minutes of 484thwrpc.gov.in/occ/484occ_minute.pdf · 2016-06-22 · minutes of 484th meeting of...


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    The 484TH meeting of Operation & Co-ordination Sub-Committee of WRPC was

    held on 14th June 2016 at Raipur. The list of participants is enclosed at Annexure-A.

    Shri Ravi Shankar S, COO, GCEL(GMR Chhattisgarh) welcomed the delegates of all

    constituents of WRPC and wished them a comfortable stay at Raipur.

    He made a presentation on highlight of performance of GMR Chhattisgarh. He informed

    that Unit no -1(685 MW) is commissioned on 1st June 2015 & Unit no.2 (685 MW) is

    commissioned on 1st April 2016. He informed that GMR group is operating total capacity

    of 4604 MW throughout the nation including Thermal, Hydro & RES(Solar & wind).

    GCEL has a long term PPA with CSPTCo for 35% of the installed capacity (30% on

    CERC regulations and 5% on variable cost). For remaining capacity, company is

    planning to participate in upcoming case-1 bids.

    He thanked Member Secretary, WRPC for providing the opportunity to host the meeting

    at Raipur.

    Shri S D Taksande, Member Secretary, WRPC extended warm welcome to all the

    participants of the 484th OCCM at Raipur.

    He appreciated GMR Chhattisgarh, specially Shri Ravi Shankar S, COO, & Shri

    Sandeep Pachpor VP(O&M) for their guidance. Shri Pankaj Vaidya & Anusha Gandham

    Executive Engineer GCEL(GMR Chhattisgarh) were appreciated for immaculate

    arrangement of hospitality and stay at Raipur.

    He told that Western region is power surplus region because of continuous addition of

    generation. He emphasized that next generation will be facing new challenges due to

    addition of large amount of renewable energy sources to grid & urged utilities to brace

    themselves to accommodate huge amount of RE power

    He further informed about following important events which have taken place since last


    The 4th amendment to Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC), 2010 notified on 6th

    April, 2016 requires NLDC to formulate a procedure for taking units under

    Reserve Shut Down and identifying generating units to be backed down up to

    technical minimum schedule. Comments from WRPC needs to be sent to NLDC

    at the earliest.

    He informed that now the generators under section 62 can enter into open market

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    484th OCC MINUTES

    for sell of unrequisitioned power through Power exchanges in line with provisions

    of revised tariff policy.

    40th SCM was held on 1st June 2016 at NRPC, New Delhi wherein following

    important items were discussed:

    a. Planning for Transmission System for Ultra Mega Solar Power Park in

    different parts of WR.

    b. Planning for Interconnection between CGPL UMPP and Adani Mundra

    generation plants in Gujarat.

    c. Measures to control High fault levels observed in Korba STPS & Wardha


    A Special Meeting on OPGW connectivity between WRLDC and SLDC Kalwa

    was held on 09.06.2016.

    A Special Meeting of assessment of status of ULDC equipments (RTUs &

    communication equipments) and requirement for their replacement / up gradation

    in WR was held on 09.06.2016.

    A meeting to discuss the draft DPR on Renewable Energy Management

    Centre(REMC) in WR prepared by E & Y consultant was held on 10.06.2016 at

    WRLDC Mumbai.

    He informed that two more Generating Units added in WR During last month i.e.

    Jhabua Power Ltd(600MW) commissioned on 03.05.2016 & TRN unit (300MW)

    synchronized on 31.05.2016.

    Thereafter he requested SE (OPN), WRPC to take up regular agenda items in seriatim

    for discussion.


    SE(O), WRPC stated that Minutes of 483rd meeting of Operation & Coordination Sub-

    Committee of WRPC held on 12.05.2016 at Jabalpur were forwarded vide letter No.

    WRPC/OPN/OCC-Minutes/2016/5399 dated 23.05.2016.

    A. PGCIL COMMENT:GM(AM),WRTS-II, PGCIL vide letter dated 08.06.2016 commented on item no. 8.4

    regarding a commissioning of assets in advance – certificate from WRPC for claiming of

    additional RoE last Para of 483rd OCC MoM:

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    484th OCC MINUTES

    Quote:“Member Secretary, WRPC suggested WRLDC that based on discussion in OCC, theymay issue a justification letter for 765kV S/C (Quad) Bina-Gwalior Ckt.3 to WRPC forfurther needful at WRPC Secretariat.”


    He requested following addition after above para.

    “WRLDC has conveyed that as per their system study, addition of 765kV Bina-Gwalior

    Ckt.3 element has improved grid stability between WR-NR corridor and network

    redundancy, this has benefitted the grid network. After deliberation, all constituents

    have agreed that this element meets the criterion of claiming additional ROE and thus

    may please be granted”.

    GM, WRLDC stated that the matter was already agreed in 483rd OCC forum. WRLDC is

    being part of WRPC, there is no need to take separate justification of benefits of the

    above elements from WRLDC. He further stated that WRLDC has agreed on benefits of

    addition of 765kV Bina-Gwalior Ckt.3, whereas they have not supported the benefits of

    765 kV Indore-Vadodara line commissioned before target date & thus additional RoE for

    same can’t be granted.

    Sub-Committee agreed for above modification.

    Member secretary stated that as a practice of earlier two cases on the same subjects,

    WRLDC justified the benefits of concern transmission elements.

    He suggested that any RoE case onwards shall be discussed in OCC forum of the WRPC,

    where views on subject matter from beneficiaries can be taken & after approval of

    justification from the forum, WRPC Secretariat shall consider to issue necessary certificate

    for claiming additional RoE.

    SE(LD), Kalwa, Maharashtra stated that details of completion of work in totality and

    benefits accrued should be shared with beneficiaries of WR.

    Sub-Committee agreed the above proposal of MS WRPC.

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    B ADANI COMMENT:GM, APML, commented on last paragraph of item no 9.3 regarding 765/400 kV ICT at

    Tirora and 765/400 kV ICT at Akola II -- N-1 non-compliant

    Quote:“MEGPTCL informed that approval of MERC for 2nd ICTs at Akola-2 and Tirora had been

    obtained and the orders have been placed. Erection and commissioning activities are

    being started. It would be completed within 3 months.”


    He requested following modification in place of above para.

    MERC approval for Tiroda and Akola 2nd ICT is still awaited, Engineering activities hasbeen completed. Erection and commissioning activities can be completed within 6months from the date of MERC approval.

    Sub-Committee agreed for above modification.ITEM NO.2: REVIEW OF SYSTEM OPERATION DURING THE MONTH OF MAY 2016.

    SE(OPN),WRPC requested WRLDC to brief the Committee on Grid Operation experiences

    during May 2016.

    Engineer, WRLDC in the presentation concentrated broadly on the performance of the grid

    for month of May 2016 (attached in soft copy).

    2.1 Frequency ParticularsThe average frequency during the month of May, 2016 was 50.00 Hz. The maximum

    instantaneous frequency was 50.44 Hz at 17:31:30 hrs on 18th May -16 while minimum

    instantaneous frequency was 49.56 Hz at 22:12:20 hrs on 26th May -16. The frequency

    profile during May, 2016 was as under:

    01st May 2016 to 31st May 2016 % time

    IEGC band (49.9 < f < 50.05 Hz) 69.78

    < 49.9 Hz 07.10

    > 50.05 Hz 23.12

    The frequency particulars is enclosed at Annex-2.1

    The Sub-Committee noted.

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    2.2 Inter-regional Exchanges

    There was a net inter-regional export of 5063.00 MUs by WR against net export schedule

    of 5069.00 MUs.

    The Sub-Committee noted.

    2.3 Voltage Profile

    Voltage profile at some of 765/400 kV sub-stations during the month of May 2016

    furnished by WRLDC is enclosed at Annex-2.3.

    The Sub-Committee noted as above.

    2.4 U/F Relay Operations

    As per WRLDC records during May 2016 the system frequency didn’t touch 49.2 Hz and

    no UFR operation has been reported by WRLDC.

    The UFR operation status reported by constituents is enclosed at Annexure-2.4.

    The Sub-Committee noted as above.2.5 Power Cuts / Load Restrictions

    Details of Power Cuts and Regulatory measures during May 2016 as furnished by the state

    utilities are given in Annex. 2.5.

    The Sub-Committee agreed to furnish as above.

    2.6 Details of Generating Units under Forced outages

    Details of generating units under forced outages during May 2016 are given in Annex-2.6.

    The Sub-Committee noted as above.

    2.7 Details of Generating Units under Planned outages

    The details of generating units under Planned Outages during May 2016 are given inAnnex-2.7

    The Sub-Committee noted as above.


    3.1 Proposed Planned maintenance programme of generating units.

    The maintenance programme of generating units for June 2016 & July 2016 was discussed.The maintenance programme of generating units for the months June 2016 & July 2016 isgiven in Annex 3.1.The Sub-Committee agreed as above.

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    SE(Opn), WRPC informed that following procedures for transmission elements outages

    planning for 483rd OCCM onwards:

    1) The OCC held in the current month (M) shall discuss the line outages for the

    period from 20th of current Month to 19th of next month.

    2) The data for the above line outages shall be positively sent by 3rd workingday of current month for outages of said period. OCC will not entertain therequest after due date.

    3) The compiled data shall be e-mailed to WRLDC, SLDCs /utilities for any

    comments by 5th working day.

    4) The line /element outages are of the following types: Routine Maintenance,

    Constructional and Inter-Regional.

    5) As per the control areas, IEGC rules and existing practices WR, OCC shall

    discuss all 400 kV and 765 kV lines outages, irrespective of ownership, all inter-

    regional/ inter-state lines, all 220 kV lines from ISGS stations. Where outage of a

    line not covered under the above and wholly under a state, for example a 220 kV

    line in Gujarat, the agency seeking the outage shall have to approach Gujarat

    STU /SLDC authorities. If there are any problems, WR OCC may be informed for

    any assistance required.

    6) WR OCC typically meets between10th to 15th of every month. It was decided in 4th

    NPC meeting that OCC meeting shall be held by all RPCs not later than 20th of

    every month to leave a clear margin of 10 days to plan & coordinate outages for

    next month by NLDC.

    7) Inter-regional outages shall be planned well in advance so that time for co-

    ordination by NLDC/WRLDC can be done. NLDC shall co-ordinate inter-regional

    outages under intimation to the concerned RPC/RLDC.

    8) For construction related outages the dates cannot be exactly planned in advance

    though the tentative month/ dates may be decided and based on real time

    conditions the outages can be permitted by WRLDC/SLDC for constructional

    related category.

    9) Only those elements planned for maintenance shall be taken for outage subjected

    to real time condition permitting.

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    10)Urgent/emergency outages not in the above plan shall be taken as per advice of

    SLDC/WRLDC and information of same to all SLDC / WRPC shall be given.

    11)Code Giving Procedure: Since short term market clearance depends onavailable transmission capacity & is cleared on day ahead basis, there was a

    need for better planning. In this regard following was decided in the previous

    OCC meeting and shall be implemented:

    (a) All utilities shall confirmed on D-3 through following link about readiness to

    avail outages (where D is date of outage):


    (b) WRLDC shall issue code in real time within reasonable time with best effort

    either the code to avail or cancel depending on real time conditions.

    (c)All utilities that do not confirm by D-3, those outages shall be deemed


    SE(Opn) further informed that as agreed in 481st OCC meeting, most of the constituentshave submitted the transmission elements outage proposal within stipulated time (i.e.three working day).

    He further requested to WRLDC/NLDC to submit the proposal on third working day asper guide lines formulated above.

    He insisted utilities for times adhere for proposal of submission. In next OCC onwards noother outages list will be considered. He requested all the utilities to coordinate with theirfield engineers for time line submission of the outage proposal.

    Any other outages of emergency nature will be directly taken by WRLDC & coordinatedwith WRPC if required.

    SE(Opn), WRPC informed that that since the agenda Annexure 3.2 for proposal oftransmission elements outages is circulated on 5th working day of the month, thereforeWRLDC/SLDC shall gone through the annexure before coming to meeting & onlyspecific issues will be discussed during the outage planning meeting.

    Maintenance programme for transmission lines for the period of 20th June, 2016 to 19th July

    2016 were discussed.

    The outages planned agreed during the meeting is given in Annex 3.2.

    The Sub-Committee agreed/noted for the same.

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    Details of anticipated restricted & un-restricted demands for the months of June 2016 &

    July 2016 are given in Annex 3.3.

    The Sub-Committee noted the same.ITEM NO. 4: OPERATIONAL STATISTICS FOR THE MONTH OF May 2016

    The details of actual generation, demand, drawl of power from grid; exchanges etc. are

    given in the following Annexures:

    Annex 4.1 - Actual Generation and Requirement for May 2016.Annex 4.2 - Peak Demand: Schedule Vs Actual for May 2016.Annex 4.3 - Integrated Operation of the System and Operation of Inter State Tie lines

    for May 2016.Annex 4.5- Details of Declared Capacity, Schedules and Injections from Central sector

    stations, Drawl Schedules and Entitlements of constituents during May 2016Annex 4.6 - Inter System Exchanges for May 2016.Annex 4.7 – Details of level of Major Reservoirs in Western Region for May 2016.

    The Sub-Committee noted as above.


    There was no major grid disturbance in the Western Region during the month of May

    2016. However the details of minor incidences during the month received from WRLDC

    are enclosed at Annexure-5.

    The Sub-Committee noted as above.

    ITEM NO. 6: Healthiness status of SERs/DRs of equipment in the system.

    Constituents have furnished the status of healthiness of SER/DRs in their systems on thedates below:

    Sl No. Name ofconstituents

    Date of Receipt

    1 PGCIL,WRTS-I 02.06.20162 PGCIL,WRTS-II 14.06.20163 MPPTCL 14.06.20164 NTPC 14.06.20165 CSPTCL 03.06.20166 GETCO 08.06.20167 MSETCL 03.06.2016

    The Sub-Committee noted.

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    7.1 Status of completion of ongoing Schemes for Commissioning of reactors.

    The present status regarding schedule and commissioning of reactors is as below:


    400 kVSub/stn.


    Implementing agency

    Expected commissioningdate

    1 Nanded 125 MVAR MSETCL July – 2016

    2 Sholapur 125 MVAR MSETCL July – 2016

    3 Kolhapur 125 MVAR MSETCL July – 2016

    4 Akola 125 MVAR MSETCL July – 2016

    *5 Nagda 125 MVAR MPPTCL July – 2016

    6 ISP 125 MVAR NHDC July– 2016 (Expected)

    7 Line reactorat Nagda-ISPline at Nagdaend

    50MVAR MPPTCL Sept 2016 (Expected)

    8 Satpura 50 MVAR MPPGCL Dec-2016

    9 Khandwa 125MVAR PGCIL Commissioned on01.04.2016

    10 Vindhyachal 125MVAR NTPC Commissioned on06.04.2016

    *50 MVAR existing bus reactor to be shifted to Nagda-ISP line as line reactor aftercommissioning of 125 MVAr reactor at Nagda.

    Sub-Committee noted as above.7.2 STATUS OF COMPLETION OF 765/400 KV AND ABOVE ONGOING TRANSMISSION


    The updated status on various ongoing transmission schemes for the current year as per

    the current information available is as follows: -

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    Name of the Line TargetCompletionDate


    POWERGRID1 400 kV Navsari – Kudus D/C Line August -16 ROW/Forest problem2 765 kV Wardha –Nizamabad-

    Hyderabad D/CDec -16

    3 400 kV Aurangabad - Boisar line D/Cline

    Oct -16

    4 765 kV Aurangabad (PG) - Padghe(PG) D/C

    Dec -16

    5 800kV Champa – Kurukshetra Bipole September-16

    6 LILO of both circuits of Aurangabad –Pune 400 kV D/c line at Pune 765/400kV GIS

    Commissioned on03.04.2016

    CHHATTISHGARH1 400 kV DCDS Raipur(Raita)-

    Jagdalpur(DCDS)Oct -16

    2 LILO of 220 kV Raigarh-Budipadar at400 kV PGCIL S/s Raigarh. Idealcharged on 11.8.2015 for no theftreason

    Oct -16 Under discussion withOrissa and ERLDC, beingtaken up by WRPC

    GUJARAT1 400 kV D/C Vadinar-Amreli line Oct -16

    2 400kV APL-Hadala LILO to Halvad Oct -16

    3 400 kV D/C Amreli-Kasor line(Part-1) Dec -16

    4 400 kV Charanka- Veloda Oct -16

    5 400kV Varsana-Halvad Oct -16


    MAHARASHTRA(STU)1 400 kV Bableshwar-Kudus D/C

    (Quad) August -16


    400 kV Sujalpur(PG)-RAPP(Kota)(IR byRTCL)

    Commissioned on26.02.2016(But idlecharged from Sujalpur Endas bays at Rapp end arenot ready)

    The Sub-Committee noted as above.7.3 Commissioning of new Generating units in Western Region and the

    capacity expected to be commissioned during the current year 2016-17.

    The status regarding Generating units, commissioned /expected to be commissionedduring the current year according the available information is as below:

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    484th OCC MINUTES

    Name of the Power Projects Unit No. Capacity(MW)

    Date of Commissioning/Schedule Date


    CHHATTISGARHMARWA 2 500 Date of synchronization -

    02.03.2016 yet to be COD.MAHARASHTRACHANDRAPUR 8 500 Synchronized on 29.3.2016.

    COD ON 04.06.2016CHANDRAPUR 9 500 Commissioned on

    21.03.2016. COD not yetKORADI 9 660 Synchronized on

    21.01.2016. COD not yetKORADI 10 660 July -2016


    M/s Jhabua Power, Seoni 1 600 Synchronized on23.02.2016Cod on 03.05.2016

    Essar Power MP Ltd(Mahan) 2 600 July -16

    MB Power 2 600 Cod on 07.04.2016


    GMR Chhattisgarh 2 685 Cod on 01.04.2016

    KSK 3 600 July – 2016

    KSK 4 600 August – 2016

    RKM 3 360 Dec 2016

    RKM 4 360 Dec 2016

    Sub-committee noted as above.



    SE(O), WRPC requested all the constituents to submit the CMP report for the Fourth

    quarter (January 2016 to March 2016) for the year 2015-16.

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    The Sub-Committee noted as above and agreed to furnish the same.


    SE(O), WRPC requested the constituents to submit the Status of physical & cyber security

    in Power Sector for the Fourth quarter (January 2016 to March 2016) for the year 2015-16

    The Sub-Committee noted as above and agreed to furnish the same.

    ITEM NO. 8.3: READINESS OF SLDC AT GOA, OTHER SLDCs AND WRLDC FORUPGRADATION OF EXISTING SCADA/EMS SYSTEMDuring 29th WRPC meeting it was decided that the status of progress of SLDC’s & Back-up SLDC’s of WR constituents /WRLDC would be regularly monitored in monthly OCCmeeting.The matter was discussed during 31st TCC/WRPC meeting and WRTS-II, PGCIL hasbeen assigned the role to coordinate & sort-out the issues at the earliest for timelineimplementation of project with states & LD&C division of PGCIL. WRPC suggested tocall a meeting to expedite the same.Accordingly a meeting on SCADA/EMS was held on 27th April, 2016 with M/s Alstom at

    Bhopal. The most of the issues have been resolved by M/s Alstom. Other small punch

    points will be resolved by resident engineer of M/s Alstom by the end of September

    2016. Representative from M/s Alstom informed regarding resolution & escalation of

    project three level of engineers will be deployed viz at site level, at regional level & at all

    India level. Issues will be monitored at centralized level & resolving of the issues will be

    solved by appropriate level of expertise.

    Representatives from Gujarat, MP & Chhattisgarh have agreed to the above

    arrangements of punch points resolving & man power deployments by M/s Alstom .

    PGCIL confirmed the same for Goa, DD & DNH. The defect liability period will be

    started from 1st June 2016 for one year & thereafter AMC will be continued for next five

    year as per contracted terms & conditions.

    Member Secretary, WRPC suggested to compile all punch points and unresolved issues

    and a meeting may be convened accordingly for the same with M/s Alstom. He further

    suggest as AMC is on individual basis, SLDC’s shall do their TOC(transfer of control)


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    DGM, WRTS-II, Vadodara agreed to convey a meeting at Vadodara to expedite the

    same at the earliest.

    The latest status of progress of SLDC’s & Back-up SLDC’s of WR constituents /WRLDC

    is enclosed at Annexure 8.3.

    The sub-Committee noted as above


    GM(AM), WRTS-II, PGCIL Vadodara vide letter dated 26.05.2016 informed that

    construction activities of +/- 800 kV Champa – Kurukshetra HVDC line is in advance

    state of completion. This shall make an important inter-regional link between WR-NR

    and benefit for reliability and bulk energy transfer. One package of line between location

    nos.418 to 814 in MP state of Anuppur & Dindori district has been completed. The

    charging of subject transmission line is feasible upon readiness of terminal stations at

    both ends of line. This is expected to be ready by July 2016.

    In this regard, it is pertinent to mention that during last six months, many incidents of

    conductor theft in subject line have been encountered under Dindori & Anuppur District

    of MP state. This is causing serious execution problem for us due to conductor qty. as

    well as rework in transmission line. Hence, it is essential to protect theft of conductor as

    well as prevent any damage/break down to tower due to unbalancing, which has

    fortunately not happened till date.

    He requested for idle charging of part of 800 kV HVDC Champa – Kurukshetra line ( 2

    sections of 15 kms each) has been explored in theft affected portion. Thus proposal is

    illustrated as below:-

    1. Pole-1 of 800 kV HVDC Champa-Kurushetra line proposed to be charged with

    Top phase of Ckt.2 of 400 kV Anuppur-Jabalpur line. Detailed sketch of same is

    enclosed at annexure 1 (between line loc.no.100/0 & 101/0 of HVDC line and

    loc.nos. 30 & 31 of 400 D/C Anuppur-Jabalpur line).

    2. Similarly, Pole-II of 800 kV HVDC Champa-Kurushetra line proposed to be

    charged with Top phase of Ckt.2 of 400 kV Vindhyachal-Jabalpur line. Detailed

    sketch of same is enclosed at annexure 2 (between loc.nos.6/0 & 7/0 of HVDC

    line and loc.nos. 898 & 899 of 400 D/C Anuppur-Jabalpur line).

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    He requested for permission of anti-theft charging of 800 kV HVDC Champa –

    Kurukshetra line in above section.

    OCC discussed the above matter & opined that permission of anti-theft charging of 800

    kV HVDC Champa – Kurukshetra line at Extra high voltage (400kV) is not advisable,

    whereas if PGCIL willing to anti-theft charging, it can be done at 11kV, 33kV or 66kV


    However GM, WRLDC informed that as per CEA guide line on anti-theft charging,

    WRTS-II, PGCIL Vadodara may directly approach to WRLDC. WRLDC will look after the

    possibility of anti-theft charging as per the existing CEA standards/guidelines.

    The Sub-Committee noted as above.


    Following utilities have approached WRPC Secretariat for recommendation of their

    projects to the Appraisal Committee for funding from PSDF(Copy attached at Annexure


    Sr.No. Name of project Organisation

    1 Installation of capacitors bank in MGVCL &UGVCL



    2 Replacement of existing 14 Nos. ABB makesRADSS (static) scheme by Numerical Bus barProtection schemes at various 400/220KV ClassSubstation & Supply and commissioning ofNumerical bus bar protection scheme (14 Nos. ofscheme provided at 132KV Class) underRenovation & modernization (R&M) scheme”


    3 Installation and Commissioning of Capacitorbanks at various EHV substations under Nashik &Pune Zone in MSETCL


    In 29th WRPC meeting it was decided to form committee comprise of MS WRPC, GM

    WRLDC, ED/CE (STU) from the constituents, ED POWERGRID, ED NTPC for

    recommending the projects to the appraisal Committee.

    Member Secretary, WRPC suggested to call a meeting of above members for

    recommendation of above projects to appraisal committee. Also he requested for

    submitting any such proposal at the earliest so that there could be included for

    discussion in proposed meeting.

    The Sub-Committee noted as above.

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    ITEM NO. 8.6 SHEDULE FOR NTPC JHANOR GPP FOR GGF GAS UTILISATION.DGM NTPC HQ-I informed that at present Jhanor station is getting schedule so the

    GGF is getting utilized. It is requested to facilitate and support Jhanor minimum one GT

    operation to continue the GGF consumption in Manson/low demand perioed as well. If

    The Jhanor gas station goes under close reserve due to less /no requisition from

    beneficiaries constituents. This will be resulting in non utilisation of GGF Gandhar gas

    field gas.

    He informed that non-availability of generation schedule, the station is not able to draw

    any ONGC’s South Gujarat gas from GAIL which can only be taken at Jhanor Gandhar

    GPS. The gas suppliers are compelled to flare gas due to low off take by consumers.

    GAIL has issued letters mentioning that the continuous off take of GGF gas to be

    ensured otherwise, they would be constrained to raise Take-or-Pay clause in line with

    the contractual obligations. The GGF is in APM category which is the cheapest gas in

    the country, any shortfall in its drawl may lead the Govt. to reduce allocation of the


    The matter was discussed in 28th WRPC meeting dated 04.03 2015 and subsequent

    OCCM, the utilisation of the GGF was in principal agreed and constituents were advised

    to give schedule accordingly.

    In view of above, he requested that sufficient generation schedule may be given to

    Jhanor-Gandhar station so that the station can operate at least at its technical minimum

    load (149 MW) in combined cycle mode and can draw the committed gas from GAIL to

    avoid Take-or-Pay situation.

    Please note that if M/S GAIL if invokes take or pay clause than such amount will have

    to be loaded to fuel cost to be recovered from beneficiaries.

    GM, NTPC expressed that the point has been agreed in previous WRPC/TCC/OCC

    meetings and all the beneficiaries must support for the same. He once again requested

    all the beneficiaries for giving schedule to Gandhar for one GT technical minimum

    schedule (149MW) as agreed in previous forums. This is in the interest of all the

    beneficiaries, GGF being the cheap gas power is available to them and also important

    for the utilisation of the natural resource which is otherwise wastefully flared up.

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    Member Secretary, informed that in the coming monsoon season would be difficult for

    beneficiaries to schedule Kawas/Gandhar GS & also informed that as per Office

    Memorandum dated 09th May 2016 from MoP wherein State Govt / State DISCOM were

    advised to use para 6..2(1) provision of Tariff policy and give their consent to the

    respective Generating stations for sale of such URS Power in the market through Power

    Exchange. NTPC can also avail this facilities.

    The Sub-Committee noted as above.


    DGM NTPC HQ-I informed that Mouda Stage II ,Unit-3 test synchronized and COD likely

    by July 2016 and Unit-4 by the year end. Presently Mouda power evacuation is only by

    Mouda-Wardha 400KV double ckt lines. Mouda –Betul DC line is under erection. Early

    readiness of the lines may please be ensured to facilitate power evacuation.

    PGCIL intimated that the line will commissioned by the September 2016.

    NTPC representative requested Powergird adhere to schedule commitment given by


    Member Secretary requested PGCIL to expedite the same.

    The Sub-Committee noted as above.

    ITEM NO. 8.8 MOUDA UNIT-1 SCHEDULE FOR BOILER PG TEST.DGM NTPC HQ-I informed that Mouda Unit#1 PG test for Boiler part-I completed,

    for Boiler part II PG test BHEL preparation is in progress, programme for the same will

    be informed . Beneficiaries are requested to provide the generation schedule for PG


    Member Secretary requested beneficiaries to support for the PG test as it is contractual

    requirement of station.

    The Sub-Committee noted as above.

    ITEM NO. 8.9 PROBLEMS IN WEB SCHEDULINGChief Engineer, SLDC Chhattisgarh informed that while scheduling through WRLDC new

    web scheduling software, some problems/suggestions were forwarded to WRLDC, needs

    to be resolved/incorporated:

  • 17

    484th OCC MINUTES

    (a) For preparation of requisition by State for ISGS entitlement, the pages related to

    every ISGS stations are to be opened separately which is quite inconvenient

    and time consuming. If the same is provided State wise, incorporating

    entitlement of all central sector stations in a single page, preparation and

    submission of requisition will be much easier and convenient.

    If the above is not possible then in the requisition & schedule menu, the

    sequence of central sector ISGS in drop box may be kept same as that is

    being uploaded in the website of WRLDC which will ease the down loading

    the same for further use.

    (b) Drawl Schedule Display in WRLDC Website:-The drawl schedule of differentStates with their embedded entity are presently being displayed in the WRLDC

    website needs to be simplified by adding some suffix to the name of ISGS

    station. This will help in using these data further in our internal software. At

    present the share of the State in ISGS as well as in bundled solar power are

    being displayed with the same name of ISGS station. Similarly the share & URS

    of embedded entity of CSEB i.e. BSP and State share in NSPCL also needs to be

    displayed by adding some suffix to it.

    GM, WRLDC ensured that the above points suggested by SLDC, Chhattisgarhcan be considered & accordingly try to accommodate on the new software.

    (c) Despite discussion in last OCCM, the issue of data from Raipur & Bhatapara

    PGCIL stations in midnight has not been resolved.

    PGCIL informed that being above sub stations are unmanned, therefore it will be

    difficult to provide the data at midnight.

    Member Secretary suggested that CSPTCL can commissioned AMR at above sub

    stations to get the online data & requested PGCIL to find some amicable solution for

    furnishing the data from above stations.

    The Sub-Committee noted as above.

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    484th OCC MINUTES


    Executive Director, NLDC New Delhi informed that the 4th amendment to Indian

    Electricity Grid Code (IEGC),2010 notified on 6th April,2016 requires NLDC to formulate

    a procedure for taking units under Reserve Shut Down and identifying generating units

    to be backed down up to technical minimum schedule. The relevant extracts are given


    “NLDC shall prepare a Detailed Operating Procedure in consultation with the generators

    and beneficiaries at RPC forums within 2 months’ time and submit to the Commission for

    approval. The Detailed Operating Procedure shall contain the role of different agencies,

    data requirements, procedure for taking the units under reserve shut down and the

    methodology for identifying the generating stations or units thereof to be backed down

    upto the technical minimum in specific Grid conditions such as low system demand,

    Regulation of Power Supply and incidence of high renewables etc., based on merit order


    Accordingly, draft operating procedure (enclosed at Annexure – 8.10) has been

    formulated. He requested that the draft procedure may be discussed with the

    generators and beneficiaries at the respective RPC level and the comments on the

    procedure may be sent to NLDC at the earliest so that the same could be considered

    and the final procedure submitted to the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission


    Member Secretary, suggested that a meeting would be arranged on 23.06.2016 at

    WRPC Mumbai & following issues will be discussed in the meeting & requested all

    concerned to participates & discuss the matter in detail.

    1. To submit comments on the draft detailed procedure for taking units under RSD and

    identifying generating stations to be back down up to technical minimum framed by


    2. Sale of Un requisitioned surplus (URS) Power in respect of generators undersection 62 of IE Act 2003, in line with provisions of Revised tariff policy.

    The outcome of the meeting will be sent as a WRPC comment to NLDC for their further


    The Sub-Committee noted as above.

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    484th OCC MINUTES

    ITEM NO. 9: WRLDC ITEMS9.1Telemetry Issues

    The locations having major telemetry issues are as under:

    a) Non availability of data from VSTPS stage 3Data is not coming since 30-March-2016. The matter was escalated time and

    again. During last meeting, it was informed that Converter is under purchase from

    Kalkitech. Present status to be reviewed.

    Representative from NTPC informed that converter has been purchased and is

    likely to be received at site soon .Telemetry from VSTPS- st-3 would be available

    before next OCC.

    b) Highly intermittent data from Kolhapur GIS400kV Kolhapur GIS-Kudgi-D/C data is also being used to calculate the drawl of

    Maharashtra. Data from Kolhapur goes to Mapusa on OPGW. From Mapusa to

    Nagpur it goes on Reliance. From Nagpur to WRLDC it comes on PowerTel.

    During last meeting POWERGRID agreed to procure the alternate channel in 3-4

    months. Present status to be reviewed.

    Representative from PGCIL informed that action for procurement of alternate

    channel already initiated and the alternate channel will be available by July’16

    end .

    Gateway problems at SolapurBoth gateways hanged on 16.04.16 which resulted incorrect computation of

    drawal of Maharashtra. POWERGRID WRTS1 during last meeting informed that

    these gateways have been procured . There is some License issue before making

    it online. Present Status to be reviewed.

    Representative from PGCIL informed that gateway commissioning is done

    however some Licence issue is pending.Telemetry data would be available by

    July’16 end .

    c) Intermittent data from ChampaReal time data from Chama is received through GPRS which is highly

    intermittent. PowerGrid to indicate the present status of connectivity through


    Representative from PGCIL informed that Fibre connectivity is in advance stage ofcompletion and data through Fibre would be available by July’16 end .

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    484th OCC MINUTES

    d) Intermittent data from DharjaygarhReal time data from Dharamjaygarh is received through GPRS and POWERGRID

    Intranet which is highly intermittent. POWERGRID to indicate the present status

    of connectivity through Fibre.

    Representative from PGCIL informed that Fibre connectivity is in advance stage ofcompletion and data through Fibre would be available by July’16 end .

    e) Non-availability of telemetry for elements from MSETCL stationsAvailability of telemetry of following elements from MSETCL end at WRLDC is as


    400 / 220 kV ICTsSr.No. Station name ICT no.


    1 Waluj 3Data availablefrom 10.6.16

    2 Dhule 3

    3 Kalwa 3Data availablefrom 10.6.16

    4 Kolhapur 3

    5 Parli 3Data availablefrom 10.6.16

    6 Padghe 47 Solapur 2

    8 Jejuri 1Data availablefrom 10.6.16

    9 Jejuri 2Data availablefrom 10.6.16

    10 Akola 1Data availablefrom 10.6.16

    11 Akola 2

    12 New Koyna 2Data availablefrom 10.6.16

    13 Bhusawal (400/220)3(MVAR)

    14 Koradi 2 2

    LinesSr.No. From station To station

    ckt.No. Untelemetered end



    AurangabadPG 1 Aurangabad MH


    AurangabadPG 2 Aurangabad MH

  • 21

    484th OCC MINUTES

    LinesSr.No. From station To station

    ckt.No. Untelemetered end


    3Parli MH Parli PG

    1Parli MH

    Dataavailablefrom 10.6.16

    4Parli MH Parli PG

    2Parli MH

    Dataavailablefrom 10.6.16

    5AurangabadMH Pune 1 Aurangabad MH

    6AurangabadMH Pune 2 Aurangabad MH

    7AurangabadMH Deepnagar 1 Aurangabad MH

    8AurangabadMH Taptitanda 1 Aurangabad MH

    9 Akola Akola 2 1 Akola10 Akola Akola 2 2 Akola

    11Bableshwar IB Nashik


    Dataavailablefrom 10.6.16

    12Bableshwar IB Nashik


    Dataavailablefrom 10.6.16

    13 New Koyna RGPPL 1 New Koyna14 New Koyna RGPPL 2 New Koyna15 New Koyna Koyna4 1 New Koyna16 New Koyna Koyna4 2 New Koyna17 New Koyna Jaigad 1 New Koyna18 New Koyna Jaigad 2 New Koyna19 Karad Jaigad 1 Karad20 Karad Jaigad 2 Karad21 Kolhapur Solapur PG 1 Kolhapur22 Kolhapur Solapur PG 2 Kolhapur23 Bhusawal Deepnagar 1 Bhusawal24 Bhusawal Deepnagar 2 Bhusawal

    25Koradi Khaparkheda


    Dataavailablefrom 10.6.16

    26 Dhule MH Dhule BDTCL 1 Dhule MH27 Dhule MH Dhule BDTCL 2 Dhule MH28 Nagothane Padghe 2 Nagothane

    Further, SLDC, MSETCL informed that the actions are being taken and telemetry

    data of 11 more stations would be available by June’16 end. Balance by July’16


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    484th OCC MINUTES

    9.2Sale of Un requisitioned surplus (URS) Power in line with provisions ofRevised tariff policy —

    Reference is invited to Office Memorandum dated 09th May 2016 from

    MoP(Copies enclosed at Annexure-9.2) wherein State Govt / State DISCOM

    were advised to use para 6..2(1) provision of Tariff policy and give their consent

    to the respective Generating stations for sale of such URS Power in the market

    through Power Exchange. Relevant extracts from the Tariff Policy are quoted


    "Power stations are required to be available and ready to dispatch at all times.

    Notwithstanding any provision contained in the Power Purchase Agreement

    (PPA), in order to ensure better utilization of un-requisitioned generating capacity

    of generating stations, based on regulated tariff under Section 62 of the Electricity

    Act 2003, the procurer shall communicate, at least twenty four hours before 00.00

    hours of the day when the power and quantum thereof is not requisitioned by it

    enabling the generating stations to sell the same in the market in consonance

    with laid down policy of Central Government in this regard. The developer and the

    procurers signing the PPA would share the gains realized from sale, if any, of

    such un-requisitioned power in market in the ratio of 50:50, if not already provided

    in the PPA. Such gain will be calculated as the difference between selling price of

    such power and fuel charge. It should, however, be ensured that such merchant

    sale does not result in adverse impact on the original beneficiary(ies) including in

    the form of higher average energy charge vis-a-vis the energy charge payable

    without the merchant sale. For the projects under section 63 of the Act, the

    methodology for such sale may be decided by the Appropriate Commission on

    mutually agreed terms between procurer and generator or unless already

    specified in the PPA."

    Member Secretary, WRPC proposed to hold a separate meeting on 23.6.16 to

    discuss sale of URS of generators under section 62 in Power exchange along

    with the meeting on Draft Procedure prepared by NLDC for RSD mechanism.

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    484th OCC MINUTES

    9.3Mechanism for compensation for station heat rate and auxiliary energyconsumption for low unit loading and for start-stop during RSD

    4th Amendment of IEGC issued by CERC on 6th April 2016, provides as under:

    6.3 B (3) “Where the CGS or ISGS, whose tariff is either determined or adopted

    by the Commission, is directed by the concerned RLDC to operate below

    normative plant availability factor but at or above technical minimum, the CGS or

    ISGS may be compensated depending on the average unit loading duly taking

    into account the forced outages, planned outages, PLF, generation at generator

    terminal, energy sent out ex-bus, number of start-stop, secondary fuel oil

    consumption and auxiliary energy consumption, in due consideration of actual

    and normative operating parameters of station heat rate, auxiliary energy

    consumption and secondary fuel oil consumption etc. on monthly basis duly

    supported by relevant data verified by RLDC or SLDC, as the case may be.”

    6.3B (3) (iii) “Where the scheduled generation falls below the technical minimum

    schedule, the concerned CGS or ISGS shall have the option to go for reserve

    shut down and in such cases, start-up fuel cost over and above seven (7) start /

    stop in a year shall be considered as additional compensation based on following

    norms or actual, whichever is lower:”

    6.3 (3) (vi)“The compensation shall be borne by the entity who has caused the

    plant to be operated at schedule lower than corresponding to Normative Plant

    Availability Factor up to technical minimum based on the compensation


    6.3B (7)”The RPCs shall work out a mechanism for compensation for station heat

    rate and auxiliary energy consumption for low unit loading on monthly basis in

    terms of energy charges and compensation for secondary fuel oil consumption

    over and above the norm of 0.5 ml/kWh for additional start-ups in excess of 7

    start-ups, in consultation with generators and beneficiaries at RPC forum and its

    sharing by the beneficiaries finalized by the RPCs.”

    Member Secretary, WRPC advised NTPC to prepare the draft mechanism for

    compensation and put up in next CCM. If possible the issue could also be

    included in a special meeting scheduled on 23.06.2016 for RSD & URS


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    484th OCC MINUTES

    9.4Telemetry issues from Maharashtra Stations StationsTelemetry issues from Maharashtra Stations have been flagged in various WRPC /

    OCC meetings (since Dec’13). There is very close monitoring on Telemetry issues by

    Hon’ble CERC. CERC order vide dt 29.1.16, directs all utilities to up-date telemetry

    status in their system within one month of this order with an advance copy to NLDC,

    respective RLDC and RPC. RLDC have been directed by CERC to monitor the

    implementation of telemetry and in case of any difficulty, the matter has to be

    discussed and sorted out in the RPC meetings. If any entities does not submit the

    information, the concerned RLDC has to file application before the Commission

    against the said entities under Section 142 of the Act. The status of telemetry for all

    WR constituents is uploaded in the WRLDC Website. The present status of telemetry

    in Maharashtra is tabulated below:

    Number ofstationswhose

    telemetryshould be

    available atWRLDC

    Number ofstationswhose

    telemetry isnot

    integrated inWR-SCADA

    Number ofstations whose

    telemetry isintermittent /


    % observability ofstations underjurisdiction ofMaharashtraSTU/SLDC

    at WRLDC

    A B C (A – (B+ C)/AGenerating

    Stations 32 0 4** 87.50%765/400 kV


    19 2* 4***73.68%

    220 kVTransmissionsubstations

    178 8 5862.92%

    Total 229 10 66 67.25%

    Telemetry not available from *Chandrapur(ii), Lonikhand(II): During the March OCC

    it was informed that it will be made available by end March16. During the April OCC,

    it was informed that telemetry from Chandrapur2 is established upto Kalwa and will

    be extended upto WRLDC shortly and Lonikhand will be made available by April end.

    Present status to be updated by MSETCL.

    ** Jaigarh, Trombay, Koyna, Deepnagar- MSETCL to give status for resolving the

    issue of intermittency.These are important Generating stations .

    *** Bableswar, Khargar, Nagothane, Jejuri- MSETCL to give status for resolving the

    issue of intermittency. These are important Load points

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    484th OCC MINUTES

    On 10 May 2016 at 01:09 Hrs, due to lightning and rain the Neutral displacement relay of

    400/220 kV ICT 1 & 2 of Lonikhand2 Sub-station along with 400/220 kV ICT 1 at

    Lonikhand sub-station has tripped.

    WRLDC remained ignorant of tripping of Lonikhand ICT because the telemetry from

    Lonikhand2 is not available. SLDC Kalwa also failed to report the event to WRLDC.

    SLDC Kalwa to examine the case and ensure prompt sharing of information for reliable


    SLDC, Maharashtra representative informed that telemetry data of Chandrapur(II)

    Switchyard & Lonikhand(II) Switchyard will be available by June’16 end.

    9.5Implementation of SPS in Maharashtra stations as advised by NLDCImplementation of following SPS is still pending in Maharashtra stations


    Final Logic SPS Action Status on 25th April 2016

    SPS-5 400kV Wardha -Parli D/C:

    Tripping of anyone circuit of400 kVWardha -Parli D/C andflow on othercircuit > 750MW

    - 800MW Gen Back down inWR: Tirora-200 MW, Koradi –70 MW, Chandrapur – 250MW, Mauda – 100MW,Khaperkheda– 150 MW,Indiabulls – 30 MW

    - Load Shedding:- 800 MW in SR.- 200-300 MW in Western


    - Only Tiroda and Maudawired for SPS action.

    - Wiring of SPS forgeneration backing down atKoradi, Chandrapur,Khaparkheda and RattanIndia yet to be implementedby Maharashtra.

    - Wiring for 200 – 300 MWload shedding in WesternMaharashtra yet to beimplemented.

    SPS-6 400kV Parli –Sholapur D/C:

    Flow on eithercircuit of 400kV Parli –Sholapur D/Ccrossing 800MW andremainingabove thisvalue for 2.5seconds

    - 800 MW Gen Back down inWR: JPL-150 MW, JPL Extn –150 MW, KSK – 100 MW,LANCO – 100MW, DB Power– 100 MW, KWPCL – 100 MW,BALCO – 50 MW, NSPCL – 50MW

    - Load of 800 MW shall beshed in SR.

    - 200-300 MW load shedding in

    - Wiring of Gen Back downat all Stations implemented

    -- Wiring of SPS for 200-300

    MW automatic loadshedding in Maharashtrayet to be implemented.

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    484th OCC MINUTES

    OrTripping of any

    one circuit of400 kV Parli –Sholapur D/Cand flow onother circuit >700 MW

    Western Maharashtra

    GM, WRLDC stated that NLDC has replied to SLDC, MSETCL letter and insisted on

    implementing the suggested SPS in full.

    Member Secretary, WRPC requested MSETCL to expedite the above SPS Scheme.

    9.6Extension of SPS signal to KWPCL from Kotra after permanent connectivity toKotra

    SPS signal was extended to 400 kV KWPCL through PLCC from Raipur SS, now

    said Line has been de-LiLoed and rerouting of signal is required. Matter was

    discussed with POWERGRID Kotra and they were advised them to extend the signal

    to KWPCL via Raipur SS -Raigarh SS - Kotra PS.

    Vide their email dated 20-May-2016, POWERGRID informed that in conventional SS,

    PLCC panel are placed nearby hence modification in SPS signal is easy but

    Kotra PS has distributed PLCC panels due to which back to back connection is

    challenging. Accordingly it was suggested that SPS transmission could be as below -

    "SPS Signal to be traveled either through Raipur or directlty from origin through fiber

    and further distribution will be done at Kotra PS."

    Representative from KWPCL and POWERGRID has confirmed that the SPS signal is

    extended up to KWPCL and generator backing down will be observed as per the


    9.7Frequency Response Characteristic of Major Generators in WRThe FRC of the major generating stations (500 MW and above)is being reviewed

    regularly since DEC 15 starting with 478th, 479th, 480th, 481st, 482nd OCC and 483rd

    meetings. FRC of following events have been already been analyzed.

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    484th OCC MINUTES

    Event Date Time Frequency Change Desirableactions

    1 26 Oct 15 14:41Hrs0.27 Hz Rise : 50.02 to50.29 Gen reduction

    2 21 Feb 16 16:46Hrs0.16 Hz Rise : 49.96 to50.12 Gen reduction

    3 06 Mar 16 06:47Hrs0.16 Hz Dip: 50.02 to49.86 Gen pick up

    4 14 Mar 16 01:36Hrs0.17 Hz Dip: 50.00 to49.83 Gen pick up

    5 14 Apr 16 13:29Hrs0.13 Hz Dip : 49.90 to49.77 Gen pick up

    6 17 Apr 16 01:09Hrs0.21 Hz Dip : 49.98 to49.77 Gen pick up

    7 18 May1617:31Hrs

    0.40 Hz rise : 50.04 to50.43 Gen reduction

    On 18 May 2016, there was a major event when it was observed that the grid

    frequency increased from 50.04 Hz (at 17:31:02 hrs) to 50.43 Hz (at 17:31:19 hrs) of

    18.05.2016 due to sudden load throw off of ~ 3500 MW in Northern Region. This

    implies a frequency rise of more than 0.4 Hz (within 17 seconds).

    Frequency remained outside the IEGC band for a considerable period of time

    causing sudden rise in bus voltage and threat to grid security. The event could have

    caused Nuclear / Thermal units to trip on overspeed and EHV Lines to trip on OV.

    Thus it was a "near-miss" grid event. It is expected that such large and sudden

    variation in frequency is arrested by automatic load reduction in generating units

    through governor response. This is mandated by IEGC regulation 5.2 as RGMO /

    FGMO which has to be complied by all entities.

    All Regional Entities were requested by WRLDC to submit the data of frequency vsMW of the units on bar. The response of various entities to be discussed.

    A. The data was furnished by all the regional entity generators except the following:I. ESSAR MAHAN: data is still pending

    II. BALCO: data is still pending

    III. DB POWER: Data received , but there is no response.

    IV. APL MUNDRA: data is still pending

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    484th OCC MINUTES

    B. Inferences on the response of RGMO and FGMO based on data submitted for 18-


    1) Generators who are participating---







    g) KORBA STAGE-2

    h) KWPCL

    i) SASAN

    j) LANCO(300 MW)

    k) NSPCL (250 MW)

    l) Dhariwal (300 MW)

    2) Generators who are not participating

    a) NTPC VINDHYACHAL STAGE 4 : data of 18th May’2016 and 9th

    June’2016 was shared but RGMO response not observed

    b) KSK : 18-may-2016 data shared and RGMO response observed.But

    delayed response.

    c) MB POWER : RGMO installed. Response will be observed from next event

    d) ESSAR MAHAN: data not shared, inspite of repeated calls and email frm


    e) GMR CHATTISGARH:RGMO Logic implemented, Unit was under SD

    f) TIRODA: Data submission pending, inspite of repetitive call and email

    g) JINDAL STAGE 1: Unit-1 was under shutdown, but assure the response

    from next event

    h) CGPL: Member not present

    i) JP NIGRIE: Fine tuning is required, response will be observed from next


    OCC deliberated on the following issues:

    Non-compliance of WRLDC directions by Generating Stations under category-A

    regarding submission data.

  • 29

    484th OCC MINUTES

    Generating Station under Category B-2 to appraise the actions being taken to tune

    their governor in compliance with provisions of IEGC.

    SLDCs to intimate the response of major generating units within their jurisdiction:

    It was decided that each state would do similar exercise for generators above 500MW

    and share the RGMO response in each OCCM forum.

    9.8Implementation of Web-based Scheduling softwareThe real-time operation of Web-based Scheduling software has commenced w.e.f.

    00:00 hrs of 30.05.2016. The progress of activities is as under:

    Activity Responsibility Status/RemarkSubmission of DC All regional Entity

    Generating StationsNow all stations includingAtomic Power Stationsare filling the data

    Submission of requisition All regional entityStates/beneficiaries

    All except GOA are fillingthe data. Goa hasinformed that they willstart filling online aftershifting of SLDC to newbuilding.

    Validation andScheduling uploading

    WRLDC The schedules preparedfrom WBES and from ourown software arematching. However twoissues that are causingmismatch are as under– URS scheduling-Application of InjectingLosses on generatorsoutside the regionBoth these issues havebeen taken up with PwCand they shall beresolved.

    Preparation of RPCreports and public report

    WRLDC This works shall also becompleted soon.

    All regional entity constituents are requested to continue their participation for

    complete switch over to the WBES as soon as possible.

    GM, WRLDC informed that the New Software on Web Based Energy Scheduling is

    successfully running in parallel with the old software since 30-May-2016. It is

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    484th OCC MINUTES

    observed that during this time, utilities has accustomed themselves with the new

    system and the issues raised during this process are being addressed.

    Considering the benefit of Web based scheduling software, it was agreed to migrate

    to new web based software from 1st July’2016. Further, data entry as per the IEGC

    time-line need to be entered by concerned utilities.

    The Sub –committee noted as above.


    484th OCC reviewed the meeting roaster and finalized sheet is enclosed at Annexure-10.

    As per roster 485th OCC meeting will be held on 15th July 2016 hosted by KSK Mahanadi

    Chhattisgarh. KSK Mahanadi confirmed the same.

    The 486th OCC meeting would be hosted by Jaypee Nigri in the month of August 2016.

    The Sub- Committee noted as above



    Sl.No. Organisation, Name & Designation Mobile No. E-mail Address

    I WRPC1 Shri S.D. Taksande, M.S. 9820878384 [email protected] Shri V.K. Gupta, S.E. 9960792316 [email protected] Shri L.K.S. Rathore, D.D. 9833371844 [email protected] Shri P.D. Lone, E.E. 9867622823 [email protected]

    II MSETCL / MSEDCL/MahaGenco/MSPGCL5 Shri D.K. Rokade, S.E. 9167831551 [email protected]

    III MPPTCL / MPPGCL6 Shri K.K. Parbhakar, Addl.C.E. 9425805267 [email protected] Shri P.K. Saxena, S.E. 9425806609 [email protected] Shri Jayant Agasty, E.E. 9425806822 [email protected]

    IV CSPTCL / CSPGCL9 Shri W.R. Wankhede, C.E. 9425562412 [email protected]

    10 Shri H.K. Deota, S.E. 9893150920 [email protected] Shri Y. Krishna Rao, E.E. 9826518820 [email protected] Shri V.G. Eklla, E.E. 9407703686 [email protected]

    V NPCIL13 Shri Sanjeev Gadre, Opn. Supdtg. 8007982777 [email protected]

    VI WRLDC / POWERGRID14 Shri V.K. Shrivastava, G.M.15 Shri Kuleshwar Sahoo, A.G.M. 9425294214 [email protected] Shri P.R. Wankhede, D.G.M. 9422811668 [email protected] Shri C. Sunil Kumar, D.G.M. 9409103968 [email protected] Smt. Pushpa Seshadri, C.M. 9869404482 [email protected] Shri D. Bruhananda, C,M. 9428504279 [email protected] Shri Ravi Wadyalkar, C.M. 9423762547 [email protected] Shri Abhishek Gupta, Mgr.

    VII NTPC22 Shri P. Sreenivas, G.M. 900467757323 Shri D. Shrikhande, A.G.M. 9004497016 [email protected] Shri H. Harchandani, A.G.M. 9424209158 [email protected] Shri P. Mukherjee, A.G.M. 9425178058 [email protected] Shri M.L. Patra, A.G.M. 9425281282 [email protected] Shri Shri A. Krishna RaJ, A.G.M. 9418024074 [email protected] Shri A.K. Chandeliya, D.G.M. 9004497151 [email protected] Shri N.P. Agrawal, D.G.M. 9413354371 [email protected] Shri Arvind Patle, D.G.M. 9425178284 [email protected]

    VIII REL.INFRA31 Shri Ghanashyam A. Raut, G.M. (Opn.) 9325119787 [email protected] Shri Satya Kanaparthi, Manager 9300145996 [email protected]

    IX APML33 Shri Manoj Taunk, G.M. 9099005517 [email protected] Shri A. Mathhur, G.M. 9870663062 [email protected]


  • X TATA POWER35 Shri P.R. Gadave, Head G.O. 9223553341 [email protected]

    XI KSK Mahanadi36 Shri Chandresh Saxena, Sr. D.G.M. 9755549270 [email protected] Shri Ramakant Upadhyay, Dy. Mgr. 7869916080 [email protected]

    XII RKM POWER GEN.38 Shri T. Rajesh Kumar 8435000779 [email protected]

    XIII M B POWER39 Shri Vijay Amin, D.G.M. 7773011731 vijaykumar.amin@npppl,in

    XIV STERLITE POWER40 Shri Ankit Agrawal 8966903752 [email protected]

    XV NSPCL41 Shri A.A. Prasad, A.G.M. 9425293583 [email protected] Shri Sudhir Kumar Sahu, D.G.M. 9109139119 [email protected]

    XVI JPL43 Shri Binod Sahoo, G.M. 7898902620 [email protected] Shri Subir Biswas, A.G.M. 9329444832 [email protected]

    XVII GMR / GCEL45 Shri A.K. Prusty, Executive V.P. 9811808470 [email protected] Shri Sandeep Pachpor, V.P.47 Shri Ravi Shankar, C.O.O.48 Shri Manoj Mishra, G.M. 8550953421 [email protected] Shri Mukul B. Patwardhan, G.M. 7773012680 [email protected] Shri Shashank Sharma, G.M. 7898919605 [email protected] Shri Ravi Motwani, C. & I. 7698911714 [email protected] Shri Ravi Kaslikar, A.G.M. 9630042534 [email protected] Shri Manish Kumar Singh, A.G.M. 7898919080 [email protected] Shri Chandan Sinha, A.M. 8826887775 chandankumar.sinha @gmrgroup.in

    XVIII ESSAR POWER55 Shri Sandeep Gupta, Mgr. 8959593553 [email protected] Shri Ajay Chandra, Dy. Mgr. 9926905365 [email protected]

    XIX JAYPEE NIGRI57 Shri Vipin Dubey, Sr. Eng. 9473984724 [email protected]

    XX NCA58 Shri M.A.K. P. Singh, Member 9425066437 [email protected]

    XXI SASAN POWER LTD.59 Shri Anshuman Ojha, Sr.Mgr. 7828290800 [email protected]

    XXII D.B. POWER60 Saroj Garhwal, A.M. 9522200492 [email protected]

  • Anaulagnak 2.1

    maah ma[- 2016

    1. INTEGRATED OVER AN-HOURek GaMTo maoM samaakilat

    1.1 MAXIMUM FREQUENCY 50.20 Hz. BETWEEN 1700 Hrs & 1800 Hrs Hrs. ON 08.05.2016

    AiQaktma AavaRi%t

    1.2 MINIMUM FREQUENCY 49.78 Hz. BETWEEN 1800 Hrs & 1900 Hrs Hrs. ON 14.05.2016

    nyaUnatma AavaRi%t

    1.3 AVERAGE FREQUENCY 50.00 Hz.

    AaOsat AavaRi%t

    2. INSTANTANEOUS ta%kailak

    2.1 MAXIMUM FREQUENCY 50.44 Hz. AT 17:31:30 Hrs. ON 18.05.2016

    AiQaktma AavaRi%t

    2.2 MINIMUM FREQUENCY 49.56 Hz. AT22:12:20 hrs Hrs. ON 26.05.2016

    nyaUnatma AavaRi%t


    AavaRi%t ka samaya p`itSat maoM

    3.1 BELOW 48.5 Hz. 0.00 0.00 0.00

    48.5 hT\ja ko naIcao3.2 BETWEEN 48.5 Hz. AND 48.8 Hz. 0.00 0.00 0.00

    48.5 hT\ja AaOr 48.8 hT\ja ko baIca3.3 BETWEEN 48.8 Hz. AND 49.2 Hz. 0.00 0.00 0.00

    48.8 hT\ja AaOr 49.2 hT\ja ko baIca3.4 BETWEEN 49.2 Hz. AND 49.5 Hz. 0.00 0.00 0.00

    49.2 hT\ja AaOr 49.5 hT\ja ko baIca3.5 BETWEEN 49.5 Hz. AND 49.7 Hz. 0.14 0.16 0.10

    49.5 hT\ja AaOr 49.7 hT\ja ko baIca3.6 BETWEEN 49.7 Hz. AND 49.9 Hz. 6.96 12.91 8.59

    49.7 hT\ja AaOr 50.2 hT\ja ko baIca3.7 BETWEEN 49.9 Hz. AND 50.05 Hz. 69.78 69.94 70.02

    49.9 hT\ja AaOr 50.05 hT\ja ko baIca3.8 BETWEEN 50.05 Hz. AND 51.5 Hz. 23.12 16.98 21.29

    50.05 hT\ja AaOr 51.5 hT\ja ko baIca3.9 ABOVE 51.5 Hz. 0.00 0.00 0.00

    51.5 hT\ja ko }pr

    4.1 NO. OF TIMES FREQUENCY 0 0 0

    TOUCHED 48.80 Hz. AavaRi%t 48.80 hT\ja kao CUhI

    4.2 NO. OF TIMES FREQUENCY 0 0 0

    TOUCHED 48.60 Hz. AavaRi%t 48.60 hT\ja kao CUhI

    4.3 NO. OF TIMES FREQUENCY 0 0 0

    TOUCHED 51.00 Hz. AavaRi%t 51.00 hT\ja kao CUhI

    maoM AavaRi%t ko AaMkD,aoM ka ivavarNa



    (piScama xao~ Baar p`oYaNa kond` kI AavaRi%t irpaoT- ko AaQaar pr)

  • मई 2016 Voltage Profile during the month of May 2016 Annex-2.3


    Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min1 420 400 428 410 416 399 426 410 424 407 421 411 427 419 421 4102 416 400 426 410 413 399 423 410 421 407 418 405 426 412 417 4093 414 404 427 411 415 400 425 410 423 410 419 410 425 418 419 4104 409 400 424 414 416 400 427 409 415 415 420 410 425 416 420 4105 416 399 431 415 417 398 431 411 425 406 420 408 425 415 420 4086 416 401 429 409 416 401 425 412 423 408 420 409 427 419 421 4117 414 399 426 409 413 398 424 409 423 405 418 410 425 418 419 4118 417 404 430 413 418 403 427 409 425 409 422 414 428 421 422 4139 417 404 428 412 417 402 428 409 423 406 426 409 426 418 420 411

    10 416 398 428 407 415 397 422 407 423 400 426 414 427 418 421 41111 413 396 428 410 413 396 420 402 421 402 424 416 426 419 420 411

    रायगढ़ Raigarh Bhilai400kV 400kV 400kV 400kV 400kV 400kV 400kV 400kV

    भोपाल Bhopal खंडवा Khandwa इटारसी Itarsi दमोह Damoh नागदा Nagda रायपुर Raipur

    11 413 396 428 410 413 396 420 402 421 402 424 416 426 419 420 41112 414 398 425 410 414 396 422 405 420 404 422 414 424 419 418 41013 414 397 429 408 413 394 420 405 421 402 422 412 425 417 418 40714 414 399 426 408 412 396 423 407 421 403 423 412 425 416 418 40815 414 399 427 411 414 398 424 408 421 406 423 413 423 415 419 40916 410 397 425 410 409 395 420 408 419 403 418 410 423 413 414 40617 412 395 424 409 410 394 421 403 419 402 421 412 424 417 417 40818 416 400 429 410 413 398 425 408 422 404 421 412 426 419 420 41219 418 397 429 406 413 393 422 407 425 401 425 408 425 413 420 40620 419 402 427 412 413 400 424 410 423 408 424 411 426 414 420 40821 416 403 429 412 414 400 427 410 424 409 423 411 423 415 419 40822 414 400 427 411 413 399 424 409 424 409 422 413 421 416 410 41023 416 402 427 408 416 399 422 410 424 402 422 410 424 414 418 40824 414 397 427 409 413 396 425 407 422 404 421 411 422 413 418 40725 418 396 427 406 416 395 425 402 423 401 422 410 422 413 415 40126 413 395 427 408 413 394 424 401 422 402 420 413 422 415 417 40127 414 395 428 409 414 394 422 400 423 405 423 412 423 414 415 39828 416 397 428 408 414 395 420 402 422 404 423 411 425 413 417 40829 421 402 423 408 418 400 427 406 425 407 425 415 427 415 418 39930 414 395 427 406 414 392 416 399 421 400 421 409 426 414 417 40931 410 397 422 406 409 394 411 399 419 399 417 408 422 415 415 40731 410 397 422 406 409 394 411 399 419 399 417 408 422 415 415 407

    421 395 431 406 418 392 431 399 425 399 426 405 428 412 422 398

  • Date

    Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min1 425 412 423 406 428 408 422 409 410 403 416 404 426 416 421 4142 424 411 420 402 427 399 420 399 412 395 414 400 425 412 421 4123 424 412 422 402 426 399 420 401 414 397 415 401 426 413 422 4114 425 410 419 400 427 396 412 396 412 390 415 399 426 412 421 4095 426 408 421 396 427 395 418 395 413 389 414 398 423 410 421 4096 425 408 421 390 427 392 418 400 405 388 414 396 425 408 420 4097 421 409 418 399 424 397 419 397 404 384 414 395 424 406 421 4098 425 412 422 401 428 399 418 401 409 391 415 401 426 412 424 4139 423 409 417 399 424 394 416 397 407 391 412 397 423 408 424 412

    10 426 407 424 393 430 395 421 399 413 388 415 390 425 403 422 41011 426 410 421 398 427 397 420 398 412 394 413 393 423 406 425 411

    देहगाम Dehgam कासोर Kasor400kV 400kV 400kV 400kV 400kV 400kV 400kV 400kV

    Wardha धुले Dhule Parli बोईसर Boisar कलवा Kalwa असोज Asoj

    10 426 407 424 393 430 395 421 399 413 388 415 390 425 403 422 41011 426 410 421 398 427 397 420 398 412 394 413 393 423 406 425 41112 422 411 417 399 423 397 416 398 412 392 412 395 424 408 423 41113 424 408 421 398 426 397 417 401 411 394 412 396 424 408 421 40914 424 409 420 401 429 399 421 400 415 396 412 399 423 409 421 40915 424 412 422 403 431 405 420 404 412 397 413 399 418 418 421 41016 421 409 419 402 424 401 418 395 408 388 411 394 424 406 420 40917 423 410 420 400 425 397 414 394 407 387 412 396 424 408 419 40618 424 414 421 403 429 404 416 397 413 393 415 397 425 407 419 40819 422 405 420 397 431 400 419 400 413 394 415 393 425 406 418 40520 425 409 419 405 427 403 420 404 413 394 414 396 425 406 417 40621 425 408 423 402 430 404 419 397 406 399 413 394 422 403 419 40822 423 408 421 400 428 405 414 400 406 406 414 400 422 409 421 40723 423 406 426 404 431 401 419 397 425 395 415 392 425 401 421 40624 422 407 427 402 428 399 414 392 418 394 412 393 422 402 417 40625 420 403 429 398 427 399 415 389 418 389 413 390 421 401 420 40326 419 406 428 402 426 404 421 397 420 396 413 391 419 401 419 40527 422 403 431 401 429 395 416 401 424 398 413 389 419 401 412 41228 424 406 427 401 427 398 422 395 423 394 413 391 410 410 412 40929 426 411 431 404 431 404 420 400 423 402 415 398 421 410 411 41130 424 405 427 400 428 392 419 393 406 383 412 390 426 410 411 41031 423 403 429 397 428 395 418 392 408 381 411 395 421 408 417 40831 423 403 429 397 428 395 418 392 408 381 411 395 421 408 417 408

    426 403 431 390 431 392 422 389 425 381 416 389 426 401 425 403

  • Date

    Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min1 414 405 418 410 416 406 774 759 794 766 804 769 796 758 782 7452 414 404 418 402 416 398 774 759 795 766 804 768 793 759 781 7453 412 404 416 406 417 398 772 760 793 767 802 773 791 762 783 7534 412 403 416 404 415 393 773 759 795 766 805 769 792 761 781 7455 414 405 417 405 416 391 772 756 793 761 804 765 792 759 783 7466 413 402 418 406 412 391 774 759 792 764 805 763 792 760 781 7497 413 404 418 402 412 387 772 761 787 766 799 767 786 758 774 7408 416 405 422 407 412 393 777 764 796 772 803 773 794 766 780 7519 413 403 419 411 411 391 775 760 794 763 803 764 790 764 775 747

    10 415 401 421 407 415 390 775 758 794 759 805 764 791 762 777 746

    बीना Bina इंदौर Indore400kV 400kV 400kV 765kV 765kV 765kV 765kV 765kV

    जेतपुर Jetpur Amreli वापी Vapi सीपत Sipat Seoni Wardha

    10 415 401 421 407 415 390 775 758 794 759 805 764 791 762 777 74611 415 403 420 404 415 392 772 758 792 766 810 770 791 750 778 74412 412 400 418 404 414 393 768 755 786 762 798 773 788 756 782 74413 414 403 418 406 415 397 770 754 788 756 798 763 786 753 781 73814 413 402 418 405 417 397 769 755 788 758 801 765 782 758 782 74215 414 404 418 409 414 399 771 759 792 765 801 770 792 760 782 74816 414 400 417 403 413 389 770 754 786 758 796 765 783 756 774 74517 413 403 418 402 410 390 769 756 788 761 804 771 779 753 775 73918 416 403 422 407 409 394 773 759 796 761 810 777 790 758 785 75419 413 403 418 408 417 394 769 749 789 749 798 754 788 751 786 74320 413 404 418 410 416 397 772 754 794 763 805 766 793 765 779 75021 413 403 419 409 412 392 770 753 792 764 802 767 790 758 781 74522 414 401 419 409 410 393 767 754 790 763 799 765 792 755 775 74623 415 402 423 401 412 390 768 751 791 758 801 760 794 760 784 74724 413 399 418 404 409 387 767 753 786 761 801 761 786 749 781 74125 413 402 418 408 410 385 767 748 784 751 794 751 792 736 783 74126 412 402 418 407 417 391 765 752 781 756 793 753 779 744 782 73927 412 401 418 406 415 391 770 755 784 750 802 752 783 746 784 73928 412 402 418 406 415 388 774 758 791 757 800 760 787 749 782 74329 412 402 419 407 415 393 778 762 797 760 807 771 795 754 784 74730 412 397 417 401 410 385 772 757 789 755 804 761 786 749 784 73130 412 397 417 401 410 385 772 757 789 755 804 761 786 749 784 73131 412 403 418 401 411 381 770 758 785 755 801 754 780 759 775 738

    416 397 423 401 417 381 778 748 797 749 810 751 796 736 786 731

  • Date

    Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min1 780 760 792 759 805 790 806 790 796 7862 775 761 786 759 805 789 805 789 798 7743 774 760 784 758 803 790 803 790 798 7884 779 760 786 759 803 788 802 790 798 7795 777 759 787 760 803 784 804 782 798 7796 775 762 784 759 806 791 807 790 806 7877 777 763 782 757 803 791 802 789 798 7888 778 763 787 764 807 794 808 794 806 7879 780 767 787 765 809 791 809 791 797 786

    10 776 764 786 763 809 790 809 789 805 77411 779 755 786 749 809 793 809 792 804 785

    765kV 765kV 765kV 765kV 765kV

    सासन Sasan सतना Satna तमनार Tamnar कोटरा Kotra Durg

    10 776 764 786 763 809 790 809 789 805 77411 779 755 786 749 809 793 809 792 804 78512 774 755 781 755 805 793 805 793 796 78613 771 757 776 753 806 788 806 787 799 78114 769 757 773 756 806 784 806 783 792 77115 776 752 783 758 797 781 796 780 790 77116 771 751 777 757 793 777 795 775 798 77117 768 757 772 755 804 785 805 784 799 78018 775 755 786 757 807 793 806 791 796 78219 772 757 778 755 804 780 803 778 792 77320 778 763 785 762 810 780 808 778 801 77021 784 744 789 760 800 782 798 779 788 77022 784 764 794 765 795 781 793 780 782 77323 785 749 800 769 800 778 800 776 793 75924 787 757 795 756 794 779 793 777 778 76825 784 741 791 745 794 777 794 776 787 76426 775 752 781 745 799 780 797 778 783 76427 773 754 779 749 795 777 795 776 787 75928 776 753 783 749 803 779 804 777 798 76829 781 763 794 760 808 786 809 786 797 77830 778 756 785 751 808 780 809 779 800 77031 766 758 773 757 797 782 797 778 789 77031 766 758 773 757 797 782 797 778 789 770

    787 741 800 745 810 777 809 775 806 759

  • No. ofOccasions

    Max Load Reliefat 49.2 Hz

    No. ofOccasions

    Max Load Reliefat 49.2 Hz

    No. ofOccasions

    Max Load Reliefat 49.2 Hz

    No. ofOccasions

    Max Load Reliefat 49.2 Hz

    1 01-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 02-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 03-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 04-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 05 05-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06 06-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 07-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 08 08-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 09 09-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    10 10-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 011 11-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 012 12-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 013 13-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 014 14-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 015 15-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 016 16-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 017 17-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 018 18-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 019 19-May-16 NIL 0 NIL NIL NIL 020 20-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 021 21-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 022 22-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 023 23-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 024 24-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 025 25-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 026 26-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 027 27-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 028 28-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 029 29-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 030 30-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 031 31-May-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    1025 91 490 851

    ANNEX -2.4

    DateSl. No Madhya Pradesh( Compiled from the data received from the constituents)


    Under Frequency Operation in various Constituent System of Western Region during the month MAY- 2016

    Recommonded Load relief at49.2 Hz / 49.0/48.8/48.6 Hz

    Gujarat Maharashtra

  • ANNEXURE 2.5ma[- 2016 ko daOrana piScama xao~ maoM ivaVut kTaOityaaM/ pabMaidyaaM

    Power Cut/Restrictions in Western Region for the month of May-2016

    k : gaujarat Gujarat

    1 ]VaoogaaoM ko ilayao ivaVut kTaOityaaM1 Power Cut/ Restriction on Industriesa) All industries are allowed to run their units on all days of week & if they want to avail staggered holiday,

    then they will have to staggered on notified day only & cannot avail as per their choice.b) All industries are required to keep their recess timings staggered.

    2 kRiYa va gaàmaINa xao~aoM kao ivaVut AapUit-2. Power supply to Agricultural & Rural Sectors

    a) 08 Hrs. power supply in staggered form in rotation of day & night is given to Ag. (However, in MGVCL14 hrs. power supply to AG in Kheda & Anand district from 13th Apr'16 & 10 Hrs. AG supply in Vadodaradistrict from 27th Apr'16.) Single Phase supply given during rest of 16 Hrs by providing LSTC..

    b) Jyotigram Yojana 24 hrs.

    3 Anya jaanakarI3. Any other information: NIL.K : maQya p`doSa Madhya Pradesh

    1 ]VaoogaaoM ko ilayao ivaVut kTaOityaaM / pabMaidyaaM , rajya maoM Baar inayamana Aaid1 Power Cut/ Restriction on Industries, Load Shedding in the state etc

    ivavarNa Details ivaVut kTaOtI kI maa~aQuantum of

    power cut (MW)

    pabandI ka samayaRestriction Timing

    p`it idna kula }jaa- kTaOtITotal Energy Cut

    (MUs /daysao From tk To(a) Power Restrictions(Eveningpeak Hour) on non continuous

    process HT/LT Industries M(b) Baar inayamana Load Shedding

    SaUnya Nil

    SaUnya Nil

    SaUnya Nil

    SaUnya Nil

    SaUnya Nil

    SaUnya Nil

    SaUnya Nil

    SaUnya Nil

    (c) Anya jaanakarI Other information1.Weekly Off2.Staggering of power supply

    SaUnya NilSaUnya Nil

    SaUnya NilSaUnya Nil

    SaUnya NilSaUnya Nil

    SaUnya NilSaUnya Nil

    2 kRiYa xao~ kao ivaVut AapUit-2. Power supply to Agricultural Sector: -

    ivavarNa Details sao FromidnaaMk Date

    tk ToidnaaMk Date

    p`it idna AapUit- GaMTo Supply Hours per dayMax. (Hrs) Min. (Hrs) Average (Hrs)

    2.1 Three-PhaseSupply(DLF)

    01.05.2016 31.05.2016 23:35 22:29 23:09

    2.1 Three-PhaseSupply(Irrigation)

    01.05.2016 31.05.2016 09:52 09:10 09:37

    2.1 Three-PhaseSupply(Mixed)

    01.05.2016 31.05.2016 23:28 22:09 22:53

  • 3 Anya jaanakarI3. Any other information

    SahrI xao~aoM maoM inayamana ivaVut kTaOityaaM Scheduled Power cuts in Urban AreasivavarNa Details sao From

    idnaaMk Datetk To idnaaMk

    DateAaosat p`itidna Average SupplyAapUit- GaMTo Hours per day


    Min. (Hrs) Average (Hrs)

    3.1 Commissionary H. Qtrs. 01.05.2016 31.05.2016 23:49 23:13 23:373.2 District Head Qtrs. 01.05.2016 31.05.2016 23:54 23:14 23:443.3 Tehsil Head Qtrs. 01.05.2016 31.05.2016 23:48 23:06 23:31

    ga : maharaYT/ Maharashtra1 ]QyaaogaaoM ko ilayao ivaVut kTaOityaaM / pabMaidyaaM , rajya maoM Baar inayamana Aaid1. Power Cut/ Restriction on Industries, Load Shedding in the state etc

    ivavarNa Details ivaVut kTaOtI kI maa~aQuantum of

    power cut (MW)

    pabandI ka samayaRestriction Timing

    pìt idna kula }jaa- kTaOtITotal Energy Cut

    (MUs /dayFrom To

    (a) Power Cuts/Restriction on HT/LT Industries(b) Load SheddingFrom 01.05.16 to 31.05.16

    SaUnya Nil

    @ 0-864 MW

    SaUnya Nil


    SaUnya Nil


    SaUnya Nil

    @ 0.545 MUs/day

    (c) Any other information1.Weekly Off2. Staggering of power supplyIndustrial Staggering LSwithdrawn from 03/02/2012

    SaUnya Nil SaUnya Nil SaUnya Nil SaUnya Nil

    2 kRiYa xao~ kao ivaVut AapUit-2. Power supply to Agricultural Sector

    ivavarNa Details sao FromidnaaMk Date

    tk ToidnaaMk Date

    p`it idna AapUit- GaMTo Supply Hours per day

    Max. (Hrs) Min. (Hrs) Average (Hrs)2.1 Three-Phase Supply 01.05.2016 31.05.2016 10:00 08:00 09:00

    2.2 Single-Phase Supply 01.05.2016 31.05.2016 18:00 18:00 18:003 Anya jaanakarI Any other information:There is no load shedding on industrial feeders in Maharashtra

  • Ga : C%tIsagaZ, Chhattisgarh:1 ]QyaaogaaoM ko ilayao ivaVut kTaOityaaM / pabMaidyaaM , rajya maoM Baar inayamana Aaid1 Power Cut/ Restriction on Industries, Load Shedding in the state etc

    ivavarNa Details ivaVut kTaOtI kI maa~aQuantum of power cut (MW)

    pabandI ka samayaRestriction Time

    p`it idna kula}jaa- kTaOtI

    TotalEnergy Cut(MUs /day)

    sao From tkTo

    (A) Scheduled(a) (i) Power Cuts/Restriction on HT Industries(ii) Power Cuts/Restrictionon LT Industries(iii) Power Cuts/Restrictionon Rural(iv) Agriculture pump*

    (v)Urban/ Sub-Urban(iv)Town feeders(C-1to C-6)

    (B) Un-Scheduled(a) Load Shedding



    00.00 (Av)00.00 (Av)00.00(Av)00.00 (Av)

    1.Rural 58.95 MW(Av) For 13.38 Hrs.2.Town Feeders (C-1to C-6 & X) : 0.00(Av)


















    3. Industries 70.83 (Av) For 15.18 Hrs.0.032

    Total Energy Cut/day 0.058( b) Any other information1.Weekly Off/staggering ofpower supply

    1day (In a week as perconsumer’s option) 50MW(Av.) - - -

    2 kRiYa xao~ kao ivaVut AapUit-2. Power supply to Agricultural Sector

    ivavarNa Details sao FromidnaaMk Date

    tk ToidnaaMk Date

    p`it idna AapUit- GaMTo Supply Hours per dayMax. (Hrs) Min. (Hrs) Average (Hrs)

    2.1 Three-Phase Supply 01.05.2016 to 31.05.2016, 6.00Hrs (Power cut)


    2.2 Single-Phase Supply - - - - -2.3 Remarks/Note/ - - - - -

    3 Anya jaanakarI / Any other information: SaUnya Nil

  • Annex-2.6

    ( )

    ,Power System Operation Corporation Ltd.(A wholly owned subsidiary company of POWERGRID)

    Western Regional Load Despatch Centre,Mumbai

    मई 2016Details of forced unit outages during the month of May 2016











    Time Date Date

    1. ESSAR-2 GSECL 172 12:12 22-02-2013 Still out Still out No Schedule

    2. GTPS-2 GSECL 120 01:30 09-04-2016 Still out Still out Long restoration period

    3. GTPS-1 GSECL 120 01:30 09-04-2016 Still out Still out Long restoration period

    4. Pipavav 1 GSECL 350 00:00 03-04-2015 Still out Still out RSD

    5. सूजन SUGEN 1 GSECL 138 23:26 05-04-2016 20:58 14-05-2016 RSD6. उकई Ukai 6 GSECL 500 21:28 06-04-2016 13:11 19-05-2016 GT protection operated7. उकाई Ukai-2 GSECL 120 16:00 09-04-2016 Still out Still out Long restoration period8. जीपेक GPEC 1 GSECL 218 16:23 13-04-2016 21:33 24-05-2016 RSD Costly Generation9. जीपेक GPEC 2 GSECL 218 15:41 19-04-2016 06:35 24-05-2016 RSD10. डीजीबीपी DGBP 1 GSECL 107 07:42 27-04-2016 09:16 14-05-2016 Cooling fan problem11. Pipavav 2 GSECL 350 00:30 29-04-2016 Still out Still out RSD

    12. जीआईपीसीएल GIPCLSTG 2

    GSECL 165 19:24 30-04-2016 09:30 13-05-2016 RSD

    13. उकई Ukai 1 GSECL 120 11:00 01-05-2016 10:43 04-05-2016 Boiler tube leakage14. STPS 1 GSECL 120 19:30 01-05-2016 Still out Still out Bottom Ash Problem

    15. जीपेक GPEC 3 GSECL 218 07:53 04-05-2016 04:57 08-05-2016 RSD16. उतरण UTRAN STG II-1 GSECL 375 16:42 04-05-2016 05:02 19-05-2016 RSD17. एसएलपीपी SLPP 2 GSECL 125 19:30 06-05-2016 15:16 10-05-2016 BTL18. उकई Ukai 1 GSECL 120 03:18 07-05-2016 Still out Still out Excitation problem19. एस STPS 3 GSECL 250 23:53 11-05-2016 05:44 17-05-2016 Station Transformer trip20. डीजीबीपी DGBP 2 GSECL 112 11:45 14-05-2016 08:39 03-06-2016 RSD, Costly generation21. उकई Ukai 5 GSECL 210 10:44 16-05-2016 Still out Still out BTL22. डीजीबीपी DGBP 1 GSECL 107 23:28 17-05-2016 07:15 31-05-2016 RSD23. एसएलपीपी SLPP 4 GSECL 125 20:53 18-05-2016 12:24 22-05-2016 BTL24. Wanakbori 7 GSECL 210 22:08 18-05-2016 Still out Still out BUS-2 R-PH CT FLASHOVER

    25. जीपेक GPEC 3 GSECL 218 14:37 19-05-2016 Still out Still out RSD26. उतरण UTRAN STG II 1 GSECL 375 15:13 19-05-2016 08:33 01-06-2016 RSD

  • 27. जीआईपीसीएल GIPCLSTG 2

    GSECL 165 15:46 19-05-2016 08:20 01-06-2016 RSD

    28. GTPS-3 GSECL 210 09:32 20-05-2016 04:40 04-06-2016 RSD

    29. Wanakbori 1 GSECL 210 11:12 20-05-2016 00:26 03-06-2016 RSD

    30. STPS 2 GSECL 120 12:30 20-05-2016 Still out Still out RSD

    31. GTPS-4 GSECL 120 12:50 20-05-2016 04:20 25-05-2016 RSD

    32. Wanakbori 5 GSECL 210 18:06 20-05-2016 18:32 31-05-2016 RSD

    33. Wanakbori 2 GSECL 210 18:20 20-05-2016 23:08 03-06-2016 RSD

    34. Wanakbori 6 GSECL 210 10:30 21-05-2016 00:45 02-06-2016 RSD/ Unit out since18.05.2016

    35. STPS 3 GSECL 250 18:42 21-05-2016 Still out Still out RSD

    36. Wanakbori 4 GSECL 210 20:00 21-05-2016 05:07 01-06-2016 RSD

    37. उकई Ukai 4 GSECL 200 11:21 22-05-2016 05:52 25-05-2016 RSD38. ALTPS 1 GSECL 125 00:00 24-05-2016 Still out Still out Maintenance works

    39. जीपेक GPEC 2 GSECL 218 01:52 25-05-2016 05:02 31-05-2016 RSD40. जीपेक GPEC 1 GSECL 218 10:11 27-05-2016 22:34 31-05-2016 RSD41. उकई Ukai 3 GSECL 200 14:53 27-05-2016 06:35 30-05-2016 BTL42. एसएलपीपी SLPP 1 GSECL 125 12:00 31-05-2016 17:07 04-06-2016 BTL43.

    Chandrapur-1MAHAGENCO 210 7:15 28-08-2014 Still out Still out BTL/ economic shutdown.

    44. Parli 6 MAHAGENCO 250 15:07 25-06-2015 Still out Still out Water shortage

    45. कोराडी Koradi-6 MAHAGENCO 210 01:02 20-03-2015 Still out Still out Economic shutdown46. Parli-3 MAHAGENCO 210 12:52 14.06.2015 Still out Still out Water shortage

    47. Parli 4 MAHAGENCO 210 19:47 05-07-2015 Still out Still out Water shortage

    48. Parli 5 MAHAGENCO 210 14:55 06-07-2015 Still out Still out Water shortage.

    49. Parli 7 MAHAGENCO 250 12:07 08-07-2015 Still out Still out Water shortage

    50. Chandrapur 2 MAHAGENCO 210 04:42 12-01-2016 Still out Still out BTL

    51. WPCL 1 MAHAGENCO 135 17:03 16-02-2016 Still out Still out Low Schedule

    52. कोराडी Koradi 5 MAHAGENCO 200 11:21 18-02-2016 18:42 16-05-2016 Less schedule53. WPCL 2

    MAHAGENCO135 21:46 29-02-2016 Still out Still out

    Change over against unit-3 as per scheduleddispatch

    54. कोराडी Koradi-7 MAHAGENCO 210 23:55 01-03-2016 19:54 13-05-2016 RSD55. उरणUran 8 MAHAGENCO 108 14:47 02-05-2016 07:12 21-05-2016 Gas shortage56. WPCL 4 MAHAGENCO 135 23:59 02-05-2016 01:28 03-06-2016 ESP Pressure High

    57. भुसावल Bhusawal 2 MAHAGENCO 210 11:25 07-05-2016 07:12 12-05-2016 Control valve problem58. Chandrapur 5 MAHAGENCO 500 22:42 12-05-2016 05:04 17-05-2016 Air heater problem

    59. खापरखेड़ा Khaparkheda 1 MAHAGENCO 210 15:04 14-05-2016 05:24 16-05-2016 BTL60. Chandrapur 7 MAHAGENCO 500 15:41 18-05-2016 16:52 21-05-2016 Boiler tube leakage

    61. पारस Paras 3 MAHAGENCO 250 16:24 19-05-2016 06:58 23-05-2016 BTL62. भुसावल Bhusawal 2 MAHAGENCO 210 00:05 20-05-2016 02:18 24-05-2016 BTL63. उरणUran 5 MAHAGENCO 108 18:05 22-05-2016 21:00 27-05-2016 Gas Shortage64. कोराडी Koradi 5 MAHAGENCO 200 00:05 24-05-2016 07:00 31-05-2016 No schedule

  • 65. उरण Uran 7 MAHAGENCO 108 17:42 24-05-2016 Still out Still out Generator bearingvibration high66. Chandrapur 6 MAHAGENCO 500 22:00 26-05-2016 02:20 30-05-2016 Clinker formation

    67. उरणUran 8 MAHAGENCO 108 23:17 29-05-2016 21:22 05-06-2016 Gas Shortage68. Chandrapur 5 MAHAGENCO 07:05 30-05-2016 23:58 02-06-2016 BTL

    69. आरजीपीपीएलRGPPL-1B

    RGPPL 320 23:00 31-03-2014 Still out Still outDry preservation/Gasshortage

    70. आरजीपीपीएलRGPPL-1A RGPPL 320 13:30 8-07-2014 Still out Still out Less requisition71. आरजीपीपीएल

    RGPPL 2BRGPPL 205 13:12 26-04-2016 00:58 08-05-2016 Pre-monsoon work

    72. आरजीपीपीएलRGPPL 3B

    RGPPL 205 12:05 03-05-2016 09:39 10-05-2016 Process disturbance

    73. आरजीपीपीएलRGPPL 3A

    RGPPL 205 18:40 07-05-2016 Still out Still out Vacuum Pressure Low

    74. आरजीपीपीएलRGPPL 2B

    RGPPL 205 14:26 10-05-2016 14:59 01-06-2016To Maintain RunningHours/Changeover withother GT




    INDIA LTD270 17:14 20-04-2016 13:31 15-05-2016

    Change over with Unit-4/No schedule




    INDIA LTD270 20:50 20-04-2016 22:43 17-05-2016

    Change over with Unit-5/No schedule




    LTD270 16:15 21-05-2016 08:14 02-06-2016 No schedule




    LTD270 18:10 21-05-2016 09:09 01-06-2016 No schedule




    LTD270 00:00 24-05-2016 05:32 01-06-2016 No schedule




    LTD270 00:12 24-05-2016 Still out Still out No schedule

    81. एपीएल मुँदराAPL Mundra 5

    Adani PowerLtd

    660 04:39 04-04-2016 18:58 20-05-2016 ID fan problem

    82. एपीएमएल तीरोड़ाAPML Tiroda 3

    Adani PowerLtd

    660 03:33 20-04-2016 09:00 17-05-2016 Furnace pressure high

    83. एपीएमएल तीरोड़ाAPML Tiroda 5

    Adani PowerLtd

    660 23:09 05-05-2016 Still out Still out Water shortage

    84. एपीएल मुँदराAPL Mundra 8

    Adani PowerLtd

    660 18:34 11-05-2016 06:56 17-05-2016EH oil leakage/Declaredon BTL at the time ofrestoration

    85. एपीएमएल तीरोड़ाAPML Tiroda 1

    Adani PowerLtd

    660 22:53 13-05-2016 Still