minutes of the tangent club international 2 annual general...

Minutes of the Tangent Club International 2 nd Annual General Meeting on Saturday the 23 rd April 2016 at the 41 International Conference in Landshut, Germany TCI Motto 2014–2016 Celebrate friendship, extend your hand in friendship www.tangentclubinterantional.com

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Minutes of the Tangent Club International

2nd Annual General Meeting

on Saturday the 23rd April 2016 at the 41 International Conference

in Landshut, Germany

TCI Motto 2014–2016

Celebrate friendship, extend your hand in friendship



Agenda: Tangent Club International AGM Saturday the 23rd April 2016

At 41 International Conference, Landshut, Germany

1. Opening of the meeting

2. Lighting the Candle of friendship

3. Introduction of:

a. TCI Board

b. TCI Councillors

c. Guests

d. Participants

4. Apologies, greetings and obituaries

5. Announcement of the Minutes Secretary, Scrutineer and Teller

6. Confirmation and adoption of the TCI AGM Agenda 2016

7. Reports:

a. TCI Board

b. TCI Councillors

c. TCI Associate Member Countries

8. Extension:

a. Application Associate Membership

b. Upcoming Charters

9. Proposals:

a. TCI Board

b. Full Member Countries

10. Presentation of TCI Board and Councillors 2016–2017

11. Any other business

12. Date and place of TCI AGM 2017

13. Closure of the meeting


1. Opening of the meeting

Before opening the TCI AGM 2016 the word was handed to the National President of Agora Club Tangent Germany, Antje Meyn, to give us her personal welcome to her home country Germany. "Antje said that it is a pleasure for her to welcome us to her home country and to transmit good wishes from all their members. Their whole national board is present to celebrate the 41 International Conference 2016. Their intention today is first of all communication amongst clubs, also shaking hands, having fun and enjoy the very well prepared weekend “together in friendship”, which is the German motto. TC Germany is 21 years old and was founded by some vibrant past Circlers and has grown ever since. In 2009 they joined ACI, the only existing international organization at the time. However, they have maintained good contacts to all past LC countries: being Tangent and Agora. Their aim is to live “in continued friendship”. Antje experienced a wonderful act of togetherness at the LCI AGM in Akureyri, Iceland last year, when Janice IRO TC GB&I and Kelly IPP ACI stood together on stage and gave speeches in the spirit of friendship. It had been an exciting moment for Antje. Antje continued that the majority of members of both organizations in TCI and ACI have been Circlers. We do have the same ideals, aims, nearly the same or similar rules, and we are living the spirit of friendship and service. That enriches our lives, what we can give to others and what makes the world a little bit better. In Antje's opinion the only difference between both organizations is the name. But what means a name, when you can give support and help to those who are not living in prosperity or who are displaced maybe by war? Antje concluded – let us continue friendship and approach each other. In that sense we wish you a successful AGM, an unforgettable weekend and a warm-hearted welcome here in Germany!" Susanne Nørager, the President of TCI thanked Antje for her warm welcome.

Susanne opened the second AGM of Tangent Club International, once more placed together with the 41 International Conference, hosted this year by Old Tablers 153 Landshut.

Susanne asked us all to stand for a moment’s silence in memory of the Tangents, Circlers, Tablers and 41’ers who passed away during the past Tangent year and for all our absent friends.

2. Lighting the Candle of friendship

The latest Tangent Charter was celebrated on the 23rd October 2015 in honour of the charter of Tangent Clubs Zambia; Susanne invited Paula Farnfield National President Tangent Great Britain as godmother of Tangent Zambia in the absence of the Charter Chairman Mulenga Tembo to light the candle of friendship.

Susanne asked all to stand and remain standing as TCI Vice President Anna Åkesson read the aims and objectives of TCI and keep standing as the anthem of Denmark, Sweden and Germany were played, to mark the opening of the second TCI AGM in Landshut, Germany.

Aims and objectives

To promote and strengthen international friendships established through Ladies Circle International.


To promote, encourage and support new international friendships between Tangent Clubs worldwide.

To assist LCI wherever and whenever called upon. To work side-by-side with 41 International and Round Table International. To be non-political and non-sectarian.

Susanne declared the second TCI AGM open at 11:12.

3. Introduction of participants It was stated to be an honour for the TCI Board and for Susanne to welcome us all to the AGM, to have a meeting in fun and friendship. Susanne reminded that we all are part of the TCI AGM and that any member of Tangent Club International can speak her opinion under any item at the TCI AGM Agenda, special invited guests will be announced to give greetings for the meeting. Susanne asked everyone to stand and be recognized, when one’s name is mentioned. A special welcome was addressed to invited quests:

LCI President Ruth Hungwe 41 International Vice President Engelbert Friedsam (will join the meeting later) RTI Vice President Kaj Kostiander ACI President Ly Thi Thanh Thao National Secretary Tangent India Renuka Sehgal Members of Tangent India Bhanu Mehra and Puja Khullar

The TCI Board 2014–2015 present today:

TCI President Susanne Nørager, Tangent Denmark TCI Vice President Anna Åkesson, Tangent Sweden TCI Treasurer Gerd-Inger Kaasen, Tangent Norway TCI Board member Tyyne Hietanen, Tangent Club Suomi Finland TCI Board Member Janice O’Neill, Tangent Great Britain

Absent TCI Board: TCI Secretary Ia Patsalides Ioannou, Tangent Cyprus – sent love to all.

TCI Councillors present: National President Tangent Cyprus, Skevo Kyrou National President Tangent Denmark, Helle Nielsen Immediate Past National President Tangent Club Suomi Finland, Anne Suomalainen National President Tangent Club Suomi Finland, Nina Leppäkangas Immediate Past National President Tangent Great Britain, Alex Voller National Vice President Tangent Norway, Berit Richardsen National President Tangent Sweden, Åsa Cato

Delegation from:

Tangent Club Cyprus Tangent Denmark Tangent Club Suomi Finland Tangent Great Britain Tangent Sweden


As observers we have present from Agora Club Tangent Germany: National President Antje Meyn National Vice President Sabine Zange National Secretary Manuela Sokolowski ACI Vice President 2015–2016 Ursula Lejeune ACI Past President Elisabeth Hiller

In total we have participants and observers from the following countries:

Participants per Associations Number

Ladies Circle Botswana 1

Tangent Club Cyprus 2

Tangent Denmark 10

Tangent Club Suomi Finland 9

Tangent Great Britain 28

Tangent India 3

Tangent Sweden 4

Tangent Norway 2

Agora Club Italy 1

Observers Agora Club Tangent Germany 5

Total 65

Susanne then asked Norbert Lang from the organising committee to give any particle information for the meeting. Norbert wished us a nice time in Landshut and good AGM, after which lunch is served at the nearby Hotel Gasthof Zur Insel. Susanne informed us to have tried to time the meeting today to expect to end the meeting at 13:00 in time for lunch.

4. Apologies and greetings Susanne invited the Round Table International Vice President Kaj Kostiander from Round Table

Suomi Finland to address the meeting. Kaj conveyed greetings from RTI President Altaf Jeevunjee.

Kaj was happy to present to Susanne a check of EUR 5,000 for the charity project All4Nepal as well

as banners of RTI and RTSF.

Kaj was thanked by Susanne to have addressed our AGM. As much as we would have enjoyed his

company, Kaj had also the AGM of 41 Club International to attend; thereby Susanne wished him a

happy meeting.

Susanne invited Ladies Circle International President Ruth Hungwe to address the meeting. Ruth started her address like her habit is – by taking a selfie with all of us. Ruth thanked the Tangents for the friendship, inheritance and building foundation for Ladies’ Circle. She invited us to the LCI AGM in Cape Town on 24th–28th August 2016 and invitation cards were distributed. Susanne thanked Ruth as follows: “It has been a pleasure to work with you and your board. You are so talented Circlers and you continue to bring the torch forward for LCI, you host the most amazing events to collect money for the ISP – you are in true amazing girls, thank you. I wish you a continuous


happy and joyful year as President of LCI and hope that you will stay for the rest of our meeting, enjoy seeing the oldies on stage and hopefully we might still inspire you”.

Susanne mentioned that it was agreed that the ACI President Ly Thi Thanh Thao and the National Secretary Tangent India Renuka Sehgal will address the meeting later on the TCI Agenda.

5. Announcement of the Minutes Secretary, Scrutineer and Teller and Adoption of the Minutes of the TCI AGM 2015

For the first time the TCI AGM is governed by a set of Standing Orders and a Voting System, these have been approved of the all National Presidents by the full member countries and distributed to you all by your National IRO prior today. The Standing Orders and the Voting System will be on trial today and to make sure, that we follow these a Scrutineer have been appointed by the TCI Board. It has also been agreed that any wishes to amend the Standing Orders and Voting System are to be sent to the TCI President 2016–2017 before the 15th January 2017. However before proceeding, Susanne asked for approval of the Standing Orders and the voting system, a straight majority was needed – the total number of votes was 12. The Standing orders and the Voting System was adopted.

The Scrutineer and Teller would be Past President Tangent Great Britain, Gill Preston. Susanne gave Gill an envelope with her casting votes – if at any point a tie is reached during a voting – and the envelop is only to be opened in case of a tie – and to be destructed immediately after the closure of the AGM. The Minutes Secretary would be Past LCI Secretary and the present National IRO Tangent Club Suomi Finland Niina Hämäläinen. The Minutes of the TCI AGM 2015 were sent to all participants of the event on the 16th July 2015, the minutes had not been questioned until today and not questioned by the Councillors present today. The minutes were adopted. The Minutes of the TCI AGM 2015 were signed by Susanne and Anna.

6. Confirmation and adoption of the TCI AGM Agenda 2016

The TCI AGM Agenda had been sent to Councillors and the National IRO’s to be distributed to all members registered for the TCI AGM on the 18th of March 2016. Some copies of the agenda were available at the meeting to be distributed by Tyyne, if needed. Confirmation and adoption of the TCI AGM Agenda Susanne asked the Councillors, if they had any alterations to the Agenda. There were no alterations. About voting system: Each full member country has two votes – one for their member in the TCI Board and one for their TCI Councillor that today makes a total of 12 votes. Please note that Skevo from Tangent Cyprus has two votes and that she can choose one vote for yes and one vote for no.


There were no questions regarding voting. Voting by show of hand on the confirmation and adoption of the TCI AGM Agenda. The TCI AGM Agenda was adopted.

7. Reports

The TCI Board report was presented as a combined report of the job done during the year – followed by the Treasurer’s report. The TCI Board report was shown as a power point presentation and Susanne presented the number of members of the TCI member countries.

Number of members on 31th December 2015 12.700

Belgium 56

Cyprus 46

Denmark 276

Finland 127

GB&I 12.000

Lithuania 5

Norway 32

Sweden 139

Ukraine 5

Zambia 14

(Number for GB&I has been updated by the National Treasurer Tangent GB till the amount of 12.000)

Susanne hoped that they did meet requirements for the Board year report – and that the report will be approved. The TCI Board Report was adopted. Susanne continued: As we have not prior had any agreement between ACI and TCI to the level of information exchange, we in September 2015 made a suggestion to the ACI President 2014–2015 to establish contact between the Vice Presidents of ACI and TCI to agree on the level of exchange on information to be approved at the Tangent National AGM’s 2016. At that time no further correspondence was made regarding the issue. In March 2016 just prior to the TCI AGM 2016 a suggestion was made by the present ACI President Thanh Thao to our Vice President Anna Åkesson to agree on a Memorandum of Understanding to be signed at the TCI AGM 2016. The suggestion was not received in time for us, that any agreement or MOU could be prepared for the National AGM’s 2016. As the outcome of this task might result in a change of the TCI Aims and Objectives – we have to make sure, that any agreement or MOU are in line with the wishes of the TCI member Countries for the future of TCI. Therefore we have suggested to the present ACI President that the incoming TCI Vice President will work on this issue in 2016–2017. The procedure that we will follow in agreement with all our National Associations, internal rules are:

The suggested agreement to be discussed at the TCI Board Meeting in June 2016 The suggested agreement be presented for the TCI Councillors at the TCI HYM 2016 The suggestion to be ready to be presented and voted on at the National AGM’s 2017


Depending on the result to be voted on at the TCI AGM following the National AGM’s 2017 or 2018.

Susanne welcomed ACI President 2015–2016 Ly Thi Thanh Thao from Agora Italy to give greetings for the TCI AGM. Ly Thi Thanh Thao was happy to address the meeting and see all the smiles. Both Tangent and Agora do service to others and she looked forward to establishing closer bonds between the two organizations. Ly Thi Thanh Thao invited us to attend their ACI AGM and celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Agora Club International in Milan on 6th–9th October 2016. Susanne thanked Ly Thi Thanh Thao for addressing the TCI AGM 2016 and wished her a wonderful year as President of Agora Club International and that her association will prosper and grow, and be true to her motto: Hand Head Heart. Before moving to the financial matters Susanne had a present for us. Past LCI President 1995–96 Susanna Georgii (former Hohaus) visited us yesterday and gave a sweet gift – one meter long box full of delectable chocolate! Susanna wished us a successful AGM, wonderful time in Landshut and stating also that let the friendship continue. The chocolate box was circulated at the meeting and everyone got a chocolate bar. Next on the Agenda was TCI Treasurer’s Report; the balance 2015–2016 and the budget 2016–2017 to be presented by TCI Treasurer Gerd-Inger Kaasen.

Tangent Club International

Annual Financial Statement as per 31.03.2016

Euro Euro

Notes 2015-2016 2014-2015

Profit and loss statement


Affiliation Fees for Full Members 120 602

Affiliation Fees for Assosiated Members 120 40

Sale of TCI Pins 505 2 129

Interest 8 -

Total income 753 2 770


Cost of sale -TCI Pins 127 564

Bank fees 7 11

FX effect, not realized 1 279 -

Total expenditures 413 575

Net income 340 2 195

Balance sheet

Current assets

Cash 2 185 -

Bank 2 530 2 817

Receivables 70

Stock of TCI pins 312 439

Total Assets 3 097 3 256

Equity and Liabilities

Equity 3 031 2 691

Short term Liabilities 65 564

Total Equity adn Liabilities 3 097 3 256

Note 1

Note 2

Cash from sales of pins in Birmingham.

Due to the weak NOK, a currency loss will most likely occur when transfering the

funds to a Euro account in Finland. The loss is estimated based on the currency rate

at mid March 2016.


Approval of the TCI Treasurer’s report, the balance 2015–2016, : Voting: all votes in favour. The TCI Treasurer’s report regarding the balance 2015–2016 was adopted.

Susanne mentioned that the TCI Budget 2016–2017 depends on the result of the TCI Capitation Fee proposals, which are dealt with later on the agenda. Therefore we moved to the presentations of Councillors’ Reports.

TCI Councillors’ reports in alphabetical order Susanne asked Skevo to give the report from Tangent Cyprus. TANGENT CLUB CYPRUS / PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2015–2016 CALENDAR OF MEETINGS AND EVENTS: MAY 2015 TO APRIL 2016 M1: MARCH 26, 2015 With our hearts full of happiness and joy, since the historic 1st AGM of TCI has taken place in our island just a month before, Tangent Club Cyprus had a warm first meeting for the year 2015–2016 at the house of our member Kyproulla Constantinou in Nicosia. The motto of the President was announced: Feel Fun Tangent. The pins of Nepal and TCI were promoted. The TCI AGM organising committee and all the members of the club who offered help and hospitality were cordially thanked. Warm Congratulations once more to TCCy Vice President/IRO Ia Ioannou for her election at the new TCI Board. Event Committee was set up and Representatives to KEZ* meetings were decided. * KEZ= “Life Education Centres” MENTOR Mobile Units is an ambitious project– the only one in Cyprus for prevention – aiming at “educating” youngsters to resist against the use of drugs, alcohol and other harmful substances. This project, which started many years ago, as an initiative of RT and with the strong support of LC, gave and is still giving the opportunity to all members of all our 4 clubs to get together and work together for a noble cause. The project is run in cooperation with the Antinarkotic Society of Cyprus, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus. M2: JUNE 6, 2015 The second meeting took place at “Hercules” fish tavern at Zygi, a village, between Limassol and Larnaca, in order to make it easier for members from other cities to participate. Three (3) new members from Limassol joined our club bringing the total number to 47: 24 in Nicosia, 12 in Larnaca and 11 in Limassol. SUMMER During the summer months but also throughout the Tangent Year, we were invited and participated in several events organised by fellow clubs, RT, LC and 41 Cyprus.

M3: OCTOBER 13, 2015 After a Long, Hot Summer we met again for our third meeting at “Semeli Hotel” in Nicosia. Decision about what to do with the last year’s successful fashion show income (€3.296) was taken. A special device to diagnose problems in breathing during sleep for the Children Lung Clinic of Makarios III Hospital in Nicosia was ordered (c/o PP Katia Agrotou). On November 7, 2015, together with other members of the club I attended a very successful event organised by LC Cyprus at the Yaught Club Limassol Marina aiming at strengthening relations between the clubs of RT, 41, LC and Tangent. All presidents of the 4 Clubs addressed the meeting and our member Mary Heracleous,


1st President of LC1 and LC Cyprus and founding member of Tangent Club Cyprus presented a historical review of the Ladies Circle Club in Cyprus. M4: NOVEMBER 10, 2015 The fourth meeting took place again at “Semeli Hotel” in Nicosia. Members were reminded about the TCI AGM at Landshut Germany and informed by Ia about the progress on the attempt to create a Tangent Club in Israel. We were all very happy to hear about the high amount of money collected for Nepal by all our clubs internationally. The Christmas photo of the TC Cyprus board was taken and sent to TCI for the Newsletter. CHRISTMAS During Christmas we enjoyed a festive dinner jointly with 41 Club in Nicosia. Many members also attended the Christmas Concert of the Nicosia Municipality Orchestra where their president is a member of the choir. Μ5: JANUARY 14, 2016 The fifth meeting took place at “Evohia” restaurant in Nicosia. Being the President I cut the traditional New Year Cake “Vasilopitta” (Santa Claus Pie) for each member to receive a piece. The winner of the hidden coin who will be lucky all over the year was Cleo Haviara. We had the pleasure of having with us a lot of members from Larnaca and two ex members of LC4Nicosia as guests. M6: FEBRUARY 16, 2016 The machine for Makarios III Hospital for Children has finally arrived. On February 13, in order to celebrate Ladies Circle Day (February 11) and Tangent Day (February 12) the KEZ (Life Education Centres against Drugs and other Harmful substances) MENTOR Mobile Units were presented to the public in Nicosia, Limassol and Paphos. A lot of people had the opportunity to visit the units and get informed about their activities. The logo of Tangent Club appears on all these specially equipped caravans making Tangent club well known. It was decided that the President of the club will represent the TC Cyprus at the TCI AGM in Landshut. M7: MARCH 22, 2016 Ia, due to personal and family reasons was not able to attend the 2nd AGM of TCI at Landshut Germany. To support the club’s travel fund, she offered hospitality at her house in Larnaca for our 7th meeting. The atmosphere of the meetings at members’s houses is always very warm and friendly and we enjoy more the company of each other. It turned out to be a very successful meeting with a lot of members from Larnaca and Limassol present. We decided to have the next meeting somewhere between Limassol and Larnaca to promote this opportunity even further. M8: APRIL 17, 2016 Meeting at “Library Hotel and Wellness Resort”, Kalavassos Village. Members from Limassol and Larnaca were present. The new Tangent Club Cyprus facebook page was introduced thanks to our WEB Lady Varvara Anastasiou. Following an event organised by 41 club on April 4, which many members of our Club attended, we decided to organise a similar event open to the public, in May (dinner with a lecture by a plastic surgeon). Final matters concerning the TCI AGM were discussed and decided. MISCELLENEOUS Due to new legislation we had to undertake a series of measures so as to secure the legal registration of our club. A Committee was set up to deal with all relevant matters. Help from members of LC Cyprus and 41Club Cyprus was deeply appreciated as well as from Tangent Pats President Varvara Anastasiou for making all necessary arrangements to make things happen efficiently. During the year I participated in several meetings of the joined committee of RT, LC, 41 and Tangent Clubs of Cyprus for the mobile units MENTOR. All the meetings took place in Limassol and most of the times I was escorted by Elena Charalampides and Anna Adamides. It is a great opportunity for all 4 Clubs to work side by side.


All over the year the members of TC Cyprus were continuously informed about several events organised by the fellow Clubs and we were making sure that Tangent Club Cyprus was always well represented. Greetings and relevant speeches by the President were appropriately given. International invitations and Newsletters were timely forwarded to all the members from our competent Secretary, Thelma Frangeskou. Our Vice President and member of the TCI Board, Ia Ioannou was regularly informing us on TCI matters. When we found it appropriate we made our suggestions to the Board, for example our proposal for the capitation fees. International friendship was promoted. Facebook proved to be very helpful. Besides regular meetings the members of Tangent Club Cyprus find opportunities to meet with each other casually. The friendship built throughout the LC years continues and strengthens. ANNOUNCEMENT AND INVITATION The AGM of Tangent Club Cyprus is going to take place on Saturday, 25 June, 2016 at Semeli hotel Nicosia. At the same time, at the same place, the AGM of Ladies Circle Cyprus and 41 Club Cyprus is also going to take place. As the President I represent Tangent Club Cyprus at the relevant organising committee. Relevant leaflets are available for anyone interested. We will be all very happy to welcome you in our beautiful island. As you have noticed we have tried both the Zygi Taverna and Semeli Hotel where the events of our forthcoming AGMs are going to take place. We guarantee excellent food and enjoyable atmosphere, so if you decide to come you will definitely have a FunTangent experience! Kopiaste! Skevo Kyrou, National President 2015–2016, Tangent Club Cyprus

There were no questions for Skevo. Susanne asked Helle to give her report from Tangent Denmark: Helle showed us a PowerPoint presentation for the activities done by Tangent Denmark on the international level in 2015-2016 and reminded us to keep on Circling internationally and let’s continue friendship. Helle had a surprise for the TCI President, Helle had made a PowerPoint to remind us of the travel and work done by Suanne in the past year. And Helle gave the following speech: “Dear TCI President, dear Susanne!

You are the primary reason why we are all here today! You have had your backing groups along all the way,

but you have been. You made it possible for us tangents to continue friendships and make new ones –

internationally! Two years have gone since you started as our first TCI President. But years before that, you

worked hard to get the whole organization started. TCI is growing fast! Other countries want to join us in

this very special and valuable community we have. You made that happen with your optimism and believe

in our organization – and by giving us a lot of your time and efforts the last years.

Susanne! We can´t thank you enough! I guess the best way to show you our gratitude is to keep circling

internationally . So all of you tangents: Let’s keep circling, let’s continue friendship!

Thank you, Susanne!

We have some gifts for you to use, now that you have time to spend doing other things than TCI-stuff!”

After having fun with Susanne and her new suitcase there were no questions for Helle. The report from Tangent Club Suomi Finland was presented by Nina: The power point presentation included nice pictures from different occasions, like charters and the national AGM. The number of members has grown rapidly since the charter of TCSF in April 2015. Today TCSF has 148 members and seven chartered clubs. TCSF together with LCSF organises the TCI HYM on 16th–18th September 2016 on a day-in-Stockholm cruise from Helsinki, where we all are warmly welcome. There were no questions for Nina.

There were no questions for Niina.


The report from Tangent Great Britain was presented by Alex: Morning Ladies, I am delighted to be here with you today. Tangenting in The UK is thriving and we have approximately 13,000 members in 650 clubs nationwide, served by 8 members of the National Exec, 3 of whom, I am pleased to say, are here today. Our subs are currently £5.25 per person per year. A short photo presentation of the year was given here, which showed all aspects of the sort of things that are happening in Tangent GB&I, this included clips of International contact, particularly the lovely Swedish Tigers!! The charity I chose to support, as President, in the last year was one founded by a member of Round Table 25 years ago called Round Tables Children’s Wish, it grants handcrafted wishes for children between the ages of 4–17, with life threatening conditions. As a result Tangent have raised around £30,000, with cheques still coming in. Alex Voller, IPP Tangent GB&I

There were no questions for Alex. Next one was Berit to give her report from Tangent Norway: The power point presentation included lovely pictures from several occasions e.g. side by side meetings. At the moment Tangent Norway has 34 members and 2 clubs (consists 2/3 of the members, the rest is single members in TN). Since Norway is a small country, the side by side co-operation is important; therefore they meet with 41ers, LC and RT as often as possible. Due to this, they see that the interest for Tangent is increasing.

There were no questions for Berit. The report from Tangent Sweden was given by Åsa: First I want to thank for all the work head board has done during the year. It is amazing that there are so many wonderful women who want to put their time to us all. Thanks for that! In Sweden we currently have about 160 members and 11 active clubs. We do about 8–9 newsletters sent out to all members and we have an active Facebook group and a website that gets better and better. I as chairman represent the Tangent to chairman meeting of the Ladies’ Circle a weekend in August. It gives the opportunity to show what we can offer and help. We go active on different LC / RT event in Sweden and represents Tangent. In the spring we are involved in district meetings for Ladies’ Circle it 13 districts, where we hold a presentation and show what we have to offer. We have over the past years developed Tangent Sweden and the increased number of member clubs and on a stable and secure manner. Each club has its regular meetings and find on lots of fun and interesting meetings and of course eat and drink good. The goal we are working on now is that we have the summer to sign an agreement with the Ladies’ Circle that brings us closer together and increase our cooperation. It is important for both organizations as we get a natural overlap of the Ladies Circle members and that we can help Ladies Circle to increase their members and help them with recurring issues. We have been involved for many years and know that issues will come back again and again. I think this is one of the most important agreements we are going to do right now in Sweden to grow. I started this work three years ago and I am sure that this is a vital key for the future of Tangent Sweden and the Ladies’ Circle. In the autumn, we always have a half year meeting. We are also proud and happy that our Anna is our IRO but also now going to TCI president. We have had the goal to put Sweden on the world map for Tangents. Sweden has few members, but we are a group of single-minded women with a passion for the organization and want to develop and move the organization forward into a fantastic future with a lot of joy and opportunities. "With more fun and less musts" President Tangent Sweden 2014–2016 Åsa Cato


There were no questions for Åsa.

Reports of the Associate member countries Since the countries were not present, and lack of time, it was decided that Janice reads only the report from Ukraine, other reports can be read in the minutes. Tangent Club Belgium Tangent Club Waterloo N° 1 Since the HYM in Birmingham, Tangent life in our club Waterloo is going on very smoothly. In November we had our fundraising event with Round Table Brussels and 41 Club Brussels Toison d’Or. In January 2016 we had our annual Men’s Night. We had a lovely dinner and a lot of fun celebrating the New Year. In February, we had our regular meeting but also two supplementary evenings. On February 16th, we went to a concert of Corsican Polyphonies and one week later theatre was on the program. Last week we planned a Saturday afternoon activity namely we visited the Belgian Federal Parliament followed by an evening dinner. In April our annual “sandwich meeting” will take place at Françoise‘s home. Actually she’s Vice-President of TC Waterloo and will take over in June. On April 28th, we have our yearly joint meeting in Liège with Tangent Club Liège and Tangent Club Wavre.

Tangent Club Liege N°2 (President Marlène Reinartz) This statutory year we introduced 2 new members. In November we organized our traditional theatre evening to help different associations. We had different interesting conferences especially “sign language” and “organ donation”. We also made cultural visits and as there is an important exhibition about Salvador Dali in Liège, we’ll visit this one! From Tangent Club Wavre, no news till now! I suppose they get well…. These are the most recent information about TC Belgium! On behalf of all Tangent members I wish you and the whole TCI Board a great and successful AGM in Landshut. Sincere greetings to all the participants and have fun…. YICF, Martine, IRO Tangent Belgium and President Tangent Waterloo n° 1 2015–2016

Tangent Club Lithuania We are five members and mainly participate in our former LC clubs activities. We help further the social project "Lapiu foster home", as well supported by LC Lithuania. We joined Christmas party with Round Tablers and LC Lithuania Ladies. Our members attended few lectures about healthy food, health and beauty, financial management. YICF, Ausra Jakaitainen Chairman Tangent Club Lithuania

Tangent Club Ukraine Report from Tangent Ukraine for TCI AGM 23 April 2016 I have been in touch with Chairperson Lora Pavlenko since the Charter with TCI a year ago on 28th March 2015. They have 7 members. Since the Charter we have shared information about our Tangent Clubs as well as our personal lives. I have been very distressed about the problems in Ukraine & wrote an article with Lora’s permission for one of the TCI newsletters. This article was read by Dr ‘Sid’ (Dr. Siddharthan, Chief Surgeon, T.M.S. Eye Hospital, India) 41 Club International Secretary who wrote the following: “I read your article in the TCI newsletter. I strongly feel that human suffering should not be tolerated by the rest of the world. Please let me know if you have either Round Table, Ladies Circle or 41 Club in Ukraine. From our side I will explore the possibility of help.” At the point of writing this report I’m not sure if this has progressed. However, we have received this message from Lora: “Hi Anna. Thank you for your letter & invitation. I know that this is a great opportunity to socialize, to see new people & it is important to me. But now it will be difficult to do. As for the financial cost, in


connection with the war in Ukraine it is very hard to get the money that would have had the opportunity to go somewhere. In the last year 50 banks have become bankrupt & were closed un the Ukraine. People lost money. Our bank also became bankrupt & all our money was lost. We have no one warned that the bank would bankrupt. We do not have medical insurance. Often people in other countries cannot understand & accept. Kiev is the capital of Ukraine & is now crowded with refugees. Prices rose, people with no medical care, children without food. Just chaos. We do not know if tomorrow our country will be at war. I’m very pleased to continue our relationship & one day we will meet. To me, a miracle that we have become part of a large family. Love Lora.” Since the TCI & 41 Club Conference I have spoken to Dr ‘Sid’ who has promised more help using his influence in Rotary as well. If anyone would like to write to Lora, she would be delighted to hear from you although recently there have been Internet issues & I have not had a response to this. [email protected] Janice O’Neill, TCI Board Member 2015–16,Tangent GB&I Godmother Country to Ukraine

Tangent Club Zambia Tangent Zambia Report for TCI AGM 2016 Tangent Zambia chartered on 24th October at the TCI HYM in Birmingham with Tangent UK as Godmother. They started with 2 clubs & 12 members, 6 in Copperbelt & 6 in Lusaka. There are a further 12 prospective members they are hoping to induct at the end of May. The 2 clubs meet quarterly & have a Community Project, a Community School 50km north of Lusaka. They are currently sponsoring 36 children, each Tangent member paying for 3 children’s fees so if they have more members, they can sponsor more children! Tangent Zambia would have loved to be in Landshut this year but do hope to make it to the HYM in Finland in September 2016. Janice O’Neill, IRO & IPP National Association of Tangent Clubs

8. Extension

Application Full Membership During the TCI Year 2015–2016 the board did not receive any application for full membership of TCI. Application Associate Membership Zambia At the TCI HYM 2015 Tangent Club Zambia was welcomed as associate member of TCI. Upcoming Charters Anna updated us on upcoming charters: Well, as you understand I had to change this presentation in the very last minute and I couldn’t be happier to do so, since the reason is that Tangent Club Israel applied for associate membership much sooner than anticipated. On the 17th April 2016 an application was received for associate membership from Tangent Israel. To accept an application for associate membership the following TCI Rules have to be fulfilled: §4 Rules governing membership:

b. Associate membership: i. Any National Tangent Association may apply for associate membership of TCI.


ii. An affiliation fee must be paid. The affiliation fee at October 2013 to be EUR 40,-.

iii. Any application for associate membership must be voted on, with a 75% majority at the TCI AGM following any application.

Tangent Club Israel fulfilled §4 b, I and b, ii. Before moving to vote on associate membership of TCI – National President Skevo from Cyprus, godmother of Tangent Club Israel, was invited to the floor to give her presentation on Tangent Israel. Skevo forwarded us regards and current status from Israel and showed us a photo from 1992 when she met the Israeli ladies. There were no questions for Skevo. Voting followed on associate membership in TCI for Tangent Club Israel, an associate membership in TCI for Tangent Club Israel was adopted. We stood up as the anthem of Israel was played. Once again very welcome to our family! The TCI board has also been contacted by Mirela Lucian in Detroit. She and 3 other ex-Circlers are about to start the first Tangent Club in USA. She is currently contacting other ex-Circlers in USA to see if they’re interested to join as well. Mirela is sorry she couldn’t attend this AGM, but she’ll do her very best to come to the TCI HYM. Since LC Norway is the God Mother of the recently chartered LC USA, we thought it would be suitable if Tangent Norway could be Godmother of Tangent Club USA. Would that be all right with you, Gerd-Inger and Berit? They stated to be very happy to act as Godmothers. Susanne asked, if there are any questions for Anna – there were none. Susanne thanked Anna. 41 International Vice President Engelbert Friedsam, OT Germany arrived at our meeting at 12:47 and Susanne invited him to address the AGM. Engelbert wished us welcome and to enjoy the weekend in Landshut filled with fun and fellowship. He mentioned the get-together meeting they had yesterday among the five clubs (representatives from 41, RTI, LCI, TCI and ACI) and his wish is that all would have “one vision” in the future. Susanne thanked Engelbert for visiting our meeting and wished him all the best on his induction as President 41 International 2016–2017. Susanne continued the meeting: After the TCI HYM 2016 in Birmingham, where Tangent India announced – that they were soon to apply for membership in TCI – correspondence regarding the application have taken place between the Tangent India National President, Tangent India Executive Board, Anna and I and we are pleased to inform you, that Tangent India have confirmed that an application will be forwarded. Yesterday, the delegates from Tangent India joined the TCI Board Meeting to answer questions regarding the application, please welcome National Secretary Tangent India Renuka Sehgal to address the meeting. Renuka began by introducing us to her friends in Tangent Puja Khullar and Bhanu Mehra. TC India has altogether 265 members in 17 clubs. They would certainly join TCI in the future; apply for the


full membership, when they have 500 members. Renuka warmly invited us to the 41 International HYM taking place in Bangalore on 14th–16th October 2016. Susanne thanked Renuka by saying that we look forward to the day, when Tangent India will apply for membership of TCI and we look forward to be part of the 41 International HYM in October 2016, where all members of Tangent India and TCI will be invited to join a meeting presenting the TCI HYM 2016 Agenda and presentations from the TCI HYM 2016. Since the following items on the agenda are to be handled only with the members of TCI, Susanne kindly asked other than TCI members to leave the meeting. Susanne stated that now follows a 10 minutes coffee break. The meeting continued at 13:10.

9. Proposals One of the mayor obligations for the TCI Board this year has been to focus on the way to the future – to make sure, that in time, it will be possible for the TCI Board to pay the cost of running the International Association. As the TCI Board Proposal have impact on all TCI Full member countries budget and balances, the TCI Board have asked for any amendments to the TCI Capitation Fee Proposal to be forwarded in writing to the TCI Board latest on the 15th January 2016 in time before any National AGM 2016. That the National Boards have been able to learn of any consequences according to their National Rules regarding any financial decision taken today at the TCI AGM 2016. For the same reason, we cannot today put any further amendments to the TCI Board Capitation fee proposal.

TCI Board

TCI Treasurer Gerd-Inger Kaasen presented the proposal.

TCI Board proposal change of TCI Rules, TCI AGM 2016 §8b – Capitation fee Background TCI is a young organization, only a couple of years old. Due to this, there has been no time to build economy, and the organization’s funds are very limited. At the time TCI was founded, § 4 in the TCI rules stated that the full members should pay an Affiliation fee of EUR 120.- and associated members should pay an Affiliation fee of EUR 40.-. At the same time it was agreed that a yearly Capitation fee should be nil. In addition to affiliation fees, TCI has had a small income from sale of TCI Pins. Sources of income have been few, consequently, the costs related to TCI Board Meetings, TCI AGM and TCI HYM has been paid, either by participants themselves or the TCI Board has been supported by their National Associations.


When founded, it was also decided that the TCI President should go in turn between the founder member countries. At the end of this turn, it is our goal to be an organization able to have open elections of all officers in the TCI Board. Going forward Aiming to reach our goal, we need to have, if not a solid economy, at least funds to be able to support future TCI Officers in their effort to develop the association. The TCI Board will continue to work for more National Tangent Associations to become member of TCI as well the TCI Board will continue to sell TCI Pins and look for sponsors. To do this it is important to travel, to meet new people, to be present at events where possible prospects to found new Tangent countries will be e.g. where LCI, RTI and 41 International events takes place like the LCI Conference and 41 International Conference. On this background, the TCI Board has decided to suggest a Capitation fee amongst the full member countries. The full member countries are very fragmented, GB having 12.000 members and Norway 30. This being the case, it has been difficult to design a fair model, acceptable for all the member countries. The TCI Board has landed on a model differentiating on a member count, a stepwise increase thereafter, and a cap on members over 10 000.

TCI Board proposal for TCI Capitation Fee The TCI Board proposed that a Capitation fee is introduced amongst the Full member countries. For the year 2016–2017 the Board proposed the Capitation fee to be:

Full member countries Growth Per. Member Highest/Lowest


Capitation Fee per year in


Members up to 50 150.00/3.00 150.-

Members from 51 to 150 99 3.92/1.33 200.-

Members from 151 to 350 199 1.99/0.86 300.-

Members from 351 to 600 249 1.14/0.67 400.-

Members from 601 to 1 000 399 0.83/0.50 500.-

Members from 1,001 to 3,000 2,999 0.60/0.20 600.-

Members from 3,001 to 6,000 2,999 0.27/0.13 800.-

Members from 6,001 to 10,000 3,999 0.16/0.10 950.-

Members over 10,001 4,999 0.10 1,000.-

The Capitation Fee to be fixed for at trial period of 3 years, to be updated at the TCI AGM 2019.

Amendments to the TCI Boards proposal on the TCI Capitation Fee

Proposal TCI Capitation Fee from Tangent Club Suomi Finland 3 EUR per member up to 1.000 members, 1.001–10.000 members 2 EUR per member and over 10.001 members 0,25 EUR per member. The trial period should be only for 2 years, to be updated already at the TCI AGM 2018


Explanation The simpler, the better, is one of our reasoning for this, but also the fact, that the organization needs funds for any member to have an equal opportunity to run and then work for a board position. We must bear in mind that even the sums that we propose here are nothing for a single member! What the end sum calculated together per country is, makes no difference and should not be counted as an argument against this, as it is the individual members, that pay the money. And as we all know, raising the fee later on is always more difficult, than lowering it, if needed.

Proposal TCI Capitation Fee from Tangent Club Cyprus We, Tangent Club Cyprus, propose that up to 100 members the nominal capitation fee is reduced to 50 EUR per country. Explanation With regards we find that the TCI Proposal for Capitation Fee is in line with what has been discussed in Cyprus and we do appreciate the difficulty to have a capitation fee in proportion to the number of members per country. We feel that the stepwise approach suggestion is logical but we feel that the countries with a very small number of members should be paying a small nominal fee that would not cost a member more than 1 EUR. Susanne explained the procedure:

The amendments to be vote on prior to the TCI Proposals The suggested amendment to be voted on in alphabetical order If the amendment from Tangent Cyprus are adopted, the TCI Board Proposal are to be

amended accordingly prior to the voting on the TCI Board Proposal If the amendment from Tangent Suomi Finland is adopted, the TCI Board proposal has fallen.

Gill, the Scrutineer, agreed on the above. Susanne asked for a seconder for the proposal from TC Cyprus. Seconded by TC Denmark. The amendment was adopted.

Amended TCI Board proposal for TCI Capitation Fee The Board proposes that a Capitation fee is introduced amongst the Full member countries. For the year 2016-2017 the Board proposes the Capitation fee to be:

Full member countries Growth Per. Member Highest/Lowest


Capitation Fee per year in EUR

Members up to 100 50.-

Members from 101 to 150 49 3.92/1.33 200.-

Members from 151 to 350 199 1.99/0.86 300.-

Members from 351 to 600 249 1.14/0.67 400.-

Members from 601 to 1 000 399 0.83/0.50 500.-

Members from 1,001 to 3,000 2,999 0.60/0.20 600.-

Members from 3,001 to 6,000 2,999 0.27/0.13 800.-

Members from 6,001 to 10,000 3,999 0.16/0.10 950.-

Members over 10,001 4,999 0.10 1,000.-


The Capitation Fee to be fixed for at trial period of 3 years, to be updated at the TCI AGM 2019. Susanne asked for a Seconder for the proposal from TC Suomi Finland – there was none therefore the proposal was withdrawn from the Agenda.

As the proposal from Tangent Club Suomi Finland were withdrawn from the Agenda we continued to vote on the TCI Board Proposal. The amended TCI Board Proposal was adopted. Next on the Agenda was the budget 2016–2017 to be presented by TCI Treasurer Gerd-Inger Kaasen.

Tangent Club International

Budget for 2016/2017

(all figures in Euro)

Income Notes

Affiliation fee 1 80

Capitation fee 2 1 800

Sales pins 3 350

Total income 2 230


Cost sale of pins 3 100

Cost Web site 4 100

Meeting facilities HYM autumn 5 300

Meeting facilities AGM 5 300

Precident to LCI conference 6 270

Precident to HYM India 6 215

Total expenses 1 285

Net result - to be transfered to equity 945

Note 1

Note 2

Note 3

We hope to sell 50 pins at Euro 7 each - but this is no limit! The cost per pin is Euro 2.

Note 4

This item is uncertain, we have no knowledge of this cost at present.

Note 5

Note 6

We are hoping that during the year India and Israel will apply to become an associated

member in Tangent Club International. Affiliation fee per country is at present Euro 40.

The budget is based on number of menbers as per 31.12.2015, and the Bords proposal

regarding Capitation fee.

The cost of meeting facilities is estimated based on "best knowledge". We will always

look for less costly alternatives.

The TCI Board proposes to support the Vice President travelling to the LCI conference in

South Africa and to the NAGM in India. The proposed amounts covers the attendance fees.

Voting on the TCI Treasurer report, the budget 2016–2017, the TCI Treasurer Report, budget 2016–2017 was adopted.


Susanne presented the next proposal: Going through the TCI AGM Scenario with our Scrutineer Gill Preston, I realised that we in the TCI Board made a mistake last year. The TCI Board made a mistake; according to the fact that we decided to introduce the term of office for a TCI Vice President at the last TCI AGM the TCI Board updated the TCI Rule 5 in the TCI Directory accordingly. That changed the year of turn, that were introduced at the TCI Charter on 3rd May 2014. I am truly sorry that we made this mistake, I should have known better and advised that this could not be done – and I am sorry that no one noticed, and informed me of our mistake when receiving the TCI Directory 2015–2016, then we could have handle the issue at the TCI HYM 2015. I am however grateful to our Scrutineer for the TCI AGM 2016 Gill Preston, that she told me, that we made this mistake in order to correct this in time for the TCI AGM 2016. We can do this as we do not today have any time limits for amendments. The TCI Board proposal for Elections of Officers is not complete, to make the update on Rule 5 in the right way, I would like to amend the proposal for Election of TCI Officers to the following. Rule 5 TCI Board from the constitution. §5. TCI Board

a. The TCI Board consist of the Tangent National IRO of all Full Member Countries. b. The TCI Board members shall consist of :

i. Chairman, goes in turn of Full Member Countries from October 2013: 1. Denmark 2013–2015 2. Sweden 2015–2017 3. Norway 2017–2019 4. GB 2019–2021 5. Cyprus 2021–2023 6. The continuation to be decided before the term end of 2019

ii. Treasurer, to be decided before 3rd of May 2014 amongst the TCI Board members.

iii. Secretary, to be decided before 3rd of May 2014 amongst the TCI Board members.

iv. Editor and WEB master, to be decided before 3rd of May 2014 amongst the TCI Board members.

Amendment of TCI Board to Election of officers §5. TCI Board

a. The TCI Board consists of the Tangent National IRO of all Full Member Countries. b. The TCI Board members shall consist of:

i. President, goes in turn of Full Member Countries from October 2013, the previous year the incoming President serve as Vice President:

1. Denmark 2014–2016 2. Sweden 2016–2017 3. Norway 2017–2018 4. GB 2018–2019

5. Cyprus 2019–2020


ii. Treasurer, to be voted on at the TCI AGM amongst the TCI Board members until 2020.

iii. Secretary, to be voted on at the TCI AGM amongst the TCI Board members until 2020.

c. Election for TCI Officers The first open election for TCI Vice President are to take place at the TCI AGM 2019. The first open election for TCI Treasure are to take place at the TCI AGM 2020. The first open election for TCI secretary are to take place at the TCI AGM 2020.

The TCI Board 2020–2021 to consist of the following officers: - TCI Vice President - TCI President - TCI Secretary - TCI Treasurer

The TCI Board 2021–2022 to consist of the following officers: - TCI Vice President - TCI President - TCI Immediate Past President - TCI Secretary - TCI Treasurer.

Explanation According to TCI Rule §5b, term of office for the TCI President is in turn of the TCI founder member countries, the TCI Board suggest that open election for TCI officers start in time before the end of the turn. There were no questions regarding the amendment. The amendment was seconded by TC Suomi Finland. The Proposal was adopted.

Voting on the amended proposal from the TCI Board, the amended proposal was adopted.

Full Member Countries No further proposal has been forwarded to the TCI Board from the member countries before the deadline 15th January 2015, the deadline were agreed at the TCI board meeting in Birmingham, October 2015.

10. Presentation of TCI Board and Councillors 2016–2017 A proposal has been received from Tangent Norway for Gerd-Inger Kaasen to serve as TCI Vice President 2016–2017 and to be inducted as TCI President at the time of the TCI AGM 2017. Gerd-Inger was welcomed on stage to present herself: I became a Circler in June 1996 and I have had various positions in my local club. I was “due” in 2007 after a “bonus” year – BUT I never stopped circling. When visiting the national LC/Tangent AGM in Sweden some years ago, we luckily met the Swedish and the Danish TANGENTS – and then made up our minds – we had to get Tangent Norway started! Berit and I took the challenge – Tangent Norway was chartered 31st May 2013 with Tangent Denmark as godmothers. In other words – a happy CONTINUATION!


Tangent Norway was one of the founder members in TCI and I have been a board member since the chartering, last year as Treasurer. You are all familiar with the rules about having the position as Vice President and President in TCI. Tangent Norway has put their trust in me, and I was elected national IRO for the upcoming period, when Norway has these positions in TCI. So that is why I am standing here today! Professionally I am an accountant. I have worked as an auditor for several years, and now I am the Group chief accountant for a Shipping company in Oslo. As you understand I like to work with numbers – I like money! I wish I had a money tree in my garden. Talking about money – if any of you have good ideas for getting funds to TCI, you are SO welcome to share with us. My story will continue next year telling you what I would like to do for Tangent Club International as President. Thank you.

There were no questions for Gerd-Inger. Susanne thanked Gerd-Inger.

A proposal has been received from Tangent Club Suomi Finland for the National IRO of Tangent Club Suomi Finland to serve as TCI Treasurer for the coming year. Please welcome Niina on stage to present herself: I was invited to join Ladies’ Circle in January 1989 and have ever since been an active Circler. I have served as LCSF International Secretary, LCSF President, LCI Secretary and am even now LCI Past Officers’ Contact Lady/Coordinator of our reunions, which are organised every second year. As it happens, the latest reunion of “Pastas”, as we jokingly call ourselves, was on the previous weekend, on 14th–17th April in Leiden in the Netherlands. I have degrees in economic sciences, have a wide international work and association experience and have also acted as a Treasurer of Soroptimist International club. TCI board offered Treasurer’s office to Finland, because of euro, which TCSF board accepted and I have their full support. After many memorable years of Circling, I am honoured and happy to have this possibility to give my contribution to TCI. Friendship is very important, therefore “Let’s keep on Circling and Let friendship continue!” Thank you!

There were no questions for Niina. Susanne thanked Niina.

A proposal has been received from the TCI Vice President 2016–2017 that the TCI IRO from Great Britain to serve as TCI Secretary 2016–2017. Please welcome Alex on stage to present herself: Good afternoon Ladies, I am excited to be standing here asking for your vote to be your international secretary, and the opportunity to work with Anna and her team. I joined the Round Table family 21 years ago, after my husband went to a Table night, came home at 4am that morning less a jumper and a shoe and I was then nagged relentlessly by a Ladies Circler, until I finally gave up and said I’d go to their charity Barn Dance. The rest is kind of history, I worked my way through the roles at Circle level and then through Area level, becoming Circle Area Chairman in 2001–2002. As a result, and having formed firm friendships with the ladies I worked with on the Area exec, we decided we wanted to carry on with fun and friendship, and formed our own Tangent ABOTS number 889. A Bit On The Side (of our Area, nothing more!!) In 2014, at our National AGM at Bournemouth, I was voted in as National Vice President of Tangent GB&I, and only last week finished my stint as National President. It would give me great pleasure to now step into the International Arena, and I would be delighted if you would allow me to do this. Many thanks. There were no questions for Alex, and Susanne thanked Alex. Susanne continued – it is my great pleasure to present to you the TCI Board 2016–2017:

TCI President Anna Åkesson, Tangent Sweden TCI Vice President Gerd-Inger Kaasen, Tangent Norway TCI Secretary Alex Voller, Tangent Great Britain


TCI Treasurer Niina Hämäläinen, Tangent Club Suomi Finland The National IRO 2016–2017 have not been elected in Tangent Denmark or Tangent Cyprus – as the National AGM are to take place later than the TCI AGM 2016 – and as the present national IRO’s will step down of office – therefore both are to be named after their National AGM’s:

TCI Board Member, Tangent Denmark – standing for office is Past National President Tangent Denmark Jeanett Korch at their AGM on 30th April.

TCI Board Member, Tangent Cyprus – standing for office is a member of Tangent Club Cyprus to be elected on 25th June at their AGM.

Next was a memorable and emotional ceremony for the first time in the history of Tangent Club International – exchange of regalia among TCI officers and – the first TCI President Susanne Norager handed over the President’s regalia to Anna Åkesson, the second TCI President. It was a great pleasure to Susanne to introduce us TCI President 2016–2017 Anna Åkesson, to present her motto and plans for the coming TCI year: Well, here I stand. President of TCI – oh my God! I have a whole year at my disposal, a whole year to make a difference for TCI, a whole year! On the other hand I have only one year to do all I want to do. A year goes by before you know it: What do I want to do with my year? What do I want happen in 2016–2017? First of all I want to continue the good work. As Susanne said, we’ve had a lot of firsts. And even if it’s important with the first, it’s actually equally important with the second, the third, the fourth and so on. Otherwise we risk to end up with nothing but a lot of dead starts. I want this year to be about follow-up, evaluation and amendment of the things we started. I have the good fortune to have a vp who has a solid TCI board experience and I think together we can solidify the foundation that’s been built over the last two years. Hand in hand with continuity comes organization. As I’ve said we’ve started a lot of projects and we’ve had a lot of firsts. Now let’s place it all in order. I want to dedicate quite a lot of work into job descriptions and calendars. Simply put – I want to establish who should do what and when. I’m Swedish, you know, and as you know we Swedes are organized to a fault. There’s nothing we like better than to cross things off our neat to do list. It’s a bit boring, but it is efficient. And since we all do our TCI work on our spare time I think efficiency is crucial. Beside all this boring but necessary stuff, let’s move to something more joyful. I would really like TCI to continue to grow. I will do my very best to get new countries to realize what a fantastic network and opportunity TCI is. I will try to travel as much as possible and I’ve already scheduled the LCI meeting in Cape Town and the Tangent India AGM in Bangalore. But not only do I want new countries to join. I want our existing member countries to grow as well. TCI can help by providing an attractive international network and meeting ground. But we can also help each other by sharing ideas and questions and by continue to work side by side. Finally, what I hope to be able to give to TCI this year is my enthusiasm. I really love every aspect of this fantastic network and I hope it shows and I hope it will rub off on others. I hope I will spread happiness and joy and laughter and quite a lot of bubbles both inside and outside the TCI world. I understand you’re waiting for a motto. My motto. Well, let’s be serious for a moment. If we look at what’s happening in the world right now, with war and terrorism and racism and xenophobia growing everywhere, I think our organization, yes all the round table organizations, never have been more important! It’s never been more crucial to show the world that despite different culture or background or religion or colour, we are truly one. And that the world would be a poorer and less powerful place if only one of us were missing. I believe that through our unity and friendship we can truly make a difference. We can actually change the world, not all at once perhaps, but little by little if we continue to lead by example, if we really put our hearts to it.


So with these thoughts in mind I chose my motto United in friendship and a logo where we stand hand in hand around the world and share our hearts between us. I hope you like it and approve of it. Thank you!

Åsa Cato, President Tangent Sweden congratulated Anna.

Susanne invited Anna to present the TCI Council 2016–2017: From Tangent Cyprus, National Vice President Ia Patsalides Ioannou From Tangent Denmark, National Vice President Lene Høffner From Tangent Finland, National President Nina Leppäkangas From Tangent Great Britain, National President Paula Farnfield From Tangent Norway, National Vice President Berit Richardsen From Tangent Sweden, National Vice President Susanne Otzen (absent)

Thank you Anna. Susanne continued: To the TCI Council 2015–2016 I wish to express my gratitude for the work done, thank you – thank you all for making this year a special year for all Tangents. To the TCI Board 2015–2016 – my dearest friends – it has been a pleasure serving together with you – we once more did a lot of first things most of the time it was hard work – but looking at the results presented today – you can all be very proud of the year served in the TCI Board, thank you. Susanne asked the board members to step forward to be recognised and she handed presents to each board member.

11. Any other business

The TCI Board 2015–2016 members thanked Susanne with a special gift and a speech by Anna: Dear Susanne I dare say we are running out of firsts. But there’s still one more first to do. And I get to do it. It’s saluting our very first IPP! Susanne, it’s truly been an honour and a privilege to serve on the board with you. I really have, big, no huge shoes to fill. And if I fail from time to time as president, it surely isn’t because of you. You’ve done all you can to prepare me for this. I can’t count the hours you’ve devoted to TCI. The numerous emails you’ve sent. The endless meetings you’ve chaired. The countless agendas you’ve created. And the enormous legacy you leave behind. Susanne, you are amazing. One moment you are as firm as steel, standing tall in whatever storm may come. The very next moment you burst out giggling and laughing like a school girl. Then you just wipe the tears of laughter from your eyes and without hesitation guide us through some tricky electoral procedure. You are the first in so many ways. TCI couldn’t have had a better first president. I’m running out of words fancy enough – so let me just put it bluntly. You’re one hell of a lady! I thought long and hard about what to give you as a memory from us. And what would be more appropriate than to present the eternal circler and tangent with an eternal light of friendship. This lamp is manufactured by a very old lamp factory in my home town. It was founded in 1884 and is currently run by the fifth generation


of the same family – a couple that just happens to be a Tabler and a Circler. And they were kind enough to help me make a unique TCI lamp with the TCI logo. The lamp you receive, Susanne, is the very first of these lamps. So you still score one first. I’m looking forward to a lifelong friendship with you Susanne. On behalf of the TCI board, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

12. Date and place of TCI AGM 2017 Prior to announcing the date of the TCI AGM 2017, we were invited to join the TCI HYM 2016. Tyyne presented us the TCI HYM 2016 to be hosted by Tangent Club Suomi Finland on 16th–18th September on a cruise Helsinki-Stockholm-Helsinki on M/S Silja Serenade. Departure on Friday 16th September at 17:00 from Helsinki and arrival on Sunday 18th at 10:00. Prices EUR 208–303 (double cabin/person) includes 2 x breakfast, 2 x afternoon snack buffet and 2 x dinner. TCI half year meeting will be on Saturday, the 17th September 2016. Alex informed us that the TCI AGM 2017 will be hosted by Tangent Great Britain taking place on Friday the 21st April in Blackpool, England. Barry Durman, 41 Club National President of GB&I, addressed the meeting and welcomed us to Blackpool Conference 2017 – “Blackpool Roxx”. The event includes the best seafront hotels in the resort and venues for our entertainment inside the Strictly Tower Ballroom. Registration and more info: https://41club-tangent-2017.co.uk/

13. Closure of the meeting Susanne asked Norbert, if he had any particle information before closure of the meeting. Norbert thanked us for joining the 41 International Conference and for the fun and nice evening yesterday, the Bavarian Night, and wished us a great, joyful gala tonight. Susanne thanked him for the welcome and hospitality to host the TCI AGM 2016 and for all hard work done for making a perfect platform to celebrate our international friendship, it has until now been the most wonderful conference, that we will treasure in our hearts forever. Thank you! Susanne expressed a special thank you for all her supporters from Tangent Denmark, for the help they always provided, their backup and all their smileys Susanne asked them to join her to present them with gifts and have an official picture together. Susanne thanked us all for taking part in the TCI AGM 2016 and for making this a wonderful day for all of us – may our friendships continue long into the future – and please, keep extending your hand in friendship.

The meeting closed at 14:06.