand. * , j On the 4th of July, a large Whid» ,

was caught near Chcesequake, on tl»e Jersey shore. He was discovered asleep near the beach, by a man Who wa&a»oW*y

ing in a satomeadow* • The laborer, supposing the whale was dead, took JU* oar and waded out to it j while attempt­ing with the oar to open its month* it awoke, and rolled itself like a log, TO or ao yards upon the be*eh> 1 he laborer,, who had escaped with difficulty, sQlied* cd the people In the neighborhood, and with scythes and other instruni "" soon killed it . '

- \Bostoni My f§& W e liavelrfOndon date* to the $4&»

and Pari* %o the 38*U May; which, f » * many Interesting items of ftcwu. * ,

The Allies had renewed their i^ngfS* ments to ptotecute an, united wv* ag^to* Bonaparte; in which Auitria *pp**K« th* mptt In earneat. The coiiloft <1 uoop« round France gttlicrcd stren

4iiiip Aii &e great commjmderii%fii at their post*. The B ussian masses bs penetrated far inter, Germany, on th? wm t o theKhins and Farts; t TheJeu ml dc Park of May i^S i , wttmate^: tl allied force Ueh near, the French/bfi der to exceed 500,000 men, Tb«Bts Uh government tm ihe 22d May, yv

- dalnted the existence «f a state of i?3 fare betweee Gr&at-Britam and Bon parte; This mmt have soon bseh k lowed by the timing of tetters of msfqu She had agreed to^avance f b e M l i o sterling to the allied cause. A gre degree of unanimity prevailed m P^ liament; and' they had pledged the!

laid to ,bt? gettin^^lp agaiss t4t T State^apers k id before Parliament a

'interesting, ' ^ '^' *ln France, if we credit their ^onma

every thing *as warlike* abd^pk i to and, with tne exceptioa of a, few ^l tricts where they were compelled i« a mit that-insurrections existed, the whe nation in arms werTd4etermined to ri or Ia1l with their ruler* iB\& there e isted more indications of measures deei *4 necessary for tfie defence of Par than for the formation of .great armi on the frontier to r*peJ jthe invader. Large* bodies of regulars remained Paris j where Napoleon continued t!

. 28th of May. Many nmices were pu fished of devotion to the Empercr* ai of offerings to his Tjause, too inbigni cant to receive attention in any but d* p e r a t e t i m e s . ^ E v e r y art w a s i n pra tice to keep up thejone of the natio1

and tales of war declared by1 Turk a g a i n s t R u s s i a — o f a . s e c r e t n e g o c i a t i with Austria—the abdication of Lot 1 8 th j aand t h e d e s e r t i o n o f t h e H a n o v e i a n s , are^a g o o d s a t n p l f e o f t h e m . G r e

exertions unquestionably were raakii b y B o n a p a r t e t o p r e s e r v e His c u r t a i l t h r o n e , a n d n o n e o f M s a c t s or s p e e c h

jhad deviated from the altered tone J t o o k on h i s arr iva l - i l l P a r i s . i

In Italv Murat had experienced, vie situdss oi fortunes. It is certain, hyson - w e l l - m a n a g e d ancJ r a p i d ixiGyesaeatSi-j obtained advarjta^ps over $bp pursuii A u s t r i a n s -on £ h e 1st atioT 2 d M a y 5 b -was r e p u l s e d - i n - a n a t t a c f c o n ~ t s e 3 d n e

Xolen;tiuO, andjetreated towards Anc n a , l e a v i n g j .his e n e m y in. f o r c e o n 1 rear. After tnisxh*s situatibn was h pardons; andiihe last Bsrdsdaux'ad^ic a n n o u n c e m s capture-^—which i s n o t ' i i probab le . ' 1 ' " - t _ ^ I

TtrESDAT-MORXOrG," JUIA--25, 1815.

A n . u n h a p p y affair l a t e iy t o o k p l a c e Buffalo, the pantcularsr of which a

^ given in a letter^to a gentleman in tr ^-townv-On t h e 14fth i n s u a C a y a g a India

named George, M^omg from BulTa'J met a Mr. David J&ees, and two otb.

- white men, hear the creek, when a qua ref arose hetween Rees and George, n apecting- a spear. Rees, by 'repeat* blows, knocked George down, ana kic1

I ed him ill the face_until he bled'free! At this time, a number of Chiefs, (wl were returning from- holding a Counc a t Mr. Grangers,} came u p : ohe them, Young King,' (principal chief the Seneca nation,) on seeing what hi been done t^ George, and feeling exa .perated, struck Rees with is. pine sticl «n' which R.ees took i rom one of tl white men, anew hexxf scythe, and a vancirg up to Young King, who 'Was i horseback, gave JtHtn a. blow %\ ith tJ scythe that cut offJhis left arm abo the^elbow, so that ii>hung by~a part the flesh I His arm wai{amputated 1 the following day, near'the shoulder.-The letter adqs, *«^rouj3gXmg is ve low, the vvpathcjt* is hot, and we fear fever andanordScatjon—every attentw is paid j him. Rees ^ s bound over court in a bond of two^tliousand dollai Tlie Indians are incensj'cd, and have se runnjeri* to call a copt*cs d f r o m a i l qua

ters. W e h a v e r e c e i v e d C a p t . Biddie!*s €

ficial account of th^jcapture_pf the Br ish brig Penguin, by the United Slatt s l o o p H o r n e t u n d e r Kis c o m m a n d . I t a modest-letter, ano 'dies not differ any part from, the unofficial stateme alread\ published of tnls brilliant affai it confirms the fact before stated* ai w h i c h i s h i g h l y d i shonorab le t o t3 Brithb crew? that Capv B. was wotmd^

after the Penguin had surrenderei.. The National Jnteijigcncer contai

documents recei ved by government fix Bnglai'd, re!aii\e t o the killing a wounding of Amerieah citizens impi oned at iSartmoor^ ^The affair has be investigated by i>ien pi^erly'appotati and, we are| sony tkeir report did i Teaoh us ,in season for this jpitper. 1 <lpcumenW will appear in our*next.

T h e Council of Appointment h^sc aed its session^ having made anbut 1 civil and 500 military appjointrtvetits.

, Of the numerous appointtaents $ removals,, but few are yetr published tine following are am^ng them t , • * Ja&tF Mad$i$l (xm japosiatft ^dci

ist,) Mayo^ vf't he clty^ofHew-Wkrv JoitnFevgttsonl^who^ha.vjn|;«lucral office und^t the g * w * l ^ v t r a s w could not hold both) rc*l$rut&' ' *

IVftltfm Wudvmzrtfii Mf«}or-Gca« of Mlik^a, vtfc© *dfatf* ?£<**% rctHsrrtf Peter Jttfen) B?ig_ Gcn«r^J? \lkv Vk Wadsworth, |fcomQte&

4 '