mipi unipro specification v1!40!00

3-Jun-2011 MIPI ® Alliance Specification for Unified Protocol (UniPro SM ) Version 1.40.00 – 31 January 2011 MIPI Board Approved 28-Apr-2011 * CAUTION TO IMPLEMENTERS * Copyright © 2007-2011 MIPI Alliance, Inc. All rights reserved. MIPI Alliance Member Confidential Implementers should be aware that a licensing objection was received from Intel in regard to version 0.80.00 of this specification, MIPI Alliance Standard for Unified Protocol (UniPro), Version 0.80.00, dated 6 September 2006 and adopted by the MIPI Board of Directors on 26 February 2007 (UniPro v0.80.00). The UniPro v0.80.00 Specification is available at https://members.mipi.org/mipi- adopters/file/Specifications/Board%20Approved/MIPI%20UniPro%20Specification_v00-80-00.pdf . Intel's licensing objection is available at https://members.mipi.org/mipi- adopters/file/Specifications/Board%20Approved/MIPI%20UniPro%20Specification_v00-80- 00_Intel%20Licensing%20Objection.pdf . Licensing objections are defined in Article X, Section 1 of the MIPI Bylaws. Member companies considering implementation or use of this standard are strongly encouraged to review this information. UniPro v0.90.00 was drafted by the MIPI UniPro Working Group taking into account the Licensing Objection of Intel with respect to UniPro v0.80.00. UniPro v0.90.00 was renumbered to v1.00.00 upon approval by the MIPI Board as a MIPI Specification. The UniPro v1.00.00 Specification is available at https://members.mipi.org/mipi- adopters/file/Specifications/Board%20Approved/MIPI%20UniPro%20Specification_v01-00-00.pdf . Following the WG completion of UniPro v0.90.00, Intel expressed the following view: Intel notes that the same Necessary Claims identified in our prior License Objection are applicable to this latest Draft. However, Article X, Sec 1(3) of the Bylaws provides that since Intel properly submitted its Licensing Objection, “[Intel's] licensing obligations under the terms of its MIPI Membership Agreement shall terminate” with respect to those identified Necessary Claims. Accordingly, since those Necessary Claims are no longer subject to any MIPI licensing

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Page 1: Mipi UniPro Specification v1!40!00


MIPI® Alliance Specification forUnified Protocol (UniProSM)

Version 1.40.00 – 31 January 2011MIPI Board Approved 28-Apr-2011


Copyright © 2007-2011 MIPI Alliance, Inc. All rights reserved.MIPI Alliance Member Confidential

Implementers should be aware that a licensing objection was received from Intel in regard toversion 0.80.00 of this specification, MIPI Alliance Standard for Unified Protocol (UniPro), Version0.80.00, dated 6 September 2006 and adopted by the MIPI Board of Directors on 26 February 2007(UniPro v0.80.00). The UniPro v0.80.00 Specification is available at https://members.mipi.org/mipi-adopters/file/Specifications/Board%20Approved/MIPI%20UniPro%20Specification_v00-80-00.pdf.In te l ' s l i cens ing ob jec t ion i s ava i lab le a t h t tps : / /members .m ip i .o rg /m ip i -adopters/file/Specifications/Board%20Approved/MIPI%20UniPro%20Specification_v00-80-00_Intel%20Licensing%20Objection.pdf.

Licensing objections are defined in Article X, Section 1 of the MIPI Bylaws. Member companiesconsidering implementation or use of this standard are strongly encouraged to review thisinformation.

UniPro v0.90.00 was drafted by the MIPI UniPro Working Group taking into account the LicensingObjection of Intel with respect to UniPro v0.80.00. UniPro v0.90.00 was renumbered to v1.00.00upon approval by the MIPI Board as a MIPI Specification. The UniPro v1.00.00 Specification isava i lab le a t h t tps : / /members .m ip i .o rg /m ip i -adopters/file/Specifications/Board%20Approved/MIPI%20UniPro%20Specification_v01-00-00.pdf.

Following the WG completion of UniPro v0.90.00, Intel expressed the following view:

Intel notes that the same Necessary Claims identified in our prior LicenseObjection are applicable to this latest Draft. However, Article X, Sec 1(3) of theBylaws provides that since Intel properly submitted its Licensing Objection,“[Intel's] licensing obligations under the terms of its MIPI Membership Agreementshall terminate” with respect to those identified Necessary Claims. Accordingly,since those Necessary Claims are no longer subject to any MIPI licensing

Page 2: Mipi UniPro Specification v1!40!00

Copyright © 2007-2011 MIPI Alliance, Inc. All rights reserved.MIPI Alliance Member Confidential


Version 1.40.00 3-Jun-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro

obligation for any subsequently adopted Specifications, Intel's prior LicenseObjection stands and applies to this latest Draft.

The “latest Draft” referred to in the advice of Intel is UniPro v1.00.00, originally drafted by theUniPro Working Group as UniPro v0.90.00 and later renumbered to UniPro v1.00.00 duringsubsequent approval by the MIPI Board as a MIPI Specification. MIPI has no view as to theaccuracy or validity of the statement made by Intel.


Page 3: Mipi UniPro Specification v1!40!00


MIPI® Alliance Specification forUnified Protocol (UniProSM)

Version 1.40.00 – 31 January 2011MIPI Board Approved 28-Apr-2011


Copyright © 2007-2011 MIPI Alliance, Inc. All rights reserved.MIPI Alliance Member Confidential

This document is a MIPI Specification adopted by the MIPI Board of Directors. MIPI membercompanies’ rights and obligations apply to this MIPI Specification as defined in the MIPIMembership Agreement and MIPI Bylaws.

This UniPro v1.40.00 draft specification is an update to the UniPro v1.10.01 specification.

The UniPro v1.40.00 specification consists of two separate physical documents:

• MIPI Alliance Specification for Unified Protocol (UniProSM), Version 1.40.00• MIPI Alliance Specification for Unified Protocol (UniProSM): SDL State Machines, Version


It also references MIPI Alliance Specification for M-PHY, Version 1.00.00 to define the underlyingphysical layer.

The SDL document is a part of the UniPro v1.40.00 specification. It provides a formal model of thebehavior of the specified algorithms. Note that in UniPro v1.40.00, an SDL model for all Layers(PHY Adapter–M-PHY only, Data Link, Network and Transport) and Device Management Entity(DME) is provided. The SDL model is intended to be consistent with the textual descriptions in thefirst document. In case of ambiguity in the text or an unintended discrepancy between thedocuments, implementers should refer to the SDL model.

Backwards Compatibility

The UniPro v1.40.00 specification with D-PHY physical layer was designed to ensureinteroperability with UniPro v1.10.01 and UniPro v1.00.00 versions.

Main Changes

This release contains editorial and non-editorial updates to the previous release. These updatesaddress typographical and grammatical errors, inconsistencies in terminology and labeling, andincomplete cross-references. The updates also provide clarification of key concepts based on

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Copyright © 2007-2011 MIPI Alliance, Inc. All rights reserved.MIPI Alliance Member Confidential


Version 1.40.00 3-Jun-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro

working group member company feedback. This release adds support for the option of disablingthe CSV feature of the Transport Layer (L4).

Page 5: Mipi UniPro Specification v1!40!00

MIPI® Alliance Specification forUnified Protocol (UniProSM)

Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro

Version 1.40.00 – 31 January 2011MIPI Board Approved 28-Apr-2011

Copyright © 2007-2011 MIPI Alliance, Inc. All rights reserved.MIPI Alliance Member Confidential

Further technical changes to this document are expected as work continues in the UniPro Working Group

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Copyright © 2007-2011 MIPI Alliance, Inc. All rights reserved.MIPI Alliance Member Confidential


Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro


The material contained herein is not a license, either expressly or implicitly, to any IPR owned or controlledby any of the authors or developers of this material or MIPI®. The material contained herein is provided onan “AS IS” basis and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, this material is provided AS ISAND WITH ALL FAULTS, and the authors and developers of this material and MIPI hereby disclaim allother warranties and conditions, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any (ifany) implied warranties, duties or conditions of merchantability, of fitness for a particular purpose, ofaccuracy or completeness of responses, of results, of workmanlike effort, of lack of viruses, and of lack ofnegligence.

All materials contained herein are protected by copyright laws, and may not be reproduced, republished,distributed, transmitted, displayed, broadcast or otherwise exploited in any manner without the express priorwritten permission of MIPI Alliance. MIPI, MIPI Alliance and the dotted rainbow arch and all relatedtrademarks, tradenames, and other intellectual property are the exclusive property of MIPI Alliance andcannot be used without its express prior written permission.


Without limiting the generality of this Disclaimer stated above, the user of the contents of this Document isfurther notified that MIPI: (a) does not evaluate, test or verify the accuracy, soundness or credibility of thecontents of this Document; (b) does not monitor or enforce compliance with the contents of this Document;and (c) does not certify, test, or in any manner investigate products or services or any claims of compliancewith the contents of this Document. The use or implementation of the contents of this Document mayinvolve or require the use of intellectual property rights (“IPR”) including (but not limited to) patents, patentapplications, or copyrights owned by one or more parties, whether or not Members of MIPI. MIPI does notmake any search or investigation for IPR, nor does MIPI require or request the disclosure of any IPR orclaims of IPR as respects the contents of this Document or otherwise.

Questions pertaining to this document, or the terms or conditions of its provision, should be addressed to:

MIPI Alliance, Inc.c/o IEEE-ISTO445 Hoes LanePiscataway, NJ 08854Attn: Board Secretary

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Copyright © 2007-2011 MIPI Alliance, Inc. All rights reserved.MIPI Alliance Member Confidential


Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro

ContentsContents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x

Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv

Release History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xx

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211.2 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2 Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232.2 Service Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282.3 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282.4 Acronyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

3 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

4 Architecture Overview (informative) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334.1 UniPro Layering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334.2 The UniPro SDL Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334.3 Comparison of UniPro to the OSI/RM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344.4 Service Access Points (SAP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

4.4.1 Service Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354.4.2 SAP Significance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354.4.3 Data Flow through the Stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

4.5 Signal Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374.5.1 CPort Signal Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374.5.2 Interface to the Physical Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374.5.3 T-PPI Interface for Testing (D-PHY oriented). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374.5.4 T-MPI Interface for Testing (M-PHY oriented). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

4.6 Protocol Data Units (PDU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374.7 Physical Layer (L1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

4.7.1 D-PHY and M-PHY Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384.7.2 L1 Symbol Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394.7.3 D-PHY Data Rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394.7.4 M-PHY Data Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404.7.5 D-PHY Power States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404.7.6 M-PHY Power States. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404.7.7 L1 Idles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4.8 PHY Adapter Layer (L1.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414.8.1 L1.5 Multi-lane Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414.8.2 L1.5 Power States and Power Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424.8.3 L1.5 and Symbol Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444.8.4 PACP Frames as Used with M-PHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444.8.5 L1.5 Automatic Capability Discovery (M-PHY only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

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Copyright © 2007-2011 MIPI Alliance, Inc. All rights reserved.MIPI Alliance Member Confidential


Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro

4.9 Data Link Layer (L2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454.9.1 L2 Data Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464.9.2 L2 Control Frames. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464.9.3 L2 Retransmission on Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474.9.4 L2 Flow Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474.9.5 L2 Traffic Classes and Priorities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

4.10 Network Layer (L3). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484.10.1 L3 Packets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484.10.2 L3 Devices and DeviceIDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

4.11 Transport Layer (L4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494.11.1 L4 Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494.11.2 L4 Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504.11.3 Communicating between L4 CPorts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504.11.4 The L4 SAP and Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514.11.5 End-to-End Flow Control in L4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514.11.6 CSD/CSV Mechanisms within a CPort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514.11.7 Test Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

4.12 DME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524.12.1 Control Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524.12.2 Control Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

4.13 Supported Topologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524.13.1 Point-to-Point Links. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534.13.2 UniPro Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

5 PHY Adapter Layer (L1.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555.1 PHY Adapter Layer Service Functionality and Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555.2 Features Assumed from the PHY Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565.3 PA_SAP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

5.3.1 Data Transfer Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565.3.2 Control Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605.3.3 Status Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

5.4 PA_LM_SAP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655.4.1 Configuration Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655.4.2 Control Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745.4.3 Status Primitives (PA D-PHY only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

5.5 Structure and Encoding of Protocol Data Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855.5.1 Data PA_PDU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855.5.2 Escaped Data PA_PDU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

5.6 Protocol Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 875.6.1 UniPro Link Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 875.6.2 Lane Distribution and Merging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 895.6.3 Link Startup Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

5.7 PHY Adapter to D-PHY Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 915.7.1 Power Mode Change Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925.7.2 Lane Number Change Procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 945.7.3 PHY States with Data Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 945.7.4 Link Startup Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 955.7.5 Symbol Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

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Copyright © 2007-2011 MIPI Alliance, Inc. All rights reserved.MIPI Alliance Member Confidential


Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro

5.7.6 Power State Mapping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1005.7.7 Error Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1015.7.8 Trigger Event Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1015.7.9 (Re-)Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1025.7.10 Actions Performed during Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1025.7.11 Physical Layer Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

5.8 PHY Adapter to M-PHY Interaction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055.8.1 Data Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055.8.2 PHY Control and Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055.8.3 Symbol Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1065.8.4 Power State Mapping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1075.8.5 Error Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1085.8.6 Trigger Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1085.8.7 PA Control Protocol (PACP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1095.8.8 Link Startup Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1165.8.9 Capability Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1205.8.10 (Re-)Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1205.8.11 Lane Synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1215.8.12 Link Configuration Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1225.8.13 PA Hibernate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1275.8.14 Remote Attribute GET and SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1315.8.15 PHY Testing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1325.8.16 Physical Layer Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

5.9 Management Information Base and Protocol Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1355.9.1 PHY Adapter Common Attributes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1365.9.2 PHY Adapter D-PHY-specific Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1385.9.3 PHY Adapter M-PHY-specific Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

6 Data Link Layer (L2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1466.1 Data Link Layer Service Functionality and Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1466.2 Services Assumed from PHY Adapter Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1476.3 DL_TCx_SAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

6.3.1 Data Transfer Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1476.4 DL_LM_SAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

6.4.1 Configuration Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1506.4.2 Control Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1536.4.3 Status Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

6.5 Structure and Encoding of Protocol Data Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1626.5.1 Data Symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1636.5.2 Control Symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1636.5.3 Data Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1656.5.4 Control Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167

6.6 Protocol Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1686.6.1 PDU Composition Feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1686.6.2 PDU Decomposition Feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1706.6.3 Buffering Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1716.6.4 Arbitration Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1716.6.5 Change of Certain Link Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172

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Copyright © 2007-2011 MIPI Alliance, Inc. All rights reserved.MIPI Alliance Member Confidential


Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro

6.6.6 TCx Data Frame Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1736.6.7 Flow Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1736.6.8 Acknowledgment Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1806.6.9 Timeout Values Calculation (informative) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1846.6.10 AFCx Frame Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1886.6.11 NAC Frame Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1896.6.12 Error Detection Mechanism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1906.6.13 PHY Initialization Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191

6.7 Data Link Layer Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1916.8 Management Information Base and Protocol Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

7 Network Layer (L3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1997.1 Network Layer Service Functionality and Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1997.2 Network Layer Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1997.3 Data Communication between Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2007.4 Services Assumed from the Data Link Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2017.5 Limitations and Compatibility Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2027.6 N_TCx_SAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202

7.6.1 Data Transfer Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2027.7 N_LM_SAP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207

7.7.1 Configuration Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2087.7.2 Control Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2117.7.3 Status Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215

7.8 Structure and Encoding of Network Protocol Data Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2167.8.1 Data N_PDUs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2167.8.2 N_PDU Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2177.8.3 Relationship of N_PDU Type Selection and Service Primitive Usage . . . . . . . . . . 218

7.9 Protocol Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2197.9.1 N_PDU Composition Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2197.9.2 N_PDU Decomposition Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2197.9.3 Header Format Analysis Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2207.9.4 Discard N_PDU Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220

7.10 Packet Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2217.11 Packet Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2217.12 Long Header Trap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2227.13 Network Layer and Data Link Layer Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2227.14 Management Information Base and Protocol Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222

8 Transport Layer (L4). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2258.1 Transport Layer Service Functionality and Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2258.2 Transport Layer Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2258.3 Connection-oriented (CO) Data Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2268.4 Segmentation and Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2278.5 End-to-End Flow Control (E2E FC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2278.6 Services Assumed from the Network Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2288.7 Limitations and Compatibility Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2288.8 T_CO_SAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228

8.8.1 Data Transfer Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2288.9 T_LM_SAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro

8.9.1 Configuration Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2348.9.2 Control Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2388.9.3 Status Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242

8.10 Structure and Encoding of Transport Protocol Data Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2438.10.1 Data T_PDUs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2448.10.2 T_PDU Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244

8.11 Protocol Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2478.11.1 Connection Management Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2478.11.2 Address Translation Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2478.11.3 Segmentation Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2488.11.4 Reassembly Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2498.11.5 T_PDU Composition Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2508.11.6 T_PDU Decomposition Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2508.11.7 Header Format Analysis Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2508.11.8 Explicit Flow Control Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2518.11.9 CPort Safety Valve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2588.11.10 Error Reporting for CSD and CSV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2598.11.11 Discard T_PDU Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259

8.12 Segment Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2598.13 Segment Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2598.14 CPort Arbitration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2608.15 UniPro Test Feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260

8.15.1 Algorithm for Discovering the Test Feature Instances in a DUT (informative) . . . 2628.15.2 Configuration Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2628.15.3 Traffic Generator (TstSrc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2628.15.4 Traffic Analyzer (TstDst). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267

8.16 Transport Layer and Network Layer Interaction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2738.17 Management Information Base and Protocol Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275

9 Device Management Entity (DME) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2799.1 DME Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2809.2 DME Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280

9.2.1 Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2809.2.2 Attribute Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280

9.3 DME Service Functionality and Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2809.3.1 UniPro Cold Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2819.3.2 UniPro Warm Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2819.3.3 EndPointReset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282

9.4 Initializing UniPro Attributes after Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2829.5 Hibernate (M-PHY only). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282

9.5.1 Entering Hibernate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2839.5.2 Exiting Hibernate (Un-hibernate) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2859.5.3 Failing to Enter or Exit Hibernate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286

9.6 DME Power Mode Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2869.6.1 Issuing the Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2879.6.2 Updating L2 Timer Values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2889.6.3 Completion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288

9.7 Features Assumed from Other Layers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro

9.8 DME_SAP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2889.8.1 Configuration Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2899.8.2 Control Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295

9.9 UniPro Versioning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3089.10 UniPro States. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3089.11 Reset and Boot Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310

9.11.1 Reset Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3109.11.2 Boot Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3109.11.3 Boot Procedure Example (informative). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310

9.12 DME DDB L1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313

Annex A Test PHY Protocol Interface (T-PPI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315A.1 T-PPI Signal List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315

A.1.1 Control Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316A.1.2 Clock Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317A.1.3 Data Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317

A.2 T-PPI Signal Multiplexing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319

Annex B Data Link Layer (informative) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323B.1 Reliability Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323

B.1.1 Timeout Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323B.1.2 Retransmission Mechanism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325

B.2 Preemption Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334B.2.1 Forward Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334B.2.2 Reverse Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335

B.3 CCITT CRC-16 Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339

Annex C SAP Primitive Formalism (informative). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340C.1 Additional SAP Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340

Annex D CPort Signal Interface (informative) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343D.1 Signal Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343D.2 Timing Diagrams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349

Annex E Test M-PHY Protocol Interface (T-MPI) (informative) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352E.1 Use Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352

E.1.1 UniPro Protocol Stack Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352E.1.2 UniPort-M testing using an external third party M-PHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352

E.2 T-MPI Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353E.2.1 Functional Block Diagram (Protocol Testing) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354E.2.2 Functional Block Diagram (External M-PHY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355

E.3 T-MPI Signal List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355E.4 SERDES Data Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356

E.4.1 T-MPI Control Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356E.4.2 T-MPI Data Symbols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358E.4.3 Bit Ordering and Binary Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360

E.5 SERDES State Machines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360E.5.1 FSM State Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361

E.6 Timing Diagrams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368E.6.1 T-MPI TX Burst Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368

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E.6.2 T-MPI RX Burst Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369E.7 SERDES Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369

E.7.1 Transceivers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369E.7.2 Driver Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370E.7.3 Receiver Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370E.7.4 Symbol Encoding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370E.7.5 Transceivers Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370

E.8 Testing Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371E.8.1 Access to M-PHY Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371E.8.2 Access to T-MPI Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377E.8.3 Power Mode Test Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384E.8.4 Error Control Test Feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385E.8.5 OMC Emulation Test Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385E.8.6 FSM Emulation Test Feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386E.8.7 Physical Lanes Renumbering Test Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386

E.9 Serial Control Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387

Annex F Options and Tunable Parameters (informative) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388F.1 Specification Point of View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388

F.1.1 PHY Adapter Layer (L1.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388F.1.2 Data Link Layer (L2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388F.1.3 Network Layer (L3). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389F.1.4 Transport Layer (L4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389F.1.5 Device Management Entity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390F.1.6 Static Configuration of a UniPro Device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391

F.2 IP Point of View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391

Annex G Recommended Pre-conditions for Hibernate Entry and Exit (informative)392

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro

FiguresFigure 1 Scope of the UniPro Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Figure 2 Comparison of UniPro and OSI/RM Layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Figure 3 Simplified Model of a Single UniPro Link Connecting Two Devices. . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Figure 4 17-bit PHY Adapter Layer Symbol Example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Figure 5 PACP Frame Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Figure 6 Example Data Frame with an Even Number of Payload Bytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Figure 7 Example Data Frame with an Odd Number of Payload Bytes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Figure 8 AFC Frame Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Figure 9 NAC Control Frame Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Figure 10 Example Short Header Packet Encapsulated within an L2 Data Frame . . . . . . . . . . 49

Figure 11 Example of a Short Header Segment in a Short Header Packet in an L2 Frame . . . . 50

Figure 12 Point-to-Point Configuration Example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Figure 13 UniPro Network Configuration Example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Figure 14 PHY Adapter Layer SAP Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Figure 15 Data PA_PDU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

Figure 16 Escaped Data PA_PDU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

Figure 17 DL Escaped Data PA_PDU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

Figure 18 DL Escaped Data PA_PDU with EscType=ESC_DL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

Figure 19 PA Escaped Data PA_PDU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Figure 20 PHY Adapter PDU Ordering in a Single Lane Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

Figure 21 PHY Adapter PDU Ordering in a Dual Lane Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

Figure 22 PHY Adapter PDU Ordering in a Three Lane Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

Figure 23 PHY Adapter PDU Ordering in a Four Lane Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

Figure 24 Power Mode Change Procedure for D-PHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

Figure 25 Link Startup Sequence Example with One Node Initiating the Sequence (D-PHY only)96

Figure 26 Link Startup Sequence Example with Both Nodes Initiating the Sequence (D-PHY on-ly)98

Figure 27 Encoded D-PHY Symbol Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

Figure 28 End of Burst Sequence with PA_TxTrailingClocks = 3, PA_ActiveTxDataLanes = 2, and Odd Number of PA_PDUs (informative)107

Figure 29 PACP Frame Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro

Figure 30 PACP_PWR_req . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

Figure 31 PACP_PWR_cnf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

Figure 32 PACP_CAP_ind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

Figure 33 PACP_EPR_ind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

Figure 34 PACP_TEST_MODE_req . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

Figure 35 PACP_GET_req . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

Figure 36 PACP_GET_cnf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

Figure 37 PACP_SET_req . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

Figure 38 PACP_SET_cnf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

Figure 39 PACP_TEST_DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

Figure 40 M-PHY Lanes Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

Figure 41 Repeated Transmission of TRG_UPR1 Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

Figure 42 Repeated Transmission of TRG_UPR2 Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

Figure 43 Power Mode Change using PACP_PWR_req and PACP_PWR_cnf . . . . . . . . . . . 127

Figure 44 Entering Hibernate (after Link Startup) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

Figure 45 Exiting Hibernate (after Link Startup) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

Figure 46 Data Link Layer SAP Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

Figure 47 Control and Data Frames Taxonomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162

Figure 48 Data Link Layer Data Symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163

Figure 49 Control Symbol Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163

Figure 50 Data Frame with Even Number of DL_SDU Bytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

Figure 51 Data Frame with Odd Number of DL_SDU Bytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

Figure 52 Data Frame with Preemption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167

Figure 53 AFC Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168

Figure 54 NAC Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168

Figure 55 Composition of PDU with Even Length DL_SDU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

Figure 56 Composition with Preemption (Traffic Class Y > X) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170

Figure 57 Decomposition with Even Length DL_SDU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

Figure 58 Decomposition with Preemption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

Figure 59 Latest Point in Time when PA_DL_PAUSE.rsp_L is Generated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173

Figure 60 Message Sequence Chart for Flow Control Register Changes after Boot Up Example 179

Figure 61 Variation of Credits during Data Transmission Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro

Figure 62 Definition of Frame Acknowledgment Timer and Replay Timer for TC0 . . . . . . . 183

Figure 63 CRC Coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

Figure 64 Bit Allocation for CRC-16 Checksum in DL Layer Data Symbol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191

Figure 65 Initial Credit Exchange Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

Figure 66 Network Layer SAP Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199

Figure 67 N_SAPs, Network Address and DeviceID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

Figure 68 Network Layer Data Transfer Using Different Traffic Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201

Figure 69 Relationship of Network Service Characteristics and Underlying Services . . . . . . 202

Figure 70 Network Layer Data N_PDU with Short Header (DT SH N_PDU) . . . . . . . . . . . . 217

Figure 71 Network Layer Composition Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219

Figure 72 Network Layer Decomposition Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220

Figure 73 Transport Layer SAP Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225

Figure 74 T_SAPs, Transport Address and CPortID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226

Figure 75 Concept of a Transport-level Connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227

Figure 76 Data T_PDU with Short Header (DT SH T_PDU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244

Figure 77 Transport Layer Segmentation Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248

Figure 78 Transport Layer Reassembly Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249

Figure 79 Transport Layer Composition Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250

Figure 80 Transport Layer Decomposition Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250

Figure 81 Data Transmission using E2E FC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254

Figure 82 Interrupted Data Transmission using E2E FC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255

Figure 83 Discard of Segment Payload Due to Lack of Credits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256

Figure 84 Successful Data Transmission with Controlled Segment Dropping . . . . . . . . . . . . 257

Figure 85 Unsuccessful Data Transmission Due to Interim Lack of Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258

Figure 86 Test Feature Location within the Transport Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261

Figure 87 Inter-message Gap Example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264

Figure 88 E2EFC Behavior in TstDst Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268

Figure 89 MSC of Network Layer and Transport Layer Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274

Figure 90 Device Management Entity SAP Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279

Figure 91 Attribute Address Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280

Figure 92 Hibernating a Peer-to-Peer Link. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283

Figure 93 Hibernate High Level Entry Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283

Figure 94 Hibernate Entry Flow Phase 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284

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Figure 95 Hibernate Entry Flow Phase 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285

Figure 96 Hibernate Exit Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286

Figure 97 Power Mode Change (DME Perspective) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287

Figure 98 UniPro States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309

Figure 99 Default Boot Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311

Figure 100 Peer Initiated Boot Procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312

Figure 101 Link Lost Triggered Boot Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313

Figure 102 Simplified View of UniPro Interoperability Setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315

Figure 103 T-PPI Signal Groups with Their Respective Signals per Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316

Figure 104 TC0 Replay Timer Operation for Simple ACK (no grouping ACK). . . . . . . . . . . . 323

Figure 105 TC0 Replay Timer Operation for Grouped ACK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324

Figure 106 TCx Replay Timer Behavior during Preemption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325

Figure 107 Retransmission Triggered by NAC Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326

Figure 108 Retransmission Triggered by NAC Frame while Stopping Current Frame . . . . . . . 328

Figure 109 Retransmission Triggered by TC0_REPLAY_TIMER Expiration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330

Figure 110 Retransmission Due to Wrong Frame Sequence Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331

Figure 111 No Retransmission Due to Error in AFC Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333

Figure 112 Forward Link Use Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334

Figure 113 Forward Link Use Case without Preemption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334

Figure 114 Forward Link Use Case with Preemption – Start of Preemption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335

Figure 115 Forward Link Use Case with Preemption – End of Preemption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335

Figure 116 Reverse Link Use Case. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336

Figure 117 Reverse Link Use Case without Preemption – AFC1 is Blocked . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336

Figure 118 Reverse Link Use Case without Preemption – TC1 Data is Blocked . . . . . . . . . . . 337

Figure 119 Reverse Link Use Case without Preemption – AFC1 Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . 337

Figure 120 Reverse Link Use Case with Preemption – AFC1 Transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338

Figure 121 Reverse Link Use Case with Preemption – AFC1 Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338

Figure 122 Reverse Link Use Case with Preemption – End of Preemption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339

Figure 123 CCITT CRC Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339

Figure 124 Common Usage of SAP Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340

Figure 125 Ambiguous Usage of SAP Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341

Figure 126 Usage of the Local SAP Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342

Figure 127 CPort Signal Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343

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Figure 128 Transmitter Data Transfer Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349

Figure 129 Delayed Transmitter Data Transfer Example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350

Figure 130 Receiver Data Transfer Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350

Figure 131 Flow Control Credit Transfer Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351

Figure 132 T-MPI Protocol Testing Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352

Figure 133 External M-PHY Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353

Figure 134 Protocol Testing Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354

Figure 135 T-MPI Block Diagram for External M-PHY Case. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355

Figure 136 Bit Ordering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360

Figure 137 State Diagram for S-TX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361

Figure 138 State Diagram for S-RX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361

Figure 139 BURST Sub-FSM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363

Figure 140 OMC Sub-FSM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364

Figure 141 TX-Burst Timing Diagram Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368

Figure 142 RX Burst Timing Diagram Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369

Figure 143 Transceivers Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370

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TablesTable 1 PA_SAP Data Transfer Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56Table 2 PA_SAP Data Transfer Primitive Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56Table 3 PA_SAP Control Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60Table 4 PA_SAP Control Primitive Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60Table 5 PA_SAP Status Primitive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64Table 6 PA_SAP Status Primitive Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64Table 7 PA_LM Configuration Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65Table 8 Configuration Primitive Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66Table 9 PowerChangeResultCode Values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67Table 10 PA_LM Control Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74Table 11 PA_LM Control Primitive Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75Table 12 PA_LM_SAP Status Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84Table 13 PA_LM_SAP Status Primitive Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84Table 14 UniPro Power Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88Table 15 Link Startup Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91Table 16 Encoded D-PHY Low Symbol Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99Table 17 Encoded D-PHY High Symbol Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100Table 18 Encoded D-PHY Symbol Mapping Example (informative) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100Table 19 UniPro Power State to D-PHY State Mapping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100Table 20 D-PHY to UniPro Error Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101Table 21 Low-speed Trigger Event to D-PHY Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102Table 22 High-speed Trigger Event to D-PHY Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102Table 23 Global Operation Timing Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103Table 24 UniPro Power State to M-PHY State Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107Table 25 TRG_UPR0 Mapping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108Table 26 TRG_UPR1 Mapping Examples (informative) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108Table 27 PACP Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110Table 28 PACP_PWR_cnf Status Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112Table 29 PHY Test Pattern PACP Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134Table 30 CJTPAT Test Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134Table 31 CRPAT Test Pattern PA Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135Table 32 PHY Adapter Protocol Constants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136Table 33 PHY Adapter (gettable, settable) Common Attributes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136Table 34 PHY Adapter (gettable, static) Common Attributes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136Table 35 PHY Adapter (gettable, dynamic) Common Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

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Table 36 PHY Adapter (gettable, settable) D-PHY-specific Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138Table 37 PHY Adapter (gettable, static) D-PHY-specific Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138Table 38 PHY Adapter (gettable, dynamic) D-PHY-specific Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139Table 39 PHY Adapter (gettable, dynamic) M-PHY-specific Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139Table 40 PHY Adapter (gettable, settable) M-PHY-specific Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140Table 41 DL_TCx_SAP Data Transfer Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147Table 42 DL_TCx_SAP Primitive Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147Table 43 DL_LM Configuration Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150Table 44 DL_LM Configuration Primitive Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150Table 45 DL_LM_GET.cnf_L ConfigResultCode Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151Table 46 DL_LM_SET.cnf_L ConfigResultCode Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152Table 47 DL_LM_SAP Control Primitives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153Table 48 DL_LM_SAP Control Primitive Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153Table 49 DL_LM_SAP Status Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157Table 50 DL_LM_SAP Primitive Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158Table 51 Control Symbol MS Byte Encoding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164Table 52 Control Symbol Type Field Definition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164Table 53 Control Symbols Parameter Field Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164Table 54 Traffic Class Identification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165Table 55 Supported Priorities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172Table 56 Example of Flow Control Register Changes after Boot Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177Table 57 Calculation of Timeout Values for D-PHY with TX Preemption Support (informative)

187Table 58 Calculation of Timeout Values for M-PHY with TX Preemption Support (informative)

187Table 59 Data Link Layer (gettable, settable) Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194Table 60 Data Link Layer Protocol Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197Table 61 Data Link Layer (gettable, static) Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197Table 62 N_TCx_SAP Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203Table 63 N_TCx_SAP Primitive Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203Table 64 N_LM_SAP Configuration Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208Table 65 N_LM_SAP Configuration Primitive Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208Table 66 N_LM_GET.cnf_L ConfigResultCode Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209Table 67 N_LM_SET.cnf_L ConfigResultCode Values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210Table 68 N_LM_SAP Control Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211Table 69 N_LM_SAP Control Primitive Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212Table 70 N_LM_SAP Status Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215

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Table 71 N_LM_SAP Status Primitive Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215Table 72 User-data Network Layer PDU Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216Table 73 Network Layer N_PDU Header Fields. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217Table 74 Settings of the L3s Field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218Table 75 Settings of the DestDeviceID_Enc Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218Table 76 Settings of the Payload Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218Table 77 Service Primitive to N_PDU Association Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219Table 78 Discard N_PDU ReasonCode Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221Table 79 Network Layer (gettable, settable) Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223Table 80 Network Layer Protocol Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223Table 81 Network Layer (gettable, static) Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224Table 82 T_CO_SAP Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229Table 83 T_CO_SAP Primitive Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229Table 84 T_LM_SAP Configuration Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234Table 85 T_LM_SAP Configuration Primitive Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234Table 86 T_LM_GET.cnf_L ConfigResultCode Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236Table 87 T_LM_SET.cnf_L ConfigResultCode Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237Table 88 T_LM_SAP Control Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238Table 89 T_LM_SAP Control Primitive Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238Table 90 T_LM_SAP Status Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242Table 91 T_LM_SAP Status Primitive Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242Table 92 T_LM_DISCARD.ind Reason Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243Table 93 Transport Layer PDU Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244Table 94 T_PDU Header Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244Table 95 Settings of the L4s Field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245Table 96 Settings of the DestCPortID_Enc field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245Table 97 Settings of the FCT Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246Table 98 Settings of the EOM field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246Table 99 Settings of the Payload Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247Table 100 E2E Flow Control Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252Table 101 Test Feature Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260Table 102 Determining the Number of Test Feature Instances in a DUT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261Table 103 TstSrc (settable, gettable) Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266Table 104 General Test Feature (settable, gettable) Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266Table 105 Possible Errors at TstDst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269Table 106 TstDst (settable, gettable) Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271Table 107 Transport Layer (gettable, settable) Attributes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276

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Table 108 Transport Layer Protocol Constants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277Table 109 Transport Layer (gettable, static) Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278Table 110 DME Attributes Routing Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280Table 111 Reset Scope and Triggers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281Table 112 DME_SAP Configuration Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289Table 113 DME_SAP Configuration Primitive Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289Table 114 ConfigResultCode Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290Table 115 DME_SAP Control Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295Table 116 DME_SAP Control Primitive Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295Table 117 L2 Timer Data Structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296Table 118 LayerCodeError Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297Table 119 UniPro Version Information Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308Table 120 DME_SAP Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309Table 121 DDB L1 Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314Table 122 T-PPI Control Group Transmitter and Receiver Signal List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316Table 123 T-PPI Clock Group Transmitter and Receiver Signal List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317Table 124 T-PPI Data Group Transmit and Receive Signal List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318Table 125 T-PPI Signal Multiplexing on the Data [7:0] Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320Table 126 CPort Interface Signal Definition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345Table 127 T-MPI Signals description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356Table 128 T-MPI Control Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357Table 129 Power Mode Symbol Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358Table 130 PwrMode Bit Field Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358Table 131 LCC-Cmd Data Symbol Encoding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359Table 132 LCC Payload for LCC-WRITE-ATTRIBUTE in S-TX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365Table 133 LCC Payload for LCC-READ-X in S-TX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366Table 134 LCC Payload for LCC-WRITE-ATTRIBUTE in S-RX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366Table 135 LCC Payload for LCC-READ-MFG-INFO and READ-VEND-INFO in S-RX . . . 366Table 136 LCC Payload assignment for LCC-READ-CAPABILITY in S-RX . . . . . . . . . . . . 367Table 137 M-TX Capability Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372Table 138 M-RX Capability Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372Table 139 M-TX Configuration Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374Table 140 M-RX Configuration Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375Table 141 M-TX, M-RX and OMC Status Attributes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375Table 142 OMC Write Only Attributes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377Table 143 T-MPI Lane0 Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377Table 144 T-MPI Lane1 Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378

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Table 145 T-MPI Lane2 Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379Table 146 T-MPI Lane3 Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379Table 147 T-MPI Serial Interface Control Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380Table 148 T-MPI Physical Lanes Renumbering Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380Table 149 T-MPI Power Mode Error Control and Status Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381Table 150 TX_Capability Attribute Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381Table 151 TX_OptCapability1 Attribute Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382Table 152 TX_OptCapability2 Attribute Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382Table 153 TX_OptCapability3 Attribute Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382Table 154 OMC WO Attribute Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382Table 155 RX_Capability Attribute Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383Table 156 RX_OptCapability1 Attribute Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383Table 157 RX_OptCapability2 Attribute Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383Table 158 RX_OptCapability3 Attribute Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383Table 159 RX_OptCapability4 Attribute Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384Table 160 RX_OptCapability5 Attribute Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384Table 161 TX_FSM_State Attribute Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386Table 162 RX_FSM_State Attribute Setting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386Table 163 MAP_x Attribute Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro

Release History

Date Release Description

2011-04-28 1.40.00 Board approved release.

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro

1 Introduction1 The MIPI Alliance Specification for Unified Protocol (UniPro) defines a layered protocol for interconnecting

Devices and components within mobile systems such as cellular telephones, handheld computers, digitalcameras, and multimedia Devices. UniPro enables these Devices and components to utilize MIPI PHY layersin order to exchange data at high data rates, with low pin counts and at low energy per transferred bit. UniProis applicable to a wide range of component types such as Application processors, co-processors, modems, etc.and to different types of data traffic such as control messages, bulk data transfer, packetized streaming.

2 This document refers to MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro: SDL State Machines [MIPI02] for formaldefinition of PHY Adapter for M-PHY (L1.5), Data Link (L2), Network (L3), Transport (L4), layer protocolsand Device Management Entity (DME). In addition, other MIPI Alliance specifications are used fordefinition of physical layer and Application Layer protocols. As such, this specification can be thought of asa member of a family of specifications.

3 To aid in understanding the concepts presented in this specification, the UniPro description is loosely basedon the ISO OSI Reference Model (OSI/RM). See Section 4.3 for more information on the similarities anddifferences to the OSI/RM.

1.1 Scope

4 This document defines the protocol used to transfer data between Devices that implement the UniProspecification. This includes definitions of data structures, such as Packets and Frames, used to conveyinformation across the Network. In addition, flow control, error handling, power and state management, andconnection services are also within the scope of this document.

5 The PHY Adapter, Data Link, Network and Transport layer protocols are described in Section 5, Section 6,Section 7 and Section 8, respectively, as well as in [MIPI02]. The DME (Section 9) is also described in[MIPI02].

6 The electrical interface, physical layer timing and encoding, Application-specific protocols and commandsets are out of scope for this document.

7 Figure 1 shows the scope of this document as it relates to the OSI/RM. Throughout this document, layerreferences are to the UniPro layering scheme unless otherwise indicated.

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Figure 1 Scope of the UniPro Specification

1.2 Purpose

8 This specification can be used by manufacturers to design products that adhere to MIPI Alliancespecifications for host processor and peripheral interfaces.

9 Implementing the UniPro specification reduces the time-to-market and design cost of mobile Devices bysimplifying the interconnection of products from different manufacturers. In addition, implementing newfeatures is simplified due to the extensible nature of the UniPro specification.

Data Link (L2)


Transport (L4)

Network (L3)





ent E






pe o

f Uni





PHY (L1)

PHY Adapter (L1.5)

Application-specific Protocols

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2 Terminology10 The MIPI Alliance has adopted Section 13.1 of the IEEE Specifications Style Manual, which dictates use of

the words “shall”, “should”, “may”, and “can” in the development of documentation, as follows:

11 The word shall is used to indicate mandatory requirements strictly to be followed in orderto conform to the Specification and from which no deviation is permitted (shall equals isrequired to).

12 The use of the word must is deprecated and shall not be used when stating mandatoryrequirements; must is used only to describe unavoidable situations.

13 The use of the word will is deprecated and shall not be used when stating mandatoryrequirements; will is only used in statements of fact.

14 The word should is used to indicate that among several possibilities one is recommended asparticularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding others; or that a certain course ofaction is preferred but not necessarily required; or that (in the negative form) a certaincourse of action is deprecated but not prohibited (should equals is recommended that).

15 The word may is used to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of theSpecification (may equals is permitted).

16 The word can is used for statements of possibility and capability, whether material,physical, or causal (can equals is able to).

17 All sections are normative, unless they are explicitly indicated to be informative.

18 Numbers are decimal unless otherwise indicated. A prefix of 0x indicates a hexadecimal number, while aprefix of 0b indicates a binary number.

19 This document uses the C/Verilog representation for operators where bitwise AND is represented by ‘&’,bitwise OR is represented by ‘|’, bitwise XOR is represented by ‘^’ and 1’s complement (negation) isrepresented by ‘~’.

20 Named constants, e.g. FAST_STATE, and Service Primitive names (Section 2.2) are shown in all capitalletters.

2.1 Definitions

21 Application (Layer): Logic or functionality within a Device that uses the services provided by the TransportLayer as provided by the UniPro stack.

22 Attribute: Atomic unit of information that can be read or written from an Application using DME_GET orDME_SET primitives, and DME_PEER_GET or DME_PEER_SET primitives. Attributes can be used toconfigure the behavior of a UniPro stack, to determine the current state of the interface or to determine theavailability of interface options and interface capabilities.

23 Big-endian: This term describes the order in which a sequence of bytes are stored in computer memory. Big-endian is an order in which the “big end” (most significant value in the sequence) is stored at the lowestmemory address.

24 Checksum: See Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC).

25 Clock Lane: A unidirectional interconnect between two UniPorts which carries clock information needed fordecoding the data on the Data Lanes. Some PHY technologies require this. The PHY Adapter Layer abstractsfrom whether or not a Clock Lane is required.

26 Component: A physical entity such as an integrated circuit containing at least one Device or switch.

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro

27 Composition: The process of adding header, and possibly trailer, information to the PDU of an upper layer tobuild a lower layer PDU.

28 Connection: A Connection is a bidirectional, logical communication channel between two CPorts. It is aconcept used for Connection-oriented data transmission, whereby two Devices need to be connected beforedata can be exchanged.

29 Connection-oriented data transmission: The transfer of a SDU from a source Service Access Point to adestination Service Access Point within the context of a Connection that has previously been established.

30 CPort: A CPort is a Service Access Point on the Transport Layer (L4) within a Device that is used forConnection-oriented data transmission.

31 CPort Safety Valve: A mechanism whereby a CPort discards received data whenever the CPort cannotdeliver Segments at the rate at which they arrive. The mechanism is intended to manage Network congestionand avoid certain types of system-level deadlocks.

32 Critical (M-PHY) Attributes: A set of control Attributes for M-PHY MODULEs that get special treatmentwithin UniPro L1.5 because they are set using the UniPro PA Control Protocol (PACP).

33 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC): A coding scheme to detect errors in transferred data. The CRC is used toproduce a checksum, which is typically a small number of bits, for a larger block of data, such as a Packet.

34 Credit-based Flow Control: A method to control the speed of data transfer between two entities. Thereceiving side notifies the sending side that space is available in the receiving side buffer by issuing credits.The sending side may then transfer data up to the credit limit.

35 D-PHY: High-speed serial interconnect technology, based on source synchronous signaling, that is definedin MIPI Alliance Specification for D-PHY [MIPI01].

36 Data Lane: A physical interconnect between two UniPorts which carries data. A Link can consist of 1, 2, 3 or4 Data Lanes per direction. A Data Lane in UniPro is used unidirectionally. A Lane with embedded clockinginformation is also considered a Data Lane.

37 Data Link (DL) Layer (L2): A Protocol Layer. The Data Link Layer provides the functional and proceduralmeans to transfer data between two adjacent L2 instances. The Data Link Layer also detects, and possiblycorrects, errors that may occur in the Physical Layer. In addition, the Data Link Layer maintains Flow Controlbetween the L2 entities.

38 (Data Link Layer) Control Frame: A Layer 2 PDU, which is consumed by the Data Link Layer.

39 (Data Link Layer) Data Frame: A Layer 2 PDU whose SDU is passed on to upper layers.

40 Data Link Layer Flow Control: Flow Control implemented on Data Link Layer (L2) using credits. DataLink Layer Flow Control is also referred to as Link-Level Flow Control.

41 (Data Link Layer) Frame: A Layer 2 PDU for point-to-point transmission across an individual Link.Frames may be either Data Frames or Control Frames.

42 Data Link Layer Symbol: The DL Layer data stream is constructed of atomic 17-bit symbols. Thesesymbols can be either control or data symbols.

43 Decomposition: The process of removing header, and possibly trailer, information from the PDU of a lowerlayer to extract an upper layer PDU.

44 Device: An addressable node on the Network. A Device needs to comply with Network Layer and TransportLayer (L3 and L4) requirements as defined in the UniPro specification. An off-chip Link also needs tocomply with PHY Adapter Layer and Data Link Layer (L1.5 and L2) requirements as defined in the UniProspecification, and with a Physical Layer (L1) as defined in [MIPI01] or [MIPI05].

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro

45 DeviceClass: A property of a UniPro Device that indicates what the UniPro Device does and whatApplication-level protocols it supports. Note that the DeviceClass concept defined here is intended to matchthat used in [MIPI04].

46 DeviceID: A number which uniquely identifies a Device on the Network.

47 Device Management Entity (DME): The Device Management Entity is a layer-independent entityinterfacing with all UniPro Protocol Layers and the Application Layer. The DME may set or get layerAttributes and signal and control the resetting of individual layers.

48 Dual Simplex: Supporting independent communication in forward and reverse direction simultaneously.

49 Endpoint: Device that is a leaf of a Network.

50 End-to-End Flow Control (E2E FC): A credit-based flow control method that is implemented in theTransport Layer (L4) on a Connection.

51 Fragment: A portion of a Message that can be passed to, or received by, a CPort. Received Fragments are notgenerally identical to transmitted Fragments.

52 Flow Control: The process of managing the flow of data from one entity to another to ensure that thereceiving entity can handle all of the incoming data.

53 Frame: see Data Link Layer Frame.

54 Gear: A mechanism defined in [MIPI05] that provides control over the speed of the Link in steps of 2x.Higher values of HS Gear or PWM Gear imply higher frequencies and higher bandwidths.

55 Get command: A command used to read the value of an Attribute.

56 Host: This is a Device that has computation and storage capabilities that allow it to control and manage otherDevices on a network. A host is associated sometimes with the main CPU.

57 Lane: Data or Clock Lane.

58 Link: A bidirectional interconnection between two Devices or Switches.

59 Link Startup Sequence: The Link Startup sequence is an L1.5 handshake to establish initial Linkcommunication between two directly attached UniPorts.

60 Logical Lane Number (M-PHY): A number assigned by a Device to its outbound Data Lanes after the LinkStartup Sequence. It is used for L1.5 Lane mapping whereby only the usable Physical Lanes are assigned aLogical Lane Number.

61 Long Header Packet: Packet that has an extended L3 header. Long Header packets are handled by the usingthe Long Header Trap feature.

62 Long Header Trap: A UniPro L3 feature that allows received Long Header Packets to be passed directly tothe Application Layer as well as allowing the Application Layer to send Long Header Packets.

63 Master (entity): The master within a pair of peer entities is the side that takes the initiative and that selectsthe slave entity to communicate with. Note that for Notifications, however, the slave sends the Notification tothe master.

64 Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU): A term for the size of the largest SDU that can be transferred in a singlePDU of a given Protocol Layer.

65 Message: The PDU of the Application Layer (LA).

66 M-PHY: High-speed serial interconnect technology, based on clock embedding, as defined in [MIPI05].

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro

67 Network: Communication structure allowing two or more Devices to exchange data via a communicationprotocol.

68 Network Layer (L3): A Protocol Layer. The part of the communication protocol that manages the Networkand routes Packets to their destinations.

69 Operating Modes: UniPort-specific operating modes for power consumption and performance.

70 (OSI) Layer 2: See Data Link Layer.

71 (OSI) Layer 3: See Network Layer.

72 (OSI) Layer 4: See Transport Layer.

73 (PA) Symbol: The PDU of the PHY Adapter Layer (L1.5).

74 Packet: The PDU of the Network Layer (L3).

75 PACP (Control) Frame: A PDU used by PACP for power control purposes, peer Device Attribute settingand getting, and M-PHY testing.

76 Peer: In the definition of a protocol layer two entities are peers if the protocol can be defined as an interactionbetween both entities. Typically, peers reside at the two ends of a Link (for lower OSI layers) or serve ascommunicating endpoints on the network (for higher OSI layers).

77 Peripheral: Any external Device that provides input or output services for the Host.

78 PHY Adapter Control Protocol (PACP): A control protocol within the PHY Adapter Layer (L1.5) used forsetting power modes, peer Device Attribute setting and getting, and M-PHY testing handling.

79 PHY Adapter Layer (L1.5): A Protocol Layer. The PHY Adapter Layer presents a common interface to theData Link Layer for the supported Physical Layer.

80 PHY-Protocol Interface (PPI): The Interface between the Physical Layer (PHY) and the PHY AdapterLayer.

81 Physical Lane Number (M-PHY): A static number assigned at the implementation phase of a Device to itsoutbound and inbound Data Lanes. The Physical Lane Number plays a role in the L1.5 Lane remapping tocompensate for wiring topology.

82 Pin Count: Number of pins required to implement a physical port. Typically includes signal, power, andcontrol pins.

83 Power Mode: The UniPro Power Mode is a configurable Attribute used to control the UniPro Power State.Various Power Modes have a one-to-one mapping to Power States while other Power Modes give the PHYAdapter Layer (L1.5) the freedom to autonomously switch between two pre-determined Power States.

84 PHY Power State: The PHY power state is defined in [MIPI01] for D-PHY and in [MIPI05] for M-PHY.Please see the relevant document for further details.

85 UniPro Power State: The UniPro Power State is an abstracted representation within the PHY Adapter Layer(L1.5) of the current power state of the underlying Physical Layer.

86 Preemption: Nesting of higher priority Frames into lower priority Data Frames.

87 Protocol Control Information (PCI): Information exchanged between Layer-(x) instances to coordinatetheir joint-operation.

88 Protocol Data Unit (PDU): A unit of data consisting of Layer-(x) Protocol Control Information (PCI) and aLayer-(x) Service Data Unit (SDU).

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro

89 Quality of Service (QoS): The ability to guarantee certain properties of communication. QoS is used toprovide priority including dedicated bandwidth, controlled jitter and latency, and improved losscharacteristics.

90 Reserved Field: All the bits in such a field are set to the reserved value.

91 Routing: The determination of the path within a Network along which a Packet is sent.

92 Segment: The PDU of the Transport Layer (L4).

93 Segmentation: The function of splitting a Message or Fragment into Segments within the Transport Layertransmitter.

94 Selector: An identifier of a range of Attributes associated with a given entity that can have multipleoccurrence (i.e., CPort).

95 Service Data Unit (SDU): Data provided by the User of a given Layer that is transferred withoutinterpretation or changes to a peer Layer.

96 Service Access Point (SAP): The point at which Layer-(x) services are provided by Layer-(x) toLayer-(x+1).

97 Service Primitive: An abstract, and implementation independent, representation of an interaction between aLayer(x)-service-user and a Layer-(x)-service-provider.

98 Service Provider: A layer that provides a SAP for use by another layer.

99 Service User: A layer that accesses a SAP provided by another layer.

100 Set command: A basic command used to change the value of an Attribute.

101 Short-header Packet: Packet that has a single-byte L3 header used for Connection-oriented data transfer.

102 Slave (entity): The Slave within a pair of peer entities is the passive entity that waits for a request from aMaster entity before taking action or responding. Note that for Notifications, however, the Slave sends theNotification to the Master.

103 Switch: A switch routes Packets through the Network. It contains a UniPro-compliant L3 with routingfunctionality. A switch definition is not part of this version of the specification and shall be made available ina future version of the specification.

104 Switch Port: The physical interface of a Switch, needed to attach physically to a Network A switchdefinition is not part of this version of the specification and shall be made available in a future version of thespecification.

105 Synchronization: A mechanism used by the PHY Adapter Layer (L1.5) to detect and compensate for timingskew between multiple M-PHY Data Lanes.

106 Tester: A Device running the UniPro test suite and used for testing a remote UniPro Device-Under-Test(DUT).

107 TstDst: A programmable analyzer of incoming Messages with the capability to check a stream of incomingMessages against the expected values and lengths and report errors.

108 TstSrc: A programmable traffic generator that creates sequences of Messages containing well-defined bytesequences of well-defined lengths.

109 Traffic Class: A priority equivalence class of Messages/Packets/Frames. Frames from a higher-priorityTraffic Class are allowed to preempt lower-priority Traffic Classes.

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro

110 Transport Layer (L4): A protocol layer that can transfer Segments between Devices. The layer’sfunctionality and concepts include Message Segmentation, Connections, End-to-End Flow Control and in-order data delivery per Connection.

111 UniPort: Interface implementing the UniPro specification (L4 to L1.5) and a physical layer (L1)specification. The UniPort definition excludes the UniPro User or any Application Layer specifications.

112 UniPort-D: a UniPort that uses D-PHY [MIPI01] for the Physical Layer (L1).

113 UniPort-M: a UniPort that uses M-PHY [MIPI05] for the Physical Layer (L1).

114 UniPro: Unified Protocol.

115 UniPro User: An Application that resides above UniPro and uses it via the DME SAP and the TransportLayer SAP.

2.2 Service Primitives

116 This document uses an OSI-conforming name convention for Service Primitives. Service Primitive namesare structured as follows:

117 <service-primitive> ::= <name-of-service-primitive> ( {<parameter>, }* )

118 <parameter> ::= <service control information> | <Service User data>

119 <name-of-service-primitive> ::= <layer-identifier>_<service-primitive-name>.<primitive>

120 <layer-identifier> ::= T | N | DL | PA

121 <service-primitive-name> ::= e.g. CONNECT | RELEASE | DATA | ACTIVITY_START | …

122 <primitive> ::= req | ind | rsp | rsp_L | cnf | cnf_L

123 T: Transport N: Network DL: Data Link PA: PHY Adapter

124 See Annex C for additional details.

2.3 Abbreviations

125 etc. And so forth (Latin: et cetera)

126 e.g. For example (Latin: exempli gratia)

127 i.e. That is (Latin: id est)

2.4 Acronyms

128 ACK Acknowledgment

129 AFC Acknowledgment and Flow Control

130 A_PDU Application Protocol Data Unit

131 CCITT Comité Consultatif International Téléphonique et Télégraphique

132 CO Connection Oriented

133 COF Continuation of preempted Frame

134 CRC Cyclical Redundancy Checking

135 CReq Credit Transmit Request

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136 CSD Controlled Segment Dropping

137 DL Data Link

138 DL_LM Data Link Layer Management

139 DL_PDU Data Link Protocol Data Unit

140 DL_SAP Data Link Service Access Point

141 DL_SDU Data Link Service Data Unit

142 DME Device Management Entity

143 DT SH N_PDUData N_PDU with Short L3 Header. See Section

144 DT SH T_PDUData N_PDU with Short L4 Header. See Section

145 DUT Device-Under-Test

146 E2E FC End-to-End Flow Control

147 EFSM Extended Finite State Machine

148 EMI Electromagnetic Interference

149 EOF_EVEN End of Frame for even L2 SDU

150 EOF_ODD End of Frame for odd L2 SDU

151 EOM End of Message

152 EoT End of Transmission

153 ESC_DL Data Link Layer Control Symbol Identifier

154 FC Flow Control

155 FCT Flow Control Token

156 HOL Head of Line

157 HS High Speed

158 ID Identifier

159 ISO International Organization for Standardization

160 ISTO Industry Standards and Technology Organization

161 LA Application Layer

162 LPDT Low Power Data Transmission

163 LS Least Significant

164 LSB Least Significant Bit

165 Mbps Megabit per second

166 MIB Management Information Base

167 MIPI Mobile Industry Processor Interface

168 MS Most Significant

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169 MSB Most Significant Bit

170 MSC Message Sequence Chart

171 MTU Maximum Transfer Unit

172 NAC Negative Acknowledgment Control

173 N_LM Network Layer Management

174 N_PDU Network Protocol Data Unit

175 N_SAP Network Service Access Point

176 N_SDU Network Service Data Unit

177 OSI Open Systems Interconnection

178 OSI/RM Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model

179 PA PHY Adapter

180 PA_LM PHY Adapter Layer Management

181 PA_PDU PHY Adapter Protocol Data Unit

182 PA_SAP PHY Adapter Service Access Point

183 PA_SDU PHY Adapter Service Data Unit

184 PCI Protocol Control Information

185 PDU Protocol Data Unit

186 PHY Physical Layer

187 POR Power-on Reset

188 PPI PHY-Protocol Interface

189 QoS Quality of Service

190 RReq Reset Link Request

191 RX Receiver

192 SAP Service Access Point

193 SDL Specification and Description Language

194 SDM System Device Manager

195 SDU Service Data Unit

196 SI Symbol Interval. A 10-bit period for the transmission of one symbol. Symbol Interval scaleswith data rate. The Symbol Interval is applicable when using M-PHY. See [MIPI05].

197 SOF Start of Frame

198 SOM Start of Message

199 SoT Start of Transmission

200 TC0 Traffic Class 0

201 TC1 Traffic Class 1

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202 TF Test Feature

203 TL Transport Layer

204 T_CO_SAP Transport Layer Connection-oriented Service Access Point

205 T_LM Transport Layer Management

206 T_PDU Transport Layer Protocol Data Unit

207 T_SAP Transport Layer Service Access Point

208 T_SDU Transport Layer Service Data Unit

209 TX Transmitter

210 UI Unit Interval. The duration of one bit when using D-PHY. See [MIPI01].

211 ULPS Ultra Low Power State

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3 References212 [ITUT01] ITU-T Recommendation X.200, Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection –

Basic Reference Model: The basic model, <http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-X/en>, International Telecommunication Union, July 1994

213 [ITUT02] ITU-T Recommendation X.210, Information technology – Open systems interconnection – Basic Reference Model: Conventions for the definition of OSI services, <http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-X/en>, International Telecommunication Union, November 1993

214 [ITUT03] ITU-T Recommendation X.25 (1996), Interface between Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and Data Circuit-terminating Equipment (DCE) for terminals operating in the packet mode and connected to public data networks by dedicated circuit, <http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-X/en>, International Telecommunication Union, October 1996

215 [ITUT04] ITU-T Recommendation Z.100 (2002), Specification and Description Language (SDL), <http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-Z/en>, International Telecommunication Union, August 2002

216 [MIPI01] MIPI Alliance Specification for D-PHY, version 1.00.00, MIPI Alliance, Inc., 14 May 2009

217 [MIPI02] MIPI Alliance Specification for UniProSM: SDL State Machines, version 1.40.00, MIPI Alliance, Inc., 31 January 2011

218 [MIPI03] MIPI Alliance Specification for UniProSM: Test Procedure, version 0.80.00, MIPI Alliance, Inc., In Press

219 [MIPI04] MIPI Alliance Specification for Device Descriptor Block (DDB), version 0.82.01, MIPI Alliance, Inc., 30 October 2008

220 [MIPI05] MIPI Alliance Specification for M-PHY, version 1.00.00, MIPI Alliance, Inc., 8 February 2011

221 [TAN01] Tanenbaum, Andrew, Computer Networks, 4th Ed., <http://authors.phptr.com/tanenbaumcn4/>, Prentice Hall, 9 August 2002

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4 Architecture Overview (informative)222 UniPro is structured as a stack of protocol layers (see Figure 1) that roughly follow the OSI Reference Model

(OSI/RM) for networking as published in ITU-T Recommendation X.200, Information technology – OpenSystems Interconnection – Basic Reference Model: The basic model [ITUT01]. This means that any givenprotocol layer in the stack provides services that do not depend on higher layer protocols but do depend on thelayers below it.

223 Each layer can be described conceptually as communicating with a peer layer at the other end of the Link (forlower protocol layers) or network (for higher protocol layers). Communication between higher peer layerstends to be at a high level of abstraction, e.g. exchange of Application-specific units called Messages, whilecommunication between lower peer layers tends to be at a low level of abstraction, e.g. in terms of byte oreven bit streams. A specification of a layer thus also defines how a layer’s abstract protocol behavior maps tothe communication services provided by the layer directly below it (Computer Networks, [TAN01]).

4.1 UniPro Layering

224 One way to visualize a protocol stack is to see it as a processing pipeline. In order to transmit data, each layerin the stack converts PDUs from the layer above it into PDUs it can process before passing the PDUs to thelayer below it.

225 For example, in UniPro, the Transport Layer (L4) converts Application Level PDUs (Messages) into lessabstract PDUs before passing them down to the next layer (L3). Each layer in the stack converts the PDUsfrom the previous layer into less abstract PDUs until finally, at the bottom layer of the stack (L1), the PDUsare converted into the electrical signals and low-level timing used by the Interconnect.

226 Similarly, when data is received from the interconnect at the bottom of the stack (L1), the electrical signalsand low-level timing are converted into more abstract PDUs before being passed up to the next layer in thestack (L1.5). Each layer converts the PDUs into more abstract PDUs before passing them up to the next layer.Finally, the Transport Layer (L4) converts the PDUs back into Messages.

227 The UniPro specification deliberately does not define which parts of the protocol should be implemented inhardware or in software or which processing should take place concurrently as opposed to sequentially. Formaximum performance, all UniPro layers have been designed to run efficiently as a fully pipelined hardwareimplementation. Implementers may however choose to implement some parts of the stack in software,thereby potentially serializing and slowing down parts of the processing. It is the implementer’sresponsibility to assess whether the implementation’s architecture meets the temporal requirements, e.g.bandwidth and timers, found in the UniPro and PHY specifications.

228 In this document, splitting the protocol stack into multiple layers provides a convenient and familiar structureto the protocol description without imposing one particular implementation. The interfaces between theprotocol layers are defined at an abstract level known as Service Access Points (SAPs, ITU-TRecommendation X.210, Information technology – Open systems interconnection – Basic Reference Model:Conventions for the definition of OSI services [ITUT02]). These internal interfaces are only intended tostructure the specification and are not intended to define interfaces that allow independently developedimplementation modules to work together. A manufacturer may choose to merge two or more layers into asingle layer, or subdivide layers, as long as the integral behavior of the defined protocol stack is unchanged.

4.2 The UniPro SDL Model

229 UniPro is specified by defining per layer how SAPs provided by each protocol layer map to requests toprimitives of SAPs provided by the protocol layer directly below it. In this document, this is specified in text,figures and examples along with some explanation why this behavior is needed. In a companion document[MIPI02], the behavior of the UniPro protocol layers are formalized using the SDL language (ITU-TRecommendation Z.100 (2002): Specification and Description Language [ITUT04]). The SDL model of

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Transport (L4), Network (L3), Data Link (L2), PHY Adapter for M-PHY (L1.5) Layers and DeviceManagement Entity (DME) is available. The SDL model is meant to capture the minimal conformantimplementation of the specification. It does not preclude other possible conformant implementations

230 In SDL, a system is modeled as a number of concurrently executing Extended Finite State Machines (EFSM)that communicate by exchanging atomic PDUs. In any given state, a state machine accepts one or moreincoming PDU types. On receipt of any of these PDU types, the state machine transitions to another state.State transitions can cause the extended finite state machine to do some processing, e.g. updating internalcounters, or may trigger the transmission of other PDUs.

231 The SAPs described in this document match those found in the SDL model. The SDL model has moreinternal interfaces than just the SAPs between protocol layers because complex layers are decomposed intomultiple interconnected EFSMs. Such internal design details within the SDL model do not impose limitationson allowed implementations other than by defining the resulting normative behavior on external interfaces.

232 The formality of the UniPro SDL model is useful for resolving any text ambiguities or for getting animpression of how the described functionality might be partitioned into more manageable functional entities.In case of any discrepancies between the specification text and the SDL model, the SDL model hasprecedence. The reader can nevertheless find many details of the UniPro specification without consulting theSDL description.

233 Note that, again, the structure of the SDL model does not constrain possible implementations: anyimplementation which provides identical behavior on its external interfaces to the SDL model is allowed.These external interfaces are the physical medium (wires) attached to the physical layer and more abstract“ports”, which connect the Transport Layer to Applications.

4.3 Comparison of UniPro to the OSI/RM

234 Figure 2 compares UniPro to the OSI/RM. Each layer in UniPro provides roughly the same functionality asthe corresponding layer in the OSI/RM.

235 Note that the OSI PHY (Physical) layer has been split into two sub-layers. The upper sub-layer, the PHYAdapter Layer (L1.5), exposes a PHY-independent interface to L2 and is part of the UniPro specification. Thelower PHY sub-layer (L1) is outside the scope of this document. UniPro supports two alternative PhysicalLayer technologies, MIPI Alliance Specification for D-PHY [MIPI01] and MIPI Alliance Specification forM-PHY [MIPI05]. Both PHY specifications are essentially included in this document by reference.

236 In addition, layers above the Transport Layer (L4) are outside the scope of this document. These Application-specific protocols may support Devices such as camera or display modules, high-speed modems, co-processors, etc., and may be implemented entirely in hardware or as software running on a general-purposeprocessor or any other combination of hardware and software.

237 The Device Management Entity (DME) is not typically shown in OSI protocol stacks, but serves as a controlplane to initialize and control the layers involved in the actual data transport. The DME is not involved in datacommunication.

238 All references to protocol layers, by name or number, in this document are references to the UniPro stackunless explicitly stated otherwise.

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Figure 2 Comparison of UniPro and OSI/RM Layers

4.4 Service Access Points (SAP)

239 Upper layers use the services of lower layers by communicating through a conceptual interface known as aService Access Point (SAP). As shown in Figure 3, a SAP is named after the layer whose services it exposes.Thus, Applications access UniPro’s services via the T_SAP where the T is shorthand for “Transport Layer”.

4.4.1 Service Primitives

240 SAPs consist of multiple Service Primitives that resemble function calls in software. However, unlikefunction calls, Service Primitives abstract fully from the employed implementation choices, e.g. hardwareversus software. Furthermore, Service Primitive are actually typed messages, with an optional parameter list,that are exchanged between state machines. Thus, unlike function calls, their invocation does not return avalue or cause the transmitting state machine to block, waiting for a return value; instead of waiting, a Devicemight, or might not, get an asynchronous message back, depending on specification details.

241 This document uses particular conventions for naming Service Primitives that are intended to highlight thedirection in which the message is sent (transmit or receive) and whether the message initiates a transaction oris the consequence of a transaction requested elsewhere. These naming conventions for Service Primitivesuffixes are explained in detail in Annex C.

4.4.2 SAP Significance

242 SAPs defined in this document correspond directly to the interface SAPs used in the SDL volume of thisspecification [MIPI02]. They thus serve to modularize the specification in a well-defined manner as shown in

Scope of UniPro Specification

* D-PHY or M-PHY

Application (L7)

Presentation (L6)

Session (L5)

Data Link (L2)

Physical (L1)


Transport (L4)

Network (L3)

OSI Reference Model

Data Link (L2)


Application-specific Protocols (LA)

Transport (L4)

Network (L3)


PHY Adapter (L1.5)

PHY* (L1)





ent E





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Figure 3. SAPs at the top of the UniPro stack have special significance for users because they constitute theonly external interfaces to services provided by the UniPro stack. Currently, two external interfaces forApplication use are defined, CPorts (T_SAP) and DME_SAP. Additional interfaces for specialized purposes,such as security protocols, might be added in future versions of this specification.

4.4.3 Data Flow through the Stack

Figure 3 Simplified Model of a Single UniPro Link Connecting Two Devices

243 If the Application at Device A needs to send data to the Application at Device B, the data will pass via theT_SAP to the Transport Layer (L4), which passes the data via the N_SAP to the Network Layer (L3), whichpasses the data via the DL_SAP to the Data Link Layer (L2), which passes the data via the PA_SAP to thePHY Adapter Layer (L1.5), which passes the data via an interface belonging to the PHY to the PHY Layer(L1). The PHY communicates to the other PHY via the wiring (“medium”). At Device B, the data passes upthe corresponding stack layers in reverse order.

244 Note that the D-PHY specification defines the informative PPI as a signal-level interface corresponding to themore abstract PHY_SAP in Figure 3. The M-PHY specification defines an optional normative signal-levelinterface in its Annex A that also corresponds to the PHY_SAP in Figure 3. D-PHY and M-PHY are,however, quite different technologies, and thus have different PHY_SAP interfaces. This variation isaccommodated by providing two alternative PHY Adapter Layers (L1.5), one version for D-PHY and oneversion for M-PHY.

PHY-encoded Symbols

Symbols (PA_PDU)

Frames (DL_PDU)

Packets (N_PDU)

Segments (T_PDU)

Messages (A_PDU)

Data Link (L2)


Application-specific Protocols (LA)

Transport (L4)

Network (L3)

Device A

PHY Adapter (L1.5)

PHY (L1)

Data Link (L2)

Application-specific Protocols (LA)

Transport (L4)

Network (L3)

Device B

PHY Adapter (L1.5)

PHY (L1)





ent E

















Device M

anagement E

ntity (D

























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4.5 Signal Interfaces

245 Although key interfaces are defined as SAPs, the external interfaces at the top and bottom of the UniPro stackare also provided as informative signal-level interfaces.

4.5.1 CPort Signal Interface

246 Annex D provides a description of an informative signal-level interface called the CPort Signal Interface.The interface provides one concrete approach to implementing the more abstract, normative T_SAPinterface. The annex illustrates how the data sent and received by multiple CPorts can be multiplexed andhow buffer overflow is prevented via a handshake. Applications defined on top of UniPro cannot generallyassume that the informative CPort Signal Interface is available in actual UniPro implementations.Application-level specifications should instead reference the normative T_SAP interface.

4.5.2 Interface to the Physical Layer

247 As explained in the previous section, D-PHY and M-PHY specifications provide signal level-interfaces inannexes defining external interfaces of these Physical Layer technologies. In both cases, an actualimplementation is not mandated to provide these interfaces. This leeway allows a combined implementationof a UniPro stack and a Physical Layer to regard the PHY interface as an internal interface that can beoptimized without being constrained by the interface described in an annex.

4.5.3 T-PPI Interface for Testing (D-PHY oriented)

248 Annex A provides an optional signal-level interface called the Test PHY-Protocol Interface (T-PPI). The T-PPI corresponds to the PHY_SAP interface shown in Figure 3, but was optimized for the requiredbandwidths and signals used to control a D-PHY Physical Layer.

249 T-PPI and the associated mapping to a test connector (see [MIPI03]) allow a UniPro implementation to beconnected to UniPro protocol conformance testing equipment while bypassing the physical layer. A pair ofUniPro interfaces can use T-PPI to test the interoperability of the interfaces without using the PHYimplementations.

250 The T-PPI implements a subset of the PPI signals [MIPI01] and multiplexes certain signals to reduce the pincount of the test connectors [MIPI03]. The T-PPI is thus mainly relevant for FPGA-based testing of UniProimplementations.

4.5.4 T-MPI Interface for Testing (M-PHY oriented)

251 A new signal-level interface for test connectors adapted to the M-PHY technology, T-MPI, is presented inAnnex E. The T-MPI interface is comparable to the T-PPI interface, but is adapted to M-PHY bandwidths andcontrol interface. T-MPI avoids excessive pin-counts by utilizing high-speed SERDES technologies found inmodern FPGAs.

4.6 Protocol Data Units (PDU)

252 A list of Service Primitives and a full explanation of their usage would not be enough to define protocolbehavior because it only defines what services are provided by a layer. SAPs do not define how thisfunctionality is achieved using lower-level “over-the-medium” behavior. The data units that travel over themedia are called Protocol Data Units (PDUs) and are described at multiple levels of abstraction (x_PDU,where “x” designates one of UniPro’s layers).

253 The Transport Layer, for example, by definition provides the functionality exposed by the T_SAP interface.At a conceptual level, the L4 logic at both ends implements a protocol that provides the services defined bythe corresponding T_SAP interface pair. This L4 protocol obviously needs some kind of data exchange. At

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the L4 level these units of data exchange are known as L4 Protocol Data Units (or T_PDUs). So, part of theL4 specification maps T_SAP primitives to the exchange of T_PDU units between peer Devices.

254 Note that although the structure and behavior of T_PDUs (“Segments”) are a normative element of thespecification of L4 behavior, L4 PDUs are abstract in the sense that they cannot be sent directly over themedia or cannot be observed directly by monitoring the media. This is because transmission over the mediainvolves using the services of lower protocol layers. Lower protocol layers may add additional header ortrailer information or transform the data in other ways, e.g. symbol encoding in lower layers.

255 Thus, the UniPro specification defines how L4 PDUs (“Segments”) are mapped using the L3 SAP to L3PDUs (“Packets”), how Packets are mapped via the L2 SAP to L2 PDUs (“Frames”), and how Frames aremapped via the L1.5 SAP to L1.5 PDUs (“Symbols”). For D-PHY or M-PHY, the specification provides onemore mapping within L1.5 from UniPro's 17-bit PHY-independent Symbols to the symbols passed to andfrom the PHY. Note that both PHY technologies provide some form of line encoding and thus internallyperforms a final mapping.

256 On the one hand, the UniPro specification thus makes extensive use of this OSI-based style for defininglayered protocol specifications which stresses rigorously decoupling of the behavior of individual layers. Onthe other hand, a special characteristic of the UniPro protocol stack is that the transformations between PDUsof the various protocol layers are relatively simple: L4, L3 and L2 merely add a few bytes of header and inone case trailer data. This is because all layers were designed together, and were thus optimized to minimizetotal stack complexity. Nevertheless, the specification is still strictly described as independent layers coupledby SAPs in order to simplify its readability and its maintenance.

4.7 Physical Layer (L1)

257 Although both Physical Layer (PHY) options for off-chip usage are defined within separate MIPIspecifications, [MIPI01] and [MIPI05], this is mainly for architectural reasons. The PHY is a technicallycritical element for the operation of UniPro and many basic properties of an off-chip UniPro implementation,such as bandwidth and power, are largely determined by the PHY.

4.7.1 D-PHY and M-PHY Technologies

258 In UniPro version 1.40.00, the use of either D-PHY [MIPI01] or M-PHY [MIPI05] is mandated for chip-to-chip interconnections. A practical constraint is that the PHY technologies used at both ends of a Link needs tomatch: a D-PHY transmitter cannot interoperate with an M-PHY receiver or vice versa. In addition, bothdirections of the Link need to use the same PHY technology (a UniPro L1.5-imposed constraint). This meansthat individual chip-to-chip Links in a UniPro network are either based on the D-PHY or the M-PHYtechnology.

259 In the context of use with UniPro, both D-PHY and M-PHY are used in a dual-simplex, high bandwidth seriallink that employs a low-swing, differential signaling technique for high speed communication. UnidirectionalPHY Links are not supported because various higher protocol layers require return information, e.g. for flowcontrol. Supported D-PHY Capabilities

260 Data can be sent across a Link simultaneously in both directions, either at equal or unequal PHY bandwidths.In the case of D-PHY, this means that UniPro supports use-cases where forward and reverse directions of aLink can be configured as follows:

261 • both directions are in High Speed (HS) mode, both directions are in LPDT mode, or one direction is inHS mode while the reverse direction is in LPDT mode

262 • both directions have different clock frequencies263 • both directions have the same nominal clock frequency, but are based on independent reference clocks

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264 • both directions have different numbers of Data Lanes Supported M-PHY Capabilities

265 M-PHY also supports different configurations for the forward and reverse directions of the Link. Thefollowing configurations for an M-PHY-based Link are supported by UniPro:

266 • both directions are assumed to have independent reference clocks (UniPro only supports Type-I M-PHY)267 • both directions can be in HS-MODE, both directions can be in PWM-MODE, or one direction is in HS-

MODE and one direction in PWM-MODE268 • both directions can be used with different HS-GEAR settings269 • both directions have to use the same HS RATE Series setting270 • both directions can have a different number of Data Lanes271 • both Basic and Advanced Optical Media Converters are supported as options272 • M-PHY line termination and drive strength can be controlled

4.7.2 L1 Symbol Encoding

273 In order to support UniPro, the PHY protocol layer needs to provide symbol encoding for the byte stream.This symbol encoding feature is needed to allow higher protocol layers to use special symbols, e.g. to denotethe start of a Packet, that can be distinguished from payload symbols. D-PHY and Symbol Encoding

274 The symbol encoding technique that UniPro uses for the D-PHY is defined in Annex C of [MIPI01]. In this8b9b coding scheme, every byte is converted to nine bits with a guaranteed maximum of seven successivezero or one bits on the wire. The 8b9b coding scheme is used for UniPro Links that utilize the D-PHYtechnology.

275 Despite being documented within the D-PHY specification, the 8b9b coding functionality may beimplemented as an extra protocol layer between the D-PHY and the UniPro protocol layers. This flexibilityallows UniPro implementations to use implementations of the D-PHY without native 8b9b support. M-PHY and Symbol Encoding

276 The symbol encoding technique that UniPro uses for M-PHY is defined in Section 4.5 of [MIPI05]. In thiswell-known 8b10b coding scheme, every byte is converted to ten bits with a guaranteed maximum of fivesuccessive zero or one bits on the wire.

277 Although 8b10b might seem to have more “overhead” than the 8b9b scheme used with D-PHY, the encodingwas designed to allow a clock signal to be extracted from the data lane, thus avoiding the need for a dedicatedclock Lane.

4.7.3 D-PHY Data Rates

278 The D-PHY specification does not define fixed operating frequencies; a receiver receives the clock frequencyon a separate clock Lane. The raw throughput of D-PHY across printed circuit board traces is in the order of800 Mbps per Data Lane. The actual frequencies are determined by the system integrator and can vary perLink and even Link direction: differences in Link length, impedance tolerance control, available referencefrequencies, EMI considerations, etc., all impact frequency choices.

279 D-PHY also provides a low-speed (maximum of 10 Mbps), low-power data communication mode that issupported by UniPro. UniPro provides a control mechanism that allows a transmitter to switch between HighSpeed and Low Power modes under Application control.

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280 D-PHY high-speed data rates can be increased by providing up to four Data Lanes per direction. Using fourData Lanes gives a bandwidth increase of 4x and behaves like a 4x faster Physical Layer technology. D-PHYuses only a single Data Lane when in Low Power mode.

4.7.4 M-PHY Data Rates

281 The M-PHY specification defines two RATE series (A and B) of pre-determined frequencies that are used forhigh-speed data exchange. The RATE-A series provides three frequencies or Gears defined at 1.25 (HS-G1 orHS-GEAR1), 2.50 (HS-G2) and 5.0 (HS-G3) Gbps. Expressed as a bandwidth that is actually available to thenext-higher protocol layer, this respectively results in 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 Gbps due to 8b10b encoding.Frequencies for the RATE-B series are about 17% higher than RATE-A series and are primarily provided forEMI/EMC reasons. UniPro gives the controlling Application the choice of which series to use per Link (samesetting for both directions) and which Gear to use per Link direction.

282 For Low-Speed mode (LS-MODE) data exchange, the M-PHY specification also defines a series of Gearsthat give control of the trade-off between bandwidth and power. Thus, PWM-G1 support a range of raw bit-rates between 3 and 9 Mbps. This means that a TX may send at rates anywhere within this range, resulting inan effective bit-rate (due to 8b10 encoding) of 2.4 to 7.2 Mbps. For successive gears (PWM-G2 to PWM-G7),these speeds are multiplied by a factor of two for each higher Gear.

283 Note that for practical reasons, UniPro does not support PWM-G0, but does mandate PWM-G1.

284 The M-PHY’s high-speed bandwidth can be increased by utilizing up to four lanes per direction. Using fourData Lanes behaves like a single PHY Lane with a 4x higher bandwidth. The M-PHY PWM-MODE can alsorun over multiple Lanes (unlike the D-PHY case).

4.7.5 D-PHY Power States

285 D-PHY’s low power states are utilized by UniPro. D-PHY’s STOP state allows the Link to be put into low-power state for sustained periods of inactivity. D PHY’s LPDT state allows a UniPro stack to operate in alow-power CMOS mode when there is data to send, but the bandwidth requirement is below 10 Mbps (thebandwidth of the D-PHY LPDT state).

286 Note that both directions of a D-PHY Link have independent L1 power states. The transmitter for eitherdirection is responsible for establishing an L1 power mode and the receiver at the other end of the Link willautomatically adopt the same mode using signaling methods provided by the PHY.

4.7.6 M-PHY Power States

287 The two directions of an M-PHY Link have independent L1 power states. States supported by M-PHYtransmitters and receivers can be found in [MIPI05], and are relatively complex compared to D-PHYtransmitters and receivers. The most relevant M-PHY states (and their mapping to Power State names used byUniPro) include the following:

288 • Unpowered (OFF_STATE); assumes the peer Device's RX is not powered. The Link cannot get out ofthis Power State on its own because the RX is unpowered.

289 • HIBERN8 (HIBERNATE_STATE); allows the Link to be put into low-power state for sustained periodsof inactivity. The Link can become active again via in-band means.

290 • PWM-BURST (SLOW_STATE); enables communication in the multi-Mbps range.291 • STALL (SLEEP_STATE); for periods of inactivity when operating in FAST_STATE.292 • HS-BURST (FAST_STATE); enables communication in the Gbps speed range.293 • SLEEP (SLEEP_STATE); for periods of inactivity when operating in SLOW_STATE.

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294 Note:295 The HIBERNATE_STATE receives special treatment within the UniPro stack compared to all the other

Power States. The reasons why are mentioned in Section 4.9.

296 Note:297 UniPro does not allow an Application to put any of the directions of a Link into SLEEP_STATE.

SLEEP_STATE is supported by allowing a UniPro stack to autonomously toggle M-PHY betweenSLEEP_STATE and either FAST_STATE or SLOW_STATE. Thus, if one direction of the Link happensto be in SLEEP_STATE, and some data needs to be sent, the UniPro stack has the capability to goto FAST or SLOW state, thus enabling bidirectional communication. This approach also explains whyUniPro can hide the distinction between M-PHY's STALL and SLEEP states from Applications.

298 Controlling Power State transitions on M-PHY is quite complicated. Sometimes only a simple form of line-state signaling is enough. This could, for instance, involve asserting the lines to a negative differential state(DIF-N) for a longer period of time than can occur during normal operation. In such a case, the transmittercan signal a Power State transition and the attached receiver automatically recognizes the transition. Due tothe limited options provided by line state signaling, various other transitions involve higher protocol layers.

299 Rather than expose this complexity to the Application that controls the UniPro Link, the UniPro stackabstracts many PHY related details.

4.7.7 L1 Idles

300 One of the tasks of the PHY Layer is to transmit special L1 Idle symbols on the line when the Link is in high-speed mode and there is no data to send. These Idle symbols are thus inserted in the gaps between Packets andare removed by the corresponding L1 receiver's decoder.In the case of D-PHY, Idle symbols are special 9-bitsymbols defined in Annex C of [MIPI01] for this purpose. These Idle symbols are needed in high speed modebecause the transmit clock needs to be left running.

301 In the case of M-PHY, Idle symbols map to pairs of special 10-bit M-PHY-defined FILLER control symbols.The use of pairs of PHY Idle symbols, when used with a UniPro stack, is convenient because it ensures thatupper protocol layers can maintain 16-bit alignment on headers, trailers and payload.

4.8 PHY Adapter Layer (L1.5)

302 The PHY Adapter Layer is responsible for abstracting the details of the PHY technology, thus providing aPHY-independent interface (PA_SAP) to higher protocol layers.

4.8.1 L1.5 Multi-lane Support

303 The PHY Adapter Layer provides bandwidth scalability by supporting up to four PHY Data Lanes perdirection. The number of Data Lanes may differ between both directions.

304 When multiple Data Lanes are available, they are assumed to have identical capabilities. Although the usercan opt to use a subset of available Data Lanes, active (used) Lanes are assumed to be in the same state, andL1.5 handles all details of how the Lanes are used autonomously.

305 Higher protocol layers see multiple Data Lanes simply as an increase in PHY bandwidth. For M-PHY thisalso applies to the SLOW_STATE PHY bandwidth. For D-PHY, in SLOW_STATE, only Data Lane 0 isactive. L1.5 Multi-lane Features for the D-PHY

306 An Application can discover via a pair of read-only Attributes how many Data Lanes are available on boththe local TX and local RX. If multiple Data Lanes are available, the Application can decide to use fewer DataLanes, for example because fewer Data Lanes are available at the peer Device. If this is the case, it is assumed

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that a contiguous series of Lanes is “connected”, starting at Physical Lane #0. It can also opt to use fewer thanthe number of connected Lanes by configuring the number of “active” lanes (again starting at Lane #0).

307 For D-PHY, no mechanism is provided to assess the number of connected lanes. And it is assumed thatconnected lanes start at Physical Lane #0 and that the wiring attaches corresponding Physical Lane numbers.

308 Note that details about how many Data Lanes are available for use are not critical: after reset, only a singleData Lane is used. Furthermore, with the D-PHY in SLOW_STATE, only Physical Data Lane #0 is used. L1.5 Multi-lane Features for the M-PHY

309 As for D-PHY, an Application can discover via Attributes how many M-PHY Data Lanes are available, andcan decided to activate fewer than all the available Lanes.

310 During initialization of L1.5 however, a series of data exchanges are executed that perform the followingactions:

311 • determine which Data Lanes are connected to the peer Device312 • determine how the Physical Data Lanes are connected313 • assign Logical Data Lane numbering to the connected Lanes

314 These actions are automatically handled during the Link Startup Sequence. Higher protocol layers areagnostic as to which physical Lanes are being used or the topology of the wiring.

315 The discovery process implies that unconnected Lanes, or even Lanes with a hardware failure, areautomatically accounted for. It also gives the circuit board designer the freedom to route any TX physicalLane to any available RX physical Lane on the peer Device. L1.5 Multi-lane Deskewing for the M-PHY

316 Streams of M-PHY symbols sent across multiple Data Lanes can have some degree of inter-Lane skew due todifferences in trace length or design details. The amount of allowed inter-Lane skew is normatively boundedby L1.5 of the UniPro specification. The L1.5 protocol has a feature to transmit a special deskew pattern. Bysending the deskew pattern on each Data Lane whenever a burst starts, the RX can detect and compensate forthe amount of inter-Lane skew.

4.8.2 L1.5 Power States and Power Modes

317 The PHY Adapter Layer abstracts the power states provided by the PHY. Not only are the PHY-specificpower states mapped to UniPro-defined power states, e.g. D-PHY’s LPDT and M-PHY’s PWM states aremapped to the UniPro power state “SLOW_STATE”, but the detailed PHY power management statemachines are also abstracted to a simpler model.

318 Higher layer protocols can read the L1.5 power state, but can only impact it by setting the L1.5 Power Mode.In many cases, there is a one-to-one mapping of power modes to power states. Fast_Mode, Slow_Mode,Hibernate_Mode and Off_Mode correspond to FAST_STATE, SLOW_STATE, HIBERNATE_STATE andOFF_STATE, respectively, and thus to PHY-defined power states.

319 However, L1.5 introduces two new power modes called FastAuto_Mode and SlowAuto_Mode.FastAuto_Mode tells L1.5 that the Link should be in FAST_STATE to transport data, but that L1.5 is allowedto put the Link into SLEEP_STATE when there is no data to send. In FastAuto_Mode, the Link behaves moreor less like it were in Fast_Mode, but sometimes data arrives a bit later because there is some latency involvedin getting from SLEEP_STATE to FAST_STATE. SlowAuto_Mode is the equivalent mechanism forSLOW_STATE.

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320 So the difference between Power States and Power Modes are as follows:

321 • an Application can set only a Power Mode, but cannot set a Power State322 • an Application can read out a Power Mode and read out a Power State323 • the readable value of a Power Mode simply reflects the value that was set324 • the readable value of a Power State may change spontaneously when in FastAuto_Mode or

SlowAuto_Mode L1.5 Controlling Power for the D-PHY

325 An Application controls the Power Mode of the TX part of a D-PHY Link via a D-PHY-only Attribute calledPA_TxPWRMode. The RX of the peer Device automatically follows the TX state change by monitoringassociated line signaling. At the RX side, the only observable Attribute is PA_RxPWRStatus because thePower Mode of the TX at the other end of the Link is not directly observable.

326 Note that some controllable Attributes that impact Fast_Mode take effect when the Power Mode is enabled.The main example is the number of active Data Lanes: these can be modified in Slow Mode, which only usesa single Lane, and take effect when Fast_Mode is enabled using PA_TxPWRMode. L1.5 Programming Model for Controlling M-PHY Power Modes

327 The control of Power Modes for M-PHY uses a more sophisticated model than its D-PHY counterpart. This islargely because M-PHY is more complex than D-PHY. In general, L1.5 for M-PHY automates a significantpart of the required steps utilizing an L1.5-to-L1.5 communication protocol known as PACP (PHY AdapterControl Protocol). PDUs (“PACP Frames”) generated by L1.5 are multiplexed with the symbol streamreceived from L2 and can be recognized by a unique header pattern.

328 Providing logic and even a low-level protocol in L1.5 to control PHY state transitions reduces the risk ofusage errors by exposing relatively simple interfaces.

329 The programming model used by the UniPro specification to support M-PHY involves the following so-called Critical Attributes at the “near” end (end closest to the controlling Device) of the Link:

330 • Number of active Data Lanes per direction331 • PWM-Gear per direction332 • HS-Gear used per direction333 • HS RATE series (same value used for both directions)334 • Line termination per direction and associated drive strength335 • Power Modes per direction (combined into a single PA_PWRMode Attribute)

336 An identical set of Attributes at the “far” end of the Link is automatically synchronized with the “near” endset whenever PA_PWRMode is written, using the PA_LM_SET.req primitive, at either end of the Link.

337 A typical use-case is to set these Attributes to their desired values at the near end of the Link, followed byprogramming PA_PWRMode using the PA_LM_SET.req primitive. Setting the Power Mode thenautomatically causes PACP to transport all Attribute values, in a single PACP Frame, to the Device at the farend of the Link, and thus to program the set of Critical Attributes there. During this interaction, the L1.5Attributes at both ends of the Link are also automatically copied by L1.5 into the actual PHY Attributes, andthe actual power state change, if applicable, takes place.

338 Note that programming PA_PWRMode, using the PA_LM_SET.req primitive, results in two separateacknowledgements. The first acknowledgement is almost instantaneous and indicates whether or not therequest has been accepted (it might return an error code if, for example, a range is exceeded). The secondacknowledgement is an asynchronous Notification that typically informs the originator that the Power Mode

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change request has been completed. This approach was taken because certain Power Modes transitions mighttake a relatively long time to execute, e.g. to start up and train Phase Locked Loop (PLL) circuitry.

339 Also note that the Application needs to modify only Lane, Gear and Series Attributes if a change is needed.However, analogous to the M-PHY specification itself, any modifications to these Attributes are onlyeffectuated on a write to PA_PWRMode, using the PA_LM_SET.req primitive.

340 It is worth noting that, because the process of changing Power Modes is a bit tricky, setting PA_PWRModeusing the PA_LM_SET.req primitive can, in principle, return an error code, and thus require a retry by theApplication.

4.8.3 L1.5 and Symbol Encoding

341 The PHY Adapter Layer also abstracts the symbol encoding technique provided by the PHY. At the PA_SAPinterface, L1.5 uses 17-bit symbols. See Figure 4.

Figure 4 17-bit PHY Adapter Layer Symbol Example

342 Each 17-bit symbol (the PA_PDU) can hold two bytes of data plus an associated control-or-data flag (Bit 16).This flag allows a UniPro stack to distinguish between special symbols used by the protocol and payloaddata. Note the color convention whereby Bit 16 is shown in red to correspond to the color convention used forL1.5 (see Figure 2). In subsequent figures, color coding is used to indicate which field belongs to which layerin the UniPro protocol. Gray means “don't care”.

343 Note that the use of 17-bit symbols at the PA_SAP interface is an abstract representation of the data goingover the line. The 17-bit L1.5 symbols are thus translated within L1.5 to the symbols, or “code words”supported by the PHY. When Bit 16 equals zero, the two Bytes in the Symbol's L1.5 payload translate to twonormal 9-bit (D-PHY) or 10-bit (M-PHY) data codes. When Bit 16 equals one, bits [15:8] are used to identifya special control data code, while bits [7:0] directly map to one of the 256 normal data codes. D-PHY Encoding and Backwards Compatibility

344 Note that to improve robustness, UniPro v1.10.01 changed the L1.5 PDU ESC_PA (see Table 17) to a commac o d e . C o m p a t i b i l i t y w i t h U n i P r o v 1 . 0 0 . 0 0 D e v i c e s i s a c h i e v e d w i t h a s p e c i a l m o d e(PA_LegacyDPHYEscDL, see Section 5.7.5).

345 In version 1.00.00 of the UniPro specification, the available PHY bandwidth in high speed mode was paddedwith L1.5 Idle symbols whenever there was no data to send. This practice was deprecated in UniPro v1.10.00and later specifications. A UniPro v1.10.00 or later conformant transmitter is required to use L1 Idle symbolsinstead. A UniPro v1.10.00 or later receiver is, however, still required to absorb legacy L1.5 Idle symbols inorder to provide backwards compatibility with UniPro v1.00.00. In M-PHY-based stacks, absorption oflegacy L1.5 Idle symbols is not necessary because they are compliant with, at least, UniPro v1.40.00 and donot utilize legacy L1.5 Idle symbols.

4.8.4 PACP Frames as Used with M-PHY

346 The PACP protocol allows the L1.5 entity at one end of the Link to communicate with the L1.5 entity at theother end of the Link. This requires the exchange of messages known as PACP Frames (see Figure 5).

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Figure 5 PACP Frame Structure

347 The first 17-bit symbol contains a constant. Because Bit 16 is set to one, this symbol, at the PHY level, resultsin a PHY-level control symbol that is used only to signal the start of a PACP Frame. The second Symbolindicates the type of PACP Frame, and tells the receiving L1.5 how to interpret the remaining fields. Note thatall fields are shown in “L1.5 red” because the data is defined, generated and absorbed by L1.5 in the UniProstack.

348 PACP Frames have very specialized usage (changes in L1.5 Power Modes and their confirmation, automaticexchange of capability information, forcing a form of low-level reset, remote Get/Set and M-PHY testing)and thus are sent infrequently.

4.8.5 L1.5 Automatic Capability Discovery (M-PHY only)

349 When an M-PHY based Link is initialized, L1.5 automatically explores the capabilities of both directions ofthe Link. This results, for example, in L1.5 at both ends of the Link setting two readable Attributes known asPA_MaxRxPWMGear and PA_MaxRxHSGear. These capability Attributes reside only at the RX end of theLink (they are not duplicated like the previously discussed Critical Attributes) and accurately portray thehighest Gear settings in which the Link can operate.

350 As an example, assume that in one particular direction, the TX can handle PWM-G1 and PWM-G2 and theRX can in itself handle PWM-G1, PWM-G2 and PWM-G3. This fact is automatically discovered by L1.5,which then proceeds to degrade the value of PA_MaxRxPWMGear from an initial value of three (RXcapability) down to two (TX capability, the lower of the two values). The resulting value ofPA_MaxRxPWMGear also reflects any machine-readable capability limitations of Advanced Optical MediaConvertors and can be optionally derated further by the Application, e.g. software, if it knows about otherlimitations such as Basic Optical Media Convertors. A similar discovery process also setsPA_MaxRxHSGear.

351 Although this Attribute pair is only located in a receiver (thus a total of four Attributes spread over twoDevices), a request to put a Link in a specific state is checked for correctness. For example, if an attempt ismade to put a Link in the following state:

352 TX: RATE Series A, Lanes=2, HS-GEAR=2, PWM-GEAR=1, PowerMode=HS

353 RX: RATE Series A, Lanes=1, HS-GEAR=1, PWM-GEAR=3, PowerMode=PWM

354 the request is automatically checked and, if the request is impossible to execute, L1.5 returns an error codeand leaves the Link in a well-defined, and operable, state.

4.9 Data Link Layer (L2)

355 The main responsibilities of the Data Link Layer are to provide reliable Links between a transmitter and adirectly attached receiver and to multiplex and arbitrate multiple types of data traffic, e.g. priorities.

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ESC_PA EscParam_PA = PACP_BEGIN0 PACP_FunctionId0 Parameters0 ...0 CRC-16

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4.9.1 L2 Data Frames

356 The Data Link Layer clusters the 17-bit PA_PDU symbols into Data Frames. See Figure 6. Every Data Frameconsists of a 1-symbol header, a payload of up to 144 symbols and a 2-symbol trailer including a checksum (a16-bit CRC). Note that although some of the 144 payload symbols are used by higher protocol layers (L3, L4and LA), a Data Frame should typically be able to hold 256-byte Application payloads.

Figure 6 Example Data Frame with an Even Number of Payload Bytes

357 Payloads with an odd number of bytes are extended with an extra padding byte at the end of the L2 payloadarea. The presence of the padding byte is flagged in the Frame’s trailer. See Figure 7.

Figure 7 Example Data Frame with an Odd Number of Payload Bytes

4.9.2 L2 Control Frames

358 Several types of Control Frames are also used to allow L2 to talk to its peer L2, to enable L2 flow control andto handle transmission errors. Unlike Data Frames, Control Frames do not contain Application data. TheseControl Frames are known as AFC (for Acknowledgment and L2 Flow Control) and NAC (for signalingerrors and triggering retransmission) Frames and can be identified using bits [7:5] in the first symbol of theL2 header. See Figure 8 and Figure 9.

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1 ESC_DL EOF_EVEN Frame Seq. Number0

L2 payloadL2 payloadL2 payload

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1 ESC_DL EOF_ODD Frame Seq. Number0

L2 payloadL2 payload

L2 payload Padding Byte = 0x00

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Figure 8 AFC Frame Structure

359 AFC Frames are generally encountered as a result of Data Frame transmission: as Data Frames are sent, thereceiver of the Data Frames will send AFC Frames back to the peer transmitter to acknowledge correctreceipt (the Frame Sequence Number field) and to inform the transmitter about available L2 buffer space (theCredit Value field).

Figure 9 NAC Control Frame Structure

360 NAC Frames are sent back to the transmitter after certain L2 error conditions are detected by the receiver. Incontrast, a stream of AFC Frames generally indicates that things are going well.

4.9.3 L2 Retransmission on Errors

361 Occasional bit errors, e.g. due to thermal noise, or burst errors, e.g. due to EMI, occurring on the PHY aredetected at the receiver. Data Frames contain Frame Sequence Numbers that are incremented in eachsuccessive Frame. Correctly received Data Frames are acknowledged by sending Acknowledgment ControlFrames or AFC (Acknowledgment and Flow Control) Frames. AFC Frames inform the transmitter that allData Frames up to a particular Frame Sequence Number have been properly received. This allows multipleData Frames to be acknowledged by a single AFC Frame to improve bandwidth utilization. This option isreferred to as Group Acknowledgement.

362 A transmitter is also notified by the receiver of CRC errors or certain other errors via NegativeAcknowledgment Control (NAC) Frames.

363 If the transmitter sends Data Frames, but receives neither an AFC nor a NAC Frame within a certain timeinterval, the transmitter will automatically retransmit, or “replay”, the unacknowledged Data Frames from atransmit-side buffer. Such timeouts can occur because AFC and NAC Frames can be lost or corruptedthemselves, but are not covered by an acknowledgement or retransmission request scheme themselves.

4.9.4 L2 Flow Control

364 One key L2 feature is the provision of link-level flow control. L2 flow control ensures that the transmitterknows how much buffer space is available at L2 of the receiving end of the Link – thus preventing L2 bufferoverflow and thus avoiding data loss. A credit-based flow control mechanism is used whereby the receiversends credit information (in the form of AFC Frames) to update credit information maintained at thetransmitter.

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CCITT CRC-16Frame Seq. Number Credit ValueReserved

ESC_DL AFC TC ReservedCReq100

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4.9.5 L2 Traffic Classes and Priorities

365 Another feature of the Data Link Layer is the multiplexing of Frames belonging to different Traffic Classes.UniPro currently supports two Traffic Classes called TC0 and TC1. Data Frames sent as TC1 have higherpriority than Data Frames sent as TC0. Control Frames such as NAC have an even higher priority. Frame Preemption

366 The L2 transmitter can choose to interrupt or “preempt” an ongoing Data Frame transmission in order to senda higher priority Data Frame or Control Frame as soon as possible. Single-TC Devices

367 Each Traffic Class requires a certain amount of L2 buffering at both the transmit side (for retransmission) andthe receive side (for CRC checking), UniPro thus also supports Devices that support only TC0. The presenceof such a single-TC Device is automatically detected by its peer Device during Data Link Layer initialization(see Section 6.7).

368 In this specification, the upper layers of the UniPro stack are described as if TC0 and TC1 are both presentbecause this is the most general and likely the most common case. Support for the missing TC in higherprotocol layers can be optimized away in an implementation.

369 A Single-TC Device only supports TC0. An Application running on top of a UniPro stack is responsible forusing the appropriate TC.

4.10 Network Layer (L3)

370 The purpose of the Network Layer is to allow data to be routed to the proper destination in a networkedenvironment. The details of the network switches needed for this routing will be defined in a future version ofthe UniPro specification.

4.10.1 L3 Packets

371 The Network Layer introduces a new PDU known as a Packet. When a Packet is passed down to L2, thePacket is encapsulated between an L2 header and an L2 trailer to form a single L2 Frame (see Figure 10).There are two types of Packets, Long Header Packets, which will be defined in a future UniPro specification,and Short Header Packets. Short Header Packets

372 Most Packets on a UniPro network are typically Short Header Packets. These Packets consist of a one byteShort Header followed by L3 payload bytes (see Figure 7). This header byte contains a 7-bit destinationaddress to enable Packet routing.

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Figure 10 Example Short Header Packet Encapsulated within an L2 Data Frame Long Header Packets

373 A future UniPro specification will include support for Long Header Packets (L3s=0). Layer 3 provides aLong Header trap to allow software extensions to support certain future UniPro mechanisms. This LongHeader trap feature allows Packets where the L3s=0 to be passed to a software entity (not covered by theUniPro specification). It also allows software to provide the entire payload of the L2 Data Frame. This featureis intended to allow Devices that support the UniPro v1.40.00 specification to handle Packets with longheaders via a software change only. This software entity is also known as the Network Layer extension.

4.10.2 L3 Devices and DeviceIDs

374 UniPro supports Networks of up to 128 Devices. Because Device identifiers (DeviceIDs) need to be uniquewithin a Network they are either assigned at design time or when the Network is initialized.

375 Note that a Device is not necessarily a physical component: a single integrated circuit can contain multipleindividually addressable Devices interconnected by a Network switch. Similarly a multi-die package may atthe package level have a single off-chip UniPro Link, but may be addressable as multiple Devices.

4.11 Transport Layer (L4)

376 The Transport Layer is the highest UniPro protocol layer involved in the transportation of data. It thusprovides the data service interface (T_SAP or “CPorts”) that is used by hardware or software using UniPro.Unlike lower protocol layers, the Transport Layer tends to concentrate on relatively abstract mechanisms.These mechanisms allow a single physical Packet stream between two Devices to support multiple,independent, logical Packet streams or “Connections”.

4.11.1 L4 Connections

377 The Transport Layer supports multiple bidirectional Connections (T_CO_SAP) between endpoint Devices.Connections can span a single hop or multiple hops using switches. A pair of endpoint Devices cancommunicate via multiple Connections and, on a Network, an endpoint can have multiple simultaneousConnections to multiple Devices. Connections can be regarded as virtual private wires between Devices onthe shared Network.

378 UniPro guarantees that data sent over a single Connection arrives in the order in which it was sent. All datasent over a single Connection has the same Traffic Class (TC0 or TC1). The latter is needed to ensure in-orderdelivery within a Connection.

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1 ESC_DL EOF_EVEN Frame Seq. Number0

L3 payloadL3 payload

L3s=1 DestDeviceID_Enc L3 payloadL3 payloadL3 payload

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4.11.2 L4 Segments

379 The PDUs of the Transport Layer are called Segments. When a Segment is passed down to L3, the Segment issimply prefixed by an L3 header to form a single L3 Packet which is then encapsulated between an L2 headerand an L2 trailer to form a single L2 Frame (see Figure 11).

380 Segments belonging to one Connection are guaranteed to arrive in order; the exact order of Segmentsreceived over multiple Connections is undefined. In addition, Segments transmitted over a Connection needto adhere to the same Application-level protocol.

381 For example, a UniPro-based display protocol may transmit its pixel stream and its command stream usingtwo different Connections, each using a different Application-level protocol and potentially using a differentTraffic Class. Segments belonging to both Connections can be distinguished at the destination (the display inthis example) based on the DestCPortID_Enc field (see Section 4.11.3). Short Header Segments

382 A Short Header Segment (see Figure 11, L4s=1) consists of a single-byte L4 header followed by up to 272bytes of payload. Most Segments are Short Header Segments. A Short Header Segment is typically used tocarry L4 payload after an L4 Connection has been established. A Short Header Segment is always shippedinside a Short Header Packet.

Figure 11 Example of a Short Header Segment in a Short Header Packet in an L2 Frame

4.11.3 Communicating between L4 CPorts

383 The interface between the Transport Layer and the Application Layer is structured as a collection of CPorts(Connection-oriented Ports). Each CPort corresponds to a single SAP. CPorts within a Device are identifiedusing integer values between 0 and 2047 (although values above 31 should be used sparingly because theyreduce the number of addressable L3 Devices).

384 CPorts can be considered as sub-addresses within a Device: the Device is identified by an L3 DeviceID whileits CPorts, e.g. CPort 0, CPort 3 and CPort 4, are internal sub-addresses that distinguish between the differentConnections and thus different data streams to the same Device.

385 Every Connection connects exactly one CPort in one Device to a CPort in another Device. A Connection cantherefore connect CPort 1 of Device 2 to CPort 3 of Device 7. Every CPort can be associated with at most oneConnection at any time. In other words, a Device with four CPorts can support up to four simultaneousConnections. CPorts are thus in principle a scarce resource within an endpoint because every CPort has anindependent state which needs to be maintained.

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0L4 Payload

L4s=1 DestCPortID_Enc FCT EOML3s=1 DestDeviceID_Enc0

1 ESC_DL EOF_EVEN Frame Seq. NumberL4 Payload

L4 PayloadL4 Payload

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4.11.4 The L4 SAP and Messages

386 An Application can submit data for transmission to L4 in the form of arbitrary-length data units known asMessages. L4 is responsible for splitting, or “segmenting”, the Messages into Segments.

387 UniPro thus does not impose a size limit on Messages; a Message can range from a command consisting ofonly a few bytes to an entire multi-MByte data stream transported over the Connection.

388 Although the Application data unit is a Message, the T_SAP offers the option to also transfer MessageFragments. This option can be useful when specifying Applications on top of a UniPro stack that need tointerrupt the Message creation based on information from the UniPro stack, e.g., incoming Messages, orbackpressure. There is no guarantee that the received Message Fragments have the same size as thetransmitted Message Fragments or L4 Segments. In an implementation, the granularity at which Message(Fragments) are transmitted may have any arbitrary small granularity, as also illustrated in Annex D.

389 The signaling of Message boundaries also provides options for resynchronizing the higher protocol layers ifneeded. This is possible because the End-of-Message flag always coincides with the end of a Segment, theend of a Packet and the end of a Frame. Message-based resynchronization can be relevant in special casessuch as when Segments are discarded, or “dropped”, at the receiving endpoint.

4.11.5 End-to-End Flow Control in L4

390 In addition to providing the resources that are needed to support Connections and multiplex their traffic ontoa shared Link, L4 also provides an end-to-end flow control (E2E FC) feature. This mechanism ensures thatthe transmitting CPort never sends more data over a Connection than can be absorbed by the destinationCPort’s buffer.

391 Although E2E FC can be disabled, the feature is enabled on reset and disabling it is not generallyrecommended if the Application protocol using this CPort does not implement a E2E FC mechanism. If E2EFC is turned off, L4 may need to discard Segments, leading to data corruption. This loss of data occurs if thedestination CPort does not have enough buffer space to store the incoming stream of Segments. With E2E FCdisabled, the source CPort cannot know how much buffer space is free at the destination, and thus risksoverflow and, therefore, data loss.

4.11.6 CSD/CSV Mechanisms within a CPort

392 A CPort is required to immediately absorb any data Segments that it receives from the network. Failure to doso could lead to filling up of the L2 receive buffers for the associated Traffic Class which could in turn lead toblocking of Segments addressed to other CPorts or even (in a Network) to other Devices. This is undesirablefor performance and system reliability reasons (deadlocks).

393 The solution is a pair of mechanisms within a CPort respectively known as Controlled Segment Dropping(CSD) and CPort Safety Valve (CSV). These ensure that incoming data that cannot be absorbed immediatelyby the CPort is automatically discarded.

394 CSD and CSV avoid one source of congestion and improve overall system integrity at the cost of introducingdata corruption within the misbehaving Connection. Triggering of the CSD and CSV mechanisms typicallyindicates a Device malfunction such as a design error or a crashed software Application.

395 The CSV mechanism can be disabled if so desired.

4.11.7 Test Features

396 UniPro implementations can be tested using so-called Test Features. These are located at the top of theUniPro stack and, when enabled, behave like simple Applications. A Test Feature consists of a trafficgenerator that produces a well-defined sequence of bytes (structured as Messages). The Test Feature also

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contains a matching data analyzer that checks the correctness of the incoming data stream against theexpected data traffic.

397 The built-in Test Features are mainly intended to allow a UniPro stack within a Device to be checked fordesign- and conformance problems in a well-defined and readily automated way [MIPI03].

398 The Test Features can also be useful for checking the operation of a prototype or production system as theyprovide a built-in functional self-test of the UniPro stack, the PHY Layers and associated wiring.

4.12 DME

399 The Device Management Entity (see Figure 3) controls the layers in the UniPro stack. It provides access tovarious control parameters in all layers, manages the power mode transitions of the Link, and handles boot-up, hibernate and reset of the entire UniPro stack.

4.12.1 Control Attributes

400 The layers of the UniPro stack (L1.5, L2, L3 and L4) contain registers or “Attributes” that can be read (“get”),and in many cases written (“set”) via the DME. Some Attributes are static and are defined at design time anddescribe the capabilities of the UniPro interface, e.g. number of CPorts. Others are dynamic and reflect thecurrent (read-only) UniPro stack status, e.g. available space in L4 buffers. Others can be set to control parts ofthe protocol stack, e.g. to configure the number of active Data Lanes.

401 Persistent Attributes may be stored and provisioned in a form of Non Volatile Memory, eFuse, etc. Thosevalues can be overwritten via the DME if desired using a specific form of the SET operation. After a value isoverwritten it becomes the new persistence value the specific Attribute.

402 For the Transport Layer, for example, configuration is currently done via a control SAP named T_LM_SAP(“Layer Management”). Attributes have both a symbolic name, such as T_PeerDeviceID, a 16-bit identifier,e.g. 0x4021, and in some cases an extra index or “selector”. The symbolic name is referenced in the text andSDL when the Attribute impacts particular protocol behavior. Thus, in the example of T_PeerDeviceID, thisAttribute determines the remote Device which a given CPort is connected to and is copied into L3 Packetheaders. The “selector” index is used to distinguish multiple CPorts as each CPort has its own stateAttributes.

403 Attributes have both a symbolic name, such as PA_ActiveTxDataLanes, and a 16 bit identifier, e.g. 0x1560.In some cases, an additional index or “selector” is required to distinguish multiple CPorts or Test Featuresbecause each has its own set of Attributes.

4.12.2 Control Interfaces

404 Layers 1.5, 2, 3, and 4 are controlled from the DME by “Layer Management” SAPs. Thus, for example, theTransport Layer is configured via an SAP named T_LM_SAP (see Figure 3).

4.13 Supported Topologies

405 Although switches for routing in networks are not supported in this version of UniPro, UniPro is designed tosupport networks of Devices.

406 UniPro Networks are symmetrical in that Endpoints are peer Devices during normal operation. In principle,any Device can take the initiative to start sending data to any other Device on the Network. There is thus nomaster/slave distinction at the UniPro stack level.

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4.13.1 Point-to-Point Links

407 At the physical level, UniPro only supports point-to-point Links between pairs of Devices as these supportthe required high data rates. As shown in Figure 12, a Device such as a host processor can use a UniPro Linkto connect to multiple other Devices. However, the UniPro Links are independent and do not work together toform a Network as, in this example, because there is no provision in UniPro to route data from one Link toanother. In the figure, this means that Device D cannot communicate with Device C using only UniProprotocols.

Figure 12 Point-to-Point Configuration Example

4.13.2 UniPro Networks

408 For more complex systems, particularly those requiring a true Network, a Switch can be added to route databetween the Devices. The Switch is not covered by this version of UniPro yet, but is relevant to understandthe overall architecture.

409 Networked topologies might be desirable to reduce the cabling in systems where the components are locatedin physically separate chambers such as in a mobile flip-phone.

410 In the example shown in Figure 13, two independent Links connect Device A to other Devices in the system.While Device B can only communicate using UniPro protocols with Device A, Device D can communicatedirectly with Device A, Device C and Device E.

411 Note that Figure 13 essentially shows two independent Networks. One Network consists of the Link betweenDevices A and B. The other Network consists of the Links connecting Devices A, C, D, E, and theintermediate Switch. Any communication between these two Networks is outside the scope of this document.A Device on one Network, e.g. Device B, may have the same DeviceID as a Device on the other Network,e.g. Device D.

Host Processor (Device A)

Display Processor (Device C)

Cellular MODEM

(Device B)

Display Module #2

Display Module #1

Camera Sensor

(Device D)


UniPro Bidirectional Link

UniPro Bidirectional


Non-UniPro Unidirectional Link

Non-UniPro Bidirectional Link

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412 Figure 13 shows the Switch as a logically separate component for clarity. Although Switches can beimplemented as discrete components on separate integrated circuits, they may alternatively be integratedonto the same die as Devices to avoid increasing the component count. Since the PHY Layer is designed foroff-chip communication, the connection between a Switch and a Device on the same die might likely avoidusing a high-speed serial PHY Layer, and might instead use, for example, a parallel CMOS interface.

Figure 13 UniPro Network Configuration Example

Host Processor (Device A)

Display Processor (Device C)

Cellular MODEM

(Device B)

Display Module #2

Display Module #1 (Device E)

Camera Sensor

(Device D)


UniPro Bidirectional Link

Non-UniPro Unidirectional Link

Non-UniPro Bidirectional Link



UniPro Bidirectional


UniPro Bidirectional Link

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5 PHY Adapter Layer (L1.5)413 The PHY Adapter (PA) Layer is an intermediate layer between L1 and L2 (see Figure 3).

414 Figure 14 shows the SAP model used by the PHY Adapter Layer. Note that this figure only shows PHY DataLanes; potential PHY Clock Lanes are not shown. The PA Layer service to the Data Link Layer is providedby means of the PHY Adapter Service Access Point (PA_SAP). The PA Layer in turn relies on the serviceprovided by the PHY Service Access Points (PHY_SAPs). The PHY Adapter Layer Management SAP(PA_LM_SAP) is provided to the Device Management Entity (DME) for configuration and control purposes.

Figure 14 PHY Adapter Layer SAP Model

415 The PHY Adapter ensures that the UniPro protocol is independent of the PHY technology. To do so, it hidesinternal implementation details of the PHY from the Data Link Layer. PHY Adapter Layers for D-PHY andM-PHY are called PA D-PHY and PA M-PHY, respectively.

416 For off-chip communication, a UniPro implementation shall use a physical layer compliant with [MIPI01] or[MIPI05]. Future versions of the UniPro specification may support and allow alternative physical layers foroff-chip usage. Note that an on-chip implementation of UniPro is not restricted to any specific set of physicallayer technologies.

5.1 PHY Adapter Layer Service Functionality and Features

417 The PA Layer service defined in this specification provides:

418 • Transmission and reception of Data Link Layer control symbols and data symbols via underlying PHY419 • Lane distribution and merging in multi-Lane ports420 • Provision of UniPro power management operating modes421 • (Re-)Initialization of the PHY TX path422 • Access to all M-PHY Attributes of all available Lanes

Device Management


Data Link Layer (L2)

PHY Adapter Layer (L1.5)






Optional Data Lanes

PA_LM Entity

Management Plane Data Plane

PHYLane 1


PHYLane 2


PHYLane 3


PHYLane 0


PHY Adapter Layer EntityPA_ MIB

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423 These services are offered independently from the PHY technology. Just a basic set of features is requiredfrom the PHY, as described in Section 5.2.

5.2 Features Assumed from the PHY Layer

424 A PA Layer is associated with each PHY entity via its PHY_SAP. The PHY_SAP is defined by the relevantMIPI PHY specification.

425 The PA Layer requires the following features provided by the PHY:

426 • Transmission and reception of encoded PHY symbols, including access to PHY escape symbols427 • Transmission of PHY IDLE symbols when no data is supplied.428 • Indication that PHY IDLE symbols were received.429 • A method to re-initialize the forward Link to overcome error situations430 • Provision of different power modes and a method to signal them from transmitter to receiver

431 When a PHY provides these basic features, the PHY Adapter will be able to implement the required PA Layerservices for the Data Link Layer.

5.3 PA_SAP

432 The PA_SAP offers three groups of Service Primitives: Data Transfer primitives, Control primitives andStatus primitives.

433 The Data Transfer primitives enable data transmission and reception, while the Control primitives are neededfor (re-)initialization of the Link. Status primitives are used to indicate PA Layer status information, such asidentified errors, to the Data Link Layer.

434 The primitives on this SAP are used by the Data Link (DL) Layer.

5.3.1 Data Transfer Primitives

435 The primitives covered in this section are listed in Table 1.

436 The parameters used for these primitives are defined in Table 2.

Table 1 PA_SAP Data Transfer Primitives

Name Request Indication Local Response Response Local

Confirm Confirm PA1

1. D = PA D-PHY supported, M = PA M-PHY supported.



Table 2 PA_SAP Data Transfer Primitive Parameters

Name Type Valid Range Description

Data Integer 0 to 65535 Normal payload data

EscType Enumeration ESC_DL Escaped data type (See Table 51).

EscParam Integer 0 to 255 Escaped payload data

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437 This primitive requests the transmission of payload data.

438 The semantics of this primitive are:

439 PA_DATA.req( Data )

440 The primitive parameter is defined in Table 2.

441 When Generated

442 The DL Layer shall generate a PA_DATA.req primitive to transmit a DL Layer data symbol over the Link.

443 Effect on Receipt

444 The PA Layer shall transfer the payload over the Link via the underlying PHY.

445 Behavioral Description

446 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 98 of [MIPI02]. PA_DATA.cnf_L

447 This primitive informs the PA Service User that the Service Provider, L1.5 in this case, is ready to accept anew PA_DATA.req or PA_ESCDATA.req primitive.

448 The semantics of this primitive are:

449 PA_DATA.cnf_L( )

450 When Generated

451 This primitive shall be generated by the PA Service Provider after the receipt of a PA_DATA.req primitive,when the PA Service Provider can accept a new request to transfer a new DL Layer symbol.

452 Effect on Receipt

453 Following the emission of a PA_DATA.req primitive and prior to the reception of a PA_DATA.cnf_Lprimitive, the PA Service User shall not emit a new PA_DATA.req or PA_ESCDATA.req primitive.

454 The PA Service User may emit a new PA_DATA.req primitive immediately following a reset or after thereception of the PA_DATA.cnf_L or PA_ESCDATA.cnf_L primitive corresponding to a previously emittedPA_DATA.req or PA_ESCDATA.req primitive, respectively.

455 Behavioral Description

456 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 98 of [MIPI02]. PA_DATA.ind

457 This primitive reports the reception of a DL data symbol over the Link.

458 The semantics of this primitive are:

459 PA_DATA.ind( Data )

460 The primitive parameter is defined in Table 2.

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461 When Generated

462 This primitive shall be generated by the PA Layer when a Data PA_PDU is received over the Link. Thereception of an Escaped Data PA_PDU shall not generate this primitive.

463 Effect on Receipt

464 When the DL Layer receives this primitive, it shall consume the Data PA_PDU.

465 Behavioral Description

466 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 35 of [MIPI02]. PA_DATA.rsp_L

467 This primitive informs the Service Provider that the PA Service User, L2 in this case, is ready to accept a newPA_DATA.ind or PA_ESCDATA.ind primitive.

468 The semantics of this primitive are:

469 PA_DATA.rsp_L( )

470 When Generated

471 This primitive shall be generated by the PA Service User after the receipt of a PA_DATA.ind primitive, whenthe PA Service User can accept a new PA_DATA.ind or PA_ESCDATA.ind primitive.

472 Effect on Receipt

473 Following the emission of a PA_DATA.ind primitive and prior to the reception of a PA_DATA.rsp_Lprimitive, the PHY Adapter Layer shall not emit a new PA_DATA.ind or PA_ESCDATA.ind primitive. ThePHY Adapter Layer may emit a new PA_DATA.ind primitive only just after reset, or after reception of thePA_DATA.rsp_L or PA_ESCDATA.rsp_L primitive corresponding to a previously emitted PA_DATA.ind orPA_ESCDATA.ind primitive, respectively.

474 Behavioral Description

475 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 35 of [MIPI02]. PA_ESCDATA.req

476 This primitive requests the transmission of escaped payload data.

477 The semantics of this primitive are:

478 PA_ESCDATA.req( EscType, EscParam )

479 The primitive parameters are defined in Table 2.

480 When Generated

481 The DL Layer shall generate a PA_ESCDATA.req primitive to transmit an escaped DL Layer data symbolover the Link. The EscType parameter defines the type of escaped data. The corresponding escaped payloaddata is given with the EscParam parameter.

482 Effect on Receipt

483 The PA Layer shall transfer the EscType and EscParam information over the Link via the underlying PHY.

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484 Behavioral Description

485 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 98 of [MIPI02]. PA_ESCDATA.cnf_L

486 This primitive informs the PA Service User that the Service Provider, L1.5 in this case, is ready to accept anew PA_DATA.req or PA_ESCDATA.req primitive.

487 The semantics of this primitive are:

488 PA_ESCDATA.cnf_L( )

489 When Generated

490 This primitive shall be generated by the PA Service Provider after the receipt of a PA_ESCDATA.reqprimitive, when the PA Service Provider can accept a new request to transfer a new DL Layer symbol.

491 Effect on Receipt

492 Following the emission of a PA_ESCDATA.req primitive and prior to the reception of aPA_ESCDATA.cnf_L primitive, the PA Service User shall not emit a new PA_DATA.req orPA_ESCDATA.req primitive.

493 The PA Service User may emit a new PA_ESCDATA.req primitive immediately following a reset or after thereception of the PA_DATA.cnf_L or PA_ESCDATA.cnf_L primitive corresponding to a previously emittedPA_DATA.req or PA_ESCDATA.req primitive, respectively.

494 Behavioral Description

495 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 98 of [MIPI02]. PA_ESCDATA.ind

496 This primitive reports the reception of a DL Control symbol.

497 The semantics of this primitive are:

498 PA_ESCDATA.ind( EscType, EscParam )

499 The primitive parameters are defined in Table 2.

500 When Generated

501 This primitive shall be generated by the PA Layer when an Escaped Data PA_PDU is received over the Linkvia the underlying PHY and the EscType field of the PA_PDU is equal to ESC_DL. The reception of EscapedData PA_PDUs with EscType equal to ESC_PA shall not generate this primitive.

502 Effect on Receipt

503 When the DL Layer receives this primitive, it shall consume the EscType and EscParam information.

504 Behavioral Description

505 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 35 of [MIPI02].

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro PA_ESCDATA.rsp_L

506 This primitive informs the Service Provider that the PA Service User, L2 in this case, is ready to accept a newPA_DATA.ind or PA_ESCDATA.ind primitive.

507 The semantics of this primitive are:

508 PA_ESCDATA.rsp_L( )

509 When Generated

510 This primitive shall be generated by the PA Service User after the receipt of a PA_ESCDATA.ind primitive,when the PA Service User can accept a new indication PA_DATA.ind or PA_ESCDATA.ind.

511 Effect on Receipt

512 Following the emission of a PA_ESCDATA.ind primitive and prior to the reception of aPA_ESCDATA.rsp_L primitive, the PHY Adapter Layer shall not emit a new PA_DATA.ind orPA_ESCDATA.ind primitive. The PHY Adapter Layer may emit a new PA_DATA.ind primitive only justafter reset, or after reception of the PA_DATA.rsp_L or PA_ESCDATA.rsp_L primitive corresponding to apreviously emitted PA_DATA.ind or PA_ESCDATA.ind primitive, respectively.

513 Behavioral Description

514 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 35 of [MIPI02].

5.3.2 Control Primitives

515 The Control primitives of the PA_SAP are used by the DL Layer to control the PHY Adapter Layer.

516 The INIT primitive is represented as request with associated confirmation. This primitive is prefixed by “PA”for the PA_SAP. The primitive is summarized in Table 3.

517 The parameters used for these primitives are defined in Table 4.

Table 3 PA_SAP Control Primitives

Name Request Indication Local Response Response Local

Confirm Confirm PA1

1. D = PA D-PHY supported, M = PA M-PHY supported.





Table 4 PA_SAP Control Primitive Parameters

Name Type Valid Range Description

PAResult BooleanFALSE 0

Result of the operationTRUE 1

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro PA_INIT.req

518 This primitive requests to (re-)initialize the PA Layer and underlying PHY. For D-PHY, this request (re-)initializes only the transmit path. For M-PHY, both transmit and receive paths are (re-)initialized. For adescription of the (re-)initialization process on D-PHY and M-PHY see Section 5.7.9 and Section 5.8.10,respectively.

519 The semantics of this primitive are:

520 PA_INIT.req( )

521 When Generated

522 The DL Layer generates this request to (re-)initialize the PA Layer and underlying PHY. Refer to Section 6for details.

523 Effect on Receipt

524 The PA Layer (re-)initializes its transmit path. Further, it performs the necessary actions to (re-)initialize theunderlying PHY transmit path. In the case of M-PHY, the PA Layer and PHY receive paths are also (re-)initialized.

525 Following the emission of a PA_INIT.req primitive, and prior to the reception of a PA_INIT.cnf_L primitive,the PA Service User shall not emit a new PA_INIT.req primitive.

526 Behavioral Description

527 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 70 of [MIPI02]. PA_INIT.cnf_L

528 This primitive reports the completion of the (re-)initialization procedure.

529 The semantics of this primitive are:

530 PA_INIT.cnf_L( PAResult )

531 When Generated

532 This primitive shall be generated by the PA Layer as response to a PA_INIT.req, when it has performed the(re-)initialization procedure. The parameter is set to TRUE if the operation completed successfully, otherwisethe parameter is set to FALSE.

533 Effect on Receipt

534 The DL Layer is informed about the finalization of the (re-)initialization procedure.

535 Behavioral Description

536 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 72 of [MIPI02]. PA_DL_PAUSE.ind

537 This primitive informs the PA Service User, the DL Layer in this case, that the PA Layer was requested toexecute a operation that requires the usage of the Link, e.g. power mode change or PACP frame transmission.This primitive is one in the group of primitives defining the handshake procedure used between PA Layer andDL Layer to coordinate the Link usage. After generating this primitive, the PA Layer shall wait for thereception of the PA_DL_PAUSE.rsp_L before taking any further action.

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538 The semantics of this primitive are:

539 PA_DL_PAUSE.ind( )

540 When Generated

541 This primitive shall be generated by the PA Layer when an operation requiring PACP transmission isrequested and shall precede any other actions necessary to execute the operation.

542 Effect on Receipt

543 When the DL Layer receives this primitive, it shall take the necessary action to reach a state where the Link istemporarily not used (see Section 6.6.5).

544 Behavioral Description

545 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 97 of [MIPI02]. PA_DL_PAUSE.rsp_L

546 This primitive informs the Service Provider that the PA Service User, the DL Layer in this case, has reached astate where the Link may be used by the PA Layer.

547 The semantics of this primitive are:

548 PA_DL_PAUSE.rsp_L( )

549 When Generated

550 This primitive shall be generated by the DL Layer after receipt of a PA_DL_PAUSE.ind and only when theDL Layer has reached a state where the PA Layer can use the Link (see Section 6.6.5).

551 Effect on Receipt

552 When the PA Layer receives this primitive, it shall continue the execution of the requested operation.

553 Behavioral Description

554 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 97 of [MIPI02]. PA_DL_RESUME.ind

555 This primitive informs the PA Service User, the DL Layer in this case, that the PA Layer has completed itsoperation and the DL Layer may continue to use the Link.

556 The semantics of this primitive are:

557 PA_DL_RESUME.ind( PAResult )

558 When Generated

559 This primitive shall be generated by the PA Layer when it has completed its operation. The parameter is set toTRUE if the operation completed successfully, otherwise the parameter is set to FALSE.

560 Effect on Receipt

561 When the DL Layer receives this primitive, it shall resume normal operation knowing that the UniPro Link isonce more in a state where Frames can be sent (see Section 6.6.5).

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562 Behavioral Description

563 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 97 of [MIPI02]. PA_LANE_ALIGN.req

564 The DL Layer generates this request to force the PA Layer to execute a Lane Synchronization, which resultsin the PA Layer sending a deskew pattern as described in Section 5.8.11.

565 The semantics of this primitive are:

566 PA_LANE_ALIGN.req( )

567 When Generated

568 The DL Layer shall generate a PA_LANE_ALIGN.req primitive to ensure that all Lanes are synchronized(deskewed) and shall not generate a PA_ESCDATA.req or PA_DATA.req primitive before completion of theLane Synchronization.

569 Effect on Receipt

570 PA M-PHY shall execute Lane Synchronization as defined in Section 5.8.11.

571 PA D-PHY shall ignore this request and respond immediately with a PA_LANE_ALIGN.cnf_L primitive.

572 Behavioral Description

573 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 103 of [MIPI02]. PA_LANE_ALIGN.cnf_L

574 This primitive informs the PA Service User, the DL Layer in this case, that the Service Provider, the PA Layerin this case, has completed the Lane Synchronization previously requested by the primitivePA_LANE_ALIGN.req.

575 The semantics of this primitive are:

576 PA_LANE_ALIGN.cnf_L( )

577 When Generated

578 This primitive shall be generated by the PA Service Provider after receipt of a PA_LANE_ALIGN.reqprimitive, after the Lane Synchronization has completed.

579 Effect on Receipt

580 The DL Layer shall be allowed again to generate a PA_ESCDATA.req or PA_DATA.req primitive.

581 Behavioral Description

582 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 104 of [MIPI02].

5.3.3 Status Primitives

583 The ERROR primitive is represented as an indication and is prefixed by “PA” for the PA_SAP.

584 The primitive is summarized in Table 5.

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585 The parameter used for this primitive is defined in Table 6. PA_ERROR.ind

586 This primitive reports errors identified by the PA Layer to the Data Link Layer.

587 The semantics of this primitive are:

588 PA_ERROR.ind( PAErrorCode )

589 The primitive parameter is defined in Table 6.

590 When Generated

591 This primitive shall be generated by the PA Layer when an error is detected in the incoming stream ofsymbols.

592 With D-PHY, PAErrorCode identifies the detected error as follows:

593 • BAD_PHY_SYMBOL: an invalid 9b symbol is received (see Section 5.7.5)594 • UNMAPPED_PHY_ESC_SYMBOL: an undefined 9b symbol is received (see Section 5.7.5)595 • UNEXPECTED_PHY_ESC_SYMBOL: C400, C417 or C600 is received for PA_PDU[7:0] (see

Section 5.7.5)596 • BAD_PA_PARAM: ESC_PA with EscParam_PA other than 0b00000000, 0b01101111, or 0b01110100

is received (see Section

597 With M-PHY, PAErrorCode identifies the detected error as follows:

598 • BAD_PHY_SYMBOL: a coding error is detected by the PHY (see Section 5.8.5)599 • UNMAPPED_PHY_ESC_SYMBOL: a reserved symbol is detected by the PHY (see Section 5.8.5)600 • UNEXPECTED_PHY_ESC_SYMBOL: a Marker or a FILLER is received for PA_PDU[7:0] (see

Section 5.8.5)601 • BAD_PA_PARAM: ESC_PA with EscParam_PA other than PACP_START, TRG_UPR0, TRG_UPR1,

TRG_UPR2 (see Section 5.8.5)

Table 5 PA_SAP Status Primitive

Name Request Indication Local Response Response Local

Confirm Confirm PA1

1. D = PA D-PHY supported, M = PA M-PHY supported.


Table 6 PA_SAP Status Primitive Parameters

Name Type Valid Range Value Description

PAErrorCode Enumeration

BAD_PHY_SYMBOL 1 Error types as identified by the PA Layer and flagged to the





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602 The PA_ERROR.ind primitive is sent when a PA symbol (formed out of two M-PHY symbols) has an errorthat the PA Layer can detect. Note that two consecutive M-PHY symbol errors might cause one or twoPA_ERROR.ind primitives, depending on their position relative to the PA symbol.

603 Effect on Receipt

604 Refer to the Data Link Layer definitions for details.

605 Behavioral Description

606 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 37 of [MIPI02].


607 The PHY Adapter Layer Management (PA_LM) SAP offers three groups of Service Primitives:Configuration primitives, Control primitives and Status primitives. The primitives on the PA_LM_SAP areused by the Device Management Entity (DME) to configure and control the layer and receive layer statusinformation.

608 The Configuration primitives enable access to configuration information specific to the PA Layer. Thisinformation is represented as a PHY Adapter Layer-specific Management Information Base (PA_MIB). ThePA_MIB is regarded as “contained” within the PA_LM entity. Multiple accesses to the PA_MIB via theConfiguration primitives shall not occur concurrently. The available configuration Attributes are defined inSection 5.9.

609 The Control primitives provide direct control of the PA Layer. Control primitives are generated by the DMEand can occur concurrently.

610 The Status primitives indicate status information of the PA Layer. Status primitives are generated by the PALayer and can occur concurrently.

5.4.1 Configuration Primitives

611 The PA_LM configuration primitives, GET and SET, are used by the DME to retrieve and store values,respectively, for the configuration Attributes in the PA_MIB.

612 The GET and SET primitives are represented as requests with associated confirm primitives. Theseprimitives are prefixed by PA_LM. The primitives are summarized in Table 7.

Table 7 PA_LM Configuration Primitives

Name Request Indication Local Response Response Local

Confirm Confirm PA1

1. D = PA D-PHY supported, M = PA M-PHY supported.







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613 The parameters used for these primitives are defined in Table 8.

Table 8 Configuration Primitive Parameters

Name Type Valid Range Value Description

MIBattribute Integer

Any MIB Attribute as defined in Section 5.9 (range 0x1000 to 0x1FFF), or a PHY Attribute (range 0x0000-0x0FFF)

The Attribute identifier of the MIB Attribute

SelectorIndex Integer 0 to 2*PA_MaxDataLanes-1

Indicates the targeted M-PHY lane when relevant

GenMIBattribute Integer Any MIB AttributeThe Attribute identifier of the MIB Attribute

GenSelectorIndex Integer

0 to 2*PA_MaxDataLanes – 1, for M-PHY0 to T_NumCPorts – 1, for CPort0 to T_NumTestFeatures – 1, for Test Feature

Indicates the targeted logical M-PHY data Lane or CPort Test Feature when relevant

MIBvalue AttrValueType As defined in Section 5.9 The value of the MIB Attribute

AttrSetType Enumeration

NORMAL 0 Select whether Attribute value is set directly (normal) or static value is set.


ConfigResultCode Enumeration


Indicates the result of the request.









PAPowerModeUserData Data 24-byte data


PowerChangeResultCode Enumeration

Result code of a power mode change operation (see Table 9).

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614 This primitive requests information about a given PA_MIB Attribute or PHY Attribute identified byMIBattribute, and, if relevant, the SelectorIndex. The SelectorIndex shall be interpreted as a PHY Data Laneindex if relevant for the targeted Attribute. For Attributes not associated with the SelectorIndex, theSelectorIndex shall be ignored.

615 The semantics of this primitive are:

616 PA_LM_GET.req( MIBattribute, SelectorIndex )

617 The primitive’s parameters are defined in Table 8.

618 When Generated

619 This primitive is generated by the DME to obtain information from the PA_MIB or the underlying PHY.

620 Effect on Receipt

621 The PA_LM entity attempts to retrieve the requested MIB Attribute value from PA_MIB or the underlyingPHY and responds with PA_LM_GET.cnf_L that gives the result.

622 Behavioral Description

623 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 24 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_GET.cnf_L

624 This primitive reports the result of an information request about a given PA_MIB Attribute or a PHYAttribute.

625 The semantics of this primitive are:

626 PA_LM_GET.cnf_L( ConfigResultCode, MIBvalue )

GenericErrorCode EnumerationSuccess 0 Result of the

operationFailure 1

Table 9 PowerChangeResultCode Values

PowerChangeResultCode Value Condition

PWR_OK 0 The request was accepted.

PWR_LOCAL 1 The local request was successfully applied.

PWR_REMOTE 2 The remote request was successfully applied.

PWR_BUSY 3 The request was aborted due to concurrent requests.

PWR_ERROR_CAP 4 The request was rejected because the requested configuration exceeded the Link’s capabilities.

PWR_FATAL_ERROR 5 The request was aborted due to a communication problem. The Link may be inoperable.

Table 8 Configuration Primitive Parameters (continued)

Name Type Valid Range Value Description

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627 The primitive’s parameters are defined in Table 8.

628 When Generated

629 The PA Layer shall generate the PA_LM_GET.cnf_L primitive in response to a PA_LM_GET.req from theDME.

630 Effect on Receipt

631 The DME is informed about the result of the operation, and in case ConfigResultCode is SUCCESS,MIBvalue carries the MIB Attribute value. For any other value of ConfigResultCode, MIBvalue is undefined.

632 Behavioral Description

633 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 24 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_SET.req

634 This primitive attempts to set to the MIBvalue value the PA_MIB Attribute or a PHY Attribute indicated byMIBattribute, and, if relevant, the SelectorIndex. The SelectorIndex shall be interpreted as a data PHY Laneindex if relevant for the targeted Attribute. For Attributes not associated with the SelectorIndex, theSelectorIndex shall be ignored.

635 The semantics of this primitive are:

636 PA_LM_SET.req( AttrSetType, MIBattribute, MIBvalue, SelectorIndex )

637 The primitive’s parameters are defined in Table 8.

638 When Generated

639 This primitive is generated by the DME to set the indicated PA_MIB Attribute.

640 Effect on Receipt

641 The PA_LM attempts to set the specified MIB Attribute in its database or in the PHY. If the MIB Attributeimplies a specific action, then this primitive requests that the action be performed. For example, settingPA_PWRMode triggers the Link Configuration procedure (see Section 5.8.12).The PA_LM responds withPA_LM_SET.cnf_L that gives the result.

642 Behavioral Description

643 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 23 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_SET.cnf_L

644 This primitive reports the results of an attempt to set the value of an Attribute in the PA_MIB or in theunderlying PHYs.

645 The semantics of this primitive are:

646 PA_LM_SET.cnf_L( ConfigResultCode )

647 The primitive’s parameter is defined in Table 8.

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648 When Generated

649 The PA Layer shall generate the PA_LM_SET.cnf_L primitive in response to a PA_LM_SET.req from theDME. ConfigResultCode shall be set to INVALID_MIB_ATTRIBUTE if AttrSetType of the request wasSTATIC and the Attribute indicated by MIBattribute and SelectorIndex does not support setting its resetvalue.

650 Effect on Receipt

651 The PA_LM_SET.cnf_L confirms the success or failure of the PA_LM_SET.req at the PA Layer, and shouldhave no further effects at the DME.

652 Behavioral Description

653 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 23 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_PWR_MODE.ind

654 This primitive passes the PAPowerModeUserData that was received from the peer Device during the LinkConfiguration procedure.

655 The semantics of this primitive are:

656 PA_LM_PWR_MODE.ind( PAResult, PAPowerModeUserData )

657 The first parameter is set to TRUE, when the power mode change request was created by the local DME,otherwise it is set to FALSE.

658 The second parameter is a 24-byte long data payload containing private data from the peer DME.

659 When Generated

660 See Section 5.8.12.

661 Effect on Receipt

662 DME shall respond with the PA_LM_PWR_MODE.rsp_L primitive.

663 Behavioral Description

664 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 80 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_PWR_MODE.rsp_L

665 This primitive acknowledges PA_LM_PWR_MODE.ind. The PAPowerModeUserData is to be sent to thepeer Device if the power mode change request was created by the remote DME.

666 The semantics of this primitive are:

667 PA_LM_PWR_MODE.rsp_L( PAPowerModeUserData )

668 The parameter is defined in Table 8.

669 When Generated

670 The DME shall generate the PA_LM_PWR_MODE.rsp_L primitive in response to aPA_LM_PWR_MODE.ind from the PA Layer.

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671 Effect on Receipt

672 The PA Layer continues the on-going power mode change request. If the power mode change was requestedby the peer Device, then the contents of PAPowerModeUserData is to be transmitted to the peer Device via aPACP_PWR_cnf frame. If not, then the PA Layer begins to finish the power mode change by closing downthe burst.

673 See Section 5.8.12 for more information.

674 Behavioral Description

675 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 80 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_PWR_MODE_CHANGED.ind

676 This primitive reports the results of the Link Configuration procedure.

677 The semantics of this primitive are:

678 PA_LM_PWR_MODE_CHANGED.ind( PowerChangeResultCode )

679 The primitive’s parameter is defined in Table 9.

680 When Generated

681 See Section 5.8.12.

682 Effect on Receipt

683 The DME is notified that the local request or a remote request has been completed with the status reported bythe parameter.

684 Behavioral Description

685 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 25 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_PEER_GET.ind

686 This primitive indicates the value of the Attribute identified by GenMIBattribute, and, if relevant, theGenSelectorIndex. The GenSelectorIndex shall be interpreted either as a data PHY Lane index, CPort indexor Test Feature index, depending on the particular Attribute. For Attributes not associated withGenSelectorIndex, the GenSelectorIndex parameter shall be ignored.

687 The semantics of this primitive are:

688 PA_LM_PEER_GET.ind( GenMIBattribute, GenSelectorIndex )

689 The primitive’s parameter is defined in Table 8.

690 When Generated

691 This primitive is generated by the local PA Layer on the reception of a PACP_GET_req frame requesting toobtain local Attribute information.

692 Effect on Receipt

693 The PA Layer attempts to retrieve the requested Attribute value from the UniPro stack and the DME shallrespond with PA_LM_PEER_GET.rsp that gives the result.

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694 Behavioral Description

695 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 86 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_PEER_GET.rsp

696 This primitive reports the results of an information request about the Attribute given in the receivedPA_LM_PEER_GET.ind.

697 The semantics of this primitive are:

698 PA_LM_PEER_GET.rsp( ConfigResultCode, MIBvalue )

699 The primitive’s parameters are defined in Table 8.

700 When Generated

701 The DME shall generate the PA_LM_PEER_GET.rsp primitive in response to a PA_LM_PEER_GET.indfrom the PA Layer.

702 Effect on Receipt

703 The PA Layer is informed about the result of the operation, and in case ConfigResultCode is SUCCESS,MIBvalue carries the MIB Attribute value. For any other value of ConfigResultCode, MIBvalue is undefined.The PA Layer shall use PACP to forward the result of the operation to the peer Device.

704 Behavioral Description

705 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 86 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_PEER_SET.ind

706 This primitive attempts to set the MIBvalue value to an Attribute of the local UniPro stack identified byGenMIBattribute, and, if relevant, the GenSelectorIndex. The GenSelectorIndex shall be interpreted either asa data PHY Lane index or CPort index or Test Feature index depending of the Attribute. For Attributes notassociated with the GenSelectorIndex, the GenSelectorIndex shall be ignored.

707 The semantics of this primitive are:

708 PA_LM_PEER_SET.ind( AttrSetType, GenMIBattribute, MIBvalue, GenSelectorIndex )

709 The primitive’s parameters are defined in Table 8.

710 When Generated

711 This primitive is generated by the local PA Layer on the reception of a PACP_SET_req frame requesting toset a local Attribute.

712 Effect on Receipt

713 The DME attempts to set the specified Attribute. The DME responds with PA_LM_PEER_SET.rsp that givesthe result.

714 Behavioral Description

715 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 86 of [MIPI02].

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716 This primitive reports the results of an attempt to set the value of an Attribute in the UniPro stack or PHYs.

717 The semantics of this primitive are:

718 PA_LM_PEER_SET.rsp( ConfigResultCode )

719 The primitive’s parameter is defined in Table 8.

720 When Generated

721 The DME shall generate the PA_LM_PEER_SET.rsp primitive in response to a PA_LM_PEER_SET.indfrom the PA Layer.

722 Effect on Receipt

723 The PA_LM_PEER_SET.rsp confirms the success or failure of the PA_LM_PEER_SET.ind at the DME, andthe PA Layer shall use the PACP protocol to forward the result to the peer Device.

724 Behavioral Description

725 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 86 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_PEER_GET.req

726 Support for this primitive is optional. However, if an implementation supports this primitive, it shallimplement it as described in this section.

727 This primitive requests information about a given Attribute of the peer Device, this Attribute being identifiedby GenMIBattribute, and, if relevant, the GenSelectorIndex. The GenSelectorIndex shall be interpreted eitheras a data PHY Lane index or CPort index or Test Feature index depending of the Attribute. For Attributes notassociated with the GenSelectorIndex, the GenSelectorIndex shall be ignored.

728 The semantics of this primitive are:

729 PA_LM_PEER_GET.req( GenMIBattribute, GenSelectorIndex )

730 The primitive’s parameter is defined in Table 8.

731 When Generated

732 This primitive is generated by the DME to obtain information about an Attribute of the peer Device.

733 Effect on Receipt

734 The PA Layer entity attempts to retrieve the requested MIB Attribute value from the peer Device by usingPACP protocol and responds with PA_LM_PEER_GET.cnf that gives the result.

735 Behavioral Description

736 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 84 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_PEER_GET.cnf

737 Support for this primitive is optional. However, if an implementation supports this primitive, it shallimplement it as described in this section.

738 This primitive reports the results of an information request about an Attribute of the peer Device.

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739 The semantics of this primitive are:

740 PA_LM_PEER_GET.cnf( ConfigResultCode, MIBvalue )

741 The primitive’s parameters are defined in Table 8.

742 When Generated

743 The PA Layer shall generate the PA_LM_PEER_GET.cnf primitive in response to a PA_LM_PEER_GET.reqfrom the DME.

744 Effect on Receipt

745 The DME is informed about the result of the operation, and in case ConfigResultCode is SUCCESS,MIBvalue carries the MIB Attribute value. For any other value of ConfigResultCode, MIBvalue is undefined.

746 Behavioral Description

747 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 84 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_PEER_SET.req

748 Support for this primitive is optional. However, if an implementation supports this primitive, it shallimplement it as described in this section.

749 This primitive attempts to set the Attribute of the peer Device indicated by GenMIBattribute and, if relevant,the GenSelectorIndex, to the MIBvalue value. The GenSelectorIndex shall be interpreted either as a dataPHY Lane index or CPort index or Test Feature index depending of the Attribute. For Attributes notassociated with the GenSelectorIndex, the GenSelectorIndex shall be ignored.

750 The semantics of this primitive are:

751 PA_LM_PEER_SET.req( AttrSetType, GenMIBattribute, MIBvalue, GenSelectorIndex )

752 The primitive’s parameters are defined in Table 8.

753 When Generated

754 This primitive is generated by the DME to set the indicated Attribute of the peer Device.

755 Effect on Receipt

756 By using the PACP protocol, the PA Layer shall attempt to set the specified MIB Attribute of the peer Device.The PA Layer responds with PA_LM_PEER_SET.cnf that gives the result.

757 Behavioral Description

758 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 84 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_PEER_SET.cnf

759 Support for this primitive is optional. However, if an implementation supports this primitive, it shallimplement it as described in this section.

760 This primitive reports the results of an attempt to set the value of an Attribute of the peer Device.

761 The semantics of this primitive are:

762 PA_LM_PEER_SET.cnf( ConfigResultCode )

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763 The primitive’s parameter is defined in Table 8.

764 When Generated

765 The PA Layer shall generate the PA_LM_PEER_SET.cnf primitive in response to a PA_LM_PEER_SET.reqfrom the DME.

766 Effect on Receipt

767 The PA_LM_PEER_SET.cnf confirms the success or failure of the PA_LM_PEER_SET.req at the PA Layer,and should have no further effects at the DME.

768 Behavioral Description

769 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 84 of [MIPI02].

5.4.2 Control Primitives

770 The following control primitives of the PA_LM_SAP are used for controlling the FastAuto_Mode andSlowAuto_Mode (see Table 14), and for reset and boot purposes (see Section 9).

771 The AUTOSELECT, RESET, ENABLE_LAYER, LINKSTARTUP and ENDPOINTRESET primitives areprefixed by PA_LM for the PA Layer management SAP.

772 The AUTOSELECT primitives are used only with PA D-PHY.

773 The HIBERNATE_ENTER, HIBERNATE_EXIT, TEST_MODE, and PHY_RESET primitives are usedonly with PA M-PHY.

774 The primitives are summarized in Table 10.

775 The parameters used for these primitives are defined in Table 11.

Table 10 PA_LM Control Primitives

Name Request Indication Local Response Response Local

Confirm Confirm PA1

1. D = PA D-PHY supported, M = PA M-PHY supported.










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776 This primitive requests the PA_LM to switch to the selected power state when the PA Layer is inFastAuto_Mode or SlowAuto_Mode (see Section When the PA Layer is in a different mode, thisprimitive shall have no effect.

777 The semantics of this primitive are:

778 PA_LM_AUTOSELECT.req( AutoState )

779 When Generated

780 When PA_TxPWRMode is set to FastAuto_Mode or SlowAuto_Mode, this primitive shall be generated bythe DME in order to put the PA Layer in the power state specified by the AutoState parameter.

781 Effect on Receipt

782 The PA Layer shall enter the power state according to the AutoState parameter. Possible values for theAutoState parameter are FAST_STATE, SLOW_STATE and SLEEP_STATE. PA_LM_AUTOSELECT.cnf_L

783 This primitive indicates to the DME that the requested power state has been reached.

784 The semantics of this primitive are:

785 PA_LM_AUTOSELECT.cnf_L( PAAutoSelectResultCode )

786 The primitive parameter is defined in Table 11.

787 When Generated

788 This primitive shall be generated by the PA Layer in response to a PA_LM_AUTOSELECT.req primitivefrom the DME.

Table 11 PA_LM Control Primitive Parameters

Name Type Valid Range Value Description

AutoState Enumeration

FAST_STATE 1 Defines the power state when the Device is in FastAuto_Mode or SlowAuto_Mode



ResetLevel EnumerationCOLD 0

Defines the reset levelWARM 1

PAAutoSelectResultCode EnumerationSUCCESS 0 Indicates the result of the

requestFAIL 1

GenericErrorCode EnumerationSuccess 0 Indicates the result of the

requestFailure 1

PHYDirection EnumerationTX 0 Indicates the target of the

reset.RX 1

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789 Effect on Receipt

790 If PA_TxPWRMode is set to FastAuto_Mode and the PA Layer successfully changes its power state toFAST_STATE or SLEEP_STATE, the PA Layer shall set PAAutoSelectResultCode to SUCCESS.

791 If PA_TxPWRMode is set to SlowAuto_Mode and the PA Layer successfully changes its power state toSLOW_STATE or SLEEP_STATE, the PA Layer shall set PAAutoSelectResultCode to SUCCESS.

792 In all other cases, the PA Layer shall set PAAutoSelectResultCode to FAIL. A PAAutoSelectResultCodeequal to FAIL indicates the occurrence of an error. In case of an error, the power state can be determined bygetting PA_TxPWRStatus (see Table 35). PA_LM_RESET.req

793 This primitive requests the PA_LM to reset the PA Layer and PHY Layer. See Section 9 for a description ofreset.

794 The semantics of this primitive are:

795 PA_LM_RESET.req( ResetLevel )

796 When Generated

797 This primitive shall be generated by the DME in order to reset the PA Layer and PHY Layer.

798 Effect on Receipt

799 The PA Layer resets transmit and receive state machines to the reset power-on states and reset values. Thereset values of the PA Layer Attributes, as defined in Section 5.9, shall take effect.

800 The PA Layer shall reset the PHY entities and shall put them into a state according to the SlowAuto_Modepower mode.

801 The ResetLevel COLD resets the complete PA Layer including any statistics and all Attributes. TheResetLevel WARM resets the PA Layer without any statistics, if they exist. During a RESET of the PA Layeror PHY, the PA Layer shall not forward any received data to the DL Layer.

802 Detailed effects on the physical layer are described in the PHY-specific sections later in this section.

803 Behavioral Description

804 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 19 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_RESET.cnf_L

805 This primitive is used during the UniPro reset procedure (see Section 9.11.1).

806 The semantics of this primitive are:

807 PA_LM_RESET.cnf_L( )

808 When Generated

809 The PA Layer uses the PA_LM_RESET.cnf_L primitive during the boot procedure to indicate to the DMEthat the PA Layer came out of reset.

810 Effect on Receipt

811 The DME is informed that the PA Layer came out of reset.

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812 Behavioral Description

813 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 19 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.req

814 This primitive enables the PA Layer.

815 The semantics of this primitive are:


817 When Generated

818 The PA_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.req primitive is part of the UniPro boot procedure (see Section 9.11.2) andis generated by the DME after the PA Layer comes out of reset.

819 Effect on Receipt

820 The PA Layer shall begin monitoring the inbound Lanes for incoming trigger events and respond withPA_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.cnf_L.

821 Behavioral Description

822 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 20 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.cnf_L

823 This primitive reports that PA Layer has been enabled.

824 The semantics of this primitive are:


826 When Generated

827 This primitive shall be generated by the PA Layer in response to a PA_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.req primitivefrom the DME.

828 Effect on Receipt

829 The DME is informed that the PA Layer has been enabled and is actively monitoring the inbound Lanes forincoming Link Startup sequences.

830 Behavioral Description

831 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 20 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_LINKSTARTUP.req

832 This primitive attempts to establish a Link to the peer Device by starting the Link Startup sequence (L1.5initialization protocol). See Section 5.6.3

833 The semantics of this primitive are:


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835 When Generated

836 The DME shall generate this when it wants to establish a Link to the peer Device.

837 Effect on Receipt

838 The PA Layer enters the Link Startup sequence. Section 5.6.3 defines the order of triggers sent and receivedduring this sequence.

839 During the Link Startup sequence, the PA Layer shall not forward any received data to the DL Layer. Also,the PA Layer shall not accept any data from the DL Layer for transmission.

840 Once the Link Startup sequence has finalized, the PA Layer shall enter normal operation. This is indicated tothe DME with the PA_LM_LINKSTARTUP.cnf_L primitive.

841 Behavioral Description

842 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 20 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_LINKSTARTUP.cnf_L

843 This primitive is used during the UniPro boot procedure (see Section 9.11.2) to indicate to the DME that thePA Layer completed the Link Startup sequence and the PA Layer is ready to be used by the Data Link Layer.

844 The semantics of this primitive are:

845 PA_LM_LINKSTARTUP.cnf_L( GenericErrorCode )

846 When Generated

847 This primitive is generated by the PA Layer after the Link Startup sequence has completed. The Booleanparameter is set to TRUE when the operation has completed successfully, and to FALSE when the operationfailed, e.g. due to timeout.

848 Effect on Receipt

849 The DME is informed about the completion of the PA Layer’s Link Startup sequence.

850 Behavioral Description

851 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 20 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_LINKSTARTUP.ind

852 This primitive indicates the reception of the first phase of the Link Startup sequence.

853 The semantics of this primitive are:


855 When Generated

856 This primitive shall be generated by the PA Layer when it receives a ‘TRG_UPR1’ trigger (D-PHY) or a‘TRG_UPR0’ trigger (M-PHY) and the PA Layer is not executing the Link Startup sequence. Thus,PA_LM_LINKSTARTUP.ind shal l not be generated by the PA Layer in the t ime betweenPA_LM_LINKSTARTUP.req and PA_LM_LINKSTARTUP.cnf_L.

857 The trigger is defined in the applicable PHY-specific, Section 5.7.8 (D-PHY) or Section 5.8.6 (M-PHY).

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858 Effect on Receipt

859 The DME shall issue the LINKSTARTUP.ind primitive to forward the Link Startup notification to the user ofthe DME_SAP (generally the Application Layer). Additionally, the DME shall reset the UniPro stack (L1.5through L4) using the <layer-identifier>_LM_RESET.req primitives for each layer. Following the UniProstack reset, the DME shall initiate the boot procedure starting from the PA Layer and ending with theTransport Layer as described in Section 9.11.2.

860 Behavioral Description

861 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 20 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_ENDPOINTRESET.req

862 This primitive is used to transmit the EndPointReset trigger (‘TRG_EPR’) over the Link to the peer PA Layer.See Section 9.3.3 for details.

863 The semantics of this primitive are:


865 When Generated

866 The DME shall generate this primitive when it receives an DME_ENDPOINTRESET.req from theDME_SAP user (generally the Application Layer).

867 Effect on Receipt

868 Once the EndPointReset trigger is sent, the PA Layer shall indicate it to the DME with thePA_LM_ENDPOINTRESET.cnf_L primitive (see Section 9.3.3).

869 Behavioral Description

870 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 88 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_ENDPOINTRESET.cnf_L

871 This primitive reports the completion of a request to send a EndPointReset trigger (‘TRG_EPR’).

872 The semantics of this primitive are:


874 When Generated

875 This primitive is generated by the PA Layer in response of the PA_LM_ENDPOINTRESET.req. primitiveafter having sent the EndPointReset trigger (‘TRG_EPR’).

876 Effect on Receipt

877 When the DME receives this primitive from the local PA Layer it forwards a confirmation (Endpoint Reset)to the DME User (generally the Application Layer).

878 Behavioral Description

879 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 88 of [MIPI02].

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880 This primitive indicates the reception of an EndPointReset trigger (‘TRG_EPR’) over the Link.

881 The semantics of this primitive are:


883 When Generated

884 The PA Layer shall generate this primitive when it receives an EndPointReset trigger (‘TRG_EPR’).

885 Effect on Receipt

886 When the DME receives this primitive from the local PA Layer it forwards a notification (Endpoint Reset) tothe DME User (generally the Application Layer).

887 Behavioral Description

888 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 88 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.req

889 This primitive attempts to put the PA Layer and the Link to Hibernate Mode.

890 The semantics of this primitive are:


892 When Generated

893 This primitive is generated by the DME to put the PA Layer and the Link into Hibernate.

894 Effect on Receipt

895 The PA Layer responds with PA_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.cnf_L to indicate whether or not the requestwas accepted.

896 Behavioral Description

897 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 21 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.cnf_L

898 This primitive reports the result of a hibernate request.

899 The semantics of this primitive are:

900 PA_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.cnf_L( GenericErrorCode )

901 When Generated

902 The PA Layer shall generate this primitive in response to a PA_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.req. IfGenericErrorCode is set to Success, then the PA Layer begins to hibernate the Link as specified inSection If GenericErrorCode is set to Failure, the PA Layer rejected the request, possibly becausethe PA Layer is executing a power mode change or a Link Startup sequence.

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903 Effect on Receipt

904 If GenericErrorCode is set to Success, the DME shall wait until it receivesPA_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.ind to know when the operation has been completed.

905 Behavioral Description

906 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 21 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.ind

907 This primitive reports the completion of a hibernate request.

908 The semantics of this primitive are:

909 PA_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.ind( PowerChangeResultCode )

910 The primitive parameters are defined in Table 9.

911 When Generated

912 The PA Layer shall generate this primitive when the enter hibernate procedure has completed. The parametercarries the result of the operation.

913 Effect on Receipt

914 The DME is informed of the completion of the enter hibernate procedure and the final status of the operation.

915 Behavioral Description

916 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 21 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.req

917 This primitive attempts to put the PA Layer and the Link into Active Mode.

918 The semantics of this primitive are:


920 When Generated

921 This primitive is generated by the DME to request the PA Layer and the Link to exit hibernate.

922 Effect on Receipt

923 The PA Layer responds with PA_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.cnf_L to indicate whether or not the request wasaccepted.

924 Behavioral Description

925 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 22 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.cnf_L

926 This primitive reports the results of a hibernate exit request.

927 The semantics of this primitive are:

928 PA_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.cnf_L( GenericErrorCode )

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929 When Generated

930 The PA Layer shall generate this primitive in response to a PA_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.req. IfGenericErrorCode is set to Success, then the PA Layer begins to exit hibernate as specified inSection If GenericErrorCode is set to Failure, the PA Layer rejected the request.

931 Effect on Receipt

932 The DME is informed of the result of the operation. If GenericErrorCode is set to Success, the DME shallwait until it receives PA_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.ind to know when the operation has been completed.

933 Behavioral Description

934 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 22 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.ind

935 This primitive reports the completion of a hibernate exit request.

936 The semantics of this primitive are:

937 PA_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.ind( PowerChangeResultCode )

938 The primitive parameters are defined in Table 9.

939 When Generated

940 The PA Layer shall generate this primitive when the exit hibernate procedure has completed.

941 Effect on Receipt

942 The DME is informed of the completion of the exit hibernate procedure.

943 Note:944 The exit hibernate procedure might have been requested by a peer Device as well as the DME. At

this point, the PA Layer and the Link are in the same state as before hibernation.

945 Behavioral Description

946 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 22 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_TEST_MODE.ind

947 This primitive reports the reception of a request to put the PA Layer in a given test mode.

948 The semantics of this primitive are:

949 PA_LM_TEST_MODE.ind( )

950 When Generated

951 The PA Layer shall generate this primitive when a PACP_TEST_MODE_req frame is received before thestart of Link Startup sequence.

952 Effect on Receipt

953 The DME is informed that the PA Layer has been set in the testing mode and shall inform the user of the DMEwith DME_TEST_MODE.ind primitive.

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954 Behavioral Description

955 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 90 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_TEST_MODE.req

956 Support for this primitive is optional. However, if an implementation supports this primitive, it shallimplement it as described in this section.

957 This primitive attempts to put the PA Layer of the peer Device to the test mode.

958 The semantics of this primitive are:

959 PA_LM_TEST_MODE.req( )

960 When Generated

961 This primitive is generated by the DME to request the PA Layer to set the PA Layer of the peer Device to agiven test mode. The primitive is only accepted before the start of Link Startup sequence.

962 Effect on Receipt

963 The PA Layer shall send the PACP_TEST_MODE_req frame.

964 The PA Layer responds with PA_LM_TEST_MODE.cnf_L to inform the completion of the request.

965 Behavioral Description

966 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 90 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_TEST_MODE.cnf_L

967 Support for this primitive is optional. However, if an implementation supports this primitive, it shallimplement it as described in this section.

968 This primitive reports the completion of a test mode request.

969 The semantics of this primitive are:

970 PA_LM_TEST_MODE.cnf_L( )

971 When Generated

972 The PA Layer shall generate this in response to a PA_LM_TEST_MODE.req from the DME, after havingsent the PACP_TEST_MODE_req frame.

973 Effect on Receipt

974 The DME is informed about the completion of the operation.

975 Behavioral Description

976 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 90 of [MIPI02]. PA_LM_PHY_RESET.ind

977 This primitive reports that the PHY was reset due to a received or generated LINE-RESET.

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978 The semantics of this primitive are:

979 PA_LM_PHY_RESET.ind( PHYDirection )

980 When Generated

981 The PA Layer shall generate this when it detects an incoming LINE-RESET or it drives an outgoing LINE-RESET. PHYDirection shall be set to TX when the PA Layer generates the LINE-RESET (i.e. M-TX isaffected), and to RX when the PA Layer receives the LINE-RESET (i.e. M-RX is affected).

982 Effect on Receipt

983 The DME is informed that the PHY has been reset and shall inform the user of the DME withDME_ERROR.ind primitive (see Section Since the PHY reset clears all Attributes to their defaultvalues, the user has to re-apply all custom settings.

984 Behavioral Description

985 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 42 of [MIPI02].

5.4.3 Status Primitives (PA D-PHY only)

986 The RXPWRSTATE and ERROR primitives are represented as indications. The primitives are prefixed by“PA_LM” for the PA Layer management SAP. The primitives are summarized in Table 12.

987 The parameters of these primitives are defined in Table 13 and Table 14. PA_LM_RXPWRSTATE.ind

988 This primitive reports the change of the power mode on the receive path (Reverse Link) of the UniPro stack.

Table 12 PA_LM_SAP Status Primitives

Name Request Indication Local Response Response Local

Confirm Confirm PA1

1. D = PA D-PHY supported, M = PA M-PHY supported.



Table 13 PA_LM_SAP Status Primitive Parameters

Name Type Valid Range Value Description

PhyErrorCode Integer 0 to 255 PAErrorCode (for D-PHY, see Table 20)

PWRState Enumeration


Available UniPro power states.





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989 The semantics of this primitive are:

990 PA_LM_RXPWRSTATE.ind( PWRState )

991 When Generated

992 This primitive shall be generated in the PA_LM to inform the DME of a power state change of the RX part ofthe PA Layer and PHY.

993 Effect on Receipt

994 The DME is informed to which power state the RX part of the PA Layer and PHY has changed. PA_LM_ERROR.ind

995 This primitive reports the occurrence of an error in the receive path.

996 The semantics of this primitive are:

997 PA_LM_ERROR.ind( PhyErrorCode )

998 The primitive parameter is defined in Table 13. Section 5.7.7 defines the mapping of PHY errors toPhyErrorCode values.

999 When Generated

1000 This primitive shall be generated in the PA_LM to inform the DME of an error event in the RX part of the PALayer and PHY.

1001 Effect on Receipt

1002 The DME is informed that a certain error event has occurred. This information may be stored in statistics ormay trigger user-defined events. Definition of the response to this primitive is beyond the scope of thisdocument.

5.5 Structure and Encoding of Protocol Data Units

1003 The PA Layer communicates with its peer PA Layer via PHY Adapter Protocol Data Units (PA_PDUs). Thereare two types of PA_PDUs, one for normal data and one for escaped data. These are defined in the followingsections.

1004 All PA_PDUs have a fixed length of 17-bits.

5.5.1 Data PA_PDU

1005 The Data PA_PDU carries DL Layer and PACP frame data symbols as payload. It can be initiated by aPA_DATA.req from the DL Layer, or autonomously by the PA Layer.

1006 This PDU has the structure shown in Figure 15.

Figure 15 Data PA_PDU

0 Data16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

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1007 The header bit (bit 16) is fixed to ‘0’ in this PDU. The remaining 16-bits carry the DL Layer or PACP framedata symbols in a way that bits [15:0] of the data symbol map directly to bits [15:0] of the Normal DataPA_PDU.

5.5.2 Escaped Data PA_PDU

1008 The Escaped Data PA_PDU carries escaped data as payload. It can be initiated by the DL Layer orautonomously by the PA Layer.

1009 Figure 16 shows the general structure of this PDU.

Figure 16 Escaped Data PA_PDU

1010 In the Escaped Data PA_PDU, the header bit (bit 16) is set to ‘1’. The payload of the Escaped Data PA_PDUis partitioned into the EscType field (bits [15:8]) and EscParam (bits [7:0]). The only valid values forEscType are ESC_DL and ESC_PA, as described in Section and Section, respectively.

1011 A transmitter shall not transmit an Escaped Data PA_PDU with EscType set to any value other than ESC_DLor ESC_PA. DL Escaped Data PA_PDU

1012 The DL Layer uses the PA_ESCDATA.req primitive to request the transmission of an Escaped DataPA_PDU. In this case, the PDU transports the primitive parameters EscType and EscParam over the Link.This information shall be passed to the peer DL Layer by a PA_ESCDATA.ind. Figure 17 shows the genericstructure of a DL Escaped Data PA_PDU.

Figure 17 DL Escaped Data PA_PDU

1013 UniPro defines only one EscType for the higher protocol layers, namely the ESC_DL.

1014 For the PA_PDU composition, the ESC_DL is encoded as ‘0b00000001’. Therefore, an Escaped DataPA_PDU that is initialized by the DL Layer with EscType=ESC_DL looks like in Figure 18. Note that theESC_DL encoding in the PA_PDU is different from the ESC_DL encoding for the physical layer, which isdescribed in Section 5.7.5 for D-PHY and in Section 5.8.3 for M-PHY.

Figure 18 DL Escaped Data PA_PDU with EscType=ESC_DL

1 EscType EscParam16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

1 ESC_DL EscParam_DL16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

1 016 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 EscParam_DL

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1015 An Escaped Data PA_PDU can also be generated by the PA Layer autonomously without request from the DLLayer. In this case it transports PA Layer control information to the peer PA Layer and the PDU is called ‘PAEscaped Data PA_PDU’. Its information shall not be passed to the peer DL Layer with a PA_ESCDATA.ind.

Figure 19 PA Escaped Data PA_PDU

1016 For PDU composition, the ESC_PA is encoded to ‘0b11111110’. Note that the ESC_PA encoding in thePA_PDU is different from the ESC_PA encoding for the physical layer, which is described in Section 5.7.5for D-PHY and in Section 5.8.3 for M-PHY.

1017 Receiving a PA Escaped Data PA_PDU shall be reported to L2 using the PA_ERROR.ind primitive withPAErrorCode set to BAD_PA_PARAM (see Section when any of the following conditions occur:

1018 • An ESC_PA symbol is received with an undefined value of EscParam_PA.1019 • An ESC_PA symbol is received that represents TRG_UPR1 or TRG_UPR2, but Link Startup in high-

speed mode is not supported (D-PHY only).

5.6 Protocol Features

1020 This section defines the generic PHY Adapter Layer protocol features such as Lane distribution. Theremaining PHY-specific protocol features are described in Section 5.7 and Section 5.8.

5.6.1 UniPro Link Management

1021 An available Lane is a Lane that is implemented in the PHY. A Lane can be either connected or unconnected,depending of the interconnection between the local PHY and the remote PHY. The connection state isautomatically discovered during the Link Startup Sequence. An active Lane is used for data transfers while aninactive or unused Lane is not. The number of active Lanes is set by PA_ActiveTxDataLanes andPA_ActiveRxDataLanes. Power Modes

1022 UniPro defines six power modes that are abstracted from the power modes provided by the underlying PHY.

1023 Each of the UniPro power modes Fast_Mode, Slow_Mode, Hibernate_Mode and Off_Mode map to exactlyone UniPro power state. Each of the UniPro power modes Fast_AutoMode and Slow_AutoMode map to twoUniPro power states, which can be switched autonomously.

1024 UniPro supports up to four PHY Data Lanes per direction in all modes. Unused Lanes shall be kept inHIBERNATE_STATE. Unconnected Lanes shall be kept in OFF_STATE.

1025 Table 14 summarizes the different UniPro power modes, their properties and their mapping to UniPro powerstates.

116 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

ESC_PA EscParam_PA

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1026 A UniPro power mode is assigned per Link direction, thus the power mode of the forward Link may bedifferent from the power mode of the reverse Link. Note that all active Lanes per direction shall have thesame power configuration. In D-PHY, a UniPro stack is able to set only the power mode of its forward Link,while its reverse Link is set by the remote UniPro. This process is described in Section 5.7.1. In M-PHY, aUniPro stack is able to set the power mode of its forward and reverse Links via the Link ConfigurationProcedure described in Section 5.8.12.

Table 14 UniPro Power Modes

Power Mode Description Power State


The Fast_Mode is capable of the highest data transmission rate of all power modes. The Link is always ready to send and receive data while providing a well-defined latency, which is the lowest of any UniPro power modes. The actual data rate per Data Lane in the Fast_Mode is PHY-specific.



The Slow_Mode is also capable of transmitting data. It should be less than, or equal to, the data rate in Fast_Mode and consume less, or equal, power. The provided latency is well-defined but may be higher than in the Fast_Mode. The actual data rate in the Slow_Mode is PHY-specific.



The FastAuto_Mode allows the UniPro stack to autonomously switch between the FAST_STATE and the SLEEP_STATE, depending whether or not the DL Layer has data to send. By switching between states, the FastAuto_Mode might save power compared to the Fast_Mode, but at the cost of a possibly less well-defined latency. UniPro does not dictate a certain method for the autonomous switching. In any case, a PA Layer shall be able to transmit DL Layer data when in FastAuto_Mode.



The SlowAuto_Mode allows the UniPro stack to autonomously switch between the SLOW_STATE and the SLEEP_STATE, depending on whether or not the DL Layer has data to send. By switching between states, the SlowAuto_Mode might save power compared to the Slow_Mode, but at the cost of a possibly less well-defined latency. UniPro does not dictate a certain method for the autonomous switching. In case a UniPro stack does not provide any method for autonomous switching, its SlowAuto_Mode shall be strictly mapped to the SLOW_STATE. In any case, a PA Layer shall be able to transmit DL Layer data when in SlowAuto_Mode.



The Hibernate_Mode is a low power mode in which no data transmission is possible. There may be a long latency returning from this mode to one of the other modes. The Hibernate_Mode should consume less power than any of the other modes in this table, except Off_Mode.


Off_ModeThe Off_Mode prepares for the removal of power. When a Device is ready to have its power removed it enters the OFF_STATE.


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5.6.2 Lane Distribution and Merging

1027 UniPro allows transmitting data over multiple PHY Data Lanes, when the bandwidth of a single Lane is notsufficient. The PHY Adapter Layer distributes the transmitted data over multiple PHY Data Lanes on thesending side and merges the data again on the receiving side.

1028 Figure 20 shows the single Data Lane case. In terms of Lane distribution this is the trivial case; the PHYAdapter Protocol Data Units (PA_PDUs) are just sent in order over the only existing PHY Data Lane (PHYData Lane 0). In the following figures, PA_PDU #0 is the earliest generated PDU.

1029 When multiple Lanes are used, PA symbols shall be transmitted in order, starting from Lane 0 through Lane(PA_ActiveTxDataLanes – 1). Similarly, PA symbols shall be received in order starting from Lane 0 throughLane (PA_ActiveRxDataLanes – 1). When a single Lane is used, Lane 0 shall be used to transmit and receivePA symbols. Note that a L2 Frame may begin from any active Lane N given that Lanes 0 through Lane N-1contain data and the Lane distribution order is followed.

Figure 20 PHY Adapter PDU Ordering in a Single Lane Configuration

1030 Figure 21 defines the PHY Adapter Layer PDU ordering for two Data Lanes. The diagram shows that thePDU #0 and PDU #1 are transferred simultaneously on the two Data Lanes.

Figure 21 PHY Adapter PDU Ordering in a Dual Lane Configuration

1031 Figure 22 defines the PDU ordering for a three Data Lane configuration. Here, the PDU #0, PDU #1 and PDU#2 are transferred simultaneously on the three Data Lanes.

Figure 22 PHY Adapter PDU Ordering in a Three Lane Configuration

1032 The PDU ordering for a four Data Lane configuration is depicted in Figure 23. Here, the PDU #0, PDU #1,PDU #2 and PDU #3 are transferred simultaneously on the four Data Lanes.




Lane 0

Lane 1



Lane 0

Lane 1


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Figure 23 PHY Adapter PDU Ordering in a Four Lane Configuration

1033 The described Lane distribution scheme is independent of the actual PHY type. The mapping of PHYAdapter PDUs to PHY bits is defined in Section 5.7.5 for D-PHY and in Section 5.8.3 for M-PHY.

5.6.3 Link Startup Sequence

1034 The Link Startup sequence is a multiphase handshake, which exchanges UniPro trigger events to establishinitial Link communication, in both directions, between two directly attached UniPro Devices. Mapping ofthe UniPro trigger events to D-PHY and M-PHY trigger events is defined in Section 5.7.8 and Section 5.8.6,respectively.

1035 Link Startup shall be initiated by the DME using the PA_LM_LINKSTARTUP.req primitive. The LinkStartup sequence may be initiated at the same time on both ends of the Link or at different times. The UniProstack shall not autonomously generate a Link Startup as part of DL Layer error recovery.

1036 The Link Startup sequence is protected with a timeout mechanism. If the sequence is not completed within aspeci f ied t ime (PHY-speci f ic ) , the sequence i s abor ted and the DME is not i f ied wi th aPA_LM_LINKSTARTUP.cnf_L primitive having the status parameter set to FALSE (failed). A succesfulstartup is indicated with the status parameter set to TRUE (succeeded). Phases of the Link Startup Sequence

1037 Both ends of a Link may enter the Link Startup sequence at the same time. Alternatively, one end may start aLink Startup and the other end may detect this, reset itself and then enter into Link Startup.

1038 Table 15 defines the five phases of the Link Startup sequence. When the PA Layer receives thePA_LM_LINKSTARTUP.req primitive from the DME, it shall enter the sequence at phase 0 for M-PHY andphase 1 for D-PHY, respectively. When the PA Layer finalizes the Link Startup sequence in phase 5, it shallconfirm this to the DME with the PA_LM_LINKSTARTUP.cnf_L primitive.

1039 The Link Startup procedure is very robust. It uses robust PHY trigger events and transmits each triggermultiple times. If a Link Startup fails continuously it probably indicates that the peer Device is not present,n o t p o w e r e d , o r h a s s o m e f a t a l e r r o r. T h e f a i l u r e i s r e p o r t e d t o t h e D M E w i t h aPA_LM_LINKSTARTUP.cnf_L primitive with the parameter set to FALSE.

1040 Each endpoint or switch application shall incorporate a timeout to know when it is appropriate to abort theattempt to startup a Link. This time is system dependant.






Lane 0

Lane 1



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1041 A UniPro Link Startup sequence shall be aborted by either of the following conditions:

1042 • Application setting power mode to Hibernate_Mode or Off_Mode1043 • Assertion of UniPro Cold Reset or UniPro Warm Reset

5.7 PHY Adapter to D-PHY Interaction

1044 This section defines the interaction between the PHY Adapter and a D-PHY physical layer [MIPI01].

1045 This specification mandates 8b9b encoding as described in Annex C of [MIPI01] for implementations thatuse D-PHY. This specification also mandates D-PHY detect and flag non-existing 9b code words. 8b9bencoding is necessary to map a UniPro PA_PDU to a D-PHY symbol. For simplicity, a D-PHY with 8b9b linecoding is referred to as an ‘Encoded D-PHY’ in the following sections.

Table 15 Link Startup Sequence

PhasePA Transmitter PA Receiver



Non supported

Continue to send TRG_UPR0 (all Lanes).

Non supported

Wait for TRG_UPR0 reception. Lane discovery (see Section

0bSend two additional TRG_UPR0 (all Lanes).

Ignore all data.

1Continue to send TRG_UPR1 on PHY TX Data Lane 0.

Continue to send TRG_UPR1

Wait for TRG_UPR1 reception on PHY RX Data Lane 0.• TRG_UPR1 (Phase

2)• Others (ignore)

Wait for TRG_UPR1 reception on all Lanes. Re-align Lane numbering (Section


Send two additional TRG_UPR1 on PHY TX Data Lane 0. Then proceed with phase 3.

Send two additional TRG_UPR1. Then proceed with phase 3.

Ignore all data.

3Continue to send TRG_UPR2 on PHY TX Data Lane 0.

Continue to send TRG_UPR2 on all Lanes

Wait for TRG_UPR2 reception on PHY RX Data Lane 0. • TRG_UPR1 (ignored)• Others (D-PHY: Phase 1, M-PHY: ignored)• TRG_UPR2 (Phase 4)


Send two additional TRG_UPR2 on PHY TX Data Lane 0. Then proceed with Phase 5.

Send two additional TRG_UPR2 on all Lanes. Then proceed with Phase 5.

Ignore all data.


Report to the DME using PA_LM_LINKSTARTUP.cnf_L that the Link Startup sequence succeeded. Exit the Link Startup sequence and enter SlowAuto_Mode.

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5.7.1 Power Mode Change Procedure

1046 The power mode of a Link can be changed by assigning a new power mode to the transmitting Device. Thismight lead to a new power state. For example, changing from the Fast_Mode to the FastAuto_Mode mightstill keep the FAST_STATE on the Link.

1047 If there is a change in the power state, the attached receiving UniPro Device will recognize it and adapt to it.In addition, the receiving UniPro Device generates a PA_LM_RXPWRSTATE.ind to its DME to indicate thata power state change has occurred.

1048 A UniPro power mode change shall be initiated by setting the mode value in PA_TxPWRMode of thePA_MIB via the PA_LM_SET.req primitive. After requesting the new UniPro power mode, a PHY-dependant process is performed to reach the mode. Finally, the PA Layer shall use the PA_LM_SET.cnf_Lprimitive to confirm that the mode has been reached. This procedure is depicted in Figure 24.

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Figure 24 Power Mode Change Procedure for D-PHY

PA_LM_SET.req (PA_TxPWRMode, PWRMode)

PWRMode = Fast_Mode

PWRMode = FastAuto_Mode

PWRMode = Slow_Mode

PWRMode = SlowAuto_Mode














PWRMode = Hibernate_Mode HIBERNATE


PWRMode = Off_Mode OFF














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1049 In the case of a Link with multiple Data Lanes, the following rules shall apply:

1050 • In the FAST_STATE of the Fast_Mode or FastAuto_Mode, a Device may use multiple Data Lanes totransmit data as defined by PA_ActiveTxDataLanes. When a transmitter enters and exits theFAST_STATE, all active Data Lanes shall enter and exit the HS state in the same bit-clock cycle at aPA_PDU symbol boundary.

1051 • In the SLOW_STATE of the Slow_Mode or SlowAuto_Mode, a UniPro Device shall use Data Lane 0.Data Lane 1 up to Data Lane (PA_ActiveTXDataLanes-1) shall be in SLEEP_STATE.

1052 • When a transmitter enters and exits HIBERNATE_STATE, all active and inactive Data Lanes shall enterand exit the ULPS state in the same bit-clock cycle at a PA_PDU symbol boundary.

1053 • When a transmitter enters the OFF_STATE, all active and inactive Data Lanes shall be shutdown in thesame bit-clock cycle at a PA_PDU symbol boundary.

1054 • An inactive Data Lane may be placed in any mode, including Hibernate_Mode and Off_Mode.

5.7.2 Lane Number Change Procedure

1055 A Device can use between one and four PHY Data Lanes (PHY Data Lane 0 to 3) per direction in theFAST_STATE. The actual number of available Data Lanes of a Device is implementation-specific and can beless than four. Note that Clock Lanes are not included in the Data Lane count.

1056 The number of active Data Lanes shall be controlled by setting the appropriate value inPA_ActiveTxDataLanes and PA_ActiveRxDataLanes of the PA_MIB via the PA_LM_SET.req primitive.The PA Layer shall use the PA_LM_SET.cnf_L primitive to confirm the change.

1057 UniPro shall use Data Lane 0 up to Data Lane (PA_ActiveTxLanes-1) and Data Lane (PA_ActiveRxLanes-1)as active Lanes at the TX and RX sides, respectively.

1058 The following sequence shall be used to change the number of Data Lanes during run-time:

1059 • Enter UniPro Slow_Mode or SlowAuto_Mode to ensure that the Link remains operational. InSlow_Mode or SlowAuto_Mode only PHY Data Lane 0 will be used.

1060 • Change the number of TX Data Lanes on the near end of the Link and the number of RX Data Lanes onthe remote end of the Link to the same value. Note that the current version of UniPro does not define aspecific method to communicate the number of Data Lanes to the remote end.

1061 • Enter UniPro Fast_Mode or FastAuto_Mode. The new number of Data Lanes will be active.

1062 Attempts to set PA_ActiveTxDataLanes, PA_ActiveRxDataLanes shall returnLOCKED_MIB_ATTRIBUTE when L1.5 is not in Slow_Mode or SlowAuto_Mode.

1063 Note that this procedure does not describe any potential updates of Data Link Layer parameters which mightbe associated with the changed number of Data Lanes.

5.7.3 PHY States with Data Transmission

1064 A PHY is said to have a state with interruptible data transmission when the PHY allows data transmission tobe temporarily stopped, i.e. does not request valid data on each clock cycle. Both UniPro data transmissionstates, FAST_STATE and SLOW_STATE, have an interruptible data transmission.

1065 In case the underlying PHY is in a state with interruptible data transmission, and either the DL Layer has novalid data to send or there is a request to change the power state to SLEEP_STATE, the transmitter PHYAdapter shall ensure that, from the last data transmission, the PHY byte clock is kept active without data(PHY IDLE symbols are introduced) for the number of cycles indicated by PA_TxTrailingClocks beforepausing the Link. The additional clock cycles are required to clean the data pipeline prior to pausing datatransmission or changing the power state.

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1066 The number of additional PHY byte clock cycles depends on the implementation, e.g. number of pipelinestages, of the receiving Device.

5.7.4 Link Startup Sequence

1067 UniPro trigger events should map to special low-speed PHY events (Escape mode events for D-PHY).However, to simplify support for FPGA-based endpoints, e.g. in debugging equipment, a special option maybe used, in which the direction towards the FPGA of the Link Startup sequence is executed in high speed datatransmission mode.

1068 The way the transmitter performs the Link Startup sequence depends on PA_TxLinkStartupHS. IfPA_TxLinkStartupHS equals FALSE or if the Attribute is not present, the Link Startup sequence shall use thelow-speed (normal) UniPro trigger events. If PA_TxLinkStartupHS equals TRUE, the Link Startup sequenceshall use the high-speed UniPro trigger events. Link Startup Scenarios (informative)

1069 Two different scenarios are possible during the Link Startup sequence, one end of the Link initiates the LinkStartup sequence or both ends initiate the Link Startup sequence at approximately the same time.

1070 In the first scenario, shown in Figure 25, one end of a Link (Node A) initiates the Link Startup sequence toestablish communication with the remote end of the Link (Node B).

1071 The Link Startup sequence is initiated when the PA Layer of Node A gets a PA_LM_LINKSTARTUP.reqprimitive from its DME. Node A enters Phase 1 of the Link Startup sequence where its PA Layercontinuously sends TRG_UPR1 events until it receives a TRG_UPR1 event from Node B. All other datareceived by Node A is ignored. When Node B receives the TRG_UPR1 event, it notifies its DME with aPA_LM_LINKSTARTUP.ind primitive. The DME resets Node B which initiates the Link Startup Sequenceon Node B (see Section 9.5.3). Node B enters Phase 1 of the Link Startup sequence and begins sendingTRG_UPR1 events. The time Node A waits for a response from Node B before abandoning the Link Startupsequence is undefined.

1072 When Node A receives the TRG_UPR1 event from Node B, it enters Phase 2 of the Link Startup sequenceand sends two additional TRG_UPR1 events. Node A ignores any other incoming data during Phase 2. Aftersending the additional TRG_UPR1 events, Node A enters Phase 3 of the Link Startup sequence.

1073 During Phase 3, Node A sends TRG_UPR2 events until it receives a TRG_UPR2 event from Node B. Anyincoming TRG_UPR1 event is ignored. However, if Node A receives any other data while waiting for theTRG_UPR2 event, it restarts the Link Startup sequence with Phase 1.

1074 Once Node A receives a TRG_UPR2 event from Node B it enters Phase 4, sends two more TRG_UPR2events and enters Phase 5 where it reports to its DME using PA_LM_LINKSTARTUP.cnf_L that the LinkStartup sequence succeeded, and enters SlowAuto_Mode.

1075 Node B performs the same sequence as Node A.

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Figure 25 Link Startup Sequence Example with One Node Initiating the Sequence (D-PHY only)











DME PA Layer DMEPA Layer










Node A Node B














n Link Startup Phase

Single trigger event

RX event that initiates a change in phase





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1076 In the second scenario, shown in Figure 26, both ends of the Link (nodes) start the Link Startup sequencesimultaneously. In this scenario, both nodes receive the PA_LM_LINKSTARTUP.req primitive from theirrespective DMEs at approximately the same time and enter Phase 1. Both nodes start sending TRG_UPR1events while waiting to receive TRG_UPR1 events from the other node. All other data is ignored by bothnodes. After receiving a TRG_UPR1 event, each node enters Phase 2 of the Link Startup sequence and sendstwo additional TRG_UPR1 events before moving to Phase 3.

1077 Both nodes continue through the Link Startup sequence.

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Figure 26 Link Startup Sequence Example with Both Nodes Initiating the Sequence (D-PHY only)










DME PA Layer DMEPA Layer









Node A Node B













n Link Startup Phase

Single trigger event

RX event that initiates a change in phase




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5.7.5 Symbol Mapping

1078 The Encoded D-PHY encodes 8b words into 9b words, offering in addition four ‘Type A’ comma codes, two‘Type B’ comma codes and sixteen ‘Regular Exception Codes’.

1079 Some of the Type A comma codes are used for PHY purposes and one is assigned to protocol usage; the TypeB comma codes are currently reserved. UniPro utilizes the regular exception codes and the Type A commacode assigned to protocol usage for the encoding of Escaped Data PA_PDUs.

1080 Two different symbol mappings are defined to provide compatibility for all versions of UniPro. The value ofPA_LegacyDPHYEscDL defines which mapping is used for t ransmission. If the value ofPA_LegacyDPHYEscDL is TRUE, the symbol mapping is compatible with UniPro v1.00.00. If the value ofPA_LegacyDPHYEscDL is FALSE, the symbol mapping is not compatible with UniPro v1.00.00, but makesbetter use of the encoding provided by the Encoded D-PHY.

1081 As shown in Figure 27, each PA_PDU is translated to exactly two Encoded D-PHY 9b symbols.

Figure 27 Encoded D-PHY Symbol Mapping

1082 The content of the PA_PDU [16:8] bits shall be mapped to the first symbol (High Symbol); the content of thePA_PDU [7:0] bits shall be mapped to the second symbol (Low Symbol). The High Symbol is transmittedfirst over the Link. Within each symbol, the B1 bit shall be transmitted first and the X2 bit shall be transmittedlast.

1083 The mapping of PA_PDU content to the Encoded D-PHY Low symbol is defined in Table 16. ThePA_PDU[7:0] bits shall map linearly to the input of the Encoded D-PHY encoder, with PA_PDU[7] as mostsignificant bit and PA_PDU[0] as least significant bit.

1084 The mapping of PA_PDU content to the Encoded D-PHY High symbol is defined in Table 17. WhenPA_PDU [16] is ‘0’, the PA_PDU [15:8] bits shall map linearly to the input of the Encoded D-PHY encoder,with PA_PDU bit 15 as the most significant bit and PA_PDU bit 8 as the least significant bit. When PA_PDUbit 16 is ‘1’, the mapping is controlled by the value of PA_LegacyDPHYEscDL and the resulting Encoded DPHY High symbol shall be the Type A comma code for protocol usage or a regular exception code, as definedin Table 17.

Table 16 Encoded D-PHY Low Symbol Mapping

PA_PDU[7:0] Encoded D-PHY Symbol

0 to 255 D000 to D255

D-PHY Symbol #0 D-PHY Symbol #1


16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Y4Y3B3B2Y2Y1X1B1 X2 Y4Y3B3B2Y2Y1X1B1 X2

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1085 Table 18 shows examples for the symbol mapping of various PA_PDU types when PA_LegacyDPHYEscDLis FALSE. The first example represents normal DL data symbol, and the second a DL escaped data symbol(‘SOF TC1’).

1086 The 8b9b coding enables the detection of invalid 9-bit D-PHY symbols and valid 9-bit D-PHY symbols thatare undefined at the receiver.

1087 An Encoded D-PHY 9-bit symbol that is not a valid data or escape code is called an invalid symbol. AnEncoded D-PHY 9-bit symbol that is a valid 9-bit code, but not one of D000-D255, C400, C417 or C600, iscalled an undefined symbol.

1088 When received, a C417 or a C600 9-bit symbol for PA_PDU[15:8] shall be mapped to ESC_DL.

1089 If an invalid or undefined symbol is received, it shall be flagged to the DL Layer using the PA_ERROR.indprimitive, with PAErrorCode set to BAD_PHY_SYMBOL or UNMAPPED_PHY_ESC_SYMBOL,respectively. A PA_PDU containing invalid or undefined 9-bit symbols shall be discarded by the PA Layerand shall not be passed to the DL Layer.

1090 Receiving a C400, C417 or C600 9-bit symbol for PA_PDU[7:0] shall be flagged to the DL Layer as an errorusing the PA_ERROR.ind primitive with PAErrorCode set to UNEXPECTED_PHY_ESC_SYMBOL. APA_PDU containing a C400, C417 or C600 9-bit symbol for PA_PDU[7:0] shall be discarded by the PALayer and shall not be passed to the DL Layer.

5.7.6 Power State Mapping

1091 The mapping between UniPro and D-PHY power states is defined in Table 19.

Table 17 Encoded D-PHY High Symbol Mapping

PA_PDU[16] PA_PDU[15:8] Encoded D-PHY Symbol PA_LegacyDPHYEscDL

0 0 to 255 D000 to D255 N/A





Table 18 Encoded D-PHY Symbol Mapping Example (informative)

PA_PDU Type PA_PDU[16] PA_PDU[15:8] PA_PDU[7:0]Encoded

D-PHY High Symbol

Encoded D-PHY Low


Data 0 0b1111 1110 0b0000 0001 D254 D001

DL Escaped Data 1 0b0000 0001 0b0000 1000 C600 D008

Table 19 UniPro Power State to D-PHY State Mapping

UniPro Power State D-PHY State D-PHY Clock Lane State(PA_TxForceClock = FALSE)


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1092 These definitions apply to D-PHY Data Lanes. The status of the Clock Lane depends on PA_TxForceClock(see Table 36). When PA_TxForceClock equals TRUE, the transmit Clock Lane shall run in the HS mode,independent of the actual UniPro power mode. When PA_TxForceClock equals FALSE, the transmit ClockLane shall run in the actual UniPro power mode. In both cases, the definitions of Section 5.6.1 and those of[MIPI01] shall remain the same.

1093 In the UniPro FAST_STATE, the D-PHY shall perform high speed data transmission (HS) on all activatedPHY Data Lanes. As UniPro requires an encoded D-PHY, the D-PHY HS state has an interruptible datatransmission. When a UniPro stack stops data transmission when D-PHY is in the HS state, the D-PHYinserts PHY IDLE symbols. As a result, for D-PHY, data transmission is interruptible in the FAST_STATE.

1094 In the UniPro SLOW_STATE, the D-PHY shall perform low power data transmission (LPDT) on PHY DataLane 0 only. In this state, no additional PHY Data Lanes shall be used for data transmission. For D-PHY, datatransmission is interruptible in the SLOW_STATE.

5.7.7 Error Mapping

1095 Table 20 shows the mapping of D-PHY errors to corresponding PhyErrorCode values.

1096 All D-PHY error events should be indicated to the DME with the PA_LM_ERROR.ind primitive. The errorevents are identified by their PhyErrorCode value.

5.7.8 Trigger Event Mapping

1097 A UniPro trigger event shall be transmitted and received via PHY Data Lane 0.

1098 The low-speed (normal) and high-speed UniPro trigger (FPGA support for debugging) event mapping isdescribed in Section and Section, respectively.

1099 Note that for a Device connected to an FPGA, the two directions of a Link have independent power modes.Thus, triggers sent to an FPGA may need to be sent in high-speed mode, while triggers sent in the returndirection may be sent in the default low-speed mode.




OFF_STATE Shutdown Shutdown

Table 20 D-PHY to UniPro Error Mapping

D-PHY Error PPI Signal (informative) PhyErrorCode

SoT Sync Error ErrSotSyncHS 0

SoT Error ErrSotHS 1

Escape Mode Entry Command Error ErrEsc 3

LP Transmission Sync Error ErrSyncEsc 4

False Control Error ErrControl 5

Table 19 UniPro Power State to D-PHY State Mapping (continued)

UniPro Power State D-PHY State D-PHY Clock Lane State(PA_TxForceClock = FALSE)

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1100 Low-speed UniPro triggers shall be transferred via D-PHY using the mapping in Table 21. During a LinkStartup sequence using low-speed UniPro triggers, the transmitter shall not perform high-speed datatransmission between the first TRG_UPR1 and the last TRG_UPR2.

1101 A low-speed UniPro trigger is mapped to a single D-PHY trigger event preceded by the STOP state for aspecific duration. For the TRG_UPR2 and TRG_EPR events, this duration should be as short as the PHYimplementation allows while complying with [MIPI01].

1102 For the TRG_UPR1 event, the duration of the preceding STOP state shall be TINIT, MASTER as defined inTable 23. This is to ensure the minimum STOP state duration seen by the attached receiver, as defined in[MIPI01]. High-speed Triggers

1103 Table 22 defines how UniPro trigger events are mapped in the high-speed Link Startup mode.

1104 High-speed UniPro triggers shall be transferred via D-PHY using the mapping in Table 22. High-speedmapping should only be used if the transmitter is known to be attached to a Device with a receiver that isincapable of supporting the low-speed triggers.

1105 Note that EndPointReset is not supported when high-speed triggers are used.

5.7.9 (Re-)Initialization

1106 The PA_INIT.req primitive shall cause the D-PHY transmit Data Lanes to transition from their currentoriginal state to the STOP state and back to the original state. If the original state is interruptible, the PA Layerensures that at least PA_TxTrailingClocks clocks where driven since the last data transmission prior to thetransition to the STOP state as defined in Section 5.6.2. The time spent in the STOP state should be as short aspractical. When the original state is reached again, this shall be indicated by the PA Layer to the DL Layerwith the PA_INIT.cnf_L primitive.

5.7.10 Actions Performed during Reset

1107 After receiving the PA_LM_RESET.req primitive, the PA Layer shall reset all of the TX D-PHY Lanes.

Table 21 Low-speed Trigger Event to D-PHY Mapping

UniPro Trigger Mapping to D-PHY

TRG_UPR1 STOP state for duration of TINIT, MASTER followed by ‘Unknown-4’ trigger

TRG_UPR2 STOP state followed by ‘Unknown-5’ trigger

TRG_EPR STOP state followed by “Remote Application Reset” trigger

Table 22 High-speed Trigger Event to D-PHY Mapping

UniPro Trigger Mapping to PA Symbol

TRG_UPR1 ESC_PA symbol with EscParam_PA set to ‘0b01101111’

TRG_UPR2 ESC_PA symbol with EscParam_PA set to ‘0b01110100’

TRG_EPR Not supported

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1108 The PHY shall initialize as defined in the “Initialization” section of the D-PHY specification [MIPI01]. Therespective TINIT,MASTER and TINIT,SLAVE timings are defined in Table 23.

1109 After PHY initialization, its transmitter shall be either in the STOP or LPDT mode which is according to theUniPro SlowAuto_Mode.

5.7.11 Physical Layer Requirements

1110 The D-PHY specification allows a number of different configurations. Some features are optional, whileothers are mandatory. UniPro reduces the possible configurations by only using certain optional features andby restricting the physical timing margins. General Requirements

1111 Implementations that use D-PHY shall use 8b9b encoding as described in Annex C of [MIPI01]. In addition,D-PHY shall detect and flag non-existing 9b code words.

1112 The D-PHY shall provide for the transmit path (see [MIPI01] for reference):

1113 • One TX Clock Lane: CIL-MCNN1114 • One to four TX Data Lanes1115 • TX Data Lane 0 shall provide LPDT and triggers: CIL-MFAN1116 • TX Data Lanes 1 to 3 need not to provide LPDT and triggers: CIL-MFEN

1117 The D-PHY shall provide the following Lane types for the receive path, see [MIPI01]:

1118 • One RX Clock Lane: CIL-SCNN1119 • One to four RX Data Lanes1120 • RX Data Lane 0 shall provide LPDT and triggers: CIL-SFAN1121 • RX Data Lanes 1 to 3 need not to provide LPDT and triggers: CIL-SFEN

1122 UniPro mandates one or more unidirectional Data Lanes per direction; bidirectional Lanes are not supported.A D-PHY Data Lane with bidirectional capability (supports turn-around requests) is used by a UniPro stackas a unidirectional Lane.

1123 Note that the general requirements for the D-PHY transmitter and receiver apply to UniPro Devices using theNormal D-PHY Link Startup (see Section 5.6.3). The UniPro specification, however, also has an optionalLink Startup in High-speed Mode (see Section to enable FPGA-based Devices that do not contain afull D-PHY implementation. In such a UniPro Device, e.g. FPGA-based debugging equipment, the LPDTmode requirement does not apply. D-PHY Timing Requirements

1124 UniPro requires from a D-PHY instance to fulfill the timing requirements in Table 23.

Table 23 Global Operation Timing Parameters

Parameter Description Min Typ Max Unit Notes


Time to drive HS-0 before the sync sequence 145 + 10*UI 145 + 20*UI ns

THS-EXITTime to drive LP-11 after HS burst 100 100 + 10*UI ns Max allowed


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TWAKEUPRecovery time from ultra-low power mode 1 ms


Time that the transmitter shall continue sending HS clock after the last associated Data Lane has transitioned to LP mode

60 + 52*UI 60 + 62*UI ns


TCLK-PREPARE + time for lead HS-0 drive period before starting clock

300 300 + 10*UI ns


Minimum time that the HS clock must be set prior to any associated Data Lane beginning the transmission from LP to HS mode

8 UI Max allowed min


Time to drive HS differential state after last payload clock bit of a HS transmission burst

60 60 + 10*UI ns

TINIT,MASTERTX shall drive STOP state for at least this period during reset 200 μs


After POR, D-PHY RX shall be initialized when it has seen STOP state for at least this period

100 125 150 μs

Table 23 Global Operation Timing Parameters (continued)

Parameter Description Min Typ Max Unit Notes

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5.8 PHY Adapter to M-PHY Interaction

1125 This section defines the interaction between the PHY Adapter and an M-PHY physical layer [MIPI05]. AnM-PHY transmitter and an M-PHY receiver are called M-TX and M-RX, respectively.

1126 The M-PHY primitives and Attributes referred in this section are defined in [MIPI05].

5.8.1 Data Transmission

1127 An M-TX is capable of transmitting 8-bit data symbols and a few control symbols. A UniPro stack shall usethe following M-PHY control symbols: MK0, MK1, MK2, FILLER.

1128 PA TX uses the following M-PHY M-TX-DATA primitives to transmit M-PHY symbols and to control theLink’s state:

1129 • M-LANE-SYMBOL1130 • M-LANE-PREPARE1131 • M-LANE-BurstEnd1132 • M-LANE-SaveState

1133 PA RX uses the following M-PHY M-RX-DATA SAP primitives to receive M-PHY symbols, to detecterrors, and to detect changes in the Link’s state:

1134 • M-LANE-SYMBOL1135 • M-LANE-PREPARE1136 • M-LANE-BurstEnd1137 • M-LANE-HIBERN8Exit

5.8.2 PHY Control and Attributes

1138 Each M-TX and M-RX has a separate set of Attributes as defined in [MIPI05]. These Attributes are accessedusing the following M-PHY M-TX-CTRL-SAP and M-RX-CTRL-SAP primitives:


1141 In addition, the following M-PHY primitives are also used for controlling and for monitoring the PHY:


1146 The PA Layer shall provide an access to all local M-PHY MODULE Attributes via the PA_LM_GET.req andPA_LM_SET.req primitives. The peer M-PHY MODULE Attributes are accessible via thePA_LM_PEER_GET.req and PA_LM_PEER_SET.req primitives. The M-PHY Attributes (0x00 to 0xFF, see[MIPI05]) are linearly mapped to UniPro Attributes 0x0000 to 0x00FF. For example, M-PHY’sTX_Amplitude Attribute (0x25) can be accessed using UniPro Attribute ID 0x0025. A particular M-TX orM-RX is identified using a selector where the values 0 to 3 are mapped to TX logical Lanes 0 to 3 and thevalues 4 to 7 are mapped to RX logical Lanes 0 to 3.

1147 The following Attributes are write-protected due to their critical nature in the PA Layer’s power modecontrol:

1148 • TX_MODE1149 • TX_PWMGEAR

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1150 • TX_HSGEAR1151 • TX_HSRATE_Series1152 • TX_HIBERN8_Control1153 • TX_LCC_Sequencer1154 • TX_HS_Unterminated_LINE_Drive_Enable1155 • MC_HS_Unterminated_LINE_Drive_Enable1156 • MC_HS_Unterminated_Enable1157 • TX_LS_Terminated_LINE_Drive_Enable1158 • MC_LS_Terminated_LINE_Drive_Enable1159 • MC_LS_Terminated_Enable1160 • RX_MODE1161 • RX_PWMGEAR1162 • RX_HSGEAR1163 • RX_HSRATE_Series1164 • RX_Enter_HIBERN81165 • RX_HS_Unterminated_Enable1166 • RX_LS_Terminated_Enable

1167 Trying to set these Attributes shall be rejected with a READ_ONLY_MIB_ATTRIBUTE error. An access toan Attribute of an unavailable Lane shall be rejected with a BAD_INDEX error. LINE-RESET

1168 The PA Layer issues a LINE-RESET to PHY in three cases: 1) at the beginning of the Link Startup sequence,2) at the recovery step in the power mode change operation, 3) on a request from the DL with a PA_INIT.reqprimitive. The LINE-RESET shall be issued on all available Lanes.

1169 The PA Layer shall indicate to the DME via a PA_LM_PHY_RESET.ind primitive if the PHY has been resetdue to a received LINE-RESET or due to a transmitted LINE-RESET. Since LINE-RESET causes PHY toreset all its Attributes to their default values, the Application needs to SET the optimized values after eachreset.

5.8.3 Symbol Mapping

1170 Each PA_PDU is translated to exactly two M-PHY symbols. The formed M-PHY symbol pair is shown usingthe notation <high, low>. The “high” symbol shall be transmitted before the “low” symbol. For data symbols,PA_PDU[15:8] and PA_PDU[7:0], the highest numbered bit is the most significant bit, and the lowestnumbered bit is the least significant bit.

1171 • A data PA_PDU is mapped to <PA_PDU[15:8], PA_PDU[7:0]>.1172 • A DL escaped PA_PDU is mapped to <MK0, PA_PDU[7:0]>.1173 • A PA escaped PA_PDU is mapped to <MK1, PA_PDU[7:0]>.

1174 If the PA Layer does not have anything to transmit, and the burst is active, the PA Layer shall transmit<FILLER, FILLER> in order to guarantee PA symbol alignment. In other words, the 2-symbol alignment isfollowed throughout the burst, including any idle periods. The receiver at the PA Layer removes the FILLERsautomatically.

1175 An M-PHY burst shall begin by transmitting a deskew pattern <MK0, MK1>, in which MK0 functions as anM-PHY Start of Burst marker. The deskew pattern is also used when resynchronizing Lanes (seeSection 5.8.10). The deskew pattern shall be transmitted simultaneously on all active Lanes. The deskewpattern may be transmitted at any point in time.

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5.8.4 Power State Mapping

1176 The mapping between UniPro power state and M-PHY power states is defined in Table 24.

1177 A UniPro Link may use any number of Lanes in SLOW_STATE and FAST_STATE.

1178 When ending a burst, PA Layer TX shall perform the following steps on all active Lanes (see Figure 28 for anexample):

1179 1. Transmit a MK2 symbol, i.e. an M-PHY End-of-Burst marker

1180 2. Transmit FILLER symbols (FLR) for the period of PA_TxTrailingClocks

1181 3. Issue a M-LANE-BurstEnd.req

Figure 28 End of Burst Sequence with PA_TxTrailingClocks = 3, PA_ActiveTxDataLanes = 2, and Odd Number of PA_PDUs (informative)

1182 After the end of the burst, PA Layer TX guarantees a minimum re-configuration time for the M-PHY beforebeginning a new burst. The minimum time values are obtained in Link Startup sequence (see Section cover both the local M-TX and the peer M-RX. The time is counted from the reception of a M-LANE-SaveState.ind primitive. The following three cases shall be detected:

1183 1. HS burst ending with no configuration applied: wait for PA_StallNoConfigTime

1184 2. PWM burst ending with no configuration applied: wait for PA_SleepNoConfigTime

Table 24 UniPro Power State to M-PHY State Mapping

UniPro Power Mode UniPro Power State M-PHY State







SlowAuto_Mode SLEEP





PA_PDU N-3Lane 0



Tail of Burst is padded with

FILLER symbols to align MK2s

End of Burst Sequence

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1185 3. HS or PWM burst ending with a new configuration applied: wait for PA_SaveConfigTime

1186 When waking-up a Lane from HIBERNATE_STATE, the PA Layer shall keep the M-TX in SLEEP_STATEfor the period set in PA_TActivate. The value of PA_TActivate takes into account the peer M-RX’sTACTIVATE, as defined in [MIPI05], and possibly other system-specific timing issues.

5.8.5 Error Mapping

1187 The 3b4b_Error, 5b6b_Error, and RD_Error [MIPI05] errors reported by M-RX shall be indicated to the DLLayer with a PA_ERROR.ind primitive having the argument BAD_PHY_SYMBOL.

1188 The Res_Error error reported by M-RX shall be indicated to the DL Layer with a PA_ERROR.ind primitivehaving the argument UNMAPPED_PHY_ESC_SYMBOL.

1189 If any Marker or a FILLER is received for PA_PDU[7:0], the PA Layer shall report this to the DL Layer witha PA_ERROR.ind primitive having the argument UNEXPECTED_PHY_ESC_SYMBOL. This conditionshall apply only when the PA Layer has acquired the Lane synchronization (see Section 5.8.11).

1190 Each received PA escaped PA_PDU with EscParam_PA other than PACP_BEGIN, TRG_UPR0,TRG_UPR1, or TRG_UPR2 shall be indicated to the DL Layer with a PA_ERROR.ind primitive having theargument BAD_PA_PARAM.

5.8.6 Trigger Mapping

1191 UniPro trigger TRG_UPR0 has a 2-bit parameter representing the physical Lane number that the trigger wastransmitted on. The mapping to ESC_PA and further to M-PHY symbols is shown in Table 25. The trigger istransmitted on all available Lanes with a unique parameter on each Lane.

1192 UniPro trigger TRG_UPR1 has a 4-bit parameter containing information regarding connected Lanes in abitmap format. The bit n of the parameter shall be set if a TRG_UPR0 has been received on Physical Lane n.TRG_UPR1 is mapped to an escaped PA_PDU with EscParam parameter set to 0x80 + C, where C is the 4-bitparameter of TRG_UPR1. Minimum and maximum values for C are 1 and 15, respectively. Table 26 showsexamples for TRG_UPR1 mappings. The trigger is transmitted on all available Lanes with the same value ofC.

Table 25 TRG_UPR0 Mapping

Physical Lane EscParam M-PHY Symbol Pair

0 0x40 <MK1, 0x40>

1 0x41 <MK1, 0x41>

2 0x42 <MK1, 0x42>

3 0x43 <MK1, 0x43>

Table 26 TRG_UPR1 Mapping Examples (informative)

Lane information Value of C EscParam M-PHY Symbol Pair

Lane 0 0b0001 0x81 <MK1, 0x81>

Lane 0 and 1 0b0011 0x83 <MK1, 0x83>

Lane 0, 1, 2, and 3 0b1111 0x8F <MK1, 0x8F>

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1193 UniPro trigger TRG_UPR2 is mapped to an escaped PA_PDU with EscParam set to 0xC0. This translates to<MK1, 0xC0>. The trigger is transmitted on all available Lanes.

1194 UniPro trigger TRG_EPR is mapped to PACP_EPR_ind (see Section The trigger is transmitted asany PACP frame, i.e. following the normal Lane distribution rules.

5.8.7 PA Control Protocol (PACP)

1195 The PA Layer uses PA Control Protocol (PACP) to communicate with the peer PA Layer. A PACP frame istransmitted as any other DL Layer or PA Layer data on active Lanes with the exception that the start of aPACP frame shall be aligned to Logical Lane 0. The PA Layer may transmit FILLERs, if necessary, toguarantee this alignment. The PACP frame may be interleaved with other transmissions, but it cannot bepreempted.

1196 Before transmitting a PACP frame, the PA Layer shall get permission to use the Link from the DL Layer. Thisis accomplished by issuing a PA_DL_PAUSE.ind primitive to the DL Layer. When the DL Layer has reachedto a state where it can pause its transmission, it replies with a PA_DL_PAUSE.rsp_L primitive. Once the PALayer has finished the operation, e.g. a power mode change, it shall indicate the DL Layer via thePA_DL_RESUME.ind primitive that the DL Layer can continue its transmission.

1197 The PACP frame structure is shown in Figure 29. All bits that are marked as Reserved shall be set to ‘1’. Allfields of a PACP frame shall be encoded in Big-endian format.

Figure 29 PACP Frame Structure

1198 The receiving PA Layer detects the beginning of a PACP frame from the unique start symbol, an escapedPA_PDU with EscParam set to PACP_BEGIN, which is equal to 0x01. The 16-bit field PACP_FunctionIdidentifies the function and also determines how many 16-bit parameters, if any, follow. The PACP frame endswith a CRC-16 field. The CRC-16 checksum shall be calculated over the whole PACP frame using the samealgorithm as in the DL Layer (see Section 6.6.12). The receiving PA Layer shall silently ignore all PACPframes that fail the checksum check or contain invalid values. The reception of a new PACP start symbolshall cause the PA Layer to discard any PACP frame that has not been received completely.

1199 The valid function IDs are defined in Table 27 and described in detail in other sections.

Lane 3 and 1 0b1010 0x8A <MK1, 0x8A>

Table 26 TRG_UPR1 Mapping Examples (informative)

Lane information Value of C EscParam M-PHY Symbol Pair

116 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

ESC_PA EscParam_PA = PACP_BEGIN0 PACP_FunctionId0 Parameters0 ...0 CRC-16

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1200 The PA Layer has two counters for counting received PACP frames, PA_PACPFrameCount andPA_PACPErrorCount. PA_PACPFrameCount shall be incremented by one if the received frame has a validFunctionID and passes the checksum verification. PA_PACPErrorCount shall be incremented by one for eachPACP start symbol that is not part of a PACP frame that incremented PA_PACPFrameCount. The countersshall automatically roll-over to zero on an overflow. A PA_LM_SET request to PA_PACPFrameCount orPA_PACPErrorCount shall set the counter to zero. PACP_PWR_req

1201 A PACP_PWR_req frame is used when changing a Link’s power configuration (see Section Acomplete frame is shown in Figure 30.

1202 The frame parameters contain the requested power configuration for both directions and a data payload(PAPowerModeUserData) for DME. Note that in this Frame “TX” and “RX” refer to the outbound andinbound directions of the requestor, respectively.

1203 The fields shall be as follows (related PA Layer Attribute given in parenthesis):

1204 • DevID: Local Device ID, set to 0x80 when N_DeviceID_valid is FALSE, otherwise set to the value ofN_DeviceID

1205 • Flags1206 • Flags[4]: UserDataValid, set to ‘1’ if the frame contains valid PAPowerModeUserData1207 • Flags[3]: HS Series, set to ‘0’ for Series A and to ‘1’ for Series B (PA_HSSeries)1208 • Flags[2]: Line-reset request1209 • Flags[1]: TX-direction termination enable (PA_TxTermination)1210 • Flags[0]: RX-direction termination enable (PA_RxTermination)

Table 27 PACP Functions

PACP_FunctionId Name Parameter Count Description

0x010E PACP_PWR_req 14 Power mode change request

0x020D PACP_PWR_cnf 13 Power mode change confirmation

0x0306 PACP_CAP_ind 6 Capability information.

0x0400 PACP_EPR_ind 0 EndPointReset request

0x0500 PACP_TEST_MODE_req 0 To set PA Layer in PHY testing mode

0x0602 PACP_GET_req 2 Request the value of an Attribute

0x0703 PACP_GET_cnf 3 Return the value of an Attribute

0x0805 PACP_SET_req 5 Set the value of an Attribute

0x0901 PACP_SET_cnf 1 Return result of setting the value of an Attribute


Encapsulated test pattern for PHY testing, four different payload lengths.




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1211 • TxMode: UniPro Power mode for TX-direction (PA_PWRMode[b2:b0]). Set to 0x3 when enteringhibernate.

1212 • TxLane: Active Lane count for TX-direction (PA_ActiveTxDataLanes)1213 • set to ‘0’ when PA_ActiveTxDataLanes=4, else set to PA_ActiveTxDataLanes1214 • TxGear: PWM or HS gear for TX-direction (PA_TxGear)1215 • RxMode: UniPro Power mode for RX-direction (PA_PWRMode[b6:b4]). Set to value 0x3 when

entering hibernate.1216 • RxLane: Active Lane count for RX-direction, set to ‘0’ when count = 4 (PA_ActiveRxDataLanes)1217 • set to ‘0’ when PA_ActiveRxDataLanes=4, else set to PA_ActiveRxDataLanes1218 • RxGear: PWM or HS gear for RX-direction (PA_RxGear)1219 • PAPowerModeUserData: user-data for peer DME (PA_PWRModeUserData)

1220 The direction-specific parameters shall be ignored if the direction’s Mode is set to UNCHANGED. If theLine-Reset flag is asserted, the receiving PA Layer shall issue a LINE-RESET before processing the receivedframe.

1221 If the UserDataValid flag is set, the receiving PA Layer shall give the data received in the PAPowerModeUserfield to the DME via the PA_LM_PWR_MODE.ind (see Section

Figure 30 PACP_PWR_req PACP_PWR_cnf

1222 The PACP_PWR_cnf frame is a response to a PACP_PWR_req frame. The frame structure is shown inFigure 31. The Status parameter shall contain the status of the requested power mode change. The

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 01 ESC_PA EscParam_PA = PACP_BEGIN0 PACP_FunctionId = PACP_PWR_req0 DevID0 TxMode

Reserved FlagsTxLane TxGear RxMode RxLane RxGear



0 CRC-16

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PA P o w e r M o d e U s e r D a t a p a r a m e t e r c a r r i e s t he d a t a p a y l o a d d e l i v e r e d t o D M E v i a aPA_LM_PWR_MODE.ind primitive. The possible values of the Status field are listed in Table 28.

Figure 31 PACP_PWR_cnf PACP_CAP_ind

1223 The PACP_CAP_ind frame is shown in Figure 32. It shall be used in the last state of the Link StartupSequence to notify the remote PA Layer of the local M-TX capabilities (see Section 5.8.8).

1224 The frame’s fields shall be set as follows (source of the information given in parenthesis):

1225 • Flags1226 • Flags[1]: HS untermination capability (TX_HS_Unterminated_LINE_Drive_Capability)1227 • Flags[0]: LS termination capability (TX_LS_Terminated_LINE_Drive_Capability)

Table 28 PACP_PWR_cnf Status Values

Status Enumeration Description

PWR_OK 0 Request was accepted and executed.

PWR_BUSY 3 Request was rejected due to concurrent access.

PWR_ERROR_CAP 4 Request was rejected due to capability mismatch.

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 01 ESC_PA EscParam_PA = PACP_BEGIN0 PACP_FunctionId = PACP_PWR_cnf0 Reserved Status000000000000


0 CRC-16

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1228 • MaxHS: maximum HS gear, zero if HS mode unavailable (TX_HSGEAR_Capability,TX_HSMODE_Capability)

1229 • MaxPWM: maximum PWM gear (TX_PWMGEAR_Capability)1230 • TSleepNoConfig: M-PHY timing information (RX_Min_SLEEP_NoConfig_Time_Capability)1231 • TStallNoConfig: M-PHY timing information (RX_Min_STALL_NoConfig_Time_Capability)1232 • TSaveConfig: M-PHY timing information (RX_Min_SAVE_Config_Time_Capability)1233 • VersionInfo: Local UniPro version (PA_LocalVerInfo)

Figure 32 PACP_CAP_ind PACP_EPR_ind

1234 The PACP_EPR_ind frame is shown in Figure 33. It does not have any parameters.

Figure 33 PACP_EPR_ind PACP_TEST_MODE_req

1235 The PACP_TEST_MODE_req frame is shown in Figure 34. It is used to set the peer Device in PHY testingmode. The frame does not have any parameters.

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 01 ESC_PA EscParam_PA = PACP_BEGIN0 PACP_FunctionId = PACP_CAP_ind0 TSleepNoConfig Reserved Flags MaxHS MaxPWM0 TStallNoConfig TSaveConfig0 VersionInfo0 Reserved0 Reserved0 Reserved0 CRC-16

116 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

ESC_PA EscParam_PA = PACP_BEGIN0 PACP_FunctionId = PACP_EPR_ind0 CRC-16

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Figure 34 PACP_TEST_MODE_req PACP_GET_req

1236 The PACP_GET_req frame is shown in Figure 35. This PACP frame shall be sent when aPA_LM_PEER_GET.req primitive is generated by the DME or when the PHY Test Feature requests it.

1237 The frame’s fields shall be set as follows:

1238 • MIBattribute: defines the Attribute to be accessed in the peer Device1239 • GenSelectorIndex: the index required for certain Attributes

Figure 35 PACP_GET_req PACP_GET_cnf

1240 The PACP_GET_cnf frame is shown in Figure 36. When the DME generate the PA_LM_PEER_GET.rspprimitive or when the PHY Test Feature requests it, the PA Layer shall send the PACP_GET_cnf frame.

1241 The frame’s fields shall be set as follows:

1242 • ConfigResultCode: returns the result of the operation. The values taken by this field are defined in thecontext of the PA_LM_PEER_GET.rsp primitive in Table 8

1243 • MIBvalue: holds the value of the Attribute

Figure 36 PACP_GET_cnf

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 01 ESC_PA EscParam_PA = PACP_BEGIN0 PACP_FunctionId = PACP_TEST_MODE_req0 CRC-16

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 01 ESC_PA EscParam_PA = PACP_BEGIN0 PACP_FunctionId = PACP_GET_req0 MIBattribute0 GenSelectorIndex0 CRC-16

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 01 ESC_PA EscParam_PA = PACP_BEGIN0 PACP_FunctionId = PACP_GET_cnf0 ConfigResultCode Reserved0 MIBvalue (high word)0 MIBvalue (low word)0 CRC-16

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro PACP_SET_req

1244 The PACP_SET_req frame is shown in Figure 37. This PACP frame shall be sent when aPA_LM_PEER_SET.req primitive is generated by the DME or when the PHY Test Feature requests it.

1245 The frame fields shall be set as follows:

1246 • Cnf: defines the behavior of the receiving PA Layer1247 • 0: no PACP_SET_cnf frame shall be sent1248 • 1: a PACP_SET_cnf frame shall be sent to acknowledge the reception of the PACP_SET_req frame

and to return the result of the operation1249 • T: defines the target Attribute type (AttrSetTypeType)1250 • 0: Normal1251 • 1: Static1252 • MIBattribute: defines the Attribute to be accessed in the peer Device1253 • GenSelectorIndex: the index required for certain Attributes1254 • MIBvalue: holds the value which the Attribute shall take

Figure 37 PACP_SET_req PACP_SET_cnf

1255 The PACP_SET_cnf frame is shown in Figure 38. When the DME generates the PA_LM_PEER_SET.rspprimitive, the PA Layer shall send the PACP_SET_cnf frame.

1256 The frame’s fields shall be set as follows:

1257 • ConfigResultCode: returns the result of the operation. The values taken by this field are defined in thecontext of the PA_LM_PEER_SET.rsp primitive in Table 8

Figure 38 PACP_SET_cnf

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 01 ESC_PA EscParam_PA = PACP_BEGIN0 PACP_FunctionId = PACP_SET_req0 Cnf T Reserved0 MIBattribute0 GenSelectorIndex0 MIBvalue (high word)0 MIBvalue (low word)0 CRC-16

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 01 ESC_PA EscParam_PA = PACP_BEGIN0 PACP_FunctionId = PACP_SET_cnf0 ConfigResultCode Reserved0 CRC-16

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro PACP_TEST_DATA

1258 The PACP_TEST_DATA frame is shown in Figure 39. There are four variations of the basicPACP_TEST_DATA frame, each having a different FunctionID and different payload length. The frame isused in PHY testing as explained in Section 5.8.15.

1259 The TestPattern field carries the PHY test pattern. The transmitted patterns are defined in Section 5.8.15. Thereceived patterns are undefined since the receiver shall only check the header, the length, and the checksumwhile ignoring the content of TestPattern.


5.8.8 Link Startup Sequence

1260 The overall view of the Link Startup Sequence is covered in Section 5.6.3. This part describes the M-PHY-specific details of the sequence including the Data Lane discovery, realignment, and capability exchangeparts.

1261 During this sequence, the transceivers are initialized to the default configuration. Then the connected M-PHYLanes are identified and enumerated to produce a mapping between physical Lanes and logical Lanes.Finally, the peer PA Layers exchange capability information with each other.

1262 After the successful completion of the sequence, the Link capabilities (PA_MaxRxHSGear andPA_MaxRxPWMGear) , the number of connected Lanes (PA_ConnectedTxDataLanes andPA_ConnectedRxDataLanes), and the logical Lane mapping (PA_LogicalLaneMap) are updated. Initialization Phase

1263 Before the Link Startup Sequence, all available M-TXs and M-RXs shall be (re-)powered, M-RXs reset andLINE-RESET issued on all TX Lanes to reset any misconfigured OMCs and peer M-RXs. After this, M-TXsand M-RXs are in PWM-G1. A timer, PA_LINKSTARTUP_TIMER, is started to provide a timeout signal ifthe procedure does not complete within a specified time, 100 ms. If the timeout is triggered, the PA Layershall abort the Link Startup Sequence immediately and terminate any active burst. Data Lane Discovery (Phases 0 and 0b)

1264 The Link Startup Sequence starts with the discovery of the connected M-PHY Data Lanes. In the exampleshown in Figure 40, both Devices have four TX Data Lanes and four RX Data Lanes, but not all availableData Lanes are connected, and no assumptions are made regarding which TX Data Lane is connected towhich RX Data Lane of the peer Device. The only constraint is that at least one Data Lane shall be connectedin each direction (because UniPro does not support unidirectional Links).

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 01 ESC_PA EscParam_PA = PACP_BEGIN0 PACP_FunctionId = PACP_TEST_DATA0 TestPattern[0] TestPattern[1]0 TestPattern[2] TestPattern[3]0 ... ...0 TestPattern[n-2] TestPattern[n-1]0 CRC-16

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1265 In the first phase, both Devices shall repeatedly send TRG_UPR0 triggers on all available Data Lanes. TheTRG_UPR0 trigger data structure is defined in Section 5.8.6, but the data structure contains a field that shallbe set by every transmitting Data Lane to hold that Data Lane's fixed, internal “Physical Data Lane number”(PL# in Figure 40).

1266 The peer Device shall update its local PeerTxConnectedLanesMask register to reflect the Data Lanes onwhich triggers have been received. This information is used in subsequent phases of this sequence.

1267 A Device shall continue transmitting TRG_UPR0 Messages until it receives a TRG_UPR0 Message from thepeer Device, after which it shall send two extra TRG_UPR0 Messages before proceed to the next phase.

1268 The following steps describe Phase 0 and Phase 0b operation in detail:

1269 1. Wait for a period of PA_TActivate to wake-up M-RXs from HIBERN8 (see [MIPI05]).

1270 2. Begin burst (includes the transmission of the deskew pattern) on all available TX Lanes.

1271 3. Send a TRG_UPR0 on all available TX Lanes.

1272 4. End burst on all available TX Lanes.

1273 5. If a TRG_UPR0 has been received then continue from Step 7.

1274 6. Continue from Step 1.

1275 7. Wait for a period of PA_TActivate to wake-up M-RXs from HIBERN8 (see [MIPI05]).

1276 8. Begin burst (includes the transmission of the deskew pattern) on all available TX Lanes.

1277 9. Send two additional TRG_UPR0s on all available TX Lanes.

1278 10. Exit to Phase 1.

Figure 40 M-PHY Lanes Discovery

Node ATx










Node BRx











TRG_UPR0 (TxLaneNumber = 11)

TRG_UPR0 = MK1 + TRG0_code + TxLaneNumber




TRG_UPR0 (TxLaneNumber = 10)

TRG_UPR0 (TxLaneNumber = 01)

TRG_UPR0 (TxLaneNumber = 00)

TRG_UPR0 (TxLaneNumber = 11)

TRG_UPR0 (TxLaneNumber = 10)

TRG_UPR0 (TxLaneNumber = 01)

TRG_UPR0 (TxLaneNumber = 00)





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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro Data Lane Realignment (Phases 1 and 2)

1279 In these phases, both Devices shall repeatedly send TRG_UPR1 triggers on all available Data Lanes. TheTRG_UPR1 trigger structure is defined in Section 5.8.6, but the data structure contains a field that shall be seton each available Data Lane to the PeerTxConnectedLanesMask value set in the previous phase.

1280 Once the peer Device receives a TRG_UPR1 trigger, it shall use the PeerTxConnectedLanesMaskinformation to update its LocalTxConnectedLanesMask register. This register assigns a Logical Data Lanenumber (LL#) to each connected Physical Data Lane (PL#).

1281 A Device shall continue transmitting TRG_UPR1 Messages until it receives a TRG_UPR1 Message, afterwhich it shall send two extra TRG_UPR1 Messages before proceeding to the next phase.

1282 The following steps describe Phase 1 and Phase 2 operation in detail:

1283 1. Send a TRG_UPR1 on all available TX Lanes.

1284 2. If a TRG_UPR1 has been received then continue from Step 4.

1285 3. Continue from Step 1.

1286 4. Send two additional TRG_UPR1s on all available TX Lanes.

1287 5. Reconfigure all available M-TXs and M-RXs to use single-Lane mode while the power mode is kept asPWM-G1. The new configuration does not become effective until the end of Phase 4, when the currentburst is closed.

1288 6. Exit to Phase 3.

Figure 41 Repeated Transmission of TRG_UPR1 Messages Link Startup Sequence Termination (Phases 3 and 4)

1289 In the final phases, both ends of connected PHY Data Lanes have matching Logical Data Lane numbers. EachDevice shall update its PA_ConnectedTxDataLanes and PA_ConnectedRxDataLanes Attributes to reflecthow many connected Data Lanes were discovered.

Node ATx










Node BRx










TRG_UPR1 = MK1 + TRG1_code + PeerTxConnectedLanesMask




TRG_UPR1 (PeerTxConnectedLanesMask = 0100)

TRG_UPR1 (PeerTxConnectedLanesMask = 0100)

TRG_UPR1 (PeerTxConnectedLanesMask = 0100)

TRG_UPR1 (PeerTxConnectedLanesMask = 0100)

TRG_UPR1 (PeerTxConnectedLanesMask = 1100)

TRG_UPR1 (PeerTxConnectedLanesMask = 1100)

TRG_UPR1 (PeerTxConnectedLanesMask = 1100)

TRG_UPR1 (PeerTxConnectedLanesMask = 1100)





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1290 Note:1291 Because the discovery process is handled autonomously, and considered to be highly robust, infor-

mation about which physical Data Lanes are connected and the interconnect topology are not madeavailable to the Application in a normative way. In fact, both Physical and Logical Data Lane numbersas described in this Link Startup Sequence are invisible to higher protocol layers and to the Applica-tion.

1292 In these phases, TRG_UPR2 Messages (with no special payload) shall be repeatedly transmitted over allconnected Data Lanes until a TRG_UPR2 Message is received by the peer Device, after which the Deviceshall send two more TRG_UPR2 Messages over all connected Data Lanes. These phases essentially serve toterminate previous phases in a robust and orderly manner.

1293 The following steps describe Phase 3 and Phase 4 operation in detail:

1294 1. Send a TRG_UPR2 on all available TX Lanes

1295 2. If a TRG_UPR2 has been received then continue from Step 4

1296 3. Continue from Step 1

1297 4. Send two additional TRG_UPR2s on all available TX Lanes

1298 5. Close the burst (which activates the new power mode settings)

1299 6. Update PA_LogicalLaneMap, and begin using the logical Lane numbering

1300 7. M-TXs and M-RXs on unconnected Lanes shall be configured to the UNPOWERED state

1301 8. Exit to Capability Phase

Figure 42 Repeated Transmission of TRG_UPR2 Messages Capability Exchange

1302 After finishing Phase 4 of the Link Startup Sequence, the PA Layer transmits its capabilities and the localversion information to the peer Device using PACP_CAP_ind (see Section using the PHYconfiguration described in Step 5 of Section Then, the PA Layer shall order M-TX on Logical Lane 0to perform LCC-READ-CAPABILITY, LCC-READ-MFG-INFO, and LCC-READ-VEND-INFO before

Rx Tx

TRG_UPR2 = MK1 + TRG2_code

Node ATx









Node BRx












TRG_UPR2 0100






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closing the burst. When the PA Layer receives a PACP_CAP_ind Frame, and a M-CTRL-LCCReadStatus.indprimitive from the M-RX on Logical Lane 0, it shall perform capability downgrading as described inSection 5.8.9. The manufacturing information from the OMC is not used by the PA Layer but is stored forApplication usage in the Attributes of the M-RX on Logical Lane 0. The peer Device’s version informationreceived in PACP_CAP_ind is stored in PA_RemoteVerInfo. This finishes the Link Startup Sequence. TheM-PHY Link is now in the default power mode, i.e. PWM-G1, 1-Lane.

5.8.9 Capability Management

1303 Local and remote M-TX and M-RX, as well as any possible OMC, may differ in capabilities. To simplify thecapability checking, the PA Layer forms a common capability value for the whole inbound Link beginningfrom the peer M-TX, including any possible Advanced OMC, and ending with the local M-RX. Equations forcalculating the common capability values are listed later in this section.This capability downgrading isautomatically performed at the end of the Link Startup Sequence (see Section

1304 The following capabilities shall be collected to the PA Layer Attributes and downgraded based on the localand remote information (M-PHY MODULE Attributes prefixed with “peer” are received in the Link Startupsequence via a PACP_CAP_ind frame):

1305 • PA_MaxRxHSGear := min(RX_HSGEAR_Capability, MC_HSBURST_Capability,peer_TX_HSGEAR_Capability) if (RX_HSMODE_Capability=TRUE andMC_HSMODE_Capability=TRUE) else 0

1306 • PA_MaxRxPWMGear := min(RX_PWMGEAR_Capability, MC_PWMGEAR_Capability,peer_TX_PWMGEAR_Capability)

1307 • PA_RxHSUnterminationCapability := TRUE if (RX_HS_Unterminated_Capability=YES andMC_HS_Unterminated_Capability=YES and MC_HS_Unterminated_LINE_Drive_Capability=YESand peer_TX_HS_Unterminated_LINE_Drive_Capability=YES) else FALSE

1308 • PA_RxLSTerminationCapability := TRUE if (RX_LS_Terminated_Capability=YES andMC_LS_Terminated_Capability=YES and MC_LS_Terminated_LINE_Drive_Capability=YES andpeer_TX_LS_Terminated_LINE_Drive_Capability=YES) else FALSE

1309 • PA_SleepNoConfigTime := max(TX_Min_SLEEP_NoConfig_Time_Capability,peer_RX_Min_SLEEP_NoConfig_Time_Capability)

1310 • PA_StallNoConfigTime := max(TX_Min_STALL_NoConfig_Time_Capability,peer_RX_Min_STALL_NoConfig_Time_Capability)

1311 • PA_SaveConfigTime := max(TX_Min_SAVE_Config_Time_Capability,peer_RX_Min_SAVE_Config_Time_Capability)

1312 Since the automatic downgrading process cannot take into account a Basic OMC or the restrictions from thephysical interconnection, the Application has the ability to overwrite the calculated capabilities through theseAttributes.

1313 While the capability downgrading is done only once, at the end of the Link Startup sequence, the capabilitychecking is performed whenever there is a request to change the power mode. The PA Layer shall verify theinbound Link capabilities. For example, if the local Device wants to change parameters of the outbound Link,the peer PA Layer is responsible for verifying the Link capabilities.

1314 Other capabilities are left for the Application to handle through M-PHY Attributes (see Section 5.8.2).

5.8.10 (Re-)Initialization

1315 The PA Layer offers two mechanisms to reinitialize the Link. The less severe mechanism, deskew patterninjection, inserts additional deskew patterns to all active Lanes in order to fix any M-PHY symbol or PASymbol synchronization issues. The insertion adds a one symbol delay to the transmission and may be

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requested at any point. The request is ignored in SLEEP_STATE since there is no active burst on-going. Themechanism may be triggered by the DL Layer via the PA_LANE_ALIGN primitive (see Section

1316 The more severe mechanism involves reinitializing the power configuration of both inbound and outboundLinks. The DL Layer can request this mechanism via a PA_INIT primitive (see Section Theprocedure is as follows:

1317 1. Issue LINE-RESET to reset outbound M-TX, M-RX, and possible OMC to PWM-G1

1318 2. Begin burst on logical Lane 0

1319 3. Request the peer Device issue LINE-RESET on the inbound Link via PACP_PWR_req. The requestalso contains the current power mode configuration. No PowerModeUserData is exchanged and thusthe UserDataValid flag is unset.

1320 4. PACP_REQUEST_TIMER is set to PA_PACPReqTimeout + TLINERESET and started

1321 5. Wait for a PACP_PWR_cnf frame from the peer Device, or for PACP_REQUEST_TIMER to timeout

1322 6. Configure M-TX and M-RX

1323 7. End burst to activate the new PHY configuration

1324 8. Reply to the DL Layer via a PA_INIT.cnf_L primitive

1325 If there is a timeout at Step 5, the Link is considered unusable and the reinitialization is aborted. The PA Layerreplies to the DL Layer with a PA_INIT.cnf_L primitive, even though the reinitialization failed. The PALayer shall be ready for a possible retry by the DL Layer.

1326 If the reinitialization succeeds, the power mode is reinitialized using the active settings, and a misconfiguredM-RX or OMC receives correct settings.

5.8.11 Lane Synchronization

1327 PA Layer RX shall lock the PA Layer symbol synchronization on each Lane every time the deskew pattern isreceived. M-RX handles the M-PHY symbol synchronization by locking to MK0, which is the high part ofthe deskew pattern.

1328 In the multi-Lane usage, the PA Layer must synchronize the multiple incoming Lanes because of the skewbetween the Lanes and because of the independent RX clocks of the M-RXs. The Lane synchronizationhappens by aligning the incoming deskew patterns that are sent in parallel from the transmitter. Depending ofthe deskew requirements, this may require, for example, creating shallow deskew-FIFOs within the PA LayerRX.

1329 The principle operation of the aligner shall be as follows:

1330 1. When the burst starts, Lanes are not synchronized

1331 2. Per each active Lane, PA Layer RX discards PA symbols until it detects the deskew pattern

1332 3. Once all active Lanes have received the deskew pattern, PA Layer RX begins to consume PA symbols

1333 4. If PA Layer RX detects a new deskew pattern on any Lane, the Lane synchronization is lost and theoperation returns to Step 2

1334 In case a deskew pattern is lost and the PA Layer RX cannot acquire the Lane synchronization, the deskew-FIFOs of the synchronized Lanes overflow, which is the intended behavior. The PA Layer RX shall wait untilthe peer Device transmits another deskew pattern and shall lock on to this second pattern.

1335 A deskew-FIFO with a depth of two PA Symbols can handle the maximum Lane-to-Lane skew valuesspecified in Section 5.8.16.

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5.8.12 Link Configuration Procedure

1336 Either Device can change the power mode of a Link by assigning a new power configuration. Theconfiguration includes UniPro power mode, M-PHY-specific Attributes, e.g. GEARs, and Lane countinformation. The configuration may have separate settings for forward, reverse, or both directions. The LinkConfiguration procedure, as specified in this section and illustrated in Figure 43, covers all M-PHY-specificdetails. The enter hibernation and exit hibernation procedures are covered in Section 5.8.13.

1337 Power mode and Lane-count configuration are set via a PA_LM_SET.req primitive to the related Attributes(see Section 5.9). Attributes may be set in any order since the actual Link configuration procedure beginsonly after setting PA_PWRMode. However, all Attributes shall be set before activating the power modechange procedure.

1338 The configuration procedure shall be activated by setting PA_PWRMode via a PA_LM_SET.req primitive.The Attribute contains fields for both directions, and there is a special value for keeping the current powermode. For example, setting the TX power mode to UNCHANGED and the RX power mode toFastAuto_Mode, only the RX Link is configured.

1339 The PA Layer shall first check that the given configuration is possible and then replies with thePA_LM_SET.cnf_L primitive where the parameter indicates if the configuration change can proceed. Note,that a reception of a successful PA_LM_SET.cnf_L primitive does not mean that the configuration has beenapplied, only that the request was accepted by the PA Layer. The PA Layer shall later indicate the completionof the configuration change via the PA_LM_PWR_MODE_CHANGED.ind primitive, where the parameterreports the actual result of the operation.

1340 After accepting the power mode change request, the PA Layer shall first request permission from the DLLayer via the PA_DL_PAUSE.ind primitive. Once the DL Layer responds with a PA_DL_PAUSE.rsp_Lprimitive, the PA Layer may begin changing the configuration. When the configuration has been changed, orthe request has been cancelled, the PA Layer shall notify the DL Layer via a PA_DL_RESUME.ind primitiveand then shall signal the DME with PA_LM_PWR_MODE_CHANGED.ind (PWR_LOCAL). This lastprimitive completes the Link configuration and makes the PA Layer ready for the next configuration request.A r e q u e s t t h a t o r i g i n a t e s f r o m t h e p ee r D e v i c e i s s i g n a l e d t o t h e D M E w i t hPA_LM_PWR_MODE_CHANGED.ind (PWR_REMOTE). Error Handling

1341 A configuration request may be cancelled due to the following reasons.

1342 • A race condition between two requests (see Section • The requested configuration is invalid and cannot be applied (see Section • An unrecoverable error in the communication (see Section Concurrency Resolution

1345 The PA Layer has to arbitrate requests because both Devices might try to change a Link configuration at thesame time. As a result, the PA Layer may reject one or both requests depending on the relative timing of thoserequests. The failure notification is sent to the DME either via the return parameter of the PA_LM_SET.cnf_Lprimitive or via the PA_LM_PWR_MODE_CHANGED.ind primitive depending upon when theconcurrency was detected. In every case, the end power mode configuration, after a concurrency issue, shallbe either the previous configuration, i.e. both requests were rejected, or a new configuration, i.e. one requestwas rejected and one request was accepted.

1346 The resolution rules are:

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1347 1. A local request shall be rejected when the PA Layer is processing a local request or a remote requestfrom the peer Device. In this case, the conflict is detected when the DME issues a PA_LM_SET.reqprimitive to PA_PWRMode. The DME is notified with a PA_LM_SET.cnf_L primitive having aparameter BUSY.

1348 2. A remote request shall be rejected when the PA Layer is processing a local request, and the DevID fieldof the remote request is larger than or equal to X, where X is N_DeviceID if N_DeviceID_valid isTRUE, otherwise X is 0x80.

1349 Note, the second rule causes concurrent requests from both Devices to be rejected when both local andremote DeviceIDs have not yet been assigned. If at least one of the DeviceIDs have been set, then theequation guarantees that one of two on-going requests is accepted. Invalid Configuration Detection

1350 If the requested configuration is invalid, e.g. requires a higher speed than is supported, the request may becancelled in the following phases:

1351 1. PA_LM_SET.req to a configuration Attribute. If the value exceeds the defined range, the PA Layer shallrespond with PA_LM_SET.cnf_L (INVALID_MIB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE).

1352 2. PA_LM_SET.req to PA_PWRMode. If the given configuration is determined to be impossible, e.g. dueto conflicting configuration parameters, the PA Layer shall respond with PA_LM_SET.cnf_L(INVALID_MIB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE).

1353 3. If the required configuration is determined to be invalid by the peer Device, the return value of thePACP_PWR_cnf shall be set to PWR_ERROR_CAP. Once this frame is received by the local PA Layer,the DME shall be informed via the PA_LM_PWR_MODE_CHANGED.ind primitive with theparameter set to PWR_ERROR_CAP. Communication Errors and Retries

1354 The Link Configuration Procedure uses the Link to exchange PACP frames (see Section 5.8.3) with the peerDevice and is thus vulnerable to bit errors. The receiving PA Layer shall silently ignore all PACP frames thatfail the checksum check or are otherwise invalid. The requesting Device is responsible for retransmitting therequest after a timeout. If the PA Layer timeouts when waiting for a valid PACP_PWR_cnf frame after tworetransmission attempts, the operation shall be aborted and the DME shall be signaled withPA_LM_PWR_MODE_CHANGED.ind (PWR_FATAL_ERROR). In case of a failure, the end configurationof the Link is indeterminate, possibly even inoperable. However, the PA Layer shall be in a state where it canaccept new power mode change requests from the DME. Detailed Operation

1355 The configuration is set via PA_HSSeries, PA_TxGear, PA_TxTermination, PA_RxGear,PA_RxTermination, PA_ActiveTxDataLanes, and PA_ActiveRxDataLanes. In addition to the M-PHYMODULE configuration, the PA Layer can transmit user-data, e.g. L2 timer values, to the peer DME. Thiscan be supplied via PA_PWRModeUserData.

1356 The basic principle of the power mode change is depicted in Figure 43. Attributes are assumed to be setbefore changing the power mode. The local PA Layer first checks the request against the inbound Linkcapabilities, in this case from remote to local. After replying to the DME that the request was accepted, thelocal PA Layer requests permission from the DL Layer. Before sending the PACP_PWR_req frame to theremote PA Layer, the local PA Layer shall begin a burst on the outbound Link.

1357 When the remote PA Layer receives a valid PACP_PWR_req frame, it shall first check the request against itsinbound Link, in this case from local to remote. Then the remote PA Layer shall request permission from theDL Layer. Next, the remote PA Layer shall exchange PAPowerModeUserData, e.g. L2 timer values, with its

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DME. Then the remote PA Layer shall begin a burst on its outbound Link. Before sending thePACP_PWR_cnf frame to the local PA Layer, the M-PHY shall be configured with the parameters of therequest.

1358 When the local PA Layer receives a valid PACP_PWR_cnf frame, it shall first check the status of theconfirmation. If the status is positive, the received PAPowerModeUserData is given to the local DME and thelocal M-PHY shall be configured with the requested parameters. The local PA Layer shall close the burst onthe outbound Link. The remote PA Layer shall close the burst on the other Link when detecting the end ofburst on its inbound Link. Consequently, both directions of the Link have now the new configurationactivated. Both sides shall notify their respective DL Layers about the completion of the procedure. The localand remote PA Layer notify their respective DMEs with a PA_LM_PWR_MODE_CHANGED.ind signalwith the parameter PWR_LOCAL and PWR_REMOTE, respectively. This concludes the power modechange and both PAs are ready for subsequent operations. Configuring M-PHY

1359 The power configuration of an M-TX or an M-RX is always set during an active burst. In order to configurethe possibly existing OMCs, the inactive Lanes that are requested to be activated shall be woken up and putinto the burst before applying the configuration. For example, when the Lane count is increased from one totwo, the second Lane is in HIBERN8 and thus needs to be woken up in order for the M-PHY to configure theOMCs on the second Lane. However, the inactive Lanes (awake or not) shall never be used for datacommunication.

1360 The lane wake-up is performed as follows:

1361 • For all lanes that will be activated:1362 • Set TX_HIBERN8_Control := EXIT1363 • Inform M-TX that configuration is ready via the M-CTRL-CFGREADY.req primitive1364 • Wait for PA_TActivate

1365 The following Attributes are set on an active M-TX, i.e. a Lane that is active, or will be active, after thischange:

1366 • TX_LCC_Sequencer := WRITE_ATTRIBUTE1367 • if Fast_Mode or FastAuto_Mode:1368 • TX_MODE := HS_MODE1369 • TX_HSRATE_Series := hs_series1370 • TX_HSGEAR := gear1371 • TX_HS_Unterminated_LINE_Drive_Enable := NOT termination1372 • MC_HS_Unterminated_LINE_Drive_Enable := NOT termination1373 • MC_HS_Unterminated_Enable := NOT termination1374 • if Slow_Mode or SlowAuto_mode:1375 • TX_MODE := LS_MODE1376 • TX_PWMGEAR := gear1377 • TX_LS_Terminated_LINE_Drive_Enable := termination1378 • MC_LS_Terminated_LINE_Drive_Enable := termination1379 • MC_LS_Terminated_Enabled := termination

1380 The following Attributes are set on an inactive M-TX, i.e. a Lane that is inactive, or will be inactive, after thischange:

1381 • TX_HIBERN8_Control := ENTER

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1382 • TX_LCC_Sequencer := WRITE_ATTRIBUTE

1383 The following Attributes are set on an active M-RX, i.e. a Lane that is active, or will be active, after thischange:

1384 • if Fast_Mode or FastAuto_Mode:1385 • RX_MODE := HS_MODE1386 • RX_HSRATE_Series := hs_series1387 • RX_HSGEAR := gear1388 • RX_HS_Unterminated_Enable := NOT termination1389 • if Slow_Mode or SlowAuto_mode:1390 • RX_MODE := LS_MODE1391 • RX_PWMGEAR := gear1392 • RX_LS_Terminated_Enabled := termination

1393 The following Attribute is set on an inactive M-RX, i.e. a Lane that is inactive, or will be inactive, after thischange:

1394 • RX_Enter_HIBERN8 := YES

1395 After setting Attributes, the configuration is marked as ready via a M-CTRL-CFGREADY primitive. Thesesettings become active when the Lane exits the burst. User Data within PACP_PWR frames

1396 The PA Layer provides a method for the local and remote DME to exchange information that is needed duringthe power mode change. The information is transmitted in PAPowerModeUserData in the PACP_PWR_reqand PACP_PWR_cnf frames. PAPowerModeUserData is just a 24-byte payload for the PA Layer. Thestructure of PAPowerModeUserData, as used by the DME, is defined in Table 117. The length ofPAPowerModeUserData is enough to store all L2 timer values for all traffic classes.

1397 The local DME, which creates the power mode change request, supplies the information with the value ofPA_PowerModeUserData before setting PA_PWRMode. The local PA Layer shall attach this information tothe PACP_PWR_req frame and transmit it. On reception, the remote PA Layer shall deliver the payload to theremote DME via the PA_LM_PWR_MODE.ind(FALSE, payload_req) primitive. The first parameter tells ift h e r e q u e s t w a s o r i g i n a t e d f r o m t h i s s i d e . T h e r e m o t e D M E r e s p o n d s w i t h t h ePA_LM_PWR_MODE.rsp_L(payload_cnf) primitive. The remote PA Layer shall then attach thepayload_cnf to the PACP_PWR_cnf frame and transmit it. The local PA Layer shall deliver the payload backto the local DME with the PA_LM_PWR_MODE.ind(TRUE, payload_cnf). The PA Layer shall wait untilthe local DME responds with PA_LM_PWR_MODE.rsp_L( null ) before finishing the power mode changeoperation.

1398 While the reinitialization procedure (see Section 5.8.10) and the hibernation procedure (see Section functionalities of the Link Configuration procedure, they do not support the user data exchangedescribed above. In those operations, the UserDataValid flag of a PACP_PWR_req frame shall be unset tomark that the PAPowerModeUserData does not carry valid data. The unset flag instructs the receiving PALayer to skip the data delivery to the DME completely. Similarly, when the requesting PA Layer receives theresponse in a PACP_PWR_cnf frame, it skips the data delivery to the DME. Error Recovery

1399 This section describes recovery mechanisms that are used to cope with an unreliable communication path thatmight introduce bit-errors or symbol loss. Figure 43 shows the successful case and it is used here as the basisfor the description.

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1400 The local PA Layer shall have a timer, PACP_REQUEST_TIMER, to detect a missing PACP_PWR_cnfMessage and also to detect missing end of burst of the inbound Link. The initial timer value shall be setthrough PA_PACPReqTimeout and PA_PACPReqEoBTimeout, respectively.

1401 The following list includes the steps related to error recovery. Only the local PA Layer shall take recoveryactions while the remote PA Layer only follows them:

1402 1. The first PACP_PWR_req is transmitted. PACP_REQUEST_TIMER shall be set toPA_PACPReqTimeout.

1403 2. If a valid PACP_PWR_cnf Message is not received before the timer expires, the PACP_PWR_req issent again. The timer is reset to PA_PACPReqTimeout.

1404 3. If a valid PACP_PWR_cnf Message is not received before PACP_REQUEST_TIMER expires, the PALayer shall first issue a LINE-RESET and then send the PACP_PWR_req again but this time assertingthe reset flag of the Message. The reset flag instructs the remote PA Layer to do a LINE-RESET on theopposite direction. PACP_REQUEST_TIMER shall be reset to PA_PACPReqTimeout + TLINERESET totake into account the time consumed at the remote LINE-RESET.

1405 4. If a valid PACP_PWR_cnf Message is not received before PACP_REQUEST_TIMER expires, the PALayer shall abort the power mode request and notify the DME via a PA_LM_PWR_MODE.indprimitive with the parameter PWR_FATAL_ERROR.

1406 When a PACP_PWR_cnf Message is received successfully, the local PA Layer closes the burst and shall setPACP_REQUEST_TIMER to PA_PACPReqEoBTimeout. If the remote PA Layer does not close the burstwithin this period, the local PA Layer shall abort the power mode request and notify the DME via aPA_LM_PWR_MODE_CHANGED.ind primitive with the parameter PWR_FATAL_ERROR.

1407 Transmissions after LINE-RESET use the PWM-G1 1-Lane configuration, in all other cases the PA Layeruses the current mode.

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Figure 43 Power Mode Change using PACP_PWR_req and PACP_PWR_cnf

5.8.13 PA Hibernate

1408 Hibernate is separated from the normal power mode change operation. The hibernate enter and hibernate exitprocedures are described in this section. When entering hibernation, the current power mode configuration,including M-PHY settings and Lane count information, are stored. They are automatically restored whenexiting hibernate.

1409 The time in hibernation shall be greater than, or equal to, the minimum hibernate time, THIBERN8, defined in[MIPI05]. The implementation can use a timer to guarantee this condition.

Local PA Remote PA

PA_LM_SET.req (PA_PwrMode, x)



Idle Idle


Configure MODULEs


Burst TX

Burst TX

Check cnf

Configure MODULEs





Idle Idle


Check Capability

Check Capability

End TX Burst

End TX Burst

Remote DMELocal DME










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1410 The DME issues a PA_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.req primitive to the PA Layer to put the PA Layer intohibernate. If the PA Layer is not busy with another power mode change operation, it shall respond with thePA_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.cnf_L primitive with the parameter set to Success. Otherwise, it shallrespond with the parameter set to Failure.

1411 When the procedure has completed successfully, the PA Layer shall issue aPA_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.ind primitive with the parameter set to PWR_LOCAL to the requestingDME. The peer PA Layer shall issue a PA_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.ind primitive with the parameter setto PWR_REMOTE to the peer DME. In error cases, the primitive has other status, e.g. PWR_BUSY orPWR_FATAL_ERROR.

1412 After successful completion of the procedure, the Link in both directions is in HIBERNATE_STATE and theM-PHY MODULEs are in HIBERN8. The squelch detection of an M-RX may be turned off on all Lanes,except Logical Lane 0, to save power.

1413 The procedure is depicted in Figure 44. Internally, the PA Layer shall use the same Link Configurationprocedure as specified in Section 5.8.12 with the following modifications:

1414 • DME uses the PA_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.req primitive instead of using Attributes1415 • The PA Layer uses PA_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.cnf_L to indicate acceptance of the hibernate

request1416 • The PA Layer indicates the status with the PA_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.ind primitive1417 • User data in PACP_PWR_req and PACP_PWR_cnf frames is not used, and is not forwarded to the DME

(see Section • Entering hibernate never fails due to invalid configuration or capability checking1419 • For all active M-TXs, TX_HIBERN8_Control shall be set to ENTER and TX_LCC_Sequencer to

MPHY_TX_LCC_Sequencer_LCC_WRITE, other Attributes shall not be set1420 • For all active M-RXs, RX_Enter_HIBERN8 shall be set to YES, other Attributes shall not be set

1421 The concurrency and error recovery methods are as in the normal Link Configuration procedure.

1422 If the Link Startup Sequence has not been started, a PA_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.req primitive shall causethe PA Layer to set all available M-RX Lanes to HIBERNATE_STATE, instead of using the LinkConfiguration procedure.

1423 The PA Layer shall generate the PA_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.cnf_L andPA_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.ind primitives as described previously.

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Figure 44 Entering Hibernate (after Link Startup) Retained State Information

1424 While in HIBERNATE_STATE, the following information shall be retained:

1425 • PHY configuration (retained by M-PHY MODULEs)1426 • Information gathered during Link Startup sequence:1427 • PA_ConnectedTxDataLanes, PA_ConnectedRxDataLanes1428 • PA_LogicalLaneMap1429 • PA_MaxRxPWMGear, PA_MaxRxHSGear1430 • PA_RemoteVerInfo1431 • PA_SleepNoConfigTime, PA_StallNoConfigTime, PA_SaveConfigTime

Local PA Remote PA






LinkHibernate LinkHibernate






Local DME


Burst TX


Remote DME


Burst TX

Configure MODULEs

Configure MODULEs

End TX Burst


End TX Burst




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1432 • PA_RxHSUnterminationCapability, PA_RxLSTerminationCapability1433 • PA_TActivate1434 • PA_PACPReqTimeout, PA_PACPReqEoBTimeout

1435 In addition, the PA Layer shall retain the Link configuration active before entering HIBERNATE_STATEwhich is gettable through the following Attributes (see Section 5.9).

1436 • PA_PWRMode1437 • PA_ActiveTxDataLanes, PA_ActiveRxDataLanes1438 • PA_TxGear, PA_RxGear1439 • PA_HSSeries1440 • PA_TxTermination, PA_RxTermination Exiting Hibernate

1441 The DME can request the PA Layer exit hibernate by issuing a PA_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.req primitive.The PA Layer confirms the request with a PA_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.cnf_L primitive. When the exithibernate procedure has completed, the local PA Layer issues a PA_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.ind primitiveto the local DME with the parameter set to PWR_LOCAL. Similarly, when the remote PA Layer detects theend of hibernate, it issues a PA_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.ind primitive to the remote DME with theparameter set to PWR_REMOTE. The PA_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.ind primitive indicates that the Link isrestored and is using the configuration that was active before hibernation.

1442 The PA Layer uses M-PHY signaling to exit HIBERNATE_STATE. First, all active TX Lanes shall be wokenup by setting TX_HIBERN8_Control to EXIT. This causes the M-TXs to begin driving DIF-N to the Lanes.The local PA Layer shall wait for PA_TActivate and then start a timer WAIT_HIBERN8EXIT_TIMER set toPA_TActivate.

1443 When the remote M-RX detects DIF-N, it wakes up and informs the remote PA Layer with a M-LANE-HIBERN8Exit.ind primitive. The M-LANE-HIBERN8Exit.ind primitive shall cause the remote PA Layer towake up its M-TXs by setting TX_HIBERN8_Control to EXIT on all active TX Lanes. After PA_TActivate,the remote PA Layer shall signal the remote DME with PA_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.ind(PWR_REMOTE)that the hibernate has ended.

1444 When the local M-RX detects DIF-N, it wakes up and informs the local PA Layer with the M-LANE-H I B E R N 8 E x i t . i n d p r i m i t i v e . T h e l o c a l PA L a y e r s h a l l s i g n a l t h e l o c a l D M E w i t hPA_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.ind(PWR_LOCAL) that the hibernate has ended.

1445 If WAIT_HIBERN8EXIT_TIMER expires, the hibernate exit has failed and the local PA Layer shall issue aPA_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.ind(PWR_FATAL_ERROR) to the local DME. At this point, the Link is inunknown, possibly inoperable state.

1446 If the Link Startup Sequence has not been started, a PA_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.req primitive shall causethe PA Layer to skip the wake-up procedure previously described, i.e. driving DIF-N and waiting forincoming DIF-N.

1447 Similarly, if the PA Layer receives a M-LANE-HIBERN8Exit.ind primitive while the Link Startup sequencehas not begun, the PA Layer shall skip the wake-up procedure previously described, i.e. driving DIF-N. ThePA Layer shall generate the PA_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.cnf_L and PA_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.indprimitives as described previously.

1448 Exiting hibernate is depicted in Figure 45.

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Figure 45 Exiting Hibernate (after Link Startup)

5.8.14 Remote Attribute GET and SET

1449 The PA Layer provides a method to set and get peer Device’s Attributes. This is accomplished by usingPACP_GET_req, PACP_GET_cnf, PACP_SET_req and PACP_SET_cnf frames. The PA Layer is just atransport while the actual processing of the requests is implemented in the peer Device’s DME. Note that thesame PACP frames are used also in the PHY testing.

1450 While the PA Layer is executing a power mode change or processing a PA_LM_PEER_GET.req,PA_LM_PEER_SET.req, PA_LM_GET.req, or PA_LM_SET.req primitive, the PA Layer shall respond to aPA_LM_PEER_GET.req or PA_LM_PEER_SET.req request with a confirmation where ConfigResultCodeis set to BUSY.

1451 The logic for transmitting PACP_GET_req and PACP_SET_req frames is optional, and depends whether thePA_LM_PEER_GET.req and PA_LM_PEER_SET.req primitives are implemented. GET Operation

1452 When the PA Layer receives a PA_LM_PEER_GET.req primitive from the DME, the PA Layer shall transmita PACP_GET_req frame containing the same information that the primitive had. The PA Layer shall waituntil it receives the confirmation or the timer expires (see Section When the PA Layer receives thePACP_GET_cnf frame, it shall forward the results to the DME via the PA_LM_PEER_GET.cnf.

1453 When the remote PA Layer receives the PACP_GET_req frame, it shall forward the Attribute information tothe DME via the PA_LM_PEER_GET.ind primitive. The PA Layer shall wait for a PA_LM_PEER_GET.rsp

Local PA Remote PA






Idle Idle


Local DME


Remote DME





Configure MODULEs

Configure MODULEsWaitRxWake



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primitive. When the PA Layer receives the primitive, it shall transmit a PACP_GET_cnf frame containing theresults given in the primitive. SET Operation

1454 When the PA Layer receives a PA_LM_PEER_SET.req primitive from the DME, the PA Layer shall transmita PACP_SET_req frame containing the same information that the primitive had. The Cnf flag of thePACP_SET_req frame shall be set always when the request is originated from the DME, but in PHY testing,the flag may be unset if the confirmation is not required. If the Cnf flag was set, the PA Layer shall wait untilit receives the confirmation or the timer expires (see Section When the PA Layer receives thePACP_SET_cnf frame, it shall forward the results to the DME via the PA_LM_PEER_GET.cnf.

1455 When the remote PA Layer receives the PACP_SET_req frame, it shall forward the Attribute information tothe DME via the PA_LM_PEER_SET.ind primitive. The PA Layer shall wait for a PA_LM_PEER_SET.rspprimitive. When the PA Layer receives the primitive, and if the Cnf flag in the PACP_SET_req frame was set,the PA Layer shall transmit a PACP_GET_cnf frame containing the status given in the primitive. Replay Mechanism

1456 The PA Layer has a replay mechanism to protect against random communication errors. When transmitting aPACP_GET_req or PACP_SET_req frame, the PA Layer shall set PACP_REQUEST_TIMER toPA_PACPReqTimeout. If the timer expires before receiving the confirmation frame, the PA Layer shallretransmit the request frame. If the PA Layer fails to receive a response after three transmissions (i.e. tworetries), the PA Layer shall abort the DME’s request by issuing a PA_LM_PEER_GET.cnf orPA_LM_PEER_SET.cnf primitive, depending of the request, with the parameter ConfigResultCode set toPEER_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE.

1457 Note, the replay mechanism of PACP_GET and SET_req is identical to the one specified in Section PACP_PWR_req, with the exception that the LINE-RESET phase is not used here. Therefore, animplementation may share the replay functionality (including the timer) between these two features.

5.8.15 PHY Testing

1458 This section describes the PA Layer’s operation in the PHY test-mode. The behavior and functionalities maydiffer from the normal operation.

1459 To be able to define a generic way to test the M-PHY, a specific M-PHY Test Feature is required. This TestFeature is essentially a controllable state machine, which can generate and send certain patterns of M-PHYsymbols to the M-PHYs, which can be received and analyzed by a specialized tool. These test patterns areencapsulated into PACP frames, so that in receiver testing, the Test Feature shall use the frame verification ofa PACP frame. The number of passed and failed test patterns can be read from the PA_PACPFrameCount andPA_PACPErrorCount counters (see Section 5.8.7).

1460 Since the PA Layer and the M-PHY Test Feature need to be both in direct contact with the M-PHY, the PALayer shall support 2 modes of operation: the normal operating mode and a dedicated mode for testing the M-PHY. To set the PA Layer of a DUT in a testing mode, the Tester shall send a PACP_TEST_MODE_reqframe. When a UniPro Device, the DUT, receives the PACP_TEST_MODE_req frame, the PA Layer of theDUT shall go to the testing mode. The PA Layer of the DUT shall stop to forward any PA Symbols to the DataLink Layer and shall not accept any PA Symbols from the Data Link Layer. The PA Layer shall be able toreceive a PACP_TEST_MODE_req frame during Link Startup sequence in order to provide a mechanism fortest equipment to bypass the normal Link Startup procedure.

1461 The following operations shall be available in the PHY test mode:

1462 • Lane merging, distribution, and synchronization1463 • Reception and decoding of the following PACP frames

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1464 • PACP_GET_req and PACP_SET_req1465 • PACP_TEST_DATA1466 • Transmission and encoding of the following PACP frames1467 • PACP_GET_cnf and PACP_SET_cnf1468 • PACP_TEST_DATA

1469 The PACP_TEST_MODE_req frame shall be sent on a single Lane before or during the Link Startupsequence. The reception of the frame shall cause the PA Layer to cancel an active Link Startup sequenceimmediately and enter into test mode.

1470 The PA Layer shall exit from the test-mode with power-on reset.

1471 The following information, which is normally gathered during the Link Startup sequence, shall be manuallyset via PACP_SET_req frames:

1472 • PA_ConnectedTxDataLanes1473 • PA_ConnectedRxDataLanes1474 • PA_LogicalLaneMap1475 • PA_SleepNoConfigTime1476 • PA_StallNoConfigTime1477 • PA_SaveConfigTime

1478 In the test-mode, the M-PHY MODULE’s power configuration is not handled by the PA Layer’s normalpower mode change operation. Instead, the M-PHY MODULE’s configuration shall be set viaPACP_SET_req frames directly to the M-PHY MODULE’s Attributes. Therefore, the PA Layer shall allowall access to M-PHY MODULE’s Attributes, including those that are specified to be write-protected in thenormal mode. The M-LANE-CFGREADY.req primitive is controlled via PA_PHYTestControl.

1479 M-TXs shall be controlled as follows:

1480 • If ContBurst is unset in PA_PHYTestControl, the PA Layer TX shall create a new burst for eachtransmitted PACP frame. When there is no data to be sent, the M-TX shall be in SAVE state.

1481 • If ContBurst is set in PA_PHYTestControl, the PA Layer TX shall keep the M-TX in BURST mode.When there is no data to be sent, the PA Layer TX shall send FILLERs.

1482 • When CfgReady is set in PA_PHYTestControl, the PA Layer TX shall issue a M-LANE-CFGREADY.req to all M-TXs and M-RXs. Note, the bit is automatically cleared.

1483 • When LineReset is set in PA_PHYTestControl, the PA Layer TX shall issue a M-LANE-LINERESET.req on all PA_ConnectedTxDataLanes. Note, the bit is automatically cleared.

1484 The PA Layer shall send test patterns when SendTestPattern is set in PA_PHYTestControl. The PA Layershall encode the test pattern data into a PACP_TEST_DATA frame as shown in Table 29. The PA Layersupports two Test Patterns, CJTPAT and CRPAT with four variations for different lane counts. The generatedtest pattern sequence is selected with the TestPatternSelect parameter in PA_PHYTestControl. The PA Layershall generate the CJTPAT sequence when Test PatternSelect is set to zero and the CRPAT sequence whenTestPatternSelect is set to one. The PA Layer shall select the variation based on the value inPA_ActiveTxDataLanes. The CJTPAT and CRPAT test sequences are given in Section andSection, respectively.

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro CJTPAT Sequences

1485 The payload of the CJTPAT Test Pattern PACP frames shall be as specified in Table 30. The left columnspecifies the PA Layer Symbol while the value in the CJTPAT_n column specifies how many times thatsymbol is transmitted. Empty cell equals zero (i.e. the symbol is not transmitted at all). These symbols shallbe transmitted in the order shown in the table from top to bottom.

Table 29 PHY Test Pattern PACP Frames

Pattern Active Lanes PACP Frame Payload CRC-16











CJTPAT_4 0x68D4


Table 30 CJTPAT Test Patterns

PA SymbolRepeat Count


0x0ABD 1

0x0AFD 2

0x7E7E 21 42 63 84

0x7E74 1 2 3 4

0x7EAB 1 2 3 4

0xB5B5 6 12 18 24

0xB55E 1 2 3 4

0x4A7E 1 2 3 4

0x7E7E 21 42 63 84

0x7E6B 1 2 3 4

0x7E54 1 2 3 4

0x4A4A 6 12 18 24

0x4ABE 1 2 3 4

0xB57E 1 2 3 4

0x9AAB 1 1 1 2

0x9AE7 1

0x0AAB 1

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1486 The payload of the CRPAT Test Pattern PACP frames shall be as follows:


1491 In the above sequences, the number defines the repeat count of the symbol vectors given in the parenthesis.The symbols are abbreviated to capital letters for editorial reason. The mapping of letters to PA Symbols isgiven in Table 31.

5.8.16 Physical Layer Requirements

1492 UniPro requires an M-PHY instance to fulfill the following requirements:

1493 • M-PHY Type I1494 • The PWM-G1 mode is mandatory1495 • Minimum of one Lane per direction, maximum of four Lanes per direction1496 • All capabilities of all M-TXs are equal1497 • All capabilities of all M-RXs are equal1498 • Maximum Lane-to-Lane skew less than1499 • 40 ns at PWM1500 • 16 ns at HS-G11501 • 8 ns at HS-G21502 • 4 ns at HS-G3

5.9 Management Information Base and Protocol Constants

1503 Table 33, Table 34, and Table 35 show PHY Adapter Layer Attributes that may be accessed viaPA_LM_GET and PA_LM_SET primitives.

1504 For the current version of UniPro, settable PHY Adapter Layer Attributes shall be set prior to normaloperation, e.g. during system initialization.

1505 All PHY Adapter Layer Attributes should be readable.

1506 A PA_LM_GET.req to PA_ActiveTxDataLanes, PA_ActiveRxDataLanes, PA_PWRMode, PA_TxGear,PA_RxGear, PA_HSSeries, PA_TxTermination, and PA_RxTermination Attributes shall return the value ofthe currently active parameter of the Link. Therefore, the value returned from a PA_LM_GET.req of theseAttributes is not necessarily the value that was previously set.

Table 31 CRPAT Test Pattern PA Symbols


0xB314 0x5EFB 0x3559 0xBED7 0x2347 0x6B8F 0xAAB8 0x0ABD 0x0AFD 0xAAB1

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5.9.1 PHY Adapter Common Attributes

Table 32 PHY Adapter Protocol Constants

Constant Description Type Unit Value

PA_MaxDataLanes The maximum number of PHY data lanes supported by the PA Layer Integer Lane 4

Table 33 PHY Adapter (gettable, settable) Common Attributes

Attribute Attribute ID Description Type Unit Valid Attribute Value(s) Mandatory

Value(s) Reset Value

PA_ActiveTxDataLanes 0x1560 Active TX Data Lanes Integer Lane 1 to PA_AvailTxDataLanes 1 1

PA_ActiveRxDataLanes 0x1580 Active RX Data Lanes Integer Lane 1 to PA_AvailRxDataLanes 1 1

PA_TxTrailingClocks 0x1564

Number of PHY byte clock cycles forced without data before a mode change from FAST_STATE or SLOW_STATE to SLEEP_STATE. With D-PHY, also before a data transmission pause while in FAST_STATE or SLOW_STATE.

Integer Symbol 0 to 255 255 255

Table 34 PHY Adapter (gettable, static) Common Attributes

Attribute Attribute ID Description Unit Valid Attribute Value(s)

PA_PHY_Type 0x1500 PHY Type EnumerationEncoded D-PHY = 0

M-PHY = 1

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PA_AvailTxDataLanes 0x1520 Available TX Data Lanes Integer 1 to PA_MaxDataLanes

PA_AvailRxDataLanes 0x1540 Available RX Data Lanes Integer 1 to PA_MaxDataLanes

PA_MinRxTrailingClocks 0x1543

Minimum number of PHY byte clock cycles without data to receive before a mode change from FAST_STATE or SLOW_STATE to SLEEP_STATE, or before a pause in data transmission while in FAST_STATE or SLOW_STATE.

Integer 0 to 255

Table 35 PHY Adapter (gettable, dynamic) Common Attributes

Attribute Attribute ID Description Unit Valid Attribute Value(s)

PA_TxPWRStatus 0x1567 TX power state status Enumeration



PA_RxPWRStatus 0x1582 RX power state status Enumeration



Table 34 PHY Adapter (gettable, static) Common Attributes (continued)

Attribute Attribute ID Description Unit Valid Attribute Value(s)

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5.9.2 PHY Adapter D-PHY-specific Attributes

Table 36 PHY Adapter (gettable, settable) D-PHY-specific Attributes

Attribute Attribute ID Description Type Unit Valid Attribute Value(s) Mandatory

Value(s) Reset Value

PA_TxForceClock 0x1562

When asserted TRUE and the PHY provides a Clock Lane, the Clock Lane shall be always on, independent of the UniPro stack power mode.



PA_TxPWRMode 0x1563 TX power mode Enumeration




PA_LegacyDPHYEscDL 0x1570Indicates if the UniPro v1.00.00 legacy ESC_DL mapping is enabled.



Table 37 PHY Adapter (gettable, static) D-PHY-specific Attributes

Attribute Attribute ID Description Unit Valid Attribute Value(s)

PA_MaxTxSpeedFast 0x1521 Maximum TX Lane speed (FAST_STATE) Mbps, per Lane Implementation-specific

PA_MaxTxSpeedSlow 0x1522 Maximum TX Lane speed (SLOW_STATE) Mbps, per Lane Implementation-specific

PA_MaxRxSpeedFast 0x1541 Maximum RX Lane speed (FAST_STATE) Mbps, per Lane Implementation-specific

PA_MaxRxSpeedSlow 0x1542Maximum RX Lane speed (SLOW_STATE)If Attribute is implemented, it shall be set to zero for Devices that do not support SLOW_STATE (see PA_TxLinkStartupHS)

Mbps, per Lane Implementation-specific

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5.9.3 PHY Adapter M-PHY-specific Attributes

PA_TxLinkStartupHS 0x1544 If TRUE, Link Startup is done in Fast_State (for interfacing to FPGAs only) Enumeration

FALSE = 0,TRUE = 1

Table 38 PHY Adapter (gettable, dynamic) D-PHY-specific Attributes

Attribute Attribute ID Description Unit Valid Attribute Value(s)

PA_TxSpeedFast 0x1565 Actual TX Data Lane speed (FAST_STATE) Mbps, per Lane Implementation-specific

PA_TxSpeedSlow 0x1566 Actual TX Data Lane speed (SLOW_STATE) Mbps, per Lane Implementation-specific

Table 39 PHY Adapter (gettable, dynamic) M-PHY-specific Attributes

Attribute Attribute ID Description Unit Valid Attribute Value(s)

PA_RemoteVerInfo 0x15A0 Peer Device version information. Available after a successful Link StartUp Sequence. 16-bit word See Section 9.9

Table 37 PHY Adapter (gettable, static) D-PHY-specific Attributes (continued)

Attribute Attribute ID Description Unit Valid Attribute Value(s)

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Table 40 PHY Adapter (gettable, settable) M-PHY-specific Attributes

Attribute Attribute ID Description Type Unit Valid Attribute Value(s) Mandatory

Value(s) Reset Value

PA_TxGear 0x1568 TX Gear in PWM or HS Mode Enumeration

PWM_G1 =1PWM_G2 =2PWM_G3 =3PWM_G4 =4PWM_G5 =5PWM_G6 =6PWM_G7 =7



PA_TxTermination 0x1569 TX Termination BooleanFALSE=0,TRUE=1



PA_HSSeries 0x156A TX and RX Frequency Series in High Speed Mode Enumeration



PA_PWRMode 0x1571

TX/RX power mode:TX[b3:b0]RX[b7:b4]

Setting of this Attribute triggers the Link Configuration procedure (see Section 5.8.12).








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PA_RxGear 0x1583 RX Gear in PWM or HS Mode Enumeration

PWM_G1 =1PWM_G2 =2PWM_G3 =3PWM_G4 =4PWM_G5 =5PWM_G6 =6PWM_G7 =7



PA_RxTermination 0x1584 RX Termination BooleanFALSE=0,TRUE=1



PA_MaxRxPWMGear 0x1586 Maximun RX Low Speed Gears (PWM) Integer

PWM_G1 =1PWM_G2 =2PWM_G3 =3PWM_G4 =4PWM_G5 =5PWM_G6 =6PWM_G7 =7




PA_MaxRxHSGear 0x1587 Maximun RX High Speed Gears (HS), 0 means no HS available Integer


NO_HS to RX_HSGEAR_Capability


PA_RxHSUnterminationCapability 0x15A5

Specifies whether or not the inbound Link supports unterminated line in HS mode.



PA_RxLSTerminationCapability 0x15A6

Specifies whether or not the inbound Link supports terminated line in PWM mode.



Table 40 PHY Adapter (gettable, settable) M-PHY-specific Attributes (continued)

Attribute Attribute ID Description Type Unit Valid Attribute Value(s) Mandatory

Value(s) Reset Value

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PA_PACPReqTimeout 0x1590

Expiration value of the PACP_REQUEST_TIMER when the PA Layer is waiting for a cnf Message (see Section and Section actual duration of the timeout period shall be the value set in the Attribute ±10%

Integer ms 0 to 63 63

PA_PACPReqEoBTimeout 0x1591

Expiration value of the PACP_REQUEST_TIMER when the PA Layer is waiting for the end of burst (see Section actual duration of the timeout period shall be the value set in the Attribute ±10%

Integer ms 0 to 15 15

PA_LocalVerInfo 0x15A9

Local version info. Delivered during Link Startup sequence to the peer Device and stored in PA_RemoteVerInfo in the peer Device.

16-bit word See Section 9.9 0

PA_TActivate 0x15A8Time to wait in SAVE before activating a burst in order to wake-up OMC and remote M-RX.

Integer 10 μs 0 to 1000 1000

PA_PACPFrameCount1 0x15C0 Number of valid PACP frames received. Integer 0 to 232-1 0

PA_PACPErrorCount1 0x15C1 Number of erroneous PACP frames received. Integer 0 to 232-1 0

Table 40 PHY Adapter (gettable, settable) M-PHY-specific Attributes (continued)

Attribute Attribute ID Description Type Unit Valid Attribute Value(s) Mandatory

Value(s) Reset Value

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PA_PHYTestControl 0x15C2

PHY Test Feature control registerb0 : ContBurstb1 : CfgReadyb2 : LineResetb3 : TestPatternTransmitb4 : TestPatternSelect

Setting this Attribute has side-effects (see Section 5.8.15).

5-bit word All 0

PA_PWRModeUserData[0 to 11]



Data to be sent within PACP_PWR_req and delivered to the remote DME.


16-bit wordSee Table 117 0

PA_ConnectedTxDataLanes2 0x1561 Number of TX Data Lanes

connected Integer 0 to PA_MaxDataLanes0 to



PA_ConnectedRxDataLanes2 0x1581 Number of RX Data Lanes

connected Integer 0 to PA_MaxDataLanes0 to



Table 40 PHY Adapter (gettable, settable) M-PHY-specific Attributes (continued)

Attribute Attribute ID Description Type Unit Valid Attribute Value(s) Mandatory

Value(s) Reset Value

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PA_LogicalLaneMap2 0x15A1

Logical to Physical Lane mapping. Attribute contains a valid value after a successful Link StartUp Sequence.

TX Lanes:Bits [1:0]: Physical Lane of Logical Lane 0.Bits [3:2]: Physical Lane of Logical Lane 1.Bits [5:4]: Physical Lane of Logical Lane 2.Bits [7:6]: Physical Lane of Logical Lane 3.

RX Lanes:Bits [9:8]: Physical Lane of Logical Lane 0.Bits [11:10]: Physical Lane of Logical Lane 1.Bits [13:12]: Physical Lane of Logical Lane 2.Bits [15:14]: Physical Lane of Logical Lane 3.

16-bit word Implementation-specific Any

PA_SleepNoConfigTime2 0x15A2Minimum time to wait between bursts in PWM mode when no new configuration was performed.

Integer SI 1 to 15 15

PA_StallNoConfigTime2 0x15A3Minimum time to wait between bursts in HS mode when no new configuration was performed.

Integer SI 1 to 255 255

Table 40 PHY Adapter (gettable, settable) M-PHY-specific Attributes (continued)

Attribute Attribute ID Description Type Unit Valid Attribute Value(s) Mandatory

Value(s) Reset Value

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PA_SaveConfigTime2 0x15A4Minimum time to wait between bursts when a new configuration was performed.

Integer 40 ns 1 to 250 250

1. Statistic. See Section 9.3 for reset behavior.

2. Attribute should be set only when needed by PHY Testing (see Section 5.8.15).

Table 40 PHY Adapter (gettable, settable) M-PHY-specific Attributes (continued)

Attribute Attribute ID Description Type Unit Valid Attribute Value(s) Mandatory

Value(s) Reset Value

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6 Data Link Layer (L2)1507 The principal objective of this section is to specify the characteristics and behavior of a conceptual Data Link

Layer service and Data Link Layer protocol.

1508 This section does not specify individual implementation or products, nor does it constrain the implementationof Data Link Layer and its interfaces within a system.

1509 Figure 46 shows the SAP model used for the Data Link Layer. The DL Layer service to the Network Layer isprovided through two Traffic Class-specific Service Access Points (DL_TCx_SAP). The DL Layer in turnrelies on the service provided by the PA_SAP. The Data Link Layer Management SAP (DL_LM_SAP) isprovided to the Device Management Entity (DME) for configuration and control purposes.

Figure 46 Data Link Layer SAP Model

6.1 Data Link Layer Service Functionality and Features

1510 The DL Layer provides services to assure the transparent and reliable transfer of user-data between DLService Users.

1511 The way in which the supporting communication resources are utilized to achieve this transfer, is invisible tothe DL Service Users. The DL Layer provides following key features.

1512 Key features for transmit direction:

1513 • Frame composition1514 • Optional Frame preemption1515 • Triggering of PHY initialization1516 • Flow control1517 • Support for up to two Traffic Classes by priority-based arbitration, Traffic Class 0 shall always be

present1518 • CRC generation1519 • Retransmission of a Frame in case of error(s)

1520 Key features for receive direction:

1521 • Frame decomposition1522 • Capability to receive preempted Frames

Device Management


Network Layer (L3)

Data Link Layer (L2)

TC0 Entity


TC1 Entity


DL_LM Entity





Management Plane Data Plane


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1523 • Generation of flow control credit information1524 • Support for two Traffic Classes reception1525 • CRC verification1526 • Detection of various errors and autonomous reaction to them1527 • Autonomous acknowledgment of all unacknowledged Frames

6.2 Services Assumed from PHY Adapter Layer

1528 The DL Layer assumes following services from PHY Adapter Layer to fulfill its services to DL Service User:

1529 • Sending and receiving a control symbol1530 • Sending and receiving a data symbol1531 • PHY initialization

6.3 DL_TCx_SAP

1532 Services to a DL Service User are provided via the DL_TCx_SAP. Each Traffic Class uses a dedicatedService Access Point (SAP) for transferring data. The two defined SAPs are DL_TC0_SAP andDL_TC1_SAP. The Traffic Class identification is performed based on the used SAP.

1533 At the sending side, data is passed via the DL_TCx_SAP in DL_SDUs to the DL Layer to transfer it to a peerDL Layer. At the recipient side, the DL Layer delivers received data in DL_SDUs to the upper layer.

6.3.1 Data Transfer Primitives

1534 The primitives covered in this section are listed in Table 41.

1535 Table 42 lists the parameters that appear in the DL_TCx_SAP primitives. DL_DATA.req

1536 This primitive is used to send a DL_SDU over a dedicated TC of the DL Layer. The TC is given by the SAPused. The user may transmit any integral number of bytes greater than zero up to the DL_MTU.

Table 41 DL_TCx_SAP Data Transfer Primitives

Name Request Indication Local Response Response Local

Confirm Confirm


Table 42 DL_TCx_SAP Primitive Parameters

Name Type Valid Range Value Description

DL_SDU byte stream 1 to DL_MTUSpecifies the length of the data passing through the DL_TCx_SAP before transmission or after reception

L2ResultCode EnumerationSUCCESS 0 Indicates the result of the DL_DATA.req

request.NO_PEER_TC 1

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1537 The semantics of this primitive are:

1538 DL_DATA.req( DL_SDU )

1539 When Generated

1540 The DL Service User shall generate a DL_DATA.req primitive to send a DL_SDU.

1541 Effect on Receipt

1542 The reception of a DL_DATA.req primitive shall cause DL Service Provider to transfer DL_SDU to its peerDL Layer.

1543 Behavioral Description

1544 The state diagram describing the behavior of the DL_DATA.req primitive is shown in Figure 254 of[MIPI02]. DL_DATA.cnf_L

1545 This primitive informs the DL Service User that the Service Provider, L2 in this case, is ready to accept a newDL_DATA.req primitive.

1546 The semantics of this primitive are:

1547 DL_DATA.cnf_L( L2ResultCode )

1548 When Generated

1549 This primitive shall be generated by the Data Link Service Provider after the receipt of a DL_DATA.reqprimitive, when the DL Service Provider can accept a new request to transfer a DL_SDU.

1550 If DL_PeerTCxPresent is TRUE, i.e. the peer Device implements TCx, the Data Link Service Provider shallset L2ResultCode to SUCCESS.

1551 If DL_PeerTCxPresent is FALSE, i.e. the peer Device does not implement TCx, the Data Link ServiceProvider shall set L2ResultCode to NO_PEER_TC. The DL_SDU provided by DL_DATA.req is ignored,meaning the DL_SDU is not put in the transmitter logical buffer, and is not sent on the Link.

1552 Effect on Receipt

1553 Following the emission of a DL_DATA.req primitive and prior to the reception of a DL_DATA.cnf_Lprimitive, the DL Service User shall not emit a new DL_DATA.req primitive.

1554 The DL Service User may emit a new DL_DATA.req primitive immediately following a reset or after thereception of the DL_DATA.cnf_L primitive corresponding to a previously emitted DL_DATA.req primitive.

1555 Behavioral Description

1556 The state diagram describing the behavior of the DL_DATA.cnf_L primitive is shown in Figure 254 of[MIPI02]. DL_DATA.ind

1557 At the local RX the DL Layer Service Provider shall pass the received DL_SDU to the DL Layer ServiceUser using this primitive via the SAP of appropriate Traffic Class. The DL_SDU may consist of any integralnumber of bytes greater than zero up to DL_MTU.

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1558 The semantics of this primitive are:

1559 DL_DATA.ind( DL_SDU )

1560 When Generated

1561 The primitive shall be generated when the DL Layer Service Provider receives a DL_PDU at the local RX.

1562 Effect on Receipt

1563 Upon reception of a DL_DATA.ind primitive, the DL Layer Service User shall consume DL_SDU on aTraffic Class associated with the SAP.

1564 Behavioral Description

1565 The state diagram describing the behavior of the DL_DATA.ind primitive is shown in Figure 268 of[MIPI02]. DL_DATA.rsp_L

1566 This primitive informs the Service Provider that the DL Service User, L3 in this case, is ready to accept a newDL_DATA.ind or DL_ESCAPED_DATA.ind primitive.

1567 The semantics of this primitive are:

1568 DL_DATA.rsp_L( )

1569 When Generated

1570 The DL Service User shall generate DL_DATA.rsp_L in response to a DL_DATA.ind to indicate that the DLService User can accept and process a new DL_PDU.

1571 Effect on Receipt

1572 Following the emission of a DL_DATA.ind primitive and prior to the reception of a DL_DATA.rsp_Lprimitive, the Data Link Layer shall not emit a new DL_DATA.ind primitive. The Data Link Layer may emita new DL_DATA.ind primitive only just after reset, or after reception of the DL_DATA.rsp_L primitivecorresponding to a previously emitted DL_DATA.ind primitive.

1573 Behavioral Description

1574 The state diagram describing the behavior of the DL_DATA.rsp_L primitive is shown in Figure 268 of[MIPI02].


1575 The Data Link Layer Management (DL_LM) SAP offers three groups of Service Primitives: Configurationprimitives, Control primitives and Status primitives. The primitives on the DL_LM_SAP are used by theDevice Management Entity (DME) to configure and control the layer and receive layer status information.

1576 The Configuration primitives enable access to configuration information specific to the DL Layer. Thisinformation is represented as a DL Layer-specific Management Information Base (DL_MIB). The DL_MIBis regarded as “contained” within the DL_LM entity. Multiple accesses to the DL_MIB via the Configurationprimitives shall not occur concurrently. The available Data Link Layer Attributes are defined in Section 6.8.

1577 The Control primitives provide direct control of the DL Layer. Control primitives are generated by the DMEand can occur concurrently.

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1578 The Status primitives indicate status information of the DL Layer. Status primitives are generated by the DLLayer and can occur concurrently.

6.4.1 Configuration Primitives

1579 The DL_LM configuration primitives, GET and SET, are used by the DME to retrieve and store values,respectively, for the configuration Attributes in the DL_MIB.

1580 The GET and SET primitives are represented as requests with associated confirm primitives. Theseprimitives are prefixed by DL_LM. The primitives are summarized in Table 43.

1581 The parameters used for these primitives are defined in the next table. DL_LM_GET.req

1582 This primitive requests information about a given DL_MIB Attribute identified by MIBattribute.

1583 The semantics of this primitive are:

1584 DL_LM_GET.req( MIBattribute )

1585 The primitive parameter is defined in Table 44.

1586 When Generated

1587 This primitive is generated by the DME to obtain information from the DL_MIB.

Table 43 DL_LM Configuration Primitives

Name Request Indication Local Response Response Local

Confirm Confirm



Table 44 DL_LM Configuration Primitive Parameters

Name Type Valid Range Value Description

MIBattribute Integer0x2000 to 0x2FFF and the MIB Attribute within that range are defined in Section 6.8

The address of the MIB Attribute

MIBvalue Variable As defined in Section 6.8 The value of the MIB Attribute

ConfigResultCode Enumeration


Indicates the result of the request




AttrSetType Enumeration

NORMAL 0 Select whether the actual value (NOR-MAL) or the reset value (STATIC) of the Attribute is set


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1588 Effect on Receipt

1589 The DL_LM entity attempts to retrieve the requested MIB Attribute value from DL_MIB and responds withDL_LM_GET.cnf_L that gives the result.

1590 Behavioral Description

1591 The state diagram describing the behavior of the DL_LM_GET.req primitive is shown in Figure 142 of[MIPI02]. DL_LM_GET.cnf_L

1592 This primitive reports the results of an information request about the DL_MIB.

1593 The semantics of this primitive are:

1594 DL_LM_GET.cnf_L( ConfigResultCode, MIBvalue )

1595 The primitive parameters are defined in Table 44.

1596 The DL Layer shall set ConfigResultCode in DL_LM_GET.cnf_L to one of the values shown in Table 45 fort h e c o n d i t i o n g i v e n i n t h e t a b l e . T h e D L L a y e r s h o u l d n o t s e t C o n f i g R e s u l t C o d e t oINVALID_MIB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE or READ_ONLY_MIB_ATTRIBUTE.

1597 When Generated

1598 The DL Layer shall generate the DL_LM_GET.cnf_L primitive in response to a DL_LM_GET.req from theDME.

1599 Effect on Receipt

1600 The DME is informed about the result of the operation, and in case ConfigResultCode is SUCCESS,MIBvalue carries the MIB Attribute value. For any other value of ConfigResultCode, MIBvalue is undefined.

1601 Behavioral Description

1602 The state diagram describing the behavior of the DL_LM_GET.cnf_L primitive is shown in Figure 142 of[MIPI02]. DL_LM_SET.req

1603 This primitive attempts to set the indicated DL_MIB Attribute indicated by MIBattribute to the MIBvaluevalue.

Table 45 DL_LM_GET.cnf_L ConfigResultCode Values

ConfigResultCode Condition


The request succeeds, i.e. the MIB Attribute indicated by DL_LM_GET.req MIBattribute is gettable.The DL Layer shall set MIBvalue in DL_LM_GET.cnf_L to the MIB Attribute value.

INVALID_MIB_ATTRIBUTEThe MIB Attribute indicated by DL_LM_GET.req MIBattribute is invalid or not implemented.The value of MIBvalue in DL_LM_CC_GET.cnf_L is undefined.

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1604 The semantics of this primitive are:

1605 DL_LM_SET.req( AttrSetType, MIBattribute, MIBvalue )

1606 The primitive parameters are defined in Table 44.

1607 When Generated

1608 This primitive is generated by the DME to set the value of indicated DL_MIB Attribute.

1609 Effect on Receipt

1610 The DL_LM attempts to set the value of the specified MIB Attribute in its database. The DL_LM respondswith DL_LM_SET.cnf_L that gives the result.

1611 Behavioral Description

1612 The state diagram describing the behavior of the DL_LM_SET.req primitive is shown in Figure 142 of[MIPI02]. DL_LM_SET.cnf_L

1613 This primitive reports the results of an attempt to set the value of an Attribute in the DL_MIB.

1614 The semantics of this primitive are:

1615 DL_LM_SET.cnf_L( ConfigResultCode )

1616 The primitive parameter is defined in Table 44.

1617 The DL Layer shall set ConfigResultCode in DL_LM_SET.cnf_L to one of the values shown in Table 46 forthe condition given in the table.

1618 When Generated

1619 The DL Layer shall generate the DL_LM_SET.cnf_L primitive in response to a DL_LM_SET.req from theDME.

Table 46 DL_LM_SET.cnf_L ConfigResultCode Values

ConfigResultCode Condition

SUCCESSThe request succeeds, i.e. the MIB Attribute indicated by DL_LM_SET.req MIBattribute is set to the value of DL_LM_SET.req MIBvalue.


The MIB Attribute indicated by DL_LM_SET.req MIBattribute is invalid or not implemented.If AttrSetType is STATIC, the Attribute indicated by MIBattribute and SelectorIndex does not support setting its reset value.

READ_ONLY_MIB_ATTRIBUTE The MIB Attribute indicated by DL_LM_SET.req MIBattribute exists, but is not settable.


The MIB Attribute indicated by DL_LM_SET.req MIBattribute exists and is settable, but the value of DL_LM_SET.req MIBvalue is outside of the implemented range, or outside of the valid value range, for the MIB Attribute.

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1620 Effect on Receipt

1621 DL_LM_SET.cnf_L confirms the success or failure of the DL_LM_SET.req at the Data Link Layer, andshould have no further effects at the DME.

1622 Behavioral Description

1623 The state diagram describing the behavior of the DL_LM_SET.cnf_L primitive is shown in Figure 142 of[MIPI02].

6.4.2 Control Primitives

1624 The Service Primitives in this section are provided for controlling the Data Link Layer.

1625 The primitives covered in this section are listed in Table 47.

1626 Table 48 lists the parameters that appear in the DL_LM_SAP control primitives. DL_LM_RESET.req

1627 This primitive requests to reset the Data Link Layer.

1628 The semantics of this primitive are:

1629 DL_LM_RESET.req( ResetLevel )

1630 When Generated

1631 This primitive is generated by the DME when it needs to reset the Data Link Layer.

1632 Effect on Receipt

1633 The DL Layer resets transmitter and receiver to the power-on reset states and values. The TCx entities discardall DL_SDUs currently processed and located in any logical buffer. Until the reset/boot completes, the DataLink Layer does not perform data transmit or receive operations.

Table 47 DL_LM_SAP Control Primitives

Name Request Indication Local Response Response Local

Confirm Confirm






Table 48 DL_LM_SAP Control Primitive Parameters

Name Type Valid Range Value Description

ResetLevel EnumerationCOLD 0 Defines the reset level of the requested

resetWARM 1

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1634 The ResetLevel COLD resets the complete DL Layer including the statistics. The ResetLevel WARM resetsthe DL Layer without the statistics, if they exist.

1635 Behavioral Description

1636 The state diagram describing the behavior of the DL_LM_RESET.req primitive is shown in Figure 144 of[MIPI02]. DL_LM_RESET.cnf_L

1637 The DL_LM_RESET.cnf_L primitive is used during the UniPro reset procedure (see Section 9.11.1).

1638 The semantics of this primitive are:

1639 DL_LM_RESET.cnf_L( )

1640 When Generated

1641 The DL uses the DL_LM_RESET.cnf_L primitive during the boot procedure to indicate to the DME that theDL came out of reset, thus being ready to exercise the L2 initialization protocol. See Section 6.7.

1642 Effect on Receipt

1643 The DME is informed that the DL came out of reset.

1644 Behavioral Description

1645 The state diagram describing the behavior of the DL_LM_RESET.cnf_L primitive is shown in Figure 144 of[MIPI02]. DL_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.req

1646 The DL_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.req primitive starts the L2 initialization protocol (see Section 6.7) asrequired by the UniPro boot procedure.

1647 The semantics of this primitive are:

1648 DL_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.req( )

1649 When Generated

1650 The DL_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.req primitive is part of the UniPro boot procedure (see Section 9.11.2) andis generated by the DME after the Data Link Layer comes out of reset and the PHY Adapter Layer is ready tobe used.

1651 Effect on Receipt

1652 The DL shall reach the state where it is ready to receive the AFCs as part of the L2 initialization protocol (seeSection 6.7), as required by the UniPro boot procedure.

1653 When this state is reached, this is indicated to the DME with the DL_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.cnf_Lprimitive.

1654 Behavioral Description

1655 The state diagram describing the behavior of the DL_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.req primitive is shown inFigure 146 of [MIPI02].

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1656 The DL_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.cnf_L primitive is used during the UniPro boot procedure (seeSection 9.11.2) to indicate to the DME that the DL is ready for the L2 initialization protocol.

1657 The semantics of this primitive are:

1658 DL_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.cnf_L( )

1659 When Generated

1660 The DL_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.cnf_L primitive is generated by the DL after it reached the state where theL2 initialization protocol may be started.

1661 Effect on Receipt

1662 The DME is informed about the readiness of the Data Link Layer for the L2 initialization protocol during theboot procedure.

1663 Behavioral Description

1664 The state diagram describing the behavior of the DL_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.cnf_L primitive is shown inFigure 146 of [MIPI02]. DL_LM_LINKSTARTUP.req

1665 This primitive attempts to establish a Link to the peer Device by starting the Data Link Layer Initialization.See Section 6.7

1666 The semantics of this primitive are:


1668 When Generated

1669 The DME shall generate this when it wants to establish a Link to the peer Device.

1670 Effect on Receipt

1671 The Data Link Layer Initialization shall start.

1672 Once the Data Link Layer Initialization is finalized, the Data Link Layer shall enter normal operation. This isindicated to the DME with the DL_LM_LINKSTARTUP.cnf_L primitive. DL_LM_LINKSTARTUP.cnf_L

1673 This primitive is used during the UniPro boot procedure (see Section 9.11.2) to indicate to the DME that theData Link Layer completed the Initialization and the Data Link Layer is ready to be used by the NetworkLayer.

1674 The semantics of this primitive are:


1676 When Generated

1677 This primitive is generated by the Data Link Layer after the Data Link Layer Initialization is completed.

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1678 Effect on Receipt

1679 The DME is informed about the completion of the Data Link Layer Initialization. DL_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.req

1680 This primitive requests the Data Link Layer to go to Hibernate.

1681 The semantics of this primitive are:


1683 When Generated

1684 The DME shall generate this primitive when it wants to hibernate the Data Link Layer.

1685 Effect on Receipt

1686 The Data Link Layer shall first reach the Frozen state, where all its timers shall be stalled, and shall retain thevalue of the following Attributes:

1687 • DL_TC0TXFCThreshold1688 • DL_FC0ProtectionTimeOutVal1689 • DL_TC0ReplayTimeOutVal1690 • DL_AFC0ReqTimeOutVal1691 • DL_AFC0CreditThreshold1692 • DL_TC0OutAckThreshold1693 • DL_TC1TXFCThreshold1694 • DL_FC1ProtectionTimeOutVal1695 • DL_TC1ReplayTimeOutVal1696 • DL_AFC1ReqTimeOutVal1697 • DL_AFC1CreditThreshold1698 • DL_TC1OutAckThreshold

1699 Just before hibernating, the Data Link Layer shall indicate its intentions to the DME with theDL_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.cnf_L primitive. Then the Data Link Layer is hibernated. DL_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.cnf_L

1700 This primitive is used to indicate that the Data Link Layer is about to hibernate.

1701 The semantics of this primitive are:


1703 When Generated

1704 This primitive is generated by the Data Link Layer in response to a DL_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.reqprimitive and it indicates that the Data Link Layer is hibernating.

1705 Effect on Receipt

1706 The DME is informed about the completion of all necessary actions require of the Data Link Layer tohibernate.

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro DL_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.req

1707 This primitive is used to request the Data Link Layer to stop hibernating and return to normal operation.

1708 The semantics of this primitive are:


1710 When Generated

1711 The DME shall generate this primitive when it wants to unhibernate the Data Link Layer.

1712 Effect on Receipt

1713 The Data Link Layer shall transition to its reset state, restore the value of any Attributes retained whenentering the Hibernate State (see Section, then enable itself and finally shall start the Data Link LayerInitialization. When the Data Link Layer Initialization is completed, the Data Link Layer shall generate theDL_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.cnf_L to indicate to the DME its return to normal operation. DL_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.cnf_L

1714 This primitive is used to indicate to the DME that the Data Link Layer has returned to normal operation afterhibernating.

1715 The semantics of this primitive are:


1717 When Generated

1718 This primitive is generated by the Data Link Layer in response to a DL_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.reqprimitive. It indicates that the Data Link Layer is not hibernating and has returned to normal operation.

1719 Effect on Receipt

1720 The DME is informed of the completion of all necessary actions required by the Data Link Layer to return tonormal operation after hibernating.

6.4.3 Status Primitives

1721 The Service Primitives in this section are provided for status provision by the Data Link Layer.

1722 The primitives covered in this section are listed in Table 49.

Table 49 DL_LM_SAP Status Primitives

Name Request Indication Local Response Response Local

Confirm Confirm







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1723 Table 50 lists the parameters that appear in the DL_LM_SAP status primitives. DL_LM_ERROR.ind

1724 The Service Primitive indicates to the DME an error event in the Data Link Layer.

1725 The semantics of this primitive are:

1726 DL_LM_ERROR.ind( DLErrorCode )

1727 The primitive parameter is defined in Table 50.

1728 When Generated

1729 This primitive is generated by the Data Link Layer when an error-related event is detected.

1730 There are four types of events that are reported:

1731 • Events causing a Frame retransmission1732 • NAC_RECEIVED shall indicate a NAC Frame has been received1733 • TCx_REPLAY_TIMER_EXPIRED shall indicate the TCx_REPLAY_TIMER has expired1734 • Events caused by a possible failure of AFC transmission


Table 50 DL_LM_SAP Primitive Parameters

Name Type Valid Range Value Description

DLErrorCode Enumeration


Indicates to the DME in case an

error event occurred in the Data Link Layer















Table 49 DL_LM_SAP Status Primitives (continued)

Name Request Indication Local Response Response Local

Confirm Confirm

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1735 • AFCx_REQUEST_TIMER_EXPIRED shall indicate the AFCx_REQUEST_TIMER has expired1736 • FCx_PROTECTION_TIMER_EXPIRED shall indicate the FCx_PROTECTION_TIMER has

expired1737 • Events caused by an error detected on the RX Link, which cause a NAC to be reported to the other side1738 • CRC_ERROR shall indicate a CRC error has been detected on either a Data or a Control Frame1739 • RX_BUFFER_OVERFLOW shall indicate that the RX buffer overflows, likely because of an

erroneous SOF symbol or because an attempt was made to send data over a Traffic Class which is not implemented.

1740 • MAX_FRAME_LENGTH_EXCEEDED shall indicate that a Frame with a payload longer than the DL_MTU has been received

1741 • WRONG_SEQUENCE_NUMBER shall indicate a correct Frame with a wrong Frame Sequence Number has been received

1742 • AFC_FRAME_SYNTAX_ERROR shall indicate that an AFC symbol not followed by two data symbols has been received

1743 • NAC_FRAME_SYNTAX_ERROR shall indicate that a NAC symbol not followed by one data symbol has been received

1744 • EOF_SYNTAX_ERROR shall indicate that an EOF_EVEN or an EOF_ODD symbol not followed by one data symbol has been received

1745 • FRAME_SYNTAX_ERROR shall indicate that an unexpected framing sequence has been received1746 • BAD_CTRL_SYMBOL_TYPE shall indicate if an unsupported Data or Control Frame is received1747 • PA_ERROR_IND_RECEIVED shall indicate that PA_ERROR.ind has been received1748 • Failure to (re-)initialize the PHY using PA_INIT.req1749 • PA_INIT_ERROR shall indicate that the PA_INIT.req has failed

1750 Effect on Receipt

1751 This indication may be used to take action for statistical procedures.

1752 Behavioral Description

1753 The state diagram describing the behavior of the DL_LM_ERROR.ind primitive is shown in Figure 149 of[MIPI02]. DL_LM_CTRL_NOFRAME.ind

1754 The Service Primitive indicates to the DME that there are no Control Frames queued in the Data Link Layertransmitter.

1755 The semantics of this primitive are:

1756 DL_LM_CTRL_NOFRAME.ind( )

1757 When Generated

1758 The Data Link Layer generates this primitive when there are no new Control Frames to transmit.

1759 Effect on Receipt

1760 This indication may be used to take action for power management procedures.

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1761 Behavioral Description

1762 The state diagram describing the behavior of the DL_LM_CTRL_NOFRAME.ind primitive is not shown yetin [MIPI02]. DL_LM_TC1_NOFRAME.ind

1763 The Service Primitive indicates to the DME that there are no new or unacknowledged Data Frames in theData Link Layer transmitter for Traffic Class 1.

1764 The semantics of this primitive are:

1765 DL_LM_TC1_NOFRAME.ind( )

1766 When Generated

1767 The Data Link Layer generates this primitive when there is no TC1 data to send and all transmitted TC1Frames are acknowledged.

1768 Effect on Receipt

1769 This indication may be used to take action for power management procedures.

1770 Behavioral Description

1771 The state diagram describing the behavior of the DL_LM_TC1_NOFRAME.ind primitive is shown inFigure 228 of [MIPI02]. DL_LM_TC0_NOFRAME.ind

1772 The Service Primitive indicates to the DME that there are no new or unacknowledged Data Frames in theData Link Layer transmitter for Traffic Class 0.

1773 The semantics of this primitive are:

1774 DL_LM_TC0_NOFRAME.ind( )

1775 When Generated

1776 The Data Link Layer generates this primitive when there is no TC0 data to send and all transmitted TC0Frames are acknowledged.

1777 Effect on Receipt

1778 This indication may be used to take action for power management procedures.

1779 Behavioral Description

1780 The state diagram describing the behavior of the DL_LM_TC0_NOFRAME.ind primitive is shown inFigure 228 of [MIPI02]. DL_LM_CTRL_FRAME.ind

1781 The Service Primitive indicates to the DME that the DL Layer has to transmit a Control Frame (AFC0, AFC1or NAC Frame).

1782 The semantics of this primitive are:

1783 DL_LM_CTRL_FRAME.ind( )

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1784 When Generated

1785 The Data Link Layer generates this primitive when there is a Control Frame to transmit.

1786 Effect on Receipt

1787 This indication may be used to take action for power management procedures.

1788 Behavioral Description

1789 The state diagram describing the behavior of the DL_LM_CTRL_FRAME.ind primitive is not shown yet in[MIPI02]. DL_LM_TC1_FRAME.ind

1790 The Service Primitive indicates to the DME that there is at least one new or unacknowledged Data Frame inthe Data Link Layer transmitter for Traffic Class 1.

1791 The semantics of this primitive are:

1792 DL_LM_TC1_FRAME.ind( )

1793 When Generated

1794 The Data Link Layer generates this primitive when there is at least one TC1 Data Frame to send or not alltransmitted TC1 Frames are acknowledged.

1795 Effect on Receipt

1796 This indication may be used to take action for power management procedures.

1797 Behavioral Description

1798 The state diagram describing the behavior of the DL_LM_TC1_FRAME.ind primitive is shown inFigure 228 of [MIPI02]. DL_LM_TC0_FRAME.ind

1799 The Service Primitive indicates to the DME that there is at least one new or unacknowledged Data Frame inthe Data Link Layer transmitter for Traffic Class 0.

1800 The semantics of this primitive are:

1801 DL_LM_TC0_FRAME.ind( )

1802 When Generated

1803 The Data Link Layer generates this primitive when there is at least one TC0 Data Frame to send or not alltransmitted TC0 Frames are acknowledged.

1804 Effect on Receipt

1805 This indication may be used to take action for power management procedures.

1806 Behavioral Description

1807 The state diagram describing the behavior of the DL_LM_TC0_FRAME.ind primitive is shown inFigure 228 of [MIPI02].

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6.5 Structure and Encoding of Protocol Data Units

1808 DL Layer PDUs (DL_PDUs), or Frames, consist of a series of 17-bit symbols encoded as Data symbols orControl symbols as defined in Section 6.5.1 and Section 6.5.2, respectively.

1809 The most significant bit of a symbol is used to distinguish Data symbols from Control symbols. Thesesymbols use different PA Layer Service Primitives to cause the PA Layer to use the appropriate encodingscheme suited to the underlying PHY.

1810 Note that this does not mean that these 17-bit symbols pass across the Link. The PHY Adapter Layer or PHYLayer can translate the symbols using a suitable encoding scheme.

1811 The DL Layer supports two categories of Frames: Data Frames and Control Frames. Data Frames are used totransfer data between two DL Layers located on different UniPorts. Control Frames are used for flow controland reliability.

1812 Figure 47 shows the supported Frames and also the derived Frames, where the highlighted boxes eachrepresent a family of Frames.

Figure 47 Control and Data Frames Taxonomy

1813 The DL Layer shall support Data Frames of at least one Traffic Class. If both TCs are supported, the DLLayer shall support Data Frames of two Traffic Classes with different priorities. These Frames always have aStart of Frame (SOF) symbol, one or more data bytes, possibly a padding byte, an End of Frame (EOF_EVENor EOF_ODD) and an error protection symbol. The Frame length is flexible for each Traffic Class (seeSection 6.8), but the maximum Frame length is limited to DL_SYMBOL_MTU symbols (excluding SOFsymbol, EOF_EVEN or EOF_ODD symbol, COF and CRC symbols).

1814 Additionally, each Traffic Class possesses a separate AFC Frame and, for all Traffic Classes, a common NACFrame. These Control Frames are different from the Data Frames as they do not have SOF and EOF_EVENor EOF_ODD symbols. ESC_DL together with Control Symbol Type acts as start of a Frame for respectiveControl Frame. Each Control Frame is of fixed length, which depends on its type. These Control Frames maybe transmitted during Data Frames, i.e. they can preempt Data Frames, depending on the priority rule (seeSection 6.6.4).

Data Link Layer Frames

Data Frames(TCx) Control Frames

Traffic Class 0Data Frames (TC0)

Traffic Class 1Data Frames (TC1)

Acknowledgement and Flow Control (AFCx) Frames

Negative Acknowledgement

Control (NAC) Frames

Traffic Class 0AFC (AFC0) Frames

Traffic Class 1AFC (AFC1) Frames

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1815 Transmission gaps within Data Link Layer Frames resulting in the PHY inserting PHY Idle symbols while inHS mode should be avoided.

6.5.1 Data Symbol

1816 The DL Layer shall use data symbol to transmit or receive data information. Figure 48 shows the DL Layerdata symbol structure. Bit 16 shall be set to ‘0’ for a data symbol in the DL Layer.

1817 DL Layer shall use PA_DATA.req Service Primitive which is provided by the PHY Adapter Layer to send adata symbol and shall consider PA_SDU received from PA_DATA.ind Service Primitive of the PHY AdapterLayer as a data symbol. The identification bit (bit16) is not passed via the Service Primitive.

Figure 48 Data Link Layer Data Symbol

6.5.2 Control Symbol

1818 The control symbol shall be used by DL Layer to receive or transmit control information. Bits 15 to 8 formthe MS byte, and bits 7 to 0 form the LS byte, of a control symbol. Bit 16 shall be set to ‘1’ for a controlsymbol in the DL Layer.

1819 The DL Layer shall use PA_ESCDATA.req Service Primitive which is provided by the PHY Adapter Layer tosend a control symbol and shall consider PA_SDU received from PA_ESCDATA.ind Service Primitive that isprovided by the PHY Adapter Layer as a control symbol. The identification bit (bit16) is not passed via theService Primitive.

1820 The ESC_DL character is used as a DL Layer control symbol identifier as shown in Figure 49. The LS byte ispartitioned into a Control Symbol Type field and a parameter field. The Control Symbol Type field refers to acontrol symbol identity and the parameter field specifies parameter values that have different meanings fordifferent control symbols.

Figure 49 Control Symbol Definition

1821 Note that data and control symbols can be translated to an encoding scheme suitable for the PHY by the PALayer. If the underlying PHY supports character coding the control symbol identifier (MS byte of a controlsymbol) can be translated to a special PHY character. The number of such special PHY characters is limited,and, therefore, Data Link Layer minimizes the number of control symbol identifiers.

1822 Table 51 shows the currently defined MS byte of control symbol. The undefined values are reserved forfuture use. The DL Layer shall not use the reserved values. If received they shall be discarded.

0 Data16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

1 ESC_DL16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Ctrl Symbol Type Parameter

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1823 Table 52 shows all DL Layer control symbols with the corresponding Control Symbol Type and a shortdescription.

1824 The remaining values are reserved for future use. The transmitter shall not use reserved Control Symbol Typevalues. A control symbol received with a reserved Control Symbol Type shall be dropped.

1825 Table 53 shows definition of the parameter fields of the DL Layer control symbols.

Table 51 Control Symbol MS Byte Encoding

Control Symbol MS Byte Tx_Data Bit[16]

Tx_Data, Bits[15:8] Description

ESC_DL 1 00000001 DL Layer control symbol identifier

Table 52 Control Symbol Type Field Definition

Control Symbol Type Description

SOF 0b000 Start Of Frame. Parameter includes Traffic Class identifier.

EOF_EVEN 0b001 End of Frame for even L2 payload. Parameter indicates Frame Sequence Number.

EOF_ODD 0b010 End Of Frame for odd L2 payload. Parameter indicates Frame Sequence Number.

COF 0b011 Continuation Of preempted Frame. Parameter includes Traffic Class identifier.

0b100 Reserved

NAC 0b101 Start of a Negative Acknowledgment Control Frame. Parameter includes a flag to request the remote end reinitialize its TX PHY.

AFC 0b110 Start of an Acknowledgment and Flow Control Frame. Parameter includes Traffic Class identifier and AFC type identification.

0b111 Reserved

Table 53 Control Symbols Parameter Field Definition

Control Symbol

Parameter Field

Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

SOF TC Reserved

EOF_EVEN Frame Sequence Number

EOF_ODD Frame Sequence Number

COF TC Reserved

AFC TC CReq Reserved

NAC Reserved RReq

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1826 The DL Layer transmitter shall set the reserved bits to one. The DL Layer receiver shall ignore the reservedbits.

1827 The bit 4 and bit 3 are used for identification of Traffic Class for SOF, COF and AFC control symbols. Theusage is defined in Table 54.

1828 The DL Layer transmitter shall not use reserved Traffic Class values. A SOF, COF or AFC control symbolreceived with a reserved TC value shall be dropped.

6.5.3 Data Frames

1829 All Traffic Classes in DL Layer shall use the same format of user Data Frames, which shall encapsulate upperlayer PDU. Each upper layer PDU shall be encapsulated in one Data Link Layer Frame, and one Data Frameshall only encapsulate one upper layer PDU. A Data Frame shall always start with a SOF symbol. After theSOF symbol, the Data Frame shall, as payload, include all the data symbols composing the Frame’s SDU, i.e.,the PDU provided by L3. In case the Frame payload contains an odd number of bytes, the last data symbolshall carry the last payload byte in the symbol’s most significant byte, and the least significant byte shallcontain 0x00. In case of preemption, COF symbols shall be included in between data symbols when Frametransmission is resumed. The Data Frame shall end with either an EOF_EVEN symbol or an EOF_ODDsymbol when it encapsulates an even or an odd number of payload bytes, respectively. The EOF_EVEN orEOF_ODD symbol shall be followed by a data symbol carrying the Frame checksum using the CCITT CRC-16 [ITUT03] standard as described in Section 6.6.12.

1830 For all Data Link Layer Data Frames, the following rules shall apply:

1831 • The Data Link Layer Data Frames are protected by a CCITT CRC-16 [ITUT03] checksum.1832 • The Data Link Layer Data Frame information shall be used only when the CRC checksum is correct.

1833 Figure 50 shows a Data Link Layer Data Frame with an even number of DL_SDU bytes. Figure 51 shows aData Link Layer Data Frame with an odd number of DL_SDU bytes plus a padding byte. The maximumlength of DL_SDU shall not exceed DL_SYMBOL_MTU symbols (including the padding byte, butexcluding SOF symbol, EOF_EVEN or EOF_ODD symbol, COF and CRC symbols).

Table 54 Traffic Class Identification

TC Traffic Class

11 Reserved

10 Reserved

01 TC1

00 TC0

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Figure 50 Data Frame with Even Number of DL_SDU Bytes

1834 The padding is always placed in the least significant byte of the last data symbol before the EOF_ODDsymbol of a Data Frame. The transmitter shall set the padding byte to zero and at the receiver this paddingbyte shall be discarded after it has been fed through the CRC checker. The padding byte shall not be passed tothe upper layer.

Figure 51 Data Frame with Odd Number of DL_SDU Bytes

1835 Figure 52 shows a Data Link Layer Data Frame with an even number of DL_SDU bytes that is preempted bya NAC Control Frame. The continuation of the preempted Frame is marked by the COF control symbol.

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 01 ESC_DL SOF TC Reserved0 DL_SDU – Byte 0 DL_SDU – Byte 1

0 DL_SDU – Byte n-2 (n <= DL_MTU) DL_SDU – Byte n-1 (n <= DL_MTU)









1 ESC_DL EOF_EVEN Frame Seq. Number0 CCITT CRC-16

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 01 ESC_DL SOF TC Reserved0 DL_SDU – Byte 0 DL_SDU – Byte 1

0 DL_SDU – Byte n-1 (n <= DL_MTU) Padding Byte = 0x00









1 ESC_DL EOF_ODD Frame Seq. Number0 CCITT CRC-16

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Figure 52 Data Frame with Preemption

6.5.4 Control Frames

1836 For all Data Link Layer Control Frames, the following rules shall apply:

1837 • The Data Link Layer Control Frames are protected by a CCITT CRC-16 [ITUT03] checksum.1838 • The Data Link Layer Control Frame information shall be used only when the CRC checksum is correct.1839 • The Data Link Layer Control Frames shall not be preempted. Data Link Layer Acknowledgment and Flow Control Frame

1840 The Data Link Layer Acknowledgment and Flow Control (AFC) Frame is used for acknowledging correctlyreceived Data Frames and for exchanging flow control information of the corresponding Traffic Class. TheAFC Frame shall always start with an AFC control symbol, which is followed by two data symbols. The AFCFrame includes the Traffic Class identification, Credit Transmit Request (CReq) bit, Frame SequenceNumber and the flow control credit value.

1841 The acknowledgment (Frame Sequence Number) and flow control (Credit Value) information are assigned tothe Traffic Class identified by the TC field. The AFC Frame fields shall be structured as shown in Figure 53.

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0







0 CCITT CRC-161 ESC_DL NAC Reserved0 DL_SDU – Byte x-2 DL_SDU – Byte x-10

1 ESC_DL SOF TC Reserved0 DL_SDU – Byte 0 DL_SDU – Byte 10







0 DL_SDU – Byte n-2 (n <= DL_MTU) DL_SDU – Byte n-1 (n <= DL_MTU)0

1 ESC_DL EOF_EVEN Frame Seq. Number0 CCITT CRC-16

1 ESC_DL COF TC Reserved0 DL_SDU – Byte (x) DL_SDU – Byte (x+1)0


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Figure 53 AFC Frame

1842 The AFC Frame is used to exchange credit information and acknowledgments with the remote end. TheCReq bit in the AFCx symbol is used for requesting flow control information for the corresponding TrafficClass from the remote end. The rules for requesting AFC Frame transmission are defined in Section 6.6.10.

1843 The Frame Sequence Number is defined with 5-bits that allows acknowledgments either individually or in agroup (an acknowledgment to more than one Data Frame, but limited to sixteen, i.e. groupedacknowledgment) by the receiver per Traffic Class. See Section

1844 The credit unit size in bytes is defined by DL_CreditUnitSize and the Credit Value field in AFC Frame isdefined by DL_CreditValSizeBits. See Table 60. Therefore, an AFC Frame can convey credit information fora receiver buffer size up to maximum of 4 KB due to the required roll over functionality of the creditaccumulator. The flow control credit does represent the total number of credits available since boot time anddoes not represent a relative number. During the Data Link Layer initialization phase the free space in bufferis communicated via the AFC Frames. More details are listed in Section 6.7.

1845 The reserved bits shall be set to one when transmitting and shall be ignored at the receiver. Data Link Layer Negative Acknowledgment Control Frame

1846 The Data Link Layer Negative Acknowledgment Control (NAC) Frame shall be sent when the receiverdetects an error (see Section 6.6.11) in any Frame or if a Data Frame is received with a wrong FrameSequence Number or if the reverse Link needs to be reinitialized. The NAC Frame length shall be twosymbols. The NAC Frame fields shall be structured as shown in Figure 54. The NAC Frame contains a RReqbit to request the remote end to reinitialize its TX PHY.

Figure 54 NAC Frame

1847 The reserved bits shall be set to ‘1’ when transmitting and shall be ignored at the receiver.

6.6 Protocol Features

1848 The following sections describe the control and data flow in the DL Layer for the transmitter and receiver.

6.6.1 PDU Composition Feature

1849 The upper layer PDU is encapsulated always in one DL Layer Frame. Each upper layer PDU shall beencapsulated in a separate DL Layer Frame. The upper layer shall provide a PDU of size that fits within themaximum Frame length allowed for TX in the DL Layer.

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

CCITT CRC-16Frame Seq. Number Credit ValueReserved

ESC_DL AFC TC ReservedCReq100

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



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1850 The DL Layer sender adds a SOF control symbol as header for each upper layer PDU and an EOF_EVEN orEOF_ODD control symbol and the CRC symbol as trailer. The composition is shown in Figure 55 for an evenDL_SDU length.

Figure 55 Composition of PDU with Even Length DL_SDU Preemption

1851 In order to reduce delays in the transmission of high priority Frames and to improve QoS in conjunction withupper layers, the DL Layer can insert high priority Frames within a low-priority Data Frame if the latter oneis already in transmission. This functionality is known as preemption of a Frame. Support of preemptionfunctionality is optional for the transmitter, whereas the receiver shall always be able to receive preemptedand non-preempted Frames.

1852 DL_TxPreemptionCap defines if the transmit side of the Data Link Layer has preemption capability. IfTRUE, the transmit side shall support preemption. If FALSE, the transmit side shall not support any case ofpreemption. Data Frames shall not be preempted by AFC Frames or NAC Frames; Data Frames of lowerpriorities shall not be preempted by Data Frames of higher priorities.

1853 The transmission of a preempted Frame shall be continued with a COF symbol followed by a data symbol oran EOF_EVEN or EOF_ODD symbol for that Traffic Class. Figure 56 shows the case, where preemption iscarried out in the middle of the low priority Data Frame for the quick transmission by the high-priorityFrame. Both Frames have even DL_SDU lengths.

Data Link Layer Frame

Upper Layer PDU – Traffic Class X

SOF DL-SDU – Traffic Class X EOF CRC

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Figure 56 Composition with Preemption (Traffic Class Y > X)

1854 When implemented, the preemption allows a faster delivery of the high-priority Frames and prevents theFrames from being blocked by a low priority Frame. In contrast to that a system without preemption causes ahigher latency to the high-priority Frame. Section B.2 highlights the effects of preemption in more detail.

1855 The priority list for preemption is given in Section 6.6.4.

1856 The following rules shall be considered during preemption:

1857 • The preemption shall not occur:1858 • between EOF_EVEN or EOF_ODD and CRC symbols1859 • within AFC and NAC Frames (including the CRC symbol(s))1860 • The preemption may happen at any symbol boundary except where the above rule is valid

6.6.2 PDU Decomposition Feature

1861 The DL receiver removes the header (SOF symbol) and the trailer (EOF_EVEN or EOF_ODD symbol andCRC symbol) that have been added by the remote DL Layer from the incoming Frame and passes theDL_SDU to the upper layer if the CRC check is passed for the received Frame, the Frame Sequence Numberis in the expected order and the received Frame is not a Frame that was already previously passed to the upperlayer (retransmitted Frame). The decomposition without preemption is shown in Figure 57.

Upper Layer PDU – Traffic Class Y

Upper Layer PDU – Traffic Class X

DL Layer Frame – Traffic Class X (Part 2)DL Layer Frame – Traffic Class X (Part 1) DL Layer Frame – Traffic Class Y

Upper Layer PDU – TC X (Part 1) Upper Layer PDU – TC X (Part 2)Upper Layer PDU – Traffic Class Y

SOF SOFDL_SDU – Traffic Class X (Part 1) DL_SDU – Traffic Class Y EOF CRC COF DL_SDU – Traffic Class X (Part 2) EOF CRC

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Figure 57 Decomposition with Even Length DL_SDU

1862 In case of preemption also COF control symbols are removed before passing the Frame to the Network Layer.The correct and complete payload (without COF symbol) of a Frame is passed to the upper layer if the abovementioned rules for correctness are fulfilled. Figure 58 shows the decomposition with preemption.

Figure 58 Decomposition with Preemption

6.6.3 Buffering Mechanism

1863 A retransmission capability shall be provided in the transmitter per Traffic Class to retain Frames aftertransmission until they are acknowledged for that Traffic Class. This retention allows the Frames to beretransmitted if not successfully transmitted earlier.

1864 The following rules apply for all TC buffers:

1865 • The upper layer PDU shall be available to DL Layer completely prior to Frame start.1866 • The DL Layer shall accept upper layer PDU only if it is capable of retransmitting it.

1867 For any Traffic Class, the DL Layer implementation shall be able to retransmit any Frame it sent until theFrame is acknowledged. In addition, the DL Layer implementation shall be able to receive a Frame of themaximum payload size (DL_MTU) for any Traffic Class and shall not deliver to the upper layers data from aFrame with any of the errors defined in Section

6.6.4 Arbitration Scheme

1868 Table 55 lists the DL Layer priority in descending order of priority for all Frame types.

Data Link Layer Frame – Traffic Class X

Upper Layer PDU – Traffic Class X

SOF DL_SDU – Traffic Class X EOF CRC

Upper Layer PDU – Traffic Class Y

Upper Layer PDU – Traffic Class X

DL Layer Frame – Traffic Class X (Part 2)DL Layer Frame – Traffic Class X (Part 1) DL Layer Frame – Traffic Class Y

SOF DL_SDU – Traffic Class Y EOF CRCSOF DL_SDU – Traffic Class X (Part 1) DL_SDU – Traffic Class X (Part 2)COF EOF CRC

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6.6.5 Change of Certain Link Properties

1869 When there is a change of certain properties of the Link, i.e. power mode, number of active Lanes, etc.coordination between the PHY Adapter Layer (L1.5) and the Data Link Layer (L2) is necessary to ensureproper operation before, during and after the property is changed. Such coordination is orchestrated by thePHY Adapter Layer, when the need occurs, through the PA_DL_PAUSE.ind primitive.

1870 When PA_DL_PAUSE.ind is received, no Frame transmission shall be started. The Frozen state may bereached by the Data Link Layer at any point within a transmitted Frame, but shall happen no later than afterthe transmission of any ongoing Frames. When the Frozen state is reached, all Data Link Layer timers shallbe stopped, and the PA_DL_PAUSE.rsp_L shall be generated. After generating the PA_DL_PAUSE.rsp_L,the DL Layer shall not send any new symbols to the PA Layer. If Frames are not being transmitted, the DLLayer shall immediately generate the PA_DL_PAUSE.rsp_L.

Table 55 Supported Priorities

Priority DL Layer Frame Name Frame Type Description

Highest Priority NAC Control Negative Acknowledgment Control (NAC) Frame



Acknowledgment and Flow Control (AFC) Frame for Traffic Class 1 triggered by expiry of AFC1_REQUEST_TIMER or due to reception of an AFC1 with CReq bit set.



Acknowledgment and Flow Control (AFC) Frame for Traffic Class 0 triggered by expiry of AFC0_REQUEST_TIMER or due to reception of an AFC0 with CReq bit set.

AFC1 ControlAcknowledgment and Flow Control (AFC) Frame for Traffic Class 1 triggered by conditions other than the conditions that trigger AFC1 (promoted).

TC1 Data Traffic Class 1 Data Frames

AFC0 Control Acknowledgment and Flow Control (AFC) Frame for Traffic Class 0 triggered by conditions other than the conditions that trigger AFC0 (promoted).

Lowest Priority TC0 Data Traffic Class 0 Data Frames that can be used for traffic for which the latency is less critical

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Figure 59 Latest Point in Time when PA_DL_PAUSE.rsp_L is Generated

1871 Figure 59 exemplifies the behavior previously described in the case where the PA_DL_PAUSE.ind isreceived when a TC1 Frame preempting a TC0 Frame is transmitted. No new Frames are transmitted and thecurrent TC1 Frame is transmitted to completion. The completion times of TC0 and TC1 are shown in thefigure. PA_DL_PAUSE.rsp_L can be transmitted any time between the start of the PA_DL_PAUSE.indprimitive and completion of the TC0 Frame timer.

1872 The transmission of the currently preempted TC0 Frame is completed and finally this marks the latest point intime where the PA_DL_PAUSE.rsp_L primitive is generated, if it was not already generated.

1873 If the Frozen state is entered during the transmission of a Frame, when exiting the Frozen state and resumingnormal operation that Frame shall be continued from the point of interruption.

1874 The PHY Adapter Layer indicates the operation has completed with a PA_DL_RESUME.ind primitive sentto the Data Link Layer. Upon reception of the primitive PA_DL_RESUME.ind, the Data Link Layer shallleave the Frozen state, shall resume normal operation and shall send any pending Frames according to thearbitration scheme. The DL Layer shall re-enable Frame transmission, reset and restart all timers.

6.6.6 TCx Data Frame Transmission

1875 The following rules shall be applied for the transmission of a Data Frame for any Traffic Class:

1876 • Frames shall be transmitted according to the arbitration scheme (see Section 6.6.4). Frames of higherpriority may preempt (see Section a Data Frame of lower priority.

1877 • A Data Frame shall only be started if the following conditions are satisfied:1878 • Enough credits are available to send the complete DL_SDU to the remote end1879 • Number of unacknowledged Frames is less than sixteen1880 • The transmission of a preempted (see Section Data Frame shall be continued with a COF


6.6.7 Flow Control

1881 The Data Link Layer utilizes a dedicated credit flow control scheme per Traffic Class. The transmitter shallkeep track of the amount of free logical buffer space in the receiver. This allows the transmitter to start a DataFrame of a Traffic Class if the remote receiver has free logical buffer space for this TC for the completeFrame. The credits are used only for Data Frame payload and padding byte and shall not be used for









A TC1 Frame preempts theongoing TC0 Frame

PA_DL_PAUSE.ind is received: no new frame is sentThe TC1 Frame is sent and the TC0 Frame resumes

PA_DL_PAUSE.rsp_L is generated at the latest at this point

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transmitting SOF, EOF_EVEN, EOF_ODD, COF and CRC symbols, and Control Frames. As the creditvalues are updated during the original transmission of a Data Frame, they shall not be updated again duringretransmission of that Data Frame.

1882 The credit flow control scheme used in DL Layer requires that the DL transmitter shall keep track of thespace available in the remote RX logical buffer per Traffic Class (logical buffer to store Frames). The systemis based on registers that represent the total number of credits that have been available since boot up/reset.This amount of credits is then compared to the total amount of credit used since power-up or reset todetermine if a Frame shall or shall not be transmitted. Note that the number of credits received is oftenpessimistic. It is delayed in time and often does not reflect the actual amount of credit available at thereceiver, but a slightly older version of this number. This creates a conservative view of the space available.This ‘error’ may actually impact system performance, as data may be held in the transmitter when spaceexists in the receiver. However, it will always be robust, as this error only understates the space available andnever overstates it. Credits are self-healing. That is, if a credit Frame is dropped due to either CRC checksumfailure of AFC Frame or AFC Frame is not detected, it will be corrected by the transmission of a next/newmore up to date AFC Frame. This works because the credits represent the total number of credits since boottime.

1883 During the boot procedure, each side exchanges, for each Traffic Class, AFC Frames with CReq set and aCredit Value field equal to the size of their receiving logical buffer in credit units (see Section 6.7).

1884 Each node must maintain, for each TC, the following register values:

1885 • R; Stores the number of credits received1886 • U; Stores the total number of credits used1887 • S; Stores the total number of credits sent1888 • A; Stores the total number of credits available1889 • Part_U; Stores the number of partial credits of U1890 • Part_A; Stores the number of partial credits of A

1891 The transmitter part of a node handles the registers R and U, whereas the receiver block of a node handles theregisters S and A. The initial values of R, U, and S are 0. A is initialized to the size of the receiving logicalbuffer in credit units (DL_CreditUnitSize). If the logical buffer size is not an integer multiple of the creditunit size then the available logical buffer space to be specified shall be rounded down to the nearest integermultiple of credit unit size, e.g., if the logical buffer size is 1000 bytes, then A shall be set to 31. The size ofcredit registers R, S, U and A shall be the same as the credit value size of an AFC Frame (see Figure 53),which is 8-bits, whereas the granularity of their representation is one credit unit size. Note that the 8-bit R, U,S, A registers actually contain the number of total credits received, used, sent or available, respectively,modulo 256. Overflow of the 8-bit registers shall be ignored.

1892 When a node receives an error-free AFC Frame for a Traffic Class, the value received in credit value field ofthe AFC Frame shall replace the value of R.

1893 When an L2 transmitter sends payload or padding bytes to the L1.5 layer, the node shall increment U by thenumber of whole credit units sent, i.e. the integer quotient of the number of bytes sent divided byDL_CreditUnitSize. The node shall internally track the number of partial credits sent, i.e. data sent to theother end which is less than DL_CreditUnitSize bytes, in Part_U. One partial credit represents one byte.Whenever the sum of partial credits sent in Part_U exceeds DL_CreditUnitSize bytes, U shall be incrementedby one and Part_U shall be decremented by DL_CreditUnitSize, i.e. the Part_U value is replaced by thenumber of partial credits sent modulo DL_CreditUnitSize. The partial credit sum shall be less than one creditunit size at any time.

1894 The payload bytes fetched by the upper layer from the DL Layer and the padding bytes discarded by the DLLayer represent the logical buffer empty space created in the DL Layer receiver's logical buffer. The DLLayer shall increment A by the integer quotient of the newly created logical buffer empty space in bytes

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divided by DL_CreditUnitSize. The remainder of the division shall be accumulated in bytes as partial creditsin Part_A. Whenever the sum of partial credits in Part_A exceeds DL_CreditUnitSize bytes, A shall beincremented by one and Part_A shall be decremented by DL_CreditUnitSize.

1895 The AFC sending node shall set the AFC credit value field with the contents of A when an AFC Frame issent. At the same time, the value of S shall be replaced by the value of A.

1896 At any time a node is allowed to send at most:


1898 in Data Frame(s), where

1899 DL_CreditValSizeBits is the number of bits used to represent Credit Value field in AFCFrame and DL_CreditUnitSize is the size of one credit unit in bytes.

1900 Note, addresses wrap around issues and avoids negativenumbers in the result.

1901 A DL Layer shall not transmit a Data Frame on a TC if the size of the Frame payload including the paddingbyte is bigger than the above defined value.

1902 A node shall transmit an AFC Frame due to flow control when the following condition occurs:


1904 where,

1905 x represents the Traffic Class number, 0 or 1,

1906 A and S belong to the same Traffic Class as DL_AFCxCreditThreshold.

1907 If DL transmitter has a Data Frame to send and fewer credits than DL_TCxTXFCThreshold, it shall send anAFCx Frame with CReq bit set after expiration of FCx_PROTECTION_TIMER to request the remote nodeto send flow control information. The following formula is used to compare the number of credits available toDL_TCxTXFCThreshold:


1909 The FCx_PROTECTION_TIMER is used for protecting against loss of credits due to the loss of the AFCxFrame. The timeout value of FCx_PROTECTION_TIMER is denoted as DL_FCxProtectionTimeOutVal andthe calculation details are provided in Section 6.6.9.

1910 FCx_PROTECTION_TIMER shall be reset when at least one of the following conditions is valid:

1911 • With the expiration of FCx_PROTECTION_TIMER1912 • With the reception of an error-free AFCx Frame

1913 FCx_PROTECTION_TIMER shall run when at least one of the following conditions is valid:

1914 • The TCx of the peer node is present (see Section 6.7), TX of a TCx has less credits thanDL_TCxTXFCThreshold and data to send

1915 • The Data Link Layer is in the initialization phase, and no AFCx Frame was received for TCx

1916 The FCx_PROTECTION_TIMER shall be stopped when all of the above run conditions are not satisfied or ifthe DL Layer is waiting for PA_INIT.cnf_L as a result of a request for PHY (re-)initialization (PA_INIT.req).

R 2DL_CreditValSizeBits U–+( ) 2DL_CreditValSizeBitsmod( ) DL_CreditUnitSize× Part_U–[ ] bytes

R 2DL_CreditValeSizeBits U–+( ) 2DL_CreditValSizeBitsmod

A 2DL_CreditValSizeBits S–+( ) 2DL_CreditValSizeBitsmod[ ] DL_AFCxCreditThreshold>

R 2DL_CreditValSizeBits U–+( ) 2DL_CreditValSizeBitsmod( ) 2DL_CreditValSizeBits× Part_U–[ ]DL_TCxTXFCThreshold DL_CreditUnitSize×<

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1917 After sending an AFCx Frame with CReq bit set and the FCx_PROTECTION_TIMER expires withoutreceiving the AFCx Frame, then PA_INIT.req shall be triggered. After receiving PA_INIT.cnf_L, a NACFrame with the RReq bit set shall be transmitted before the transmission of an AFCx Frame with CReq bit set.

1918 Note:1919 The priority of the AFCx Frame is raised when responding to an AFCx Frame with CReq bit set. See

Section 6.6.4.

1920 More details are given in Section All AFC Frame transmission rules are explained in Section 6.6.10.

1921 Table 56 provides an example of the changes in the various credit-tracking registers after boot up. In theexample, the receiver’s initial credit value, e.g. for TC0 it is given by DL_TC0RxInitCreditVal, is assumed tobe sixteen and the DL_AFCxCreditThreshold is set to fifteen. Local node transmits AFC0 Frames to remotenode and remote node transmits Data Frames of TC0 to local node. Figure 60 illustrates the same example asTable 56 using a Message Sequence Chart. Figure 61 depicts difference between R and U credits at remotenode TX. The graph shows the variation of (R – U) credits during data transmission and AFC Framereception.

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Table 56 Example of Flow Control Register Changes after Boot Up

Time Comments / Event

Local Node Remote Node


Avail (A)

Partial Credits

of A

Sent (S)

Rcvd (R)

Used (U)

Partial Credits

of U

Avail (A)

Partial Credits

of A

Sent (S)

Rcvd (R)

Used (U)

Partial Credits

of U

T0 Init 16 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0

T1 Local node sends an AFC Frame with a value of 16 16 0 16 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0

T2 Remote node receives the AFC Frame and updates its value 16 0 16 0 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0

T3 Remote node sends 256 bytes 16 0 16 0 0 0 16 0 0 16 8 0

T4 Local node receives 256 bytes 16 0 16 0 0 0 16 0 0 16 8 0


Local node L3 reads 256 bytes; Local node could send an AFC Frame but in this example, it is considered that it must wait for 15 new available credits, i.e. it must read 480 bytes

24 0 16 0 0 0 16 0 0 16 8 0

T6 Remote node sends 218 bytes 24 0 16 0 0 0 16 0 0 16 14 26

T7 Local node receives 218 bytes 24 0 16 0 0 0 16 0 0 16 14 26

T8 Local node reads 212 bytes 30 20 16 0 0 0 16 0 0 16 14 26

T9 Remote node sends 32 bytes 30 20 16 0 0 0 16 0 0 16 15 26

T10 Local node receives 32 bytes 30 20 16 0 0 0 16 0 0 16 15 26

T11 Local node reads 38 bytes. Local node can send an AFC Frame now 31 26 16 0 0 0 16 0 0 16 15 26

T12Local node sends an AFC Frame with a value of 31 (adding 15 credits = 480 bytes)

31 26 31 0 0 0 16 0 0 16 15 26

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T13 Remote node receives the AFC Frame 31 26 31 0 0 0 16 0 0 31 15 26

T14 Remote node sends 6 bytes 31 26 31 0 0 0 16 0 0 31 16 0

T15 Local node receives 6 bytes 31 26 31 0 0 0 16 0 0 31 16 0

T16 Local node reads 6 bytes 32 0 31 0 0 0 16 0 0 31 16 0

… … … … … … … … … … … … … …

Table 56 Example of Flow Control Register Changes after Boot Up (continued)

Time Comments / Event

Local Node Remote Node


Avail (A)

Partial Credits

of A

Sent (S)

Rcvd (R)

Used (U)

Partial Credits

of U

Avail (A)

Partial Credits

of A

Sent (S)

Rcvd (R)

Used (U)

Partial Credits

of U

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Figure 60 Message Sequence Chart for Flow Control Register Changes after Boot Up Example

Local RXRemote TXRemote RXLocal TX






















R=0 U=0 PU=0 A=16 PA=0 S=0 R=0 U=0 PU=0

A=16 PA=0 S=16

A=16 PA=0 S=0

R=16 U=0 PU=0

R=16 U=8 PU=0

R=16 U=14 PU=26

R=31 U=15 PU=26

R=31 U=16 PU=0

A=24 PA=0 S=16

A=30 PA=20 S=16

A=31 PA=26 S=16

A=31 PA=26 S=31

A=32 PA=0 S=31

R=16 U=15 PU=26

Local upper layer reads 256 bytes (8 credits) from buffer

Local upper layer reads 212 bytes (6 credits + 20 bytes) from buffer

Local upper layer reads 38 bytes (1 credit + 6 bytes) from buffer

Local upper layer reads 6 bytes from buffer

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Figure 61 Variation of Credits during Data Transmission Example

1922 Padding byte, if it is used in a Data Frame at transmitter side, shall consume a partial credit (partial credits ofU).

1923 At the receiver the padding byte shall be discarded and available partial credits (partial credits of A)incremented by one.

1924 During retransmission the credit used by register U shall not be incremented because the credits have alreadybeen consumed during the original transmission.

6.6.8 Acknowledgment Operation

1925 Each DL Layer Data Frame sent by the local transmitter shall be acknowledged either individually or in agroup (an acknowledgment to more than one Frame, i.e., grouped acknowledgment) by the remote receiver.The remote receiver shall acknowledge Frame(s) only when it receives the Frame(s) in good condition (seeSection 6.6.11). The DL Layer shall drop a Frame in its entirety and not process the Frame in any way if theCRC checksum is incorrect or has an unexpected Frame Sequence Number and shall transmit a NegativeAcknowledgment Control (NAC) Frame. If a Data Frame is received error-free (correct CRC symbol andwith expected Frame Sequence Number), the receiver shall schedule an acknowledgment with the FrameSequence Number of this Frame. As the DL Layer communicates flow control and acknowledgment in thesame Frame (AFC Frame, see Section 6.5.4) the generation of AFC Frame for the pendingacknowledgment(s) may not be immediate and follow the AFC Frame generation rules (see Section 6.6.10).The AFC Frame contains current credit information of the receiver logical buffer and an acknowledgmentwith Frame Sequence Number of the last correctly received Frame for that Traffic Class. When a FrameSequence Number is received in an AFC Frame, all Frames sent up to and including the Frame referenced bythe Frame Sequence Number shall be considered acknowledged. During retransmission all flow controlinformation shall be accepted (see Section If a Frame is corrupted, i.e. CRC error, it is unreliable to

Flow Control Operation at TX











T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16






d (R

) -C


ts U



Variation ofcredits

Credits received in AFC frame

Reset state; no credits available

Credits consumption during data transmission

Credits consumption during data transmission

Credits received in AFC frame

Credits consumption during data transmission

Flow Control Operation at TX











T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16






d (R

) -C


ts U



Variation ofcredits

Credits received in AFC frame

Reset state; no credits available

Credits consumption during data transmission

Credits consumption during data transmission

Credits received in AFC frame

Credits consumption during data transmission

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depend on it to make any decision (to identify if it is a TC0 or TC1, Data Frame or a Control Frame). There isa dedicated AFC Frame for each Traffic Class (AFC0 for TC0 and AFC1 for TC1).

1926 The following sections provide information on Frame Sequence Number and acknowledgment timeoutoperation. Frame Sequence Number Identification

1927 A 5-bit Frame Sequence Number shall be used with each Data Frame. The Frame Sequence Number is a partof EOF_EVEN/EOF_ODD symbol. Each Traffic Class (TC) shall use its own Frame Sequence Numbersindependently of other TCs, i.e., the Frame Sequence Numbers shall not be shared among TCs. The range ofFrame Sequence Numbers is from 0 to 31 for each TC. The Frame Sequence Number shall be transmittedwithin an AFC Frame (see Section of the corresponding TC to acknowledge correctly receivedFrame(s). A wrap around mechanism shall be used so that once the Frame Sequence Number of a Data Frameof a TC reaches thirty-one it shall roll over and repeat the Frame Sequence Number from 0 for the next DataFrame for that TC. Frame Sequence Numbers shall have the following characteristics:

1928 • A separate Frame Sequence Number is available for each Traffic Class.1929 • The valid range is from 0 to 31.1930 • The Frame Sequence Number is incremented with transmission of a Frame of that Traffic Class. The

Frame Sequence Number wrap around mechanism shall be ensured.1931 • When reset, the last good Frame Sequence Number received shall be set to 31. The next expected receive

Frame Sequence Number shall be 0.1932 • When a Data Frame of a Traffic Class with an expected Frame Sequence Number is correctly received,

the Frame Sequence Number shall be incremented. The Frame Sequence Number wrap aroundmechanism shall be ensured.

1933 The incrementing Frame Sequence Number with its wrapping mechanism supports a maximum of 16outstanding Frames for grouped acknowledgment at any time for each Traffic Class. The limit of sixteenoutstanding Frames is due to the fact that the DL Layer shall guarantee in order delivery and shall detectreplayed Frames. Retransmission and Frame Acknowledgment Timeout Mechanism

1934 A dedicated replay timer (TCx_REPLAY_TIMER) shall be provided for each Traffic Class (TC0 and TC1)to identify unacknowledged transmitted Frame(s). This replay timer shall not be reset if AFCx Frames arereceived for previously acknowledged Frames and there is at least one unacknowledged Frame in the logicalbuffer. The timer guards against the possibility of an AFC or a NAC Frame encountered errors and werediscarded.

1935 During Data Frame retransmission, the payload and Frame Sequence Number(s) shall be identical to theoriginal transmission per Traffic Class. The retransmission shall be processed according to the arbitrationscheme. When Frames are being retransmitted, they shall be all transmitted sequentially, even when anacknowledgment for a Frame under a retransmission or still to be retransmitted is received.

1936 If an AFCx (where x is 0 for TC0, 1 for TC1) Frame is received, then the Frame Sequence Number in theAFCx Frame is compared to the last sent Data Frames or up to the previously retransmitted Frame(considering wrap around mechanism and allowed maximum number of outstanding Frames) in order toaccept it. If the Frame Sequence Number in the AFCx Frame is either not in the outstanding Frames, orgreater than the last (re)transmitted Data Frame of the corresponding TC, then flow control information shallbe accepted but the acknowledgment information in the AFCx Frame shall be considered as outdated anddiscarded. The following example illustrates this case for TC0:

1937 • Local RX receives AFC0#3 Frame1938 • Local TX sends Frames TC0Frame#4, TC0Frame#5, TC0Frame#6 and TC0Frame#7

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1939 • Local TX triggers retransmission due to timeout (last acknowledged Frame was TC0Frame#3)1940 • Local TX triggers PA_INIT.req1941 • After confirmation by PA_INIT.cnf_L Service Primitive the local TX starts transmission of a NAC

Frame with the RReq bit set and then sends an AFC Frame (current information on flow control andacknowledgment status) for TC1.

1942 • As there are no outstanding TC1 Data Frames, the local TX do not send any TC1 Data Frames1943 • Local TX sends AFC (current information on flow control and acknowledgment status) for TC01944 • Local TX starts replaying Frame from TC0Frame#4 to TC0Frame#71945 • During TC0Frame #4 replay, local RX receives AFC0#7 Frame1946 • The local RX accepts flow control information but discards acknowledgment information from AFC0#7

Frame and continue with the replay (TC0Frame#4, TC0Frame#5, TC0Frame#6, and TC0Frame#7)

1947 If the TCx_REPLAY_TIMER expires for a given TCx Data Frame without receiving an acknowledgment,i.e., the Frame is assumed not successfully transmitted, then the DL Layer shall trigger PA_INIT.req ServicePrimitive. After the completion of PHY initialization (indicated by the PA_INIT.cnf_L Service Primitive) theDL Layer shall transmit a NAC Frame with the RReq bit set, then an AFC Frame (current information onflow control and acknowledgment status) for TC1, then all unacknowledged Data Frames, if any, of TC1,then an AFC Frame (with current flow control and acknowledgment status) for TC0 and then allunacknowledged Data Frames, if any, of TC0.

1948 If a NAC Frame is detected during the transmission of any Data Frame then the transmitter shall stop currentData Frame transmission if the EOF_EVEN or EOF_ODD symbol was not sent yet. If the EOF_EVEN orEOF_ODD symbol is sent this Frame shall not be stopped. If a NAC Frame is detected during thetransmission of any Control Frame then the transmitter shall not stop the Control Frame under transmission.

1949 The receiver of a NAC Frame shall perform the following sequence: The DL Layer may trigger PA_INIT.reqService Primitive of the PHY Adapter Layer if the RReq bit in the NAC Frame is not set. The receiver shalltrigger PA_INIT.req of the PHY Adapter Layer if the RReq bit in the NAC Frame is set. If PA_INIT.req ist r iggered, then the TX shal l wai t for PA_INIT.cnf_L. I f PA_INIT.req is not t r iggered, aPA_LANE_ALIGN.req shal l be t r iggered , and only af te r the recept ion of the pr imi t ivePA_LANE_ALIGN.cnf_L the procedure will continue. After that, AFC Frames and all unacknowledgedData Frames, if any, for all TCs shall be transmitted according to the priority scheme. Retransmitted lowerpriority Frames can be preempted by higher-priority non-replayed Frames.

1950 The retransmission of a Frame shall be detected in the receiver by comparing the received Frame SequenceNumber with the expected Frame Sequence Number. If the received Frame Sequence Number is not anexpected one, then it shall be compared with last sixteen Frame Sequence Numbers prior to the expectedFrame Sequence Number. If any one of that is matching to the correctly received Frame Sequence Number,then the received Frame shall be identified as a retransmitted Frame and shall be discarded. In any case,whether the Frame is identified as a retransmitted Frame or not, an acknowledgment shall be scheduled eitherindividually or in a group for each correctly received Data Frame.

1951 The replay timer (TCx_REPLAY_TIMER, where x = 0 or 1) guards against losing AFC or NAC Framedetection. The Frame acknowledge timer (AFCx_REQUEST_TIMER) shall guarantee that the remotetransmitter schedules an AFC Frame before the transmitter TCx_REPLAY_TIMER expires. TheDL_TCxReplayTimeOutVal and the DL_AFCxReqTimeOutVal for a TC shall be programmed such that thisis the case. Examples of formulas to calculate timeout values are given in Section 6.6.9. An illustration of theFrame acknowledge timer and replay timer for TC0 is given in Figure 62. Initially both timers are in a resetstate, they are stopped. The local TX sends TC0 Frame#0 to remote RX and starts TC0_REPLAY_TIMER.The remote RX starts AFC0_REQUEST_TIMER after reception of TC0 Frame#0. After some time, theremote TX sends AFC0#0 acknowledging TC0 Frame#0, resets and stops AFC0_REQUEST_TIMER. Thetimer operations for TC1 are similar to TC0.

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Figure 62 Definition of Frame Acknowledgment Timer and Replay Timer for TC0

1952 TCx_REPLAY_TIMER shall be reset when at least one of the following conditions is valid:

1953 • with the transmission of the last symbol of a TCx Data Frame (CRC symbol)1954 • with the reception of a correct AFCx Frame which acknowledges at least one unacknowledged Data

Frame1955 • with the reception of a correct NAC Frame1956 • with the expiration of TCx_REPLAY_TIMER

1957 TCx_REPLAY_TIMER shall run when all of the following conditions are valid:

1958 • there exists at least one unacknowledged transmitted TCx Data Frame1959 • the DL Layer is not waiting for PA_INIT.cnf_L as a result of a request for PHY (re-)initialization


1960 The TCx_REPLAY_TIMER should be stopped when any of the above TCx_REPLAY_TIMER run rules isnot satisfied.

1961 AFCx_REQUEST_TIMER shall be reset when at least one of the following conditions is valid:

1962 • with the reception of a correct TCx Data Frame1963 • with the reception of a correct NAC Frame1964 • with the transmission of an AFCx Frame1965 • with the expiration of AFCx_REQUEST_TIMER

1966 This AFCx_REQUEST_TIMER shall run when the following condition is valid:

1967 • there are unacknowledged received TCx Data Frames and the DL Layer is not waiting forPA_INIT.cnf_L as a result of a request for PHY (re-)initialization (PA_INIT.req)

1968 The AFCx_REQUEST_TIMER should be stopped when the above AFCx_REQUEST_TIMER run rules arenot satisfied.

Local RXRemote TXRemote RXLocal TX











Legend Timer Stopped Timer Reset and Running Timer Running Timer Expired





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1969 NOTE: With the expiration of the AFCx_REQUEST_TIMER the priority of the AFCx Frame is raised. SeeSection 6.6.4.

6.6.9 Timeout Values Calculation (informative)

1970 The timeout values of AFCx_REQUEST_TIMER, TCx_REPLAY_TIMER andFCx_PROTECTION_TIMER depend on the following parameters:

1971 • Physical layer processing in forward Link direction (ForwardLinkPhyProcessing) in bits. PHY AdapterLatency includes TX and RX PHY Adapters.

1972 • Data Link Layer processing in forward Link direction (ForwardLinkDLLProcessing) in µsec.1973 • Physical layer processing in reverse Link direction (ReverseLinkPhyProcessing) in bits. PHY Adapter

Latency includes TX and RX PHY Adapters.1974 • Data Link Layer processing in the reverse Link direction (ReverseLinkDLLProcessing) in µsec.1975 • Link wake up time (PhyWakeUpTime), if the PHY Link is in FastAuto_Mode or SlowAuto_Mode as

described in PHY Adapter Layer (see Section 5.6.1), it may require time to get into one of the possibleactive states, FAST_STATE or SLOW_STATE. For worst case timeout values calculation, this parameteris considered even though the Link is not in inactive state, as the state of the Link varies moredynamically where as the values of timeout are computed during boot up/configuration phase. Linkwake up time is expressed in µs.

1976 • The time required to transfer one DL maximum transfer unit (DL_SYMBOL_MTU) size Frame over theLink (MaxFrameTransferTime) in µsec.

1977 • Preemption support at transmitter side.

1978 ForwardLinkPhyProcessing considers PHY transmitter and receiver pipeline stages flushing(PhyTxPipelineFlush and PhyRxPipelineFlush) [MIPI01], latency due to PHY Adapter Layer and one fullsymbol may be needed to flush the PHY Adapter Layer in worst case.

1979 The value of ForwardLinkPhyProcessing in bits is given as:


1981 where,

1982 PhyTxPipelineFlush and PhyRxPipelineFlush are the time required to flush the TX and RXPA logic, respectively. These times are derived from the value in PA_TxTrailingClocks,

1983 PhyAdapterLatency is the total time taken to process a symbol in the PHY Adapter at theTX and RX sides,

1984 OneSymbolTransfer is the time required to transfer a PA symbol over the Link.

1985 Similarly, the ReverseLinkPhyProcessing in bits is expressed as:


1987 where,

1988 PhyTxPipelineFlush, PhyRxPipelineFlush and PhyAdapterLatency are as defined above,

1989 AFCxFrameTransfer is equal to 3*OneSymbolTransfer.

1990 Here, the reverse Link transfers AFC Frame, which must be received by the local transmitter to process itbefore TCx_REPLAY_TIMER expires.

ForwardLinkPhyProcessing PhyTxPipelineFlush PhyRxPipelineFlushPhyAdapterLatency OneSymbolTransfer

++ +


ReverseLinkPhyProces gsin PhyTxPipelineFlush PhyRxPipelineFlushPhyAdapterLatency AFCxFrameTransfer

++ +


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1991 The MaxFrameTransferTime depends on the DL_SYMBOL_MTU, DL Layer overhead and the Link speed.This value is computed from following expression:


1993 where,

1994 DL_SYMBOL_MTU is the DL Layer’s maximum SDU in symbols,

1995 DLLOverhead consists of the SOF symbol, EOF_EVEN or EOF_ODD symbol, and theCRC symbol and has a value of three symbols,

1996 DLLSymbolSize is the DL Layer symbol size of 9-bits for D-PHY and 10-bits for M-PHY,

1997 ForwardLinkDataRate is the bit rate of the Link on which the Frame is transferred.

1998 Using above defined parameters, timeout values for AFCx_REQUEST_TIMER and TCx_REPLAY_TIMERare calculated using following expressions, respectively,


2000 where,

2001 MaxFrameGap is the maximum gap in µs between two consecutive Data Frames measuredon the wire between the CRC of the first Data Frame and the SOF of the second, which isused to capture limitations that some implementation might have and that impact thetimeout values,

2002 DL_AFCxReqTimeOutVal is the expiration value of the AFCx_REQUEST_TIMER asdefined in Table 59,

2003 ForwardLinkDLLProcessing is the total time taken by the DLL to process a symbol at bothTX and RX sides of the Link used to transfer the Frame.

2004 If preemption is supported at the transmitter side then:

2005 the DL_TCxReplayTimeOutVal is given by the following equation:


2007 the DL_FCxProtectionTimeOutVal is given by the following equation:


2009 If preemption is not supported at the transmitter side then:

2010 the DL_TCxReplayTimeOutVal is given by the following equation:


MaxFrameTransferTime DL_SYMBOL_MTU DLLOverhead+( ) DLLSymbolSize×ForwardLinkDataRate


DL_AFCxReqTimeOutVal ForwardLinkPhyProces gsinForwardLinkDataRate

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- MaxFrameTransferTime

MaxFrameGap ForwardLinkDLLProces gsin


+ +

DL_TCxReplayTimeOutVal DL_AFCxReqTimeOutVal ReverseLinkPhyProces gsinReverseLinkDataRate


ReverseLinkDLLProces gsin PhyWakeUpTime


+ +

DL_FCxProtectionTimeOutVal ForwardLinkDLLProces gsin ForwardLinkPhyProces gsinForwardLinkDataRate



ReverseLinkDLLProces gsin ReverseLinkPhyProces gsinReverseLinkDataRate




+ +

DL_TCxReplayTimeOutVal DL_AFCxReqTimeOutVal ReverseLinkPhyProces gsinReverseLinkDataRate


ReverseLinkDLLProces gsin PhyWakeUpTime

DL_SYMBOL_MTU DLLOverhead+( ) DLLSymbolSize×ReverseLinkDataRate



+ +


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2012 the DL_FCxProtectionTimeOutVal is given by the following equation:


2014 where,

2015 DL_TCxReplayTimeOutVal is the expiration value of the TCx_REPLAY_TIMER,

2016 DL_FCxProtectionTimeOutVal is the expiration value of theFCx_PROTECTION_TIMER as defined in Table 59,

2017 ReverseLinkDataRate is the bit rate of the incoming Link as seen from the local TX,

2018 ReverseLinkDLLProcessing is the total time taken to process a symbol at both TX and RXsides of the incoming Link as seen from local TX,

2019 PhyWakeUpTime is the time required by the PHY Adapter to bring the Link into activemode.

2020 The Table 57 is informative that illustrates calculation of timeout values for above said timers if preemptionis supported at transmitter side. Due to reset rules, the timeout values are same even for groupedacknowledgment. Further, it is assumed that TX and RX are located at different nodes.

2021 The values for D-PHY are taken from [MIPI01]. The calculation example is based on a D-PHY with 8b9bline coding and with EoT (End of High Speed Transmission) processing handled by the RX PHY. To simplifythe calculations, the maximum data rate is assumed to be 1 Gbps, which might deviate from the actualspecification.

2022 The values for M-PHY MODULEs are taken from [MIPI05]. In Table 58, the calculation example is based onsingle Lane M-PHY Link with 8b10b line coding for the forward and reverse direction. Since the PHY Wake-up time can be configured by value stored in some M-PHY Attributes, a given reference configuration wasused to compute the PHY Wake-up time for M-PHY MODULEs and is as follow:

2023 • HS_PREPARE_length=7, defined by the M-PHY Attribute TX_HS_PREPARE_LENGTH2024 • LS_PREPARE_length=7, defined by the M-PHY Attribute TX_LS_PREPARE_LENGTH2025 • SYNC_length=7, defined by a field of the M-PHY Attribute TX_HS_SYNC_LENGTH2026 • SYNC_range=0, defined by a field of the M-PHY Attribute TX_HS_SYNC_LENGTH

2027 The parameters PhyTxPipelineFlush, PhyRxPipelineFlush, PhyAdapterLatency, PhyWakeUpTime,ForwardLinkDLLProcessing and ReverseLinkDLLProcessing (for TX and RX) are physical layerimplementation-specific.

DL_FCxProtectionTimeOutVal ReverseLinkPhyProcessingForwardLinkDataRate


ForwardLinkDLLProcessing PhyWakeUpTime

DL_SYMBOL_MTU DLLOverhead+( ) DLLSymbolSize×ForwardLinkDataRate


ReverseLinkDLLProcessing ReverseLinkPhyProcessingReverseLinkDataRate


DL_SYMBOL_MTU DLLOverhead+( ) DLLSymbolSize×ReverseLinkDataRate


+ +


+ +


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Table 57 Calculation of Timeout Values for D-PHY with TX Preemption Support (informative)






TX Data Rate, Mbps 10 10 1000 1000

RX Data Rate, Mbps 10 1000 10 1000

DLL Symbol Size on PHY lines, bits 18 18 18 18

DL_SYMBOL_MTU, Symbols 144 144 144 144

DLLOverhead, Symbols 3 3 3 3

AFC Frame Size, Symbols 3 3 3 3

NAC Frame Size, Symbols 2 2 2 2

Native PHY Symbol Size, bits 9 9 9 9

PHY Pipeline TX, Native PHY Symbols 4 4 4 4

DLLForwardLinkProcessingTime, μs 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

PHY Pipeline RX, Native PHY Symbols 12 12 12 12

DLLReverseLinkProcessingTime, μs 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

PHY Wake-up (STOP->mode), μs 1 3 1 3

PHY Adapter Latency (including TX and RX), Native PHY Symbols 5 5 5 5

MaxFrameGap, μs 55 55 0.55 0.55

ForwardLinkPhyProcessing, bits 207 207 207 207

ReverseLinkPhyProcessing, bits 243 243 243 243

MaxFrameTransferTime, μs 264.6 264.6 2.646 2.646

DL_AFCxReqTimeOutVal, μs 340.4 340.4 3.503 3.503

DL_TCxReplayTimeOutVal, μs 365.8 343.743 28.903 6.846

DL_FCxProtectionTimeOutVal, μs 49.8 27.743 25.743 3.686

Table 58 Calculation of Timeout Values for M-PHY with TX Preemption Support (informative)








TX Data Rate, Mbps 9 9 1250 1250

RX Data Rate, Mbps 9 1250 9 1250

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6.6.10 AFCx Frame Transmission

2028 AFC Frame transmission after reception of an AFCx Frame with the CReq bit set shall be enabled. In all othercases, AFC Frame transmission shall be disabled for a given TCx after the initial AFC exchange if the TCx isnot present in the peer Device, which is the case when DL_PeerTCxPresent is FALSE.

2029 In all other cases, the following rules shall be used to trigger the transmission of AFCx Frames with the CReqbit set to zero:

2030 • After reception of a NAC Frame.2031 • After TCx_REPLAY_TIMER has expired.2032 • After AFCx_REQUEST_TIMER has expired. In this case, the AFCx Frame’s priority shall be promoted.2033 • When the difference between the current received Frame Sequence Number that needs to be

acknowledged (currentTCxFrSeqNum) and the last acknowledged Frame Sequence Number(lastAFCxFrSeqNum) exceeds the DL_TCxOutAckThreshold threshold:


DLL Symbol Size on PHY lines, bits 20 20 20 20

DL_SYMBOL_MTU, Symbols 144 144 144 144

DLLOverhead, Symbols 3 3 3 3

AFC Frame Size, Symbols 3 3 3 3

NAC Frame Size, Symbols 2 2 2 2

Native PHY Symbol Size, bits 10 10 10 10

PHY Pipeline TX, Native PHY Symbols 4 4 4 4

DLLForwardLinkProcessingTime, μs 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

PHY Pipeline RX, Native PHY Symbols 12 12 12 12

DLLReverseLinkProcessingTime, μs 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

PHY Wake-up (SLEEP->PWM or STALL -> HS), μs 2.22 0.112 2.22 0.112

PHY Adapter Latency (including TX and RX), Native PHY Symbols 5 5 5 5

MaxFrameGap, μs 55 55 0.55 0.55

ForwardLinkPhyProcessing, bits 230 230 230 230

ReverseLinkPhyProcessing, bits 270 270 270 270

MaxFrameTransferTime, μs 326.6 326.6 2.352 2.352

DL_AFCxReqTimeOutVal, μs 407.3 407.3 3.186 3.186

DL_TCxReplayTimeOutVal, μs 439.6 407.75 35.508 3.614

DL_FCxProtectionTimeOutVal, μs 62.4 30.5 32.638 0.744

Table 58 Calculation of Timeout Values for M-PHY with TX Preemption Support (informative) (continued)








32 currentTCxFrSeqNum lastAFCxFrSeqNum–+( ) 32mod[ ] DL_TCxOutAckThreshold>

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2035 • When the difference between the available credits (the A credit accumulator) and the sent credits (the Scredit register) exceeds the DL_AFCxCreditThreshold threshold:


2037 More details are given in Section 6.6.7.

2038 • After a reception of an AFCx Frame with the CReq bit set. The response to this case shall betransmission of AFCx with priority promoted, even when DL_PeerTCxPresent is FALSE.

2039 The following rule shall be used to trigger transmission of AFCx Frames with CReq bit set to one:

2040 • After FCx_PROTECTION_TIMER has expired.2041 • For first AFC sent during initial AFC exchange (see Section 6.7)

2042 AFC Frames may be sent before a NAC Frame transmission to minimize the number of retransmitted DataFrames.

6.6.11 NAC Frame Transmission

2043 Prior the transmission of a NAC Frame, the primitive PA_LANE_ALIGN.req shall be triggered.

2044 A NAC Frame (may or may not have RReq bit set) shall be transmitted when at least one of the followingconditions occurs:

2045 • A CRC error in an incoming Frame2046 • A RX buffer overflow of any TC2047 • Reception of a Frame with a payload length more than DL_SYMBOL_MTU symbols in any TC2048 • An incorrect Frame Sequence Number in the received Data Frame for any TC (see following

description)2049 • An AFCx symbol not followed by two data symbols2050 • A NAC symbol not followed by one data symbol2051 • An EOF_EVEN or EOF_ODD symbol not followed by a data symbol, i.e. CRC symbol2052 • Reception of a PA_ERROR.ind2053 • Reception of a COF, EOF_EVEN or EOF_ODD symbol when a Frame has not been started2054 • Reception of a SOF symbol when a Data Frame of the same Traffic Class is already ongoing and the Data

Frame is not currently preempted2055 • Reception of a SOF symbol with TC=0 when a TC1 Data Frame is already ongoing2056 • Reception of a COF symbol during a Data Frame of the same Traffic Class, when that Data Frame has

not been preempted2057 • Reception of a COF symbol continuing a Data Frame of a different TC2058 • Reception of an EOF_EVEN, EOF_ODD or a data symbol when a Data Frame is preempted2059 • Reception of a DL control symbol with invalid values for defined fields, e.g. undefined Control Symbol

Type or TC2060 • Reception of an unexpected framing sequence; data symbols received between Frames

2061 When any of the above errors are detected at the receiver, any partially received Data Frame shall bediscarded. After transmitting a NAC Frame, NAC transmission shall be disabled until the DL Layer receivesone Data or Control (AFC or NAC) Frame without any error, e.g. CRC error, wrong Frame SequenceNumber, etc., and in the case of Data or AFC, they can be of any TC.

2DL_CreditValSizeBits A S–+( ) 2DL_CreditValSizeBitsmod[ ] DL_AFCxCreditThreshold>

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2062 A NAC Frame with the RReq bit set shall be transmitted when at least one of the following conditions occurs:

2063 • The FCx_PROTECTION_TIMER expires while waiting to receive an AFCx Frame in response to apreviously sent AFCx Frame with CReq bit set.

2064 • The TCx_REPLAY_TIMER expires.

2065 In this context, an incorrect Frame Sequence Number in a received Data Frame for any TC means a SequenceNumber that appears to be from a future frame. If the expected Frame Sequence Number is ExpSeq and thereceived Frame Sequence Number is RcvSeq, RcvSeq is incorrect if the following equation is satisfied:


2067 A Data Frame is considered preempted when at least one Frame has preempted it and no COF symbol for thesame Traffic Class has been received yet to resume that Frame. Examples of symbol sequences when thisNAC generation condition holds are (SOF symbol with TC=0, DATA, SOF symbol with TC=0), when nopreemption has occurred for the started Frame, or (SOF symbol with TC=0, DATA, AFC symbol, DATA,DATA, COF symbol with TC=0, DATA, SOF symbol with TC=0), when an earlier preemption has completedand the ongoing TC0 Data Frame is no longer preempted.

2068 A SOF symbol during an ongoing Frame of the same TC is permitted when a replay starts, but only when theFrame is preempted, as a replay always generates an AFC Frame before any replayed Data Frame. Forexample, the symbol sequence (SOF symbol with TC=0, DATA, AFC symbol, DATA, DATA, SOF symbolwith TC=0) is valid and does not generate a NAC Frame, since the second SOF symbol with TC=0 representsthe beginning of a replayed Data Frame.

6.6.12 Error Detection Mechanism

2069 The Data Link Layer shall detect transmission errors using CCITT CRC-16 [ITUT03] for all Data Framesand Control Frames (AFC and NAC). The CRC shall cover all symbols, including any COF symbols, fromthe first control symbol of the Frame (SOF, AFC or NAC symbol) up to, but not including, the CRC symbolof the Frame, as shown in Figure 63. Also, bit 16 of the DL Layer data symbol that carries the CRCchecksum, which is always set to zero, shall not be covered by CRC.

Figure 63 CRC Coverage

2070 The CRC-16 has the following polynomial:


2072 To calculate the CRC-16 at the transmitter, the CRC-16 value shall be initialized to 0b1111 1111 1111 1111(D[15], D[14],… D[1], D[0]). In addition, the first bit of the CRC-16 calculation shall be the most significantbit (bit 16) of the DL symbol. Finally, the calculation bit sequence shall be complemented to obtain the CRC-16 checksum.

2073 A DL Layer data symbol (bit 16 = 0) shall carry the 16-bit CRC value with X15 through X0 of the CRC-16value corresponding to bit 15 through bit 0 of the symbol, as shown in Figure 64.

0 32 RcvSeq ExpSeq–+( ) mod 32 16< <

SOF DL_SDU – Traffic Class X EOF CRC

CRC Coverage

G x( ) X16 X12 X5 1+ + +=

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Figure 64 Bit Allocation for CRC-16 Checksum in DL Layer Data Symbol

2074 At the receiver, the initial value of the CRC-16 calculation shall be 0b1111 1111 1111 1111 (D[15], D[14],…D[1], D[0]). If a Frame payload (including DL Layer control symbols and DL Layer data symbols) are sent tothe CRC-16 calculator at the receiver, it shall result, in the absence of transmission errors, in the samechecksum that has been received.

2075 An example illustration of CRC calculation is given in Section B.3.

6.6.13 PHY Initialization Condition

2076 The PA_INIT.req shall be triggered if at least one of the following conditions is fulfilled:

2077 • after reception of NAC Frame with the RReq bit set2078 • when FCx_PROTECTION_TIMER expires after being triggered by an AFCx Frame with CReq bit set2079 • after TCx_REPLAY_TIMER expires

2080 The PA_INIT.req may be triggered if at least one of the following conditions is fulfilled:

2081 • before transmission of a NAC Frame with the RReq bit not set2082 • after reception of a NAC Frame with the RReq bit not set

2083 If the PHY (re-)initialization using PA-INIT.req Service Primitives continues to fail, autonomous errorrecovery is exhausted and a fatal error is assumed to have occurred. In this case, the DL_LM_ERROR.indService Primitive shall be called with DLErrorCode set to PA_INIT_ERROR. As a result, the endpointapplication may reset the UniPro stack (see Section 9.3.2). Applications will most likely also need to be resetand restarted.

6.7 Data Link Layer Initialization

2084 The Data Link Layer initialization consists of the initial credit exchange, and is the process of preparing theLink to execute its normal operation. The initial credit exchange is started when the DME generates theDL_LM_LINKSTARTUP.req primitive, which shall be called only when the DL has been previously enabledby the DME. The DME shall enable the DL Layer by generating the DL_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.reqprimitive and is completed only after the reception of the DL_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.cnf_L primitive.

2085 After reception of the DL_LM_LINKSTARTUP.req primitive, the DL shall first transmit the AFC Frame forTraffic Class 1 (AFC1) and then transmit the AFC Frame for Traffic Class 0 (AFC0). Both AFC Frames shallhave the CReq bit set. The Frame Sequence Number and the credit value carried by these two AFC Framesare the reset values of the last acknowledged Frame Sequence Number (31 as defined in Section 6.6.8) andnumber of accumulated credits A (the size of the receiving logical buffer in credit units as defined inSection 6.6.7) for the two Traffic Classes, respectively.

2086 As long as the first AFCx Frame was not received, the FCx_PROTECTION_TIMER runs (seeSection 6.6.7). The FCx_PROTECTION_TIMER behavior (see Section 6.6.7), rules for AFC Frametransmission (see Section 6.6.10) and NAC Frame transmission ( Section 6.6.11) ensure reliable exchange ofcredits during initialization.

2087 If the DL Layer receives the first AFCx Frame with a flow control credit value of zero, DL_PeerTCxPresentshall be set to FALSE. If the DL Layer receives flow control credits greater than, or equal to, ten in the first

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 X7. . . X0X8X15 . . .

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received AFCx Frame, DL_PeerTCxPresent shall be set to TRUE. All other values of flow control creditsreceived during the initial AFC exchange are not supported and results in a undefined behavior.

2088 When one AFCx Frame is received for each Traffic Class, the initial credit exchange and thus DL Layerinitialization are considered complete and L2 shall be reported to the DME as operational by sending theDL_LM_LINKSTARTUP.cnf_L primitive.

2089 The number of credits received in the first AFC Frame for TCx shall be stored inDL_PeerTCxRxInitCreditVal. This value minus one shall define the upper bound of the valid value ofDL_TCxTXFCThreshold as shown in Table 59.

2090 Note that starting with this specification, a UniPro implementation supporting only one Traffic Class shallimplement TC0. But since, UniPro v1.10.00 allowed an implementation to support only TC1, the detection ofpresence of the TCs of a peer Device is kept unchanged.

2091 Figure 65 illustrates the initial credit exchange procedure for TC0 and TC1 for the case of a receiver logicalbuffer s ize of s ix teen c red i t s and a va lue of n ine in bo th DL_TC0TXFCThresho ld andDL_TC1TXFCThreshold.

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Figure 65 Initial Credit Exchange Example

6.8 Management Information Base and Protocol Constants

2092 Table 59 and Table 61 show the Data Link Layer Attributes.

2093 Table 60 lists the Protocol Constants used by the protocol specification and defines valid values for theAttributes.

2094 In the tables in this section all Attributes should be readable.

2095 A settable Data Link Layer Attribute that has more than one mandatory value should be writable.

2096 All UniPro Attributes shall reset to a default value specified in the Table 59. Some UniPro Attributes shallallow Attributes to load a persistent value instead. Persistent values may be stored and provisioned in a formof Non Volatile Memory, eFuse, etc. storage.

Legend Timer Stopped Timer Reset and Running Timer Running Timer Expired










After receiving an AFC1 with the CReq bit set, a

normal AFC1 is sent

Sending an AFC0 with the CReq bit set starts the FC0_PROTECTION_TIMER

Receiving credits >= DL_TC0TXFCThreshold stops the timer.L2 initialization complete.

Receiving credits >= DL_TC0TXFCThreshold stops the timer.L2 initialization complete.















Receiving credits >= DL_TC1TXFCThreshold stops the timer.


Sending an AFC1 with the CReq bit set starts the FC1_PROTECTION_TIMER

Receiving credits >= DL_TC1TXFCThreshold stops the timer.

After receiving an AFC0 with the CReq bit set, a

normal AFC0 is sent


Sending an AFC1 with the CReq bit set starts the FC1_PROTECTION_TIMER

Remote end not ready to receive data


Sending an AFC0 with the CReq bit set starts the FC0_PROTECTION_TIMER




Local RXRemote TXRemote RXLocal TX



Sending an AFC1 with the CReq bit set starts the FC1_PROTECTION_TIMER


Sending an AFC0 with the CReq bit set starts the FC0_PROTECTION_TIMER

Remote end not ready to receive data

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Table 59 Data Link Layer (gettable, settable) Attributes

Attribute Attribute ID Description Type Unit Valid Attribute


Value(s)Reset Value

TC0 Parameters

DL_TC0TXFCThreshold1 0x2040

Threshold for triggering an AFC0 Frame with CReq bit set to request flow control update from remote end.This Attribute is retained duringhibernate.

Integer DL_CreditUnitSize1 to

DL_PeerTC0RxInitCreditVal – 1

9 9

DL_FC0ProtectionTimeOutVal 0x2041

Expiration value of the FC0_PROTECTION_TIMERThe actual duration of the timeout period shall be the value set in the Attribute ±10%.This Attribute is retained duringhibernate.

Integer µs 0 (OFF), 1 to 1023 1 to 1023 511

DL_TC0ReplayTimeOutVal 0x2042

Expiration value of the TC0_REPLAY_TIMERThe actual duration of the timeout period shall be the value set in the Attribute ±10%.This Attribute is retained duringhibernate.

Integer µs 0 (OFF), 1 to 4095 1 to 4095 4095

DL_AFC0ReqTimeOutVal 0x2043

Expiration value of the AFC0_REQUEST_TIMERThe actual duration of the timeout period shall be the value set in the Attribute ±10%.This Attribute is retained duringhibernate.

Integer µs 0 (OFF), 1 to 4095 1 to 4095 2047

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DL_AFC0CreditThreshold 0x2044

Threshold for AFC0 triggering based on available TC0 credits at receiver.This Attribute is retained duringhibernate.

Integer DL_CreditUnitSize 0 to 127 0 to 8 0

DL_TC0OutAckThreshold 0x2045

Number of outstanding acknowledgments for TC0 (number of TC0 Data Frames received before an AFC0 Frame is sent).This Attribute is retained duringhibernate.

Integer Frame 0 to 15 0 to 15 0

TC1 Parameters

DL_TC1TXFCThreshold1 0x2060

Threshold for triggering an AFC1 Frame with CReq bit set to request flow control update from remote end.This Attribute is retained duringhibernate.

Integer DL_CreditUnitSize1 to

DL_PeerTC1RxInitCreditVal – 1

9 9

DL_FC1ProtectionTimeOutVal 0x2061

Expiration value of the FC1_PROTECTION_TIMERThe actual duration of the timeout period shall be the value set in the Attribute ±10%.This Attribute is retained duringhibernate.

Integer µs 0 (OFF), 1 to 1023 1 to 1023 511

Table 59 Data Link Layer (gettable, settable) Attributes (continued)

Attribute Attribute ID Description Type Unit Valid Attribute


Value(s)Reset Value

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DL_TC1ReplayTimeOutVal 0x2062

Expiration value of the TC1_REPLAY_TIMERThe actual duration of the timeout period shall be the value set in the Attribute ±10%.This Attribute is retained duringhibernate.

Integer µs 0 (OFF), 1 to 4095 1 to 4095 4095

DL_AFC1ReqTimeOutVal 0x2063

Expiration value of the AFC1_REQUEST_TIMERThe actual duration of the timeout period shall be the value set in the Attribute ±10%.This Attribute is retained duringhibernate.

Integer µs 0 (OFF), 1 to 4095 1 to 4095 2047

DL_AFC1CreditThreshold 0x2064

Threshold for AFC1 triggering based on available TC1 credits at receiver.This Attribute is retained duringhibernate.

Integer DL_CreditUnitSize 0 to 127 0 to 8 0

DL_TC1OutAckThreshold 0x2065

Number of outstanding acknowledgments for TC1 (number of TC1 Data Frames received before an AFC1 Frame is sent).This Attribute is retained duringhibernate.

Integer Frames 0 to 15 0 to 15 0

Table 59 Data Link Layer (gettable, settable) Attributes (continued)

Attribute Attribute ID Description Type Unit Valid Attribute


Value(s)Reset Value

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Table 60 Data Link Layer Protocol Constants

Attribute Description Type Unit Value

DL_MTU Maximum Payload Length Integer Byte 288

DL_SYMBOL_MTU Maximum number of symbols in a DL_MTU size payload (DL_SYMBOL_MTU = DL_MTU/2) Integer Symbol 144

DL_CreditValSizeBits Number of bits used to represent Credit Value field in an AFC Frame Integer Bit 8

DL_CreditUnitSize Size of one credit unit Integer Byte 32

Table 61 Data Link Layer (gettable, static) Attributes

Attribute Attribute ID Description Type Unit Valid Attribute


DL_TxPreemptionCap 0x2000 Preemption capability on transmit side for both Traffic Classes. Bool TRUE = 1,



DL_TC0TxMaxSDUSize 0x2001 TC0 Transmitter Maximum SDU Size Integer Symbol 1 to DL_SYMBOL_MTU

DL_TC0RxInitCreditVal1 0x2002 TC0 Receiver Initial Credit Value (initial register A value) Integer DL_CreditUnitSize 10 to 128

DL_TC0TxBufferSize 0x2005 TC0 Transmitter Buffer Size Integer DL_CreditUnitSize 10 to 128

DL_PeerTC0Present 0x2046 Peer Device supports TC0 Bool TRUE = 1,FALSE = 0

DL_PeerTC0RxInitCreditVal1 0x2047 Peer TC0 Receiver Initial Credit Value (initial register A value) Integer DL_CreditUnitSize 10 to 128


DL_TC1TxMaxSDUSize 0x2003 TC1 Transmitter Maximum SDU Size Integer Symbol 1 to DL_SYMBOL_MTU

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DL_TC1RxInitCreditVal1 0x2004 TC1 Receiver Initial Credit Value (initial register A value) Integer DL_CreditUnitSize 0, 10 to 128

DL_TC1TxBufferSize 0x2006 TC1 Transmitter Buffer Size Integer DL_CreditUnitSize 0, 10 to 128

DL_PeerTC1Present 0x2066 Peer Device supports TC1 Bool TRUE = 1,FALSE = 0

DL_PeerTC1RxInitCreditVal1 0x2067 Peer TC1 Receiver Initial Credit Value (initial register A value) Integer DL_CreditUnitSize 0, 10 to 128

1. The maximum value depends on the receiver buffer size.

Table 61 Data Link Layer (gettable, static) Attributes (continued)

Attribute Attribute ID Description Type Unit Valid Attribute


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7 Network Layer (L3)2097 This section defines the service provided by the Network Layer, its protocol behavior and the Network

Protocol Data Units (N_PDUs) used by the Network Layer. It aims at providing as much implementationflexibility as possible given the restrictions needed to achieve a high degree of interoperability.

2098 Figure 66 shows the SAP model used for the Network Layer. The Network service to the Transport Layer isprovided through two Traffic Class-specific Service Access Points (N_TCx_SAP). The Network Layer inturn relies on the service provided by the appropriate DL_TCx_SAP. The Network Layer Management SAP(N_LM_SAP) is provided to the Device Management Entity (DME) for configuration and control purposes.The N_TRAPx_SAP is provided as an entry to divert or inject Long Header Packets from or to software suchthat an existing UniPro implementation can be extended in software to support future UniPro features whenthey become available.

Figure 66 Network Layer SAP Model

7.1 Network Layer Service Functionality and Features

2099 The Network Layer shall provide the following features and services to provide for the transfer of user-databetween Network Service Users.

2100 • Addressing2101 • Packet Composition and Packet Decomposition2102 • Packet format recognition2103 • Error handling2104 • Support for at least one Traffic Class2105 • Long Header trap to enable L3 and L4 extensions to future versions of UniPro

2106 The Network Layer shall not limit the user-data with regard to its content and its representation.

7.2 Network Layer Addressing

2107 This section defines the abstract syntax and semantics of the Network address. Although the current versionof UniPro only provides limited capabilities in the Network Layer, a DeviceID concept is provided forcompatibility with future extensions which provide full Network routing capability.

Device Management


Transport Layer (L4)

Network Layer (L3)

TC0 Entity


TC1 Entity


N_LM Entity




Management Plane Data Plane






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Figure 67 N_SAPs, Network Address and DeviceID

2108 In general a Network address, defined as DeviceID, identifies one Network Layer SAP group (N_TCx_SAP)(refer to Figure 67). By means of the used entity, namely TC0 or TC1, and addressed by the Network ServiceUser, e.g. Transport Layer – L4, the DeviceID identifies uniquely any individual Network Layer SAP, i.e.N_TC0_SAP or N_TC1_SAP. The uniqueness of DeviceIDs within a UniPro Network shall be ensured.

2109 The DeviceID, uniquely identifying a specific Device, is a 7-bit value, ranging from 0 to N_MaxDeviceID(see Table 80), which is the highest possible DeviceID supported in the current version of UniPro.

7.3 Data Communication between Devices

2110 Data is passed between the Network Layer and its users in Network Service Data Units (N_SDUs) qualifiedby certain parameters via SAPs by means of Service Primitives, defined later on. An N_SDU is the only unit,which can be exchanged between Network Service Users. The transport is performed by means of NetworkProtocol Data Units (N_PDUs), which are also referred to as Packets. Every single Packet is transmittedindependently from each other Packet. Packets shall only be exchanged between SAPs belonging to the sameTraffic Class as depicted in Figure 68.

2111 In addition, N_SDUs may be discarded upon any occurrence of certain conditions, e.g. unsupported headertype, specified in Section 7.9.4. The order of Packets shall not be changed and Packets shall not be duplicatedduring transmission.

2112 The maximum size of a Packet depends on the N_MaxPacketSize value defined in Table 80. The maximumsize of user-data is limited by the Network Layer Maximum Transfer Unit (N_MTU) size, also defined inTable 80.

Transport Layer (L4)

Network Layer (L3)

TC0 Entity


TC1 Entity


N_TCx SAP group identified by a single DeviceID

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Figure 68 Network Layer Data Transfer Using Different Traffic Classes

7.4 Services Assumed from the Data Link Layer

2113 The Data Link Layer provides its services to the Network Layer via DL_TCx_SAP. The DL_TCx_SAP isdefined in Section 6.3.

2114 The Network Layer requires the following services and properties provided by the Data Link Layer:

2115 • Reliable data transmission2116 • In-order delivery of data belonging to the same TC

2117 Data transmission and reception by means of Packets are supported by the exchange of parameters andindications between the Network Layer and the Data Link Layer. These parameters and indications allow theNetwork Layer to control and be informed of the data transmission and reception.

2118 The Network Layer inherits characteristics from the underlying Data Link Layer services as shown inFigure 69 to enhance the basic Network Service. Refer to Section 6 for detailed property descriptions.

Network Service

User A

TC0 Entity





User Y

TC1 Entity

Data Transfer between User B and User Y via N_TC1 SAPsData Transfer between User A and User X via N_TC0 SAPs

Service User

Device 1 Device 2

Service Provider

User B User X

TC1 Entity TC0 Entity

Network Layer (L3)

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Figure 69 Relationship of Network Service Characteristics and Underlying Services

2119 In order to support the given characteristics and to keep them independent, the Network Layer model consistsof two identical TCx entities.

2120 Note, although there are two separate entities TC0 and TC1 drawn, this does not imply any implementationchoice.

7.5 Limitations and Compatibility Issues

2121 As already specified, the Network Layer’s responsibility is to provide the transport of Packets from thetransmitting resource through the Network to the receiving resource, i.e. routing Packets based on logicalDevice identifiers, namely DeviceID. In the current version of UniPro only point-to-point Links aresupported, that means no routing and switching is necessary and therefore these Network Layer-specificfeatures and protocols are not specified here.

2122 To ensure interoperability between the different versions of UniPro, the Network Layer services supported bythe current version of UniPro are targeted to be a sub-set of any forthcoming UniPro Network Layer services.

7.6 N_TCx_SAP

2123 The N_TCx_SAP provides the services for basic data transmission.

2124 At the sending side, data is passed via the N_TCx_SAP in N_SDUs to the Network Layer to transfer it to thepeer Network Layer. At the recipient side, the Network Layer delivers received data in N_SDUs to the upperlayer. The Traffic Class identification is done based on the used SAP.

2125 The N_TCx_SAP shall support the transmission of user-supplied data between users, which shall not bemodified and shall not be re-ordered by the provider. The user may transmit any integral number of bytesgreater than zero up to the N_MTU.

7.6.1 Data Transfer Primitives

2126 The primitives covered in this section are listed in Table 62.

Data Link Layer (L2)

Network Layer (L3)

TC0 Entity


TC1 Entity




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2127 Table 63 lists the parameters that appear in the N_TCx_SAP primitives. N_DATA_SHDR.req

2128 This primitive requests the transfer of user payload to a peer Network Layer by means of a DT SH N_PDU(Refer to Section, i.e. no source DeviceID or other L3-specific information will be transferred.

2129 The provided DestPeerDeviceID shall identify the recipient of the payload. The DeviceIDOffset parametershall be in the range [0, N_MaxDeviceIDOffset], which is derived from Transport Layer protocol constants,and is defined in Table 80.

2130 The user may transmit any integral number of bytes that shall be greater than zero up to theN_TCxTxMaxSDUSize . The va lue o f N_TCxTxMaxSDUSize depends on the va lue o fDL_TCxTxMaxSDUSize and the value of N_MaxHdrSize.

2131 The semantics of this primitive are:

2132 N_DATA_SHDR.req( DestPeerDeviceID, DeviceIDOffset, Payload )

Table 62 N_TCx_SAP Primitives

Name Request Indication Local Response Response Local

Confirm Confirm



Table 63 N_TCx_SAP Primitive Parameters

Name Type Valid Range Value Description

DestPeerDevi-ceID Integer 0 to N_MaxDeviceID Specifies the DeviceID of the

destination Device of the N_SDU

DeviceIDOffset Integer0 to N_MaxDeviceIDOffset

Specifies the DeviceID offset that is used for the encoding and decoding of CPortIDs. See Section 8.2

Payload byte string

Specifies the data passed by N_DATA_SHDR.req from Layer 4 and by N_DATA_SHDR.ind to Layer 4.The length of the payload shall be in the range from 1 to N_MTU

L3ResultCode EnumerationSUCCESS 0

Indicates the result of the requestNO_PEER_TC 1

L2Payload byte string

Specifies the data passed by N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.req and N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.ind between the L3 extension and Layer 3.The length of the payload shall be in the range from 1 to DL_MTU

LhdrTrapStatus EnumerationOK 0 Indicates whether received data has

been lost in Layer 3 due to a slow ApplicationLOST_DATA 1

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2133 When Generated

2134 The Network Service User shall generate a N_DATA_SHDR.req primitive to send user payload to thespecified recipient.

2135 Effect on Receipt

2136 The instructed Network Layer shall initiate the transmission of the given payload.

2137 Behavioral Description

2138 The state diagram describing the behavior of the N_DATA_SHDR.req primitive is shown in Figure 333 of[MIPI02]. N_DATA_SHDR.cnf_L

2139 This primitive informs the Service User that the Service Provider, so L3 in this case, is ready to accept a newN_DATA_SHDR.req primitive.

2140 The semantics of this primitive are:

2141 N_DATA_SHDR.cnf_L( L3ResultCode )

2142 When Generated

2143 This primitive shall be generated when the Network Service Provider is ready to accept a new request totransfer user payload.

2144 If the Network Service Provider is ready to accept a new N_DATA_SHDR.req primitive, which implies thatthe TCx Traffic Class is present in the peer Device, the returned L3ResultCode shall be SUCCESS. All otherL3ResultCode values should indicate a failure.

2145 If the peer Device does not implement the TCx Traffic Class, the value of the L3ResultCode shall beNO_PEER_TC. The Network Layer learns about the peer Device not implementing the TCx Traffic Classwhen it receives DL_DATA.cnf_L with L2ResultCode set to NO_PEER_TC.

2146 Effect on Receipt

2147 Following the emission of a N_DATA_SHDR.req primitive and prior to the reception of aN_DATA_SHDR.cnf_L pr imit ive , the Network Layer Service User shal l not emit a newN_DATA_SHDR.req primitive.

2148 The Network Service User may emit a new N_DATA_SHDR.req primitive immediately following a reset orafter the reception of the N_DATA_SHDR.cnf_L primitive corresponding to a previously emittedN_DATA_SHDR.req primitive.

2149 Behavioral Description

2150 The state diagram describing the behavior of the N_DATA_SHDR.cnf_L primitive is shown in Figure 333 of[MIPI02].

2151 This primitive is invoked by the L3_TC_tx process, prior to return to the Idle state, when leaving theWaitDLCnfL state. The L3_TC_tx process defines the behavior associated with the handshake betweenN_DATA_SHDR.req and N_DATA_SHDR.cnf_L.

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro N_DATA_SHDR.ind

2152 This primitive shall report the reception of user payload, carried by a DT SH N_PDU; no sender is identified.The DeviceIDOffset shall be provided to the Service User for Transport Layer decoding purposes (seeSection 8.11.2). The payload may consist of any integral number of bytes greater than zero up to the N_MTU.

2153 The semantics of this primitive are:

2154 N_DATA_SHDR.ind( DeviceIDOffset, Payload )

2155 When Generated

2156 This primitive shall be generated when the Network Service Provider has successfully processed a receivedDL SH N_PDU.

2157 Effect on Receipt

2158 Upon reception of a N_DATA_SHDR.ind primitive, the Network Layer Service User should consume thepayload.

2159 Behavioral Description

2160 The state diagram describing the behavior of the N_DATA_SHDR.ind primitive is shown in Figure 336 of[MIPI02]. N_DATA_SHDR.rsp_L

2161 This primitive informs the Network Layer that the Transport Layer is ready to accept a newN_DATA_SHDR.ind primitive.

2162 The semantics of this primitive are:

2163 N_DATA_SHDR.rsp_L( )

2164 When Generated

2165 This primitive shall be generated when the Transport Layer is ready to accept and process a new N_PDU.

2166 Effect on Receipt

2167 Following the emission of a N_DATA_SHDR.ind primitive and prior the reception of aN_DATA_SHDR.rsp_L primitive, the Network Layer shall not emit a new N_DATA_SHDR.ind primitive.The Network Layer may emit a new N_DATA_SHDR.ind primitive only just after reset, or after the receptionof N_DATA_SHDR.rsp_L primitive corresponding to a previously emitted N_DATA_SHDR.ind primitive.

2168 Behavioral Description

2169 The state diagram describing the behavior of the N_DATA_SHDR.rsp_L primitive is shown in Figure 336 of[MIPI02].

2170 This primitive is invoked by the L3_TC_rx process, prior to return to the Idle state, when leaving theWaitDLRspL state. The L3_TC_rx process defines the behavior associated with the handshake betweenN_DATA_SHDR.ind and N_DATA_SHDR.rsp_L. N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.req

2171 The N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.req primitive is used to provide a Long Header Packet for transmission to theData Link Layer.

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2172 The semantics of this primitive are:

2173 N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.req( L2Payload )

2174 When Generated

2175 A Network Layer extension shall generate a N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.req primitive to send a Long HeaderPacket to Data Link Layer. The specification of the Network Layer extension is outside the scope of thisdocument.

2176 Effect on Receipt

2177 The received Data Link Layer payload shall be transmitted to the Data Link Layer without any processing.

2178 Behavioral Description

2179 The state diagram describing the behavior of the N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.req primitive is shown inFigure 334 of [MIPI02]. N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.cnf_L

2180 This primitive informs the Network Layer extension that Network Layer is ready to accept a newN_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.req primitive.

2181 The semantics of this primitive are:

2182 N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.cnf_L( L3ResultCode )

2183 When Generated

2184 This primitive shall be generated when the Network Layer is ready to accept a new request from the NetworkLayer extension. If the Network Layer is ready and TCx is present in the peer Device, the returnedL3ResultCode shall be SUCCESS. All other L3ResultCode values should indicate a failure.

2185 If the peer Device does not implement the TCx Traffic Class, the value of the L3ResultCode shall beNO_PEER_TC. The Network Layer learns about the peer Device not implementing the TCx Traffic Classwhen it receives DL_DATA.cnf_L with L2ResultCode set to NO_PEER_TC.

2186 Effect on Receipt

2187 Following the emission of a N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.req primitive and prior to the reception of aN_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.cnf_L primitive, the Network Layer extension shall not emit a newN_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.req primitive.

2188 The Network Layer extension may emit a new N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.req primitive immediately followinga reset or after the reception of the N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.cnf_L primitive corresponding to a previouslyemitted N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.req primitive.

2189 Behavioral Description

2190 The state diagram describing the behavior of the N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.cnf_L primitive is shown inFigure 334 of [MIPI02]. N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.ind

2191 This N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.ind primitive reports the reception of user-data to the Network Layerextension.

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2192 The semantics of this primitive are:

2193 N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.ind( L2Payload, LhdrTrapStatus )

2194 When Generated

2195 The primitive shall be generated when the Data Link Layer payload received from the Data Link Layer hasthe L3s bit set to ‘0’ indicating a Long Header. Long Headers cannot be interpreted in the current version ofUniPro, and, therefore, are forwarded to the Network Layer extension, which implements future features ofUniPro. The Data Link Layer payload shall be forwarded without modification to the Network Layerextension.

2196 The primitive shall indicate in LhdrTrapStatus whether any data has been dropped from the previousgeneration of the primitive. An LhdrTrapStatus value of OK shall indicate that no data has been dropped, anda value of LOST_DATA shall indicate that data was dropped.

2197 Effect on Receipt

2198 The Network Layer extension processes the Long Header Packet.

2199 Behavioral Description

2200 The state diagram describing the behavior of the N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.ind primitive is shown inFigure 336 of [MIPI02]. N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.rsp_L

2201 The N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.rsp_L primitive indicates that the Network Layer extension is ready to accept anew N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.ind primitive.

2202 The semantics of this primitive are:

2203 N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.rsp_L( )

2204 When Generated

2205 This primitive shall be generated when the Network Layer extension is ready to accept and process a newData Link Layer payload.

2206 Effect on Receipt

2207 Following the emission of a N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.ind primitive and prior to reception of aN _ D ATA _ L H D R _ T R A P. r s p _ L p r i m i t i v e , t h e N e t w o rk L a y e r s h a l l n o t e m i t a n e wN_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.ind primitive. The Network Layer may emit a new N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.indprimitive only just after reset, or after reception of the N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.rsp_L primitivecorresponding to a previously issued N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.ind primitive.

2208 Behavioral Description

2209 The state diagram describing the behavior of the N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.rsp_L primitive is shown inFigure 336 of [MIPI02].

7.7 N_LM_SAP

2210 The Network Layer Management (N_LM_SAP) offers three groups of Service Primitives: Configurationprimitives, Control primitives and Status primitives. The primitives on the N_LM_SAP are used by theDevice Management Entity (DME) to configure and control the layer and receive layer status information.

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2211 The Configuration primitives enable access to Network Layer Attributes. This information is represented as aNetwork Layer-specific Management Information Base (N_MIB). The N_MIB is regarded as “contained”within the N_LM entity. Multiple accesses to the N_MIB via the Configuration primitives shall not occurconcurrently. The available Network Layer Attributes are defined in Section 7.14.

2212 The Control primitives provide direct control of the Network Layer. Control primitives are generated by theDME and can occur concurrently.

2213 The Status primitives indicate status information of the Network Layer. Status primitives are generated by theNetwork Layer and can occur concurrently.

7.7.1 Configuration Primitives

2214 The N_LM configuration primitives, GET and SET, are used by the DME to retrieve and store values,respectively, for the configuration Attributes in the N_MIB.

2215 The GET and SET primitives are represented as requests with associated confirm primitives. Theseprimitives are prefixed by N_LM. The primitives are summarized in Table 64.

2216 The parameters used for these primitives are defined in the next table.

Table 64 N_LM_SAP Configuration Primitives

Name Request Indication Local Response Response Local

Confirm Confirm



Table 65 N_LM_SAP Configuration Primitive Parameters

Name Type Valid Range Value Description

MIBattribute IntegerMIBattribute values fall between 0x000 and 0xFFF. The valid MIBattribute values are defined in Section 7.14

The address of the MIB Attribute

MIBvalue Variable As defined in Section 7.14 The value of the MIB Attribute

SetType AttrSetType

NORMAL 0Indicates that the Attribute is addressed.


Indicates that the non-volatile reset value of the Attribute is addressed.

ConfigResultCode Enumeration


Indicates the result of the request





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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro N_LM_GET.req

2217 This primitive requests the value of the Attribute identified by MIBattribute.

2218 The semantics of this primitive are:

2219 N_LM_GET.req( MIBattribute )

2220 When Generated

2221 This primitive is generated by the DME to obtain the value of the Attribute identified by MIBattribute.

2222 Effect on Receipt

2223 The Network Layer entity shall attempt to retrieve the requested Attribute value and respond withN_LM_GET.cnf_L that gives the retrieved value.

2224 Behavioral Description

2225 The state diagram describing the behavior of the N_LM_GET.req primitive is shown in Figure 325 of[MIPI02]. N_LM_GET.cnf_L

2226 This primitive indicates the success or failure of N_LM_GET.req, and, is successful, returns the Attributevalue.

2227 The semantics of this primitive are:

2228 N_LM_GET.cnf_L( ConfigResultCode, MIBvalue )

2229 The primitive parameters are defined in Table 65.

2230 The Network Layer shall set ConfigResultCode in N_LM_GET.cnf_L to one of the values shown in Table 66for the condition given in the table. The Network Layer should not set ConfigResultCode toINVALID_MIB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE or READ_ONLY_MIB_ATTRIBUTE.

2231 When Generated

2232 The Network Layer entity shall generate the N_LM_GET.cnf_L primitive in response to the most recentN_LM_GET.req from the DME.

Table 66 N_LM_GET.cnf_L ConfigResultCode Values

ConfigResultCode Condition


The request succeeds, i.e. the MIB Attribute indicated by N_LM_GET.req MIBattribute is gettable.The Network Layer shall set MIBvalue in N_LM_GET.cnf_L to the Attribute value.

INVALID_MIB_ATTRIBUTE The Attribute indicated by MIBattribute is invalid or not implemented. The value of MIBvalue in N_LM_GET.cnf_L is undefined.

WRITE_ONLY_MIB_ATTRIBUTE The Attribute indicated by MIBattribute exists, but is not gettable.The value of MIBvalue in N_LM_GET.cnf_L is undefined.

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2233 Effect on Receipt

2234 The DME is informed about the result of the operation, and in case ConfigResultCode is SUCCESS,MIBvalue carries the Attribute value. For any other value of ConfigResultCode, MIBvalue is undefined.

2235 Behavioral Description

2236 The state diagram describing the behavior of the N_LM_GET.cnf_L primitive is shown in Figure 325 of[MIPI02]. N_LM_SET.req

2237 This primitive attempts to set the value (SetType = NORMAL) or the reset value (SetType = STATIC) of theAttribute indicated by MIBattribute to the MIBvalue.

2238 The semantics of this primitive are:

2239 N_LM_SET.req( SetType, MIBattribute, MIBvalue )

2240 The primitive parameters are defined in Table 65.

2241 When Generated

2242 This primitive is generated by the DME to set the value or reset value of the indicated Attribute.

2243 Effect on Receipt

2244 If SetType is set to NORMAL, the Network Layer shall attempt to set the Attribute addressed byMIBattribute to the MIBvalue. If SetType is set to STATIC, the Network Layer shall attempt to set the resetvalue of the Attribute addressed by MIBattribute to the MIBvalue.

2245 The Network Layer uses N_LM_SET.cnf_L to inform DME of the result of N_LM_SET.req.

2246 Behavioral Description

2247 The state diagram describing the behavior of the N_LM_SET.req primitive is shown in Figure 325 of[MIPI02]. N_LM_SET.cnf_L

2248 This primitive reports the results of an attempt to set the value of an Attribute or its reset value.

2249 The semantics of this primitive are:

2250 N_LM_SET.cnf_L( ConfigResultCode )

2251 The primitive parameter is defined in Table 65.

2252 The Network Layer entity shall set ConfigResultCode in N_LM_SET.cnf_L to one of the values shown inTable 67 for the conditions given in the table. The N_LM entity should not set ConfigResultCode toWRITE_ONLY_MIB_ATTRIBUTE.

Table 67 N_LM_SET.cnf_L ConfigResultCode Values

ConfigResultCode Condition

SUCCESS The request succeeds, i.e. the value or reset value of the Attribute indicated by MIBattribute is set to the value of MIBvalue.

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2253 When Generated

2254 The Network Layer shall generate the N_LM_SET.cnf_L primitive in response to the most recentN_LM_SET.req from the DME.

2255 Effect on Receipt

2256 N_LM_SET.cnf_L confirms the success or failure of the N_LM_SET.req at the Network Layer, and shouldhave no further effects at the DME.

2257 Behavioral Description

2258 The state diagram describing the behavior of the N_LM_SET.cnf_L primitive is shown in Figure 325 of[MIPI02].

7.7.2 Control Primitives

2259 The Service Primitives in this section are provided for controlling the Network Layer.

2260 The primitives covered in this section are listed in Table 68.

2261 Table 69 lists the parameters that appear in the N_LM_SAP control primitives.


The MIBattribute value is invalid, or otherwisethe Attribute indicated by MIBattribute and SelectorIndex is not implemented, or otherwiseIf SetType is STATIC, the Attribute indicated by MIBattribute and SelectorIndex does not support setting its reset value.

READ_ONLY_MIB_ATTRIBUTE The Attribute indicated by MIBattribute exists, but is not settable. This ConfigResultCode value shall only be used if SetType is NORMAL.


The Attribute indicated by MIBattribute exists and is settable (SetType = NORMAL) or allows its reset value to be set (SetType = STATIC), but the value of MIBvalue is outside of the implemented range, or outside of the valid value range, for the Attribute.

Table 68 N_LM_SAP Control Primitives

Name Request Indication Local Response Response Local

Confirm Confirm





Table 67 N_LM_SET.cnf_L ConfigResultCode Values (continued)

ConfigResultCode Condition

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro N_LM_RESET.req

2262 This primitive requests reset of the Network Layer.

2263 The semantics of this primitive are:

2264 N_LM_RESET.req( ResetLevel )

2265 When Generated

2266 This primitive is generated by the DME when it needs to reset the Network Layer. The Network Layer is resetin combination with resetting of all the other UniPro layers as described in the reset procedure.

2267 Effect on Receipt

2268 The Network Layer sets itself to the reset states and Attribute values, and discards all N_SDUs currentlyprocessed. Then, the Network Layer shall generate N_LM_RESET.cnf_L to the DME. After issuingN_LM_RESET.cnf_L, the Network Layer shall not react to any Network Layer SAP primitive other thanN_LM_RESET.req and N_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.req

2269 The ResetLevel COLD resets the complete Network Layer including the statistics and configurationAttributes. The ResetLevel WARM resets the Network Layer without the statistics.

2270 Behavioral Description

2271 The state diagram describing the behavior of the N_LM_RESET.req primitive is shown in Figure 324 of[MIPI02]. N_LM_RESET.cnf_L

2272 The N_LM_RESET.cnf_L primitive is used during the UniPro reset procedure (see Section 9.11.1).

2273 The semantics of this primitive are:

2274 N_LM_RESET.cnf_L( )

2275 When Generated

2276 The N_LM_RESET.cnf_L primitive is issued to the DME in response to N_LM_RESET.req to indicate thatthe Network Layer came out of reset.

2277 Effect on Receipt

2278 The DME is informed that the Network Layer came out of reset.

2279 Behavioral Description

2280 The state diagram describing the behavior of the N_LM_RESET.cnf_L primitive is shown in Figure 324 of[MIPI02].

Table 69 N_LM_SAP Control Primitive Parameters

Name Type Valid Range Value Description

ResetLevel EnumerationCOLD 0 Defines the reset level of the requested

resetWARM 1

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro N_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.req

2281 The N_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.req primitive is used during the UniPro boot procedure (see Section 9.11.2).

2282 The semantics of this primitive are:

2283 N_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.req( )

2284 When Generated

2285 The N_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.req primitive is part of the UniPro boot procedure (see Section 9.11.2), and isgenerated by the DME after the Network Layer came out of reset and the Data Link Layer was enabled.

2286 Effect on Receipt

2287 The Network Layer shall respond with N_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.cnf_L to the DME. After issuingN_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.cnf_L, all Network Layer functionality and SAP primitives shall be enabled.

2288 Behavioral Description

2289 The state diagram describing the behavior of the N_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.req primitive is shown inFigure 324 of [MIPI02]. N_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.cnf_L

2290 The N_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.cnf_L primitive is used during the UniPro boot procedure (seeSection 9.11.2) to indicate to the DME that the Network Layer is enabled.

2291 The semantics of this primitive are:

2292 N_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.cnf_L( )

2293 When Generated

2294 The N_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.cnf_L primitive is issued to the DME in response toN_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.req to indicate that the Network Layer was enabled.

2295 Effect on Receipt

2296 The DME is informed that the Network Layer is enabled.

2297 Behavioral Description

2298 The state diagram describing the behavior of the N_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.cnf_L primitive is shown inFigure 324 of [MIPI02]. N_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.req

2299 The N_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.req primitive requests the Network Layer enter hibernation.

2300 The semantics of this primitive are:


2302 When Generated

2303 The DME generates the N_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.req primitive to request the Network Layer enterhibernation.

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2304 Effect on Receipt

2305 The Network Layer shall issue the N_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.cnf_L primitive and then enterhibernation. During hibernation, the Network Layer shall retain N_DeviceID and N_DeviceID_valid , andmay lose all other state information.

2306 Behavioral Description

2307 The state diagram describing the behavior of the N_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.req primitive is shown inFigure 327 of [MIPI02]. N_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.cnf_L

2308 The N_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.cnf_L primitive is used to indicate that the Network Layer is about tohibernate.

2309 The semantics of this primitive are:


2311 When Generated

2312 The N_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.cnf_L primitive is generated by the Network Layer in response to aN_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.req primitive and it indicates that the Network Layer is hibernating.

2313 Effect on Receipt

2314 The DME is informed about the Network Layer entering hibernate.

2315 Behavioral Description

2316 The state diagram describing the behavior of the N_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.cnf_L primitive is shown inFigure 327 of [MIPI02]. N_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.req

2317 The N_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.req primitive is used to request the Network Layer to exit hibernation andreturn to normal operation.

2318 The semantics of this primitive are:


2320 When Generated

2321 The DME generates the N_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.req primitive to request the Network Layer to exithibernation.

2322 Effect on Receipt

2323 The Network Layer shall go to its reset state and restore the N_DeviceID and N_DeviceID_valid from theirretained values. Then, the Network Layer shall issue the N_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.cnf_L primitive to theDME.

2324 Behavioral Description

2325 The state diagram describing the behavior of the N_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.req primitive is shown inFigure 327 of [MIPI02].

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro N_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.cnf_L

2326 The N_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.cnf_L primitive is used to indicate to the DME that the Network Layer hasexited hibernation and is operating normally.

2327 The semantics of this primitive are:


2329 When Generated

2330 The N_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.cnf_L primitive is generated by the Network Layer in response to aN_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.req primitive and it indicates that the Network Layer has exited hibernation andis operating normally.

2331 Effect on Receipt

2332 The DME is informed about the Network Layer exiting hibernate.

2333 Behavioral Description

2334 The state diagram describing the behavior of the N_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.cnf_L primitive is shown inFigure 327 of [MIPI02].

7.7.3 Status Primitives

2335 The Service Primitives in this section are provided for gathering status information of the Network Layer.

2336 The primitives covered in this section are listed in Table 70.

2337 Table 71 lists the parameters that appear in the N_LM_SAP status primitives.

Table 70 N_LM_SAP Status Primitives

Name Request Indication Local Response Response Local

Confirm Confirm


Table 71 N_LM_SAP Status Primitive Parameters

Name Type Valid Range Value Description

L3DiscardReasonCode Enum

UNSUPPORTED_HEADER_TYPE 1 Indicates the reason for discarding a N_PDU



Indicates that a Long Header Packet has been dropped because the L3 extension was not available to accept the Packet

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro N_LM_DISCARD.ind

2338 This primitive indicates that the discard N_PDU feature has been performed (refer to Section 7.9.4) andreports the reason for triggering the operation.

2339 The semantics of this primitive are:

2340 N_LM_DISCARD.ind( L3DiscardReasonCode )

2341 When the N_LM_DISCARD.ind is generated the provided L3DiscardReasonCode shall be set according tothe cases described in Section 7.9.4.

2342 When Generated

2343 This primitive shall be generated by the Network Layer as a result of performing the discard N_PDU feature.

2344 Effect on Receipt

2345 The DME is notified of the cause of the discard. This information may be used to take action upon or forstatistical procedures.

2346 Behavioral Description

2347 The state diagram describing the behavior of the N_LM_DISCARD.ind primitive is shown in Figure 326 of[MIPI02].

7.8 Structure and Encoding of Network Protocol Data Units

2348 This section defines the Network Layer Protocol Data Units (usually referred to as Packets) and shows theheader fields and their meaning.

2349 A Packet (N_PDU) shall contain an integral number of bytes greater than zero and shall be limited toN_MaxPacketSize. This restriction forces the Packet to always fit entirely into a DL Frame.

7.8.1 Data N_PDUs

2350 Table 72 lists the Data Network Protocol Data Units (DT N_PDU) types that shall be supported. DT SH N_PDU

2351 If the L3s bit is set to ‘1’, the N_PDU is known as DT SH N_PDU, or a Data N_PDU with a short L3 Header.The DT SH N_PDU is used to transfer Network Service User-data (N_SDU) to a peer Network Layer.

Table 72 User-data Network Layer PDU Types

N_PDU Name Mnemonic Overall Header Size Remarks/Limitations Section

Data N_PDU with short L3 header DT SH N_PDU 8-bit Payload length shall be in the range

from 1 to N_MTU

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Figure 70 Network Layer Data N_PDU with Short Header (DT SH N_PDU)

2352 The natural DT SH N_PDU granularity is bytes, i.e. any integral number of data bytes, i.e. N_SDU, in therange from 1 to N_MTU can be transferred.

7.8.2 N_PDU Fields

2353 Table 73 lists the N_PDU fields. L3 Header Type Field (L3s)

2354 The L3s header field serves as a header type bit. The value is determined by the Service Primitive used. TheN_DATA_SHDR Service Primitive shall set the L3s header field to ‘1’. The N_DATA_LHDR_TRAPService Primitive carries an existing N_PDU in which the L3s bit is set to '0' (see Section 7.12). Uponreception of an N_PDU with the L3s bit set to ‘1’, the N_PDU is processed by the Network Layer and thepayload forwarded to Transport Layer via N_DATA_SHDR.ind (see Section A received N_PDUwith L3s set to '0' is forwarded unmodified to the Network Layer extension via N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.ind(see Section 7.12).

2355 Table 74 shows the supported settings.

Table 73 Network Layer N_PDU Header Fields

Field Name Field Description Field Size Remarks/Limitations Section

L3s L3 Header type field 1-bit Identifies the N_PDU

DestDeviceID_EncAddress identifying the destination of a Packet

7-bitNote, value also encodes parts of L4 DestPeerCPortID, refer to Section 8.11.2

Payload (N_SDU) User-data (Network Service Data Unit)

1 to N_MTU bytes Carries the payload of a Packet

L3s=1 DestDeviceID_Enc

Payload – Byte n-1 (n <= N_MTU)




Payload – Byte 0

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro Destination Device ID

2356 The DestDeviceID_Enc field shall encode the DestPeerDeviceID and DeviceIDOffset parameters providedvia the N_DATA_SHDR.req primitive. The encoding shall follow the formula below:


2358 Any integral number in the range from 0 to N_MaxDeviceID shall be supported.

2359 Table 75 shows the supported settings. Payload – Network Service Data Unit

2360 The N_SDU field carries the payload data given by the Service User and can therefore carry any value.

7.8.3 Relationship of N_PDU Type Selection and Service Primitive Usage

2361 The correct N_PDU type for transmission and upon reception shall be determined by the association inTable 77.

Table 74 Settings of the L3s Field

Field Name Size Value Meaning Remarks

L3s 1-bit0 Long Header Data N_PDU is used

The Long Header Data N_PDU will be defined in a future version of UniPro. Currently, N_PDUs with L3=0 are received from or forwarded to the Network Layer extension via the Long Header Trap (see Section 7.12).

1 Short Header Data N_PDU (DT SH N_PDU) is used

Caused by N_DATA_SHDR primitive use

Table 75 Settings of the DestDeviceID_Enc Field

Field Name Size Value Meaning Remarks

DestDeviceID_Enc 7-bit 0 to N_MaxDeviceID

Encoded DeviceID value of targeted Device

Table 76 Settings of the Payload Field

Field Name Size Value Meaning Remarks

Payload 1 to N_MTU bytes

Any byte string Payload

Size depends on the configured maximum payload size of the sending N_TCx entity (N_TCxTxMaxSDUSize)

DestDeviceID_Enc DestPeerDeviceID DestDeviceIDOffset+=

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7.9 Protocol Features

7.9.1 N_PDU Composition Feature

2362 This feature is responsible for the composition of Network Protocol Data Units (N_PDUs). As depicted inFigure 71, this feature constructs and adds a L3 header to the provided N_SDU to form an N_PDU. Theheader consists of different fields specified in Section 7.8.2. For the construction of the N_PDU additionalcontrol information is needed, called Protocol Control Information (PCI). The PCI is obtained from locallayer-specific state information and parameters given by means of Service Primitive requests.

2363 The state diagram describing the behavior of the N_PDU Composition Feature is shown in the L3_TC_txSDL process of [MIPI02].

Figure 71 Network Layer Composition Process

7.9.2 N_PDU Decomposition Feature

2364 This feature is responsible for the decomposition of the N_PDUs. The decomposition feature extracts headerinformation of received Packets and uses additionally layer-specific local state information to form theProtocol Control Information.

Table 77 Service Primitive to N_PDU Association Table

Used Service Primitive Selected N_PDU Type Remarks

N_DATA_SHDR DT SH N_PDU Data Short Header Network Protocol Data Unit





Composition Process

Protocol Control Information (PCI)Passed via Service Primitives from Service User (L4)Obtained from L3 local informationServed L3 header construction

Data Unit = Packet

Data Unit = Segment

Network Layer (L3)

Transport Layer (L4)

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Figure 72 Network Layer Decomposition Process

2365 The user-data is obtained from the N_SDU field. The user-data and parts of the PCI shall be provided to theNetwork Service User by means of the appropriate Service Primitive indications.

2366 For the construction of the PCI, the Header Format Analysis feature is used.

2367 The state diagram describing the behavior of the N_PDU Decomposition Feature is shown in the L3_TC_rxSDL process of [MIPI02].

7.9.3 Header Format Analysis Feature

2368 The feature shall determine the incoming N_PDU type and shall perform decoding of the DestDeviceID_Encfield.

2369 The N_PDU type is determined by the L3s field and identifies the appropriate Service Primitive indication tocall, either N_DATA_SHDR.ind (L3s = 1) or N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.ind (L3s =0). An N_PDU with L3s=0is forwarded unmodified to the Layer 3 extension as described in Section 7.12. The fields of an N_PDU withL3s=1 are extracted as described in Section 7.8.2, and the N_PDU is processed as follows:

2370 If N_DeviceID_valid is set to TRUE, the DeviceIDOffset parameter shall be computedfrom the DestDeviceID_Enc field specified by the following formula:


2372 If N_DeviceID_valid is set to FALSE, the DeviceIDOffset parameter shall be set to ‘0’.

2373 The resulting value of DeviceIDOffset shall be provided to the Transport Layer via the N_DATA_SHDR.indprimitive.

7.9.4 Discard N_PDU Feature

2374 In case of any occurrences of the situations listed in Table 78, the Network Layer shall perform all actionsnecessary to free up any resources used for the particular affected process. The state diagram describing thebehavior of the discard N_PDU feature is shown in the L3_TC_rx SDL process of [MIPI02].





Decomposition Process

Protocol Control Information (PCI)Derived from decoded L3 headerPassed via Service Primitives to Service User (L4)Potentially checked against L3 local information

Data Unit = Packet

Data Unit = Segment

Network Layer (L3)

Transport Layer (L4)

DeviceIDOffset DestDeviceID_Enc N_DeviceID–=

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7.10 Packet Transmission

2375 A source Device shall transmit N_SDUs in the order in which they arrived at the local TCx N_SAP.

2376 For the transmission of Packets the following operations shall be performed in the order listed below:

2377 • The correct N_PDU type shall be determined according to the rules defined in Section 7.8.32378 • The selected N_PDU shall be composed by means of the N_PDU composition feature and in accordance

to the encoding rules defined in Section 7.8.22379 • The present header fields shall be computed and shall be set accordingly2380 • The Payload field shall be filled with the given user-data

2381 The state diagram describing these behaviors is shown in the L3_TC_tx SDL process of [MIPI02].

7.11 Packet Reception

2382 Upon the reception of a Packet the following operations shall be performed in the following order:

2383 • The received N_PDU shall be decomposed by means of the N_PDU decomposition feature involving theheader format analysis feature and in accordance to Section 7.8.2

2384 • The type of the N_PDU shall be recovered2385 • The present header fields shall be recovered2386 • The DeviceIDOffset shall be decoded according to the formula given in Section 7.9.32387 • The user-data shall be obtained from the Payload field2388 • If N_DeviceID_valid is TRUE, the DestDeviceID_Enc shall be checked against the N_DeviceID to

ensure that the Packet arrived at the correct destination. If the DestDeviceID_Enc is greater than or equalto N_DeviceID, the Packet shall be accepted, otherwise it shall be discarded. If N_DeviceID_valid isFALSE, this check is not performed.

2389 • The user-data shall be indicated to the Network Service User by means of the corresponding ServicePrimitives according to Section 7.6.1 and with accordingly set parameters.

2390 Upon any exception listed in Section 7.9.4 the Discard N_PDU feature shall be performed.

Table 78 Discard N_PDU ReasonCode Description

ReasonCode Description Example

UNSUPPORTED_HEADER_TYPEA N_PDU was received, whose header contains unsupported values

Currently, this ReasonCode is unused in Layer 3


N_DeviceID_valid is set, and either an N_PDU was received with a DestDeviceID_Enc less than N_DeviceID or the computed DeviceIDOffset is greater than N_MaxDeviceIDOffset

A N_PDU with DestDeviceID_Enc set to ‘0’ is received by a Device with N_Device_ID set to ‘1’ and N_Device_ID_valid set to TRUE


Indicates that a Long Header Packet has been dropped because the L3 extension was not available to accept the Packet

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2391 The state diagram describing these behaviors is shown in the L3_TC_rx SDL process of [MIPI02].

7.12 Long Header Trap

2392 Currently, UniPro provides support for Layer 3 short headers. In future releases, Layer 3 Long Headersupport will be added. The Long Header Trap is a feature that allows a UniPro implementation to beextended, e.g., in software, to support future Layer 3 Long Header Packets and the features based on them,such as Configuration. The Long Header Trap will be discontinued when Layer 3 Long Header support isadded to the UniPro specification.

2393 The Long Header Trap transmitter (see SDL process L3_TC_tx) forwards Packets from the Layer 3 extensionto Layer 2 without modification. A Packet received from a Layer 3 extension shall have the L3s bit set to ‘0’,and shall conform to the Layer 3 Long Header Packet format as defined in future versions of UniPro.

2394 The arbitration process between Short Header Packets and Long Header Packets is unspecified. However, theprocess shall guarantee Short Header progress.

2395 When the Long Header Trap receiver (see SDL process L3_TC_rx) receives a L2 payload from Layer 2 withthe L3s bit set to ‘0’, it shall forward the unmodified L2 payload to the Layer 3 extension.

2396 The flow of incoming Short Header Packets shall not be affected by the Long Header Trap. That is, if Layer 3waits for the N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.rsp_L from the Layer 3 extension, any incoming Short Header Packet,i.e., with L3s bit set to ‘1’, shall be processed immediately. Any incoming Long Header Packet, i.e., with L3sbit set to ‘0’, shall be either dropped or stored outside the Short Header Packet processing path. When a LongHeader Packet is dropped, the N_LM_DISCARD.ind primitive is issued with L3DiscardCode equal toLHDR_TRAP_PACKET_DROPPING.

2397 The state diagram describing these behaviors is shown in the L3_TC_rx SDL process of [MIPI02].

7.13 Network Layer and Data Link Layer Interaction

2398 The generation of a N_DATA_SHDR.req results in the generation of a corresponding Data Link Layer-specific DL_DATA.req by the accordant Network Layer TCx Entity, in case:

2399 • The Packet processing for transmission has been performed successfully2400 • The Service Primitives are called correctly, i.e. the parameters are in the defined valid range

2401 The receipt of a Data Link Layer-specific DL_DATA.ind associated with delivery of a data unit shall causethe involved Network Layer TCx Entity, i.e. TC0 or TC1, to generate an N_DATA_SHDR.ind, in case:

2402 • The Packet processing for reception has been performed successfully2403 • The discard N_PDU feature has not been performed

7.14 Management Information Base and Protocol Constants

2404 Table 79 and Table 81 show the Network Layer Attributes.

2405 Table 80 lists the Protocol Constants used by the protocol specification and defines valid values for theAttributes.

2406 All Network Layer Attributes should be readable.

2407 The Network Layer AttributeID and Protocol constants are defined as shown in the L3_Attributes package of[MIPI02].

2408 At reset, a settable Attribute shall be reset to its corresponding static value, if one exists, or to its Reset Valueotherwise. See Section 9 for more details.

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Table 79 Network Layer (gettable, settable) Attributes

Attribute Attribute ID Description Type Unit Valid Attribute


Value(s) Reset Value Notes

N_DeviceID 0x3000

Local DeviceID used for checking the DestDeviceID_Enc field in the Network Layer Header (see Section 7.9.3 and Section 7.9.4 for more details).This Attribute is retained during hibernation..

Integer 0 to N_MaxDeviceID 0

N_DeviceID_valid 0x3001

Specifies whether N_DeviceID Attribute value is valid, and turns on the checking of the DestDeviceID_Enc field in the Network Layer Header (see Section 7.9.3 and Section 7.9.4 for more details).This Attribute is retained during hibernation..


Table 80 Network Layer Protocol Constants

Attribute Description Type Unit Value Notes

N_MaxPacketSize Maximum Packet Size (PDU size) Integer Byte N_MTU + N_MaxHdrSize

N_MaxHdrSize Maximum L3 header size Integer Byte 1

N_MTU Network Layer Maximum Transfer Unit Integer Byte T_MaxSegmentSize

N_MaxDeviceIDOffset Maximum DeviceID offset Integer 63

N_MaxDeviceID Maximum DeviceID Integer 127

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Table 81 Network Layer (gettable, static) Attributes

Attribute Attribute ID Description Type Unit Valid Attribute



1. The value of N_TC0TxMaxSDUSize should not exceed (DL_TC0TxMaxSDUSize – N_MaxHdr_size).

0x3020 Maximum transmit payload (SDU) size per Packet for TC0. Integer Byte 1 to N_MTU


2. The value of N_TC1TxMaxSDUSize should not exceed (DL_TC1TxMaxSDUSize – N_MaxHdr_size).

0x3021 Maximum transmit payload (SDU) size per Packet for TC1. Integer Byte 1 to N_MTU

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8 Transport Layer (L4)2409 This section defines the service provided by the Transport Layer, its protocol behavior and the Transport

Protocol Data Units (T_PDUs) used by the Transport Layer (TL). It aims to provide as much implementationflexibility as possible given the restrictions needed to achieve a high degree of interoperability.

2410 Figure 73 shows the SAP model used for the Transport Layer. The Transport service to the Application Layeris provided by means of the Transport Layer Connection-oriented Service Access Point (T_CO_SAP). TheTransport Layer in turn relies on the service provided by the N_TCx_SAP. The Transport Layer ManagementSAP (T_LM_SAP) is provided to the Device Management Entity (DME) for configuration and controlpurposes.

Figure 73 Transport Layer SAP Model

8.1 Transport Layer Service Functionality and Features

2411 The Transport Layer shall provide the following features and services for the transfer of user-data betweenTransport Layer users.

2412 • Addressing2413 • Segmentation and Reassembly2414 • Segment Composition and Segment Decomposition2415 • Segment format recognition2416 • Connections2417 • End-to-End flow-control2418 • Error handling

2419 The Transport Layer shall not limit the user-data with regard to its content and its representation.

8.2 Transport Layer Addressing

2420 This section defines the abstract syntax and semantics of the Transport address.

Device Management


Application Layer (LA)

Transport Layer (L4)



T_LM Entity




Management Plane Data Plane

T_Core EntityT_MIB

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Figure 74 T_SAPs, Transport Address and CPortID

2421 A Transport address identifies one Transport Layer Connection-oriented SAP (T_CO_SAP[x]) by means of aunique address (refer to Figure 74) which is referred to as CPortID. The CPortID number (‘x’ in the SAPnotation) shall range from 0 to T_MaxCPortID (defined in Table 108).

2422 Note:2423 CPortID values above 31 should only be used if necessary. This is because each destina-

tion Device’s use of CPortID values above 31 will reduce the number of Network LayerDevice addresses: if the highest CPortID value is greater or equal to 32 and less than x*32-1 (with x = 1 to 64), the number of available Network Layer Device addresses is reducedby x-1. For example, if a Device uses CPortID values up to 100 (implying x = 4), this willreduce the maximum number of addressable Devices by three units. The correspondingaddress translation process is described in Section 8.11.2.

8.3 Connection-oriented (CO) Data Communication

2424 Connections in UniPro are used to distinguish data streams to, for example, qualify Connections with variousproperties such as QoS information.

2425 Data is passed between the Transport Layer and its users by means of Transport Service Data Units(T_SDUs) qualified by certain parameters via SAPs by means of Service Primitives, defined later on.

2426 The Transport Service provides and maintains Connections for the data transmission between two CPorts,respectively between two CPorts Users (see Figure 75).

2427 A Connection describes a bidirectional, logical communication channel between two CPorts. EachConnection owns a set of certain properties qualifying different service characteristics, e.g. Traffic Class andEnd-to-End Flow-control, and parameters identifying the peer CPort, e.g. the T_PeerDeviceID andT_PeerCPortID. A CPort shall not be able to support multiple simultaneous Connections. A CPort is notbound to a single Traffic Class, but the association is made on a per-connection basis.

2428 The transport is performed by means of Transport Protocol Data Units (T_PDUs), which are also referred toas Segments.

Application Layer (LA)

Transport Layer (L4)

T_Core Entity


T_CO SAP[13]




T_CO SAP[25]

T_CO SAP[31]





T_CO SAP[10]

T_CO SAP[11]

Network Layer (L3)

TC0 Entity


TC1 Entity


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Figure 75 Concept of a Transport-level Connection

8.4 Segmentation and Reassembly

2429 In UniPro, T_SDUs, also referred to as Messages, are used by the CPort Users to communicate. TheTransport Layer supports T_SDUs of arbitrary length. Due to payload length, multiple T_PDUs may beneeded to carry one T_SDU from peer-to-peer over a Connection. For that reason, segmenting of T_SDUsinto T_PDUs and reassembling of T_PDUs into T_SDUs shall be supported. For controlling the reassemblyprocess at the receiving side, an End-Of-Message (EOM) indication bit is carried within every T_PDU.

2430 The maximum payload a Segment can carry is referred to as Transport Layer Maximum Transfer Unit(T_MTU) and is defined in Table 108. The maximum Segment size (T_MaxSegmentSize) is defined inTable 108.

2431 It is assumed by the Transport Layer that Segments, which are carried by means of L3 Packets, belonging tothe same Traffic Class and going to the same Device are not re-ordered.

2432 The state diagram describing the segmentation behavior is shown in the L4_CPort_tx SDL processes of[MIPI02].

2433 The state diagram describing the reassembly behavior is shown in the L4_CPort_rx SDL processes of[MIPI02].

8.5 End-to-End Flow Control (E2E FC)

2434 The E2E FC feature is intended to regulate the flow of T_PDUs independently of the flow control of otherlayers.

2435 It is assumed by the Transport Layer that the underlying services provide reliable link-level datatransmission.

2436 The Transport Layer also assumes that the underlying Data Link Layer provides link-level flow control. Anadditional configurable End-to-End Flow Control (E2E FC) mechanism shall be provided and enabled uponreset, but can be disabled after reset on a per-Connection basis. This E2E Flow Control is intended to prevent

Transport Service

User A





User YService User

Device 1 Device 2

Service Provider

User B User X

Transport Layer (L4)

Connection between User B and User Y


Connection between User A and User X

CPort CPort CPort

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interactions between Connections due to congestion caused by shared L2 resources, also known as Head ofLine blocking (HOL). The E2E FC can also prevent certain types of deadlock situations.

8.6 Services Assumed from the Network Layer

2437 The Network Layer provides its services to the Transport Layer via the N_SAP (refer to Figure 74). TheN_SAP is defined in Section 7.6.

2438 The Transport Layer requires the following services and properties provided by the Network and lowerlayers:

2439 • Reliable data transmission2440 • In-order delivery of data belonging to the same Traffic Class

2441 Data transmission and reception by means of Segments are supported by the exchange of requests andindications between the Transport Layer and the Network Layer. These parameters and indications allow theTransport Layer to control, and be informed of, the data transmission and reception.

8.7 Limitations and Compatibility Issues

2442 Conceptually, the Transport Layer supports T_SDUs (Messages) of arbitrary length.

2443 In the current version of UniPro a standardized Connection management protocol is not provided. Instead,Connections shall be statically opened by setting CPort Attributes, either during initial configuration usingthe DME or at design-time. The DME-based Connection configuration is described in Section 8.11.1.

8.8 T_CO_SAP

2444 The T_CO_SAPs provide the services for basic data transmission.

2445 The data transfer Service Primitives shall be used to transfer user-data called Transport Service Data Units(T_SDUs) or Messages, in either direction or in both directions simultaneously on a Connection. TheTransport Service shall preserve the content, the order and the boundaries of the T_SDUs passed through theT_CO_SAP. The T_CO_SAP offers primitives to transfer Message Fragments. There is no guarantee that thereceived Message Fragment boundaries are the same as the transmitted Message Fragment boundaries. Theuser may transmit a zero size Message. The user shall not transmit a zero size Message Fragment if the EOMis set to FALSE. The user may transmit a zero size Message Fragment if the EOM is set to TRUE. Note thatinternally, the Transport Layer may transmit a T_PDU with zero length payload to transmit a FCT token or anEOM. A receiver shall be able to correctly process zero length payload Segments.

2446 Even though the T_CO_SAP allows the transfer of Message Fragments, a CPort User may still communicateusing full messages by providing the whole Message to the T_CO_DATA.req and setting the EOM to TRUE.

2447 Data transmission is supported by flow-control services governing the exchange of Segments either locally orin an end-to-end manner.

2448 Prior to any data-transmission between two users, a Connection needs to be opened as described inSection 8.11.1.

2449 T_CO_SAP primitives shall not be called when the UniPro stack is in Hibernate. While the UniPro stack is inHibernate, T_CO_SAP primitives have undefined behavior.

8.8.1 Data Transfer Primitives

2450 The primitives covered in this section are listed in Table 82.

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2451 Note:2452 The identifier “CO” in the primitives describes the Connection-oriented service type.

2453 Table 83 lists the parameters that appear in the T_CO_SAP primitives.

Table 82 T_CO_SAP Primitives

Name Request Indication Local Response Response Local

Confirm Confirm



Table 83 T_CO_SAP Primitive Parameters

Name Type Valid Range Value Description

Message Fragment byte string Any byte string

One or more bytes specifying the data passing the T_CO_SAP before transmission or after reception

FragmentStatus Enum

FRAGMENT_CORRECT 0 Indicates a correct Message Fragment

FRAGMENT_CORRUPT 1 Indicates that the Message Fragment is incomplete


Indicates that data dropping due to CSD and/or CSV preceded the Message Fragment


Indicates that the Message Fragment is incomplete and data dropping preceded the Message Fragment

EOM Bool

FALSE 0 Indicates no end of Message at the end of the Message Fragment

TRUE 1Indicates that the end of the Message Fragment is a Message boundary

SOM BoolFALSE 0 Indicates the Message Fragment is

not the first Fragment of Message

TRUE 1 Indicates the Message Fragment is the first fragment of Message

Credits Integer 1 to T_MaxE2EFCCreditsSpecifies the amount of data in bytes the particular Transport Layer SAP (CPort) is permitted to pass

CreditsAccepted Integer 0 to T_MaxE2EFCCredits Returns the number of accepted Credits

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro T_CO_DATA.req

2454 This primitive requests the transfer of a Message Fragment to a peer CPort via the associated Connection.

2455 The semantics of this primitive are:

2456 T_CO_DATA.req( MessageFragment, EOM)

2457 When Generated

2458 The CPort User generates a T_CO_DATA.req primitive to send a Message Fragment via the associatedConnection. The Message Fragment may have any positive size. A Message Fragment may have a zero sizeonly if EOM is set to TRUE. The EOM parameter shall be set to TRUE when the Message Fragment is thelast Fragment of the Message, and shall be set to FALSE otherwise.

2459 Effect on Receipt

2460 The instructed CPort shall transmit the given Message Fragment on the associated Connection.

2461 Behavioral Description

2462 The state diagram describing the behavior of the T_CO_DATA.req primitive is shown in the L4_CPort_txSDL process of [MIPI02]. T_CO_DATA.cnf_L

2463 This primitive reports the result of a Message Fragment transfer attempt to a specified recipient.

2464 The semantics of this primitive are:

2465 T_CO_DATA.cnf_L( L4CPortResultCode )

2466 When Generated

2467 This primitive shall be generated by the CPort as a result of a T_CO_DATA.req. The confirmation indicatesthe success or failure of an attempted transmission. An attempted transmission is interpreted as the successfulor unsuccessful service usage of the underlying layer.

2468 When the T_CO_DATA.req succeeds the returned L4CPortResultCode shall be SUCCESS. All otherL4CPortResultCode values should indicate a failure, in which case the Message Fragment shall not betransmitted. In the absence of a Connection, the L4CPortResultCode shall be NO_CONNECTION. If theMessage Fragment provided with T_CO_DATA.req has a size of zero and the EOM flag is set to FALSE, theL4CPortResultCode shall be INVALID_FRAGMENT.

L4CPortResultCode Enum


Indicates the result of the request






Table 83 T_CO_SAP Primitive Parameters (continued)

Name Type Valid Range Value Description

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2469 If the peer Device does not implement the TCx Traffic Class, the value of the L4CPortResultCode shall beNO_PEER_TC. The Transport Layer learns about the peer Device not implementing the TCx Traffic Classwhen it receives N_DATA_SHDR.cnf_L or N_DATA_LHDR_TRAP.cnf_L with L3ResultCode set toNO_PEER_TC.

2470 Effect on Receipt

2471 The Transport user is notified of the results of the attempt by the CPort to transfer a Message Fragmentprovided with the most recent T_CO_DATA.req. On a given T_CO_SAP, following the emission of aT_CO_DATA.req primitive and prior to the reception of a T_CO_DATA.cnf_L primitive, the CPort Usershall not emit a new T_CO_DATA.req primitive.

2472 The CPort User may emit a new T_CO_DATA.req primitive immediately following a reset or after thereception of the T_CO_DATA.cnf_L primitive corresponding to a previously emitted T_CO_DATA.reqprimitive on this T_CO_SAP.

2473 Behavioral Description

2474 The state diagram describing the behavior of the T_CO_DATA.cnf_L primitive is shown in the L4_CPort_txSDL process of [MIPI02]. T_CO_DATA.ind

2475 This primitive reports the reception of a complete or incomplete Message Fragment. No sender is identifiedby the indication; instead this has to be determined by the associated Connection.

2476 The semantics of this primitive are:

2477 T_CO_DATA.ind( MessageFragment, EOM, SOM, FragmentStatus )

2478 When Generated

2479 The T_CO_DATA.ind primitive shall be generated by the affected CPort to deliver to the Transport userMessage Fragment resulting from data received at that CPort by means of a Connection. The MessageFragments delivered using T_CO_DATA.ind may be different in size compared to the transmitted MessageFragments or the received Segments. The EOM shall be set to TRUE if the Message Fragment is the lastFragment of the Message, and shall be set to FALSE otherwise. The SOM shall be set to TRUE if theMessage Fragment is the first Fragment of the Message, and shall be set to FALSE otherwise.

2480 If an incomplete Message Fragment is delivered, but data was not dropped between the last and the currentMessage Fragments, FragmentStatus shall be set to FRAGMENT_CORRUPT. If the a complete MessageFragment is delivered, and data has been dropped between the last and the current Message Fragment,FragmentStatus shall be set to FRAGMENT_AFTER_GAP. If an incomplete Message Fragment is delivered,and data was dropped between the last and the current Message Fragment, FragmentStatus shall be set toFRAGMENT_CORRUPT_AFTER_GAP. If none of the above errors has occurred, FragmentStatus shall beset to FRAGMENT_CORRECT.

2481 Typically, FragmentStatus indicates an error when parts of the data inside and/or before Message Fragmentwere discarded due to the CPort Safety Valve feature (Section 8.11.9) or by the Controlled Segment Droppingfeature (Section

2482 Note:2483 An implementation should only deliver complete Messages Fragments and, thus, only indi-

cate data dropping in between Message Fragments.

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2484 Effect on Receipt

2485 Upon reception of a T_CO_DATA.ind primitive, the CPort User shall consume the Message Fragment.

2486 Behavioral Description

2487 The state diagram describing the behavior of the T_CO_DATA.ind primitive is shown in the L4_CPort_rxSDL process of [MIPI02]. T_CO_DATA.rsp_L

2488 This primitive informs the CPort that the CPort User is ready to accept a new T_CO_DATA.ind primitive.

2489 The semantics of this primitive are:

2490 T_CO_DATA.rsp_L( )

2491 When Generated

2492 This primitive shall be generated when the CPort User can accept and process a new T_PDU.

2493 Effect on Receipt

2494 On a given T_CO_SAP, following the emission of a T_CO_DATA.ind primitive and prior to the reception ofa T_CO_DATA.rsp_L primitive, the CPort shall not emit a new T_CO_DATA.ind primitive. The CPort mayemit a T_CO_DATA.ind primitive on a SAP only just after reset, or after the reception of aT_CO_DATA.rsp_L primitive corresponding to a previously emitted T_CO_DATA.ind on that SAP.

2495 Behavioral Description

2496 The state diagram describing the behavior of the T_CO_DATA.rsp_L primitive is shown in the L4_CPort_rxSDL process of [MIPI02]. T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req

2497 This primitive is the service request primitive for the Connection flow control service. Refer toSection 8.11.8.

2498 The semantics of this primitive are:

2499 T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req( Credits )

2500 When Generated

2501 The CPort User sends a T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req primitive to the CPort to request control of the flow ofuser-data associated with a Connection from the Transport Layer. When T_CPortFlags.E2EFC is '1', orT_CPortFlags.E2EFC is '0 ' and T_CPortFlags.CSD_n is '0 ' , the CPort User shall issue theT_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req to signal its ability to consume more data. When T_CPortFlags.E2EFC is '0'and T_CPortFlags.CSD_n is '1', the use of T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req is not necessary.

2502 Effect on Receipt

2503 When receiving the T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req primitive, the CPort shall increment T_LocalBufferSpacewith the value of Credits supplied by T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req. The maximum value ofT_LocalBufferSpace is limited to T_MaxE2EFCCredits. If by adding Credits T_LocalBufferSpace wouldexceed T_MaxE2EFCCredits, the amount of accepted credits (CreditsAccepted) shall be set to(T_MaxE2EFCCredits – T_LocalBufferSpace) when issuing the T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.cnf_L primitive,and T_LocalBufferSpace shall be set to T_MaxE2EFCCredits.

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2504 In case the end-to-end flow control feature is enabled for the particular Connection, i.e.T_CPortFlags.E2EFC equals ‘1’, the T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req primitive shall also transfer FlowControl Tokens (FCTs) to the peer CPort using the associated Connection by means of a DT T_PDU (seeSection 8.10.1).

2505 One FCT corresponds to a specific number of Credits in bytes, which is defined per Connection and perdirection (T_TxTokenValue, T_RxTokenValue; see Table 107). T_TxTokenValue is used for calculating theamount of FCTs to be sent to the connected peer CPort. T_RxTokenValue is used to calculate the equivalentvalue of the received FCT in bytes to increment the T_PeerBufferSpace counter for the transmitting peerCPort.

2506 Since the primitive can accept more Credits than one Token is worth, while only one FCT can be signaled tothe peer CPort at a time, the number of outstanding Credits to be sent (T_CreditsToSend, see Table 107) shallbe tracked. When E2E FC is enabled, the T_CreditsToSend counter shall be incremented by the value in theparameter Credits, limited to the maximum number of E2E FC Credits (T_MaxE2EFCCredits, seeTable 108), and shall be decremented by T_TxTokenValue each time a FCT is sent.

2507 The request is locally completed with a T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.cnf_L primitive. This does not necessarilymean that the transmission of FCT(s) to a peer CPort was successfully completed.

2508 Additional Comments

2509 Control of the flow of data on a Connection is independent of control of the flow on other Connections. TheCPort User shall ensure that the Credits given represent less than or equal the amount of data the user canaccept and that the amount of Credits shall not exceed T_MaxE2EFCCredits.

2510 Behavioral Description

2511 The state diagram describing the behavior of the T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req primitive is shown inFigure 372 of [MIPI02]. T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.cnf_L

2512 This primitive is the service confirm primitive for the Connection flow control service.

2513 The semantics of this primitive are:

2514 T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.cnf_L( CreditsAccepted, L4CPortResultCode )

2515 When Generated

2516 This primitive shall be generated by the CPort as a result of a T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req. It confirms thecompletion of a T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req and indicates success or failure of the local operation, i.e. thegiven Credits are recognized and the sending of corresponding FCTs is scheduled.

2517 When the T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req succeeds the returned L4CPortResultCode shall be SUCCESS andthe value of CreditsAccepted should carry the value of the corresponding T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req. Allother values of L4CPortResultCode should indicate a failure. In case the maximum number of Credits isexceeded the L4CPortResultCode shall be CREDITS_EXCEEDED and the value of CreditsAccepted shallbe set to the number of Credits that have been accepted by the Transport Layer. In the absence of aConnection the L4CPortResultCode of the confirm Service Primitive shall be NO_CONNECTION.

2518 Effect on Receipt

2519 The Transport user is notified of the results of the service request completion.

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2520 Behavioral Description

2521 The state diagram describing the behavior of the T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.cnf_L primitive is shown inFigure 372 of [MIPI02].

8.9 T_LM_SAP

2522 The Transport Layer Management (T_LM) SAP offers three groups of Service Primitives: Configurationprimitives, Control primitives and Status primitives. The primitives on the T_LM_SAP are used by theDevice Management Entity (DME) to configure and control the layer and receive layer status information.

2523 The Configuration primitives enable access to the Transport Layer Attributes defined in Section 8.17.

2524 The Control primitives provide direct control of the Transport Layer. Control primitives are generated by theDME and can occur concurrently.

2525 The Status primitives indicate status information of the Transport Layer. Status primitives are generated bythe Transport Layer and can occur concurrently.

8.9.1 Configuration Primitives

2526 The T_LM configuration primitives, GET and SET, are used by the DME to retrieve and store values,respectively, for the Transport Layer Attributes. The invocation of a SET.req primitive may require theTransport Layer to perform certain defined actions.

2527 The GET and SET primitives are represented as requests with associated confirm primitives. Theseprimitives are prefixed by T_LM. The primitives are summarized in Table 84.

2528 The parameters used for these primitives are defined in Table 85.

Table 84 T_LM_SAP Configuration Primitives

Name Request Indication Local Response Response Local

Confirm Confirm



Table 85 T_LM_SAP Configuration Primitive Parameters

Name Type Valid Range Value Description

MIBattribute IntegerMIBattribute values fall between 0x000 and 0xFFF. The valid MIBattribute values are defined in Section 8.17

The address of the MIB Attribute

MIBvalue defined by MIBattribute As defined in Section 8.17 The value of the

MIB Attribute

SelectorIndex Integer 0 to T_NumCPorts – 1

Indicates the targeted CPort or Test Feature when relevant

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2529 This primitive requests the value of the Attribute identified by MIBattribute and, if relevant, theSelectorIndex. The SelectorIndex shall be interpreted either as a CPort index or a Test Feature index based onthe Attribute ID. For Attributes not associated with the SelectorIndex, the SelectorIndex shall be ignored.

2530 The semantics of this primitive are:

2531 T_LM_GET.req( MIBattribute, SelectorIndex )

2532 The primitive parameters are defined in Table 85.

2533 When Generated

2534 This primitive is generated by the DME to obtain the value of the Attribute identified by MIBattribute.

2535 Effect on Receipt

2536 The Transport Layer shall attempt to retrieve the requested Attribute value and respond withT_LM_GET.cnf_L that gives the retrieved value.

2537 Behavioral Description

2538 The state diagram describing the behavior of the T_LM_GET.req primitive is shown in Figure 348 of[MIPI02]. T_LM_GET.cnf_L

2539 This primitive indicates the success or failure of T_LM_GET.req, and, is successful, returns the Attributevalue.

SetType AttrSetType

NORMAL 0Indicates that the Attribute is addressed.


Indicates that the non-volatile reset value of the Attribute is addressed.

ConfigResultCode Enumeration


Indicates the result of the request








Table 85 T_LM_SAP Configuration Primitive Parameters (continued)

Name Type Valid Range Value Description

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2540 The semantics of this primitive are:

2541 T_LM_GET.cnf_L( ConfigResultCode, MIBvalue )

2542 The primitive parameters are defined in Table 85.

2543 The Transport Layer shall set ConfigResultCode in T_LM_GET.cnf_L to one of the values shown inTable 86 for the condition given in the table. The Transport Layer should not set ConfigResultCode toINVALID_MIB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE or READ_ONLY_MIB_ATTRIBUTE.

2544 When Generated

2545 The Transport Layer shall generate the T_LM_GET.cnf_L primitive in response to the most recentT_LM_GET.req from the DME.

2546 Effect on Receipt

2547 The DME is informed about the result of the operation, and in case ConfigResultCode is SUCCESS,MIBvalue carries the Attribute value. For any other value of ConfigResultCode, MIBvalue is undefined.

2548 Behavioral Description

2549 The state diagram describing the behavior of the T_LM_GET.cnf_L primitive is shown in Figure 348 of[MIPI02]. T_LM_SET.req

2550 This primitive attempts to set the value (SetType = NORMAL) or the reset value (SetType = STATIC) of theAttribute indicated by MIBattribute to the MIBvalue and, if relevant, the SelectorIndex. The SelectorIndexshall be interpreted either as a CPort index or a Test Feature index based on the Attribute ID. For Attributesnot associated with the SelectorIndex, the SelectorIndex shall be ignored.

2551 The semantics of this primitive are:

2552 T_LM_SET.req( SetType, MIBattribute, MIBvalue, SelectorIndex )

Table 86 T_LM_GET.cnf_L ConfigResultCode Values

ConfigResultCode Condition


The request succeeds, i.e. the MIB Attribute indicated by T_LM_GET.req MIBattribute is gettable.The Transport Layer shall set MIBvalue in T_LM_GET.cnf_L to the Attribute value.

INVALID_MIB_ATTRIBUTEThe Attribute indicated by MIBattribute is invalid or not implemented.The value of MIBvalue in T_LM_GET.cnf_L is undefined.

WRITE_ONLY_MIB_ATTRIBUTEThe Attribute indicated by T_LM_GET.req MIBattribute exists, but is not gettable.The value of MIBvalue in T_LM_GET.cnf_L is undefined.

BAD_INDEX The value of SelectorIndex is greater than, or equal to, T_NumCPorts.

BAD_TEST_FEATURE_INDEX The value of SelectorIndex is greater than, or equal to, T_NumTestFeatures

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2553 The primitive parameters are defined in Table 85.

2554 When Generated

2555 This primitive is generated by the DME to set the value or reset value of the indicated Attribute.

2556 Effect on Receipt

2557 If SetType is set to NORMAL, the Transport Layer shall attempt to set the Attribute addressed byMIBattribute to the MIBvalue. If SetType is set to STATIC, the Transport Layer shall attempt to set the resetvalue of the Attribute addressed by MIBattribute to the MIBvalue.

2558 The Transport Layer uses T_LM_SET.cnf_L to inform the DME of the result of T_LM_SET.req.

2559 Behavioral Description

2560 The state diagram describing the behavior of the T_LM_SET.req primitive is shown in Figure 347 of[MIPI02]. T_LM_SET.cnf_L

2561 This primitive reports the results of an attempt to set the value of an Attribute or its reset value.

2562 The semantics of this primitive are:

2563 T_LM_SET.cnf_L( ConfigResultCode )

2564 The primitive parameter is defined in Table 85.

2565 The Transport Layer shall set ConfigResultCode in T_LM_SET.cnf_L to one of the values shown in Table 87for the conditions given in the table. The T_LM entity should not set ConfigResultCode toWRITE_ONLY_MIB_ATTRIBUTE.

Table 87 T_LM_SET.cnf_L ConfigResultCode Values

ConfigResultCode Condition

SUCCESSThe request succeeds, i.e. the value or the reset value of the Attribute indicated by MIBattribute and SelectorIndex is set to the value of MIBvalue.


The MIBattribute value is invalid, or otherwisethe Attribute indicated by MIBattribute and SelectorIndex is not implemented, or otherwiseIf SetType is STATIC, the Attribute indicated by MIBattribute and SelectorIndex does not support setting its reset value.

READ_ONLY_MIB_ATTRIBUTEThe Attribute indicated by MIBattribute and SelectorIndex exists, but is not settable. This ConfigResultCode value shall only be used if SetType is NORMAL.


The Attribute indicated by MIBattribute and SelectorIndex exists and is settable (SetType = NORMAL) or allows its reset value to be set (SetType = STATIC), but the value of MIBvalue is outside of the implemented range, or outside of the valid value range, for the Attribute.

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2566 When Generated

2567 The Transport Layer shall generate the T_LM_SET.cnf_L primitive in response to the most recentT_LM_SET.req from the DME.

2568 Effect on Receipt

2569 T_LM_SET.cnf_L confirms the success or failure of the T_LM_SET.req at the Transport Layer, and shouldhave no further effects at the DME.

2570 Behavioral Description

2571 The state diagram describing the behavior of the T_LM_SET.cnf_L primitive is shown in Figure 347 of[MIPI02].

8.9.2 Control Primitives

2572 The Service Primitives in this section are provided for controlling the Transport Layer.

2573 The primitives covered in this section are listed in Table 88.

2574 Table 89 lists the parameters that appear in the T_LM_SAP control primitives.


The Attribute indicated by MIBattribute and SelectorIndex exists and is settable, but it belongs to a CPort that is in the CONNECTED state. This ConfigResultCode value shall only be used if SetType is NORMAL.

BAD_INDEX The CPort indicated by T_LM_SET.req SelectorIndex is outside of the range of available CPorts.

BAD_TEST_FEATURE_INDEX The value of T_LM_GET.req SelectorIndex is greater than, or equal to, T_NumTestFeatures.

Table 88 T_LM_SAP Control Primitives

Name Request Indication Local Response Response Local

Confirm Confirm





Table 89 T_LM_SAP Control Primitive Parameters

Name Type Valid Range Value Description

ResetLevel EnumerationCOLD 0

Defines the reset level of the requested resetWARM 1

Table 87 T_LM_SET.cnf_L ConfigResultCode Values (continued)

ConfigResultCode Condition

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro T_LM_RESET.req

2575 This primitive requests the reset of the Transport Layer.

2576 The semantics of this primitive are:

2577 T_LM_RESET.req( ResetLevel )

2578 When Generated

2579 This primitive is generated by the DME when it needs to reset the Transport Layer. The Transport Layer isreset in combination with resetting of all the UniPro protocol layers as described in the reset procedure.

2580 Effect on Receipt

2581 The Transport Layer sets itself to the reset states and Attribute values, and discards all Segments and/orMessages currently processed. Then, the Transport Layer shall generate T_LM_RESET.cnf_L to the DME.After issuing T_LM_RESET.cnf_L, the Transport Layer shall not react to any Transport Layer SAP primitiveother than T_LM_RESET.req and T_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.req

2582 The ResetLevel COLD resets the complete Transport Layer including the statistics and configurationAttributes. The ResetLevel WARM resets the Transport Layer without the statistics.

2583 Behavioral Description

2584 The state diagram describing the behavior of the T_LM_RESET.req primitive is shown in Figure 345 of[MIPI02]. T_LM_RESET.cnf_L

2585 The T_LM_RESET.cnf_L primitive is used during the UniPro reset procedure (see Section 9.11.1).

2586 The semantics of this primitive are:

2587 T_LM_RESET.cnf_L( )

2588 When Generated

2589 The T_LM_RESET.cnf_L primitive is issued to the DME in response to T_LM_RESET.req to indicate thatthe Transport Layer came out of reset.

2590 Effect on Receipt

2591 The DME is informed that the Transport Layer came out of reset.

2592 Behavioral Description

2593 The state diagram describing the behavior of the T_LM_RESET.cnf_L primitive is shown in Figure 351 of[MIPI02]. T_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.req

2594 The T_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.req primitive is used during the UniPro boot procedure (see Section 9.11.2).

2595 The semantics of this primitive are:

2596 T_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.req( )

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2597 When Generated

2598 The T_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.req primitive is part of the UniPro boot procedure (see Section 9.11.2), and isgenerated by the DME after the Transport Layer came out of reset, and the Network Layer was enabled.

2599 Effect on Receipt

2600 The Transport Layer shall respond with T_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.cnf_L to the DME. After issuingT_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.cnf_L, all Transport Layer functionality and SAP primitives shall be enabled.

2601 Behavioral Description

2602 The state diagram describing the behavior of the T_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.req primitive is shown inFigure 346 of [MIPI02]. T_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.cnf_L

2603 The T_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.cnf_L primitive is used during the UniPro boot procedure (seeSection 9.11.2) to indicate to the DME that the Transport Layer is enabled.

2604 The semantics of this primitive are:

2605 T_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.cnf_L( )

2606 When Generated

2607 The T_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.cnf_L primitive is issued to the DME in response toT_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.req to indicate that the Transport Layer was enabled.

2608 Effect on Receipt

2609 The DME is informed that the Transport Layer is enabled.

2610 Behavioral Description

2611 The state diagram describing the behavior of the T_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.cnf_L primitive is shown inFigure 346 of [MIPI02]. T_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.req

2612 The T_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.req primitive is used to request the Transport Layer to enter hibernation.

2613 The semantics of this primitive are:


2615 When Generated

2616 The DME generates the T_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.req primitive to request the Transport Layer to enterhibernation.

2617 Effect on Receipt

2618 The Transport Layer shall issue the T_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.cnf_L primitive to the DME and thenenter hibernation. During hibernation, the Transport Layer should not retain any Attribute, and may lose allits state.

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2619 Behavioral Description

2620 The state diagram describing the behavior of the T_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.req primitive is shown inFigure 350 of [MIPI02]. T_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.cnf_L

2621 The T_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.cnf_L primitive is used to indicate to the DME that the Transport Layeris about to hibernate.

2622 The semantics of this primitive are:


2624 When Generated

2625 The T_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.cnf_L primitive is generated by the Transport Layer in response to aT_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.req primitive and it indicates that the Transport Layer is hibernating.

2626 Effect on Receipt

2627 The DME is informed about the Transport Layer entering hibernate.

2628 Behavioral Description

2629 The state diagram describing the behavior of the T_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.cnf_L primitive is shown inFigure 350 of [MIPI02]. T_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.req

2630 The T_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.req primitive is used to request the Transport Layer to exit hibernation andreturn to normal operation.

2631 The semantics of this primitive are:


2633 When Generated

2634 The DME generates the T_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.req primitive to request the Transport Layer to exithibernation.

2635 Effect on Receipt

2636 The Transport Layer shall go to its reset state. Then the Transport Layer shall set its Attributes to their resetvalues and then issue the T_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.cnf_L primitive to the DME.

2637 Behavioral Description

2638 The state diagram describing the behavior of the T_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.req primitive is shown inFigure 350 of [MIPI02]. T_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.cnf_L

2639 The T_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.cnf_L primitive is used to indicate to the DME that the Transport Layer hasexited hibernation and is operating normally.

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2640 The semantics of this primitive are:


2642 When Generated

2643 The T_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.cnf_L primitive is generated by the Transport Layer in response to aT_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.req primitive and it indicates that the Transport Layer has exited hibernation andis operating normally.

2644 Effect on Receipt

2645 The DME is informed about the Transport Layer exiting hibernate.

2646 Behavioral Description

2647 The state diagram describing the behavior of the T_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.cnf_L primitive is shown inFigure 350 of [MIPI02].

8.9.3 Status Primitives

2648 The Service Primitives in this section are provided for status provision by the Transport Layer.

2649 The primitives covered in this section are listed in Table 90.

2650 Table 91 lists the parameters that appear in the T_LM_SAP status primitives. T_LM_DISCARD.ind

2651 This primitive indicates that the Discard T_PDU feature has been performed (refer to Section 8.11.11) andreports the reason for triggering the operation.

Table 90 T_LM_SAP Status Primitives

Name Request Indication Local Response Response Local

Confirm Confirm


Table 91 T_LM_SAP Status Primitive Parameters

Name Type Valid Range Value Description

L4DiscardReasonCode Enum


Indicates the reason for dis-

carding a T_PDU







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2652 The semantics of this primitive are:

2653 T_LM_DISCARD.ind( L4DiscardReasonCode )

2654 When the T_LM_DISCARD.ind is generated the provided L4DiscardReasonCode shall be set accordinglythe cases summarized in Table 92 and described in Section 8.11.11 in more detail.

2655 When Generated

2656 This primitive shall be generated by the T_LM entity as a result of performing the discard T_PDU feature.

2657 Effect on Receipt

2658 The DME is notified of the discard.

2659 Behavioral Description

2660 The state diagram describing the behavior of the T_LM_DISCARD.ind primitive is shown in theL4_CPort_rx SDL process of [MIPI02].

8.10 Structure and Encoding of Transport Protocol Data Units

2661 This section defines the Transport Layer Protocol Data Units (usually referred to as Segments) and shows theheader fields and their meaning.

2662 A Segment (T_PDU) shall contain an integral number of bytes greater than zero and shall be limited toT_MaxSegmentSize. This guarantees that any Segment shall always fit in exactly one Packet (N_PDU).

Table 92 T_LM_DISCARD.ind Reason Codes

L4DiscardReasonCode Value Description

UNSUPPORTED_HEADER_TYPE 1 A T_PDU was received whose header contains unsupported values.

UNKNOWN_CPORTID 2 The CPort a received T_PDU is targeting does not exist.

NO_CONNECTION_RX 3A user-data carrying T_PDU targeting a CPort is received that has no established Connection, i.e. is not in the CONNECTED state.

CONTROLLED_SEGMENT_DROPPING 4The Segment was dropped at the receiver due to insufficient buffer space. This can occur only when End-to-End Flow Control is disabled.

BAD_TC 5A T_PDU was received with a Traffic Class that is different than the T_TrafficClass Attribute of the destination CPort.

E2E_CREDIT_OVERFLOW 6The size of a received Segment is bigger than the space left in the RX buffer, given by the value of T_LocalBufferSpace.

SAFETY_VALVE_DROPPING 7 CPort Safety Valve mechanism has discarded data.

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8.10.1 Data T_PDUs

2663 Table 93 lists the Data Transport Protocol Data Unit (DT T_PDU) types that shall be supported. DT SH T_PDU

2664 The current version of UniPro only defines a DT T_PDU with a short header, referred to as DT SH T_PDUand identified by the L4s bit set to ‘1’. The DT SH T_PDU is used to transfer User data between peer CPorts.DT SH T_PDUs are sent using the N_DATA_SHDR.req primitive.

Figure 76 Data T_PDU with Short Header (DT SH T_PDU)

2665 The natural T_PDU granularity is bytes, i.e. any integral number of data bytes in the range from 0 to T_MTUcan be transferred.

8.10.2 T_PDU Fields

2666 Table 94 describes the T_PDU fields.

Table 93 Transport Layer PDU Types

T_PDU Name Mnemonic Overall Header Size Remarks/Limitations Section

Data T_PDU with short header DT SH T_PDU 8-bit Payload is limited to T_MTU

Table 94 T_PDU Header Fields

Field Name Field Description Field Size Remarks/Limitations

L4s L4 Header type field 1-bit Identifies the used T_PDU type; this field is fixed to ‘1’ indicating a DT SH T_PDU

DestCPortID_EncLeast significant bits

of destination CPortID

5-bit Contains the five least significant bits of the addressed CPort

FCT Flow Control Token 1-bit Signals a new Flow Control Token

L4s=1 DestCPortID_Enc

Payload – Byte n-1 ( n <= T_MTU)




Payload – Byte 0

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0FCT EOM

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro L4 Header Type Field (L4s)

2667 The L4s header field serves as a header type bit. In the current version of UniPro, a Segment created as aresult of T_CO_DATA.req Service Primitive shall have the L4s header bit set to ‘1’. Upon reception of aSegment with the L4s bit set to ‘0’, the T_PDU shall be discarded (see Section 8.11.11) and a notificationaccording to Section shall be given.

2668 Table 95 shows the supported settings. DestCPortID_Enc

2669 The DestCPortID_Enc field shall contain the five least significant bits of the CPortID of the targeted CPort.The destination CPort value is a fixed property of a Connection and all T_PDUs sent within a Connectionshall have the same value for DestCPortID_Enc.

2670 In various cases a 5-bit CPortID may be enough. If a Device supports more than thirty-two CPorts, only theleast significant bits of the destination CPortID shall be encoded into the DestCPortID_Enc header fieldaccording to the definitions in Section 8.11.2.

2671 Table 96 shows the supported settings.

EOM End Of Message 1-bit Identifies the last Segment of a Message

Payload Message Fragment 0 to T_MTU bytes

Carries a Message chunk with a maximum size that depends on the configured maximum payload size of the used Traffic Class x (T_TC[x]TxMaxSDUSize).There is no relation enforced between the Segment Payload and the TX and RX Message Fragments as transferred through T_CO_DATA SAP.

Table 95 Settings of the L4s Field

Field Name Size Value Meaning Remarks

L4s 1-bit0 Reserved Not allowed; no corresponding

Service Primitive supported

1 Short Header Data T_PDU (DT SH T_PDU) is used

Caused by the use of the T_CO_DATA primitive

Table 96 Settings of the DestCPortID_Enc field

Field Name Size Value Meaning Remarks

DestCPortID_Enc 5-bit 0 to 31 Least significant bits of PeerCPortID

Least Significant bits and remaining most significant bits are determined by the formulas given in Section 8.11.2

Table 94 T_PDU Header Fields (continued)

Field Name Field Description Field Size Remarks/Limitations

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro Flow Control Token (FCT)

2672 The FCT field is used to signal a Flow Control Token to support the E2E Flow-control service (refer toSection

2673 This bit is set to one (‘1’) by the sending CPort in case the end-to-end control feature is enabled and the CPorthas to signal a Flow Control Token to the receiving peer CPort. The conditions when a FCT is signaled arespecified in Section End of Message (EOM)

2674 The EOM field is used to mark the final Segment of a Message. Note that short Messages may be carried by asingle Segment. When the EOM bit is set, the first payload byte of any subsequent Segment shall beconsidered the first byte of a new Message.

2675 As already introduced in Section 8.4, the segmentation process takes care of splitting Messages so that eachresulting Segment does not exceed the T_MTU size. The Transport Layer sender ensures that the reassemblyprocess on the receiving side merges the received Segments into exactly the same Message by asserting theEnd of Message (EOM) flag to indicate the end of a Message. The order of the intermediate Segments ispreserved by means of the required Network properties, i.e. in-order delivery.

2676 Upon reception of a Segment with the EOM bit set, the Transport Layer shall notify the receiving applicationafter the last Segment has been processed by means of a T_CO_DATA.ind. The Transport Layer may alsonotify the receiving application when parts of a Message are available, e.g., one or more Segments withoutthe EOM flag set have been received. Payload

2677 The payload field carries the Message given by the CPort User and is potentially segmented by the CPort.The payload may carry any value.

Table 97 Settings of the FCT Field

Field Name Size Value Meaning Remarks

FCT 1-bit0 No Flow Control Token received/sent

1 Flow Control Token is carried by T_PDU

Table 98 Settings of the EOM field

Field Name Size Value Meaning Remarks

EOM 1-bit

0 The End of Message has not been reached

1The last byte of the most recent received or transmitted Fragment contains the last byte of the potentially segmented Message

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8.11 Protocol Features

8.11.1 Connection Management Feature

2678 Prior to any data transmission, Connections shall be opened to ensure that the CPorts defining a Connectionare correctly configured. When the Connection is not needed anymore, the Connection may be closed toallow the involved CPorts to be used by a different Connection

2679 As already stated, UniPro does not yet support a standardized Connection management protocol, i.e.Connection opening and closing via protocol data units (PDUs) across the Link. In the current specification,Connection opening is supported either based on a non-volatile Attribute reset values or using DME-basedlocal and remote Attribute setting.

2680 A Connection is opened between two peer CPorts. The Connection parameter Attributes listed in Table 107shall be set during Connection opening. The Attributes are set via the DME, using the DME_SET andDME_PEER_SET primitives. The Connection parameter Attributes shall be set according to the followingrules:

2681 • The T_PeerDeviceID Attribute of each CPort shall be set to the N_DeviceID of the peer CPort.2682 • The T_PeerCPortID Attribute of each CPort shall be set to the CPortId of the peer CPort2683 • The T_TrafficClass Attribute shall be set to the same value for both CPorts.2684 • The T_ProtocolID Attribute shall be set to the same value for both CPorts.2685 • The T_CPortFlags.E2EFC shall be set to the same value for both CPorts.2686 • If E2E FC is enabled (T_CPortFlags.E2EFC = ‘1’), the T_TxTokenValue Attribute of each CPort and the

T_RxTokenValue Attribute of the peer CPort shall be set to the same value. 2687 • The T_CPortMode Attribute for each CPort shall be set to CPORT_APPLICATION.2688 • If E2E FC is enabled (T_CPortFlags.E2EFC = ‘1’) or the E2E FC is disabled and CSD is enabled

(T_CPortFlags.E2EFC = ‘0’and T_CPortFlags.CSD_n = '0'), each of the two CPorts shall set theT_PeerBufferSpace Attribute of the local CPort to the same value as T_LocalBufferSpace Attribute ofthe peer CPort. These values represent the amount of data that the CPort where T_PeerBufferSpace is setcan initially transmit, and, hence, its peer CPort can receive.

2689 • The T_CreditsToSend Attribute for each CPort shall be set to 0.2690 • The T_ConnectionState Attribute for each CPort shall be set to CONNECTED. 2691 • The T_ConnectionState Attribute shall be the last Attribute to be set at each CPort.

8.11.2 Address Translation Feature

2692 The Address translation feature provides the means to handle CPortIDs with more than 5-bits to enableaddressing Devices with more than thirty-two CPorts. The remaining most significant bits of theT_PeerCPortID are translated to form the DeviceIDOffset, which is passed to the Network Layer, where,together with the T_PeerDeviceID, is used to compute the DestDeviceID_Enc field in the Network LayerHeader. For received Segments the DestCPortID_Enc, which is extracted from the header, and theDeviceIDOffset, which is provided by the Network Layer, shall be translated to determine the targeted CPort.

2693 For the transmission the destination CPortID and destination DeviceIDOffset shall be determined as follows:

Table 99 Settings of the Payload Field

Field Size Value Meaning Remarks

Payload 0 to T_MTU bytes

Any byte string A complete Message or a portion of a Message

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2696 The T_PeerDeviceID parameter shall be passed unchanged to the Network Layer:


2698 For the reception the targeted CPortID shall be determined as follows:


8.11.3 Segmentation Feature

2700 Segmenting is the process of splitting Messages into one or more ordered data chunks that are then composed(refer to Section 8.11.5) into Segments on the transmitting side. Message boundaries are preserved at theTransport Layer handles, whereas Message Fragment boundaries, if any, may change.

2701 It shall be ensured that T_SDUs, i.e. Messages, are sent in sequence, i.e. a new segmenting process shall onlytake place after a previous one has finished. The EOM parameter of a DT T_PDU indicates whether or notthere are subsequent DT T_PDUs in the sequence carrying parts of the T_SDU.

2702 The Segment payload may have any length, but shall be not exceed T_TCxTxMaxSDUSize, where TCxcorresponds to the Segment traffic class. As default, the segmentation scheme should create Segments ofT_TCxTxMaxSDUSize length except when special conditions occur, such as the last Segment of a Messageor when the Segment is sent due to a Flow Control Token transmitted request.

2703 The two scenarios for segmentation on the TX side are shown in Figure 77.

Figure 77 Transport Layer Segmentation Process

2704 In Figure 77, the application hands over a Message (an A_PDU that then becomes a T_SDU) to the TransportLayer. The Transport Layer performs the segmenting process and the Segment containing the last portion of aMessage shall be marked with EOM set to one (‘1’), which is visualized in the figure by a flag symbol. Thesegmenting process is invoked on a given Message when the Message is larger than the payload a Segmentcan carry, as exemplified in Figure 77a. In contrast, in Figure 77b the original structure is retained since theT_SDU fits entirely into a single T_PDU and only the EOM is set. The segmenting state is maintained foreach Connection.

2705 The state diagram describing the behavior of the Segmentation Feature is shown in the L4_CPort_tx SDLprocesses of [MIPI02].

DestCPortID_Enc T_PeerCPortID 0x1F&=

DeviceIDOffset T_PeerCPortID 5>>=

DestPeerDeviceID T_PeerDeviceID=

CPortID DestCPortID_Enc DeviceIDOffset 5<<( )+=




T_SDU[1/3] T_SDU[2/3] T_SDU[3/3]





Segmentation Process

Internal Data Unit = Message Fragment

Data Unit = Message

Data Unit = Message

Application Layer (LA)

Transport Layer (L4)

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2706 In exceptional cases, mainly encountered during error recovery, it might be necessary to signal an End ofMessage even after the last valid portion of the Message has been sent and there is no more data left totransmit. In this case, a Segment without any payload may be sent with the EOM set to one. The first payloadbyte of any subsequent Segment shall be considered the first byte of a new Message.

2707 Note that the preceding description does not imply that an implementation of the Transport Layer performssegmenting by buffering entire Messages so that they can be split into multiple Segments, it is merely aconceptual model. An implementation of the Transport Layer may accept Message Fragments or any othersized units of data from the Application Layer and thus avoid Message-sized buffers that are owned by theTransport Layer. The Transport Layer is however responsible for ensuring that a Segment payload neverexceeds the T_MTU limit.

8.11.4 Reassembly Feature

2708 After the transmission to the destination the reassembly process takes place on the receiving side. This is theexact counterpart of the segmentation process and is depicted in Figure 78a.

Figure 78 Transport Layer Reassembly Process

2709 On reception of the first Segment that is determined either by reception of the very first Segment or by thefirst Segment following a completed reassembling process, the reassembly process starts and is continued aslong as no further data T_PDUs with EOM set are received. Whenever an EOM is received, the reassemblingprocess ends and the receiving CPort User shall be notified by the CPort about that occurrence by setting theEOM parameter to TRUE when calling the T_CO_DATA.ind Service Primitive. The T_CO_DATA.indService Primitive offers the flexibility to provide either entire Messages or Message Fragments to theapplication. As stated in Section, no relationship is specified between the received Message Fragmentsize and the transmitted Message Fragment size or the received Segment size. If the Segment contains acomplete T_SDU the reassembly process is not required as shown in Figure 78b. The reassembling state shallbe maintained for each Connection.

2710 The state diagram describing the behavior of the Reassembly Feature is shown in the L4_CPort_rx SDLprocesses of [MIPI02].

2711 Note that the above description does not imply that an implementation of the Transport Layer performsreassembly by buffering multiple Segment payloads until an entire Message is available; it is merely aconceptual model. An implementation of the Transport Layer may hand off Message Fragments or any othersized units of data to the Application Layer and thus avoids Message-sized buffers that are owned by theTransport Layer.




T_SDU[1/3] T_SDU[2/3] T_SDU[3/3]





Reassembly Process

Internal Data Unit = Message Segment

Data Unit = Message

Data Unit = Message

Application Layer (LA)

Transport Layer (L4)

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8.11.5 T_PDU Composition Feature

2712 This feature is responsible for the composition of Transport Protocol Data Units (T_PDUs). As depicted inFigure 79, this feature constructs and adds a L4 header to the provided T_SDU to form a T_PDU. The headerconsists of different fields specified in Section 8.10.2. For the construction of the T_PDU additional controlinformation is needed, called Protocol Control Information (PCI). The PCI is obtained from local layer-specific state information and parameters given by means of Service Primitive requests.

Figure 79 Transport Layer Composition Process

2713 In the Transport Layer, the composition process is performed on complete or portions of T_SDUs (expressedby T_SDU[x/y] in Figure 79).

2714 The current segmenting state shall set the EOM parameter in the accordant data T_PDU.

8.11.6 T_PDU Decomposition Feature

2715 This feature is responsible for the decomposition of the T_PDUs. The decomposition feature extracts headerinformation of received Packets and uses additionally layer-specific local state information to form theProtocol Control Information.

Figure 80 Transport Layer Decomposition Process

2716 The user-data is obtained from the T_SDU field. The user-data and parts of the PCI shall be provided to theTransport Service User by means of the appropriate Service Primitive indications.

2717 For the construction of the PCI the header format analysis feature is used.

8.11.7 Header Format Analysis Feature

2718 The feature determines the incoming T_PDU type and extracts the T_PDU header fields present in thecorrespondent T_PDU structure. In addition it is identified whether or not a received T_PDU targets anexisting CPort with an associated established Connection.

T_SDU[x/y][ ]PCI


Composition Process

Protocol Control Information (PCI)Passed via Service Primitives from Service User (LA)Obtained from L4 local informationServes L4 header construction

Internal Data Unit = Message Fragment

Data Unit = Segment

T_SDU[x/y][ ]PCI


Decomposition Process

Protocol Control Information (PCI)Derived from decoded L4 header informationPassed via Service Primitives to Service User (LA)Potentially checked against L4 local information

Internal Data Unit = Message Fragment

Data Unit = Segment

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2719 The T_PDU type is determined by the L4s field and identifies the T_PDU header structure.

2720 In the current version of UniPro the L4s field shall be set to ‘1’. In the case where a T_PDU is received withthe L4s bit set to '0', the T_PDU is discarded.

2721 Depending on the determined T_PDU structure, the header fields are extracted and the actual values areprovided either to the corresponding subsequent protocol features or to the Service User by means of ServicePrimitive indications or confirmations. The fields to be extracted are specified in Section 8.10.2.

2722 The destination CPortID shall be determined by the Address translation protocol feature (Section 8.11.2).First, it shall be checked whether the CPort exists. If not, the discard T_PDU feature (Section 8.11.11) shallbe performed. After that, it shall be checked whether a Connection exists for that CPort, i.e.T_ConnectionState of the particular CPort must be CONNECTED. If not, the discard T_PDU feature shall beperformed.

2723 If T_ConnectionState is CONNECTED, the FCT shall be examined and if this parameter is set to one (‘1’)this value shall be signaled to the E2E Flow Control protocol feature specified in Section IfT_ConnectionState is not CONNECTED, FCT shall not be processed.

2724 If T_ConnectionState is CONNECTED, the EOM shall be extracted and the content shall be signaled to theReassembling protocol feature. If T_ConnectionState is not CONNECTED, EOM shall not be processed.

8.11.8 Explicit Flow Control Features

2725 The UniPro L4 Explicit Flow Control is a feature used to regulate the flow of T_PDUs between two CPortson one Connection. A Connection between a pair of CPorts can be configured either with the End-to-EndFlow Control (E2E FC) feature enabled or with the E2E FC feature disabled.

2726 E2E FC ensures the transmitting CPort knows how much buffer space at the receiving CPort is currentlyavailable for its T_PDUs. The transmitting CPort uses E2E FC to prevent overflowing the receiving CPortbuffer (see Section A CPort shall provide support for E2E FC and shall default to this mode afterreset.

2727 The E2E FC feature provides an effective means to prevent Head of Line (HOL) blocking and potentialdeadlock situations. Any Connection-oriented T_PDU arriving at the destination Device should be able toprogress to a buffer that is reserved for that Connection. A CPort should use E2E FC for all Connections.

2728 Alternatively, E2E FC may be disabled, allowing the transmitting CPort to send data without knowing howmuch buffer space at the receiving CPort is currently available for its T_PDUs. To prevent congestion whenthe receiving CPort buffer is full, incoming data Segments should be discarded (dropped) using theControlled Segment Dropping (CSD) feature (see Section

2729 When the E2E FC feature is disabled, there is no guarantee that CPort-specific buffer space is available. TheCPort User shall ensure that at any time a Message or Message Fragment indicated by the CPort isimmediately consumed. This requirement serves to prevent HOL blocking and resulting congestion ordeadlocks. The CSD feature is provided to achieve this goal. Although CSD helps ensure system-levelintegrity, using CSD leads to data corruption of the received data stream. This corruption is signaled to theapplication.

2730 A receiving CPort shall also support the CPort Safety Valve (CSV) feature (see Section 8.11.9). The CSVfeature protects system-level integrity by avoiding HOL blocking. CSV discards one or more Segments whenan application stops accepting data.

2731 CSV works independently of the E2E FC or CSD. E2E FC and CSD prevent application RX buffer overflow,while CSV protects against an application stopping receiving data, even when application RX buffer space isknown to be available for the data supplied by the CPort.

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2732 See the L4_CPort_rx SDL process of [MIPI02] for reference algorithms defining the behavior of thereceiving CPort E2E FC, CSD and CSV features described in this section. End-to-End Flow Control Feature

2733 The point-to-point (P2P) reliability provided by the Data Link Layer guarantees that every Segment injectedinto the Network is correctly and reliably delivered to the destination. This does not automatically provideE2E reliability as there is a possibility to lose data at the destination, due to lack of resources for processingincoming data. Use of E2E FC ensures that the transmitting CPort does not send more data than the Transportuser at the receiving CPort is capable of accepting and provides E2E reliability by that means.

2734 T_CPortFlags, T_TxTokenValue and T_RxTokenValue are associated with a particular CPort and in turnapply to the single Connection this CPort is involved in. These Attributes shall be set during Connectionsetup. T_CPortFlags consists of 3 bits (E2EFC, CSD_n and CSV_n). T_CPortFlags.E2EFC shall indicatewhether E2E FC is enabled ('1') or not ('0'). T_CPortFlags.CSD_n and T_CPortFlags.CSV_n are specified inSection and Section 8.11.9, respectively. T_RxTokenValue shall determine the value of a Tokenreceived, measured in bytes. T_TxTokenValue shall determine the value of a Token transmitted, alsomeasured in bytes. T_TxTokenValue shall be equal to T_RxTokenValue of the connected peer CPort and viceversa. T_RxTokenValue and T_TxTokenValue shall not exceed the size of the receiver buffer as this wouldprevent the receiver from sending a token to the transmitter.

2735 T_PeerBufferSpace and T_CreditsToSend shall track the current values related to E2E FC.

2736 T_PeerBufferSpace holds the actual number of bytes a transmitter is allowed to send. It shall be incrementedby T_RxTokenValue upon any received Flow Control Token.

2737 A Token is signaled by the FCT header field of a DT T_PDU. Whether a Token was received shall bedetermined and signaled by the header format analysis feature. The CPort shall transmit Segments if and onlyif the contained payload size is smaller or equal to the T_PeerBufferSpace value. The T_PeerBufferSpacecounter shall be decremented by the amount of data sent.

2738 T_CreditsToSend identifies how many Credits are to be sent to the peer CPort by means of FCTs. Thiscounter shall be incremented with the parameter Credits provided with the T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.reqService Primitive and shall be decremented by T_TxTokenValue whenever a DT T_PDU with FCT headerfield set to one (‘1’) has been transmitted.

2739 The amount of T_PeerBufferSpace shall not exceed the amount of data the Transport user at the peer CPortcan consume.

2740 The following sections and the subsequent Message Sequence Charts (MSCs) exemplify the E2E FCprocedure. The MSCs provided are not meant to be exhaustive.

Table 100 E2E Flow Control Steps

Step Description


The receiving CPort User should indicate that it can process new portion(s) of data by invoking the T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req Service Primitive with the appropriate parameter value set, which causes incrementing the T_CreditsToSend counter by the value confirmed by T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.cnf_L.

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2741 Note:2742 Step 1 to step 3 may be performed at any time in parallel to the execution of step 4.

2743 In Figure 81 the principal usage of E2E FC and a subsequent data transmission is outlined. Note the CPortIDparameters are omitted in the figure to enhance readability.


In case the T_CreditsToSend counter value is greater than or equal to T_TxTokenValue, the receiving CPort shall either:

trigger the transmission of one or more DT T_PDUs with FCT set to one (‘1’) to the peer CPort if no data transfer is scheduled by the transmitter and decrement the T_CreditsToSend counter by T_TxTokenValue per FCT sent

orset the FCT field to one (‘1’) for the next, and potentially subsequent, DT T_PDUs scheduled by the transmitter and decrement the T_CreditsToSend by T_TxTokenValue per FCT sent

Step 2 shall be repeated until the T_CreditsToSend counter value is less than T_TxTokenValue.

3 Upon reception of a DT T_PDU with FCT header field set to one (‘1’) the transmitting CPort shall increment the T_PeerBufferSpace counter by T_RxTokenValue.


In case T_PeerBufferSpace is greater than zero, the sending CPort shall send as much data as indicated by T_PeerBufferSpace. The CPort shall ensure that any Segment transmission can be completed without running out of credits. The amount of data sent shall be subtracted from T_PeerBufferSpace.

Table 100 E2E Flow Control Steps (continued)

Step Description

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Figure 81 Data Transmission using E2E FC

2744 Figure 82 depicts a data transmission procedure where the sending side experiences a situation where theremaining credits are not enough to continue with the transmission of the next scheduled Segment. Thesending Transport Layer interrupts the process for this particular CPort and Connection until new credits aregiven from the receiving side. Note the CPortID parameters are omitted in the figure to enhance readability.


TS Provider A TS Provider B


CONNECTED, T_E2EFCEnabled=TRUE,T_[Rx/Tx]TokenValue=256


DT SH T_PDU (EOM=1,FCT=0,Message[272 to 399])











DT SH T_PDU (EOM=0,FCT=0,Message[0 to 271])


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Figure 82 Interrupted Data Transmission using E2E FC

2745 Note: the E2E FC procedure does not need to acknowledge FCT signals, and FCT signals do not containsynchronization information, which is possible due to P2P reliability of the underlying Network. Controlled Segment Dropping Feature

2746 In case the E2E FC is disabled (T_CPortFlags.E2EFC = '0'), T_CPortFlags.CSD_n shall indicate whetherControlled Segment Dropping (CSD) is enabled ('0') or not ('1'). The Transport Layer does not use CSD on aconnection with E2E FC enabled. As a result, when T_CPortFlags.E2EFC is '1', T_CPortFlags.CSD_n shallignored..

2747 When CSD is enabled, the CPort User uses the. T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req Service Primitive to indicatethe RX buffer space associated to the CPort.

2748 CSD support may be omitted for cases where E2E FC cannot be disabled.

2749 When CSD is enabled, T_LocalBufferSpace shall hold the actual number of bytes a receiver is allowed toreceive and forward to the CPort User. T_LocalBufferSpace shall be incremented by the value of the Credits



TS Provider A TS Provider B


CONNECTED, T_E2EFCEnabled=TRUE, T_[Rx/Tx]TokenValue=256









DT SH T_PDU (EOM=0,FCT=0,Message[0 to 271])







DT SH T_PDU (EOM=1,FCT=0,Message[272 to 519])



Not enough T_PeerBufferSpace to

transmit next scheduled segment.Wait for new credits.

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parameter upon any invocation of the T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req Service Primitive and decremented bythe amount of data received and forwarded to the receiving CPort User.

2750 If CSD is disabled, the CPort shall do no checks on the Segment payload size.

2751 If CSD is enabled, the CPort shall process and forward the received Segment payload only if theT_LocalBufferSpace value is greater or equal than the size of the payload of the T_PDU currently indicatedby the underlying Network service. Otherwise, the received Segment payload shall be discarded afterensuring that the T_PDU header is processed to be able to decode and indicate a potentially signaled EOM.

2752 The Reassembly process shall be informed in case a Segment payload was discarded to be able to determinewhether a Message could be delivered completely or incompletely.

2753 • The receiving User of a CSD-enabled CPort indicates that it can process new portion(s) of data byinvoking the T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req Service Primitive with the appropriate parameter value set,which causes incrementing the T_LocalBufferSpace counter with that value.

2754 • In case T_LocalBufferSpace is greater than zero, the receiving CSD-enabled CPort is entitled to receiveas much payload data as indicated by T_LocalBufferSpace, provided that it is ensured that any Segmentreceived can be completed in order to forward it to the receiving CPort User without running out ofcredits. Otherwise, the payload of the current Segment is discarded. The amount of data received issubtracted from T_LocalBufferSpace.

2755 The first step might be performed at any time in parallel to the second step.

2756 The MSC in Figure 83 shows the situation where the payload of all incoming Segments are discarded due toa lack of Credits. Loss of Segment payload is marked with a black circle at the end of an arrow. CPortIDparameters are omitted in the figure to enhance readability.

Figure 83 Discard of Segment Payload Due to Lack of Credits

2757 Figure 84 illustrates the data transmission procedure using Controlled Segment Dropping to allow receptionof incoming Segment payload. CPortID parameters are omitted in the figure to enhance readability.

TS Provider A TS Provider B





DT SH T_PDU (EOM=0,FCT=0,Message[0 to 271])

DT SH T_PDU (EOM=1,FCT=0,Message[272 to 399])

Due to a lack of LFC Credits the incoming Message Fragments are dropped

The loss of Messages can not be determined on the sending side

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Figure 84 Successful Data Transmission with Controlled Segment Dropping

2758 The MSC depicted in Figure 85 exemplifies a situation where, due to interim lack of credits, parts of theoverall Message are lost. According to the Service Primitive definitions and the reassembling feature this issignaled to the receiving CPort User by tagging the delivered Message with FRAGMENT_CORRUPT. Lossof Segment payload is marked with a black circle at the end of an arrow. CPortID parameters are omitted inthe figure to enhance readability.

TS Provider A TS Provider B




DT SH T_PDU (EOM=0,FCT=0,Message[0 to 271])

DT SH T_PDU (EOM=1,FCT=0,Message[272 to 399])








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Figure 85 Unsuccessful Data Transmission Due to Interim Lack of Credits

8.11.9 CPort Safety Valve

2759 The receiver part of a CPort has a “CPort Safety Valve” mechanism that becomes active when the receivingapplication, for whatever reason, cannot accept the payload of incoming Segments at the rate at which thecorresponding Data Frames are received across the Network. For example, if a software application crashes,it would be undesirable if the “misbehaving” application would cause backpressure and impact other(generally unrelated) traffic on the UniPro Network, which otherwise could impact performance and possiblycause deadlocks. In a well-designed system, the CPort Safety Valve mechanism (CSV) should never trigger.This means that when E2E FC is turned on, Connections are still reliable.

2760 The price one pays for the CSV mechanism is that the CPort’s received data stream will be corrupted due todropped data whenever the CSV mechanism is triggered. This loss of data integrity is signaled to theapplication, which can decide how to handle this. Full recovery is unlikely because the problem is essentiallya design issue within the receiving Device.

2761 A correct operation of the CPort Safety Valve implies that a CPort shall accept a stream of Segments withoutcausing any throttling of the incoming stream through backpressure – regardless of how slowly theapplication accepts the incoming data. The CPort shall discard any incoming Segment payload that cannot bedelivered immediately.

TS Provider A TS Provider B


DT SH T_PDU (EOM=0,FCT=0,Message[0 to 271])

DT SH T_PDU (EOM=0,FCT=0,Message[272 to 543])











DT SH T_PDU (EOM=1,FCT=0,Message[544 to 599])

T_CO_DATA.req(Message[0 to 599])

Not enough T_LocalBufferSpace to receive Message Fragment, which will be dropped. Reassembling process should be informed.

Service user is notified with FRAGMENT_CORRUPT parameter set


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2762 T_CPortFlags.CSV_n shall indicate whether CPort Safety Valve is enabled ('0') or not ('1').

2763 CSV works independently of E2E FC and CSD, and can be used in conjunction with both E2E FC and CSD,or without any of them being turned on.

8.11.10 Error Reporting for CSD and CSV

2764 When the payload of one or more data Segments is discarded due to Controlled Segment Dropping or theCPort Safety Valve mechanisms, this shall be indicated to the application when a next Message Fragment ispassed up to the application by setting the FragmentStatus parameter to a non-zero value. This indicates thatthe Message Fragment and the Message the Fragment belongs to are corrupt, that one or more MessageFragments were lost, or both.

2765 The dropping of one or more Segment payloads due to the CSV mechanism shall be signaled to the DMEusing the T_LM_DISCARD indication with L4DiscardReasonCode set to SAFETY_VALVE_DROPPING.

2766 The dropping of one or more Segment payloads due to the CSD mechanism shall also be signaled to the DMEu s i n g t h e T _ L M _ D I S C A R D i n d i c a t i o n w i t h L 4 D i s c a r d R e a s o n C o d e s e t t oCONTROLLED_SEGMENT_DROPPING.

2767 If, with E2E FC enabled, one or more Segment payloads had to be dropped because the CPort received moredata than could fit into T_LocalBufferSpace, this shall be signaled to the DME using the T_LM_DISCARDindication with L4DiscardReasonCode set to E2E_CREDIT_OVERFLOW. This is not supposed to happenin a well-designed system and may indicate a conformance issue within either endpoint or a systemconfiguration error.

8.11.11 Discard T_PDU Feature

2768 In case of any occurrences of the situations listed in Table 92, the Transport Layer shall perform all actionsnecessary to free up any resources used for the particular affected process.

2769 On every invocation of the Discard T_PDU feature the T_LM_DISCARD.ind shall be given with thecorresponding L4DiscardReasonCode.

8.12 Segment Transmission

2770 A source Device shall transmit T_SDUs in the order in which they arrived at the local T_CO_SAP.

2771 For the transmission of Segments the following operations shall be performed in the order listed below:

2772 • The correct T_PDU type shall be determined according to the rules defined in Section • The T_SDU shall be segmented according to the procedure defined in Section 8.11.32774 • The selected T_PDU shall be composed by means of the T_PDU composition feature (Section 8.11.5)

and in accordance to the encoding rules defined in Section 8.10.22775 • The present header fields shall be set with the values2776 • provided and maintained by the protocol features involved2777 • provided by the Service Primitive invoked2778 • The payload field shall be filled with the current Message Segment of the given Message or

Message Fragment2779 • The resulting T_PDU shall be transmitted in accordance to the E2E FC procedure defined in

Section if the E2E FC is enabled for the particular Connection

8.13 Segment Reception

2780 Upon the reception of a Segment the following operations shall be performed in the order listed below:

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2781 • The received T_PDU shall be decomposed by means of the T_PDU decomposition feature(Section 8.11.6) involving the header format analysis feature (Section 8.11.7) and in accordance toSection 8.10.2

2782 • The type of the T_PDU shall be recovered2783 • The present header fields shall be recovered and the resulting values shall be made available to the

corresponding protocol features2784 • The user-data (or Segments of user-data) shall be obtained from the payload field2785 • The T_SDU shall be reassembled according to the procedure defined in Section 8.11.42786 • The T_PDU should be received and processed in accordance to the Controlled Segment Dropping

procedure defined in Section if the E2E FC is disabled for the particular Connection2787 • If the receiving application cannot accept the data, the Segment is dropped according to the Safety Valve

procedure defined in Section • The user-data shall be indicated to the Cport User by means of the corresponding Service Primitives

according to Section 8.8.1 and with accordingly set parameters after the T_SDU has been reassembled.In case of interim Segment loss, this error shall be indicated to the receiving CPort User.

2789 Upon any exception listed in Section 8.11.11 the Discard T_PDU feature shall be performed.

8.14 CPort Arbitration

2790 The Transport Layer provides support for multiple CPorts. As a result, the Transport Layer may havemultiple connections simultaneously open. When opened, the connections are mapped to one of the availableTraffic Classes, which is then used for the entire connection duration.

2791 For segment transmission, the Transport Layer shall use segment-level round robin as a default arbitrationscheme between CPorts mapped to the same Traffic Class. Additional arbitration schemes may also beprovided.

2792 For an implementation that supports multiple Traffic Classes, and requires Transport Layer arbitration acrossCPorts mapped on different Traffic Classes, the CPorts mapped to the higher-priority Traffic Classes shallhave precedence over CPorts mapped on lower-priority Traffic Classes. The Traffic Class priority shall bedetermined according to the Data Link Layer definition in Section 6.6.4.

2793 An example of an arbitration scheme where TC1 segments have precedence over TC0 segments, and CPortswithin Traffic Class are served using a round robin scheme is shown in the L4_TC_tx SDL process of[MIPI02]. The example also includes a few optimizations which are not mandated by this specification.

8.15 UniPro Test Feature

2794 The UniPro Test Feature consists of two components, TstSrc and TstDst, as described in Table 101. TstSrc isa traffic generator and TstDst is a traffic analyzer. Both components are configurable and can be controlledvia Attributes manipulated by the DME. TstSrc and TstDst shall be used together and thus any usage of theterm “Test Feature” refers to a TstSrc and TstDst pair as shown in Figure 86.

Table 101 Test Feature Overview

Component Description Section

TstSrc Programmable traffic generator that creates sequences of Messages (T_SDUs) containing well-defined byte sequences of well-defined lengths. 8.15.3

TstDst Analyzer of incoming Messages (T_SDUs) with the capability to report errors. 8.15.4

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Figure 86 Test Feature Location within the Transport Layer

2795 The Test Feature is located below the LA and within the L4 as shown in Figure 86. A Device can containmultiple Test Feature instances. The number of instances depends on the number of implemented CPorts inthe Device. If the Device contains one CPort, then the Device shall contain at least one instance of the TestFeature. if the Device contains two or more CPorts, then the Device shall contain at least two instances of theTest Feature. These requirements are summarized in Table 102. The previous conditions are needed to be ableto test arbitration at L4.

2796 The number of Test Feature instances in a Device shall be available through a static, gettable-only Attribute atL4 DME called T_NumTestFeatures. The interconnection between the Test Feature instances and the CPortsshall be implemented via two intermediate components, TF_Dispatcher and CP_Adapter.

2797 TF_Dispatcher specifies the actual interconnection between the CPorts and Test Feature instances. It is worthnoting that the TF_Dispatcher is not configurable and thus it is an implementation-specific block.

2798 CP_Adapter performs the multiplexing and demultiplexing of the SAP primitives directed to and receivedfrom the CPort. The CP_Adapter shall be controlled via T_CPortMode, which sets the CPort either in the

Table 102 Determining the Number of Test Feature Instances in a DUT

Number of CPorts in the DUT Minimum Number of Test Feature instances in the DUT

Minimum Number of CPorts Available for Testing

1 1 1

2 or more 2 2

Device Management


Transport Layer + Test Feature (L4+TF)

Test Feature (TF)

Application 1


T_Core Entity

Application N

CP Adapter


TF Dispatcher


Test Feature (TF)




CP Adapter




CP Adapter



Application 2


Application N+1




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application mode or test mode. T_CPortMode shall be maintained by every CPort regardless of whether ornot it can be tested by the Test Features.

2799 The assignment of a specific Test Feature instance to a given CPort is controlled via T_TstCPortID, whichshall be maintained by every Test Feature instance. T_TstCPortID specifies the CPort which shall be testedby the Test Feature instance. If the Tester attempts to set T_TstCPortID to a CPort ID which cannot beassociated with the Test Feature instance for any reason, e.g. the CP_Adapter is not connected to theTF_Dispatcher, then the Test Feature instance shall report this as an error to the requester.

2800 The CP_Adapter shall be locked, i.e. not settable, when the CPort is connected to the Test Feature instance.Similarly, the Test Feature instance Attributes shall be locked if the TstSrc or TstDst are enabled.

2801 The Application Layer (LA) is expected to be configured into a safe state before closing the Connection andestablishing the Connection with the Test Feature instance.

8.15.1 Algorithm for Discovering the Test Feature Instances in a DUT (informative)

2802 The following algorithm may be used by the Tester to discover the available number of Test Feature instancesin a DUT and the range of testable CPorts.

2803 Declare ConnectionMode as Enumeration of {CONNECTED, NO_CPORT, UNKNOWN};2804 Declare connectivity_matrix as Matrix of Connection-

Mode[T_NumTestFeatures][T_NumCPorts];28052806 for (tf_index = 1; tf_index <= T_NumTestFeatures; tf_index++) {2807 for (cport_id_value = 1; cport_id_value <= T_NumCPorts; cport_id_value++) {2808 request_primitive T_LM_SET.req(T_TstCPortID, cport_id_value, tf_index);2809 receive_confirmation T_LM_SET.cnf_L(response);2810 if (response == SUCCESS) {2811 connectivity_matrix[tf_index][cport_id_value] = CONNECTED;2812 }2813 else if (response == NO_CPORT) {2814 connectivity_matrix[tf_index][cport_id_value] = NO_CPORT;2815 }2816 else {2817 connecitvity_matrix[tf_index][cport_id_value] = UNKNOWN;2818 }2819 }2820 }

8.15.2 Configuration Primitives

2821 All Attributes defined for the Test Feature shall be accessible through the T_LM primitives defined inSection 8.9.1.

8.15.3 Traffic Generator (TstSrc) Activation

2822 TstSrc shall be activated and start generating Messages via an Attribute called T_TstSrcOn, which shall taketwo values only, either TRUE or FALSE. If T_TstSrcOn is FALSE, then TstSrc shall be deactivated and doesnot generate any Messages. If T_TstSrcOn is TRUE, TstSrc is active and shall generate Messages. TstSrcshall use T_CO_DATA.req with the EOM parameter set to TRUE for transmitting entire Messages. When a

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Message is being transmitted, the TstSrc shall wait for the corresponding T_CO_DATA.cnf_L ServicePrimitive.

2823 TstSrc shall be deactivated if any of the following conditions occurs:

2824 • T_TstSrcOn is set to FALSE.2825 • TstSrc is configured to generate a finite number of Messages (see Section and that number of

Messages has been generated. Number of Generated Messages

2826 TstSrc shall be configured to generate either a finite or infinite stream of Messages via an Attribute calledT_TstSrcMessageCount. If T_TstSrcMessageCount is set to zero, then TstSrc shall generate an infinitestream of Messages. Otherwise, TstSrc shall generate a number of Messages equal to the non-zero valueassigned to T_TstSrcMessageCount. After generating that number of Messages, TstSrc shall turn itself off bysetting T_TstSrcOn to FALSE. Message Length

2827 The length of the generated Messages by TstSrc shall be configured via an Attribute calledT_TstSrcMessageSize, which shall be able to hold any value in the range 1 to 65535, inclusively. TstSrc shallgenerate Messages with a length in bytes equal to the value of this Attribute. Byte Pattern

2828 TstSrc generates a byte stream which is used to fill Messages according to the pattern specified inT_TstSrcPattern. Currently, the Test Feature specification only defines one pattern for the generated trafficwhich is sawtooth pattern. The following rules shall apply for the sawtooth pattern:

2829 • The first byte in the pattern shall have a zero value.2830 • The byte pattern is unique and endless as long as TstSrc is activated, i.e. the pattern shall start at the first

byte of the first generated Message and it crosses the boundaries of the generated Messages. The patternshall be reset whenever TstSrc is re-activated, i.e. by setting T_TstSrcOn to TRUE.

2831 • TstSrc shall add T_TstSrcIncrement to the value of each subsequent byte in the pattern and shall roll-overat the maximum value, which is set to 255. Inter-message Gap

2832 TstSrc, as long as it is on, shall introduce gap delays between consecutive Messages equal to the value, inmicroseconds, in T_TstSrcInterMessageGap. The gap delay is measured from T_CO_DATA.cnf_L to thenext T_CO_DATA.req. Figure 87 shows an example in which TstSrc is configured to transmit two Messageswith Inter-message gap enabled.

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Figure 87 Inter-message Gap Example

L4_TstSrc T_CO_TF_Dispatcher_Tx L4_CPort_txL4_Tx_Multiplexer










MSC InterMessageGap_Example












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2833 TstSrc shall only insert the gap delay between two Messages. As a result, TstSrc does not precede the firstMessage with a gap delay and does not succeed the last Message with a gap delay.

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niPro Summary of the General Test Feature and TstSrc Attributes

2834 At reset, a settable Attribute shall be reset to its corresponding static value, if one exists, or to its Reset Value otherwise. See Section 9 for more details.

Table 103 TstSrc (settable, gettable) Attributes

Attribute Attribute ID Description Type Units

Valid Attribute Value(s)

Mandatory Value(s)

Reset Value

T_TstSrcOn 0x4081 Message generation state Boolean FALSE=0, TRUE=1 FALSE=0 FALSE

T_TstSrcPattern 0x4082 Pattern used for Message generation Enum Sawtooth=0 Sawtooth

T_TstSrcIncrement 0x4083 The increment value between two consecutive bytes Integer 0 to 255 1

T_TstSrcMessageSize 0x4084 The size of each generated Message Integer Byte 1 to 65535 256

T_TstSrcMessageCount 0x4085The number of Messages generated (Non-zero: finite Message stream, zero: infinite Message stream).

Integer Message 0 to 65535 256

T_TstSrcInterMessageGap 0x4086

If non-zero, the gap time between two Messages.The actual duration of the timeout period shall be the value set in the Attribute ±10%.

Integer µs 0 to 65535 0

Table 104 General Test Feature (settable, gettable) Attributes

Attribute Attribute ID Description Type Units

Valid Attribute Value(s)

Mandatory Value(s)

Reset Value

T_TstCPortID 0x4080 The ID of the CPort-under-test Integer 0 to T_MaxCPortID Any

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8.15.4 Traffic Analyzer (TstDst)

2835 TstDst acts as a consumer and analyzer of the incoming T_SDUs. TstDst sits on top of the T_Core as shownin Figure 86. The analysis capability of TstDst is configurable and can be enabled and disabled as desired (seeSection Activation

2836 TstDst shall be activated to start consuming the Messages from the associated CPort via an Attribute calledT_TstDstOn. If T_TstDstOn is set to FALSE, then TstDst shall be deactivated and does not consume anyMessages. If T_TstDstOn is TRUE, TstDst is active and shall consume Messages.

2837 TstDstOn shall automatically deactivate itself if any of the following conditions occur:

2838 • T_TstDstOn is set to FALSE.2839 • A first error is discovered in the incoming Message stream. End-to-End Flow Control

2840 TstDst, as long as it is on, shall use the Flow Control primitives to allow the associated CPort to track the localavailable buffer space. Three Attributes are available for controlling the flow control Service Primitives.

2841 The first Attribute is called T_TstDstFCCredits. It indicates the maximum number of credits that shall bepassed by TstDst to the T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req Service Primitive. The number of credits that theTstDst sends shall be less than or equal to the amount of received data. This means that the TstDst emulatesnormal application behavior. If TstDst does not receive any incoming data, then it does not request aT_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req Service Primitive.

2842 TstDst tracks the amount of received data and generates an equal amount of end-to-end credits back. Initially,the TstDst end-to-end credits shall be set to 0. When data is received, the amount of data in bytes shall beadded to the TstDst end-to-end credits. When T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req is issued, its Credits parametervalue shall be subtracted from the TstDst end-to-end credits.

2843 The second Attribute, called T_TstDstInterFCTokenGap defines the period in microseconds at which theT_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req Service Primitive may be issued. The T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req ServicePrimitive shall be issued only when TstDst end-to-end credits are available. The Credits parameter of theissued T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req Service Primitive shall be equal to the lesser of T_TstDstFCCredits andthe available TstDst end-to-end credits.

2844 The third Attribute is called T_TstDstInitialFCCredits. It indicates the number of credits that shall be passedby the TstDst to T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req Service Primitive immediately after enabling the TstDst. ThisAttribute is intended to ensure that the associated CPort tracks the local available buffer space after reset inthe test mode which can be used either for issuing End-to-End Flow Control (E2EFC) tokens or ControlledSegment Dropping (CSD).

2845 An example which illustrates the E2EFC behavior within TstDst is shown in Figure 88.

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Figure 88 E2EFC Behavior in TstDst Example
































MSC TstDst_E2EFC_Example


(T_TstDstFCCredits = 480, T_TstCPortID = 1 )


(T_TstDstInitialFCCredits = 992, T_TstCPortID = 1 )


(T_TstDstInitialFCCredits = 992, T_TstCPortID = 1 )


(T_TstDstFCCredits = 512, T_TstCPortID = 1 )


( T_TstDstFCCredits = 480, SUCCESS)


( T_TstDstFCCredits = 480, SUCCESS,

T_TstCPortID = 1 )


( T_TstDstFCCredits = 480, SUCCESS,

T_TstCPortID = 1 )


(T_TstDstFCCredits = 480, T_TstCPortID = 1 )


( T_TstDstFCCredits = 512, SUCCESS,

T_TstCPortID = 1 )


( T_TstDstFCCredits = 512, SUCCESS)


( T_TstDstInitialFCCredits = 992, SUCCESS)


( T_TstDstFCCredits = 512, SUCCESS,

T_TstCPortID = 1 )


(T_TstDstInitialFCCredits = 992 )



(T_TstDstFCCredits = 512, T_TstCPortID = 1 )


( MessageSize = 1000 )


TFmap ( T_TstCPortID )


( MessageSize = 1000 )


(T_TstDstFCCredits = 480 )


(T_TstDstFCCredits = 512 )

( MessageSize = 1000 )

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2846 When TstDst is on, it shall increment T_TstDstMessageCount every time T_CO_DATA.ind is called with theEOM flag set to TRUE, regardless of the correctness of the Message. When T_CO_DATA.ind is called withthe EOM flag set to FALSE, T_TstDstMessageCount shall not be changed.

2847 The TstDst shall never automatically clear T_TstDstMessageCount. It is the responsibility of the Tester to setthe T_TstDstMessageCount to a known value before TstDst is turned on. Message Analysis

2848 Message analysis functionality is configurable and is controlled via the five AttributesT_TstDstErrorDetectionEnable, TstDstPattern, T_TstDstMessageSize, T_TstDstIncrement andT_TstDstMessageOffset.

2849 If T_TstDstErrorDetectionEnable is TRUE, TstDst shall check the size and payload of the incomingMessages based on T_TstDstIncrement and T_TstDstMessageSize. Otherwise, TstDst shall accept incomingMessages without generating any error Messages.

2850 T_TstDstPattern indicates the expected pattern for the incoming Messages.

2851 T_TstDstMessageSize specifies the expected Message size for the incoming Messages. If there is a mismatchbetween the incoming Message size and the value of this Attribute and T_TstDstErrorDetectionEnable is setto TRUE, then TstDst shall consider this an error, overwrite the Attribute value with the incoming Messagelength and follow the error handling procedure explained in Section

2852 In the case of the sawtooth pattern, T_TstDstIncrement represents the expected increment between twoconsecutive bytes in the incoming Messages. If there is a mismatch between the actual increment betweenconsecutive bytes and the value of this Attribute and T_TstDstErrorDetectionEnable is set to TRUE, thenTstDst shall consider this an error, overwrite the Attribute value with the byte which has the incorrectincrement, and follow the error handling procedure explained in Section

2853 In the case of the sawtooth pattern, T_TstDstMessageOffset represents the index, starting from 1, of the bytewhich has the incorrect increment. This Attribute shall be reset to zero after analyzing every incomingMessage and finding no errors within it. If an error is found, then the index of the byte carrying the incorrectincrement shall overwrite the Attribute. Error Handling Procedure

2854 There are three sources of errors at TstDst as listed in Table 105.

2855 When the TstDst detects any of the errors shown in Table 105, it shall perform the following actions in thegiven order:

Table 105 Possible Errors at TstDst

Error Error Code Description

FRAGMENT_CORRUPT 1 The incoming Message Fragment is labeled as “CORRUPT” by T_CO_DATA.ind.

INVALID_MSG_SIZE 2 Mismatch between the incoming Message length and T_TstDstMessageSize.

UNEXPECTED_BYTE_VALUE 3In case of the Sawtooth pattern, this error code indicates a mismatch in the increment between the consecutive bytes in the incoming Message and T_TstDstIncrement.

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2856 • The TstDst de-activates itself by setting T_TstDstOn to FALSE.2857 • T_TstDstErrorDetectionEnable is set to FALSE, i.e. Message analyzing is disabled.2858 • The TstDst sets the T_TstDstErrorCode with the error code that generated the error.

2859 T_TstDstMessageCount shall reflect the index of the faulty Message within the Message stream sinceT_TstDstMessageCount is incremented on every incoming Message with, or without, error.

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niPro Summary of TstDst Attributes

2860 At reset, a settable Attribute shall be reset to its corresponding static Attribute, if one exists, and to the Reset Value otherwise. See Section 9 for moredetails.

Table 106 TstDst (settable, gettable) Attributes

Attribute Attribute ID Description Type Unit Valid Attribute


Value(s) Reset Value

T_TstDstOn 0x40A1 The state of TstDst Boolean FALSE=0, TRUE=1 FALSE=0 FALSE

T_TstDstErrorDetectionEnable 0x40A2 Enable analyzing incoming Messages Boolean FALSE=0, TRUE=1 FALSE

T_TstDstPattern 0x40A3 The expected pattern in the incoming Messages

Enumera-tion Sawtooth=0 Sawtooth

T_TstDstIncrement 0x40A4 The expected increment value between two consecutive bytes Integer 0 to 255 1

T_TstDstMessageCount 0x40A5 Number of received Messages Integer Message 0 to 65535 0

T_TstDstMessageOffset 0x40A6 Offset of error from start of Message Integer Byte 0 to 65535 0

T_TstDstMessageSize 0x40A7 The expected size of incoming Message Integer Byte 0 to 65535 256

T_TstDstFCCredits 0x40A8 The amount of credits passed to the flow control Service Primitive Integer Byte 1 to T_MaxE2EFCCredits 256

T_TstDstInterFCTokenGap 0x40A9

The interval in microseconds for which requesting T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req is skipped.The actual duration of the timeout period shall be the value set in the Attribute ±10%.

Integer µs 0 to 65535 0

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T_TstDstInitialFCCredits 0x40AA

The initial number of credits passed by the TstDst to T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req after enabling the TstDst

Integer Byte 1 to T_MaxE2EFCCredits 256

T_TstDstErrorCode 0x40AB Error code that generated the TstDst disconnection





Table 106 TstDst (settable, gettable) Attributes (continued)

Attribute Attribute ID Description Type Unit Valid Attribute


Value(s) Reset Value

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8.16 Transport Layer and Network Layer Interaction

2861 The generation of a T_CO_DATA.req results in the generation of one or multiple Network Layer-specificN_DATA_SHDR.req Service Primitives by the Transport Layer, in case:

2862 • The Segment processing for transmission has been performed successfully2863 • The Service Primitives are called correctly, i.e. the parameters are in the defined valid range

2864 The receipt of one or multiple Network Layer-specific N_DATA_SHDR.ind Service Primitives associatedwith delivery of a data unit causes the Transport Layer to generate a T_CO_DATA.ind, in case:

2865 • The Segment processing for reception has been performed successfully (even with a potentiallyincomplete Message)

2866 The Message Sequence Chart in Figure 89 illustrates a possible interaction scenario between a TransportLayer and a Network Layer. For simplicity, certain parameters, e.g. DestDeviceID_Enc), are left out. Whenappropriate, settings of header fields are embedded for a better understanding.

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Figure 89 MSC of Network Layer and Transport Layer Interaction

TS Provider A NS Provider A

CONNECTED, T_E2EFCEnabled=TRUE,T_[Rx/Tx]TokenValue = 256



FCT Received


TS Provider B



NS Provider B

IDLE IDLE CONNECTED, T_E2EFCEnabled=TRUE,T_[Rx/Tx]TokenValue = 256









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8.17 Management Information Base and Protocol Constants

2867 Table 107 and Table 109 show the Transport Layer Attributes.

2868 Table 108 lists the Protocol Constants used within the protocol specification and within the Configurationand Capability Attributes.

2869 All Transport Layer Attributes should be readable.

2870 At reset, a settable Attribute shall be reset to its corresponding static Attribute, if one exists, and to the ResetValue otherwise. See Section 9 for more details.

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Table 107 Transport Layer (gettable, settable) Attributes

Attribute Attribute ID Description Type Units

Valid Attribute Value(s)

Mandatory Value(s) Reset Value

Needed per CPort (Connection Parameters)

T_PeerDeviceID 0x4021DeviceID of the peer CPort, which is used to compute the DestDeviceID_Enc field in the Network Layer Header.

Integer 0 to N_MaxDeviceID Any

T_PeerCPortID 0x4022

CPortID of the peer CPort, which is used to compute the DestCPortID_Enc of the Transport Layer and the DestDeviceID_Enc field in the Network Layer Header.

Integer 0 to T_MaxCPortID Any

T_ConnectionState 0x4020

State of the Connection. When set to IDLE, it allows CPort Attributes to be set. When set to CONNECTED, the connection is active, and CPort Attributes cannot be changed.


T_TrafficClass 0x4023Traffic Class of current Connection, which determines the value of the TC field in the Data Link Layer Header.

Integer 0, 1Supported

Traffic Class(es)


T_ProtocolID1 0x4024 ProtocolID value of the current Connection Integer 0 to 65535 0

T_CPortFlags 0x4025

CPort control register: b0: End-to-End Flow Control (E2EFC) b1: Controlled Segment Dropping (CSD_n) b2: CPort Safety Valve (CSV_n)

3-bit word All 1 1

T_TxTokenValue 0x4026 Value of a E2E FC Token transmitted Integer Bytes 2n, n=5 to 24 25

T_RxTokenValue 0x4027 Value of a E2E FC Token received Integer Bytes 2n, n=5 to 24 25

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T_LocalBufferSpace2 0x4028 Amount of local buffer space as tracked by the local CPort Integer Bytes 0 to T_MaxE2EFCCredits 0

T_PeerBufferSpace2 0x4029 Conservative value of the amount of buffer space at the peer CPort Integer Bytes 0 to T_MaxE2EFCCredits 0

T_CreditsToSend2 0x402AAmount of space in the local buffer that has not been communicated to the remote destination port yet

Integer Bytes 0 to T_MaxE2EFCCredits 0

T_CPortMode 0x402B

CPort Mode. When set to CPORT_APPLICATION, the CPort is used by the application. When set to CPORT_UNDER_TEST, the CPort is used by the Transport Layer Test Feature.



1. Reserved for future use.

2. The value of this Attribute is dynamic.

Table 108 Transport Layer Protocol Constants

Attribute Description Type Units Value

T_MaxSegmentSize Maximum Segment Size (T_PDU size) Integer Byte T_MTU + T_MaxHdrSize

T_MaxHdrSize Maximum L4 header size Integer Byte 1

T_MTU Transport Layer Maximum Transfer Unit Integer Byte 272

T_MaxCPortID Maximum value of CPortID Integer 2047

T_MaxE2EFCCredits Maximum number of E2E FC credits Integer Byte 232 – 1

Table 107 Transport Layer (gettable, settable) Attributes (continued)

Attribute Attribute ID Description Type Units

Valid Attribute Value(s)

Mandatory Value(s) Reset Value

Needed per CPort (Connection Parameters)

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Table 109 Transport Layer (gettable, static) Attributes

Attribute Attribute ID Description Type Unit Valid Attribute


T_NumCPorts 0x4000 Number of available CPorts Integer CPorts 1 to T_MaxCPortID


1. The starting value depends on T_NumCPorts (see Table 102).

0x4001 Number of available Test Feature instances Integer Test Features 1 or 2 to T_NumCPorts


2. The value of the capability Attribute T_TC0TxMaxSDUSize should not exceed (N_TC0TxMaxSDUSize – T_MaxHdrSize).

0x4060 Maximum transmit payload (SDU) size per Segment for TC0 Integer Byte 1 to T_MTU


3. The value of the capability Attribute T_TC1TxMaxSDUSize should not exceed (N_TC1TxMaxSDUSize – T_MaxHdrSize).

0x4061 Maximum transmit payload (SDU) size per Segment for TC1 Integer Byte 1 to T_MTU

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9 Device Management Entity (DME)2871 This section defines the services provided by the DME. It aims to provide as much implementation flexibility

as possible given the restrictions needed to achieve a high degree of interoperability.

2872 The DME is the Service Provider with respect to Control (see Section 9.1) and Configuration (seeSection 9.2) services described below. In turn, in order to fulfill the service provision, the DME assumescertain services from the Transport, Network, Data Link and PHY Adapter Layers. The DME service usagein relation to these layer services is explained in more detail in this section.

2873 Figure 90 shows the SAP model used for the Device Management Entity.

Figure 90 Device Management Entity SAP Model

2874 The functionality of the DME can be divided into two entities, Control and Configuration.

Network Layer (L3)

Data Link Layer (L2)

PHY Adapter Layer (L1.5)

Application Layer (LA)

Transport Layer (L4)



















ent E




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9.1 DME Control

2875 The DME Control entity is responsible for power-on, power-off and reset for the entire UniPro stack. Inaddition, it manages the Link Startup Sequence, power mode changes, EndPointReset and the hibernate entryand exit sequences for the lower UniPro stack layers.

9.2 DME Configuration

2876 The DME Configuration entity routes Get and Set requests to the appropriate layer.

9.2.1 Attributes

2877 The DME Configuration uses Attributes to access configurable parameters in various UniPro protocol layers.Figure 91 provides the format of the Attribute address. The Attribute address is a 16-bit AttributeID that hastwo sub-fields, a 3-bit layer identifier (see Table 110) and a 12-bit layer-specific AttributeID. When Bit 15 ofthe AttributeID is set to zero, the layer-specific AttributeID is defined in the relevant section of theappropriate specification, either this document or [MIPI05]. When bit 15 is set to one, the layer-specificAttributeID is implementation-specific.

Figure 91 Attribute Address Format

9.2.2 Attribute Routing

2878 The DME Configuration entity shall route requests based on the AttributeID to UniPro stack layers as shownin Table 110. If the destination layer does not have an Attribute corresponding to AttributeID, it shall respondwith the INVALID_MIB_ATTRIBUTE error code (ConfigResultCode, see Table 113).

9.3 DME Service Functionality and Features

2879 Three types of reset are defined in this section, UniPro Cold Reset, UniPro Warm Reset and EndPointReset.The provision of these resets is mandatory for a UniPro implementation.

Table 110 DME Attributes Routing Rules

Destination Layer LayerID (Bits 14:12) DME Action

PHY (L1) 000 Route to PHY via PA (L1.5)

PA (L1.5) 001 Route to PA (L1.5)

DL (L2) 010 Route to DL (L2)

N (L3) 011 Route to N (L3)

T (L4) 100 Route to T (L4)

DME 101 Access local DME Attributes

110 and 111 DME shall respond with INVALID_MIB_ATTRIBUTE


Attribute ID




AtrributeID (layer)LayerID0

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2880 Cold Reset and Warm Reset affect the entire UniPro stack, Transport Layer (L4) through PHY Adapter Layer(L1.5), and the respective Attributes, on the local side of a Link. The difference between Warm Reset andCold Reset is that Cold Reset clears statistics, while Warm Reset does not.

2881 EndPointReset is a method to trigger a reset of the remote Application over the Link. The effect of theEndPointReset trigger on the Application, if any, is endpoint-specific and out of scope for this document.

2882 The different types of reset are summarized in Table 111.

2883 At the end of a UniPro Cold Reset or UniPro Warm Reset procedure, the UniPro Link is disabled and it caneither be instructed to enter the Off State (DME_POWEROFF.req), or a Boot process shall be initiated(DME_ENABLE.req). For further information see Figure 98 and Section 9.11.2.

2884 The three types of reset are described in Section 9.3.1, Section 9.3.2 and Section 9.3.3. The assumed featuresof other layers are defined in Section 9.7.

9.3.1 UniPro Cold Reset

2885 UniPro Cold Reset is the fundamental UniPro reset. It shall be triggered by any power-on reset (POR) event,or by the local Endpoint Application. It cannot be directly triggered by a Link Startup sequence.

2886 The Cold Reset shall return all layers to their initial condition. All protocol state machines, timers, allAttributes including statistics, error counters and error flags shall be reset to their reset states and all databuffers shall be cleared.

2887 When the DME receives a DME_RESET.req from the DME User it shall reset the entire UniPro stack usingthe <layer-identifier>_LM_RESET.req primitives. The DME shall address the layers in bottom up order(L1.5 to L4). At the end of the Reset procedure the Link reaches the Disabled state. In the Disabled state theDME User can invoke the Boot procedure using the DME_ENABLE.req primitive (see Section 9.11.2), ormove to the Off State using the DME_POWEROFF.req primitive.

2888 The Cold Reset is not intended to reset the local Application.

9.3.2 UniPro Warm Reset

2889 UniPro Warm Reset has a very similar effect as the Cold Reset, but shall not be triggered by a POR event. AUniPro Warm Reset may be triggered by the local Endpoint Application when an unrecoverable UniPro stackfailure was detected. It may also be triggered by the DME User on reception of a DME_LINKLOST.ind,indicating that the peer Device has undergone a reset and has initiated the Link Startup sequence (seeSection

Table 111 Reset Scope and Triggers

Reset Scope

Local Trigger

Remote Trigger

Results in Boot


UniPro Stack,

including Attributes

UniPro Statistics

Endpoint Applicatio


UniPro Cold Reset YES YES NO POR,Application – YES

UniPro Warm Reset YES NO NO Application – YES

EndPointReset NO NO YES – TRG_EPR NO

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2890 The Warm Reset shall return all layers to their initial condition. All protocol state machines, timers, andAttributes shall be reset to their reset states and all data buffers shall be cleared. The difference from ColdReset is that status fields including statistics, error counters and error flags shall not be cleared.

2891 The Warm Reset is not intended to reset the local Application.

9.3.3 EndPointReset

2892 The EndPointReset is a means for the local Application to request the remote Endpoint Application to resetitself. It is essentially a remote trigger event (TRG_EPR) transferred across a UniPro Link. Sending thistrigger event may be requested by the local Endpoint Application using the DME_ENDPOINTRESET.reqprimitive.

2893 The remote UniPort shall indicate the reception of this trigger event to its Endpoint Application. Theresulting action performed by the remote Endpoint Application is optional. It may reset itself or may refuse toreact to the trigger. If the Endpoint Application resets itself, it shall also apply a Warm Reset to its UniPort. Ifthis action is not performed, the EndPointReset has no further effect on the UniPro stack.

2894 The PA Layer shall send the ‘TRG_EPR’ over logical PHY Data Lane #0. The mapping of ‘TRG_EPR’ to thePHY is defined in the PHY-specific sections, Section 5.7.8 and Section 5.8.6. ‘TRG_EPR’ shall be sent onlyduring SlowAuto_Mode. Therefore, an Endpoint Application that sends the EndPointReset trigger to theremote side shall ensure the UniPro stack is in the SlowAuto_Mode before the trigger is sent.

9.4 Initializing UniPro Attributes after Reset

2895 All UniPro Attributes shall reset to a default value specified in the MIB Attribute tables of each layer section(L1.5 to L4 and the DME). Some UniPro Attributes can load a persistent value instead. Persistent values maybe stored and provisioned in a form of NVM/eFuse storage. Attributes that can load a persistent value aredescribed in each Attribute section of the relevant layer section.

2896 An Application may update or override the default or persistent value on-demand. The default retentionpolicy (required for Hibernate) for each Attribute in a UniPro layer is determined by the Application.However, UniPro shall mandate a subset of Attributes to be retained. The retention polices for theseAttributes are described in each Attribute section of the relevant layer section.

9.5 Hibernate (M-PHY only)

2897 Hibernate is a UniPro state.The procedures for entering and exiting hibernate are only defined for M-PHY.

2898 Hibernate is a UniPro state in which the PHY is in the HIBERNATE_STATE, and the UniPro stack keepsonly a minimal set of features active. The UniPro stack retains a minimal state as defined by each stack layer.During hibernation, the UniPro stack is not available to carry Application-level data transfer/communication,and the primitives of the Application-level interface, T_CO_SAP, have undefined behavior. Duringhibernation, the DME continues to be available for the DME User.

2899 Figure 92 describes Link hibernation where one Device, typically a Host Device, initiates Link hibernationwith a remote Device.

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Figure 92 Hibernating a Peer-to-Peer Link

2900 The following sections describe the hibernate entry and exit flow.

9.5.1 Entering Hibernate

2901 Figure 93 shows a high level MSC flow for entering hibernate. A detailed flow showing SAP primitives isdescribed in the following sections. The color coding in Figure 93 divides the hibernate entry flow down intosteps that require exchanging data at the Application Layer, PA Layer and DME.

2902 The Hibernate Entry Flow is explained in two key phases:

2903 • Phase 1, which describes the entry flow up until the Application is ready to start the enter hibernationprocedure.

2904 • Phase 2, which describes the entry flow after the Application has instructed the UniPro stack to enterhibernation.

Figure 93 Hibernate High Level Entry Flow Hibernate Entry Phase 1 Flow for Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Devices

2905 Figure 94 depicts the Hibernate Entry Phase 1 MSC flow for peer Devices. As described in the hibernateoverview section, the Application shall exchange pre-conditions for hibernate entry at the Application levelbefore a UniPro stack can enter hibernate. Annex G, provides an informative description of recommended

Device A(Local/Host)

Device B(Remote)

UniPort Peer-to-Peer Link

Control Arrow Indicating Initiator of Hibernate / Un-hibernate

App (Local) DME UniPro (L1.5 – L4) UniPro (L1.5-L4) DME App. (Remote)

Application Layer exchanges messages to prepare for link hibernation

PACP_PWR to Hibernate

Hibernate L4

Hibernate L3

Hibernate L2

Application level exchange PA level exchange (PACP) DME->L2,L3,L4 exchange

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pre-conditions that should be exchanged by an Application. These recommended pre-conditions guaranteethat there is no outstanding data in the UniPro stack. Once the Application level pre-conditions successfullycomplete, the Application is ready to hibernate the UniPro stack.

Figure 94 Hibernate Entry Flow Phase 1 Hibernate Entry Phase 2 Flow

2906 Figure 95 depicts the Hibernate Entry Phase 2 flow in UniPro. Once the Application level pre-condition iscompleted, the Application shall initiate phase 2 sending a DME_HIBERNATE_ENTER.req to the DME.The DME in turn initiates UniPro stack hibernate by sending PA_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.req SAPprimitive to the local PA Layer. The local PA Layer receives this request and places the M-PHY Link intohibernate using the PACP protocol (detailed description of PACP protocol can be found in Section 5.8.7).

2907 Once the PA Layer has successfully hibernated the M-PHY Link, subsequent layers of the local or remoteUniPro stack (L4 to L2) are hibernated by the DME by sending an xx_LM_HIBERNATE_ENTER.req SAPprimitive to the respective layer.

App (Local) DME UniPro L4 UniPro L4 DME App. (Remote)

Application prepares link for hibernate at application level

App. reads versioning info. for link

Application level exchange

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Figure 95 Hibernate Entry Flow Phase 2

9.5.2 Exiting Hibernate (Un-hibernate)

2908 Figure 96 shows the hibernate exit flow. The Application shall be responsible for un-hibernating a UniProLink.

2909 The Application shall initiate hibernate exit by sending DME_HIBERNATE_EXIT.req to the DME. TheDME in turn initiates UniPro stack un-hibernate by sending PA_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.req SAP primitiveto the local PA Layer. The local PA Layer receives this request and un-hibernates the M-PHY Link using thePACP protocol (detailed description of PACP protocol can be found in section 5).

2910 Once the PA Layer has successfully un-hibernated the M-PHY Link, subsequent layers of the local andr e m o t e U n i P r o s t a c k ( L 4 t o L 2 ) a r e u n - h i b e r n a t ed b y t h e D ME b y s e n d i n g a nxx_LM_HIBERNATE_EXIT.req primitive to the respective layers.

App (Local) DME UniPro (L1.5-L4) UniPro (L1.5-L4) DME App. (Remote)


PACP_PWR to Hibernate




















PA level exchange (PACP) DME->L2,L3,L4 exchange

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Figure 96 Hibernate Exit Flow

9.5.3 Failing to Enter or Exit Hibernate

2911 The DME sends confirmation of a hibernate or un-hibernate request to the Application. The Application isresponsible for handling failures to hibernate or un-hibernate the Link. Upon failure, the Application shouldretry the request, or retry the request then perform a Link initialization. The Application can also onlyperform a Link initialization. In all cases, the DME should report persistent failure to the Application.

9.6 DME Power Mode Change

2912 The power mode change from the local PA Layer’s perspective is depicted in Figure 43. Detailed descriptionis specified in Section 5.8.12. The power mode change from the DME perspective is provided in Figure 97.

App (Local) DME UniPro (L1.5-L4) UniPro (L1.5-L4) DME App. (Remote)


PA returns to prev. power stateM-PHY signaling




















PA level exchange (PACP)

UniPro Application Layer exchanges messages to un-hibernate link

DME->L2,L3,L4 exchangeApplication level exchange

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Figure 97 Power Mode Change (DME Perspective)

2913 The power mode change in the DME level may be split into the following three distinctive phases:

2914 • Issue a request to the local PA Layer2915 • Update the local L2 timer values2916 • Wait until the request (to the local PA Layer) has been completed

2917 Note:2918 The first phase is skipped when the request is made by the peer DME. The second phase is missing

if the power mode change request fails.

2919 The local PA Layer provides a method to transmit data between two peer DME entities. The local data is sentto the peer DME and the peer DME’s response is reported back. The payload is twenty-four bytes of data (seeTable 8) to fit all L2 timer values for all TCs.

9.6.1 Issuing the Request

2920 The power mode configuration shall be given to the local PA Layer via LM SAP. All power mode relatedAttributes shall be set before activating the power mode change request, which is done by settingPA_PWRMode.

2921 The procedure in brief:

2922 • Set the parameter values of the PA Layer Attributes using the PA_LM_SET.req primitive as follows:2923 • for TX: PA_ActiveTxDataLanes, PA_TxGear, and PA_TxTermination2924 • for RX: PA_ActiveRxDataLanes, PA_RxGear, and PA_RxTermination2925 • PA_HSSeries2926 • If the return value of any PA_LM_SET.cnf_L primitive was not SUCCESS, the request has failed, e.g.

due to capability mismatch2927 • Set the PA_PWRMode using the PA_LM_SET.req primitive2928 • If the return values is SUCCESS, then the local PA Layer has accepted the request2929 • Wait for the PA_LM_PWR_MODE_CHANGED.ind primitive (see Section

Write PA_PWRModeUserData 0 to 11














Write timers in DL

PA (L1.5)

Last cnf_L Primitive

Last cnf_L Primitive

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9.6.2 Updating L2 Timer Values

2930 The local PA Layer is informed with the PA_LM_PWR_MODE.ind primitive when the timer values in the L2Layer can be updated. At that point, the L2 timers are stopped due to a request by the local PA Layer.

2931 There are two parameters in the PA_LM_PWR_MODE.ind primitive, PAResult andPA_PWRModeUserData. Two scenarios are defined by the value of PAResult:

2932 • PAResult is set to TRUE. This indicated that the power mode change request was created by the localDME. In this case the second parameter is discarded, and the LocalL2TimerData parameter of theDME_POWERMODE.req primitive shall be used to program the L2 timers.

2933 • PAResult is set to FALSE. This indicates that the power mode change request was created by a remoteDME. In this case the second parameter, PAPowerModeUserData, contains the content of the remoteDME’s PA_PWRModeUserData Attribute and shall be used to program the L2 timers.

2934 The DME shall update the local L2 timer values using the DL_LM_SET.req primitives.

2935 When the DME has finished updating the local L2 timer values, it informs the local PA Layer to resume usingthe PA_LM_PWR_MODE.rsp_L primitive. This primitive contains a parameter, which carries thePWRModeUserData informat ion to the peer DME. In the current vers ion of UniPro, thePAPowerModeUserData parameter in the PA_LM_PWR_MODE.rsp_L primitive shall be set to the reservedvalue.

2936 The local PA Layer informs the local L2 layer internally when the L2 timers can be re-started.

9.6.3 Completion

2937 If the power mode change request was accepted, the DME shall wait until the local PA Layer returns with thePA_LM_PWR_MODE_CHANGED.ind primitive. When the peer DME initiates the request, the local DMEshall receive the primitive even though it did not issue the power mode change request.

2938 The PA_LM_PWR_MODE_CHANGED.ind primitive has a parameter indicating the result of the powermode change operation. Parameter values are defined in Table 9.

9.7 Features Assumed from Other Layers

2939 The DME is associated with:

2940 • the local Transport layer via the layer’s T_LM_SAP as defined in Section 8.92941 • the local Network layer via the layer’s N_LM_SAP as defined in Section 7.72942 • the local Data Link layer via the layer’s DL_LM_SAP as defined in Section 6.42943 • the local PHY Adapter layer via the layer’s PA_LM_SAP as defined in Section 5.4

2944 The DME requires each associated layer to support the following features:


2946 The DME further requires the PHY Adapter layer to support the following features:

2947 • Methods to send and receive the Link Startup sequence2948 • Methods to send and receive the EndPointReset trigger


2949 The primitives on this Service Access Point are intended to be used by an Application Layer, that is, acomponent that is higher in the reset hierarchy than the UniPro stack.

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9.8.1 Configuration Primitives

2950 The configuration primitives, GET and SET, of the DME provides the means to retrieve and store values,respectively, for the configuration Attributes found in the UniPro stack and in the underlying PHY Layer.

2951 The DME shall have remote access to Attributes of the peer Device on the UniPro Link via the local PALayer.

2952 Even if the capability to request the access to remote Attributes is optional for a single Device, at least oneDevice on each UniPro Link, usually the Host, needs this capability. Hence, a Host shall support theDME_PEER_GET.xxx and the DME_PEER_SET.xxx primitives. These primitives are optional for aPeripheral. Both Host and Peripheral shall support DME_GET.xxx and DME_SET.xxx. primitives.

Table 112 DME_SAP Configuration Primitives

Name Request Indication Local Response Response Local

Confirm Confirm





Table 113 DME_SAP Configuration Primitive Parameters

Name Type Valid Range Value Description

AttrSetType Enum

NORMAL 0 Select whether an Attribute value is set in runtime (Normal) or the Attribute’s non-volatile (Static) value is overwritten


MIBattribute Integer 0x0000 to 0x7FFF The address of the MIBattribute

GenSelectorIndex Integer

0 to 2*PA_MaxDataLanes – 1, for M-PHY0 to T_NumCPorts – 1, for CPort0 to T_NumTestFeatures – 1, for Test Feature

Indicates the targeted M-PHY data lane or CPort or Test Feature when relevant

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2953 Table 114 provides further explanation to the various Return Codes.

ConfigResultCode Enum


Indicates the result of the request (see further explanation in Table 114).











MIBvalue Vari-able

The value of the MIBAttribute. The MIB value size cannot exceed thirty-two bits

Table 114 ConfigResultCode Values

ConfigResultCode Condition

SUCCESSThe request succeeds, i.e. the value or the reset value of the Attribute indicated by MIBattribute and SelectorIndex is set to the value of MIBvalue.


The MIBattribute value is invalid, or otherwisethe Attribute indicated by MIBattribute and SelectorIndex is not implemented, or otherwiseIf AttrSetType is STATIC, the Attribute indicated by MIBattribute and SelectorIndex does not support setting its reset value.


The Attribute indicated by MIBattribute and SelectorIndex exists and is settable (AttrSetType = NORMAL) or allows its reset value to be set (AttrSetType = STATIC), but the value of MIBvalue is outside of the implemented range, or outside of the valid value range, for the Attribute.

READ_ONLY_MIB_ATTRIBUTEThe Attribute indicated by MIBattribute and SelectorIndex exists, but is not settable. This ConfigResultCode value shall only be used if AttrSetType is NORMAL.


BAD_INDEX The CPort indicated by T_LM_SET.req SelectorIndex is outside of the range of available CPorts.

Table 113 DME_SAP Configuration Primitive Parameters (continued)

Name Type Valid Range Value Description

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2954 The DME shall use a request/confirmation handshake for the GET and SET primitives. The DME User shallnot issue a new request primitive before the previous one has terminated. Only the UniPro stack may delay aprimitive processing and cause a BUSY condition. DME_GET.req

2955 This primitive shall be used to request information from a specific Attribute identified by MIBattribute and, ifrelevant, the GenSelectorIndex. The GenSelectorIndex shall be interpreted either as a data PHY Lane indexor CPort index or Test Feature index depending on the Attribute. For Attributes not associated with aGenSelectorIndex, the GenSelectorIndex shall be ignored.

2956 The semantics of this primitive are:

2957 DME_GET.req( MIBattribute, GenSelectorIndex )

2958 When Generated

2959 This primitive is generated by the DME User to obtain information from a local Attribute of the UniPro stack.

2960 Effect on Receipt

2961 The DME determines which layer should be accessed and forwards the GET request to that layer. Addressingis done based on the MIBattribute and the GenSelectorIndex if relevant.

2962 Behavioral Description

2963 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 422 of [MIPI02]. DME_GET.cnf_L

2964 This primitive reports the results of a GET request.

2965 The semantics of this primitive are:

2966 DME_GET.cnf_L( ConfigResultCode, MIBvalue )


The Attribute indicated by MIBattribute and SelectorIndex exists and is settable, but it belongs to a CPort that is in the CONNECTED state. This ConfigResultCode value shall only be used if AttrSetType is NORMAL.

BAD_TEST_FEATURE_INDEX The value of T_LM_GET.req SelectorIndex is greater than, or equal to, T_NumTestFeatures.

PEER_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE PACP remote configuration protocol has encountered error.

BUSY Previous operation related to setting Attribute has not been completed, i.e. setting power mode or remote Attribute access.

DME_FAILUREThis value shall be used if the DME fails to perform a GET or SET operation because the layer being addressed by the DME is in an inaccessible state.

Table 114 ConfigResultCode Values (continued)

ConfigResultCode Condition

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2967 When Generated

2968 This primitive is generated by the DME in response of the DME_GET.req primitive when the GET request iscompleted. If the ConfigResultCode is not SUCCESS, the MIBvalue shall be ignored, otherwise MIBvaluehold the value of the requested Attribute.

2969 The ConfigResultCode field includes a result code from the layer that was previously addressed using theDME_GET.req primitive (see Section 9.2.2).

2970 Effect on Receipt

2971 The DME User may generate a new DME_GET.req or DME_SET.req primitive.

2972 Behavioral Description

2973 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 422 of [MIPI02]. DME_SET.req

2974 This primitive shall be used to set the value of a specific Attribute identified by MIBattribute and, if relevant,the GenSelectorIndex. The GenSelectorIndex shall be interpreted either as a data PHY Lane index or CPortindex or Test Feature index depending of the Attribute. For Attributes not associated with aGenSelectorIndex, the GenSelectorIndex shall be ignored.

2975 The semantics of this primitive are:

2976 DME_SET.req( AttrSetType, MIBattribute, MIBvalue, GenSelectorIndex )

2977 When Generated

2978 This primitive is generated by the DME User to set the value of a local Attribute of the UniPro stack orunderlying PHY.

2979 Effect on Receipt

2980 The DME determines which layer should be accessed and forwards the SET request to that layer. Addressingis done based on the MIBattribute and GenSelectorIndex if relevant.

2981 Behavioral Description

2982 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 421 of [MIPI02]. DME_SET.cnf_L

2983 This primitive shall be used to report the results of a SET request.

2984 The semantics of this primitive are:

2985 DME_SET.cnf_L( ConfigResultCode )

2986 When Generated

2987 This primitive is generated when the layer has finished processing the SET request. The corresponding.cnf_Lprimitive serves to provide information on any errors that may have occurred, and also serves as asynchronizing handshake.

2988 The ConfigResultCode field includes a result code from the layer that was previously addressed using theDME_GET.req primitive (see Section 9.2.2).

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2989 Effect on Receipt

2990 The DME User may generate a new DME_GET.req or DME_SET.req primitive.

2991 Behavioral Description

2992 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 421 of [MIPI02]. DME_PEER_GET.req

2993 This primitive shall be supported by a Host and is optional for a Peripheral. However, if an implementationsupports this primitive, it shall implement it as described in this section.

2994 This primitive shall be used to request information from a specific Attribute, in the peer Device, identified byMIBattribute and, if relevant, the GenSelectorIndex. The GenSelectorIndex shall be interpreted either as adata PHY Lane index or CPort index or Test Feature index depending of the Attribute. For Attributes notassociated with a GenSelectorIndex, the GenSelectorIndex shall be ignored.

2995 The semantics of this primitive are:

2996 DME_PEER_GET.req( MIBattribute, GenSelectorIndex )

2997 When Generated

2998 This primitive is generated by the DME User to obtain information from an Attribute located in the UniProstack of the peer Device.

2999 Effect on Receipt

3000 The DME will forward the request to the local PA Layer by generating the PA_LM_PEER_GET.reqprimitive.

3001 Behavioral Description

3002 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 427 of [MIPI02]. DME_PEER_GET.cnf

3003 This primitive shall be supported by a Host and is optional for a Peripheral. If the DME_PEER_GET.reqprimitive is supported by an implementation, it shall also support the DME_PEER_GET.cnf primitive asdescribed in this section.

3004 This primitive reports the results of a GET request.

3005 The semantics of this primitive are:

3006 DME_PEER_GET.cnf( ConfigResultCode, MIBvalue )

3007 When Generated

3008 This primitive is generated by the DME in response of the DME_PEER_GET.req primitive when the GETrequest is completed. If the ConfigResultCode is not SUCCESS, the MIBvalue shall be ignored, otherwisethe MIBvalue hold the value of the requested Attribute.

3009 Effect on Receipt

3010 The DME User may generate a new DME_PEER_GET.req or DME_PEER_SET.req primitive.

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3011 Behavioral Description

3012 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 427 of [MIPI02]. DME_PEER_SET.req

3013 This primitive shall be supported by a Host and is optional for a Peripheral. However, if an implementationsupports this primitive, it shall implement it as described in this section.

3014 This primitive shall be used to set the MIBvalue value of a specific Attribute, of the peer Device, identified byMIBattribute and, if relevant, the GenSelectorIndex. The GenSelectorIndex shall be interpreted either as adata PHY Lane index or CPort index or Test Feature index depending of the Attribute. For Attributes notassociated with a GenSelectorIndex, the GenSelectorIndex shall be ignored.

3015 The semantics of this primitive are:

3016 DME_PEER_SET.req( AttrSetType, MIBattribute, MIBvalue, GenSelectorIndex )

3017 When Generated

3018 This primitive is generated by the DME User to set the value of an Attribute located in the UniPro stack orunderlying PHY of the peer Device.

3019 Effect on Receipt

3020 The DME will forward the request to the local PA Layer by generating the PA_LM_PEER_SET.reqprimitive.

3021 Behavioral Description

3022 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 427 of [MIPI02]. DME_PEER_SET.cnf

3023 This primitive shall be supported by a Host and is optional for a Peripheral. If the DME_PEER_SET.reqprimitive is supported by an implementation, it shall also support the DME_PEER_SET.cnf primitive asdescribed in this section.

3024 This primitive shall be used to report the results of a SET request.

3025 The semantics of this primitive are:

3026 DME_PEER_SET.cnf( ConfigResultCode )

3027 When Generated

3028 This primitive is generated after the reception of the PA_LM_PEER_SET.cnf primitive.

3029 Effect on Receipt

3030 The DME User may generate a new DME_PEER_GET.req or DME_PERR_SET.req primitive.

3031 Behavioral Description

3032 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 427 of [MIPI02].

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9.8.2 Control Primitives

3033 The Service Primitives in this section are provided for controlling the reset and run mode of the entire UniProprotocol stack.

3034 The primitives covered in this section are listed in Table 115. PHY column in the table defines applicabilityof the primitives to M-PHY(M), D-PHY(D) or both (D,M).

3035 Table 116 lists the parameters that appear in the DME_SAP control primitives.

Table 115 DME_SAP Control Primitives

Name Request Indication Local Response Response Local

Confirm Confirm PHY














Table 116 DME_SAP Control Primitive Parameters

Name Type Valid Range Value Description

GenericErrorCode EnumSuccess 0 Report the outcome of the operation as

success or failureFailure 1

ResetLevel EnumCold 0 Select whether a warm or a cold reset

should be performedWarm 1

TxPowerMode,RxPowerMode Enum

Fast 1

Specifies the requested power mode

Slow 2

FastAuto 4

SlowAuto 5

Unchanged 7

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3036 Table 117 defines the LocalL2TimerData and RemoteL2TimerData structure and order. Unused and reservedbits should be set to one (‘1’).

3037 Table 118 provides further references to the specific definition of the LayerErrorCode (see Table 116) in eachlayer.

LocalL2TimerData Struct N/A N/AData structure containing required local timer values for power mode change (see Table 117)

RemoteL2TimerData Struct N/A N/AData structure containing required remote timer values for power mode change (see Table 117)

PowerChangeResultCode Enum See Table 9

LayerNumber Enum

DME 0x5

The layer that reported the error indicated by LayerErrorCode

T 0x4

N 0x3

DL 0x2

PA (and PHY) 0x1

LayerErrorCode Integer N/AA layer specific error code reported back to the DME (See relevant layer chapter for the list of error codes and also Table 118)

Table 117 L2 Timer Data Structure

Order Name Type1

1. 16-bit integer


0 DL_FC0ProtectionTimeOutVal Integer Flow control protection time-out value for TC0

1 DL_TC0ReplayTimeOutVal Integer Replay time-out value for TC0

2 DL_AFC0ReqTimeOutVal integer AFC request time-out value for TC0

3 DL_FC1ProtectionTimeOutVal Integer Flow control protection time-out value for TC1

4 DL_TC1ReplayTimeOutVal Integer Replay time-out value for TC1

5 DL_AFC1ReqTimeOutVal integer AFC request time-out value for TC1

6 reserved for TC2 Integer

7 reserved for TC2 Integer

8 reserved for TC2 integer

9 reserved for TC3 Integer

10 reserved for TC3 Integer

11 reserved for TC3 integer

Table 116 DME_SAP Control Primitive Parameters (continued)

Name Type Valid Range Value Description

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro DME_POWERON.req

3038 Support for this primitive is optional. However, if an implementation supports this primitive, it shallimplement it as described in this section.

3039 The DME_POWERON.req primitive is used to power on the layers L1.5 through L4 connected to the DME.

3040 The semantics of this primitive are:

3041 DME_POWERON.req( )

3042 When Generated

3043 This primitive is generated when the DME User powers on the UniPro stack.

3044 Effect on Receipt

3045 The UniPro stack layers are powered on by the DME. The UniPro stack, via DME, shall be able to receiveand respond to DME_POWERON.req, even in the POWEREOFF state.

3046 Behavioral Description

3047 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 429 of [MIPI02]. DME_POWERON.cnf_L

3048 Support for this primitive is optional. If the DME_POWERON.req primitive is supported by animplementation, it shall also support the DME_POWERON.cnf_L primitive as described in this section.

3049 The DME_POWERON.cnf_L primitive is used as a local confirm for the DME_POWERON.req primitive.

3050 The semantics of this primitive are:

3051 DME_POWERON.cnf_L( GenericErrorCode )

3052 When Generated

3053 This primitive is generated when powering on all the UniPro stack layers has been completed.

3054 Effect on Receipt

3055 The DME User knows that the DME has powered on all the UniPro stack layers.

3056 Behavioral Description

3057 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 429 of [MIPI02].

Table 118 LayerCodeError Mapping

Layer Layer Indicator Layer Error Code Reference

PA 1.5 PHYErrorCode Table 13 and Table 20

DL 2 DLErrroCode Table50

N 3 L3DiscardReasonCode Table 71

T 4 L4DiscardReasonCode Table 91

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro DME_POWEROFF.req

3058 Support for this primitive is optional. However, if an implementation supports this primitive, it shallimplement it as described in this section.

3059 The DME_POWEROFF.req primitive is used to power off the layers L1.5 through L4 connected to the DME.

3060 The semantics of this primitive are:

3061 DME_POWEROFF.req( )

3062 When Generated

3063 This primitive is generated when the DME User powers off the UniPro stack.

3064 Effect on Receipt

3065 The UniPro stack layers are powered off by the DME.

3066 Behavioral Description

3067 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 429 of [MIPI02]. DME_POWEROFF.cnf_L

3068 Support for this primitive is optional. If the DME_POWEROFF.req primitive is supported by animplementation, it shall also support the DME_POWEROFF.cnf_L primitive as described in this section.

3069 The DME_POWEROFF.cnf_L primitive is used as a local confirm for the DME_POWEROFF.req primitive.

3070 The semantics of this primitive are:

3071 DME_POWEROFF.cnf_L( GenericErrorCode )

3072 When Generated

3073 This primitive is generated when the powering off all the UniPro stack layers has been completed.

3074 Effect on Receipt

3075 The DME User knows that the DME has powered off the UniPro stack layers.

3076 Behavioral Description

3077 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 429 of [MIPI02]. DME_ENABLE.req

3078 The DME User uses this primitive to enable the UniPro stack.

3079 The semantics of this primitive are:

3080 DME_ENABLE.req( )

3081 When Generated

3082 This primitive is generated when the DME User wants to enable the UniPro stack.

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3083 Effect on Receipt

3084 The layers are enabled in order from bottom to top by the DME.

3085 Behavioral Description

3086 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 431 of [MIPI02]. DME_ENABLE.cnf_L

3087 This primitive is generated when the enable procedure has been completed.

3088 The semantics of this primitive are:

3089 DME_ENABLE.cnf_L( GenericErrorCode )

3090 When Generated

3091 This primitive is generated when the enable procedure has been completed.

3092 Effect on Receipt

3093 The DME User knows that the DME has enabled all the layers.

3094 Behavioral Description

3095 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 431 of [MIPI02]. DME_RESET.req

3096 The DME_RESET.req primitive shall be used to reset the DME and the UniPro stack layers L1.5 through L4connected to it.

3097 The semantics of this primitive are:

3098 DME_RESET.req( ResetLevel )

3099 When Generated

3100 This primitive is generated when the DME User resets the UniPro stack through the DME.

3101 Effect on Receipt

3102 The UniPro stack is reset and changes state to the LinkDown state.

3103 Behavioral Description

3104 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 430 of [MIPI02]. DME_RESET.cnf_L

3105 The DME_RESET.cnf_L primitive shall be used as a local confirm for the DME_RESET.req primitive.

3106 The semantics of this primitive are:

3107 DME_RESET.cnf_L( )

3108 When Generated

3109 This primitive is generated when reset process has been completed.

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3110 Effect on Receipt

3111 The DME User knows that the DME has completed the reset process.

3112 Behavioral Description

3113 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 430 of [MIPI02]. DME_ENDPOINTRESET.req

3114 The DME_ENDPOINTRESET.req primitive shall be used to send an EndPointReset request command to theLink Endpoint.

3115 The semantics of this primitive are:


3117 When Generated

3118 This primitive is generated when the DME User request the DME to perform a reset of the Endpoint.

3119 Effect on Receipt

3120 The EndPointReset command is sent by the local PA Layer to the Link Endpoint.

3121 Behavioral Description

3122 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 436 of [MIPI02]. DME_ENDPOINTRESET.cnf_L

3123 The DME_ENDPOINTRESET.cnf_L primitive shall be used as a local confirmation for the reception of theDME_ENDPOINTRESET.req primitive by the DME.

3124 The semantics of this primitive are:

3125 DME_ENDPOINTRESET.cnf_L( GenericErrorCode )

3126 When Generated

3127 This primitive is generated when EndPointReset command has been sent by the local PA Layer.

3128 Effect on Receipt

3129 The DME User knows that the EndPointReset command has been sent by the local PA Layer.

3130 Behavioral Description

3131 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 436 of [MIPI02]. DME_ENDPOINTRESET.ind

3132 The DME_ENDPOINTRESET.ind primitive shall be used to indicate that the EndPointReset request hasbeen received.

3133 The semantics of this primitive are:


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3135 When Generated

3136 This primitive is generated to the DME User when the EndPointReset response is received by the local PALayer.

3137 Effect on Receipt

3138 No automatic reset shall be performed, but it is up to DME User to respond accordingly.

3139 Behavioral Description

3140 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 436 of [MIPI02]. DME_LINKSTARTUP.req

3141 The DME_LINKSTARTUP.req primitive shall be used to start the UniPro Link up.

3142 The semantics of this primitive are:


3144 When Generated

3145 This primitive is generated when the DME User requests the DME to start the UniPro Link up process.

3146 Effect on Receipt

3147 First the DME starts the local PA Layer and then the local DL Layer with dedicated primitives in the PA_LMand DL_LM SAPs.

3148 Behavioral Description

3149 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 432 of [MIPI02]. DME_LINKSTARTUP.cnf_L

3150 The DME_LINKSTARTUP.cnf_L primitive shall be used as a local confirm for theDME_LINKSTARTUP.req primitive.

3151 The semantics of this primitive are:

3152 DME_LINKSTARTUP.cnf_L( GenericErrorCode )

3153 When Generated

3154 This primitive is generated when the start-up process has been completed successfully or error isencountered. The success or failure is reported in the primitive parameter. the DME passes this confirmationto the DME User.

3155 Effect on Receipt

3156 If the Link start-up process was successful, the DME User knows that the UniPro Link is in the LinkUp state.Otherwise the Link remains in the LinkDown state.

3157 Behavioral Description

3158 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 432 of [MIPI02].

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro DME_LINKSTARTUP.ind

3159 The DME_LINKSTARTUP.ind primitive shall be used as an indication that Link start-up process has beeninitiated by the remote end of the Link.

3160 The semantics of this primitive are:


3162 When Generated

3163 This primitive is generated when the Link start-up process initiated by the remote end has been detected bythe local end. The DME passes this indication to the DME User.

3164 Effect on Receipt

3165 The local DME must respond with DME_LINKSTARTUP.req primitive to complete the Link start-upprocess.

3166 Behavioral Description

3167 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 432 of [MIPI02]. DME_LINKLOST.ind

3168 The DME_LINKLOST.ind primitive shall be used as an indication that Link is lost.

3169 The semantics of this primitive are:

3170 DME_LINKLOST.ind( )

3171 When Generated

3172 This primitive is generated when the Link is in LinkUp state and the DME receives thePA_LM_LINKSTARTUP.ind primitive from the local PA Layer. This indicates a condition where the remoteend is trying to re-establish a Link and the Link is lost.

3173 Effect on Receipt

3174 The Link is put in the LinkLost state and the DME User must apply a DME_RESET to redo the bootsequence and get to the LinkUp state.

3175 Behavioral Description

3176 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 432 of [MIPI02]. DME_HIBERNATE_ENTER.req

3177 The DME_HIBERNATE_ENTER.req primitive shall be used to put the Link and all the UniPro layers intothe Hibernate state to save power.

3178 The semantics of this primitive are:


3180 When Generated

3181 This primitive is generated when the DME User requests the Link to move into the Hibernate state.

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3182 Effect on Receipt

3183 The Hibernate state entering process, which is carried out by the DME layer by layer, is started. The local PALayer takes of communicating the hibernate state change with the remote end. The local PA Layer indicatesthe change of state (to the hibernate state) to the DME.

3184 Behavioral Description

3185 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 433 of [MIPI02]. DME_HIBERNATE_ENTER.cnf_L

3186 The DME_HIBERNATE_ENTER.cnf_L primitive shall be used as a local confirmation for theDME_HIBERNATE_ENTER.req primitive.

3187 The semantics of this primitive are:

3188 DME_HIBERNATE_ENTER.cnf_L( GenericErrorCode )

3189 When Generated

3190 This primitive is generated as a local confirmation for the hibernate enter request.

3191 Effect on Receipt

3192 If no error is returned the process to go into hibernate state continues.

3193 Behavioral Description

3194 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 433 of [MIPI02]. DME_HIBERNATE_ENTER.ind

3195 The DME_HIBERNATE_ENTER.ind primitive shall be used to indicate the completion of the HibernateEnter sequence. The PowerChangeResultCode parameter shall indicate if the procedure has succeeded or not.The procedure has succeeded if the returned PowerChangeResultCode value is either PWR_LOCAL orPWR_REMOTE. In this case, the Link is in the Hibernate state. Both ends of the Link receive this primitive.

3196 The semantics of this primitive are:

3197 DME_HIBERNATE_ENTER.ind( PowerChangeResultCode )

3198 When Generated

3199 This primitive is generated when the hibernate entering process has been completed and the Link state ischanged to the Hibernate state if the process was successful.

3200 Effect on Receipt

3201 The DME User knows that the DME has completed its part of the hibernate enter process successfully or if anerror was encountered during the process.

3202 Behavioral Description

3203 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 433 of [MIPI02]. DME_HIBERNATE_EXIT.req

3204 The DME_HIBERNATE_EXIT.req primitive shall be used to get the Link out of the Hibernate state.

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3205 The semantics of this primitive are:


3207 When Generated

3208 This primitive is generated when the DME User requests the DME to get the Link out of the Hibernate state.

3209 Effect on Receipt

3210 The Hibernate exit process, which is carried out by the DME layer by layer, is started. The local PA Layertakes of communicating the hibernate exit with the remote end. The local PA Layer indicates the change ofstate (out of the hibernate state) back to the DME.

3211 Behavioral Description

3212 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 434 of [MIPI02]. DME_HIBERNATE_EXIT.cnf_L

3213 The DME_HIBERNATE_EXIT.cnf_L primitive shall be used as a local confirmation for theDME_HIBERNATE_EXIT.req primitive.

3214 The semantics of this primitive are:

3215 DME_HIBERNATE_EXIT.cnf_L( GenericErrorCode )

3216 When Generated

3217 This primitive is generated as a local confirmation for the hibernate exit request.

3218 Effect on Receipt

3219 If no error is returned the process to exit the Hibernate state proceeds.

3220 Behavioral Description

3221 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 434 of [MIPI02]. DME_HIBERNATE_EXIT.ind

3222 The DME_HIBERNATE_EXIT.ind primitive shall be used to indicate the completion of the Hibernate Exitsequence. The PowerChangeResultCode parameter shall indicate if the procedure has succeeded or not. Theprocedure has succeeded if the returned PowerChangeResultCode value is either PWR_LOCAL orPWR_REMOTE. In this case the Link has left the Hibernate state. Both ends of the Link receive thisprimitive.

3223 The semantics of this primitive are:

3224 DME_HIBERNATE_EXIT.ind( PowerChangeResultCode )

3225 When Generated

3226 This primitive is generated when the hibernate exit process has been completed successfully by the DME andthe Link state is changed to the LinkUp or LinkDown state depending which was the Link state prior toHibernation. Otherwise an error shall indicate failure of the exit process.

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3227 Effect on Receipt

3228 The DME User knows that the DME has completed its part of the hibernate exit process successfully and theLink is now in the LinkUp or the LinkDown state depending which was the Link state prior to enteringHibernation. If the hibernate process has failed an error shall be reported.

3229 Behavioral Description

3230 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 434 of [MIPI02]. DME_POWERMODE.req

3231 This primitive shall be used to change the power mode of the Link (See Section 5 and Section 6 for moreinformation about power mode change). The requested UniPro power mode and all the Data Link Layer timerrequired for the power mode change are provided as parameters. Attributes defining the PHY parameters forthe new power mode change sha l l be conf igu red by the DME User be fore i s su ing theDME_POWERMODE.req primitive.

3232 The semantics of this primitive are:

3233 DME_POWERMODE.req( TxPowerMode, RxPowerMode, LocalL2TimerData,RemoteL2TimerData )

3234 When Generated

3235 This primitive is generated when the DME User wants the DME to change the power mode of the Link.

3236 Effect on Receipt

3237 The DME completes the power mode change process.

3238 Behavioral Description

3239 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 435 of [MIPI02]. DME_POWERMODE.cnf_L

3240 The DME_POWERMODE.cnf_L primitive shall be used as a local confirmation for theDME_POWERMODE.req primitive.

3241 The semantics of this primitive are:

3242 DME_POWERMODE.cnf_L( GenericErrorCode )

3243 When Generated

3244 This primitive is generated as a local confirmation for the DME_POWEMODE.req primitive includingpossible error code if the power mode change is impossible due to an invalid set of parameters provided or forany other reason.

3245 Effect on Receipt

3246 The DME User knows that the power mode change process will take place.

3247 Behavioral Description

3248 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 435 of [MIPI02].

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3249 This indication shall be used to indicate that the DME, PA Layer, or DL Layer part of the power mode changehas been completed. Both ends receive this indication.

3250 The semantics of this primitive are:

3251 DME_POWERMODE.ind( PowerChangeResultCode )

3252 When Generated

3253 This primitive is generated when the power mode has been changed.

3254 Effect on Receipt

3255 The DME User knows that the power mode change has been completed.

3256 Behavioral Description

3257 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 435 of [MIPI02]. DME_TEST_MODE.req

3258 This primitive shall be supported by a Host and is optional for a Peripheral. However, if an implementationsupports this primitive, it shall implement it as described in this section.

3259 This primitive is used to put the peer Device into test mode.

3260 The semantics of this primitive are:

3261 DME_TEST_MODE.req( )

3262 When Generated

3263 This primitive is generated by the DME User to set the peer Device to a given test mode.

3264 Effect on Receipt

3265 The DME forwards the request to the local PA Layer by generating the PA_LM_TEST_MODE.req primitive.

3266 Behavioral Description

3267 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 436 of [MIPI02]. DME_TEST_MODE.cnf_L

3268 This primitive shall be supported by a Host and is optional for a Peripheral. If the DME_TEST_MODE.reqprimitive is supported by an implementation, it shall also support the DME_TEST_MODE.cnf_L primitiveas described in this section.

3269 This primitive inform the DME User that the sequence to set the peer Device to a given test mode was sent.

3270 The semantics of this primitive are:

3271 DME_TEST_MODE.cnf_L( GenericErrorCode )

3272 When Generated

3273 This primitive is generated after reception of the PA_LM_TEST_MODE.cnf_L primitive indicating that therequest was sent to the peer Device.

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3274 Effect on Receipt

3275 The DME User knows that peer Device is in the given test mode.

3276 Behavioral Description

3277 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 436 of [MIPI02]. DME_TEST_MODE.ind

3278 This primitive is used to indicate to the DME User, that the UniPro stack has been set to a certain test mode.

3279 The semantics of this primitive are:

3280 DME_TEST_MODE.ind( )

3281 When Generated

3282 This primitive is generated when the DME receives the PA_LM_TEST_MODE.ind primitive.

3283 Effect on Receipt

3284 The DME User knows that the UniPro stack is not in a normal operation mode anymore, but in a given testmode.

3285 Behavioral Description

3286 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 436 of [MIPI02]. DME_ERROR.ind

3287 This primitive is used to indicate to the DME User, that a layer in the UniPro stack has encountered an errorcondition. The information forwarded to the DME user differs by layer:

3288 • For the Transport layer (L4), the T_LM_DISCARD.ind information is forwarded to the DME User.3289 • For the Network layer (L3), the N_LM_DISCARD.ind information is forwarded to the DME User.3290 • For the Data Link layer (L2), the DL_LM_ERROR.ind information is forwarded to the DME User.3291 • For the PA Layer (L1.5), the PA_LM_PHY_RESET.ind information is forwarded to the DME User.

3292 The semantics of this primitive are:

3293 DME_ERROR.ind( LayerNumber, LayerErrorCode )

3294 When Generated

3295 This primitive is generated when the DME receives an error indication primitive from one of the UniProlayers.

3296 Effect on Receipt

3297 The DME User knows that the UniPro stack has encountered an error condition and acts accordingly.

3298 Behavioral Description

3299 The state diagram describing the behavior of the primitive is shown in Figure 436 of [MIPI02].

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Version 1.40.00 31-Jan-2011 MIPI Alliance Specification for UniPro DME_RXPWRSTATE.ind

3300 The DME_RXPWRSTATE.ind primitive is directly mapped to the PA_LM_RXPWRSTATE.ind primitive.See Section for a detailed description of this primitive.

9.9 UniPro Versioning

3301 The DME shall keep the version information of the UniPro stack. The version information is passed to thelocal PA Layer version Attribute by the DME using the PA_LM_SET.req primitive before the Link startupoperation. The version information mapping to a 16-bit Attribute field shall be as defined in Table 119.

9.10 UniPro States

3302 Figure 98 shows an abstracted and simplified state diagram of the UniPro stack after power on andDME_RESET.req. After Power On, the stack is in the Disabled state until it gets a local request to start-up theLink (DME_ENABLE.req). It then moves to the LinkDown state and waits until it receives a confirmation ofthe LinkStartUp procedure (PA_LM_LINKSTARTUP.cnf_L). If the LinkStartUp sequence is successful, thestack moves to the LinkUp state and is ready to send and receive data. The stack can enter hibernate modefrom either LinkUp or LinkDown states upon receipt of a request from the DME. During Link configuration(such as a power mode change) the stack enters the LinkCfg state temporarily, during which time no dataexchange is possible. Once the change in configuration is successfully applied, or it fails, the stack returns tothe LinkUp state.

Table 119 UniPro Version Information Mapping

Field Bits Values Description

Unused [15:10] 0 N/A

CM Present 91 Connection management present

0 No connection management present

Config present 81 Config protocol present

0 No config protocol present

Device type [7:4] 0 Endpoint

UniPro version [3:0]

2 to 15 Above v1.40.00

1 UniPro version 1.40.00

0 Reserved value

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Figure 98 UniPro States

3303 Based on the UniPro state diagram shown in Figure 98, some restrictions are enforced on all DME_xxx.reqprimitives (see Section 9.8). These restrictions specify when a primitive is going to be executed or when itshall be ignored by an implementation (see Table 120).

3304 If a DME_SAP control primitive is issued in a restricted power state, the DME shall set theGenericErrorCode field in the local confirmation primitive to Failure.

Table 120 DME_SAP Restrictions

Primitive When Restricted (Ignored)

DME_SET.reqIn the OFF and Disabled states


DME_PEER_SET.reqIn the OFF, Disabled, LinkDown, Hibernate and LinkLost states


DME_POWER_ON.req In all states except the OFF state

DME_POWER_OFF.req In all states except the Disabled state

DME_ENABLE.req In all states except the Disabled state

DME_ENDPOINTRESET.req In all states except the LinkUp state

DME_LINKSTARTUP.req In all states except the LinkDown state

DME_HIBERNATE_ENTER.req In all states except the LinkDown and LinkUp states

DME_HIBERNATE_EXIT.req In all states except the Hibernate state

DME_POWERMODE.req In all states except the LinkUp state

DME_TESTMODE.req In all states except the LinkDown state


LinkDown LinkUp


DME_LINKSTARTUP.req[peer detected] /


DME_POWERMODE.req[capability ok] /


[pwrmode done]DME_POWERMODE.ind(LOCAL)


DME_LINKSTARTUP.req[no peer detected] /








DME_HIBERNATE_EXIT.req[prev_state=LinkDown] /


DME_HIBERNATE_EXIT.req[prev_state=LinkUp] /






(*) Any state other than the Off state

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3305 If a DME_SAP configuration primitive is issued in a restricted power state, the DME shall set theConfigResultCode field in the confirmation primitive to DME_FAILURE.

9.11 Reset and Boot Procedures

3306 This section describes the UniPro Reset and Boot procedures.

9.11.1 Reset Procedure

3307 The reset procedure is described in Section 9.3.

9.11.2 Boot Procedure

3308 The UniPro boot procedure follows a Cold Reset, including a power-on reset, or a Warm Reset. The bootprocedure is invoked by the DME User using the DME_ENABLE.req primitive.

3309 The UniPro boot procedure is controlled by the DME, which ensures that the UniPro layers are initialized inorder, beginning with L1.5 up to L4. Thus, the DME enables a layer only after the layer below it has reportedthat it is enabled. For example, the UniPro boot procedure ensures that L2 does not start its AFC exchangeuntil the L1.5 exercises the Link Startup sequence and reports that the PHY is operational.

3310 Upon receiving the DME_ENABLE.req primitive, each UniPro layer shall be enabled by the DME using the<layer-identifier>_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.req primitive. After being enabled, each layer shall perform itsown initialization. Each layer shall use the <layer-identifier>_LM_ENABLE_LAYER.cnf_L primitive toindicate to the DME that the layer has completed initialization.

3311 At the end of this phase the Link reached the LinkDown state and the DME shall report this condition to theDME User using the DME_ENABLE.cnf_L primitive.

3312 The DME User shall proceed with the boot sequence and instruct the DME to transition the Link to theLinkUp state using the DME_LINKSTARTUP.req primitive.

3313 Upon receiving the DME_LINKSTARTUP.req primitive the DME shall startup L1.5 followed by L2 usingthe <layer-identifier>_LM_LINKSTARTUP.req primitive. Each layer shall use the <layer-identifier>_LM_STARTUP.cnf_L primitive to indicate to the DME that the layer has completed therespective layer startup procedure. The UniPro boot procedure ensures that L2 does not start its AFCexchange until the L1.5 exercises the Link Startup sequence and reports that the PHY is operational.

3314 At the end of this phase, the Link reaches the LinkUp state and the DME shall report this condition to theDME User using the DME_LINKSTARTUP.cnf_L primitive.

3315 To be able to communicate through a UniPro stack, Network and Transport Layers also need to beconfigured. In particular, N_DeviceID and N_DeviceID_valid need to be configured in the Network Layer,and the Attributes for connection setup need to be set in the Transport Layer as described in Section 8.11.1.These Attributes are either automatically set to the defined reset values, or set by the Application before theLink is used. In the latter case, these Attributes should be set immediately after receiving theDME_LINKSTARTUP.cnf_L.

3316 After receiving the DME_LINKSTARTUP.cnf_L and configuring the Network Layer and Transport LayerAttributes, the boot process is complete and the Link is ready for data transfers.

9.11.3 Boot Procedure Example (informative)

3317 The following three types of boot sequence are provided for reference:

3318 • Default, which is shown in Figure 99.3319 • Peer initiated, which is shown in Figure 100.

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3320 • Figure 101 describes a special case where a peer Device-initiated sequence resulted in a Link reachingLinkUp state, while receiving a DME_LINKLOST.ind primitive.

Figure 99 Default Boot Procedure

DME USER DME PA (L1.5) DL (L2) N (L3) T (L4)

















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Figure 100 Peer Initiated Boot Procedure

DME USER DME PA (L1.5) DL (L2) N (L3) T (L4)

























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Figure 101 Link Lost Triggered Boot Procedure

9.12 DME DDB L1

3321 Table 121 shows the DME DDB L1 Attributes, which are copies of the DME User’s DDB L1 parameters. See[MIPI04] for the definition of these parameters.

3322 All DME DDB L1 Attributes should be readable (settable is optional). Parameters should be settable iffunctionality sharing is desired.

3323 If DME_DDBL1_Revision is set to zero, all DME_DDBL1 Attributes are invalid. IfDME_DDBL1_Revision is set to a non-zero value, all DME_DDBL1 Attributes are valid and read-only.

3324 At reset, each settable DME Attribute shall be reset to its corresponding static value, if one exists or to itsReset Value otherwise.

DME USER DME PA (L1.5) DL (L2) N (L3) T (L4)

























User may at thispoint read the CPortbuffers etc, and thenproceed with the normalbootup sequence.



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3325 The DME Attributes listed in Table 121 should be retained during Hibernation. Those Attributes are simpleand do not cause any implicit action when set.

Table 121 DDB L1 Attributes



1. Attributes 0x5000 to 0x5005 correspond to the DDB Level 1 fields and their offsets defined in [MIPI04].

Unit Description Reset Value

DME_DDBL1_Revision 0x5000 Int

See [MIPI04]The revision of the DDB specification supported by this Device encoded as major-version * 0x10 + minor-version. For this version (v1.0) the value shall be 0x10.


DME_DDBL1_Level 0x5001 Int

See [MIPI04]Eight bit field indicating the DDB support:b0: DDB Level 1 support. Shall be 0b1.b1: DDB Level 2 get support. Shall be 0b1 if and only if the GET-DDB-LEVEL2 Service is supported. If b1 is set, then b0 shall also be set.b2: DDB Level 2 set support. Shall be 0b1 if and only if the SET-DDB-LEVEL2 Service is supported. If b2 is set, both b0 and b1 shall also be set.b[7:3]: Reserved. Shall be 0b00000.

0x1 (no support for DDB L2)Allow also the DDB L2 indications under the limitation that it is up to the function specific driver to fetch DDB L2.

DME_DDBL1_DeviceClass 0x5002 Int

The Device Class ID of the DME User as specified by the MIPI Alliance. If the Device does not conform to a specified device class, the value shall be zero.


DME_DDBL1_ManufacturerID 0x5003 Int Manufacturer ID of the DME User as

specified by the MIPI Alliance. N/A

DME_DDBL1_ProductID 0x5004 Int The Manufacturer's internal product ID of the DME User. N/A

DME_DDBL1_Length 0x5005 Int

See [MIPI04]The length of any DDB Level 2 data. For Devices supporting only DDB Level 1, the value shall be zero.


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Annex A Test PHY Protocol Interface (T-PPI)3326 The Test PHY Protocol Interface is essentially a sub-set of the logical PHY Protocol Interface (PPI) signal

described in the [MIPI01]. It also includes signals from the extended PPI signal list that is needed for the D-PHY with 8b9b line encoding, which is mandated by the UniPro specification. T-PPI is intended forconnecting UniPro stack PCBs as shown in Figure 102.

3327 Support for the T-PPI is optional. However, if T-PPI is supported it shall be implemented as described in thisannex.

Figure 102 Simplified View of UniPro Interoperability Setup

3328 The T-PPI provides the signal list for interfacing UniPro stacks at the bottom of L1.5.

3329 The main requirement of T-PPI is to have a low signal count, because the number of connector pins is limited.Moreover low T-PPI signal count would allow multiple Data Lanes fit on a low number of connectors. Tolower the T-PPI signal count, some of the mutually exclusive signals on the logical PPI are multiplexed. Inaddition to this, PHY-specific signals, e.g. error signals, and signals not needed for UniPro, e.g. signals forchanging lane direction, etc, are not included in the T-PPI signal list. Both these sets of signals can beincluded in the T-PPI if needed by extending T-PPI later.

3330 The T-PPI consists of three groups of signals, Control, Clock and Data, at both the Transmitter and theReceiver.

3331 The control group signals, which are T-PPI-specific, qualify the clock group and data group signals. Theclock group signals consist of a sub-set of the Clock Lane signals specified in the D-PHY PPI signal list. Thedata group signals consist of a sub-set of D-PHY PPI's Transmit and Receive signals. In addition to this, someof the signals from the D-PHY PPI's Control signals category are multiplexed into the T-PPI data group tominimize the number of signals.

3332 In the case multiple Data Lanes are emulated, each lane shall use a separate T-PPI data group. T-PPI's Clockand Control groups shall be shared by all Data Lanes. Note that in the T-PPI's ESC mode; only Data Lane 0shall be used. The signals on all the other Data Lanes shall be ignored.

A.1 T-PPI Signal List

3333 This section describes each of the signals groups in the T-PPI. Figure 103 depicts the T-PPI signals perdirection.

PCB #2

FPGA with UniPro Stack(L4 to L1.5)



PCB #1

FPGA with UniPro Stack(L4 to L1.5)






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Figure 103 T-PPI Signal Groups with Their Respective Signals per Direction

3334 The T-PPI consists of thirteen signals per direction, one signal in the Control Group, two signals in the ClockGroup and ten signals in the Data Group, for a single lane configuration. For a multiple-lane configuration,the total number of signals per direction is (1+2+10*N), where N is the number of lanes in that direction.Note that when the TPPI is operating in ESC mode (Mode = ‘0’), only the signals belonging to the DataGroup corresponding to Lane 0 (L=0) are used by the transmitter and the signals belonging to Data Groupscorresponding to other Data Lanes (L=1, 2 and 3) shall be ignored at the receiver.

A.1.1 Control Group

3335 The T-PPI control group consists of the mode signal. The mode signal indicates the T-PPI operation mode:high-speed mode, or escape mode emulating the D-PHY high-speed mode and the escape mode, respectively.

3336 Table 122 describes the control group signals at the transmitter and receiver.

Table 122 T-PPI Control Group Transmitter and Receiver Signal List

Signal Name Direction Description

TxMode Output

Transmit Mode (Transmitter)TxMode indicates whether the Data Group signals belong to the High-Speed mode or Escape mode, and which of the two Clock signals is used.• TxMode='1' indicates the High-Speed (HS) mode.• TxMode='0' indicates the Escape (ESC) mode.

RxMode Input

Receive Mode (Receiver)RxMode indicates whether the Data group signals belong to the High-Speed mode or Escape mode, and which of the two Clock signals is used.• RxMode='1' indicates the High-Speed (HS) mode.• RxMode='0' indicates the Escape (ESC) mode.



L=1L=0 TxData_L[7:0]



TxModeControl Group

Clock Group

Data Group








RxMode Control Group

Clock Group

Data Group









For multiple lane configuration, each data lane shall use a separate T-PPI data group of signals. L is Data Lane, where L = {0,1,2,3}N is Number of Lanes, where N = {1,2,3,4}

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A.1.2 Clock Group

3337 The T-PPI Clock group consists of two clock signals, the High-Speed byte clock and the Escape-Mode clock.The T-PPI Mode signal indicates which clock signal is used to synchronize the data group signals. Table 123describes the clock group signals at the transmitter and receiver.

A.1.3 Data Group

3338 The data group consists of three signals: Data signal, DataType signal and Valid signal. The T-PPI Data signalcarries the data belonging to transmitter (/receiver) or the miscellaneous (set of multiplexedtransmit(/receiver) signals plus the control signals) signals. The DataType signal distinguishes between thedata and miscellaneous signals is carried on the T-PPI data signals. The Valid signal shall indicate whether thevalues carried on the Data signals and DataType signal of the T-PPI are valid or not. Table 124 describes thesesignals at the transmitter and receiver.

Table 123 T-PPI Clock Group Transmitter and Receiver Signal List

Signal Name Direction Description

TxByteClkHS Output

High-Speed mode transmit clock.TxByteClkHS is used to synchronize the T-PPI data group signals when T-PPI is in High-Speed mode (TxMode =’1’).When the T-PPI is in ESC Mode (TxMode =’0’), TxByteClkHS may be driven ‘0’.The T-PPI TxByteClkHS signal is equivalent to TxByteClkHS signal in the logical PPI. Note that in T-PPI, TxByteClkHS is an output, as opposed to the PPI TxByteClkHS, which is an input.

TxClkEsc Output

Escape mode transmit clock.TxClkEsc is used to synchronize the T-PPI data group signals when T-PPI is in escape mode (TxMode =’0’).When the T-PPI is in high-speed mode (TxMode =’1’), TxClkEsc may be driven ‘0’.T-PPI TxClkEsc signal is equivalent to TxClkEsc signal in the logical PPI.

RxByteClkHS Input

High-Speed mode receive clock.RxByteClkHS is used to synchronize the T-PPI data group signals when T-PPI is in High-speed mode (RxMode =’1’).When the T-PPI is in ESC Mode (RxMode =’0’), RxByteClkHS shall be ignored.T-PPI RxByteClkHS signal is equivalent to RxByteClkHS signal in the logical PPI.

RxClkEsc Input

Escape mode receive clock.RxClkEsc is used to synchronize the T-PPI data group signals when T-PPI is in escape mode (RxMode =’0’).When the T-PPI is in high-speed mode (RxMode =’1’), RxClkEsc shall be ignored.T-PPI RxClkEsc signal is equivalent to RxClkEsc signal in the logical PPI.

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Table 124 T-PPI Data Group Transmit and Receive Signal List

Signal Name Direction Description

TxData_L [7:0] Output

Transmit data/miscellaneous signals for Data Lane L.L can take values 0, 1, 2 or 3 corresponding to Data Lane 0, Data Lane 1, Data Lane 2 or Data Lane 3.This 8-bit signal conveys the PPI Transmit data or PPI miscellaneous (transmit /control) signals depending upon the value of the TxDataType_L T-PPI signal. Also the T-PPI TxMode signal indicates whether these signals correspond to high-speed mode or escape mode.See Section A.2 on the T-PPI signal multiplexing to know the meaning of each bit.

TxDataType_L Output

Type of Data on the TxData_L [7:0]L can take values 0, 1, 2 or 3 corresponding to Data Lane 0, Data Lane 1, Data Lane 2 or Data Lane 3.This signal indicates whether the TxData_L signals carry miscellaneous signals (transmit and control signals in PPI) or data signals in PPI from the transmitter.• When '1', TxDataType_L indicates that the corresponding data group

signals TxData_L [7:0] carry miscellaneous signals (PPI transmit and control signals).

• When '0', TxDataType_L indicates that the corresponding data group signals TxData_L [7:0] carry PPI transmit data signals.

See Section A.2 on the T-PPI signal multiplexing for more details.

TxValid_L Output

Transmit valid for Data Lane L.L can take values 0, 1, 2 or 3 corresponding to Data Lane 0, Data Lane 1, Data Lane 2 or Data Lane 3.• When '1' the TxData_L [7:0] and TxDataType_L shall carry valid (data or

miscellaneous) information.• When '0' the corresponding TxData_L [7:0] and TxDataType_L shall

carry invalid information and shall be ignored at the receiver.TxValid_L maps to TxValidHS or TxValidEsc in the PPI signal list depending on the value of T-PPI TxMode signal.

RxData_L [7:0] Input

Receive data/miscellaneous signals for Data Lane L.L can take values 0, 1, 2 or 3 corresponding to Data Lane 0, Data Lane 1, Data Lane 2 or Data Lane 3.This 8-bit signal conveys the PPI receive data or PPI miscellaneous (receive /control) signals depending upon the value of the RxDataType_L T-PPI signal. Also, the T-PPI RxMode signal indicates whether these signals correspond to high-speed mode or escape mode.See Section A.2 on the T-PPI signal multiplexing to know the meaning of each bit.

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A.2 T-PPI Signal Multiplexing

3339 This section provides details on how to interpret the meaning of the each of the bits in the T-PPITx(Rx)Data[7:0] signal based on the Tx(Rx)Mode and Tx(Rx)DataType_L signals. Note that the T-PPI validsignal (not shown in Table 125) is asserted to indicate that Tx(Rx)Data_L[7:0] carries valid information (dataor miscellaneous signals). The miscellaneous signals on Tx(Rx)Data_L[7:0] (when DataType_L ='1') aremutually exclusive from each other and also with the data. Hence, a miscellaneous signal shall be assertedwith all other miscellaneous signals de-asserted. For example, when a trigger-0 is asserted [Data_0[0]='1']then all other signals are de-asserted (Data_0[7:1]=0x0). At the transmit side signals will be a request(output) and at the receiver it will be an indication (input).

RxDataType_L Input

Type of Data on the RxData_L [7:0].L can take values 0, 1, 2 or 3 corresponding to Data Lane 0, Data Lane 1, Data Lane 2 or Data Lane 3.This signal indicates whether the RxData_L signals carry miscellaneous signals (receive and control signals in PPI) or data signals in PPI from the transmitter.• When '1', RxDataType_L indicates that the corresponding data group

signals RxData_L [7:0] carry miscellaneous signals (PPI receive and control signals).

• When '0', RxDataType_L indicates that the corresponding data group signals RxData_L [7:0] carry PPI receive data signals.

See Section A.2 on the T-PPI signal multiplexing for more details.

RxValid_L Input

Receive valid for Data Lane L.L can take values 0, 1, 2 or 3 corresponding to Data Lane 0, Data Lane 1, Data Lane 2 or Data Lane 3.• When '1' the RxData_L [7:0] and RxDataType_L shall carry valid (data

or miscellaneous) information.• When '0' the corresponding RxData_L [7:0] and RxDataType_L shall

carry invalid information and shall be ignored.RxValid_L maps to RxValidHS or RxValidEsc in the PPI signal list depending on the value of T-PPI RxMode.

Table 124 T-PPI Data Group Transmit and Receive Signal List (continued)

Signal Name Direction Description

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Table 125 T-PPI Signal Multiplexing on the Data [7:0] Signals

Mode Data Type (DataType_L)

Data Signal (Data_L [7:0])

Equivalent PPI Signal Description

‘0’ => ESC

‘0’ => Data Data_0[7:0] TxDataEsc[7:0]RxDataEsc[7:0] LPDT Data[7:0]

‘1’ => Misc TxData_0[7:6]RxData_0[7:6] N/A1

Protocol Marker request/indication in ESC speed mode of T-PPI.This signal is asserted (active high) for a single clock of Tx(Rx)Clk to transmit (indicate) a Protocol Marker. This single ESC clock duration pulse is equivalent to the bits [16:8] (control symbol indicator plus EscType field) in the Escaped Data PA_PDU (Figure 16).• When 11b indicates Data Link (DL) Layer Protocol Marker request/indication

related to C600 (Table 17).• When 10b indicates Data Link (DL) Layer Protocol Marker request/indication

related to C417 (Table 17).• When 01b indicates PHY- Adapter (PA) Layer Protocol Marker request/indication

related to C400 (Table 17).• When 00b implies that neither DL Layer nor PA Layer Protocol Marker

request/indication.When Data_0 [7:6] is 11b, 10b or 01b, Data_0 [5:0] shall be 0x00.

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‘0’ => ESC ‘1’ => Misc



Ultra Low Power State (ULPS) request/indication.This active high signal is asserted to indicate that the Lane is in Ultra Low Power State (ULPS). When de-asserted, it indicates the Lane is no longer in ULPS.When Data_0[5] is 1b, Data_0[7:6] and Data_0[4:0] shall be 0x00.Note that in cases where there is no D-PHY interface to the UniPro Stack, there is no need to assert this signal.


ForceTxStopMode(RX) Stopstate

Stop State request/indication.This active high signal is asserted to indicate that the protocol forced the Lane to a Stop State.When de-asserted, it indicates that the Lane exited Stop State. Note that in cases where there is no D-PHY interface to the UniPro Stack, there is no need to assert this signal.When Data_0[4] is 1b, Data_0[7:5] and Data_0[3:0] shall be 0x0.



Escape mode Trigger 3-0 request/indication.When Data_0[3] is 1b it indicates a Escape mode Trigger-3. Data_0[7:4] and Data_0 [2:0] shall be 0x0.When Data_0[2] is 1b, it indicates an Escape mode Trigger-2. Data_0[7:3] and Data_0[1:0] shall be 0x0.

Table 125 T-PPI Signal Multiplexing on the Data [7:0] Signals (continued)

Mode Data Type (DataType_L)

Data Signal (Data_L [7:0])

Equivalent PPI Signal Description

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‘1’ => HS

‘0’ => Data TxData_L[7:0]RxData_L[7:0]

TxDataHS[7:0]RxDataHS[7:0] High speed Data for Lane-L

‘1’ => Misc

TxData_L[7:6]RxData_L[7:6] N/A1

Protocol Marker request/indication in High-speed mode of T-PPI.This signal is asserted high for a single clock of Tx(Rx)Clk to transmit (indicate) a Protocol Marker. This single HS clock duration pulse is equivalent to the bits [16:8] (control symbol indicator bit plus EscType field) in the Escaped Data PA_PDU (Figure 16).• When 11b indicates Data Link (DL) Layer Protocol Marker request/indication

related to C600 (Table 17).• When 10b indicates Data Link (DL) Layer Protocol Marker request/indication

related to C417 (Table 17).• When 01b indicates PHY- Adapter (PA) Layer Protocol Marker request/indication

related to C400 (Table 17).• When 00b implies that neither DL Layer nor PA Layer Protocol Marker

request/indication.When Data_L [7:6] is 11b, 10b or 01b, Data_L [5:0] shall be 0x00.

TxData_L[5:0]RxData_L[5:0] N/A Reserved.

Shall be set to 0x00.

1. D-PHY Extended PPI (8b9b) allocates only one signal for Protocol Marker, Tx(Rx)ProMarker. A UniPro stack transmits the Type A comma code C600,pointed to by this marker signal, when PA_LegacyDPHYEscDL is FALSE, but transmits a regular escape code (C417), which is not pointed by this markersignal, when PA_LegacyDPHYEscDL is TRUE.

Table 125 T-PPI Signal Multiplexing on the Data [7:0] Signals (continued)

Mode Data Type (DataType_L)

Data Signal (Data_L [7:0])

Equivalent PPI Signal Description

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Annex B Data Link Layer (informative)

B.1 Reliability Scenarios

B.1.1 Timeout Mechanism

3340 The TCx_REPLAY_TIMER operation is illustrated in Figure 104 for Traffic Class 0 without groupedacknowledgment. (DL_TC0OutAckThreshold set to zero).

3341 • Here, local TX uses Traffic Class 0 for transmitting a Frame with Frame Sequence Number 0 (Frame#0) to remote RX and TC0_REPLAY_TIMER is started after sending the last symbol of Frame#0 (CRC symbol).

3342 • Remote RX receives the Frame#0 and triggers remote TX to send AFC0#0 for Frame#0.3343 • Local RX receives the AFC0#0 Frame.3344 • TC0_REPLAY_TIMER is in running mode until the AFC0#0 is received (without an error). The

successful reception of AFC0#0 Frame resets the TC0_REPLAY_TIMER. Then the timer is in not running state (stop state) as there are no pending acknowledgments.

Figure 104 TC0 Replay Timer Operation for Simple ACK (no grouping ACK)

3345 The TC0_REPLAY_TIMER behavior for grouped acknowledgment is shown in Figure 105. Traffic Class 0is used for illustration purposes though the same behavior is applicable to other Traffic Classes.

3346 • TC0_REPLAY_TIMER is reset and started after sending the last symbol of Frame#0.3347 • While Frame #1 is being transmitted, TC0_REPLAY_TIMER is allowed to run.3348 • TC0_REPLAY_TIMER is reset and allowed to run after sending the last symbol of Frame#1.3349 • While Frame #2 is being transmitted, TC0_REPLAY_TIMER is allowed to run.3350 • TC0_REPLAY_TIMER is reset and allowed to run after sending the last symbol of Frame#2.3351 • Successful reception of AFC0#1 Frame (grouped acknowledgment for Frame#0 and Frame#1)

TC0_REPLAY_TIMER is reset and allowed to run since acknowledgment for Frame#2 is not yet received.

No unacknowledged frames in the TC0 TX buffer so the TC0_REPLAY_TIMER is stopped.

Local RXRemote TXRemote RXLocal TX











Legend Timer Stopped Timer Reset and Running Timer Running Timer Expired




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3352 • Reception of AFC0#2 Frame by local RX resets and stops TC0_REPLAY_TIMER as there are no unacknowledged Frames.

Figure 105 TC0 Replay Timer Operation for Grouped ACK

3353 Figure 106 shows TCx_REPLAY_TIMER behavior in case of preemption (TC0 is preempted by TC1).

3354 • TC0_REPLAY_TIMER is reset and started after sending the last symbol of TC0 Frame#0.3355 • While TC0 Frame #1 is being transmitted, TC0_REPLAY_TIMER is allowed to run.3356 • The local TX preempts TC0 Frame #1 with a higher priority Frame, TC1 Frame #0.3357 • Since TC0 Frame #1 has not been acknowledged, TC0_REPLAY_TIMER continues to run.3358 • TC1_REPLAY_TIMER is reset and allowed to run after sending the last symbol of TC1 Frame#0.3359 • Since TC1 has no more Frames to send, TC0 resumes transmitting TC0 Frame#1 from its preempted

position.3360 • TC0_REPLAY_TIMER is reset and allowed to run after sending the last symbol of TC0 Frame#1.3361 • After successful reception of AFC1#0 Frame by the local RX, TC1_REPLAY_TIMER is stopped as

there are no unacknowledged Frames for TC1.3362 • After successful reception of AFC0#1 Frame by the local RX, TC0_REPLAY_TIMER is stopped as

there are no unacknowledged Frames for TC0.

TC0_REPLAY_TIMER is reset with each received AFC0 as long as there are unacknowledged frames in the TC0 TX buffer

No unacknowledged frames in the TC0 TX buffer so the TC0_REPLAY_TIMER is stopped.

Local RXRemote TXRemote RXLocal TX















Legend Timer Stopped Timer Reset and Running Timer Running Timer Expired














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Figure 106 TCx Replay Timer Behavior during Preemption

B.1.2 Retransmission Mechanism

3363 Figure 107 illustrates retransmission due to the received NAC Frame by local RX, where TC0 and TC1frames are depicted respectively in white and gray color.

3364 • The local TX sends TC0 Frame#0 and Frame#1. TC0_REPLAY_TIMER is reset and started after sending the last symbol of Frame#1. The Forward Link carries no traffic from the local TX after sending TC0 Frame#1.

3365 • The remote RX receives Frame#0 in good condition, and Frame#1 with an error (detected during CRC checking). It discards the last Frame, i.e. Frame#1, and schedules an AFC Frame to acknowledge TC0 Frame#0, and a NAC Frame with the RReq bit not set (see Section for NAC Frame details), which acknowledges correct reception of TC0 Frame#0.

3366 • After reception of the AFC0 Frame by the local RX, the local RX resets and starts the TC0_REPLAY_TIMER

3367 • After reception of the NAC Frame by the local RX, the local RX resets and freezes the TC0_REPLAY_TIMER, transmits AFC Frames for TC1 and TC0 and retransmits TC0 Frame#1. After retransmitting TC0 Frame#1 it resets and starts TC0_REPLAY_TIMER.

3368 • Remote RX receives TC0 Frame#1 in good condition, this time, and sends an acknowledgment for the Frame with AFC0#1 Frame.

Local RXRemote TXRemote RXLocal TX









Legend Timer Stopped Timer Reset and Running Timer Running Timer Expired












Replay Timers















No unacknowledged frames in the TC1 TX buffer so the

TC1_REPLAY_TIMER is stopped.

No unacknowledged frames in the TC0 TX buffer so the

TC0_REPLAY_TIMER is stopped.

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3369 • The local RX detects AFC0#1 Frame and stops the TC0_REPLAY_TIMER as there are no pending acknowledgments.

Figure 107 Retransmission Triggered by NAC Frame

3370 Figure 108 shows a scenario with two Traffic Classes, and depicts the case when a NAC Frame is received bythe local RX due to bad Frame reception by the remote RX while the local TX is sending a Data Frame on theforward Link.

Local RXRemote TXRemote RXLocal TX





















Legend Timer Stopped Timer Reset and Running Timer Running Timer Expired
























Bit error, Frame #1 is discarded

TC0_REPLAY_TIMER is stopped on the receipt of

the NAC frame.

AFC transmission for prior TC1 transmission

AFC transmission for prior TC0 transmission

No unacknowledged frames in the TC0 TX buffer so the TC0_REPLAY_TIMER is stopped.

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3371 • The local TX sends TC0 Frame#0, Frame#1, Frame#2 and Frame#3. TC0_REPLAY_TIMER is reset and started after finalization of each Frame

3372 • The remote RX receives Frame#0 in good condition, and Frame#1 with an error (detected during CRC checking). It schedules the transmission of the AFC#1 Frame and a NAC Frame with the RReq bit not set and discards all TC0 Data Frames until it receives TC0 Frame#1 error free.

3373 • The reception of NAC Frame by the local RX stops the TC0 Frame #3 transmission (without concluding the current Frame).

3374 • Local TX transmits AFC Frames for TC1 and TC0 and starts retransmission of all unacknowledged Data Frames in the priority order. In this illustration only TC0 traffic is depicted, hence it starts sending TC0 Frames from the oldest unacknowledged Frame (TC0 Frame#1) to the latest Frame (TC0 Frame#3) available in buffer.

3375 • Remote RX receives the AFC1 Frame in good condition and activates the NAC Frame generation. See Section 6.6.11 for more details.

3376 • Remote RX receives TC0 Frame#2 and TC0 Frame#3 in good condition and sends an acknowledgment with AFC0#3 Frame.

3377 • The local RX detects the AFC0#3 Frame and stops the TC0_REPLAY_TIMER as there are no pending acknowledgments.

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Figure 108 Retransmission Triggered by NAC Frame while Stopping Current Frame

No unacknowledged frames in the TC0 TX buffer so the TC0_REPLAY_TIMER is stopped.

Local RXRemote TXRemote RXLocal TX
























































Legend Timer Stopped Timer Reset and Running Timer Running Timer Expired





The current frame transmission is stopped.AFC for TC1 and TC0 is transmitted.Any unacknowledged frames are retransmitted.

The Remote RX is expecting Frame #1 to be retransmitted so Frame #2 is discarded.

Bit error, Frame #1 is discarded

TC0_REPLAY_TIMER is stopped on the receipt of

the NAC frame.

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3378 Figure 109 depicts the case where retransmission is triggered by expiration of TC0_REPLAY_TIMER.

3379 • After sending TC0 Frame#16 the TC0_REPLAY_TIMER is reset and started waiting for an AFC0 Frame from remote TX by the local RX.

3380 • The remote RX could not detect an EOF_EVEN or EOF_ODD symbol and CRC symbol, so it did not send an AFC0 Frame.

3381 • The local TX TC0_REPLAY_TIMER expires.3382 • The local TX triggers PHY initialization (not shown in the figure).3383 • The local TX transmits NAC Frame with the RReq bit set.3384 • The local TX starts transmission first with the AFC Frames for TC1 and TC0 and then retransmits TC0

Frame#16 as there are no unacknowledged TC1 Data Frames.3385 • The remote TX triggers PHY initialization (not shown in the figure) after receiving NAC Frame with the

RReq bit set.3386 • The remote TX transmits AFC Frames for TC1 and TC0. It has no unacknowledged Data Frames for

TC1 and TC0 to send.3387 • The remote RX receives Frame#16.

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Figure 109 Retransmission Triggered by TC0_REPLAY_TIMER Expiration

3388 Figure 110 depicts the scenario where the retransmission is caused by a wrong Frame Sequence Number.

3389 • The local TX transmits TC0 Data Frames starting from Frame #16. An acknowledgment is received for all Frames up to Frame#15 (sending of these Frames are not shown in the figure) that stops TC0_REPLAY_TIMER before Frame#16 is transmitted.

3390 • The remote RX detects Frame#16 and Frame#18 but could not detect Frame#17. It recognizes the wrong Frame Sequence Number when it received Frame#18 (while Frame#17 was expected).

3391 • The remote RX discards all TC0 Data Frames from Frame#18 until it receives TC0 Frame#17 and remote TX sends an AFC0#16 Frame and a NAC Frame with the RReq bit not set.

3392 • The local RX receives the AFC0#16 and the NAC Frame, transmits AFC Frames for TC1 and TC0 then starts retransmission of TC0 Frame#17 and the Frames that follow it (not shown in the figure).

Local RXRemote TXRemote RXLocal TX





Legend Timer Stopped Timer Reset and Running Timer Running Timer Expired












































Frame end is not detected

AFC transmission due to NAC reception

AFC transmission due to NAC reception

AFC transmission for prior TC1 transmission

AFC transmission for prior TC0 transmission

Retransmission of all frames that have not been acknowledged

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Figure 110 Retransmission Due to Wrong Frame Sequence Number

3393 Figure 111 depicts the scenario where NAC Frame transmission is triggered due to errors in AFC reception.

3394 • The local TX starts sending TC0 Frame#1. TC0 Frame#1 is preempted by TC1 Frame#0 while the former was in transmission.

Local RXRemote TXRemote RXLocal TX






















Frame with unexpected frame number is received.

This frame and all following frames are discarded until a frame with the expected frame number is received.

For indication to Local a NAC frame transmission is triggered.


Legend Timer Stopped Timer Reset and Running Timer Running Timer Expired































SOF and/or EOF not detected

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3395 • After transmitting TC1 Frame#0 completely, TC1_REPLAY_TIMER is reset and started and the local TX continues with sending TC0 Frame#1 from its preempted position and then TC0 Frame#2.

3396 • Meanwhile, the remote RX receives TC1 Frame#0 and remote TX sends acknowledgment for it with the AFC1#0 Frame.

3397 • The local RX detects this AFC1#0 Frame in error. Then the local TX sends a NAC Frame (RReq bit not set). The NAC Frame preempts TC0 Frame#2. After the NAC Frame is sent, the transmission of TC0 Frame#2 is continued from its preempted position.

3398 • The remote RX detects the NAC Frame and remote TX transmits only the AFC1#0 and AFC0#1 Frames. There is no Data Frame retransmission from remote TX because there are no outstanding Frames at the remote TX.

3399 • With the reception of the AFC1#0 Frame, the TC1_REPLAY_TIMER is stopped as there are no unacknowledged Frames in the buffer. The reception of the AFC0#3 Frame (acknowledgment for TC0 Frame#3) stops the TC0_REPLAY_TIMER. The illustration also shows resetting and running of TC0_REPLAY_TIMER after sending each TC0 Frame.

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Figure 111 No Retransmission Due to Error in AFC Reception

TC0_REPLAY_TIMER is stopped on the receipt of the AFC frame.

No unacknowledged frames in the TC1 TX buffer so the TC1_REPLAY_TIMER is stopped.

Local RXRemote TXRemote RXLocal TX















Legend Timer Stopped Timer Reset and Running Timer Running Timer Expired








































Replay Timers


Bit error, AFC1 Frame is discarded

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B.2 Preemption Scenarios

B.2.1 Forward Link

3400 Figure 112 explains the forward Link use case. The TC0 is requested to transmit a bulk of data. Just after theTC0 Frame started on the Link a small Message, i.e. high priority request like IRQ, is requested to send overTC1.

3401 Figure 113 shows the further behavior of the Link without preemption. The transmission of the IRQ Messageis delayed until the TC0 Frame is finalized.

3402 Figure 114 and Figure 115 show the behavior of the Link with preemption. Figure 114 shows that the IRQMessage preempts TC0 Frame transmission as it has a higher priority. After the IRQ Message is finalized theTC0 Frame transmission is finalized. The IRQ Message is delivered faster with preemption.

Figure 112 Forward Link Use Case

Figure 113 Forward Link Use Case without Preemption

Upper Layer DL Upper LayerDL

10 Mbps Link

TC0: Bulky Data Transfer – DL_MTU SizeTC1: IRQ – Small Size

Upper Layer DL Upper LayerDL

10 Mbps Link

TC0: Bulky Data Transfer – DL_MTU SizeTC1: IRQ – Small Size

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Figure 114 Forward Link Use Case with Preemption – Start of Preemption

Figure 115 Forward Link Use Case with Preemption – End of Preemption

B.2.2 Reverse Link

3403 Besides the forward Link use case explained earlier, the reverse Link also benefits from the preemption.Without preemption the reverse traffic can block the forward Link by a significant factor compared topreemption case. Because an AFC Frame can only be sent after a current transmitted Frame is finalized andon the forward Link the Frame cannot be transmitted when the forward Link is waiting for an AFC Frame (nocredits available or max outstanding acknowledgments (DL_TCxOutAckThreshold) are reached).

3404 With preemption the AFC Frame is transmitted immediately in consideration of the arbitration scheme andthe IDLE time of the forward Link is reduced to a minimum if no higher priorities traffic is ongoing on thereverse Link.

Upper Layer DL Upper LayerDL

10 Mbps Link

TC0: Bulky Data Transfer – DL_MTU SizeTC1: IRQ – Small Size

Upper Layer DL Upper LayerDL

10 Mbps Link

TC0: Bulky Data Transfer – DL_MTU SizeTC1: IRQ – Small Size

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Figure 116 Reverse Link Use Case

3405 The behavior of the use case is described here without preemption. Figure 117 shows that TC0 Frame isstarted on reverse Link just before the completion of the TC1 data on forward Link. The received TC1 data isconsumed by the upper layer and the buffer is empty now. AFC1 Frame cannot be sent immediately as TC0occupies the reverse Link. In Figure 117 the TC1 buffer at the receiver is empty and it is not yetcommunicated to the sender side. The sender has new TC1 data to send. It cannot be sent due to theundelivered AFC1 Frame from receiver side. This results in an IDLE state of the forward Link. Aftercompletion of TC0, the AFC1 Frame is transmitted on the reverse Link (see Figure 118). After the receptionof the flow control the forward Link is able to transmit new TCx Data Frame on the forward Link.

Figure 117 Reverse Link Use Case without Preemption – AFC1 is Blocked

Upper Layer DL Upper LayerDL


Ack and Credits

1 Gbps Link

AFC ready to send, Ack and credits received

Transmission blocked

10 Mbps Link


Upper Layer DL Upper LayerDL


Ack and Credits

AFC ready to send, Ack and credits received

Transmission blocked

10 Mbps Link


1 Gbps Link

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Figure 118 Reverse Link Use Case without Preemption – TC1 Data is Blocked

Figure 119 Reverse Link Use Case without Preemption – AFC1 Transmission

3406 With preemption the behavior is different. As the AFC1 is higher priority than the TC0, the AFC1 preemptsimmediately the ongoing TC0 transmission (see Figure 120). The sender can serve TC1 Data Frametransmission after the AFC1 is received (see Figure 121). The preempted Frame is continued after the AFCFrame transmission is finalized. IDLE time of the forward Link is reduced to a minimum.

Upper Layer DL Upper LayerDL


Ack and Credits

1 Gbps Link

AFC ready to send, Ack and credits received

Transmission blocked

10 Mbps Link


Upper Layer DL Upper LayerDL


1 Gbps Link


Ack and Credits

AFC ready to send, Ack and credits received

Transmission blocked

10 Mbps Link

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Figure 120 Reverse Link Use Case with Preemption – AFC1 Transmission

Figure 121 Reverse Link Use Case with Preemption – AFC1 Reception

Upper Layer DL Upper LayerDL


Ack and Credits


10 Mbps Link

1 Gbps Link

AFC ready to send, Ack and credits received

Transmission pre-empted

Upper Layer DL Upper LayerDL


1 Gbps Link

Ack and Credits

AFC ready to send, Ack and credits received

Transmission pre-empted

10 Mbps Link


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Figure 122 Reverse Link Use Case with Preemption – End of Preemption

B.3 CCITT CRC-16 Example

3407 An illustrative example of the CCITT CRC-16 is given in Figure 123. The example shows a TC0 Frame withASCII characters ‘1’ through ‘9’, ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’.

Figure 123 CCITT CRC Example

Upper Layer DL Upper LayerDL


Ack and Credits


10 Mbps Link

1 Gbps Link

AFC ready to send, Ack and credits received

Transmission pre-empted

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 01 ESC_DL SOF TC=TC0 Reserved0 DestDeviceID_Enc = 2 DestCPortID_Enc = 1

1 ESC_DL EOF_EVEN Frame Seq. Number=0x0A

0 CCITT CRC-16 = 0x4A20

0 ‘3’ (0x33) ‘4’ (0x34)




HEX value






0 ‘5’ (0x35) ‘6’ (0x36)0 ‘7’ (0x37) ‘8’ (0x38)0 ‘9’ (0x39) ‘A’ (0x41)0 ‘B’ (0x42) ‘C’ (0x43)


Initial Value

1's Complement

0 ‘1’ (0x31) ‘2’ (0x32)ECM=0FCT=0L4s=1L3s=1 0x08284




CRC Register(X15 .. X0)








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Annex C SAP Primitive Formalism (informative)3408 This specification uses the OSI protocol formalism developed in [ITUT01] and [ITUT02] to describe the

UniPro protocol stack. However, a few additional concepts are needed to fully describe the UniPro stack andits behavior.

3409 Section 4.4 provides an overview of the SAP concept used by the UniPro stack. The following summary ofthe four classical Service Primitives is provided for convenience:

3410 • The Request (.req) Service Primitive is used by a Service User to request a Service Provider execute a particular action. The action may cause remote and local state changes.

3411 • The Indication (.ind) Service Primitive is used by a Service Provider to indicate to a Service User that a particular action was executed. The action may have been triggered remotely or locally.

3412 • The Response (.rsp) Service Primitive is used by a Service User to carry out an action in response to an Indication Service Primitive. The action may cause remote and local state changes.

3413 • The Confirm (.cnf) Service Primitive is used by a Service Provider to signal that a particular action was executed or to provide a response to a request. The action may have been triggered remotely or locally.

3414 In most cases, these Service Primitives relate to each other as shown in Figure 124.

Figure 124 Common Usage of SAP Primitives

C.1 Additional SAP Primitives

3415 The Message Sequence Chart shown in Figure 124 is typical for certain types of transactions. However, thereare situations where the relationship of a Response or Confirm Service Primitive to another Service Primitiveor action is ambiguous as shown in Figure 125. In this example, it is not clear if a Confirm Service Primitiveis the result of a local or remote action. A Response Service Primitive has the same ambiguity.

Layer n+1 Layer nLayer n Layer n+1





Device A Device B

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Figure 125 Ambiguous Usage of SAP Primitives

3416 The following additional Service Primitives are introduced to avoid this ambiguity:

3417 • The Local Confirm (.cnf_L) Service Primitive is issued following a Request Service Primitive directed at the local Device. Typically, a new Request Service Primitive cannot be issued before reception of a Local Confirm Service Primitive, thus regulating the rate of Messages sent between the Service User and local Service Provider.

3418 • The Local Response (.rsp_L) Service Primitive is issued following an Indication Service Primitive that was directed at the local Device. Typically, a new Indication Service Primitive cannot be issued before reception of a Local Response Service Primitive, thus regulating the rate of Messages sent between the Service User and local Service Provider.

3419 With the addition of these two new Service Primitives, the relationships between Service Primitives aremodified as shown in Figure 126. The Response (.rsp) and Confirm (.cnf) Service Primitives are nowreserved for Messages that result in a Message sent to a peer Device.

Layer n+1 Layer nLayer n Layer n+1







Device A Device B

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Figure 126 Usage of the Local SAP Primitives

Layer n+1 Layer nLayer n Layer n+1







Device A Device B

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Annex D CPort Signal Interface (informative)3420 The CPort signal interface defines a generic signal interface used to connect UniPro CPorts to their

Applications. The CPort signal interface is the signal-interface equivalent of the T_CO_SAP.

3421 The CPort signal interface is informative only. Conformance to the UniPro specification does not depend onany portion of the signal interface defined herein. This interface is meant as an example of how the moregeneric T_CO_SAP could be instantiated in an implementation.

3422 The CPort signal interface is optimized for a local on-chip interface. As a result, there is no attempt tominimize the number of signals.

D.1 Signal Definition

3423 The CPort signal interface, depicted in Figure 127, consists of five signal groups:

3424 • Global, which includes the clock3425 • T_CO_DATA.req, which includes the short-header data transmission signals3426 • T_CO_DATA.ind, which includes the short-header data reception signals3427 • T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req, which includes the flow-control transmission signals3428 • TX status/arbitration, which includes optional signals for external TX CPort arbitration

Figure 127 CPort Signal Interface

3429 The CPort signal interface is a synchronous interface. All signals of the CPort signal interface aresynchronous to the rising edge of t_clk.

3430 The T_CO_DATA.req, T_CO_DATA.ind and T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.req reflect the UniPro T_CO_SAP.

CPort Applicationt_clk











t_txsa_end_segmentTx Status/Arbitration









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3431 The CPort signal interface multiplexes the CPort data transfers to prevent a signal explosion, and becausedata is serialized anyway by the UniPro stack. This multiplexing requires the UniPro stack to assist theexternal TX CPort arbiter. These signals are grouped in the TX Status/Arbitration signal group. There is noneed for similar arbitration signals at the RX side, as the data is already serialized before being transferredover the UniPro Link.

3432 All of the previous options are particular design choices, which lead to this particular CPort signal interfacedesign. Other choices are obviously possible. Moreover, signals can be added or removed as needed.

3433 A detailed description of all the CPort interface signals is shown in Table 126.

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Table 126 CPort Interface Signal Definition

Signal Name Driver Description

Common Group

t_clk Clock source Main clock.All the signals of the CPort signal interface are synchronous to the rising edge of t_clk.

T_CO_DATA.req Group

t_tx_valid Application

Transmitter valid.When '1', this signal indicates that t_tx_cportid, t_tx_data, t_tx_byte_en and t_tx_eom are valid and will remain valid until they are accepted by the CPort by setting t_tx_accept to '1'. The data is transferred when t_tx_valid and t_tx_accept are both '1'.

t_tx_accept CPort Transmitter accept.When '1', this signal indicates that the CPort is ready to accept data. The CPort is allowed to set t_tx_accept to '1' before t_tx_valid is set '1'.

t_tx_cportid[C:0] Application

Transmitted CPort ID.This signal indicates the CPort ID to which the data is destined. This signal is sampled when t_tx_valid is '1', and is driven with each data element. The signal width depends on the number of CPorts in the UniPro stack, e.g., C=3 if 16 CPorts are implemented. Changing the t_tx_cportid value creates a Message fragment boundary, and results in a new Packet being created by the UniPro stack.

t_tx_data[N-1:0] ApplicationTransmitter data.This signal width is a multiple of 8, and is implementation-specific. The byte transmission order is t_tx_data[N-1:N-8] (MSB), t_tx_data[N-9:N-16], … t_tx_data[7:0] (LSB).

t_tx_byte_en[N/8-1:0] Application

Transmitter byte enable.In the case of a multiple byte data interface, this signal contains one bit per data byte. The t_tx_byte_en[i] values of '1' and '0' indicate the presence and absence of valid data for the i-th byte (i.e., t_tx_data[i×8+7:i×8]), respectively. Permissible values for t_tx_byte_en are only those with adjacent valid bytes starting from MSB. For N=32, the permissible t_tx_byte_en values are b'1111', b'1110', b'1100' and b'1000'.

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t_tx_eom Application

Transmitter End Of Message.When '1', this signal indicates that the last byte of the Message is sent. The last Message byte is the least significant enabled byte transferred by t_tx_data in the same clock cycle. Setting t_tx_eom to '1' results in the EOM flag being set to '1' for the Segment containing the last Message byte.

T_CO_DATA.ind Group

t_rx_valid CPort

Receiver valid.When '1', this signal indicates that t_rx_cportid, t_rx_data, t_rx_byte_en and t_rx_eom are valid and will remain valid until they are accepted by the Application by setting t_rx_accept to '1'. The data is transferred when t_rx_valid and t_rx_accept are both '1'.

t_rx_accept ApplicationReceiver accept.When '1', this signal indicates that the Application is ready to accept data. The Application is allowed to set t_rx_accept to '1' before t_rx_valid is set to '1'.

t_rx_cportid[C:0] CPort

Receiver CPort ID.This signal indicates the CPort ID from which the data is sent. This signal is sampled when t_rx_valid is '1', and is driven with each data element. The signal width depends on the number of CPorts in the UniPro stack, e.g., C=3 if 16 CPorts are implemented.

t_rx_data[N-1:0] CPortReceiver data.This signal width is a multiple of 8, and is implementation-specific. The byte transmission order is t_rx_data[N-1:N-8] (MSB), t_rx_data[N-9:N-16], … t_rx_data[7:0] (LSB).

t_rx_byte_en[N/8-1:0] CPort

Receiver byte enable.In the case of a multiple byte data interface, this signal contains one bit per data byte. The t_rx_byte_en[i] values of '1' and '0' indicate the presence and absence of valid data for the i-th byte (i.e., t_rx_data[i×8+7:i×8]), respectively. Permissible values for t_rx_byte_en are only those with adjacent valid bytes starting from MSB. For N=32, the permissible t_rx_byte_en values are b'1111', b'1110', b'1100' and b'1000'.

t_rx_eom CPortReceiver End Of Message.When '1', this signal indicates the receipt of the last byte of the Message, which is the least significant enabled byte transferred by t_tx_data in the same clock cycle.

Table 126 CPort Interface Signal Definition (continued)

Signal Name Driver Description

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t_rx_msg_status CPort

Receiver Message status.This signal indicates whether the currently received Message is valid or corrupt due to a fragment being dropped in the CPort (by the safety valve or the Controlled Segment Dropping). A value of '0' indicates that the Message has been correct so far. A value of '1' indicates that a fragment has been dropped. Once set to '1'. The signal stays set to '1' until t_rx_eom is set to '1'.


t_fc_valid Application

Flow-control valid.When '1', this signal indicates that t_fc_cportid and t_fc_credits are valid and will remain valid until they are accepted by the CPort by setting t_fc_accept to '1'. The data is transferred when t_fc_valid and t_fc_accept are both '1'.

t_fc_accept CPortFlow-control accept.When '1', this signal indicates that the CPort is ready to accept credits. The CPort is allowed to set t_fc_accept to '1' before t_fc_valid is set '1'.

t_fc_cportid[C:0] ApplicationFlow-control CPort ID.This signal indicates the CPort ID to which the credits are destined. The signal width depends on the number of CPorts in the UniPro stack, e.g., C=3 if 16 CPorts are implemented.

t_fc_credits[F:0] Application

Flow-control credits.This signal indicates the amount credits for a CPort. The credits represent the free buffer space in bytes which became available from the last time t_fc_credits was last asserted for the same CPort. The signal width, F+1, is implementation-specific and relates to the amount of credits that can be issued at once. When more credits than the t_fc_credits capacity must be transferred, the t_fc_credits signal must be asserted multiple times.

t_fc_credits_accepted[F:0] CPort

Flow-control credits accepted.This signal is valid one cycle after t_fc_credits was transferred, and indicates the amount of credits accepted by the CPort. The credit transfer is correct when t_fc_credits_accepted is equal to the t_fc_credits from the last cycle (equivalent to the OK value of L4CPortResultCode in the T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.cnf_L). The credit transfer is erroneous when t_fc_credits_accepted is less than t_fc_credits from the last cycle (equivalent to the CREDITS_EXCEEDED value of L4CPortResultCode in the T_CO_FLOWCONTROL.cnf_L). The width of the t_fc_credits_accepted signal is identical to the t_fc_credits signal width.

Table 126 CPort Interface Signal Definition (continued)

Signal Name Driver Description

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TX Status/Arbitration Group

t_txsa_cport_status[(2*P-1):0] CPort

CPort status.This signal reflects the status of each CPort, with t_txsa_cport_status[2*i+1:2*i] reflecting the status of the i-th CPort (P is the total number of CPorts). A value of b'00' indicates that the CPort is configured and usable for data transmission and reception. A value of b'01' indicates that the CPort is not connected (NO_CONNECTION). A value of b'11' indicates that the CPort is connected to a Traffic Class which is not present in the adjacent UniPro node (NO_PEER_TC). The b'10' value is reserved.

t_txsa_fc_for_maxsegment[(P-1):0] CPortCredits for maximum Segment.If the t_txsa_fc_for_maxsegment[i] signal is '1', the i-th CPort has enough end-to-end credits to send a maximum Segment, otherwise the i-th CPort has less credits (P is the total number of CPorts).

t_txsa_end_segment[(P-1):0] CPortEnd of Segment.The t_txsa_end_segment[i] signal is set to '1' for a single cycle every time Layer 4 introduces an end of Segment.

Table 126 CPort Interface Signal Definition (continued)

Signal Name Driver Description

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D.2 Timing Diagrams

3434 This section illustrates the functionality of the CPort signal interface with timing diagrams.

3435 In Figure 128, an example of a Message fragment transfer from the Application to the UniPro stack is shown.The UniPro stack indicates that it is ready to accept data by setting the t_tx_accept to ‘1’. In first cycle, theApplication also sets t_tx_valid to ‘1’, meaning that data is transferred to the UniPro stack. Thet_tx_byte_enable is set to b’1111’, which indicates that all four bytes of the interface contain valid data. Thedata in this Message fragment is transferred to CPort 0 as indicated by t_tx_cport.

3436 As t_tx_valid and t_tx_accept remain set to ‘1’, the Message fragment continues to be transferred until thet_tx_eom is set to ‘1’ in cycle N. The data transfer in cycle N contains only three valid bytes (Dn-2, Dn-1 andDn) as indicated by the b’1110’ value of t_tx_byte_en. These three bytes are transferred on the mostsignificant byte lanes of t_tx_data.

3437 In cycle N+1, the transfer continues with a new Message fragment to CPort 1 as indicated by t_tx_cportid.

Figure 128 Transmitter Data Transfer Example

3438 In Figure 129, a second transmitter data transfer is shown. In this case, the UniPro stack uses t_tx_accept tostop the data transfer in cycle 3. A transmitter transfer can be delayed in this way when e.g., the core inserts aheader symbol. The rest of the transfer is similar to that in Figure 128.








h’0' h’0' h’0' h’0' h’0' h’1' h’1'

D3 D7 D11 Dn-3 X D3 D7

b’1111' b’1111' b’1111' b’1111' b’1110' b’1111'b’1111'

t_tx_data[15:8] D2 D6 D10 Dn-4 Dn D2 D6

t_tx_data[23:16] D1 D5 D9 Dn-5 Dn-1 D1 D5

t_tx_data[31:24] D0 D4 D8 Dn-6 Dn-2 D0 D4

cycle 3cycle 1 cycle 2 cycle N-1 cycle N cycle N+1 cycle N+2

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Figure 129 Delayed Transmitter Data Transfer Example

3439 In Figure 130, a receiver data transfer is shown, first on CPort 0 (cycles 1 through N), then CPort 1 (cycleN+1 onwards) as indicated by t_rx_cportid. The data is transferred when both t_tx_valid and t_tx_accept are‘1’. Thus, data is transferred in all cycles except cycle 2. In cycle N, and end-of-message is indicated bysetting t_rx_eom to ‘1’. In cycle N, only the two most significant two bytes of t_rx_data are enabled, asindicated by the t_rx_byte_en value of b’1100’. The t_rx_msg_status value of ‘0’ indicates that the Messageis correctly received.

Figure 130 Receiver Data Transfer Example






h’0' h’0' h’0' h’0' h’0' h’1'

t_tx_data[7:0] D3 D7 D7 Dn-1 X D3

b’1111' b’1111' b’1111' b’1111' b’1000' b’1111'

t_tx_data[15:8] D2 D6 D6 Dn-2 X D2

t_tx_data[23:16] D1 D5 D5 Dn-3 X D1

t_tx_data[31:24] D0 D4 D4 Dn-4 Dn D0


cycle 4cycle 1 cycle 2 cycle N-1 cycle N cycle N+1







cycle 3






h’0' h’0' h’0' h’0' h’0' h’0' h’1'


t_rx_data[7:0] D3 D7 D7 D11 Dn-2 X D3

b’1111' b’1111' b’1111' b’1111' b’1111' b’1100' b’1111'

t_rx_data[15:8] D2 D6 D6 Dn-3 X D2

t_rx_data[23:16] D1 D5 D5 D9 Dn-4 Dn D1

t_rx_data[31:24] D0 D4 D4 D8 Dn-5 Dn-1 D0



cycle 4cycle 1 cycle 2 cycle 3 cycle N-1 cycle N cycle N+1

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3440 In Figure 131, a flow control credit transfer is shown. The first flow control credit C0 is made available by theApplication to CPort 0 on cycle 1 by setting t_fc_valid to ‘1’. The credit is accepted in cycle 2 by settingt_fc_accept to ‘1’. As a result, in the following cycle, the UniPro stack indicates that the credits have beencorrectly processed by setting the t_fc_credits_accepted to the same credit value C0 as the value oftransferred credits.

3441 In cycles 3 and 4, the t_fc_valid is ‘0’, which means the t_fc_credits do not contain meaningful values. Asshown in cycle 4, the UniPro stack can set the t_fc_accept to ‘1’ indicating it can accept a new credit valueeven if no credit is available.

3442 In cycles 5 and 6, new credit values C1 and C2 are transferred for CPorts 1 and 2, respectively. The credits areacknowledged by t_fc_credits _accepted on cycle after the credit transfer, in cycles 6 and 7, respectively. It isallowed to transfer credits on t_fc_credits, while acknowledging credits from the previous cycle ont_fc_credits_accepted, as shown in cycle 6.

Figure 131 Flow Control Credit Transfer Example







h’0' h’0' h’0' h’0' h’1' h’2' X

C0 C0 X X C1 C2 X

X X C0 X X C1 C2

cycle 7cycle 1 cycle 2 cycle 3 cycle 4 cycle 5 cycle 6

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Annex E Test M-PHY Protocol Interface (T-MPI) (informative)3443 The interface described in this annex is optional. However, if a UniPro implementation chooses to support T-

MPI, it shall implement it as described in this annex.

3444 The Test M-PHY Protocol Interface (T-MPI) is an optional interface that corresponds to the M-PHY SAPinterface. This interface may be used to test the UniPro protocol stack on an FPGA implementation and maybe used for interoperability testing of an early UniPro stack prototype. It essentially replaces the M-PHY byutilizing high-speed SERDES technology available on modern FPGAs. The T-MPI can be seen as a “DummyM-PHY” implementation.

3445 The PHY_SAP consists of separate set of DATA and CTRL SAPs for both the RX and TX direction. Thisannex describes the mapping of the M-TX-DATA, M-RX-DATA, M-TX-CTRL and M-RX-CTRL SAPs tothe T-MPI interface. This annex refers extensively to Annex A in [MIPI05].

3446 Several essential features of the PA Layer are using services of the CTRL SAPs. Therefore, the T-MPImandates a minimum amount of M-PHY features, such as power mode related Attributes, to be supported.

E.1 Use Cases

3447 The T-MPI enables two main, use cases for the test of a UniPro implementation. The use cases described inthis annex are not limiting.

E.1.1 UniPro Protocol Stack Testing

3448 UniPro Protocol Stack Testing may be used for interoperability testing between two UniPro stacks.Figure 132 gives an example of T-MPI interface usage for UniPro protocol stack testing. The M-PHY DATASAP is sent over the T-MPI using the SERDES, while the M-PHY CTRL SAP is used to control the TestFeatures included in the “Dummy M-PHY”. The Test Features module controls and monitors the data streamon the SERDES. This is used for example for checking power mode.

3449 One SERDES transceiver pair includes a transmitter and a receiver. The T-MPI should use one SERDEStransceiver per supported M-PHY data lane. Therefore a maximum of 4 transceivers pairs may be used to testa UniPro implementation that supports up to four data lanes.

Figure 132 T-MPI Protocol Testing Configuration

E.1.2 UniPort-M testing using an external third party M-PHY

3450 The T-MPI interface may be used to enable a UniPro Stack user to borrow a third party M-PHY. This may bethe case for a UniPro conformance tester that requires an FPGA implementation of the UniPro stack and thirdparty M-PHY.


L1.5 to L4






L1.5 to L4





Dummy M-PHY


Test Features

Dummy M-PHY


Test Features



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3451 Figure 133 gives an example of a external M-PHY configuration using the T-MPI interface. The UniPro stackand the T-MPI interface are implemented onto the FPGA of the UniPro stack PCB. The PHY PCB has an M-PHY device and an FPGA. The FPGA of the PHY PCB implements the T-MPI interface to the UniPro stackPCB and a proprietary interface to the M-PHY.

Figure 133 External M-PHY Configuration

3452 Such a configuration enables usage of M-PHY from several sources with different proprietary interfaces. Inthis configuration the M-PHY DATA SAPs are mapped to the T-MPI interface, while the M-PHY CTRLSAPs are mapped to the serial interface.

3453 T-MPI should use one SERDES Transceivers pair per supported M-PHY data Lane and a single serialinterface for the control of the M-PHY regardless of the number of supported data lanes.

E.2 T-MPI Features

3454 The T-MPI described in this annex contains a number of features that may or may not be supported by aparticular implementation depending on the use case and the purpose of such implementation. Features arecategorized as mandatory features and optional features. An implementation may extend the feature-setdescribed in this annex.

3455 The T-MPI shall support SERDES Transceivers for all use cases. The SERDES transceivers data format isdescribed in Section E.4. There should be a single SERDES transceiver pair per supported data lane. TheSERDES Transceivers should run at a fixed data rate.

3456 When used in protocol testing case the T-MPI should support the following features:

3457 • Error Control test feature as described in Section E.8.4.3458 • FSM Emulation test feature as described in Section E.8.6.

3459 When used in protocol testing case the T-MPI shall support the following features:

3460 • Four SERDES instances.3461 • Power Mode test feature as described in Section E.8.3.3462 • Physical Lanes renumbering as described in Section E.8.7.3463 • OMC Emulation test feature as described in Section E.8.5.3464 • Access to M-PHY MODULE Attributes and support for M-PHY MODULE effective and shadow

configuration register banks as described in Section E.8.1.3465 • Access to T-MPI Attributes as described in Section E.8.2.

3466 When used in external M-PHY case, the T-MPI should support the following features:

3467 • Conversion of M-PHY CTRL SAPs to a Serial Interface as described in Section E.9.



L1.5 to L4






Dummy M-PHY


Control I/F

Dummy M-PHY


Control I/F





ry I/


Serial I/F

UniPro Stack PCB PHY PCB



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3468 • Support for simultaneous multi-lanes M-PHY configuration.

E.2.1 Functional Block Diagram (Protocol Testing)

3469 Figure 134 illustrates the block diagram for the Protocol Testing use case.

Figure 134 Protocol Testing Block Diagram

3470 Four instance of the T-MPI lane shall be used regardless on the number of supported data lanes by theprotocol. Each data lane of the protocol shall be connected to the T-MPI lane through a physical lanerenumbering module. The physical lane renumbering module just multiplexes logical lanes on protocol sideto physical lanes on T-MPI side. The control for the lane multiplexing is provided by T-MPI controlAttributes.

3471 M-TX-DATA SAP and M-RX-DATA SAP are transferred directly to and from the SERDES transceiversrespectively. Depending on the status of various test features additional control and status information aresent and received by the SERDES.

3472 The DM Register bank refers to Dummy M-PHY Register bank. It contains all M-PHY related capability,control and status Attributes including effective and shadow registers. This is necessary for the verification ofcorrect usage of the M-TX-CTRL and M-RX-CTRL SAPs.

3473 Since the SERDES operates at a fixed data rate, a Power Mode test feature is introduced in the T-MPI. ThePower Mode test feature is used to insert M-PHY power mode parameters at the beginning of each burst onSERDES-TX according to the status of the effective configuration registers of the M-TX. On the SERDES-RX side, the Power Mode parameters are extracted and checked against the expected power mode setting ofthe effective configuration registers of the M-RX. In case of mismatch between the received power modeparameters and the power mode setting of the M-RX an error is reported to the ERROR control module. Thisis necessary for the verification of the PACP protocol in the PA Layer.




Lane0 Control



Lane1 Control



Lane2 Control



Physical lane re-



DM Register bank

Shadow ERROR Control

Power Mode

OMC Emulation

T-MPI Control

FSM EmulationStatus



1 Lane T-MPI



LaneX Control

Dummy M-PHYLane3 Control









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3474 The OMC Emulation test feature is used for checking proper handling of OMC capability checking and OMCconfiguration during the power mode change procedure of the PA Layer. The OMC emulation modulecontrols sending of LCC commands over the SERDES-TX side and detects LCC commands on the SERDES-RX side.

3475 FSM Emulation test feature is optional. It may be used to track the Dummy M-TX and M-RX state machines.

3476 The T-MPI control block contains all T-MPI related Attributes and controls the SERDES operations.

E.2.2 Functional Block Diagram (External M-PHY)

3477 The block diagram of T-MPI for the external M-PHY use case is depicted in Figure 135.

Figure 135 T-MPI Block Diagram for External M-PHY Case

3478 For each supported data lane, the Dummy M-PHY shall have one instance of a T-MPI lane. A T-MPI laneshould have a single SERDES transceivers instance. The M-TX-DATA and M-RX-DATA SAPs are directlymapped to the SERDES transceivers. The M-TX-CTRL and M-RX-CTRL SAPs should be mapped to asingle instance of a Serial interface.

3479 The T-MPI control block contains all necessary T-MPI-related Attributes and controls the SERDESoperations.

E.3 T-MPI Signal List

3480 This section describes the T-MPI signal list.




Lane0 Control



Lane1 Control



Lane2 Control




T-MPI Control

1 Lane T-MPI



LaneX Control

Dummy M-PHYLane3 Control







Serial I/F



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3481 When using the T-MPI in case of protocol testing only, four T-MPI data lanes shall be supported and the T-MPI Serial interface shall be left unconnected.

3482 When using the T-MPI in case of the borrow M-PHY the number of T-MPI lanes is implementationdependent and the T-MPI serial interface should be supported.

E.4 SERDES Data Format

3483 After reset, the T-MPI shall initialize the SERDES transceivers and put them into BURST mode. The methodto put the SERDES in the required BURST mode is outside the scope of this specification. All informationcommunicated over the SERDES shall use 8b10b encoding and RD (Running Disparity) as in the M-PHYspecification [MIPI05].

E.4.1 T-MPI Control Symbols

3484 In order to distinguish between M-PHY control symbols and T-MPI control symbols, the T-MPI definesadditional control symbols which are reserved control symbols for the M-PHY.

3485 The additional T-MPI Control symbols are given in Table 128. The T-MPI shall transmit only controlsymbols that are supported by the M-PHY and control symbols defined for the T-MPI. The T-MPI receiver

Table 127 T-MPI Signals description

Group Signal name Direction Description

















T-MPI Serial Interface

SCL Out Serial Clock. direction from UniPro stack PCB to PHY PCB

SDA In/Out Bi-directional serial data. Data are sampled on the rising edge of SCL.

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does not check for undefined control symbols. The list of T-MPI control symbols given in Table 128 may beextended.

E.4.1.1 New Filler Control Symbol

3486 T-MPI defines the NFLR control symbol as a new filler control symbol. NFLR is the default symbol that shallbe transmitted by the SERDES when no other active data transfer is requested by the protocol. On thereceiver side NFLR symbols shall not be transferred to the protocol side.

3487 The usage of the NFLR control symbol enables keeping the SERDES transceivers running at a fixed pre-defined data rate, while having the protocol running eventually at a lower speed.

E.4.1.2 Head Of Burst Control Symbol

3488 Any burst initiated by the protocol shall be encapsulated between HoB and EoB control symbols. This hasseveral advantages:

3489 • Implementation is simplified, since there is no checking on MK0/MK1/MK2 control symbols requested by the PA Layer. T-MPI just transmit/receives the symbols as they come without the need to interpret them.

3490 • It enables verification of proper sequencing of M-PHY control symbols.

3491 The HoB control symbol defined by the T-MPI is different than the MK0 defined by the M-PHY. The HoBcontrol symbol is used to indicate a start of burst sequence initiated by the protocol. HoB shall be generatedon a M-LANE-PREPARE.req primitive (or on the rising edge of TX_Burst signal) as soon as the SERDES isable to accept a new active burst. HoB shall be followed by a PwrMode data symbol in case of protocoltesting. HoB shall not be followed by PwrMode data symbol in case of borrowed M-PHY.

3492 On a detection of HoB control symbol by the T-MPI receiver, it shall generate a M-LANE-PREPARE.indprimitive (or a rising edge of RX_Burst). In case of protocol testing the T-MPI receiver shall check thefollowing data symbol and compare it to the expected power mode as described in Section E.8.3.

E.4.1.3 End Of Burst Control Symbol

3493 The EoB control symbol defined by T-MPI is different than the MK2 control symbol defined by M-PHY. TheEoB control symbol indicates an end of burst. EoB shall be generated by the T-MPI TX on burst completionfrom the PA Layer (falling edge of TX_Burst). Upon detection of EoB control symbol by the T-MPI RX itshall generate a M-LANE-BurstEnd.ind primitive (or a falling edge of RX_Burst).

Table 128 T-MPI Control Symbols

Input RD = -1 RD = +1Name Function

Symbol HGF EDCBA abcdei fghj abcdei fghj

K.28.0 000 11100 001111 0100 110000 1011 NFLR New Filler

K.28.4 100 11100 001111 0010 110000 1101 HoB Head of Burst

K.29.7 111 11101 101110 1000 010001 0111 EoB End of Burst

K.27.7 111 11011 110110 1000 001001 0111 LCFG Line Config

K.23.7 111 10111 111010 1000 000101 0111 LRST Line Reset

K.30.7 111 11110 011110 1000 100001 0111 ERR Error

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E.4.1.4 Line Config Control Symbol

3494 The LCFG control symbol is used for OMC emulation support. A LCFG control symbol shall be followed byan LCC-Cmd data symbol and 4 payload data symbols. T-MPI TX shall initiate a LCFG control symboltransmission when a BURST from the PA Layer is completed and if the corresponding TX_LCC_EnableAttribute is set to YES and if any of bits of TX_LCC_Sequencer are set.

E.4.1.5 Line Reset Control Symbol

3495 The LRST control symbol is used to signal a LINE-RESET over the T-MPI Link.

3496 The T-MPI TX shall initiate a LRST control symbol transmission when a BURST from the PA Layer iscompleted upon a reception of an M-CTRL-LINERESET.req primitive (assertion of the TX_LineResetsignal).

E.4.1.6 Error Control Symbol

3497 The ERR control symbol is used to deliberately replace a valid transmitted PHY-symbol from the PA Layerby an invalid PHY-symbol to support checking of PHY symbol errors. The ERR symbol may be placedanywhere between HoB control symbol followed by PwrMode data symbol and EoB control symbol.

3498 The insertion of the ERR control symbols is controlled by the ERROR Control test feature. When an ERRcontrol symbol is received the M-LANE-SYMBOL.ind with Res_Error shall be generated (assertion of theRX_SymbolErr).

E.4.2 T-MPI Data Symbols

3499 T-MPI shall support all data symbols supported by the M-PHY.

3500 Some data symbols have specific meaning when they are following specific Control Symbols.

E.4.2.1 Power Mode Data Symbol

3501 The PwrMode data symbol is a data symbol that is immediately following HoB in case of protocol testingonly. In case of borrowed M-PHY the symbol following the HoB has no particular meaning.

3502 The format of the PwrMode data symbol is given in Table 129

3503 Table 130 gives the bit field description for the PwrMode data symbol. The PwrMode data symbol gives thepower mode setting of the transmitter side.

Table 129 Power Mode Symbol Encoding

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

PwrMode MODE SERIE GEAR Termination Reserved Hibernate


Table 130 PwrMode Bit Field Descriptions

Name Encoding Values Description


TX Power mode setting

LS_MODE 1 Shall be set to LS_MODE when TX_MODE=LS_MODE

HS_MODE 0 Shall be set to HS_MODE when TX_MODE=HS_MODE

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E.4.2.2 LCC Command Data Symbol

3504 The LCC Command Data symbol (LCC-Cmd) is the first data symbol that is following an LCFG controlsymbol. Table 131 gives the encoding of the LCC-Cmd data symbol. Implementation may extend thedefinition of LCC-Cmd data symbol.


TX HS mode Series. Valid only in HS_MODE.

SERIE_A 1 Shall be set to SERIE_A when TX_HSRATE_Series = A

SERIE_B 0 Shall be set to SERIE_B when TX_HSRATE_Series = B



Reserved 0 Shall not be set to this value

G1 1Shall be set when TX_MODE=HS_MODE and TX_HSGEAR=HS_G1 or when TX_MODE=LS_MODE and TX_PWMGEAR=PWM_G1

G2 2Shall be set when TX_MODE=HS_MODE and TX_HSGEAR=HS_G2 or when TX_MODE=LS_MODE and TX_PWMGEAR=PWM_G2

G3 3Shall be set when TX_MODE=HS_MODE and TX_HSGEAR=HS_G3 or when TX_MODE=LS_MODE and TX_PWMGEAR=PWM_G3

G4 4 Shall be set when TX_MODE=LS_MODE and TX_PWMGEAR=PWM_G4

G5 5 Shall be set when TX_MODE=LS_MODE and TX_PWMGEAR=PWM_G5

G6 6 Shall be set when TX_MODE=LS_MODE and TX_PWMGEAR=PWM_G6

G7 7 Shall be set when TX_MODE=LS_MODE and TX_PWMGEAR=PWM_G7


TX Termination settings






Reserved 1 Fixed to 1

Table 131 LCC-Cmd Data Symbol Encoding

LCC Command LCC-Cmd Data Symbol Encoding Value




Table 130 PwrMode Bit Field Descriptions (continued)

Name Encoding Values Description

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3505 The LCC-Cmd given in Table 131 shall be supported for protocol testing use-case. Those data symbols arealways followed by four payload data symbols.

E.4.3 Bit Ordering and Binary Value

3506 The notation of binary data values is MSB to LSB when reading from left to right. Data bytes are thereforeindicated by “HGFEDCBA” where “H” is the MSB and “A” the LSB. This notation is used for payload databytes as well as for configuration parameter values.

3507 Transmission order is illustrated in Figure 136.

Figure 136 Bit Ordering

E.5 SERDES State Machines

3508 State machines for the SERDES-TX (S-TX) and SERDES-RX (S-RX) are shown in Figure 137 andFigure 138 respectively and explained in the sections that follow.


Table 131 LCC-Cmd Data Symbol Encoding (continued)

LCC Command LCC-Cmd Data Symbol Encoding Value



h g f i e d c b aj

Transmitted FirstTransmitted Last


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Figure 137 State Diagram for S-TX

Figure 138 State Diagram for S-RX

E.5.1 FSM State Descriptions

3509 This section specifies the purpose and operation for each of the FSM states.






TX_LCC_Sequencer != 0

State State with Sub-FSM Implementation dependent state








State State with Sub-FSM Implementation dependent state

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E.5.1.1 RESET State

3510 The RESET state is the initial state after applying reset or power-on reset to the T-MPI interface. The status ofthe T-MPI interface on the lines is undefined during the RESET state. The control to enter and exit theRESET state is implementation dependent.

E.5.1.2 IDLE State

3511 The IDLE state is reached when the S-TX is operating at a fixed transmission rate and is in burst mode.During the IDLE state the S-TX shall transmit NFLR control symbols. The IDLE state is equivalent to any ofthe SAVE states in the M-PHY specification.

3512 The S-TX shall exit the IDLE state and transit to the BURST state upon reception of an M-LANE-PREPARE.req primitive.

3513 The S-TX shall exit the IDLE state and transit to the LINE-RESET state upon reception of an M-CTRL-LINE-RESET.req primitive.

3514 The S-TX shall exit the IDLE state and transit to the OMC state when the correspondingTX_LCC_Sequencer Attribute has any of its bit set to ‘1’.

3515 The S-RX leaves the RESET state and transit to the IDLE state once it could synchronize its receiver anddetects NFLR control symbols. The S-RX shall stay is the IDLE state as long NFLR control symbols aredetected.

3516 The S-RX shall exit the IDLE state and transit to the BURST state upon reception of symbol HoB controlsymbol. RX_Enter_HIBERN8 shall be set to NO when HoB control symbol is received.

3517 The S-RX shall exit the IDLE state and transit to the LINE-RESET state upon reception of an LRST controlsymbol.

3518 The S-RX shall exit the IDLE state and transit to the OMC state upon reception of an LCFG control symbol.

E.5.1.3 BURST State

3519 The BURST state is used to transfer data as requested by the M-TX-DATA and M-RX-DATA SAPs. TheBURST state contains a sub-FSM which specifies the sequence of events during a BURST and is depicted inFigure 139.

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Figure 139 BURST Sub-FSM

3520 The BURST state is entered from the IDLE state. Each T-MPI BURST sequence corresponds to a single M-PHY BURST. A BURST sequence shall start with the HoB control symbol. In case of protocol testing theHoB control symbol is followed by the PwrMode data symbol. The PwrMode data symbol is followed by asequence of M-PHY payload symbols. Each M-PHY payload symbols may contain data or control symbolsas defined by the M-PHY specification. The EoB control symbol is used to detect end of BURST sequence.

3521 The S-TX shall transmit a HoB control symbol upon reception of an M-LANE-PREPARE.req primitive. Inthe case of protocol testing the HoB control symbol shall be followed by a PwrMode data symbol. For theexternal M-PHY use case, the HoB control symbol shall be followed by either symbols coming from theprotocol or by NFLR control symbols.

3522 The S-TX shall transmit a data or a control symbol for each occurrence of the M-LANE-SYMBOL.reqprimitive. If within a BURST the PA Layer has no M-PHY symbol to transmit, the S-TX shall insert an NFLRcontrol symbol. The S-TX shall transmit an ERR control symbol instead of the requested M-PHY symbolunder the control of the ERROR Control Test Feature block.

3523 The S-TX shall transmit an EoB control symbol upon detection of Burst completion (Falling edge ofTX_Burst signal) and return to the IDLE state.

3524 The S-RX shall generate an M-LANE-PREPARE.ind primitive upon reception of HoB control symbol. Afterreception of the HoB control symbol the S-RX shall receive the PwrMode data symbol and pass it to thePower Mode block for the purpose of verifying correctness of used power mode.

3525 The S-RX shall generate an M-LANE-SYMBOL.ind primitive upon reception of each symbol receivedbetween the PwrMode data symbol and the EoB control symbol. The S-RX shall not generate M-LANE-SYMBOL.ind primitive when receiving an NFLR control symbol. The S-RX shall report any detectedsymbol errors using the M-LANE-SYMBOL.ind primitive with the RX_SymbolError signal set. Receivedsymbol errors are one of the following:

3526 • 3b4b sub-block coding error3527 • 5b6b sub-block coding error3528 • Reserved symbol error









M-PHY Payload symbols to/from PA

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3529 • Running Disparity error3530 • ERR control symbol is received

3531 The S-RX shall generate an M-LANE-BurstEnd.ind primitive upon reception of the EoB control symbol andreturn to the IDLE state.

E.5.1.4 LINE-RESET State

3532 The LINE-RESET state is used for signaling a LINE-RESET over the T-MPI interface similarly to the LINE-RESET signaling used on the M-PHY interface.

3533 The S-TX shall enter the LINE-RESET state upon reception of an M-CTRL-LINERESET.req primitive. Inthe LINE-RESET state the S-TX shall transmit the LRST control symbol. Once the LRST control symbol istransmitted, the M-TX Attributes are reset to their default values and the S-TX returns to the IDLE state. Inthe LINE-RESET state the OMC Write-only Attributes shall not be reset.

3534 The S-RX shall enter the LINE-RESET state upon reception of a LRST control symbol. The S-RX shall issuean M-CTRL-LINERESET.ind primitive in the LINE-RESET state and shall reset the M-RX Attributes totheir default values. The S-RX shall return to the IDLE state after the PA Layer has accepted the M-CTRL-LINERESET.ind primitive.

E.5.1.5 OMC State

3535 The OMC State is used for OMC emulation support. The OMC state contains a sub-FSM which specifies thesequence of events during OMC emulation operations. The OMC Sub-FSM is depicted in Figure 140. OMCoperations such as, LCC-WRITE and LCC-READS operations are initiated when any bit ofTX_LCC_Sequencer is set.

Figure 140 OMC Sub-FSM







OMC State

LCC payload data


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3536 The S-TX shall transit from the IDLE state to the OMC state when there is no M-LANE-PREAPRE.reqprimitive set and when there is no M-CTRL-LINERESET.req primitive set and when TX_LCC_Enable is setto TRUE and when any bit of TX_LCC_Sequencer is set.

3537 Once the S-TX has entered the OMC state it shall execute the following sequence:

3538 • Transmit a LCFG control symbol3539 • Transmit an LCC-Cmd data symbol3540 • Transmit an LCC payload of four data symbols (DATA3, DATA2, DATA1 and DATA0)3541 • Clear the corresponding set bit in TX_LCC_Sequencer3542 • Return to the IDLE state

3543 The S-TX shall assign the LCC-Cmd data symbol according to the status of the bits in TX_LCC_Sequencerwith the following priority:

3544 • If LCC-WRITE-ATTRIBUTE is set, then LCC-Cmd shall be LCC-WRITE-ATTRIBUTE3545 • If LCC-READ-MFG-INFO is set, then LCC-Cmd shall be LCC-READ-MFG-INFO3546 • If LCC-READ-VEND-INFO is set, then LCC-Cmd shall be LCC-READ-VEND-INFO3547 • If LCC-READ-CAPABILITY is set, then LCC-Cmd shall be LCC-READ-CAPABILITY.

3548 The LCC payload data symbols to be sent by the S-TX are depending on the LCC-Cmd. Table 132 andTable 133 specify how to set the DATA3, DATA2, DATA1 and DATA0 LCC payload data depending on thecurrent active LCC-Cmd.

Table 132 LCC Payload for LCC-WRITE-ATTRIBUTE in S-TX



Bit0: TX_Amplitude bit 0

0xFF 0xFF 0xFF

Bit1: MC_Output_Amplitude

Bit2: MC_HS_Unterminated_Enable

Bit3: MC_LS_Terminated_Enable

Bit4: MC_HS_Unterminated_LINE_Drive_E


Bit5: MC_LS_Terminated_LINE_Drive_Ena


Bit6: 0b1

Bit7: 0b1

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3549 Note that “x” in Table 133 relates to the Lane number. For example, L1_OMC_READ_DATA3 is theOMC_READ_DATA3 Attribute for Logical Lane 1.

3550 The S-RX shall transit from the IDLE state to the OMC state on detection of a LCFG control symbol. Oncethe S-RX has entered the OMC state it shall execute the following sequence:

3551 • Reception of the LCFG control symbol3552 • Reception of the LCC-Cmd data symbol3553 • Reception of the LCC payload consisting of four data bytes (DATA3, DATA2, DATA1 and DATA0)3554 • Store the received LCC payload into the appropriate OMC Status Attribute or to Lx_OMC_WO,

depending on the LCC-Cmd3555 • Generate an LCCReadStatus.ind primitive after receiving LCC-READ-MFG-INFO, LCC-READ-

VEND-INFO and LCC-READ-CAPABILITY3556 • Return to the IDLE state

3557 On a LCC-WRITE-ATTRIBUTE command, the DATA3 payload shall be stored in Lx_OMC_WO andDATA2, DATA1 and DATA0 values may be ignored. Table 134 specifies the assignment of LCC Payloaddata to the T-MPI Attributes.

3558 When the LCC-Cmd is LCC-READ-MFG-INFO or LCC-READ-VEND-INFO the LCC Payload data shallbe stored in the OMC Status Attributes as defined in Table 135.

3559 When the LCC-Cmd is LCC-READ-CAPABILITY the LCC Payload data shall be stored in the OMC StatusAttributes as defined in Table 136.

Table 133 LCC Payload for LCC-READ-X in S-TX









Table 134 LCC Payload for LCC-WRITE-ATTRIBUTE in S-RX



Table 135 LCC Payload for LCC-READ-MFG-INFO and READ-VEND-INFO in S-RX











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Table 136 LCC Payload assignment for LCC-READ-CAPABILITY in S-RX

Payload DATA Bit Attribute


0 MC_HSMODE_Capability

1 MC_HSGEAR_Capability – bit 0 (LSB)

2 MC_HSGEAR_Capability – bit 1

3 MC_HS_START_TIME_Var_Capability – bit 0 (LSB)

4 MC_HS_START_TIME_Var_Capability – bit 1

5 MC_HS_START_TIME_Var_Capability – bit 2

6 MC_HS_START_TIME_Var_Capability – bit 3

7 MC_HS_START_TIME_Range_Capability


0 -

1 -

2 MC_RX_SA_Capability

3 MC_RX_LA_Capability






0 MC_PWMG0_Capability

1 MC_PWM_GEAR_Capability – bit 0 (LSB)

2 MC_PWM_GEAR_Capability – bit 1

3 MC_PWM_GEAR_Capability – bit 2

4 MC_HS_Unterminated_Capability

5 MC_LS_Terminated_Capability

6 MC_HS_Unterminated_LINE_Drive_Capabality

7 MC_LS_Terminated_LINE_Drive_Capability


0 OMC_TYPE_Capability

1 -

2 -

3 -

4 -

5 -

6 -

7 -

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E.6 Timing Diagrams

3560 This section gives examples of timing diagram for a T-MPI TX burst and RX burst. These timing diagramsare based on signals defined in Annex A of [MIPI05].

E.6.1 T-MPI TX Burst Diagram

3561 An example of a T-MPI TX burst timing diagram is given in Figure 141.

Figure 141 TX-Burst Timing Diagram Example

3562 In this example, the PA Layer interface to the M-PHY is two M-PHY symbols wide. Therefore on eachTX_SymbolClk two M-PHY symbols are transmitted.

3563 At T1 the PA Layer asserts the TX_Burst signal to indicate beginning of a TX burst. This corresponds to theM-LANE-PREAPRE.req primitive. At the same time the MK0 and MK1 control symbols are put on theTX_Symbol bus and the TX_DataNCtrl signal is set to 0b00 to indicates that the symbols are controlsymbols.

3564 At T2 an M-PHY would transit to the PREPARE state.

3565 At T3 an M-PHY would transit to the SYNC state. At T3 the S-TX transit into the BURST state and start totransmit the HoB control symbol followed by the PwrMode data symbol. At the same time theTX_PhyDIRDY signal is asserted to indicate that the S-TX has accepted the MK0, MK1 control symbols.The assertion of TX_PhyDIRDY corresponds to the M-LANE-SYMBOL.cnf_L primitive.

3566 At T4 the S-TX starts to transmit exactly the same symbol sequence as would the M-PHY transmit in aBURST. The T-MPI just passes the symbols provided by the PA Layer without interpreting them.

3567 At T5 the PA Layer requests the transmission of a MK2 symbol followed by a FLR symbol to indicate end ofburst. Then at T6 the PA Layer de-asserts the TX_Burst signal to indicate end of burst. The T-MPI does notcheck the MK2 symbol to detecting end of burst, but is rather checking the status of the TX_Burst signal.

3568 At T7 the TX_Burst signal is sampled as inactive, therefore the T-MPI issue an EoB control symbol toterminate the S-TX BURST state. The EoB control symbol is followed by an NFLR control symbol, whichindicates that the S-TX is in the IDLE state.

T2 T3 T4





T5 T6










11 00

00 00 00

02 7F 5A 82 80 00

01 B3 A5 A9 04 00

MK0 MK1 B3 7F A5 5A A9 82 MK2 FLR



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E.6.2 T-MPI RX Burst Diagram

3569 An example of a T-MPI RX Burst diagram is given in Figure 142.

Figure 142 RX Burst Timing Diagram Example

3570 Also in this example the interface between the PA Layer and the PHY is two PHY symbols wide. Therefore ateach RX_SymbolClk two PHY symbols are received.

3571 At T1 the S-RX FSM is still in the IDLE state receiving NFLR control symbols.

3572 At T2 the S-RX has detected the reception of the HoB control symbol followed by a PwrMode data symbol.The detection of the HoB control symbol causes the transition to the BURST state and the T-MPI asserts theRX_Burst signal. The assertion of the RX_Burst signal corresponds to the M-LANE-PREPARE.indprimitive.

3573 From T3 to T6 the S-RX just passes the received symbols to the PA Layer using the RX_Symbol bus and theRX_DataNCtrl signal to qualify if the symbol is a data or control symbol.

3574 At T5 the S-RX detects a running disparity error for symbol 0x82, therefore the correspondingRX_SymbolErr is set.

3575 At T7 the S-RX has detected the EoB control symbol and is therefore de-asserting the RX_Burst signal toindicate a M-LANE-BurstEnd.ind primitive.

E.7 SERDES Configuration

3576 The SERDES transceivers configuration is implementation dependent therefore this annex gives onlyrecommendations which are related to transceivers available in two commonly used FPGA families: Xilinxand Altera.

E.7.1 Transceivers

3577 Recommended transceivers from Xilinx are GTX transceivers. Those transceivers are also called CMLtransceivers.

T3 T4





T5 T6







00 11 11 11 11 11 00

00 11 00 10 00 10 00

00 02 7F 80 82 04 00

00 01 B3 C4 A9 E4 00

00 00 00 00 10 00 00


D.E. = Disparity Error



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3578 Recommended transceivers from Altera are GX transceivers. Those transceivers are also called PCMLtransceivers.

Figure 143 Transceivers Configuration

E.7.2 Driver Configuration

3579 Xilinx's GTX transceivers have a programmable driver swing between 500 and 1070mVPPD.

3580 Altera GX transceivers have also a programmable driver swing between 400 and 1200 mVPPD.

3581 Recommended T-MPI transceiver swing should be in the range of 500 and 900 mVPPD.

3582 The driver output should be terminated with 50 Ω output resistance as depicted in Figure 143.

E.7.3 Receiver Configuration

3583 The receiver should have its voltage termination set to floating as depicted in Figure 143.

3584 The receiver should have a 100 Ω differential input termination as depicted in Figure 143.

3585 Internal AC coupling of the receiver should be bypassed as depicted in Figure 143.

3586 The NFLR control symbol should be used for synchronizing the receiver and used for comma alignment.

3587 The receiver should enable use of an elastic buffer to synchronize receiver clock domain to the FPGA coreinterface clock domain.

E.7.4 Symbol Encoding

3588 The transceivers shall enable 8b/10b encoding and enable running disparity encoding.

E.7.5 Transceivers Frequency

3589 For protocol test case the transceivers shall run at a fix bit rate. The bit rate should be fixed at 1.25 Gbps.

3590 For External M-PHY use case the transceivers should run at a fixed bit rate. The fixed frequency rate shouldbe defined the M-PHY supplier and should be fixed according to the highest supported gear of the M-PHY.For example, if an M-PHY supports HG-G2 series B as a maximum gear, then a possible fixed rate for thetransceivers can be set to 3.125 Gbps.

BoardTransmitter Receiver



50 ohm

50 ohm

~100 nF

~100 nF

50 ohm

50 ohm

7 pF

7 pF



Single ended output termination

Differential input termination

Bypass internal AC-coupling

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E.8 Testing Features

3591 This section describes the testing features of the T-MPI interface. A T-MPI implementation may haveadditional testing features.

E.8.1 Access to M-PHY Attributes

3592 In order to verify some of the M-PHY CTRL SAP primitives, access to the M-PHY Attributes is necessary.There are four kinds of M-PHY Attributes to be considered by the Dummy M-PHY: Capability Attributes,Configuration Attributes, Status Attributes and OMC Write-only Attributes.

3593 Each lane has its own independent set of Attributes. However, some critical Attributes are controlledcommonly, so that the Attributes are assigned the same values over all lanes.

3594 This section describes only the M-PHY Attributes that are supported by the Dummy M-PHY MODULEs.Description for each Attribute is given in [MIPI05].

E.8.1.1 Used Primitives

3595 Access and control of the M-PHY Attribute is provided by the following primitives:

3596 • M-CTRL-CFGGET.req( MIBattribute )3597 • Request to read the Attribute value.3598 • MIBattribute is the Attribute ID given in the following tables. It is mapped to the RX_AttrID signal

when accessing M-RX and to the TX_AttrID signal when accessing the M-TX.3599 • Access to M-RX: RX_CfgEnbl=0b1; RX_AttrWRn=0b0; RX_AttrID=MIBattribute3600 • Access to M-TX: TX_CfgEnbl=0b1; TX_AttrWRn=0b0; TX_AttrID=MIBattribute3601 • M-CTRL-CFGGET.cnf_L( MIBvalue )3602 • Returns the value of the requested read Attribute on the RX_AttrRdVal bus or on the TX_AttrRdVal

bus depending on access to M-RX or M-TX.3603 • M-CTRL-CFGSET.req( MIBattribute, MIBvalue )3604 • Request to set an Attribute (MIBattribute) to a specific value (MIBvalue)3605 • Access to M-RX: RX_CfgEnbl=0b1; RX_AttrWRn=0b1; RX_AttrWrVal=MIBvalue;

RX_AttrID=MIBattribute3606 • Access to M-TX: TX_CfgEnbl=0b1; TX_AttrWRn=0b1; TX_AttrWrVal=MIBvalue;

TX_AttrID=MIBattribute3607 • M-CTRL-CFGSET.cnf_L3608 • No corresponding signal.3609 • M-CTRL-CFGREADY.req3610 • Activation of configuration Attributes and transfer from the shadow register bank to the effective

register bank.3611 • Corresponds to the RX_CfgUpdt and TX_CfgUpdat according to access to M-RX or M-TX

respectively.3612 • M-CTRL-CFGREADY.cnf_L3613 • No corresponding signal.

E.8.1.2 Capability Attributes

3614 Capability Attributes are read-only Attributes for both the M-TX and M-RX. In order to check correct accessto the M-PHY Capability Attributes, the T-MPI defines control Attributes that can be set by the protocol.Those T-MPI Attributes are used to configure the values of the M-PHY Capability Attributes. Being able to

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configure the Capability Attributes of the M-PHY is essential for testing downgrading features of the PALayer.

3615 Table 137 gives the list of the M-TX Capability Attributes and defines for each Attribute:

3616 • Attribute ID: Attribute Address used in Get and Set commands.3617 • Attribute Name: Symbolic Attribute name (as defined in [MIPI05]).3618 • Access: access method to the Attribute. R: Read Only; RW: Read/Write; W: Write Only.3619 • Default Value: value of the Attribute at reset.3620 • Mandatory: Y: This Attribute shall be implemented in the Dummy M-PHY MODULE; N: support for

this Attribute is optional.3621 • Control: Specifies the T-MPI Attribute that is used to control this M-PHY Attribute.3622 • Shadow Required: Y: Requires a shadow register; N: Does not require a shadow register

3623 Table 138 gives the list of the M-RX Attributes and defines for each Attribute if it is implemented in theDummy M-PHY MODULE or if support for such an Attribute is optional.

Table 137 M-TX Capability Attributes

Attribute ID Attribute Name Access Default


ry Control Shadow Required

0x0001 TX_HSMODE_Capability R 0x01 Y TX_Capability N

0x0002 TX_HSGEAR_Capability R 0x03 Y TX_Capability N

0x0003 TX_PWMG0_Capability R 0x00 N TX_OptCapability1 N

0x0004 TX_PWMGEAR_Capability R 0x07 Y TX_Capability N

0x0005 TX_Amplitude_Capability R 0x03 N TX_OptCapability1 N

0x0006 TX_ExternalSYNC_Capability R 0x00 N TX_OptCapability1 N

0x0007 TX_HS_Unterminated_LINE_Drive_Capability R 0x00 Y TX_Capability N

0x0008 TX_LS_Terminated_LINE_Drive_Capability R 0x00 Y TX_Capability N

0x0009 TX_Min_SLEEP_NoConfig_Time_Capability R 0x00 N TX_OptCapability2 N

0x000A TX_Min_STALL_NoConfig_Time_Capability R 0x00 N TX_OptCapability2 N

0x000B TX_Min_SAVE_Config_Time_Capability R 0x00 N TX_OptCapability3 N

0x000C TX_REF_CLOCK_SHARED_Capability R 0x00 N TX_OptCapability1 N

Table 138 M-RX Capability Attributes

Attribute ID Attribute Name Access Default


ry Control Shadow Required

0x0081 RX_HSMODE_Capability R 0x01 Y RX_Capability N

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3624 When the M-CTRL-CFGGET.req(MIBvalue) primitive is issued, the Capability Attribute value with theMIBvalue=Attribute ID shall be returned by the Dummy M-PHY MODULE using the M-CTRL-CFGGET.cnf_L primitive.

E.8.1.3 Configuration Attributes

3625 Configuration Attributes are Read/Write Attributes of the M-RX and M-TX. Some configuration Attributes(critical configuration Attributes) require shadow registers for writing the Attributes.

3626 When the M-CTRL-CFGSET.req(MIBattribute, MIBvalue).req is issued to a Configuration Attribute thatrequires a shadow register, the Dummy M-PHY shall set the shadow register with MIBattribute=AttributeIDto the value specified by MIBvalue.

3627 When the M-CTRL-CFGSET.req(MIBattribute, MIBvalue).req is issued to a Configuration Attribute thatdoes not require a shadow register, the Dummy M-PHY MODULE shall set the effective register withMIBattribute=AttributeID to the value specified by MIBvalue.

3628 When the M-CTRL-CFGREADY.req is issued, the Dummy M-PHY shall update all effective registers withtheir corresponding shadow registers values.

3629 When the M-CTRL-CFGGET.req(MIBvalue) primitive is issued, the Configuration Attribute value with theMIBvalue=Attribute ID from the effective register bank shall be returned by the Dummy M-PHY using theM-CTRL-CFGGET.cnf_L(MIBvalue) primitive.

0x0082 RX_HSGEAR_Capability R 0x03 Y RX_Capability N

0x0083 RX_PWMG0_Capability R 0x00 N RX_OptCapability1 N

0x0084 RX_PWMGEAR_Capability R 0x07 Y RX_Capability N

0x0085 RX_HS_Unterminated_Capability R 0x00 Y RX_Capability N

0x0086 RX_LS_Terminated_Capability R 0x00 Y RX_Capability N

0x0087 RX_Min_SLEEP_NoConfig_Time_Capability R 0x00 N RX_OptCapability2 N

0x0088 RX_Min_STALL_NoConfig_Time_Capability R 0x00 N RX_OptCapability2 N

0x0089 RX_Min_SAVE_Config_Time_Capability R 0x00 N RX_OptCapability3 N

0x008A RX_REF_CLOCK_SHARED_Capability R 0x00 N RX_OptCapability1 N

0x008B RX_HS_SYNC_LENGTH_Capability R 0x00 N RX_OptCapability4 N

0x008C RX_HS_PREPARE_LENGTH_Capability R 0x00 N RX_OptCapability5 N

0x008D RX_LS_PREPARE_LENGTH_Capability R 0x00 N RX_OptCapability5 N

Table 138 M-RX Capability Attributes (continued)

Attribute ID Attribute Name Access Default


ry Control Shadow Required

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3630 Table 139 gives the list of the M-TX Configuration Attributes and defines for each Attribute if it shall beimplemented in the Dummy M-PHY MODULE or if it is optional. Furthermore, it specifies for eachAttribute if it shall support a shadow register. The Control column gives an indication of which feature of theM-PHY MODULE is used to control the Attribute, or is controlled by the Attribute.

3631 Table 140 gives the list of the M-RX Configuration Attributes and defines for each Attribute if it shall beimplemented in the Dummy M-PHY or if it is optional. Furthermore, it specifies for each Attribute if it shallsupport a shadow register. The Control column gives indication about which feature of the M-PHY is used tocontrol the Attribute or is controlled by the Attribute.

Table 139 M-TX Configuration Attributes

Attribute ID Attribute Name Access Default

Value Mandatory Control Shadow Required

0x0021 TX_MODE RW 0x01 Y Power Mode Y

0x0022 TX_HSRATE_Series RW 0x01 Y Power Mode Y

0x0023 TX_HSGEAR RW 0x01 Y Power Mode Y

0x0024 TX_PWMGEAR RW 0x01 Y Power Mode Y

0x0025 TX_Amplitude RW 0x02 Y OMC_WO Y

0x0026 TX_HS_SlewRate RW 0x00 N Y

0x0027 TX_SYNC_Source RW 0x00 N Y




0x002B TX_HIBERN8_Control RW 0x00 Y Power Mode Y

0x002C TX_LCC_Enable RW 0x01 Y <LCFG> symbol N

0x002D TX_PWM_BURST_Closure_Extension RW 0x00 N Y

0x002E TX_BYPASS_8B10B_Enable RW 0x00 N Y


0x0030 TX_HS_Unterminated_LINE_Drive_Enable RW 0x00 Y Power Mode Y

0x0031 TX_LS_Terminated_LINE_Drive_Enable RW 0x00 Y Power Mode Y

0x0032 TX_LCC_Sequencer RW 0x00 Y <LCFG> symbol N

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E.8.1.4 Status Attributes

3632 Status Attributes in the M-PHY MODULEs are read-only Attributes that reflect the current status of the M-RX, M-TX FSMs or the status of OMC.

3633 Since the Dummy M-PHY has a different FSM than the FSM from the M-PHY, the TX_FSM_State andRX_FSM_State shall reflect the FSM status of the Dummy M-PHY S-TX and S-RX FSMs according toSection E.8.6.

3634 OMC Status Attributes are set during the reception sequence in the OMC state of the S-RX according toSection E.8.5 and are controlled by the remote S-TX OMC_READ_DATA0, OMC_READ_DATA1,OMC_READ_DATA2 and OMC_READ_DATA3 Attributes.

3635 Table 141 gives the list of the M-RX, M-TX and OMC Status Attributes that shall be supported by theDummy M-PHY.

Table 140 M-RX Configuration Attributes

Attribute ID Attribute Name Access Default

Value Mandatory Control Shadow Required

0x00A1 RX_MODE RW 0x01 Y Power Mode Y

0x00A2 RX_HSRATE_Series RW 0x01 Y Power Mode Y

0x00A3 RX_HSGEAR RW 0x01 Y Power Mode Y

0x00A4 RX_PWMGEAR RW 0x01 Y Power Mode Y

0x00A5 RX_LS_Terminated_Enable RW 0x00 Y Power Mode Y

0x00A6 RX_HS_Unterminated_Enable RW 0x00 Y Power Mode Y

0x00A7 RX_Enter_HIBERN8 RW 0x01 Y Power Mode Y

0x00A8 RX_BYPASS_8B10B_Enable RW 0x00 N Y

Table 141 M-TX, M-RX and OMC Status Attributes

Attribute ID Attribute Name Access Default

Value Mandatory Control Shadow Required

0x0041 TX_FSM_State R 0x00 Y FSM Emulation N

0x00C1 RX_FSM_State R 0x00 Y FSM Emulation N

0x00D1 OMC_TYPE_Capability R 0x00 Y <LCFG> READ DATA0 N

0x00D2 MC_HSMODE_Capability R 0x00 Y <LCFG> READ DATA3 N

0x00D3 MC_HSBURST_Capability R 0x00 Y <LCFG> READ DATA3 N

0x00D4 MC_HS_START_TIME_Var_Capability R 0x00 Y <LCFG> READ


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E.8.1.5 OMC Write-only Attributes

3636 Support for write-only OMC Attributes in the Dummy M-PHY MODULE is optional. Since those Attributesare write-only in an M-PHY MODULE, the Dummy M-PHY MODULE specifies a set of read-only registersfrom which it is possible to read the values of those write-only Attributes. Those Attributes are described indetail in Section E.8.2.

0x00D5 MC_HS_START_TIME_Range_Capability R 0x00 Y <LCFG> READ


0x00D6 MC_RX_SA_Capability R 0x00 Y <LCFG> READ DATA2 N

0x00D7 MC_RX_LA_Capability R 0x00 Y <LCFG> READ DATA2 N



0x00D9 MC_PWMG0_Capability R 0x00 Y <LCFG> READ DATA1 N

0x00DA MC_PWMGEAR_Capability R 0x00 Y <LCFG> READ DATA1 N

0x00DB MC_LS_Terminated_Capability R 0x00 Y <LCFG> READ


0x00DC MC_HS_Unterminated_Capability R 0x00 Y <LCFG> READ


0x00DD MC_LS_Terminated_LINE_Drive_Capability R 0x00 Y <LCFG> READ


0x00DE MC_HS_Unterminated_LINE_Drive_Capability R 0x00 Y <LCFG> READ


0x00DF MC_MFG_ID_Part1 R 0x00 Y <LCFG> READ DATA3 N

0x00E0 MC_MFG_ID_Part2 R 0x00 Y <LCFG> READ DATA2 N

0x00E1 MC_PHY_MajorMinor_Release_Capability R 0x00 Y <LCFG> READ


0x00E2 MC_PHY_Editorial_Release_Capability R 0x00 Y <LCFG> READ


0x00E3 MC_Ext_Vendor_Info_Part1 R 0x00 Y <LCFG> READ


0x00E4 MC_Ext_Vendor_Info_Part2 R 0x00 Y <LCFG> READ


0x00E5 MC_Ext_Vendor_Info_Part3 R 0x00 Y <LCFG> READ


0x00E6 MC_Ext_Vendor_Info_Part4 R 0x00 Y <LCFG> READ


Table 141 M-TX, M-RX and OMC Status Attributes (continued)

Attribute ID Attribute Name Access Default

Value Mandatory Control Shadow Required

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3637 Table 142 gives the list of write-only OMC Attributes supported by the Dummy M-PHY MODULE. TheControl column entry specifies the Attribute that is used for reading the write-only OMC Attribute.

E.8.2 Access to T-MPI Attributes

3638 T-MPI-specific Attributes are necessary to control and monitor the Dummy M-PHY test features. The T-MPIAttributes are using the M-PHY namespace. The M-PHY uses only AttributeID values from 0x0000 to0x00FF. T-MPI Attributes uses the same address space as for the M-PHY Attributes. The M-PHY Attributesuses only Attribute ID values from 0x0000 to 0x00FF. T-MPI AttributeID values are in the range of 0x0100to 0x0FFF.

3639 T-MPI Attributes shall be reset after Power-On. T-MPI Attributes shall not be reset by LINE-RESET. In thatway, it is possible to change capability Attributes and apply LINE-RESET for testing non default capabilityconfiguration.

E.8.2.1 T-MPI Attributes Overview

3640 Each T-MPI lane has a full set of Attributes that are common and prefixed with L0, L1, L2 and L3 to indicateto which T-MPI lane those Attributes are belonging. T-MPI Attributes described in this section do not requireshadow registers.

3641 Table 143 gives the T-MPI Attributes list for Lane 0.

Table 142 OMC Write Only Attributes

Attribute ID Attribute Name Access Default

Value Mandatory Control Shadow Required

0x0061 MC_Output_Amplitude W 0x01 N OMC_WO N

0x0062 MC_HS_Unterminated_Enable W 0x00 N OMC_WO N

0x0063 MC_LS_Terminated_Enable W 0x00 N OMC_WO N

0x0064 MC_HS_Unterminated_LINE_Drive_Enable W 0x00 N OMC_WO N

0x0065 MC_LS_Terminated_LINE_Drive_Enable W 0x00 N OMC_WO N

Table 143 T-MPI Lane0 Attributes

Attribute ID Attribute Name Access Default

Value Mandatory Control

0x0101 L0_TX_Capability W 0x1F Y

M-TX Capability Attributes0x0102 L0_TX_OptCapability1 W 0x06 N

0x0103 L0_TX_OptCapability2 W 0x00 N

0x0104 L0_TX_OptCapability3 W 0x00 N

0x0105 L0_OMC_WO R 0x02 Y OMC Write-only Attributes

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3642 Table 144 gives the T-MPI Attributes list for Lane 1.

3643 Table 145 gives the T-MPI Attributes list for Lane 2.

0x0106 L0_RX_Capability W 0x1F Y

M-RX Capability Attributes

0x0107 L0_RX_OptCapability1 W 0x00 N

0x0108 L0_RX_OptCapability2 W 0x00 N

0x0109 L0_RX_OptCapability3 W 0x00 N

0x010A L0_RX_OptCapability4 W 0x00 N

0x010B L0_RX_OptCapability5 W 0x00 N

0x010C L0_OMC_READ_DATA0 W 0x00 YOMC Emulation. Read Data pushed out from OMC to the

remote M-RX.

0x010D L0_OMC_READ_DATA1 W 0x00 Y

0x010E L0_OMC_READ_DATA2 W 0x00 Y

0x010F L0_OMC_READ_DATA3 W 0x00 Y

Table 144 T-MPI Lane1 Attributes

Attribute ID Attribute Name Access Default

Value Mandatory Control

0x0111 L1_TX_Capability W 0x1F Y

M-TX Capability Attributes0x0112 L1_TX_OptCapability1 W 0x06 N

0x0113 L1_TX_OptCapability2 W 0x00 N

0x0114 L1_TX_OptCapability3 W 0x00 N

0x0115 L1_OMC_WO R 0x02 Y OMC Write-only Attributes

0x0116 L1_RX_Capability W 0x1F Y

M-RX Capability Attributes

0x0117 L1_RX_OptCapability1 W 0x00 N

0x0118 L1_RX_OptCapability2 W 0x00 N

0x0119 L1_RX_OptCapability3 W 0x00 N

0x011A L1_RX_OptCapability4 W 0x00 N

0x011B L1_RX_OptCapability5 W 0x00 N

0x011C L1_OMC_READ_DATA0 W 0x00 YOMC Emulation. Read Data pushed out from OMC to the

remote M-RX.

0x011D L1_OMC_READ_DATA1 W 0x00 Y

0x011E L1_OMC_READ_DATA2 W 0x00 Y

0x011F L1_OMC_READ_DATA3 W 0x00 Y

Table 143 T-MPI Lane0 Attributes (continued)

Attribute ID Attribute Name Access Default

Value Mandatory Control

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3644 Table 146 gives the T-MPI Attributes list for Lane 3.

Table 145 T-MPI Lane2 Attributes

Attribute ID Attribute Name Access Default

Value Mandatory Control

0x0121 L2_TX_Capability W 0x1F Y

M-TX Capability Attributes0x0122 L2_TX_OptCapability1 W 0x06 N

0x0123 L2_TX_OptCapability2 W 0x00 N

0x0124 L2_TX_OptCapability3 W 0x00 N

0x0125 L2_OMC_WO R 0x02 Y OMC Write-only Attributes

0x0126 L2_RX_Capability W 0x1F Y

M-RX Capability Attributes

0x0127 L2_RX_OptCapability1 W 0x00 N

0x0128 L2_RX_OptCapability2 W 0x00 N

0x0129 L2_RX_OptCapability3 W 0x00 N

0x012A L2_RX_OptCapability4 W 0x00 N

0x012B L2_RX_OptCapability5 W 0x00 N

0x012C L2_OMC_READ_DATA0 W 0x00 YOMC Emulation. Read Data pushed out from OMC to the

remote M-RX.

0x012D L2_OMC_READ_DATA1 W 0x00 Y

0x012E L2_OMC_READ_DATA2 W 0x00 Y

0x012F L2_OMC_READ_DATA3 W 0x00 Y

Table 146 T-MPI Lane3 Attributes

Attribute ID Attribute Name Access Default

Value Mandatory Control

0x0131 L3_TX_Capability W 0x1F Y

M-TX Capability Attributes0x0132 L3_TX_OptCapability1 W 0x06 N

0x0133 L3_TX_OptCapability2 W 0x00 N

0x0134 L3_TX_OptCapability3 W 0x00 N

0x0135 L3_OMC_WO R 0x02 Y OMC Write-only Attributes

0x0136 L3_RX_Capability W 0x1F Y

M-RX Capability Attributes

0x0137 L3_RX_OptCapability1 W 0x00 N

0x0138 L3_RX_OptCapability2 W 0x00 N

0x0139 L3_RX_OptCapability3 W 0x00 N

0x013A L3_RX_OptCapability4 W 0x00 N

0x013B L3_RX_OptCapability5 W 0x00 N

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3645 Table 147 gives the list of T-MPI Attributes used to control the Serial Interface used for communication withthe external M-PHY as in the External M-PHY use case. In case of protocol testing those Attributes are notmandatory.

3646 Table 149 gives the list of the T-MPI Power Mode Error Control and Status Attributes.

0x013C L3_OMC_READ_DATA0 W 0x00 YOMC Emulation. Read Data pushed out from OMC to the

remote M-RX.

0x013D L3_OMC_READ_DATA1 W 0x00 Y

0x013E L3_OMC_READ_DATA2 W 0x00 Y

0x013F L3_OMC_READ_DATA3 W 0x00 Y

Table 147 T-MPI Serial Interface Control Attributes

Attribute ID Attribute Name Access Default

Value Mandatory Control

0x0160 Selector RW 0x10 Y* Serial Interface

Table 148 T-MPI Physical Lanes Renumbering Attributes

Attribute ID Attribute Name Access Default

Value Mandatory Control

0x0170 MAP_RX_LANE0 RW 0x04 Y

Physical Lanes renumbering

0x0171 MAP_RX_LANE1 RW 0x05 Y

0x0172 MAP_RX_LANE2 RW 0x06 Y

0x0173 MAP_RX_LANE3 RW 0x07 Y

0x0174 MAP_TX_LANE0 RW 0x04 Y

0x0175 MAP_TX_LANE1 RW 0x05 Y

0x0176 MAP_TX_LANE2 RW 0x06 Y

0x0177 MAP_TX_LANE3 RW 0x07 Y

Table 146 T-MPI Lane3 Attributes (continued)

Attribute ID Attribute Name Access Default

Value Mandatory Control

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E.8.2.2 M-TX Capability Control Attributes

3647 This section gives detailed description for the handling of M-TX Capability Attributes per Lane. The prefixused to indicate Lane number is omitted in this description. M-TX Attributes are read-only Attributes.Therefore, the T-MPI uses TX_Capability to set values of the mandatory capability Attributes required by theDummy M-PHY MODULEs. The TX_OptCapability1, TX_OptCapability2 and TX_OptCapability3 areused to set values of the optional capability Attributes of the Dummy M-PHY MODULEs.

3648 Table 150 gives the detailed description or TX_Capability .

3649 Table 151 gives the detailed description of TX_OptCapability1 mapping to M-PHY Attributes.

Table 149 T-MPI Power Mode Error Control and Status Attributes

Attribute ID Attribute Name Access Default

Value Mandatory Control

0x0180 PWRMODE_MODE_ERR R 0x00 Y

Power Mode Test Feature


0x0182 PWRMODE_GEAR_ERR R 0x00 Y



0x0185 PWRMODE_CTRL W 0x00 Y

Table 150 TX_Capability Attribute Description

Name Bits Value Description

HS_Capability 1:0

0 HS Capability is not supported

1 HS-G1 only is supported

2 HS-G1 to HS-G2 are supported

3 HS-G1 to HS-G3 are supported

PWM_Capability 4:2

0 Reserved

1 PWM-G1 only is supported

2 PWM-G1 to PWM-G2 are supported

3 PWM-G1 to PWM-G3 are supported

4 PWM-G1 to PWM-G4 are supported

5 PWM-G1 to PWM-G5 are supported

6 PWM-G1 to PWM-G6 are supported

7 PWM-G1 to PWM-G7 are supported

TX_HS_Unterminated_LINE_Drive_Capability 5As in M-PHY specification

TX_LS_Terminated_LINE_Drive_Capability 6

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3650 Table 152 gives the detailed description of TX_OptCapability2 mapping to M-PHY Attributes.

3651 Table 153 gives the detailed description of TX_OptCapability3 mapping to M-PHY Attributes.

3652 Table 154 gives the detailed description of OMC_WO mapping to M-PHY Attributes.

3653 Table 155 gives the detailed description of RX_Capability.

Table 151 TX_OptCapability1 Attribute Description

Name Bits Value Description

TX_PWMG0_Capability 0

As in [MIPI05].TX_Amplitude 2:1

TX_ExternalSYNC 3


Table 152 TX_OptCapability2 Attribute Description

Name Bits Value Description

TX_Min_SLEEP_NoConfig_Time_Capability 3:0As in [MIPI05].

TX_Min_STALL_NoConfig_Time_Capability 7:4

Table 153 TX_OptCapability3 Attribute Description

Name Bits Value Description

TX_Min_SAVE_Config_Time_Capability 7:0 As in [MIPI05].

Table 154 OMC WO Attribute Description

Name Bits Value Description

M_TX_Amplitude 0 Bit 0 of TX_Amplitude Attribute in M-PHY specification

MC_Output_Amplitude 1 As in M-PHY specification

MC_HS_Unterminated_Enable 2 As in M-PHY specification

MC_LS_Terminated_Enable 3 As in M-PHY specification

MC_HS_Unterminated_LINE_Drive_Enable 4 As in M-PHY specification

MC_LS_Terminated_LINE_Drive_Enable 5 As in M-PHY specification

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3654 Table 156 gives the detailed description of RX_OptCapability1 mapping to M-PHY Attributes.

3655 Table 157 gives the detailed description of RX_OptCapability2 mapping to M-PHY Attributes.

3656 Table 158 gives the detailed description of RX_OptCapability3 mapping to M-PHY Attributes

Table 155 RX_Capability Attribute Description

Name Bits Value Description

HS_Capability 1:0

0 HS Capability is not supported

1 HS-G1 only is supported

2 HS-G1 to HS-G2 are supported

3 HS-G1 to HS-G3 are supported

PWM_Capability 4:2

0 Reserved

1 PWM-G1 only is supported

2 PWM-G1 to PWM-G2 are supported

3 PWM-G1 to PWM-G3 are supported

4 PWM-G1 to PWM-G4 are supported

5 PWM-G1 to PWM-G5 are supported

6 PWM-G1 to PWM-G6 are supported

7 PWM-G1 to PWM-G7 are supported

RX_HS_Unterminated_Capability 5As in M-PHY specification

RX_LS_Terminated_Capability 6

Table 156 RX_OptCapability1 Attribute Description

Name Bits Value Description

RX_PWMG0_Capability 0As in [MIPI05].


Table 157 RX_OptCapability2 Attribute Description

NAME Bits Value Description

RX_Min_SLEEP_NoConfig_Time_Capability 3:0As in [MIPI05].

RX_Min_STALL_NoConfig_Time_Capability 7:4

Table 158 RX_OptCapability3 Attribute Description

NAME Bits Value Description

RX_Min_SAVE_Config_Time_Capability 7:0 As in [MIPI05].

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3657 Table 159 gives the detailed description of RX_OptCapability4 mapping to M-PHY Attributes.

3658 Table 160 gives the detailed description of RX_OptCapability5 mapping to M-PHY Attributes.

3659 OMC_READ_DATA0, OMC_READ_DATA1, OMC_READ_DATA2 and OMC_READ_DATA3 are usedfor LCC_READ operations and have detailed descriptions in Table 133.

3660 Detailed descriptions of MAP_RX_LANE0, MAP_RX_LANE1, MAP_RX_LANE2, MAP_RX_LANE3,MAP_TX_LANE0, MAP_TX_LANE1, MAP_TX_LANE2 and MAP_TX_LANE3 are given inSection E.8.7.


E.8.3 Power Mode Test Feature

3662 The Power Mode Test Feature is used to insert PwrMode data symbols between the HoB control symbol andthe actual data payload from the protocol as described in Section E.4.2.1. The Power Mode Test Feature is amandatory feature for protocol testing.

3663 On the receiver side of the T-MPI, the received PwrMode data symbol is compared with the status of the M-RX Attributes. If a mismatch is detected between the setting in the received PwrMode data symbol and thesetting of the corresponding M-RX Attributes, then according to the mismatch type, the relevant error counteris incremented.

3664 Five error counters are defined and they are mapped to the PWRMODE_MODE_ERR,PWRMODE_SERIE_ERR, PWRMODE_GEAR_ERR, PWRMODE_HIBERNATE_ERR and thePWRMODE_TERMINATION_ERR Attributes. Counter size is implementation dependent and can have amaximum of 8 bits. Counters shall not wrap. A test application may read the status of those counters todetermine if there were any errors related to the power mode setting.

3665 Writing any value to the PWRMODE_CTRL register shall result in resetting all the Power Mode Testfeatures related counters.

3666 The receiver shall compare the value of MODE field in the PwrMode Data symbol to RX_MODE. In case ofmismatch, the PWRMODE_MODE_ERR counter shall be incremented.

3667 The receiver shall compare the value of the SERIE field in the PwrMode Data symbol toRX_HSRATE_Series. In case of mismatch, the PWRMODE_SERIE_ERR counter shall be incremented.

Table 159 RX_OptCapability4 Attribute Description

NAME Bits Value Description

RX_HS_SYNC_LENGTH_Capability 7:0 As in [MIPI05].

Table 160 RX_OptCapability5 Attribute Description

NAME Bits Value Description

RX_HS_PREPARE_LENGTH_Capability 3:0As in [MIPI05].


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3668 The receiver shall compare the value of the GEAR field in the PwrMode data symbol to the RX_HSGEAR orthe RX_PWMGEAR Attributes when the MODE field is set to HS_MODE or to LS_MODE respectively. Incase of mismatch the PWRMODE_GEAR_ERR counter shall be incremented.

3669 The receiver shall compare the value of the Termination field in the PwrMode data symbol toRX_HS_Unterminated_Enable or RX_LS_Terminated_Enable when the MODE field is set to HS_MODE orto LS_MODE, respectively. In case of mismatch, the PWRMODE_TERMINATION_ERR counter shall beincremented.

3670 The receiver shall compare the value of the Hibernate_Control field in the PwrMode Data symbol toRX_Enter_HIBERN8. In case of mismatch, the PWRMODE_HIBERNATE_ERR counter shall beincremented.

E.8.4 Error Control Test Feature

3671 The Error Control Test Feature is used to insert errors on both sides of the Link. This feature is not mandatoryfor a DUT device (in protocol testing use case). However, such a feature is required for a UniProconformance tester for generating and checking error injection and handling.

3672 The description of the Error Control Test Feature will be part of a later release of this specifications.

E.8.5 OMC Emulation Test Feature

3673 OMC emulation test feature provides support for the following LCC commands:


3678 LCC commands operations and related state machine is described in Section E.5.1.5.

3679 LCC emulation shall be supported for protocol testing. LCC emulation is not required for external M-PHYuse case.

3680 The OMC Emulation Test Feature module takes care for preparing data to be transmitted. OnceTX_LCC_Enable is set, then depending on the bits set in TX_LCC_Sequencer, the T-MPI shall start LCCoperations. There are two types of LCC operations, LCC-WRITE and LCC-READ. LCC-WRITE is invokedwhen LCC-WRITE-ATTRIBUTE in TX_LCC_Enable is set. In that case, the M-PHY Attributes described inTable 134 are used as payload. When LCC-READ-CAPABILITY, LCC-READ-MFG-INFO or LCC-READ-VEND-INFO are set, a LCC-READ operation is invoked. In that case, the payload for the LCC-READcommand is contained in OMC_READ_DATA3, OMC_READ_DATA2, OMC_READ_DATA1 andOMC_READ_DATA0. When several bits of the TX_LCC_Sequencer are set, the OMC Emulation moduleshall prioritize LCC operations such that LCC-WRITE is executed first.

3681 On the receiver side, when an LCC-WRITE command is detected, the received data are captured in theOMC_WO register. This register can be later read by a test application for checking correct LCC operations.When an LCC-READ command is detected, the M-RX Attributes are updated as described in Table 135 andTable 136, depending on which LCC-READ command was received. The updated M-RX Attributes can bethen checked by a test application to determine if LCC read operations were performed correctly.

3682 LCC-Emulation shall not be reset by LINE-RESET.

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E.8.6 FSM Emulation Test Feature

3683 FSM Emulation Test Feature is required for checking the state of the T-MPI transceivers and being able todistinguish Active state from Hibernate State. The FSM emulation is used to set the returned values of theTX_FSM_State and RX_FSM_State Attributes of the M-PHY. The returned values are depending on thecurrent power mode and SERDES FSM State. FSM emulation shall be supported for protocol testing. FSMemulation is not required for external M-PHY use case.

3684 Table 161 gives the setting of TX_FSM_State depending on the SERDES TX FSM State and the M-RXTX_MODE and TX_HIBERN8_Control Attributes.

3685 Table 162 gives the setting of RX_FSM_State depending on the SERDES RX FSM State and the M-RXRX_MODE and RX_Enter_HIBERN8 Attributes.

E.8.7 Physical Lanes Renumbering Test Feature

3686 Physical lanes renumbering is required for checking the lane-renumbering feature of the PA Layer whichoccurs during the Link startup procedure. Lane renumbering is controlled individually for both RX and TXdirection and for each lane. When line re-numbering is applied all control and data interface signals from thePA Layer to the Dummy M-PHY shall be multiplexed according to the renumbering setting. Furthermore theline re-numbering feature enables disabling of individual lanes in either direction. When a lane is disabled allcontrol and data interface signals shall be set to inactive state.

3687 The Physical lane re-numbering test feature is mandatory for protocol testing use case.

Table 161 TX_FSM_State Attribute Setting









Table 162 RX_FSM_State Attribute Setting









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3688 Lane re-numbering is controlled by the MAP_x Attributes of the T-MPI as described in Table 163. Thisdescription applies to MAP_RX_LANE0, MAP_RX_LANE1, MAP_RX_LANE2, MAP_RX_LANE3,MAP_TX_LANE0, MAP_TX_LANE_LANE1, MAP_TX_LANE2 and MAP_TX_LANE3.

E.9 Serial Control Interface

3689 The Serial Control interface is used to control access to the Attributes of an external M-PHY. This feature isnot required for protocol testing use case.

3690 The description of the serial control interface will be part of a later version of this specification.

Table 163 MAP_x Attribute Description

NAME Bits Value Description

Map 1:0

0 Map PA Logical Lane to SERDES lane 0.

1 Map PA Logical Lane to SERDES lane 1.

2 Map PA Logical Lane to SERDES lane 2.

3 Map PA Logical Lane to SERDES lane 3.

Enable 20 Disable Lane.

1 Enable Lane.

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Annex F Options and Tunable Parameters (informative)3691 This annex collects the most significant “design time” options and parameters, that can be used, tuned or

restricted by a specification using UniPro, but also gives guidelines for IP suppliers or users. Those optionsand parameters are constant for a given UniPro implementation and cannot be changed at run-time. Nothingnew is added by this annex to the UniPro behavior since it merely list points already presented in othersections of this document. The intent of this annex is to make it easier for users of the UniPro specification toverify that no major decision point was overlooked when defining a specification on top of UniPro, or that noessential point was overlooked when considering the design, use or re-use of IPs.

3692 This annex is divided in two sections, one section targeted to writers of a specification using UniPro, and asecond section targeted to IP vendors, suppliers or users.

F.1 Specification Point of View

3693 Note that only options or tunable parameters found in the UniPro specification are covered in this sectionsince the targeted audience is writers of specifications defined on top of UniPro.

F.1.1 PHY Adapter Layer (L1.5)

3694 For the PHY Adapter Layer, the following options and tunable parameters are defined:

3695 • The PHY Type, defined by PA_PHY_Type3696 • Number of supported Lanes for TX and RX, defined by PA_AvailTxDataLanes and

PA_AvailRxDataLanes, respectively3697 • Access to Attributes of the peer Device3698 • PHY Layer test mode

F.1.1.1 Access to Attributes of a Peer Device

3699 With the PACP protocol, the DME can access, via the local PHY Adapter Layer, Attributes of the peerDevice. Even if the capability to request access of remote Attributes is optional for a single Device, at leastone Device on each UniPro Link, usually the Host, needs this capability. Thus, a Device is always capable ofreceiving a request from a peer Device to access local Attributes, process the request and return a result.

F.1.1.2 PHY Test Mode

3700 With the PACP protocol, the PA Layer can instruct the peer Device to be in a given test mode. The capabilityto send this request to the peer Device is optional, however the capability of receiving such a request from thepeer Device is mandatory.

F.1.2 Data Link Layer (L2)

3701 For the Data Link Layer, the following options and tunable parameters are defined:

3702 • Number of, and which, Traffic Classes are supported3703 • Size of TX and RX buffers3704 • The maximum supported Frame size3705 • Support for preemption

F.1.2.1 Supported Traffic Classes

3706 UniPro leaves the choice to Applications to use one or two Traffic Classes. However, if an Applicationimplements only one Traffic Class, the Traffic Class is TC0. The value of DL_TC1RxInitCreditVal defines ifTC1 is implemented. If this Attribute has a value of zero, TC1 is not implemented.

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3707 Note that TC1 is intended for low-latency, low-bandwidth traffic. This could be restricted and enforced bySwitches to use, at maximum, a certain percentage of a UniPro Link. The percentage could be a system levelconfigurable parameter. Therefore, to ensure compatibility with future networks, Applications needing highbandwidth for certain traffic are advised to use TC0 for such traffic.

F.1.2.2 TX and RX Buffer Sizes

3708 The size of the RX buffer is defined by DL_TC0RxInitCreditVal and DL_TC1RxInitCreditVal for TC0 andTC1, respectively. A specification using UniPro could be more restrictive in what values are expected from aUniPro implementation it uses. Note that reducing the RX buffer size might reduce cost, but there might be anon-negligible impact on performance at high bandwidth, especially if the average Frame size is small.

3709 The size of the TX buffer is defined by DL_TC0TxBufferSize and DL_TC1TxBufferSize for TC0 and TC1,respectively. Those values do not impact the protocol behavior of UniPro, but might have an impact on theperformance, depending on hardware and software partitioning, Application behavior, etc.

F.1.2.3 Maximum Supported Frame Size

3710 A UniPro implementation can choose to support a smaller Frame size than the maximum allowed Frame size.The Frame size is indicated by DL_TC0TxMaxSDUSize and DL_TC0TxMaxSDUSize for TC0 and TC1,respectively. Note there does not seem to be any practical reason to mandate a smaller Frame size, but aspecification could mandate support for at least a specific size Frame or support for the full Frame sizeindicated by DL_MTU.

F.1.2.4 Support for Preemption

3711 An implementation can choose to support preemption in the TX side. Support for preemption is indicated byDL_TxPreemptionCap. An Application can mandate a specific value of this Attribute.

F.1.3 Network Layer (L3)

3712 For the Network Layer the following options and tunable parameters are defined:

3713 • Maximum supported Packet size

F.1.3.1 Maximum Supported Packet Size

3714 A UniPro implementation can choose to support a smaller Packet size than the maximum allowed Packetsize. The Packet size is indicated by N_TC0TxMaxSDUSize and N_TC1TxMaxSDUSize for TC0 and TC1,respectively. Note there does not seem to be any practical reason to mandate a smaller Packet size, but aspecification could mandate support for at least a specific Packet size or support for the full Packet sizeindicated by N_MTU.

F.1.4 Transport Layer (L4)

3715 For the Transport Layer, the following options and tunable parameters are defined:

3716 • Number of CPorts3717 • Number of Test Features3718 • CPort arbitration algorithm3719 • Maximum supported Segment size3720 • Static Connections

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F.1.4.1 Number of CPorts

3721 The number of CPorts present in an implementation is given by the value of T_NumCPorts. This is one of thecritical parameters that any Application designed on top of UniPro should define clearly, since it defines thelimits of concurrent L4 Connections possible at any given time.

3722 To allow UniPro Devices with multiple Functions, a specification should not mandate a maximum number ofCPorts allowed for a given UniPro implementation, since it artificially limits the possible reuse of such aspecification for building multiple Function Devices. However, a specification using UniPro should definethe minimum number of CPorts expected from a UniPro implementation.

F.1.4.2 Number of Test Features

3723 The number of Test Features present in an implementation is given by the value of T_NumTestFeatures. Thisvalue is not critical for the protocol behavior of an Application on top of a UniPro stack, but is a veryimportant parameter impacting the level of testability of a UniPro implementation. Conformance testsdefined for UniPro rely heavily on the availability of Test Features.

F.1.4.3 CPort Arbitration Algorithm

3724 Round Robin arbitration is mandated by the UniPro specification, but there is the option to add any otherarbitration algorithm of the CPorts. An Application on top of a UniPro stack could mandate the addition ofanother scheme, without violating the UniPro specification, as long as Round Robin arbitration is alsoprovided.

F.1.4.4 Maximum Supported Segment Size

3725 A UniPro implementation can choose to support a smaller Segment size than the maximum allowed Segmentsize. The Segment size is indicated by T_TC0TxMaxSDUSize and T_TC1TxMaxSDUSize for TC0 andTC1, respectively. Note that as for the maximum Packet and Frame size, there does not seem to be anypractical reason to mandate a smaller Segment size, but a specification could mandate support for at least aspecific Segment size or support the full Segment size indicated by T_MTU.

F.1.4.5 Static Connections

3726 The static configuration of a UniPro Device (see Section F.1.6) can be used to define static L4 Connections.

F.1.5 Device Management Entity

3727 The Device Management Entity has optional Service Primitives to power on and power off the UniPro stackand access Attributes of a peer Device.

F.1.5.1 Powering On or Off the UniPro Stack

3728 DME_POWERON and DME_POWEROFF Service Primitives are optional. DME_POWERON.req andDME_POWERON.cnf_L are used to power on the UniPro stack, while DME_POWEROFF.req andDME_POWEROFF.cnf_L are used to power off the UniPro stack.

F.1.5.2 Access to Attributes of a Peer Device

3729 DME_PEER_GET and DME_PEER_SET Service Primitives are optional. Note that the same condition asstated in Section F.1.1.1 applies here as well.

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F.1.5.3 Testing Mode

3730 DME_TEST_MODE.req and DME_TEST_MODE.ind are specifically used in testing mode and are notintended for normal Application use.

F.1.6 Static Configuration of a UniPro Device

3731 A UniPro Device can be statically configured, utilizing the non-volatile reset values defined in thisspecification for certain Attributes, e.g.,. to configure a static L4 Connection. This means that after reset thevalue of these Attributes is automatically set, without requiring any action from an Application on top of theUniPro stack, to their corresponding reset value, which can be different from their corresponding defaultvalue defined for the Attribute. For those gettable and settable Attributes that this specification defines a non-volatile reset value, an Application on top of a UniPro stack can set and change these reset values as desiredby the Application.

3732 Note that UniPro provides a standard method to write a non-volatile reset value through the DME_SET.reqand DME_PEER_SET.req primitives.

F.2 IP Point of View

3733 In a future version of this document, this section will provide guidelines for IP suppliers on which options toimplement for a given context.

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Annex G Recommended Pre-conditions for Hibernate Entry and Exit (informative)

3734 This annex provides an informative description of the pre-condition Messages that are exchanged at theApplication level during Hibernate Entry Phase 1 flow. The pre-condition Messages ensure that no additionalMessages are transmitted and received by the UniPro stack and all potential Links are identified to hibernatebetween the two UniPro Devices.

3735 There are two types of pre-condition Messages initiated by an Application, inactivity Messages and Linkinformation Messages.

3736 Inactivity precondition Messages allow Applications to exchange inactivity states of the local and remoteApplications. The protocol for detecting inactivity or idleness should be defined by the Application. ThisMessage might be detected by using an inactivity timer to detect idleness of the Application. When theinactivity timer expires, an Application Attribute is set to TRUE indicating that the Application is in an idlestate. The inactivity precondition Message can read this Attribute and use it to detect inactivity in theApplication. The initial value of an inactivity timer might be restored once an Application exits hibernate. Aninactivity precondition Message is intended to allow easier entry into hibernate. Once inactivity of a Link isdetected, the Application strengthens its confidence that no additional Segments, Packets or Frames areoutstanding in the UniPro stack.

3737 Link information-related precondition Messages might be used to communicate which Links need to behibernated for hibernate Links between two Devices. For example, Device B in Section 9.5 sent aprecondition Message commanding Device A to initiate hibernate between Device A and Device B. Theprotocol for sharing Link information should be defined by the Application.

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Bipin Balakrishnan, STMicroelectronics

Hicham Bouzekri, STMicroelectronics

Krish Datla, Micron Technology, Inc.

Alberto García Zapata, Testronic Laboratories

Michel Gillet, Nokia Corporation

Andreas Gstoettner, Intel Corporation

Glen Hambro, IEEE-ISTO (staff)

Peter van den Hamer, STMicroelectronics

Robert C Johnson, IEEE-ISTO (staff)

Taeho Kgil, Intel Corporation

Pekka Korpinen, Nokia Corporation

Ariel Lasry, Toshiba Corporation

Serge Lasserre, Texas Instruments Incorporated

Valentin Olenev, St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation

Jason Oliver, MCCI Corporation

Todor Popovic, Texas Instruments Incorporated

Alexey Rabin, St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation

Andrei Radulescu, STMicroelectronics

Juha Rakkola, Nokia Corporation

Yoram Rimoni, Qualcomm, Inc.

Miika Rummukainen, Nokia Corporation

ParticipantsThe following list includes those persons who participated in the Working Group that developed thisspecification and who consented to appear on this list.