mindless eating brian wansink, phd. we make more than 200 decisions about food every day! every one...

Mindless Eating Mindless Eating Brian Wansink, PhD. Brian Wansink, PhD. We make more than 200 decisions about food every day! Every one of us eats how much we eat largely because of what is around us.

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Post on 23-Dec-2015




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Mindless EatingMindless EatingBrian Wansink, PhD.Brian Wansink, PhD.

We make more than 200 decisions about food every day!Every one of us eats how much we eat largely because of what is around us.

TRAP #1: The size of the food’s TRAP #1: The size of the food’s container influences how much of container influences how much of it you eat.it you eat.People given large buckets of popcorn ate

34% more than people given medium-sized buckets.

We let the background of something interfere with how big we estimate its size to be.

Black dot testPlate comparisonLines test -You may pour 70% more liquid

& drink 25-30% more out of short, wide glasses because of the presentation.


Re-package jumbo sizes into smaller bags & containers; put extras out of sight for later use.

Use smaller dinner plates.Don’t eat out of the bag; take out

a serving & put the package away.

Use smaller scoopers, spoons, etc.

TRAP #2: Your stomach can’t TRAP #2: Your stomach can’t count.count.People eat about 92% of what

they serve themselves.Refillable soup bowlIt takes about 20 minutes for you

to start feeling full.Chicken wing experimentWing eaters with bones ate 28% less

than those with no bones in front of them.

Our lack of accurate food counting can affect our calorie intake & weight gain.


Keep evidence in front of you (wrappers, bones, etc.)

Make smaller portions seem larger (plate size)

Don’t be distracted while eating (TV)

Limit high-calorie intake by adding healthy, lower calorie foods (Volume affects our eating choices.)

Use a scale; watch “signal clothes” (distinguish between normal growth & excessive weight gain)

TRAP #3: Variety is the spice of TRAP #3: Variety is the spice of life. The more variety we have, the life. The more variety we have, the more we eat.more we eat.Jelly bean experimentPeople took nearly twice as many

jelly beans from the mixture bowl.

Consider: What do you do at buffets, receptions, Thanksgiving dinners?


Limit your options.Be mindful that you don’t have to

try everything.Don’t keep more than one kind of

cereal, crackers, or snack in your pantry; if you only have one kind, you will eat it more slowly.

TRAP #4: We are tempted by what TRAP #4: We are tempted by what we see. we see. (the “see-food” (the “see-food” diet….)diet….)When you salivate, your stomach

contracts- the combination makes your brain believe that you are hungrier than you probably are.

Secretaries Week experimentWe eat more of visible “see-foods”

because we think about them more.Ice cream experimentWe eat foods that are most



Don’t put serving dishes on the table.

Don’t walk near candy dishes; move tempting food to less convenient locations.

Snack only at the kitchen table.Out of sight, out of mind. Take your

portion, then put it away.Put healthy food within easy access.

TRAP #5: Eating with friends – the TRAP #5: Eating with friends – the more people, the more you eat (up more people, the more you eat (up to 90% more than when you eat to 90% more than when you eat alone). alone). Friends & family influence us by

setting the pace for the meal. We mimic:◦The speed at which they eat, and◦How much they eat.

TRAP #5 SOLUTIONS:TRAP #5 SOLUTIONS:Try to be the last person to start

eating.When eating in a group, pace

yourself & eat slowly.Avoid “just one more helping”.Decide how much to eat before

you start. Have your plate taken away when

you are full (or you may nibble until your friends are done).